English language magazine for the Deux-Sèvres and surrounding areas
WINE LABELLING What to look for when choosing your tipple
All the usual excellent advice PLUS some thoughts on insect helpers to watch out for and look after PLUS ... SEASONAL RECIPES A to Z OF THE COMMUNES EVENTS CALENDAR ...and much, much more
Issue 121, October 2021
elcome. Summer never really seemed to have 'oÉ É UÉ]ÉSOMEPÉ weather, and yet it is now turning rapidly to autumn. We've Év(}vÉÉv}PR}.voo˙É}UKÉ (u]o˙}ÉRÉo`}u}vRLÉu}vR}(v} ]]XF]vPÉ}ÉRRÉU]vÉ]oÉUvɢ`É }(OVID C }Év}oÉ}}}uv˙]}v É }É winter.
This Month's Advertisers
WRISP}}}É]Ro}}(RÉov }]}vR`ÉÉv}`vP}uÉÉ again. Also good to see is that as we drive around the area Éo]É]vPuP]vÉUuv˙}(RÉ( Éo}}l]vP ]ÉUR}PRRÉ]É oÉo˙ooo}vP`˙}P}}PÉ l}OVID ÉC oÉÉoX Now we need your help.H}`˙É ]˙}.v]}PÉ ˙}Rv}vR]uP]vÉMWÉvÉÉ}uÉ(ÉÉl }vR}``ÉooU}v}U}]]}v`}lXPoÉ}É us an email ( to let us lv}`YOUR˘ÉÉ ]ÉvÉ~P}}ORZX S˙(ÉX Tel:XXæXæX Email: ]v(}RÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X( Website: ```XRÉɢÉÉu}vRo˙X(
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23 30 33 43 54 æ
4 11 12 14 15
112}ÉE vEuÉPÉv˙ 113 Drugs and Alcohol
ABORDimmo A]vB'É.Éo~Hv˙uvZ AKEPÉT˘~B]oÉZ Alcoholics Anonymous AuvJ}Rv}vrTRÉSÉuIFAG} AvÉ`L}vPuv~Pou]vPHÉvPZ ARBFÉvRP}É˙ vÉA M}~GANPRÉv˙Z BɢV]ooPÉIuu}]o]É BHvÉA lAoo]vrIÉooÉWv BoÉ]vFvlF]vv]oMvPÉuÉv BMC}v}v Busy Bee (Cleaning Services) (C PÉUL[A]É CRÉÉSP ~EÉvUTÉR}}uU}uu}}v A Z CRÉJv}P ]v]É CRÉ˙P]lÉH]É~T}v˙M}Z CRÉCR]É[TÉR}}u CR]'BÉ C}v}v CR]P}v~PouÉlHÉvPEvP]vÉÉZ Clean Sweep Chimney Services Darren Lawrence DPSSÉ]É~GÉvÉHv˙uvZ EvPo]RS}lÉvX}u F]É`}}˙HÉv] FvPo]DÉo]É]É~Tv}RÉu}oSÉ]ÉZ GoÉvÉÉP}É˙SÉ]É HooulEoÉ]] H]}vH]~M}]oÉH]ÉÉZ H]oÉ˙L}}v]PPÉR]ÉvP}v`}l HMJ~RÉv}}vÉ]ÉZ HRB]o]vPSÉ]É I]vPL}}vrD]PPÉH]ÉvGÉoÉo]É]É JÉ+ [MÉo`}l J}RvPRÉrM}]oÉMÉRv] KÉ]RBvlP}}oSÉ]É KJP]vvPv}vP É LDɢ]ÉuÉCRvÉ~D}ÉÉ ]vÉ]o]Z LÉ(C UC]˙ LÉPPÉ'Iuu}]o]É LÉRÉPo[}v~BvRÉvZ LPVTÉRv}o}P˙~ITÉ]ÉZ MP]RÉv}}v~M]RÉoGo}ÉZ MlSÉv]rRÉv}}vvC}v}v M]RÉoM}}É~EoÉ]]vZ Michel Barateau (Cabinet maker) M]lÉS`ÉÉvÉ˙rM}}}EvP]vÉÉ]vP ML Computers MF]˘I~GÉvM]vÉvvÉZ MVSÉ]ÉrS+}o]vP NÉÉHvSÉ]É~G«vPX É Z NÉooPLÉ}]oÉ É ÉCoÉ OKNOPLAST~MÉv]É]ÉZ PuÉoI]vP~H}o]TRÉ]Z PoSuÉÉ~MÉRv]Z P]v}LÉ}v˙L]uMP]É P}]ÉB]A]} RJCP}}oSÉ]É R}BÉ˙~PoÉÉZ R}ÉMvv~UR}oÉ˙Z R}HÉv˙ SR˙SR'ÉrSR'ÉÉ]v]vvP Simon the Tiler SuM}ÉrRÉu}oS}PÉ SÉRÉvSR`P]vÉ SÉÉC}ov~Pou]vPvÉv}}vZ SÉÉR}]v~Pou]vPURÉvPUÉoÉ]Z S]o˙R}}.vP SÉPÉ B ~FÉvRCoÉTvo}vZ Sunny Sky Cars Susan Myall (Admin Support) TRÉEvPo]RMÉRv]S}vrT}v˙˙ÉE TRÉF]˘ÉrR]lDÉv}v TRÉFÉvRH}ÉSÉoo]ÉTV TRÉT]vPP}~IvÉv}voF}}D]vlZ T]uÉoÉ]]Évı VoA]~Tvo}vSÉ]ÉZ V]ÉvvÉTÉÉSÉ]É
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dsm121-oct21 v23 Online
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 3
Bulletin Board LOC A L MA RKE TS
TRÉN}voH}o]˙URÉo]P]}v FÉ˙D
2021... F]Jv˙ SvA]o M}væA]o Sat 1 May SM˙ Thu 13 May Sun 23 May Mon 24 May WÉJo˙ SvæAP M}vN}ÉuÉ TRN}ÉuÉ Sat 25 December
NÉ`YÉ [˙D ~ Jour de l’an) ÉSv˙ E ~ Pâques) ÉM}v˙ E ~ Pâques) Labour Day (Fête du premier mai) VEıæ~ Fête du huitième mai) Ascension Day (Ascension) Whit Sunday (Pentecôte) Whit Monday (Lundi de Pentecôte) ooÉ B ˙D ~ Fête nationale) Au}v˙D ~ Assomption) AooS]v[˙D ~ Toussaint) Au]É˙D ~ Armistice) Christmas Day (Noël) source
M}v ˙ X X X X X X X X X B É vÉ æ ı L C R ]PvÉ ]É ~o M}v ˙ ]v u}v R Z æ LÉ v o}‘ É ~ M}v ˙ ]v u}v R Z Tuesdays......... Lezay 79120 C] ˙ C } o}vPÉ r ro [A ] É ı Thouars 79100 - and - Bressuire 79300 V oÉ ı WÉ vÉ ˙ X X X X P RÉ v ˙ ı r v r C É ooÉ r rB É ooÉ ı R ((É TR ˙ X X X X X X X X S rV ] ı ı r v r N]} ı L M} RÉ S H ˙ ı GÉ v ˙ F ] ˙ X X X X X X X X X X XTR} XXX ı X r v r MÉ ooÉ ı æ Secondigny 79130 (pm)-and-St Aubin le Cloud (pm) C ] ˙ ~ u oo (}} u lÉ Z A v ]Pv˙ æ ~ v F ] ˙ r u Z L M} RÉ S ]v rH ˙ ı ~Po É C o uÉ v É Z Saturdays........ Bressuire 79300 - and - Champdeniers 79220 C RÉ ( rB } }vvÉ ı A ] o ı r v r N]} ı S ]v M ]˘É v ro [É }oÉ ı F}v É v ˙ roÉ rC }u É æ R ((É M Pv ı v M}v } v ı S v ˙ X X X X X X X X X X XC }X o}v ı æ r v r NÉ ]ooÉ r É rP}] } TR vÉ ˙ ı ı S ]v rV É v ı S ]v rL} rL u ] ı
CHURCH NOTICES... The Filling Station - Poitou-Charentes. L}o R] C v }( oo v}u]v}v É `R}uÉ(} É ]]ovÉÉ `ovvPÉ É o]uX}}o˙v C }v É C ææıX
ALL SAINTS, VENDÉE - Puy de Serre. We hold two services each month (+ Sunday school), on the 2nd and 4thSv˙RÉRR}( SXMRÉUP˙SÉÉ U É uX The English Speaking Church of the Valley of the Loire (ESCOVAL) meets at the R.C. Church in Arçay every 3rdSv˙}(RÉu}vR Xu~i}+RÉæ D ıUTR}}L}vX Z Eglise Vie Nouvelle ]o]vPo B ~FÉvRlvPo]R E `ÉZ lo˙ É ]v É]ÉÉ ]C ˙ See }v C æı The Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd, Poitou-Charentes, v}uoo˙R}oSv˙]É]v É vPo]R E XPoÉ}É `ÉÉ ]É(} vÉ ]v(}u}vP
07 68 35 45 18 4 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
go to print. -day as we y -b y t PLEASE a d g n get it bu ou leave changin ca re e a w s g s a in y h te T re is as accuralled or altered befo ation here nce The inform ts have not been ca house. the check even
28/09-03/10 EXHIBITION: THE LORDS OF PARTHENAYPARTHENAYıXTRÉ uÉu(}É}vRÉo}`R}oÉRÉ territory throughout the medieval period. FÉÉX
17/10 MARCHÉ - LE LIVRELAMOTHEr SAINTrHERAYıXB}}lF]RÉ Orangery Booksellers and regional authors. ıruXFÉÉX
10/10 MUSHROOM FESTIVALPRAILLESrLA OUA C RDEıXP}PuuÉ}(]É }vuR}}uPu˙}o}P]o˘R]]}v É U vɢR]]}v É UuR}}u˘oÉ É `}lR}ULv(}}ulÉUoÉÉr R}`STRÉvo`}o}(uR}}u_U u]o]vÉoÉUPÉÉu}v}vU uÉo}v}v É XXXXX
03/10 FÊTE DES PLANTES BRESSUIRE ıXPovv(]RUPÉv decorators and organic products See advert }vRÉ(}oo}`]vPPÉXıruXFÉÉX
15-17/10 AUTUMN GAMES: SURPRISE PARTIESPARTHENAYıXC}uÉo˙v i}]v]vRÉo˙(ouvÉ]vPRÉv˙X 23/10 AVF ANNUAL MEET-N-GREET PARTHENAYıXC}v(}]o É }( ÉvÉvu]vP 23-24/10 RE-ARRANGED 1ST NIORT CLASSIC CAR RALLYOULONGE C SrSURr L[AUTIZEıX 23/10-07/11 BIOPARC DOUÉrLArFONTAINE 49700. Storytellers immerse children in the `}o}(v]uooÉJruX 31/10 CLOCKS GO BACK ONE HOUR AT 3am
If you are aware of any events coming up in November or December, please let us know so we can tell everyone else.
Clocks go back one hour at 03:00 (to 02:00) on 31st October The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 5
Thousands of High Quality Cards Ranges as Beautiful as they are Varied!
Regular venues at:
* and from Tuesday 5 October *
Great Gifts for Family & Friends Scarves, Tapestry, Heat Packs, Candles, Insulated Bottles, Jewellery, Mugs, Bamboo Socks, Handmade Chocolate, Books, Bags, Notepads, Pens, Stocking Fillers …
Delicious Home-Baking Scones, Cupcakes, Fruit Cake, Brownies … Serving Warm Welcomes
2004 !
TUES - FRI: 10am - 12 noon : 3pm - 7pm SAT: 10am - 12 noon : 3pm - 6pm Please Note: Closed for Stocktake on Fri 1st Oct
Latest details on our Website : WWW.CHEZCHRISTIES.FR
• • • • • • •
Aulnay de Saintonge 17470 Beauvais Sur Matha 17490 SJÉvD[AvP o˙ S rV]H}Éııı V]ooÉi CR}˘æ P]ÉÉ]vP
WEDNESDAYS 18h30 - 20h30 PoÉSV]vÉvU SXV]vÉvSÉovPÉUæX FRIDAYS 18h30 - 20h30 BM]}vUAvPv˙UæX
Tel: 06 31 42 47 52
Tel: 06 02 22 44 74
Facebook @lavendeechippy SIRET : 881 211 213 00015
SIRET : 537 606 972 00025 GENÇAY (86) behind the Mairie Siret: 47876969800018
Fish and Chips British Indian Curry Kebab - Burgers
Venues :
Saint Jouin de Marnes - outside the }ovPÉ]ÉrÉ˙TÉ˙Év]vPP rP Louin (Le Cafe de L’union) - 1st and 3rd F]˙}(RÉu}vR(}uPrP Bar Genneton rvvRF]˙}(RÉ u}vR(}uPrP
Funny Farm Cat Rescue - Saint Germain de Longue Chaume - October 27th PrP~Ér}É}vo˙Z AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
Tel: 06 23 25 48 36 SIRET : 850 442 203 00012
Le CaféCivray Full English Breakfast Pies, pasties, cakes & buns all made on site Regular hours 9am-4pm Tuesday-Friday
24 rue du commerce 86400 Civray SIRET 820 301 299
TRADITIONAL BRITISH COOKING SatPF}vÉv˙roÉrC}uÉ~uR ZU Vendée and at S]vrJÉvr[AvP o˙ ~uR ]v ]ÉZU Charente-Maritime SunPAov˙~uR ZU Charente-Maritime Open mornings WE DELIVER THROUGHOUT FRANCE
Tel: 05 46 01 54 65
Check out our events on Facebook @LeCafeCivray
SIRET : 484 920 285 00018
Prailles La Couarde (79)
Maison Peleboise
ce S in 3 199
festival mycological exhibition guided picking - craft market performance conference about mushrooms
Sunday, oct. 10th
Infos : 06 72 20 10 04
Château de Saugé 2 Saugé 79400 Saivres
Chambre d’hôtes, Vintage Tea Room, Gites, Event Space, Trading Post Siret: 848 904 181 00015
A Unique Place for your Special Event Luxury Accommodation - Event Planning Catering and Decoration - Approved suppliers Contact us to discuss
Email: Tel: 06 29 15 36 55
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 7
International Day of .....
... World Mental Health Day (10th October) by Beryl Brennan
RÉou}vRRÉÉv}PR(}É˙}vÉU lockdown has had a huge impact on our lives, whether ]]}vP}]vP]lvÉ(}uRÉ]}o}}(i}U businesses, homes – any or all causing an enormous ]vÉÉ]vuÉvoRÉoR}oÉu]vÉ}oÉ}(ooPÉ (}uRÉ˙}vPÉ}RÉ}oÉX(}É BÉ RÉvÉu] ] [R}PR}væu]oo]}vÉ}oÉ}vRÉ `}o+ÉÉ(}uÉ]}vXS}RÉW}oHÉoR OPv]}v~WHOÉW}o Z MÉvoHÉoR˙D } ]É`ÉvÉ}(uÉvoRÉoR]Év}PÉ} ol}Évo˙}]U]uÉÉ vvÉv}vXTRÉ W}oFÉ}v É }(MÉvoHÉoRU(}vÉ]vıU] also involved. `R A PÉ}ÉuÉvoRÉoR]oovÉÉP]vMWHO believes aged 14 years with suicide the second leading É}(R É u}vPærı˙É}oURÉui}]˙É]vP ˙}vPuÉvUoR}PRu}É`}uÉvu]PR'Éu] ˙(}RÉoXÉP} D ]`vvÉ}Pv]É }v]}vUÉ]oo˙LÉRÉF]W}oW `]R}o]É+É]vP(}uRÉooR}lX Ivu}ÉÉvuÉ}u stress disorder has its roots in combat stress, war neurosis and }RÉ'oÉ.ÉorÉoÉuÉvo RÉoR]ouÉvXN}`˙ }Pv]É É (}]voÉo](É experiences such as stress or abuse, especially as a child, chemical imbalances in the ]v}]v]vi˙Uu]É }(o}R}o}}vo É P or exposure to toxic chemicals ]vPÉPvv˙XAv˙}(RÉvÉ lead to depression, anxiety disorders, }vo]˙ É ]}É}˙R}]}É o]lÉR]}RÉv]XG]É(LÉRÉR É }(o}É ÉoÉ]o}É]}}v]}v] [}vo˙]vRÉ o˙ÉR+ÉRÉ É ÉvoÉ}v(}RÉo }CÉXWul]vPP]vÉW]oo]uvH˙`ol ÉR]vRÉ]u}RÉ [}8v(}É É RÉ`R}oÉ}v˙ }v]}˙(}}RÉ]uÉvoRÉoR]ÉM F}ÉRÉÉRÉvPu'RÉ}uÉvo RÉoR`R]RÉuP]vP«Év+ÉÉ RÉ(}v]]8o}ÉlRÉoXÉvE (u]o˙uÉuÉ .v]R}vÉvÉ]}vU(}˘uoÉ É XH}` }LÉvRÉ˙}]}}uÉ}vÉR}RUv}}(] [MI [ not that easy, people withdraw into themselves, shun
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Letter From Blighty October 2021
an’t believe I’ve already packed away shorts and T-shirts and am wearing winter trousers and sweatshirts! So much for global warming, it hasn’t reached our bit of Blighty this year. We had a baking hot February, then nothing since but mostly grey clouds. I’ve been surprised how windy it is in the garden. I expected that, as we’re surrounded by high fences and on the edge of town, we’d be sheltered but no such luck. Wind resistant plants are now on the list for planting in the redesigned garden, my poor hibiscus from France are not happy! I brought lots of cuttings with me – memories of my French garden and plants friends gave me – just hope they survive with the change of climate. Not been a happy time recently. As you know, we brought our last three dogs with us. We lost Polar in April, and now in the last month we’ve lost both Bracken and Bebe. It’s been a shock; for the first time in our lives we are dogless, in fact we’ve no animals and it takes a lot of adjustment. We will get another dog, but we’re taking time out to grieve as well as recover from the cost of vet fees and the pet insurance company making excuses as to why they won’t cover the costs! So we’re taking advantage of not having any ties at home and going to visit family and friends around England and catch up with their lives. Britain really feels like a third world country to us. Latest problem is that because of the lack of lorry and refuse drivers some rubbish will now only be collected every 2 weeks so some people just leave their rubbish bags at their gates to be torn open by vermin.
by Beryl Brennan
Add to that the local tip has withdrawn its booking system so it’s a free-for-all entry to get rid of our rubbish and recycling. Thinking we’d go at a quiet time in early morning, we ended up having to queue down a busy road with HGV lorries passing us heading for the nearby distribution centres and factories. We brought some bits and pieces with us in case we needed them for whatever new property we bought. We don’t need a few of them so time to offload them and make more room in the garage. That’s the next problem. Tried advertising them, no takers. Offered them to charities, they don’t want them unless they are perfect - I don’t remember them being so choosy! The dishwasher was turned down because there was a miniscule chip of paint off the bottom of the front door. Doesn’t affect how it works, it’s only 4 years old. So I said I’d paint it. ‘Can’t accept it’, said the man, ‘might have lead in the paint’! We knew health and safety had gone bonkers but ..... Whatever became of recycling? A bit of good news. D has found a local AmDram group who want someone to run their lighting system so he’s a happy bunny and I’ve found a local RDA group who are short of helpers so I’ll get my fix of horses again. Makes a change to write a positive. Signing off, speak soon.
