Rise to the Challenge

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RISE TO THE Dear Friends, 2011 was filled with challenges, but that didn’t deter us. Faced with nearly a million dollars in proposed budget cuts, changing technology and a need greater than ever for services offered by the library, the Saint Paul Public Library and The Friends rose to the challenge and worked together to improve the outlook for everyone in our learning community. Technology continues to profoundly affect the way we work, collaborate, communicate and, ultimately, succeed in the 21st century. Digital literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every profession and field of study. One’s digital literacy can be a determining factor between getting a job or remaining unemployed. It can make the difference between struggling through life or thriving. To help improve basic computer literacy, the Saint Paul Public Library and the Saint Paul Community Literacy Consortium convened a task force of community organizations, libraries, adult basic education programs, and workforce centers. The resulting initiative – the Northstar Digital Literacy Project – is a ground breaking effort to empower people to master the basic computer skills needed for jobs, education and daily life. The Northstar Digital Literacy Project includes common standards for teaching basic computer skills in six modules, such as e-mail, windows, and word. An on-line assessment for each module enables people to demonstrate their skill levels and helps organizations tailor their classes to their learners. Finally, a Certificate of Basic Digital Literacy available upon successfully passing each module will help build a resume and support job search. The tools of learning, reading and information search have changed dramatically since the Library’s inception over 125 years ago. Just as Library staff used to help the public learn how to use the card catalogue to navigate information, today they help people learn to use eReaders, master basic computer skills, navigate the web and use the SPPL mobile app. But important things have not changed. The library continues helping children, teens and adults learn to love words and stories; find books they will love; complete homework assignments; pursue a degree program; master new skills; and fuel their imaginations. We are pleased to present this shared annual report highlighting the good work of The Friends and the Saint Paul Public Library and would like to thank you and the thousands of individuals who helped make this essential work possible.

Kit Hadley Library Director

2011 Annual Report


George Latimer Friends Board Chair

Peter Pearson Friends President





Saint Paul loves its libraries – and it shows. The generous support of donors and institutions enabled The Friends to provide essential funds to maintain our world-class library. Our supporters know that there is no better resource for learning and entertainment than the Saint Paul Public Library. Private donations have helped make the Library a community leader in early literacy, homework help, technology training and workforce development. MORE ON PAGE 8 & 9


4–7 Library Highlights 8 Friends’ Support of the Library 9 Statement of Financial Activities 10 Advocacy Recap 11 Program Recap

$155,749 After rigorous advocacy on behalf of libraries by The Friends and AFSCME, Mayor Chris Coleman and the City Council added $155,749 back into the Library’s budget for children’s materials. The advocates supported Mayor Coleman’s proposed budget for 2011, but emphasized the importance of the children’s materials budget. The committee sought maintenance of open hours at all library facilities; and the inclusion of funding for a Library Physical Needs Assessment. MORE ON PAGE 10


5,100 +

Saint Paulites joined the Friends for enlightening films, a broad range of author readings, stimulating book discussions, stimulating panel discussions, an all-night festival of light... We could go on. The Friends continued to present program favorites such as the Fireside Reading Series and Untold Stories, while the Women’s Human Rights Film Series had its highest attendance ever. We also began an exciting new partnership with Books and Bars at the Amsterdam Bar and Hall. MORE ON PAGE 11 –3–

12 – 13 Minnesota Book Awards 14 – 15 Opus & Olives 16 Our Generous Supporters 17 Corporate and Foundation Grants 18 Book Endowment Fund 19 – 23 Donors 24 Staff and Committees The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library



UNEMPLOYMENT Saint Paul’s unemployment rate in July of 2011 was 9.1 percent.

A real-time resumé and interview coaching resource, JobNow provides valuable career resources in the Library and to anyone, anywhere with a library card and Internet access.

For the unemployed, the future is uncertain – resources are limited and competition for jobs is tough. Saint Paul Public Library provides the crucial resources for job-seekers to be competent and confident as they begin the next stage in their careers.

JobView kiosks operate like an ATM for jobs. Thousands of jobs can be browsed using an intuitive, touchscreen interface. Patrons can access kiosks at Rondo, Sun Ray and Central branches.

Whether it’s one-on-one sessions with a Goodwill-Easter Seals career counselor or a resumé building class, SPPL offers the personal resources needed for jobseekers to succeed in the workforce.

The Small Business Resource Center at Rondo Library provides real-world advice and resources for small business owners and business owners-to-be. Here are just a few resources offered: Business Plan Pro - sample business plans and business plan formats Demographics Now - information to analyze customer bases and spending potentials NAICS - SIC database - identifies the NAICS and SIC numbers for businesses RMA Annual Statement Studies composite financial data for several hundred industries

The Business of Learning “Books have never been our primary business. Think about Andrew Carnegie – a teenager, an immigrant and a factory worker – when he first found everything he needed to advance his career at a library. What was he doing? He was learning by reading. Learning, reading, information search – the business of the Saint Paul Public Library hasn’t changed in over 125 years.” - Kit Hadley, Director of the Saint Paul Public Library 2011 Annual Report


Today’s libraries are no longer simply distribution points for materials. They are places where people build job skills and seek employment, access technology of all kinds, find resources for work and school, gather for meetings and socialization, and learn at all stages of life. Twenty-first century libraries are places for after-school enrichment and skill building. They are living rooms, meeting rooms, and classrooms for the community. And the Saint Paul Public Library is no exception. Take a look at just a few of the services offered by your library.

The Mobile WORKplace

“A student approached me with tears in her eyes one day before class. She told me that learning more on the computer had ‘opened up a new world’ for her.”

372 6 - IN -



The Mobile WORKplace collaborates with private and public partners to meet the high need for job search and workforce skill training, particularly for non-English speakers without ready access to library locations. The program brings laptops and Internet access to 18 community sites to provide training and job search support in Amharic, Spanish, Hmong, Somali, Karen, and English.

- SPPL Basic Computer Skills Teacher




2011 Annual Report

SAINT ANTHONY Founded “Be Well as You Age,” a brain health series directed at seniors and their caregivers Volunteers contributed ~3,000 hours Weekly English conversation circles Connected customers to library’s new Mobile App


HAMLINE Resume and cover letter drop-in assistance by Career Solutions staff

Neighborhood Development Center offered small business and entrepreneurial classes

Storytime with Bilingual Child Care of MN continued

Solar panels installed on roof

WORKplace Services implemented Supported Reading To Achieve program that expanded to all SPPL locations


Led system-wide update of Assistive Technology stations Welcomed 873,323 visitors to the library



Helped reach all Saint Paul Public Schools teachers before school year started

Thirteen volunteers gave 971 hours

Increased public training of technology resources

18 programs were presented with 714 attendees

Nice Ride bike stand installed

Started intergenerational garden project, teaching the basics of gardening to children and seniors

Summer Reading Program goal completion increased dramatically

Reached record high for materials circulated and visitors




HIGHLAND WORKplace Basic Computer classes received six new laptops Started popular Amarhic storytime Youth programs well-attended Successful series of summer programs with the Edgcumbe Recreation Center


BOOKMOBILE Served 89 programs at 78 community partner sites and participated in 15 community events Began year-round service to Rivertown Commons Old-time radio program sponsored by the library was held at Osceola Place, a Bookmobile partner

RICE STREET Hosted a series of weekly computer classes in Karen


Homework Center and other literacy programs were well-attended Offered St. Paul Sidewalk Poetry workshop for kids


Computer 101 classes drew nearcapacity crowds


Received six new computers from Gates Foundation


Planning continued for Payne/ Maryland library and rec. center

68 teens took part in the monthly Teen Videogaming Day

Storytimes well-attended


AARP held an informational event for tax volunteers. Tax services provided.

Homework Center welcomed students of all ages


Provided eReader clinics

Hosted monthly software and job searching classes

Semi-monthly visits of a GoodwillEaster Seals career counselor

Launched new website and welcomed more than 1.6 million visitors online Offered eBooks for first time and increased usage by 645% in nine months Launched Freegal, a downloadable music service that offers hundreds of thousands of songs



Launched pilot program, Read + Play to Go, with success Mayor Coleman read Llama Llama Red Pajama to families One of four libraries to offer free Summer Meals for the first time

SR SUN RAY 4,536 job seekers used the Job Resource Center


Added new technology in partnership with 3M Entire collection tagged with RFID tags 396 library-sponsored programs


RIVERVIEW Goodwill-Easter Seals provided monthly job counseling Offered beginning computer classes Bimonthly English conversation circles Weekly Spanish storytimes

The Saint Paul Public Library at a Glance in 2011 Books and Services

Programs for Children and Adults

Items in collection


Items loaned


Visitors system-wide

2,437,261 468,334

Information inquiries to staff

Computers and Technology Public access computers Users of library computers Online visits

444 379,067 1,668,683

Number of programs for children and teens


Number of children and teens attending programs


Homework Center student visits


Summer Reading Program participants


Summer Reading Program event attendees


Number of programs for adults


Number of adults attending programs



The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library



Annual grant for highest needs as determined by the Library Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 Library initiatives support from Ortha Robbins Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,436 DIRECT CASH TO THE LIBRARY - RESTRICTED

Perrie Jones Endowment staff development grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,580 Restricted Endowment grants for materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,442 Grants for the Library paid through The Friends (LSTA and the Otto Bremer Foundation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575,580 Funds raised for student support programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 Cultural STAR grants written by The Friends with funds going to the Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175,000 Humanities Endowment materials grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,292 Payments for library programming publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 Grants for future capital projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 ADVOCACY EFFORTS TO EXPAND LIBRARY’S BUDGET (done in concert with other groups’ advocacy efforts)

Addition for children’s materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155,749 NON CASH SUPPORT TO BUILD ENDOWMENTS AND PROVIDE FOR THE LIBRARY’S FUTURE NEEDS

Contributions added to the Book Endowment Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,141 Additions to restricted endowments for book purchases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 New endowments created . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,608 FRIENDS’ PROGRAMMING ACTIVITIES WHICH DON’T PROVIDE DIRECT FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE LIBRARY

LSTA grant for Minnesota Book Awards programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,330 Foundation grants for Minnesota Book Awards programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000 Friends’ cultural programming in libraries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,584

TOTAL: $1,931,842

(total includes private fundraising of $1,776,093 and $155,749 added back into the Library budget as a result of advocacy efforts)

2011 Annual Report




__________ 2011 __________ ___________ 2010 ___________



REVENUE Institutional Contributions

$ 434,035 $ 1,126,005

Individual Contributions


$ 26,610 $1,586,650

$ 578,726

$ 301,752

$ 5,275 $ 885,753


308,729 303,186 25,080 27,270 355,536

Consulting Service Fees


98,167 183,343 183,343

Investment Income


76,060 167,844 964,752 1,132,596


Investment Income from Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Others: Investment Income from Third Party Trust 1,676 1,676 2,181 2,181 Net Increase (decrease) in Value of Interests 44 11,440 (8,799) 2,685 736 230,398 15,274 246,408 Special Events, Net


96,700 94,650 94,650

Other Revenue


61,349 44,035 44,035

Net Assets Released from Restrictions


Total Revenue



(847,318) 355,422



18,550 2,232,016 2,175,657 721,026 47,819 2,944,502

EXPENSES Programs:

Grants to the Library

$ 468,798 $ 468,798

Programs and Other Support

1,122,923 1,122,923 1,152,321

1,591,721 1,591,721

$ 552,250 $ 552,250 1,152,321

1,704,571 1,704,571

Support Services:

Management and General


188,068 148,603 148,603

Fund Development


246,130 202,383 202,383

434,198 434,198 350,986 350,986

Total Expenses

Change in Net Assets Special Event, Net $96,700 Investment Income $80,421

2,025,919 2,025,919 2,055,557 2,055,557 (167,875)







Management and General $188,068

Other Revenue $61,349

Consulting Service Fees $98,167

Individual Contributions $308,729


Fund Development $246,130



Institutional Contributions $1,586,650



Program Expenses $1,122,923

Grants to the Library $468,798


The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library



The Friends’ Advocacy Committee looks toward the future. Investing in the future of our children, access to library services and the library’s physical space is critical to maintaining our world-class library. The advocates supported the Mayor’s proposed Library budget and asked our elected officials to look toward the future by investing in children’s materials, maintaining open hours and including a Library physical needs assessment in the budget. Thanks to the efforts of the Friends and AFSCME, the Mayor and City Council responded with their support.










