The Frances Xavier Warde School Leadership Team
See you in a few weeks!
Dear FXW Families, We hope you are having a fun and relaxing summer that will have you ready to go for the start of the 2022-2023 school year. We are looking forward to welcoming our students back to campus on Tuesday, Sept. 6 and our 2Day Preschool students on Wednesday, Sept. 7.
Over the last few years, we have cooperated as a community and worked together to provide the FXW experience we all know and appreciate. We ask that families continue to adhere to the proper protocols so that our FXW community can safely enjoy in-person learning. Throughout the planning for this upcoming school year, we reviewed the latest public health guidelines, and requested the input of our Health and Hygiene Team. We are confident our plans and protocols will allow us to have another successful school year.
This Welcome Packet is a vital publication that helps our returning families get started with the new school year and introduces our new families to the FXW people, protocols and processes. You will meet our new leadership and staff members, discover the date of our annual Homecoming weekend, and learn about the athletics and co-curricular activities that your children may be interested in participating in this school year. And so much more. We encourage you to read the entire packet and find out all that FXW has to offer. We appreciate your partnership and confidence as we begin the school year. It is important you read and acknowledge our Family Commitment to the Health and Safety of our Community, which can be found in the "Beginning of Year School Policies" in the Parent Portal.

3 In this Welcome Packet, you will find everything you need to start the year, including: FXW FAQs..............................................................................................................................................................................................pages 4-5 2022-2023 School Calendar.................................................................................................................................................................page 6 OSP/HNC/OES Directory........................................................................................................................................................................page 7 Leadership Team...................................................................................................................................................................................page 8-9 New Leadership......................................................................................................................................................................................page 10 New Staff..........................................................................................................................................................................................pages 11-13 OSP Faculty/Staff Directory................................................................................................................................................................page 14 HNC Faculty/Staff Directory...............................................................................................................................................................page 15 One East Superior Directory..............................................................................................................................................................page 16 OSP Drop-off and Pick-up..........................................................................................................................................................pages 17-18 HNC Drop-off and Pick-up..................................................................................................................................................................page 19 Save The Date.........................................................................................................................................................................................page 20 Uniforms...................................................................................................................................................................................................page 21 Athletics/Extended Day/Co-Curriculars........................................................................................................................................page 22 COVID Procedures........................................................................................................................................................................pages 25-26 Living the Legacy..................................................................................................................................................................................page 27 Parent Advisory Committee......................................................................................................................................................pages 28-29 PAC Spirit Store.......................................................................................................................................................................................page 30 Advancement..........................................................................................................................................................................................page 31 Equity and Justice Forum...................................................................................................................................................................page 33 Maggie Daley Speaker Series ...................................................................................................................................................pages 34-35 Foodservice Program...........................................................................................................................................................................page 36 myFXW Parent Portal...................................................................................................................................................................pages 37-44 (includes what forms need to be completed before the first day of school) Children At The Crossroads Foundation.......................................................................................................................................page 32 Communications/Social Media................................................................................................................................................pages 23-24

High School Guidance
4 FXFXWW FFAAQSQS If you have a question about... Topic Contact Admissions Sue Smeaton (smeatons@fxw.org, 312-268-2558) AthleticsAlumniAdvancement Tim Forberg (forbergt@fxw.org, 312-466-0700, x2647) Attendance/Absence attendance@fxw.org Auxiliary (Co-Currriculars/ExtendedPrograms Day) Tom Burke (burket@fxw.org) Billing/Tuition billing@fxw.org Campus Safety Tom Ferraro (ferrarot@fxw.org; 312-268-2502) Canvas Sarah Vaughn (vaughns@fxw.org; 312-466-0700 x2692) Counselors/Social Workers/ Psychologists OSP: Melissa Gardner-Bilek (gardnerm@fxw.org) HNC: Alyssa Brescia (bresciaa@fxw.org,312-268-2527) Seth Preminger (premingers@fxw.org, 312-268-2503) COVID-19 Procedures and Protocols OSP: Chloe Smith (smithc@fxw.org, 312-268-2519) HNC: Pam Madura (madurap@fxw.org, 312-268-2518) Both: Nicole Bautista (bautistan@fxw.org) Curriculum
Gala, Scholarship Dinner
In the Loop Newsletter communications@fxw.org Library/Book Fairs Benjamin
Financial Assistance
Living the Legacy Beth
HNC: Lauren Fitchett (fitchettl@fxw.org, 312-268-2513) Eboni Dixon (dixone@fxw.org, 312-268-2520) Michael Kennedy (kennedym@fxw.org, 312-268-2505) Sue Smeaton (smeatons@fxw.org, 312-268-2558) Advisory Committee (PAC) (pac@fxw.org) Tia Lindholm (lindholmt@fxw.org) Meagan Dimit (highschool@fxw.org; 312-268-2560) Rogers (rogersb@fxw.org, 312-466-0700 x2637) Amatangelo (livingthelegacy@fxw.org)
OSP: Courtney Britton (brittonc@fxw.org, 312-268-2555)
FXW Merchandise Parent
Equity and Justice Forum

SET Program
Social Media communications@fxw.org Student TechnologyDevicesSupport FXW
OSP: Chloe Smith (smithc@fxw.org, 312-268-2519) Pam Madura (madurap@fxw.org, 312-268-2518) Nicole Bautista (bautistan@fxw.org) McNamara Zweidinger (pac@fxw.org) Monica Alvarez (alvarezm@fxw.org, 312-466-0700 x5)
OSP: Emma Fleming (fleminge@fxw.org, 312-466-0700 x2625) Sarah Vaughn (vaughns@fxw.org, 312-466-0700 x2692) Help Desk (helpdesk@fxw.org, 312-268-2599) Help Desk (helpdesk@fxw.org, 312-268-2599) Dixon (dixone@fxw.org, 312-268-2520) Michael Kennedy (kennedym@fxw.org, 312-268-2505)
Religion/Masses/Prayer Services HNC:
Parent Advisory Committee Sarah
HNC: Myra Luna-Rinconeño (lunam@fxw.org, 312-466-0700 x6) Brigid Cashman (cashmanb@fxw.org, 312-268-2514)
5 FXW FAQS Topic Contact Lost and Found OSP: Monica Alvarez (alvarezm@fxw.org, 312-466-0700 x5) HNC: Myra Luna-Rinconeño (lunam@fxw.org, 312-466-0700 x6) Maggie Daley Speaker Series myFXW Parent Portal FXW Help Desk (helpdesk@fxw.org, 312-268-2599) Nurse/Medications
Parent Teacher Conferences OSP:

6 SCHOOL CALENDAR August 2022 31—Grade 6 Tech Day / Grade 4 Clap-In 31—Back To School Night for Pre-K / Kindergarten September 2022 5—Labor Day Holiday (no school) 6—Opening Day for Students October 2022 6—Parent Teacher Conferences (afternoon and evening) 7—Parent Teacher Conferences (no school) 10—Indigenous Peoples’Day(noschool) 28—Staff Day (no school) November 2022 21-25—Thanksgiving Holiday (no school) 28—School Resumes December 2022 8—Parent Teacher Conferences for Preschool-Grade 4 (afternoon and evening) 9—Parent Teacher Conferences for Preschool-Grade 4 (no school) 16—1/2 day before Winter Break 19 - Jan 3—Winter Break (afternoon and evening) 24—Parent Teacher Conferences (no school) April 2023 6-10—Easter Break (no school) 11—School Resumes 28—Staff Day (no school) May 2023 26—Staff Day (no school) 29—Memorial Day (no school) June 2023 3—Grade 8 Graduation 7—Last Day of School 8—Parent Teacher Conferences The School calendar as outlined below provides opportunities for faculty and staff to come together to continue to build upon professional development and opportunities to learn together. While the calendar provides an outline of the year ahead, as our city may move between phasing, adjustments may be necessary throughout the year. Also both campuses will have Late Start beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 7. For the full calendar, click here January 2023 3—Staff Day (no school) 4—School Resumes 16—MLK Day (no school) February 17—Staff2023Day(no school) 20—President's Day (no school) March 2023 6-10—Spring Break (no school) 13—School Resumes 23—Parent Teacher Conferences
7 OLD ST. PATRICK’S (OSP) CAMPUS (Preschool - Grade 3) 120 S. Desplaines Street, Chicago, IL 60661 Director of Education: Erin Horne | horne@fxw.org Principal: Courtney Britton | brittonc@fxw.org Assistant Principal of Early Childhood: Abby Acuna | acunaa@fxw.org Assistant Principal of Learning & Logistics: Marian Dowling | dowlingm@fxw.org Director of Innovation: Sarah Vaughn | vaughns@fxw.org Director of Auxiliary Programs: Tom Burke | burket@fxw.org Student Success Team Director: Hillary Mitoraj | mitorajh@fxw.org Social Worker: Melissa Gardner-Bilek | gardnerm@fxw.org Math Instructional Coach: Amy Buchheit | bileka@fxw.org Living the Legacy: Beth Amatangelo | livingthelegacy@fxw.org Nurse: Chloe Smith | smithc@fxw.org Office Manager: Monica Alvarez | alvarezm@fxw.org HOLY NAME CATHEDRAL (HNC) CAMPUS (Grades 4-8) 751 N. State Street, Chicago, IL 60654 Director of Education: Erin Horne | horne@fxw.org Principal: Lauren Fitchett | fitchettl@fxw.org Assistant Principal of Student Support: Tiara Damper | dampert@fxw.org Director of Climate and Culture: Dr. Norma Guzmán | guzmanN@fxw.org Director of Auxiliary Programs: Tom Burke | burket@fxw.org Director of Athletics: Tim Forberg | forbergt@fxw.org Director of Innovation: Sarah Vaughn | vaughns@fxw.org Religious Education/Masses/Prayer Services: Brigid Cashman | cashmanb@fxw.org Learning and Logistics Coordinator: Meagan Dimit | dimitm@fxw.org Clinical Psychologist: Seth Preminger | premingers@fxw.org Social Worker: Alyssa Brescia | brescia@fxw.org Math Instructional Coach: Amy Buchheit | bileka@fxw.org Living the Legacy: Beth Amatangelo | livingthelegacy@fxw.org Nurse: Pam Madura | madurap@fxw.org Office Manager: Myra Luna-Rinconeno | lunam@fxw.org ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES One E. Superior St., Sixth Floor, Chicago, IL 60611 Head of School: Michael Kennedy | kennedym@fxw.org Executive Assistant to Head of School: Deb Keane | keaned@fxw.org CFO/COO: Karen Moore | moorek@fxw.org Director of Admission and Financial Aid: Sue Smeaton | smeatons@fxw.org Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Eboni Dixon | dixone@fxw.org OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION Athletics: Communications/InAdmissions/FinancialAttendance:FXWathletics@fxw.orgattendance@fxw.orgAid:admissions@fxw.orgBilling/Tuition:billing@fxw.orgTheLoop:communications@fxw.orgComputer/IT:helpdesk@fxw.orgDonations/Fundraising:advancement@fxw.orgLivingtheLegacy:livingthelegacy@fxw.org Lunch Orders (HandCut Foods): Michelle Chamberlain | fxw@handcutfoods.com Security: fxwsecurity@fxw.org SET Program (Social Emotional Development & Technology): Sarah Vaughn | vaughns@fxw.org CONTACTADMINISTRATION/STAFFINFORMATION

Courtney Britton will be adding oversight of preschool and kindergarten to her role as the principal of Grades 1-3.
We are also thrilled to announce the addition of two new Assistant Principals, Abby Acuna and Marian Dowling, who you will be introduced to on page 10 of this Welcome Packet and in person when the school year begins.
Erin Horne will transition into full-time Director of Education, no longer dividing her time overseeing preschool and kindergarten. In her role, Erin oversees the entire educational program and campus leadership teams. We will see Erin at both the Old St. Patrick’s and Holy Name Cathedral Campuses, as well as One East Superior administrative offices.
Dear Families, We are excited to share some leadership staffing updates at the Old St. Patrick’s Campus (OSP). As you may recall, we did not fill the Assistant Principal position in the fall when it was vacated. Throughout the year, and in earnest this past spring, we discussed the optimal way to move forward. We carefully analyzed the roles and responsibilities, the needs of our faculty and staff, as well as the structure of the leadership team, and we are excited to share the following updates:

9 LEADERSHIP TEAM CourtneyPrincipal,BrittonOSP Tiara AssistantDamperPrincipal of Student Services, Erin Horne Director of Education Michael Kennedy Head of School Eboni Diversity,DirectorDixonofEquityand Inclusion KarenCFO/COOMoore Abby Acuna Assistant Principal of Early Childhood, OSP QuamikaDirectorPickens-HarrisofHR Sue Smeaton Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Sarah Vaughn Director of Innovation Lauren Principal,FitchettHNC

Marian Dowling, Assistant Principal of Learning and Logistics, OSP Marian Dowling is the new Assistant Principal of Learning and Logistics at FXW. Marian joins us from the Harvey School District, where she has spent the bulk of her teaching career. Marian earned her bachelor's degree in elementary education from Chicago State University and has been in education for 20 years as a classroom teacher where she primarily taught math for the intermediate grades. After 10 years in teaching, Marian went back to school and earned a master's in educational leadership from Governors State University. From there she went on to be a mentor, teacher leader and then principal designee for a K-5th Grade building. She later earned another master's in math education from National Louis University which led her to a district math coach position in the Harvey School District, in which she supported all staff, K-8th Grade teachers and administration. Marian feels she could not have accomplished all this without the support of her family, late husband and two wonderful daughters who are attending college at Alabama A&M and Emory University. Marian feels it is a privilege to be able to work in an environment that fosters a continued learning atmosphere. She looks forward to meeting everyone and being a part of the FXW community.
Abby Acuna, Assistant Principal of Early Childhood, OSP Abby Acuna is the new Assistant Principal of Early Childhood at FXW. Most recently, Abby served as the Early Childhood Coordinator at Catherine Cook School, and brings a wealth of expertise and experience in early childhood education, development, and curriculum. She comes to us with more than eight years of teaching and two years of administrative experience in early childhood. As a highly respected educator and administrator, her standout accomplishments at Catherine Cook include: updating the early childhood progress reports to enable teachers to effectively portray and articulate the development of the child to parents; collaborating with the admissions team to give families an opportunity to understand and invest in the school’s approach to teaching and learning; coordinating teacher leadership teams so that equitable and cohesive lessons are taught across grade levels, teachers share valuable knowledge, and students get the best of every teacher’s strengths. Abby received her bachelor's in speech and hearing science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She holds two master’s degrees, one from the Erikson Institute in early childhood education and another in educational leadership from North Park University. Abby places a huge focus on character development, creativity, hands-on learning, critical thinking, social-emotional learning, and social justice so children reach their full potential.

Abby Hadel is joining FXW as the Advancement and Admissions Project Manager. Abby received a bachelor’s in theatre performance from the University of Kansas and is currently performing in the Chicago theatre scene. Currently, she is also taking classes with General Assembly to become a certified UX Designer. Abby is thrilled to be joining the FXW community and cannot wait to meet you all.
Katherine (Katie) Agbontaen is joining FXW as a Grade 8 ELA teacher. She has spent the majority of her career teaching fifth grade ELA in Chestnut Hill, MA — the home of her alma mater, Boston College, where she earned a bachelor's in English with a minor in secondary education. Her teaching philosophy is inspired by Immanuel Kant’s philosophy sapere aude or “dare to know.” She encourages her students to develop an intellectual curiosity and imagination that empowers them to continually ask questions and seek answers.
Sabrina Dirk is joining FXW as a Grade 5 learning specialist. Sabrina is originally from Maryland and received her bachelor's in English at Indiana University. She completed Teach For America in Indianapolis and taught 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th grades over the past three years. She has a master's in teaching and a graduate certificate in teaching English language learners. She enjoys cooking, reading, and being with her two cats.
Lindsey Dues is joining FXW as a Kindergarten teacher. This will be Lindsey's second year teaching and first year at FXW. Lindsey received a bachelor’s in visual communication technology from Bowling Green State University and a master’s in early childhood education from The University of Illinois Chicago. Lindsey has been a member of the FXW community for the last six years as a parent and volunteer and is thrilled to be joining the exceptional teaching team.
Melissa Gardner-Bilek is joining FXW as the Social Worker at the OSP campus. Melissa comes to us with almost 10 years of experience, having served youth and their families in various settings including school, court, residential care, and hospitals. Melissa is well versed in providing individual and group supportive services and creating a safe space for students to grow socially, mentally, and emotionally. Melissa received a bachelor’s in psychology from Illinois Wesleyan University and a master’s in social work from Fordham University in New York.