by Sally Cox
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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 9
October 14th 1066 K]vP H}o II }( EvPov ] (ÉÉ É ˙ RÉ N}uv (}É }( W]oo]u RÉ C}vÉ} RÉ 'oÉ B }( HvPU (}PR }v SÉvoH]ooUÉvu]oÉ(}uHvPUEvPovXRÉ A Év}(RÉ o}}˙Uoor˙'oÉUH}o`l]ooÉWR}]vRÉ˙ÉÉ `]Rv }` }]vP } oÉPÉv W v R] (}É `ÉÉ}˙ÉX HÉ `RÉoAvPo}rS˘}vl]vP}(EvPovX October 16th 1793 N]vÉ u}vR LÉ RÉ ˘ÉÉ }v }( RÉ RvU RÉ (}uÉ K]vP L}] XVI }( FvÉU M]É Av}]vÉ'É (}oo}` R]u } RÉ P]oo}vÉX October 19th 1781 H}ÉoÉo˙ É Y}l}`vU V]P]v]U B]R GÉvÉo L} C}v`oo] ÉvÉ U B]R }o]É v ÉuÉv } oPÉFv}rAuÉ]v(}ÉU+É É Éo˙]vP]vP vÉv}RÉ AuÉ]vRÉ}o}vX October 21st 1805 Iv }vÉ }( RÉ u} É]]É vo 'oÉ ]v R]}˙U B]R GÉvÉÉ Au]oL}NÉo}v(ÉÉ }u]vÉFÉvRv Sv]R GÉÉ RÉ 'oÉ B }( T(oPU (}PR }+ RÉ } }( S]vXD]]]vPR]R]]v}`}]]]}vUNÉo}v]PvooÉR] uÉPÉ (}u RÉ GPR] V]}˙P SEvPov˘ÉÉ RÉ˙ uv `]oo } R] ˙X_ Iv i .É R}U RÉ B]RÉ RÉ ÉvÉu˙ GÉU É }˙]vP É ı R] `]R RÉ o} }( v} B]R R]U Uæ B]R ÉuÉv `ÉÉ l]ooÉ } `}vÉ ]v RÉ RÉ˙ .PRvPX NÉo}v ` R} ˙ FÉvR v]É v ]É Éo}`Él}u]vÉ(}É É RÉÉv}(RÉ'oÉX
October October 3rd 1990 LÉRv˙ÉLÉRÉ}v É }(RÉBÉo]vWooUvE WÉGÉuv˙}uÉ}PÉRÉ}v`R]lv}`vSUv]˙˙D X_ October 4th 1957 TRÉ S}]É Uv]}v ]vPÉ RÉ SSÉ APÉ_ `]R ] ovR }( Sv]lU RÉ `}o[ . .]o Éoo]ÉX NuÉ Sv]l LÉ RÉ R]v `} (} SÉoo]ÉU_ ] ovRÉ Pı XuX M}}` uÉ (}u RÉ T˙u ovR É ]v RÉ KlR RÉo]X V]]oÉ `]R ]v}o(}É É v]É } LÉ vÉU Sv]lvu]'É]}]Pvol}R E }vPÉv}PR} be picked up by amateur radio operators. October 8th 1871 TRÉ u} vP É .É ]v Uv]É SÉ R]}˙ v ]v Wisconsin. Some 1,200 people lost their lives and 2 billion É `ÉÉ }vuÉ ˙ GuÉX DÉ]É RÉ u]É oÉ }( the blaze, it was overshadowed by the Great CR]P} F]ÉU `R]R ÉPv oÉ R v]PR about 250 miles away. The two-day Chicago blaze kills 200-300 people, destroys 17,450 buildings, leaves 100,000 homeless and É uPÉ }PRo˙ É]oÉv } ¤ billion today October 12th 1810 ]v B }`v C P]vÉL}]u]ÉP]vÉ TRÉÉXMv]R]Év]v]É É }'Év RÉ (É]ÉU RÉo }v RÉ .Éo ]v (}v }( the city gate with horse races concluding the popular event. The decision to repeat the (É]É v RÉ R}É É RÉ (}oo}`]vP ˙É PÉ ]É } RÉ ]}v }( RÉ vvo Ol}É(ÉU `R]R v}` ÉP]v ]v oÉ SÉÉuÉ v o vo RÉ . Sv˙ ]v O}ÉX M}É Rv u]oo]}v Poo}v }( É being consumed there annually.
10 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
October 22nd 1797 TRÉ . RÉ iu }( v}É ] uÉ ˙ Av rJÉ GvÉ]v (}u R˙}PÉv oo}}v U (ÉÉ }É P]X LÉ}v} V]v]R}vÉ]ÉRÉ]É}(RÉRÉv FÉvRuv L}]rSÉÉv LÉv}uv iuÉ (}u É ]v U]vP l]v }( RÉ uÉ (}u `} uÉoo GvÉ]v ` RÉ .} É]Pv v ÉRÉ oÉ }( o}`]vPuv[(oo(}uR]PRoÉX October 24th 2003 C}v}É ulÉ ] o }uuÉ]o ÉvPÉ G]PRUÉoo]vP `]ÉRÉ}( É }v(}uNÉ`Y}lC]˙ [J}RvFXKÉvvÉ˙ IvÉv}voA]}}L}v}v[HÉR}`A]}X October 25th 1415 D]vP RÉ HvÉ YÉ[ W `ÉÉ Év EvPov v FvÉU HÉv˙ VU RÉ ˙}vP l]vP }( EvPovU oÉ R] (}É } ]}˙ RÉ 'oÉ B }( AP]v} ]v v}RÉv FvÉX Aou} U FÉvRuÉvo}RÉ]o]É]vPRÉ'oÉ B `R]oÉEvPo]RR É u}vÉ } i }É X HÉv˙ R `}v }vÉ }( RÉ PÉ ]}]É }( u]o]˙ R]}˙X ALÉ (RÉ }vÉ ]v FvÉU HÉv˙V`}Pv]É É ]vRÉ]}RÉ FÉvR R}vÉ v RÉ ÉPÉv }( FvÉX HÉ ` RÉ RÉ]PR }( R] }`É ]É i `}˙ÉoÉ}(u(ÉÉvÉP]X October 30th 1938 STRÉ W }( RÉ W}o_vO}v WÉooÉ[ Éo] ]} u}v }( Mv ]v]}v }( R E v] } }v RÉ ]}X E˘ÉuÉo˙ Éo]U `]R WÉooÉ Éuo}˙]vP }R]É }v +É É v R] } }˙]vP É].É vv}vÉU R}v }( v˘]} v }v(É o]ÉvÉ believed it to be real. Although the program included a reminder at intermission that it ` u}vV }o]É ÉuÉvU newspapers and CBS were besieged with R}vÉ oo v NÉ` JÉ˙É v}vo guardsmen wanted to know where they R}oÉ}(}˙X
Satellite TV O
ctober? Where did the summer go? Oh well, time to focus on Christmas then. As I type this, there are only 106 days to go. So, by the time you read this we’ll be well into double-digits. Just something to bear in mind. Anyway, I very much hope that you’re all keeping safe and well. It’s a genuine concern of mine. That and the fact I need the readership. So, onwards dear reader, we’ve a lot to talk about.
by Stuart Wallace
20:23 on a Tuesday, the night before you move house, and want me to install your tv equipment before the weekend, that might be a bit of a stretch. If I can, I will. However, the chances are I can’t. Have a good month. SvTRÉFÉvRH}ÉSÉoo]ÉTV ORÉ}v]o É ]vR]É]vRÉB]o]vP RÉv}}vÉ}v}(RÉuP]vÉ
Did you know that even though Channel 4 is too tight to pay for its channel to be in HD on the Freesat platform, you can still receive it in high-definition? You can simply add it as a non-Freesat channel. Different receivers do this in different ways, but once you find the correct page in the menus, you need the following details - Frequency : 11126, Polarity : V (for vertical), Symbol Rate : 22000. The channel will not appear in the Freesat EPG (position 104 will still be Channel 4 in SD), but it’ll be saved as a nonFreesat channel. If you have a generic free-to-air receiver you should find Channel 4 HD in the long list of available channels. If not, just input the same details and hit ‘scan’. Freesat is not the same as Freeview. Right, moving on… For those of you who have an active Sky subscription card with a sports and/or movie package but then get a new Sky box, you can now pair your card to the new box via Sky’s website. You used to have to call Sky in the UK which could potentially cause an issue as you’re not supposed to use a viewing card abroad. However, using your Sky ID details you can now pair the card to the box yourself. This is only required for the premium services. Whilst the world of satellite internet used to be a bit hit and miss, I’m hearing good things about the Starlink system. This is the service offered by SpaceX, the company founded by that Elon Musk fella. Word is that he’s pretty forward thinking. Anyway, the service is gaining traction and is available in more locations across France. I used my address on the Starlink website and it no longer says ‘coming soon’ but allows me to buy the equipment. I’ve not tried it as I don’t need it and it’s still quite expensive. However, from what I read, the speeds are excellent (c.150Mbps download). There are the occasional service drop outs as it is still in the ‘beta’ testing phase, but this doesn’t seem to be affecting users’ enjoyment. Starlink is an alternative to Nordnet’s ‘Neosat’ service, also satellite broadband. The service offers speeds of up to 100Mbps (which you’ll probably never get). Bear in mind though, that if you are thinking of moving to this service from something like BigBlu, you cannot use the same equipment and the satellite that the dish is aligned to is also different (Eutelsat 7.2°E). Worth looking into though if you are unable to have a decent telephone line based service. Don’t forget that if you have either TNTSAT or Fransat (not to be confused with Freesat), the viewing cards will expire 4 years after first activation. You’ll get notice in advance but if you don’t renew it before the expiry date, you’ll lose nearly all the channels. As always, please feel free to get in touch if you would like any further information or would like to discuss your requirements. Contact details can be found on the advert. That said ... I try to be accommodating, I really do. However, please bear with me if I’m unable to get you as soon as you might hope. For example, if you message me at The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 11
A-Z of the Communes in the Deux-Sèvres Saivres
by Sue Burgess
WHAT3WORDS : ///station.serve.noisiest
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}ouÉ]Éo`Éoo]vP`}ÉÉ voÉ˙É PR]o]É ÉNÉ}RÉÉv}(RÉXVIRÉv˙XJ(}É É RÉ RÉ}o}vo[HÉ]ÉÉo}vPÉ}CRoÉG]R [O(É]ooÉUPÉvoÉuv}(RÉRuÉ}(RÉl]vPXALÉRÉ RÉ}o}vURÉRÉ`É]Év}o]vı}L}] Vv]ÉXF}uRÉXVIIRÉv˙}uÉvvÉ(}v }RÉÉ]PvÉ˙}(LV}‚É~BÉooÉÉZX The Church L]lÉu}}RÉÉo]P]}]o]vPURÉRR}(S]É` v}]oRÉ˙É RvÉXI`]vo˙ É ]o}vRÉ]É}( Goo}rR}uvÉuoÉ`R]RR]Éo(Év]o}vGo]R (}v}vXM}vUR]oov`ÉRÉo`˙R ÉRÉ]XS]ÉU}vR]ooU`]RoÉ ]vPU }Éo}}l]vP]ÉU`É]ooÉXCR]v]uÉoÉ the pagan temples with churches protected by the saints. IvUSXP]ÉÉ[RRU`R]Rv}vRÉo}É}vR]oo overlooking the Ligueure, was given to the Abbey at Maillezais ˙D}}~}uÉuÉ`]'ÉvD}}vZvR]}RÉX B]o]vRÉXIIIRvXVRÉv]ÉURÉRR`}oRÉ ÉoÉ(}.ÉRR}(RÉuÉ]ÉXDuPÉ]vP the hundred years war and then restored, the church was P]vv]É˙RÉ}Év]væXTRÉ}v É }vo˙ oÉL}(RÉ`oov]vPXIvæURÉ]vR]v}( Saivres got together and decided to sell some land belonging to the parish so they could use the money to rebuild the ]vÉRRXI`É]o]v}væıvvÉ`Éoo }`É`]ooÉv]vPP]vRÉ}o}vÉXI]}o˙ R]uÉRRÉRR`É]É}S]vP]ÉÉX T}˙]]]8o}]uP]vÉ`RRÉRRuRÉÉv like in the 13th century. But when you look at the altar, the oÉL]É}(RÉRRU}(RÉÉoo}`ÉvRÉÉvvÉ }}É(}uRÉ]}X
All photographs by Sue Burgess
Church and mairie at Saivres
IvRÉoÉL}(RÉRRURÉÉuÉvÉ}(IÉ ÉVÉ]Éo˙}(oT]vÉvÉvvR]É(}uRÉ XIIIRÉv˙X TRÉÉoo`ÉÉR]ÉvÉ]vıvooÉ É Po]vÉ CRo}'ÉvM]ÉL}]ÉX The Presbytery TRÉ}v}v}(RÉvÉ`˙ÉÉ ˙~}˙RÉ}`vRooZ É(}uv}}ı(vX The footbridges OvRÉ}uuvÉU}vo˙RÉÉ(}}]PÉ}RÉL]PÉÉ Éu]vXARvÉ˙ÉP}RÉÉ`ÉÉ.ÉXPÉ}oÉ]vo É`olÉÉ˙`RÉÉvRÉR}É`˙(}u}A B was the straightest line posssible. O]P]voo˙RÉ(}}]PÉ`ÉÉi]}(`}}R}`v }RÉÉuXTRÉÉ`É]ÉÉ `˙É˙uÉRÉ `ÉoÉÉo}É`R]R`É˙(ÉÉv]vRÉ`]vÉXA uÉ`Év˙URÉÉ]ÉÉ}(`}}`ÉÉoÉ˙u}É }R]É(}}]PÉRÉÉ`ÉÉo}]É`˙ ]vRÉ`]vÉXRÉÉvo˙RÉ(}}]PÉR`ÉÉRÉu} (ÉÉvo˙uPÉURÉÉv]Év]ou}É}o]o˙X
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Év(}}]PÉSD]PÉ_`R]Roo}`ÉÉ}oÉ}u]vP }v(}}(}uP˙u}]oo}vvCR]É }}RÉ˙`Év towards St.Maixent. According to various texts, this passage `É˙˙XALÉRÉ]PÉ}vRÉ}(}uD}v]} CR]É `]oUÉR]oÉ}u]vP(}uP˙u}]oo}vR} P}R}PRoC}v]ÉvoÉMPv}˘}oÉBovR]( RÉ(}~ passage à gué) was not passable.
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The Water Mills TRÉÉ`ÉÉRÉÉ}vÉr`RÉÉou]oo]É}vRÉÉuSLÉ GÉÉ_X OvÉu]ooooÉSMv˙_`]ÉRÉoÉooÉoÉ P}vÉMv˙X TRÉ}v É `R]R`(RÉÉu`vÉRÉRuoÉ }(D}v]o}É}RÉ}`RÉÉRÉL]PÉÉvRÉ BovR]ÉG}`]v}ÉR}RÉX TRÉR]u]oolv}`vSP]} _`]É`ÉÉ ÉvoÉP}v v]ÉC XA(É`}o}vÉÉu]vv}uÉoo É
The full collection of A to Z articles is now available via our web site The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 13
Health, Beauty and Fitness Everyday Yoga for Everyone ˙RÉN}]l É
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Mobile hairdresser, specialising in classic cuts and short hair Vidal Sassoon qualified Based near Melle (79190) Tel: 07 88 72 46 76 Facebook: harrisonhair Instagram: gillharrisonhair Siret number: 893 356 006 00013
OvÉ ]Év.É ~v} uoo (É ]Éo(U Z } }v]}vÉ R}PR }ÉÉ uRÉv vÉP} vG]vR]vP o( É rÉGÉ}v } o( É r ]v]˙rR˙˙XI]]vPR]}ÉRRÉ˙}P]]LRÉ `RÉ(}uRÉR+URÉ'](}uRÉvr']rRÉ(oÉ(}u RÉRXM}}(`R`ÉR]vlvo]É É ]}v É rRvV]]v} }uÉR]vP`ÉRÉlÉv(oo}v]]o]˙ É (}}}v]É`]R É v˙RÉ UvuR}(]]uo˙(oo`˙vÉRÉo]PR}(]P}} o( É r]v]˙XTR]}Év]v(o É `É}uÉ}}uÉ É ]8oR}}ÉoÉv}RÉURÉ}]v]}oÉvU to plunge the deeper truth (with a capital T) - the Truth that sets (ÉÉ(}uRÉ}vPÉ}(}vRɢÉ}v É }(RÉ (U É RÉR}(`R}`Éoo˙ É X É RÉ˙}ÉÉ o(U˘o}É É ˙}Éo(X
Private courses available online and in-person F}u}É]v(}u}vu]o É Po]Év˙}P É Pu]oX}u h'Pll```X(É}}lX}ulP}lo]Év˙}P É 14 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
Our Furry Friends Shippie u}vR A }oR}}oÉU É SHIPPIE` (}vv}u]}R]ÉvvÉo]uÉ É X SRÉ]o]Éo˙˙}vP}P`R}`]oovÉoÉÉ v˙}( uo}vv˘ÉÉ ]É`Éoovvo}É É PÉv}(ÉoÉ X É SRÉ]R}uÉ]vÉv gets along well with dogs and cats (used to }PRÉ Z ]oo˙RÉ]v]vP`]oovÉÉ }}vvÉ É XSRÉ]oo˙(}ÉvÉÉ PÉA v}vPo]É É ~ıX Z }}v A (É}É É Uu]}R]ÉU]vÉ(}]ÉU }UvÉU É `}uÉv(} É GÉvlX
Siret n° 508 517 455 000 12
The Assocation Orfée tel: 09 77 48 71 43 or by email: Hope Association Charity Shops - Helping animals in need Please check the website for shop opening hours as they are subject to change and/or temporary closure due to Covid-19 restrictions.