92% of Minnesotans believe it is Very Important or Somewhat Important to have a public library in every community. Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Important at All

(Data: Minnesota Libraries Return on Investment for the Minnesota Department of Education; December 2011. University of Minnesota Duluth Labovitz School of Business and Economics)

$1.00 IN = $4.62 OUT Minnesota Public Libraries’ Return on Investment according to a report by the University of Minnesota Duluth.

You don’t have to be an expert to understand these numbers. For each taxpayer dollar spent on Libraries in Minnesota, the state’s residents receive $4.62 in benefits. Investing in libraries is critical for our communities and a sound economic investment. 2011 Annual Report

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From an all-night outdoor film festival to book discussions over beer, the range and diversity of free programs offered by The Friends is hard to top. The Friends helped bring Books and Bars, Minnesota’s largest open book club, across the river to Amsterdam Bar and Hall for monthly book discussions. The Women’s Human Rights Film Series had record attendance; the film “Miss Representation” packed the Metropolitan State University auditorium for a screening and discussion.


The Fireside Reading Series proved to warm the hearts and minds of Saint Paulites in the dead of winter for the seventeenth straight year and Untold Stories: Labor History Series had another successful run with a series of programs that had something for almost everyone.

Attendees of free programs

The Friends also got in on the action for “Northern Spark” a dusk to dawn festival throughout the Twin Cities with an all-night short film festival outside of Central Library. Hundreds of people stopped by to check out the films throughout the night.

June: Northern Spark takes over the Twin Cities from dusk to dawn; The Friends host an all-night film festival outside Central Library.

November: “Miss Representation” screening and discussion attract a capacity crowd to the Metropolitan State University auditorium.

December: Books and Bars comes to Amsterdam Bar and Hall with the help of the Friends. The book discussions have been a success and will continue in 2012.

PROGRAM PARTNERS Books & Bars, Coffee House Press, F. Scott Fitzgerald Society, Ginkgo Coffeehouse, Givens Foundation for African American Literature, Jewish Community Action, Jewish Community Center, Loft Literary Center, Macalester College, MELSA, Metropolitan State University, Micawber’s Books, Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minnesota Historical Society and MHS Press, Motion Poems, Nodin Press, North Star Press, Park Square Theatre, Pioneer Press, Ramsey County Historical Society, Rimon, St. Paul Labor Speakers Club, St. Paul Labor and Trades Assembly, St. Paul Neighborhood Network, The Advocates for Human Rights, The Rose Ensemble, Twin Cities Labor History Society, The Union Advocate, University of Minnesota Labor Education Service, University of St. Thomas Center for Irish Studies. – 11 –

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library


MINNESOTA BO 300 750 2,000 $20,000 Books nominated

A sold-out crowd of nearly 750 people celebrated Minnesota’s literary scene at the 23rd Annual Minnesota Book Awards Gala on April 16th, 2011. Hosted by Books and Bars moderator Jeff Kamin, the event featured performances by three of the RockStar Storytellers and a reading by Irish poet Leanne O’Sullivan. Throughout the evening, attendees marveled at the beautiful hand-blown glass awards, feasted on decadent desserts and raised their flutes of champagne to toast the talented nominees. The guest list included authors, librarians, book-lovers, publishers, sponsors, business leaders and booksellers. Before the ceremony started at 8 p.m., finalist authors signed copies of their nominated books and mingled with the diverse crowd. Minnesota Book Awards Director Alayne Hopkins opened the show, and then emcee Jeff Kamin kept the crowd entertained. Throughout a riveting two hours, winners across eleven categories were announced and applauded. The Friends collaborated with the Loft Literary Center and MELSA libraries to hold many events leading up to the Awards, including a popular event to highlight the Readers’ Choice Award. The Book Artist Award, presented with Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA), was sponsored for the first time by Lerner Publishing Group. The February reception and exhibit featuring honoree Regula Russelle’s work at MCBA was the highest attended in the award’s history (attended by at least 350 people). An exhibition followed at St. Paul’s Central Library, with other exhibits planned at Minneapolis Central Library and around the state throughout the year. In order to broaden the reach of the Book Awards to every corner of the state, celebrate the literary contribution of our state’s writers and publishers, and encourage writing and reading by all members of our community, The Friends created a Minnesota Book Awards endowment. Through 2011, the Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation provided a generous challenge grant of $10,000 to match new individual gifts dollar-for-dollar.

2011 Annual Report

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Attendees at the gala

Votes for Readers’ Choice Award

Raised with a challenge grant from The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation*


Bookmarks and posters featuring Award winners distributed throughout the state * to create an endowment for the Minnesota Book Awards

OOK AWARDS Presenting Sponsor RBC Wealth Management

Judges Tom Bielenberg Jevin Boardman Tammy Bobrowsky Kirk Boettcher Rachel Brandt Lee Dean Joan Ennis Anika Fajardo Amanda Fish Barbara Golden Mic Golden Robert Gray Cary Griffith Elizabeth Halvorson Rachael Hanel Ingvild Herfindahl Suzanne Jenny Tori Jensen Carla-Elaine Johnson Molly Sutton Keifer Patricia Kester Mark Kile Linda Larson Mary Jane LaVigne Marcus Lowry Ann Mansfield Rodney Nelsestuen Becky Peters Jay Peterson Barbara Pierce Julie Poling Leslie Greaves Radloff Will Richter Aaron Rosenberg Jessi Ann Schulte-Honstad Katy Schulz Michael Schurter Sun Yung Shin Lisa Bolt Simons David Spohn Beth Ringsmuth Stolpman Katrina Vandenberg Dora Wagner Hans Weyandt Nick Wiebusch Carolyn Williams-Noren Sara Dovre Wudali Sue Zumberge

Book Artist Award Panel Sam Demas Kathy Heuer Diane Katsiaficas Harry Lerner Lori Williamson

Kay Sexton Award Panel Jim Cihlar Rosie Foreman Jay Peterson

Minnesota Center for Book Arts Minnesota Historical Society Press MLBA Children’s Fund RBC Wealth Management Sit Investment Associates The Red Balloon Bookshop University of Minnesota Press Voyageur Press/MVP Books Wellington Management, Inc. Xcel Energy

Ann Regan Sue Zumberge

Facilitators Heather Bouwman Joanna Brookes Lexi Bush Pat Effenberger Hanna Gilsvik Sally Lederer Therese Scherbel Barbara Sippel Kelly Stade Jym Wroblewski Amy Zimmer

Media Sponsors The Pioneer Press and TwinCities.com Minnesota Public Radio Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) Minnesota Channel

Special Thanks Steve Brunsberg Lexi Bush Pat Effenberger Carol Erdahl Dorothy Goldie Bill Hanley Open Book Jeff Rathermel Jerod Santek Tom Trow Madeleine Vasaly Nancy Walton Mike Wassenaar Amy Wolner Jym Wroblewski The staff of The Saint Paul Public Library, the staff and Board of Trustees of The Friends, the Mayor and Library Board of the City of Saint Paul

Grants and Foundation Support The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation The Boss Foundation City of Saint Paul Cultural STAR Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts The Huss Foundation MELSA Minnesota Library Foundation The McKnight Foundation

Corporate Sponsors Anchor Trust Beaver’s Pond Press Books For Africa Capstone Publishing Group Coffee House Press Common Good Books Graywolf Press HarperCollins Publishers Lerner Publishing Marvin Windows and Doors McGrann Shea Carnival Straughn & Lamb Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle Milkweed Editions Minnesota AFL-CIO

Outreach Partners The Loft Literary Center Metropolitan Library Service Agency (MELSA) Minnesota Educational Media Organization (MEMO) - State Association of School Librarians Minnesota Center for Book Arts Minnesota Library Foundation The Saint Paul Almanac

Table Sponsors and Hosts Patrick Coleman The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University Carol Connolly Fran Cummins Barbara Golden Aaron Hautala Paul Hirschboeck Lynne Jonell Chris Knopff Julie Kramer Maureen Kucera-Walsh Milkweed Editions Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota Historical Society Press and Borealis Books Normandale Community College Public Art Saint Paul Regula Russelle The Saint Paul Almanac Anton Treuer University of Minnesota Press Wendy Webb Mary Lethert Wingerd

Minnesota Book Awards Donors ($50 +) Anonymous (2) Kristine and Tor Aasheim Anita Anderson Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Carl and Jean Brookins Roma Calatayud-Stocks Patrick Coleman Carol M. Connolly

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Don and Sandy Craighead Frances L. Cummins Emilio DeGrazia Joy Dey Susan and Bryan Dowd Pat and Don Effenberger Rae Katherine Eighmey Flat Rock Publishing Rose Ann Foreman Mary Gillespie Barbara L. Golden Cary Griffith and Anna McCourt John and Molly Harris Dan Hauser Pete Hautman and Mary Logue O. C. Hognander, Jr. Carolyn Holbrook Doug Hoverson Robert and Karen Hoyle Elisabeth Kaplan and Robert Horton Garrison Keillor and Jenny Lind Nilsson Dave Kenney Mark Kile Paul Kilgore Julie Kramer and Joe Kimball William Kent Krueger David LaRochelle Daniel Leary and Jean Thilmany Don Leeper James and Susan Lenfestey Nancy Loewen Karen Lohn Curt Lund and Benjamin Imker David Lundquist Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Rae Meadows Paul Mohrbacher Rodney and Diane Nelsestuen Steven and Ann Nelson Carolyn O’Grady Park Rapids Friends of the Library Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Soren P. Petrek Julian G. Plante Patricia Ploetz Leslie G. Radloff Georgia Ray Lindeke David and Maria Reamer Sandra N. Robertson Michael and Regula Russelle Rob Schultz C. B. Sherlock and Jim Polakowski Joyce and James Sidman John D. Taylor James and Sharon Toscano Stanley Trollip Susan L. Vento Monica Walsh Sarah T. Williams Mary Lethert Wingerd Jeanette and Leon Zaczkowski Sue Zumberge

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library


OPUS & OLIVE The Eighth Opus & Olives was another big hit for The Friends with a record crowd of over 800 guests! Gala guests deemed it “the best event yet!” Frank Delaney, a previous presenter, served as the program’s charming emcee. Delaney was a huge favorite author in 2007 and his fans lined up to chat with him and have him sign copies of his newest Irish novel, The Matchmaker of Kenmare. Mitchell Zuckoff enthralled us with his tale of Lost in Shangri-La, A True Story of Survival, Adventure and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II. Zuckoff, a journalism professor at Boston University, brought his research to life with terrific photos and hair-raising stories of the rescue…a movie waiting to be made! Amy Waldman was next at the Opus & Olives podium, with her culturally intricate novel, The Submission – a story about a Muslim who submits the awardwinning design for the World Trade Center memorial. Waldman covered the 9/11 attack for the New York Times and is deeply steeped in the emotional territory of this dramatic time in history.

2011 Annual Report

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ES: “BEST YET!” Presenting Sponsor

Table Hosts

RBC Wealth Management

Hosts The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Pioneer Press and TwinCities.com

Best Seller Partners Delta Air Lines Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. and the Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Travelers

Next up was Erik Larson, author of four New York Times bestsellers. Larson’s most recent book, In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin was an instant hit in the book world. Larson’s writing is eclectic and guests were ecstatic to have him sign copies of “backlist” books including The Devil in the White City and Thunderstruck. Rounding out the author program was Karin Slaughter, the woman Publisher’s Weekly described as today’s “top female suspense writer” and Library Journal’s Library Advocate of the Year. Slaughter has written eleven thrillers. Booklist dubbed her latest novel, Fallen, as “Slaughter at her very best”. Once again, Delta Air Lines contributed two BusinessElite® tickets to anywhere in the world the airline flies. The raffle for this once-in-a-lifetime getaway is a huge bonus for Opus & Olives guests. Opus & Olives is all about great food and book-signings, cocktails and rubbing elbows with 800 book-loving VIPs and business leaders – but our guests tell us every year that it’s the great balance of authors that keeps them coming back. Make sure you have Sunday, October 14, 2012 on your calendar for the ninth annual Opus & Olives. It will be another great event!