Elias Landeros is joining the FXW security team. His parents immigrated to the United States from Mexico in the '70s and he was born and raised in Chicago. Elias is a proud firstgeneration American. He attended Florence Nightingale Elementary School and Gage Park High School, which are located on the South Side. One of his favorite things to do is travel and visit new places. His favorite team is the Bears but he watches and supports all of Chicago's sports teams. He is very excited to begin working at FXW and looks forward to meeting the staff and students.
Patricia Meza is joining FXW as a Kindergarten teacher. Patricia graduated from Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana with a bachelor's in elementary education and minors in ESL and early childhood education. For the past three years, she taught first grade at a Catholic school in Berwyn. Patricia is excited to grow and learn more in this new community.
Morgan Richmond is joining FXW as a Grade 5 math teacher. She has more than three years of experience, including having served two years as an assistant at Latin School of Chicago and one year as a Grade Center teacher in Glenview. She has taught three grade levels and worked with preschool special education students. Morgan received a bachelor’s in elementary education from Illinois State University and a master’s in teaching, learning, and assessment from National Louis University. Brooke Valentine is joining FXW as a Grade 1 teacher. Brooke comes to us with more than four years of experience, having served as an assistant teacher at an independent school as well as the Chicago Public Schools system. Recent accomplishments have included developing project based learning with her team of teachers and also managing hybrid learning. She received a bachelor’s in health and human physiology from the University of Iowa and a master’s in elementary education from National Louis University.
Olivia Killian-Tarr is joining FXW as the Grade 4 and 5 science teacher. Olivia was born in Chicago and lived in the Bay Area for five years. She has worked with elementary school children since her freshman year of high school and received a bachelor’s in elementary education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Megan Vinicky is joining FXW as a Grade 3 teacher. Megan comes to us with more than eight years of experience, having served as a teaching assistant for students with Autism at the Helping Hand Center and then teaching third grade for the past five years at Immaculate Conception-Saint Joseph School. A recent accomplishment of hers includes becoming certified in the Orton Gillingham Approach to reading instruction. Megan received a bachelor’s in applied psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a master’s in elementary education from DePaul University.
Sarah Wilson is joining FXW as a Grade 5 social studies teacher. Sarah comes to us with three years of experience teaching at both the middle school and high school level, including DePaul College Prep where she taught U.S. history, world history, global issues and solutions. She also coached the DePaul cross country team. Sarah earned her bachelor's in history from DePauw University in Greencastle, IN and later received her master's in education from DePaul University.

14 OSP FACULTY/STAFF DIRECTORY RoomPRESCHOOL10:Maureen Albring Corissa Cardenas Room 11: Malinda Glenn Shae RoomTurner12:Laura Donkel Amy RoomNash13:Liz Forman Anna RoomMathew14:Katie Cleaveland Kerri RoomJohnson15-2:Nicole Bowman MacKenzie Higgins Room 15:3: Beth Amatangelo MacKenzie Higgins RoomKINDERGARTEN20:Victoria Krolikowski Heidi RoomMeyer20a:Lindsey Dues* Jessica Schultz Room 21: Patricia Meza* Ryan RoomMcCarthy22:John Corydon Naomi RoomGRADEMalutan123:Brooke Valentine* Naomi Kaplan** Room 24: Michaela Delaney Meghan Minton Room 25: Ewa Sieminska Amanda Zola GRADE 2 Room 27: Maya Martin Rodney Trask Room 33: Angela Gagnon Aarika Johnson Room 34: Cindy Herrera Mary Claire O’Malley Room 35: Anne Pulver** Jennifer Stricker** GRADE 3 Room 30: Rafael Rinconeño Room 31: Emma Fleming** Room 32: Megan Vinicky* Room 36: TBD EfrénART StephanieFAndreAnthonyFMaggieDRAMA/MUSICSarahDIRECTORSarinaDANCEMarianAbbyASSISTANTAdkinsPRINCIPALSAcuna*Dowling*KleinOFINNOVATIONVaughnPortmanACILITIESMcMathNorwoodLEXTEACHERTsoJoannWilliams LEARNING SPECIALISTS Carroyl Jones Katie CourtneyPRINCIPALMarvinFalinePHYSICALMonicaOFFICEShannonMUSICAmyMATHBenjaminLIBRARY-MEDIAMaryAshleyCaitlinMooneyO’SheaSchultzSteingraberSPECIALISTRogersINSTRUCTIONALCOACHBuchheitBahrMANAGERAlvarezEDUCATIONBlanchardMcCurryBritton SCHOOL NURSES Chloe JosJazmineSPANISHMelissaSOCIALLindsaySCIENCENicoleSmithBautistaMosshammerWORKRGardner-Bilek*Romero-Rojas é SPEECHVasquezAND ***indicatesHillarySUCCESSDIRECTORBrookePATHOLOGISTLANGUAGEO’RourkeOFSTUDENTTEAMMitoraj**newhireindicatespositionchange

15 HNC FACULTY/STAFF DIRECTORY GRADE 4 Millie HaleyBethMelissaBoweMarstonQuinnAnglin**GRADE5RobertJasenof** (ELA) Olivia Killian-Tarr* (Science) Morgan Richmond* (Math) Maddi Stern (ELA) Sarah Wilson* (Social Studies) GRADE 6 Jessica Arl (ELA) Stephanie Burke (Science) Ann Carbonetto (Math) Kristen Hockney (ELA) John O’Rourke (Social Studies) GRADE 7 Sydney Davis (Science) Darby Evans (ELA) Keth Goodman (Math) Conor Luck (ELA) Moira Ryan (Social Studies) GRADE 8 Katie Agbontaen* (ELA) Steven Ripes (Math) Sydney Van Sickle (Social Studies) Kees van der Hout (ELA) KristinART DIRECTORSethCLINICALTimATiaraASSISTANTWencPRINCIPALDamperTHLETICDIRECTORForbergPSYCHOLOGISTPremingerOFCLIMATEAND CULTURE Dr. Norma Guzmán DIRECTOR OF INNOVATION Sarah FJeffDRAMAVaughnPredmoreACILITIESYeshuaJessupBrendanSmith*FLEXTEACHERAnuPareethuJamieScallonFRENCHFrankSchaldenbrand GLOBAL AND DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP Rajni HIGHHasijaSCHOOL GUIDANCE TEAM Brigid Cashman Tiara RobertMUSICAmyMATHClaudiaColleenMaggieLaneCarrieSabrinaLEARNINGMeaganLOGISTICSLEARNINGPatriciaHELPJamieJohnSandraLaurenCarrieMeaganDamperDimitEgan***FitchettMedina-AlbaO’RourkeScallonDESKLomdenANDCOORDINATORDimitSPECIALISTSDirk*(Grade5)Egan(Grade7)Lubell(Grade8)Madden(Grade6)Pugliese(Grade4)Ramirez(Grade4)INSTRUCTIONALCOACHBuchheitMayfield OFFICE MANAGER Myra RELIGIOUSLaurenPRINCIPALEricPHYSICALStephanieOFFICELuna-RinconeñoRECEPTIONISTHagermanEDUCATIONLindauFitchettEDUCATION COORDINATOR Brigid NicolePamelaSCHOOLCashmanNURSESMaduraBautistaSCHOOLSOCIALWORKERAlyssaBresciaSPANISHSandraMedina-AlbaKarolinaCuervas-HernandezSTUDENTRECREATIONSUPERVISIONKendallWilliams * indicates new hire ** indicates position change *** indicates new to the team

