The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Shared Annual Report

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201 0 ANNUAL REPORT diversity of services & support


The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

DEAR FRIENDS, We are pleased to present this shared annual report highlighting all the good work of the Saint Paul Public Library and The Friends over the past year. It was, indeed, a good year for both organizations. In 2010 the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) adopted a new strategic direction – one that will guide its work for the next several years. Concluding that the most critical role for the Library is strengthening Saint Paul’s community learning network, the Library’s mission is to connect people in Saint Paul with the imperative and the joy of learning through a lifetime. Strategies for the Saint Paul Public Library are to:

“...TO CONNECT PEOPLE IN SAINT PAUL WITH THE IMPERATIVE AND THE JOY OF LEARNING THROUGH A LIFETIME.” partner locations where library staff offer the same essential job search assistance and computer training that’s offered in our library buildings. The participation of multilingual cultural liaisons ensures that services are offered in high-priority languages, including English, Hmong, Somali, Spanish, and Karen with outreach to specific cultural communities.

Working in collaboration with Ramsey County Library, Ramsey • Set priorities and align library County Workforce Solutions, and resources with key community Saint Paul Community Literacy partners. Consortium, Saint Paul Public Library • Focus on services that are high priority, effective, and innovative. helped create the Northstar Digital • Strengthen Saint Paul’s digital and Literacy Standards. The purpose community-based learning network. of the standards is to define a • Align library spaces to support group comprehensive set of five technology and individual learning. skills that people can learn and The Mobile WORKplace exemplifies become certified. The standards are the library’s commitment to serving already in use at SPPL, in other metro an increasingly diverse population. sites, and in Greater Minnesota with This service delivery vehicle, complete support from the Blandin Foundation. with laptop computers loaded with Looking ahead, and with new funding teaching and testing software, secured by The Friends from the regularly visits a variety of community Library Services Technology Act

(LSTA), The Library is developing an online assessment tool based on the standards. Accessible to all collaborators working with clients on location, the testing will be scenariobased, with unlimited pre- and posttest options, leading to a Certificate of Basic Digital Literacy in Northstar Standards.

Private Fundraising The Friends helps the Library take the lead in the community learning network with a broad spectrum of financial support. In 2010, The Friends continued to secure targeted grants for the innovative programs and services offered at the Library, and to raise funds through individual giving. The year-end campaign was the most successful ever, raising more than $185,000. All individual giving continues to rise: 2010 was up 20% from 2009, which was up 30% over the year before, proving that the people of Saint Paul really do love their libraries.

As this report goes to print, the 2010 Census data is just being released and parsed, the implications of the population changes yet to be realized. In the ten years since the last Census, the general population of Saint Paul went from 286,840 to 285,068 – a change of -1,772 or -0.6%. However, at the same time, minority population actually increased by 125,631 or 44.1%. Saint Paul is growing more diverse. The agencies that serve this increasingly diverse population must use a variety of approaches to that service, offering programs in different ways to all the unique communities that call our city home.


The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

Advocacy The Friends collaborated with other groups to advocate for strong public support of the Library, effectively minimizing cuts to the Library’s budget – a remarkable achievement in light of the widespread cuts in state and local government spending. The diversity of our library’s supporters was evident on the Advocacy Committee again this year, as volunteers representing every neighborhood successfully lobbied their elected officials to keep our libraries strong.

Cultural Programs A diverse array of Friends’ programs and special events worked to raise awareness of the Library throughout the year – 64% of programs were outreach, geared toward underserved groups and communities of color. Ongoing annual series such as the Jewish Book Festival, Untold Stories, O’Shaughnessy Award-winning Irish Poet and Women’s Human Rights Film Series continued successful collaborations with a variety of community partners. Special events, such as America the Beautiful – The Monumental Landscapes of Clyde Butcher, Ordway Summer Dance and Club Book provided opportunities to extend the Library’s reach into new or strengthened partnerships and welcome thousands into the library who might not otherwise be aware of all it has to offer. These special events were supported in part with funds from the new Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. The Minnesota Book Awards continued to grow, with more corporate sponsors than ever,

increased website traffic, a higher local and national media profile, and record attendance at the annual gala – all of which go to show the world what a rich literary legacy we enjoy in Minnesota. Adding to that rich literary legacy is the annual fundraising gala and author event, Opus & Olives, which posted a record profit in 2010, thanks to new sponsors including Delta Air Lines and its offer of two Business Elite™ tickets for our raffle. What all of this illustrates can be summed up in a single word: Diversity. Diversity of communities served; diversity of programs and services offered; diversity of approaches to addressing the needs of our community; diversity of people working together to make our City and our Library the best they can be. Working together, we are accomplishing what we could not do alone. We would like to thank the thousands of individuals who have helped make these highlights possible. You are helping the Library reach its goal of providing quality services, welcoming all, strengthening neighborhoods, and inspiring with the world of ideas.

Kit Hadley, Library Director –3–


George Latimer, Friends Board Chair

Peter Pearson, Friends President

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

Mission We connect people in Saint Paul with the imperative and the joy of learning through a lifetime.

Vision We are a cornerstone of a thriving city: welcoming people of all ages and cultures; strengthening neighborhoods and learning networks; and inspiring all with the world of ideas.

Key Strategies Set priorities and align library resources with key community partners. Focus on services that are high priority, effective, and innovative. Strengthen Saint Paul’s digital and community-based learning network. Align library spaces to support group and individual learning.

Mission • To increase the use of the Library through public awareness and cultural programming; • To advocate for strong public funding of the Library; and • To provide private funding to enhance Library services. Through this work, The Friends serves as a national model for its unique, comprehensive support of the Saint Paul Public Library.

Vision The Friends will provide the necessary support to ensure that the Saint Paul Public Library is among the foremost library systems in the United States.

Values The Friends is guided in its work by • Creative, innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to challenging issues; • Inclusivity and integrity in all its activities; • Responsible stewardship of its resources in perpetuity. –4–

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report


Annual grant for highest needs as determined by the Library Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 Library initiatives support from Ortha Robbins Endowment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,600 DIRECT CASH TO THE LIBRARY - RESTRICTED

Perrie Jones Endowment staff development grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,820 Restricted Endowments for materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128,287 Grants for the Library paid through The Friends (LSTA, Knight Foundation and others). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,500 Funds provided for Homework Help Centers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,500 Funds provided for Workforce Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,270 Cultural STAR grants written by The Friends with funds going to the Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175,000 Humanities Endowment materials grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,555 Payments for library programming publication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,189 Stock the Stacks materials grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 ADVOCACY EFFORTS TO EXPAND LIBRARY’S BUDGET (done in concert with other groups’ advocacy efforts)

Reduction of proposed cuts to the Library budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225,000 NON CASH SUPPORT TO BUILD ENDOWMENTS AND PROVIDE FOR THE LIBRARY’S FUTURE NEEDS

Contributions added to the Book Endowment Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15,860 Additions to Restricted Endowments for book purchases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134,745 FRIENDS’ PROGRAMMING ACTIVITIES WHICH DON’T PROVIDE DIRECT FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE LIBRARY

Cultural STAR grant for Minnesota Book Awards programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,340 LSTA grant for Minnesota Book Awards programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,500 Foundation grants for Minnesota Book Awards programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,500 Friends’ cultural programming in libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,264 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,200,055

THE SAINT PAUL PUBLIC LIBRARY AT A GLANCE IN 2010 Programs for Children and Adults

Books and Services Items in collection Items loaned Visitors system-wide Information inquiries to staff

1,049,883 3,153,093 2,629,960 484,487

Users of library computers Online visits

Number of children and teens attending programs Homework Center student visits Summer Reading Program participants

Computers and Technology Public access computers

Number of programs for children and teens

392 413,920 1,767,801

Summer Reading Program event attendees Number of programs for adults Number of adults attending programs –5–

2,445 78,468 18,421 10,000 10,651 1,702 22,267

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

SAINT PAUL PUBLIC LIBRARY HIGHLIGHTS In 2010, most of our city’s increasingly diverse population benefited from using the Saint Paul Public Library. Although library hours and staff were decreased due to budget cuts, library use and the demand for services remained high. The library offered more than 4,000 programs including author visits, book clubs, computer classes, film screenings, concerts, job assistance, seminars, storytimes, and much more. More than 3.15 million items were loaned to a percentage of the 324,475 cardholders, and the number of information inquiries to library staff rose to over 480,000. Year after year, the Saint Paul Public Library proves to be an invaluable resource to the community and all of its residents.

Reading & Learning • For new parents focusing on early literacy, and families making school choices, the Library continued to provide the resources and services needed to help raise a child ready for school and ready to learn to read. Baby Storytimes helped parents develop pre-literacy skills in their infants. Early literacy wheels called “Read Around Saint Paul” offered convenient and portable reminders of simple activities that support developing pre-literacy skills. The literacy wheels were supported by Ecolab. Regular and multilingual Storytimes at all branch locations were filled with fun for young readers of all ages. Read With Me provided one-to-one reading practice for students in grades 1 to 3. • The Library expanded its annual Summer Reading Program in 2010 to include collaborations with eleven recreation centers, resulting in greater access to the popular reading program for children, teens and families. Mayor Coleman’s Second Shift Initiative recognized that kids learn anywhere and anytime, so Saint Paul Public Library and Saint Paul Parks and Recreation joined forces to encourage kids to exercise their bodies, minds and imaginations all summer long by presenting the “Make a

Splash” Summer Reading Program. The program encouraged reading and offered incentives for modest, attainable goals. Kids who tracked the time they spent reading earned a book of their choice for their home library. There were no assignments, tests, or required reading. It was hoped that participants would read whatever and wherever their imagination and curiosity took them. Library staff helped connect readers to the right books to enhance their reading experience, and entertaining programs in libraries and recreation centers were selected to pique curiosity and expand interests. Music, nature, science, puppetry, magic and humor – all were part of the Summer Reading Program.

access from any computer to Homework Rescue, an online homework assistance and tutorial resource available every day in English and Spanish.

Facility Updates • Thanks to an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant, and working with Minnesota Children’s Museum, Sun Ray Branch Library has a large and exciting new literacy environment designed to increase families’ opportunities to engage in early literacy activities. Working with Hubbard Broadcasting, The Friends filmed one of several new public service announcements about the Library – this one featuring KSTP news anchor Vineeta Sawkar and her children – in the new learning area.

• Through a partnership with the West 7th Community Center, the city celebrated the grand re-opening of the renovated West 7th Branch Library. With help from a Community Development Block Grant, the library added new shelving and reading areas, and updated materials for adults and children. Financial support from the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy Fund enabled public art by local artists • Wonderful activities for youth and teens and students to be built in to the branch. were available at libraries throughout the In addition, a new computer lab increased year. Among them were designing online public access computers from 2 to 15. The games using; exploring creative additional computers were made possible arts with Upstream Arts; Chemists in the by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Library promoting fun, discovery, and STEM Foundation. (science, technology, engineering, and math) literacy; and poetry slams. • Public libraries play a unique role in building community cohesion and neighborhood • Homework help happens every day in every vitality. Saint Paul Public Library is one of library, but there are Homework Centers the most accessible organizations in the city, in six branches, which are dedicated spaces open 690 hours per week in the mornings, with resources to help students of all ages. afternoons, evenings and weekends, in 13 With a library card, students also have locations.

Cultural Programs • Thanks to Minnesota’s Clean Water, Land and Legacy Fund, we were able to significantly enrich the arts and culture programming available free to Saint Paul residents and visitors. In 2010, the Library offered community members the opportunity to enjoy the cultural richness of life in Saint Paul through events like the Summer Dance series – dance demonstrations, live music and dancing, and classic dance films, presented in partnership with the Ordway, Landmark Center and other community partners; and America the Beautiful: The Monumental Photos of Clyde Butcher – an exhibit mounted –6–

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

In 2010, the library offered over 4,000 programs. One such program is Paw Pals, An opportunity for kids to read with a therapy dog in a fun, relaxed environment.


The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report at Central Library and the adjacent James J. Hill Reference Library. A wide range of related programming occured over the course of the exhibit, working with Exhibits Development Group (EDG) and other local businesses, we presented a series of four Americana music concerts featuring popular regional singer/songwriters in acoustic performances surrounded by Butcher’s amazing photographs. • In its 16th season, the Fireside Reading Series brought six authors and poets to the Hamline Midway Branch Library. • As part of the 12th annual Twin Cities Jazz Festival, the Library hosted free performances celebrating jazz music, art and the written word, with community partners including MELSA and radio station KBEM 88 FM. • Passport to Play and Museum Adventure Pass programs offered extraordinary experiences at museums and other attractions for families on a budget. • Sing • Play • Learn! – the MacPhail Center for Music’s early childhood program which uses music and play to promote learning and reading readiness – was at offered at seven libraries.

Adult Programming: • The WORKplace expanded and hit the road in 2010, providing off-site computer access and job search assistance with the new

LIBRARY RECEIVES FOUR-STAR RATING The Saint Paul Public Library was named one of America’s Star Libraries in 2010, receiving a four-star rating by the Library Journal Index of Public Library Service, which distinguished the Library as being within the top two percent of libraries across the United States. “Saint Paul Public Libraries do more than provide a good book to read, they take an active role in educating our youth, as well as offering skill training and job search assistance,” said Mayor Chris Coleman in celebrating the recognition. Library Board Chair Pat Harris agreed, adding, “The Library is a cornerstone of our community and we are devoted to offering all residents access to a premier library system that anticipates and responds to community needs ranging from technology classes and college preparation, to helping kids and adults learn new critical skills.” The rankings were based on per capita statistics including circulation, program attendance, public Internet computer usage, and visits - ranging from people checking out materials, getting help finding a job or using the library as a place to meet. Mobile WORKplace funded by a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, as well as timely seminars such as, “Between Jobs: Skill Building and Coping Strategies,” in the library. This was in addition to regular and ongoing services including: résumé assistance, templates, and tips; live interview coaching; tips and resources to help start a job search; live tutoring, test preparation, and an online writing lab. • The Doorway College and Career Resource Centers at Sun Ray Branch

Homework Help centers in six of the branches help students of all ages. With a library card, students also have access from any computer to Homework Rescue, an online homework assistance and tutorial resource available every day in English and Spanish.


Library and Dayton’s Bluff Recreation Center helped students make informed decisions about their post-secondary future. • The Small Business Resource Center at Rondo Library helped emerging entrepreneurs and small business owners get the information they need to increase their chances of success. With the support of Travelers Foundation, the Center provides print, online and in-person assistance, and free workshops offered by the Neighborhood Development Center on a large variety of topics.