Recommended Read Partners Acendas Travel (formerly Vanguard Travel Unlimited) Ecolab HMS Host Mairs and Power, Inc. MGM Wine & Spirits of East Saint Paul and Woodbury Xcel Energy

Additional Sponsorship By BankCherokee Bearance Management Group Bremer Bank Comcast Common Good Books Cuningham Group Ergodyne Frauenshuh HealthCare Real Estate Solutions Goff Public Guy Carpenter & Co., LLC Legacy Wealth, LLC Metropolitan State University Foundation Modern Press Moore, Costello & Hart, PLLP Morgan Stanley Smith Barney – The Waterbury Group Mpls.St.Paul Magazine Random House, Inc. Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP St. Paul Radiology Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. Wellington Management, Inc. Western Bank Wilkerson Associates Winthrop & Weinstine – 15 –

Marvin and Gloria Anderson Bob Awsumb, Paula Downs and Betsy Keyes Tanya Bell Dana and Doug Bruce Ann Cieslak and Tom Swain Susan Dowd – The Magnolia Book Club Jo Anne and Edward Driscoll Mari Oyanagi Eggum Lynn Giovannelli Sue Hall Paul Hirschboeck Lani Jordan Karen Larsen Debbie Lee Diana and Ken Lewis Bill Mahlum, Ken Smith and Anders Rydaker Tom McLeod – First Edition Priscilla McNulty Paul and Trish Mulcahy Judy Nelson Dick and Nancy Nicholson – First Edition Bonnie Palmquist Peter and Mary Ann Pearson St. Paul Eclectic Book Club Gregory Schwab Debra Mitts-Smith and Marschall Smith James V. and Sharon Toscano Arlene West and Kevin Bevis Annette and John Whaley Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Billie Young


SUPPORTERS The Otto Bremer Foundation


One of The Friends’ largest grant awards in 2011 was $468,000 from the Otto Bremer Foundation. The grant includes: $200,000 for RFID installation at Merriam Park $200,000 for the collections budget $68,000 for the Mobile WORKplace and work/study programs The grant will use a three-pronged approach to provide resources and assistance to unemployed job seekers, specifically those encountering culture and language barriers. This will add to the library’s stable of resources through the addition of computer classes in several languages, enhancement of job search and digital literacy services in its work/study program, and improvement of its materials handling capacities. All of these improvements move toward the goal of increasing staff time for assistance and interaction with patrons as well as improving resources.

Institute of Museum and Library Services and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation


The Library was fortunate to win a $100,000 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The grant came through the winning design for a digital learning lab specifically for youth. Saint Paul Public Library was one of only 12 winners in the country. The library will work with Saint Paul Parks and Recreation to improve digital literacy in young people through hands-on experience. The project encompasses a learning lab – part of the Payne Maryland project – a mobile lab, and an online student network.

Donor Spotlight: Sandra Schloff Sandra Schloff is a Friends member, library volunteer, former trustee, annual donor, Briggs Circle member and now major funder of family-focused literacy programs for new Americans – World Languages Services. How did she come to be such a complete and enduring supporter? “My parents took me to the library when I was very young. Both of them loved to read, and of course, they read aloud to me. if you start at a young age reading to your children, you have given them a gift: the gift of learning. “I first volunteered with the ‘Launch a Young Reader’ program at the old Lexington Library. They had kits assembled for teachers and caregivers with books, songs, puppets, finger plays… The excitement of the boys and girls engaging with the stories was palpable. That was my first involvement with the library as more than just a parent helping my own kids check out books.” With Schloff’s support, the Library now offers storytimes and services in world languages at various library locations and through the Mobile WORKplace. According to the 2010 census, 44 percent of Saint Paul’s residents belong to a minority group – and a significant portion of those speak languages other than English in their homes. World Language Storytimes are designed for the children, their parents or caregivers, and organizations that serve these families. They offer a valuable listening and pre-reading experience for all ages and support literacy which is vitally important for a child’s achievement and future success. As the entire family learns to read and use the language, it relieves the pressure on children who, for instance, must assist their parents with making adult decisions because they have the English skills their parents lack. Sandra just saw the need and stepped up to help. “The children are our future. One of the best gifts we can give to our young is reading and a love of books.” Thank you, Sandra, for setting an example of library stewardship and support!

Corporate and Foundation Supporters Your leadership and commitment within our community is invaluable. Our sincere thanks go to all of the corporations and foundations that made a gift in support of the Saint Paul Public Library in 2011.

$250,000 and Greater Otto Bremer Foundation John and Myrtle Briggs Endowment Fund at RBC Wealth Management The McKnight Foundation

R. C. Lilly Foundation Mairs & Power, Inc. Securian Financial Group Thomson Reuters Xcel Energy

$100,000 to $249,999

$1,000 to $4,999

Minnesota Community Foundation

$50,000 to $99,999 Edwin W. & Catherine M. Davis Foundation MELSA*

$10,000 to $49,999 Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts City of Saint Paul Cultural STAR Ecolab Foundation Emerald Foundation David R. & Elizabeth J. Fesler Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation and Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. The Huss Foundation Roger Lenzmeier Endowment Fund at RBC Wealth Management Marvin Windows and Doors Minnesota Historical Society Richard & Nancy Nicholson Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. E. M. Pearson Foundation Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. RAFT Charitable Foundation RBC Wealth Management Ortha D. Robbins Charitable Endowment at RBC Wealth Manangement Saint Paul Public Schools Foundation Travelers Intervention Grant Program Virginia Sohre Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. The Friends Book Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation The Friends General Endowment at Mairs & Power, Inc. The Friends General Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation The Friends Humanities Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation The Sunup Foundation Travelers Trillium Family Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999 Boss Foundation Comcast HMS Host Terry Devitt and Michael Hoffman Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Josten’s Foundation, Inc. Margaret H. & James E. Kelley Foundation

3M Foundation Anchor Bank of Saint Paul Andersen Corporation Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation Betty Schlick Andrews Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Anime Twin Cities, Inc. BankCherokee Bearence Management Group Elizabeth Biorn Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Books For Africa Bremer Financial Corporation Common Good Books Cuningham Group Architecture, P.A. District Energy Ergodyne Frauenshuh HealthCare Real Estate Solutions Furness Endowment Fund at US Bank Goff Public Elizabeth S. Guenzel Revocable Trust at US Bank Guthmann Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC Hardenbergh Foundation Clara V. Hoffman Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Hubbs Family Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. Fund Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of The HRK Foundation Kopp Family Foundation Kowalski’s Market Legacy Wealth, LLC The Lerner Foundation Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE) McGrann Shea Carnival Straughn & Lamb, Chartered Messerli & Kramer Foundation Metropolitan State University Foundation Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle Midway Men’s Club Minnesota AFL-CIO Minnesota Humanities Center Minnesota Library Foundation Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-op Moore, Costello & Hart, P.L.L.P. Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Pioneer Press and TwinCities.com Random House RBC Foundation - USA The Red Balloon Bookshop

* Through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature from the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy fund with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.

Ethel R. Ridgway Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Ethel R. Ridgway Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, L.L.P. Rotary Club of Saint Paul Sit Investment Associates Foundation Skinner Room Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation St. Paul Jaycees Foundation Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. St. Paul Radiology Foundation Summer Fund UBS Financial Services, Inc. Wellington Management, Inc. Western Bank and Insurance Agency Wilkerson, Guthmann & Johnson Leadership Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Carole Williams Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Winthrop & Weinstine Lillian Wright & C. Emil Berglund Foundation

$500 to $999 Jon and Metta Belisle Endowment Fund of St. Croix Valley Foundation Clara and Frieda Claussen and Eleanor Herrmann Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Engelbert Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation HarperCollins Publishers Fred S. Heaberlin Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Dorothy V. Jefferson Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Susan I. Marvin Fund of the Minnesota Community Foundation Jerry and Jeanne Meigs Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association Minnesota Vikings Youth Volunteer Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Minnesota Center for Book Arts Nelson, Tietz & Hoye, Inc. Richard and Joan Newmark Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Todd and Martha Nicholson Fund of the Nicholson Family Foundation The John R. Cross Fund Vento-Wellstone Endowment at Mairs & Power, Inc. William and Barbara Welke Charitable Fund at Vanguard Jean and Leonard Wilkening Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Wilkerson Associates

Up to $499 Beaver’s Pond Press Capstone Publishing Coffee House Press Daughters of the American Revolution Nathan Hale Chapter Graywolf Press Jean and B.C. Hart Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation

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Nancy Loehr Memorial Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Lily Kayla March Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Marrinan Endowment Fund for Puppet Shows at Mairs & Power, Inc. Martin and Esther Kellogg Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Midway Animal Hospital, PLLC Milkweed Editions Minnesota Association of Library Friends Minnesota Historical Society Pearson Candy Company George C. Power Memorial Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Quayside Publishing Group Marion Serr Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Saint Paul Linoleum and Carpet Company SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development Norton Stillman Foundation TDS Telecommunications University of Minnesota Press Votel Family Fund of the Catholic United Financial Foundation Gary Wynia Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc.

Matching Gifts Assurant Bank of America General Mills Foundation H. B. Fuller Company Foundation IBM Corporation Mead Witter Foundation, Inc. Red Wing Shoe Company Foundation Securian Financial Group Securian Foundation Thomson Reuters Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation UBS Foundation USA US Bancorp Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation Zelle Hofman Voelbel & Mason, LLP

Gifts In Kind Acendas Travel (formerly Vanguard Travel Unlimited) Anson Northrup The Bibelot Shops Delta Air Lines Don Shelby Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. MGM Wine & Spirits Modern Press MPR Pearson Candy Company Pioneer Press Tom Mega TPT Xcel Energy

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library

Book Endowment Fund Gifts honoring loved ones are added to the Book Endowment Fund of The Friends. Income from this Endowment supports the purchase of thousands of new books and materials for the Saint Paul Public Library each year. Donations are recognized with the placement of a bookplate in a Library book, and listings in Friends publications.