16 ONE EAST SUPERIOR DIRECTORY SueADMISSIONSSmeaton, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Vinkeia O’Neill, Assistant Director of Admissions JimmyADVANCEMENTGreenfield, Communications and Marketing Manager Abby Hadel, Advancement and Admissions Project Manager Tia Lindholm, Special Events Manager AUXILIARY SERVICES Tom Burke, Director of Auxiliary Programs Tim Forberg, Director of Athletics DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION Eboni Dixon, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ThomasFACILITIESFerraro, Director of Security Operations Dan Kaput, Facilities Director KarenFINANCEMoore, Chief Financial and Operations Officer Benjamin Johnson, Controller Siobhan Kozicki, Staff Accountant/Accounts Payable Patty Gomez, Staff Accountant/Accounts Receivable HEAD OF SCHOOL Michael Kennedy, Head of School Deb Keane, Executive Assistant to the Head of School HUMAN QuamikaRESOURCESPickens-Harris, Director of Human Resources INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) David Mitchell, Sr. Manager of IT Gerardo Gallegos, Help Desk Coordinator/Systems Analyst Shadell Jamison, Tech Support Analyst (OSP) Patricia Lomden, Tech Support Analyst (HNC)

4.Carefully pull away from the curb.
1.Enter the west driveway from Adams Street just west of the OSP Church Rectory.
5.If you want to bring your child into school, please find a legal parking space.
3.Allow an adult to help your child out of the car.
1.Drive on Desplaines Street.
4.Carefully pull away from the curb and exit onto Monroe.
5.If you want to bring your child into school, please find a legal parking space.
2.Pull into the first available spot at the curb in the loading zone, as far forward as possible. Do not leave your car unattended in the loading zone during drop-off.
3.Allow an adult to help your child out of the car.
2.Pull into the first available spot at the curb in the loading zone, as far south as possible. Do not leave your car unattended in the loading zone during drop-off.
*Note there is a city bike lane parallel to our drop-off lane so please look for bike riders during drop-off.
DROP-OFF School doors will be open from 7:30-8 a.m. Morning drop off concludes at 8 a.m. This allows your child five minutes to get into the classroom. For Kindergarten-Grade 3, tardies will be recorded beginning at 8 a.m. When the school door opens, staff members, FXW security officers, and parent volunteers will be stationed curbside to assist the children.
If walking, it is very important to use the crosswalks. Do not cross in the middle of the street. Please note, FXW will remind you of this important safety measure.
Listed below are OSP Campus arrival and dismissal procedures. Please read carefully prior to the first day of school. These procedures allow for a smooth, safe, and efficient process. We ask for your patience the first few weeks as we all adjust to the routine of arrival and dismissal. Most important to us is that all the children arrive and dismiss safely.
If you are driving Kindergarten-Grade 3 children, please adhere to the following guidelines:
If you are driving Preschool children and siblings/carpool, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Bus Riders: Children boarding the bus to HNC will board on Desplaines at 3:10 and will arrive at the HNC Campus at 3:30 on Wabash Ave. Parents of OSP children must pick up their child from the bus on Wabash at 3:30. At 3:30, children will be brought inside and can be picked up from the front State St. Entrance.
7.Teachers will be outside with children until 2:40 and 3:10. If students are not picked up 10 minutes after their dismissal time, they will be checked into the Extended Day Program and charged a fee.
Co-curricular Dismissal: If your child/children are participating in FXW’s Co-curricular Programs, faculty will bring participants out to Desplaines Street.
9.Teachers will be outside with children until 3:10. If students are not picked up ten minutes after their dismissal time, they will be checked into the Extended Day Program and charged a fee.
There are multiple dismissal times:
It is very important to send all routine carpool groupings to the School's attention so we can bring the children outside accordingly. Please send to Monica Alvarez’s attention or email her at alvarezm@fxw.org. Do not make plans to pick up your child earlier (2 p.m. Preschool or 2:30 p.m. Kindergarten-3rd) as it disrupts the dismissal procedure.
3.Move forward to the first available space along the curb.
5.The children will be dismissing from a spot along the sidewalk. Please pick-up your child from the teacher.
3. If the line is backed up beyond the intersection, do not block the intersection. Wait in a single file line until space becomes available.
6.Do not leave your car unattended. If you need to enter the school for any reason, please find a legal parking space and do so.
K-Grade 3 Dismissal
8.At all times, cross only at crosswalks.
2.At dismissal there is one lane for cars. Please pull forward to the first available spot.
7.If you need to enter the school for any reason, please find a legal parking space and do so.
4.The teachers will walk the children to your car.
Extended Day Dismissal: If your child/children are participating in FXW’s Extended Day Program, adults will need to come into the school building through Desplaines doors to sign out their child/children.
Preschool Dismissal
1.All Preschool children and their carpool and/or siblings will be dismissed out the west driveway. Enter the west driveway from Adams Street just west of the OSP Church Rectory.
Teachers will be holding signs the first week with room numbers for your reference.
• 3 p.m.: Preschool with Kindergarten-Grade 3 carpool/siblings, and Kindergarten-Grade 3 children.
4.Parents and caregivers may not park along the north side of Adams Street. This blocks the back ally pick up line.
5.Immediately proceed through the driveway and exit onto Monroe.
6.Immediately proceed to your car and carefully exit the lane.
• 2:30 p.m.: Preschool with no Kindergarten-Grade 3 carpool/siblings
1.When picking up Kindergarten-3rd graders, enter the dismissal line by going Southbound on Des Plaines.
We ask families and caregivers of those dismissing at 2:30 to not arrive prior to 2:15. For those that dismiss at 3:00, you should not arrive prior to 2:45. If you arrive early for the 3:00 dismissal, you will be asked to move your car out of the line or drive around. Be sure to have your family sign displayed on the right side of the car.
2.If the line is backed up beyond the intersection, do not block the intersection. Wait in a single file line.

Holy Name Cathedral Campus Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
•Grades 4-8 students are expected to be in the classroom by 8:30 a.m. Tardies will be issued after 8:30 a.m. On Late Start Wednesday, tardies will be issued after 9 a.m.
•Both State St. and Wabash Ave. will be used for dismissal.
•Dismissal ends at 3:30 p.m.
•For all students in Grades 4-8, drop-off takes place on State St. between 8-8:30 a.m. except for Wednesdays. Late start Wednesdays drop-off will begin at 8:30 a.m.
•Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in any of the pick-up lanes.
•Older siblings follow younger siblings’location.
•Administration, staff members and/or Grade 8 students will be stationed on State St. and throughout the entryway to the school building.
•Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the Kiss-and-Go lane.
•Pick-up locations (assigned by grade) are as follows:
•3:15 p.m.: Grades 5, 7 and 8 on Wabash Ave.
•3:15 p.m.: Grades 4 and 6 on State St.

The structure of the day will be as follows: 8 - 8:30 a.m.: Campus Leadership Presentation in Cafeteria 8:30 - 9:15 a.m.: Classroom Experience HNC Meet and Greet: Sept. 12
20 SAVE THE DATE Please note these important dates to mark down on your calendar Aug. 31 4-5 p.m.: Grade 4 Clap-In 6-7:30 p.m.: Grade 6 Tech Day 6 p.m.: Preschool and Kindergarten Back to School Night and Social (only for adults) Sept. 6 Opening Day - Preschool to Grade 8 8-9:15 a.m.: Grade 3 Family Visiting Day* Sept. 7 Late Start Wednesday OSP: 8:30 a.m. HNC: 9 a.m. Opening Day - 2-Day Preschool Sept. 8 8-9:15 a.m.: Grade 1 Family Visiting Day* Sept. 9 8-9:15 a.m.: Grade 2 Family Visiting Day* Sept. 12 6:30-8 p.m.: HNC Meet and Greet (see details below) Sept. 15-18 Homecoming Weekend (see details below) Sept. 16 9:15 a.m.: Back To School Mass at HNC for Grades 1-8 Sept. 26-Oct. 28 FXW Annual Fund Oct. 11 Maggie Daley Speaker Series (see page 34) Nov. 18 Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day Feb. 25, 2023 Gala May 12, 2023 Scholarship Dinner *New this year: OSP Family Visiting Day: Sept. 6, 8 and 9
This is an opportunity for HNC parents and guardians to come meet their child(ren)’s teachers in person. The informal evening takes place at the HNC campus and is for adults only. There are no presentations and is just a chance to say hello before the start of the school year.
On Family Visiting Day, your child(ren) attend school as normally scheduled. This is an opportunity for you to hear from the OSP Campus Leadership team about grade-level specific curriculum and events. Afterwards, you will join your student in the classroom to meet the teacher(s) and experience part of the day together.
Homecoming Weekend: Sept. 15-18 look forward to another Homecoming weekend with celebrations and events that will take place from Sept. 15-18. We will share more details as we get closer to Homecoming. Country (Date TBD) Girls Volleyball (Date TBD) Boys Flag Football (Date TBD) Sunday, Sept. 18 Mass at OSP (Time TBD)