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

INDIVIDUAL BRANCH HIGHLIGHTS Arlington Hills • The Branch added four new Internet computers. • The HotSpot continued to be a hub of activity in the neighborhood, also hosting a voting workshop, flu shot clinic and job seekers seminar. • Storytimes were well attended, with more than 20 participants at some of the sessions. Storytimes in Spanish are in the works for 2011. • Hosted MacPhail Center for Music’s Sing • Play • Learn! programs.

Bookmobile • In celebration of National Bookmobile Day, Mayor Coleman and the City Council proclaimed Bookmobile Day in Saint Paul, Wednesday, April 14. • For more than 90 years, the Bookmobile has played a vital role in fulfilling the mission of the Library, bringing the resources and expertise of library staff directly to those in our community who face barriers in using a neighborhood library. • The Saint Paul Public Library’s Bookmobile works in collaboration with 50 community partners every two weeks, ranging from education providers to senior residential communities. • The number of users the Bookmobile served increased from 110,000 in 2006 to more than 145,000 in 2010.

Central Library • SPPL’s Library Beacon newsletter was scanned and added to the “Minnesota Reflections” database. • The biography index was scanned and added to Saint Paul Public Library web site. • Several memorable programs occurred in 2010, including the Clyde Butcher monumental photo exhibit, “America the Beautiful”; a Black History Month jazz concert featuring T. Mychal Rambo; participation in the Glacier Park Centennial Festival; and two Friends of the Library “Book It: The Party!” events. • A magnetic “learn and play” activity unit for toddlers was installed in the Circulation Center.

Dayton’s Bluff • Tuesday Computer Technology classes continued. A soft launch of ACT and SAT Prep Week for students also took place.

• Outreach efforts with East Side Community Baby Shower, Dayton’s Bluff Elementary, St. John’s Lutheran School, Joy Academy, American Indian Magnet School, Camp Read-along, and HIRED.

• Goodwill/Easter Seals Minnesota provided semimonthly visits by a job and career counselor.

• Collaborations with Dayton’s Bluff Book Club, Flu Clinic, TC Rise!, Opportunity Tuesday.

• Staff provided class tours for Hazel Park’s ESL summer school program, participated in several local school fairs, and maintained two formal Green Bookshelves as well as two other Bookshelves just outside the city limits.

Hamline Midway

Highland Park

• Added new or replaced computers for public Internet use, bringing total to nine.

• Youth area was re-decorated, and new and renewed community contacts made.

• Launched two Maud Hart Lovelace book clubs.

• New school contacts with Highland Elementary and Horace Mann Elementary Schools resulted in an increase in school visits.

• In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater presented “On the Day You Were Born,” based on the award-winning children’s book by Debra Frasier. • Paw Pals continued to connect dog lovers and reading. • A free legal clinic helped patrons develop a healthcare directive (living will).

Hayden Heights • The conference room became a study area for individuals, while October saw the auditorium converted to the Bear Den – a staffed, multipurpose Learning Center. • Six additional public Internet stations were installed, boosting totals to twelve regular and two express stations. In addition, five laptops for patrons needing longer online time for job searching, school studies, and other professional uses are now available in the Bear Den Learning Center.


• Materials were distributed to the Jewish Community Center (JCC) through the Saint Paul Literacy Consortium. Green Bookshelves at Cooper’s Supervalu are well maintained and regularly visited. • Children’s materials and programs continue to be regarded highly in the community. Storytimes are on Friday mornings and the program had a strong following.

Merriam Park • Collaborated with Avalon Magnet School to display writing projects supported by a Minnesota State’s Arts Board grant • Partnered with Scheffer Recreation Center on the Summer Reading Program, serving more than 100 children in a five-week period, and hosting a second Green Bookshelf.

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

• Collaborated with Keystone Community Center on several food drives. • Children, Youth and Teen Services presented six programs (with total attendance of 642), continued the Summer Reading Program, and hosted several MacPhail Sing • Play • Learn! programs for preschoolers. • Storytime attendance doubled in 2010 over 2009 figures, while the number of teens participating in the Teen Read-Down event increased, as well.

Rice Street • The Rice Street Wakanheza Project leadership team developed plans for a North End Teen Center to be implemented by Parks and Recreation at a location across the street from the library. • Green Bookshelves were provided at Keystone Community Services, North End Food Shelf, Rice Recreation Center and West Minnehaha Recreation Center.


St. Anthony Park

• SHAC Homework Center purchased three new computers. All six computers now have Internet access.

• Volunteers contributed more than 2,300 hours in 2010, providing baby lap-sit storytimes, preschool storytimes, puppet shows, computer learning help, English language practice, tutoring, homebound delivery, gardening, book sales programming and basic materials mending and straightening.

• Presented three series of beginning computer classes in 2010. • Offered job search assistance through Goodwill Easter Seals twice per month. Staff from Twin Cities Rise provided information about free career training on alternate Fridays. • Outreach activities included a literacy event at Riverview Elementary School; sharing information about library services, including the SHAC Homework Center, in both Spanish and English; working with West Side Youth Connects, provided library tours to Neighborhood House ELL classes. • Children/Youth/Teen services and activities included two Sing • Play • Learn! programs from McPhail Center for Music, and monthly library instruction to local third-grade classes.

• Teen and youth programs included: semiweekly storytimes; Summer Reading Program; Sing • Play • Learn!; Chemists in the Library; a back-to-school event featuring a reading by author Ian Punnett and backpack giveaways, sponsored by Saint Paul Executive Women International; weekly Computer Gaming Club and Saturday Movie Matinees.

Rondo Community Outreach Library

• Collectors’ Corner Neighborhood Trading Post continued to be popular, with a monthly visit from Fort Snelling Park Ranger Kao Thao in the fall.

• Offered job and workforce drop-in assistance three mornings per week in collaboration with Life Track and Goodwill Easter Seals; LifeTrack served 473 people with job assistance in 2010.

• Presented “Overcoming Debt and Embracing Financial Independence” program with Geoff Bullock. • A bilingual Hmong/English MN Votes program was presented by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State to help voters become comfortable with the voting process, from registration to placing a ballot in the ballot counter. • Added nine computers for public use, including two family computers and nine laptops, through a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant. Computer classes were presented in collaboration with SPPS Community Education.

• Participated in the University Avenue Project, featuring photographs by Wing Young Huie depicting life among the neighborhoods surrounding the sixmile stretch of University Avenue from Minneapolis to the State Capitol.

• CTEP (Community Technology Empowerment Project) AmeriCorps offered a wide variety of computer classes (Microsoft Office, beginning computer, etc.). This contingent also keeps the Electronic Classroom open for Learning Lab when classes are not in session.

• China Daily newspaper offered regular news to Chinese patrons. • Green Bookshelf expanded to the Jimmy Lee Recreation center where it is well used. • Service to local schools and daycare providers involved school visits, conducting storytimes and gathering 1,350 unit materials throughout the year. Library cards were issued to 17 classes. • Legacy funds allowed the purchase of instruments for conducting musical storytimes.

Sun Ray • Worked with Minnesota Children’s Museum and IMLS grant to create a literacy rich children’s area. The area has become a destination for many local families. • The SunSpot Homework Center served 2,348 students with 467.5 tutor hours. The Job Resource Center served 4,547 jobseekers – an increase of 23% over 2009. • Doorway staff and volunteers provided one-on-one help with college and job search résumé writing on a weekly basis. Special “Doorway to Your Dreams” events were well received and well attended. • There were 356 library-sponsored programs at Sun Ray in 2010, plus an additional 117 non-library uses of the Sun Ray meeting rooms. Attendance at library sponsored programs totaled 4,716.

West 7th

• Minnesota Visiting Nurses Association offered two flu shot clinics in September.

• Fifteen volunteers donated more than 765 hours, helping keep the branch well-staffed.

• A representative from the Disability Linkage Line visited Rondo twice per month to offer information and referrals for library patrons with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

• Two Kindle e-readers were checked out consistently to curious patrons. • Circulation increased 28% over the same period last year. • West 7th hosted Community Center daycare and after school groups, filled teacher requests for 942 items, supplied books and materials for the October Caregivers Conference, collaborated with the Community Center in the Circle of Parents group and offered Scratch programming instruction.

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The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report



Programs by Type


(Goal: 60 programs)

Total Program Attendance

11,277 3,385 Largest Attendance






Average Attendance

(Excluding America the Beautiful exhibit)

Average Program Rating



(America the Beautiful exhibit)













Ongoing Series and Annual Events

Fireside Literary Series, Irish Poet, Jewish Book Festival, Programs with Park Square Theatre, Outdoor Film Series, The Rose Ensemble Workshops, Untold Stories Labor History Series and Women’s Human Rights Film Series. (4.6 out of 5)

Special Projects and New Initiatives America the Beautiful exhibit and related programming, Summer Dance Series and Club Book authors.

Community Partners

Programs with Community Partners

Books For Africa, Center for Hmong Studies at Concordia University, EDG, Ginkgo Coffeehouse, James J. Hill Reference Library, Jewish Community Center, Landmark Center, Macalester College, MELSA, Metropolitan State University, Micawber’s Books, Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, Minnesota Historical Society and MHS Press, Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company, Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-Op, Ordway, Park Square Theatre, Ramsey County Historical Society, Saint Paul Almanac, Saint Paul Labor Speakers Club, Saint Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, St. Paul Neighborhood Network, Sandbox Theatre, The Advocates for Human Rights, The Rose Ensemble, Twin Cities Labor History Society, The Union Advocate, University of Minnesota Labor Education Service, and University of St. Thomas Center for Irish Studies.

82 OF 86 PROGRAMS Had community partners (95% as compared to 72% in 2009) – 11 –

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report


+ The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library takes over the operation of the Book Awards from the Minnesota Humanities Commission with just seven months for nominations, judging and the staging of the Awards ceremony

Held first Readers’ Choice Event

The Friends consolidated award categories and reformatted the presentation ceremony to a reception and Gala with champagne and dessert

Launched Minnesota Writers Hall of Fame website with ten inaugural inductees


Began producing “Prized Writers” series with TPT – Minnesota Channel, featuring Minnesota Book Award winners in conversation


Created the “32 Books in 32 Days” blog counting down to the gala with daily highlights Filmed two new “Prized Writers” episodes Began looking forward to the 25th anniversary in 2013

Created the Minnesota Book Awards Endowment Fund

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The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report The Minnesota Book Awards is looking forward. 2010 marked the 23rd anniversary of the Awards program, and The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library is one of the only organizations to have supported the Minnesota Book Awards throughout its entirety. Having created the Book Awards as part of the Minnesota Festival of the Book in 1988, we are proud to look back at what the last few years have meant for the growth of this literary celebration.

Created the Readers’ Choice Award in partnership with the Pioneer Press and TwinCities•com – statewide online voting from among the finalists roster

SPONSORED BY... Established named category sponsorships


Began extensive outreach to libraries throughout the state

Created the Book Artist Award with Minnesota Center for Book Arts

Added the MINNESOTA category

RBC Wealth Management became first presenting sponsor of the Gala

Expanded community partnerships and statewide programming


Minnesota History Award Announced the Hognander Minnesota History Award – a biennial award for scholarly works of Minnesota history

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The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

Fans of NPR’s current events quiz show, “Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” were delighted to meet the mellow southern gentleman, Roy Blount, Jr., who made new fans with his wry sense of humor and brilliant wordplay.

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The Friends presents of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report RBC Wealth Management

OPUS & OLIVES HITS LUCKY #7! In its seventh year, Opus & Olives turned out another sell-out crowd with five fabulous authors and an exciting new twist to the popular event… a raffle of two roundtrip Delta Air Lines BusinessElite™ trans-Atlantic tickets. Stanley Trollip served as the emcee, introducing Opus & Olives guests to his charming Detective Kubu, the protagonist in his mystery series set in Botswana. Trollip’s newest book, The Second Death of Goodluck Tinubu, is rich with characters that reflect a country living just outside modern democracy.

7th Annual

Fans of NPR’s current events quiz show, “Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” were delighted to meet the mellow southern gentleman, Roy Blount, Jr., who made new fans with his wry sense of humor and brilliant wordplay. Blount presented his recently-released book, Hail, Hail, Euphoria! – Presenting the Marx Brothers in Duck Soup, the Greatest War Movie Ever Made (which may hold the record for the longest Opus & Olives book title!). Southern gentlewoman, Joshilyn Jackson, whose fan-base is growing hugely, entertained guests with her stories of crazily-sane heroes from Georgia. Her newest release, Backseat Saints, reprises a minor character from her first book, gods in Alabama. Jackson has a background in theater which she put to good use talking to an audience of more than 800 supporters. Dave Kindred is a seasoned sports journalist who paints a compelling story of the challenges facing today’s newspapers in his newest book, Morning Miracle: Inside the Washington Post – A Great Newspaper Fights for Its Life. Kindred mesmerized guests with his inside scoops on everything from the newsroom to landing an interview with boxing’s great, Muhammad Ali.


Last, but certainly not least… Adrianna Trigiani had the audience laughing to the point of tears with her hilarious stories of growing up Italian in a coal mining town in West Virginia. As if her wit and sassiness weren’t enough to close out the program, she ended the evening with heartfelt wisdom and words of encouragement about supporting our libraries.

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The grand finale to the evening put the spotlight on Bill Lentsch, Delta Air Lines Senior Vice President, Minnesota Operations, who pulled the lucky raffle ticket allowing Harold and Leigh Crump to take the trip of a lifetime! A record profit of approximately $116,000 was realized to support The Friends and the literacy programs of the Pioneer Press.

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES Statement of support, revenue and expenses for year ended December 31, 2010. The summary statement below is audited. Complete audited financial statements for 2010 are available from The Friends’ office.

___________ 2009 ___________

___________ 2010 ___________


REVENUE Institurional Contributions

$ 466,905

$ 469,106

$ 6,150

$ 942,162

$ 578,726

$ 301,752

$ 5,275

$ 885,753

Individual Contributions









Consulting Service Fees





Investment Income







Investment Income from Beneficial Interest in Assets Held by Others:

Investment Income from Third Party Trust 3,370 3,370 Net Increase in Value of Interests 834 257,157 19,846 277,837 736

2,181 2,181 230,398 15,274 246,408

Special Events, Net





Other Revenue





Net Assets Released from Restrictions





Total Revenue



11,410 3,434,933


(803,137) 721,026



EXPENSES Programs:

Grants to the Library

$ 428,671

$ 428,671

$ 552,250

$ 552,250

Programs and Other Support





1,553,057 1,553,057

1,704,571 1,704,571

Support Services:

Management and General





Fund Development





367,452 367,452

Total Expenses

Change in Net Assets


1,920,509 78,542


11,410 1,514,424



350,986 350,986 2,055,557











The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

BUSINESS, CORPORATE AND FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS Our sincere thanks go to all of the corporations and foundations that made a gift in support of the Saint Paul Public Library in 2010. Your leadership is inspirational and your commitment invaluable.