51 route de Confolens La Tulette, 16500 Ansac-sur-Vienne
2 Route de Vauthion 79190 Sauzé-Vaussais
2 rue de la Vieille Tour 87120 Eymoutiers
N RNA W792002789
MB E R E ] v }oÉ l]'Év `R} ` (}u É `}}]oÉ`]RR]u}RÉ and siblings. The others have all been }Év}`Uv}vo˙`ÉU É o]'oÉuÉE u]v É XHÉ]˙ uoÉU]ÉUPÉvoÉvo}ÉoÉXvC ˙}P]ÉR]Rv}uÉ boy a home? Somewhere he can be happy and content spending RÉ˙`]R˙}UPÉ«vPooRÉo}Év'Év}vRÉo˙ ÉÉ vÉM É }v B llr V]vÉX IrR]ÉX TÉÉ vÉPÉ (}F]VlFÉLVX Chats de Chatillon Cat Refuge & Pension Email : Phone : 06 85 63 55 94 Website :
Maisie is a 12 year old collie x lab `R}[`}o ]]vP É vÉ]É down now that her owner can no o}vPÉÉ (} RÉX SRÉ[ PÉvoÉU }v(É}P`R}ivÉ]ÉÉ v}˙}É vÉ RÉ˙X IvÉM É PoÉPÉÉ ]v}R}]}v A vE R}ÉX
The Association En Route tel: 07 69 18 56 81 or by email:
Visit the website: Association W793001884
FoÉvOo]]vÉ R`]R É (}]É `R]oÉXFoÉu] ]vOo]]}v. ] vÉ X ˙uÉ˙É É X(oTRÉ ÉB ˙ oo É ˙É(}}}vUvP} o˙ É É or together. They were reserved, ready to go }P]URÉvRÉvÉlu] v]` cancelled. Come and visit them, and all our other cats, on Wednesdays 11am - 4pm
Hope 87 Eymoutiers
Fleur and Olivia
Hope 79 Sauzé-Vaussais
Association : W792005754 email : (in English or French) Chemin des Perchées, 85200 Fontenay le Comte SIRET : 508 517 455 000 12
Hope 16 Confolens
Le Grand Beaupuits, 79200, Saint-Germain-de-Longue-Chaume A}]}vvuÉWıX Email:
I( ˙} É ]v}oÉ `]R v v]uo R]˙U } }]}vU v `}o o]lÉ } É v v]uo (} }}vRÉ~oo˙ É (É}( É RPÉZ }`]ÉR}oÉ}v˙}R]˙U why not drop us a line at
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 15
Home and Garden
Love your
RÉ'oÉP]voPvv]oRlÉvl`É RÉ]}]˙v}`]˙]vP i }ov lÉÉ o]É]vRÉPvÉ J W]RRÉ ol }(]vvRÉv }vRÉÉ }( R}Ér]ÉURÉ ground is arid and dusty and all the lovely green living plants are looking nearer and nearer to death. All the water in the recuperateurs RP}vÉUvÉ É R}PRI]vPo˙ ]É v}vo˙}vRÉ}}}( ˙R]vP ÉÉ UIR }É}É ]vP É oPÉ(oo lÉ }(`R]R `É }v I }`ÉÉvRÉu}o}É É }(`R]oÉL`]Rv˙]Pv }(o](ÉXoÉRÉA v]oRoo É oÉÉ RÉ]RÉoov(oÉÉ ]v ]ÉÉvÉRv(}É É JTR]LÉv}}vIRvÉ É uÉ«vPRÉ R} lR]vv+} É }RÉlÉÉ }}o]ÉoÉUvI[u `RÉ É vRÉuv]v}uÉURÉ˙`]oo}vÉÉ `GR}( (oÉ (}o]PÉXM˙(uÉvÉ]PR}]}vo˙`]vP É o]É}lv v}R].ÉoU}`Éoo [É +É]vPoo˙ É X A lot is being said about climate change at the moment and various uÉvP É `ÉÉvRÉPÉvRÉP}}l]vP É oÉ`RÉÉ R}É(oo˙U }uÉ }]É v`Év}o}v `]ooRÉÉ U suggested or made obligatory. Certainly, in the years that we RvÉ É RÉU É RÉRvPÉi]vRÉ`ÉRÉRvÉ É oo˙ É v}ÉoÉX}WÉÉ RR}É É [`]vÉ`]Rv}`(ooQQX }uR}uÉuÉR]`]u}]oÉ}PÉ}RÉu]v} }P}}RÉ}`vQQXvRÉ(}JJTRÉ R]oo É ]ÉÉ É oo }vvRÉ}˙(É`ÉÉ É ]˙v}}vPÉ} }]É}vXS]vPo`˙RÉ]É P]vv]vP É }(]o A ULÉ wet and windy March and the temperatures were moderate and the showers not too heavy. The climate changes locally were much more v}ÉoÉR]X ˙É ˙É U A ˙É]vP `É `]Rv}uR`uRU winds strong enough to bring trees down, temperatures in RÉ R]É ]v]o A v (} in May which resulted in the trees in the garden being turned ]v} Ro]]vP ]]oÉ[X I RÉ lÉ ]˙`RÉIÉ ]o˙ lÉÉ }É }( RÉ `ÉRÉ v ] `]ooÉ]vÉvP É }o}}ll year on year to see an overall ]É }( `R] Rv]vP É X MÉv`R]oÉ`ÉiR}É } our bit, however small, to help limit the climate changes and ensure that we leave something }]ÉR]v É `RÉv`ÉoÉÉ R]u}o}]o(}RRÉPvÉ ]vRÉl]É[X ]} AÉ }(}oÉuÉ allow plants to become truly }uvU RÉvP[ RÉU when each plant prepares to RR}`v[]v}É}É É (}ol}(]v(ooUvR}PÉ }(v]ÉvUoo˙]vPRÉ `]vÉu}vRXRE ]ÉÉ }( ovo]'oÉ É ]+Évo˙ É U but generally, they use stored nTRÉDɢrSÉM}vRo˙UO}É
Pv}R˙U É `R]RRÉ˙}]v É RÉ]u}É P}`]vP}v É U} lÉRÉÉ uo]É]vÉ }( R]v]˙[X TR]vÉ RÉ RÉ ov]ÉRÉ`]vÉvRÉvÉ }( warmer temperatures in the spring triggers new green growth. oo}PÉ B ]vP É É U.ooÉ`]Ru}Rr`]vP É o]PR É }vRvÉ É }`]v}`}˘ÉU}vG}`ÉX É TRÉ]8o˙ ] `R } ˙QQX}o o]oÉ É (}]ÉQQvÉ` ]ÉQ É QX }uÉR]vP}uoÉo˙ É ]+ÉvÉ MIvi}˙ É oovvPUvo}ÉRÉ R}PR}(ooRÉ}o}v]vÉRÉ o]vP}RÉ]vP PvÉ Xou C }(+}]ovv]]URÉ]}oÉU`R]É vo]o}(RÉPR˙]vR É UvoU É RÉ}R]}v}(RÉ o]vRÉu]X WRÉvovvPoUovRÉuRÉÉ uÉRÉ]RÉ]PR]vRÉ }(}]oU}RRÉ}}vPÉ.u R}ovulÉRÉu}}(RÉv]Év]vRÉ}]o}}u}X }v D [(}PÉ}}ooÉ(ooÉvvoÉ}ÉÉ RÉu]v]vPXOvÉ .ooÉURÉ o˙ `P É É vX É RÉLÉ}'}u É }(RÉ PvÉ }]v}uÉ}RÉR˙}v(}PÉ}RÉuXlÉI }u}vR}`}(} ˙É RÉoÉ}}uÉ É É oÉoÉ( u}oXLÉ(u}ooo˙ ] v}Pv](Éo]Év}]o}v]}vÉX I]}u]vo˙ É ˙RÉ}v}((vP]}vRÉoÉU É Poo˙ breaking them down into a crumbly, dry mixture which can be }É }v}ÉXLÉ(u}o ooÉ}Pv]u'É }RÉ}]oURÉo`]Rv}v É É }(v`É ]u}ÉRÉPÉvÉo }( É RÉ}]o]Éo(Xoo A (}(ÉJÉ
Now is the time to:
• G]ÉRÉPÉvR}É É P}}oÉv}U](˙}RvÉ [}vÉ} oÉ˙XRÉ˙oÉ}É ÉU]]v(ÉRÉo]vPvoÉvRÉ Po}o`]v}`}vÉ É P}}o]PRoÉoÉ (}v˙ ovR P}]vP É }}ÉÉ `]vÉV É RÉuÉuÉ]`]oo RÉÉ ÉvuÉ}( Ru˙ É ol]vv}}lvvv]É `]vP i }}v (É v˙R]vP]o˙ É ]ooÉX • Dig up and compost summer bedding and dig over the borders to aerate the soil and remove perennial weeds. Replant with ]vP]vP É }oXPÉ]vP É }v}v]vÉ˙ ovvP+}]ovv]]]vo˙É o˙ É ]v]ÉU}]vP}+ `]RP}}RÉ }(ovvP}u}X
Bringing Autumn In Grandma’s paring apples, sign that’s full of cheer; Summer’s really over, autumn’s already here. Cosy evening’s coming, mornings brisk and cool; Long vacation over, busy times at school. Grandma’s paring apples, some of them she dries, Some make sauce and puddings, some make spicy pies. Pantry smells delicious, pockets bulge out wide, Children with their baskets, roam the orchard side. Grandma’s paring apples, nicest time of year; Firelight and lamplight fill the house with cheer. Odours sweet in cellar, rosy fruit in bin, Grandma paring apples, brings the autumn in! Annie Willis McCullough 1889-1916
• Pov}ooo˙ ˙ R}`]vPRv(o}v}RÉP }vÉvÉ ovvPRÉu `RÉRÉ É ˙ (ooX TRÉ˙ o}}l u}Évo`RÉvRÉ˙G}`É](ovÉ]vR]`˙X • Ro] D R}o É o]LÉ É `RÉvG}`É]vPR.v]RÉv }É]v É }}oU˙UloÉvovÉ(} É É ovvP} P]vvɢX ˙É MlÉRÉ v˙}]ÉÉ R}PP˙[(Éo]vP É X É ]É I( RÉ˙oo É G}`É]vP}vPo˙U i RÉÉ }v} É PÉu}ÉG}`ÉX • I(vvvP]vPÉo]o]ÉÉ Ro]]vP[ ]v G}`ÉU É RÉ˙É }o˙ RvÉÉ }+v}PR É }˙ }]É `]R}]vP É o]LÉX]vP A P}}R]lo˙É}(uoR}v}}(RÉ}`v]v RÉP}v}}vRÉ}( É v˙ov]v}U}ÉRÉo} }ÉRÉu(}u(} É É É X}v D [}ÉRÉ`É uURÉ }}u˙}}(vPu˙RÉ]v[X • M}É}v]vÉv}]v}u}ÉRÉoÉ}]}v É QQX P]v`oo(}˘uoÉ É Uvu}É É (}u É vÉvÉR RÉuURÉv o]L}}+RÉ P}vvoÉ }v}]lU } anything solid which will take their weight, to help protect them (}u`o}PP]vP É X • I( vÉ`R}R}ÉRvÉ ovÉUvÉRÉu l˙R]}vÉ É uPÉ(}u}}}lXTooRU ]vo]vPoÉ]vvÉl˙oÉ Ro(v}` too.
• o]RÉ E PÉÉ É vRvÉ u}Év}`UovvP É ]lo˙]v}`Éoo }]o É É }}X • PovvÉ`]} É vPÉÉ É vRÉPÉ`R]oRÉ}]o]oo warm and easy to dig. • ˙}v C RvP É }}}}} RÉ URÉG} }(v]v`ÉvÉ É ]u}ÉLÉo]PR(}V }R}ooÉÉ L]vRÉP}vU}É`]R É uoR}( straw or cardboard. • }vvÉ C }oÉR U vÉ }]vP]v}}oUlU˙ oÉ]v˙}RRÉv} (]É }R]vPX • Clear away any unused stakes or support structures so that they }v}}]ÉR}uÉ(}XÉ • I(Po]`ovÉoU É RÉvRÉo`]oo]ÉRÉ É É R]oo]vP ]} É RRÉ˙vÉ}É o} É É }Éo˙XS}uÉ}LvÉlÉ u˙ ]ÉÉ vÉ}É]vP É }}É(}uRÉ`}(}X • LPÉou}(o]o˙}(RÉooÉ˙vPÉ U]]Év ovÉ É v}`X (o É É B UL]o˙}(RÉooÉ˙}]}v} ] ovU }Po}É É J
• Sow sweet pea seeds now using deep pots or root trainers, v}vÉPÉu]vÉURÉlÉÉ ˙}vPov]v}o(uÉ} unheated greenhouse over winter. • S]vP]vP É R`ooG}`ÉU]uoUv(}PÉruÉr nots can be planted out now into beds or pots. • }vv]o É HÉÉ RR.v]RÉ É G}`É]vPUvÉ lR}P}voÉoÉ v}`XI(}uÉ RÉÉ É `]R}É seedheads, leave these in place to lend interest to the winter PvÉ v}}]ÉR](}`]oo](ÉX Continued overleaf .....
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 17
“Amaryllis Cluster” by nekoroom Continued .....
• Alchemilla can be divided now too. • TlÉR`}}«vP}(R]oÉoRUoÉ]v`É]PÉoU }vÉRÉ oÉR É É (ooÉvX Pov]v RÉoÉ}É ]vRÉ garden and they will have produced roots by the spring. These vRÉvÉ}'Évu}É]v} u}ÉuvÉ É v }]}vo]v É RÉX ˙É • I(˙}]vP É }P}}o]vP ]ÉÉ }«vPUo]L RÉo]}+}vÉ`ÉlÉ }oo}`(ÉR]}]oÉ}v RÉovXTR]`]oo]}PÉRÉo}uÉ É É v}(u}oXA RÉuÉuÉURÉl(}v˙oÉ}É G}`Év remove them. • ˙u˙oo] B ovov]v}(}}o}(oR]u C ]o˙XIv}uoo˙}lÉ ]PR É `ÉlÉ (}RÉG}`É} vÉ `RÉvRÉ˙}UoÉRÉ}]v}}o}]}vv RÉG}`É`]oooo}vPÉX • Cut down all asparagus stems when they have turned yellow }}`vX]PR C }`v}P}voÉoÉ UR vvP É É RÉ
PoÉÉ (}u }É`]vÉ]vP RÉX É MoR RÉ É LÉ`X • S}`}vÉ ]v]oo}(}æuRÉ XR R}o EÉ be about 15-20 cms apart. The plants are usually hardy, but keep ]}(GÉRv˙ É É (} É ]v É É](}ÉÉ XTRÉvÉ will be ready to harvest early next summer. WRÉRÉ˙}ovv]vP É ˙}]vP]o˙U RvP É } (}uRÉ}PÉ}]PP]vP i v«vPlUvi}˙ É RÉ(ÉR]U o]R É ]vRÉR (˙}}]vP É }uÉR]vPP}}(}˙}RÉoR vRÉovÉUv}lR}]Éu}}v É `R]R}uÉ (}u RvP É [RRvÉ U]ÉUoÉ }(ouvR}PRU }PÉUoo}uÉv}`R ˙} É É `v}ooR˙}PvÉ [X KÉ(É É
SIRET 807 778 857 00019
20% off all plants October portes ouvertes 8 and 9inMay 9h-19h Portes 16/17 October Good time toouvertes get planting before the summer comes Open every day 9h-19h
Chateau Pont Jarno
Email :
Chateau Jarno Pepiniere, Cours 79220 - - 0788627986 - 0549257406
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 19
October : Fauna
RÉ}É }(oPvv]oW(}PU}U ]v˙ÉURÉPÉR}PXIo]É`]RvvÉ }v[ ˙}.PR]˙v}P]vP É ]XIlv}`IRÉoÉ }vÉRÉPÉR}P]vRÉ}PÉ˙`RRvÉ oÉL R]v É Q TRÉvuÉ É É }((}Pv}o]]vP]vRÉ }PÉRIRÉ]}É`R]oÉ É `É]vP É XTRÉ˙ are very welcome as they prey on various less wanted ]]}XT}`]oo}iÉ v˙R]vPRÉ˙v swallow including slugs, snails, caterpillars, beetles, `}}o]ÉUvQvvÉ uoou]ÉUvÉ`v˙}vP (}PJTRÉ˙RÉ}]}X É É VÉ˙RÉo(oX F}P`]ooo}oP É vv]ov]vÉR G]Évu}R`]RRÉ]o}vPl˙}vPÉXOvÉ}( my tasks over Winter will be to improve the habitat (}RÉ`} É RÉoÉv˙}u}É ' JI[o]lÉ }lv}``RÉRÉÉ ˙`vRÉ]v É [}v]v} PÉvvRÉ`É`ÉR}oÉ]vvÉ˙.Éo which was a pasture but RÉ(uÉ has now ploughed it all up to grow maize (}v]uo (ÉX É HuuX Monoculture }Év[RÉo nature and I[u(]o˙ RÉÉ .Éo was a haven (}`]oo](É (}É É X
RÉR]vRÉR}}]v]ÉuÉ}ol]ÉG˙ }RÉvPÉ}(IÉ `É[ÉÉ (}v É o]]vP ]vu˙}PÉ}ÉRÉo(É`˙ÉU}R`Éo}uÉ vRÉv}}`Éo}uÉXS}uÉRÉvÉ ]Év.É ˙`RRÉ˙RÉoÉLR]v É UvIR]vl˙}[ooÉ oÉv} É }RÉ}o}}lR}}}(RÉPÉR}P }}JS}uÉ˙]vP É RÉuWu˙u}]oÉR}vÉ]É uÉ(u}ÉRv]]R}vÉ}É I uv˙}(RÉ]]} É v]ÉÉ vIvX(}É ÉB I ]vÉRÉoRÉ}(É]}voUI}}lPÉÉ ]v É ]}o}P]o B S]ÉvÉIRÉvÉ ]vÉvÉ É `É ˙]vÉ vÉ É I`R]oX ˙É E}PÉR}oRÉoÉ}vÉ]ÉÉ v RÉPÉR}P]oo˙ É É `RÉvRÉPÉvÉ(ÉÉ}]v ovl}l]oov˙o]]vPU É É }]É}É É RÉ]]ÉXWR]oÉIuv}}uoÉo˙ É }Pv]˙ÉU }uÉ}(u˙v} É É }Pv]oo˙}ÉUI]É
All photographs by Donna Palframan
20 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
to be as close I}]o˙ can be. Why use chemicals in the garden when nature will help? Take slug ooÉ É U(} ˘uoÉ É XI think they should be banned as RÉ˙}v[ only kill slugs and snails
'ÉG]É B XI}É'ÉG]ÉUvÉ LÉu˙]B have been ravaged by the caterpillars. Two years ago, I]v[R]vlI[RÉv˙}}o]LÉRÉu˙}( Cabbage White caterpillars stripped the leaves but the oÉPÉÉ `lLÉRÉ]oo É RÉ vIRÉ}uÉ É o}Éo˙}}o]XPÉRv} uRI R}É(}U vÉu]v É J I[uv}`˙]vP to grow green vegetables that vÉ []É }v]vP É } caterpillars – o˙loÉU(} example and luckily Brussels }}v[ seem to be 'lÉ]É }uRXIo}
while it eats decaying wood and not unwanted guests, ]]˙É `Éo}uÉJ˙}vÉ É E lv}`Ro˙] vÉÉ É .]ovI}o]lÉ}RÉÉ u}vRÉPo}É R}lÉ`R]R˙É ˙Éo˙R}}R]X ˙}˙ É E o]lÉWÉ `RÉRÉ]]]P}o}(o uoÉ}É o]vÉ X É É OvÉ}(u˙ (}]É]ÉÉ }(]É RÉoPÉvÉÉ É vÉ }vRÉvuXTRÉ}o]˙ É É RÉ make their nests in old logs, dead trees and branches and have the most amazing buzz. Like most bees, they `}v[vP˙}voÉ'lÉU}RÉ˙]ÉÉ RÉ É ˙ ]vP É É 'lÉXI}o`R(} É R}WRÉ R˙uÉU`RÉv]vG}`ÉUoo˙uÉ }Ru(}u RÉu˙]}(}ooÉ É vPvÉX I}o`˘o˙]o(}R}}RÉ]É]˙}((v in my potager but will share more pictures than words `]R˙}JTRÉR]vRÉR}}WI`RÉR]u~} her) land in the broccoli then climb up the plant, onto RÉ}voRÉ}o]}vRÉ}uÉuÉv peer down at me – is not a grasshopper as many would think, but a Great Green Bush-cricket and eats insect oU É G]Év]oo É XHÉvu}ÉR](u]o˙]vX ov].]oovWIv+}}o}ÉPÉ rvov(}].É ]ÉÉ XS`oo}`]o'ÉG]É }vÉ É }(RÉu}(o É }ÉE v'ÉG]Év IRÉ]}ÉRÉÉ ]l]vPo˙(o É ]oo É }v }vÉ B (ÉvvÉoUFo}ÉvÉ(ÉvvÉovVÉuUu}É }uu}vo˙lv}`vMooÉ]vXI(VÉuo( É É ]vu˙}PÉUIoÉ]˙vi`}l}v]X IRÉvÉ }uv˙]+ÉvÉ ˙É}(oÉÉ ]vRÉ }PÉRI[ÉP]Év˙]vP}`}l}](RÉ˙É vÉÉ .]o}Ru(oJS}uÉP}v É oÉÉ Uo]lÉ RÉ(o É ]]ÉvÉ PÉvÉ }vÉ`R]R]oo˙ Golden Ground Beetle, which eat insects, snails and `}uXIRÉ [ RÉ˙]v[RÉÉ `}uR}PRJ The lesser Stag Beetle was also a lovely discovery and
I}o}P]É}oo}(RÉ`]oo](Év}}ÉWÉ RÉ R}ÉG]ÉRv}}vo˙}v]É É }É RÉÉ second most important pollinator next to bees but }uÉ]ÉÉ RÉo}v}oR]voÉ]vÉV the worms that aerate the soil and breakdown organic u'ÉRu˙}vV É RÉvRo}É É RÉ}]ovRÉÉ }u}]}v É }(}Pv] u'ÉXI[ÉvÉ vuÉ}(]+ÉvÉ ]ÉÉ }(v RÉ}u]UI}v[o]lÉRÉuJIRÉRÉ(Éo]vP É when they run over my skin and when red ants bite uÉUIPÉ˙É v˙}v É Ioo`}v[l]ooRÉuX M˙uÉPÉM}v D [l]oov˙R]vP]v˙}PÉvWoÉv to live with it.