OTHER OPTIONS Navy jumper dress, hunter green or navy polo dress. The Frances Xavier Warde School expects that all students will adhere to the dress code. The primary responsibility for a student's attire resides with the student and their parent(s) or guardian(s). The school is responsible for seeing that student attire does not interfere with the health or safety of students.
Tattoos, body markings, and body piercings are not allowed in school. This includes ink drawings and/or markings on the skin. Children will be expected to remove, cover, or wash any of the above.
3. White, evergreen or navy-blue sweater or vest. FXW School logo (Lands’ End has school logo option) or plain. You can order uniform clothing in four easy steps: 1.Visit the vendor online 2.Select your purchase 3.After you complete your order, include your school code to ensure you are ordering FXW approved clothing items
FXW School logo (Lands’ End has school logo option) or Collaredplain. shirt is considered FXW’s dress uniform, which is required on days of masses, prayer services, special events, field trips, etc. Families will be notified in advance.
1.AllUNIFORM—BOTTOMSEnd)bottomsmustbe navy blue. Bottoms can be pants, skirts, skorts or shorts.
1. White or evergreen long or short sleeved t-shirt oT-shirt must have FXW School logo (Lands’ End)
Fleece jackets/vests and outer coats are not to be worn during the school day. Students should have a uniform sweater or FXW school sweatshirt to wear in class during colder months if Earbuds/headphonesneeded.may not be worn inside the building or at school sponsored events unless directed by a teacher for learning purposes. Plain head bands (blue, green, white, black or brown in color) are acceptable.
FXW OFFICIAL VENDORS Lands’End 800-963-4816;landsend.com school code: 900057944 Families can also purchase uniforms through other providers following the color guidelines below.
OTHER Please note the following: FXW School sports team uniforms and spirit wear may not be worn as a school uniform. There will be designated days to wear these items.
FXW will not prohibit hairstyles that are historically associated with race, ethnicity, or hair texture, including, but not limited to, protective hairstyles such as braids, locks, and twists. No political logos or messages can be worn by students, faculty, or staff.
2. White or evergreen long or short sleeved polo style shirt with a collar.
4.The FXW logo is optional If you have questions, please call FXW’s official vendors directly.
FXWPHILOSOPHYstudentdress code supports equitable educational access and is written in a manner that does not reinforce stereotypes. To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently in a way that does not reinforce or increase: marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, hohousehold income or body type/size.
Belts: If a belt is worn, it must be a navy, black, or brown belt. Scarves, sashes, neckties, etc. are not considered uniform code.
FXW School logo (Lands’
shoes every day is required. Ankle height gym shoes that provide the support and traction necessary for gym activities are required. Shoes must either have white bottoms or say “non-marking” on the Forsoles.safety reasons, “wheelies” (shoes with wheels), TOMS, boots, ballet flats, sandals, platform gym shoes, gym shoes with lights, or backless shoes, i.e. clogs or flip-flop type shoes, are not acceptable.
ACCESSORIES Socks/tights must be solid color: white, navy, black, or evergreen. Footless tights and leggings are not approved.
4. Evergreen oSweatshirtsweatshirtmusthave
IL Statues (105 ILCS 5/10-22.25b) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-22.25b)Sec. 10-22.25b. School uniforms.

Athletic Department Mission Statement Athletic Program is an integral part of the educational program of the school. The Athletic Department views athletic activities on the playing fields and courts as another area where self-discipline, focus, and drive are learned behaviors modeled by coaches and developed in practice and game environments. Therefore, the school’s mission of athletics will stress the following areas: To focus on participation, fundamentals, and basic skill development; to provide a positive athletic, social, and emotional experience for students; to gradually educate and develop the concepts of healthy competition. will adhere to a developmental approach based in ideas of progressive acquisition of individual skills within team concepts so that student-athletes desiring to continue to play a sport possess the skills, knowledge, and love of the game to do so. review the 2022-2023 Athletic Handbook, here Football, Girls Volleyball, Country Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball Track, Soccer DAY the process of Burke, Director of Auxiliary Programs, burket@fxw.org Forberg, Director of Athletics, forbergt@fxw.org
| Spring:
finalizing the Extended Day program, Intercampus Bus, and registration for fall cocurriculars. Details for both will be sent out in advance of the school year, please look for communications soon regarding each program. QUESTIONS? Contact Tom
| Winter:
or Tim
Fall: Flag

Our In the Loop newsletter is sent every week on Sundays at noon and includes all-school and gradelevel announcements, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and a snapshot of the schedule for the upcoming week.
FXW teachers will communicate with families through their classroom blogs, email, and Canvas.
If the School has a positive COVID-19 case, the Communications Team will communicate that information via email as it pertains to each classroom. We will also once again share a COVID dashboard on the parent portal that will be updated once a week with vaccination rates for students, staff and faculty as well as the number of weekly positive tests on each campus.
Our With Mission in Mind newsletter is sent every other Monday through our Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to reflect on how we as a School are living out our mission and Charisms daily. The first With Mission in Mind will be sent on Sept. 12.
The School will use the Veracross Parent Portal as an additional platform to communicate important information to parents. In addition, all emails sent by the School are accessible through your inbox within the Parent Portal. To view the Parent Portal, click here
As a School, we communicate with families on a regular basis through a variety of channels, including: IN THE LOOP
Our Head of School Michael Kennedy will send global all-school updates and reflections on a quarterly basis, and as needed.
SCHOOL MESSENGER FXW uses an emergency notification system called School Messenger to immediately notify parents about weather-related closures, emergency early dismissals, etc. We will conduct a test of School Messenger at the beginning of the year to ensure all parent contact information is correct. More information about this test can be found in In the Loop.

FXW uses social media as a tool to update our community on different classroom specific, grade-level, and school-wide events, initiatives, and projects. We also use our social media channels as an additional method of communications for important school updates, such as school closures due to inclement weather, etc.
Follow us on Twitter to stay informed of everyday campus happenings and highlights in education. Follow us on Instagram, where we capture activities, events, and special occasions. Follow us on YouTube, where we post all-school and grade specific videos as well as livestream virtual events. We also encourage you to post photos of you and your family at FXW events, service opportunities, athletic events , etc. and ask that you tag us @fxwchicago on whichever platform you are using. Feel free to use the following hashtags: #FXWExperience, #FXWAcademics, #FXWService, #FXWFaith, #FXWDiversity, #FXWAthletics. We are working with Niche.com to help prospective families learn as much as they can about FXW. Please take a moment to visit our profile page and write a review about your FXW experience.
We encourage you and your family to connect with us on the following social media platforms. Like and follow our Facebook page for the latest news, photos, events, and more.
• All policies and behavior guidelines that cover student and parent conduct on the school premises and at school-related activities similarly apply to the online environment.
All FXW students, board members, parents, volunteers, administrators, faculty members, staff, vendors, or guests (whether at school, at school-sponsored co-curricular, extracurricular or social functions, or otherwise) share the responsibility for modeling appropriate behavior and creating an online environment where mutual respect, tolerance, civility, and acceptance are promoted.
• The online behavior of all members of the FXW community should reflect the same standards of honesty, respect, and consideration that one would use face-to-face.
• FXW is committed to monitoring the activity (posts, comments, etc) on all school-sponsored social media sites to make sure all content aligns with the mission and values of our School. Any inappropriate content will be flagged and removed in a timely manner.

