The Friends and the Saint Paul Public Library 2013 Shared Annual Report (online)

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MISSION The Friends expands the library’s capacity to serve. Our mission is:







Advocate for strong public funding of the Library;



Provide private funding to enhance Library service;





Share knowledge and expertise to strengthen libraries and library organizations in the United States and internationally.













Increase the use of the Library through cultural programming and public awareness activities;

VISION The Friends will provide the necessary support to ensure that the Saint Paul Public Library is among the foremost library systems in the United States.

VALUES The Friends is guided in its work by • Creative, innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to challenging issues; • Inclusivity and integrity in all its activities; • Responsible stewardship of its resources in perpetuity.

Through this work, The Friends serves as a national model for its unique, comprehensive support of the Saint Paul Public Library.

MISSION We connect people in Saint Paul with the imperative and the joy of learning through a lifetime.

VISION We are a cornerstone of a thriving city: welcoming people of all ages and cultures; strengthening neighborhoods and learning networks; and inspiring all with the world of ideas.

KEY STRATEGIES • Set priorities and align library resources with key community partners. • Focus on services that are high priority, effective, and innovative. • Strengthen Saint Paul’s digital and community-based learning network. • Align library spaces to support group and individual






DEAR FRIENDS As you may know, since 1945 The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library has been supporting the Saint Paul Public Library. We believe that ours is the best library system of its size in the country, and that it deserves an engaged organization that represents the community’s interests in library issues. For more than 20 years, Friends members and volunteers have been dogged and often successful advocates for strong public support of the library, with cumulative results of millions in reduced or restored library budget cuts, additions to collections budgets with one-time and ongoing funds, and adjustments to operations budgets following compelling communication of library priorities. But strong public support is only part of the picture. For the last several years, as the economy has taken many of us for an uncomfortable ride, private fundraising for libraries has become not only more common, it has become the new normal. Thanks to the generous donations of individuals, corporations and foundations, The Friends has been able to provide more than $1 million in support annually to the Saint Paul Public Library. That means regular, ongoing enhancements to services and programs, expanding the library’s capacity to serve its increasingly diverse community. Capital campaigns led by The Friends have made significant improvements to libraries in every part of the city. Together we are building the foundation for a great library system that will serve the City of Saint Paul well into the foreseeable future. In 2013, The Friends was working on the quiet phase of a capital campaign for the total renovation of Highland Park and Sun Ray Libraries, and modest additions and enhancements to the George Latimer Central Library. The $14.8 million public/ private campaign will allow the Saint Paul Public Library to invest in improvements that will position it to effectively work with the city’s schools, universities, museums, and community organizations in an integrated, citywide, 21st Century “learning network.” So far, we have raised more than $5.5 million in leadership gifts toward our $7.8 million goal. As this report is being published, the public phase of the campaign is launching, too. We feel confident that individuals and organizations will continue to


step up to support the library. Mayor Coleman said it best in his 2013 State of the City address, “People are investing in Saint Paul because Saint Paul is investing in itself – its culture, its infrastructure, and its vibrancy.” Meanwhile, the Saint Paul Public Library rolls on… with innovative and award-winning programs such as the Northstar Digital Literacy Project, Createch Digital Learning Lab, Mobile WORKplace, Treehouse technology training and Learning Express Library. These are just a few of the many initiatives that demonstrate the library’s commitment to better serve our community’s changing needs, but this would not have been possible without your help. We are delighted to share our vision and journey with you in this shared annual report. We are grateful for the support of everyone who made this growth and success possible, and pleased to recognize your contributions to The Friends and the Saint Paul Public Library. Thanks are due to The Friends’ Board, staff and committee members for leading the way toward the library’s ongoing success. To the Saint Paul Public Library staff, thank you for another year of excellent service. To Mayor Chris Coleman, Library Board Chair Kathy Lantry, and the rest of the members of the Library Board, thank you for your steadfast support of the library. And last, but never least, to the generous Friends’ members, donors and corporate partners: you are the foundation of our success, and we thank you. We hope you will join us in celebrating our library’s accomplishments, and in supporting the current capital campaign – if you haven’t already done so. Together we are building a brighter future for everyone in Saint Paul. Sincerely:

PETER PEARSON Friends President

DIRECT CASH TO THE LIBRARY - UNRESTRICTED Annual grant for highest needs as determined by the library director Library initiatives support from Ortha Robbins Endowment

$100,000 34,682



Staff professional development


Service in the community


Restricted endowment grants for materials


Grants for the library paid through The Friends (LSTA and Davis Foundation)


Funds raised for student support programs


Humanities endowment materials grants Payments for library programming publication

3,130 10,300


(done in concert with other group’s advocacy efforts) Opening day collections






Additions to existing endowments and activities


Funds raised for capital projects



TANYA BELL Friends Board Chair

LTSA grant for Minnesota Book Awards programming


Foundation grants for Minnesota Book Awards programming


Friends’ cultural programming in libraries


KIT HADLEY Library Director

P.S. In this competitive philanthropic marketplace, Charity Navigator, America’s premier charity evaluator, highlights the work of charities and provides donors with essential information needed to give them greater confidence in their charitable giving decisions. For the third year in a row, Charity Navigator has calculated a 4-star rating (its highest rating) for The Friends, based on its ability to efficiently manage and grow its finances. Fewer than 12 percent of charities evaluated have received this coveted rating for three consecutive years, indicating that The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library outperforms the majority of nonprofits in America with respect to financial health, accountability and transparency.











Advocating for strong public support

Teens find help preparing for the ACT and SAT and useful information on how to apply for colleges.

The Saint Paul Public Library provides vital services for children, teens, and adults as a place for open-ended learning and discovery, with a definition of service that goes beyond checking out books.

According to the latest census, 44% of Saint Paul’s residents belong to a minority group, many of whom speak languages other than English in their homes. World Language Storytimes are designed for children, their parents or caregivers, and organizations that serve these families. They offer a valuable listening and pre-reading experience for all ages and support literacy which is vitally important for everyone’s success.

For 2013, the Advocacy Committee of the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library successfully advocated with Mayor Chris Coleman and the City Council to permanently staff Student Support Services and World Language Services. Homework Centers, Read With Me, Reading To Achieve, and college preparation help are among the programs offered by Student Support Services and are key in ensuring students are successful in their studies. Homework Centers provide tutoring or just a place to study for children and teens. At the six library locations where the service is provided, 15,518 students took advantage of this resource.

WORKplace offers services in seven different languages to help adults develop computer skills, and provide job search assistance.




Finally, the new Arlington Hills Library received $350,000 for an opening day collection including an expanded digital collection. The library, a part of the Arlington Community Center located at Payne and Maryland Avenue opened in May, 2014.




Matched funds for 1997 Saint Anthony Park Library renovation


Funded state-of-the-art computer lab at the new Rice Street Library, 2002






$1 in


$4.62 out

A 2011 study by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Labovitz School of Business and Economics at the University of Minnesota - Duluth found the annual return on investment (ROI ) per dollar of tax support in Minnesota public libraries is $4.62. Comparisons with recent findings from other states show that Minnesotans enjoy a somewhat greater rate of ROI than the mean ($4.23), and overall, the study found that Minnesotans feel public libraries are important and that their support should be maintained or increased. TABLE OF CONTENTS


$3,180,000 (IN PROGRESS)

$3,295,000 (IN PROGRESS)





The Friends also guaranteed bond sales for Central Library renovations, saving the city $1.4 million and cutting construction time from 4 to 2 years.

The Friends has also been a steadfast partner of the city in providing leadership and reliable results when raising private funds for capital improvements and library construction.


$55,493,725 4





The Urban Libraries Council presented the Saint Paul Public Library with the 2013 Top Innovator award for its Northstar Digital Literacy Project (NDLP). The library joined with the Saint Paul Community Literacy Consortium to develop a tool to assess digital literacy skills and provide a basis for awarding “certificates of mastery” to support successful job seeking. The NDLP grew out the library’s quest to find a free, easily understood tool to measure outcomes from various digital classes and labs. The assessment instrument, which was based on standards developed by experienced digital literacy teachers, tests mastery of 20 basic skills.


According to recent Pew Research Center internet studies, Libraries across the country are confronting a widely held, but inaccurate, notion that they are becoming obsolete. Multiple surveys reinforce this, with respondents still primarily associating libraries with the analog as opposed to the digital, and with books stacks as opposed to computer stations. But the Saint Paul Public Library is certainly more than the sum of its books. The library, in conjunction with The Friends, is strategically moving toward a new paradigm, where the library can better serve the needs of its contemporary users and, above all, stay relevant in a dynamic world.

learning and the exchange of knowledge. The library is uniquely positioned to provide the greatest accessibility to these sorts of unique, collaborative learning environments. In an era where startups are driving the economy and inspiring our children to achieve greatness, improving digital literacy is incredibly important. To that end, the library is heavily investing in programs that equip children and adults with 21st century skills. In many ways, this future is visible right now. Throughout the city, the library is helping the citizens of Saint Paul learn about computer programming, social media, job skills, and the Internet. The following programs highlight the library’s continuing efforts in these realms.


Createch, a program the library offers at multiple sites, gives teens in and around Saint Paul access to the current and emerging technology needed to pursue their interests and spark new passions, along with mentors to support their individual growth.


The library and Saint Paul Parks and Recreation worked in partnership, with support from a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the MacArthur Foundation, to plan a new teen digital learning lab—named by teens as Createch Studio. Library and parks staff worked with a dedicated teen advisory group to develop a vision and plan for this teen space while its home, the Arlington Hills Community Center, was under construction in 2013.

Supporting this new vision is a belief that has always guided the library—that libraries, regardless of technological or social change, are fundamentally a place for people-to-people



The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association, selected 25 innovative teen programs to be featured at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference and included in a sixth edition of “Excellence in Library Service to Young Adults.” These successful programs focus on addressing new or ongoing teen needs or interests in unique and innovative ways. Createch ranked among the top 20 programs in the country.

The Createch Studio vision is to provide access and hands-on opportunities for teens to hang out with current and emerging technology, mess around with new equipment, and geek out. The Createch Studio was designed to give teens their own space within the Arlington Hills Community Center, a new, joint-use facility of the library and parks departments opening in spring, 2014. Createch Studio provides adult mentors for teens to encourage exploration, spark passion, and connect teens to the resources needed to learn and pursue individual interests.

Freegal® is a free music service provided by the library. Freegal offers access to more than seven million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. The collection comprises music from over 28,000 labels, originating in over 80 countries. Users can download and keep up to five songs per week on their desktop or mobile device.







The Saint Paul Public Library partnered with Saint Paul Public Schools last summer on a new program called Wild Cards!, in an effort to ensure that all summer school students have library cards. Students received a pre-completed voucher they could redeem for a free library card at any Saint Paul Public Library location. Of the 8,000 vouchers distributed, more than 1,200 were redeemed. Over 20,000 items circulated on these cards in the second half of 2013.

Saint Paul Public Library customers began receiving free access to Zinio, a service offering full color, interactive digital copies of nearly 100 popular magazines, including such titles as National Geographic, Newsweek, and Macworld. Magazines can be downloaded to a computer, tablet, or mobile device and have no subscription limits or due dates. Zinio is sponsored by the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA).


“ Because of the library, I can finish my book on Saturday night and check out a new one right away, online! And I never have overdue fines.”

- Summer Reading Program participant


The library’s Bookmobile provides library services and materials to a large number of Saint Paul residents who face barriers to visiting a neighborhood library due to transportation, language, or other factors. In 2013, the Bookmobile traveled to more than 80 community partner sites every two weeks, including housing agencies for older and/or disabled adults, after-school programs, and organizations serving children and families. The Bookmobile had over 142,000 visits and circulated 125,773 items. At each Bookmobile stop, library customers access a range of services, including checking out materials, registering for library cards, using the Internet, and getting help with reference or account questions.


In November 2013, Saint Paul Public Library began offering a technology skill development program called Treehouse, an online video and interactive learning platform that is free to library cardholders. Users can learn how to code, build a website, or build an Android or iPhone app through a combination of short videos, code challenges, and quizzes. The free program aims to help learners take their skills to an entrepreneurial level. For those users, this can lead to new employment opportunities.


With Mobile WORKplace, the library has significantly increased its technology training and job search classes by delivering programs outside of libraries at several community sites. On average, Mobile WORKplace staff has 700 one-to-one interactions per week providing technical assistance; job, career and small business information; and referrals. The Mobile WORKPLACE is generously funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Otto Bremer Foundation.



The 3M Cloud Library app allows library readers to check out e-books, place holds, and add e-books to their online wishlist. In 2013, Saint Paul Public Library joined seven other metro area library systems in sharing their Cloud Library collections, expanding the number of titles available to check out, and shortening wait times for holds. The transition is seamless to users, while their experience is greatly enhanced.


Learning Express Library brings the library’s customers practice tests, tutorials, skill-building courses, and e-books to help them reach their educational and career goals. The resources available help people improve their basic skills, learn about in-demand careers, prepare for occupational exams and career certification tests, study for the United States citizenship exam, and prepare for the GED, ACT, or SAT tests. In 2013, library customers used Learning Express Library nearly 7,000 times. The most popular resources used were materials for the GED, nursing, and postal worker exams.







HIGHLAND PARK LIBRARY serves a diverse clientele, in terms of culture, age, education, and income. It is one of only six libraries in the SPPL system that is open seven days a week, an indication of its high demand. Its users reflect every ethnic group living in Saint Paul, including a long-established Russian population and many newcomers from East African and Latin American countries. The library enjoys huge community support and boasts the highest circulation of any branch in the SPPL system. Throngs of teens from Highland Park Senior High turn it into a lively place in the afternoons and evenings. Businesses and community residents of all ages use the branch for Wi-Fi or Internet access. Built in 1954 and modestly remodeled in 1995, this multi-level building is

located in the heart of Highland Village, and it shares an entrance with the Hillcrest Recreation Center. Renovation Plan Highlights • Upgrading exterior access and creating a twolevel library • Creating a café environment for personal computer use, and upgrading Internet and data/ communications systems • Installing self-check stations and automated material handling systems • Literacy and technology-rich children’s and teen areas



With the help of The Friends, the library is investing in improvements that will position the library to join with the city’s schools, universities, museums, and community organizations to form an integrated, city-wide, 21st century learning network. This includes the renovations of Sun Ray and Highland Park Libraries, scheduled to re-open fall, 2014.

SUN RAY LIBRARY functions as a community anchor in a high-need area of Saint Paul. It is open seven days a week and always bustling with activity. Its clientele comes to the library for many reasons, including Internet access, job search resources, children’s materials, and skill-building classes. It is a popular, safe, after-school destination. It is SPPL’s easternmost library building. Built in 1970 and last renovated in 1985, the library is adjacent to Conway Park and Recreation Center. It serves a diverse population that includes African-Americans, Southeast Asians, Latinos, and immigrants from Somalia and India. The Sun Ray community’s population is composed of approximately one-third people of color, has a median household income well below the state’s average, and has a 10% unemployment rate.

Renovation Plan Highlights • Creating a technology-equipped, adaptable multipurpose room for meetings and gatherings • Creating a flexible, media- and computer-rich Teen Zone and Homework Help Center • Providing infrastructure to receive future technology upgrades • Replacing large, fixed shelving and furnishings with modular, moveable ones • Offering a beautiful nature-themed reading garden







OTTO BREMER COMMUNITY ROOM On June 24th, 2013, the new Otto Bremer Community Room was officially unveiled at Central Library. The Community Room was made possible by a grant from the Otto Bremer Foundation through the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, which paid for a $250,000 remodel.

The Summer Reading Program saw 3,996 participants, ages up to 18, reach their goals. Upon completing their summer reading goals, children received a free book. Teens earned badges by reading, responding to, and engaging with books on different topics such as Haunted Minnesota (paranormal), Mother Earth (outdoors, environmental), and Tasty Travel (new places and tastes). This program is strengthened by its partnership with Saint Paul Parks and Recreation and Saint Paul Public Schools. RICE STREET LIBRARY Rice Street Library’s renovations included the addition of a materials handling system with self check-in to use space and staff resources more efficiently. The library’s reference desk was removed, and the circulation desk was reconfigured to be a single service point. New amenities include a comfortable seating area and a Wi-Fi bar with stools and access to power. The computer lab was rearranged into a classroom format for ease of instruction. The space gained by the materials handling system was used to accommodate new staff work spaces.