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 21
Keep Calm and Carry On Beekeeping T
here are many reasons people decide to keep bees ]vo]vPRÉ(}oo}`]vPPlÉÉvPÉvÉÉ]É RÉRÉo]v}oo]v}vU`É`v}(ÉP]}]É]˙ vRÉoRÉovÉUv`ÉÉvi}˙vP É R}vÉ˙XOvÉ}( RÉ}RÉÉvÉ.]RÉRÉv[É}(RÉuÉU]v }É}PÉRÉu}}}(R]vPR]Év}o}v]É}( ÉU] [}É }ouUuÉ}R É }RÉ whole business. A gentle hobby such as beekeeping can `}l`}vÉ]vo}`É]vPo}}ÉXBÉ]vPÉv É]]É]lÉ˙W˙}v[Rv˙R]vPU]v}]vP}U˙} u˙ulÉu]lÉ}(}PÉ}uÉR]vP]u}vUv}v you dither about `RÉv]vÉvP a hive. Make a ovvl} ]XD}v[vÉr uÉÉ R}` long it takes to do }uÉR]vPÉ]RÉV (}PÉ} checking your bees when you have a É.Éu]vÉJ
RÉ˙}`R`ɢÉÉ }`vRÉu}}XWÉ}+ É }u]oo˙}]vÉ}R]ÉvooP}É`Éoovo`É 'Éu}Éu}ÉRÉ.(uÉXO(}ÉRÉÉ`]oo RÉl}}o]ÉRÉv}(RÉ}U`ɢÉÉ RUv}`É]É](ÉÉvo]L ]XE˘ÉRÉ˙RÉo}]oÉ }uU˘É `˘U`ÉÉ ÉvRÉ. vRÉ}v É (uÉU}RÉv`É RÉ}PÉvo˙]ÉR(É}} É XA R]}]v`Éu˙]PRo]'oÉU ˙}v`]RRÉi}}(RÉl]vPR the bees are healthy, are building comb, and that there is evidence }(RÉÉvo˙]vPÉPPvRÉ (}PÉ]vP]vP]v}ooÉvvvÉX H˙P]ÉvÉ]v]u}v(} ]vu]v]v]vPRÉRÉoR}(} colonies, and so we encourage the bees to build new wax comb (no, R]}Év[]voÉv]v]}vo oÉÉJ˙Z P]]vPRÉu(uÉ`]R uoo]}((}v}v`˘(} RÉu}]o}vXIvR]`˙RÉ˙ `}v[RÉ}ÉrÉ]˙`˘XÉA
22 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
RÉ˙PÉ(oU}}RÉ˙i˙}v]vPRÉ]˙`˘M O}RÉ˙]o}uvÉvÉRRÉ(uÉv'R ]}RÉ}'}u}(RÉR]ÉMWRRÉQMM}É]PR]vPv u˙ÉRÉ}u]oÉXWÉRÉv.vÉ ÉvÉooUv`}vÉ`R}vÉRRÉÉo˙]vP RÉ˙RÉ˙}vP}vPÉvv] [(}}oÉ]v RÉ˙É}Éo]vPRÉXA]}(RuR]vPÉvÉX TRÉv`ÉÉo]ÉR] [iÉvÉooU] [ empty, the bees are having us on. Yet more sighs. Then they É]ÉRÉ˙[ÉR]ÉÉv}PR}(É]vP}RÉÉv ˙Ro]vPRÉuÉoÉXI [P}}PuÉv`ÉÉ }vÉP]vPÉ(o(}}R]luÉR]`R]Ru˙É ˘ÉÉ uÉo˙`uoo˙ É vPr}}(XB}vÉÉ .vRÉ`Él}}(v}oPvoÉv]lÉ}GÉRX .v]É DÉ o˙}}(`É]vPR]uÉXS}R]]}É }ÉP}}(}o}`É]vPo}}ÉU]]MJ O(}É] [Éo˙R](vPU]oo}(RÉi}˙ }(lÉÉ]vPÉXT}.v}u}É}R]R}˙oÉÉ visit our website or call us on 05 45 71 22 90. Amanda and Kevin Baughen, 13 Bees, Confolens
BEES Uneven bridge-comb - copyright Joe DeLuca
BEES Propolis on a breezeblock colony
All well and P}}}(U you know what they say about plans – no plan survives contact `]RRÉÉvÉu˙QJ Uv(}vÉo˙} É(o˙ (ÉÉ }É the beekeeping manuals and so hardly ever do
BEES Comb built on top of the frames instead of underneath - copyright 2019 LOCAL HONEY MAN
Food and Drink Cat’s Pee or Tennis Ball: What’s Your Descriptive Poison?
PÉu}}(RÉlÉvo]lÉo˙ o}}l]vP`]vÉ}'oÉ(}u]oÉ É [ RÉo(vv}RÉloÉo(} (RÉv'ÉÉ oUuR `Éu]PRÉR(}RÉG]É}v[B]oÉ]v u]ÉoÉu}Éo]vM]o}vKÉ˙vÉ]vRÉ R}É}(v]v(}uÉvÉvÉ]v]vP ˙vXTRÉÉ[o}}(˘É UPv ]}oÉvÉ]vRÉo'É](˙}RÉv}vv}]ÉPÉU vRÉÉo}}((o É loÉoXBRÉÉ[uR yadda-yadda with Gideon, who needed a good editor, and there are many back labels which are as vacuous as black holes. B`]vÉÉ]}vvÉ}v}i}lÉ˙}}Ér o]vPo˙Év}XO(RÉ(}uÉU(É`}(]v É PÉ`]oo (}PÉRÉM}v˙P˙R}vÉ]}v}(PÉRP]vlSv} `]vÉ(}]vl]vPU`]vÉ(}o˙]vP}`vv}]]vP _U }}(CRÉCRvÉS.vÉ`]vÉ`R]RÉoo˙}ÉvRÉ o]É}RÉv_XTRÉÉ`ÉoovP}}CR]u lÉ.ooÉU˙RÉ(}oo}`]vP˘uoÉ É }(RÉ]}[ É]}vX~TRÉ˙[ÉÉoVI[}} É ÉuÉ}ulÉ RÉuXZM˙}uuÉv]vlÉÉ X SM]PRooÉ É o]É.ÉV]Pu]PRÉVv} É XAv ]vÉ]o˙˘˙ É v}É}(u}lÉ}l ÉoUol(]`]vÉ]É˙U ]v}}lÉoUv}˙ `}}}lÉo](}oo}`É˙ v˘v]É É ]8o}lÉÉ]v u}RUÉ].oo˙}vÉvÉ }}UÉRv}}]8o wine with a sumptuous texture, v}RÉPÉRÉ`UvÉo Évo}]vuÉvUÉ(oo˙ ]vÉPÉ]]˙vvv]vRÉ }vo˙(o É }uuÉvvo}vP æ}v É .v]RV]PL]ÉMX_ ACo](}v]MÉo}U](˙}`ÉÉ wondering. SVÉÉvoÉu}v˙Uo}É˙É `RMUuÉo]ÉoÉu}v˙UoÉu}v ouRÉuUoÉu}v˙Uv.voo˙ RÉooMoÉVRÉoÉoooÉ˙o ]R˙v}}ou˙oÉ]R˙] []vu˙u}RU É]vPRÉÉU]}˙ÉuÉÉUR}PRu}É}Éo˙ u]vÉoRvovvɢÉÉ]l]vRÉ(ÉURÉ .v]RÉv}]v}o˙É˙}vUo]ÉR o]vPv}Év[]P]o(]Év`R}}Év[Éo]É˙}[É uÉRvRÉ]X_AGÉuvR]Éo]vPX Why do we describe things? To get a message across, to }uuv]ÉXSGÉuÉ}˘_}Év[Éoo˙}uuv]É v˙R]vPXSGÉuÉ}˘uÉ]vPu˘u˘æu uÉ}(Éo_}uuv]Éo}U}iÉÉo˙XSGÉuÉ R}˘R[P}]vP}o}}lÉ]vRÉ`]vP}}u_ ÉUo]lÉvOAP[PuU]v}iÉ]˙XWR[RÉ[} ˙}]v}}uÉUvIoo˙RÉv}]É`R`]vP }}u]XTR]]RÉ}oÉu`]RRÉPÉui}]˙}(`]vÉ É]}vPRÉ˙Éo]loÉ]vliÉÉv}}v«vP}v ]vÉÉvUolP}`v}(}iÉ]˙X
by John Sherwin
}vRÉÉvX_A`R]ÉR]}iX SDl(]u]vPo]vP`]Rv}É}(o]}]É}`Év `]RoÉooÉ(v`]RÉR˙vo˙v}ÉXS}LUPÉvoÉ raspberry, blueberry and dark cherry palate, supple and ÉoÉPvX_ATv˙ÉX TRÉÉ(}uRÉPÉJv]R}]v}vUÉo}`É}uÉ PÉu(}uRÉ~oÉZPÉM]RÉo}ÉB vP SB]PRUoÉ˙Éoo}`Vo}Éo˙v}ÉU(PvU`]R}R}( ˙}R(o]vÉoÉv`R]+}(v]ooV]vo˙ É `ÉÉ Rv˙V]RU}uoÉÉU`]RP}}.v]RX_AvIo]v ~TÉvv}ZCR}vv˙X STR}}PRo˙'ÉU(PvX_ÉB}ÉA ˘X SS`P}oVu]oU`ÉoouvvÉÉo]PRo˙R}X_A~˙Z `R]ÉB}ɢXOv}o(]Év}(u]vÉ}uÉ}R]vl}(]X I]iuÉU}]v[oÉÉoo˙u}ÉMO(}É˙}v oov]]lvlÉRÉ]}}(ÉvRÉÉ}`v É]}vURÉ˙Éu}R]RÉv]ou}ÉÉo˙}v RÉRÉU]XÉXIRÉ'˙ É oÉ]É}(RÉ`]vÉv`R }˘ÉÉ (}u]X I [v}}]v]ÉvÉRRÉo(É` examples are expanded versions }(vPv}ÉXI(vPv}É `ÉÉ]ÉÉ}(i]P`URÉv `]vÉÉ]}v`}oÉRÉ completed puzzle. But what are vPv}ÉUv`R˙RÉRÉl R}o˙}É}RÉÉMTvP notes are notes you take while you ÉXDrRJTRÉ˙}É }( ˙}iÉÉ}]v]}v}vZRÉ }o}}(RÉ`]vÉUZ]}uU c) its taste, d) what you might eat with it. You can expand any one }oo}(RÉÉU}Éoo R['˙ É uRRÉÉoXTR]] v]ÉruÉu}]É(}˙}U}˙} might like to include where and when you tasted the wine, and
`]R`R}u~RÉÉ]u}v}v]É}vZXIU É vPv}ÉÉ(}˙}}˙}vÉ]]}˙v]v˙} ovPPÉ˙}o]lÉU}o}vPU]v˙É [uÉ`RÉv˙}lÉ RÉv}É}˙}v˙}˙}Éo(S}R˙ÉRUIÉuÉuÉ R`]vÉVv]`P}}R_XTv]vPRÉÉv}É]v} }uÉR]vPvÉu]vP˙}vRÉ`]R(]Év~ `]vÉÉ]}vlÉZ uÉv+} É UR[}(RÉ vP˘ÉÉ ]ÉvÉ}}Uv](˙}v[lÉuÉv+} É } Évo]PRÉv˙}(]ÉvRÉv˙}[Év}vÉU]J
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John Sherwin, French Wine Tours 07 50 90 02 00 or
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 23
Saugé Vintage Tea Room Château de Saugé
79400 Saivres 06 29 15 36 55
October brings darker evenings and of course Halloween How about a few ideas for your Halloween Party that everyone will love.….Donna
Enjoy a hearty Beef Pie which can be served cold with salad or hot with mash & veg HALLOWEEN BEEF PIE
750g minced beef 300mls beef stock / beef broth 2 tbsp Worcester sauce 1 tsp smoked paprika 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1 tbsp onion powder 1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tsp fresh thyme 1 x 375g packet puff pastry 1 egg to glaze
looks coral in daylight—and glows white under a black light 3 oz. Gin 1/2 oz. lemon juice 1 tsp. grenadine 1 handful ice tonic water
Add the minced beef to the slow cooker add warm stock, Worcester sauce, and smoked paprika, cinnamon, onion and garlic powder and tomato puree. Turn on to high and simmer for 3 hours. When the beef is cooked and cooled preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the pastry. To about double the original size. Line the pie tin and add the mixture, cut out your spooky face from the top pastry and then add to your pie. Using your fingers pinch up the edges. Trim off any excess pastry. Brush with egg wash, bake for 45mins @ 180C
Vintage Tearoom &
Jekyll & Gin Glowing Cocktails
Mix gin, lemon juice and grenadine in a cocktail shaker; pour into a large glass filled with ice. Top with tonic water. Garnish with a glow stick (optional).
Open every Friday, Saturday & Sunday other times by request
Pumpkin Cheesecake Yum Yum
80g butter 275g digestive or ginger biscuits 1 large egg white For the filling 800g full-fat soft cheese 425g can pumpkin purée 200g light brown soft sugar 50g plain flour 5 large eggs, + 1 large yolk To serve 400ml whipping cream ground cinnamon or pumpkin spice, for dusting 25g pecans, chopped 3 tbsp caramel sauce Heat the oven to 220C/200C Butter a deep 22cm loose-bottomed cake tin and line with baking parchment. Blitz the biscuits to crumbs in a processor and add the melted butter. Add the mix to the cake tin and bake for 10 mins. Remove from the oven, brush with the egg white and bake for another 3 mins (this will help stop the base from becoming soggy). For the filling, put the soft cheese in a bowl add the pumpkin purée, sugar and flour and beat until combined. Gradually whip in the eggs and egg yolk until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Pour the filling over the baked biscuit base. Place the tin on a tea towel in a roasting tin and pour in a kettleful of boiled water into the roasting tin so the water comes halfway up the side of the cake tin. Bake for 10 mins, then reduce the oven temperature to 110C/90C fan/gas ¼. Bake for a further 1 hr 30 mins until the cheesecake is set with just a slight wobble in the middle when you gently shake the tin. Turn off the oven, then open the oven door slightly and leave the cheesecake to cool inside for 2 hrs until completely cool. Remove from the oven and chill overnight. Carefully remove the cold cheesecake from the tin and transfer to a cake stand or serving plate. Whip the cream to soft peaks and spoon in big dollops over the cheesecake. Dust with a little cinnamon or pumpkin spice, sprinkle over the chopped pecans and drizzle with the caramel sauce before serving.
@ Château de Saugé Buy all your UK Food and Drinks locally
Château de Saugé 2 Saugé 79400 Saivres 06 29 15 36 55
Siret: 84890418100015 Chambres d'hôtes – Gites – Event Space – Vintage Tearoom – Trading Post
Please like us on Social Media:
24 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
MEGAN’S KITCHEN Gluten Free Recipes
by Megan Like
Gluten/Lactose Free Peanut Butter Bites
Gluten Free Vanilla Biscuits
175g golden caster sugar
55g caster sugar
1 small egg
1 large egg
57g golden syrup 1 tsp vanilla extract
M]˘]vP}`oUoPÉl]vP˙U`}}Év}}vU(}lU cooling rack
3g xanthum gum
3g baking powder
HÉ}Év}ClC(vlPvo]vÉoPÉl]vP trays with baking parchment.
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Ivu]˘ÉUÉuRÉ'ÉvP}PÉRÉvo smooth. Add the golden syrup and vanilla extract and mix.
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‚C and line a baking tray with
Add the egg and mix on a low speed. When well mixed, vRÉu]˘É}R]PRÉvu]˘(}}v É X Add the dry ingredients and mix on a low speed. When well u]˘ÉUu]˘}vR]PRÉvoRÉ}PR}uÉ`˙ (}uRÉ]É}(RÉ}`o~u˘]uu}(u]vÉZX RÉRÉ}PR]vRÉ(]PÉvo.uX KvÉÉRÉ}PR}vG}É(Évo]]PRX R}ooRÉ}PR}XæuR]vv}RÉ]]XIÉ }v˙'ÉJ BlÉ(}æ}u]vUvoP}oÉv}`vX }ÉDÉ `]R]]vPU}Évi}˙RÉ˙ÉJ
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 25
P]}v É ]Év}`vÉ(}]oÉ}}vX}v A RÉ}`v}(SÉ}v]Pv˙o}vÉURÉ}É R}vRÉ}( É oÉ }]vP É oÉ R}v}v}(]+ÉÉv]ÉÉ`R]RÉRÉÉvR]É}FvÉvRÉ`}oX Uoo˙U ]v O}É RÉÉ ] `ÉlÉ ro}vP (Éo ÉoÉvP RÉ oÉU ]vo]vP RPÉ ulÉ `RÉÉ RÉ }`v ] R }+ } 8X TRÉÉ[ÉvoÉ`RÉÉ˙}vlÉ˙}R}uÉrP}`voÉ}}ÉÉ É]v}oÉi]ÉXHÉÉ}uÉÉ]ÉÉoÉvP RÉSv}}RuoÉ_oÉX
INGREDIENTS 450g pork cubed 2 tsp tomato puree (ÉR}]ÉPÉ 200g mushrooms, sliced P~}vG} Z seasoning to taste
1 onion, sliced vegetable oil æuoÉPÉoÉ}l 1 cooking apple, cored and sliced uÉ]u]É
METHOD PÉRÉ}Év}~ı£Clæ£FlGMlæZX HÉ }]o ]v (˙]vP vU }`v RÉ }l v }LÉv RÉ onions. }u} A ÉvPÉv`ÉooX Tv(É } }oÉ É ]RX A Év}PR }l } }É uÉU }É `]R o] v }}l (} }˘X R} } vo meat is tender. AoÉvuR}}uU}}l(}(RÉu]vÉX M]˘ RÉ }vG} v ]É ~]v É }`oZ } (}u R]v ÉX S ]v} RÉ}oÉ É vo É R]lÉvX A u}É]É}R]vRÉÉ](É]ÉX
“Secondigny“ Pork Casserole BÉ }v ]}vo S}uÉÉ }l ]RU R] ]}v É wraps local apples into a warming and delicious dinner.
TO SERVE Serve in a bowl with mashed potatoes.
INGREDIENTS æPo]vG} PÉoÉu}v]v P]vR}(o ıPR]ooÉ'É cubed P}L}`vP oÉ}}vP}oÉv syrup 5 apples peeled, cored and chopped
Pan-Cooked Apple Crumble This warming autumn pudding is ready in half an hour and no oven is required.
METHOD Iv oPÉ }`o u]˘ }PÉRÉ G}U o v oÉu}v ]vX R P }( RÉ 'É ]v} G} u]˘É } (}u }É u˘ÉÉ X S ]v P v ]v(ÉÉ(}u]vÉX MÉoRÉÉu]v]vP'É]vvvoÉU }}l(}u]vÉvÉPoo˙X C}Év}}l(}(RÉæru]vÉvo(] is tender. Add golden syrup and increase heat to allow apples to start to caramelize. Tv(ÉoÉ}oÉvlÉ`u É XW]Év clean and add crumble mixture reducing heat to medium. C}}l(}æu]vÉ`]R}]vPvoP}oÉvX TO SERVE D]]É oÉ u]˘É `ÉÉ Év (} }`o v } `]R uoÉX F} ˘É vR ˙ ]vP æP }( R}É `ov}vÉ }uoÉi(}É É É]vPX
INGREDIENTS 225g shortcrust pastry 1 egg beaten æPov É}}v}vG} 4 tablespoons sweet cider 700gs apples peeled, cored and chopped æPÉPoo]'oÉ}ÉPÉ
Apple Cider Pie A pretty lattice crust conceals sultanas and sweet apples. The cider can always be replaced with apple juice if preferred.