Masking is a personal decision, however not required. Masking will be required in the following circumstances. In these cases, individuals will be masked for 10 days from last exposure unless otherwise noted.
• Individuals who are identified as a close contact to a member of their household who tested positive for COVID. The individual will not need to be masked if they obtain a negative COVID test on or after Day 5 following exposure.
• Masks will be required for individuals in a classroom when there are three or more positive cases in that classroom over a 10-day period.
• If a student has the sniffles or allergy-like symptoms without a fever, FXW will call home to inquire more. If the child was tested at home, tested negative and sent to school, FXW will accept the information. If not, FXW will offer to test the student. Families can decide to pick up their child if they do not want them to be tested.
• Individuals who are experiencing COVID symptoms at home or who are sent home during the school day should test at home or at a clinic.
• Students become symptomatic at school.
In an effort to best serve our students, staff, and faculty by having appropriate response mechanisms in place, we have developed the following protocols Our objective remains the same: for all of our students and staff to stay in school and forour protocolsto preventschool spread.
• If an individual has a known exposure to a positive case of COVID, we recommend monitoring for symptoms and testing will be required on Day 5 following exposure.
• If an individual is identified as a close contact of a household member, testing should be done on Day 1 and Day 5 and the results should be reported to the nursing team. Any FXW sibling who is a close contact should test on Day 1 and Day 5 regardless of vaccination status.
COVID-19Protocolsfor AllStudents,Faculty& Staff
• A sibling of a student tests positive during school hours.
• Masks will be required for those individuals returning to school (on Day 6) after testing positive for COVID if they have not yet tested negative. Testing Testing will not be required for students except for the following circumstances:
• Students who wish to return to school without masking will be required to test negatively on Day 6.
When students are symptomatic, families are expected to test at home or at a clinic. FXW will test at school -- with parental permission completed on Magnus -- in the following circumstances:

Students who test positive are required to isolate through Day 5. If they test negative after Day 5, students may come to school and may be unmasked for Days 6-10. If they continue to test positive, they may come to school Day 6-10 wearing a mask.
FXW will communicate positive cases by email to the classrooms of the individual who test positive.
Close contact letters will only be sent to parents if there are three or more cases within a classroom over a 10-day period.
FXW will provide weekly updates to a COVID dashboard via the Parent Portal that shares the following information: percentage of vaccination students by grade; percentage of faculty and staff who are vaccinated; number of weekly positive cases by campus. COVID-19Protocolsfor AllStudents,Faculty& Staff
Quarantine for Close Contacts
To start the year, there will not be modified lunch seating for masked students who continue to test positive.
Please note that we recommend parents report symptomatic students and get them tested prior to returning to school. For students who become symptomatic at school, the nursing team will call home and explain options for those individuals.
There will not be any required quarantine for close contacts regardless of vaccination status. FXW will not be doing contact tracing to identify close contacts. There will not be a "testing to stay" program for those individuals identified as close contacts at home.

The Frances Xavier Warde School honors namesake, Mother Frances Xavier Warde. A sister of Mercy from Ireland, Mother Warde came to Chicago to Legacy
serve the neediest communities. Through our Living the
program, students and their families continue this dedication to service by helping those in need throughout the Chicagoland FXWarea. partners with Chicago-area organizations to offer service opportunities throughout the year. From our youngest Preschoolers to our Grade 8 students, everyone participates! Some of our community partners and recommended organizationsLIVINGinclude: THE LEGACY WANT TO LEARN MORE? Contact Beth LivingtheLegacy@fxw.orgAmatangelo • The Honeycomb Project • Jesse Brown VA Medical Center • Just Roots Chicago • Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly • Little Sisters of the Poor St. Mary’s Home • Madonna House • Mercy Home for Boys and Girls • Misericordia Home • Mission of Our Lady of the Angels • Nourishing Hope • Operation Gratitude • PAWS Chicago • Pilsen Food Pantry • St. Eulalia Catholic Church • The American Red Cross of Chicago & Northern Illinois • The Night Ministry • Upcycling Colors • Alliance for the Great Lakes • Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital • Big Shoulders (Maternity BVM, St. Malachy, St. Agnes of Bohemia and Academy of St. Benedict the African) • Bishop Edwin M Conway Residence • Blessings in a Backpack • Catholic Charities • Catholic Extensions • Chicago Help Initiative • Cradles to Crayons • Digs with Dignity • Fourth Presbyterian Church -Meals Ministry • Franciscan House of Mary and Joseph • Gary Comer Youth Center • Greater Chicago Food Depository • Heartland Alliance (Hollywood House, FarmWorks and Human Care Services)

Room parents are the liaison between classroom parents and the classroom teachers. In this role, room parents assist teachers in coordinating various classroom events and organizing support to classroom families during times of illness, death, births and any other life-altering event. Room parents also serve as an extension of PAC and connect the classroom to schoolwide PAC initiatives. Parents can express interest in serving as a room parent via a survey sent out in the beginning of the school year.
child enrolled at FXW are members of PAC and are welcome to participate. Opportunities are available if you have interest in a leadership role, committee lead or becoming a room parent. Alternatively, there is a need for committee members to support the committee leads with the planning and organizing of events. If you have limited availability, there are a plethora of day-of-event volunteering opportunities. Announcements for opportunities are posted in In the Loop, along with links to sign COMMITTEEup.
Advisory Committee (PAC) is a parent-run group that supports the mission of The Frances Xavier Warde School (FXW).
PAC committee leads coordinate many events and programs throughout the year to serve the community. They manage a team of FXW parent committee members and volunteers to help plan and execute each initiative. Committee leads are fully supported by the PAC co-chairs and FXW administration.
PAC serves as a resource for the community and works with faculty, staff, and families to promote FXW spirit by coordinating community-building events, school support, and volunteer opportunities.

29 PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) FALL Grade-Level Parent Socials Grandparents' & Special Friends' Day Fall Book Fair Uniform Swap PAC OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO LEARN MORE? Contact PAC Chair Sarah McNamara Zweidinger pac@fxw.org WINTER Mardi Gras Book Swap Event-Based Community Building SPRING Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week Uniform Swap Mother's Day Celebration Spring Book Fair ALL YEAR Merchandise Sales Art Room Volunteer Library Volunteer Lunch Volunteer Morning Drop-Off Volunteer Room Parent

30 PAC SPIRIT STORE FXW MERCHANDISE The Parent Advisory Committee is proud to offer official FXW Merchandise and Spirit Wear. All proceeds from purchases support faculty and staff at The Frances Xavier Warde School, including Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week in the spring and our Holiday and End of Year gifts. All purchases are final sale and can be made via our online store. We look forward to sharing our new inventory coming in fall 2022. CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE STORE

Through campaigns, special events, and grants, FXW’s Advancement Department manages fundraising initiatives for the School and for the Children at the Crossroads Foundation (CATC Parent participation plays an integral role in the success of these programs. There are short- and long-term volunteer opportunities associated with these efforts, including: FXW FUND: SEPT. 26 OCT. 28, 2022 The FXW Fund is our 5-week campaign that allows us to create a community that is grounded in faith and committed to service; a community that truly represents and benefits from the incredible diversity present in our city; a community that learns and grows inside and outside the classroom, creating the thinkers and leaders who will shape our world for generations to come. In short, your tuition helps to create an exemplary school, and your support of the FXW Fund helps to create an unparalleled experience.
GALA: SATURDAY, FEB. 25 Gala is our largest fundraising event and we will hold this event this year at the Marriott Marquis in Chicago. Please stay tuned for more information.Pleasebeon the look out for opportunities to volunteer from the Advancement Team in In the Loop.