$50,000 and Greater John and Myrtle Briggs Endowment Fund at RBC Wealth Management City of Saint Paul Cultural STAR Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation MELSA* Minnesota Community Foundation Richard and Nancy Nicholson Fund of the Nicholson Family Foundation

$10,000 to $49,999 Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts David R. and Elizabeth P. Fesler Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Humanities Programming Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation Huss Foundation Roger Lenzmeier Fund at RBC Wealth Management McNeely Foundation Richard and Nancy Nicholson Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. E. M. Pearson Foundation Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. RBC Wealth Management Ortha Robbins Charitable Endowment at RBC Wealth Management Virginia Sohre Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. The Friends Book Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation The Friends General Endowment at Mairs & Power, Inc. The Friends General Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation Travelers Travelers Foundation Trillium Family Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation

$5,000 to $9,000 The Boss Foundation Ecolab Foundation Emerald Foundation Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation Josten’s Foundation Margaret H. & James E. Kelley Foundation R. C. Lilly Foundation Mairs & Power, Inc. Securian Trust Company Thomson Reuters Xcel Energy

$1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous Donor 3M Agribank Andersen Corporation Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation

Anime Twin Cities, Inc. BankCherokee Bearance Management Group Blue Cross Blue Shield MN Books For Africa Bremer Financial Corporation Common Good Books Deluxe Corporation Foundation Terry Devitt and Michael Hoffman Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Drake Bank Frauenshuh HealthCare Real Estate Solutions Furness Fund at US Bank Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation Guthmann Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC Clara V. Hoffman Endowment Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. Hubbs Family Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Dorothy V. Jefferson Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation Kowalski’s Market - Grand Avenue Market Leonard, Street and Deinard Metropolitan State University Foundation Midway Men’s Club Minnesota AFL-CIO Minnesota Association of Professional Employees (MAPE) Minnesota Library Association Foundation Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-Op Moore, Costello & Hart, PLLP Morgan Stanley Smith Barney – The Waterbury Group Nelson, Teitz & Hoye, Inc. Pioneer Press Platinum Bank of Oakdale RBC Foundation – USA The Red Balloon Bookshop Residents of Kellogg Square Ethel Ridgway Endowment at Mairs & Power, Inc. Ethel Ridgway Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, L.L.P. Securian Foundation Skinner Room Endowment at The Saint Paul Foundation St. Paul Radiology Foundation Saint Paul Jaycees Foundation Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Summer Fund UBS Financial Services Wellington Management, Inc. Western Bank and Insurance Agency Carole Williams Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc.

* Through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature from the Minnesota Clean Water, Land and Legacy fund with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.

Wilkerson, Guthmann & Johnson Leadership Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Winthrop & Weinstine Lillian Wright and C. Emil Berglund Foundation

$500 to $999 Anchor Trust Mary L. Barrett Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Jon and Metta Belisle Endowment Fund of the St. Croix Valley Foundation Elizabeth Biorn Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Clara and Frieda Claussen and Eleanor Herrmann Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation John R. Cross Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Culvers of Saint Paul Deluxe Corporation District Energy Saint Paul Engelbert Family Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Fred S. Heaberlin Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Jerry and Jeanne Meigs Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association Children’s Fund Minnesota Vikings Youth Volunteer Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Todd and Martha Nicholson Fund of the Nicholson Family Foundation Constance S. Otis Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation R. F. Moeller Jeweler, Inc. Wendy and Steve Rubin Family Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Marion Serr Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Vento-Wellstone Endowment at Mairs & Power, Inc. William and Barbara Welke Charitable Fund at Vanguard Wilkerson Associates Jean and Leonard Wilkening Endowment Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation

Up to $499 3M Foundation Capstone Publishing Coffee House Press Como Aristonian Club Daughters of the American RevolutionNathan Hale Chapter Jean and B.C. Hart Family Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Gretchen Hamar Healy Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation Integra Telecom Lerner Foundation Lilley-Hansen Family Foundation at The Saint Paul Foundation Nancy Loehr Endowment Fund at

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The Saint Paul Foundation Lily Kayla March Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc. Marrinan Endowment Fund for Puppet Shows at Mairs & Power, Inc. Midway Animal Hospital, PLLC Midwest Antiquarian Bookseller’s Association Milkweed Editions Pearson Candy Company George C. Power, Jr. Memorial Fund at The Saint Paul Foundation Saint Paul Linoleum and Carpet Company Saint Paul Retired Teachers, Inc. SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development Norton Stillman Foundation Tarrant & Liska, PLLC Beth and John Trend Schwab Charitable Fund Trotter’s Café Unity Church - Unitarian of Saint Paul Gary Wynia Endowment Fund at Mairs & Power, Inc.

Matching Gifts Assurant Briggs and Morgan Eaton Corporation General Mills Foundation H.B. Fuller Company Foundation IBM Corporation Prudential Foundation Red Wing Shoe Company Foundation Securian Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Thomson Reuters Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation US Bancorp Foundation

Gifts In Kind The Bibelot Gift Shops Costello’s Bar and Grill Delta Air Lines FTL Corporation/MGM Wine & Spirits of East Saint Paul and Woodbury The Glockenspiel Great Waters Brewing Company Hubbard Broadcasting Kincaid’s Restaurant Minnesota Public Radio Modern Press Pearson’s Candy Company Pioneer Press and RADAR Concierge Service The Red Balloon Bookshop Saint Paul Grill Schell’s Brewing Company Siwek Lumber and Millwork, Inc. Surly Brewing Company TPT Vanguard Travel Unlimited Xcel Energy

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

BOOK ENDOWMENT FUND Gifts honoring loved ones are added to the Book Endowment Fund of The Friends. Income from this Endowment supports the purchase of thousands of new books and materials for the Saint Paul Public Library each year. Donations are recognized with the placement of a bookplate in a Library book, and listings in Friends publications.

Book Endowment Fund Gifts in Perpetuity: Book Endowment Fund: Jean and Mark Schroepfer In Memory of Boyd and Lorraine Gilde: Tom Gilde In Memory of Mary Jane Faltesek: Family and Friends of Mary Jane Faltesek In Memory of Mary Heiges: Gerald and Joann Steenberg In Memory of Barbara B. Mayer: Family and Friends of Barbara B. Mayer In Memory of Elaine Shields: Richard Shields In Memory of Edward Swanson: Gerald and Joann Steenberg In Memory of Tim Sweeney: Anonymous Donor In Memory of Beverly Vavoulis: Estate of Beverly Vavoulis In Memory of Beverly Vavoulis: Anthony and Joyce Vavoulis

Memorials Eva Bolland: Richard and Juanita Luis Jean Borax: Anne Borax Nancy Brasel: Kathryn and Glen Anderson; Todd and Julie Bagby; Martha Boerschlein Tracy; Edward Bohrer; David E. Brasel; Diane Camp and Paul Leutgeb; Douglas Carlson; Karen Chappuis; Pamela Clayton; Sandra and Richard Clayton; Michael J. Dickson; Katie Eisold; John and Mary Fangman; Carol Feiring; George Flad; Jane Flad; Alissa and Jeremy Frana; Roxana Freese; Jodie and Patrick Golliker; Brenda Grachek; Pamela Jill Hansen and James Hansen; Barbara Haugen; Shirley Hess; Ronald and Claudia Hoekstra; Judy House; Robert and Karen Hoyle; Susan Humphrey; Gary and

Margie Hunninghake; Donald Hunninghake; Lois and Harold Isaacson; Michelle and Gregory Jepson; Martin and Esther Kellogg; Paula Kelly and Charles Walters; Christopher and Laurie Kemp; Robert and Elaine Kirk; David and Susan Klevan; Sherry and Gary Lampman; Virgil and Verena Larson; Tammy and Brian Lindstrand; David and Linda Maschwitz; Stewart and Kathy McIntosh; Susan Meyers; Jeanne and Leo Mrozek; Mary and Gary Nelsestuen; Janice Nelson; Paul and Lori Nyberg; D. Overbeke; William and Karen Paist; St. Anthony Park Midway Bank; Terry and Mary Patton; Mary Quirk; Judith L. Rehak; Mary Robins; Judith Roe; Martha and John Simmons; Mary and Richard Smeed; Robert and Edythe Smeed; Paul and Katherine Solon; Mary Steinson; Darlene and Kenneth Stensby; Betty Swanson; M. Kathryn Teufert; Carolyn S. Tucker; Alice and Ronald Wurtz; Nicholas and Heather Wurtz; Susan and Gary Zdon Millie Byrne: Colleen M. Byrne Mary Calvo: James Arts and Helene Nelson; Margo Bock ; Alan Calvo; Georgia Calvo; Diane Dodge; Alice H. Engelman; Kathleen Flynn; Rose Ann Foreman; Carlos, Diane, Matthew and Elizabeth Garcia; Gloria and Jesus Garcia; Albert and Gloria Gruer; Shelly Hawkins; Carol Hogan-O’Keefe and Michael O’Keefe; Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson; Robert, Diane, Bryan and Megan Hungridge; Susan Kearney; Scrabble Buddy, SueLessons from Life; Tom and Ginny Lufkin; Thomas Lyons and Davy Koy-Lyons; Materials Management Center-Saint Paul Public Library; Dolores and Richard Maxson; Linda Maxson; Charlene McKenzie; Earl Nelson; Susan A. and John Nelson; Barbara Paulson; Beverly and James Peterson; Karen Kolb Peterson; Andy Riebs and Maureen Hogan; Dorothy

L. Russell; Marilyn Shearer; Cheri, Larry and Kay Sheehan; Slye and Cochrane Team; Richard and Carolyn Smith; Yvonne M. Snidarich; Katrina Taylor; Donald and Mary Tehven; Virginia B. Toms; Dorothee M. Wahl; Margaret and Herbert Weakliem; Weeks Family; Nancy and Robert Woodburn Mary Jane Faltesek: Nancy Barbeau; Jim and Mary Bischoff; Elizabeth Brenner; Janet and Del Conroy; Patricia Coppo and Susan McCabe; Jo J. Cunningham; Jan Cylkowski; Buff Deyo; John and Mary Faltesek; Family of Mary Jane Faltesek; Cynthia M. Foster; Jack and Clarice Gibbons; Steve Johnson and Hilda Johnson; Carole Miller; Elizabeth and Jeff Mosher; Gerry and Mike Murray; Jon Timothy Olson; Wendell and Florence Phillips Family; Michael Rogers; Dora Marie Rohl and Barbara Rohl; Ted and Charlotte Schwenker; Tim and Emily Schwenker; Christine and Thomas Swain; Eric, Marin, Axelina and Per Swenson; Marjorie and Donald Webinger; Elizabeth Wendland Linda Feinberg: Sally and Robert Hart David C. Foster: Anonymous Donor; Ginger and Charlie Alden; Terry Alewine; Paul and Deborah Alper; Mary L. Davis; Norman DeWitt; Chris Eickstadt; Neil Henry; Bonnie O’Malley; Suzanne Skorich; Tracy D. Swanson; David and Ruth Waterbury; Beverly Wentworth; MN Department of Health-Lab Staff Jean Gehan: Joan K. O’Brien Ray Gooderl: William and Diane Kuhlmann Ruth Jensen Harris: Geraldine C. Abbott Katie Klein: William and Elie Yungbauer Robert N. Langford: Virginia and Walter Bailey;

FRIENDS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE While The Friends works to ensure adequate public funding of the Library, private support is becoming increasingly important in enhancing the services and resources of the Saint Paul Public Library. Ranging from membership and individual contributions to memorials and planned gifts, The Friends offers a variety of opportunities for everyone to support the Library. Please consider a gift or contribution today.

WAYS TO GIVE: • Online, at • By check or credit card, mailed to The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library, 325 Cedar Street, Suite 555, Saint Paul, MN 55101 • By making a pledge over time, in which you set the amount and payment schedule • Through a matching gift from your employer • Through a gift of stocks or bonds. You’ll receive a tax deduction for the full market value and avoid paying capital gains tax • By naming The Friends as a beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy, IRA or qualified retirement plan • By creating a memorial or honorarium for a loved one or respected friend • By including The Friends in your will • Through deferred gifts such as charitable trusts, providing financial security for you and your family while reducing your heirs’ tax exposure • By adding permanent assets to an endowment fund, where gifts build a perpetual base of resources For more information, please call us at 651-222-3242 or email us at

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The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report Virginia and John Bisanz; Jeanne and Michael Bisanz; Barbara and Lee Boerbon; Nancy Bogart; John and Janet Bohan; Susan Cammack; Carol Damberg; E. Eugene and Sara Engelbert; David and Ann Feitl; W. D. and Sonja Flory; Michael and Joan Geraghty; Teddy and Jim Gesell; Cleva and Donald Jobe; Michele Kelm-Helgen; Judy Kishel; Kathy Klein; Thomas and Betty-Ann Kleinschmidt; Lisa Kleinschmidt; Beatrice Langford; Dusty Mairs; Mary Ann and R. D. Mason; Nora McGuire; J. Lawrence and Mary McIntyre; Jon Monda; William Moran; Manuel and Janelyn Navarro; Pamela S. Olson; Truman and Noelyn Porter; Kenneth Schultz; Lynn and Robert Storey; Arthur Waldon; David and Ruth Waterbury

For every $25 donated, a bookplate inscribed with the name of the person being honored, and if desired, the name of the donor, is placed in a newly purchased book at the Library. Gifts of $500 or more endow the purchase of a book each year in perpetuity. For every $500 donated, special wording on a bookplate – acknowledging the extraordinary effort made to honor a friend or relative – is placed annually in a newly purchased Library book.

