The Enigma
order to promote and validate their excellence in journalism as representatives from a rural area in a three-day conference training by PTV Davnor in collaboration with project RAQUEL was initiated by the school on October 11-13, 2022 held at Sawata National High School Sto Niño San Isidro Davao del Norte
Exelsis Deo A Deloy, School paper adviser of Sawata National High School proposed a challenge towards the campus journalists as he wanted them to attain professionalism and discipline in the field of journalism to prepare them for the outside world and eliminate the stereotype of underestimation about being in a rural area, implying that the campus journalists of Sawata National High School are competent enough to profess their capabilities despite living in the aforementioned site
"Our culture is not just to train the campus journalists of Sawata National High School to become champions in competitions but to train them for life Campus journalism requires a sense of discipline a sense of urgency a sense of responsibility and above all brilliance We live in a rural area but we are capable enough to be successful I hope you are challenged said Deloy In addition he counseled the students regarding the necessities to progress not only as journalists but as one with community He discouraged the campus journalists from using their wisdom and skills in order to tear down the community and empowered them to prioritize their engagement and promotion of San Isidro to uphold its safety and dignity He emphasized how significant the writers are to protect and promote the wonders of their community "Development communication should be used to improve lives within the community which means that you students should not use journalism to destroy the Municipality of San Isidro and to destroy the province of Davao del Norte Instead use campus journalism to promote our culture empower communities and other wonderful aspects of our place You all are capable of doing so the power you hold as a journalist plays a significant role in the face of our community," said Deloy
Moreover, Deloy clarified a standpoint claiming that the benefits acquired by the students through this training shall the benefit of the community in terms of their service of journalism given that both are intertwined, considering the community provided them with the training and opportunity to do so "
One of my principles in education is Outcome-Based Education
This means that I am after the results This training requires Return of the Investments which means if they will ask us to cover news in our place, then as part of the province Davao del Norte, we must address " said Deloy Deloy had an assurance that the campus journalists will exhibit their best in the field of journalism due to provisions from the training However despite the advancements that were provided he avoided unwarranted assumptions
We cannot promise to deliver and return to you a winning performance, but rest assured that our students will give their best out of the learning experiences they acquired. Our campus journalists will use their 'mighty pens' to decode mysteries and reveal the truth in the hands of journalism
The training program was associated with various subjects to develop broad knowledge in the field of journalism: focused on enhancing skills in photography, videography, broadcasting, feature and news writing and was organized by PTV Davnor headed by Dr Marvin Jay Suaybaguio along with his team in collaboration with Project RAQUEL by Maam Raquel G Tagalinao Principal IV and Maam Ma Narcissa S Gallaza, project focal, of Sawata National High School
ByQuencyLeonesIn response to the recent surge in criminal activity in San Isidro, the Municipal Police has stepped up their implementations of security measures to enhance security and deter criminal activity in the municipality,with the aim of enhancing security and deterring criminal activity in the area to ensure the safety of the towns residents
According to the San Isidro Municipal Police Station complaints of robbery chld abuse domestic violence sexual assaults and murder are the recorded criminal cases withn the municpality by the year 2022-2023 The aforementioned years crime rate is hgher in comparison to the year 2020-2021 However the station disclosed the statstical data due to authorty-vctim confidentiality
Polcewoman Karla Jane Medalla a police spokesperson, has assured the San Isidro communty of their protecton from the increasing crime rate She stressed how the enhanced poice patrol would provide security and protection to the community In response to recent criminal activty the police have mplemented a 24/7 poice patrol schedule to prevent further incidents They aim to be more visble and proactive in their duties to create a safer environment for everyone
We want to assure the community of San Isidro that we are here to help and protect them from the uprising crime rate We enhanced our police patrol within the area by implementing a 24/7 schedule due to the recent uprising of crime activity We want to be more proactive in our duties to prevent criminal activities to happen in the first place -Medalla
To mprove pubic safety, the Poice Department of San Isidro announced an increase in police patrols in the area The department has conducted more frequent training sessions for its officers to enhance their response time and stuationa awareness According to Medala the initiative aims to efficiently handle any emergencies that may arise The department is aso activey seeking recruts who share its commtment to public safety and are wiling to go broad for the community's protection
"Since we are focusing on increasing the number of police patrols in the area, we conducted more frequent training sessions for our officers to mprove their response time and stuational awareness considering the frequent schedues This will enable us to effectvely handle any emergences that may arise without uncertainties Also, we are actively seeking excellent recruts who share our commitment to pubic safety and are wiling to go the extra mie to protect the communty of San Isidro " added Medala
The police force of San Isidro has set up hotlnes and online patforms to make ther services more accessible to the public According to Medala this move aims to ensure the community can reach them easily anytime and anywhere The intative is intended to enable the pubic to report crimes or suspicious activities effectivey Wth this the poice force hopes to respond to emergencies promptly and keep the community safe
After reports of an increased in incidents regarding students engaging in romantic relationships within the school premises, the Sawata National High School's Prefect of Discipline implemented stricter measures to discourage
and deter students from using campus classrooms as dating sites
According to the San Isidro Municipal Police Station, compaints of robbery, child abuse, domestic violence sexual assaults and murder are the recorded crminal cases within the muncipality by 2022-2023 The aforementioned years crime rate is hgher in comparison to the year 2020-2021 However the station disclosed the statistical data due to authority-victim confidentiality Policewoman Kara Jane Medala, a police spokesperson, has assured the San Isidro community of their protecton from the increasing crime rate She stressed how the enhanced polce patrol would provide securty and protection to the community In response to recent criminal activity the police have implemented a 24/7 police patrol schedule to prevent further ncidents They aim to be more visble and proactive in their duties to create a safer environment for everyone
We have received numerous reports and complaints from both teachers regarding students using their quarters as dating sites We do understand that students may develop relationships with their schoolmates However we want to remind everyone that classrooms are primarily a place for learning, not for romantic dates We do not tolerate such actions that disrespect the learning environment and go against the values we uphold in our school - Lagura
To prevent students from engaging in romantic activities on school grounds the school admnistraton has implemented new security measures Securty personnel have been deployed to patrol the campus perimeter after class dismissals This move comes after reports that some students delberately stay behnd in their quarters for a more intimate setting Accordng to Lagura these measures aim to tighten survellance and discourage nappropriate behaviors within school grounds
"We impemented new securty measures to tghten our surveillance of the school premises and deter students from using the classrooms for romantic intentions By sending securty personnel to check the campus perimeters and security after class dsmissals
We want to make sure that the community can reach us easly, anytime and anywhere The police force of San Isidro understands the importance of making our services accessible to the publc so we have set up hotlines and online platforms to ensure that the pubic can easily report any crimes or suspicious activities Ths is to ensure that we can respond to emergencies promptly and effectively said Medalla Policewoman Medala has urged the community to participate in rasng awareness about crime in their muncpality Medalla emphasized that the success of their security measures heavily relies on the contribution of the ctzens and encouraged everyone to stay vgilant and report any suspicious activities to the poice She hopes that with everyones cooperation, they can create a safer and more secure community for all
We are working cosey with the communty to raise awareness about crime Considering that the success of our security measures reies heavily on communty participation, they are intertwined We know that we cannot do this alone everyone in the community must contribute for the safety of everyone Herewith we encourage everyone to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police immediately Wth the help of our citizens, we can create a safer and more secure municipality for al ended Medalla
AninterviewwithVictorianaLagura,thePrefectof DisciplineofSawataNationalHighSchool
considering that some students purposely tend to stay inside their quarters after dismissal for a more private settng perfect for any inappropriate intentions " said Lagura Mrs Lagura stressed that these measures were implemented not to restrict students freedom but to ensure that they have a safe a safe and conducive earning environment She clarified that the increased surveilance aganst cassroom dating is not meant to be overly restrictive or to lmit students' fun Rather, it is intended to mantain basic human decency and ensure everyone is safe within the school premises Lagura emphasized that the school upholds certain values and dignity and that monitorng students s done ethicaly and without resorting to any harsh physica or menta sanctions
Keeping the moral balance of this school s not being overly restrictve, we are only conserving basic human decency withn campus grounds through ethical means Besides we do not resort to harsh physcal or mental sanctions towards the students We are not monitoring them for the sake of spyng nor imiting their fun for our entertainment We are doing this to ensure that everyone is safe within the school premises under the vaues that we uphod for the state of the schoo s dignity and the students' morality " added Lagura Lagura stated they always evaluate their policies and practces to offer students the best possible environment As part of ths, the policies and procedures are under constant review However they are prepared to take addtional measures if necessary as the safety of their students s their top prority
' We're constantly reviewng our poicies to ensure that we're providng our students the best possible environment For now, we're focused on making sure that our current measures are folowed and enforced But f we need to take additiona steps in the future we wont hesitate to do so ended Lagura
In an effort to reduce plastic waste, the school administration has banned the use of plastic food packaging on campus The new policy aims to promote
By :Akisha Aessandra J Cabiladaand encouraging compiance with the poicy
Sawata National High Schools Prefect of Discipline initiates a proposition to remove disobedient students rather than to keep them within the schools responsibility as they carry
by:AkishaAlessandraJ Cabi ada on with misdeedstheir
Mrs Victoriana Lagura, the schools Prefect of Discipine, stresses over students who climb over the school fence to serve as an exit out of the school premises to cut casses Accordng to Lagura there is a particular part of the school where students tend to climb over; she labeled the site as the forbdden gate I want them to change their environment immediately, why keep those students? They are delinquents out of contro Expeling those who seek to be outaws will be the only way for them to stop I have had enough of this " Lagura stated
Sawata National High School is just a basket full of tomatoes, once you see a rotten tomato we are going to throw it so that it will not contaminate the good one's -Lagura
Lagura added that the school is stil finalzng the budget to fix the broken fence for good However, regardless of being finished or not, if the students remain to climb over the fence they would assign extents of disciplne to such behavor associated with the verdct to expel
"When the time wil come that the school will be fenced for good with the measurement of 5 2 hectares and yet students would still jump across the gate for unfathomabe reasons, it will be the momentum for us to initiate another form of discipline We wil not resort to any counseling or detentons anymore; it s not workng for these hard-headed individuals If they want to get outside of school we will bansh them from here No more coming back, no more outlet, Lagura said
Moreover, peers with bad influence are the typcal reasons behind the students escapng classes However Lagura believes that it does not matter who surrounds you good or bad its about how to value the importance of education and respect the boundaries it imposes
"There are two types of barkada The good ones and the bad ones Most probably the influence of bad barkadas s very strong Consequently, these students are trying to escape because there are barkadas that are tellng them to do so and maybe they have agreed to go to a certain pace to have happenings there but the main reason why they are dong ths is these students do not recognize the value of education in their lves that s the main reason because even how many bad friends you have, once you understand the purpose of education in your life you will not ntend to escape from classes said Lagura
For Lagura if the teachers parents and even the people around the community wll not explan the purpose of education to the students, they wil not behave properly in schoo
That s the thing I am telling you that even Sawata National High School the 5 2 meters will be fully fenced still many students wil jump across the fence because they want to escape this thing will happen if parents community, and teachers will not let the students understand the value of educaton Lagura said
Even if teachers set any school ordinance it will make no sense if the students do not acknowledge it, they will not follow it There is no need of puttng up a fence if the students are fully aware of what is education
But even though the teachers will try to mpement rules and regulations if the students did not understand them they wll not obey them Because I proudly believe that if students put the value of the education they are gong to behave, they are going to keep themselves in the cassroom and listen to their teacher no need of fencing the perimeter Lagura stated
Lagura explained that the last decision to be made is to call the parents of the student who got caught cutting classes or climbing over the fence and she will suggest that the student should transfer schools due to their behavior in Sawata Natonal High School because maybe in another school they will act wel
"For these students who are stil umping across the fence they are violating the schoo regulatons, stll the parents will be called because there is what we caled change of environment when those students are habtualy caught umping over them and cutting classes it would means that maybe they cant train inside Sawata Natonal High School so they need another envronment that is the time that I am going to recommend a change of environment because there are so many schools, maybe they wil behave n another school Lagura sad
For the past school year of 2019-2020 the school fxed three forbidden gates in the school wheren delinquents tend to use as an alternative way outside of school, ths new report adds up to that list
"We have instructed our security guards to check the bags of students entering the campus to ensure that they are not bringng in any plastic cellophane or other banned items If a student s found with a pastic cellophane they are asked to dispose of it before entering the school We have also encouraged students to bring their reusabe containers to school to further reduce waste This has been an important step n ensuring that students are aware of the poicy and comply wth it sad Lagura
In a collaborative effort to reduce pastic waste a school has partnered wth vendors inside the school to transition away from plastic celophane According to Demerin, the school administration s working closely with vendors to raise awareness about the ban and provide alternatve packaging options such as paper wraps and reusabe containers Regular inspections are conducted to ensure compliance In addton she emphasized the importance of this nitiatve and encouraged all stakehoders to work together to create a more sustanable campus envronment "We work closely with the school administration to ensure that the vendors inside the school are aware of the ban and the
consequences of non-compliance
We also provide them with aternative packaging options such as paper wraps and reusable contaners, to help them make the transition away from plastic celophane Reguar inspections are conducted to ensure that vendors are compying wth the ban added
While the ban may require some adustments from vendors and students, schoo offcals believe it s a necessary step towards a more sustainable future The new policy is expected to sgnfcantly reduce plastc waste generated by the school and encourage students to adopt environmentally conscious practices n ther daily lives Demerin, a school official, hopes that this policy will make a positive impact on the community
"We understand that this may require some adustments from our vendors and students but we beleve it is a necessary step towards a more sustainable future By banning pastic food packaging we can sgnfcantly reduce the amount of plastic waste generated by the schoo We hope that ths policy will also encourage our students to be more environmentaly conscious and adopt sustainable practces in their daily lives, ended Demern
After bagging an achievement in the Regional Invention Contest an conducted by Sheen Ryan Baluran and Gwyneth Abregana, have Innovation Forum, under the guidance of their research advisor of Technology of Cambodia in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in December 20 Although they were unable to attend due to passport issues their qualif as representatives remained a pride for their school, community, and co
The ASEAN-India S&T development sponsored the forum funded and coordinated by Cambodia's Ministry of Industry Science Technology and Innovation, consisting of a seminar on Grassroots Innovation, panel discussions, and Grassroots Innovation and Student Innovation Competitions The DOST Philippines sent winners from the 2021 Regional Invention Contest and Exhibition (RICE) to compete in the events above
Helen Grace Bandalan, Research Adviser of the SIP team, expressed their disappointment in missing out on such a valuable opportunity and their gratitude for being invited According to her the invitations were sent just a week before the event, which left them unprepared They had to rush to acquire personal documents clearances and contest essentials and undergo training in a week Despite their efforts, their passports arrived late, and they could not attend the event They vowed to continue striving towards achieving such opportunities and to be better prepared in the future
Being invited to the 3rd ASEAN-India Grassroots Innovation Forum as one of the Philippine representatives to introduce our experimental research was a milestone to be remembered Unfortunately, we were unable to attend The invitations were sent to us a week before the event and we did not have our passports yet; we were unprepared We processed everything in a rush for a week, from acquiring personal documents clearances contest essentials and training but our passports still arrived late," said Bandalan
eads to the success of our efforts to provide them the quality education they deserve, said Dagong Dagong highlighted the importance of providing an alternative earning system for students forced to drop out due to financial constrants work and other responsbiltes He emphasized that by offering a free ALS, they aim to reduce the number of dropouts and mprove the overall education system The ALS offers a second chance for students to complete ther education and achieve their goals making education more accessible and incusive for all learners
One of the biggest challenges in the education system is the high number of dropouts Unfortunately, many students in our area are forced to drop out due to financial constraints, work, and responsibilities By offering a free alternative learning system, we hope to give these students a second chance to complete their education and achieve their goals This program will help reduce the number of dropouts and improve the overall education system
The aunch of SNHSs Alternative Learning System (ALS) program s a sgnifcant milestone toward providing accessible and quaity education to all ALS coordinator, Giad Dagong emphasized the importance of bridging the education gap and providing opportunities for students regardless of ther background or financal situaton By offering the program for free, SNHS hopes to postively mpact the education sector and improve the lves of students in the community "The ALS program s designed to provide access to quality education Everyone deserves access to a highquality education, regardless of their background or financial situation By offering this program for free we hope to help bridge the education gap and provde opportunities for students who might not otherwise have them The launch of SNHS's frst ALS program is a significant step forward in our mission to improve educaton in our community, added Dagong
According to Giad Dagong an ALS coordnator SNHS has established a support system to ensure the success of ts Aternative Learning System (ALS) program The system ncludes quaified and experienced teachers who use ALS modules and the provision of textbooks workbooks and other resources The school also prioritizes montoring and evaluation to track student progress and provide feedback for improvement This comprehensive approach highlights SNHSs commtment to providing quality education to al earners "SNHS has put in place a support system that ensures the success of the ALS program This incudes qualified and experienced teachers who are trained to faclitate learning through the ALS modules The schoo also provides a range of resources such as textbooks workbooks and other
Although it was a loss not being able to present their research at the event Bandalan expressed gratitude towards the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) for not letting their efforts go to waste They were given a new opportunity to introduce their project at another event and participate in a competition Although the event differed Bandalan expressed that it still provided the same level of competency as the original forum They were grateful for the chance to showcase their research
"It was indeed a loss However the Department of Science and Technology should have used our efforts wisely Instead of presenting our research at the event, they allowed us to introduce our project at the RICE 2023 and participate in the
competit on We are grateful for this initiative; it pays off our endeavors It will somehow make our preparations be utilized for something else Although it is a different event, but still with the same competency and goal, added Bandalan
The student researchers expressed their enthusiasm for the opportunity to showcase their dedication to environmental care on an international platform They shared that they had prepared thoroughly for the competition and felt proud to be recognized for their efforts Although the team could not attend the event due to passport issues, they remain committed to introducing their project to any opportunity possible They see their qualification for the international competition as a testament to their hard work and dedication regardless of not being at the event We were thrilled by the invitation saying that we qualified for the event; it was a great leap for our school's achievement We prepared thoroughly for this competition as it is a great opportunity to showcase our dedication towards environmental care Despite being unable to go, we will not stop introducing this project to any opportunities possible Being internationally qualified is a testament that we made this happen, regardless of not being at the event, said the researchers
The research entitled Bio-Briquette of Durian (Durio zibethinus) and Corn (Zea mays) Cob as a Source of Thermal Energy ranked 1st in the Regional Invention Contest and Exhibits (RICE) in Davao Region under the Sibol Award 2021 In addition the research entitled "Properties of Banana (Musa sapientum) Based Bioplastic as Affected by the Different Levels of Plasticizer, ranked 3rd in the same category validating both entries on the 3rd ASEAN-India Grassroots Innovation Forum
Despite the challenges they are facing, the President of the Rural Improvement Club federation cited that their main goal is to promote economic development during an interview
in March 2023 emphasizing this as the key to reducing unemployment in San Isidro Sylvia Bibat Barsicula, RIC Federation President in San Isidro said that they provide various products such as dishwashing rice meat processing food, and many more wherein these businesses provide employment opportunities for their members and contribute to the local economy
RIC's main aim is to promote economic development to reduce unemployment in our community. We do this by providing various businesses such as dishwashing, rice, meat, processing food, candles, lemon juice, and tablea, which is the business of RIC here in Sawata.
Barsicula said that producing capacity expansion to increase sales not just in their local community but also nationally and to sell new products is the
”Our plans for the future include expanding our production capacity and increasing our sales locally and nationally We also want to explore new product lines and diversify our business,” added Barsicula
Barsicula shared that they are working hard to differentiate themselves and make sure that their product stands out in the market to cope with all their challenges
One of the main challenges we ve faced is competition from other tablea producers We've had to work hard to differentiate ourselves and to make sure that our product stands out in the market ” stated Barsicula
Furthermore, Barsicula highlighted that determination and hard work are vital for their growing business; they have invested in processing facilities and made improvements for the tablea to meet the quality standard
”We've been able to grow our business through hard work and determination We've invested in our processing facility and have made improvements to ensure that our tablea meets the highest standards of quality ” Barsicula said
According to Barsicula, as of last year, during the pandemic, the RIC had no income and it took a long time for them to earn one
”The RIC does not receive any salary provisions but we are striving to have our team earn money through various agencies because our people deserve it,” ended Barsicula
However, The Rural Improvement Club started in 2016 in San Isidro and was registered with Dole in 2016; this club helps the citizens of San Isidro earn an income
It was disheartening, but we were beyond happy to be given such an opportunity, which we will continue to reach.
people The Mayor pledged to mprove their access to clean water and eectrcity He emphasized that the Lumads do not deserve to live in poorly constructed houses or makeshift shelters
The Mayors statement highlights the purpose of their mmedate acton to address the iving condtons of the Lumads, who are an integral part of the Muncipalitys cultural heritage "The Lumad people are one of the unique cultural groups in the Municipalty yet many live in poorly constructed houses wthout good access to electricity and clean water Some even live n makeshift sheters made of bamboo and other natural materials; they do not deserve such a state of iving especially here in San Isidro not on my watch," said Gaje
In a further statement Mayor Gaje expressed deep concern over the longstanding discrimination and persecuton of the Lumad peope in San Isidro He acknowedged that they had been vctms of land grabbing forced displacement and vioence, making it chalengng to establish stable livelihoods and build permanent homes The Mayor noted that many Lumads have been forced to fee ther ancestral lands and live as refugees further exacerbating their dire living conditions
Some Lumad resdents have faced discrimination and persecuton for many years They have been subjected to land grabbing forced displacement and vioence Ths has made it difficult for them to establsh stable lvelhoods and build permanent homes Some have been forced to flee their ancestral lands and lve as refugees he added In addition Gaje expressed concerns about the Lumad people's financal constrants that prevent them from improving ther homes' living conditions While the Municipality has provided financial assistance for their daily needs such as food medication and transportaton fees the Lumads lack of fnancial reserves has resulted in nsufficent funds to maintan and improve their houses often made from natural materals and prone to hazards
Before this infrastructural project they were already provded financia assistance to ad any absences of their daly necessities However it is just enough for ther sustenance n terms of food, medic t l th d i t t ti f d variety of blls There are common i them to use to improve the roofs th commonly made from what nature Gaje
After 10 years of relying on contaminated water, Sawata National High School has finally obtained safe and clean students and faculty members The school's efforts to repair and maintain its water system, in collaboration wi government unit of Sawata, have resulted in a reliable and sustainable supply This achievement was made po joint efforts of the school and the LGU of Sawata and has benefited the school's students and staff from 2020 up to the
According to Rene Macadangdang the teacher in charge of the School Repair and Maintenance, they approached the Engineerng Office of Sawata in 2020 to request a connection to the muncipal water system Despte a supply shortage, the Engneering Offce granted their request fnally allowing the school access to safe and clean water To ensure a reliable supply the school also nstalled two cistern tanks capable of holding up to 4000 lters of water which wll serve as an additional source and provide a backup system whenever the muncipal supply becomes unavaiable Furthermore the water quality was verified by a barangay sanitary nspecton confrmng ts portability
“We went to the Engineering Office of Sawata for a request to connect from ther supply of water which they granted from the year 2020 up unti now despite a shortage of ther supply In addition due to the schools efforts, we now have two cisterns tanks that can carry up to 4000 iters of water to not ony rey on the water from the municipa water system Moreover, the potabiity of the water was validated by the barangay santary inspection said Macadangdang He revealed that the schoo took advantage of their newfound access to a suffcient water suppy by bulding addtona hand washing areas and nvesting in more faucets for campus use This resulted in higher water consumption reflected in their water bill which reached up to 17 000 However despte the significant increase in usage the Municipalty of Sawata approved a resoution that the school wll only pay 3000 a month regardess of the water consumed
“The school grabbed this opportunity of having a sufficient supply of water to buid hand washing areas and invest more in other faucets for campus use This consumption talied our water bll for up to 17,000 Despite the larger scae of our use, the Municipalty of Sawata approved a resoluton that the school wil only be paying 3000 a month regardless of usng any amount of water which is very benefcia for us he added He shared that before the schoo obtained access to reliable
water they had to rey soey on the rain which proved to more Before the municpal water system only supplied Municpal Hal Hosptal and Market leaving the school of potable water They attempted to dril three sites withi but all proved unsuccessful leadng them to use the sch corroded wel as the ast opton Despite being ceaned s the wel's condtion stil needed improvement The schoo the wel and rainwater for decades
We had no water supply considering that the Munici system before only suppled water to the Municpal Hal the Market The only source of water our school had was insufficient
So we tried driling three sites within campus a hundred feet down but we obtained no trace of water It ed us to our last resort which was the schools well and it was badly corroded despte beng cleaned several times We had no choice so we kept utilizing it for daiy needs within campus along wth rainwater for decades to count said Macadangdang
According to Macadangdang the schools envronment was severely affected by using corroded water for daly cleanng hygiene and sustenance The constant exposure to the toxic and corrosive water caused dscoloration and unpleasant odors n the washing areas, comfort rooms and other facilties Ths posed a danger to the students and facuty members constantly exposed to the toxc water
“Consderng our use of corroded water to support our daily cleaning, hygene, and sustenance needs, our environment was tanted wth corrosion Our washing areas comfort rooms and other faclities were dressed with corroded scents and surface discoloration Students and facuty members were purey exposed to the toxicity of the water; it was dangerous," he added He emphaszed the postive mpact that the schools newfound access
It is important to acknowledge the unique cultural heritage and contributions of indigenous communities while recognizing their struggles with discrimination, poverty, and displacement -Gaje
Gaje highlighted the Municipalitys commitment to providing the Lumad people with decent homes that can enhance their quality of lfe The Mayor emphasized that the Muncpaltys approach to the housing project is inclusive as they have engaged with the Lumad community to understand ther needs The Mayor aso noted that experts and stakeholders were involved n the project's development to ensure cultural appropriateness environmental soundness and social benefits
"We aim to provide them wth decent homes to improve their quality of life Our approach is participatory and inclusive We have engaged with the Lumad community to understand their needs and preferences We also worked cosely with experts and stakeholders to ensure the housing project was culturally appropriate, environmentally sound, and socally beneficial Our goal is to empower the Lumads to take ownership of their homes and communites sad Gae
In addition Gae emphasized the Municipalitys commitment to providing the Lumad people wth wider opportunities through the housng project The Mayor stressed that the project's goal s to ensure ther comfort and promote inclusivity and transparency in governance The Municipality aims to show that they care for all residents regardess of location and can deliver on their commitments
"Through this proect we have wdened the reach of the communitys opportunities We aim to et them ive comfortably and fee inclusiveness from the e and let dong so, ended
Availability of reliable water For over ten years SNHS finally quenches its thirst with access to potable water
It made a huge impact on our daily lives in the school Our students and staff members no longer have to worry about getting sick from contaminated water or suffering from dehydration It has also improved our sanitation and hygiene practices, which is essential, especially during this time of the pandemic.