The Illinois Invest in Kids Act allows state income tax credits for individual and corporate tax payers who make authorized contributions to a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO CATC is an approved SGO under the Act. WANT TO LEARN MORE? Contact the Advancement advancement@fxw.orgTeam
The annual Scholarship Dinner provides funding for scholarships for students to attend FXW. This is a wonderfuleventwhereCATCsupportersandfriendsgatherincelebrationandsupporttoensurethat eager and capable children receive a quality education. More information is forthcoming.
Scholarship Sunday is a dedicated Sunday at both Old St. Patrick’s Church and Holy Name Cathedral which offers a second collectin to support the scholarship efforts of CATC. Please stay tuned for more KIDS ACT
Over the last 30 years, CATC has awarded over $17 million in need-based scholarships to nearly 700 FXW students. However, all FXW students— whethertheyreceiveascholarshipornot—benefit frombeingamemberof this special community filled with a diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.
Children at the Crossroads Foundation (CATC) was created in 1990 on the belief that economic circumstances should not preclude any eager and capable child from receiving a quality education. The Foundation seeks to enrich our community by significantly improving the academic achievement, self-esteem, and life opportunities of school children by offering need-based scholarship support to students attending FXW.
The FXW Advancement Department organizes many events and initiatives through the school year that benefit CATC, including:

The Equity and Justice Forum is charged with:
1. Providing a space and place for listening, dialogue, and greater understanding about race and racism in our country, especially ideas for dealing with current challenges and planning for a better future; 2. Serving as a catalyst for bridging differences regarding race in America, promoting reconciliation, and encouraging fresh perspectives.
• Community (Students, Parents, Faculty, & Staff): Determine measures FXW can take to provide a more inclusive culture while determining the best approach for proactively engaging with all students, FAS, and parents to ensure everyone feels safe and further foster a culture of inclusion.
AsOBJECTIVEwebegin a new school year, we do so by acknowledging the social injustices that continue to occur. We will use these events as a way to reflect and guide our decision-making, that will inform our programmatic initiatives and changes, and will highlight FXW’s value proposition by deepening our understanding and appreciation of our mission and charisms.
• Recruit and Retain a Diverse Workforce: With the combined forces of our HR Director, who for the first time in FXW’s history is a Person of Color (POC), the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the Leadership Team, undergird, lend ideas and people power to new strategic planning specifically focused on attracting and retaining faculty from underrepresented groups.
• Cultural Competency in Curriculum: Discuss and recommend ways in which to more comprehensively integrate cultural competency into curriculum and pedagogy. Develop strategic initiatives to support diversity and inclusion actionable and measurable steps.
• Admissions Recruitment and Retention of Families of Color: Recommend additional ways in which to provide support to the Admissions Team and develop a sustainable plan for the recruitment and retention of families of color.
• Diversity, Equity, and Justice Training for Faculty & Staff: In addition to SEED and ongoing professional development training with experts in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) field, discuss inclusive cultural competency and anti-racist training for faculty and staff. For Faculty and Staff leadership, determine best approach for proactively engaging with constituents to ensure students feel safe and supported.
Contact Eboni Dixon, Director Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (312-268-2520 or dixone@fxw.org) or Michael Kennedy, Head of School (kennedym@fxw.org)

We will continue to focus on fostering:
•Diversity,awarenessEquity, and Inclusion, including best practices for creating a truly pluralistic community
In addition to providing an outstanding education for our students, The Frances Xavier Warde School is also committed to offering learning opportunities for parents, education professionals, and the community at large. Our Maggie Daley Speaker Series provides an ideal forum for us to discuss and explore issues that are vital to our school community, our city, and our world. These conversations focus on many factors that help us to shape our community of lifeling learners for the world in which they live.
We are thrilled to once again host Rosalind Wiseman, thought leader and bestselling author of Queen Bees & Wannabees, Masterminds & Wingmen, as well as Owning Up: Empowering Adolescents to Confront Social Cruelty, Bullying, and Injustice, who came to FXW during the 2019-20 school year to discuss young people’s friendships, social media use, gossip, drama, bullying, and the constant pressure to “keep up.”
•A Healthy Family Life, including strategies for navigating technology and social media
Rosalind has co-authored a new book with Shanterra McBride, Courageous Discomfort: How to Have Important, Brave, Life-Changing Conversations About Race and Racism. Shanterra is a Texas-based author, preacher, speaker, and teacher. She is the founder of Marvelous University, a social enterprise that offers life coaching, success planning, and leadership development for girls and young women, and the author of Love Your Jiggle: The Girl’s Guide to Being Marvelous Rosalind and Shanterra will both be joining us on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at the HNC Campus auditorium to hold a conversation around their new book. More details will be sent out as the event approaches.
•Social-Emotional Learning, including perservance and responsibility, executive functioning, and self- and social-

2021-2022: Our community read the book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson over the summer and held several discussions throughout the school year centered around breaking the cycle of Caste and what can we do to interrupt the systems in place. The conversations strengthened our community at school and beyond as we learned from one another how to break cycles of oppression and rethink social norms in our society.
2020-2021: Dr. Derrick Gay and Dr. Amanda Lewis facilitated a Community Conversation on Race.
2017-2018: Eboo Patel, author of Out of Many Faiths: Religious Diversity and the American Promise, spoke about our Catholic identity and techniques for building community through religious pluralism. Catherine Steiner-Adair discussed the importance of protecting family relationships in the digital age. Amanda Lewis addressed the ways in which race is negotiated in schools and in everyday life.
2018-2019: Julie Lythcott-Haims, noted author of How to Raise An Adult and Real American, offered our community practical advice for raising independent, well-adjusted, self-reliant children. Dr. Jean Twenge, author of iGen, discussed trends with today’s super-connected children —the iGeneration —and insights into what parents and educators need to know. FXW alumnus John Franklin discussed how his FXW education prepared him academically, socially, and personally for high school, college, and the workforce.
2019-2020: Rosalind Wiseman, bestselling author of Queen Bees & Wannabees, Masterminds & Wingmen, as well as Owning Up: Empowering Adolescents to Confront Social Cruelty, Bullying, and Injustice, discussed young people’s friendships, social media use, gossip, bullying, and the constant pressure to “keep up.” Eugenia Cheng, Scientist in Residence at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Author of The Art of Logic: How to Make Sense in a World that Doesn’t, discussed how abstract mathematics can help us understand privilege and develop empathy.
Contact Eboni Dixon, Director Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (312-268-2520 or dixone@fxw.org) or Michael Kennedy, Head of School (kennedym@fxw.org)

• As we are all aware, prices have gone up in nearly every aspect of our lives. This year, HandCut has made necessary adjustments to the menu without compromising quality, and the cost to monthly food service subscribers will be down from last year. There will be a slight increase for those who take advantage of the daily drop-in rate.
Taking into account your feedback, as well as our own observations, we communicated to HandCut how we can collaborate in the spirit of continuous improvement—something FXW does well. FXW’s conversations with HandCut have been productive and we believe that they have heard you and understand us.
• Over the last two years, the kitchens and cafeterias at both our campuses were not fully operational due to the pandemic. We expect them to return to pre-pandemic operations in the 2022-2023 school year – which includes HandCut staffing – and we believe this will have a noticeable impact on food service, quality, and logistics.
Dear FXW Families, As many of you know, we sent out a survey to our community requesting feedback on our foodservice program as last school year came to a close. HandCut has been FXW's in-school food service provider for the last several years, and in order to determine how we were proceeding to make the necessary enhancements to the program we wanted your input. We appreciate the time that you took to let us know your thoughts. It has informed how we are moving forward for the upcoming school year as we build on what you were most satisfied with and allowed us to address areas for improvement.
The Administration
Building on the themes from our collective feedback, there are several areas we can expect the food service experience to improve in the coming school year. As we return to the manner in which we operated prior to the pandemic, you can look forward to:
• Providing the daily salad bar is a popular and healthy food option we will see on both campuses. Additionally, HandCut will be offering daily hot soup at the HNC campus. Please review the enhanced "Menu Offerings" on page 2 of HandCut's informational packet. HandCut has already made their September menu available right here.
• Hearing the need for a more user-friendly ordering portal, HandCut has instituted a new web platform, Boonli, that will be more user-friendly than their old system. Details about this new system will be sent to you next month. We look forward to partnering with HandCut and believe we are in concert on what needs to be preserved from the quality of the food service prior to the pandemic as well as what needs more of their attention. As we approach winter, we will once again solicit your feedback.

