Contributors RED STONE, BLACK CROW - 52 Angelika M. Offenwanger has loved fairy tales from the time she was a little girl, so when she grew up, she wrote a master’s thesis on them. Now she creates fantasy worlds in writing and in clay. Find her online at or Instagram @amoffenwanger. Image: Arthur Rackham
THE SKY BRIDGE OF BIRDS - 62 A fairy tale from Korea reprinted from Project Gutenberg. Image: Amanda Bergloff
THE FAE WIFE - 65 Lauren E Reynolds goes through life with a wonder in her heart, a story in her smile and a colorful collection of costume dresses and boots. She is a children’s librarian, and freelance writer. She has been writing since she was a child, and has had her work published in Truancy and Cirsova Magazines, and the anthologies Under the Full Moon’s Light and Hidden Menagerie. Image: Amanda Bergloff
ART DIRECTOR Amanda Bergloff is a graphic designer and digital/mixed media artist whose cover and interior art has been published in the Jules Verne Society's Extraordinary Visions, The Fairy Tale Magazine, Tiny Spoon Literary Magazine, Turbulence and Coffee, Mud Season Review, Firefly Magazine, 200 CCs, The Horror Zine, Crimson Dreams, and other publications. Twitter: @AmandaBergloff Image: Amanda Bergloff
Pierre Charles Compte
Christen Dalsgaard
Francesco Hayez