- MacadangdangAfter a decline in the malnourishment rates of the students based on the comparison of the pre-pandemic school year 2019-2020 and the current face-to-face classes, Sawata National High School's Feeding Coordinator initiates an objective to provide enhanced nutritional programs in order to completely eliminate the cases of the reduced numbers of nutritionally deficient students
According to Mrs Editha R Demerin, Health Coordinator of Sawata National High School they observed a reduced number of malnourished students from the current school year compared to the pre-pandemic records, based on the yearly assessments conducted through measuring their BMIs to determine those who need nutritional provisions This prompted them the urgency to push more efforts into the feeding programs to efficiently continue the decreased rate of malnourishment cases
We regularly conduct yearly assessments through determining the BMI's to identify those who are nutritionally deficient Herewith we observed a significant difference regarding the numbers of malnourished students We only have 25 cases from the students at the current school year Compared to this we used to have 63 malnourished from the prepandemic year The feeding program was halted due to the lockdowns, yet the malnourishment cases decreased, nonetheless Hence, we will use this opportunity to double our efforts invested for the nutritional programs, in order to further lessen this issue, said Demerin
Despite the progressive vaccination rollouts granted by the Rural Health Unit (RHU) that served as an outlet throughout the town of San Isidro, the Municipal Health Workers, widened the reach of vaccine provisions He continued their dissemination towards remote areas of the Municipality to fulfill the objective of making San Isidro a COVID-free municipality before the year 2024
Based on the Rural Health Unit (RHU) of San Isidro, as of 2023, among the 28,880 San Isidro residents, 23,883 (82 7%) of the total population who already acquired the first dose of their vaccine initiated last September 2021 In addition, an unlimited number of 20,735 (71 8%) are vaccinated, with the second dose designated from their first one, which had an initial rollout last October 2021
According to Jireh Joy Astronomo, a Medical Doctor from the RHU of San Isidro, despite the successful approach of dispersing the COVID-19 vaccines throughout the 13 barangays of the municipality by their designated outlets, the total number of individuals benefiting from the program remained incomplete in some barrios Astronomo pointed out that the absence of people in such programs was mainly due to their far-flung locations from their barangays' outlets, making it difficult for them to participate in any rollouts
"Distributing the COVID-19 vaccines throughout the 13 barangays of San Isidro through their health centers and gymnasiums was the ideal way to reach everyone's demand to be vaccinated efficiently everyone's demand to be vaccinated However, despite the successful dispersal, the number of individuals to benefit from the vaccination program remained incomplete for each program initiated by the barrio The absence of people was mainly caused by far-fetched locations away from their barangays' outlet, which made it difficult for them to be present at any rollouts," said Astronomo
In addition, Astronomo highlighted the difficulties citizens face living in remote areas with broken bridges dangerous roads, and rugged terrains to reach their designated barangay service outlets She emphasized that the lack of transportation and the hazardous environment posed a significant problem to those living in such perimeters Addressing this issue, the government initiated transits toward these locations with the support of the Local Government Unit (LGU), ensuring efficient vaccine distribution
"We have citizens who live across broken bridges, drive through treacherously natured roads, and climb hills to proceed to their designated barangay service outlets Considering the lack of access to transportation and the dangerous environment, this served as a problem for those living in such perimeters Herewith, we fulfilled the efficient distribution of vaccines against such concerns by initiating transits towards
their locations with the help of the Local Government Unit (LGU) to support our ride and necessities to reach those in need," said Astronomo
Moreover Astronomo emphasized the measures being implemented to contain the spread of COVID-19 in a recent statement The government has designated facilities and trained personnel to immediately isolate and quarantine those who test positive for the virus The surveillance system is still actively monitoring all potential cases, and necessary precautions are being taken to protect the public The priority remains to prevent further transmission, and the situation's progress is being closely monitored
Wehaveimplementedmeasurestoisolate andquarantinethosewhotestpositiveto preventthevirusfromspreadingfurther.Our surveillancesystemisstillactiveand monitoringallpotentialcases;wetakeall necessaryprecautionstoprotectthepublic Ourpriorityistoensurethatthosewhotest positiveareisolatedandquarantined immediatelytopreventfurthertransmission Wehavedesignatedfacilitiesandtrained personneltohandlethesituationandclosely monitortheirprogress.
Astronomo reported a significant decrease in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in San Isidro This has allowed businesses to operate without constraints and people to socialize and attend events safely Schools have reopened, and students can attend classes in-person without fear of transmission The vaccine campaign has significantly contributed to the return to normalcy in San Isidro
"We have seen a significant decrease in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, a great relief Businesses have been able to operate without the virus's constraints, and people can socialize and attend events without fear of transmission Schools have reopened and students can attend classes in person safely We are starting to see life return to normal, thanks to the vaccine campaign," ended Astronomo
The available COVID-19 vaccines disseminated throughout the Municipality of San Isidro include Sinovac Biotech, Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna
In addition, Demerin emphasized the plans made by the program under the objective to invest more on the nutritional provisions needed to efficiently continue the reduction of the malnourishment rate, through the initiative of adding further nutritional value on the food they serve and giving essential vitamins on their feeding programs while ensuring the transparency and success of its service by leave none unattended
The feeding program is an avenue to aid those who are considered as malnourished We invested more on its service to be able to provide the necessities needed not only to balance the rate of the issue, but to further eliminate its presence We enhanced the nutritional aspects given through a general nutrition program and ensured the success of its dissemination throughout the students Provisions include vitamin C's, iron supplements, deworming tablets, and feeding programs with access to nutritionally-packed food, given on a daily scheduled basis, -Demerin
Moreover, Demerin featured how health plays a significant role towards students She highlighted how nutrient deficiencies can be a problem for the student's academic performance given that health is intertwined with an individual's composure; emphasizing the need to aid them at school She pointed out how teachers can let this happen, implying that their service is not only limited to teaching
Malnourishment hinders the students from performing well in school Considering the lessened cases of such issues in our campus it reflects the uprising of performance upholded by the students This sets an example to which health is a significant factor for them to do well in life As educators, it is our responsibility to help students attain that achievement The decreased rate of malnutrition is an opportunity for us to let them enjoy learning with a healthy being Providing them the sufficient nutrition to do so is also a part of our job " said Demerin
Furthermore, Demerin stressed the importance of students to take care of their own health despite the school's efforts to aid their malnourished state She emphasized how responsibility is essential to further de-escalate the problems made by nutritional deficiency among the youth Regardless of providing essentials to aid malnutrition, all efforts will be considered as futile if the assisted students would still resort to a lifestyle that is not conducive to health
Regardless of the assistance we propose to help those who are nutritionally deficient, it is not guaranteed to be a complete solution We only serve to lessen, not to cure, students themselves are still in charge of their own health Our efforts will be for nothing if they would still choose to resort to an unhealthy lifestyle despite engaging in nutritional programs Our youth has to be responsible for their own health to cooperate with our objective, by avoiding an unhealthy lifestyle and maintaining a good health record outside of our program " ended Demerin
ChonaC Aranaydo
Ma NarcisaS Gallaza
RaquelG Tagalinao
TheEnigmaistheofficialschoolpublicationin EnglishofSawataNationalHighSchool Opinionsandviews expressedarethoseofthewritersanddonotnecessarilyexpress thoseofthenewspaperandtheschool
Childrenhasthepotentialtomoldthefuture,riskingtheirchildhoodonlytosufficepervertedneedsisaformofsuicide.Childgroomingisa deceptivetacticthatperpetratorsusetomanipulatechildreninordertoexploitthemfordisturbingintentions.Youngpeoplewhoaregroomed canbesexuallyabused,exploitedortrafficked.Itisaseriousviolationthatoftenleadstophysicalandemotionaltrauma,significantlythreateningtothe safetyandwell-beingofminors.Their innocenceareofflimits,theymustbeharboredawayfrommaliciousintentions!
Based on the records from the Poice Department of San Isidro, 12 cases of chld grooming complants were administered by the authorities throughout the municipality Moreover six minorites from these numbers were dentified as Sawata Natonal High
Schoo students
According to Vctoriana N Lagura Sawata
Nationa Hgh Schools Prefect of Discipline groomers often exploit a childs lack of knowledge about approprate behavior, making t easier for them to commit abuse Predators often look for chidren as they are easy to manipuate as they are less lkely to recognize the warning signs and resist their advances
Innocent chidren are particuary vulnerable to the tactcs used by groomers such as offerng gifts or showng them attenton and affecton They often try to establish trust with their targets making it difficult for children to recognize when they are being manipulated or taken advantage of
Naiveness attracts malicious intentions Enforcing the innocents through education wil protect them before any consequences of child groomng It is crucial to educate children about what grooming is and how to recognize t before happenng considering they are still naive to ths concern Parents and teachers alike can help in this regard by orientng the young ones to identifying violations that cross ther
line of comfort and guide their response regardng such trespass to efficiently avoid the harm offenders intend to take advantage of from their innocence
In additon accordng to Lagura despite the laws implemented to prevent it some stil continue to groom chidren for sexua exploitation Some chid groomers may be motivated by the power and contro they feel when victimizing chldren Another reason is that some chid groomers may beleve that they will not get caught or that they can manipulate children nto not reporting the abuse These individuals may have a psychological disorder that compes them to seek out chidren for sexua gratificaton
Impement effciency and adapt to change If the chidren cannot protect themselves from predators the implementaton of consoldated penalties wil do There should be enhanced laws ensured with incusive deployment that eaves no community members unattended, serving the sole purpose of disciplning shameess perpetrators of child grooming and servng as a warnng that mproved sanctions await those who seek trouble This wil act as a deterrent understanding that such behavior is highly unacceptable gven that it tolls a heavier consequence
According to Polcewoman Karla Jane Medalla from the Police Department of San Isidro, the duraton of the trauma can vary from person to person Vctims
may experence symptoms of PTSD depression anxiety and other mental health issues for many years after the grooming, associated wth nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks, and intrusive thoughts Victims may also experence changes in their mood or behavior such as becoming withdrawn or overly emotional They may struggle with trust issues and have difficulty formng close relationshps with others Healing is crucial for the victims to end their suffering; fnaly prioritizing their welfare is vital
Regardless of being secured away from vulnerability, their state of recovery is stil sensitive Considerng the trauma that baffled them some factors might trigger the victims' trauma Identifying the cause of these trggering aspects to provide general heath assistance with deliberaton while ensuring empathetic approaches of consoling will provide an envronment of comfort essental for recovery
The consequences made by child groomng are devastating to endure; their purty must be protected at all costs It is vtal to teach youngsters about the dangers of child groomng and for parents to uphold any sense of urgency about ther children's safety Moreover aw enforcement shoud take crucia acton to provde further protecton It is the shared obligation of society to invest in provding a safe environment for children that harbors ther innocence, securing a brighter future for the generations to come
By:Abusivebehaviorpavesthewaytoanotherlevelofadisturbingtrend.Around29studentsofSawataNationalHighSchoolpopulaceclaimthat theyhaveexperienceddomesticviolence.Sheltersareahaven,butunfortunately,itisaplaceofconfinementforothers.Anobscuredenvironment wheretheyfightassaultiveactionsfromtheirhouseholdmembers.Prosecutethoseperpetrators,andfreethevictimsfromthecageofcruelty!
Physcal, psychologica, sexual, and financial abuse are a variety of ways wheren domestic vioence can manifest Using harsh words attempting to compe someone to have sex n unacceptable ways and neglecting to pay for consumer spending are al acts of volence as long as they occur within the home
The survey shows that 2 91% of SNHS students experience domestc violence PSSg Eleonesa Lungay, a recent interviewee, disclosed that domestic volence cases have occurred in San Isidro for some time As a result of her observations she stressed that one of the eading causes of this incident is when partners misinterpret each other due to jealousy or excessve alcoho consumption which causes them to project ther mixed feelings of negatve impulses onto their spouses
heinternetisoftentoutedasapowerfultoolforcommunicationand connection.Unfortunately,thistechnologicaladvancementhascreatednew avenuesforsexualharassment,childgrooming,anddomesticviolence.Online perpetratorsusesocialmedia,chatrooms,andmessagingappstoexploitvulnerable individuals,leavinglastingemotionalscars.Thedevelopmentoftechnologyis intendedtoprovideadvantagesforitsusers,notfortheexploitationofmalicious purposes.Thereshouldbezerotolerancetowardsvirtualabuse!
Onlinegroomingofchildrenhasmagnifiedintheonlinespaceduringthe pandemic.AccordingtothePoliceDepartmentofSanIsidro,withtheshifttoremote learningandsocializing,childrenspendmoretimeonlineandareatahigherriskof beingtargetedbypredatorsthatusetheanonymityoftheinternettolureintheir victims.Thesepredatorsusevarioustacticstomanipulateandgainthetrustof children,leadingtosexualexploitationandabuse,oftenusingsocialmediatobuild trustandgainaccesstothem.Thisisaheinouscrimethatleaveslastingdamageon thechild'spsyche. Theuprisingofmaliciousindividualsusingtheinternetasameansofgrooming childrenisatestamenttohoweasyithasbecomeforpredatorstogainaccessto theirvictims.Theinternet,despiteitsbenefits,isalsoaplatformthatmustbe regulated,monitored,andpolicedtoensurethatchildrenaresafefromharm.Their naivenessisbeingtakenadvantageofbycriminalswhohidebehindscreens,their innocencemustbeharboredawayfromdanger.
Domesticviolenceisalsoasignificantissuethathasbeenamplifiedbythe pandemic.AccordingtoVictorianaN.Lagura,SNHS'PrefectofDiscipline,with lockdownsandsocialdistancingmeasures,victimsofdomesticviolencearemore isolatedandhavelimitedaccesstosupportserviceswhichauthoritiesprovide.The internethasmadeiteasierthaneverforabuserstocontrol,intimidate,andmonitor theirvictimsthroughsocialmediaandotherdigitalchannels.Thisdeprivestheir victimoftheirfreedom,makingitharderforthemtoseekhelpandescapethe situation.
Thisinsidiousmanipulationdeprivesvictimsoftheirfreedomandobstructstheir abilitytoseekhelp,therebyintensifyingtheurgencyforcomprehensivemeasuresto addressdomesticviolenceandsafeguardthewell-beingofthoseaffected. Individualsdonotdeservetobeabusedwithintheirownhouseholds.Theyarejailed withmaltreatment,theircomposureshouldbefortified.
Sexualharassmentisanotherissuethathasbeenprevalentforfartoolong,that affectspeopleofallagesandgenders.AccordingtoLagura,itcanrangefrom unwantedlewdcommentsandmessagestoexplicitimagesandvideos.Withthe anonymityoftheweb,itiseasyforperpetratorstoharassandabusetheirvictims, oftenwithoutfearofrepercussions.Moreover,Thisbehaviorhasbecomenormalized insomeonlinespaces,makingitharderforvictimstoseekhelpandjustice.
Sexualharassmentisapervasiveproblemthatmustbeaddressedwithurgency.It isunacceptablethatanyone,regardlessofageorgender,shouldhavetoendure unwantedadvances,lewdcomments,orexplicitimagesandvideos.Perpetrators thrive,fearingnoconsequences,whilenormalizationincertainonlinerealmsfurther hampersvictims'questforjusticeandsupport.Wemustworktogethertocreatea safeandsupportiveculturethatcondemnssexualharassmentandprovidesvictims withthehelpandjusticetheydeserve.Theirscreamsaremuffled,theiragonyhasto bealleviated.
Itiscrucialtorecognizethattheinternetisaneutraltoolthatcanbeusedfor bothgoodandevil.Technology'saccessiblenaturehasmadeitlesscomplicatedfor perpetratorstotargettheirvictims,carryouttheirmaliciouscrimes,andhidebehind screens.Significantly,somehaveutilizeditasameansofcommittingcrimeslikerape, domesticviolence,andchildgrooming.Wemusttakeastand,putmeasuresinplace toprotectthosewhoarevulnerable,andholdperpetratorsaccountablefortheir actions.
Adoptingamultifacetedstrategytoeradicatethiskindofabusewhichinvolves teachingpeopleaboutonlinesafety,enhancingmonitoringandreportingsystems, andtougheninglegalpenaltiesforoffenderswillsafeguardthemostsusceptible membersofthesocietytoguaranteeavigilantonlineenvironment.
Lungay further stated that the government is mplementing poicies to safeguard those susceptible
to abuse, such as theRepublic Act of 1962, which aims to address the issue of the prevalence of vioence against women and
children (VAWC) by ther intimate partners, along with the Republic Act 7610, protecting chldren from all forms of abuse
But then if victims cannot report the policy s useless as they are fghtng another battle right at home where the war is most violent In an ntervew Mae (not her real name) a beaten child claimed that her father constantly mistreated and tripped her She suffered pain each time she asked for a baon Although the same incident keeps happening, it stll rips his heart more than the pain she aches from the contusion she gets
It is upsetting to hear that the father who serves as the familys foundation also abuses his blood and fesh Growng up in a volent envronment may influence the victims conduct and depresson In addition to possbly leaving them wth bruises, the anguish it causes them may result from the sorrow they feel for what they did wrong to deserve such treatment
Many vctims miss out on the opportunty to seek help; regrettably some victims wait too long in the hope that things wll improve on their own Even
while the police strive to reduce domestic violence ncidents, their efforts will not be adequate to end the abuse that permeates every househod Beng shackled to matreatment in a setting where one woud expect to feel secure is dsturbng but Maes love remains in ight of the suffering As her father constantly abused her Mae stressed that she was stil thankful to his father for alowing her to see and experience the bittersweet side of the world Although Mae cries every time she pleads with God for the strength to overcome her abusive father she also prays that one day her Father wil see how difficult it was for her to withstand such a traumatic occurrence This suggests that concerned ndividuals may minimize domestic vioence by recognizing its eminence and reportng those who are accountable for the misery of others This can be done with the effort of every police officer to distrbute flyers and booklets or police visibility in lne with the collaboraton of every member of society To where we live should not be to where we suffer as violence never brings permanent peace!
By:Asortofsexualmisconductthatentailssexualcontactoranothermeansofpenetrationbroughtaboutbyphysicalforce,compulsion,orthe misuseofpower—definesrape.Recently,ithasbeenrecordedthatthereareseveralcasesofrapeinSanIsidroinDavaoDelNorte.Itisthreatening,as mostrapevictimsareminors,enduringlyimpactingtheirwell-beingatayoungage.Everyoneshouldbefreedfromthefrightofbeingsexuallyassaulted byshamelessrapists.Thesemaliciouscriminalsdeservetorotinjail!
According to the Police Department of San Isidro most rapists here in San Isidro did not rape accidentally; it was intended in the frst place It has been said that the rapist may view his vctim/s as an object of desire and s tempted by the victims imagined beauty getting out of control and driven by their lust which eads them to carry out the horrible act completey forgetting about reaity and what is right One of the causes of this s the influence of social media Social media is aso a known platform where you can freely access porn and sexual sites There is a possibility that someone who watches ths kind of thing can make their hunger for sexual activities stronger and to escape it they may force their lust on someone as a result of satisfying ther sexual desires
Herewith the biggest problem s that the majority of people that are most exposed to social media are minors and most of them already know about the exstence of sexploitation This eads them to learn and appy what they see in rated-18 videos n real life
According to the Police Department of San Isidro another factor n rape cases s alcohol consumption It aso has been recorded that n one of the cases peer drinking paired with dark motives and the victims inability to declne or fght back from the influence of acohol led that person to become the next rape victim Most rape vctims were raped after getting drunk with someone they knew who was most likely strong and od enough to wthstand the victim's power under the infuence of acohol
Drinking s not a probem; it s how a person views the drunk persons thinking Alcoho consumption can cause sexual desre instablity It is essential not to take advantage by engaging in sexual intercourse with someone under the influence of acohol without their expicit or full consent knowing that it s a drunk person That person does not mean it and when they fnaly regain their ful consciousness they regret what they asked for Also everyone must be aware of the dangers of accepting nvitations to consume alcohol from peers, strangers or even trusted people that have gathered Everyone must remember that a person can freely betray for their desires
Most rapists have used physical strength in the worst possible way or intimidation according to the Police Department of San Isidro Most rape victims were being blackmailed by their rapist to keep the incident a secret which s most lkely the reason why minors are more prominent in involvement in such cases, as it s said that rapsts will show ther so-called good side to ther victms and buld a connection and trust with them This is also a common reason that victims keep quiet horrified of the consequences if they tell anyone they were raped This victim will force herself to forget that she was raped and try to lead an everyday ife again On top of that most rape vctims are minors because they are seen as easy to manipuate and pay with; they are curous about everything, and that s their disadvantage People try to gain the trust of these teens by offering some good deeds and satisfying their curiosity about things and when
they let their guard down in the presence of their disguised perpetrator ths is exploited and teens are lured into the trap planned by their malicious rapist
In these times, everyone must hep rase awareness about what can lead to rape and how to avod it And should dg deeper into understanding the truth and limitations of every indivdual when it comes to sexual activities Teach people to stop rapng instead of preventing themselves from getting raped It is essental to encourage rape victims to speak out against their perpetrators and support them in their healing process The ridculous reasons of the rapist should fool no one, whether they did it to their vctim intentionaly or not by forcing someone to do anything sexual without that person's consent and then after their rejecton being raped even if you are married
It is a shame that someone suffers slenty from predators evil desires Rape may finish withn a minute but it will take a ifetime of trauma for the vctims The perpetrators have satisfacton for their vctim's agony Rape victims dd not ask to be raped; they should not be blamed They are susceptible to fraglity; healing takes many dilemmas that corrupt them There are still victims out there who have been raped but stay slent There are still rapsts roaming around findng their next prey in slence yet this act endures over tme Rape is never acceptable; the blame and shame should be inflicted on the rapists They must pay for such crimes by making them rot in jai to allevate the agony they impose on the innocents
By:Cultivates,produces,andfeeds—thesearetheimportantrolesthatoursociety'sbackboneplays.SanIsidromakesup4.46%ofDavaodel Norte'stotallandareawithalandsizeof152.49squarekilometers. Andisoneofthecommunitieswherefarmingistheprimarysourceofincome.Dueto itsextensiveagriculturalterritory,theagriculturalindustryisexperiencingpressurefromlow-costimportsoftheircommoditiesandtheissuescausedby numerouspests.Theyraisecropstoprovidefoodsecurity,andthelocalgovernmentmustguaranteethefarmers'viabilityandpreventthemfrom buryingtheirfrustrationsintheground.