Audrey Larkin: Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Eugene Larkin: Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Eunice G. MacLeod: Joel Aaron; Susan Abderholden; Adair and Charles Anderson; Mary Cherrico; Robyn Couillard; Dunham Associates; Heather Finden; Marcia L. Fotsch; Bruce and Alice Gaarder; Julia and Thomas Gaarder; Kristin Grage; Colleen and Christopher Hampl; Gail and Gary Karger; Pauline Kruger; Louise and Paul Louiselle; Ardus Morgan; Heather Nelson; Marian Nelson; Robert and Margaret Pinkerton; Dimitri Senaratna and Sarah Thompson Senaratna; Glen and Anna Skovholt; Betty J. Staffenson; Gerald Voermans; US Bank Coworkers of Todd Stitt, Eunice’s Son-in-Law George Mairs: John and Ruth Huss; Tom and Arlene Swain; Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Barbara B. Mayer: Barbara Appleby; John and Janet Bohan; Robert and Kathryn Bongard; Ronald Bongard; Josephine Carney; Don and Lynne Dreesen; Abby Finis; William and Patricia Gamble; Her Family and Friends; Patricia and Karl Kester; The Mullaney Family; Taylor Phelps and Laura Pfeiffer; Lolly Salmen; David and Cindy Satre; Janet Schweigert and Alice Schweigert; Robert and Carolyn Thompson; Linda Trouten; Don and Kathleen Turvold; Paul and Carolyn Verret; Carol Wilcox; Genevieve and Douglas Wood Dianne M. Hemsch McDonald: Kathleen Leedy and Jayne Buchanan; Michael, Kelly, Shannon, Thomas and Patrick McDonald Lucille McGill: Deanna Abrahamson; Faith M. Carlson; Veronica Cromett; Dianne McMurray; Constance Sheehan; Regina Walsh; Martha and John Walski; Barbara L. Watts; Susan Widmar Katie McWatt: Perrin and David Lilly; Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Bill and Fern Miller - Parents of Tom Miller: Tom’s Friends from Cyprus Jon Moylan: Karen Kolb Peterson My Father, Claude Hazelroth, who loved to read Minnesota history: Anne Hazelroth Field and Litton Field Joan O’Brien: Leigh Brown; Ann Burckhardt; Mary M. Devries; Laura Fittro; Teresa Glass; Harlene Hagen; Phyllis Harris; John and Gretchen Healy; John Hennessey; Kathleen Hobday; Martin and Esther Kellogg; Margaret Kelsch; Richard Kilty; Karl and Diane Larson; Diane and Donald Lee; Tom and Jacquelyn Lutmer; Peter and Michele Marshall; Michele McQuillan; Richard and Joan Miller; Eileen Muelken; Norma Munson; Frederick and Phyllis Neher; Catherine and Hoyt Nye; Katherine O’Brien; Bruce and Donna Ohme; Stephen and Wendy Osman; Irene Ott; Rosemary J. Palmer; Deborah and John Patterson; Sarah and Jason Perri; Rudolph and Grace Pinter; LouAnn Restad; Charlotte Robledo; Joseph Simonet; Susan Hamre Smith; Kathryn K. Stowe; Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Agency; Jane and Anthony Von

Haden; Leonard and Adelia Wilson; Mary Lou and Wayne Wolsey; Margaret and Michael Yaeger Kitty O’Brien: Rita and Mark Dillon Robert Overas: Maureen and William Buron; Ethna McKiernan Constance Marie Painter: Fillmore and Walter Homeowners Association Carol Pfalz: James and Janet Huberty Benjamin Prince: John and Arlene Fitzpatrick Mary Riehle: Linda Wilcox My Father, Richard Seppala, who showed me that reading was important: Marion L Holly Esther B. Stanton: Gratia Ouellette Tim Sweeney – Always remembered by Nancy, Sean and Mikey: Anonymous Donor Camille Then: Amy DeSchamps; Tari Johnson; Steve and Sally Keller; McMurry Charities; Parsons Electric; Andrea Parsons; Frank and Barbara Parsons; Michael and Dawn Swanson; Janice and Andrew Then; Mark and Nancy Then Robert O. Thiers: William and Elie Yungbauer Beverly Vavoulis: Mary Adair and Jerry Jorgenson; Bill Bord; Ken Brinkman and Janice Allen; Nicky Brooker; Rob Carlson and Gregg Larson; Doreen Carter; Scott Halweg and Lesley Charlton; Dominic and Karen Chlebeck; William and Ruth Davini; Joan Delich; Mark and Catherine Eagles; Marion Eng; Fillmore and Walter Homeowners Association; Fred and Shelley Fletcher; Patty Fretschel; Steve and Sharon Frykman; Jack and Sarah Garrett; Earl and Eileen Herzog; Mary Holcomb; Garnet Holmstadt; Maxine Ilika; Debra Jantz; Robert Johnson; Marit Lee Kucera; Jan and Ernie Lawrence; Tom and Jeanne LeFevere; Kimberly Lennartson; Maryann Lynch; Danette and Mark Maruska; Susan M. McMahon; Bette Moritz; Barb Neils; Paul and Julie Nerothin; Ruth Ohmann; Barry O’Kane and Janet Van Tassel; Janice Ramboldt; Georgia Ray Lindeke; John and Nancy Rock; Mary Kay Rossebo; Shannon Rzeznikiewicz; Dianne Shiely; Donald L. Smith; Teresa Sterns; Robert and Tamara Stire; Lori Storms; Tom and Arlene Swain; David and Julie Tripp; Eileen Vierow; Scott and Nancy Walcker; Karen Wendel; Barbara Wylde Audrey Votel: Votel Family Fund Margaret Weiss: Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw-Dzik Michael Weiss: Janice M. Ostrem M. G. “Reds” Wolman: William and Elie Yungbauer Stephen Neil Wolner: Martha Davis Beck and Dan Beck – 19 –

Honoraria Betty Andrews: Marit Lee Kucera Wedding of Margo Bock and Mark Chapin: Anonymous Donor Kathleen James – 2010 President, MLA: Chris Olson Marriage of Lucy Jones and James Johnson: Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Grandsons, Justin and Jared: John West Ruth Krider: Philip R. Krider Marriage of Katie Lord and Neil Flanagan – June 5, 2010: Jennifer Haselberger Peg Marrinan: In recognition of her nine years of service on the Board of Trustees of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Wendy Moylan: Elizabeth Wefel Chris Olson, Executive Director of MELSA: Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Rebecca and Mike’s First Anniversary: Eileen McMahon and Steve Karbon Katie Rhoades, who was born with a heart of justice: Anonymous Donor Colleen Richardson’s Birthday: Rita and Mark Dillon Karima Ridgley: Anonymous Donor Marilyn Hooper Rohlfing’s Retirement: Friends and Colleagues of Marilyn Rohlfing D. Scott Ross: In recognition of his nine years of service on the Board of Trustees of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Barbara Sippel: Deborah Kerkvliet Saint Paul Public Library’s Volunteer Tax Preparers: Carole Erickson Jerry and Joann Steenberg’s 50th Anniversary: Emmy Reppe Mark Taylor and Pondie Nicholson’s Engagement: Carol Taylor Mary Ida Thomson, Past President of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library: Edie Meissner Susan L. Vento: In recognition of her nine years of service on the Board of Trustees of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Dick Wallace: Home Study Group Jean M. West: Polly O’Brien

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report









Julia and James Adams Thomas W. Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Elizabeth S. Andrews Linda and Lynn Ault Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Mary L. Barrett Marlys Barry Metta and Jon Belisle Tanya Lea Bell and Lee Schafer Susan Beran Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby Gregory Blees and Sandra Lloyd-Blees W. Andrew and Linda Boss Tom and Liz Boyd Steve and Nancy Brady Steve and Gail Brand Douglas and Dana Bruce Carolyn Brusseau Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Peter and Sandra Butler Kathleen and Tony Callahan Alan Calvo Richard and Ann Cammack Ann and Jon Cieslak Sharon Clapp Jane and Gary Clements Patrick Coleman The Honorable Chris Coleman Michael and Leslie Connelly William and Maureen Cosgriff Harold and Leigh Crump Frances L. Cummins Terry Devitt Lois E. DeWitt Susan and Bryan Dowd John and Elizabeth Driscoll Joan Duddingston Blanche J. Dvorak Violet F. Dvorak Trudy Ebert Michael Eckhardt Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum Tim and Becky Emory E. Eugene and Sara Engelbert Matt Entenza and Lois Quam Kenneth A. Epstein

Passing on values and providing future security for The Friends and the Saint Paul Public Library is the legacy left by these women and their estates in 2010. Stretch your influence by including a gift to The Friends in your own estate plan. The Estate of Jan Marie Wickstrom


Rita Lafferty Nowell and Julia Leitzke Irv and Gwen Lerner Nan P. Lightner Margaret Lussky Jennifer A. Mateer Erma E. McGuire Nancy W. McKillips Robert and Roberta Megard Edie Meissner Wendy Moylan Judy Nelson Richard and Joan Newmark Greg Onstad Patricia J. Paine Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Julian G. Plante Truman and Noelyn Porter Alice D. Proud Rozanne L. Ridgway D. Scott Ross Alan and Sally Ruvelson Carol and Jay Ryan Deanna Sande Dick Sarafolean John and Dorothy Scanlan Gerald and Joann Steenberg Kathleen H. Stuart Tom and Arlene Swain Shirley A. Taube Mary Ida Thomson LeRoy C. Torkelson, Jr. Dolores and Gene Ullstrom Susan L. Vento Paul and Carolyn Verret Laurie Wachter Ellen E. Watters Jeanne Weigum Annette and John Whaley Leonard Wilkening Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Ann Wynia


Marvin and Gloria Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Barbara T. Anderson Thomas and Carole Bastasz Metta and Jon Belisle Arthur F. Bergstrom Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby Mrs. Warren Bjorklund W. Andrew and Linda Boss Tom and Liz Boyd Steve and Gail Brand Rawley and Ginny Brodeen Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Kathleen E. Cleary Jane and Gary Clements Elizabeth Cowie Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Maggi and Richard Davern Susan and Bryan Dowd Katherine and Delano DuGarm Blanche J. Dvorak Violet F. Dvorak Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw-Dzik John Faley Richard T. and Carole Faricy Bj Fesler Rose Ann Foreman Suzanne Fry Susan Guernsey Mary Hayes Harold and Agatha Hebl Scott and Kathy Heiderich Julie F. Holmen George and Ann Hubbs Margaret S. Hubbs Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch James E. Johnson Louise and Dick Jones Elizabeth J. Keyes










The Briggs Circle recognizes individuals who have made a planned gift to The Friends.


Our most generous individual members, represented by The Donor Society, provide a necessary foundation for the work of The Friends. The two groups which make up the Donor Society are The John and Myrtle Briggs Circle and The Perrie Jones Circle. Donor Society membership is recognized each year at a special luncheon, sponsored in 2010 by Securian.

The Estate of Joan K. O’Brien

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The Perrie Jones Circle recognizes individuals who make substantial annual gifts to The Friends, such as a contribution of $500 or more. Jamine and John Ewine Richard T. and Carole Faricy BJ Fesler Litton E. and Anne Hazelroth Field Willis M. Forman Edward and Erin Fox Jeanette and Steven Frederickson William and Bonita Frels Suzanne Fry Patricia and Donald Gerlach R. James and Rene Gesell Tom Gilde Guy Gilmore Lynn Giovannelli Warren and Kiki Gore Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Elizabeth Guenzel Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Kit Hadley and Cynthia Fay Erik and Jana Hagen Sue Hall and Lloyd Grooms Glenn Hanson Jean and B.C. Hart Susan Haugerud Douglas R. Heidenreich Scott and Kathy Heiderich Patricia S. Herbert Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck Mary Horvath Dennis and Bettina Hoye Stanley S. Hubbard George and Ann Hubbs Margaret S. Hubbs Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt John and Ruth Huss Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Betty Wold Johnson James E. Johnson Robert Johnson Sandra L. Johnson Lani Jordan Art and Martha Kaemmer Elisabeth Kaplan and Robert Horton Elizabeth J. Keyes Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat Allan Klein and Harriet Lansing

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

The Perrie Jones Circle, continued. Harrison and Sharene Klein Paul and Julie Kollitz James and Gail LaFave Jack and Norma Lanners Elaine S. Larson George Latimer Nowell and Julia Leitzke Perrin and David Lilly Theresa Lippert and Frederick Grittner Margaret Lussky William Mahlum and Donna Allan David and Kerstin March Peg Marrinan Susan Marvin Dolores and Richard Maxson Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Erma E. McGuire Nancy W. McKillips Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Thomas and Barbara McLeod Eileen McMahon and Steve Karbon Kathleen McMahon Douglas and Ann McMillan Priscilla McNulty Gerald and Jeanne* Meigs Debra Mitts-Smith and Marschall Smith David and Amy Moore William Moore and Mary Wagner Elizabeth Moorman William C. Moyers Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Richard and Joan Newmark Todd and Martha Nicholson Richard and Nancy Nicholson Kimberly Nightingale James and Judy O’Donnell Scott and Judy Olsen Philip Ordway Vivian Orey Marilyn Orr Tish and Rich Osborn Constance S. Otis Lynn M. Oyanagi Bonnie R. Palmquist Joan and Dave Pasiuk Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Kathleen Perkins Jane Peterson Lawrence and Jane Pfundstein Julian G. Plante

Truman and Noelyn Porter George and Diane Power Donald and Joyce Pusch Rozanne L. Ridgway Louis and Gretchen Rodgers Kathryn and Daniel Rominski Mary F. Rosenthal D. Scott Ross Bernice Rosten Wendy and Steve Rubin Steven and Shelly Rucks Robert Rulon-Miller and Bobbie Jo Carpenter Terrance and Kathy Russell Carol and Jay Ryan C. Sanborn and C. Colantti Sandra K. Schloff Jean and Mark Schroepfer Richard Shields Margaret M. Snyder Gerald and Joann Steenberg N. Stewart and Caroline Stone Edward and Virginia Stringer Kathleen H. Stuart Tom and Arlene Swain Holly and Geoff Sylvester Shirley A. Taube Jon and Leah Theobald James and Sharon Toscano John and Beth Trend Paul and Amy Vargo Anthony and Joyce Vavoulis Susan L. Vento Paul and Carolyn Verret Lori Vosejpka Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Margaret C. Walsh Ginger Wassman William and Barbara Welke Stephen and Katherine Wellington Jean M. West Arlene West and Kevin Bevis F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser Annette and John Whaley Leonard Wilkening Deborah and Bruce Willms Anne-Marie and Keith Wittenberg Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Joe Wolkowicz Biloine W. Young Paul and Debbie Zisla