Book Endowment Fund Book Endowment Fund in Perpetuity: Lynn Oyanagi* Jean and Mark Schroepfer Gifts to the Fund: Sharon L. Casey Nancy Harris Kerin McTeigue O’Connor

Memorials Edythe B. Abrahamson: Terrance and Kathy Russell Doug Andrews: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer Sarah A. Balo: Friend of Sarah A. Balo Derek Tyler Beauclaire: Craig and Tina Bauman Arthur C. Benson: Bob and Diane Gordon; Bruce and Cindy Idelkope; Richard and Regina McCarthy; Paula and Mike Weiner Mary R. Biller: John and Carol Kline John Bjorkquist: Judith Burrichter; Bonnie Iverson; Beverly and James Peterson; Paul Rignell; Danielle Sininger; JoAnne and Bill Sininger; Karen Smith Jessie Bockstruck: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer Millie Byrne: Colleen M. Byrne Mildred H. Bystrom: Wanda M. Czyszczon Mary Calvo: Family of Mary Calvo Blanche J. Dvorak: Julian G. Plante; Margaret Stevenson Mary Jane Faltesek: Nancy Barbeau; Jim and Mary Bischoff; Elizabeth Brenner; Janet and Del Conroy; Jo J. Cunningham; Jan Cylkowski; Buff Deyo; John and Mary Faltesek; Andrew Faltesek and Stephen Faltesek; Jack and Clarice Gibbons; Steve and Hilda Johnson; Rebecca McNally; Carole Miller; Elizabeth and Jeff Mosher; Jon Timothy Olson; Wendell and Florence Phillips Family; Michael Rogers; Dora Marie Rohl and Barbara Rohl; Tim and Emily Schwenker; Ted and Charlotte Schwenker; Christine and Thomas Swain; Eric Swenson; Marjorie and Donald Webinger Linda Feinberg: Sally and Robert Hart Elizabeth (Betty Mae) Fieber: Nancy Brennan; Gantrade Corporation; Mary Jane Heck; Shelley and James Heck; Albert and Constance Heck; Ann Starr David C. Foster: Cynthia M. Foster;

2011 Annual Report

Patrice and Alex Spencer Gertie Geck: Arty and Coleen Dorman Robert Gerber: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer Bill Harris: John and Carol Kline; Darren Tobolt and Wendy Underwood Annetta J. Hazelroth: Bearence Management Group; Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Luella Hei: Catherine Arvesen; Roxanne Aschittino; Sherry Becker; Mary Jo Hei and David E. Walls; Jane K. Heino; Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson; Stacey Lindahl; Elinor Nicklawske; Rosemarie and James Powers; Rita and Darrel Ruddick; Stephanie Scheu; Linda M. Valen; Richard and Lynn Voelbel; Margaret A. Zelinski Cliff Japs: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer

Administration Agency (TIGTA); Margaret and Michael Yaeger Bob Penningroth: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer

Terry Devitt: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library

Mary E. Peterson: John and Carol Kline

Susan Dowd: Magnolia Club

Laura Jarpe: Irwin L. Jacobs, Dave Mahler and Keith Carpenter

Benjamin Prince: John and Arlene Fitzpatrick

Christopher Jay: John and Arlene Fitzpatrick

Clementine Rardin: Shirley White Pearl

Irven Kiesow: Anonymous

Michael L. Ronnei: John and Carol Kline

Marilyn Rehnberg: Helen A. Fleming

Joan “Jo” Kircher: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer

John Rydel: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer

Edward W. Lussky: Margaret Lussky

Josef Saller: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer

Eunice G. MacLeod: Friends of Eunice MacLeod

William Patrick Shaughnessy: John and Carol Kline

James E. McKinnon: Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel

Marybella Street: Elona Street-Stewart

Hugh and Edna McVay: Steve S. McVay George Moy: Mary Ann Betts; Barbara and Lee Boerbon; Tom and Liz Boyd; Christine and Dennis Brady; Linda and Jerald Brant; Priscilla Brewster; Carolyn Brusseau; Richard and Nancy Colvin; Norbert and Mary Ellen Conzemius; Suzanne and William Crancer; Loralee DiLorenzo; Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum; Joan and David Fawcett; Don and Rosemary Gruber; Diane and Charles Haynor; Cindy and Jay Ihlenfeld; Clare Kimmel; Connie Kishel; Craig Kishel; Judy and Edward Kishel; Jaci Klick; Michael and Keevan Kosidowski; Marjorie and James Larson; Marcia Lubin; Barbara and Robert Manning; Karin and Patrick Mascia; Mary and Thomas May; Marjorie and James May; Joan E. Migliaccio; Paul and Mike Moy and Families; Linda Odegard; Virginia Overbye; Kathryn and Patrick Rosati; Dagmar Runyon; Elizabeth and Richard Streeper; Merle and Susan Strom; Arlan and Virginia Tietel; Farron and Roger Winges Joan O’Brien: Phyllis T. Harris; Mr. and Mrs. John Healy; Sarah and Jason Perri; Grace and Rudolph Pinter; Treasury Inspector General for Tax

Leigh Crump: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library

Rod Thein: Teddy and Jim Gesell The Mother of Nancy Van Cleve: Victor and Mary Bowman Audrey Votel: Votel Family Fund In loving memory of my father, William H. Wakefield: Margaret J. Doheny Gladys Wick: Mary K. Wick Norb Winter, Jr.: Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw Dzik Steve Wolner: Martha Davis Beck and Dan Beck Bill Yungbauer: Mary Japs; Elinor Yungbauer

Honoraria in Perpetuity

Mari Oyanagi Eggum: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Kit Hadley-St. Paul Public Library Director, with our gratitude and esteem: Malcolm and Wendy McLean Sue Hall’s Birthday: Dick and Peg Lidstad Happy 50th, Jules – Ali: Aletheia Turner and Joe Hoover Elizabeth J. Keyes: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library James P. O’Donnell: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library John Scanlan: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Lee Schafer and Tanya Bell - Happy 25th Anniversary and Happy 50th Birthday: Kathy Bayliss; Mary Buckett and Norman Tiedemann; Randy and Kori De Jong; Beth and Eric Nelson; Maggie Passmore; Alison and John Shank; Stephen and Katherine Wellington Marge and Bill Struve’s 65th Wedding Anniversary: Bill and Elinor Yungbauer Tom H. Swain: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library

George and Nancy Latimer Family: Stan and Sue Leonard

Volunteer AARP Tax Preparers: Carole Erickson


Jean M. West: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library

Betty Schlick Andrews: Marit Lee Kucera

Annette Whaley: Annette’s Book Club

William Cosgriff: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library

Billie Young: The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library

Harold Crump: Friends of Harold Crump

Maxim A. Zolotukhin-Ridgway: Richard and Krispen Ridgway

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* indicates corporate match

Donor Society Membership Our most generous individual members, represented by The Donor Society, provide a necessary foundation for the work of The Friends. The John and Myrtle Briggs Circle and The Perrie Jones Circle comprise the Donor Society. Donor Society membership is recognized each year at a special luncheon, sponsored by Securian in 2011. ES • PE RR






Irv and Gwen Lerner Nan P. Lightner Margaret Lussky Jennifer A. Mateer Erma E. McGuire Nancy W. McKillips Robert and Roberta Megard Edie Meissner Wendy Moylan Judy Nelson Richard and Joan Newmark Patricia J. Paine Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Julian G. Plante Truman and Noelyn Porter Alice D. Proud Rozanne L. Ridgway D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Alan and Sally Ruvelson Carol and Jay Ryan Deanna Sande Dick Sarafolean John and Dorothy Scanlan Gerald and Joann Steenberg Kathleen H. Stuart Tom and Arlene Swain Shirley A. Taube Mary Ida Thomson Dolores and Gene Ullstrom Susan L. Vento Paul and Carolyn Verret Laurie Wachter Ellen E. Watters Jeanne Weigum Annette and John Whaley Leonard Wilkening Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Sybil S. Woutat Ann Wynia


Anonymous Marvin and Gloria Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Barbara T. Anderson Thomas and Carole Bastasz Metta and Jon Belisle Arthur F. Bergstrom Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby Mrs. Warren Bjorklund W. Andrew and Linda Boss Tom and Liz Boyd Steve and Gail Brand Rawley and Ginny Brodeen Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Kathleen E. Cleary Jane and Gary Clements Elizabeth Cowie Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Maggi and Richard Davern Susan and Bryan Dowd Violet F. Dvorak Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw Dzik John Faley Richard T. and Carole Faricy Bj Fesler Rose Ann Foreman Suzanne Fry Susan Guernsey Sherry Hanson Mary Hayes Harold and Agatha Hebl Scott and Kathy Heiderich Julie F. Holmen George and Ann Hubbs Margaret S. Hubbs Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt Bernadette and Jeffrey Janisch James Johnson and Lucy Jones Louise and Dick Jones Elizabeth J. Keyes Rita Lafferty Nowell and Julia Leitzke

The Perrie Jones Circle recognizes individuals who have made substantial annual gifts to The Friends.





The Briggs Circle recognizes individuals who have made a planned gift to The Friends.





Tim and Muffy Abrahamson Julia and James Adams Mary Anne Anderson Elizabeth S. Andrews Nina Axelson Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Marlys Barry Metta and Jon Belisle Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby Gregory Blees and Sandra Lloyd-Blees Ken and Peggy Bonneville W. Andrew and Linda Boss Tom and Liz Boyd Steve and Gail Brand Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner Douglas and Dana Bruce Carolyn Brusseau Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Peter and Sandra Butler Kathleen R. Callahan Georgia Calvo Richard and Ann Cammack Ann and Jon Cieslak Sharon Clapp Jane and Gary Clements The Honorable Chris Coleman Patrick Coleman Michael and Leslie Connelly Carol M. Connolly William and Maureen Cosgriff Page and Jay Cowles Don and Sandy Craighead Harold and Leigh Crump Frances L. Cummins Terry Devitt Lois E. DeWitt Michael J. Dickson Susan and Bryan Dowd Paula Downs John and Elizabeth Driscoll Joan Duddingston Violet F. Dvorak Trudy Ebert Michael Eckhardt Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum E. Eugene and Sara Engelbert Matt Entenza and Lois Quam Kenneth A. Epstein Jamine and John Ewine Richard T. and Carole Faricy BJ Fesler Litton E. and Anne Hazelroth Field

We are grateful for the legacy of learning, reading and growing left by the following people and their estates in 2011. The Estate of Arthur Carl Benson Blanche J. Dvorak The Estate of Marjory Genevieve Flynn – 19 –

Willis M. Forman Edward and Erin Fox Jeanette and Steven Frederickson William and Bonita Frels Suzanne Fry Lynn L. Fumuso Neil Gaimon Pamela and Bill Gengler John Edgerton and Heidi R. Gesell R. James and Rene Gesell Nancy Giguere Tom Gilde Guy Gilmore Lynn Giovannelli Warren and Kiki Gore Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Elizabeth Guenzel Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Kit Hadley and Cynthia Fay Erik and Jana Hagen Sue Hall Susan Hamill Glenn Hanson Patrick and Laura Harris Jean and B. C. Hart Carreen and Eric Heegaard Douglas R. Heidenreich Scott and Kathy Heiderich Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck Susan Hoel Mary Horvath Dennis and Bettina Hoye Stanley S. Hubbard George and Ann Hubbs Margaret S. Hubbs Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt John and Ruth Huss Christopher and Valorie Jackson Bernadette and Jeffrey Janisch Sandra L. Johnson James Johnson and Lucy Jones James Johnson and Margaret Wirth-Johnson Robert Johnson Betty Wold Johnson Lani Jordan Art and Martha Kaemmer Steve Kantner Thomas and Marlene Kayser Garrison Keillor and Jenny Lind Nilsson Elizabeth J. Keyes

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library

The Perrie Jones Circle, continued Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat Harrison and Sharene Klein Allan Klein and Harriet Lansing Paul and Julie Kollitz Julie Kramer and Joe Kimball Jon and Julie Kramer William Kent Krueger Jean Kummerow James and Gail LaFave Jack and Norma Lanners John and Karen Larsen George Latimer Nowell and Julia Leitzke Stan and Sue Leonard Diana and Ken Lewis Perrin Lilly Theresa Lippert and Frederick Grittner Tom and Ginny Lufkin Margaret Lussky William Mahlum and Donna Allan David and Kerstin March Peg Marrinan

Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Kathleen Perkins Jane Peterson Lawrence and Jane Pfundstein Julian G. Plante Patricia Ploetz Truman and Noelyn Porter George and Diane Power Rozanne L. Ridgway Louis and Gretchen Rodgers Kathryn and Daniel Rominski D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Bernice Rosten Wendy and Steve Rubin Steven and Shelly Rucks Robert Rulon-Miller and Bobbie Jo Carpenter Terrance and Kathy Russell Carol and Jay Ryan C. Sanborn and C. Colantti Sandra K. Schloff

Jana Martin and David Fredrickson Susan Marvin Rodney and Nancy Mason Dolores and Richard Maxson Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Erma E. McGuire Nancy W. McKillips Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Thomas and Barbara McLeod Eileen McMahon and Steve Karbon Kathleen McMahon Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Priscilla McNulty Kerin McTeigue O’Connor Gerald and Jeanne* Meigs David and Amy Moore William Moore and Mary Wagner Mrs. Albert Moorman William C. Moyers Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Richard and Joan Newmark Richard and Nancy Nicholson Todd and Martha Nicholson Mark and Jackie Nolan James and Judy O’Donnell Scott and Judy Olsen Philip Ordway Vivian Orey Marilyn Orr Paula Osborn Lynn M. Oyanagi Bonnie R. Palmquist