Based on a survey conducted 493 students at Sawata Nationa Hgh School or 49 40% of the entre student population have farmer parents ncluding 90 students in Grade VII 49 students in Grade VIII 88 students in Grade IX, 83 students n Grade X, 100 students in Grade XI, and 83 students in Grade XII
Natvidad Sumiblan a farmer and a resdent of Cebuy-A Sawata San Isidro said in an interview conducted last November 24 2022 in her 36 years of farming there are those challenges that left them no choice but to be brave enough to face dsturbances n the fields of agriculture
Farming necessitates unendng care Farmers are more than just farmers Being a fghter is planted in them and they grow daily endurng the sunlight while risng again and agan regardless of the difficuties in the field They are plants that wll contnue to thrive and adapt to any season
Sumblan emphasized that her farm primarily consists of cacao coconut banana and rice corn
Furthermore, she stated that pests such as corn earworm in rice-corn, beetles n coconut, plant disease (lump) in banana, and destructive typhoons such as
No matter how they arise crises are unavoidable
The agrarian society has been pagued by ongoing problems such as rising fertiizer prices natural disasters and socal unrest As long as farming entails inevitable uncertainties, this will contnue to be a problem for the agriculture industry
Sumiblan added that she and other farmers are still deciding whether to continue farmng or find another source of ncome
She emphasizes how the prices established by busness people are in opposition to market pricing In other words mport costs have significantly decreased compared to those for retai prices, greaty benefiting the business owners
One of the most pressing probems they are now dealing with is the low prices of agrcultural products
They frequently receive just prices for their crops
Pricing issues occasionally experience swings that intermedaries or traders fail to account for properly
Farmers with limted access to finance also face difficulties, as she noted that she needs more financial resources to invest n her crops and ncrease her output
They are constrained by their resources, making it impossble for them to buy the seeds fertlizers and other inputs needed to boost crop production
Sumblan asserted that to get through the difficulties posed by farming it s essential to go
forward and exhbit reslience She clamed that although nobody wshes for ssues to arise we should accept whatever comes our way since she highlighted that there is success n failing Farming is complex and becomes even more challenging when all produced are crops of implicatons Interferences are a natural part of ife; we must continue to harness them Farmers plant for potental harvest and later reap what they have sown
Food supplies wll lack if we do not have farmers so we must step up to help them There must be an investment in farm productivity, easy access to hghquaity fertlizer, and an improvement in local production to maintain farm prices and earnngs Government assistance is required to hep farmers combat ilnesses and pests Subsidized pesticides should be made available to farmers
Several measures can be taken to lessen the burden on farmers, such as mproving market access through regulations that support spending on infrastructure improvements which wll increase production for a hgher price and granting them access to financng that will alow them to access credit and other financial servces If we fail we shoud try once more and in farming we must plant again to wait for something to garner
Marjorie Baldo By:AstherestoftheworldstepsbackfromtheravagesofisolationbroughtonbylockdownsamidsttheCovid-19pandemic,theface-to-faceclasses
Hasreturned,andSawataNationalHighSchoolimplementedaprogramthatprovideseducationalprovisionsandflexibilitytoout-of-schoolstudentswho couldbeyouthoradults,oftendropouts-AlternativeLearningSystem.MostALSprogramenrolleesarewillingtofinishtheirstudiesbutneedhelpdueto commonsocietalproblems,suchaspoverty,thedistancefromhometoschool,andmanymore.Differentschoolsshouldinheritthisprogramsinceit focusesongivingopportunitiestothosepeoplewhowanttoenhancetheirknowledgewithoutbeingaffectedbythehindrancesofobtaininganeducation.
In the Senior Highschool of Sawata Natonal High, there are 46 enrolees in grade 11 alone with 6 in GAS (Genera Academc Strand) 3 in Home Economics 11 in the Industria Arts strand and 26 enrollees in the strand of Organc Agriculture Grade 12 follows wth 25 enrollees with 7 in GAS 2 in the Health and Wellness strand, 4 in the Industral Arts strand, and 12 n the Swine Production strand; this brings the total number of Senor High students enrolled in the program to 71
According to Sir Giad Dagong head teacher for the school's ALS program this is the first time the school had the ALS program and the number of ALS senior high enrolees presenting an increase n the school is significant It highlights the importance of the program, especially considering the challenges faced by out-of-school students who may have dropped out due to a lack of resources or motivation
It is inspiring to know that this program mpacted those aspiring students to continue their education in pursuit of their dreams against al odds but this s also a wing that the number of e that without this program nty of people wll suffer in provding their needs and ants in lfe especialy in this period In this era t is necessary for
any means to have a degree or anything that can be connected to education to be accepted in any occupaton that requires such background Giad has also stated that the preparaton was that the teachers had to do their best adjusting to especially to ALS learners who are aduts and other such enrolees who have never gone through a formal education or class Their formal educaton and knowledge level differ from students enroled in traditional classes since grade 7 The teachers are responsible for indulging and catering to the enrollees so they can understand their lessons quickly This program could easily see through those people who have been through hardships due to the absence of education The program can dfferentate the gap in the knowledge of these people between those average learners and this could be a needed hard slap of reality for those aduts to be nvolved in this situation since theyre required to have a better understanding and informaton to be used in their job especially those enrollees are students who had dropped out of school and were working odd jobs to support themselves and their families Although the ALS program may be more suitable for younger students it has also been successful in providing
another chance for dropouts to reassess their need for education and deveop skils for future growth leadng to an upward shift of socia norms in the communty Fortunatey the inauguration of the ALS program by school authorties cast the golden rod of opportunities for out-of-school youth and returning dropouts to have their access to educaton delvered It made manifest to them through modular means and other leeways Such initiative by the school has been a lifesaver and holy grail for those who wish to advance ther educaton more so if it is continued in operation and amended to serve better those registered n the program spurring faith and far play n studies that guides the future of a community Every place that promotes learning should realze that it is essental to support and provide strugglng students who still wish to have an educaton mobilty and growth within society better felt in the future They merely need access to educaton to do so with lessons they learn to propel them to betterment in their community and themselves Impementing the ALS Program should be prioritized, especialy at this time, as everyone must grasp success if they founded with the fundamentas of what education can offer!
By: Dolly BalagaPovertyisoneofthemassiveproblemssocietyfacesnow,affectingmanylives,especiallythestudents.Someofthemdon'thaveenoughsources ofincome,totheextentthattheirparentscan'tregularlyprovidetheirbasicneedssuchasfoodandclothes,andworse,theydon'thavepermanent shelter.Thisissuerobstheopportunitiesforstudentstouseeducationforachange;childrendeservetoflourishthroughsuchmeansandmustbegiven theassistancetodoso!
Inthesurvey,outof998SawataNationalHigh Schoolstudents,516(51.70%)affirmedthatthey arepoorandaffectedbypoverty.Accordingto aninterviewwithMs.MaureenAvaMorales, "studentsareexperiencingpovertybecauseof thesituationofourcountryorinlargescaleof peoplewhobelongtothepovertylinearemuch greatertothosepeoplewhobelonginabove povertyline,someaningtosaythattherearelots ofpeoplewhoarepoor,"Moralesstated.
Basedontheresearch,childrenfromfamilies withlowerincomesscoresignificantlyloweron vocabulary,communicationskills,assessments, andtheirknowledgeofnumbersandabilityto concentrate.Studentsfromdestitutefamilies oftenhavefewerresourcesintheirhomesto completetheirhomeworkandneedmore knowledge.
Studentsfromfamilieswithalowerincome scorelowerinvocabularyandhavealackof knowledge.Youngchildrenaregrowingupfacing theproblemofpoverty,andithasmuchimpact onthem.Studentslivinginpovertyoftenface morechallengesandmoreoftenengageinillegal doingssuchasdrugtrafficking,robbing,
andothersarederailed.Growingupinadestitute familycanalsoaffectthementalandemotional healthofthestudents.Povertyalsoimpartsmental andemotionaldamage;worse,theyareforcedto workratherthanstudy.
Moralesalsoemphasizesthatoneofthemain reasonsforpovertyistheparents'jobs.Yet,their parentshavestablejobsbutwithlowsalaries,and moreisneededtouseintheirdailylives,butsomeof thestudents'parentsarejoblessandneedasource ofincome.And,tosustaintheirchild'sneeds,they muststrivehardtogetastablejobtolessentheir problem.
Unemployedparentsareoneofthemainreasons whypovertyisconventional.However,morethan farmingatthispointisneededfortheparentstoface therealityofindigence.Theyhavefarms,butthe marketvalueoftheproducecouldbehigher.The governmentmustempoweragriculturalextension programssuchasAgriculturalTrainingInstitute(ATI) todisseminateaccurateinformationandsolve farmers'commongaps.Furthermore,theymust educatetheparentstobemoreknowledgeablein farmingandharvest.
Eventuallytheyarelateowingtothedistance theywalkfromtheirhousetoschool,someofthe
timetheycannotgotoschoolduetolackof financialsupport.Moststudentsneedfoodtoeat duringrecessandlunch.But,eventhoughtheyare stillstrivingtostudyhardtomaketheirfuture brighterandbetter. Beingapartofanindigentfamilyisn'tan obstacletofinishingstudying.Allstudentsmust knowthateducationisthekeytoovercoming poverty;iftheywanttooutlivethissituationand besuccessful,theyneedtogotoschooltogain knowledgetohelptheirparents.Thestudents mustfighttherealityofindigencetoreachthe evidentend.
Therearelotsofsolutionsthatwecanmaketo lessenortobreakthepovertyaffectingthe students.Eachofuscanhelpeachotheragainst poverty.Youshouldbeflexible,resilient,and decisiveuponfacingthosechallenges;weallknow thatpovertyisnotabarriertocontinuereaching ourgoals.Youneedtobemoreknowledgeableto helpyourparentsinthefuture.Asapartofan indigentfamily,onedoesnotphotograph helplessnessandhopelessnesstofinishadiploma; itisnotthepovertythatpullsdownone'shope;it isthethoughtsofnegativityandimpaired interpretationofdifficulty.
Sheen Ryan BaluranBy: Nogapistoowidetoclose! Theindefinitesuspensionofclassesfollowedbyanabruptshift
todistancelearningmodalitiesrobbedthedevelopmentofsome learnersasaconsequenceofthepandemic.Currently,the reinitiationoftraditionalclasseshasbeenfulfilledinthe MunicipalityofSanIsidro,consideringthereducednumberof Covid-19cases,plusthemassiverolloutofvaccinationefforts. Despiteitsupbringing,thisnewtransitionisanewstruggleforthose affectedbythelearninggap.Theyareadjustingtothisnewera;their endeavorsmustbesparedwithethicalconsiderations.
BasedonasurveyconductedatSawataNationalHighSchool, 602studentsoutof 998respondentsareconfirmedtobestruggling duetothelearninggapcorrelatedtothepandemic,transitioning frommodularandonlinelearningtothecurrentface-to-faceclasses oftheschoolyear2022-2023.
AccordingtoRaquelG.Tagalinao,PrincipalIVofSawata NationalHighSchool,thetransitionhasbeensomewhatchallenging forsomestudentsastheyhadtoreadjusttothestructureofinpersonclasses.Whiledistancelearninghasprovidedamoreflexible andself-pacedlearningenvironment,traditionalclassesrequire studentstofollowascheduleandinteractface-to-facewiththeir peersandteachers.Somestudentshaveexperiencedcultureshock astheynavigatethesechanges,carryingthedevelopment uncertainty.
Youcangoaheadandadoptarecoveryresponseplan.The reimplementationofface-to-faceclassesshouldrecuperatewhere thestudentslack.Notallstudentsdevelopedacademicallyinthe set-upofthelearningmodalitiesfromthepreviousyearsdueto cultureshock.Toleratingthislevelofcompetencyamongthe studentsinthetraditionalsettingofclassesisnottheessenceof education;theymustbeincentivizedtorecoverthroughrecalling briefyetvitaltopicswithoutinvalidatingthelearner'scapabilities andwithoutdrainingtheteacher'scapacitytoprovidesuchmeans. Letthestudentscopewiththehelpofconsiderateteaching.
Inaddition,accordingtoLiwaniMariaPaulaCancan,astudent fromSawataNationalHighSchoolwhostruggleswiththelearning gap,studentslikeherlacktheknowledgeandskillsnecessaryto succeedacademically,consideringthattheyhavemissedouton criticalinstructionandface-to-faceinteractionwithteachersand peersthroughdistancelearning.Thestudentnotedthattheabrupt shifttoremotelearninghadmadeitdifficulttostaymotivatedand engaged,astheyfeltdisconnectedfromthelearningprocess.
Implementremediallearning.Tobridgelearninggapsdueto limitedinstructionaltimeanduncertainlearningdevelopment duringthepandemic,schoolsshouldprofessthisimplementationin theirprioritiesduringthebeginningofthereinitiationoftraditional classes.Tutorialprogramsontopofdailyschoolassignmentsand activitiesshouldbeconsideredtosmoothenthestudents'learning journey.Theresultsofremediallearningprogramscanbeusedto assessstudents'numericalandliteracyskills.Fromthere,schools canimprovetheirteachingstrategiesandtailorthesetoaddressthe student'sneeds.Lettheface-to-faceclassesprovidehealingamong them,notinflictpressure.
Inaddition,someteachershaveneededhelpwithusingmodern technologytoteachtheirstudents;theyoftenneedmoreskillsand essentialresourcestoengagewithstudentsthroughtechnological wayseffectively.Theyhavetokeepupwithlaggyinternet connections,outdatedhardware,andsoftwareincompatibilities, whichmakesitdifficultforthemtodeliverqualityeducation efficiently.
Providesupporttoteachers.Inthisdigitalage,teachersmust alsobeabletoadapttotechnologicaladvancestopreparestudents forEducation4.0.Thismeansschoolsarealsoresponsiblefor ensuringthatfacultymembersundergoregularandcontinuous trainingfocusedondeliveringinstructioneffectivelythroughboth physicalandremotemeans.Alleducationalinstitutionsmuststart investingmoreindigitaltoolsthatfacultyshouldbeadeptatusing tobridgethegapthatstudentsneedhelpnavigatingandusing moderntechnology'sefficiencyandpotential.
Theyouthisthehopeofthefuture;investingintheireducation andwell-beingwillsecureaprosperousfateforall.Bridgingthe learninggapemanatedbythepandemicisaresponsibilitybeyond theclassroom.Itisimperativetosupportstudentsandteachersas theynavigatelearningchallengesandadapttothenewnormal. Implementingobservativepracticesthataddresstheroot causesofeducationaldisparitiesisvitalfordeveloperstoinitiate targetedinterventionsthatwilladdresstheneedsofdisadvantaged students,includingprovisionsofadditionalacademicsupportor extendingtoaddressingsocial-emotionalneeds.Inaddition, providingteacherswithongoingprofessionalsupporttohelpthem professeffectiveinstructionalstrategiesandengagewithdiverse studentpopulationsisessentialtoincreasethechancesofprogress.
Ultimately,collaborativeeffortswillclosethelearninggap, requiringallstakeholders,includingeducators,families, policymakers,andcommunitymembers,tocreatemoreequitable learningenvironmentssupportingallstudentsandteachers' academicendeavors.Adaptiveadjustmentsinlearningwilldevelop apromisingfuture;thestudentsmustflourishinthehandsof considerateeducation.Letthembeempowered,identifyingasthe catalystsofchangeinthisnewbeginning.
Embrace true colors
By: Sheen Ryan BaluranKnowledgeissupposedtobepower,butitisdeemedasadisgrace bypeoplewhoareproudtobeinsensitiveignorants.Mockingthosewho takethetimetolearnmoreandsharetheirknowledgewithothersisa growingstigmaoneducatedpeoplethatdiscredittheirintelligenceasa liabilityandmisinterprettheirbehavior.Peoplewithcleverideasarenow perceivedasathreatasiftheeducatedonesarehurlinginsultsinsteadof providinghelp.Casualmockeryofthosewhopursueknowledgeisanact ofmischief,itshouldneverbenormalized!
AccordingtoasurveyconductedatSawataNationalHighSchool,227 studentsoutof 998respondentswerevictimsofsmart-shamingwithin schoolgrounds,67studentsfromGrade7;82fromGrade8;61fromGrade 9;79fromGrade10;46fromGrade11and37fromGrade12experienced dishonorinconsequencetosuchmockery.
AccordingtoESPteacherJinkyQuilla,smart-shamingdevelopsa negativestereotypeofwiseindividuals.Thebeliefinusingfactstobalance falseinformationimpliesthatknowledgedisrespectsthosewhoseektostay ignorant.Thisoriginatesfromtheideathatthosewithalternativeopinions areelitists,arrogant,andnothingbutpropaganda.Themisconceptionthat wisepeopleareattentionseekersputstheeducatedonthespotfor discrimination,eventuallymakingthosemockedpronetomorebullying.
Pursuingknowledgeisthebravestchoiceonecanmake,considering someintellectualindividualsinclinedtoshareatypicalknowledgearecalled delusionaldeviantsforcarelessjudgments.Thisisthecommon misconceptionthatwisepeopleareambitiousofhonor.Contrarytothis, providingtheabilitytoenlightenpeopledonotimplygreedinessaslongas itishumblygiven;itonlyservestosegregateliesfromfactsorproposea betteroptionforthebenefitofbothparties,giventhatintelligence providesbothimmunityandcorrectiontowardsfaultybeliefs.
Moreover,accordingtoGiadDagong,apersonaldevelopmentteacher, insecurityemanatingfromenvyandignorancewilldrivetheirintentto shamethosewhoexcel,eventuallylettingitruleovertheiractionsand toleratetheirinabilitytoacceptbetterperspectivestofeedtheirego.This pertainstoimmaturity.Theeducatedoneswhopresentanatypicalwayof thinkingwillthenbeperceivedasdifferent,deemedadangertonormality, andeventuallyconsideredoutsiders.
Peoplewhocategorizetheeducatedaslackingdisciplineandtolerating immaturitytocauseharmtotheinnocentareabsurd.Despitethegap betweentheirintellectualcapabilities,thoseunderpursuitarestill susceptibletotheconsequencesofbeingmocked.Tofeelinsecureisvalid; however,toleratingthisfeelingtobelittleothersisnot.Feedingan egotisticaldesirebymakingothersfeelinferiordeclinesinclusivity;noone deservestobeexcluded.
Thecultureofintelligencehastobemoredominant.Education, intellectualawareness,andthepursuitofknowledgeshouldbeencouraged foreveryonetoavoidtheignorancemishapsthatcontributetosmartshaming.Insteadofdiscreditingbenevolentindividualsoflearning, fosteringnaivenesstoacceptnewknowledgewillensurechange,giventhat everyoneisinquisitive.
Moreover,beingintellectualisnottheonlypotentialtobeharnessedas aprivilege.Everyindividualisinclinedtotheirpreferredfieldsofexcellence thatwillserveastheirforte.Differentscalesofintelligenceshouldbe acknowledgedwithrespect.Itisnoone'sfaulttobegiftedorbelessthan average;thegoalistoexcelinthemostuniquewayspossible.Distinctions willbedeemedasusualifuniquenessisaccepted,notcategorized.
Ageisjustanumber,notalimittowhatonecanachieve. Treatingpeopleunfairlybecauseoftheirageisaprevalent probleminoursociety,asitharmsindividualsofallages.However,itis especiallydetrimentaltoelderswhoarefrequentlydisregardedandnot giventherespecttheydeserve.Itseffectsmaybecatastrophicsinceitnot onlydiminishespeople'sworthbutalsofostersnegativestereotypesand attitudes.Inordertoactivelyresistprejudiceinallofitsmanifestations, wemustendeavortocreateaninclusiveandvariedsocietythathonors andcelebratesindividualsofallages.
AccordingtoMr.WalterP.Eduaba,SeniorCitizenFocalofMSWDOin SanIsidro,DavaoDelNorteusuallyofthepeoplewhohavehatredinelders ismostlytheonethatleadthemselvesintodiscriminatingtheseniorcitizen basedontheirageasmostlyoftheseniorcitizenespeciallytothosewho's agein70-80yearsoldmayhavetheirsecondchildness.
Mostofthosepeoplewhoaredoingthiskindofhorribletreatmentare theonesthathavenotanyexperienceingrowinguporbondingwithelders. Therefore,theyareunabletofeeltheenjoymentbroughtbytheolder people.Ontopofthat,agediscriminationwillleadtonegligenceofthe olderpeopleasthecauseoflaxitytounderstandtheirneeds.
However,onthesurveyconductedbytheMunicipalSocialWelfare DevelopmentOfficeofSanIsidro,seniorcitizenswhoarelikelytobe bedriddenareonlyat20%thussomeofthemembersaretaking maintenancebuttheyarestillactiveandnotbedridden.
Whenagediscriminationrisesagainstelderly,the20%bedridden memberswillgreatlysufferfromnegligenceastheyarethosewhoneed moreattention,careandcannotdoanythingwithoutsupervisionwith others.Thebedriddenmembersareonlyat20%asofnowbutinascenario wherethepopulationofelderrisesandthenumberofeldersbedridden increasestoowhichmeansthenumberofeldersthatwillbeneglectedwill ariseaswell.
Anotherfactorofchallengesthattheeldersarefacingwiththeiroldage rightnowisemployment.Eduabasaidthatthisshouldbebasedonthe government;elderssupposedlyshouldnotbeconcernedabouttheirjobas theyareretirable.Eduabasaidthateldersshouldstopfocusingonworking insteadfocusonenjoymentoflifebuttherearestillsomeofthemthat oncetheyhavestayedintheirhouseandtheyareusedtoworkingasthey startedeversincetheyareyoung,theymaypossiblyinheritalassitude.In result,theyareallowedtocontinuetheirjobbecausetheyarestillableto doitasitionlytheiragethatisoldunliketheirbody.
By:Humiliatingothersissubjective.Negativestatementsandprejudiced viewpointsarevisibleinallaspects.Accordingtoasurvey,20.04%of SawataNationalHighSchoolstudentsclaimedthattheyhave experiencedbodyshaming,21fromGradeVII;42fromGradeVIII;40 fromGradeIX;15fromGradeX;49fromGradeXI;and33fromGrade XII.Thishasadverseeffectsonthepsycheandphysiquesof particularindividuals.Therighttojudgesomeoneforwhotheyare doesnotbelongtoanybody.Donotletsocietylabelyouas worthless!
WilynJoyS.Bagallon,aGrade12studentatSawataNationalHigh School(SNHS)whowasbodyshamed,revealedthatshebeganhearing phrasesaboutherselfbeingskinnywhenshewasin7thgrade.Having problemsathomeandbeingteasedatschooladdstothepainshe alwayscarries,causinghertocryasshecannolongerholdbackher tears.
Itisnotbecausetheyareconstantlybodyshamed;theyareused toit.Evenso,itisclearthatteasinghasasevereeffect.Althoughitis absurdforsometospeaknegativelyaboutothers,itcanresultinlow self-worth.
Bagallonnotedthatshesometimesdoesnotcarewhatother peoplemaysayabouther.Becausetheydonotaffectherlifeinany way,thisindicatesthatsheisaprotagonistwhoacceptsherself despitebeingsubjectedtobodyshamingratherthanapuppetthey mayusetoweakenthroughnastyremarks.
Bodyshamingisaproblemthatextendsbeyondhowpeople perceiveyouaboutwhatis"normal"andinsteadcentersonthe criteriausedtoshunthosewhofallshortoftheideal.Nooneis perfect,giventhateveryoneisperfectlyflawed,sotodealwithbody shaming,onemustwithstandthepainitcausesandtransformitinto aspiration.
GlaizaClaireNaris,astudentwhoisalsoavictimofbodyshaming, spokeabouthowbodyshamingfromherrelativescontributestoher achingheart.Shestressedthattheydidnotevenconsiderhowshe wouldfeelwhentheyteasedher,andithurtsobadbecausetheywere herrelatives. Sheisthetypeofpersonwhodoesnotconfront someoneeveniftheydidsomethingwrongtoher;itiseithershewill turnadeafearorperhapswouldsmileandjoininwiththeirlaughter, butdeepdown,shefeltthepain.
Oblivioustothefactthatourjokesregardingsomeone'sbodymay emotionallyaffectthem,wesometimesfindsomethingsamusing. Mostcommentsbypeopleclosetoustendtobefunny,andthey oftendonotrealizethatsuchphrasesfueltheflameofbodyshaming. Aswearealsopeoplewiththecapacitytoexperiencepain,wemust exerciseandupholdsensitivity.
EventhoughNarisadmittedthatshewashurt,shedidnotletit affectherbeliefofwhosheisasaperson.Itprojectstheideathat everyoneneedstoaccepttheirflawsandimperfectionssincetheyare apartofwhotheyareandshouldembracethatconceptabout themselves.Conveyingthatonemustlearntoloveandaccept themselvestoovercometheimpactofbodyshaming.
Justlookforward,focusonyourself-thisphrasethatNaris upholds.Despiteexperiencingcriticism,bothBagallonandNariscarry withthemthequalityofremainingfirmregardingacceptance. Imposingthatsomehowmockeryforsupposedbodilyfaultsor imperfectionscallsforththeconceptofenduringandwillingnessto embraceoneself.
Onlysomecomponentsneedtobeevaluated.Wedonotinfluence theperspectivesoractionsofothers,aswemaychangeourall-ornothingviewsintomoreholisticones.Essentialitshouldbearinmind thatwhencriticizing,everyonevariesfromoneanother,whichhelps usdistinguishfromwhatsolidifies.Turnbodyshamingintobody embracement!
Everyonewouldfeelthesameanddothesamebehavior,forhavingsomething youusedtobedoingisonlytakenforgranted.Itmayhurtyouinsideknowing youwouldnotbeabletodoitanymore,butforolderpeople,thisisnecessary. Theywouldnotbestayingforsolonginthisworldifnotfortheirage.
Distinctionsarenormal,beingdifferentisunique. Discriminationcancomeinmanyformsandoccurinavarietyof settings,anyinstancethatinvolvescontactwithanotherpersoncan becomeasiteofdiscrimination.LGBTQmembersostracizedby conventionsandvaluesmayfindthistobeoffurthersignificance. Freedomtoenjoytheirexistencewithoutfearingdiscrimination regardlessoftheirsexualityshouldbegiven!
BigotedextremistsseektodenyLGBTQpeopleandtheirrights, sometimestheirveryexistence,totheextentofdegradingtheiridentity anddiscriminatingagainsttheirentirebeing.Accordingtothesurvey, 8.91%ofSawataNationalHighSchoolstudentsclaimedtheywere membersoftheLGBTQcommunity.Thereare1.20%ofgays,2.30%of lesbians,4.81%ofbisexuals,and0.60%ofqueers,whichcomprise3.91out of998respondents.