ABOVE AND BEYOND This year, we recognize a very special and select group of people who belong to the Briggs Circle, Perrie Jones Circle and Loyalty Circle. These dedicated supporters have gone above and beyond to ensure the current and future success of the Saint Paul Public Library. The Friends of The Saint Paul Public Library would like to whole-heartedly thank these individuals for their outstanding support. Mary Anne Anderson Metta and Jon Belisle Elizabeth A. Biorn Elizabeth Bixby Steve and Gail Brand Scott and Kathy Heiderich Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt James E. Johnson Margaret Lussky

Erma E. McGuire Richard and Joan Newmark Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Gerald and Joann Steenberg Tom and Arlene Swain Shirley A. Taube Annette and John Whaley Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner

LOYALTY CIRCLE The following individuals have contributed to The Friends for ten or more consecutive years. The Loyalty Circle recognizes these dedicated and visionary donors. Julia and James Adams Mary Jane Addison Jack Adler Mary Ann Adrian Anita D. Alexander Catherine Allan and Tim Grady Wilfrid J. Anderson Marvin and Gloria Anderson Mary Anne Anderson Roger and Marge Anderson Barbara T. Anderson Sandy and Arthur Anderson Jerome and Constance Anderson Joel and Teresa Anderson Murray and Arlene Appelbaum John and Nina Archabal Harriet H. Arend Nathan and Libby Arnosti Roxanne Aschittino Beatrice P. Backer Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Carol A. Baldwin Adrienne B. Banks David and Patricia Barker Betty E. Barrett Mary L. Barrett Paul and Jera Barthol Barb Bassett Thomas and Carole Bastasz Julie M. Baum Susan Baxter John and Ann Behmler Lynn M. Belgea Metta and Jon Belisle Arthur C. Benson Howard and Jane Bergstrom Amy C. Bertini Carolyn H. Bingham Elizabeth A. Biorn Herman J. Birnberg Robert Bishaw Elizabeth Bixby Dan and Pat Blaskowski E. J. Block Walt and Jacqui Blue Jerald Bonstrom Jane D. Bose W. Andrew and Linda Boss George and Linda Bounds Marge Boyle Steve and Nancy Brady Shirley M. Brady John and Andrea Brainard Steve and Gail Brand Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner Rawley and Ginny Brodeen Dianne M. Brooke Peter and Ellen Brown Carolyn Brusseau Roger F. Burg Malcolm and Barb Burleigh Dorothea J. Burns Bob and Cathy Burrell Richard and Ann Cammack Linda J. Camp Shirley Campbell Lucille C. Carlson Jane Carlstrom and David Decker – 21 –

Sylvia O. Carty Sharon L. Casey M.S. Chase John and Marjory Christensen Michael Chutich and Susan Gretz Nancy Cincotta Sharon Clapp Chris P. Claude Beth Cleary and Peter Rachleff Kathleen E. Cleary Jane and Gary Clements Lowell and Anita Clingman Ann Cohen and John Glasenapp Adeline E. Cohen Barry B. Cohen Naomi Cohn John and Mary Comford Phyllis J. Conlin Michael and Leslie Connelly Phebe L. Connolly Carmen K. Converse Jonathan and Julie Cook Harlan Copeland William and Maureen Cosgriff Page and Jay Cowles John Coy and Fiona McCrae George H. Creel, II Matt Crellin and Joan Cochran Nora Crowley John and Bethany Culp Kathy Cummings Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Katherine R. Curtis Jean K. Curtis-Neitz Richard and Betty Mae Cutting Mary Beth Cutting Wendell and Marjorie DeBoer Judith Devine and Dennis Hayden Nancy L. Devine Lois E. DeWitt Ariel W. Dickerman Rosemary K. Dilworth Humphrey Doermann Margaret and Stephen Donohue William J. Donovan Joel and Jan Dorn Frank C. Dowding David and Tammy Downing Thomas and Suzanne Ducker Joan Duddingston Alice O. Duggan Harvey Dundas and Rosalie Bunge Margaret E. Durham Blanche J. Dvorak Violet F. Dvorak Robert and Carol Dye Agnes M. Dynes Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw-Dzik John Eaton and Audrey Estebo Kent and Katherine Eklund Sharon D. Ellis Mary A. Ericksen Carole Erickson Mari Espeland and Ken Dahlberg Richard J. Evans Richard T. and Carole Faricy

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

Sonia Feder-Lewis, Michael and Ben Lewis John and Ester Fesler Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler Mary M. Finley Mark and Judith Flahavan Jan Shaw-Flamm and Andy Flamm Susan C. Flynn Kathleen Flynn Kenneth and Barbara Ford Rose Ann Foreman Willis M. Forman Edward and Erin Fox Kathleen S. Franzen William and Bonita Frels Lynn L. Fumuso Bruce and Alice Gaarder Charlene Gabler and Eric Ditlevson Fran and Margot Galt Valerie Garber and Denis Feigenbaum Bill and Ann Geery Kathryn I. Gerber Patricia and Donald Gerlach R. James and Rene Gesell Bonita J. Giacherio Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski Frances H. Gladish Joseph W. Glenski Sharon K. Goligowski Warren and Kiki Gore Mary E. Gotz Georgia and James Greeley Audrey Green Adele Greenlee John and Virginia Greenman Sister Marie Henri Grenier Mary Griffin and Ray Dietman Ronald and Marie Grimm Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Marvin and Lorraine Grunke Elizabeth Guenzel Susan Guernsey Jane E. Gundersen Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Doug and Rosalie Guthrie Erik and Jana Hagen Pamela Haglund Susan Haigh and Gregg Johnson Sue Hall and Lloyd Grooms Peter Hames Patricia Hampl and Terrence Williams Mark and Brenda Hansen Dan C. Hanson Virginia R. Harris Sally and Robert Hart Jean and B. C. Hart Marion Hartwick James and Sharon Haselmann Patricia Haswell and Richard Todd Andrea Hauser and L. Charles Hardy Teresa and Stephen Hawkins John Hay and Martha Wegner

Harold and Agatha Hebl David and Ann Heider Scott and Kathy Heiderich Rosella C. Heine Lorraine and Marcus Hertz Peter Herzog and June Wheeler Russell Heuckendorf Thomas Hiendlmayr and Jan Ormasa Ruth and Peter Hinsch Mollie Hoben Lynn Hodulik Arthur and Jeanne Hoff Julie F. Holmen Esther Holtz Mike and Kathy Hopkins John and Judy Howe Peter and Gladys Howell Robert and Karen Hoyle Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson James and Janet Huberty Howard and Mary Ann Huelster Janet B. Humphrey Ruby Hunt Louis and Ida Lee Hurvitz Rosamond Jacob Bernadette P. and Jeffrey Janisch Eugene Jax and Norita Dittberner-Jax Robert Johns and Linda Hennum Theo Mardell Johnson Marion L. Johnson Merle and Ellen Johnson Russell Field Johnson and Mary Edholm James E. Johnson Jo Ann Johnson and David Lenander Robert Johnson James Johnson and Margaret Wirth-Johnson Sandra L. Johnson Joan and David Jones W. Patrick and Karen Judge Art and Martha Kaemmer Mary Kalish-Johnson and Richard Johnson Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Linda Kantner Steve Kantner Anne Kaplan and Jim Moss Steven L. Kaplan Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan Patricia M. Karr David and Joanne Karvonen Alfred and Sharon Kauth Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain Evan Kelley Martin and Esther Kellogg Kathleen Kennedy Frank Kennedy Susan Keskinen and Dennis Cornhill Frank King and Johanne King Jack and Geraldine King Vincent and Barbara King

Gilbert and Dawn Kinnunen Robert and Elaine Kirk Harrison and Sharene Klein John and Carol Kline Dorothy Belgum Knight Carolyn R. Knutson Stephen and Mary Kodluboy P. Kenneth Kohnstamm and Naomi Perman Ted and Marjorie Kolderie Sharon M. Kremer Marshall and Valerie Kriesel Marit Lee Kucera Gloria L. Kumagai James and Gail LaFave Marilyn E. Lancaster Laurel J. Lapore Louella A. Larsen George Latimer Robert and Eva Launer Betty Pat Leach Carol and Jim LeDuc Nowell and Julia Leitzke Ann and Terrence Lemke Irv and Gwen Lerner Nan P. Lightner Perrin and David Lilly Holly J. Lindsay Dorothy Lipschultz Kenneth and Harriett Livermore John Loban and Jean Kummerow Esther M. Logman Tom and Ginny Lufkin Richard and Juanita Luis Laura C. Lundell Margaret Lussky Ronald and Cathy Lutz Donald J. Lynch Gloria MacRae Tom Mahoney Robert and Helen Mairs Thomas G. Mairs Stan Malmon Howard and Suzanne Malmon Mary Ellen Malone Bruce and Ellen Mamer Harry R. Mandik Peg Marrinan Lois Marrinan Todd and Judith Marshall Shannon Marting and David Senf Julene R. Maruska Catherine Mason Jennifer A. Mateer Steven and Rita Mattaini Richard and Regina McCarthy William and Virginia McDonald John and Sandra McFarland Virginia S. McGough John and Barbara McGowan Vanessa McGuire Erma E. McGuire

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Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Malcolm and Wendy McLean Gary and Lynn McLean Kathleen McMahon Mary B. McMillan Harry G. McNeely, Jr. Robert and Edith McShannock Steve S. McVay Robert and Roberta Megard Ann Peddle Meitz and David Meitz Kathleen Menard Gordon and Ruth Menten Gordon Miniclier Peter and Susan Mitchell Jean M. Moede Jim and Betsy Moore Mark and Cecilia Morrow Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Dana Murdoch and Roger Meyer Nancy R. Myers Lorraine B. Neal Janice W. Nelson Deborah A. Nelson Elaine R. Nelson Richard and Ruth Nerud Alice and Leon Neve Richard and Joan Newmark Richard and Nancy Nicholson Ford and Catherine Nicholson Elinor Nicklawske Diane L. Niemela Gerald M. Nolte James R. and Luella R. Noren Constance C. Oace Dolores M. O’Brien Paul O’Connor Scott and Judy Olsen Mark and Norma Olson Leonard R. Oppenheimer and Lydia A. Schultz Janice M. Ostrem Constance S. Otis John and Martha O’Toole Dale and Colette Otto Lynn M. Oyanagi Patricia J. Paine Bonnie R. Palmquist Dan and Pat Panshin Joan and Dave Pasiuk Tom and Sally Patterson Esther Patterson Mary and Terry Patton Marjorie Pearson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Patricia G. Pelto June Person Scott T. Peterson and Jennifer Norris Peterson Paul and Margy Peterson David C. Peterson Karen and Daniel Peterson Beverly and James Peterson

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

Polly S. Pfost Suzanne M. Pietsch Wayne and Ona Pinsonneault Walter Pistner Julian G. Plante Diane Plante and Dick Hensold Laura D. Platt Truman and Noelyn Porter George and Diane Power Donald and Joyce Pusch Leroy J. Quale Karen S. Randall Celeste R. Raspanti Louise J. Rathburn Georgia Ray Lindeke Ronald and Mary Reagan Diane M. Reisdorfer Thomas A. Renshaw Lori Ricke and Eric Dunn Marion E. Rickel Richard and Krispen Ridgway Rozanne L. Ridgway Geraldine M. Ritter Emma B. Robbins Joel and Gail Roberts Mary and John Roche Tom and Mary Jo Rogalski Thomas and Jo Anne Rohricht Kathryn and Daniel Rominski Leona G. Rosenberger Mary F. Rosenthal Kathleen E. Rothrock Wendy and Steve Rubin Michael and Regula Russelle Alan and Sally Ruvelson Carol and Jay Ryan Anders and Ewa Rydaker C. Sanborn and C. Colantti JoEllen Sanchez Dianne M. Sanford

Dick Sarafolean Margaret Schally Mary T. Schertler Katherine Schilling Daniel and Yvonne Schivone Sandra K. Schloff Jason and Anne Schlukebier Lise L. Schmidt Bart and Margie Schneider Tom Schuh Clarence and Betty Schultz Julie Schumacher and Lawrence Jacobs Penelope Scialla Laura J. Secord Emily F. Seesel Estelle Q. Sell Inta Sellars and Bill Jeronimus Leslie and Judith Sheehan Jane A. Shriver William and Barbara Sippel Mary Louise R. Sirignano Craig and Barb Skone Duane R. Smith H. Douglas and Mary Smith Michael Smith and Dorothy Schlesselman Karen Smith Harold and Mae Smith Beatrice Scheer Smith James Smith and Joanne Smith Deborah Smith-Wright Yvonne M. Snidarich Barbara Snowfield James and Ellen Snoxell Norma Sommerdorf Dolores M. Souba David and Susanne Spitzer Liz and Richard Stadther Gerald and Joann Steenberg Robert and Patricia Steingruebl Donald Steinkraus

William and Marilyn Stock Carol Stoddart Elona Street-Stewart Dan and Faith Sullivan Mary Margaret Sullivan Stephen Sutten and Anna Cherry Tom and Arlene Swain Eleanor L. Swanson Nina and Michael Sweeney Margaret C. Talbot Shirley A. Taube Carol A. Tauer Marilynn J. Taylor Donald and Mary Tehven Rudy and Eleanor Thell John and Mary Thoemke Hugh and Elizabeth Thompson Micheal and Rebecca Thompson Mary Ida Thomson Echo J. Thoren Margaret O. Thorpe Betty Tiffany Leo Timmons and Kate Havelin Karen Titrud Robert and Miriam Titzler Thomas and Patricia Tommet David and Kathleen Tregilgas Laurie Tremain John and Beth Trend Cynthia Unowsky and Thomas Badow Linda M. Valen Jean Velleu and James Law Marcella M. Vener Judith Vermeland-Wendt Bernice Vetsch Edward and Virginia Vizard James K. Vogt Alice M. Vollmar Nancy C. Wagner Elaine M. Wagner

Eleanor Waldrup Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Doug and Peg Wangensteen Charles and Susan Ward Robert and Susan Warde Dennis W. Watson Ellen E. Watters Leon and Lindy Webster Robert T. Weinberger Corinne Weiner Stephen and Katherine Wellington Susan Steger Welsh Jean M. West F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser Annette and John Whaley Jeremy White and Randi Madisen Mary K. Wick David and Beverly Wickstrom Nancy Wiens and Rick Nelson Linda Wilcox and Russ Havir Richard and Lucy Wilhoit Digby Willard and Fun Fun Cheng Raymond and Elizabeth Willis Deborah and Bruce Willms Mary S. Wilson Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Kent and Missy Wilson Sheila and Horst Winderlich Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner Joe Wolkowicz Laurel G. Woodruff Paul and Judy Woodward Sybil S. Woutat Thomas Wulling and Marilyn Benson Maryann Wycoff Ann Wynia Alice Yamane Leslie Yoder Biloine W. Young Erin and Andrei Zolotukhin-Ridgway

“BOOK IT:” DRAWS YOUNG PROFESSIONALS The Friends launched a new series of social events in Central Library which combine friendly competitions, world-class food, cocktails, art and music. Designed to bring young professionals into the Library and cultivate future leaders, “Book It: The Party” provides guests an opportunity to meet new people, explore the Italian Renaissance Revival-style library that is the heart of the system, and give something back to the Library and the City in which they live and work. The first “Book It: The Party,” on April Fool's Day featured an adult spelling bee with teams of three spelling fast and furiously for coveted prizes. The second “Book It:” had an Oktoberfest theme featuring German music and dancing, scavenger hunts, author readings, beer, food and wine, and games of brawn and skill. – 23 –

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report


D. Scott Ross Sandra K. Schloff Tom and Arlene Swain One of the most important contributing factors to the quality of our great James and Sharon Toscano library is you, our members and supporters. We want to thank you for making Paul and Amy Vargo 2010 a year of continued excellence. Due to space constraints, listed below are Margaret C. Walsh donors who made contributions in 2010 of $250 or more (though all donors are Jean M. West listed in our online version of this report). Names marked with a (‡) denote Joe Wolkowicz Biloine W. Young matching gifts made by the donors’ companies. Please contact Friends

President, Peter Pearson, if there are any inaccuracies in the listings.