The Hamline Midway Library made some small changes that resulted in a big impact. Customers are now seen and greeted by staff when they enter the library, thanks to a reorientation of the service desk to face the front entrance. The old desk was replaced by a new, ergonomic desk with an adjustableheight work surface. In the vestibule, painted-over glass panes were replaced, restoring light and visibility. The entire reading room was painted, changing from stark white to a warm, light cocoa brown. Future updates planned for Hamline Midway include more bin containers for children’s books and a new teen seating area.




This year, the Teen Summer Reading Program changed from tracking hours spent reading to earning badges for reading and completing activities on a related theme. Some of the badges appear below.


Renovations at Saint Anthony Park Library have improved public service areas, staff work space, and materials handling. New features include a Wi-Fi bar with power access, reconfigured Internet stations, a self-checkout station, and a materials handling system with self check-in. A single public service point was produced by consolidating two staff service areas into one. The lower level staff work area was reconfigured to provide staff with distinct work spaces.





Attendees at the Summer Reading Program

The number of children who reached their reading goals, measured in total hours.









“ I love to read, but I have less time for it now that I'm 16, and it was really nice to be offered an incentive for making time for something so rewarding!”

- Summer Reading Program participant




EVENTS@THELIBRARY Monarch Butterflies Riverview Library hosted a monarch butterfly-themed celebration in June, introducing an early learning immersion environment, inspired by the monarch butterfly and its annual migration through the Midwest. The monarch also serves as a metaphor for the transformation students experience through the library.

Storytimes offered in eight languages Storytimes are about so much more than stories! They can include puppets, songs, and toys, and cultivate a love for reading in children at a young age, while providing guidance for families to continue literacy building at home. The library offers storytimes in Amharic, English, Hmong, Karen, Mandarin, Oromo, Somalian, and Spanish. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Global Passport Series The Global Passport series provided free cultural activities for kids—from Japanese kites to African drumming.

I ART Families I ART Families celebrated the many forms that families take with the creation of art for display at the Minnesota Museum of American Art’s Project Space.

A Collision of Art and Technology The Saint Paul Public Library is a great place to explore new technologies and hands-on creation. In 2013, four libraries offered creative workshops for adults, where participants experimented and created with inflatables, glowing clothing, folded structures, and shadow puppet animation.

Lady Gaga and the Library The Saint Paul Public Library teamed up with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation for its Read Brave program, designed to encourage youth empowerment through reading. The pop star was in Saint Paul as part of her national concert tour.



StoryWalk This program is offered with Saint Paul Parks and Recreation. StoryWalks feature pages of books on display in parks, allowing participants to walk through the park at their own pace and read a story at the same time.

Musical Notes from Europe A total of 650 people attended the five-part cultural program series Musical Notes from Europe, which included a performance by Dan Chouinard and Prudence Johnson.





Our well-established series continued for another fantastic year, along with several newer initiatives. The Loud at the Library series featured four well-attended programs in the winter/spring of 2013, as well as a successful “Farewell to Summer” block party in Central Library’s courtyard. Community partnerships with The Rose Ensemble and Park

Cultural STAR program with the help of community partners including Cooks of Crocus Hill, Micawber’s Books, Minnesota Historical Society, and Red Balloon Bookshop.

Loud @ the Library Loud at the Library returned for its second year – transforming the historic James J. Hill Library once a month January through April with popular local bands and music trivia with Jeff Kamin. Sponsor Summit Brewing provided a free beer for each library card holder (with proper ID, of course), and Saint Paul Public Library staff were on hand to register new cardholders throughout the metro area. Musical acts such as the Roe Family Singers (pictured), among others, drew large crowds to the historic venue.

Books & Bars: Reinventing the Book Club With The Friends, moderator Jeff Kamin brings his unique take on a public book club show to Amsterdam Bar and Hall every third Tuesday of the month. Kamin has taken the suburban book club tradition and put it in a public bar where people’s opinions flow freely with a little “liquid courage.”

Women’s Human Rights Film Series The Friends and The Advocates for Human Rights present a series of thought-provoking and enlightening films followed by moderated discussions throughout the fall and spring. Films in the series cover a broad range of human rights issues that affect women across the globe.

Square Theatre continue to run strong, resulting in several programs presented in 2013 in partnership with both groups. In October, the Minnesota Book Awards presented its first ever mini-literary festival featuring seven programs in library and community locations throughout Saint Paul. This series was made possible with support from the City of Saint Paul’s


Minnesota Crossword Puzzle Tournament For a second year, solvers tackled three original crossword puzzles created and edited especially for this tournament by local, professional crossword creators whose work has been published in .












Behind the Curtain: Park Square Theatre Periodically throughout the year, The Friends and Park Square Theatre present an evening in conversation with cast members from the latest Park Square Theatre production. Attendees of the program can purchase half-priced tickets to see the Park Square play.


Untold Stories In celebration of Labor History Month each May, the Untold Stories series presents programs and talks on both local and national labor history topics.

The Rose Ensemble The Friends partners with The Rose Ensemble throughout the year to provide educational programs and lecture demonstrations that are culturally enriching, enhance library patron experience, and strengthen communities.

Summer Film Series: “Fridays with Fizgerald” In partnership with Fitzgerald in Saint Paul, a new area nonprofit, The Friends presented four films inspired by the writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald at the Central Library. TABLE OF CONTENTS





Saint Anthony Park Library

Before passing away in 1996, Virginia Sohre planned a large bequest to The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library for books and materials for the St. Anthony Park Library. Nearly twenty years later, her gift is still having a meaningful impact on the children of Saint Paul.


Virginia Gillespie grew up as an only child in the small town of Cresco, Iowa. Due to the time she spent in the local library, she considered the town’s librarian her closest friend. Her passion for reading started at very early age. Later, she attended Miss Woods School for Kindergarten Teachers, now a part of Macalester College in Saint Paul. After teaching for several years in Good Thunder, Minnesota, she married banker and town mayor, Walter Sohre. They eventually settled in St. Anthony Park, Minnesota. Mrs. Sohre loved children, although never had any of her own. Considered a very private person, she played “substitute mother” to the neighborhood children to St. Anthony Park. The children loved to visit her home where she always had special little gifts waiting for them. She expected proper man-


LIBRARY STRATEGIES CONSULTING GROUP DISPATCHES FROM MOLDOVA After working with Romanian Library Friends groups in 2012, Peter Pearson and Sue Hall traveled to Moldova. They represented the Library Strategies Consulting Group (LSCG) at the Moldovan Library Innovations Fair, a fast-paced event that invited Moldovan citizens to discover the past, the present, and open the door into the future of public libraries in Moldova. Organizers had hoped for 200 participants and were wonderfully surprised when over 1,000 people attended the event. Peter and Sue presented a workshop on community engagement while the libraries displayed what they had learned over the past few years and the innovations they are implementing in their communities.

ners in her home and the children came prepared to please her. She taught the children to appreciate reading and to love the nature around them. Virginia Gillespie Sohre was blind in her old age. That did not stop her from reading. She would exclaim “I am reading the best book!” when she shared which book she was listening to on tape. She was a loyal reader and books filled her house in St. Anthony Park. Upon her death in 1996, Mrs. Sohre left a substantial gift to the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library to “purchase children’s books and materials at the St. Anthony Park Branch Library.” It seems only natural that the woman who loved the children of St. Anthony Park left a legacy to them by making certain they will always have what they need to pursue their education and fulfill their love of reading.

LSCG also worked with Moldovan library leaders through the International Research & Exchange Board (IREX) programs, providing training in the areas of fundraising and advocacy. They helped to create a vision for all libraries in the country that will enhance the advancement of technology in urban and rural communities. Both consultants will continue their work in Moldova in 2014.

RURAL LIBRARIES AND LITERACY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (L3) EXPANDS TO WESTERN WISCONSIN L3 is a training program that expanded to western Wisconsin in August 2013. The program was piloted in 2012 with great success for twelve organizations in Minnesota, and is intended to build capacity for rural libraries and literacy organizations. Otto Bremer Foundation research indicates that a focus on libraries and literacy has the potential to have a positive impact on smaller communities. The program is designed and presented through a partnership of Library Strategies and the Minnesota Literacy Council, with support from the Otto Bremer Foundation.



A Library Strategies committee (comprising six Friends staff members) wrote Beyond Book Sales: The Complete Guide to Raising Real Money for Your Library, which was published in summer 2013. REVIEWS


“This highly recommended book will turn the novice into a highly competent (and comfortable!) fundraiser, and those with some experience into an active expert.” THE FRIENDS & SAINT - Sally Gardner Reed, The Voice for America’s Libraries (2013) PA U L P U B L I C L I B R A R Y 18


35 256 790 1200 3500+ 150K









The 25th anniversary season of the Minnesota Book Awards continued in 2013 with an action-packed winter leading up to the spring Awards Ceremony Gala. With the goal of attracting new audiences and creating a winter fundraising event to support the activities of the Book Awards, Plots & Pints: A Minnesota Trivia Quiz was unveiled in late February. Categories ranged from the literary-focused to what was happening in 1988 when the Book Awards program began, to history, politics, music, and more. During the inaugural event, fourteen teams comprising Friends’ Trustees, book clubs, literary organizations, publishers, librarians and Friends competed at O’Gara’s Bar and Grill in Saint Paul. A number of spectators cheered on foursomes with such names

as “The Gopher Prairie Brewing Company”, “Books and Bourbon”, “Lit for Brains”, and more (a prize was given for the most creative team name). “Lit for Brains” went home as the winner, followed by a Saint Paul Public Library team – “Library Bounty Hunters” – in second place. The spring activities of the Book Awards were once again featured in a special insert in the March Minnesota Women’s Press. Funded by the Council of Regional Public Library System Administrators (CRPLSA) through a use of statewide

Legacy funds, the insert was distributed statewide. Included were descriptions of the 32 finalists as well as anniversary events occurring all around Minnesota with previous Book Award finalists and winners such as Kevin Kling, Ellen Hart, Mary Logue, William Durbin, Anton Treuer, Kao Kalia Yang, and Lorna Landvik – just to name a few. Another featured event was the annual “Meet the Finalists” program at Open Book in Minneapolis, presented with the Loft Literary Center.




25th Anniversary

MINNESOTABOOKAWARDS More than 20 finalists gave brief presentations or readings, which were followed by a reception, book sales, and signings. As we headed into April, excitement mounted for the 25th annual Awards Ceremony Gala, presented by Marvin Windows and Doors, held on Saturday, April 12 at the Hilton Minneapolis. As a statewide program, the Book Awards Committee decided to once again hold the event in Minneapolis, reaching out to the West Metro. Nearly 800 people attended the Gala, emceed by the hilarious author and performer, Lorna Landvik. Ms. Landvik struck an appropriateVIDEO ly celebratory tone, and the evening began with a short tribute video created by Saint Paul Neighborhood Network with highlights of winners from the past twenty-five years. The evening ended with champagne and

desserts at the Epilogue Celebration, featuring a live performance by Reina del Cid and the Cidizens. Attendees danced into the night and mingled with the winners and presenters – declaring that, yet again, it was the ‘best awards ceremony ever!’ After the Gala, a new literary map of the state was unveiled: From Main Street to Your Street: Minnesota Writers on the Map. Created by the Book Awards with the Minnesota Historical Society, the roadsized map features 113 writers who have made lasting contributions to the state’s literary legacy. With illustrations by local designer Chad Nestor, the map provides a perfect combination of suggested reading and history lesson for all those interested in our state’s great writers. Thousands of copies were distributed statewide through public libraries and outreach

partners. CRPLSA and Explore Minnesota supported the creation of the map. Throughout the year, libraries around the state presented programs with previous finalists and award winners, supported by a grant from IMLS through the Minnesota Department of Education – State Library Services. Outreach materials such as bookmarks, posters, and reading guides with author interviews and book discussion questions allowed readers to delve a little deeper into the winning titles. In August, nominations opened for the 26th annual Minnesota Book Awards (presented by 3M Library Systems) and staff, partners, and readers around the state got ready for another fantastic year in the world of Minnesota books. Read local!

THANK YOU JUDGES, PANELISTS, AND FACILITATORS Books published in 2013 and created by Minnesota writers or illustrators were eligible for the 25th annual Minnesota Book Awards. From the 256 nominated works, four Award finalists in each category were chosen by panels of preliminary-round judges. The Award winners were then selected by different, final-round judging panels. Individuals from across Minnesota were selected to serve as judges based on their knowledge, diverse perspectives, and expertise in each category. Judges serve on just one panel, and include librarians, booksellers, editors, writers, professors, teachers, and knowledgeable lay readers. Thank you to the following judges, panelists, and facilitators for their hours of work: CATEGORY JUDGES Robert Algeo Kevin Armstrong Andy Bennett Julie Benolken Mark Ceilley Andrew Cleary Tim Crepeau Dan D’Allaird Eugénie de Rosier Norita Dittberner-Jax Alice Duggan Elizabeth Dunn Katelyn Edds Kathy Enger Angela Foster Catherine Friend Barbara Golden Peg Guilfoyle Betsy Halvorson Amy Hanson Candice Hojan

Carolyn Holbrook Jon Jeffryes Stephanie Knudson Joey Lee Bronson Lemer Melinda Ludwiczak Ann McKinley Carrie Mercer Shawn Neary Rodney Nelsestuen Peter I. Pearson Matt Rasmussen Paige Riehl Julie Rustad Nasir Sakandar Mary Beth Sancomb-Moran Therese Scherbel Thomas Schmid Rachel Smoka-Richardson Ruth Solie Sarah Stonich Charlotte Sullivan

Terri Sutton Jennifer Syverson Jennifer Verbrugge Linda White Sara Dovre Wudali BOOK ARTIST AWARD PANEL Tim Johnson Peggy Korsmo-Kennon Chad Nestor Kristi Wermager Lori Williamson KAY SEXTON AWARD PANEL Pat Coleman Richard Robbins Julie Schumacher Martin Schmutterer Nancy Walton FACILITATORS

Jessica Franck David Katz Sally Lederer Barb Pierce Sammy Shaw Barb Sippel Bailey Veesenmeyer Lori Williamson Amy Zimmer


Applications are open through September 12 for the next Minnesota Book Awards.

MINNESOTA BOOK AWARDS STAFF Director: Alayne Hopkins Coordinators: Ann Nelson Bailey Veessenmeyer 2012-2013 INTERNS: Jessica Franck David Katz Sammy Shaw

Tanya Bell Lisa Bolt Simons

25TH ANNUAL MINNESOTA BOOK AWARD WINNERS Children’s Literature Sponsored by Books For Africa It’s a Tiger! by David LaRochelle, illustrated by Jeremy Tankard (Chronicle Books)

Mni Sota Makoce: The Land of the Dakota by Gwen Westerman and Bruce White (Minnesota Historical Society Press)

General Nonfiction Sponsored by Minnesota AFL-CIO

Novel & Short Story Sponsored by Education Minnesota

Rez Life: An Indian’s Journey Through Reservation Life by David Treuer (Atlantic Monthly Press/Grove/Atlantic, Inc.)

The Round House by Louise Erdrich (Harper/ HarperCollins Publishers)

Genre Fiction Sponsored by Marvin Windows & Doors

Poetry Sponsored by Wellington Management, Inc.