Jean and Mark Schroepfer Anthony and Judy Schumacher Gregory Schwab Richard Shields Margaret M. Snyder Gerald and Joann Steenberg N. Stewart and Caroline Stone Kathleen H. Stuart Tom and Arlene Swain Holly and Geoff Sylvester Shirley A. Taube Gary Taylor Jon and Lea Theobald Patrick and Jane Thiele James and Sharon Toscano Paul and Amy Vargo Susan L. Vento Paul and Carolyn Verret Margaret C. Walsh Ginger Wassman William and Barbara Welke Arlene West and Kevin Bevis Jean M. West F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser Annette and John Whaley Leonard Wilkening Deborah and Bruce Willms Anne-Marie and Keith Wittenberg Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Joe Wolkowicz Biloine W. Young Paul and Debbie Zisla


2011 Annual Report

Loyalty Circle The Loyalty Circle recognizes the dedicated and visionary donors who have contributed to The Friends for ten or more consecutive years. Julia and James Adams Mary Jane Addison Mary Ann Adrian Barbara T. Anderson Wilfrid J. Anderson Sandy and Arthur Anderson Marvin and Gloria Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Roger and Marge Anderson Jerome and Constance Anderson Joel and Teresa Anderson Murray and Arlene Appelbaum John and Nina Archabal Harriet H. Arend Nathan and Libby Arnosti Roxanne Aschittino Beatrice P. Backer Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Carol A. Baldwin Adrienne B. Banks Betty E. Barrett Mary L. Barrett Paul and Jera Barthol Barb Bassett Thomas and Carole Bastasz Julie M. Baum John and Ann Behmler Lynn M. Belgea Metta and Jon Belisle Howard and Jane Bergstrom Amy C. Bertini Carolyn H. Bingham Elizabeth A. Biorn Herman J. Birnberg Robert Bishaw Elizabeth Bixby Dan and Pat Blaskowski E. J. Block Walt and Jacqui Blue Jerald Bonstrom Jane D. Bose W. Andrew and Linda Boss George and Linda Bounds Marge Boyle Shirley M. Brady Steve and Nancy Brady John and Andrea Brainard Steve and Gail Brand Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner Rawley and Ginny Brodeen Dianne M. Brooke Peter and Ellen Brown Carolyn Brusseau Roger F. Burg Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Dorothea J. Burns Bob and Cathy Burrell Richard and Ann Cammack Linda J. Camp Shirley Campbell Jane Carlstrom and David Decker Sylvia O. Carty Sharon L. Casey John and Marjory Christensen Michael Chutich and Susan Gretz Nancy Cincotta Sharon Clapp Chris P. Claude – 20 –

Beth Cleary and Peter Rachleff Kathleen E. Cleary Jane and Gary Clements Lowell and Anita Clingman Barry B. Cohen Ann Cohen and John Glasenapp John and Mary Comford Phyllis J. Conlin Michael and Leslie Connelly Phebe L. Connolly Carmen K. Converse Jonathan and Julie Cook Edward and Monica Cook Harlan Copeland William and Maureen Cosgriff Page and Jay Cowles John Coy and Fiona McCrae Matt Crellin and Joan Cochran Nora Crowley John and Bethany Culp Kathy Cummings Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Katherine R. Curtis Jean K. Curtis-Neitz Mary Beth Cutting Wendell and Marjorie DeBoer Nancy L. Devine Lois E. DeWitt Ariel W. Dickerman Rita and Mark Dillon Rosemary K. Dilworth Margaret and Stephen Donohue William J. Donovan Frank C. Dowding David and Tammy Downing Thomas and Suzanne Ducker Joan Duddingston Harvey Dundas and Rosalie Bunge Margaret E. Durham Violet F. Dvorak Robert and Carol Dye Agnes M. Dynes Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw Dzik John Eaton and Audrey Estebo Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum Kent and Katherine Eklund Alice H. Engelman Mary A. Ericksen Carole Erickson Mari Espeland and Ken Dahlberg Richard J. Evans Sonia Feder-Lewis, Michael and Ben Lewis BJ Fesler John and Ester Fesler Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler Jan Shaw-Flamm and Andy Flamm Susan C. Flynn Kathleen Flynn Kenneth and Barbara Ford Rose Ann Foreman Willis M. Forman Edward and Erin Fox Kathleen S. Franzen William and Bonita Frels Lynn L. Fumuso Bruce and Alice Gaarder

Fran and Margot Galt Bill and Ann Geery Kathryn I. Gerber Patricia and Donald Gerlach R. James and Rene Gesell Bonita J. Giacherio Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski Frances H. Gladish Joseph W. Glenski Sharon K. Goligowski Warren and Kiki Gore Georgia and James Greeley Audrey Green Adele and Tom Greenlee John and Virginia Greenman Ronald, Marie and Katherine Grimm Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Elizabeth Guenzel Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Doug and Rosalie Guthrie Erik and Jana Hagen Sue Hall Peter Hames Patricia Hampl and Terrence Williams Mark and Brenda Hansen Virginia R. Harris Jean and B. C. Hart Sally and Robert Hart Marion Hartwick James and Sharon Haselmann Patricia Haswell and Richard Todd Andrea Hauser and L. Charles Hardy Teresa and Stephen Hawkins John Hay and Martha Wegner Harold and Agatha Hebl David and Ann Heider Scott and Kathy Heiderich Rosella C. Heine Peter Herzog and June Wheeler Russell Heuckendorf Thomas Hiendlmayr and Jan Ormasa Ruth and Peter Hinsch Mollie Hoben Lynn Hodulik Arthur and Jeanne Hoff Marion L Holly Julie F. Holmen Esther Holtz Mike and Kathy Hopkins John and Judy Howe Peter and Gladys Howell Dennis and Bettina Hoye Robert and Karen Hoyle Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson James and Janet Huberty Howard and Mary Ann Huelster Janet B. Humphrey Ruby Hunt Louis and Ida Lee Hurvitz John and Ruth Huss Rosamond Jacob Bernadette and Jeffrey Janisch Robert Johns and Linda Hennum Jo Ann Johnson and David Lenander Russell Field Johnson and Mary Edholm Merle and Ellen Johnson

Sandra L. Johnson Theo Mardell Johnson James Johnson and Margaret Wirth-Johnson James Johnson and Lucy Jones Lani Jordan W. Patrick and Karen Judge Art and Martha Kaemmer Mary Kalish-Johnson and Richard Johnson Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Steve Kantner Linda Kantner Steven L. Kaplan Anne Kaplan and Jim Moss Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan Patricia M. Karr Alfred and Sharon Kauth Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain Evan Kelley Martin and Esther Kellogg Frank Kennedy Charles Kernkamp and Kay Reich Susan Keskinen and Dennis Cornhill Elizabeth J. Keyes Vincent and Barbara King Frank King and Johanne King Gilbert and Dawn Kinnunen Robert and Elaine Kirk Harrison and Sharene Klein John and Carol Kline Dorothy Belgum Knight Carolyn R. Knutson Stephen and Mary Kodluboy P. Kenneth Kohnstamm and Naomi Perman Ted and Marjorie Kolderie Sharon M. Kremer Marit Lee Kucera Gloria L. Kumagai Jean Kummerow James and Gail LaFave Laurel J. Lapore George Latimer Robert and Eva Launer Betty Pat Leach Carol and Jim LeDuc Nowell and Julia Leitzke Ann and Terrence Lemke Irv and Gwen Lerner Nan P. Lightner Perrin Lilly Holly J. Lindsay Dorothy Lipschultz Tom and Ginny Lufkin Richard and Juanita Luis Laura C. Lundell Margaret Lussky Ronald and Cathy Lutz Gloria MacRae Tom Mahoney Robert and Helen Mairs Howard and Suzanne Malmon Mary Ellen Malone Peg Marrinan

Lois Marrinan Shannon Marting and David Senf Julene R. Maruska Rodney and Nancy Mason Catherine Mason Jennifer A. Mateer Steven Mattaini and Rita McConnell Richard and Regina McCarthy William and Virginia McDonald John and Sandra McFarland Virginia S. McGough John and Barbara McGowan Erma E. McGuire Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Malcolm and Wendy McLean Kathleen McMahon Mary B. McMillan Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Robert and Edith McShannock Steve S. McVay Robert and Roberta Megard Ann Peddle Meitz and David Meitz Kathleen Menard Peter and Susan Mitchell Jean M. Moede Mark and Cecilia Morrow Wendy Moylan Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Dana Murdoch and Roger Meyer Nancy R. Myers Janice W. Nelson Deborah A. Nelson Richard and Ruth Nerud Alice and Leon Neve Richard and Joan Newmark Ford and Catherine Nicholson Richard and Nancy Nicholson Elinor Nicklawske Diane L. Niemela Gerald M. Nolte Dolores M. O’Brien Scott and Judy Olsen Mark and Norma Olson Leonard R. Oppenheimer and Lydia A. Schultz Janice M. Ostrem Constance S. Otis John and Martha O’Toole Dale and Colette Otto Lynn M. Oyanagi Patricia J. Paine Bonnie R. Palmquist Dan and Pat Panshin Joan and Dave Pasiuk Tom and Sally Patterson Mary and Terry Patton Marjorie Pearson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Patricia G. Pelto Karen and Daniel Peterson Beverly and James Peterson Paul and Margy Peterson David C. Peterson Polly S. Pfost Walter Pistner Julian G. Plante – 21 –

Diane Plante and Dick Hensold Laura D. Platt Truman and Noelyn Porter George and Diane Power Mr. Leroy J. Quale Karen S. Randall Celeste R. Raspanti Georgia Ray Lindeke Diane M. Reisdorfer Thomas A. Renshaw Susie Reynolds and David Giles Lori Ricke and Eric Dunn Marion E. Rickel Richard and Krispen Ridgway Rozanne L. Ridgway Geraldine M. Ritter Joel and Gail Roberts Mary and John Roche Tom and Mary Jo Rogalski Thomas and Jo Anne Rohricht Kathryn and Daniel Rominski Mary F. Rosenthal D. Scott Ross Kathleen E. Rothrock Wendy and Steve Rubin Michael and Regula Russelle Alan and Sally Ruvelson Carol and Jay Ryan Anders and Ewa Rydaker C. Sanborn and C. Colantti Dick Sarafolean Mary T. Schertler Katherine Schilling Daniel and Yvonne Schivone Sandra K. Schloff Jason and Anne Schlukebier Lise L. Schmidt Tom Schuh Clarence and Betty Schultz Julie Schumacher and Lawrence Jacobs Penelope Scialla Laura J. Secord Emily F. Seesel Estelle Q. Sell Inta Sellars and Bill Jeronimus Jane A. Shriver William and Barbara Sippel Mary Louise R. Sirignano Craig and Barb Skone Michael Smith and Dorothy Schlesselman James Smith and Joanne Smith H. Douglas and Mary Smith Karen Smith Duane R. Smith Deborah Smith-Wright Yvonne M. Snidarich Barbara Snowfield David and Susanne Spitzer Shannon Staiger Gerald and Joann Steenberg Donald Steinkraus William and Marilyn Stock Carol Stoddart Elona Street-Stewart Sharon D. Sturdivant

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library

The Loyalty Circle, continued Mary Margaret Sullivan Stephen Sutten and Anna Cherry Tom and Arlene Swain Eleanor L. Swanson Nina and Michael Sweeney Margaret C. Talbot Shirley A. Taube Carol A. Tauer Marilynn J. Taylor Donald and Mary Tehven Rudy and Eleanor Thell Micheal and Rebecca Thompson Echo J. Thoren Margaret O. Thorpe Leo Timmons and Kate Havelin Karen Titrud Robert and Miriam Titzler Thomas and Patricia Tommet David and Kathleen Tregilgas Laurie Tremain John and Beth Trend Cynthia Unowsky and Thomas Badow Linda M. Valen Marcella M. Vener Susan L. Vento Judith Vermeland-Wendt Bernice Vetsch Edward and Virginia Vizard James K. Vogt Alice M. Vollmar Nancy C. Wagner Elaine M. Wagner Jenifer Wagner Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Doug and Peg Wangensteen Charles and Susan Ward