$10,000 and above Joseph Hreha Estate John and Ruth Huss Vera J. Likins Estate Richard and Nancy Nicholson Rozanne L. Ridgway ‡

$2,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (2) Michael and Leslie Connelly Terry Devitt and Rod Thien Litton E. and Anne Hazelroth Field William and Bonita Frels Sue Hall and Lloyd Grooms Howard and Elizabeth Guthmann Susan Haugerud Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck ‡ Thomas and Barbara McLeod Kathleen McMahon Debra Mitts-Smith and Marschall Smith Paul and Patricia Mulcahy Vivian Orey Terrance and Kathy Russell Susan L. Vento Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner ‡

$1,000 to $1,999 Anonymous (3) Mary Anne Anderson Tanya Lea Bell and Lee Schafer

Tom and Liz Boyd Kathleen and Tony Callahan Ann and Jon Cieslak William and Maureen Cosgriff Harold and Leigh Crump Susan and Bryan Dowd Edward and Erin Fox R. James and Rene Gesell Guy Gilmore Elizabeth Guenzel Kit Hadley and Cynthia Fay Erik and Jana Hagen James E. Johnson Betty Wold Johnson Lani Jordan Art and Martha Kaemmer Elaine S. Larson George Latimer Margaret Lussky Peg Marrinan Edwin and Susan Brewster McCarthy Erma E. McGuire Priscilla McNulty James and Judy O’Donnell Marilyn Orr Bonnie R. Palmquist Tom and Sally Patterson Peter and Mary Ann Pearson George and Diane Power Mary F. Rosenthal

$500 to $999 Anonymous (1) Julia and James Adams Thomas W. Anderson Mary L. Barret Marlys Barry Metta and Jon Belisle Susan Beran Elizabeth Bixby Gregory Blees and Sandra Lloyd-Blees Steve and Nancy Brady Steve and Gail Brand Clifton Brittain and Peggy Ladner Douglas and Dana Bruce Carolyn Brusseau Sharon Clapp Mayor Chris Coleman and Connie Coleman John R. Cross Joan Duddingston Trudy Ebert Michael Eckhardt Tom and Mari Oyanagi Eggum Tim and Becky Emory E. Eugene and Sara Engelbert Kenneth A. Epstein Jamine and John Ewine Jeanette and Steven Frederickson Pat and Don Gerlach Lynn and Gino Giovannelli Jennifer Gross and Jerry Lefevre Jean E. and B. C. Hart


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Dennis and Bettina Hoye Stanley S. Hubbard Mary Clare Huberty and Sherry Hanson Ruby Hunt Sandra L. Johnson Elisabeth Kaplan and Robert Horton Elizabeth J. Keyes Harrison and Sharene Klein James and Gail LaFave Perrin and David Lilly William Mahlum and Donna Allan David and Kerstin March Susan Marvin Anne Masters Nancy W. McKillips Douglas and Ann McMillan Gerald and Jeanne* Meigs David and Amy Moore ‡ Richard and Joan Newmark Todd and Martha Nicholson Scott and Judy Olsen Tish and Rich Osborn Connie Otis Joan and Dave Pasiuk Kathleen Perkins Jane Peterson Lawrence and Jane Pfundstein Donald and Joyce Pusch ‡ Louis and Gretchen Rodgers Wendy and Steve Rubin Steven and Shelly Rucks Kathleen H. Stuart Edward and Virginia Stringer Holly and Geoff Sylvester Shirley A. Taube Jon and Leah Theobald John and Beth Trend Carol Walsh and Jamie Fitzpatrick Ginger Wassman William and Barbara Welke Arlene West and Kevin Bevis

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report Annette and John Whaley Deborah and Bruce Willms Anne-Marie and Keith Wittenberg Paul and Debbie Zisla

$250 to $499 Roger and Marge Anderson Todd Arens Linda and Lynn Ault Robert A. Awsumb Joseph Bagnoli and Barbara Cox Roberta Beach Tom Beach and Kathleen Foran Arthur F. Bergstrom Peter Berrie and Robin Langevin Carolyn H. Bingham Lynn Blewett Rawley and Ginny Brodeen Dorothea J. Burns Richard and Ann Cammack David Cleveland and Carol Stack Patricia M. Combs Don and Sandy Craighead Frank C. Dowding Michael and Leah Driscoll Thomas and Suzanne Ducker Katherine and Delano DuGarm Thomas Dzik and Hannah McGraw-Dzik John Eaton and Audrey Estebo Nancy Field Mary M. Finley Rose Ann Foreman Caroline and Dutton Foster Lynn L. Fumuso Fran and Margot Galt Brett Gemlo and Elizabeth Snelson John Edgerton and Heidi R. Gesell Bonita J. Giacherio Joseph W. Glenski Warren and Kiki Gore Joseph and Visala Goswitz

Melissa Gray John and Virginia Greenman Cary Griffith and Anna McCourt Dino Guerin Jennifer Gunn Susan Hamill Jim and Debbie Hannigan David Hansen and Karen Lilley James and Sharon Haselmann Mary Hayes Carreen Heegaard David and Ann Heider Rosella C. Heine Larry Hendrickson David and Mary Herr Richard and Beverly Heydinger Mike Holtz Nancy Homans Andrea Hopkins Mike and Kathy Hopkins Stephen Hopkins Tina Hughes Susan Humphrey Peter and Beth Jackson James Johnson and Margaret Wirth-Johnson Louise and Dick Jones Anne Joseph and Philip McGlave Steve Kantner Donald and Carol Kelsey Sean Kennedy and Suzanne Sheridan Mark Larson and Mary B. Kennedy Robert and Elaine Kirk Sally Knutzen Ted and Marjorie Kolderie Jon and Julie Kramer William and Diane Kuhlmann Kathryn Lamp Kathy Lantry Justine Lee James and Susan Lenfestey Adam Lerner

Irv and Gwen Lerner Tina and Matt Liiste Sara and James Lovat Tom and Ginny Lufkin Ronald and Cathy Lutz Ann and Scott Malm Richard and Regina McCarthy William and Virginia McDonald Thomas and Judy McGuigan Malcolm and Wendy McLean Eileen McMahon and Steve Karbon Robert and Roberta Megard Carrie Meyerhoff Jenny Mockenhaupt ‡ Sara and Michael Mountain Wendy Moylan Ann Mulholland Karen Muller ‡ Alice and Leon Neve C. Sanborn and C. Colantti Sheila Nichols and Edward Sison Ford and Catherine Nicholson Elizabeth Nunnally Ellen Olsen and Sue Snyder Paula Osborn Lynn M. Oyanagi ‡ Jim Pagliarini and Elizabeth Raymond John and Debra Peterson Polly S. Pfost Julian G. Plante Christine and Kent Larson Ron and Nancy Reed Lizabeth Renken Bougie Marion E. Rickel Mary and John Roche Tim and Karen Rose Brian and Linda Ross Anne Rozga Laura J. Secord Charles and Carrie Shaw Debra Sit and Peter Berge

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Deborah Smith-Wright Carol Stoddart Barbara L. Swadburg Ann Treacy Ellen and James Turpin Nina and John Tuttle Peg and Matt Tuttle Elaine Wagner Robert and Susan Warde Ellen E. Watters Leon and Lindy Webster Amy and David Wein Erik and Barb Westgard Stephen L. Willett and Diane Pike Charles H. Williams, Jr. Stu Wilson and Melissa Barker Ann Wynia Mary B. Zweber

$100 to $249 Anonymous (13) Mary Ann Adrian Meredith Alden Anita D. Alexander Joel and Teresa Anderson Marvin and Gloria Anderson Gail Antonson and Steven Hunter John and Nina Archabal Nathan and Libby Arnosti Roxanne Aschittino Adrienne B. Banks Betty E. Barrett Paul and Jera Barthol Julie M. Baum Susan Baxter Carol and William Beadie Anne Becker and Dave Greeman Janet L. Becker * Emily and Daniel Beckstrom John and Ann Behmler Lynn M. Belgea

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report Matthew Bellin Susan A. Benfield Arthur C. Benson Dave Berg Ellen Biales Adele Binning and Tom Klein Laura Dale Bischof Barbara J. Blinsmon Walt and Jacqui Blue W. Andrew and Linda Boss George and Linda Bounds John and Andrea Brainard Melissa J. Brechon Steve Brezenoff Jeremy Britzius Carl and Jean Brookins Roger and Ronnie Brooks Ray and Julie Brovold Kathryn Brown Carolyn and Philip Brunelle Michael Burbach and Mary Thomas Malcolm and Barb Burleigh

Frances L. Cummins Valerie Cunningham and Roger Bergerson Andrew Currie Katherine R. Curtis William Davidson and Claire Olson George and Lora Davis Northrup and Sonnie Dawson John and Virginia Dell Judith Devine and Dennis Hayden Hazel Dicken Ariel W. Dickerman Anthony and Alison Didier Loralee DiLorenzo Maureen and Jay Dolan and Family Edward and JoAnne Driscoll Agnes M. Dynes Arthur Eddleston Margaret Egan Rae Katherine Eighmey Kent and Katherine Eklund Peter and Jeanne Engel *

Burdell J. Buss Julie Cedarleaf Butler Tammy Butler Rachel Bye Linda J. Camp Jane Carlstrom and David Decker Sylvia O. Carty Penny and Cecil Chally Steven V. Chirhart Gene Christenson and Debbie Meister Susan Christiansen Michael Chutich and Susan Gretz Jennifer Cieslak Kevin and Susan Clark * Chris P. Claude Beth Cleary and Peter Rachleff Kathleen E. Cleary Jane and Gary Clements Jim Coleman and Jody Huber John and Mary Comford Phebe L. Connolly Page and Jay Cowles John Coy and Fiona McCrae Lydia Crawford and Phil Davies Jackie Cronin John and Bethany Culp

John and Becky Errigo Helen and Michael Esch Tim and Noreen Farrell Kimberly Faurot David E. Feinberg Kevin Filter and Rosemary Kessler Kathleen Flynn Willis M. Forman Drew Forsberg and Andrea Sachs Nancy Foss Roxana Freese Genevieve and David Freier Robert and Karen Garland Bill and Ann Geery Amy Geisler Anne F. Geisser Pierre George Kathryn I. Gerber Deb Geske Tadeusz and Jacqueline Gierymski Nancy Giguere Barbara L. Golden Kay and Nick Golden Leon and Katherine Goodrich Georgia and James Greeley

Mary Griffin and Ray Dietman Ronald and Marie Grimm Dan and Maura Hackenmueller Mike Hahm Peter Hames Patricia Hampl and Terrence Williams Walt Handschin Mark and Brenda Hansen Nancy and Austin Harris Jeffrey Harrison Phyllis Hassel Jody A. Hauer Teresa and Stephen Hawkins * Laurel Haycock Harold and Agatha Hebl Mary and David Hedenstrom Douglas R. Heidenreich William Henderson Annamary Jeffery Herther Cate Hesser Thomas Hiendlmayr and Jan Ormasa Joan Higinbotham Gary D. Hipple Becky and Paul Hirdman Marilyn Hobbs O. C. Hognander Jr Jeff Holland Michael and Patricia R. Houston Doug Hoverson Patricia and William Hoversten John and Judy Howe Robert and Karen Hoyle Jym and Janet Hubbell * James and Janet Huberty Gary and Margie Hunninghake Stu and Connie Iversen Bruce and Alison Jarvis Robert Johns and Linda Hennum Blake Johnson and Cynthia Eicher Jo Ann Johnson and David Lenander Kenneth W. Johnson W. Patrick and Karen Judge Mary Kalish-Johnson and Richard Johnson Patricia Kane and Joel Rudney Linda Kantner David and Joanne Karvonen Alfred and Sharon Kauth Markus and Janet Keel Deborah Keenan and Stephen Seidel Frank Kennedy Charles Kernkamp and Kay Reich Bob and Julie King Frank E. King and Johanne S. King Sarah Kinney Robert and Alexandra Klas William and Rebecca Klein Neil and Patty Koppy Julie Kramer Linda A. Kucera Marit Lee Kucera Keith and Toni Kuffel Tim and Sharon Kurtt Richard Lallier Margaret Langer and Peter Truitt Robert T. Laudon Betty Pat Leach Deborah and Andy Lee Nowell and Julia Leitzke Kevin Leuthold and Nancy Garrett Anne T. Levin David and Carolyn Levitt Nan P. Lightner Julie Lindholm and Denison Hansen John Loban and Jean Kummerow – 26 –