Curse of the Jade Lily by David Housewright (Minotaur Books/St. Martin’s Press)


Minnesota Sponsored by Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle (MS&R)

Odessa by Patricia Kirkpatrick (Milkweed Editions)

Memoir & Creative Nonfiction Sponsored by Leonard, Street and Deinard

Young People’s Literature Sponsored by Sit Investment Associates

Turn Here Sweet Corn: Organic Farming Works by Atina Diffley (University of Minnesota Press)

Nothing Special by Geoff Herbach (Sourcebooks Fire/ Sourcebooks, Inc.) 22



10 GREAT YEARS OF OPUS & OLIVES! Opus & Olives celebrated its tenth anniversary by making a big move to Saint Paul’s RiverCentre, and The Friends and the Pioneer Press/ hosted their biggest ever literary gala. Ten years ago, an audience of just over 400 guests attended the first Opus & Olives – the 2013 event had a guest list of over 1,100! Not only has the guest list grown, but the list of corporate sponsors has also expanded, with RBC Wealth Management taking the lead as the presenting sponsor of Opus & Olives for all 10 years. The evening began with a fast, fun retrospective video capturing past years where returning VIDEO guests could see themselves mingling with great authors. This year’s authors were no exception. John Searles was the witty, energetic emcee. Searles’ newest book, Help for the Haunted was one of a string of his bestselling novels. Searles was joined by one of America’s best loved ex-pat authors, Bill Bryson, highlighting his newest



BESTSELLER PARTNERS: Delta Air Lines Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. and the Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Mairs and Power Travelers

RECOMMENDED READ PARTNERS: Acendas Travel HMS Host J.J. Taylor Distributing MGM Wine & Spirits of East Saint Paul and Woodbury Resolution Graphics The Saint Paul Hotel Thomson Reuters Xcel Energy 3M

ADDITIONAL SPONSORS: AMR – A Marketing Resource, LLC BankCherokee

Bremer Bank Common Good Books District Energy Ecolab Ergodyne Frauenshuh HealthCare Real Estate Solutions Guy Carpenter and Company, LLC HarperCollins Publishers Larkin Hoffman Attorneys Lawal Scott Erickson Architects Leonard, Street & Deinard Lexus of Maplewood Metropolitan State University Foundation Nelson, Tietz & Hoye Random House, Inc. Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP St. Paul Radiology Foundation Saint Paul Restaurants: O’Gara’s, Mancini’s, Skinner’s, and Tommy Chicago’s United Hospital US Foods The Waterbury Group at Morgan Stanley Wellington Management, Inc. Western Bank Wilkerson Associates Winthrop & Weinstine

novel, One Summer, America 1927.

and Frank Delaney.

J. Courtney Sullivan’s novel Engagements was a huge hit, featuring stories that included the history of diamonds in America. Sullivan is also the author of Maine and Commencement

The Friends is extremely proud of Opus & Olives and we know that its success is attributed to great guests who return each year and an ongoing cast of wonderful corporate sponsors. If you don’t have this year’s date on the calendar, put it there. We’ll see you on Sunday, October 12, 2014 to begin the next decade of Opus & Olives.

Wally Lamb moved out of the usual presentation format and interviewed himself, asking and answering questions about his newest novel, We Are Water. Dennis Lehane rounded out the program talking about his blockbuster, Live by Night. Lehane ended the evening by leaving our guests with a passionate message about the critical need for support for America’s libraries.



The Friends continues to hear from the publishing world that Opus & Olives is the best book event in the country (with book sales over $20,000, we can’t argue!). The event gives rookie authors the opportunity to build an instant fan base (Robert Kurson, Shadow Divers). It showcases emerging authors who are about to explode on the national scene (Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl) and has featured well-loved authors like Vince Flynn, Michael Connelly, Nikki Giovanni








2012 (as restated)









$ 636,939

$ 213,214

$ 160,266

$ 1,010,419

$ 492,674

$ 176,126



















REVENUE Institutional Contributions Individual Contributions Capital Campaign Contributions Consulting Service Fees


Investment Income




Private funds (including funds from The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library




Fees and Sales




Other government



Misc (interest, fund balance use)



$ 668,800 75,622


Income from Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Others: Investment Income from Third Party Trust


Net Increase in Value of Interests









Speical Event, Net




Other Revenue









Net Assets Released from Restrictions Total Revenue







1,005 12,618















Collection and Supplies




Capital Outlay






Programs: 1,112,913




Capital Campaign for the Library

City of Saint Paul property tax

Grants to the Library





Program Expenses











Support Services: Management and General





Fund Development









Total Expenses










Other Revenue

$ 67,602

Investment from Third Party Trust

$ 12,333 Special Events, Net

Net Value in Increase of Interests

$ 158,249

$ 1,010,419

City of Saint Paul property tax

Fund Development Management and General Institutional Contributions


$ 412,516


Capital Campaign for the Library

$ 121,229

$ 1,010,419

$ 3,261,677

$ 1,112,913



$ 11,267,632 Individual Contributions


Investment Income


Grants to the Library

$ 441,462 Capital Campaign Contributions


Consulting Fee Services


Capital Campaign for the Library

$ 1,747,273

Private Funds (Including Funds from The Friends)

$ 747,436

Collections and Supplies Fees and Sales

$ 466,900

$ 2,362,537

Other Government

$ 838,705


$ 96,661

Capital Outlay

$ 292,800


$ 550,218





Our most generous individual members, represented by The Donor Society, provide an important foundation for the work of the The Friends. The John and Myrtle Briggs Circle and The Perrie Jones Circle comprise the Donor Society. Membership in the Donor Society reflects tax-deductible donations to The Friends in the previous year.

THE BRIGGS CIRCLE recognizes individuals who have made a planned gift to The Friends. Marvin and Gloria Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Barbara T. Anderson Thomas J. Bastasz Metta and Jon Belisle Arthur F. Bergstrom Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby Mrs. Warren Bjorklund W. Andrew and Linda Boss Tom and Liz Boyd Steve and Gail Brand Virginia and Rawley Brodeen Kathleen E. Cleary Jane and Gary Clements William and Maureen Cosgriff Elizabeth Cowie Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Maggi and Richard Davern Susan and Bryan Dowd Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw Dzik John Faley Richard T. and Carole Faricy Elizabeth Fesler Rose Ann Foreman Suzanne Fry Susan Guernsey Mary Hayes

Harold and Agatha Hebl Scott and Kathy Heiderich Julie F. Holmen George and Ann Hubbs Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch James E. Johnson and Lucy Rosenberry Jones Louise and Dick Jones Elizabeth J. Keyes Rita Lafferty Nowell Leitzke Irv and Gwen Lerner Nan P. Lightner Margaret Lussky Jennifer A. Mateer Erma E. McGuire Nancy W. McKillips Robert and Roberta Megard Edie Meissner Wendy Moylan Judy Nelson Richard and Joan Newmark Patricia J. Paine Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Julian G. Plante Truman and Noelyn Porter

Alice D. Proud Rozanne L. Ridgway D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Alan and Sally Ruvelson Carol and Jay Ryan Deanna Sande Dick Sarafolean John and Dorothy Scanlan Gerald and Joann Steenberg Kathleen H. Stuart Tom and Arlene Swain Shirley A. Taube Mary Ida Thomson Dolores Ullstrom Susan L. Vento Paul and Carolyn Verret Laura Wachter Ellen E. Watters Jeanne Weigum Annette and John Whaley Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Sybil S. Woutat Ann Wynia Jill D. Zahniser


Douglas and Dana Bruce Carolyn Brusseau Barbara J. Burleigh Scott and Sarah Burns Kathleen R. Callahan Ann and Jon Cieslak Kenneth and Michele Chin-Purcell Sharon and Bill Clapp Jane and Gary Clements The Honorable Christopher B. Coleman Michael and Leslie Connelly William and Maureen Cosgriff Russell Cowles Page and Jay Cowles Donald and Sandy Craighead Paul and Kady Dadlez Lydia Crawford and Phil Davies Harold and Leigh Crump John and Bethany Culp

Andrew Currie and Ames Sheldon Terry Devitt Michael J. Dickson Susan and Bryan Dowd Frank Dowding Joan Duddingston Trudy Ebert Michael Eckhardt Richard T. and Carole Faricy David E. Feinberg Elizabeth Fesler Litton E. and Anne Hazelroth Field Rose Ann Foreman Willis M. Forman Caroline and Dutton Foster Cynthia M. Foster Angie Fotopoulous and Mary LaVaque Edward F. Fox Jeanette Frederickson William and Bonita Frels

Jean and B. C. Hart Mary Hayes Douglas R. Heidenreich Scott and Kathy Heiderich Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck William and Susan Hodgson Susan Hoel O. C. Hognander Jr Dennis and Bettina Hoye Stanley S. and Karen Hubbard George and Ann Hubbs Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt John and Ruth Huss Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Robert Johnson Sandra L. Johnson James E. Johnson and Lucy Rosenberry Jones Lani Jordan Michael and Deb Jorgensen Art and Martha Kaemmer Steve Kantner Thomas and Marlene Kayser Elizabeth J. Keyes Janice Kispert Allan Klein and Harriet Lansing Harrison and Sharene Klein John and Maureen Knapp William and Diane Krueger Jean Kummerow James and Gail LaFave Jack and Norma Lanners George Latimer Lillian Leatham David and Elizabeth Lee Tom and Bridget Lee Nowell Leitzke

James and Susan Lenfestey Diana and Ken Lewis Perrin and David Lilly Margaret Lussky Mary Kathleen and Michael Magnuson William Mahlum and Donna Allen David and Kerstin March Peg Marrinan Marc Marty Rodney and Nancy Mason Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Katherine McGill Erma E. McGuire Nancy W. McKillips Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Malcolm and Wendy McLean Thomas and Barbara McLeod John McMahon Kathleen McMahon Eileen McMahon and Steve Karbon Douglas and Ann McMillan Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Priscilla McNulty Thomas and Joan Mears Gerald and Jeanne* Meigs Lynn Middleton-Koller Debra Mitts-Smith and Marschall Smith William Moore and Mary Wagner David and Amy Moore Mrs. Albert Moorman Wendy Moylan Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Judy Nelson Alice and Leon Neve Richard and Joan Newmark Richard and Nancy Nicholson Todd and Martha Nicholson

Ford and Catherine Nicholson Mark and Jackie Nolan James and Judy O’Donnell Vivian Orey Marilyn Orr Molly O’Shaughnessy Lynn M. Oyanagi Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum Bonnie R. Palmquist Joan and David Pasiuk Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Jane Peterson John and Debra Peterson Julian G. Plante Patricia Ploetz Truman and Noelyn Porter George and Diane Power David and Maria Reamer Jennifer F. Reedy Jane Richards Mark and Shelly Richards Rozanne L. Ridgway Susan and Joseph Robinson Louis and Gretchen Rodgers Kari and Dan Rominski D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Mary Rothchild Terrance and Kathy Russell Carol and Jay Ryan Betsy Sagnes C. Sanborn and C. Colantti James A. Scannell Sandra K. Schloff Joe and Ann Schrader Mary Beth and Eric Schubert Penelope Scialla Councilmember Russ Stark Gerald and Joann Steenberg

N. Stewart and Caroline Stone Kathleen H. Stuart Tom and Arlene Swain Holly and Geoff Sylvester Shirley A. Taube Gary Taylor Jon and Lea Theobald Patrick and Jane Thiele James and Sharon Toscano Paul, Amy, Lily and Oscar Vargo Susan L. Vento Paul and Carolyn Verret Thomas and Barbara Votel Margaret C. Walsh Jean M. West Arlene West and Kevin Bevis F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser Annette and John Whaley Linda Wilcox and Russ Havir Charles H. Williams Jr. Deborah and Bruce Willms Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Joe Wolkowicz Charles Wright Biloine W. Young Paul and Debbie Zisla *Deceased

THE LOYALTY CIRCLE The following individuals have contributed to The Friends for ten or more consecutive years. The Loyalty Circle recognizes these dedicated and visionary donors.

THE PERRIE JONES CIRCLE recognizes individuals who have made substantial annual gifts (over $500) to The Friends Julia and James Adams Mary Anne Anderson Elizabeth S. Andrews Robert and Diane Awsumb Nadja Baer and Nathan Lueth Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Cheryl Bailey Marlys Barry Metta and Jon Belisle Tanya Lea Bell and Lee Schafer Richard Berowski Elizabeth Bixby Gregory Blees and Sandra Lloyd-Blees Bill and Christine Bluhm Ken and Peggy Bonneville W. Andrew and Linda Boss Tom and Liz Boyd Steven and Nancy Brady Steve and Gail Brand Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner


Suzanne Fry Lynn L. Fumuso Pamela and Bill Gengler R. James and Rene Gesell John Edgerton and Heidi R. Gesell Bonita J. Giacherio Nancy Giguere and Bruce Tyler Tom Gilde Carla and Scott Gillespie Lynn Giovannelli Joseph W. Glenski Warren and Ki Ki Gore Lia Gore Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Kit Hadley and Cynthia Fay Erik and Jana Hagen Sue Hall Robyn Hansen and John Clarey Patrick and Laura Harris

Julia and Jim Adams Mary Jane Addison Mary Ann Adrian Meredith Alden Anita D. Alexander Joel and Teresa Anderson Roger and Marge Anderson Marvin and Gloria Anderson Sandy and Arthur Anderson Jerome and Constance Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Barbara T. Anderson Wilfrid J. Anderson Christine Anning Murray and Arlene Appelbaum John and Nina Archabal Harriet H. Arend Nathan and Libby Arnosti Roxanne Aschittino Beatrice P. Backer Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Carol A. Baldwin Geraldine Balter Adrienne B. Banks Betty E. Barrett Mary L. Barrett Paul and Jera Barthol Barb Bassett Thomas J. Bastasz

Julie M. Baum Susan Baxter John and Ann Behmler Lynn M. Belgea Metta and Jon Belisle Frank and Kathleen Berdan Howard and Jane Bergstrom Carolyn H. Bingham Elizabeth A. Biorn Herman J. Birnberg Robert Bishaw Elizabeth Bixby Daniel and Patricia Blaskowski E. J. Block Walter and Jacqueline Blue Jerald Bonstrom Jane D. Bose George and Linda Bounds Tom and Liz Boyd Marge Boyle Shirley M. Brady Steven and Nancy Brady Steve and Gail Brand Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner Virginia and Rawley Brodeen Dianne M. Brooke Peter and Ellen Brown Carolyn Brusseau Roger F. Burg

Dorothea J. Burns Robert and Cathy Burrell Clifford Caine Richard and Ann Cammack Linda J. Camp Shirley Campbell Jane Carlstrom and David Decker Sharon L. Casey John and Marjory Christensen David and Michelle Christianson Michael Chutich and Susan Gretz Ann and Jon Cieslak Nancy Cincotta Sharon and Bill Clapp Chris P. Claude Beth Cleary and Peter Rachleff Kathleen E. Cleary Jane and Gary Clements Lowell and Anita Clingman Adeline E. Cohen Barry B. Cohen Ann Cohen and John Glasenapp John and Mary Comford Phyllis J. Conlin Michael and Leslie Connelly Phebe L. Connolly Carmen K. Converse Edward and Monica Cook Jonathan and Julie Cook

Harlan Copeland William and Maureen Cosgriff Elizabeth Cowie Page and Jay Cowles John Coy and Fiona McCrae Matt Crellin and Joan Cochran Nora Crowley John and Bethany Culp Kathy Cummings Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Katherine R. Curtis Jean K. Curtis-Neitz Mary Beth Cutting Wendell DeBoer Judith Devine and Dennis Hayden Nancy L. Devine Ariel W. Dickerman Rita and Mark Dillon Rosemary K. Dilworth Margaret and Stephen Donohue William J. Donovan Frank Dowding




THE LOYALTY CIRCLE David and Tammy Downing Thomas and Suzanne Ducker Joan Duddingston Katherine DuGarm Harvey Dundas and Rosalie Bunge Margaret E. Durham Robert and Carol Dye Agnes M. Dynes Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw Dzik Kent and Katherine Eklund Alice H. Engelman Mary A. Ericksen Carole Erickson Mari Espeland and Kenneth Dahlberg Audrey Estebo and John Eaton Richard J. Evans Sonia Feder-Lewis and Michael Lewis Elizabeth Fesler John and Ester Fesler Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler Mary Morrissey Finley Kathleen Flynn Susan C. Flynn Kenneth and Barbara Ford Rose Ann Foreman Willis M. Forman Edward F. Fox Kathleen S. Franzen William and Bonita Frels Lynn L. Fumuso Bruce and Alice Gaarder Charlene Gabler and Eric Ditlevson Frederick and Barbara Gaiser Francis and Margot Galt Bill and Ann Geery Kathryn I. Gerber Patricia and Donald Gerlach R. James and Rene Gesell Bonita J. Giacherio Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski Frances H. Gladish Joseph W. Glenski Sharon K. Goligowski Warren and Ki Ki Gore Georgia and James Greeley Audrey Green Adele and Thomas Greenlee John and Virginia Greenman Mary Griffin and Ray Dietman Ronald, Marie and Katherine Grimm Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Susan Guernsey Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Douglas and Rosalie Guthrie Daniel and Maura Hackenmueller Kit Hadley and Cynthia Fay Erik and Jana Hagen Sue Hall Peter Hames Patricia Hampl and Terrence Williams Mark and Brenda Hansen Virginia R. Harris Jean and B. C. Hart Sally and Robert Hart Marion Hartwick James and Sharon Haselmann Patricia Haswell and Richard Todd Jody A. Hauer Andrea Hauser and L. Charles Hardy Teresa and Stephen Hawkins John Hay and Martha Wegner