METHOD PÉ RÉ }Év } ~ı £C l æ £F l G Ml æZX PoÉ baking tray in the oven. HÉ oÉU PU ov v oÉ}}v }( ]É ]v vXC}Év}}l(}u]vÉ}vou]˘É]}LX M]˘ RÉ Éu]v]vP ]É `]R RÉ }vG} v ]v} oÉu]˘ÉXHÉPÉvo˙voR]lÉvÉXAoo}`}}}o(} at least 10 minutes. GÉÉ u ]É ]RX R}oo } l }( RÉ ˙ v }É o]vÉ]RXR}oo}Éu]v]vP˙v]v}uu `]É]}oÉvÉo˙o«É É 'É}ulÉ}X S}}vRÉ.oo]vP]v}RÉ]ÉÉvÉ]RÉvPÉ˙ ] ]v} o«É 'Év } } `]R RÉ `R}oÉ o«É piece. DuÉv ÉPÉ }( RÉ o«ÉU É]vP RÉ ÉPÉ }`v v GÉ`]R(}lXGoÉ`]RRÉÉvÉPPvlÉ}vR} l]vPRÉ(} É }u]vÉvoP}oÉvX TO SERVE Serve on its own, hot or cold, dredged with sugar. OÉR`]RoR]vP}(R}}}oÉÉuXIv FvÉU˙]`]RuÉC AvPo]ÉX
INGREDIENTS æP'É}o}luP]vÉ oÉ}}vP 1 tablespoon olive oil 225ml cider A*É}}v]É}Éu˙ P]vRP}vvuÉP P]vRovolÉ 2 large apples cored and cut into wedges 4 boneless pork steaks ( approx. 100 g each) METHOD Ov uÉ]u RÉ uÉo 'É ]v oPÉ v}vrl (˙]vP vU oÉ v }}l (} u]vÉ ]vP ÉPoo˙X A P v }}l (} (RÉ u]vÉ vo P}oÉvX RÉu}É(}uRÉX T]uv˙((}u}lvÉ}lÉ]vÉRÉlX Spoon apple mixture into each pocket and secure with a }l]olX Clean and dry pan and heat oil on medium heat. Cook pork Él(}}u]vÉ]Évo}`vX Add cider, rosemary, nutmeg and seasoning. Simmer on low RÉ (} } æ u]vÉ vo uÉ ] v} o}vPÉ ]vl ]v the centre.
Apple Stuffed Pork Steaks A simple but satisfying dish which elevates the humble pork chop. However if you are short of time serve the apple mixture on the side using the juices to glaze the chops.
TO SERVE RÉu}É }l]o l v ]oÉ v i]É }É RÉ }l steaks. Serve with roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables.
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 27
On The Road Drive business to your door Advertise here from 32€ per month
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Gazelles Update
`]R HÉoÉv T]rW]PR v SÉ AoÉuvv
You will be able to track our }PÉ }v RÉ o]É o]vlV ]vP}ÉuvuÉUıX
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IÉuo]'oÉÉoR`É.voo˙ É oÉ]vPLÉooR]uÉJ We will leave the region on 15th SÉÉuÉ (}u RÉ B]} D}É o F}v]vÉU `R} É } Év]}vuÉvo É `]R RÉ]}vÉ}v}iÉ (} the Dama Gazelles. WÉ`}oo}É}˙} É RÉ]( É ˙}É available. F}uRÉ`ÉÉ Éo}R}N]É(}}ÉRv]oÉ].}v }v F]˙ R SÉÉuÉ v RÉ O8]o oo˙ É }v S˙RSÉÉuÉX ALÉ }]vP ˙ } } M}}}U `É RÉ }R P]v } E(}vRÉSR(}ı˙}(}uÉPÉ É X
Our social media team will also be keeping our accounts updated with the latest news. Y} v .v }v IvPu v FÉ}}l @gitigazelles ALÉRÉ}8]ooo˙.v]R]vE}] we will head to Marrakech and we will be going into the Atlas mountains to visit the school at Talataste to see where the money we have sent has been used. R] A }]v]vuÉI}v[lv}`˘o˙ É `RÉv`É`]ooÉl ]vFvÉU`É`}oo]lÉ}Rvl˙}(}˙}}Uv `Éo}}l(}`}Éoo]vPRÉ}˙}(}ÉvÉ`RÉv`É vÉ J
Helen & Sue xx
All photographs courtesy of Helen Tait-Wright
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021| 29
À La Carte
The downs and ups of airships by Catherine Bailey
}uv]ÉvuÉUuvl]vRuÉ }(G˙]vPUÉ ]vvPRÉÉv]}ÉÉ]vPRuvG]PR vuv˙u˙RvoÉPÉv(ÉR}É É `R}RÉ ]É}}vÉRÉl]ÉXAoR}PR(}Év]É]` Éo]ÉÉRRuvG]PR`]u}]oÉU˙RÉR century, various inventors had made the impossible, possible.
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M}vP}o.ÉPR Z `o]PRÉRv]vÉRÉ ]vGÉoo}}v}]ÉXIv( URÉP`uÉÉo˙] which became more buoyant as it was heated. S}}vLÉU]væUFÉvR]vÉv}JÉvrP]ÉÉBovR vAuÉ]vX D J}RvJÉ+]É]vP]RÉRÉuÉoÉ RÉ.Ruv}}RÉRvvÉo˙]XTRÉ] R˙}PÉvoo}}v`.'É`]RRvr}`ÉÉ }ÉooÉUG]vP`]vP(}}o]}vv]o]lÉ]o (}É]vPXvR] E }(]R]É]Pv}}lv}ÉX æ`RÉ. uÉ r}`ÉÉR˙}PÉvoo}}v ]R]XTRÉu]oÉ}vÉÉvo}ulÉRÉ. uÉ ]]P]oÉ]R]}}l}RÉ]U`RÉÉ}v}ooÉG]PR˙ É]vP`R]ÉÉXAu}É}R]Év]PoÉ oo}}vURÉD˙ÉLuÉ]R]U`ovRÉ]v v`oÉ}( ˙]vPÉvPÉ]vP}v}o suspended below the envelope. By the late 19th century, airship design developments had oo˙ É lÉv}+XIvO}ÉURÉ.ÉoÉ ]r}`ÉÉ G]PR}}loÉ(}oo}`É˙RÉÉ}v}(RÉZÉo]v ]R]]væXIvÉvÉ˙FÉ]vv}vZÉo]vU(} which it is named, the rigid airship was patented by the GÉuvPÉvÉov]o˙HvP]v]}v]}vÉÉ D]SR`XI`}oÉ}uÉRÉvuÉ˙v}v˙u} with the dirigibles story. N}R]vP}oRÉ É ZÉo]v[É]}É]Pv vÉvP]vÉÉ]vPXIo}vPUR]vuo]vÉ É }˙`]R toughened skin was powered by two 15-horsepower engines and it could keep pace with an express train. Small crew and passenger compartments were suspended under RÉÉo}vPÉÉvÉo}ÉU`R]R`RÉ(}É
v]o]˙XTRÉÉo`ÉÉu]vo˙É(}Év] ]PRÉ]vP É G]PR`]RRÉF]W}oWo}}u]vPU the airship was about to make its debut as a weapon. Twenty Zeppelins were built to carry out bombing raids }vAoo]ÉPÉ`]R]}vvPov E (}uJv˙ ıæl]vP É ]vıXALÉ]v]oÉvo`˙ ÉvÉv}v.vÉ`ÉRÉ}v]}vvRÉZÉo]v ÉuÉ]vÉ]vPo˙ovÉoÉ}'l˙RÉ(ÉU u}Éuv}ÉoÉB]R]LXTRÉ]R][R]PRo˙ GuuoÉR˙}PÉvPoÉ}ÉoZÉo]v]vP É R}}`v]vGuÉ˙]vÉ]vPo˙É(Év]É .ÉX TRÉÉv]vP}(R}o]É]vı`]R]u}o˙É }]]o]vX É IvıæURÉ.G]PR}(RÉAuÉ]vr]o G}}˙ÉP]oP]uU}u RÉo]u]R]}`ÉÉ˙v rR}É}`ÉÉvP]vÉU}}loÉXA]R]G]PR+}É ÉvPÉÉ oÉ]o]É`vNÉ`Y}l}É (}]ÉÉv}vXMÉv`R]oÉ]vGÉuv˙UZÉo]v RuÉ É }}v}(]]R]v}+ÉÉRÉ . }uuÉ]ovovÉvPÉG]PRÉ ]É É`ÉÉv}ÉE vRÉN}RvS}RAuÉ]v }vvÉvXA]Éo`v}`]R}]vPÉRÉ ui}}ÉE vv}v}uÉÉ`]RÉR}RÉ} build larger and larger airships in order to gain control over RÉGÉPo]vP]rÉo]v˙X As the decade came to an end, the R-101 was Great B]]v[oÉu}ÉoXI`(ÉÉo}vPU`É]PRÉæ tons, was powered by six Rolls-Royce engines and could carry 100 passengers. The maiden voyage on October 14, 1929, was marred by engine troubles causing it to ÉP}vÉ(}ou}˙ÉXF]voo˙U]`}PR l]v}É ]ÉRÉ(}oo}`]vPO}ÉXTRÉ]` }oÉu(}uRÉ XF]URÉ`É ]Évoo˙ ÉoÉÉ(}}v}(`ÉoovÉÉ}}v}o oÉRÉ}É}(RÉ]XTRÉ˙o}}}l}+]PR
]v}}uR}É]vP}ÉRÉvPo]R E CRvvÉoUÉv though dirigibles were known to be dangerous in bad `ÉRÉXI`v}oÉ}R}ooÉÉooÉv` G˙]vP}vo˙æ(ÉÉ}ÉRÉ}`v}(P}]˘UoR}PRRÉ ]o}`ÉÉv`É}(RÉ}oÉuÉ}(RÉl v]PRXÉvoo˙ E ]R]uoo]PÉvRÉ]u ]Pv]É RÉ]R][R˙}PÉvo˙XAoo(}˙rÉ]PRÉ}oÉ}v }]ÉvRÉRÉvÉB]]v[Éo}uÉv}( airships. TRÉAl}v`RÉoPÉ]R]]o]vRÉUv]ÉSÉ `RÉv]}}l].G]PR]vAPıXIv]R} o](ÉU}(oÉRv`}˙ÉU]`]v}oÉ]v`}(o ]ÉvXIvıURÉAl}vuÉG]PR(}uNÉ` JÉ˙É }u]o]˙ÉvÉSvD]ÉP}XI'ÉuÉ }ov]vR]PR`]vU`]RRÉÉP}}(uÉvÉR assigned to help pull in the airship and secure it to the P}v`]R}ÉXBRÉ]R]U`R]R`.ooÉ`]R RÉo]uUÉPv}]ÉP]vLÉRÉ]o}RÉPv }É]XT`}}(RÉRÉÉuÉvR}o]vPRÉ}É(Éoo (}u(ÉÉv`ÉÉl]ooÉXTRÉR]uvuvPÉ} R}o}vRÉÉv}(RÉ}É(}`}R}RÉvPoÉ U (ÉÉ}ÉRÉP}vXF]voo˙URÉ`É uvPÉ} pull him up into the airship through a porthole. The second accident occurred on April 4, 1933, while being used by RÉUXSXN˙}}]v}uÉÉRv]o}ÉNÉ` Jersey. Despite the violent thunderstorms in the area that day, the Akron was not grounded. While in the air over RÉov A OÉvUu]}uuv]}v}É]É }v by crew members sent the Akron directly into the storm ]vÉ}(}v]XTRÉ`]vÉRÉR]}ovPÉ vÉo˙U (ÉÉ]vi(É`É}vXTRÉ`É RÉv uÉ]É}vu]lÉ˙u]vPRÉ]]P]oÉ[`É oo]vv'Éu}ulÉRÉG˙]vPR]]ÉXH}`ÉU É RÉoouRRÉAl}v}}(U}}(X C]oÉ]ÉvoÉ`ÉÉ}˙Évoo}v}o was lost and it plunged into the ocean. The rescue airship that was sent to help the Akron crew also crashed in the
GRAFrZEPPELINDrLZOVERTHEALPS The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 31
}uUl]oo]vP`}}(RÉÉv`É uÉuÉ}v}X Ovo˙RÉÉ}(RÉAl}vR`É uÉuÉ ]É RÉ]ÉXOvÉ}(RÉ ]}`RÉ}uuvÉ `R}R}ÉÉRÉ(É(ooouXTR]`RÉ o]É É ]]É]vÉRÉR}(RÉ. ]P] ]R]]o]vRÉUv]ÉSÉURÉSRÉvv}RU`R]R killed 14 people on September 3, 1925. IvMRıURÉ`}o [oPÉ ÉvPÉZÉo]vURÉ LZıH]vÉvPU`ovRÉ}v]u]ÉvG]PRXTRÉ H]vÉvP]lo˙ÉuÉ˙`}(}o˘˙]ÉoX I(v}vo'É]vÉ]}}v]vÉu}É }oÉrÉ RÉvPÉ Év]}o] areas. Long slanted and hinged windows provided some o˙]uÉ]É]É`XTRÉ]R][R}oÉv}]É P}É(}RÉv}}v}(}u}]oÉXB }vM˙UıURÉH]vÉvP}RÉLlÉR NoA]S}v]vNÉ`JÉ˙É URÉ]R]Évo˙ ]v}GuÉvRÉ}RÉP}vXTRÉu]PR˙ Éo`]uuÉ]Éo˙}vuÉ˙v]v(Év}XO(RÉ ÉvPÉv`É }UÉvPÉv `É o}RÉ]o]ÉXOvÉuÉuÉ}(RÉP}v`É o} É]RÉ]vRÉ.ÉXTRÉPÉ˙`PR}vuÉ˙ }Év}(ooR}}PRÉvÉoÉ]]}v`É XR]} }uuÉv˙˙HÉÉ M}]}v} o]ÉRÉ ]v]Évv(}oÉRÉ}uÉo]}(]}R]}˙X TRÉH]vÉvP]ÉÉ+É Éo˙ÉvÉÉvPÉ ]R]G]PRX Airships were seen as increasingly obsolete in the run }RÉSÉ}vW}oW`ÉÉooÉ˙RÉ
32 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
USu]o]˙(}É}vv]vÉ}ÉU˙RÉ ıæ]R]`ÉÉo]'oÉÉ}RÉRv(}u]o]˙ o]}vXÉvoo˙ E URÉÉo`ÉÉ}É(} É]vÉ ]vPv}u}}vou]PvXTRÉı `ÉRÉ É RÉ˙˙}(u}Év]R]UG}}˙É]o ](u}o]uRG}É}É]uvui} Év}RÉ`}oUÉuo}˙É.ou]vPo}uU É ]vPvÉ (}}]}voÉvPÉoÉÉ G]PRXTRÉÉv}(ıl}PRR]}oÉ}vÉv]v RÉUSAo]uG]PR}É]u`ÉÉvvÉXTRÉ Év}(}vÉU`R]RÉv}`u}É}uu}vo˙É} .ouÉ]oR}UoÉ RÉ.voR É o}`X Space travel may open up a new opportunity as airships RÉÉv}}É}ÉvoRÉoÉvÉ } (É}lÉovRÉ(}R]É]vPE R}]XJP AÉ}ÉRÉ}}ÉRÉA]R]}O]}iÉU `R]R]vÉv}G}uorPÉ]R]}oÉ }(æælu~U LZvRÉvÉ]}v}o]}v} accelerate to orbital speed. At these heights, air resistance `}ov}]Pv].v É }oÉu(}R]É]vPR ÉXTRÉ}uv˙Rv}˙É]ov˙}(RÉRÉÉ PÉXNASAR}}ÉRÉH]PRrAoÉVÉv OÉ}voC}vÉU`R]R}u]ÉÉ]É}(.É u]]}v]vo]vPuvvÉu]]}v}RÉu}RÉÉ}( VÉv]v]R]XH˙}RÉoo˙Uv]R]}oÉo]LÉ ˙uvR]U˙uÉ]oRv}v]vv}R]vP oo]v]É`]RvRÉu}RÉ]É(}u RÉ}]ÉXI]UR]}]vU]ÉvÉ.}vNASA RÉoÉR}uÉl]v}(u]R]}o Évoo˙É}ɢo}ÉRÉ(É}(MX
k with any that you chec Please ensure e planning ciation you ar club or asso E setting off. to visit BEFOR
Clubs and Associations
WHY NOT JOIN THE RAF FAMILY? RAFA Sud-Ouest France Le Pérail 17250 BEURLAY 05 46 95 38 89
The charity that supports the RAF Family
CSSG is a group of mainly ex-services people living in this area who meet socially whilst raising (v}}˘r]Z]X Former UK servicemen and women, police and ..PZ ]v] } u]o CZ]v H at
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 33
J}Rvo] B R]uv C UvR]vÉ C HÉ}É SÉÉ o] B SÉ˙É XJvÉG`v}vvÉTÉX É
CSSG]P}}(u]vo˙ ex-services people living in RÉVÉvÉvÉ ˘ÉD rSÉÉ who meet socially whilst ]]vP(v}}o}o ex-service people and their dependents, and to make }v}v}FÉvRÉ RFÉvRL](É}uÉv ~SÉvÉ MÉU Z P}u]É[ widows and orphans, etc. CSSG]P]É É R É ı[ }]}v A vÉFÉvRo`X
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At the AGM on 21 August, Alan HÉ`É oÉÉ }É É
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}u C SÉHÉoo]vÉ or +44 8001381619
Advertise your club/association on these pages free of charge Find out more by dropping a line to:
WÉuÉÉ˙M}v˙RÉSooÉOuv]}UCoÉ ıæ(}uu}XuXWÉ`uUlÉ]v(v ]v]vP]ooÉo]É˙}ÉvR]v(vo}]vP }RUvRÉvo˙vÉooJ WÉÉ}+É]vP}vÉ(ÉÉ]}v}É˙}vÉ interested in playing. by Kelly Knight
New Netball Club, Les Étoiles de Clessé !
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34 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
AvÉ`}]vR]}v˙~}vo˙æÉu˘]vP É }(Z we are thrilled to have the opportunity to help to grow vÉoo]vFvÉQCv˙}}RÉo}o}P}`M PoÉÉRÉo˙o]l]vPvR]vP}FÉ}}lPÉ ( or email us on (}u}É]v(}u}v}vRÉ ov}]}vv}v}R]}}vX PoÉÉv}ÉR]vPRÉvPÉ É uÉU`ÉÉ}o]PÉ }OVID ÉC `ÉXI(˙}`}oo]lÉ}}o}vP} `R}(}(ÉÉ]}vUoÉÉ}oÉlv}`]v advance and bring your passe sanitaire with you.
