Toom Toom Tara Rara Brochure

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A Mega Multicultural Musical TV Series

by K.D. Babukishan


life is cool...

B NETWORK & Babukishan Productions Presents: TOOM TOOM TARA RARA “ Life is Cool” by K.D.Babukishan A Mystical Reality Family Drama show with a twist....Babukishan brings a unique and modern story that circles between the spiritual realm and earth. A series that will enthral the viewer as each episode seeks to capture the audience with suspense, drama and humour while Babukishan's profound story sends the viewer many messages to help the generations to come be strongly prepared as they traverse the path of reality. Messages of hope, family, love, values, culture and national pride.

A Mega Multicultural Musical TV Series by K.D. Babukishan

Set in the present day, The mythological East meets the contemporary west, as, Hindu Gods descend to Earth for a vacation in Vancouver, BC, in North America, Canada. A bridge is formed between Bollywood and Canada as Babukishan helps the viewer appreciate Canada as their home. It is one of the most successful pluralist societies in the world where most minorities are welcome. A civil society where diverse peoples can maintain their religion, and culture. Canada offers the newcomer, freedom of thinking, freedom of speech, freedom to live within a fair ethical framework that brings them better opportunities: a high quality education, and employment and support services. Learn why the inhabitants of earth are experiencing so much turmoil in their lessons of truth are brought to you from the Gods of paradise and torment. Their interactions and communications with the characters of western Canada end up causing transformations in the lives of many ordinary families struggling with the realities of society. Bringing in brand new talent from a multi cultural cast...TOOM TOOM TARA RARA “ Life is Cool”, demonstrates how, although cultures divide, beliefs divide, ethnicities divide, the universal truths are accepted by all. Incorporating classical bollywood vocals, modern hip hop composed by Babu Kishan himself, this production will have everyone singing and dancing to its tunes for decades to come. Don't miss the opportunity to see this heart warming comedy with a message for humanity.

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B NETWORK & Babukishan Productions Presentation: Producer: Babukishan Enterprises Associate Producers: Anisha Das / Manisha K.Das Story / Music & Direction: K D Babukishan ScreenPlay & Dialouges: Ashok Rawat / Shahiroz Bollywood’s Playback singers: Kumar Sanu, Sadhna Sargam, Abhijit, Vinod Rathod, Sapna Awasti, Bali, Shaan & Nikita Nigam DOP: Azlim Virani / Sham Sharma Sound: John Lights: Patrick/Mentor Editing: Sham Sharma / Lavish (P) Ltd Makeup: Reena / Simar / Meghan/Jinder Locations: Port Moody, Delta, Vancouver Downtown, North Vancouver, Beach... Casting: Roman, Sheldon, Patricia, Rishi, Harry, P.Jason, Maria, Komal, Tessa, Ekanki, Marvin, Greg, Jason Brouncer..& Special Bollywood Guests Designs: Avee J Singh ( E-mail: Website:


life is cool...

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