THE LOYALTY CIRCLE Harold and Agatha Hebl Nancy and Peter Heege Douglas R. Heidenreich David and Ann Heider Scott and Kathy Heiderich Rosella C. Heine Lorraine and Marcus Hertz Peter Herzog and June Wheeler Russell Heuckendorf Thomas Hiendlmayr and Jan Ormasa Ruth and Peter Hinsch Mollie Hoben Lynn Hodulik Jeanne Hoff Marion L Holly Julie F. Holmen Esther Holtz Mike and Kathy Hopkins Michael and Patricia Houston John and Judy Howe Peter and Gladys Howell Dennis and Bettina Hoye Robert and Karen Hoyle Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson James and Janet Huberty Howard and Mary Ann Huelster Janet B. Humphrey Ruby Hunt Louis and Ida Lee Hurvitz John and Ruth Huss Rosamond Jacob Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Eugene Jax and Norita Dittberner-Jax Robert Johns and Linda Hennum Ellen Johnson Jo Ann Johnson and David Lenander James Johnson and Margaret Wirth-Johnson James E. Johnson and Lucy Rosenberry Jones Sandra L. Johnson Lani Jordan W. Patrick and Karen Judge Art and Martha Kaemmer Mary Kalish-Johnson and Richard Johnson Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Linda Kantner Steve Kantner Anne Kaplan and Jim Moss Steven L. Kaplan Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan Stanley M. and Joyce L. Karbowski Patricia M. Karr David and Joanne Karvonen Alfred and Sharon Kauth Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain Jerry Evan Kelley Martin and Esther Kellogg Frank Kennedy Charles Kernkamp and Kay Reich Susan Keskinen and Dennis Cornhill Elizabeth J. Keyes Frank King and Johanne King Vincent and Barbara King Gilbert and Dawn Kinnunen Robert and Elaine Kirk Mary Louise Klas Bob and Sandy Klas Harrison and Sharene Klein

John and Carol Kline Dorothy Belgum Knight Carolyn and Clayton Knutson Stephen and Mary Kodluboy Lorraine D. Koenen P. Kenneth Kohnstamm and Naomi Perman Ted and Marjorie Kolderie Sharon M. Kremer Marit Lee Kucera Sara Ellen Kuether Gloria L. Kumagai and Steve Savitt Jean Kummerow Joseph J. Kuznik James and Gail LaFave Laurel J. Lapore Louella A. Larsen George Latimer Robert and Eva Launer Betty Pat Leach Carol and Jim LeDuc Nowell Leitzke Ann and Terrence Lemke Irv and Gwen Lerner Anne T. Levin Nan P. Lightner Perrin Lilly Holly J. Lindsay Dorothy Lipschultz Tom and Ginny Lufkin Richard and Juanita Luis Laura C. Lundell Margaret Lussky Ron and Cathy Lutz Gloria MacRae Thomas and Leann Mahoney Thomas G. Mairs Robert and Helen Mairs Howard and Suzanne Malmon Mary Ellen Malone Bruce and Ellen Mamer Lois Marrinan Peg Marrinan Todd and Judith Marshall Shannon Marting and David Senf Julene R. Maruska Rodney and Nancy Mason Catherine Mason Jennifer A. Mateer Steven Mattaini and Rita McConnell Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Richard and Regina McCarthy William and Virginia McDonald John and Sandra McFarland Virginia S. McGough John and Barbara McGowan Erma E. McGuire Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Malcolm and Wendy McLean Kathleen McMahon Mary B. McMillan Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Robert and Edith McShannock Stephen S. McVay Robert and Roberta Megard Ann Peddle Meitz and David Meitz Kathleen Menard Peter and Susan Mitchell Jean M. Moede Mark and Cecilia Morrow Wendy Moylan Paul and Patricia Mulcahy

Dana Murdoch and Roger Meyer Nancy R. Myers Janice W. Nelson Deborah A. Nelson Richard and Ruth Nerud Alice and Leon Neve Richard and Joan Newmark Ford and Catherine Nicholson Richard and Nancy Nicholson Todd and Martha Nicholson Elinor Nicklawske Diane L. Niemela Jayne Niemi and Richard Lund Gerald M. Nolte James R. and Luella R. Noren Dolores O’Brien Ellen Olsen and Sue Snyder Scott and Judy Olsen Mark and Norma Olson Leonard R. Oppenheimer and Lydia A. Schultz Janice M. Ostrem John and Martha O’Toole Dale and Colette Otto Lynn M. Oyanagi Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum Patricia J. Paine Bonnie R. Palmquist Dan and Pat Panshin Joan and David Pasiuk Thomas and Sally Patterson Mary and Terry Patton Shirley White Pearl Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Marjorie Pearson Patricia G. Pelto Beverly and James Peterson David C. Peterson Greg and Sharon Peterson Karen and Daniel Peterson Paul and Margy Peterson Scott and Jennifer Peterson Polly S. Pfost Wayne and Ona Pinsonneault Walter Pistner Julian G. Plante Diane Plante and Dick Hensold Laura D. Platt Truman and Noelyn Porter George and Diane Power Leroy J. Quale Karen S. Randall Celeste R. Raspanti Diane M. Reisdorfer Thomas A. Renshaw Susie Reynolds and David Giles Lori Ricke and Eric Dunn Marion E. Rickel Rozanne L. Ridgway Richard and Krispen Ridgway Geraldine M. Ritter Joel and Gail Roberts Mary and John Roche Thomas and Mary Jo Rogalski Thomas and Jo Anne Rohricht Kari and Dan Rominski Mary F. Rosenthal D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Kathleen E. Rothrock Wendy and Steve Rubin Michael and Regula Russelle Alan and Sally Ruvelson

Edwin and Jennifer Ryan Daniel and Susan Ryan Carol and Jay Ryan Anders and Ewa Rydaker Stacey Sagedahl Conradine Sanborn and Christopher Colantti Deanna Sande Dick Sarafolean Margaret Schally Mary T. Schertler Katherine Schilling Daniel and Yvonne Schivone Sandra K. Schloff Jason and Anne Schlukebier Lise L. Schmidt Thomas Schuh Clarence and Betty Schultz Julie Schumacher and Lawrence Jacobs Penelope Scialla Laura J. Secord Emily F. Seesel Estelle Q. Sell Inta Sellars and Bill Jeronimus Andrew Shaw and Jan Shaw-Flamm Jane A. Shriver William and Barbara Sippel Mary Louise R. Sirignano Craig and Barb Skone Kenneth and Diane Skrien

H. Douglas and Mary Smith Duane R. Smith Karen Smith Michael Smith and Dorothy Schlesselman James and Joanne Smith Deborah Smith-Wright Yvonne M. Snidarich Barbara Snowfield David and Susanne Spitzer Shannon Staiger Gerald and Joann Steenberg Donald Steinkraus William and Marilyn Stock Carol Stoddart Elona Street-Stewart Sharon D. Sturdivant Mary Margaret Sullivan Stephen Sutten and Anna Cherry Tom and Arlene Swain Eleanor L. Swanson Nina and Michael Sweeney Holly and Geoff Sylvester Margaret C. Talbot Shirley A. Taube Carol A. Tauer Marilynn J. Taylor Donald and Mary Tehven Rudy and Eleanor Thell Jon and Lea Theobald

Micheal Thompson and Rebecca Ganzel Thompson Echo J. Thoren Margaret O. Thorpe Leo Timmons and Kate Havelin Karen Titrud Robert and Miriam Titzler Thomas and Patricia Tommet David and Kathleen Tregilgas Laurie and Dale Tremain John and Beth Trend Cynthia Unowsky and Thomas Badow Linda M. Valen Marcella M. Vener Susan L. Vento Judith Vermeland-Wendt Bernice Vetsch Edward and Virginia Vizard James K. Vogt Alice and Craig Vollmar Elaine M. Wagner Jenifer Wagner Nancy C. Wagner Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Doug and Peg Wangensteen Charles and Susan Ward Robert and Susan Warde Ellen Watters and Ann Fendorf Leon and Melinda Webster Stephen and Katherine Wellington Susan Steger Welsh

Jean M. West F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser Annette and John Whaley Barbara Whipple John and Sandy White Jeremy White and Randi Madisen Mary K. Wick David Wickstrom Nancy Wiens and Rick Nelson Linda Wilcox and Russ Havir Richard and Lucy Wilhoit Raymond and Elizabeth Willis Deborah and Bruce Willms Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Kent and Missy Wilson Sheila and Horst Winderlich Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Joe Wolkowicz Laurel G. Woodruff Sybil S. Woutat Thomas Wulling and Marilyn Benson Maryann Wycoff Ann Wynia Alice Yamane Leslie Yoder Biloine W. Young Erin Zolotukhin-Ridgway and Andrei Zolotukhin

THE LOYALTY CIRCLE BREAKFAST Every year The Friends hosts a speical breakfast for our Loyalty Ciricle contributors. Since 2008, some of the finest writers in Minnesota have entertained and inspired The Friends’ Loyalty Circle members at the annual event.





INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS One of the most important contributing factors to the quality of our great library is you, our members and supporters. We want to thank you for making 2013 a year of continued excellence. ($10,000 and above) Kathleen R. Callahan Michael and Leslie Connelly John and Ruth Huss Rozanne L. Ridgway Patrick and Jane Thiele Sandra K. Schloff

($2,000 to $9,999) Tanya Lea Bell and Lee Schafer Gregory Blees and Sandra Lloyd-Blees W. Andrew and Linda Boss Douglas and Dana Bruce Scott and Sarah Burns William and Maureen Cosgriff Page and Jay Cowles Terry Devitt Litton E. and Anne Hazelroth Field William and Bonita Frels Heidi Gesell and John Edgerton Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Kit Hadley and Cynthia Fay Sue Hall Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck Thomas and Marlene Kayser George Latimer Diana and Ken Lewis Perrin and David Lilly Thomas and Barbara McLeod Kathleen McMahon Eileen McMahon and Steve Karbon Debra Mitts-Smith and Marschall Smith Richard and Nancy Nicholson Vivian Orey Peter and Mary Ann Pearson D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Terrance and Kathy Russell James and Sharon Toscano Margaret C. Walsh Annette and John Whaley Charles H. Williams Jr.

($1,000 to $1,999) Julia and James Adams Mary Anne Anderson Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Cheryl Bailey Marlys Barry Bill and Christine Bluhm Tom and Liz Boyd Steve and Gail Brand Russell Cowles Donald and Sandy Craighead Harold and Leigh Crump Susan and Bryan Dowd Angie Fotopoulous and Mary LaVaque Edward F. Fox R. James and Rene Gesell Tom Gilde Carla and Scott Gillespie TABLE OF CONTENTS

Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Erik and Jana Hagen Robyn Hansen and John Clarey Stanley S. and Karen Hubbard Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson James E. Johnson and Lucy Rosenberry Jones Lani Jordan Art and Martha Kaemmer Tom and Bridget Lee William Mahlum and Donna Allan Erma E. McGuire Priscilla McNulty Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Alice and Leon Neve Mark and Jackie Nolan Marilyn Orr Bonnie R. Palmquist Tom and Sally Patterson Patricia Ploetz George and Diane Power Jennifer and Christopher Reedy Susan and Joseph Robinson Conradine Sanborn and Christopher Colantti Joe and Ann Schrader Mary Beth Schubert and Eric Schubert Gerald and Joann Steenberg N. Stewart and Caroline Stone Shirley A. Taube Gary D. Taylor Jon and Lea Theobald Paul, Amy, Lily and Oscar Vargo Thomas and Barbara Votel Arlene West and Kevin Bevis Jean M. West Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Joe Wolkowicz Charles Wright

($500 to $999) Elizabeth S. Andrews Robert A. and Diane Awsumb Nadja Baer and Nathan Lueth Metta and Jon Belisle Richard Berowski Elizabeth Bixby Ken and Peggy Bonneville Steven and Nancy Brady Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner Carolyn Brusseau Barbara J. Burleigh Kenneth and Michele Chin-Purcell Ann and Jon Cieslak Sharon and Bill Clapp The Honorable Christopher B. Coleman Lydia Crawford and Phil Davies John and Bethany Culp Andrew Currie and Ames Sheldon Paul and Kady Dadlez Frank Dowding Joan Duddingston Trudy Ebert Michael Eckhardt David E. Feinberg Rose Ann Foreman Cynthia M. Foster

Caroline and Dutton Foster Jeanette Frederickson Lynn L. Fumuso Pamela and Bill Gengler Bonita J. Giacherio Nancy Giguere and Bruce Tyler Lynn and Gino Giovannelli Joseph W. Glenski Lia Gore Mary Hayes Douglas R. Heidenreich Scott and Kathy Heiderich William and Susan Hodgson Susan Hoel O. C. Hognander Jr Dennis and Bettina Hoye Ruby Hunt Sandra L. Johnson Michael and Deb Jorgensen Steve Kantner Elizabeth J. Keyes Janice Kispert Harrison and Sharene Klein John and Maureen Knapp William and Diane Krueger Jean Kummerow James and Gail LaFave David and Elizabeth Lee James and Susan Lenfestey Margaret Lussky Mary Kathleen and Michael Magnuson David and Kerstin March Peg Marrinan Marc Marty Rodney and Nancy Mason Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Katherine McGill Nancy W. McKillips Malcolm and Wendy McLean John McMahon Douglas and Ann McMillan Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Thomas and Joan Mears Jerry Meigs Lynn Middleton-Koller David and Amy Moore Wendy Moylan Richard and Joan Newmark Ford and Catherine Nicholson Todd and Martha Nicholson James and Judy O’Donnell Molly O’Shaughnessy Lynn M. Oyanagi Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum Andrea Parsons Joan and David Pasiuk Jane Peterson John and Debra Peterson Jane Richards Mark and Shelly Richards Louis and Gretchen Rodgers Kari and Dan Rominski Mary Rothchild Betsy Sagnes James A. and Hope Scannell Penelope Scialla Councilmember Russ Stark Kathleen H. Stuart

INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS ($500 to $999) Tom and Arlene Swain Holly and Geoff Sylvester Linda Wilcox and Russ Havir Deborah and Bruce Willms Ann Wynia Biloine W. Young Paul and Debbie Zisla

($250 to $499) Eileen M. Adams William and Mary Bard Roberta Beach Arthur F. Bergstrom Craig and Stephanie Bowron Melissa J. Brechon Christopher Brown Kathryn Brown Peter and Ellen Brown Michael Burbach and Mary Thomas Pamela Burkley and John Peterson Julie Cedarleaf Butler Richard and Ann Cammack Penny and Cecil Chally Lisa Clark Jane and Gary Clements David Cleveland and Carol Stack Patricia M. Combs Jon and Beth Commers Phebe L. Connolly Theodore Davis and Andrea Casselton Atina Diffley Judith Donohue Alden Drew and Mimi Pollard Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw Dzik Jane Eastwood James and Susan Edberg Tim and Rebecca Emory Audrey Estebo and John Eaton Eilzabeth Falk Andrew Faltesek and Stephen Faltesek Paulette and Stephen Filing Mary Morrissey Finley Kathleen Flynn Gina and Preston Fox Genevieve and David Freier Jennifer Gaisbauer Francis and Margot Galt Patricia and Donald Gerlach Mary Gillespie Barbara L. Golden Nancy Goldman Warren and Ki Ki Gore Deborah and Thomas Grealy Amy Grove Jennifer Gunn Daniel and Maura Hackenmueller Mary Jo and Mark Hallberg Matt Haney David Hansen and Karen Lilley Katherine Harris James Hartmann Cynthia Heelan David and Ann Heider Samantha Henningson Marianne Herrmann and Jon Beckstrand