Robert and Susan Warde Ellen E. Watters Leon and Lindy Webster Robert T. Weinberger Stephen and Katherine Wellington Jean M. West F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser Annette and John Whaley Jeremy White and Randi Madisen Mary K. Wick David and Beverly Wickstrom Nancy Wiens and Rick Nelson Linda Wilcox and Russ Havir Richard and Lucy Wilhoit Leonard Wilkening Raymond and Elizabeth Willis Deborah and Bruce Willms Mary S. Wilson Kent and Missy Wilson Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Sheila and Horst Winderlich Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Joe Wolkowicz Laurel G. Woodruff Sybil S. Woutat Thomas Wulling and Marilyn Benson Maryann Wycoff Ann Wynia Alice Yamane Leslie Yoder Biloine W. Young Erin and Andrei Zolotukhin-Ridgway

Above and Beyond There is a very special and select group of people who belong to the Briggs Circle, Perrie Jones Circle and Loyalty Circle. The Friends of The Saint Paul Public Library would like to whole-heartedly thank these individuals for their outstanding support. Mary Anne Anderson Metta and Jon Belisle Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby W. Andrew and Linda Boss Steve and Gail Brand Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Jane and Gary Clements Violet F. Dvorak BJ Fesler Scott and Kathy Heiderich Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch James Johnson and Lucy Jones Elizabeth J. Keyes Nowell and Julia Leitzke

2011 Annual Report

Margaret Lussky Erma E. McGuire Richard and Joan Newmark Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Julian G. Plante Truman and Noelyn Porter Rozanne L. Ridgway D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Carol and Jay Ryan Gerald and Joann Steenberg Tom and Arlene Swain Shirley A. Taube Susan L. Vento Annette and John Whaley Leonard Wilkening Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner

Individual Contributors What makes our Library so great? You. Our members and supporters made important contributions to make 2011 a year of continued excellence. Due to space constraints, only donors who made contributions of $250 or more are listed (all donors are listed in the online version). Please contact Friends President, Peter Pearson, if there are any inaccuracies in the listings.

$10,000 and above Violet F. Dvorak Richard and Nancy Nicholson Sandra K. Schloff

$2,000-$9,999 Anonoymous (1) Michael and Leslie Connelly Terry Devitt and Rod Thien Mike Dickson Litton E. and Anne Hazelroth Field William and Bonita Frels Heidi Gesell and John Edgerton Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Sue Hall Douglas R. Heidenreich Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck George Latimer Diana and Ken Lewis Thomas and Barbara McLeod Kathleen McMahon Fern Miller Estate Joan K. O’Brien Estate Vivian Orey Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Rozanne L. Ridgway Patrick and Jane Thiele Annette and John Whaley

$1,000-1,999 Marvin and Gloria Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Betty Schlick Andrews Marlys Barry Gregory Blees and Sandra Lloyd-Blees Tom and Liz Boyd Steve and Gail Brand Douglas and Dana Bruce Kathleen R. Callahan Ann and Jon Cieslak William and Maureen Cosgriff Harold and Leigh Crump Susan and Bryan Dowd Edward and Erin Fox Neil Gaiman R. James and Rene Gesell Guy Gilmore Elizabeth Guenzel Kit Hadley and Cynthia Fay Erik and Jana Hagen Susan Hamill James Johnson and Lucy Jones Lani Jordan Thomas and Marlene Kayser Elizabeth J. Keyes* Marilyn E. Lancaster John and Karen Larsen Erma E. McGuire Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Priscilla McNulty Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Mark and Jackie Nolan – 22 –

James and Judy O’Donnell Marilyn Orr Bonnie R. Palmquist Tom and Sally Patterson George and Diane Power D. Scott Ross and Nichole Meister Steven and Shelly Rucks C. Sanborn and C. Colantti Gregory Schwab Gerald and Joann Steenberg N. Stewart and Caroline Stone* Tom and Arlene Swain Jon and Lea Theobald James and Sharon Toscano Paul and Amy Vargo Margaret C. Walsh Arlene West and Kevin Bevis Jean M. West Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner* Joe Wolkowicz Biloine W. Young

$500-999 Anonymous (1) Tim and Muffy Abrahamson Julia and James Adams Metta and Jon Belisle Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby Ken and Peggy Bonneville Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner Carolyn Brusseau Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Richard and Ann Cammack Sharon Clapp Chris Coleman Page and Jay Cowles Don and Sandy Craighead Lydia Crawford and Phil Davies Paula Downs Joan Duddingston Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw Dzik Trudy Ebert Michael Eckhardt Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum Jamine and John Ewine Jeanette and Steven Frederickson Lynn L. Fumuso Pamela and Bill Gengler Nancy Giguere Tom Gilde Gino and Lynn Giovannelli Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Patrick and Laura Harris Jean and B. C. Hart Carreen and Eric Heegaard Scott and Kathy Heiderich Susan Hoel Dennis and Bettina Hoye Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Christopher and Valorie Jackson James Johnson and Margaret Wirth-Johnson * indicates corporate match

Sandra L. Johnson Steve Kantner Harrison and Sharene Klein Jon and Julie Kramer William and Diane Kuhlmann* Jean Kummerow James and Gail LaFave Stan and Sue Leonard Tom and Ginny Lufkin William Mahlum and Donna Allan David and Kerstin March Peg Marrinan Jana Martin and David Fredrickson* Rodney and Nancy Mason Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Richard P. McDermott Nancy W. McKillips Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Eileen McMahon and Steve Karbon Kerin McTeigue O’Connor David and Amy Moore* Scott and Judy Olsen Paula Osborn Kathleen Perkins Jane Peterson Lawrence and Jane Pfundstein Louis and Gretchen Rodgers Wendy and Steve Rubin Terrance and Kathy Russell Anthony and Judy Schumacher Kathleen H. Stuart Holly and Geoff Sylvester Shirley A. Taube Gary Taylor William and Barbara Welke Deborah and Bruce Willms Anne-Marie and Keith Wittenberg Paul and Debbie Zisla

$250 - 499 Anonymous (6) * indicates corporate match

Mike and Rebecca Amidon Joel and Teresa Anderson Roger and Marge Anderson Linda and Lynn Ault Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Adrienne B. Banks Roberta Beach Arthur F. Bergstrom Dennis W. Boom Craig and Stephanie Bowron Steve and Nancy Brady Rawley and Ginny Brodeen Peter and Ellen Brown Julie Brunner Dorothea J. Burns Gene Christenson and Debbie Meister Jane and Gary Clements Northrup and Sonnie Dawson Frank C. Dowding Edward and Jo Anne Driscoll Michael and Leah Driscoll Jane Eastwood John Eaton and Audrey Estebo Tim and Becky Emory Kenneth A. Epstein Ann Fendorf and Ellen Watters Nancy Field Richard and Gail Foreman Rose Ann Foreman Caroline and Dutton Foster Genevieve and David Freier Fran and Margot Galt Patricia and Donald Gerlach Deb Geske and Michael Tone Bonita J. Giacherio Mary Gillespie Joseph W. Glenski Mary and Peter Gove Melissa L. Gray Judith C. Green Estate Jennifer Gunn Judy and Kent Harbison Ellen B. Hartnett and Steven M. Larsen

James and Sharon Haselmann Bud and Carol Hayden Mary Hayes Cynthia Heelan David and Ann Heider Rosella C. Heine Annamary Jeffery Herther Cate Hesser Richard and Beverly Heydinger Nancy Homans Mike and Kathy Hopkins George and Ann Hubbs Ruby Hunt Sharon B. Jaeger Louise and Dick Jones Anne Joseph and Philip McGlave Linda Kantner Martin and Esther Kellogg Donald and Carol Kelsey Mark Larson and Mary B. Kennedy Bob and Julie King Robert and Elaine Kirk John Knoedler and Maureen Kane Ted and Marjorie Kolderie Kathryn Lamp Kathy Lantry Deborah and Andy Lee Irv and Gwen Lerner Kaiser and Teresa Lim Sara and James Lovat Margaret Lussky Ronald and Cathy Lutz Joe and Dede Mallof Ann and Scott Malm Richard and Regina McCarthy Malcolm and Wendy McLean Jeff and Kathy Messerich Carrie Meyerhoff Jenny Mockenhaupt David and Alyce Morgan Sara Mountain Wendy Moylan Karen Muller* – 23 –

Alice and Leon Neve Sheila Nichols and Edward Sison Ford and Catherine Nicholson Andrea Parsons Joan and Dave Pasiuk John Penland John and Debra Peterson Polly S. Pfost Julian G. Plante Laura D. Platt Michael and Linda Reiling Don and Paula Reynolds Lori Ricke and Eric Dunn Marion E. Rickel Mary and John Roche Dennie Scott Daniel Shulman Debra Sit and Peter Berge Deborah Smith-Wright Jeff Soholt and Paula Bergin Soholt Barbara L. Swadburg Morgan and Marilyn Tamsky Susan Throndrud John and Beth Trend Ellen Turpin Fran Van Slyke-Zaslofsky Anthony and Joyce Vavoulis Sue Vento Celestine and Cindy VonFeldt Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Robert and Susan Warde Richard and Carole Wiederhorn Barb Wildes Paul Williams and Mickey Moore Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Ann Wynia P. Gilmer Young*

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library

$100-$249 Mary Ann Adrian Kathryn and Glen Anderson John and Nina Archabal Roxanne Aschittino Robert A. Awsumb Bridget Axelson Betty E. Barrett Paul and Jera Barthol Sarah and Mick Bauer Julie M. Baum Tom Beach and Kathleen Foran Deb Beck Janet L. Becker John and Ann Behmler Lynn M. Belgea Dave Berg John Bergstrom Richard Berowski Ellen Biales Marie Bibus Kathy Bieker Carolyn H. Bingham Adele Binning and Tom Klein Walt and Jacqui Blue Edward Bohrer W. Andrew and Linda Boss Susan and Willard Boyd Shirley M. Brady John and Andrea Brainard David E. Brasel Melissa J. Brechon Roger Bredeson Priscilla Brewster Jeremy Britzius Virginia Broberg Roger and Ronnie Brooks Ray and Julie Brovold Michael Burbach and Mary Thomas Julie Cedarleaf Butler Tammy Butler Rachel Bye Mavis Callovi Diane Camp and Paul Leutgeb Linda J. Camp Linda Campbell Douglas Carlson Jane Carlstrom and David Decker Sylvia O. Carty Gregory Chandler and Roberta Chandler Susan Christiansen Michael Chutich and Susan Gretz Nancy Cincotta Lisa Clark Chris P. Claude Beth Cleary and Peter Rachleff Kathleen E. Cleary Ann and Kevin Commers Patricia M. Conley Phebe L. Connolly Carmen K. Converse Kim Craig Jacquelyn M. Cronin Nora Crowley John and Bethany Culp Katherine R. Curtis Mary Beth Cutting William Davidson and Claire Olson Tamara Day Fred and Kay De Sam Lazaro John and Virginia Dell Deborah Derringer Hazel Dicken