TheLGBTQ+membersfindcomingoutwhotheyarequitechallenging andcomplicated.Asitisevidentintoday'ssocietythat,noteveryonewill welcomethemwithopenarmslikeBen(nothisactualname),whorecently cameoutasgay.Hehighlightedhowheencounteredthiswhenhewas subjectedtocriticismfromsomepeople,notablythosewhoidentifiedas Christian.Benwasparticularlysurprisedbythissincehebelievedreligious peopleliveouttheloveandacceptancefrequentlyassociatedwiththe doctrineofthegospelofGod.Nevertheless, hewasdismayedtoseethat somereligiouspeopleengagedingossipandjudgmentabouthisidentity.
Itisimportanttonotethatindividualsneedtorecognizethat acceptanceandloveshouldbeuniversalvalues,regardingwhatpersonal beliefsorsexualorientationtheyhave—insinuatingthatthiskindof discriminationinthenameofreligionvictimizesthemarginalizedsectors, particularlytheLGBTQcommunity.
Benclaimedthatcarryingtherainbowflagemphasizedthedaily emotionalstrugglesthatmembersoftheLGBTQ+communityexperience. Theyarediscriminatedagainstandjudgedforsimplybeingwhomthey serveasafactorfromwhichtheysufferfrompoormentalhealthandlow self-worth.Thefactthatitisheartbreakingtothinkthattheyunderwent suchhardship.Everyonemustmakethemfeeltheydeservetobelovedand appreciatedlikeanyoneelse.
Unpleasantphrasesandcommentsaboutone'spreferencecanhavea lingeringeffectontheirsenseofexistence.Societalmembersmustcreatea havenforindividualslikeBenthatembracediversitywithopenarms.We muststrivetomaketheworldabetterplaceforeveryone,regardlessof genderidentity.Everyoneisvalidtogivejudgment.However,usingthat validationtodegradeisentirelyunrighteous.Theactofvalidatingcanlead toaperson'svaliditybeingquestioned,diminished,andevendiscounted.
Healsofurtheraddedthatdespitebeingsubjectedtohateand negativity,hedidnotputanyhatredtowardsthem.Instead,hehopesthat theycanreflectontheiractionsandrealizethattheharmtheyhavecaused notonlytohimbuttoeverymemberoftheLGBTQcommunityisanentity thatlosestheirconfidence.ItclearlyshowsthatBen'sexperienceprojects resilienceandstrength.Hisperceptionthateveryone,regardlessoftheir sexualpreference,shouldbeabletostandupconfidentlyremindsusthat wealldeservetobetreatedwithrespectandfairness.
Treatedproperlybeyonddistinctionfromwhatisexpectedisa situationLGBTQmembershaveeverdreamedof.Everyonewhoengages withmembersofthecolorfulcommunityregularlyshouldvalueequality, notonlythosewhohavecomeouttobeacomponentofit.Itshouldbea partofallencounters,fromsocialgatheringstoworkplacecontactsto romanticpartnerships,asnooneshouldbetreateddifferently!
Sadly,discriminationagainstLGBTQpeoplepersistsandisintertwined withthedebateovertheseparationofreligionandstate.Whilereligious convictionsareimportant,theyshouldnotviolateothers'rights.Buildinga societythatcherishesmutualrespectandupholdsequalityisprecise. Membersofthecolorfulcommunityshouldbeunchainedfromoppression tobeembracedwithacceptance—developingmonochromeintocolors.
Theyshouldlivetheirlifetothefullestbyusingtheirremainingtimeto makememorieswithsomeonetheytreasureinsteadofdrainingitoffwork sotheywouldnothaveanyregretsuntiltheirlastbreath.
Elderstryingtojoinsometrendsareusuallyjudgedfordoing somethingthatmaybehardforthemtocopewithbecauseoftheirold age.Mrs.VictorianaLagura,PrefectofDisciplineatSawataNationalHigh School,saidthatpeoplewhofrequentlydothatarethosewhothinkthat eldersarenotbeneficialforthem.Sheaddedthatthosepeopleneedtobe givenanexplanationathomeabouttheimportanceofeldersandtheir value.
Indeedexplained,whenafamilyisdisrespectfultowardsanelderlyitis notpossiblethatthechildrenwillinheritthisbearing.Mostofuswould feelitissurprisingforthemtodosuchthingsbutcometothinkofit, eldersareold,butthatdoesnotmeantheycannotlearnnewthings.It maybehardforthemtoadapt,butthatdoesnotmeanitisimpossible. Limitationsandexpectationsoftheexactwaytoactbasedonagecan makeolderpeoplefeeltheyneedtobeintouch.Asaresult,they'llbe discouragedfromdoingsomethingthatcanleadtotheirpotentialinability toenhance.
EveryoneshouldencouragetheElderstojointheSeniorCitizen ProgramconductedbytheMSWDOofSanIsidro,DavaoDelNorteevery yearofthe1stweekofOctober.Thiswillnotonlyenhancetheabilityof olderpeoplebutforeveryonetobeenlightenedthatseniorcitizenscan alsogetalonginthisnewgeneration'swayoflivingandhavesomething theycanshowandhaven'tsharedtotheworldyet.Thatdespitetheage theyhaverightnow,theyhavealreadygainedknowledge,skills,and experiencethatwillnotfadeoffandwillstay.
Itistrulyashametolettheeldersthinkabouttheirvaluewhen,inthis chaoticworld,eldersarethevalueweneed.Theycontinuetosuffer, carryingallthehumiliationandfrustrationtheiroldagebrings.Eveninthis modernizedera,elderscanhavemanycontributions.Theycanteachus fromthehistorytotheculture,tradition,andperspectiveoflifetheyhave intheiragethatcanbeappliedandhelpthefuturegeneration.Theycan sharetheirlifebefore,whichcanbeagreatlessonforeveryone. Wemustvalueelders;afterall,wewillbecomeoneinthefuturetoo. Therefore,tostopageismamongstolderpeople,everyoneshouldsupport seniorcitizenstofightfortheirrightswithoutbeingconcernedabouttheir age.
Thedisabilityreferstoanumbrellatermcoveringimpairments, activitylimitations,andparticipationrestrictions.Morelikely,people withdisabilities(PWDs)liveinlower-incomefamilies,wherethemajority arepoorandstruggletoaccessbasicservices.Duetotheirconditions, PWDsrequiregreaterattentionandconsiderationfortheirhealthneeds, withoutanyformofdiscrimination.Itiscrucialtoexertmoreeffortin assistingPWDmembers,toensuretheirwell-beingandinclusion.
AccordingtotheRuralHealthUnit(RHU),disabilityisaprevalent globalpublichealthissuethataffectsapproximatelyonein50people withintheMunicipalityofSanIsidro.Therealityisthatdisabilitycan touchanyone'slifeatsomepoint,makingitauniversalconcernthat demandsattentionandaction.
Presently,thereisaconsiderablenumberofindividualswhoidentify asPWDs,withsomeinheritingtheirdisabilitiesthroughgenetics.This increasingprevalenceofdisabilitysignifiesthatithasbecomea significantglobalhealthissueaffectingasubstantialportionofthe population.Numeroustypesofdisabilitiesimpactthelivesofmany individuals,includingstudents.However,itisessentialtoemphasizethat disabilityshouldneverbeperceivedasaliabilitybutratherasadiverse aspectofhumanexistence.
Disabilityisnotsolelyahealthissue;itisalsoamatterofhuman rights.Peoplewithdisabilitiesoftenfacediscrimination,violence, prejudice,andadenialofautonomy.Theyencounternumerousbarriers whenaccessingpropercareandsupport,makingitimperativetoaddress theirrightsandpromoteinclusivitywithinsociety.
Sadly,themistreatmentofpersonswithdisabilitieshasbecome distressinglycommonintoday'ssociety.Instancesofbullying, discrimination,andevenabuseagainstindividualswhoareunableto defendthemselvesarepervasive.Itisdishearteningthatthosewhoare mostinneedofassistanceareoftenmistreated,notonlybysocietybut alsobytheirownfamilymembers.
ManyPWDsexperienceunequaltreatmentandthreatsintoday's world,withbullyingandname-callingbeingparticularlyprevalent.Such mistreatmentcanhaveprofoundnegativeeffectsontheirmentaland emotionalwell-being.Itiscrucialtouseterminologythatrespectstheir dignity,suchasreferringtothemaspeoplewithhealthconditionsor impairments,ifdeemedappropriate.
Furthermore,childrenwithdisabilitiesareatanincreasedriskof experiencingviolenceandbullyinginschools,impedingtheirrightto receiveeducationinasafeandinclusiveenvironment.Nevertheless, havingadisabilityshouldneverbeconsideredaninsurmountablebarrier forstudentsstrivingtoachievetheirgoalsinlife.
Theyshouldbeembracedwithloveandfreedom,ratherthanbeing subjectedtohatredfromtheworld.Theydeservetobeprotectedfrom theperilsofdepressionandintenseanxiety.PWDstudents,inparticular, shouldbeabletopursuetheirstudieswithouttheburdenof discrimination.
Itisessentialtorecognizethatphysicalormentalimpairmentsdonot renderindividualsincompleteoruseless.PWDsmakevaluable contributionstoourdailylives,brighteningourdaysandremindingusof thestrengthofthehumanspirit.Theyarefullyhumananddeservingof loveandrespect.Intoday'ssociety,PWDsshouldnotbetreatedasa burdenoraplaguebutratherasuniqueindividualsworthyofacceptance andinclusion.
Diabilityisawidespreadissuethataffectsindividualsworldwide. PWDs,especiallythosefromlower-incomefamilies,facesignificant challengesinaccessingessentialservices.Itisimperativefor governmentstoprioritizethehealthneedsofPWDs,particularlystudents, andensurethattheyarenotsubjectedtodiscrimination.Disabilityshould beseenasadiverseaspectofhumanexistenceandamatterofhuman rights.Societymustcombatdiscrimination,violence,andprejudice againstPWDs,fosteringanenvironmentthatpromotesinclusivityand support,enablingthemtolivelivesfreefrommistreatmentandwith accesstoopportunitiesthatallowthemtothriveandcontributeto society.
constitutesaprofoundissueamongthosewhoareunderprivileged.Itis illegal,yetitremainstobeanunsolvedproblem.Impoverishmentforces familiestosendtheirchildrentoworktocontributetotheirhousehold income.Theseminoritiesareoftendeniedrightstoprimenecessities, causingthemtomissoutonopportunitiesthatcouldhavehelpedthem escapetheimpoverishmentcycle,furtheraggravatingtheirstateofliving. Childlaborviolatesfundamentalhumanrights;theirchildhoodisnotfor sale!
AccordingtoMaureenAvaMorales,aneconomicsteacher,childlabor andpovertyareintertwinedissues.Povertyplaysasignificantcontribution whenchildrenareforcedtoworktomakeendsmeet.Whenparentscannot securesteadyjobsthatpaywell,theymaychoosetosacrificetheirchildren aslaborerstomaintainsustenance.Moreover,unemploymentcanleadto othersocialproblemsthatcanexacerbatetheissueofchildlabor,suchas turningtoalcoholanddrugstocopewiththestressandanxietyoftheir situation,leadingtoneglectandabuseoftheirchildren.
Povertyistheproblem,andnottheparentsentirely.Whentheygain accesstoanyjobthatpaysthemafairwage,theirchildrenwouldbeless likelytobesentonanyformofwork.Instead,theycanaffordanymeansto providesufficientinvestmentsfortheirchildren'sfuture.Providingefficient workopportunitiestoparentsisawayofwonder,alongwithtraining programsthatwillgivethemtherequiredskillsandresourcestoengagein variousopportunities.Thiswillensurefamiliescansupportthemselves withoutresortingtoanyoptioncorrelatingtochildlabor.
Inaddition,lackofeducationisafactorthataggravatespoverty.Child laborpreventschildrenfromhavingthehonorofaccessingqualitylearning.
Inlove,itsgreatestbaneisthelossofanotherheart,todeath`s embrace.Widowhoodiswhenanindividuallosestheirspouse.They couldbecalledawidowiftheyloseahusbandandawidowerifthey loseawife.Put,itisadisruptionofmarriageduetolosingaloved partnerandsuch,isdetrimentaltotranquilityamongfamilies,the inevitablecycleoflifethateternallybreaksthebondbetweenlove.Itis asourceofgreatemotionalpain,stress,andagony.Thetraumathey experienceisunimaginable;losingtheloveofyourlifeisextremely painful.Theyneedemotionalsupport;theyneedredemption!
InasurveydoneatSawataNationalHigh-school,itwasfoundthat64 (6.41%)of998studentrespondentshavewidowedparentsoneither side,ofwhich12werefromGrade7,3fromGrade8,14fromGrade9,12 againfromGrade10,9fromGrade11and14fromGrade12.Inaddition tosuchnumbers,itwasrealizedthatmostliveunderthepovertyline, complicatingtheirhomelivesandtheconsequencesoflivingasa widow/er.
Asignificantchallengeforwidowsorwidowersthatcomplicatetheir struggleswithcopingwithlossispoverty,itsassociatedfinancial burdensbeingoverwhelming,tothepointthatitinterfereswith maintainingaccesstonecessitiessuchasfood,water,andtherightsto aneducationandhealthcareforthemandtheirchildren.Thissituation leadstoacycleofhardshipsthatwillbedifficulttobreak,courting familyrisks,mentalhealthissues,socialisolation,anddiseases.Thus,it isessentialtoprovideawarenessandacknowledgethechallengessuch widowsandwidowersfacetorealizethesupporttheyneedtomaintain theirfamilies.)
Forastudentaffected,awidowedparentissadandchallenging. Whileaparentmaybegone,they,thestudent,maystillwishtobecome successfulinlifetohelpsatisfyandsupporttheirremainingparentto makebothparentsproud.Butitcannotbeavoidedforthemtocompare theirlosstowhatotherstudentshave,thinkingothersleadmore comfortable,happierlivesthanthembecausetheystillhavebothsetsof parentsstillliving.This,forthestudent,isabitterfruitandnegatively affectstheirself-worthandself-esteem.Theyareimpactingany relationshipsandcommitmentstheymayhave.
Discriminationagainstwidowsandwidowersisapervasivesocial probleminmanypartsoftheworld.Despiteprogressinwomen'srights andsocialjustice,widowsandwidowersstillfacediscriminationand mistreatmentduetosocialandculturalnormsthatviewthemas burdensoroutcasts.Inmanycultures,widowsareexpectedtomourn forextendedperiodsandareexcludedfromsocialeventsand ceremonies.Thissocialisolationmayleadtoeconomicinsecurity, mentalhealthissues,andphysicalabuse.Widowsarealsooftendenied inheritancerights,leavingthemfinanciallystrandedwithoutsupport. Discriminationagainstwidowsisasureviolationofhumanrights.Efforts mustbemadetoraiseawareness,changeattitudesandperceptions,and supportthoseaffectedwithanotherchanceatlifeandlove.
Despitebeingprofoundindividuals,theyarefragile. Aidingwidowsis anobleactthatcansignificantlyimpacttheirlives.Widowsoftenface socialandeconomichardshipsduetolosingtheirspouse,whichcan affecttheirmentalandphysicalhealth.Financialassistance,counseling, andjobtrainingsupportcanhelpthemregainindependenceand improvetheirwell-being.Creatingawarenessandadvocatingfortheir rightsisessentialtoensuretheyreceivefairtreatmentandequal opportunities.Theyareassistingwidowstobuildamoreinclusive societythatvaluesandrespectsallitsmembers.
Deficientprimaryresources,includingfood,shelter,clothing,andmoney, makingitdifficultforparentstosendtheirchildrentoschool.Consideringthe minoritieswithimpoverishedbackgroundswhoworktosupporttheirfamilies,it leavesthemuncertainoftimetoattendschoolafterward.Moreover,children areintroducedtohazardousworkingconditions,whichcanhurttheirwell-being, leadingtoabsencesfromclass.
frequentlyservingasitsprimarycause.Lackingaccessto nutritiousmeals,potablewater,andotheressentialsforgood health,thosewhoareimpoverishedcannotmaintaintheirhealth. Andthatcanresultinseveremalnutrition,whichhasadamaging impactlikestuntedgrowth,decreasedimmunity,andgreater susceptibilitytoillnesses.Foodinsecuritycausedby impoverishmentisacomplexissuethatrequiresamultifaceted treatment.Addressdeficientnutritionthrougheliminating
BasedonasurveyundertakenatSawataNationalHighSchool, 77learners(7.72%)ingeneralofthe998respondents,are consideredtobemalnourished.Thereare17 fromGrade7;17from Grade8;25fromGrade9;1fromGrade10;6fromGrade11and11 fromGrade12.Someoftheselearnerslivebelowthepovertyline whereinittookpartasacontributingfactortotheirbeing
AccordingtoEdithaR.Demerin,SchoolHealthCoordinator, hungeranddestitutionaretwointerrelatedproblemsthathave persistedforages.Sadly,despiteseveralinitiatives,bothpoverty andmalnutritionarecontinuouslyrising.Malnutritionisastatethat developswhenthehumansystemdoesn'treceiveenoughofthe nutrientsrequiredforhealthygrowthanddevelopment.Contrarily, povertyrestrictsaccesstowholesomemeals,purewater,and fundamentalmedicalcare,whichresultsinmalnutrition. Takeintoaccountthattheproblemmayberemediedby encouragingGDPgrowth,makingsurethatallcitizenshaveaccess toneeds,andspreadingawarenessofthevalueoflivinglifetothe utmost.Itisourresponsibilitytomakesurethateverybodyis entitledtothenecessitiesoflife,notablyhealthservices,andfood, asstarvationisascenariothatcanbecircumvented.Itcanhelpend hungerandpovertybycarryingoutthis.
Learningoutcomesforlearnersmaysufferasaresultof malnutrition,whichisasevereworry.Numerousconcerns,suchas lossoffocus,diminishedmentalabilities,andevenmentaldisorders canresultfrominsufficientfoodintake.Studentswholackenough nutritionfrequentlyfinditdifficulttokeepupwith theirfellow learnersandmaysufferacademically.Itmightbechallengingtoget overthesefeelingsofhelplessness,poorself-esteem,and discomfort.
Theeducationalsystemsectorfrequentlyignoresmalnourished pupils,butthisisunacceptable.Theintellectualandphysical growthofchildrendependsonpropernutrition,and undernourishedkidsperformsignificantlyworseacademicallythan theircounterpartswhoeathealthily.Undernourishmentmaybe preventedandtreatedwithpromptactionandgoodnutrition,thus it'scriticaltospreadawarenessandofferassistancetoindividuals whoarestruggling.
Takingonimpoverishmentdirectlyisoneofthebestapproaches tofightinghunger.Giventhatimpoverishedindividualsfrequently havelimitedmeansofgettingnutritionalmealsorevenpurewater todrink,ashortageoffoodandpovertygoinextricablylinked.By establishinglegislationandprogramsfocusedoneliminating poverty,wecanguaranteethatallpeoplecanobtainbasic essentialslikewaterandsustenance.Measureslikelearning, employmentcreation,andwelfaresystemshavethepotentialto attainthis.Considerateandinclusiveprovisionstoaidmalnutrition willnourishthedeficits.
Attainingeducationisafundamentalrightforeverychild,itisan essentialoptiontohelpbanishthecycleofpovertyandimprovepoor statesofliving.Unfortunately,childrenforcedintolabordonothave sufficientmeanstoexperiencesuchprivilege.Bymakingeducationmore accessible,individualsfrompoorbackgroundswillattainrighteous learningandachievetheirgoals.Thiscanbeachievedthroughfinancial aidprogramsandinclusiveschedulesthatwillcatertotheneedsoflowincomestudents.Prioritizingeducationforallchildrencreatesamore equitablesociety.
AccordingtoMorales,childrenwhoworkinhazardousconditionsare exposedtovariousrisks.Theyoftenworklonghoursandevenwithout properbreaks,contributingtohealthproblems.Consequently,childlabor canleadtomalnutrition,giventhatchildrenarenotgivenappropriate nutritiondespiteworkingvigorouslyduetopoverty.
Moreover,childlaborcanalsoharmachild'smentalhealth, consideringtheyarepronetoabuse,neglect,andexploitation,possibly inflictingadeclineonthechild'sgrowthanddevelopmentandcaneven leadtodeath.
Limitedaccesstohealthcarewillputthechildren'slivesontheline.By providingsuchmeanstothesevulnerablechildren,wecanhelpalleviate theiroverallwell-being,givingthemanupbringingforahealthylife. Therefore,wemustprioritizehealthassistance,especiallyfordeprived people.Fulfillingthisrequiresincreasingfundsforclinicsandhospitalsin impoverishedareasthatprovidesubsidizedmedicalcaretothoseinneed. Notonlydoesthisserveasamoralobligation,butalsoessentialfor ensuringahealthygenerationtocome.
Childhoodisaright,notacommoditythatcanbetradedforlabor. Deficiencyrestrainsthechildrenfromlivingtheprivilegetheydeserve. Henceaddressingtheissueofchildlaborrequirestacklingpovertyatits root.Ourresponsibilityistobuildacommunitywhereyoungpeoplecan growwithoutfearofexploitation.Wemustworktogethertomakeends meetforthosedeprivedbyprovidingaccesstoqualityeducation, subsidizedhealthcare,andinclusiveopportunitiestoreachtheirpotential peak.
Thegovernmentandsocietymusttakeresponsibilitybyimplementing policiesprohibitingandspreadingawarenesstoensurethatchildren's childhoodisnottradedforlivelihood.Prioritizingmultifacetedapproaches toabolishimpoverishmentwillensurethatchildrencanrestoretheright theydeserve,unleashinglife'srestrainedluxury.Thismaybeanunsolved problem.However,itismanageable;wecanstillmakeithappenforthe children'ssake.
Love is a force of nature and has the ability to overcome barriers or go beyond depths and bring the lovers heart together a in the middle of the ocean depicts the people who have fallen in love with someone far away Fate may separate sweethear cross distance for individuals who long for deep affection the beauty to intimacy that comes from loving someone from afar It requires patience, resilience, and a deep commitment to connection
Long-distance relationships can be lkened to a vast ocean that separates two shores leaving the lovers stranded on opposite ends As ships are lost in the sea they yearn for each others touch yet the waves of time and dstance continuously push them apart But n this vastness, where the heart is the only compass, love becomes a dotted path that guides them through the darkness Distance may separate them physicaly but their hearts beat as one connected by an unbreakable bond that transcends space and time We wanted to see each other badly but there are things that are not going to happen that we wanted to We are far from each other, and usually seeng each other s a big mracle for us, sad Ivy Joy Espina, a Grade 12 Student at Sawata National High Schoo According to Espina a Long Dstance Relationship s lke a journey into the unknown where love and feelings are tested Its a quest to discover if two hearts can withstand the trias and tribulations of distance doubt and time Lke a warrior facng an enemy on the battlefield, the lovers must have unwavering trust and commtment These virtues are their weapons against the obstaces that seek to tear them apart “We both manage our relationship through trusting each other respecting and understandng but aso we never let pride prevai over our feelings and thoughts When it comes to trust it is difficult to trust each other completey, added Espina The essence of ove gives distanced hearts the energy to beat as one and an aspiration to embody on Long-distance relationships project
the exquiste sde of the deicate glass but are still fragile Love knows no distance, but the fragilty brought
By:MarjorieBaldoIbring more prosperity to the community, former rulers that could empower the empire of equality has been invisible and betrayed by their allies destroying their glorious reputation and leading to the fall of unity These known rulers have been living through ages and being able to experience the old-fashioned day makes them packed with life lessons that can be transmitted to the younger generation Neither of these youngsters fully appreciates the worth of these old warriors and their purpose in every individuals life; neglecting them can be regrettable for not understanding that these people are the key to victory
According to the survey conducted by the Municipality of San Isdro As of October 2022 there are 3 060 senior ctizen members among them 146 bedridden Instituton for seniors wishes to comfort the elderly and not make them feel worthless by exerting more percepton respect and love, especally to those needing attention and assistance
People nowadays that are profusely and shamelessly disrespecting eders by laughing at them mockng them feelng them humiliated and looked down on are not well-educated For them it is pleasing to give such behavior to older people for the thought that older people have no longer any value to the society and are not beneficial to the populace anymore Rather they are more burden said Victoriana Lagura the Prefect of Discipine of Sawata National High Schoo and an eldery The modernized era emphasizing that senle peopes lfe s already meaningless shows ruthlessness for the elders Acknowledging only the trivial brought by older people overshadowed their hidden competency Wthin the senle physque hides their strong presence; it is surrounded by an unrecognizable power that compares to a withered plant that would not bloom again until someone has the interest to explore and take care of it admiring its beauty and
contribution to the fullest
"Senior citizens are officially considered to be retred and no longer qualify to work with their fragile body; they should be focused on how to spend their remaining time n this world; ever since those times they were young they have adapted their life into doing tasks However there is a group of elderly that once theyre stuck at home doing nothing, and theyre used to being productive it results unseemly for them; that is the reason a program was conducted that showcases their intelligence in such things which is convenient for them as they have too much famiiarity that gives proficiency coming from the past years they've lived " said Walter P Eduaba a Senior Citizen FOCAL n Municipalty of San Isidro The leading devoted followers of the evolution of success are eders The awe-inspiring dligence they have to cope with the new generation is remarkabe They have a lack of dscernment but can prove anyones incorrect expectation of them due to their wilingness to learn despite the inefficient dea of today's living whch stll doesnt stop them from acheving ther intentions They tend to slow down the pace of their goals no matter the drawbacks; ether because of their old body or humiliation for being inexperienced they are stll workng hard No one can dictate what I want to do based
By:SheenRyanBaluranon my age either my chidren or grandchildren or someone cose to me All of the things that I can do make me feel delighted; the thought that I can do it inspires me to think that my goals are achievable and not impossible I can do the dancing trends I can still sing and Im unstoppable in doing everything because I feel Im stil capable of dong it, added Victoriana Lagura
Lfe is not always about what you can bestow on but the possbiity to obtain something When you sow tolerance to the elders you may reap the same fate as them Normaizing the existence of old-stye and new-fashioned attributes n the same period of time can build harmony through ts people; this unity can estabish a long-living kingdom where deas, strateges and wisdom unte together tramping the monarchy into pieces that raise parttion to the society Elders are the renowned prodgies of their times; wth their heroic deeds they can help numerous marvelous teens to reclaim the fath of humanty in humanty Dive into the embodiment of patriots to find out how they surpassed their chalenges in ife and with that let elders embrace the patronage of the world too!