Richard and Beverly Heydinger Susan Hoeffel Beth Hoffman and Ted Zukowski Jeffrey and Robin Holland Douglas and Beth Holod David and Marjorie Hols Nancy Homans Michael and Patricia Houston Paul Jacobson Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Anne Joseph and Philip McGlave Linda Kantner Phyllis Karasov and Dr. Alan Olstein Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel Martin and Esther Kellogg Sean Kennedy and Suzanne Sheridan Mark Larson and Mary B. Kennedy Julie and Robert King Susan Kingsbury Allan Klein and Harriet Lansing Melanie Kluender Ted and Marjorie Kolderie PK Kriha Barbara A. Kucera William and Diane Kuhlmann Kathryn Lamp David and Roberta Lamps Council President Kathleen Lantry Andrea and Robert Lapsley Deborah and Andrew Lee Donald Leeper Ona Lentz Irv and Gwen Lerner Suzanne C. LeRoy Ritva and Matt Liiste Sara and James Lovat Melinda Ludwiczak Tom and Ginny Lufkin Ron and Cathy Lutz Karen L. Mackenzie and W. Brooks Donald Joseph and Virginia Mallof John I. Marshall Susan Marvin Amy Maturen Julia Sue McAllister Virginia McAninch Richard and Regina McCarthy Malcolm and Patricia McDonald William and Virginia McDonald Cynthia McGowan-Heath and Timothy Heath Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Robert and Roberta Megard Andrew Mellin Robert and Mary Mersky Carrie Ann Meyerhoff Stacey and Sam Mills Heins Jenny Mockenhaupt David and Alyce Morgan Sara and Michael Mountain Carol Munson Robert Muschewske Judy Nelson Kimberly Nightingale Aleisha Nordin Jean and John O’Connell Shawn and Rebecca Otto Patricia J. Paine Neal Peterson and Deanna Thompson Karen and Daniel Peterson Donald and Aline Petzold Polly S. Pfost Christine and Kent Larson

Lindsay and David Polyak Gene and Judy Rayburn Judith L. Rehak Don and Paula Reynolds Christine H. Rider Mary and John Roche Dennis and Jenny Rosemark Anne Rozga Jim and Sandra Rutzick Edwin and Jennifer Ryan Ellen Mary Saul Laura J. Secord Renate Sharp Sharon and Hiro Shinomiya Miriam Simmons and James Schenz William and Barbara Sippel Debra Sit and Peter Berge Paul and Katherine Solon Carolyn J. Sorensen Miriam Stake Sue and Peter Stein George and Marymina Stenger Barbara L. Swadburg Kathy Swendsen and Stephen Nazian Ron and Margaret Tabar Joseph Tashjian and Kay Savik Donald and Mary Tehven Beth and John Trend Sean and Susan Truman Ellen and James Turpin Susan L. Vento Elaine M. Wagner Nancy C. Wagner Karen Wahmanholm Robert and Susan Warde Donald and Holly Weinkauf Stephen and Katherine Wellington Brian and Kathleen Wenger Gwen Westerman and Glenn Wasicuna Eric Whittington Stephen L. Willett and Diane Pike Paul Williams and Mickey Moore Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Hope Wilson and Mark Boddy Anne-Marie and Keith Wittenberg Eric Yan Philip G. Young Jeanette and Leon Zaczkowski Amy Zimmer Mary B. Zweber

($100 to $249) Patricia Adam and Michael Stiffman Mary Adamski Meredith Alden Barbara T. Anderson Joel and Teresa Anderson Marvin and Gloria Anderson Roberta Anderson Roger and Marge Anderson Christine Anning John and Nina Archabal Cindy Armstrong Margaret and Donald Arnosti




INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS ($100 to $249) Roxanne Aschittino Bridget Axelson Sue Azar Bev and John Bachman Adrienne B. Banks Colleen Barnett Betty E. Barrett Paul and Jera Barthol Gibson Batch Ronald and Gay Lynn Baukol Julie M. Baum Michael Bazal Thomas Beach and Kathleen Foran John and Ann Behmler Dave Berg Mary Ann and John Berglund David Bergstrom Howard and Jane Bergstrom John Bergstrom Edwin Berniard Ellen Biales Marie Bibus Carolyn H. Bingham Adele Binning and Tom Klein Robert Bishaw Richard and Anna Bohaty George and Linda Bounds Susan and Willard Boyd Marge Boyle Erik and Hanna Brandt Councilmember Amy Brendmoen Marlee and William Brice Jeremy Britzius Virginia and Rawley Brodeen Carl and Jean Brookins Roger and Ronnie Brooks Ray and Julie Brovold Triesta and Paul Brown Julie Brunner Therese Buckley and James Wolff Roger F. Burg The Burke Family Robert and Cathy Burrell Dennis and Nan Callahan Linda J. Camp Robert Carlson and Gregg Larson Caroline Casey Sharon and Randy Castle Gregory and Roberta Chandler Marilou and Mark Cheple Rachel and Donald Christensen Mark Christensen Michael Chutich and Susan Gretz Nancy Cincotta Chris P. Claude Beth Cleary and Peter Rachleff Judith Coggins Patrick Coleman John and Mary Comford Ann and Kevin Commers Patricia M. Conley Carmen K. Converse Stewart Corn and Ellen Ferrari Ted and Janel Cox Jacquelyn M. Cronin Nora Crowley Frances L. Cummins Deadra Dahl


INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS Dan and Kristina D’Allaird Trish Daugherty Jeff Davidman William Davidson and Claire Olson Frederick and Kay De Sam Lazaro Tracie Decker and Gene Pittenger John and Virginia Dell Judith Devine and Dennis Hayden Ariel W. Dickerman Jane Dickerson Anthony and Alison Didier Jeffrey and Tammera Diehm Loralee DiLorenzo Gregory Dorner Mike and Joann Dougherty Nancy Driessen Beverly Dumas and James Cysewski Michael Dunham and John Giordano Thomas Dunne Arthur Eddleston Patricia and Donald Effenberger Rae Katherine Eighmey Patricia M. Emerson Peter and Jeanne Engel Louise Erdrich John and Becky Errigo Helen and Michael Esch Eric and Rebecca Everman Daniel and Janey Farber Joann Faribault Timothy Faricy Tim and Noreen Farrell Peter Farstad Paul and Ann Fate Sonia Feder-Lewis and Michael Lewis Nancy Field Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler Mark and Judith Flahavan Kelly Fonkalsrud Kenneth and Barbara Ford Willis M. Forman Drew Forsberg and Andrea Sachs Judith and Steven Forshay Nancy Foss Jinnet Fowles Debra Frasier Sheryl and Jay Fredericks Matthew Freeman Pat Gaarder Charlene Gabler and Eric Ditlevson Markus Gaelli Lynn Gallandat Richard Garber and Regina Bonsignore Robert and Karen Garland Elizabeth Gaspar Margaret George Kathryn I. Gerber Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski Mary Lynn Gillin Anita Goetz Robert and Phyllis Goff Beverly Golberg Timothy and Susanne Goodman Leon and Katherine Goodrich Joseph and Visala Goswitz Elizabeth Grant John and Margaret Grape Melissa L. Gray Georgia and James Greeley John and Virginia Greenman Bill and Christine Griffith Ronald, Marie and Katherine Grimm

Gregory Grinley and Raymond Terrill Mary Ann Grossmann Donald and Rosemary Gruber Douglas and Rosalie Guthrie Colleen Gutierrez Mary Jane Haemig Pamela Haglund Michael Hahm Susan Haigh and Gregg Johnson Peter Hames Susan Hamill Patricia Hampl and Terrence Williams Mark and Brenda Hansen Patrick and Laura Harris Sally and Robert Hart Scott and Erin Hartman Leah Harvey and Stephen Rosholt James and Sharon Haselmann Jody A. Hauer Susan Hawken Teresa and Stephen Hawkins Laurel Haycock Robert and Carolyn Hedin Nancy and Peter Heege Jim Heimer and Tess Sierzant David and Sharon Heitzman Joanne Hell William Henderson Wayne Hendricks Jean Henjum and Gerard Flannery Mark and Terri Henneman Georgina Herring and Joseph Brochin Annamary Herther Thomas Hiendlmayr and Jan Ormasa Joan Higinbotham Jeanne Hildebrandt Susan Hoehn James and Julie Ann Hoffman Sharon M. Hogenson Maureen Honish Kathryn Hopkins J. Brian Horrigan and Amy Levine Doug and Kerry Hoverson John and Judy Howe Jym and Janet Hubbell James and Janet Huberty Daniel Huelster Matthew and Krista Hutchinson Claire and David Imsland Stuart and Connie Iversen Christopher and Valorie Jackson C. Michael Jansen Eugene Jax and Norita Dittberner-Jax Kathryn Jensen Wyn and Myrtle John Robert Johns and Linda Hennum Margaret F. Johnson Blake Johnson and Cynthia Eicher James Johnson James Johnson and Margaret Wirth-Johnson Kenneth W. Johnson Louise and Dick Jones Michael Jordan and Brenda Powell W. Patrick and Karen Judge Mary Kalish-Johnson and Richard Johnson Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Robert and Colleen Kangas John and Kristine Kaplan David and Joanne Karvonen Alfred and Sharon Kauth Pete Keehy Markus and Janet Keel

($100 to $249) Stephen Kelleher Jerry Evan Kelley James E. Kellison Jr. Mary Kelly Donald and Carol Kelsey Slade Kemmet Daniel and Katrina Kennedy Frank Kennedy Charles Kernkamp and Kay Reich Tom Kigin Mark Kile Paul Kilgore Adam and Stephanie Kim Teresa Kimker Frank and Johanne King Lathan Kistler Sharon L. Kjellberg Bob and Sandy Klas Mary Louise Klas Thomas Kleinschmit and Liana Magee Felisa Kline John and Carol Kline Pamela Klinger-Horn John Knoedler and Maureen Kane Sally and Anders Knutzen Jon and Julie Kramer Rose Krawetz David Kristal and Cristiana Giordano Muria Kruger Marit Lee Kucera Sara Ellen Kuether Keith and Toni Kuffel Ann Kulenkamp Gloria L. Kumagai and Steve Savitt Neroli Lacey Jennifer Lammers Susan Lamoureux Margaret Langer and Peter Truitt John and Colles Larkin David LaRochelle Patricia Larson and Robert Halbach Gloria and Richard Larson Robert T. Laudon Gabrielle S. Lawrence Cathy and Mark Lee Angela Lee Kevin Leuthold and Nancy Garrett Anne T. Levin David and Carolyn Levitt Carolyn Levy and Sheldon Berkowitz Mary Lewandowski Richard and Peggy Lidstad Nan P. Lightner Patricia Lilledahl Julie Lindholm and Denison Hansen Neal and Michelle Linnihan Dorothy Lipschultz Peter Loewenson Jason Lonstein and Jessica Looman Wendy Lougee Thad Ludwiczak Richard and Juanita Luis Kyle Adam Lundgren Kevin and Rachelle Lynn Marina Munoz Lyon Christopher and Susan Lyons Priscilla MacDougall Toni R. Magnuson Brian and Chrissie Mahaffy

Chris and Daniel Mahai Robert and Helen Mairs Mary Ellen Malone Marc and Kathy Manderscheid Mary Marsden Jana Martin and David Fredrickson Shannon Marting and David Senf Julene R. Maruska Robert Marxen Steven Mattaini and Rita McConnell Jeri Lu Mattson David and Sherla Mayer Donna Lee McCarthy John and Linda McCormick Stewart and Kathy McIntosh Carolyn McKay Charlene McKenzie Nora McKinnon and Jeff Blevins Mary McLeod Daniel McManus Kathleen McNulty Brigid McSherry-Scherer Ann Peddle Meitz and David Meitz Lester and Eileen Meltzer Kathleen Menard Mary Mergenthal Charles and Mary Michel Amy Miller Jane M. Miller Kate Miller Margaret Miller Patricia Mitchell Kathryn Mitchell and Terrance Brueck Peter and Susan Mitchell Ronald and Marilyn Mitsch Patricia Mullen Karen Muller Katie and Adam Nave Jane and Charles Neimeyer Ann D. Nelson Berit Nelson and Jeffrey Schmidt Deborah A. Nelson Gauis Nelson Heidi Nelson Susan Nemitz Deb and Michael Newman Mark Nicholson Jayne Niemi and Richard Lund Duane Noecker Brian Nofzinger David and Billie Novy Laura Oberst Angelique and Mike Ohmes Robert and Megan O’Leary Ellen Olsen and Sue Snyder Scott and Judy Olsen Kevin Olson Maren E. Olson Martha Rossini Olson and Gary J. Olson Allan and Drucilla Osterud Janice M. Ostrem John and Martha O’Toole Dale and Colette Otto Catherine Page Jim Pagliarini and Elizabeth Raymond Mary F. Palmer James and Anne Parker Anne and Bill Parker Andrea Parsons Deborah and John Patterson John Patterson and Julie Sonier Marvin Pertzik

Jeffrey and Annette Peterson Sharon Peterson William and Mae Petrangelo John Petroskas Walter Pistner Diane Plante and Dick Hensold Clare and Anil Poulose Nancy Price Peter and Erin Probst Thomas P. Quinn and Susan M. Lamoureux Karen S. Randall Rebecca Rassier Kate L. Reeher Susan D. Reese Ann Regan and Bruce White Cheri Register Catherine Reid Killian Reider Sue Reinartz Diane M. Reisdorfer John Richardson William and Kate Richtman Lori Ricke and Eric Dunn Richard and Krispen Ridgway Paige Riehl Chad Roberts and Jenn Emmerich John C. Roberts Paula Roe Sarah and Hamilton Ross Ken Rothchild Kathleen E. Rothrock Sara Rottunda Sheelagh Frost Russell Alan and Sally Ruvelson Daniel and Susan Ryan Rebecca Ryan Anders and Ewa Rydaker Karen A. Ryss Michael Ryss and Martha Hughes Terry Saario Deanna Sande Jerod Santek Sheree and Joshua Savage Katherine Schilling Jeanne Schleh and Robert Stanich Lise L. Schmidt Karen Schneewind Christine Schousboe Jonathan Schroeder and Abigail Crouse Robert and Claire Scott Gail See Louise Seeba Emily F. Seesel Mary D. Seifert Estelle Q. Sell Inta Sellars and Bill Jeronimus David and Barbara Semerad Kathryn Seng and Steve Peacock Stephen and Susan Shakman Leona and Jerald Shannon Joy Sheets Gary Shulze Ty and Susan Silberhorn Jeffrey A. Simon and Ann Rougvie Mark L. Simonson Rick Sirek Craig and Barb Skone Ken and Diane Skrien




INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS ($100 to $249) Duane R. Smith James and Joanne Smith Deborah Smith-Wright Barbara Snowfield Julia Sobania Suzanne Sobotka Judy Solmonson Andrea Specht Paul Sprangers Steve Sprint Carolyn St. Germain Elizabeth and Richard Stadther Mark and Wendy Stansbury-O’Donnell Jennifer Starr and John Waddle Karen Steiner and William Dickey Donald Steinkraus Erica Stern Gerald S. Stiff Timothy and Melissa Stoddart Emily Strand Sarah and Jesse Stremcha Boriana Strzok Sharon D. Sturdivant Mary Margaret Sullivan Lynn Sutton Benjamin Swanson Jennifer Swenson Margaret C. Talbot Erin and Jeffrey Talley Morgan and Marilyn Tamsky Melissa and Henry Taylor Jeff and Paula Taylor Marilynn J. Taylor Richard and Patricia Taylor Pondie and Mark Taylor Dua Thao Richard and Caroline Thompson Diana Thompson Echo J. Thoren Margaret O. Thorpe Susan Throndrud Leo Timmons and Kate Havelin Cindy Tong and Ford Denison Deborah Torres Ben and Catherine Trapskin Susan and James Trapskin Laurie and Dale Tremain John and Beth Trend Paul and Jane Tschida Raymond and Jean Tuchner Meg Ubel Dolores Ullstrom John Van Hecke Katherine Van Heuvelen Fran Van Slyke-Zaslofsky Molly and Leo Varley Anthony and Joyce Vavoulis Kirk and Laurie Velett Elly Verhagen Paul and Carolyn Verret Robert and Nancy Viking Mary K. Volk Thomas Votel Kathryn Wallace Harry M. Walsh Nancy Walton Charles and Susan Ward Ann and Richard Warec Ware B. Washam TABLE OF CONTENTS

INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS David and Ruth Waterbury Constance Waterous Leon and Melinda Webster Julia Weiler Karen Weium Deborah Weldele and James Diracles Cynthia Werner David A. West Erik and Barb Westgard Heidi Wetzel F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser June A. Wheeler John and Sandy White David Wickstrom Kent and Missy Wilson Jill and Andrew Wilson Jim and Theresa Wise Jodi Wittman Jennifer Wood Laurel G. Woodruff Sybil S. Woutat Thomas Wulling and Marilyn Benson Kathleen Wuorinen Leslie Yoder Diane Young Gil Young Deborah K. Zavitka Rong Zhang Ron Zweber and Peter Scott

($1 to $99) Martha Abbott Jacqueline Abendroth Sandra and Edward Abramson Van Adams Mary Jane Addison Robert and Melissa Adney Mary Ann Adrian Janna and Craig Affeldt Jeremy and Stephanie Alden William Alexander and Alice Dodge Paul and Deborah Alper Elaine Alper Grace Anderson Derek Anderson and Cheryl Meyer Dean and Christine Anderson Emily and Erik Anderson John and Joyce Anderson Wayne and Char Anderson Timothy Anderson Amy Anderson Anne and Todd Anderson Jerome and Constance Anderson Wilfrid J. Anderson Anita Anderson Marcia G. Anderson Kimberly Ann Murray and Arlene Appelbaum Harriet H. Arend Lauren Asheim Carla Asleson Rosemarie Atassi Janet Atzmiller Swati Avasthi Bob Babin Beatrice P. Backer Mary Kay Bailey Carol A. Baldwin J. Eugene Ball and Cynthia L. Lanners

Geraldine Balter Gene Bard Maureen and Gregory Barth Barb Bassett Amy Baum William and Rose Bauman Jeanne Baumann Karol Baumeister Jeff and Leslie Bazal Laura Beaudoin Verna H. Beaver Emily Beckstrom and Daniel Wrigley Gina T. Belde-Rakotz Lynn M. Belgea Matthew Bellamy Kathleen Bennett Bonita J. Benson Frank and Kathleen Berdan Leslie and Linda Berntson Christopher Berry Paula Beswick Cynthia Bevier Albert and Barbara Biales Eleanor H. Bienhoff Elizabeth A. Biorn Herman J. Birnberg Georgeann Biros Wendy and John Blackshaw Julie Blaha Daniel and Patricia Blaskowski Lesley Blicker E. J. Block Walter and Jacqueline Blue Laurel Boerger and Norman Reznicow Jill Boldenow Jerald Bonstrom Marietta Booth Marla Borer Tom Bottern Roger Boughton Jim Boyd Lois and Bob Boylan R. Eli Boyum Louis C. Branca Gayle Breutzman James and Janet Bricher Betty Bright Oria and Gail Brinkmeier Robert A. Broda Karla Brom Dianne M. Brooke Joseph Brown and Mary Moore Easter Charles and Deborah Brown Carolyn and Philip Brunelle Gerald Budde Roger and Marie Jo Buettner Dolly Buettner Roger and Debra Burgwald Kathryn Burow Elizabeth Burr Kristi Burt Jane Burton Rachel Bye Barbi Byers Roseanne and David Byrne Armando Camacho Patrick and Beth Camilleri Eva P. Caperton G. William and Cathy Carlson Anne M. Carlson Gerald and Molly Carlson Cynthia and Kevin Carlson Robert Carlson

Nathalie E. Carlsted Laura Carroll

Melvin W. Carter III Celeste Carty Sharon L. Casey Phyllis and David Casper Kathleen Castillo Mark Ceilley William and Margaret Celebrezze Marcy and Steve Chamerlain Joan and Andrew Chandler Brenda Child Sharon Chmielarz John and Marjory Christensen Gene Christenson and Debbie Meister Susan Christiansen David and Michelle Christianson Jill Christianson Timothy Church and Ann Fredrickson Carrie Cisek Kevin and Susan Clark Bruce Clark Stephan E. Clark Margaret A. Clay Edward J. Cleary Jeanne R. Clemans Joel Clemmer Judith Clos Lisa Cohen Barry B. Cohen Ann Cohen and John Glasenapp Naomi Cohn Pauline M. Coleman Catherine and Mark Coleman Jennifer Collins and Tom Keljik Phyllis J. Conlin Susan Conner and Sherman Eagles Edward and Monica Cook Jonathan and Julie Cook Harlan Copeland Tom and Diane Copeland David Cotton Kelli Cox John Coy and Fiona McCrae John Crea Matt Crellin and Joan Cochran Laura Cullen Kathy J. Cumming Mary Anne Cummings Bobbie Cummins Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Stephanie Curtis Katherine Curtis Jean K. Curtis-Neitz Tom Cytron-Hysom Jeffrey and Sarah Dahlen Steven Dahlke Marianne C. D’Angelo Virginia Davini Marshall Davis Rebecca Davis Harold Davis Jennifer Day Eugenie dé Rosier Shirley I. Decker Amanda Degener Sharon DeMark

Julene DeNet Paula Denman and John Dewitt Lela Denoble Cliff and Joyce Denzer Rachel and David Dettmann Nancy L. Devine Linda Dexter Hazel Dicken Michael J. Dickson Catherine Dienhart Rita and Mark Dillon Norita Dittberner-Jax Gail and Richard Doblar Charles and Judy Dockham Susan and James Dockman Peggy Doeksen Dara and Paul Dokas Rita Dolan William J. Donovan Beth Dooley Arty and Coleen Dorman Don Dorn Monica and Peter Dorow Al Dorris Michael Driscoll and Leah Driscoll De Gomez Krisa Drost Charles and Leah Droubie Larry and Liz Drumm Deborah DuBois Anita S. Duckor Alice and David Duggan Mel and Georgia Duncan Harvey Dundas and Rosalie Bunge Audie Dunham Mary Pat Dunlap Trescia and Dan Dunn Michele Dunning and Garry Yazell Margaret E. Durham Deborah A. Durkin Beverly Dusso Robert and Carol Dye Kim Dylla Agnes Dynes Elizabeth U Dyson Nancee Edgell Carol H. Egan David and Helen Ellenbecker D. Stephen Elliott Dan Eminel Linda Engberg Alice H. Engelman Barbara Engler Mary A. Ericksen Carole Erickson Becky Erickson Daneeta Erickson Mari Espeland and Kenneth Dahlberg Shirley Espeland Richard J. Evans Kelly Everdins Donald and Evie Fackler Harry Fair Sylvia and Frank Falteisek Jonathan and Holly Farber Elianne Farhat Elizabeth Farrell

Brian Farrey-Latz Emily Lagace and John Faughnan Kimberly Faurot Samantha and Edward Fedoruk Carroll Linda Feist Jerome and Sondra Felde Judith Feldman Mary Fenske Richard and Margaret Ferber Thomas and Vicki Fields Dale Fierke and Doris Karlisch Shonda Finseth Paul Finsness Chris Fischbach and Katie Dublinksi Tyler Fish Alexis and Evan Fisher John and Arlene Fitzpatrick Leo and Lois Fitzpatrick Roxanne and Peter Flesch Steven and Karen Flink Susan C. Flynn John and Hilde Flynn Patrick Flynn Deanna and Thomas Forliti Marsha Foss Amy Fox Susan Franson Tom and Irene Frantzen Victoria Franzese Patti Frasher-Nelson Dick and Kathryn Freimuth Matt and Shelly Frerichs Pamela and Leonard Fricke Marty Fridgen Dorothy Fridgen Philip Friedlund and Lisa Isenberg Lynda and Paul Friedman Thomas and Deborah Frishberg Barbara Frohnert Arthur From and Suzanne Paine Bruce and Alice Gaarder Frederick and Barbara Gaiser Bart and Lynn Galle Kathy and David Galligan Valerie Garber and Denis Feigenbaum Carol A. Garcia Shannon M. Gardner Mary Garrison Catherine Garvey Sieglinde Gassman Bill and Ann Geery Jerome and Beth Marie Geis Donna Genck Barbara Gerlach Michael Gerner Karen and Bruce Gershman Susan Gerstner Abby and Billy Gese Judith M. Gilats Margaret Gilligan Barbara Ginther Gary and Margo Gisselman Tom Gitta




INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS Sara L. Gjerdrum and Charles S. Olson Frances H. Gladish Timothy Glines Stephanie Gober Laura Goering Dorothy Goldie and Ralph Schwartz Sharon K. Goligowski Concepcion Gonzalez G. Kenneth and Ruth Gordon Pat Gavan-Gordon Bill and Marylin Gorham Michael Gottsacker William Gray Kathleen A. Green Adele and Thomas Greenlee Jean Gregory Mary Griffin and Ray Dietman Susan Grigal Judy Grimes Michael Gude Susan Guernsey Frank and Sharon Gurney Don Hackett Jillane Hagel Gene Hagglund Mark and Kathryn Haidet Cynthia Hall-Duran and Ricardo Duran Karen Hamer Jean A. Hammar Walt Handschin Rachael Hanel MayKao and Lao Hang Gerald Hansen Marlene and Duane Harden Dustin and Lisa Harford Noralyn O. Harlow John and Molly Harris Emily Harris Michael Hartford Marion Hartwick Scott Haselton Margaret Hasse and David Grothe Patricia Haswell and Richard Todd Andrea Hauser and L. Charles Hardy Charles D. Hawkins John and Terri Hawthorne John Hay and Martha Wegner Sheryl V. Hayne Nick and Helen Healy Mary and Daniel Healy Gary J. Heaser Mary Jo Hei and David E. Walls Rita and Frank Heintz Valerie Heise Thompson Jerry Helfand and Joan Cleary Nicole Helget and Nate LeBoutillier Herb and Alice Hemenway John and Julie Henricksson Courtney Henry Susan, Lawrence and Laura Rose Henry Jennifer Hensen Timothy and Margaret Hernandez Jerry Hertel and Toni de Rosier Lorraine and Marcus Hertz Laurie Hertzel Jeanna Hesse TABLE OF CONTENTS

INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS Russell Heuckendorf Nadia Higgins Carol C. Hill Cynthia Hill Sarah and Jay Hill Mollie Hoben Lynn Hodulik Jeanne Hoff Michael and Jo Hogan Michael J. O’Keefe Margaret A. Holcombe Colleen M. Holm Julie F. Holmen Laurie Holmquist Esther Holtz Susan Hommeyer and Steve Hommeyer Alayne L. Hopkins and Peter Henke Nora Lee Hornicek Kevin Houle David Housewright and Renee Valois Joseph and Mary Huber Howard and Mary Ann Huelster Janet B. Humphrey Elizabeth Hunter Louis and Ida Lee Hurvitz Mary Huschle Gretchen M. Ibele Collyn Iblings Daniel Iden Anna R. Igra Jack and Mildred Imbertson David and Mary Pat Ingwell Rosamond Jacob Chris Jacobs Todd and Mary Jacobson Elise Jamison Julie Jandrich Lu Jelen Carrie Jennings Amber Johnson Ann Johnson Ruth S. Johnson Sonjie Johnson Wendell Johnson Sherry Johnson Mary Johnston J.P. and Margaret Jones Patricia Juaire Virginia Juffer Dorothy Jurek Karen Kaivola Arno Kalio Joyce Kanevsky Steven L. Kaplan Anne Kaplan and Jim Moss Elliott Karasov Riley Karbon Michelle Karbon Patricia M. Karr Susan Kearney Cheryl Kedrowski and Victor H. Barocas Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain Paula Keller Meghan Keller Kevin and Jenny Kelley Karen Kelly

Shannon and Cyril Kennedy Kathy Kerkhoff Susan Keskinen and Dennis Cornhill Alison Khan Jill Kielblock Ross and Phyllis Kiihn Helena Kilbride Vincent and Barbara King Betty and Harold Kinney Lucretia Kirby Claire Kirch Julie Klassen William and Rebecca Klein David and Susan Klevan Lisa Kloster Danielle Knach Dorothy Belgum Knight Jessica Knight Rebecca Knittle and Howard Vogel Bob and Mariel Knoch Karen Knudtson Carolyn and Clayton Knutson Sharyle Knutson Hans Koch and Amelia Kennedy Corrine Kodelka Stephen and Mary Kodluboy Jon Koelsch Lorraine D. Koenen Karen Koepp Aleta Kolan Leslee Kollins Harold Koppy Greg Kotaska Gregory Kramer and Anna Leininger Debra and Richard Kranz Otto and Emily Kraus Jacob and Jacqueline Kraus Donald and Joyce Kray Sharon M. Kremer Marshall and Valerie Kriesel Pete and Linda Kriz Linda A. Kucera Judy and David Kuhns Stephen J. Kuncio Mary Kunesh-Podein John Kupris and Margaret Hamburger Joseph J. Kuznik Maggie Kyne Allison La Pointe Jane N. Laine Cliff and Susan Lake Mary Ellen Lane Liv Lane Heather Langner Laurel Lapore Louella A. Larsen Cliff and Lucy Larson Sandra J. Larson John C. Larson Blake and Terra Larson Kurt Larson Gregory and Mai-Tram Lauer Tracy LaVere and Karen Ryan Tim and Chillon Leach Betty Pat Leach Rolfe and Barbara Leary

Linda M. LeClair Sally Lederer Brian Leehan and Angela Marsh Jeffrey and Joyce LeMay Ann and Terrence Lemke Jane Leonard and Loretto Lippert Chad and Diane Lesmeister David Levi Stephanie and James Levine Lindsay Lewis Carol E. Lindberg Holly J. Lindsay Camilla and Christopher Linke Charlotte and Jerome Lissick Kenneth and Harriett Livermore Deborah Locke Timothy and Susanna Lodge Leslie Loeding Nancy Loewen and Bill Balcziak Mary Lou Logsdon Brian Longley Marie Lopez del Puerto Johanna Lorbach Archie and Bernadine Lortis Lucy Low Andrea Lubov and Allan Schultz James Luby and Emily Hoover Betty S. Ludington Julie C. Lund William and Lorraine Lund Laura C. Lundell Jackie Lundgren Sharon Lynch Peggy Lynch Ryan MacAskill Paula Maccabee Karen and Charles Mackey Gloria MacRae Judi Madole Robin Madsen Kathy Magnuson Tasslyn Magnusson Amy C. Mahnke Lynn Mahnke Thomas and LeAnn Mahoney Thomas G. Mairs Adelaide Maloney Tom Maltman Harry R. Mandik Brooke Manley Lois Marrinan Jennifer Marshall Todd and Judith Marshall Megan Marsnik Don Martin Don Martin and Lisa Loeding Terrence Maruska Danette and Mark Maruska Paul and Mary Maruska Camila and Jim Maruska John Maruska Diane Marx Catherine Mason Jennifer A. Mateer Elaine K. Mattson Tracy Nelson Maurer Sally K. Mays

Sylvia McAlpine Patricia McCann Carol McCarty Edward and Margaret McConaghay Nancy and Gregory McDaniels John and Sandra McFarland Suzanne M. McGinn John and Barbara McGowan Mary McGreevy Anne McInerney Pamela McInnes and Kevin Lee J. Lawrence and Mary McIntyre Susan McKenna Andrea McKennan Diggitt McLaughlin Elaine McMahon David and Kathleen McManus John W. R. McNeil Robert and Edith McShannock Sandra L. McTavish Stephen S. McVay Peter Meier Edie Meissner Diane Meissner Mary Jean Proulx Krista Menzel Carrie and John Mercer Jeanette and Martin Meyer Margaret and Dennis Meyer Susan Meyers Christopher Miller and Andrea Bell Camille and Peter Miller Elizabeth Miller Beverly Miller Mark Miller Jean M. Moede Robin Moede and Joel Lagerquist Kandy Moen Jim Moen Robin Moir Steen and Tara Moller Susan Mollner Kathleen and David Mommsen Maureen Monchamp Deborah and Robert Montgomery Caron Moore Patricia Morris Pete and Caryl Mousseaux Paul Mueller Marcus Muggli Laurie Muir Yvonne Mullin Tunie Munson-Benson Dana Murdoch and Roger Meyer Kathleen Murphy David and Anne Murphy Nora Murphy William Murtaugh Nancy R. Myers Carol Nagan Kathryn A. Nagel Rodney and Diane Nelsestuen Beth and Eric Nelson Larry Nelson Dee Anne and Robert Nelson Janice W. Nelson Kevin and Jeannette Nelson