VF A URAÉ]oÉV]ooÉ Fv]É[U]v}]}v established throughout FvÉÉ]É} welcoming newcomers to an area, whether they are FÉvRv}vou}]vP `]R]vFvÉ}(}É]PvÉ u}]vP(}uRÉ]}v˙ }(}]P]v}o]É]vFvÉX IvAPUu˙RvvIu}É}RÉDɢrSÉU }R}(PRÉv˙XRÉ A ÉP]vv]vP}(SÉÉuÉ`É i}]vÉRÉVF A ]vPRÉv˙R}]vP}uÉvÉÉ `(]Évv ]}ÉvÉ`]ÉXWÉRÉv}Év]}]vÉXWÉ RÉuÉvÉ`(]ÉvU}RFÉvRvEvPo]RUvRÉ (}v}ÉoÉ]v}oÉ]v]É˙}(]É}lÉÉ ˙XMÉuÉR]}(RÉ}]}vRÉv]vooÉ]v helping us to integrate within the community and develop our ovPPÉl]ooXN]vÉ˙É}`vRÉo]vÉU`Éoo É uÉuÉ }(VF A `]Rvo]RÉ É ]oÉ}((]ÉvU˙}]o oÉvvulÉ]u}ÉuÉv]v}}lÉvFÉvRX
NÉÉoÉ}˙Uo}vP`]RooÉ}(o](É`ÉlvÉ` ]U}]ÉRÉÉvR]ilÉ˙C}]ıXWÉÉ now relaunching our programme and would like to invite all newcomers to the area to our open day on Saturday 23rd O}É]vPRÉv˙U.v}`R`ÉRÉ}}+Év Évi}˙P]É}}(RÉuÉ]ÉoRÉ}(R]R]}] town. É}( B C}]ÉPo}vU]]oo}]oÉ(}Év} É}}vÉRÉou]vÉU}](˙}É]vÉÉv `}oo]lÉ]o É }(RÉuÉvÉvÉU}˙}RÉv˙ }v É }RÉ}]}vUoÉÉPÉ]v}RX M˙vuÉ]JvÉHÉvÉ}vvu˙Éu]oÉ]P or phone me on 05 49 69 79 01.
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vÉ}(RÉu]vÉ}v(} ]vPT]i]]}}u}É good health. An important aspect ]RÉ(}É É }vPRÉR]}( correct posture.
}ÉA }ÉP]Éuv˙ÉvÉ. including reducing lower back pain, É]vPÉuÉ`É]vP}(i}]vU ]vÉ]vPovP]˙˙}u}vP}ÉR]vP É v]u}]vP]o}vv ]PÉ}v˙P]]vPRÉ]vÉvo organs the space they need to (v}v`ÉooX T]i]o`˙}]˘ÉÉ uÉ whether in postures or physical ˘ÉÉ }vQRÉÉ]o`˙ some yin aspect to the yang. F}˘uoÉ É U]v(}` stance, the knee never passes beyond the toes.
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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 35
Take a Break DSM Easy Crossword (with thanks to Rob Berry) Clues ACROSS XR}uvuÉE }~Z XoÉ A ˙o]v]o ~É Z XIvu]É~æZ ıXTRÉPRÉ]vP}(]ÉvÉ}~Z X˙É }A R}o]É É É ~æZ XR}]}vo A }oÉ ]}v }uÉvÉ }v]v]vP'}v (7) XvA 'Évvuo}˙É É beach or pool to protect swimmers (9) 15. A landlocked republic in central South America (7) X}u˙ C V É v}uo~æZ XS}vPPÉvÉ ]vlG}É`]R wormwood and anise (7) XvA }]}v(}˘ÉÉ ]ÉvP É or drinking (5)
ıXTRÉuoÉ}É}Pv}( G}`É~Z XuÉA (} É vvPoÉ~Z Clues DOWN 2. Shrewdness shown by keen insight ~Z 3. Arguments in your own head }˙}}`v]o]É~rıZ 5. An area where barriers close a road `RÉ]v É ~ærZ XS`É}u É PÉ(} É ]]vv`]vÉ~Z XP}]vP]uPÉ`]RuÉ (11) XvA vPPÉ É uÉv(}PR`ÉÉ vÉ `}u]o]˙(}É~Z XJÉ`Éo˙`}v}vRÉ`]~Z
Clues Across 1. Short response to why it is included in a salad? (3) XP}o]Ru]Éo˙ÉR}`]vP v}vÉ }(˙É X~Z æXM]v]É[]vÉR]Éo]vP }vÉv}R˙}i}]vRÉ]v É }vM~Z 9. Supervisor is acceptable in FÉvRuÉÉ vX~æZ XUvoÉ}ÉR}`vLÉ clearing out power supplier? (7) XSPlÉPÉÉ «vP]v muddle is invited to have his say? (5 –7) XF}Éu}}(R}ÉvÉ v}v É É LÉ(]vP É rider? (7) æXS}uÉuÉolÉv`˙(}u `R]]v]ÉPÉM~Z XKÉ}( É }É]vo]P]} É ].ÉÉ R]vP]}]˙}É}vG] study? (12) XS}uv]]vPLÉRÉ late assembly. (7) X˘ÉE ]}v}(]}o(} oÉvÉRÉ É M~æZ 23. Minion is nevertheless a swell at sea according to reports? (4) XR]É A (]}v É M~Z 25. Local theatre agent? (3)
How many words of three or more letters can you make from the letters in our square? There is one word of nine letters. If you want to make it harder, only allow words that contain the centre letter. We estimate about 100 words are possible. 0 - 20 Not bad 50 - 70 Quite good
20 - 50 Very good 70 + Expert
Clues Down XS}vPÉv}vÉ }(]v É RÉ}(]}vM~Z XSooPuÉUlÉ}}}É ]Éu}(]RM~Z 3. Macabre worker adding herbs to candy recipe? (12) XSv]v]vR]vPv}N}É }]P]vLÉooM~Z XGoÉU(}˘uoÉ É UoÉÉ voo˙ É (}uÉv]o`}lÉM~æZ XPoÉ}]vl]v}R]]}vM~Z XNÉ`vÉ ]É(}`É ]vP RvPÉ(}R}}(.ou]M (12) XS˙u}o}(}]vNÉ`oÉU (}]vvÉM~Z XFR]}voÉo]'oÉ]}]vP speed in the main? (4) Xv˙ A ]}vo+]v É oÉ }(}oÉ(}}ÉM~Z XWÉvo É uÉPÉX~Z ıXO]o`Éoo}É}+(}P]ÉX (5) XTR]˙É[RÉ]R}X (4) 21. Muscles needed to stop a car? (3)
DSM Toughie Crossword (with thanks to Mike Morris)
What connects the following ... 1. 2. 3. 4.
a. 1983 Spandau Ballet song b. Atomic number 47 c. Golf club d. British policeman a. One = Simon Templar b. Two= Neil Diamond c. Three = Roger Daltrey d. Four = Thor Heyerdahl a. Doctor Dillamond b. Madame Morrible c. Fiyero d. Elpheba a. Dogged b. Catastrophe c. Bearable d. Ratatouille
8 6
6 7 8
2 9
1 2 9 5
4 3
7 1 4 2 5 2 9
9 1
October 2021
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 37
La Vie En France
New Words in the Dictionary S
chools have gone back and the supermarkets and book RÉoÉÉ(oo}(oo}}((ÉÉ ÉvÉ}}l(}R]oÉv vÉvPÉXLÉPÉL}ÉvLÉPÉR}ÉÉRÉ lv}`v É Év˙o}É]~Év˙o} ]ÉZv]}v]É ~]}vv]ÉZX
LÉPÉL}É]]}v˙lÉv˙o}É]~]}vv]É Év˙o} ]ÉZ]v}vÉ}ouÉ`R]R`o]RÉ(} RÉ.uÉ]vıæXLÉPÉR}É]FÉvRovPPÉ ]}v˙~]}vv]ÉÉovPÉ(v]ÉZo]RÉ(} RÉ.uÉ]vıXI]R}ÉvÉv]PÉ~ P Z ]}v É }(RÉR}É}ouÉ]}v˙}(RÉFÉvR language. (}É BÉ RÉuuÉR}o]˙UoÉPÉR}ÉvoÉPÉ Larousse reveal the new words that are going to enter the ]}v˙XTR]˙Éo}}(RÉ`}RÉÉv]vGÉvÉ by the period that we are living in. Iu}]oÉ}(}PÉRÉ`}RRÉÉv}vÉ}oÉ[ o]]vÉMRXI(D }v.vÉ~}}uÉ}}(o}l}`vZ v }v.vÉuÉv~}u]vP}}(o}l}`vZURÉv} been included this year, they will probably make it into the ]}v˙vɢ˙ÉX TRÉÉuR}][RuÉ]XI [Éoo˙vEvPo]R}v˙u `R]R]v]}v É (}}}v]]ÉÉXIvFÉvR }]]`]'Év`]R}]ooÉ'ÉvvÉ]RÉ uo]vÉ}(Éu]v]vÉ}]vP}RÉLÉR}É]}v˙U `R]RRv}(}oo}`ÉRÉ}uuÉ É v}v}(RÉ
by Sue Burgess
Éu]É A Fv]ÉR˙RÉ`}R}oÉ(Éu]v]vÉ ~oÉ}uuv}v É Éo[A u]É(v]É]o[(] ( u]v]vZXA(}}}v]U`R]RRoÉ˙É]v RÉ]}v]ÉU]}vo˘uoÉ É RÉÉvÉv RÉ.v]}v É RÉvÉXI [RÉuÉ(}RÉ`} }}o~É}}oZUoÉ~oÉZU}v.v ~o}lÉr}`vZU }v.vÉuÉv~o}lr}`vZU }]oo}v~}]`ZUv u]É (pandemic). N}]]vPo˙U`}o]vlÉ}ÉRv}o}P˙v]vÉvÉ }vXLÉPÉR}É]voÉ]v É vuÉ}(EvPo]R `}`R]RRÉFÉvR`}o]vo˙ É RÉ(ÉÉ }É voÉ É ]v}FÉvRÉ˙˙PÉRÉ]É }RÉ`]ÉXTR]]RÉÉ(}}Uo}U]v}uÉU olo]ÉUuuÉUlÉU}˙QTRÉÉ o ]ooÉ ~}ÉoÉ`}lZUvÉÉ ˘} o ]o~ÉoÉ`}l]vPZX AvoÉ[v}(}PÉ o }vo}v~}vro]vÉ}vo}vZU }o}v É ]vRÉ`˙Évv}}vuÉX É F]voo˙`ÉÉ ÉvÉRv}R]oÉ~R}É`R}o}ÉÉRv}o}P˙Z vÉRv}R}É~R}É`R}(] É }(ÉRv}o}P˙v }v[É]ZULÉR}ÉuÉv}vo(Évu ]É~RÉ ]+ÉÉvÉ]v}]]o]É}(}É ]vÉvÉZ`]RRÉ`} illectronisme (digital illiteracy).
Vocabulary / Vocabulaire ORÉvÉ``}]vRÉ]}v]ÉXXX L( u]v]]É
BolBo} P}}(u]o]v}Pv]É} 'lRÉ˙u}ovoÉ}( the Republic
]vÉvÉuuÉ~Éu }]P]vvP(}uRÉI}˙C}Z
HALLOWEEN by Lynne Wigmore
Halloween and the resulting decorations to the Iwelove outside of houses up and down the road but when first arrived in France I was caught unawares by the
number of children knocking at my door. I had been told that it was not a particularly celebrated custom here, all the emphasis being directed to “Toussaint” the following day. So that first Halloween I was surprised when the doorbell rang around 4pm and there in a scary costume was a little girl asking most politely “bêtises ou friandises madame? After a moment of panic, I mumbled “ah oui, attendez s’il vous plait” and disappeared into the kitchen to raid the cupboards for “les bonbons”. After the third or fourth caller I was now relying on my small packets of chocolate biscuits that hadn’t been used for the summer picnics. The following year I entered into the ghostly spirit and with many decorations and a make-do tombstone in the garden from the small granite blocks we had previously lifted from the path; I was ready for the visitors. I’m not sure what they made of the strange English lady who answered the door in a purple witch’s hat offering a bowl that grabs your hand as you attempt to take a sweet. Unfortunately, last year, having stocked up with bags of sweets no-one could visit due to the lockdown. Undeterred this year, I will dust off my witch’s hat and broomstick and hope that the children of village will visit again, waking my screaming door ghost and asking “des bonbons ou un sort”.
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 39
Gone but not forgotten! SS}o}vPU(É`ÉooU(W]ÉRÉ É vU]ÉQ_ N}Uv}}FvÉU}}o}Éo˙o]'oÉP‘É]vSM]RÉor vÉ ro[HÉuJLÉ A æ˙É}(`Éo}u]vPPÉ}(]+ÉvÉ v}vo]É}} maison de vacancesU`É[É]ÉÉ } oo É vP]É}ÉoÉ]}(lÉ (}uR}vP(} RÉuÉ]vP É X
vA .voo˙RÉPÉv`P]Év`]LulÉr}É]vP RÉPÉ]uuÉUo]ÉWÉ ˙ÉU˙}PÉ]É U RÉPÉvÉÉ ˙}v]vPRÉR}ÉRvÉ oÉL}]}`v ]ÉÉ (}uv˙˙ÉJ S}R É ˙}[ÉPRÉ˙É v}`RI[oooo˙ É } ˙SG}}˙É_}RÉo]'oÉP‘ÉRR}É `Éoo }ÉRÉ˙ÉV(Év}U É É oo]v}o}WRÉ RÉ]v}vÉ}RÉRvP}}(]Év}(}`R}R sold her house inland and has been talking about moving to RÉ}(}˙ÉXWÉooUv}`RÉ[}vÉ]JvA }(}É `É[oovÉ}É }}v(}uuÉ}uÉi}ulÉ R É RÉ['oÉ É ]vOKW`ÉooU]`}oRo]R É v} }U`}ov[]M
When we bought the bungalow back in March 2017 it had vÉ vÉÉ }}vo}vPrÉu](}æ˙ÉU}` ]v]}(X É N}R]vPoI[uoÉ}É ˙U oR}PRRÉ}R.v]É É o˙vÉ 'ÉÉ ˙XO .R}PR`}ooRÉ`R}oÉ}`v É ~RÉ }R]Uv}RÉR}ÉJU Z ]`}vÉ}v concrete base with steel supports, so ugly, yes, but very, ˙É }o]JJPovv}XWlÉ]É }vu}É É oo RÉ]}o}ÉovÉoV}R}o]˙ulÉoo˙ É vÉ}É MPovv}XWv(}u]]v}}ÉÉ `]R É oÉrÉ+É}}.vPUv]vP ÉÉ }]P]É RÉuÉo`oovo«É(Év]vP}vRÉ}XN}R]vP }}}uo]ÉU`]RuÉvv]vP}(}É É }. PÉ]ÉRÉP]vv]vP É }(JvÉ~Ilv}`UIlv}`U `R˙}`ÉP‘É}`vÉ`}l}RPRuÉoÉMU Z ] uÉÉ RÉ]uoÉ}o}vX vA o]'oÉ]`Éo]É É RÉuÉiR}`(o É R] }É`}o ÉÉ V É ułRÉP‘É]]ÉvPU `]RRÉ]}v}(RPÉv}}u[~}.PÉ ooÉ]JU Z RÉ[É v}`v}PR É }É U É ]vlvÉ uÉ˙J
Note from the editor:Ao}vP`]RÉl(}u P]Éo](ÉUKÉv`]ooo}l]vP É Él(}u `]vP(}TRÉDSMXSRÉR}u]É }ÉvRÉ}]}vooÉU(}v}` oÉUR]]RÉoÉPoSV]É`F}uTRÉ VÉv É_XTRvl˙}KÉv˘
(} A RÉvPo}`]Éo(U˙É ruÉl]RÉvR}}u v]`É]lo˙ É .'ÉU`oo]v]É}`É]vÉ É o]v`R]ÉUvRÉ}o]`}}R'É`Év(}uÉ É with sky blue paint.
Ever thought of writing an article for us? Why not? It can be 200 words or 2,000. It can be a series, a one-off or just something you do from time to time. You can send pictures with it, or not. You can use your own name, or not. Look at the variety of subjects in every issue of The DSM and imagine how YOUR article might fit in. Still not sure? Drop us a line and we'll help ... honest. info@the
40 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
Photos by Karen Taylor
View from the Vendée
Velo4Violet : October
by Lisa Jones
]v]]o v RÉ] (u]o]ÉX Iv }uÉ ÉU v}uo ]o˙ o](É ] ]u}]oÉ v ˙É ] ] v ]v]}v R uv˙ ]É } overcome these struggles in order to provide the best standard }(o](Év}}v]É}]oÉ}ooR}ÉR+É É ÉX
W A Photos by Lisa Jones
RÉ iÉP]vv]vP ]R u}vR } }( o}V]}oÉ A P} P I UGÉRÉ ` VÉ]v challenge o]PR }ovÉ É (}uisL really PRÉ ]vP ÉJ TR] ] R}RÉ ooÉX N} oo˙ ]v]É ]vÉ(v]]vP vP É v} ˘ÉÉ }vo }Pv]É A}]}v think, except you ˙might V]}oÉ R ] ` (}uÉ`R} RAF }]É support to children,inand Chipmunk trainer, the RÉ (u]o]ÉAvv]É U `R} ˙É[] æR ˙ o]É with Cerebral ˙ÉU v I }Dystonia, }` Po˙ } E]oÉ˙X OvÉ RÉ ]PÉ U v i}]vÉ RÉ }( RÉ lÉ˙ ]u (} ov]vP ]] }] }.v]R A}]}v V]}oÉ ]É`]R `ÉvÉ É(É}(}R}`v RÉÉ X MRvu}ÉRÉ(v ]}É (}É É Rv ]v Ryanair 737, we wanted to and shareseemed some o]lÉ R] I RlÉ˙Év ]v(}u}v G˙]vP }( CR]uvl (}ÉX É with you.
Dystonia, BlWhat RÉ RvP I Ris } P]v }v u˙ (É `R]R ˙ Epilepsy and Cerebral oÉPalsy? ] }vo˙ o}`o˙ (]vPX OvÉ }( } }v Él}v ] `]oo vÉÉ P]o Éu}oX P]l v SÉÉ `ÉÉ u} PÉÉoÉ R}U vIR}ÉU }RÉ É E]oÉu˙}vi}]v RÉoo SÉ OÉ]}É vR B (}}( RÉ U D˙}v] oÉC Po˙ `R]R RA FRÉA}]}v ORU I RÉÉ }v]}v PÉvÉ} ]v]}v ÉvU É ] v}X lv}`v ÉXvTRÉ uv](É}É the RÉ uÉoÉexperience. ]v uv˙ ]+ÉÉv `˙vP É v]É RooÉvPÉ } RÉ É}oÉ R +É (}u RÉÉ ]}ÉU É]oo˙ ]v ]vvÉ`RÉÉRÉ˙É]vÉvP`]RÉR}RÉX
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v (oor}˙ convulsions. oÉC Po˙ causes problems with normal motor (v}vX I +É body movement, muscle control, coordination, GÉ É ˘ÉU }ÉU and balance. Managing any one }( RÉÉ ]}ÉU especially in children, is a daily PPoÉ (} RÉ
TRÉÉ}(Wol]vPV]}oÉ]v]]vPu}vÉ˙v`ÉvÉ `Éoo]vP]vP}PÉRÉ}uuv]˙}RÉoo]'oÉP]ooÉ }RÉ}v É }(A}]}vV]}oÉv]v]É}}vvÉ } `}l v }+É RÉo } u}É (u]o]ÉX WÉ Éo˙ }v YOUR }}}vvÉRÉ`}l}`}]]}v}(Év]vPRÉ daily struggle.