When the suns golden rays pierce through the menacing gray clouds of a storm, a mesmerizing rainbow will unfold on the blue horizon, graced with a stunning sheen of vibrance that turns the monochromatic sky into colors The LGBTQ+ community has unfortunately found themselves at the receiving end of an alarming upsurge of categorization that brews the downpour of discrimination raging against them, and only the resilient ones can weather its fury and emerge gracefully with their true identities
According to a Sawata National High School survey, 89 (8 91) students out of 998 were revealed to be open as part of the LGBTQ communty There are 1 20% of gays 2 30% of lesbians 4 81% of bisexuas and 0 60% of queers which comprise 3 91 out of 998 respondents In addition 64 (6 41%) of the members above encounter homophobic slurs at schoo and even 26 (2 60%) experience t in their own homes Society has a narrow view of ndividuals, leading to dscrimination against those who do not ft the mold; this haunts the LGBTQ+ community back to the closet However they keep on moving forward Instead they find strength and empowerment in their unity The communty was built to serve as a sanctuary for those cast out by society, serving as a haven of refuge, support, and acceptance which forges a powerful force of justice and equality Ths sets a reminder that no matter how drastic life may be there is aways a pace where an individual's actual color can endure
As I looked upon society I could not help but notice that LGBTQ individuas were often viewed as outcasts among societys norm Witnessing this caused me to lve in fear of being gay The frght of reection and potential discriminaton from society held me back from lvng my authentic self It was not until I found a supportve communty that I fnaly
to their wilingness to lve their authentic lves Coming out is a profoundly personal decision; sharing an indvduals true colors with the word takes courage Pursuing to do so the community members have helped to strike down barriers challenge stereotypes and pave the way for future generatons to lve uniquely The strugge is far from over whenever an individual takes the intial step of sharing their identity with the cruel word Persuading to break free from these constraints to live authentically is a triumph
"Living a lfe that was not truly mine was exhausting I had to force myself to act femnine in front of people and be womanly in clothing scent posture and voice I even forced myself to be romanticaly lke the opposite gender only to fulfil socetys expectations and avoid being hurt The harder I tried, the more it drained me, it was suicide After such reaization I stopped all the pretendng and upheld my real identity Fear took me this far but I wll never trade my sanity only to please society I exist to be myself; there is nothing wrong with being me said Mina (not her rea name) a student from SNHS who identifies as lesbian The pursut of acceptance can be draning for the members of the LGBTQ+ communty For far too long they have sought vaidaton from a socety that is historcally intolerant of their flamboyant identities However the communty learned to reject the toxic sentiments of being rdiculed and chose to celebrate their diversity with pride Embracing their authentic selves grasps a realization that proper validation comes from within Those who pursue to let their colors
outshine the frail judgments of society wil not fail to serve as an upbringing of hope for those who hide withn the shadows bult from the fear of discrmination
"Being treated as a oke made me hde my real identity Outng myself as bisexual was a traumatizing experience Peope accused me of being an attention seeker and only joining on a trend I was dentified as desperate as I fight to stand and validate my sexualty for acceptance whch made me a good target for bullyng I wanted to be free, so I stopped seeking valdation from ntolerant peope I can provide t for mysef along with people who accept me and I want to keep it that way " said Jinn (not her real name) a student from SNHS who identifies as bisexual Despte the fierce winds of homophobia that have pushed the LGBTQ+ community within the void of fear, their united resilience and unyielding determnation have forged a radiant rainbow illuminating the path toward the emergence ofa more accepting and inclusive society Their unwavering spirits n the face of adversity serves as a flamboyant beacon of hope for the oppressed and marginalized The community has shown that no matter how daunting the storm of discrimination may seem they proclaim ther identities with pure pride ndicating that they wil not be silenced nor pushed to the margins This arch of colors after the strong surge sets a reminder that there is hope for those who persistenty strive to be resilient against a stormy weather
When a malicious criminals lurking eyes recognize a clueless mind, a grand heist will devour its victims valuable possession, robbing all treasures it can find, leaving the horror of deficiency The pandemic gave birth to a theft that is not punishable by any means of law It committed burglary to those students with a naive learning capacity, lagging their academic progress, eventually robbing their development as learners Hence, the beginning of a war against thieves to retrieve what has been stolen from them
According to a survey conducted at Sawata National High School 602 students out of 998 respondents are confirmed to be strugglng due to the learning gap as a consequence of the pandemic; transitioning from the modular and online learning modalities to the current reimpementation of face-to-face classes for the schoo year 2022-2023 Retrieving what has been lost from a thef that is invisble to the naked eye is a course that is uncertan to overcome The dsparity of the learning gap stole the progress of learnng Hence the reimplementation of face-to-face classes wll serve as an outlet to restore hope for those deprved However it turned out to be a continuation of the war that the pandemc started, but in a fresh setting, making it difficult for those who remained vulnerable “Whie I participated in face-to-face classes the problems I had with onlne and moduar learning vanshed but were replaced with the struggle from the learning gap Despite the termination of the learning modaites made by the pandemic, my ife as a student continued to be complicated Due to my slow learning capablity and the unreiablethe progress I had wth previously modified learnng settings I feel
vulnerabe, said Liwani Maria Paula Cancan a Sawata National High School student Adapting to the upbringing of this new beginning can be unfair to underprivileged people The imbalance that the learning gap nflicted on the students can be heavy for them to wegh on ther shoulders, stacking their burden with the feeling of envy for those people who stood on ther competent stance given that some excel while others do not Here's the the comparison which will serve as the thief of joy contributing to the heist started by the pandemic As a learner who is not that smart but is persstently attempting to adapt to this new earning setting is hard Observing my situation as a student who completey struggles academicaly compared to my classmates who reman competent as f any effects of the learning gap did not faze them was drainng for me to witness I am not that privieged; I envied them said Kesha Mae Montoya, a student from Sawata National Hgh School Persistent hearts wil eventualy weaken if no one acknowedges helping such endeavors Witnessing the defciency of
By:SheenRyanBaluranEmbarking on a voyage in search of bounty is an aspiration by those who seek fortune
competency on affected earners can be draining to those who facilitate learning Students and teachers alike are lnked to the repercussions of the dstance learning modalities, involving students who learn and those who provide learning in the sense of being burglarized
"Students are struggling due to the earning gap; we know this is not their only fight As teachers we tend to help as effcently as possible to ad ther deays and regain their academc composure They need our hep, said Raquel G Tagalinao, Princpal IV of Sawata National High School
The haven where education is meant to foster has been transformed into a site for warfare aganst the heist started by the earning gap Takng the path of resilience will loosen the grip of the shackles tied to those who are troubled by such robbery The sheen of sweat produced by those who embolden themselves and protect the nnocents in this war against thieves will be the cornerstone of success These endeavors serve as the bridge to connect the gap that separates students from what they are capabe of
The Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are captains of their ships on a quest to find prosperity beyond borders
These modern-day heroes leave their port and venture into the great unknown to reap the rewards of perseverance on foreign lands Sailing into uncharted waters, these individuals navigate the treacherous currents of global markets and shifting economies They chart their course with a keen eye for opportunity, seizing every chance to pursue a better future for themselves and their loved ones
According to a survey conducted at Sawata National High Schoo 79(7 92% Students out of 8 respondents have parents workng abroad eavng them with their relatives and guardians to care for them In addition to all the data above 51 (65%) used to be unemployed and 18 (22%) had jobs but wth insufficient salaries, leading to the cause of their migraton Casting off from the shores of their homeland, OFWs initialy weather the waves of homesickness as they frst navigate through the distant seas of adversity leading away from familiar lands Away from home is their designated course toward the path of aspired welfare; its distance wll drown them before they can even set sai However, they endure such onging, empowered by their sense of purpose They keep their eyes fixated on the prize knowng that time will eventually carry them to serene waters as each day brings them coser to the horizon that promises a better future Being away from my daughter to make our futures better was a draining choice I missed her so much, as I missed my whole family I never expected such onging to affect me entirey However I reminded myself that al of this will be worth it soon the dstance is just a part of the p " id Mi h l L Sil d OFW
As they traverse the vast ocean of opportunities diversity beyond borders s a storm waiting to happen The surge of cultura differences and language barriers n foreign lands keep them away from shore
However, as skiled captains, they know how to navigate through the waves and steer the ship toward serene waters The OFWs adapt to ther domain's demand for native customs evolving to blend n and survve Learnng to survve in these unfamiiar environments is an option for them to choose and their adaptve endeavors paved the way for them to remain resolute Despite hndrances, they know that their journey s one worth pursung
“The culture in other countries is overwhelmng for me to comprehend The working ways and the lifestyle of others were dfferent and new to me However I learned to adapt to the new setting as it is the key for me to move forward, added Siladan When they finally dock in a foreign land, they unfurl their anchors and set to work devoting themselves to the ong hours and committing hard graft of labor required to make their dreams a reaity to make ends meet Moreover unforeseen circumstances
By:MelodieBulat-agare the common concerns where such devotion can lead to unfortunate osses includng death
However with grt from their souls they make a significant mark on the world that leaves a tral of success n ther wake From workng an odd variety of jobs, sacrificing tme, and exposing themseves to risks, these OFWs have truly gone beyond the cal of duty
"The entire endeavor I went through was tirng to say the least; I had to work day and night to suffice my goal Working days were so busy that it gave me no time for other things for myself I let the work enguf my time and dran me so I can move forward, ended Sladan
These marvelous migrants are righteous to be hailed as modern-day heroes for the sacrifices they endure to provide They have left their havens to embark on a new ourney on new horizons and survive life on foreign ands to create a future buit by aspirations Despite being far from home their hearts remain anchored to the shores they left behind, fueling the cause of their resilence They understand that the quest for prosperity is sometimes smooth sailing but worth taking Every wave they ride every wind that fills their sais and every port they dock n grants them the fortune they rightfully deserve
As countless people worldwide suffer from poverty, which is particularly common among students They work arduously to create a better future on their own and for those around them while having trouble making things meet Everyday living is their struggle; they must decide whether to keep surviving or stop fighting and cease the attempt to exist
Learners livng below the poverty line may defne their situation as uncertain of the possibility of escaping deprvation These students have certain constraints as they attempt to fulfil their desires, from struggling with money to restrcted access to educational assets But despite these difficulties many of them are discovering ways to get around obstacles and attain all they can be A victim of poverty cry and shout for hope, and students are not an exception to this phenomenon A day of life is not to do usual things but a way of surviving what tomorrow could bring that poverty is always coming things but The difficutes I usualy get thanks to my condition are usually being unable to secure and ensure that I eat on time and do it three times a day I cant enjoy the full relaxing experience because I'm always apprehensive of what tomorrow mght bring always wth the foreboding that my mother and I might colapse like a house of cards Day by day livng is like crawlng and pawng at the sand in hopes of findng gold; you dream but are disappointed said Samuel Japet Medallo Carvey, a Senior Hgh School student at Sawata National High Schoo Moreover Carvey added that his life was hard and that to live he would make things rratonal to others Everything he did was to survive and proceed with life with her mother Every opportunity even f it is ust too miniature for others but for him he takes that chance to do hard work and to take a rest
Those are the consequences of what Im facing I face and do unprecedented rates of hard work considered unnecessary and weird for others with stable finances and futures Hard work for a little reward that dsappears as quickly as you receve it using t to stave off enduring sufferng and have respite ” Carvey stated
However Carvey chalenged his faith together with the numerous responsibiities he shoulders At hs age he does hard work to survive, beng the pilar of the family, a son, and a student He must fulfil those responsibilities, whch affects his academic performance but he manages to continue; there were many times when he had nothing to eat but he was lucky someone was wlling to give
As a student it crushes my motivaton and the desire to do work to earn instead of usng school days to relax and not do any work so that I may scrape the bottom of the barre of scraps of rest and sanity building I instead procrastnate but stll try evidenced by my 89%average grades for First Quarter Lunch times in school are a nightmare sometimes an exercise in uncertainty
A Tennessee Williams quote about relying on the kindness of strangers, which I do appreciate, mostly from Maam Bandalan, who provides me ample unch ” he said He stated that as of now he has not yet overcome those problems together with her mom are still running around in circles looping back as they have no natural way of soving those challenges; they are stil on the edge of surviving, but sady cannot correcty lve
In the face of poverty many students are forced to overcome signficant obstacles to acheve their academic and personal goals despite those chalenges The hurdes of surviving and the barriers of continuing life with the responsiblities lie Hard work is the reflection of what tomorrow could bring to someone I understood the lesson each hardship gives me appreciating now what I would have taken for granted when I was younger or the schooling before the pandemic, which makes me strive to do more despite my condition, selfexamine myself more closely so I may improve how I act and respond to responsiblities ” Carvey remarked
Poverty may not vanish n just a snap but those victims who contnuously embody the cracking sound have wth them the potentia to overcome deprivation In learning areas or community engagement, impoverished students revolve as a blazing phoenx who is brave enough with their dedcation to breaking the cycle that keeps on pivoting in their exstence In the vastness of crtcsm and hardship they possess the aspration that once turned their myopic view into a vctorious outook A perception that no one can ever break nor destroy as it is engraved in their hearts and minds “I wouldn't say that walking around a roundabout repeatedly n your journey is considered a success But I stil learned to fght harder know why I fght embrace improvement and accept crtcsm and adversity so I may grow exponentially in wisdom and faith, Carvey ended
Savoring the rich flavor Cacao the center of commemoration fills the Sikwate Festival a cup of warmth and nostalgia
Something is reaped if something is sown Celebrate the abundance of brown golds!
Acarnival of cacao and confectionery, this jubilant gathering ignites the senses in the heart of a town that owes its existence to the same crop San Isidro Davao
del Norte, the land of bountiful soil and benevolent weather, has for long been a nurturing ground for the cultivation of cacao This festival is a hymn to the diligent farmers and their unwavering commitment to producing sustainable and premium-grade cacao From the cacophony of the parade to the spectacle of cultural performances from a tour of the cacao farm to a plethora of chocolate tastings, this event is a carnival of colors and flavors that encapsulates the rich traditions of this enchanting town Let us surrender ourselves to the kaleidoscope of customs and hues that define this lively celebration!
Take a Sip of its Vibrant Aroma
Thousands of people joined the marking of the Sikwate Festiva and were welcomed by a lofty arch with decorated ornaments that symbolized the center of commemoration A fun-filled fiesta in town that draws the presence of San Isdroans to be united n embracing one-of-a-kind chocolate tabea the municpalitys most cherished treasure
San Isidro is renowned for being marked by the Sikwate Festival We must develop this abundance because t supports our sustainability And Im grateful that a ot of you attended this event because, wthout your presence, this woudnt be commemorated ’’ sad Mayor Silvano Gaje
While the decorations are undoubtedly eye-catching, the aroma truly captures your senses
And as many come together to commemorate this special occasion the atmosphere s electrifying
The rich chocolaty taste makes one coming back for more
The aroma of freshly roasted beans fils the air as participants indulge in the decadent chocolaty flavor that always eaves one wanting more when they have taken a glimpse of the inter-barangay basketball and voleyball competition
The gymnasium was am-packed with screams shouting and cheering for the supported team A mixture of excitement and nervousness prevailed over each other every time the ball required ateral movement
I must admit that the Sikwate Festival signficantly contributes to fostering each (basketball or volleyball) player's nterest in ther chosen sport We players are given a wonderful chance to demonstrate our skills and honorably represent our Barangay Every time we heard the crowd roaring it provided energy and realization that this is Sikwate and the game must leave no shortage of enjoyment, sad Jonel Sualibios, a volleybal payer from Barangay Kipalili
The darker the better
The purest is said to appear the darkest No one let themselves be defeated in a booth display contest Every booth delved into the absence of light in order to ignite the proportion of aluring creativity A roasting battle of having the finest Cacao dsplay
“We fought for this competition and we didn't expect that we'd be the champion Based on the criteria, the appearance s 40%, so we did our best to achieve that criterion; next is the display which we think is our advantage to others since the consttuents in our barangay participated and contributed their (Cacao) products We are grateful that our hard work in making our booth for Sikwate Festval paid off as we are declared wnners ” said Helen C Silva the Barangay Captain of Monte Duali
It s not just about showcasing the product but about telling a story The booth must transport the viewer to a word of indulgence and luxury Dark rich colors are preferred, with red and gold accents to lend a hint of gltz Each component should be an expression of elegance from texture to favor And the booth should be staffed by knowledgeable chocolatiers who can explain the unique qualities of each product
Roasted to development
The Sikwate Festval stood out as one of the most well-known and cherished events among all the celebrations held in such a smal town This festival distinguished by the collecting and drinking of hot chocolate prepared from cacao beans not only honors the long heritage of San Isidro but also illustrates the communitys dedcation to sustainable development The high-quality cacao industry is rrefutable proof of the localty of San Isidro's endowment n natural assets The latter festivity embodies the municipaity's reformation in how to cherish cacaos availablity and work together to reap its economic benefits
Like a mighty oak deeply rooted in the earth, the Dibabawons of San Isidro hold a profound affection for their culture and the timeless rhythm of their agricultural way of life With hands
calloused generations of tending to the land, they have nurtured their sustainable farming methods bearing the fruits of their labor with pride But like a fierce storm gathering on the horizon, the threat of commercial development and modernization looms, casting a shadow over their tranquil existence and risking their unique way of life
Their agriculture s a unque farming system that orignates n the cuture and traditions of the indigenous people of Dibabawon The Lusong System is a farmng technique passed down from generation to generation emphaszng the importance of preserving the natural environment while farming This system algns with the law of IPSA (Indigenous People Statistic Authority) which mandates the preservation of the environment and the sustainabe use of natural resources The Dibabawon tribe members follow ths law and ensure their farmng practices are harmonious wth nature And they plant their crops in March and Apri, the perfect time to ensure a bountiful harvest
Before there was no hring of outsider farmers but instead we used the Lusong System In the month of March that is the perfect time to plant said Datu Antonio Araujo the Indigenous Peoples Municipal Representative (IPMR) Municipality of San Isidro
Just as a skilled painter wieds his brush to create a masterpiece, a member of the Dibabawon tribe cherishes their ndgenous tools as vita nstruments in cultivatng the land Like precous gems these tools represent the priceless heritage of their ancestra wsdom shning brighty amidst the encroaching shadows of modernty For the Dibabawon, their tools are a brdge connecting the past to the present, a livng symbol of their commitment to preserving their cultural legacy
“The Dibabawon tribe has practiced agricuture for centuries usng their unique tools The toos we use are caled Todak or crowbars made out of wood whch are used for varous farming tasks In harvesting rice, we use Bibi or Kayog made of metal and wood Apart from these severa other tools such as bolo Guna or Supoy Sanggot ax Yangi or basket Tabunos Lusong and 'Sakodo or bamboo shoot' are used by our tribe These tools are not ony essentia for our farming but also a part of our cultural heritage ” said Vilma
Araujo They perceive the full moon as a sgnal that it is time to start planting once they notice it The ritual whch usually takes place between the months of March and Apri draws every member of the tribe together The communty gathers at a designated ocation and offers prayers to ther Almighty God before they commence planting The rtual not ony allows them to express ther spiritua convictons but also provdes a means of promoting harmony and unity among the tribe members By uphoding this custom the Dibabawon tribe highlights the significance of a happy cohabitation between the environment and humanity
There is a rtual or Lnang Rtual made before farming Al of the neghborsGod They offer food or animals like pigs and native chickens for the blessings they receive It s also sad there is a sign if it is a good or bad time to plant sad Datu Marcial Lig-onan Chieftan of Dibabawon Tribe San Isidro Muncipality
“The practce done by Dibabawon durng and after harvesting is a ritual or Linang Ritua They gave some offerngs as a symbo of thanks before and after harvesting Theyll get a Tiphag and offered rce three (3) plates of egg Mamaon Buyo tobacco and Mayorka added Datu Arauo
Tribal agriculture is a way of life deeply ingraned in indigenous trbes culture and identity, serving as more than a source of surviva Numerous tribes have carried down ther farming and horticultural practices from generaton to generation creatng a cose connection to their ancestors and customs This is especially essential for the Dibabawon peope who have historically relied on agriculture as a means of subsistence and preserving their cultura hertage Dibabawon eaders have worked hard in recent years to impart to the younger generation the value of farming and its sgnifcance to the dstinct identty of their communty
“In preserving the agriculture of Dibabawon the elders must teach the next generation the old way of farming without using any chemcals " said Datu Antono Araujo
Their labor has been more straghtforward and more effective due to modernizaton whch has made access to improved agricultural toos irrigation systems and other technology possble They have been able to raise their farmng yields and improve their living standards as an outcome of this Modernizaton, though, has both positive and dre repercussions Conventional farmng practices may be lost as modern agriculture and global food production expand This would affect the tribes capacity to get food and maintain its economic stabilty causing the loss of cultural legacy It is therefore important to balance modernizaton and traditional practces to ensure the longevity of the Dibabawons agricultural way of living
More contemporary ones are gradualy superseding traditional farming techniques due to the development of new technoogy and the rise in efficiency demands Although it could appear lke progress this also has its disadvantages Young peope exposed to these current techniques might need help understanding the need to sustan traditional agricultural practices Ther senses coud decide to go aong with a new mode of life after being persuaded that it is superior to the one before Contrary to the general perception traditional agricultural methods have been used for a long time and have significanty impacted hstorica and cultural contexts Modernity and preservation must get aong wel f were gong to prevent losing our agricultural heritage forever To preserve agrculture for the next generation the Dibabawon members must continue what they have started -Vlma Araujo
A gift from nature bejeweled by craft
Fostering riches to yield tons of treasures is always an option for those who seek bounty The Municipality of San Isidro has successfully turned their renounced cacao plantation into a source of wealth and pride The town s exceptional chocolate production has already garnered them a reputation in the industry yet they explored additional avenues Creativity led them to enrich cacao leaves by turning them into stunning fossilized leaf ornaments, adding a new dimension to the towns impress iuniqueer and symbolizing their rich culture and profound artistry Cultivation is the key to success, and the community of San Isidro is paving the way
The upbringing of the town's intricate fossiized cacao ornaments was progressed by the Fossilized Crafts of San Isidro (FCSI) - an association of ingenuine artisans trained by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) of Davao del Norte and the Local Government Unit (LGU) of San Isidro which focused for hands-on production of distinctly designed quality accessories and novety products consisting a variety of chandeliers, framed leaf folages, amp shades, handbags, minaudière, hand-held fan, necklaces and more, expanding their bounds of creativity
Local roots to global reach San Isidros nnovative approach to sustanable craftng has gained worldwide recognition for harnessing the aesthetc appeal of cacao leaves The New York Fashion Week hiTechMODA Season 6 featured the towns fossilized cacao leaves introduced by Ia Faraoni CEO of Ias Threads and a native of San Isidro Faraoni was nspred by the artstry of her hometown and decided to integrate talk fabrics with the fosslized eaf ornaments as a focal point of her showcase, consisting of 15 unique designs of handbags minaudière and cothing Her colection is a tribute to the town's profound nnovation by showcasing the allure of its crafted treasures
We need something unique ths year and the fossiized cacao leaves are an extravagant example They are crafted by the artisans of San Isdro Davao del Norte the village where I grew up so this showcase serves a place n my heart The success of this debut is pride from where t came from up to where it has led today, a milestone that I wil forever embrace Also, this showcase s not stopping here it is going to be in the manstream market and we are already tryng to bring it globally; we deserve this " said Faraoni
Success through nature's grace
San Isidro is genuinely blessed wth natures beauty This collaboration between resourcefulness and sustainablity is a significant step towards a more eco-friendly future in the industry and San Isdro has led the way making its mark The towns abilty to transform somethng as simple as a leaf into a work of art while supporting its local economy is a testament to how waste can be transformed into vauable and sought-after products
"We utilized the beauty that our town has been offering for ages The ornaments are beautiful and eco-frendly as they are made from natura materals that woud have otherwise gone to waste Leaves are beng discarded here in our community Hence we grabbed this opportunity considering that San Isdro has a total area of 15 249 hectares with 3 600 hectares planted with cacao Which serves as a great blessing for us regarding the resources we need to produce these intricate crafts, said Algabre
Investing in creativity yields a bounty of the harvest San Isidros briliance in crafting fosslized cacao eaves is a remarkable feat that wll improve tourism in the area The town's commtment to harnessing the natural beauty of ts land has not only brought attenton to their city but has also provided economic opportunities for the benefit of its residents becoming a source of income for many familes which contributes to the local economy and provides a way for the community to thrive
Ths development has broad impications beyond just tourism It highlights the creative ngenuity of the people of San Isidro and ther ability to find new ways to utlize their natural resources It s an exciting development that can potentially improve tourism and promote a culture of creativity This can inspire other communities to find sustainable ways to promote ther local economy and environment " said Algabre
The fossilized cacao leaves of San Isdro embodies the towns innovative sprit and commitment to cultivating its greatest assets and pride resources a reminder of how beauty can be created from the smplest of materals Moreover the intricate detals of these extravagant crafts offer a glimpse into the lands ingenuine culture and gorious hstory This milestone s not just a source of pride for San Isidro; it serves as an inspiration for other communities to harness the potential of their bountful resources to yeld valuabe treasures
Festival: a feast in the town built by CacaoAn intricate glimpse at the booth display with fossilized cacao leaves crafts made by the artisans in San Isidro (Photo courtesy by Mendrick Lagos) Unearthed delights
