The Deux-Sèvres Monthly Magazine - August 2022 Issue

Page 12

Take a Break DSM˙E }`} C ~`]RRvl}R}BÉ˙ oÉC OWN D XS(É˙]ÉÉ ~Z X]R B A u]o]˙}}v É (} gallantry (8-5) æXv˙ A }ooÉ}v}(ooÉ}( vlv}`v}`vÉR](}v hidden, usually in the earth (8-5) 6. A portable computer (6) XoPÉ A o( É rÉ]ÉP}É˙}É (11) 13. A severe or trying experience (6) 14. French brandy (6)

Clues Across 1. Grievously hope US tenants (not workers) can get an apartment. (9) 6. Stroud lacking leadership to assemble a dynasty? (5) 9. A long spell in the enclosure? (3) XP}o]RÉ}(R]oÉ É UR}}}v round about? (11) XulÉC o]vP É oÉ(} nothing in Japanese city. (5) XWV}vÉ]vuR}oÉM~ıZ XV]É`(}uRÉ]É}(FÉvR island seen by short teacher? (7) æXOvÉ«vP}vUS]˙ oÉ ]vv}}vX~Z XIv]oo˙o}`o˙U˙ÉI[uv} P}Éoo]vPo]lÉ˙}]v]o É way. (7) ıXN}R(]v A R]ÉRÉ ]]]˙}v[PÉv}PR É }(M~Z XNÉ`]voÉv}Éo˙É v(ÉuoÉM~ıZ XIvoPÉ}(lU É o}uv˙uÉv]v]v(u} massacre site. (5) XY}RÉ}R] É } with canvas? (4, 7) XR] A uÉv(}v É ]«vP in piano warehouse. (3) XH]]vPP]vFÉvR]˙ alcove. (5) Xoo C }+LÉI(}oo}`(}u}( serious music. (9)

DSM Toughie Crossword ~`]RRvl}M]lÉM}]


How many words of three or more letters can you make from the letters in our square? There is one word of nine letters. If you want to make it harder, only allow words that contain the centre letter. We estimate about 150 words are possible. 0 - 40 41 - 80

Not bad Quite good

81 - 120 Very good 121 + Expert

12 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, August 2022

Clues Down XL}É(}R} É ]v]É}vÉ]}v }(]«vP]v} É vvÉ É X~æZ X]Svv] B É v}}v}}vÉ É v}i}]v]vPRÉ}RÉ`}lÉ[ group. (11) 3. That man caught nothing, ]}PR(}É É u}(} bullying? (9) X]R B `ÉRÉ }(vÉ U PÉ«vP}v˙]vu}]oM~Z æX]v C ]vvÉUv}V É ˙]o(}RuÉJ~Z X }É }ÉA}( }vÉv]ÉvlÉ ]vR}o]ÉX (5) XFlÉ.v]RÉ(}v}vPv ormolu cupboard. (3) XRÉv}ÉuR]Vv}Uv} Italian, is an architectural (ÉX É ~æUZ XLvRuÉV]]˙]É o}}(X É ~Z XF]ÉvU}˙vS}(}oo}`]vP RÉ˙oÉ}(Iv]P}J}vÉM~ıZ Xol B P}É}o˙`Éoo(}R}or ups? (9) 18. Cash may be redistributed to get a head-covering? (7) 19. Chaos in a city in Sicily. (7) XRÉv}v É }(vÉÉ }É}vuv]J~æZ XSRÉ}v.vÉ É ˙o}`}v˙ post. (5) æXvo É E }l}]v}ov˙ }v É M~Z



oÉC ROSS CA XHÉ˙U`}Év(]]v É vÉ making (6) XN}˙É ]P~Z 8. A lorry (5) ıXN}vÉo˙}uÉV+˙~Z X]R B A }( É RÉo}`Évl (5) 11. The range within which a voice can be heard (7) XuÉA ]v]}(oÉvPRoÉ } X}(u]oÉ~ıZ 15. Farm vehicle (7) 16. A simple seat without a back or arms (5) XRÉR}vo]}vLÉ ]]}v}o]É É }v~Z XH]vP]oRÉ~æZ ıXN}}Év~Z 20. Deliver a sermon (6)

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