Ron and Lisa Nelson Shannon Nemer Chad Nestor Loyd and Marie Neve Michael Newell Tuan Ngo Elinor Nicklawske Mary and Larry Nickolay Diane L. Niemela Ronald and Sherry Noeker Therese and Charles Noel Gerald M. Nolte Elsie Nord Nell Nordlie Carol Nordstrand Audry Nordwall James R. and Luella R. Noren Scott and Penny Norquist Pam Norton Ellen Noyes Debora Nugent Linda J. Nygren John and Patricia Nyman Beth Obermeyer Kristen O’Brien Dolores O’Brien Diane O’Brien Mary O’Brien Sheryl O’Connor Sheila O’Connor Beth and William O’Connor Ms. Catherine H. O’Dell Kathleen O’Donnell Carolyn and Pete O’Grady John and Cynthia O’Halloran Dolores Ohmans Fritz Ohnsorg Pat and Penny Okane Barry O’Kane and Janet Van Tassel Barbara and Pat O’Leary Gretchen Olson Margaret Olson Arthur O. Olson, Jr. Magda Olson Mark and Norma Olson Barbara Olson Jocelyn F. Olson Bridget O’Malley Leonard R. Oppenheimer and Lydia A. Schultz Douglas Osland Josh Ostergaard Amber Oswald Maureen Otwell Murray R. Owens, Jr. Andrew and Sylvia Oxenham Emily Page and Oliver Steinberg David P. Page Vicki Palmquist Beverly and Ralph Palo Mabel Pappenfus Janet Pariseau Jan Parkman Jay and Michelle Paska




INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS Margaret and Richard Passmore Annette Patient Mary and Terry Patton Marilynn Pavlak Glenda Peak Shirley White Pearl Michael Pederson Patricia G. Pelto Kris and Ed Pendergast Paul and Margy Peterson Patty Peterson Scott and Jennifer Peterson Jane M. Peterson Janice and Dennis Peterson David C. Peterson Geoff and Kathie Peterson Greg and Sharon Peterson David Peterson Douglas Petty and Linda Smaller Pamela Peyton Judy Pfenning Mary Pfundstein Taylor Phelps and Laura Pfeiffer Jan and Janet Phillips Mary E. Pickard William and Theresa Piepgras Barbara Pierce Suzanne M. Pietsch Wayne and Ona Pinsonneault Joan Piorkowski Katherine Politis Patricia Pool David and Esther Porter Jean B. Porter Kelli Portham Renee Potts Lane Mary Preus Janet Preus Mary Ruth Preus Catherine Preus Monica and Timothy Proulx John Proulx Jana Pullman Leroy J. Quale Carol Quest Amy Quick Jim Radford David Radosevich and Kathleen Kelso Lori Raduenz Duanne and Yvonne Rakotz Thue and Uttara Rasmussen Susan L. Rasmussen Claire Rasmussen Kate L. Reeher Sondra Reierson Jean Reistad Emmy Reppe Susie Reynolds and David Giles Nicholas Rhodes Alice Ribbens Ronald and Tracee Rich Rachel and Danny Richardson Margaret and Rose Richardson Dorothy Horns and James P. Richardson Alan Richardson Hohn Marcia and Dan Richie Mary Cathryn Ricker and Robert Cudahy

INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS Roger and Elizabeth Ricketts Linda Ricklefs Baudry Ann Rieck Raina Riedesel Larry and Julianne Riemenschneider Marge and Richard Riemenschnider Susan and Allan Rinehard Janis Ritter Geraldine M. Ritter Richard Robbins and Candace Black Joel and Gail Roberts Marilyn Robinson Shelley and Michael Robshaw Thomas and Mary Jo Rogalski Barbara and Paul Rogne Thomas and Jo Anne Rohricht Peggy and Nicholas Rolfes Harry and Nina Rosefelt Stewart Rosoff Kathy Rossi Jerold and Miriam Rothstein Joanne Routzahn Karen Royce Linda and Gary Rudeen Linda Ruecker Linda Ruhberg Thekla Rura-Polley Michael and Regula Russelle Colleen and Ronald Ryan Ann K. Ryan John Ryan and Nancy Norling Shelley Sable Bruce and Susan Saffel Stacey K. Sagedahl Shirley Sailors Laura Purdie Salas Mike Salmen Andrew Sandfort-Marchese Mark and Alison Savin Renee Sayles Sharon Sayles-Belton Jack and Janet Schaffer Therese and Karl Scherbel Chip and Trish Schilling Daniel and Yvonne Schivone Leonard and Linda Schloff Jason and Anne Schlukebier Stuart and Martha Schmitz Amanda Schnabel Mike and Marlene Schoenberg Elissa Schufman Thomas Schuh David Schuler Emil and Lucille Schultz Katherine F. Schulz Julie Schumacher and Lawrence Jacobs Anthony and Judy Schumacher Charles Schwietz Bernadette and Ronald Seliski Virginia Senf Charles and Carrie Shaw Andrew Shaw and Jan Shaw-Flamm Mark Shepard and Christine Soutter Daniel Shepard Michael Sher C. B. Sherlock and Jim Polakowski Elizabeth P. Shippee

John and Patricia Shomion Jane A. Shriver John and Vicki Silverman John and Marla Simmet Lisa M. B. Simons Claire Simonson Mary Louise R. Sirignano Molly and Peter Skinner Suzanne Skorich Michael Slusser Julie and Kenneth Smith H. Douglas and Mary Smith Sharon L. Smith Donald L. Smith James and Ellen Snoxell Kriston Sobota Conrad Soderholm and Mary Tingerthal Peter and Joyce Solberg Ruth C. K. Solie Susan and Rich Solomon Annemarie and Jan Solon Barbara Sommer Gerald and June Sommers Bob and Kathy Sorteberg Dolores Souba and Dean Oman Denise Specht Batya Spector Douglas and Annette Spencer David and Susanne Spitzer Leslie Spring John and Katherine Sproat Kristi M. St. Germain Shannon Staiger Charles Stander Carol Starkey Edward and Ruth Ann Starr Jane F. Stein Allen Steinkopf Edward and Ellen Stephens Patricia Stockland R. S. and Virginia Stockwell Carol Stoddart Yvonne Stolts Kathy and David Stoltz Solveig Storhoff Warren Stortroen Philip and Brielle Stoyke Elona Street-Stewart Lauren and Matthew Stringer Bernice Stroling Catherine M. Strub Richard and Robin Stryker Charlotte Sullivan Daniel and Helen Faith Sullivan Carol B. Summers Stephen Sutten and Anna Cherry Betty Swanson Elizabeth Swanson Eleanor L. Swanson Renee Swanson Nina and Michael Sweeney Marcia Swinney-Shay John Szaynowski Ronald and Colleen Tabaika Larissa Tadavarthy Karen Tarrant Carol A. Tauer

Robert and Kathy Tautges Rebecca and Phil Taylor Janelle C. Taylor Carol Taylor Helen Taylor Claire Taylor-Sherman Kathryn and Brian Tempas Matt C. Tempelis Gary and Andrea Thaden Evelyn Thomas Michael and Tammy Thomas Micheal Thompson and Rebecca Ganzel Thompson Mark and Kim Thompson Ralph and Loanne Thrane Denise M. Thurmon Alice Tibbetts and Michael Lynch Susan and Randy Tietjen Karen Titrud Robert and Miriam Titzler Thomas and Patricia Tommet Frances Homans and Allan Torstenson Batya Tovรก David and Kathleen Tregilgas Herbert M. Tripple Clarence and Margaret Trnka Anne M. True Roxanne and Timothy Truen Greg and Patricia Truesdell Mickie Turk Thomas Ubanski Cheryl Ullyot Cynthia Unowsky and Thomas Badow Michele Vaillancourt and Brent Wennberg Lawrence Valley Katrina Vandenberg and John Reimringer Zong Vang Kou Vang Debra Varner Michael F. Vasterling Sandra Vatassery Bailey Veesenmeyer Alice Vega Joan Velasquez Jean Velleu and James Law Allen and Jennifer Verbrugge Ann M. Verme Judith Vermeland-Wendt Harold and Paula Vestermark Bernice Vetsch Edward and Virginia Vizard James K. Vogt Mary Voight and Peter Leung Alice and Craig Vollmar Lisa and Paul Von Drasek Laura Wachter Lynn E. Wadsworth and David Amdur Jenifer Wagner Doris M. Wahl Michael Walker Lisa and Kevin Walker Kevin Wall Diane Wallace-Reid Donna M. Walseth Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Doug and Peg Wangensteen Claudia Waring

Cary Waterman Clifford Watson and Abigail Struck Carol Watson Anne Weaver Lois Webber Elaine Weber-Nelson Alice Webster Mary Ann and Jerry Weisz Cynthia Weldon Gretchen and Todd Wenzel Cynthia Werner John West Barbara Wetzel Mary Whillock Barbara Whipple Jeremy White and Randi Madisen Dawne White Jared Whyte Mary K. Wick Robert Wicker Thomas Fisher and Claudia Wielgorecki Jessica Wiley Lori Williamson and David Clement Raymond and Elizabeth Willis Sheila and Horst Winderlich Sandy Winer Barbara Winthrop Rochelle and Jim Wodarz Walter J. Wolf Kathleen K. Wolter Delores and Bob Wood Charles and Brenda Wood Paul and Judy Woodward Sally Worku Wayne and B. L. Worth Maryann Wycoff Stephanie Xenos Jill D. Zahniser Kathleen Zappa Bonnie Zeff Francis and Wendy Zeuli Carol Zoff Erin Zolotukhin-Ridgway and Andrei Zolotukhin Sue Zumberge



BOOK ENDOWMENT FUND Gifts honoring loved ones are added to the Book Endowment Fund of The Friends. Income from this Endowment supports the purchase of thousands of new books and materials for the Saint Paul Public Library each year. Donations are recognized with the placement of a bookplate in a library book, listings in Friends publications, and a letter to the honoree, or his or her family. Memorials Jerry Brown: Virginia Senf Lucille C. Carlson: Robert Carlson; Judith Clos; John Crea; Elizabeth Gaspar; Susan Gerstner; Sheryl V. Hayne; Cathy and Mark Lee; Mark Miller; John C. Roberts; Yvonne Stolts June Cincotta: Nancy Cincotta Mary Jo Cummings: Margaret Olson Iris Drumb: Laurie and Dale Tremain John W. Fahnert: Janis Ritter Helen E. Fairbanks: Jeanne Baumann John Faltesek: Andrew Faltesek and Stephen Faltesek Nathalia Faribault: Richard and Anna Bohaty; Anne M. Carlson; Harold and Leigh Crump; Sylvia and Frank Falteisek; Mrs. Joann Faribault; Mr. C Michael Jansen; Peggy Lynch; Kris and Ed Pendergast Michael Fedoruk: Samantha and Edward Fedoruk Carroll; Rose Ann Foreman

patrick; Tom and Irene Frantzen; Barbara Gerlach John and Margaret Grape; Frank and Sharon Gurney; Gene Hagglund; Lu Jelen; J.P. and Margaret Jones; Donald and Joyce Kray; Pete and Linda Kriz; Judy and David Kuhns; Camila and Jim Maruska; Danette and Mark Maruska; John Maruska; Julene R. Maruska; Paul and Mary Maruska; Terrence Maruska Diane Meissner; Jeanette and Martin Meyer Ronald and Sherry Noeker; Pat and Penny Okane Barbara Olson; Prom Catering; Duanne and Yvonne Rakotz; Marge and Richard Riemenschnider; Christine Schousboe; Gerald and June Sommers; Bob and Kathy Sorteberg; Kathy and David Stoltz; Bernice Stroling; Rebecca and Phil Taylor; Clarence and Margaret Trnka; Greg and Patricia Truesdell;Raymond and Jean Tuchner; Thomas Ubanski; Ann and Richard Warec; Lois Webber; Rochelle and Jim Wodarz

Dolores Sprangers: Paul Sprangers

Richard H. Menk: Janna and Craig Affeldt; Marlee and William Brice; Roger and Debra Burgwald; Greg Kotaska; Kathleen and David Mommsen; Beverly and Ralph Palo; Peter and Mary Ann Pearson; Monica and Timothy Proulx; Shelley Sable; Bernadette and Ronald Seliski; Minnesota County Attorneys Association; William Murtaugh; Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker

Eileen Walzer: Kathryn Burow

June Mulcahy: Mary D. Seifert

Wanda Stryker: Ivy Hill Townhouse Association; Mary Lewandowski Jessica A. Taylor: Melissa and Henry Taylor

Margaret Vasatka: Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson

4. Ask your employer to match your gift

Joseph C. Von Drasek: Julie Schumacher and Lawrence Jacobs

5. Gift your stocks or bonds. You’ll receive a tax deduction for the full market value and avoid paying capital gains tax

Thomas Votel: Votel Family Fund of the Catholic United Financial Foundation

Honoraria Elizabeth S. Andrews: Marit Lee Kucera Crocus Hill Preschool: Muria Kruger

David E. Feinberg: John and Vicki Silverman

Benjamin Prince: John and Arlene Fitzpatrick

Mary Griffin: Scott Haselton

Linda Feinberg: Sally and Robert Hart

Christopher J. Prince: John and Arlene Fitzpatrick

Sue Hall: Richard and Peggy Lidstad

David C. Foster: Mrs. Cynthia M. Foster

Patricia Riemenschneider: John and Joyce Anderson; Maureen and Gregory Barth; Paul and Jera Barthol; Ronald and Gay Lynn Baukol; Leslie and Linda Berntson; Gerald and Molly Carlson; John and Mary Comford; Davis Wire Corporation; Gail and Richard Doblar; Nancee Edgell; Epoxy Interest Group of CRSI; Daneeta Erickson; Roxanne and Peter Flesch; Rose Ann Foreman; Deanna and Thomas Forliti; Colleen Gutierrez; Marlene and Duane Harden; Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson; Paul Jacobson; Dorothy Jurek; Susan Kearney; Betty and Harold Kinney; Corrine Kodelka; Jon Koelsch; Debra and Richard Kranz; Chad and Diane Lesmeister; Camilla and Christopher Linke; Charlotte and Jerome Lissick; Sharon Lynch; Mary McGreevy; Ronald and Marilyn Mitsch; Carol Nordstrand; Janet Pariseau; Janice and Dennis Peterson; Larry and Julianne Riemenschneider; Susan and Allan Rinehard; Linda and Gary Rudeen; Colleen and Ronald Ryan; Bruce and Susan Saffel; Emil and Lucille Schultz; John and Marla Simmet; Peter and Joyce Solberg; Star Tribune; Roxanne and Timothy Truen; Mary Ann and Jerry Weisz; Gretchen and Todd Wenzel; Heidi Wetzel; Wayne and B. L. Worth

Pearl Kilbride: Carol Watson

Richard F. Hunt: Mrs. Ruby Hunt Ramona Johnson: Elaine M. Wagner Michael Lane: Jeremy and Stephanie Alden; John and Carol Kline Jean LaVaque: Angie Fotopoulous and Mary LaVaque Julia Leitzke: Eileen M. Adams; Alexis and Evan Fisher; Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski Ann Linz: Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelley; Amy Anderson Jeneice L. Maruska: Jacqueline Abendroth; Wayne and Char Anderson; William and Rose Bauman; Lynn M. Belgea; Lois and Bob Boylan; Charles and Deborah Brown; Dolly Buettner; Roger and Marie Jo Buettner; Nathalie E. Carlsted; David Cotton; Lela Denoble; Cliff and Joyce Denzer; Charles and Judy Dockham; Rita Dolan; Don Dorn; Donald and Evie Fackler; Jerome and Sondra Felde; Leo and Lois Fitz-