Velo4Violet Training Update WÉ RÉ É } ]v]vP (} RÉ VÉo}V]}oÉ RooÉvPÉ ]v N}ÉuÉX TR] (v]]vP ]v]É ] }Év } É˙}vÉ v (}É }v ˙} «vP É ˙} }`v }vo É ˙oÉ RooÉvPÉ } }A}]}vV]}oÉX Eo( v I `]oo É }uoÉvP ]vÉ }( ælu ]vP RÉ u}vR }( N}ÉuÉX TR] `]oo É }lÉv }`v ]v} uooÉ ]o˙]É}(ælu]vRÉu}v]vPU(}oo}`É˙(RÉælu ]vRÉLÉv}}vXWÉRÉÉ]É}vR]}R]]oo}` } }vvÉ } uvPÉ } ]o˙ o]É `Éoo R]vP RÉ }u(}}(}}`v}É oÉÉ]vv]PRJ
Bicycle Donations WÉRÉÉvuÉ˙˙}PÉvÉ}]˙`]R˙}}v}v }( ]lÉ v ]lÉ É]uÉvX WÉ vv} Rvl ˙} Év}PRX S}uÉ }( RÉÉ }v}v RÉ Év lÉv ]v} RÉ `}lR} where they RÉ R (oo service, repair and clean and in some instances have now been sold with all the proceeds going to the Association. S}uÉ }( RÉ }v}v RÉ been broken down into parts which are either being used to É]}RÉ]lÉ}]v}uÉÉU˙oÉ]v}}RÉÉ ]Éu `R]R `]oo o} É }oX I( ˙} RÉ v˙ ]lÉU ]v v˙ }v]}vU R ˙} `}o o]lÉ } }vÉU oÉÉ PÉ ]v }R ]}(É}}lPÉ}`É]É
Velo4Violet - Sign up and take part Get in touch via our website and register your interest. We welcome everyone and anyone v v} u'É `R ˙} }vo É ˙oÉ RooÉvPÉ ]U `É `]oo support you all the way. TRÉ VÉo}V]}oÉ Év ] v}` o]É }v TRÉ A}]}v V]}oÉ (É}}l PÉU ˙} v (}oo}` RÉ}]É }( R}Él]vP ˙(}oo}`]vPRÉ]]}vRÉ]vRÉÉvX
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 41
Life in 79 Touched by the Hand of God SWÉ[ÉP}]vP}vR}R}o]˙}PX_S]AvvUu˙ `](ÉX
Éo]V]P]vM˙v˙]vP]oP]u]Éoo˙` ]]ooÉU`RÉÉ˙}Éo]É(X
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SI˙}u}RÉ}u]vPM_S]IU˙]vPv}}}v anxious. S}]`U`É(}v ourselves driving ælu(}uRÉ Sv]R}É}PU v}RP}`[URP˙}}[} RP}}[URP}[~]v the red Teletubby or RuÉ}ZXI was a grey old day so RÉP˙ÉvÉÉ`ÉÉ shrouded in clouds. Anna had booked an Airbnb in the centre }(RÉ}`v`R]R looked lovely on the internet, but was, rather alarmingly, situated above a Cuban nightclub RHv]CR][X ALÉ`vÉ}vRÉ}`vU]vo]vPRÉ]uÉ]É CRÉÉPU]ÉoÉGÉÉluÉoUoÉ PoÉ}( `]vÉ~`]Rv]ÉZU]`ÉuÉXRHv]CR][}vo˙ R}vÉ}uÉ~]`TÉ˙ZUR]v[} RÉ}v]vPCvu]XXX`R]R}vvÉvouXI ÉuÉ}ÉRÉuÉ}vP}v}vvoo}}X The next day we decided to visit Lourdes (which was i}`vRÉ}}Z ]É}RÉ]o É ]]o]]vP `]R]vAvvXTRÉ}`v]Éo(`]É}]˙Éoo]vP 'ÉÉ v`É}v]vÉ}(É˙RÉv]ÉX A`É(}oo}`ÉRÉuÉoR]vPRÉ]`É}'oÉ we rounded the corner and there was the Basilica (which o}}lÉ]u]o}SoÉÉ]vPBÉ˙ [oÉ]vD]vÉ˙ovZX WÉ]v[lv}`uR}L}É}RÉRvv ]}v}(RÉV]P]vM˙É~É]PRÉÉvuÉZU }˙Ér}oÉvP]oooÉBÉvÉ'ÉU]vP}'}U Éoo]vPRÉRÉ`É(}uRÉ]vP`}oRÉoRÉ]l and to build a church (why it took eighteen rendezvous to }uuv]ÉR]`v[oÉZX And what a church it is. At ground level is the Rosary B]o]U}v}}(RRÉUÉB]o]v}ÉR RÉC˙UB]o]v`]RU](˙}`]ooXC}uo˙]vP`]R ]C}]oÉ`É`vÉ}v É RÉ]+ÉÉvo˙É o}}l]vP(}RÉ(u}G}'}X WÉ`É˙É o]vÉ}(É}oÉÉ]vPRÉ]v}o (R]}vÉRR]XI`R}lv}`](RÉ˙`ÉÉ }u]vP}P}]vP(}uÉ]vP]ÉXWÉ(}vRÉG}'} under the rock the church is built on, with holy spring,
42 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
TRv]PRI˙É(}u]oÉUI`v}]volURÉ ouÉÉ }v]vPR}PRRÉG}}X TRÉvɢ˙`É]RÉ}]˙R]vPP`É`olÉo}vP P[B}oÉÉP˙ÉvÉÉ`R]R`}oRÉ}+ÉÉ R}v˙]É]É`vu}v]vv}u[XXXR]v} Évo}˙U]}(R}]vP~Avv}PRU É `R]R uÉRÉo}}lo]lÉuÉuÉ}(RÉPARAZU`É]]É the local art gallery, carried out a reconnaissance on a Iv]vvÉ (}RÉv]vPUvlo}}(}+ÉÉv Év`RÉRÉP}}É}oÉ}(PP}}RÉ] business. A`É`ÉÉvi}˙]vP}Roi} [~PÉvR]ZU Anna became enraged that a gentlemen at another table was listening to loud music on his mobile phone. She was }v]vÉ]`RÉ}]É}}(RHv]CR][U] `v[XI˘o]vÉ É RÉ`˘ÉÉ ]Év]vPvPÉR}PR oÉÉ]}vUPÉÉRÉu]`É˙o}v }uoÉÉo˙Éo.RX TRÉvɢ˙ULÉP}}(}R}oÉÉU]`uÉ }RÉR}uÉXAI`o]L]vP}]É]v}RÉl }(RÉSvÉ}Io}}lÉv`ÉÉ Év`}R]PR]É o}lUI`RÉP˙ÉvÉÉXJuoo]U}oÉXWÉ iuÉ]vRÉv}É}RÉB}oÉÉP˙ÉvÉÉ `RÉÉ`ÉRRÉu}`}vÉ(ov}u]]É`}(RÉ u}v]v]vooRÉ]Po}˙XI]É}lÉR}}}(RÉ oÉÉ U]]}vÉ}(R}ÉR]vP˙}v[É]v ]ÉXXX`Éi}}vuÉooÉRÉ]vÉ]oÉ sight. IRRu}uÉv}(Év]˙o}}l]vPRÉu}v]vXXXI `RvPÉuvXXXIÉvPÉ}É }}+RÉIlÉ in Bordeaux on the way home (not the best place to go `RÉv˘ÉÉ ]Év]vPoÉÉ]}vURÉoÉ}(RÉ meatballs won over).
SI [}uÉ`RÉÉu˙uuRo`˙`vÉ}]]v ] [vÉRÉP˙ÉvÉÉX_]RÉX
by Stephen Shaw
Book Club
Do you have permission?
by Alison Morton
Disclaimer: this article is meant as a guide for general information and should in no way be construed as legal advice.
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Beware brand names S}uÉ oPÉ }}}v v RÉÉv oÉPo }v ]( ˙} use their names in your work. WR } (} `} o]lÉ C}lÉl C} C}oU H}}É v KoÉÉvɢU names used widely as generic terms. The grey area is when you use a name in a general sense, e.g. `R]É PÉPÉ}X TRÉ (É }É }(}v]}ÉPÉvÉo`}o]lÉ }oUuUvÉ uoo`R]É car.
Titles and lyrics Y} v }É }vP oÉ ]v ˙} v}ÉoU ˙} `]oo vÉÉ } PÉ Éu]]}v (}u RÉ u] o]RÉ ]( ˙} `v } ]voÉ o˙] `]'Év LÉ ıæX B}}l oÉ É v} }˙]PR ]v RÉ UK } USX HÉÉ ]v FvÉU RÉ oÉ ] R ]( ˙} }}É oÉ }o É }v(É `]R }vÉ oÉ˙ published, you could be breaking the very strong droit d’auteurX}BÉ o}}l}v(}]+ÉÉvoÉQX
So France? The droit d’auteur`Éo}É]vRÉRÉv˙RÉ uÉ uÉ }˙]PR Éo}É ]v RÉ Uv]É K]vP}uX TRÉ}]oo}`}É }˘o}] É RÉ]`}l(}.vv]o P]v ]vo]vP R}]]vP ] o]}v v }}v É } } Év É]RÉU } } v(É RÉ] ]PR } R] ˙U ÉXPX Éoo RÉ }}l } ]}vo o]RÉ } RÉ˙ can publish it.
Enter moral rights – A whole new ball game FÉvR}˙]PRo`}ÉÉ `}l É v˘ÉÉ v]}v }(RÉR} [}vo]˙ É vPv] vuÉ}(u}o ]PRX GÉvÉoo˙U RÉ R} R RÉ ]PR } SRÉ É }( R] vuÉU }( R] R}U v }( R] `}l_ ~AX L121-1, Civil Code) Moral rights are considered inalienable, perpetual and ]v]}ooÉ v } RÉ R} [ RÉ] }v RÉ R} [ R É u˙ v} É }RÉ`]Év(ÉÉ } }o ˙ RÉ author or legal successors. Authors cannot agree to waive RÉ]u}o]PRoR}PRRÉ˙vv}(}É É }}É u}o ]PR} RÉ `}lU v RÉ˙]v É RÉ }}v v}} exercise them. S}uÉuÉURÉu}o]PR}(RÉR}u˙}vG]`]R RÉ }É˙ ]PR }( RÉ }`vÉ }( RÉ `}lX TRÉv the lawyers get involved. Recent decisions have led to certain moral rights being weakened. WRR]ÉJ
Public domain under French law RÉ ÉB ]PR }( Éo]É( RÉÉX A work enters the public domain (domaine public) once the droit [ÉR˘]É É XIu˙RÉv be used without charge, so long RÉ u}o ]PR }( RÉ R} É É ˙ }vP RÉ R} [vuÉ v }]P]vo oÉ }( the work.
Quoting from other people’s works S]u]o } UK o`U ]vP R} }}v ] v ˘ÉÉ }v}RÉ}][É]vFvÉXIvPÉvÉoU vR}vv}}iÉ o]u]É˘É }(R]`}lÉ]vP }ÉÉ UiÉ}]v É }v]}vXTRÉR} [vuÉ vRÉ}ÉR}o ÉoÉo˙R}`vvÉi.É˙ RÉ ]oU }vo É U ]Év. } ]v(}u}vo vÉ }(RÉ`}l]v`R]RRÉ˙]voÉ É U]XÉXÉoÉvXIu o}}}}vo É U]v}RÉ`}UR}X C}uo]ÉU ]v[ ]M Y} u˙ vÉÉ } PÉ É]o] oÉPo ]ÉU]vÉvÉU](˙}`v}}Év}RÉR} [ `}lURÉÉ˙oÉUlRÉR} [Éu]]}vX
Alison has compiled a selection of articles from this column in ‘The 500 Word Writing Buddy’, available as an ebook and paperback. The sequel to her latest thriller, ‘Double Identity’ will be out in October.
43 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
All photographs by Jacqueline Brown
} lv}` ˙}[É stumbled onto a good idea, when you come across others doing and saying the same thing, so it was a happy coincidence to read the excellent oÉ˙H}`NÉ]v É ou}vR[Dɢr SÉ M}vRo˙U B}}l Co É}vU oo } É]vP}}l]vFÉvRXTR]]˘o˙ É `RI have been trying to promote at the library in CRÉ(rB}}vvÉR]uuÉX I `]oo o`˙ }v]É u˙Éo( ol˙ } RÉ ]É ]v FvÉ `]R RÉÉr˙Ér}oU ] gave me the golden opportunity to learn to É ]v FÉvR o}vP]É R] o˙ É ˙É R}}oX F}u . ÉU } oÉv]vP }Éu and weekly spelling lists, we worked together, Év](u˙}vv]}v`}oRÉR]vÉÉ him rather than helped. When you move here v Év[ ]uuÉ]Éo˙ R}`v ]v} `}l]vP }oÉv]vP]vFÉvRU]l]vPRÉovPPÉ vÉ]8oX I[oo É RÉ . } u] R É]É u˙ o}É }( }}l v o]]ÉU I ]v[ R]vl RÉÉ `}o É uR (} uÉ ]v FÉvR o]˙U `]R RÉ }v É É (}u v EvPo]RrÉl]vP }v É ~]v uv˙ `ÉÉlZU l]vP (} FÉvR }}l `]R ˙É ]o}PÉU it suddenly dawned on me what a vast resource the library ` (} (}É]PvÉX TRÉ u}É I }}É R}PR RÉ RÉoÉU RÉ u}É É I ]}ÉÉX W]R RÉ RÉo }( JvÉHoovRÉ}vÉ}voFÉvRP}UI}Pv]É v}Évu}v]vPRÉo]˙U˘]É É }RÉu˙.v]vP with others. We are not a big library, but we do have a good ÉoÉ}v }( }}l ]v '˙ É uR oo ÉP}]ÉU ]vo]vP FÉvR v EvPo]R R]oÉv[ v o .}vU v v}vr .}v(ÉÉ ÉvÉ}}lUouv˙]o]vPo FÉvRlEvPo]R books at all levels.
TRÉ]É v}RuÉ]vl]vP}R]oÉv[}}l}viÉ R ]vÉÉ ˙}U i } É ] } ]u}É ˙} FÉvR }o˙X I[É R PÉ (v ]v RÉ R]oÉv[É}v v oÉvÉ } uRU ]vo]vP ]vÉvP É ( } P}]É (}u ]}ÉP}]É}}l(}R]oÉvUÉ]ÉÉPoo˙ ]]vPRÉ]˙v]uÉu}ÉRÉ˙ÉXSR]vPu˙ o}É}(}}lRo`˙Év]u}vRÉo]vP}RÉ } .v }}l R RÉ }uÉ É (o É }}o } ]u}É RÉ]FÉvR}o˙URÉvÉ˙É]oX M˙ } (} R}}]vP }}l ]v FÉvR É } o}}l (} iÉ R ]vÉÉ ˙}U } }}l É ]v o}}v R ˙}É (u]o] `]RU ˙} `]oo .v RÉÉ ]É}ÉoÉ }vÉuÉuÉRÉ}o˙XIo}.v R]]}LÉvÉ]É}(}oo}`FÉvR}}l R R Év voÉ (}u RÉ EvPo]R ]}v É URÉRv}vÉ`]'Év˙FÉvR author, and to begin with, it may help to }vÉ É R˙}[ÉoÉ˙]v É EvPo]RX CR]oÉv[ }˙}}l `]R o]Év o}vP ]}U CD `]ooRÉovÉ˙}FÉvRvÉ ˙}}vv]}vX I`]ooRÉ É o]˙]vCRÉ(rB}}vvÉvo RÉ Év }( O}ÉU } ]( ˙}[ o]lÉ } } ]vU I[oo É u}É Rv R˙ } RÉo ˙} .v books at whatever level you need. Email:
44 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
This Month’s Book Reviews Hope Nicely’s Lessons in Life by Caroline Day Review by Jacqui Brown
˙ o}o R} ÉoÉ}v R] u}vR ] H}É N]Éo˙[ LÉ}v ]v L](ÉU ˙ }o]vÉ C ˙D X }o]vÉ C o] RÉ uÉ between London and the Deux-Sèvres, vR]]RÉ.v}ÉoX WÉ uÉÉ `Év˙r.Ér˙Ér}o H}É N]Éo˙ RÉ lÉ RÉ . É } `]vP RÉ }]}PR˙ v i}]v o}o `]vP P}X H}É ]v[ o]lÉ RÉ others in the group, her head is a busy, noisy and crowded oÉ `]R `} v oÉ v }vvPU iu]vP }v oo}ÉRÉoÉXHÉ}vÉv}v`vÉURÉ]o]˙} ÉuÉuÉ R]vP ] ] R] v u] v I RÉ } u] R } ÉP]v `]RU I PPoÉ o]'oÉ } lÉÉ X H}`ÉU É ] ]v[ lÉ uÉ o}vP } o] ]v} H}É[ RÉ v É˙ }}v RÉ RÉ ÉuÉ } }uv˙ uÉ Év `RÉv I (reluctantly) put the book down to do other things. TR]] oÉÉo˙LÉÉ`RÉÉ˙}]lo˙oÉv`R ] [o]lÉ } É H}ÉU ˙}vP o˙ o]]vP `]R F}Éo Ao}R}o Spectrum Disorder and doing her best to understand }R RÉ v RÉ vÉ` ]}v RÉ .v RÉÉo( ]vX I ` v} o`˙ v ˙É ÉU }uÉ }( RÉ }] `ÉÉ ]8o v v}u(}oÉU oR}PR o`˙ Éo `]R ]v Év]É `˙X TRÉÉ `ÉÉ uv˙ Éu}}vo ÉvÉ R ]É }Év u˙ R RÉ v oÉv˙ }( Ru} } }+É RÉÉ]}vÉvvÉRH}ɢÉÉ ]ÉvÉ]vRÉÉ o](ÉrRvP]vP (É` u}vR `É `ÉÉ ]]oÉPÉ } É ˙ RÉ side. TRÉ }RÉ RÉ `R} H}É uÉ RÉ `]vP P} oo É }uÉR]vPU `RÉRÉ ] ` (]ÉvR]U }vG] } vÉv]vPU v RÉÉ `ÉÉ o} }( `] ]v RÉ }˙ that kept me guessing along the way.
This is a lovely book that made me think about others and how we all view the world, and those around us, in a ]+ÉÉv`˙XI[u}vÉ˙}vRÉ(Rv}}vÉ`R}R R] É }}l]o]lÉo˙}(}PÉH}ÉN]Éo˙UX É Iv(UI[ love to be able to visit her again someday.
Midsummer Magic at Miss Moonshine’s Emporium by Various authors Review by Jacqui Brown
R] ] RÉ R] }ooÉ}v }( R} }]É É }v M] M}}vR]vÉ[ Eu}]u }( W}vÉ(o R]vP v ]( ˙} RÉv[ ˙É }ÉvÉ RÉ }} v É ]v]ÉU RÉv v}` ] RÉ É(É uÉX W]vP}R ˙}˙ÉÉ Év]vÉ R} }]ÉU ˙ v]vÉ R}U É ]v ]+ÉÉv uÉ É]}U `]R }uu}v RÉuÉV ul]vP o]É 'ÉÉ `]R ] }( M] M}}vR]vÉ[ uP]X I ` }É RÉ u}}v `RÉv I (}v } R É]É RÉ ˙É `É[É oo ÉvÉ `]R RÉ vÉu]U RÉÉ `}vÉ(o `]ÉR Év˙ «vP }PÉRÉ v}RÉ PÉ }ooÉ}v }( }]É } ]É } ]]X A ]] } M] M}}vR]vÉ[ ` i `R I vÉÉU v I `v[ ]}]vÉX F}u FÉvR É(uÉ `R} ]É ]v RÉ Y}lR]É ]ooPÉ }( HÉv B]PÉ o}}l]vP (} ]v]}vU } }o (]Év }]vP R }vÉ u}ÉU } u] ]vP]vP ˙}vP É}oÉ }PÉRÉU v u}ÉU É˙ }˙ ] (oo˙ É `]'Év } ulÉ ˙} u]oÉ (}u RÉ ]v]É }X M] M}}vR]vÉ ] Év]U ]l˙U u˙É]} v o]'oÉ ] uP]U RÉ o`˙ lv}` R}` } ulÉ ˙} (ÉÉo 'ÉÉ X WÉoovÉÉ]}(M]M}}vR]vÉ]v}o]ÉÉ˙v}` vRÉvU](}vo˙}Éu]v }(RÉÉi}˙]vP É ]v} a short story can give us. TR]}}l]˙É }]]vv}}(UlÉ(oo}(}o}(o characters to entertain and happy endings that will leave ˙} `]R R }vÉvÉ (ÉÉo]vP R É˙R]vP `]oo É }l in the end.