Ateacher's impact can last for a lifetime They possess the power to mold and uplift students through various actions that have long lasting
lasting benefits Some educators strive to exceed and go beyond devoting their years of existence to their work and making an enduring impression on countless learners We will explore the life and legacy of the longest-serving teacher in Sawata National High School With their commitment and deep fondness for teaching every pupil, this teachers journey is evidence of how the power of education and the importance of passion-driven educators can help to shape young learners and the world they live in
Being a teacher is not just a duty but a responsibility on how they can precisely impart their knowledge to learners Battling with struggles and facing disappointment due to this job Handling students with different behavior and attitudes repeatedly is proof that there is a commitment between work and students To mold and continue teaching the children Passion and love can lead to success in any form of profession
My 35 years of teaching isn't easy and a little bit frustrated and disappointed especially when I just started teaching For this reason, I have big expectations for my students because as a teacher you expect too much from your students but as the years go by I'm used to it, -Jocelyn
She added that even in the greatest downfall day of being a teacher, she cannot let go of her profession and leave She strongly faced those instances with the hope that she wll endure them And now it is all worth it to see the consequences of it That you have to stick to your goals of being a good teacher a second mother and a model to the students
No, I never have the guts to change my profession and change decisions due to my struggles in teaching and handling students Ill take it as a challenge and maybe because every individual is unique so I was going to adjust because I'm dealing with the students and thats my profession to be a good source of learning, she added
TimelessLegacy JocelynOlamit the pinnacleofpassion spent35yearsof moldingstudents'minds (PhotocourtesybyVctor Makigod)
Additionally, she stated that as years go by she develops an extreme commitment a love of being a teacher A passion and a goal to continue teaching as she could She hopes to teach for more years and that God will shower more blessings and help her to have good health It's a choice and she chooses to be a living proof of being a teacher warrior Frankly speaking, somehow I developed a commitment to my work although frustration is always in the back Especially when you are a teacher handling extreme attitudes from your students, it's not a problem when we talk about imparting lessons or teachings but the problem is how to deal with the characters of the students nowadays And its a challenge, and Im ready to take it, she said
She stressed that there is a person whom she truly trusts and who became her guide for that years and even until now and it's from above, Him She always asks for guidance from Him, and the days go by And behind her success there is also an important person she values most: giving guidance That she couldn't forget Everything you do, up there he could see you and those phrases she gained today
Furthermore, being a teacher is not as easy as we can see There are times that they also need support coming from the students and from their loved ones Those 35 years of being a teacher of Mrs Olamits realization came gradually, especially at her age now That being a teacher she wanted to mold and discipline her students to impart moral lessons because they need support and guidance as generation teenagers became aggressive behavior, and uttered vulgar words that's her goal to teach them not just for studies but also true to a life lesson that could help them to develop there life
Sawata National High Schools longest-serving teacher has influenced her learners the faculty members and even the community with her undying efforts to make them understand so much about our surroundings As they have been spending a lot of time in school it cannot negate the fact that their actions speak to their dedicat on and love for their chosen profession They surely impacted the history of numerous pupils in the classroom and will continue motivating future generations Serving as a schoolteacher for so many years is a wonderful accomplishment, and their achievements ought to be recognized always The greatness they have left behind is a brilliant illustration of a teacher's importance to their learners and the world
"Just continue living with the best we possibly can a chose living as a teacher since choosing this profession has the biggest obligation to impart and give moral lessons to the students Do not corrupt time as you can see everything you do he could see you up there ” Mrs
Jocelyn O amitPerseverance! More individuals have concerns regarding disability than actual impaired persons One who never felt tired and never complained about life
The battle of life sometimes led others to give up on it Faith played us sometimes what we dreamed of is not what comes back It depends on how you handle it
Indeed born to be a fighter Battling with this kind of disease is not easy to handle Polio is a life-threatening disease But instead of giving up on life, she manages to be a student and continues her education despite her disabilities
"I am born to be like this since I was young and since the day that my mother gave birth to me I was experiencing discrimination towards my disability I was in grade school at that time and all I did was just to let them tease me about my situation, but I never allowed their negativity to affect me I have ways so instead of prisoning myself into something I build a fence that no one can break ’’ said Lovely Faith Labador, 15 years old PWD student of Sawata National High School
According to Faith, the life she has now is not a mistake she never regrets every single day how her life goes by Every day is a battle for her especially since even with her disabilities she manages to go to school and it was a great privilege for her
Yes I am hurt by what others say to me but the thing is Im not affected because in my 15 years of existence in this world my loved ones never make me feel like Im not belong to this society so why would I have to consume negativity into my life? If all my life is all about love and acceptance ’’ added Faith
Acceptance is the way why she continues Blaming is not her thing but she is grateful Life may be hard and the experience that she faced is not a good image to her but indeed to be interesting as she fights the thoughts of others that PWDs people are worthless in our society, but the truth is they are also dreamers
Having a mindset of positive inside and out is the most wonderful feeling Its like a wave of the sea and the cold breeze of the air who is embracing us quietly Acceptance in everything and make it a motivation to proceed and not to be rooted in what we are today
Defined Not by Limitations Lovely Fath Obrador demonstrates tenacity n maintainng that educaton is accessble to al people despite dsablties n a word that frequenty hghlights conformity
Economic world is not the same for everyone
A mother carrying children on her back dragging her feet chained with a heavy ball
of poverty to keep forward is something to get our heads to Society has its concept of what a person can do and ends up looking down on women But this is what it missed, they are women with the power of being mothers So strong, not even wrecking balls of challenges can break Something extraordinary only they can understand
Ana Caitor, a widowed mother for 10 years, who was abandoned by her husband when her youngest was only 2 years old takes care of her three children by herself
Her partners’ selfish choice devastated her and made everything for her fall apart He abandoned her a decade ago leaving her with three children no means of support due to her unemployment and an almost hopeless condition She truly believed it was the final chapter for her if her mother had not taken her back in From all the things she has been through who could have known that what she thought was the disaster can be the reward itself? She found a new vigor in life when she gave birth to her children
I may never forgive their father for what he has done, the pain I had to endure was draining my sanity
However I will never think of my children as products of his cruel choice They are the only blessing that I considered a gift after my husband left me for good He left us to disappear and if it were not for my mother, he could have gotten what he wanted " Ana said
A womans life is eternally altered by being a mother, which is a life-changing event It involves more than simply giving birth; it also entails caring for and bringing up a child to become a grown-up thoughtful individual
Unconditional love for the child which has been a part of her and will always be is a realization that is brought by motherhood As the love of a mother is immeasurable the relationship
she builds towards them is unshakable She knew from then that she would never experience anything else that can compare to being a mother It is a responsibility shes happy to perform and her pleasure to serve her children the amazing lives they deserve I will offer them my whole being guiding them with my efforts and warm care They are safe with me, and I plan to commit myself to letting this composure be strong for the rest of what my heart can give I do not deserve this type of abandonment nor do my children Ana said
None matches the satisfaction of seeing her children develop into amazing individuals and the unselfish nature of an adoration Its an adventure with many highs and lows but a mothers love endures and is what ultimately makes it all worthwhile But it is not always simple for her She admits that she has her flaws but can never let the children witness her weakness
"Love alone can't feed my children Of course, I have to make sacrifices even if it's my body Although I may be pushing myself slightly above its boundaries Im still cautious to assure I continue to move ahead And who will work if I don't? Who will provide it if I am unable to now?
See? I am their life source and if I fall so will they I can not let that happen Ana said
Being the lone parent could be daunting, but it is not unsurmountable Several single mothers have succeeded in actuality while struggling to make ends meet These women are living examples of the effectiveness of tenacity and toughness They put up a lot of effort to support their kids, even working numerous jobs to make finances meet Despite not having someone else to share the load with they are still able to hand their kids the affection and assistance they must fulfill Single mothers are an inspiration to us all their endurance and resilience should be celebrated for acknowledgment They prove that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible, even in the face of adversity
To the person out there who is experiencing the same as me, you must have a positive mind, we PWDs don't have to please others just to fit in their standards We are born to be different and we must fight to be different too! Someone told me just let them bully me because, in the end of the sunlight, there's a dark to their life that was going to come Let them show you who we are and what PWDs can do - Faith
There are chances in life A chance to pursue what she aims for and a chance to stay where she is now Self-love is the best weapon to fight the standards of society nowadays Determination can lead us to who we want to be no matter what people say She has self-determination which is very important to the students especially with those PWDs She is positive when it comes to her life despite her disability I offer modular or distance learning due to her risky situation because she cannot have a vaccine due to her bone condition But she declined and continues faceto-face class she never let negativity consume her she manages to be active in our class and as bullying is always there, she is someone that can handle it, said Mr Romer Murillo a Grade 10-Del Pilar adviser
PWDs are a group of people who have different kinds of disabilities A disability that society nowadays worries about what they can do But this young lady was determined and she never let herself drown by what others say Instead, she faces reality A reality that is full of judgment, yet she sees it as an opportunity to be strong and wiser
In this world the existence of a new generation has a lot of imperfections people who manage to destroy you by throwing away remarks of what they see, but the truth is the most pure heart among us is the person who has disabilities They never see life as hard for them even in their difficult experiences they chose to smile and be grateful for everything Let us be reminded to focus on improving ourselves not proving that all PWDs are a burden!
Life is an adventure on a meandering trail, with unforeseen bends and curves at every turn The path to recovery from addiction is akin to a butterfly's metamorphosis, where one must strive to break free from the constraints of the past and welcome a fresh start The battle against the stronghold of marijuana addiction can be daunting but like a caterpillar that emerges from its cocoon, former users can undergo a magnificent transformation into a life of optimism perseverance and healing
Nine (9) students from Sawata Nationa High School (SNHS) had used marjuana, according to the survey conducted wherein 93 51% of the student populace took part One of these was n Grade 8; two of them were in Grades 9 and 11; and the other four were not specified Nick (not his real name) a drug dependent and a former student of SNHS claimed that he has been utilizng drugs to forget hs problems Which was aso ntroduced by his friends driven by peer pressure and curosty
Before I was always around my friends I had no idea drugs were being used They smoked mariuana and persuaded me to do the same because according to them narcotics may releve boredom and make me happy Curiosity kiled me so I tried it Nick confessed The overindulgence in Marijuana had transformed his life nto a thorny bush with psychological physca and socal thorns poking him relentlessly The thorns grew thicker after each hit, making him fee entrapped and choked The ilict medication eventualy caused a dense to surround hm, and he eventually found himsef trapped in the thicket that was unabe to fnd hs way out "During my drug invovement my lfe was miserable due to my addiction I woud find ways to obtan drugs even when I didnt have money My life was completey different back then; I became lazier n taking care of myself and negected my hygiene Nck sad His descent into drug addcton was a posonous vine that wrapped tself around his reationshp wth his parents, slowy strangling t untl it withered away The reveation of hs drug use acted as a match that ignited the volatile emotons of his parents causing ther love and trust to burn to ash Nick was left alone on the opposite side of the bay of dsappontment and anger because the fre was so hot enough that t burned the bridge of communication between them
When my parents found out that I was using Marijuana they became realy upset wth me I could see the disappointment in their eyes and t made me feel realy terrible Nick remarked
When my parents found out that I was using Marijuana, they became realy upset wth me I could see the disappointment in their eyes and t made me feel realy terrible Nick remarked
His life was a tumultuous sea with waves of addicton threatening to drag him under Breaking free from the grip of drugs was like battling a ferce storm but he refused to et himself drown He found hs way to a peacefu shore with the aid of prayer and the assistance of Oplan Tokhang There he witnessed the dawns first ight and felt the warmth of optimsm envelop him He discarded his addiction lke a heavy oad, rising from the ashes of his previous ife ike a bird of paradse entrely and heathy once again Being drugfree aso means that you are not dependent on any substance to feel good stated Nck
“You are in charge of your mental and physca wellbeing which means you have the power to determne what is right for you Which makes t edgy for you to ive a meaningful ife untainted by the damagng effects of drug improper usage
It is thus never too late to begin your road towards a better drug-free ife f you are battling with addicton or substance misuse he continued
Like a ship navigating treacherous waters Nick charts his course toward a brghter future guded by the North Star of education He knows that succumbing to drugs would be ike a stormy sea threatening to capsize his dreams and ambtons So with steadfast determinaton he hoists his sails and sets out to explore the vast expanse of knowedge, nvesting his time and resources n ths noble quest Through education, Nck is buidng a sturdy vessel that wil carry him to the haven of success where he can anchor himsef and his future famiy in a secure and prosperous harbor
Just as a gardener tends to their plants students must cultvate their asprations and protect them from the weeds of drug involvement They must heed the guidance of ther teachers and mentors and avod the temptng fruit of ilega activtes They must choose to fuel ther brans and bodies with heathy habits in the face of shadows ike an ignition that burns brightly and does not flicker Because even in the face of hardship there s a glimmer of optimism ike the star that sparkes in a dark sky Let the divine be the compass that guides a star to illuminate a path
The chirping of birds is a cry for human cruelty
Feathered vertebrates play an important role in our ecosystem They were not just an ordinary species who contributed to the beautification of our environment, but living organisms who are responsible for plant pollination and pest control
Birds are blessngs from the forest, and they are signficant because they help our plants and they protect them, sad Mario, Hundis a oca fok of Sawata San Isidro Davao Del Norte There are various knds of birds in our ocaity we have Crow Whte-eared Brown Dove Emerad Dove Eagle Leptotila Verreaux Amonas-pestis Tamsi, White Dove, and many more to discover, added Honorabe Maricel Banados Barangay Councilor San Isidro Davao Del Norte
Human beings utilze forests for the expansion of their benefits an activty that is crucal to note because as the massve cutting of trees continues it contributes to the extnction of feathered creatures
According to Banados, as woody perennal pants are the natural habitats of birds and extensive logging persists theres a big possiblity that San Isidros birds will suddenly vanish
Deforestation has a big impact on the birds because the trees are their natural home, and if there's a constant decrease in forest areas the birds would likely disappear Further than that, the loss of foraging spaces might lead to the decline of birds' food sources as their prey also lives in forests
Banados also highlighted that illegal minng has detrimental effects on the habitats of the brds as their natural envronment s being ruined by clearng land which can lead to loss of breedng areas and nesting ground Mning poses also polution to birds through ingestion as they are more before inhalng the toxic chemicals utiized by miners
“Mining activities impact birds surviva and well-being and can lead to the declne of bird populaton and biodiversity Trees in their territory are destroyed particuarly in those that surround the mning area, and it alters how the brds live In additon to that mining itself proposes complex effects like habitat destruction or fragmentation as the mning area includes clearing vegetation Aside from that it also adds up to the breaking of the life cycle of birds as they are more likey to inhale or eat the entities that are poluted Banados remarked Bird killing hunting and trapping also project threat to their extinction Some parts of the world hunted birds for food or are drven by the concept that its wld meat is better than any other meat
Here in San Isidro, some peope eat birds because according to them its like chicken meat Furthermore ilegal hunting and trapping brings
substantia impact to the bird population especialy to those threatened and endangered species The removal of even a few birds can impede the breeding success and overall survival of the said creatures The ilegal practices made by kds such as trapping n inhumane ways can cause injury to them which somewhat eads to a slow and painful death, said Banados
Accordng to Antonio Pantonal local folk of Sawata San Isidro Davao Del
Norte birds need to be protected snce these creatures are very important to balance the biodiversity and ecosystem especially in terms of the food web
Birds are an important part of the food chain for being predators and prey as it influences the distribution of organsms n our ecosystem
They serve as predators of many insects which control overpopulaton By doing so they are aso essential for dispersing polen and seeds The waste being excreted by birds helps n plant growth because it contains nutrients that help maintain soil fertilty
Overal their existence supports the functioning of our ecosystem said Pantonial
Pantonial further stressed that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) officers should do investigaton and discoveries to know the real situation of birds in terms of their existence and habitats and that they must be protected as t is their duty to montor the soundness of every species
DENR officers shoud conduct montoring of the birds to know how many of them are still exsting in our time and how many are endangered They should be guarded from human activties that brng threat to their extinction ended Pantonal
In every probem there are various solutons The alarming concern regarding brds must be addressed as creatures like them aso need care and affection an entity that must be protected and preserved at all costs!
Individuals must take measures to reshape the birds habtat that was once ost As the wnged wonders take flight towards the sky they should refran from broadcasting their agony through their melodious songs
A single blossom is a masterpiece of nature that has been sculpted by millions of years of evolution nique species that is an example mother nature's artistic brilliance the orchid emits its scent deep within a forest even when no one is around to even notice it Due to their unique derived traits also known as synapomorphies orchids may be easily identified from other plants Bilateral symmetry (zygomorphism) the ability to supinate the labellum, a virtual and significantly altered petal, united stamens and carpels, and exceedingly tiny seeds are a few of these traits
They are exotic fowers because they are special knds of flowers since they are not commony found in house backyards
Dancing ady is a native species of orchids that exist here in our ocality and also
Vanda ” said Rhodalyn Foronda a Science
Teacher at Sawata National High School
Due to their individuality orchids are a distinct speces Long-lasting and distinctive among all species, the scent also lasts a long time Like the flowers you see in flower stores, this knd of fower can be kept in stock for one week wthout beng watered
It is rare we dont often see it And it needs extra care it is sumptuous and sensitve It can be stock its petals are thick and it is usually made as a bouquet its attractive petal is different and can be used as decoration for church and funerals It has colorfu flowers, it is extraordinary, it is exciting especally when it bears flowers, stated Foronda
Aside from its view it can beautify the environment an orchid is stll a plant so it gives oxygen like the trees which is needed by human beings It can also be a stress
reliever and it gives joy ” said Roselyn
Cuestas Tourism Officer San Isidro Davao
Del Norte
Since this type of plant is particularly sensitve when left unattended, orchids
require high upkeep and special attention
A cause why ndviduals with sufficient funds may acquire orchids, is because they are sometimes prcey Only a few are culturing orchids
Cultivating them wth carelessness can pose detrimental effects They are exquisite in nature but fragile n nature, as they are very delicate If you do not take care of them they will not bear flowers
And aside from that orchid lovers must spray pesticides properly to make them grow nicer and could bear flowers, Foronda remarked
A single blossom is a masterpiece of nature
Artificial insectcdes can help reduce the number of pests that are targeting orchids
The orchids must be gently moved to another wood host when the wood that serves as their habitat begns to rot Spraying pesticides and nsecticides on orchid plants are one method of preventing insects and pests from dwelling there but it is preferable to utilize agro-medicine often known as organic chemicals
There are essential ways that must be gven to orchids to preserve their beauty From what I have read net shading which aids in contro teling the temperature in the orchidarium s somethng that orchd aficionados and flower shop proprietors should be familiar with Maintaining the health of the orchids also requires the remova of insects which may be done by hand if they prefer not to use synthetic or natural pesticides Additionaly it is important to remove any dead eaves to keep the orchid plants quality high Foronda explained
An orchd genus is greaty lnked to the conservaton of biodiversty and is not just a beautifu compement to our environment For instance, the exceptional and rare walingwaling orchid species are found ony in the Mindanao area
Unfortunately this magnificent floral beauty is steadiy diminishing projecting the necessity for ndviduals to take part in its protection and preservation We have a responsibility to look for required acton to protect orchids surviva and to acknowledge their essence n mantaning the equilbrium in nature
ExquisiteBeauty.Orchids,whichcomein abroadrangeofsizesandforms,exhibita completeblossomingofnature'screative sight.
Are you scared of the forest? Or its natural environment scares you? Will you stand alone in a forest? such as plants like trees, grasses to shrubs, vines, to any kind of herbaceous plants, mosses, algae, fungi, from insects to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and microorganisms that are natural inhabitants of the forest
Close your eyes and imagine; think about the purity of the air, the abundant sound of peace, and the calmness of its aura Inside the wilderness of the forest, we can find living parts
The Municipality of San Isidro, Davao Del Norte is indeed blessed by nature, as most of its wealth was derived from the land's abundance of forested areas According to the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) records the majority of the land of San Isidro is Forest land that has a total land area of 10 080 30 hectares composed of timberland and agricultural land of the Municipality of San Isidro
"The forest land in San Isidro provides environmental resources for sustainable economic development to the municipality Environmental services such as supplying water requirements for households, farmlands, habitats of diverse flora and fauna and the prevention of destructive flash floods," said Mr Elvien E Ramiso, the Municipal Planning and Development Officer
Duetoillicitloggingandothertypesofdestruction,birdslikethe TakrayinSanIsidroareindangerofgoingextinct.Birdshavearole inmaintainingbiodiversitybalance,thuspeoplemusttake precautionstopreservethemforfuturegenerations.
Ramiso emphasized that the most abundant trees here in San Isidro is usually timber like Mahogany Falcata, Gmelina, and in fruit trees there are mostly Coconut trees, Durians and Mango However, human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization have been occurring a destruction of forests that causes harm to the environment but also led to the extinction of several plants and animal species "Threats in our woodland are that forest land is agriculturally cultivated, affected by the building of residential houses, roads, and public facilities; illegal logging is also present; misuse of resources; kaingin” or improper disposal of livestock, poultry waste, and agricultural chemicals; and conversion of purely agricultural plantations within the livestock and timber poaching industries " said Ramiso
EndlessGreenery. Nature'sskycrapperstoweringtalland strong,offeringshelterandoxygenforall.
These dangers are steadily destroying our forest areas and contributing to climate change and global warming, which means that we, humans, are also contributors and the most affected if these threats endure
"These threats to our forest will cause soil erosion to landslides and flash floods These threats in San Isidro affect our environmental resources and livelihood Without trees, our agricultural lands will dry up, and animal species will also be affected by losing their habitats,” ended Ramiso
WAccording to Mark Ace Royo a Senior High Science Teacher rust deveops mosty hose metals and iron, so if the metas are exposed to oxygen and thats the time that iron wll be rusted because of the oxygen and also with those acids Galic Acids can rust iron and metal The maorty of metals and iron are the ones that rust therefore when those metals are exposed to oxygen, iron will rust as a result of the oxygen as wel as those corrosve acids, such as gallic acid
Rusting actually is a process in which an iron is exposed to oxygen and acid and so if you’re wounded and then you are exposed to rust it also has this knd of bacteria that can cause tetanus That is also why if you are wounded with a rusted nail you have to be given an anti-tetanus injection said Royo Iron deteriorates in strength appearance and permeabiity due to rusting becoming flaky and weak It does not have any good qualities when it is rusted Appliances vehices bridges and many other iron constructions can all be damaged by rustng The combination of iron and oxygen atoms forms rust Therefore, if rust comes into contact with your skn it is known to be dangerous to people due to its type of iron oxde Rust has this kind of bacteria or bacterium f this bacterium is exposed
to your wounds or your flesh or your blood t can infect the whole body and can cause tetanus, and tetanus is deady One of the symptoms of tetanus is lockjaw fever etc so you have to be careful You have to wear protective equipment to avoid ths kind of accident and also to avoid most of these problems which are nfected with this kind of bacterium on tetanus ” said
Rust isnt inherently harmful to anybody but when tetanus bactera enters your body through skin wounds it can cause heath risks Lockjaw having a fever eevated blood pressure headaches increased heart rate difficulty swallowing and muscle stiffness mght be the symptoms of tetanus or bacterial nfections caused by Clostridum Tetani Wear protective equipment must be enough to dimnish the risk of being n danger If the tetanus s left untreated the progress of tetanus infection wil be from mild spasms to powerful whoe-body contractions suffocation and heart attack
"There are some ways to avoid rusting first s you have to paint it to expose the metal from the oxygen and also from those acids that can lead to corrosive and then rustng stated Royo
The manufacture of numerous machines items and structures is made of iron and its alloys Therefore preventing the corrosion of iron is very important because rusting certanly affects the environment by weakening bridges and many more structures that are made of iron and aloys
Some methods to prevent rusting are galvanization coatings and cathodic protection
“You have to be careful and mindful and also aware if you know ths kind of rusting materia has this kind of harmful bacterum that can pose health risks for you so you have to be careful If you want to go to other paces you have to protect your soul feet to avoid any wounds said Royo If you are aware that certain rusting materials contan dangerous bacteria that coud endanger your health you must exercise caution and awareness If you plan to vist other locations, you must take special care to protect your feet or other parts of your body from injuries
Abeautiful gift by nature that brings life, resources, and a home for spectacular species, beholds the beauty of San Isidros bodies of water
beautiful gift by nature that brings life resources, and a home for spectacular species beholds the beauty of San Isidros bodies of water From mountains, forests, river and down to falls San Isidro has it all in terms of water bodies, it has so many spots for you to come and enjoy San Isidro's famous water spots are the Dacudao Falls and the Imelda Falls These two falls brought many faces to discover the beauty of nature, to discover the beauty of San Isidro!
