Blumengard Angus Ranch 5th Annual Private Treaty Bull Sale
KENNY 605.971.1282 (if no answer leave a message)
Join us at Blumengard Angus Ranch located in Faulkton, SD.
Blumengard Angus Ranch 35075 148th St Faulkton, SD 57438
All lots sell as is, and will be guaranteed for the first breeding season. Terms of the sale will be cash or check. Blumengard Angus Ranch will feed bulls free of charge until May 10th, 2024. After that bulls will incur a charge of 5$ per head per day.
All prices on the bulls are firm.
All persons who attend the sale location do so at their own risk. Blumengard Angus is not responsible for accidents.
Dr. Greg Adolf - 605.226.3816
welcome to MARCH 19, 2025
Blumengard Angus Ranch
5th Annual Private Treaty Bull Sale
From Faulkton, SD at Bermac turn north on CRII for 14 miles and then 2 miles west
From Ipswich, SD at junction US12 & 45 go south 9.5 miles until Loyalton road sign, then go 8 miles west, and then 4 miles south on 350th ave, then 1 mile east
There are a select group of bulls that have a bid option. These bulls we feel have added value, so everyone can bid on these lots. If you are outbid, you will have the option to increase your bid by $250 increments. Everything will be done by email until March 26th, 2025.
All bulls in the offering are guaranteed to pass a fertility and health exam. In the event of a bull failing a semen test a suitable replacement will be furnished if available. If not a credit towards next years sale will be issued.
Bulls can be viewed anytime at the ranch. We recommend you let us know when you are coming via phone or email.
Bulls will be kept at the ranch until May 10, 2025 for free, will semen test, and then you can pick up at the ranch or we will deliver the bulls. Delivery will be negotiated.
All health is overseen by Dr. Gregg Adolf of Northern Plains Animal Health, Aberdeen, SD. Bulls will be vaccinated according to his recommendation, or met by your request. Will be trich, johnes tested, and fitted with a USDA Premise ID TAG.
Friends and fellow cattle producers….
On behalf of Blumengard Colony, myself, and the entire crew, I would like to say thank you to everybody who bought and showed interest in last year’s sale, we are humbled by your continued support. It is also an honor to welcome everybody to the 5th annual private treaty bull sale.
This offering represents some of the best AI sires currently available in the AI industry. We strive to produce fault-free cattle. From birth to the rail, with the cattle industry currently at an all-time high, make sure you also have the best genetics available to wean the heaviest calves possible, because pounds is what pays the bills and produces the best high quality females to be retained.
The sale is private treaty, come at your leisure time, will go until we run out. There are a few select bid-off lots that will close March 26, 2025 at noon. These bulls are out of some of the best bulls on the ranch,and are definitely hard to part with, but we cant keep them all. Call or email on how this will be done.
All bulls in the sale will sell with a genomics test by Method Genetics, current on all health vaccinations, etc. All out of state requirements will be met as needed.
Any question,s don’t hesitate to call, email,or better yet, stop in. Come as a customer and leave as a friend.
Full Service Veterinary Clinic with haul-in and on-farm services, including obstetrics, bull breeding soundness exams, pregnancy testing and calf processing.