Jason Lonstein and Jessica Looman Richard and Juanita Luis William Lund Mary Lundberg-Johnson Laura C. Lundell Christopher and Susan Lyons Robert and Helen Mairs Mary Ellen Malone Clyde March and Debi March Laurel A. March Lois Marrinan Mary Marsden Todd and Judith Marshall Shannon Marting and David Senf Carol E. Martinson Jennifer A. Mateer Vanessa Matiski and Michael Leitner Steven and Rita Mattaini David and Sherla Mayer Cynthia McGowan-Heath Charlene McKenzie Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Mary B. McMillan Brigid McSherry-Scherer Ann Peddle Meitz and David Meitz Kathleen Menard Lynn Middleton-Koller Kathryn Mitchell and Terry Brueck Patricia Mitchell Peter and Susan Mitchell Robin Moede and Joel Lagerquist William Moore and Mary Wagner Jane and Charlie Neimeyer Janice W. Nelson Judy Nelson Steven and Ann Nelson Lan Nguyen Jayne Niemi and Richard Lund David and Billie Novy Bob O'Leary Maren E. Olson Pamela S. Olson Rebecca Olson and John Metzger Leonard R. Oppenheimer and Lydia A. Schultz * Christopher and Martha Paar Patricia J. Paine Shannon Patrick and Pete Raeker Esther Patterson Mary and Terry Patton Shirley White Pearl Tim Pearson and Jen Knoch John Penland Marvin Pertzik Geoff and Kathie Peterson Greg and Sharon Peterson Jeff and Annette Peterson Walter Pistner Diane Plante and Dick Hensold Laura D. Platt Scott and Gretchen Pollei Truman and Noelyn Porter Clare and Anil Poulose Carol A. Quest Celeste R. Raspanti Susan D. Reese Judith L. Rehak Thomas A. Renshaw Lori Ricke and Eric Dunn Christine H. Rider Richard and Krispen Ridgway Daniel Ritchie Kathryn and Daniel Rominski Sarah and Hamilton Ross Mary Rothchild

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report Kathleen E. Rothrock Rosemarie Reger Rumsey and Tim Rumsey Marilyn Rushenberg Alan and Sally Ruvelson Daniel and Susan Ryan Edwin and Jennifer Ryan Rebecca Ryan Anders and Ewa Rydaker Georgia J. Ryman Deborah Sampson Deanna Sande Richard and Jean Sanford Dick Sarafolean John and Dorothy Scanlan Margaret Schally Mary T. Schertler Katherine Schilling Penelope Scialla Louise Seeba Emily F. Seesel Estelle Q. Sell Inta Sellars and Bill Jeronimus Stephen and Susan Shakman Sharon and Hiro Shinomiya Jeffrey A. Simon Mark Simonson Jack Sjoholm and Gretchen E. Sjoholm Craig and Barb Skone Duane R. Smith James Smith and Joanne Smith Barbara Snowfield Julia Sobania Mark and Wendy Stansbury-O'Donnell Gunter and Nancy Stein Donald Steinkraus Peggy Stivers Carol Stoddart Philip and Brielle Stoyke Sarah and Jesse Stremcha Mary Margaret Sullivan Theresa Sullivan Marcia Sundquist John Szaynowski Ron and Margaret Tabar Margaret C. Talbot Morgan and Marilyn Tamsky Beth Taylor Helen Taylor Donald and Mary Tehven Janice and Andrew Then Margaret O. Thorpe Susan Throndrud Leo Timmons and Kate Havelin Thomas and Patricia Tommet Cindy Tong and Ford Denison Sharon Tonn Adriana Trigiani Paul and Jane Tschida Dolores and Gene Ullstrom Cynthia Unowsky and Thomas Badow Anton Vandermerwe John Vanhecke Elly Verhagen Paul and Carolyn Verret Charles and Susan Ward Jeanne Weigum Don and Holly Weinkauf Karen Weium Stephen and Katherine Wellington Cynthia Werner F.T. and Nancy Weyerhaeuser David and Beverly Wickstrom Jeremy and Janet Wight Richard and Lucy Wilhoit

Carol Williams Kent and Missy Wilson Mary S. Wilson Douglas Winn Aaron, Katie and Alex Wlaschin * Laurel G. Woodruff Sara and Mahadev Dovre Wudali Leslie Yoder P. Gilmer Young * James Zacharski and Mary Jo Driscoll Jeanette and Leon Zaczkowski Max Zarling Amy and Mike Zimmer

$50 to $99 Anonymous (15) Greg Anderson Jerome and Constance Anderson Marcia G. Anderson Christine Anning Harriet H. Arend Janet Atzmiller Megen Balda and Jon Kjarum Barb Bassett Gibson Batch Tracy Baumann Gina Belde Rakotz Mary Ann and John Berglund Howard and Jane Bergstrom Edwin Berniard Herman J. Birnberg Edythe Bluske and Cyrus Kirk Chris and Jenny Boulton Erik and Hanna Brandt Dianne M. Brooke Carl and Jean Brookins Julie Brown and Thomas Johnson Susan Buda Gerald Budde Roger F. Burg Bob and Cathy Burrell Clifford Caine Dennis and Nan Callahan The Camilleri Family Shirley Campbell Phyllis and David Casper Kathleen Castillo Sharon Chmielarz John and Marjory Christensen Rachel and Donald Christensen David and Michelle Christianson * Edward J. Cleary Jeanne R. Clemans Lowell and Anita Clingman Tom and Marianne Clinton-McCausland Adeline E. Cohen Ann Cohen and John Glasenapp Patrick Coleman Pauline M. Coleman Phyllis J. Conlin Ursula Conlin Carmen K. Converse Edward and Monica Cook Harlan Copeland Elizabeth Cowie Matt Crellin and Joan Cochran Nora Crowley Kathy Cummings Jean K. Curtis-Neitz Mary Beth Cutting Tom Cytron-Hysom Julie and Gregg Dahlke Mark and Mary Ann Davis Tamara Day Wendell and Marjorie DeBoer

Shirley I. Decker Deborah Derringer Amy DeSchamps Nancy L. Devine Tracey Dickinson Catherine Dienhart Janet F. Dixon Susan B. Dockman Elizabeth and Thomas Dodder William J. Donovan David and Tammy Downing Donna Drummond Alice O. Duggan Patty Dunn Michele Dunning and Garry Yazell Margaret E. Durham Robert and Carol Dye

Kenneth and Barbara Ford Brian Freeman Philip Friedlund and Lisa Isenberg Lynda and Paul Friedman Arthur From and Suzanne Paine Markus Gaelli Fred and Barbara Gaiser Chad Giblin James Giebel Mary and Rolf Gilbertson Peter and Mary Gilbertson Concepcion Gonzalez Audrey Green Karen Gromala Susan Guernsey Doug and Rosalie Guthrie Mary Jane Haemig

Elizabeth U. Dyson Pat and Don Effenberger Linda Engberg Mary A. Ericksen Mari Espeland and Ken Dahlberg Shirley Espeland Richard J. Evans John and Mary Fangman Tim Faricy Sonia Feder-Lewis, Michael and Ben Lewis John and Ester Fesler Susan Feuerherm Eleanor and Stanley Field Tom Fisher and Claudia Wielgorecki Barbara Fitzpatrick Mark and Judith Flahavan Jan Shaw-Flamm and Andy Flamm Susan C. Flynn John and Hilde Flynn

Pamela Haglund Michele Hajek Karen Hamer Jean A. Hammar Noralyn O. Harlow John and Molly Harris Patricia Haswell and Richard Todd Andrea Hauser and L. Charles Hardy Nancy and Peter Heege Christa and Scott Helgeson Samantha Henningson Carla S. Henrichs Susan, Lawrence and Laura Rose Henry Michael J. Hensley Russell Heuckendorf James and Debra Hirsh Meg Hobday and Tony Bacigalupi Marion L Holly Frances Homans and Allan Torstenson Howard and Mary Ann Huelster

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The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

Janet B. Humphrey Jim and Debbie Ingebretsen Rosamond Jacob Todd and Mary Jacobson Jean Jantzen Eugene Jax and Norita Dittberner-Jax Wyn and Myrtle John Karen L. Johnson Margaret F. Johnson Merle and Ellen Johnson Theo Mardell Johnson Maythee Kantar Harvey and Suzanne Kaplan Anne Kaplan and Jim Moss Delia Kavanaugh Evan Kelley Susan Keskinen and Dennis Cornhill Marcus Kessler and Evryl LaChapelle Louise Klas Mary Louise Klas Dorothy Belgum Knight Stephen and Mary Kodluboy Lorraine D. Koenen P. Kenneth Kohnstamm and Naomi Perman Stephen and Laura Kolar Kathryn M. Korum Robert Kosmalski Greg Kramer and Anna Leininger Ivars Krievans David Kristal and Cristiana Giordano Barbara Kucera Sara Kuether Gloria L. Kumagai Geraldine Kustelski Joseph J. Kuznik Maggie Kyne Joan E. La Vine Laurel J. Lapore Robert and Eva Launer Gabrielle S. Lawrence Carol and Jim LeDuc Angela Lee Jeff and Joyce LeMay Michael LeRoux

Carol E. Lindberg Holly J. Lindsay Dorothy Lipschultz Catherine Liska Mary Lou Logsdon Wendy Lougee Lucy Low Andrea Lubov and Allan Schultz James Luby and Emily Hoover Kyle Adam Lundgren Chuck Lynch Peggy Lynch Thomas and Jane Mackenzie Robin Madsen Bruce and Ellen Mamer Marc and Kathy Manderscheid Julene R. Maruska Robert Marxen Donna Lee McCarthy Richard P. McDermott Suzanne M. McGinn Virginia S. McGough John and Barbara McGowan Stewart and Kathy McIntosh John L. McKenzie Nora McKinnon and Jeff Blevins Mary McLeod Susan M. McMahon Dave and Kathy McManus Steve S. McVay Susan Melchionne Elizabeth R. Merck Roger W. Meyer Dan and Alice Mikel Jean M. Moede Paul Mordorski Timothy Morrissey Mark and Cecilia Morrow Berit Nelson and Jeffrey Schmidt Beth and Eric Nelson Deborah A. Nelson Pondie Nicholson Elinor Nicklawske Duane Noecker Gerald M. Nolte

Pam Norton Linda Nygren Sheryl O'Connor Roger Oelschlager Jocelyn F. Olson Doug Osland Dale and Colette Otto Andrew and Sylvia Oxenham Dan and Pat Panshin Anne and Bill Parker Jay and Michelle Paska Maggie Passmore John Patterson and Julie Sonier Marjorie Pearson Patricia G. Pelto Joanna Perry David C. Peterson Karen and Daniel Peterson Scott T. Peterson and Jennifer Norris Peterson Lawrence Petrie James Pfau and Denise Kanig Tom and Kara Pfister Luann M. Phillipich William and Barbara Poblete Ann Porwoll Jan Price Peter and Erin Probst Thomas P. Quinn and Susan M. Lamoureux Diane M. Reisdorfer Margaret A. Rettner William and Kate Richtman Roger and Elizabeth Ricketts Joel and Gail Roberts Tom and Mary Jo Rogalski Barb and Paul Rogne Thomas and Jo Anne Rohricht Harry and Nina Rosefelt Christine Rozek Carol and Jay Ryan Stacey K Sagedahl Nancy Scanlan Lise L. Schmidt Jonathan Schroeder David Schuler Kate Seng and Steve Peacock Lee and Jerald Shannon Daniel Shepard Richard Shields Terry Shoptaugh Jane A. Shriver William and Barbara Sippel Mary Louise R. Sirignano Ken and Diane Skrien Anne M. Smith Karen Smith Michael Smith and Dorothy Schlesselman Sharon L. Smith Yvonne M. Snidarich Ruth C. Solie Rich and Susan Solomon Paul and Katherine Solon Jennifer Carey Starr William Stevens and Cynthia Hill William and Marilyn Stock Warren Stortroen Catherine M. Strub Stephen Sutten and Anna Cherry Gwenyth Swain and E. Vincent Dolan Michael Swanson Elizabeth Swanson Priscilla Swartz Nina and Michael Sweeney – 28 –

Larissa Tadavarthy Carol A. Tauer Teresa and Michael Tennis Gary and Andrea Thaden Echo J. Thoren Ralph and Loanne Thrane Karen Titrud Laurie Tremain Meg Ubel Wendy Underwood Fran Van Slyke-Zaslofsky Koua Vang Yamy Vang Robert and Karen Vanney Sandra Vatassery Kirk and Laurie Velett Judith Vermeland-Wendt Bernice Vetsch Edward and Virginia Vizard James K. Vogt Eleanor Waldrup Jerome Wallace and Patricia Stolpman Harold and Paula Vestermark * Diane Wallace-Reid Kathrine J. Walter Doug and Peg Wangensteen Michael Wassenaar Susan Steger Welsh John West John and Sandy White Nancy Wiens and Rick Nelson Martha R. Willett Stephen Wilson and Catherine Barnett Wilson Mary Winnett Aaron, Katie and Alex Wlaschin Maria Wolff Kathleen K. Wolter Sybil S. Woutat Kathleen Wuorinen Maryann Wycoff Alice Yamane Rong Zhang

$1 to $49 Anonymous (8) Lawrence Aanonson Sandra and Edward Abramson Mary Jane Addison Robert and Melissa Adney Bob Almquist and Katie Almquist Paul and Deborah Alper Dean and Christine Anderson Donna M. Anderson Murray and Arlene Appelbaum Molly Balcom Carol A. Baldwin Gerri Balter Paul Bard Colleen Barnett Lyn Bartholomay Verna H. Beaver Charlotte Berres Amy C. Bertini Albert and Barbara Biales Lesley Blicker E. J. Block Jerald Bonstrom Jane D. Bose Marge Boyle Christine Bremer Joseph Brennan Ann E. Burkholder Roxie Burleigh Elizabeth Burr

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report Barbara Byers Lucille C. Carlson Sharon L. Casey Mary A. Chaffee Jerry and Mary Clysdale Jennifer Collins Steven Dahlke Virginia Davini Gerry and Jenny Del Fiacco Margaret J. Doheny Judith Donohue Charles and Leah Droubie Harvey Dundas and Rosalie Bunge MaryLou Egan Cynthia Ekren David and Helen Ellenbecker Carole Erickson Jan Feye-Stukas Tom and Vicki Fields Mary Ann Finegan Kathleen S. Franzen Mary Frederick Cheryl Furrer Bruce and Alice Gaarder Shannon M. Gardner Pat Gavan-Gordon Frances H. Gladish Melissa Glavas Sharleen Goldberg G. Kenneth and Ruth Gordon Richard Greene Adele Greenlee Richard and Ann Griffith Gregory Grinley and Raymond Terrill Valerie Gross Emebet Haile Ruth A. Halvorson Dave Hammer Richard Harrington and Alice Harrington Emily Harris Michael Hartford Marion Hartwick Leah Harvey Jennifer Haselberger Charles D. Hawkins John and Terri Hawthorne John Hay and Martha Wegner Jerry Hertel and Toni de Rosier Mollie Hoben Arthur and Jeanne Hoff Carol Hogan-O'Keefe and Michael O'Keefe Julie F. Holmen Esther Holtz Alayne Hopkins Peter and Gladys Howell David Hueffmeier Louis and Ida Lee Hurvitz Matthew Incorvia Patricia James James R. Jeffery Molly Johnson Virginia Juffer Joyce Kanevsky Elliott Karasov Stanley M. and Joyce L. Karbowski Matt Karl Patricia M. Karr Cheryl Kedrowski and Victor H. Barocas Mary Keirstead and Edward Swain Steve and Sally Keller Kathleen Kennedy Shannon and Cyril Kennedy Jerome and Alice Kern