Water makes people happy, and reaxed and creates bonds moments and memories
To enjoy feel and embrace these gfts and be refreshed with the marvelous aqua Unlike man-made tourst attractions like pools it is natura real and fresh It helps people connect wth nature and be with it wheren the aroma hits differently "San Isidro has different famous tourist spots and the most famous one is the Dacudao fals at Barangay Dacudao the second one is the Imeda Fals located at Barangay Mamangan San Isidro s rich when it comes to water because we also have rivers, said Alan Deldeli, the Administrator in San Isdro
Simple but unique, that's nature
During stressful days takng a dip n the water makes the physcal emotional and mental health fee reaxed and reieves stress Family nor friends there are no exceptions to fee the warmth of the water to be with water and to make the bond strong Although the comfort that these waters bring could also have ts downsides if not cautious comfort mght come to suffering Unlike saltwater fresh water enables various bacteria and parasites to survive If in contact with humans it may ead to sickness and infecton or even death Nature also has a threat to be aware of, that includes flood drowning and dirty water that we intake while we're swimming," said
Water helps peope to access drinkable water, foods lke fish, for household water for household needs such as for washng clothes or washing dishes cleaning the house or for cleanng vehices It s very important to know that every drop of water is very important to people because water s one of the most flexible or used elements for many and varous thngs Water hazards can also endanger those who venture into rivers or waterfalls Swimmers and boaters can be endangered by submerged rocks, falen trees, or debris
Stay informed about weather conditions and avoid bodies of water to stay safe
Drownng is aso one of the most serious risks associated with bodies of water Even strong swimmers are vunerable if they overestmate their abilties or become entangled in a strong current Waterborne illness is another potential risk assocated with bodies of water Rivers and waterfals can harbor pathogenic bacteria and vruses such as gardia, and cryptosporidium It is critica to purify or treat any water before drinking it to avod contracting waterborne ilnesses Boilng water using water flters or treatment tablets or employing a UV purifier can all aid in the removal or klling of harmfu bacteria and viruses According to Loisse (not her real name) a student of Sawata National High School said that water makes her calm and enjoyable at the same time I enjoy being with water especially when Im wth my friends or famly Water makes our bond strong and it feels ike were on cloud nine Relaxng, enjoyng, and releasing stress are the factors I feel when Im wth nature she said Another risk of exposure to bodies of water is hypothermia which can occur if they are fed by snowmelt or glacers Prolonged exposure to cold water can result in hypotherma which can be fatal if not treated immediately It is critical to wear appropriate clothing for the water temperature, such as a wetsuit or drysuit, to avoid hypotherma Rivers and waterfalls can provide great natural beauty and recreation but they also pose certain risks and dangers to those who venture into them Understanding these risks and takng the necessary precautions can hep to prevent accidents and keep everyone safe A beautiful gift by nature, that brings life, resources and a home for spectacular species behold the beauty of San Isidros bodes of water Mountains forests the rivers down to fals San Isidro has it all In terms of water, San Isdro has so many spots for you to come and enjoy San Isidros famous water spot is the Dacudao Fals and the Imelda Falls These two falls brought many faces to dscover the beauty of nature, to discover the beauty of San Isidro Wildlife can endanger those who ive near bodies of water Some rivers are home to alligators and crocodiles, whereas others may be home to venomous snakes or aggressive fish Its critical to earn about the local wildlife and take appropriate precautons such as not swimming n areas known to be frequented by dangerous animals Never approach or approach wild anmals Finally whle bodies of water lke rivers and waterfals can provide great natural beauty and recreation, they also pose certain rsks and dangers Understanding these risks and taking appropriate precautions such as wearing a life acket filtering water before drnking it, and avoidng hazardous areas can hep to prevent
Landslidesserveasareminderthatanentitycanbemoveddownhill evenonafirmbase.Anabruptchangethatmayhavedisastrouseffects, includingthelossoflife,destructionofproperty,andlong-term environmentalharm.
s occur when the geological is considered landslide d earthquakes or rainfall causes landslides It is a soil reignited in that particular area that receives nsider that a landslide unusually causes harm d soil that will swell down, will end up destroying the s Royo an Earth Science teacher at Sawata Natonal High s have two dfferent types the first one is rainfal-nduced ake-nduced landslde, d We have two types of landsides: the ranfal-induced nd mosty here n San Isidro weve experenced rainfal ol Royo expained ng because of the damage it may cause Agricultura l
In order to prevent this every human being should at least beware of what the result wil be It should be a must to imply the basc things we can do like stopping the ogging pantng more trees and many more By dong ths it may prevent the calamites lke the andslde, t heps al the habitats, the envronment and the people around These proactive moves wll hep every iving organism to contnualy do the necessities of humans
Disciplne is the main reason why there are advantages and dsadvantages Lack of dscpline wil help you grow differenty youl become a person youre not used to beng whie having disciplne can assure oneself to respect and honor everythng Educaton is not only by having a degree, by earning so many topics, or by gong to school Education s a fundamental resource that everyone shoud have mposing ones identity to capture the true beauty of everything These are some ways how to stop ths and by Royos ntervew there are numerous other ways to prevent this
So to stop these kinds of activities first is through educaton The second is imposing the authorty on every person who dd ilegal logging, they shoud be n prison because of these activties and the government should take acton to stop these kinds of environmental ssues Everyone in the community should participate in tree pantng and aso they should be aware of the effects of anthropogenc activities that can trigger andsldes remarked Royo Natural dsasters lke landsides have the potental to seriously harm people, property, and the environment Recognizing the part that each person may play n preventng andsldes is crucal Being informed of the dangers and causes of landsldes is one acton that everyone can take Ths can assist people in makng wel-nformed choices regarding resdng in or constructng structures n andslde-prone areas Also t can assst them n taking preventative steps to lessen the ikeihood of andsldes such as eveling slopes or pantng trees Waste management s another issue to whch everyone may contrbute Poor waste management can increase the danger of andslides by causng soil erosion and coggng drainage systems
Energy scarcity is one of our country's major issues
The crisis is a major concern for the world because it is a limited natural resource that is heavily used to power the industrial society
Wilsonia Bagallon a Grade 12 student at Sawata National High School, was inspired by the scenario of limited energy supply to conduct research titled "Electrolytic Power source from Cacao (Theobroma Cacao) seed mucilage, which could benefit cacao growers and others who are interested in using cacao mucilage as a source of electricity
"The purpose of this investigation is to establish the amount of cacao seed mucilage in cacao fruit that is wasted during cacao harvest and to determine if cacao seed mucilage could be utilized as a source of electricity," said Bagallon Bagallon hypothesized that when combined with water, the mucilage from cacao seeds could generate an acidic compound that could serve as a source of electricity The cacao seed mucilage was separated into four treatments and fermented for up to three days during the process
The findings indicated that Treatments 2 and 3 had the greatest pH values, followed by Treatments 0 and 1 The pH level of Treatment 4 was the lowest According to the experiments findings, Treatments 2 and 3 have the same pH of 5, while Treatments 0 and 1 have the same pH of 4
The pH value is a gauge for a substances acidity or alkalinity From 1 to 14, with 7 serving as the neutral it is numbered Acidity is indicated by values under 7 and basicity by values beyond 7 Due to their pH levels being under 7, the commercial electrolyte solution and cacao solution obtained from the study are both acids
''I have different measurements in each sample in order to determine among samples that generate voltage In the voltage obtained from the cacao samples, it showed that a considerable
amount of electrical voltage was generated from each cacao solution," said Bagallon
According to the experiment, Treatment 1 (30mL cacao mucilage+5 mL water) generated the most voltage followed by Treatment 2 (30mL cacao mucilage + 10 mL water) Treatment 3 (30mL cacao mucilage + 15 mL water) and Treatment 4 (30 mL commercial electrolyte solution) The lowest voltage yield was obtained with Treatment 0 (pure cacao mucilage)
The mucilage from cocoa fruit was identified as a potential source of electricity using an analysis of variance No significant difference between Treatments 3 and 4 was found by post hoc analysis According to this, the cacao electrolyte was equivalent to and may even serve as a replacement for the commercial electrolyte
"That was overwhelming after I completed the experimentation, because the solutions collected from the study were all acids, and they generated elec -tricity " said Bagallon Bagallon added that based on the research substances that give ions when dissolved in water are called electrolytes Because they all produce ions when dissolved in water they can be classified as acids bases and salts
These solutions generated electricity due to the mobility of the positive and negative ions, known as cations and anions In light of the trials mentionned, Bagallon concluded that unused cacao mucilage could serve as a source of electricity
One of the most vital elements on earth is H2O For survival, all types of plants and animals need it There would not be life on Earth if there werent any water
The cleanliness of aqua that people drink and utilize cleanliness of aqua that people drink and utilize for various reasons is crucial For this basis pure germ- and chemicalfree water is essential Disinfecton of drinking water is one of several treatments that can enhance pubic health That is why students from Sawata Natonal High School investigated the feasibiity and usablity of soar water disinfecton as water supplies are under growing pressure due to popuation expanson, waste, and abuse Lency Jirah Comdoy and Krista Joy Galo purify water for drinking and domestic use through solar energy This method of treatment has become more prevalent because it typcaly uses low-tech methods to harness the heat and energy from the sun to make water cleaner and healther for human use as well as consumption
In the process of eliminating detrimenta chemicals, biological toxcants suspended partcles and gasses from tainted water, we have come up to eradicating pathogens through soar disinfection as study shows that the process involves contaminated water being filled in transparent glass bottles which are then exposed to the sun for approximately 6 hours Indcating that t can disinfect water by using two components of sunlght The first is germicidal UV-A radation The rays kill the microorganisms that cause diarrhea making the water safe to drink The second component is infrared radiaton which boosts the water temperature and s known as pasteurization when the water temperature s elevated to 70°C-75°C," Comidoy expaned
That impies that except for not vaporizng the water at boilng temperatures solar dstillation systems are comparable to traditiona water distilation systems Utlizng sun radiaton solar water disinfecton systems treat mcroboogically tainted owturbidity water to make it safe for consumption Fluds may be purified using an array of methodoogies one of which is by exposure to sunlight It is touted as being free, affordable and advantageous
Plastic is a dynamic material since it has a broad spectrum of uses A large portion of plastic production is used to make disposable items with long-lasting qualities that will be discarded indicating that it is neither sustainable nor biodegradable Production contains key harmful chemicals that have the capacity to adversely affect the environment through air, water, and land contamination - a threat to all living things
The uprising of environmental problems correlated to plastics prompted the cause of Lency Jirah G Comidoy a former student of Sawata National High School to conduct a research entitled "The Properties of Banana (Musa Sapientum) Based Bioplastic as Affected by the Different Levels of Plasticizer which aimed to produce bioplastic out of banana peels that are plable degradation tractable and highlightng the capacity to exceed commercial plastics in terms of tensile elongation at break and durabilty "The purpose of the study s to produce bioplastic the material out of fruit waste particularly banana peels that are rich in starch and cellulose synthesized with varied levels of glycerin To determine enhancements in terms of the plastic's Tensile Strength and Elongation Capacity in comparison to petroleum-based plastics " said Comidoy Comidoy hypothesized that the high amount of glycerin generated with starch and cellulose from banana peels may be used to create a bioplastic material given the bananas high starch and cellulose content During the process four treatments and one commercial plastic sample were used in the study with each treatment contains the same amount of neutral components but varying amounts of plasticizer to test the hypothesis "I made varied measurements per treatment to determine which synthesizing is the least and most sgnificant Wherein Treatment 0 had 100g banana peel + 500 mL gelatin, Treatment 1 with 100g banana peel + 500 mL gelatin + 10 mL glycerin,
garnering the general P-value of 0 0637 The results from measurng the bioplastics tensie elongation at break showed that the bioplastcs capacity among treatments equalzes the commercal plastics indicating that there was no signifcant difference in terms of the bioplastic's elongation capacity compared to the petroleum-based plastic accordng to the analysis of varance " said Comidoy In terms of tensile strength measured by the load capacity in grams Treatment 0 carried the mean of 286 67g Treatment 1 carried 600g Treatment 2 carried 1033g Treatment 3 carred 1400g and the Commercal plastc carried the mean of only 360g garnering the general P-value of 0 001
"Measuring the bioplastic's tensile strength in terms of load capacity in grams revealed that there was a significant difference in terms of load capacity among treatments with Treatment 3 having the strongest tensile strength, followed by Treatments 2 1 and 0 and the commercial plastic sample having the lowest plastic strength This means that synthesizing properties of banana peels with a high amount of plasticizer will produce stronger bioplastics in comparison to the commercial one," said Comidoy In her research, Comidoy established that banana-based bioplastic outperformed commercial plastic in terms of tensile strength while being similar in terms of tensile elongation capacity implyng that banana-based bioplastic was comparable and could potentially be used in substitution of commercial plastics
Because of the content phase separation that occurs between starch and plasticizer the high amount of glycerin synthesized with starch and cellulose from banana peels wil optimize the scale of plasticizaton benefitng the product in terms of tensile strength and elongation capacity As a result of the aforementioned experiment Comidoy discovered that bioplastic made from banana peels is possible to be produced and enhanced
Banana peels are converted into sustainable bioplastic utilizing a methodology that is ecologically sound
risks concerns in line with that fuel need is soar water purifications main thing Due to the lack of fuel soar appications are significantly better than conventonal sources of energy since they do not produce pollution or health risks concerns in line with that In this nvestigation we employed a Completely Randomzed Design (CRD) and Anaysis of Variance (ANOVA) to examne the differences between treatments in terms of pH and hardness test resuts The colform test was assessed by the number of bacterial colonies produced The results of the hardness test revealed that Treatment 0 (SDW) and Treatment 3 (Water Exposed to Sunshne) had the maxmum hardness followed by Treatment 1 (Tap Water) and Treatment 2 (Chlornated Water) There was no significant change in hardness between treatments in the anaysis of varance
Ths means that treatments 0 and 3 have the same hardness as treatments 1 and 2, said the researchers
A water sampes capacity to consume soap or the dstnctve attribute of water that inhibits soap from latherng up can both be used to determine hardness Each water sampe wll have five drops of liquid soap added before being shaken five tmes And this wil determine how hard or soft the treatment is as the height of the bubbles and the water were measured The pH test results revealed that Treatment 1 (Tap Water) had the highest pH Treatment 0 (SDW) was followed by Treatment 3 (Water Exposed to Sunight) Whle Treatment 2 (Chlornated Water) had the owest pH Analysis of variance showed no statisticaly sgnificant varations across treatments This means that treatments O and 3 are equvaent as are treatments 1 and 2 Ths implies that al of the treatments are equivalent in terms of pH and that the total coliform test ndicated that Treatment 2 (Chorinated Water) and Treatment 3 (Water exposed to sunight) had the lowest colform count, followed by Treatment 0 (SDW) The greatest coiform count was found in Treatment 1 (Tap Water) This meant that the tap water was contaminated sad the researchers The waters pH level was measured to determine how basc or acidic it is at that particular instant Researchers findings indicate that harmfu germs in drnking water may be effectively eliminated by solar disnfection As water is exposed to soar radiation
seven days
that the mongo sprouts in the control group were in good heath
our study, it was statisticaly proven that the electromagnetic radiation affects the health of mongo sprout (Vigna Radata) and owers ts capacity to germinate because the mean root length of the experimenta group obtained beow normal The experimenta group represents the mongo beans that are exposed to W-Fi radiation whle the control group represents the mongo beans that are free from W-Fi radiaton
To sum up the mongo sprout exposed to electromagnetic fields has sgnifcantly decreased ablity to be heathy while the control group attained the standard root length that constitutes a healthy one asserted Morales Wreess routers and humans have something in common but the dfference is that people transmit causes and receive effects to convey the outcome, unlike electromagnetic waves
Humans cannot prohbit themselves from using Wi-F routers, which implies electromagnetic radiation wil continue to be released Individuals are exposed to their own wireless network as well as wireless routers from neighbors and other sources as many were bored at work because of tasks, proects and the inabiity to contact wth their frends and relatves
"Maybe our study is akin to human beings who spend a ot of time using Wi-F routers to link the entire world The EMFs may flow through the walls and there is no way to hide But, the impacts of it can be mitigated by their own behaviors Do not expose too many live beings to this type of radiation When WiFi is not n use switch it off and the discharge of electromagnetic radiation into space wll cease," said Morales Humans ntelectual ablity generated many fictional objects resulting in their gradua existence Wi-Fi is a menta vision product that is regarded as mankind's best creation It is wreless but it has an nvisible chain to reach the realm where a cear mpression of the truth s supplied, questions are answered doubts are verified and mental ambiguity is eliminated Yet everything should be done in moderation because too much is harmful Knowledge must be lnked to acton and action must be linked to knowledge and they must be connected!
When was the last time you ate a dangerous belly sensation?
The charisma of street foods cannot only catch your attention but it can also tickle your taste buds! According to a survey conducted by Sawata National High School in 2022 752 (75 35%) of the 998 respondents admitted to eating street food Subsequently 156 (60%) students were in Grade VII 88 (34 24%) were in Grade VIII, 157 (68 86%) were in Grade IX, 108 (41 38%) were in Grade X, and 108 (50 47%) were in Grade XII
Following class, several students purchase and try meals that are cooked and fried in a lot of oil Additionally, the depressing and somber fact is that some vendors utilize their oils repeatedly causing the delectable product to contain a lot of bacteria
Street foods are not nutritious but they are delicious Many students like to buy raw food because of the preservatives and because it is easy to cook Eating fatty food has a negative effect and should not be eaten every day because it can cause cancer Especially when the food is overcooked, then the oil that they used is just recycled and not replaced with new oil so this food has bad effects on human health " said Editha Demerin the School Clinic-inCharge of Sawata National High School Although it is an appealing pick for quick and inexpensive meals, street food can be bad for our health
These meals frequently include excessive levels of fat, salt, and sugar, which can exacerbate several medical conditions like diabetes, high
By:HannahMariePocnosblood pressure and obesity Salmonella and E infections caused by food can also result from poor sanitation and hygiene practices in the making of street food It is important to pay attention to what we will eat, and choosing healthier selections is always the best choice
“Actually street foods taste delicious but they will bring a lot of diseases like you can have amoeba Moreover you can develop the cardiovascular disease because the oils are used repeatedly added Liezl De Guzman a Registered Nurse Street foods may have a lot of things in common along with the lines of fast foods But, street food vendors sell isaw (chicken intestine), siomai, kwek-kwek (boiled egg wrapped in flour) Adidas (chicken feet) etc which made the street foods maintain their uniqueness and originality while serving their gastrointestinal problems
First and foremost we can develop gastrointestinal problems in our stomach because we dont know who dipped sauces n the street foods and we don't know the proper handling of those who prepared those foods," stated De Guzman
Like fast foods the final preparation of street foods occurs when the customer orders the meal which can be consumed where it is purchased or taken away Streetfood and fast food enterprises differ in variety, environment, marketing techniques, and ownership Street food vendors are a common sight to all
Have you ever woken up after a night of heavy drinking only to find that you can not remember everything that happened? It is not uncommon to experience memory loss after excessive alcohol consumption In fact the more you drink the more likely you are to experience memory problems
Alcoholic Beverages are commonly present at any celebration, basic delight, or when grieving, however drinking excessive amounts is terrible, and it is suicide
According to a survey conducted about 28 36% of students at Sawata National High School drinks alcoholic beverages Jay (not his real name) revealed that he drinks alcohol because it can make him happy and drinking with friends can make him thrilled
I drink alcohol because it can make me happy, it releases stress and pressure It also creates a bond for us friends, he explained
Alcohol affects the body in many ways, but perhaps the most significant is its impact on the hippocampus This is the part of the human brain responsible for creating and storing memories When you drink too much alcohol it can interfere with the hippocampus making it difficult for your brain to form new memories, and also affect your ability to recall the existing ones This can make it difficult to remember events that occurred before you started drinking, as well as those that took place while you were under the influence
Alcohol consumption has always been a subject of debate when it comes to its effects on human health There have been numerous studies conducted that suggest moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can have health benefits, such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases
However, excessive consumption of alcohol can cause severe damage to our bodies both physically and mentally It is essential to understand that moderation is the key when it comes to consuming alcohol According to Hermart Pandan one of the faculty members of Sawata National High Schoo ram alcohols are most likely to be drunk because it is affordable
Rum alcohols, like Tanduay, gin, and beer are the common alcoholic bevera that are consumed excessively by individuals as it is available in every store community ” said Pandan
Alcohol consumption also gives disadvantages diseases that will occur in the liver lungs and other parts of our internal body Alcohol brings so man the human body, it activates the emotion which causes the obsession with a pandemic started, this alcohol was banned due to its compromises in the hu immune system, which increased the risk of the condition Liezl De Guzman, and a Science Teacher at Sawata National High School stressed that there a beverages Fruits such as apples grapes bananas strawberries and lemon flavors of healthy wines
Alcoholic beverages have fruit flavors like apple, grapes, banana, strawberry, and lemons that can burn our fats but too much is not healthy too, so we must control and balance it to have a good and healthy lifestyle If there is a healthy lifestyle, there will be a long life If there's a long life there will be a happy life " stated De Guzman
There are various implications of alcohol consumption it can have short and long-term effects that affect the body and mind
Some of the common issues of short-term effects are judgment and coordination which affect the central nervous system that can lead to impaired judgment, slowed reaction times, and difficulty with coordination Due to impaired judgment and coordination, individuals who consume alcohol are at higher risk because of drunkenness Alcohol nevertheless has advantages; it makes individuals happy helps the brain to develop and keeps the levels of glucose in a normal range if it is drunk moderately According to Giad Dagong a Senior High Teacher at Sawata National High School, beverages that contain alcohol are mostly beneficial to our body if consumed moderately
"Of course, alcoholic beverages have advantages because our body naturally needs a specific amount of alcohol for our body to function well Drinking alcohol or even those drinks that contain alcohol mostly has benefits for our bodies However an excessive amount of consumption will never be considered beneficial said Dagong
Drinking can be addicting because of dopamine and endorphins that stimulate the brain Genetic factors determine the reaction of the brain of every person These chemical reactions change the character of a person and make them more addicted than usual Because of cravings and somehow the decision-making of a person will comply alcohol addiction starts with decisionmaking
Our first main solution always starts with ourselves we must follow the implementation because if we have no control our bodies will become weak Discipline will make our lifestyle better The significance of controlling alcohol intake is of course all the aspects of your life will become healthy Physically, you'll become active because your body functions well since it didn't damage due to controlled drinking You'll become emotionally stable because you can control yourself said Dagong
Everything here has a reason that stimulates intentions Alcoholic beverages have a lot of factors that can influence your mood and how you react in terms of this Some may consider that alcohol helps them feel relaxed, but it is not It is an action that will trigger your mood and keeps allowing you to do more, to drink more Alcohol can lead to ones death for a variety of causes If somebody keeps drinking perhaps their future will be less bright However
If one is aware of the effects threats and risks of this riddle it will serve as a cure May everyone's consciousness be the right solution to drink responsibly
around where we live These vendors usually operate in the evenings waiting until around 4 pm to start preparing their products This is because evenings, especially after dusk, are often when consumer interest in street food is at its peak Street food sellers can increase their income by reaching a broader market by staying until the end of the day's proceedings to begin preparing
"Street food is inexpensive we can easily obtain it because it is available outside However without knowing the detrimental health effects of consuming street foods, a lot of individuals make it a popular option for those who are on the go, as they also enjoy eating it, De Guzman remarked
Escherichia coli Salmonella and Campylobacter are the most common bacteria that cause food-borne diseases and their early warnings involve feeling nauseous throwing up and having diarrhea And in some countries street food vendors do not clean it well Since some of them lack resources such as water (universal solvent) and a clean place to cook their product
There are a lot of things that can cause harm to you and it includes street foods There is nothing wrong with eating food sold on the streets but it has limitations You may taste heaven on the hand of street foods But with those you can also taste the exasperating dilemma inside your body
Indulging in street food may seem tempting but the unfavorable health repercussion can be hardtodigest (PhotocourtesybyLiwaniMariaPaulaCancan)
Veterinary Office to monitor it Tie or confine the anmal and bserve for 14 days See f its behavor changes or f it looks sick When the animal des within 14 days consult a veterinarian to check if t has rabes, she added Yet, vaccination against rabes makes t avoidabe Rabies nearly always leads to death However as an nfection has begun, there is no cure for rabies therefore delaying treatment may make the condton fatal Because the illness can be deadly everyone should be aware of it regardless of their decision to have pets or not
To prevent rabies Get your pet dog vaccinated against rabies startng at 3 months of age Repeat t every year Give healthy food and clean drinks Make sure the pets home is clean and comfortable Do not let it wander outside your house; put a eash on it when you take it out," De Guzman remarked
The time it takes for rabies to develop can range from one week to an entre year reyng on the nfectivity and the location of the virus's entry into the body
Rabies typically takes upwards of three months to manifest If a rabd animal has ever bitten you follow these nstructions to prevent infection before its too late
The safety measures should be done about the wound wash the wound thoroughly and apply direct pressure with a clean and dry cloth to stop the bleeding and go to the nearest hospital ” said Rhodalyn Foronda Bacote a Scence Teacher 'To dog and cat owners should submit their pets to veterinarians for an anti-rabies vaccne To those btten by rabid animals always consult a doctor to avoid further complications since rabies can be fata f left unattended she added Rabies s a deadly ilness and is most dangerous when t affects the brain We should be aware of this since the infection might be letha f untreated Pet owners should carry out their duties as responsible pet owners and the local government unit should take action on behalf of street anmals When somethng has ended existence cannot be ever resurrected Lets al contrbute to the defense of publc health!