2011 Annual Report

Ariel W. Dickerman Anthony and Alison Didier Kathryn Dieperink Loralee DiLorenzo Linda Donaldson Nancy Driessen Thomas and Suzanne Ducker Matthew and Vickey Dudley Mary Pat Dunlap MaryLou Egan Kent and Katherine Eklund Peter and Jeanne Engel Helen and Michael Esch Mari Espeland and Ken Dahlberg Tim and Noreen Farrell Paul and Ann Fate David E. Feinberg John and Ester Fesler Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler George Flad Kenneth and Barbara Ford Willis M. Forman Drew Forsberg and Andrea Sachs Roxana Freese David R. French Jean Freyberger Sheelagh Frost Russell Markus Gaelli Ken and Molly Garelick Robert and Karen Garland Anne F. Geisser Margaret George Kathryn I. Gerber Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski Leon and Katherine Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneth Gordon Warren and Kiki Gore Joseph and Visala Goswitz John and Virginia Greenman Ronald, Marie and Katherine Grimm Dan and Maura Hackenmueller Mike Hahm Nina Hakanson and Mark Peschel Peter Hames Susan and Thomas Handley Joan and Jack Hansen Mark and Brenda Hansen Peggy Hansen Roxanne Hart Leah Harvey Jody A. Hauer Teresa and Stephen Hawkins Harold and Agatha Hebl Jim Heimer and Tess Sierzant David and Sharon Heitzman Peter Herzog and June Wheeler Thomas Hiendlmayr and Jan Ormasa Joan Higinbotham Gary D. Hipple Jeff Holland Whitney and Joshua Hoogland Michael and Patricia Houston John and Judy Howe Robert and Karen Hoyle Jym and Janet Hubbell Margaret S. Hubbs James and Janet Huberty Gary and Margie Hunninghake Gretchen M. Ibele Stu and Connie Iversen Doug Iverson Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Jean Jantzen Bruce and Alison Jarvis Robert Johns and Linda Hennum

Jeff and Lucy Johnson Jo Ann Johnson and David Lenander Kenneth W. Johnson Theo Mardell Johnson June and Sam Joy W. Patrick and Karen Judge Mary Kalish-Johnson and Richard Johnson Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan Alfred and Sharon Kauth Markus and Janet Keel Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel James E. Kellison Jr. Charles Kernkamp and Kay Reich Mark Kile Frank King and Johanne King Sarah Kinney Judy and Edward Kishel Sharon L. Kjellberg Mary Louise Klas Robert and Alexandra Klas William and Rebecca Klein Thomas Kleinschmit and Liana Magee David and Susan Klevan Lorraine D. Koenen Ellen Konstan Sharon M. Kremer Ivars Krievans Linda A. Kucera Keith and Toni Kuffel David and Karen Lanegran Margaret Langer and Peter Truitt Colles and John Larkin Robert T. Laudon Gabrielle Lawrence Betty Pat Leach Nowell and Julia Leitzke Kevin Leuthold and Nancy Garrett Anne T. Levin David and Carolyn Levitt Sheldon Berkowitz and Carolyn Levy Nan P. Lightner David and Perrin Lilly Julie Lindholm and Denison Hansen Peter Loewenson Wendy Lougee Melinda Ludwiczak Richard and Juanita Luis Mary Lundberg-Johnson Laura C. Lundell Kyle Adam Lundgren Priscilla MacDougall – 24 –

Marsha Macey Robert and Helen Mairs Kristin Makholm Mary Ellen Malone Marc and Kathy Manderscheid Barbara and Robert Manning Clyde March and Debi March Lois Marrinan Mary Marsden Shannon Marting and David Senf Jennifer A. Mateer Vanessa Matiski and Michael Leitner Steven Mattaini and Rita McConnell David and Sherla Mayer Sue McAllister William and Virginia McDonald Cynthia McGowan-Heath and Timothy Heath Thomas and Judy McGuigan Charlene McKenzie Mary B. McMillan Brigid McSherry-Scherer Steve S. McVay Robert and Roberta Megard Edie Meissner Ann Peddle Meitz and David Meitz Kathleen Menard Chip and Mary Michel Lynn Middleton-Koller Andrea Bell and Christopher Miller Kathryn Mitchell and Terry Brueck Patricia Mitchell Peter and Susan Mitchell David and Anne Murphy Jane and Charles Neimeyer Deborah A. Nelson Janice W. Nelson Judy Nelson Jayne Niemi and Richard Lund Duane Noecker David and Billie Novy Ellen Olsen and Sue Snyder Maren E. Olson Barbara S. Opal Leonard R. Oppenheimer and Lydia A. Schultz Allan and Drucilla Osterud Janice M. Ostrem John and Martha O’Toole Lynn M. Oyanagi Christopher and Martha Paar Patricia J. Paine Marilynn Pavlak

Tim Pearson and Jen Knoch Stacy Noerenberg and Joanna Perry Marvin Pertzik Beverly and James Peterson Geoff and Kathie Peterson Greg and Sharon Peterson Jeff and Annette Peterson Karen and Daniel Peterson Bill and Ellen Piepgras Walter Pistner Diane Plante and Dick Hensold William and Barbara Poblete Truman and Noelyn Porter Clare and Anil Poulose Thomas P. Quinn and Susan M. Lamoureux Lori Raduenz Karen S. Randall Celeste R. Raspanti Georgia Ray Lindeke Gene and Judy Rayburn Jennifer F. Reedy Susan D. Reese Diane M. Reisdorfer Thomas A. Renshaw Susie Reynolds and David Giles Richard H. Rhode John Richardson William and Kate Richtman Christine H. Rider Dan and Judie Ritchie Kathryn and Daniel Rominski Ruth Ann Rose Sarah and Hamilton Ross Kathleen E. Rothrock Rosemarie Reger Rumsey and Tim Rumsey Alan and Sally Ruvelson Daniel and Susan Ryan Edwin and Jennifer Ryan Rebecca Ryan Anders and Ewa Rydaker Deborah Sampson Deanna Sande Richard and Jean Sanford James A. Scannell Mary T. Schertler Katherine Schilling Jason and Anne Schlukebier Joe and Ann Schrader Penelope Scialla Emily F. Seesel Kate Seng and Steve Peacock

Frankie and Jole Shackelford Stephen and Susan Shakman Lee and Jerald Shannon Charles and Carrie Shaw Sharon and Hiro Shinomiya Jeffrey A. Simon Mark l. Simonson Craig and Barb Skone Suzanne Skorich Duane R. Smith Karen Snedeker Yvonne Snidarich Barbara Snowfield Julia Sobania Susan Speiker Mark and Wendy Stansbury-O’Donnell Carey Starr Mary Steinson and Jerry Storck George and Marymina Stenger Darlene and Kenneth Stensby William Stevens and Cynthia Hill Philip and Brielle Stoyke Mary Margaret Sullivan Frank Summers Annetta M. Sutton Gwenyth Swain and E. Vincent Dolan Jennifer Swenson John Szaynowski Ron and Margaret Tabar Larissa Tadavarthy Marilynn J. Taylor Richard and Patricia Taylor Donald and Mary Tehven Echo J. Thoren Margaret O. Thorpe Ralph and Loanne Thrane Cindy Tong and Ford Denison Paul and Jane Tschida Donald Ulmer Cynthia Unowsky and Thomas Badow John Vanhecke Kirk and Laurie Velett Susan L. Vento Elly Verhagen Paul and Carolyn Verret Michelle Vojacek Elaine M. Wagner Donna M. Walseth Charles and Susan Ward Elizabeth Warner Bruce and Alisa Weber Leon and Lindy Webster Jeanne Weigum

Don and Holly Weinkauf Karen Weium Stephen and Katherine Wellington Cynthia Werner David A. West Erik and Barb Westgard Rolf and Lindy Westgard F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser David and Beverly Wickstrom Jeremy and Janet Wight Linda Wilcox and Russ Havir Richard and Lucy Wilhoit Carol Williams Charles H. Williams Jr. Kent and Missy Wilson Aaron, Katie and Alex Wlaschin Laurel G. Woodruff Sybil S. Woutat Alice and Ronald Wurtz Nicholas and Heather Wurtz Leslie Yoder Jeanette and Leon Zaczkowski Amy and Mike Zimmer

$1-$49 Lawrence Aanonson Nancy Aarsvold Sandra and Edward Abramson Mary Jane Addison Robert and Melissa Adney Meredith Alden Bob Almquist and Katie Almquist Elaine Alper Paul and Deborah Alper Donna M. Anderson Felicia Anderson Elias Anthan Murray and Arlene Appelbaum Harriet H. Arend Amy Ault Beatrice P. Backer Todd and Julie Bagby Carol A. Baldwin Gerri Balter Paul Bard Maggie Barnett Bonita J. Benson Amy C. Bertini Mary Ann Betts Donna J. Blacker E. J. Block Edythe Bluske and Cyrus Kirk Martha Boerschlein Tracy Jerald Bonstrom Jane D. Bose Mary Kate Boylan Christine and Dennis Brady Linda and Jerald Brant Joseph Brennan Elizabeth Burr Anne M. Carlson Sharon L. Casey Sandra Cermak Karen Chappuis Mary Jo Clasen Pamela Clayton Sandra and Richard Clayton Jeanne R. Clemans Richard and Nancy Colvin Carol M. Connolly Norbert and Mary Ellen Conzemius Leslie Cook Kathleen H. Corley Suzanne and William Crancer Mary Anne Cummings Karen Cyson – 25 –

Steven Dahlke Claudia Daly Trish Daugherty Virginia Davini Rhonda B. Davis Shirley I. Decker Ann B. DeGree M. J. Dempsey Swanson Rita and Mark Dillon Janet F. Dixon Judith Donohue William J. Donovan Tom R. Dooley Charles and Leah Droubie Kjersti and Brian Duncan Renee Duncan Harvey Dundas and Rosalie Bunge Edward Duzynski Katie Eisold David and Helen Ellenbecker Alice H. Engelman Carole Erickson Christa Ernst June Estelle Joan and David Fawcett Carol Feiring Kerry K. Felt Eleanor and Stanley Field Mary Ann Finegan Patricia Finnegan Judy Forshay Kathleen S. Franzen Bruce and Alice Gaarder Shannon M. Gardner Judith Gavin Sara L. Gjerdrum and Charles S. Olson Frances H. Gladish Sharleen Goldberg Julie B. Goldstein Brenda Grachek Billie Gray Yvonne Green Adele and Tom Greenlee Michael Griffin David and Kathie Griffiths Don and Rosemary Gruber Tom Gullett Michele Hajek Lois Hamilton Pamela Jill Hansen and James Hansen Emily Harris Michael Hartford Marion Hartwick Kate Havelin Charles D. Hawkins John and Terri Hawthorne John Hay and Martha Wegner Paul and Linda Ann Hayne Heather L. Haynes Wayne and Holly Heaser Jerry Helfand and Joan Cleary Susan, Lawrence & Laura Rose Henry Michelle Henry-Stanley and Michael Stanley Shirley Hess Lynn Hodulik Arthur and Jeanne Hoff Margaret A. Holcombe Esther Holtz Allan Torstenson and Frances Homans Peter and Gladys Howell Josephine A. Hughes Donald Hunninghake Louis and Ida Lee Hurvitz Joan Hutchinson Anna R. Igra Lois and Harold Isaacson

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library

Verne Jacobsen Patricia James James R. Jeffery Michelle and Gregory Jepson Molly Johnson Joyce Kanevsky Elliott Karasov Matt Karl Everett and Norene Karon Patricia M. Karr Delia Kavanaugh Cheryl Kedrowski and Victor H. Barocas Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain Gregory and Darlene Kelley Paula Kelly and Charles Walters Christopher and Laurie Kemp Jerome and Alice Kern Clare Kimmel Mary King Gilbert and Dawn Kinnunen Connie Kishel Craig Kishel Louise Klas Danielle Knach Robert and Muriel Knoch Robert and Joy Knopp Carolyn R. Knutson Harold Koppy Kathryn M. Korum Maggie Kozak Barbara A. Kucera Stephen J. Kuncio Jane N. Laine Sherry and Gary Lampman Karma T. Larma Marjorie and James Larson Linda M. LeClair Eric and Laurel Lein Conchita Ligeralde Ann Linde