37 my FXW PARENT PORTAL Dear FXW families, Before the year begins, we ask you to login and become familiar with the systems we use at FXW. In this guide, you will find important information about our myFXW parent portal, powered by Veracross; our Learning Management System, Canvas (Grades 3-8) and our electronic medical records system, Magnus Health. For Pre-Grade 2, teachers will post regular classroom announcements through Veracross detailing classroom logistical information, as well as curriculum details and home to school connections. We have created this guide to assist you in the completion of the following steps which need to be completed before the school year begins: Update your profile information (check addresses, emails, phone numbers for accuracy). Set your directory visibility preferences. Set up your emergency and pick-up contacts. Check your AutoPay credit card or checking account for accuracy. Accept school permission slips and policies electronically before the first day of school: 1. Student and Family Handbook Acknowledgement Form 2.Athletic Handbook Acknowledgement Form 3. FXW Family Commitment to Health and Safety 4. Yearlong Permission Form for Parks 5. Device Usage Agreement and Responsible Use Policy 6. Photo Permission Form 7. Leave on Own Form 8. Academic, Medical, and Faith Decision 9. Medication Acknowledgement 10. Public School System Acknowledgment 11. Mathodology Photo Permission (Grades Kindergarten-5) 12. Safe Storage Agreement Please take time to read this entire guide so that you are logged into our systems and ready to go. If you have additional questions, please contact our helpdesk at helpdesk@fxw.org. We look forward to another great year! FXW IT Team David ShadellPatriciaMitchellLomdenJamison Senior Manager of IT Help Desk Coordinator/Systems Analyst Technical Support Analyst Technical Support Analyst Gerardo Gallegos

38 my FXW PARENT PORTAL myFXW Parent Portal (Powered by Veracross) Our myFXW portal has up-to-date information on school events and activities, family and staff directories, tuition invoices and payments, links to school systems such as Magnus Health and Canvas, fundraising events and donation information, online registrations and important forms and documents. To access the portal to go to https://www.fxw.org and click on "myFXW Login" at the top. Fill in the fields for your username and password. For forgotten passwords, click the Can’t access your account? link on the login page for assistance. Once logged in, you should see the parent portal Dashboard. Become familiar with the navigation options.

39 my FXW PARENT PORTAL TheDASHBOARDparentportal Dashboard includes a list of your children, the week’s calendar, and quick links to school resources. Below are some quick pointers for navigating the Dashboard. 1. Classes and Reports is where you’ll find your children’s classroom blogs in PreschoolGrade 4. 2. Canvas is where you’ll find classroom announcements and assignments in Grades 3-8. 3. My Calendar contains all events pertinent to your household. 4. School Calendar (under the Calendars dropdown in the navigation menu) lists all school events. 5. Billing is where you can view and pay invoices as well as manage your AutoPay account info. HOUSEHOLD PROFILE UPDATE Click the Update Family Profile link. Once at the Household Profile Update page, review all sections for accuracy. At the beginning of each school year or if you have updates to your family information during the year, go to the My Information button and make the necessary updates. All families must verify their information before the beginning of the school year. FamiliesDIRECTORIEScansearch our family directories by criteria or see lists by homeroom and grade level. The directories are taken down over the summer and will be re-added once class lists are available to all families in August.

40 my FXW PARENT PORTAL CanvasCanvasis our Learning Management System used for students in Grades 3-8. Teachers for these grades will post daily homework assignments in Announcements. Homework will be every week night, and students will have assignments written in their assignment notebook. Please note parents and students will not receive a notification about homework unless they go into Notifications in Canvas and choose to have an update sent (for directions see Setting Up Notification Preferences in Canvas on the next page). To access FXW’s Canvas Site on the web, go to www.fxw.org/login and click the Canvas icon. ACCESSING CANVAS ON A LAPTOP OR DESKTOP Instructure products support the current and previous major releases of the following browsers: •Chrome 102 and 103 •Safari 14 and 15 (Macintosh only) •Firefox 101 and 102 (Extended Releases are not supported*) •Edge 102 and 103 •Respondus Lockdown Browser (supporting the latest system requirements) The most up-to-date information on supported browsers can be always be found here. *Some supported browsers may still produce a banner stating, “your browser does not meet the requirements for Canvas.”If you have upgraded your browser but you are still seeing the warning banner, try logging out of Canvas and deleting your browser cookies. CANVAS MOBILE APPS For parents and guardians, we do not recommend the use of the Canvas iOS or Android apps as they provide very limited visibility. Canvas is best experienced on the web using a PC or Mac.LOGGING INTO CANVAS THROUGH A WEB BROWSER Go to www.fxw.org/login. There is a button under the Quick Links section that will automatically log you into your Canvas account. Once logged-in, select “Courses”in the global navigation bar.

41 my FXW PARENT PORTAL SETTING UP NOTIFICATION PREFERENCES IN CANVAS By default, Canvas will not send email notifications. To receive notifications from Canvas, you will have to opt in. Here’s how to set up these notifications to your liking: 1. Log into Canvas through a web browser on a laptop > go to Account (upper left-hand corner) > Settings 2. Add your desired way(s) to be notified. 3. Click on the Notifications tab on the left-hand navigation bar. 4. Set the frequency of your notifications by clicking on your chosen tab by Announcements and Grades. For example, to get a daily summary of homework postings, choose the daily option to the right of Announcements. Note, daily summaries are sent out by Canvas anytime between 5-6 p.m. You may modify these settings at any time. 1. Notify me right away 2. Send a daily summary 3. Send weekly summary 4. Do not send me anything

42 my FXW PARENT PORTAL These are your preferences. You may select how you want to receive announcements (email or text message), and how often you want to receive them. If you do not change anything, you will not receive notifications. While we understand that you will select the preferences that best meets your needs, we do recommend using the following settings: • Leave all notification preferences except for Announcements set to Do not send me any thing. • Set Announcements to Daily Summary (one notification sent between 5-6 p.m. each evening that is a summary of all announcements posted that day) or to Notify me right away (you will receive a notification each time an announcement is posted—this could be several times during the day). •Set Grading to your personal preference. Your setting notifications will apply to all of the courses your children are enrolled in. It is not cur rently possible to set up different notification levels for each class or for each student. For more detailed directions on setting notifications visit the Canvas Help Center

43 my FXW PARENT PORTAL Magnus Health Magnus Health is a web-based electronic medical records system providing FXW with secure storage and up-to-date student health information. You will use Magnus Health to submit required medical forms and report information on your student’s allergies and medications. LOGGING IN TO MAGNUS HEALTH Login to myFXW at https://www.fxw.org/login and click the Magnus Health iconunder the Quick LInks section. You will be automatically logged into your Magnus Health account. Once in Magnus Health, you will see each of your students listed on the Front Desk. Clicking on the Complete now tab for each student will bring you to the student health tracker page. The Student Health Tracker page has a list of all medical documents you must provide by the specified deadline. For your reference, this list is also included below. Please read about each requirement carefully as some documents will require a physician’s signature.

44 myFXW PARENT PORTAL LIST OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR FXW STUDENTS 1.Vital Health Record (all students) 2.State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form including the Health History (New Preschool students, all Kindergarten and Grade 6 students and new students in Grades 3.Immunizations1-8) (New Preschool students, all Kindergarten and Grade 6 students and new students in Grades 1-8) 4.Dental Examination Form (Kindergarten students, Grade 2 and Grade 6 students and new students entering Grade 2 or Grade 6) 5.Eye Examination Form (Kindergarten students and new students in Grades 1-8 enrolling in an Illinois school for the first time) 6.Pre-Participation Sports Physical including the Concussion Information Sheet (required for all students in Grades 4-8 if participating in a school sport) 7.Medication Authorization Form (required for all prescription and over-the counter medications administered at school) 8.Parent/Guardian Permission Form (required for all prescription and over-the-counter medications administered at school) 9.Asthma Action Plan (if applicable) 10.Food Allergy Action Plan (if applicable) 11.Diabetes Action Plan (if applicable) 12.Seizure Action Plan (if applicable) Certain forms are completed online, and other forms must be downloaded, printed out, completed by you or your doctor, and then sent back to Magnus. Important note: A cover sheet prints out with each of these documents and must accompany each document when returned to Magnus. This cover sheet tells Magnus how to electronically file the document, identifying the student to whom they belong. To return these documents you have two options—choose whichever is most convenient for 1.Youyou:can fax them to Magnus 2.You can scan and then upload them to Magnus ToQUESTIONSaccesssupport options, click the on the “Need Help?” tab int the upper right-hand corner of your screen at any time forlinksor to support documents, a step-by-step video, email, etc. Due to the sensitivity of this information, it is best you send the required information directly to Magnus. If you need assistance using Magnus Health, you can reach their support at 877-461-6831, or via email service@magnushealthportal.com.