Phoenix rose as the winner against the Panthers with a score of 21-7, 19-21, 21-
11 in a Badminton Boys Singles Match last November 25, 2022, at the Sawata
Both were determined to win and wanted to achieve the winning title of the game They have their own strategies for an intense game Neither of them showed weakness nor discourage, both were confident and ready Orange Phoenix kept on smashing the shuttlecock to the opponent's floor to score higher than the opposing team and to dominate offense against the Black Panthers defense However due to faulty winds both teams had struggles to serve the shuttlecock ending the first set with 217
"Gaining a score was actually smooth on the first set, I was able to perform actively," said Baluran "However both of us had difficulties in serving due to faulty winds, covering most of our errors " he continued
In the second set of the match, Orange Phoenix kept making service errors and the Black Panthers made an advantage of that which causes the Black Panthers to score higher than the Phoenix ending the set with 19-21
"I had many service errors, receiving errors and outside hits " said Baluran "My endurance was still up and running but my errors still brought me down nonetheless the opponent was taking advantage of that
Both Orange Phoenix and Black Panthers had one win so a decision match occurred Both teams were even more serious about winning the match
Despite losing the second se observing the play at that particula the idea of what I should adjust, a my strategy in the last third set s
The Black Panthers were good dominate against the Orange Pho Orange Phoenix had good defens using different kinds of strategies higher than the opposing team, en set with 21-11 And with that The Phoenix was declared the winner
"I was keen and observant on as they were in practice figuring out their strengths and especially their weaknesses," said Baluran
It felt glorious he added I have been in doubt of myself regarding this event since I lacked physical training and also considering that I am having such a worthy opponent Overall I am proud" said John Dave Seniedo
"I was a bit sick that day, I needed to beat him by winning two sets but I only won one It was ok that I lost, I only played one game anyways,” he defended Both players have shown a stimulating performance Both were good at playing but Baluran's unique strategies caused the Blazing Phoenix to win
The Black team and Yellow Tiger battled out in an intense double match at Sawata
National High School Gymnasium, with Mr Emmanuel Abuzo coaching the latter The players showcased their badminton abilities, exchanging impressive shots and displaying remarkable skill
The black team immediately scored the first goal on the first serve but when the yellow team returned, they got the highest score in Set A, which ended with a score of 11-8 in favor of the yellow team
Even though Matunhay and I are carrying some pain, we still play happily and didn’t give up, as we see the potential of our opponents who are in 8th grade we dont underestimate the lower grade because they also have skills that their opponent doesnt have said Akisha Cabillada from the Black team
In Set B of the game we see the Black team's lack of appetite to play due to Cabillada's headache and Matunhay is dizzy from not eating from morning to noon because she doesn't want to play full this time they gave them full-strength to her showing talent so they could score high in Set B and they were given a "play on slide two"
duetotheequalscoreof20-20andendedup withascoreof22-20inSetBinfavoroftheblack team
Beforethegamestartedwesawwho wouldactuallywin,sonowweaccept defeatinthisgameandallIcansayisdon't giveupanddon'tgetfrustratedinthe gameevenifyoulose,andwecan'tgivein tothepressureandtheangerbecauseit's alladecisionandhastobeaccepted
A,RhealynLeriasandJosephineGomez demonstratedtheirexpertiseinthefirstgame Leriaswasabletohitthe shuttlecock despiteits challengingplacement andwasrelievedthatthe Blackteamdidntsucceedindoingsobecauseof herskill
Atthestageofthematch, the black team regained their strength and reached the championship, the match endedwithascoreof 22-20infavorofthe black team
Orange Phoenix dominated the Red Scorpions in the Girl's Table Tennis Singles Category with a fierce forehand push, securing their victory in
the championship With precise shots and expert techniques, the Orange Phoenix soared to the top of the tournament, leaving their opponents in their wake Sandara Ellazo took the Orange Phoenixs formidable reputation to heart and played with utmost seriousness determined not to let her team down in front of her rval the Red Scorpions
With the score of 6-11 and 8-11 Orange Phoenix bazed through the game ike wildfire at Sawata Nationa Hgh School Gymnasium last November 24 2022 leavng no doubt as to why they emerged victorous
I only used simple techniques n the first set and I played it starchy therefore I can get the first set said Ellazo
As the game began the Red Scorpons started accumulatng points The Orange Phoenx, on the other hand, was getting a score because of a straight point in the next minute Due to a lack of attack and defense the Red Scorpon scored ower than the Orange Phoenix finishng the first set with a score of 6-11
I used the same technique as n the first set to my second set said Elazo In the first set I read every movement of my opponent thats why in the second set it was very easy for me to get ponts because I earned where to attack and how to defend her attack she added
The game was fought strongly by both sdes in the second set, with Orange Phoenix constantly ahead since Red Scorpions frequenty made errors Both teams scored consistently but the Orange Phoenix utilized al of her might and proceeded to a score of 810, leaving the Phoenix with only one pont to win the game The Red Scorpon attempted to score but the Orange Phoenix discovered an opening Due to a ack of defense the Scorpions were unable to defeat the Phoenix The second set finished with a score of 8-11, wheren Orange Phoenix proclaimed as wnner I am so happy that I won the game and as the representatve of Orange Phoenx I am so proud of myself because of getting the championship title " said Elazo
“I don't have tme to practice on that day because my coach just forced me to play the game Aside from ack of practice, I dont trust myself too much on that day, because I am expecting that Orange Phoenix will win the championship So I allowed my opponent But maybe f I trust myself perhaps I have a chance to win that game ” said Crayon of the Red Scorpions Orange Phoenx obtaned the championship by meticulously combining sweat strategy and mnor but crucia moves fnally yielding a victorious score of 2-0
Pursuit of winning requires adequate preparation
The Intramurals of Sawata National High School is an event that is highly anticipated after two years of absence due to the pandemic It is an
an essential part of any school's academic calendar as it provides a platform for students to showcase their skills and expertise However, this year's Intramurals fell short of expectations due to the abrupt setting of schedule that required rushed preparations which had faulty outcomes, causing stress to teachers and students alike
The event was held for 5 days with an allotted time of four hours per day starting on afternoons The students are obliged to attend their respective classes in the morning and to participate in the intramurals for the remaining time after lunch
Due to the school's rushed preparations, the contestants did not have sufficient time to practice The lack of training time left the participants feeling underprepared and anxious which affected their performance in the competition leading to disappointment Consequently, some did not participate which left others no choice but to act as a substitute
This situation is not uncommon, but it is avoidable Proper planning, organization, and communication are essential to ensure that all participants have ample time to prepare and train adequately It is crucial to allocate enough time and resources topreparen to ensure that all participants have a fair chance to excel in their respective events
Due to the school's rushed preparations for the intramurals the sports field lacked luster Poorly maintained fields with sloped and unevensurfacese of land associated with outdated equipment were used for the event The efforts rushed by the students and teachers to prepare for the venues were commendable However, it still lacked sheen due to the limited time given
An unprepared venue causes unnecessary difficulties and inconveniences for all involved This can lead to frustration and
Johanie Delfin soared to victory, smashing her way to an undeniable win against her sister Riza Delfin in the Single Badminton Girls Category, delivering precise shots that stunned her opponent Johanie dominated the court at Sawata National High School during on November 25, 2022, shattering her sister's defense; clinching the title with finesse
In an electrifying badminton duel that pitted sister against sister it was a battle of epic proportions Johanie, a strategic mastermind, unleashed a flurry of tactical maneuvers that left Riza swimming against the tide with a commanding score of 21-12
I didn't expect my sister to be my opponent in this game because she also taught me how to play badminton, but I still lost because I didn't know much about the moves and rules of badminton," Riza of the Blue Whales said Johanie showcased her badminton prowess as she strategically outplayed her sister, who desperately chased after the elusive shuttlecock Her seamless execution of techniques and clever maneuvering on the court made the game an exhilarating spectacle Her dominance was evident as she effortlessly returned shot after shot, leaving her sister struggling to keep up "Before you play, you must first pray to the Lord, then focus on the game because winning feels good," said Johanie from Blazing Phoenix
The effective defense against the opponent enabled Johanie to prevail in the championship Her victory was expected as her sister is still a novice and she has already attained DAVRAA
The lack of preparation not only affected the contestants' performance but also their morale Students who had spent months preparing for the event were disappointed with the subpar facilities and the overall disorganization of the event Some even felt that their hard work had gone to waste The lack of proper planning and execution also affected the audience's experience resulting in a less enjoyable event for all It is essential to plan, organize and execute such events effectively to ensure a smooth and successful outcome The students deserve a well-organized event where they can showcase their talents and skills without any hindrances that may decline their performances Moreover, proper preparations will not only benefit the students but also promote the school's reputation and image
Intramural events are an essential part of the school's culture and they must be organized and conducted professionally The school administration should take the necessary steps to ensure that the events are wellplanned, advertised, and executed The committee should also take feedback from the participants and make necessary improvements to ensure that future events will meet the expectations of the students and teachers alike
lazing Phoenix and Black Panther from the Senior High Department defeated
Intramurals 2022, with the theme of Instilling
Great Values Through Playing Sports
With a score of 5-0, Keith Leian Ramiso brightly declared the winner while competing with another board one from different departments either younger or older than her and by representing her grade and secton as she embraced her hobby of playing Ramiso stated how she was challenged by her opponents from Grades 8 and 10 but claimed she was not focused and was distracted easily in the middle of the game
With the opening of e4 and e5 the game wth grade 8 contnues with whte opening d4 and black capturing e×d4, White capturing the pawn with Q×d4 and Knight at a6 White Qc3 then Black striking at Bb4, pinning her opponents Queen and King
They have potential They know how to see threats and make good moves. However, it does not faze me I was not scared, I was challenged -Ramiso
xpectations were met with satisfaction after a Grade 11 DAVRAA player from section Alexandrite took victory in aDespite beng black Ramiso was the attacker
The opponents were not easy despite their younger age, they can make wise decisions disregarding the time that they had wasted Princess Jane G Iyog, her grade 8 opponent, played a lengthy game with her and said she had already accepted defeat
For me its okay to lose since the beginning of the game, I knew I ddnt have anything against Ramiso because she is one of the experts in playing chess so I accepted my loss, Iyog said I laughed at my own mistake when I became queen less in just four moves using her bishop ” she continued All hopes were ended for Iyog when Ramiso puts her Bishop to b4 leaving her the option to sacrfice her Queen
Playing chess is not easy as you were playing it intellectualy, its a challenge for me and my fellow players to make our moves tactics and decisions more wisely and not to be distracted easily n the middle of the game, Ramiso said Ramiso played her last game with her opponent from grade 12 and shook her hand after winning a confrmation that the game was done
It wasn't in my plan to participate, I did not have time to prepare, I simply did the entirety I ought to in the sport despite the fact that I wasn't feeling very well
B BSerondo of the Blazing Phoenix came in second with 9 77 meters followed by Pontillas of the Yellow Tigers with 9 35 meters, Canoy of the Red Dragons with 8 74 meters, Jamisola of the Blue Whales with 8 meters, and Jucabe of the Green Hornets in last with 7 25 meters Ramada was requested to represent their department by his teacher, the same as Dagsangan, with the exception that he was more interested in playing the game than Dagsangan was
This was Ramada's first time participating in the shot put game but he still managed to clinch the title despite this fact
Blue Whales made Orange Phoenix surrender at the end
By KcMayC Montes
lue Whales and Orange Phoenix fought for Championship Volleyball boys last November 26, 2022, at Sawata National High School Gymnasium during the last day of School Intramurals, but Blue Whales won the victory with a score of 24-9 Both teams showed a very good performance to make their supporters and team proud
The Blue Whales banked on a strong performance that made the Orange Phoenix surrender at the last set of the game which made the Blue Whales own the title Larde played like a veteran as he combined with his team for 24 points to get the tite as the new champon of Voleyball boys
After a tight opening set Orange Phoenix got the work done in the last set, but Blue Whales showed their best strength to defeat Orange Phoenix
Our weakness was the lack of proper first ball, and there are a ot of errors that made us ose the game ” said Adam Torano of the Orange Phoenix
Despite being down and defeated by Bue Whaes Orange Phoenix are still proud of their selves and their team because they dd ther best and still respect the other team
For me t was a nice game paying wth Bue Whales
All I can say is at least we did our best and we are stil proud of ourselves and our whole team also sad Toriano Snce day one of the game Blue Whales already pave the way and showed their best performance Until the championship game the Blue Whales remained undefeated Orange Phoenix remained proud despte failing to defeat Blue Whales their supporters are still proud of them It was still a better game for Orange Phoenx
After 2 years, the champion returns!We are very happy that we are the champion and we are also happy for our
Majestic Blue Whales surfs to victory over Black Panthers in volleyball championshiplue Whales bounced back in a convincing fashion after winning against Black Panthers with a score of 30-17 in the championship Volleyball girls held last November 26 2022 at Sawata National
Both teams showed good performance and gave their best to make their teams proud But Blue Whales paved the way since day one of the game Both were confident and ready to show their attacking skills to win the game
The Blue Whale girls drew strength from their team partcuarly in the fourth set to keep themselves wnning the game and own the victory
The game is very easy because we have already experienced this game so it was easy for us to pay the game ” said Nova Jane Gabutan one of the payers from Bue Whale
Aleria led the way for the Blue Whales with high points with 5 attacks 2 blocks, and 3 aces to get 30 points at the end of the game, and put them into a good spot that made them own the victory
It didnt help that the crossovers couldnt ignite a consistent rally from their end which eventually led to two consecutive errors off an attack that gave the score to Black Panthers
We are happy because we didnt expect that we are going to win the game against Black Panthers ” Gabutan added
The Blue Whales had to dig deep in the first set after trailing 4-4 before rising to the game and claiming their crown as the champion in Volleyball girls
The Blue Whales also took advantage of the Black Panthers weak serves covering all bases I am very happy that our team can compete in the championship match between grade 10 At the same time we are proud because even if
we are short of players it's not a hindrance for us to not compete in the game And I am also shocked because we didnt expect we woud come up to this level and will pursue the championship ” said Melode Bulat-ag from the losng team
High School Gymnasium during Intramurals The two teams played very well and did their best to claim the titleThe Black Panthers aim to win against Blue Whales and keep on spiking the ball but Blue Whales have the ability and unity to block the ball and win against Black Panthers, as they also have a hard time finding another loophole on the Blue Whales to stop its offensive might
It’s not easy to defeat other teams because I can see that they are also trying their best to win They also have the courage and confidence to fight us And I can’t say they are easy to defeat because they have the ability, strength, and unity, -Bulat-ag
In a thrilling match-up on the volleyball court the Blue Whales fought their way to victory against the Black Panthers Though they held the title the Blue Whaes struggled to keep up with their fierce opponents With an impressive display of offensive prowess the Blue Whales managed to turn the tide of the game and ultimately claim victory It was a hard-fought battle but in the end the Blue Whales emerged triumphant
Accomplishing what you dream of brings satisfaction to the heart Trying to achieve it despite the challenges that come is an experience that no one
will forget His courage to keep on moving forward is a testament to his achievements In a smash, his dreams were fulfilled
Kent Lloyd Ganob is one of the students of Sawata Ernancor Central Elementary School in the Municipality of San Isidro who sought to learn the game of volleyball at a young age
I have wanted to play volleyball ever since I was a toddler. I was interested in the ways every match revolved, and It gave me the urge to engage myself in it, but I was shy and scared to be rejected. To my disbelief, they allowed me to be part of the training when my sister did me a
-GanobHe began playing volleyball when he was a decade old He was really afraid of getting hit in the face with a ball the very first moment he tried to play when he initially developed an interest in it However, with effort and determination, he also learned to keep on moving forward, facing each struggle of mishaps
He was motivated by his family who fully supported his engagement in the field of volleyball Herewith, he persevered in training while at the same time the continuous progress and development of his performance as a player - a student
He was in the fourth grade in 2016 when he got to the point where he played in the District Meet and made it to the Division Meet in the same year It wasn't realistic for him to comprehend considering his composure as a rookie he thought he was not that good compared to his peers He had ups and downs as a player that made him consider his stance as a player to be average
He continued to participate in tournaments especially at the Davao Regional Athletics Association (DAVRAA) until the age of 12 for the year 2018 Eventually he became one of the participants in the Palarong Pambansa after showcasing his talent and determination in playing With their efforts filled with desire, they finished in seventh place in the DAVRAA for Volleyball Boys Elementary Division
Pure determination filled with consistent actions will bear success The starting points will always be hard for those who try, but eventually, trying will lead you further Herewith, he learned some things that will also help those like him who dreams of becoming a good athlete
When you are just starting, you will feel tired especially when there is always training but you have to think that it is a dream so you have to persevere to make it come true, let us also humble ourselves especially when there are some skills we still need to improve in playing, we need to have the right attitude an athlete poses also be grateful to all the people who support you, in that way, you can continue to reach your dream " ended Ganob
Reaching your goals is like fighting in a ring every punch resembles your step towards winning a game It takes sweat and willpower for him to sustain every battle, and with a blow, he had achieved what he longed for
Charley Suarez remained unbeaten in his professional career and outclassed compatriot Mark Jhon Yap in 12 rounds to retain the World Boxing Association (WBA) Asia Super Featherweight title Sunday night August 7 at the Elorde Sports Complex in Paranaque City
The two boxers slugged it out and gave the spectators a night to remember but it was Suarez who emerged victorious after listing 120-108 118-110 120180 via unanimous decision
The 2016 Rio Olympic boxer improved to 12 wins built on seven knockouts as this victory will also project more opportunities for international bouts The 33 years old Olympisian came from all angles and unleashed precise combinations to turn back Yap as the championship rounds proved to be crucial for the regional champion
Just when Suarez connected with significant blows, Yap would retaliate with body punches to earn as many points Still, Suarez landed more powerful combinations and hooks beginning the 10th round until the final clapper Both boxers seemed to be gassed out in the last round and brawled it out, throwing desperate punches at each other as the crowd went frenzy with their classic slugfest
Yap, 33, for his part, showed a promising performance but continued his skid down to four straight losses They sustained a 30-17 record on top of 15 KOS "Kings Warrior" as the native of San Isidro North Davao continues his unblemished record and has now won all 10 of them by way of the knockout
The pioneer body congratulates Suarez and celebrates the great activity of WBA Asia in that great continent
One of the pinnacle milestones in the sport of boxing is title accomplishment And it was a significant career turning point for this 39-yearold warrior Years of painstaking labor training and setting himself to his physical and mental limits had finally paid off With this triumph he claimed the coveted and globally renowned WBA Asia Super Featherweight championship His fame and reputation grew after a win, and other major battles presented themselves as a result
Owing to his abilities and tenacity, Charley Suarez was willing to win any fight, and he also understood that he needed to take advantage of it as it would serve as a vital element to continue and emerge victorious in his career
This victory was just the beginning of a new chapter in his boxing journey, implying that the rope interference could not hinder him to the next round of his adventure
As a seedling sprouting in a fertile soil, his fascination with martial arts took root during his formative years With each passing day, his passion for the ancient combat techniques grew like a flourishing tree, branching
out and reaching for the sky As a graduate student of Sawata National High School he honed his skills like a blacksmith forging a blade determined to master the art of combat
At the age of 16 John Lawrence Dacanay started practicing taekwondo a type of martial art that focuses on striking and kicking techniques Dacanay's primary purpose in learning taekwondo was to deepen his knowledge of the needed skills of martial arts
"I first merely wanted to broaden my martial arts expertise My urge to learn more about martial arts was the beginning of my enthusiasm for them Given the fact that I love the idea of martial arts I am also curious about its history background related and so much other stuff on how to emerge skillful on that For me, martial arts are more than just physical combat, a pastime, or a means of self-defense it is a sport that can build up your individuality with the values you need to acquire I was determined to mmerse myself that time in the world of martial arts and so now I have gained a deep understanding of its principles said Dacanay
He had encountered various diff culties and struggles during his journey to learning martial arts including a lack of financial support This is something that our protagonist faced during his journey to becoming a skilled martial artist He persisted in following his passion despite the challenges and never gave up It indicates that everything is possible if you put in the effort and persevere
Learning martial arts is not an easy journey as I struggled from mastering the techniques, but the biggest challenge was always the financial aspect, -Dacanay
By:DenielahZeeLanticsevictory Losing is part of the progress, however, persistence to move forward is always an option Tactics are improved by someone who seeks the purpose to redeem themselves from the failures of their endeavors Proving herself is the onset of glory a true champion
On February 23-24, 2018 Keith Leian Ramiso had the wonderful peasure to compete for the Davao Regonal Athletics Assocation (DAVRAA) n a chess game held at the Davao City Sports Complex as she exceled n this field of excelence considerng that she was still in elementary school Despite not being able to win the championship it served as an upbringng for her
Ramiso was only four years old when she was influenced by her famiy that showed a passion for playng chess wtnessing such actons gave her the urge to oin the trend her famiy professed eventually she inclined herself to the sport as if playing wth her oved ones became her prior training When she was in primary school her teachers often assigned her to play n divson meets given that she stood out as the most outstanding player on campus grounds Sgnifcant opportunities were obtained due to her excelence in chess Herewith, she gained an immedate spot in the Davao Region Athetic Assocation (DAVRAA) at a very young age Ramisos endeavors at DAVRAA were not granted to be as easy consdering her sklls knowing that it is a regional competition and a ot of her opponents were also skilled However she stood firm and did not give up Consequently, she lost but took the oath to let her loss be the testament that she s capable of fighting she then chose to continue training to improve her tactics and style of playing chess
Even though she faled to wn the medal she contnued to invest in her strategies for time and remain consistent in her passon while balancing her studies as a student She composed herself by practicing through casual games with experienced players to stack her scale of knowledge and sklls that she plans to utilize for redemption Now that she is in Senior High School her preparations will come in handy
Herewith, Ramiso was titled as champon in the game of chess at Sawata Natonal High School Intramurals 2022 with a score of 5-0 Keth Leian Ramiso was brghtly declared the winner while competing with other board from dfferent departments either younger or older than her and by representing her grade and section as she embraced her hobby of playing and introduced her improved tactics Herewith, she will participate in the Division Meet to profess her journey The champion returns Ramiso promises on herself to continue paying chess along with her famly's full support so that everything she has learned would not be wasted Her games with loved ones served as her strength it embodied her passion that emanated from her famiys trust and support She engaged in practices acknowledged by her sense with guidance from her parents and promises to keep on moving forward
You should not quit dreaming Just be persistent in practicing, and have the selfdiscipline to achieve your desired success at the exact right time My first loss, I never wanted it to be that way, but when I eventually made myself a winner, It was enchanting for me to fathom My loss served as the starting point for my victory, I will continue this journey -ended Ramiso
One of his earliest achievements in taekwondo was winning 2nd place in the Division meet and getting qualified to represent their school and the province for DAVRAA 2020 for Wushu Sanda
As a young athlete one of his earliest achievements in the field of taekwondo was winning 2nd place in the Division meet His victory earned him the opportunity to represent his school and province in the highly competitive DAVRAA 2020 for Wushu Sanda Despite not gaining ground, Dacanay also gained an experience to treasure and a lesson to reflect on in his future undertakings It was a great moment for him and his family as he worked hard for and still it is worth it for his time and effort
"My success at the Division meet and participation in DAVRAA 2020 were significant milestones in my journey as a taekwondo athlete I had a goal so I trained hard so that they could see my skills and they supported me," said Dacanay
The assertion made by Dacanay emphasizes how crucial it is to set goals and work diligently to accomplish them We are more inclined to exert the work necessary to make something a reality when we have an unambiguous objective in mind Dacanay's hard work paid off as others recognized and supported his skills For all of us, especially in the professional sphere this is an extremely important lesson We may get the admiration and assistance of our colleagues and superiors by improving our abilities and proving our expertise in our chosen field It is not enough to merely have a goal; we also need to be prepared to work hard to attain it and show off our talents to people around us
favor and asked the trainer,