2011 Annual Report

Tammy and Brian Lindstrand Catherine Liska Nancie J. Litin Lois M. London Peter Lopez, Jr. Lucy Low Marcia Lubin Julie C. Lund Cheryl MacDonald Judith A. Madole Cameron Mahlum Howard and Suzanne Malmon B. L. Manley Karen Mareck Edward and Signe Martell Elaine K. Mattson Marjorie and James May Mary and Thomas May Marisa D. McDaniel Malcolm and Mary McDermid Patty McDonald and Carl Anderson John and Sandra McFarland Anne McInerney Susan M. McMahon Ian and Kate McRoberts Robert and Edith McShannock Mary Mergenthal Robert R. Miner Jean M. Moede Timothy Morrissey Richard and Linda Moy Mary and Gary Nelsestuen Chris and Julie Nelson Janice Nelson Kevin Nelson and Jeannette Nelson Lisa Nelson and Ron Nelson Richard and Ruth Nerud Mary and Larry Nickolay Diane L. Niemela Rhonda Niola

Paul and Lori Nyberg Dolores M. O’Brien Catherine H. O’Dell Barbara and Pat (T. P.) O’Leary Chris Olson Diane E. Olson Lindsey Olson Magda Olson Melanie Ounsworth and Shirley Shimota David Ovadia Virginia Overbye Muriel Louise Parker Julia Parnell Maggie Passmore Timothy Perry Patrick and Becki Persons Majorie Peterson David C. Peterson Paul and Margy Peterson John Petroskas Donald and Aline Petzold Pamela Peyton Judy Pfenning Jan and Janet Phillips Trish Pool Jean B. Porter Leroy J. Quale Mary Quirk Susan L. Rasmussen Judith L. Rehak Tracy Riekenberg Judith Riese Geraldine M. Ritter Marcia Robert Julie Roberto Mary Robins Judith Roe Sandra K. Rosenberg Stewart Rosoff Jerold and Miriam Rothstein – 26 –

Beth J. Rozga Marsha Rumbarger Dagmar Runyon Thekla Rura-Polley Tom Russ Michael and Regula Russelle Kurt and Lesley Rusterholz Shirley Sailors Therese and Karl Scherbel Daniel and Yvonne Schivone Leonard and Linda Schloff Elissa Schufman Clarence and Betty Schultz Nathan Schultz Bob and Phyllis Schwanke Charles Schwietz Virgil Scott Pamela Sheen Kathleen Sherman Shirley Shimota Elizabeth P. Shippee Marjorie Sigel and Dick Van Deusen Michael Slusser Mary and Richard Smeed Robert and Edythe Smeed H. Douglas and Mary Smith Michael Smith and Dorothy Schlesselman Judy Snowbeck David and Susanne Spitzer Kristi M. St. Germain Shannon Staiger Constance and Byron Starns Sue and Peter Stein Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Stockwell Merle and Susan Strom Sharon D. Sturdivant Carol B. Summers Eleanor L. Swanson Priscilla Swartz Ron and Colleen Tabaika

Robert and Kathy Tautges M. Kathryn Teufert Gary and Andrea Thaden Rudy and Eleanor Thell Kristen R. Thomas Micheal and Rebecca Thompson Robert and Miriam Titzler Deborah Torres David and Kathleen Tregilgas Carolyn S. Tucker Lawrence Valley Marcella M. Vener Judith Vermeland-Wendt Harold and Paula Vestermark Alice M. Vollmar Jenifer Wagner Nancy C. Wagner Kathrine J. Walter Ware B. Washam Elizabeth Wefel Robert T. Weinberger James and Janice Weingartz Barbara Whipple Jeremy White and Randi Madisen Linda and Greg White Jan Whitman Robert Wicker Tom Fisher and Claudia Wielgorecki Sheila Williams Alison Winge and Family Farron and Roger Winges Linda J. Winsor Mary Kay Wittgenstein Sara and Doug Wolff Matt Wolfgram Kathy Zappa Erin and Andrei ZolotukhinRidgway

– 27 –

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library

Committees and Staff Board of Trustees George Latimer, Board Chair Ann D. Cieslak, Vice Chair for Advocacy William J. Cosgriff, Vice Chair for Development Billie Young, Vice Chair for Public Awareness Paul Hirschboeck, Treasurer Phyllis Karasov, Secretary Robert A. Awsumb Joseph T. Bagnoli Tanya L. Bell Gregory Blees Douglas J. Bruce Kathleen Callahan Michael Connelly Harold Crump Leigh Crump Terry Devitt Mari Oyanagi Eggum Anne Field Jeanette Frederickson Heidi Gesell Christopher P. Georgacas Guy Gilmore John Huss Louise Jones Elizabeth J. Keyes Shar Knutson Jack Lanners Adam Lerner Diana Lewis John Marshall Nancy McKillips Thomas J. McLeod, Sr. Eileen T. McMahon Debra Mitts-Smith Pondie Nicholson James P. O’Donnell David A. Pointon Mark Richards Mary Rothchild Wendy Rubin Terrance Russell Elona Street-Stewart Tom Swain James V. Toscano Jean M. West Annette Whaley Charles H. Williams, Jr. Lee Pao Xiong James C. Zacharski Kit Hadley, Ex officio Peter D. Pearson, Friends staff

Trustees Emeritus W. Andrew Boss Truman W. Porter Mary Ida Thomson Paul A. Verret

Executive Committee George Latimer, Chair Joseph T. Bagnoli Tanya Lea Bell Kathleen R. Callahan Ann Cieslak William J. Cosgriff

2011 Annual Report

Anne Hazelroth Field Heidi R. Gesell George Latimer Diana Lewis Eileen McMahon Wendy Rubin Tom H. Swain Susan L. Vento Billie Young Kit Hadley, Ex officio Susan C. Dowd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Advocacy Committee Ann Cieslak, Chair Joseph T. Bagnoli Mel Barker Tanya Lea Bell Pat Blaskowski Gregory N. Blees Triesta Brown Pat Coleman Katherine DuGarm Anne H. Field Stanley A. Gardner Harold Hebl Ruby Hunt Shar Knutson Robin Madsen John I. Marshall Nora McKinnon Debra Mitts-Smith Celeste Raspanti Ann Regan Mary A. Roche Mary F. Rosenthal Mary Rothchild Susan L. Vento Carol A. Walsh Arlene West Charles H. Williams Jr. Kit Hadley, Ex officio Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Committee on Trustees Wendy Rubin, Co-chair Tom H. Swain, Co-chair Robert A. Awsumb Joseph T. Bagnoli Elizabeth J. Keyes Nancy W. McKillips Thomas J. McLeod, Sr. Terrance Russell Jean M. West Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Development Planning Committee William J. Cosgriff, Chair Joseph T. Bagnoli Michael Connelly Anne H. Field Heidi R. Gesell Louise G. Jones Jack Lanners

Nancy W. McKillips Thomas J. McLeod, Sr. Eileen McMahon Wendy Rubin John Scanlan James V. Toscano Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Susan C. Dowd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Finance & Investment Committee Paul Hirschboeck, Chair Gregory Blees Kathleen Callahan Guy Gilmore John Huss Phyllis Karasov John Lanners James O’Donnell Mark Richards Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Peter Pearson, Friends Staff Amy Zimmer, Friends Staff

Human Resources Committee Diana Lewis, Chair Michael Connelly Phyllis Karasov Susan L. Vento Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Individual Giving Committee Anne Hazelroth Field, Chair Kathleen R Callahan Leigh Crump Louise G. Jones Elizabeth J. Keyes Nancy W. McKillips Mary Rothchild John Scanlan Pondie Taylor Jean M. West Charlene McKenzie, Library Staff Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Institutional Giving Committee Heidi R. Gesell, Co-Chair Eileen McMahon, Co-Chair Steve G. Brady Douglas J. Bruce Kathleen R. Callahan Elizabeth Lukanen Debra Mitts-Smith Mary F. Rosenthal Wendy Rubin James Zacharski Sheree Savage, Library Staff Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Alayne Hopkins, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

– 28 –

Library Strategies Committee Kathleen R. Callahan, Chair William J. Cosgriff Ann B. Hutton Diana Lewis Debbie Meister David A. Pointon Ellen E. Watters Jerry Woelfel Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Sue Hall, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Opus & Olives Planning Committee Jack Lanners, Co-Chair Lori Raduenz, Co-Chair Tanya Lea Bell Dana Bruce Harold Crump Leigh Crump Mike Dickson Mary Pat Dunlap Patricia L. Effenberger Jeanette Frederickson Wendy Rubin Billie W. Young Sue Hall, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Perrie Jones Advisory Committee Anne Levin, Chair Mary Kay Boyd Delano DuGarm Theresa Gardella Roxanne Hart Kathy Korum Karen Neinstadt Susie Orr Susan Price Martha Rhode John Scanlan Leslie Spring Deborah Torres Sue Vento Elaine Wagner Sandy Walsh Annette Whaley Debbie Willms, Library Staff Susan Dowd, Friends Staff

Public Awareness Committee Biloine W. Young, Chair Robert A. Awsumb Tanya Lea Bell Liz Bogut Harold Crump Mari Oyanagi Eggum Jeanette Frederickson Chris Georgacas Roxanne Hart Adam Lerner Debra Mitts-Smith

Nora Murphy Holly Sylvester Pondie Taylor Annette M. Whaley Jym Wroblewski Lee Pao Xiong Amy C. Mahnke, Library Staff Sheree Savage, Library Staff Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Alayne L. Hopkins, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff

Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, President Liz Boyd, Director of Individual and Planned Giving † Susan Dowd, Special Projects Coordinator and Capital Campaign Coordinator *† Lynn Giovannelli, Director of Operations † Sue Hall, Library Strategies Coordinator and Opus & Olives Coordinator *† Alayne L. Hopkins, Programming Coordinator and Minnesota Book Awards Director Tom Jeffers, Interim Administrative Assistant *† Josh McCabe, Database Administrator* † Ann McKinnon, Director of Marketing and Communications Jim Moen, Graphic Designer † Wendy Moylan, Director of Institutional Relations Ann Nelson, Minnesota Book Awards Coordinator *† Sharon D. Sturdivant, Office Manager Matt Wolfgram, Administrative Assistant† Amy Zimmer, Director of Finance † * Contractual Employee † Part-time Employee

10 WAYS TO GIVE • Online, at www.thefriends.org

• Send a check or credit card info to The Friends at 325 Cedar Street, Suite 555, Saint Paul, MN 55101 • Pledge your gift over time, you set the amount and payment schedule

• Create a memorial or honorarium for a loved one or respected friend • Include The Friends in your will

• Ask your employer to match your gift

• Through deferred gifts such as a charitable trust, which provides financial security for your family and reduces your heirs’ tax exposure

• Gift your stocks or bonds. You’ll receive a tax deduction for the full market value and avoid paying capital gains tax

• Add permanent assets to an endowment fund, where gifts build a perpetual base of resources

• Name The Friends as a beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy, IRA or qualified retirement plan

For more information, please call 651-222-3242 or email friends@thefriends.org. – 29 –

The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library




Key Strategies

We connect people in Saint Paul with the imperative and the joy of learning through a lifetime.

We are a cornerstone of a thriving city: welcoming people of all ages and cultures; strengthening neighborhoods and learning networks; and inspiring all with the world of ideas.

Set priorities and align library resources with key community partners. Focus on services that are high priority, effective, and innovative. Strengthen Saint Paul’s digital and community-based learning network. Align library spaces to support group and individual learning.

2011 Annual Report

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• To increase the use of the Library through cultural programming and public awareness activities;

The Friends will provide the necessary support to ensure that the Saint Paul Public Library is among the foremost library systems in the United States.

The Friends is guided in its work by

• To advocate for strong public funding of the Library; and

• Creative, innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to challenging issues; • Inclusivity and integrity in all its activities;

• To provide private funding to enhance Library services.

• Responsible stewardship of its resources in perpetuity.

Through this work, The Friends serves as a national model for its unique, comprehensive support of the Saint Paul Public Library.

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The Friends and Saint Paul Public Library

325 Cedar Street, Suite 555 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1055 Phone (651) 222-3242 • Fax (651) 222-1988 www.thefriends.org 2011 Annual Report

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