Cleda B. Ross: Scott Ross and Nichole Meister

2. Send a check or credit card info to The Friends at 325 Cedar Street, Suite 555, Saint Paul, MN 55101 3. Pledge your gift over time, you set the amount and payment schedule

Theodore Davis: O’Connell for School Board Committee; Jean and John O’Connell

Mario A. Garcia: Carol A. Garcia

1. Give online at

Camille K. Then: Andrea Parsons

Kenji Oyanagi: Lynn M. Oyanagi

Betty Fotopoulos: Angie Fotopoulous and Mary LaVaque


6. Name The Friends as a beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy, IRA or qualified retirement plan 7. Create a memorial or honorarium for a loved one or respected friend 8. Include The Friends in your will 9. Through deferred gifts such as a charitable trust, which provides financial security for your family and reduces your heirs’ tax exposure 10. Add permanent assets to an endowment fund, where gifts build a perpetual base of resources

Sam Lindsay-Levine: Holly J. Lindsay Benjamin Mellin: Andrew Mellin Michelle Mok: Timothy and Susanna Lodge

For more information, please call 651-222-3242 or email

Addie Murtaugh: Kelly Fonkalsrud Nancy M. Paul: Rita and Mark Dillon Tom Reppe: Emmy Reppe Claire Shepherd-Dwyer: Anonymous Quinn Shepherd-Dwyer: Anonymous Leslie Spring: Gerald S. Stiff


Marcia Swinney-Shay: Marcia Swinney-Shay Pam Weisdorf: Deadra Dahl Wilson Family: Catherine Page

Vera Ryss: Karen A. Ryss ; Michael Ryss and Martha Hughes


36 42



INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORTERS Your leadership and commitment within our community is invaluable. Our sincere thanks go to all of the corporations and foundations that made a gift in support of the Saint Paul Public Library in 2013. ($50,000 and above)

The Friends General Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation The Friends Humanities Endowment at The Saint Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Paul Foundation Foundation Trillium Family Foundation F.R. Bigelow Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation John and Myrtle Briggs Endowment Fund at RBC Wealth Management Edwin W. & Catherine M. Davis Foundation Ecolab Foundation Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Peter J. King Family Foundation Mardag Foundation 3M Foundation Minnesota Community Foundation The Boss Foundation Minnesota Department of Education Library Terry Devitt and Michael Hoffman Family Fund of Services and Technology Act The Saint Paul Foundation Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. RBC Foundation - USA HMS Host The Saint Paul Foundation JJ Taylor Distributing Southeastern Libraries Cooperating* Josten’s Foundation, Inc. Travelers Margaret H. and James E. Kelley Foundation R. C. Lilly Foundation Ethel R. Ridgway Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Securian Financial Group Thomson Reuters Xcel Energy 3M Company Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation Anonymous Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts The Patrick & Aimee Butler Family Foundation Council of Regional Public Library System Anchor Bank Administrators* Andersen Corporation Emerald Foundation The Mary Anne K. and William R. Anderson, Jr. Fund Emerson Electric Anime Twin Cities, Inc. Explore Minnesota AMR - A Marketing Resource David R. & Elizabeth J. Fesler Endowment Fund at BankCherokee Mairs & Power, Inc. Dorothea M. Bemrick Revocable Trust Patrick and Jane Thiele Blue Plate Restaurant Company The John and Ruth Huss Fund of The Saint Paul The Bookcase, Inc. Foundation Books For Africa Roger Lenzmeier Endowment Fund at RBC Wealth Bremer Financial Corporation Management Scott and Sarah Burns Fund of The Saint Paul Mairs & Power, Inc. Foundation The McKnight Foundation Common Good Books McNeely Foundation District Energy Saint Paul, Inc. Richard & Nancy Nicholson Endowment Fund at Ecolab Mairs & Power, Inc. Education Minnesota Todd and Martha Nicholson Fund of the Ergodyne Nicholson Family Foundation Frauenshuh HealthCare Real Estate E. M. Pearson Foundation Fund at Mairs & Power, Solutions Inc. Guthmann Family Fund of The Saint Paul Raft Charitable Foundation Foundation RBC Wealth Management Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC Ortha D. Robbins Charitable Endowment at RBC Hardenbergh Foundation Wealth Management HarperCollins Publishers Saint Paul Public Schools Foundation Clara V. Hoffman Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Travelers Intervention Grant Program Foundation Virginia Sohre Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Hubbs Family Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Inc. The Friends Book Endowment at The Saint Paul Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of HRK Foundation Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The Friends General Endowment at Mairs & Power, Kowalski’s Market Inc.

($5,000 to $9,999)

($10,000 to $49,999)

($1,000 to $4,999)


Larkin, Hoffman Daly & Lindgren Ltd Lawal Scott Erickson Architects Leonard, Street and Deinard Foundation The Lerner Foundation Lexus of Maplewood Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE) The Richard P. McDermott Fitzgerald Fund of Th Saint Paul Foundation McGrann Shea Carnival Straughn & Lamb Law Firm Metropolitan State University Foundation Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle Midway Men’s Club Minnesota AFL-CIO Minnesota Vikings Youth Volunteer Endowment Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-Op Nelson, Tietz & Hoye, Inc. Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Pioneer Press & Princeton Area Community Foundation Random House Ethel R. Ridgway Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, L.L.P. Rotary Club of Saint Paul Securian Foundation Sit Investment Associates Foundation Skinner Room Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation St. Paul Jaycees Foundation Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. St. Paul Radiology Foundation Stinson Leonard Street Tech Logic Corporation United Hospital US Foods The Waterbury Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Wellington Management, Inc. Western Bank and Insurance Agency Wilkerson Associates Carole Williams Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Winthrop & Weinstine Lillian Wright & C. Emil Berglund Foundation

($500 to $999)

Betty Schlick Andrews Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Jon and Metta Belisle Endowment Fund of St. Croix Valley Foundation Clara and Frieda Claussen and Eleanor Herrmann Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation The John R. Cross Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Felhaber, Larson, Fenlon & Vogt Foundation Mary Hayes Foundation Fred S. Heaberlin Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Dorothy V. Jefferson Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation

INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORTERS KMML Family Foundation The Dr. James W. LaFave & Gail O. LaFave Fund of Fidelity McMurry Charities, Inc. The Jerry and Jeanne Meigs Fund of The Saint Pau Foundation MN Center for Book Arts Minnesota Vikings Youth Volunteer Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. O’Gara’s Bar & Grill, Inc. Saint Paul Retired Teachers, Inc. Marion Serr Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Skinner’s Pub Stuart Co Sundial Solar Consultants LLC Sunrise Banks Vento-Wellstone Endowment at Mairs & Power, Inc.

Beth and John Trend Schwab Charitable Fund Votel Family Fund of the Catholic United Financial Foundation Gary Wynia Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Ron Zweber and Peter Scott Charitable Fund

Matching Gifts

Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program Bank of America H. B. Fuller Co. Foundation IBM Corporation Quaker Hill Foundation Thomson Reuters Matching Gifts Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Travelers Community Connections Matching Gift Program US Bancorp Foundation Associated Bank Beaver’s Pond Press Elizabeth Biorn Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Coffee House Press Como Aristonian Book Club Daughters of the American Revolution, Nathan Hale Chapter Davis Wire Corporation Epoxy Interest Group of CRSI Flat Rock Publishing Graywolf Press Great River Regional Library International Paper Ivy Hill Townhouse Association James Schenz and Miriam Simmons Schwab Charitable Fund The Martin and Esther Kellogg Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation The Lilley-Hansen Family Foundation of The Saint Paul Foundation Nancy Loehr Memorial Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Mancini’s Bar & Liquor, Inc. Lily Kayla March Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Marrinan Endowment Fund for Puppet Shows at Mairs & Power, Inc. Milkweed Editions Minnesota County Attorneys Association Minnesota Historical Society Nodin Press O’Connell for School Board Committee Once Upon a Crime

(Up to $499)

(Up to $499)

Paramount Real Estate Corporation George C. Power Memorial Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Prom Catering Quaker Hill Foundation Saint Paul Saints Baseball Club Star Tribune SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development Ron and Margaret Tabar Fund Ralph and Loanne Thrane Family Foundation

*Funded, in part, by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the Legacy Amendment vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.






Robert A. Awsumb Joseph T. Bagnoli Tanya Bell Greg Blees Jim Bradshaw Douglas J. Bruce Scott Burns Kathleen Callahan Richard Carlbom Ann D. Cieslak Michael Connelly Jay Cowles Harold Crump Paul Dadlez Anne Hazelroth Field Jeanette Frederickson Christopher P. Georgacas Heidi R. Gesell Guy Gilmore Robyn Hansen Pat Harris Courtney Henry Paul Hirschboeck John Huss Phyllis Karasov Thomas C. Kayser Shar Knutson Jack Lanners Diana Lewis John Marshall Nancy McKillips Eileen T. McMahon Todd Nicholson Kevin Olson Jennifer Ford Reedy, Mark Richards Mary Rothchild Wendy Rubin Terrance K. Russell Jim Scannell Stephanie Shimp Elona Street-Stewart Pondie Nicholson Taylor Matt Tempelis Pat Thiele James V. Toscano Dave Wellstone Annette Whaley Charles H. Williams, Jr. James Zacharski

W. Andrew Boss Mary Ida Thomas Truman W. Porter Thomas H. Swain Paul A. Verret

EX-OFFICIO TRUSTEES Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff Kit Hadley, Library Director



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Tanya Bell, Friends Board Chair Ann Cieslak, Vice Chair for Advocacy and Advocacy Committee Chair Joe Bagnoli, Chair for Ad Hoc State and National Advocacy Committee Greg Blees, Co-Chair for Library Strategies Consulting Group Kathleen Callahan, Co-Chair for Library Strategies Consulting Group Anne Field, Chair for Individual Giving Heidi Gesell, Vice Chair for Development Planning Robyn Hansen, Chair for Minnesota Book Awards Pat Harris, Co-Chair for Committee on Trustees Paul Hirschboeck, Treasurer and Chair for Finance and Investment Committee Phyllis Karasov, Secretary Jack Lanners, Co-Chair for Opus & Olives Committee Diana Lewis, Chair for Human Resources Eileen McMahon, Chair for Institutional Relations Committee Wendy Rubin, Co-Chair for Committee on Trustees Annette Whaley, Vice Chair for Public Awareness and Chair for Public Awareness Committee Susan Dowd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Kit Hadley, Ex-officio Peter Pearson, Friends Staff

ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Ann Cieslak, Chair Marvin Anderson Joe Bagnoli Mel Barker Greg Blees Pat Blaskowski Jim Bradshaw Triesta Brown Armando Camacho Patrick Coleman Katherine DuGarm Anne Field Stanley Gardner Robyn Hansen Pat Harris Jon Heaton Courtney Henry Shar Knutson Robin Madsen John Marshall

Nora McKinnon Todd Nicholson Celeste Raspanti Ann Regan Mary Roche Mary Rosenthal Mary Rothchild Susan Vento Arlene West Carol Walsh Charles Williams Tanya Bell, Board Chair Susan Dowd, Friends Staff Kit Hadley, ex-officio Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter Pearson, Friends Staff

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN STEERING COMMITTEE The Honorable Chris Coleman, Honorary Co-Chair John Taft, Honorary Co-Chair George Latimer, Co-Chair Tom Swain, Co-Chair William Cosgriff, Co-Chair Tanya Bell, Board Chair Mike Connelly Heidi Gesell Pat Harris Diana Lewis Dick Nicholson Marschall Smith Andy Currie, Capital Campaign Counsel Kit Hadley, Library Director Susan Dowd, Friends Staff Peter Pearson, Friends Staff

DEVELOPMENT PLANNING COMMITTEE Heidi Gesell, Chair Joe Bagnoli Mike Connelly William Cosgriff Anne Field Jack Lanners Nancy McKillips Eileen McMahon Todd Nicholson Wendy Rubin James Toscano Tanya Bell, Board Chair Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Susan Dowd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Kit Hadley, ex-officio, Library Director Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter Pearson, Friends Staff

FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Paul Hirschboeck, Chair Greg Blees Kathleen Callahan Guy Gilmore John Huss Phyllis Karasov Jack Lanners Mark Richards Matt Tempelis Pat Thiele Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff Amy Zimmer, Friends Staff

HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE Diana Lewis, Chair Mike Connelly Phyllis Karasov Jen Ford Reedy Sue Vento

INDIVIDUAL GIVING COMMITTEE Anne Field, Chair Scott Burns Richard Carlbom Roxanne Hart Charlene McKenzie Nancy McKillips Todd Nicholson Mary Rothchild Pondie Taylor Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Alayne Hopkins, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter Pearson, Friends Staff

INSTITUTIONAL GIVING COMMITTEE Eileen McMahon, Chair Lea Anderson Steve Brady Doug Bruce John Bultena Kathleen Callahan Paul Dadlez Heidi Gesell Kit Hadley Molly Murphy Laura Roller James Zacharski Mike Zipko Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Alayne Hopkins, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter Pearson, Friends Staff

LIBRARY STRATEGIES COMMITTEE Greg Blees, Co-Chair Kathleen Callahan, Co-Chair Kathryn Brown Dana Bruce Scott Burns Bill Cosgriff Jill Drouobie Ann Hutton Diana Lewis Dan Prokott Jim Toscano Chuck Wright Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff Karen Rose, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Sue Hall, Friends Staff Stu Wilson, Friends Staff

MINNESOTA BOOK AWARDS COMMITTEE Robyn Hansen, Chair Tanya Bell, Board Chair Eileen McMahon Ann Nelson Jay Peterson Barb Pierce Vanessa Ramos Jerod Santek Lucas Schulze Elona Street-Stewart Jim Toscano Hans Weyandt Lori Williamson Alayne Hopkins, Friends Staff Bailey Veesenmeyer, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff

OPUS & OLIVES COMMITTEE Jack Lanners, Co-Chair Lori Raduenz, Co-Chair Tanya Bell, Board Chair Dana Bruce Harold Crump Leigh Crump Pat Effenberger Robyn Hansen John Marshall Kevin Olson Kris O’Gara Billie Young Sue Hall, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter Pearson, Friends Staff

Sheree Savage Therese Scherbel Stephanie Shimp Holly Sylvester Pondie Nicholson Taylor Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Alayne Hopkins, Friends Staff Slade Kemmet, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff

PERRIE JONES COMMITTEE Anne Levin, Chair Delano DuGarm Katherine DuGarm Theresa Gardella Karen Neinstadt Susie Orr Susan Price Martha Rhode Deborah Torres Sue Vento Elaine Wagner Sandy Walsh Annette Whaley Debbie Willms, Library Staff Leslie Spring, Library Staff Kathy Korum, Parks and Recreation Staff Susan Dowd, Friends Staff

FRIENDS STAFF Peter D. Pearson, President Chris Berry, Database Manager Liz Boyd, Director of Individual and Planned Giving § Susan Dowd, Special Projects and Capital Campaign Coordinator § Lynn Giovannelli, Director of Operations § Sue Hall, Library Strategies Coordinator and Opus & Olives Coordinator § Alayne L. Hopkins, Director of Programming and Minnesota Book Awards Slade Kemmet, Marketing and Design Manager, Library Strategies Ann McKinnon, Director of Communications and Marketing Wendy Moylan, Director of Institutional Relations Ann Nelson, Minnesota Book Awards Coordinator § Sharon D. Sturdivant, Office Manager Bailey Veesenmeyer, Programming Coordinator Stu Wilson, Lead Consultant, Library Strategies Amy Zimmer, Director of Finance § § Part-time Employee

PUBLIC AWARENESS COMMITTEE Annette Whaley, Chair Robert Awsumb Jill Boldenow Richard Carlbom Harold Crump Jeannette Frederickson Chris Georgacas Robyn Hansen Roxanne Hart Courtney Henry Patty Hoffman Nora Murphy Kevin Olson






TOTAL WIRELESS SESSIONS The library installed a new wireless network in 2013.


472% since 2011



9% since 2012



2X since 2003


TOTAL USES OF JOBNOW (WORKPLACE PROGRAM) Includes resume lab, interview coaching, and database resources


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