Peril in Poitiers by G M Haley
Review by Dawn Harvey
RÉ.LR}}l]vRÉRCRÉ]vÉP'É}v M˙É]É[ É]ÉU I Éoo˙ Évi}˙É another chance to catch up with some (}]É RÉ ]v RÉ oÉ RÉ C ]vÉ P'É}v u˙É˙X TR] uÉU RÉ C ]vÉ RÉÉo( }uÉ vÉ ]]}vX I [ Év PÉ } o}É u˙Éo( ]v RÉ }˙ (} (É` R} r É(É ]v˙ ˙ É]vPX L}}l]vP (}`}RÉvɢ}vÉJ
Read a good book recently? Why not share your thoughts? Drop us an email to find out how ... The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 45
ll great plans should have a logical beginning and an objective, and so was the case with this series of articles. However, the book I am reading at the moment is giving me cause to depart from my original idea, at least for the first try.
been reading two of his series for some years when, all of a sudden, I saw he had started a new series. Of course I tried the first instalment and found that the series is set in the XV century, when the English, in the person of Henry V, had the regency and occupancy of the French throne for a time. The main character is an English cleric living in Paris, the bastard I will start by mentioning Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and son of an English nobleman. His name is Edward Holmes, Sherlock Holmes. I have read most of the Holmes books and his close friend is Gower Watson, an English archer who and have never been really impressed by them, either from a fought at the battle of Agincourt, where Holmes’ father had detecting point of view or as a piece of gripping literature. Too died. Their landlady, named Constance Bonacieux, was lifted much rests upon Holmes revealing all at the end, with Watson from The Three Musketeers, written by Dumas père, a little bumbling along good naturedly as narrator and marvelling at tongue-in-cheek, I think. I have the talents of his friend. Conan enjoyed the series, both from the Doyle was, as I understand it, historical and from the detecting never a fan of his own work and aspect, which is more open than ... the book I am reading at the tried to finish the series written that of the original Holmes. The for The Strand Magazine (with moment is giving me cause to depart times were uncertain, and Edward the supposed death of Holmes at Holmes ran considerable risks the Reichenbach Falls) in 1891, from my original idea ... with the arbitrariness of the law with the intention of devoting and the great people of the times. his time to more serious works. (More about that in a later article.) However, public opinion caused him to revive Holmes and to continue writing about him for a while longer. Conan Doyle was more interested in history and That was my first encounter with a Sherlock nearly-look-alike. historical novels, and four of these particularly come to mind: The second was through a series by an American author, Laurie Sir Nigel, The White Company, Brigadier Gerard, and Micah R. King . The first book, called The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, Clark, all being excellent and interesting, if somewhat dated for finds us in 1915, with a Holmes, at that moment 51 years our modern, super-charged tastes. old, retired to the Sussex coast and meeting a fifteen-year-old orphan girl of good family. She has a keen mind that matches that of Holmes, and they become partners in the fighting of But why write about Holmes in the context of French language crime. The series extends to thirteen or fourteen books, and I and French authors? Now that has its origins with a French am still waiting for the last one, pre-ordered on Amazon. author, Jean d’Aillon, who writes a continuous stream of historical books, both series and individual novels. I had
This now takes me to a discovery I made just this month. The one sometimes sees << >> as an indication of the spoken magic of Kindle e-readers is that the algorithm tries to present word, but mostly there is no indication at all and it is left to the its owner with suggestions of new reader’s judgement as to which books that might interest based person is speaking and, indeed, on past purchases (one venture whether the person is speaking into books for a teenaged grandSoon they become involved in a simple and not just thinking. This daughter resulted in months of book goes halfway to helping death, together with their housekeeper the hapless reader by putting Young Adut (YA) books being presented). This time, it suggested all conversation in italics and and a street urchin ... The Case of the Colonels, by Eric indicating a change of speaker by Larrey. I read the description, a paragraph indent. This works for which mentioned a French me and eases the task of reading. Dr Watson, called Edmond Luciole, and then looked at the author’s name and came to The number of Holmes sequel authors must run into the the conclusion that there might be a French version. Indeed, hundreds, and as I said, I am not a Holmes fan, but the three I there was, the author being French, and the English version have mentioned have, perhaps coincidentally, been well written being one of the few translations of modern French novels into and enjoyable. English.
I found the French version, L’affaire des Colonels, downloaded a sample (as I often do with Amazon), and started to read. The blurb at the start of the sample was sufficiently interesting to make me buy the book, and so I settled for a long read. The book starts with Edmond Luciole, a reformed petty criminal from a good family, inheriting a house in Lyon and starting a new carrier as a journalist. Shortly hereafter, he is asked by a diplomat friend if he could look after a house guest of his for a couple of weeks. The narrator agrees and the guest turns out to be Sherlock Holmes, at the age of fifteen. Soon they become involved in a simple death, together with their housekeeper and a street urchin of nearly the same age as Holmes. One of the strengths of the book is the characterisation, as each character is well delineated and the speech and descriptions conjure up real and different people. In the first part of the book, Holmes is a well-educated teenager with a keen intellect, and as the book progresses, the typical Holmes attention to and preoccupation with detail develops and the character is recognisably the Holmes that Conan Doyle portrayed. However, this young Holmes in Lyon is a much more human and likeable character than the older, traditional Holmes. All I will reveal of the plot is that the story develops from a suspicious death to one involving the politics of late XIXth century France; to say more would risk spoiling the book for potential readers. The author uses real persons and refers to real persons and events with sufficient footnotes to enable a casual reader to stay attached to the story. So far I have discovered three books in this series My judgement of the use of French in the book is that the quality and complexity is of a high level, and I found the language itself enjoyable. I did not hit many places where it was hard to work out who did what to whom, and the few occasions where I had to use a dictionary, the word was found and explained. Here it is worthwhile noting that I sometimes use an Android tablet and sometimes a true but ancient Kindle. The old Kindle has an excellent dictionary, which seems to find the most obscure dialect or old French words almost without fail, whilst the tablet fails on even some everyday words. I have no explanation for this but continue to seek to improve matters. Punctuation in English is already not everyone’s cup of tea, but the use of quotation marks – inverted commas – to indicate conversation and a change of speaker is something that readers of English are all used to, and the rules make sense. In French,
Additionally and coincidentally, we have just watched the film Enola on Netflix, more or less by chance , and enjoyed it immensely. It was adapted from the first in a series of YA books about the adventures of Holmes’ young sister, Enola, who at the age of sixteen starts her own career as a private detective. It is curious, but the first mention of the name of the film brought up the image of a B29 bomber – the Enola Gay – famous, and infamous at the same time, for its atom bomb run on Hiroshima.
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Problematic Proverbs TR]u}vR[}É]P SBo}}]R]lÉRv`É _ I ]}uu}vo˙ Éo]ÉÉ RR]}É'É} (u]o]o Éo}vR] É]vP }vPÉ v u}É ]u}v Rv (]ÉvR]X H}`ÉU É RÉ (oo }É ] STRÉ o}} }( RÉ }Évv]R]lÉRvRÉ`É}(RÉ`}u_XIvo]˙U ] É R R}Év Éo}vR] R}o É oÉ R]PRÉ Rv R}É ]É ˙ (u]o˙X I ] RÉ (u]o˙ ˙} R}}ÉU not necessarily the one that you are born into, that you should hold closest in your heart. The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 47
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54 | The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021
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22 rue Jean Jaures 16700 Ruffec
No Orias: 07004255
Isabelle Want
BH Assurances
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TAKE A BREAK - SOLUTIONS - PAGES 36-37 Easy Crossword: C # B # P # # # B # A # S
A C U M E N # C O M B A T
E # L # A # L # L # S # A
A # Y # E # F # V # N # E
R # # # # # E # I # T # N
Sudoku: # P H O T O G R A P H Y #
C # A # O # U # # # # # D
O # R # O # A # U # B # E
U # E # B # D # U # N # R
M U S C A T # B A N G L E
N # T # R # # # L # E # E
Toughie Crossword (Theme = Occupations) C A G E # C H I C # A B S
O # U # G # U # H # T # E
S T A T U E S # U S H E R
# # R # E # S # R # L # F
B O D Y S N A T C H E R #
U # # # T # R # H # T # T
F I N I S H # T W E E T S
F # U # P # I # A # # # A
# S C R E E N W R I T E R
S # L # A # T # D # U # #
C L E R K # E L E C T O R
A # A # E # R # N # O # E
B A R # R U N E # C R O P
1 5 9 8 7 3 2 4 6
4 3 2 6 5 1 9 7 8
Word Search:
6 7 8 4 9 1 5 1 3
3 8 1 9 2 4 6 5 7
5 9 7 1 3 6 4 8 2
2 6 4 7 8 5 3 9 1
9 1 3 5 6 7 8 2 4
8 4 6 2 1 9 7 3 5
7 2 5 3 4 8 1 6 9
CONNECT FOUR : QXMÉo~G}oUS]oÉUI}vUC}ÉZ Q2. Ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) QXCRÉ(}uW]lÉu]o Q4. Start with animals (Dog, Cat, Bear, Rat)
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 55
New forced heirship rules in France vÉ[ o}vPrv]vP N}oÉ}v] }É ` F created to protect the bloodline. Children are }ÉRÉÉ ]vu]vRÉ]æræA9}(vX ÉÉ
TRÉoÉÉ o˙}˙}`}o`]É]( É É ˙}]É R]o]ÉÉ v}(FvÉX Brussels IV
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Estate planning in France. Will the right money go to the right hands at the right time? Succession tax can be high in France and its forced heirship laws are restrictive. The European Certificate of Succession can be used to bypass French succession law (but not tax) but there are pitfalls, so explore the pros and cons. And now, France has ruled that this will not stop your children making a claim on your French assets, even if you intended otherwise.
Talk to the people who know
There are other options which could achieve your wishes, but care must be taken. Contact Blevins Franks for a review of your estate planning and advice on how you can have control and certainty.
05 49 75 07 24
I N T E R N AT I O N A L T A X A DV I C E • I N V E S T M E N T S • E S T AT E P L A N N I N G • P E N S I O N S Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies: Blevins Franks Wealth Management Limited (BFWML) and Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF). BFWML is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority, registered number C 92917. Authorised to conduct investment services under the Investment Services Act and authorised to carry out insurance intermediary activities under the Insurance Distribution Act. Where advice is provided outside of Malta via the Insurance Distribution Directive or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II, the applicable regulatory system differs in some respects from that of Malta. BFWML also provides taxation advice; its tax advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, registered number 07 027 475, and authorised as ‘Conseil en Investissements Financiers’ and ‘Courtiers d’Assurance’ Category B (register can be consulted on Member of ANACOFI-CIF. BFF’s registered office: 1 rue Pablo Neruda, 33140 Villenave d’Ornon – RCS BX 498 800 465 APE 6622Z. Garantie Financière et Assurance de Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle conformes aux articles L 541-3 du Code Monétaire et Financier and L512-6 and 512-7 du Code des Assurances (assureur MMA). Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of retirement schemes. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFWML.
Ask Amanda by Amanda Johnson
recently moved to France and Ithehave have seen several of your articles in Deux-Sèvres magazine. What exactly can I ask Amanda?
WÉo}uÉ}FvÉXIRÉÉv`]vP]vRÉDɢrSÉ uP]vÉ (} É]PR ˙É v `R]o I É]o]É ]v .vv]o É]ÉUR]vPÉvÉ]Év]vFvÉ]vÉURÉÉ É uv˙ ]vvÉ I RÉ uÉ ]vP u˙ uÉ RÉÉ `R}vo}v`É}RÉ}v É U}l`˙X
French Emergency Phone Numbers
112 General Emergency
15 Ambulance 17 Police 18 Fire Brigade
114 Hearing impaired
115 Homeless Person 116 Missing child 119 Child in danger
(English spoken)
(}É BÉ }u]vP } FvÉ I ` (oo˙ o].É .vv]o ]É ]v RÉ UKX I uÉvo˙ `}l]vP (} RÉ SÉu IFA G} `R} É ÉP]ÉÉ v ÉPoÉ ]v FvÉX DÉo]vP `]R }uv˙ (oo˙ ÉPoÉ ]v FvÉ uÉv that as an expatriate you are protected where you now live vÉFÉvR.vv]ooÉP]o}vX TRÉ u]v É I }voo˙ É ] `]R É ]vÉuÉvU vÉ ]É ~ .vv]o `É `R]R ] ˘ 8]É É v ]v FvÉZU ]vRÉ]vÉ v ÉuÉv ovv]vPU ]vo]vP ]É}v`RÉRÉ}u}É˙}Év]}v(}uRÉUXKXX TRÉo`vÉPo}v}v.vv]oÉ]Év`R ]oÉPov˘8]É É v]vFvÉ]É(}u`R˙}u˙ RÉ ˘ÉÉ ]ÉvÉ } Év ]É ]v RÉ UKX TR] ] `R˙ l]vP ]É (}u FÉvR ÉPoÉ }uv˙U v}` ˙} live here, is important. A I uÉv}vÉ RÉ }ÉU I RÉ o]É ]v FvÉ ]vÉ v ]vP R uÉ RÉ ]o ooÉ `}l]vP lv}`oÉPÉ }( u}]vP } v o]]vP ]v FvÉX I( ˙} RÉ }v É UÉv](Ivv} v`É]U]]o]lÉo˙RI`]oo É oÉ}}]v˙}]vRÉ]É}v}(}uÉ}vÉ`R}vX Best wishes Amanda Whether you want to register for our newsletter, attend one of our road shows or speak to me directly, please call or email me on the contacts below and I will be glad to help you. We do not charge for our financial planning reviews, reports or recommendations.
Amanda Johnson Tel: 05 49 98 97 46 or 06 73 27 25 43 E-mail:
(videophone, chat, SMS or fax)
196 Maritime emergency
Amanda Johnson Tel: 05 49 98 97 46
Wi t h C a r e , Yo u P r o s p e r TSG Insurance Ser vices S.A.R.L. • Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 Paris • R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384) « Société de Cour tage d’assurances » « Intermédiaire en opération de Banque et Ser vices de Paiement » Numéro d’immatriculation 07 025 332 – « Conseiller en investissements financiers », référencé sous le numéro E002440 par ANACOFI-CIF, association agréée par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers »
The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 57
}uv]ÉvRɢ}RÉo}}v}(u}Év]vÉv}voo˙ known motor kart circuit, Argentonnay, with its lush countryside vRu]vP]ooPÉUR]ooJ
PÉ A v}vv˙ ] }uÉo˙ vÉ`U }u]v]vP ]˘ v]Év communes. Situated in northern Deux Sèvres, its architecture GÉ É ] }`v o RuX A RÉ }} }( RÉÉ ÉP]}vU ] } u]˘É }( ÉR W ]vÉ (}u Su } RÉ v}RU }PÉ v o]É}l (}u RÉ }R v `ÉU Éo ]v the east. Crossed by the river Argenton and tributaries, this is a ovÉ]Éo(}vÉo}É'vPRPÉÉv[}]uX TRÉ lvP ]] R}É u}} } ou]v]É R LÉ`] Hu]o}v v N]} R}ÉP (}É É RÉ˙ u}}É } F}uo OvÉ ÉJ WRÉv ˙} vÉÉ } (}(ÉÉ RuÉvLÉ R˙[ .R]vP } `R]vP ] [ uÉ } uoÉ oÉ (}u RÉ u]}r `ÉÉ ˙ RA P[ ÉB[ `ÉÉ ˙ EvPo]R ˘É ]PR RÉÉ ]v PÉ A v}vv˙JWRu}É]vɢÉÉ PÉvÉ`R}ÉM TRÉ . Éu]rÉRÉ }É˙ ~AOııZ ] ]v RÉ ]ooPÉ ÉvÉ }( Argentonnay, a stroll to the bakery (} ]o˙ É v l]} (} ÉvvÉoÉXTRÉÉ[uoo`ÉÉlo˙ market, supermarket as well as lakeside vÉ v ]vÉuX Éo˙ D oPÉU RÉÉ[ PÉ l]RÉvU ]} ]v]vPU `Éoo (o}]«vP}}u
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boiler – enter through the tower room with its spiral wooden staircase. L}Éo˙]}}}uUuv˙(É]vP plasterwork, retain the original RÉ }( R] R}uÉU ] } RÉÉ oPÉ }}u É v RÉÉ[ oPÉ Éo(r}v]vÉ ]} uÉv (} PÉ } ]Éo (} `}l]vP (}u R}uÉX TRÉÉ[ É PÉv `]R oÉv˙ }( l]vPU ÉoÉ] R'ÉU PPÉ `]R }u }}U ]PR]vRÉÉvÉ}(É˙R]vPJ Lastly, by no means least, is this ]l˙ ]ooPÉ R}É ~ıZ `]R oPÉ o]PRr.ooÉ }}u }vÉ ˙ É }+É]vP ]É` }É RÉ ]É v `}}É o}É }( PÉ A v}vroÉrVoo ÉX SÉ ]v RÉ ]ooPÉ[ v]Év RÉU P]v ] [ v ˙É }oo } oo uÉv]ÉX Ov RÉ P}v G}} RÉÉ É oPÉ o]]vP
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N} ( (}u P˙ É F}U `]R v]Év R]}˙ v u}Év '}vR]]PÉoÉ}o]ÉJ Joanna Leggett is marketing director at Leggett Immobilier – you can view their full portfolio of properties for sale in France at
COULONGES-SUR-L’AUTIZE €369,000 HAI Ref. 117078 - 6 Bedroom house with gîte, swimming pool, outbuildings and garage. No DPE required Agency fees to be paid by the seller
LOCAL KNOWLEDGE YOU CAN TRUST Buying or selling a property? Contact us now!
SAINT-PARDOUX-SOUTIERS €199,950 HAI Ref. A07761 - Renovated 4 bedroom farmhouse with terrace, gardens and parking. DPE: N/A Agency fees included : 8% TTC to be paid by the buyer
Agency fees to be paid by the seller
Agency fees included : 10% TTC to be paid by the buyer
Agency fees to be paid by the seller
Agency fees included : 7% TTC to be paid by the buyer
Ref. 107815 - 2 Bedroom village house with charming garden and potting-shed.
€82,500 HAI
Ref. 120333 - Charming 2 bedroom house with garden, outbuildings and garage.
€372,340 HAI
Ref. 104504 - Lovely 11 bedroom gîte complex with outbuildings, garage and swimming pool.
€186,650 HAI
Ref. A07652 - 3 Bedroom house with shared pool, garden and parking.
+33 (0)5 53 60 84 88 - - SARL Leggett Immobilier, 42 rue de Ribérac, 24340 La Rochebeaucourt et Argentine - SIRET : 521 133 835
Our clients are ready to buy NOW Contact us for a FREE Valuation and Marketing Advice Deux Sevres 2021 09.indd 1
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Sell your property with us
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LEBEUGNONƒ ~VSAıZ SÉo˙ÉvÉ}É˙UBv vÉ XLÉ«vP}}u`]RÉv]É R}`É}}uXL}É]v'˙ É ]ooPÉ with stunning views, 3 bedroom owners }uu}}væułXAPÉv(ÉÉ ]voÉ]vRÉ]ÉXDPEF
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Small colour Advert from 35,17€
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The Deux-Sèvres Monthly, October 2021 | 59