Vincent and Barbara King Gloria Kittleson John and Carol Kline Danielle Knach Robert and Joy Knopp Karen Knudtson Carolyn R. Knutson Louella A. Larsen Joan B. Larson Shirley Larson Matthew and Sarah Leach Rolfe and Barbara Leary Linda M. LeClair Eric and Laurel Lein Kenneth and Harriett Livermore Betty S. Ludington Julie C. Lund Gloria MacRae Judith A. Madole Harry R. Mandik Karen Mareck Geoffrey Marshall Jennifer Marshall Edward and Signe Martell Marc Marty Elaine K. Mattson Melanie A. McCully John and Sandra McFarland Elaine McMahon Bob McPartlin Robert and Edith McShannock Mary Mergenthal Margaret and Dennis Meyer John Milton and Maureen Acosta James E. Moriarty Loretta Mortwedt Nora Murphy Nancy R. Myers Jo Ann and Joe Nathan Katie and Adam Nave Rodney and Diane Nelsestuen Dawn Nelson Lisa Nelson and Ron Nelson Richard and Ruth Nerud Diane L. Niemela Susan M. Niz James R. and Luella R. Noren Scott Norquist Dolores M. O'Brien Catherine H. O'Dell Barbara and Pat (T. P.) O'Leary Patricia Olsen Carole Olson Chris Olson Magda Olson Mark and Norma Olson Sally Orne Allan and Drucilla Osterud David Ovadia William W. Paddock James Palmquist Mabel Pappenfus Lucie Passus Timothy Perry J. M. Peterson Jon Pettigrew Douglas Petty and Linda Smaller Lisa Philippi Jan and Janet Phillips William and Theresa Piepgras Michael and Deb Pleasants Lyn M. Pletta Jean B. Porter Leroy J. Quale

Christopher Reedy Joan Reidell Thomas and Alice Ressler Geraldine M. Ritter Janis Ritter Stewart Rosoff Jerold M. Rothstein Michael and Regula Russelle Kaye Sabean Chris and Bob Salmen Jack and Jan Schaffer Therese and Karl Scherbel Daniel and Yvonne Schivone Jeanne Schleh and Robert Stanich Ralph J. Schnorr Mike and Marlene Schoenberg James A. Schoettler Elissa Schufman Clarence and Betty Schultz Bob and Phyllis Schwanke Charles Schwietz Pamela Sheen Kathleen Sherman Elizabeth P. Shippee Lisa Bolt Simons Kevin Slator Donald L. Smith H. Douglas and Mary Smith Conrad Soderholm and Mary Tingerthal Annemarie Solon Barbara Sommer Kristi M. St. Germain Shannon Staiger Charles Stander Kathleen M. Stoddart Richard Stryker Sharon Sturdivant Erin Stutelberg Carol B. Summers Judith Swanholm Eleanor L. Swanson William F. Swanson Ron and Colleen Tabaika Denise Taylor

– 29 –

Mark Thompson Micheal and Rebecca Thompson Robert and Miriam Titzler David and Kathleen Tregilgas Lawrence Valley Kathy Van Heuvelen Phasoua Vang Michael F. Vasterling Pramila Vasudevan Jean Velleu and James Law Marcella M. Vener Ann Verhoeven Ann M. Verme Susan Vital Alice M. Vollmar Jenifer Wagner Nancy C. Wagner Doris Wahl Mike Walker Richard Weatherman Alice Webster Robert T. Weinberger Corinne Weiner Pam Wetterlund Barbara Whipple Jeremy White and Randi Madisen Linda and Greg White Jan Whitman Gwen Willems Sheila Williams Raymond and Elizabeth Willis Mary Kay Wittgenstein Jodi Wittman Cynthia Wood Thomas Wulling and Marilyn Benson Anthony and Ann Young Margaret Youngquist

Gifts In-Kind Sue Hall Ann McKinnon Cynthia Urman

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

SPECIAL PROGRAMS Minnesota Book Awards

Opus & Olives: Fine Print & Fine Food



Grants and Foundation Support

Presenting Sponsor

Wendy Adamson Rita Benak Tammy Bobrowsky Kirk Boettcher Roger Boughton Julia Carlis Bailey Craft Dan D’Allaird Loretta Ellsworth Joan Ennis Heid Erdrich Amy Goetzman Barbara Golden Jeff Hatfield Jenny Hill Doug Hoverson Sam Imbo Charlotte Jackson Katy Jensen Deborah Kerkvliet Mark Kile David LaRochelle Stacy Lienemann Joe Manion Rodney Nelsestuen Margie Newman Tim Nolan Kathleen Parker Marilyn Patterson Jay Peterson Barbara Pierce Julie Poling Amy Radermacher Leslie Greaves Radloff Will Richter Lia Rivamonte Jane Rolnick Aaron Rosenberg Gwen Schagrin Therese Scherbel Paula Seeger Lisa Bolt Simons Angela Smith Francine Tolf Jennifer Verbrugge Nancy Walton Hans Weyandt Leesa Wisdorf

Joanna Brookes Pat Effenberger Rose Ann Foreman Hanna Gilsvik Sally Lederer Jerod Santek Barbara Sippel Jym Wroblewski Amy Zimmer

The Katherine B. Andersen Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation The Boss Foundation City of Saint Paul Cultural STAR The Huss Foundation Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts Minnesota Department of Education – State Library Services Minnesota Library Association Foundation

RBC Wealth Management

Book Artist Award Panel Matt Brown Kathy Heuer Jeff Rathermel Cathy Ryan Lori Williamson

Kay Sexton Award Panel Joanna Brookes Jim Cihlar Alayne Hopkins Jerod Santek Lucy Vilankulu Sue Zumberge

Special Thanks Steve Brunsberg Alicia Cerra Michele Cromer-Poiré Pat Effenberger Carol Erdahl Hanna Gilsvik Dorothy Goldie Bill Hanley Suzanne Miller Open Book Julie Poling Jeff Rathermel Jerod Santek Sheree Savage Therese Scherbel Tom Trow Mike Wassenaar Jym Wroblewski The staff of The Saint Paul Public Library, the entire staff and Board of Trustees of The Friends, the Mayor and Library Board of the City of Saint Paul

Table Sponsors and Hosts The Ampersand Club Pat Coleman Kirstin Cronn-Mills Carol Eyler Mara Faulkner Library Foundation of Hennepin County Trish Herbert Carolyn Holbrook Tari Johnson Dave Kenney Sue Leaf Joy K. Lintelman Metropolitan State University Foundation Minnesota Historical Society Press/Borealis Books Scott Muskin OneBook–OneLakeville Club Readers’ Advisory Roundtable The Saint Paul Almanac Debra Varner

Minnesota Book Awards Donors Anonymous Steve Brezenoff Carolyn and Philip Brunelle Sharon Chmielarz Patrick Coleman Frances L. Cummins Susan and Bryan Dowd Pat and Don Effenberger Rae Katherine Eighmey Cynthia Ekren Jan Feye-Stukas Brian Freeman Lynda and Paul Friedman Judith M. Gilats Melissa Glavas Barbara Golden Cary Griffith and Anna McCourt Sue Hall O. C. Hognander, Jr. Alayne L. Hopkins Doug Hoverson Sarah Kinney Julie Kramer Joan B. Larson James and Susan Lenfestey Jeff Mandyck Ann McKinnon and Stanton Zobel Margaret and Dennis Meyer Loretta Mortwedt Wendy Moylan Rodney and Diane Nelsestuen Dawn Nelson Steven and Ann Nelson Carole Olson Lisa Philippi Luann M. Phillipich Julian G. Plante Kathryn and Daniel Rominski Terry Shoptaugh Lisa Bolt Simons William and Barbara Sippel Ruth C. Solie Barbara Sommer Carol Stoddart William F. Swanson Elaine M. Wagner

– 30 –

Hosts The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Pioneer Press and

First Edition Partners Delta Airlines Travelers

Bestseller Partner Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. and the Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation

Recommended Read Partners Mairs and Power, Inc. MGM Wine & Spirits of East Saint Paul and Woodbury Thompson Reuters Vanguard Travel Unlimited Xcel Energy

Additional Sponsorship by BankCherokee Bearence Management Group Bremer Banks Deluxe Corporation Drake Bank Frauenshuh HealthCare Real Estate Solutions Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC Leonard, Street and Deinard Metropolitan State University Foundation Modern Press Moore, Costello & Hart, PLLP Morgan Stanley Smith Barney – The Waterbury Group Nelson, Tietz & Hoye Platinum Bank of Oakdale The Red Balloon Bookshop Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP St. Paul Radiology Foundation Swank AV UBS Financial Services

Wellington Management, Inc. Western Bank Wilkerson Associates Winthrop & Weinstine

Table Sponsors and Hosts Tanya Bell and Lee Schafer Dana and Doug Bruce Ann Cieslak and Tom Swain Crowne Plaza – Saint Paul Riverfront Susan Dowd and The Magnolia Book Club Eclectic Book Club Mari Oyanagi Eggum and Tom Eggum Sue Hall and Lloyd Grooms Paul and Michelle Hirschboeck John and Ruth Huss – First Edition Lani Jordan Tom and Barbara McLeod – First Edition Paul and Trish Mulcahy – Recommended Read Judy Nelson Richard & Nancy Nicholson – First Edition Bonnie Palmquist Peter and Mary Ann Pearson Marschall Smith and Debra Mitts-Smith – First Edition Jim and Sharon Toscano Paul and Amy Vargo Jean West – Recommended Read Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthohner Billie Young

PHOTO CREDITS Cover – Various: Catherine Golden; Ted Roseen; Renee Jones Schneider; and Laura Truett Page 2 – Kit Hadley and Peter Pearson: Scott Strebble; George Latimer: Ann McKinnon Pages 4, 6-9 – Laura Truett Pages 10 & 19 – Ted Roseen Page 14 – Catherine Golden Page 15 – Dave Kindred photo by Dom Furore Pages 22-25 – Minnesota Book Awards scenes: Scott Strebble; Opus & Olives scenes: Catherine Golden Back cover – "El Capitan" by Clyde Butcher

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library Saint Paul Public Library 2010 Annual Report

COMMITTEES AND STAFF Board of Trustees George Latimer, Board Chair Ann Cieslak, Vice Chair for Advocacy William J. Cosgriff, Vice Chair for Development Billie Young, Vice Chair for Public Awareness D. Scott Ross, Board Treasurer Susan L. Vento, Board Secretary Robert A. Awsumb Joseph T. Bagnoli Tanya Lea Bell Gregory N. Blees Kathleen R. Callahan Michael Connelly Harold Crump Leigh Crump Terry Devitt Mari Oyanagi Eggum Anne Hazelroth Field Jeanette Frederickson Heidi R. Gesell Guy Gilmore Paul Hirschboeck John Huss Louise G. Jones Phyllis Karasov Elizabeth J. Keyes Shar Knutson Jack Lanners Adam Lerner Diana Lewis Margaret M. Marrinan John I. Marshall Nancy W. McKillips Thomas J. McLeod, Sr. Eileen McMahon Debra Mitts-Smith Pondie Nicholson James P. O’Donnell David A. Pointon Mark J. Richards Mary Rothchild Wendy Rubin Terrance Russell John Scanlan Tom H. Swain Jean M. West Annette Whaley Charles H. Williams Jr. Lee Pao Xiong James Zacharski Kit Hadley, Ex officio Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Trustees Emeritus

W. Andrew Boss Truman W. Porter Mary Ida Thomson Paul A. Verret

Executive Committee George Latimer, Chair Joseph T. Bagnoli Kathleen R. Callahan Ann Cieslak William J. Cosgriff Anne Hazelroth Field

Heidi R. Gesell Diana Lewis Eileen McMahon D. Scott Ross Wendy Rubin Tom H. Swain Susan L. Vento Billie Young Kit Hadley, Ex officio Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Advocacy Committee Ann Cieslak, Chair Joseph T. Bagnoli Mel Barker Tanya Lea Bell Pat Blaskowski Gregory N. Blees Triesta Brown Pat Coleman Katherine DuGarm Patty Dunn Anne Hazelroth Field Stanley A. Gardner Harold Hebl Ruby Hunt Shar Knutson Robin Madsen John I. Marshall Nora McKinnon Debra Mitts-Smith Celeste Raspanti Ann Regan Mary A. Roche Mary F. Rosenthal Mary Rothchild Mary Beth Schmidt Susan L. Vento Carol A. Walsh Arlene West Charles H. Williams, Jr. Kit Hadley, Ex officio Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Committee on Trustees Wendy Rubin, Co-Chair Tom H. Swain, Co-Chair Robert A. Awsumb Joseph T. Bagnoli Terry Devitt Elizabeth J. Keyes Margaret M. Marrinan Nancy W. McKillips Thomas J. McLeod, Sr. Terrance Russell Jean M. West Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Development Planning Committee William J. Cosgriff, Chair Joseph T. Bagnoli Michael Connelly Andrew Currie Anne Hazelroth Field Heidi R. Gesell Louise G. Jones

Jack Lanners Nancy W. McKillips Thomas J. McLeod, Sr. D. Scott Ross Wendy Rubin John Scanlan James V. Toscano Kit Hadley, Library Staff Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Susan Dowd, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Finance & Investment Committee D. Scott Ross, Chair Gregory Blees Kathleen Callahan Guy Gilmore Paul Hirschboeck John Huss Phyllis Karasov Jack Lanners Peg Marrinan James O’Donnell Mark Richards Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff Amy Zimmer, Friends Staff

Human Resources Committee Diana Lewis, Chair Phyllis Karasov Susan L. Vento Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff

Individual Giving Committee Anne Hazelroth Field, Chair Kathleen R Callahan Leigh Crump Louise G. Jones Elizabeth J. Keyes Nancy W. McKillips Pondie Nicholson Mary Rothchild John Scanlan Jean M. West Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Charlene McKenzie, Library Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Institutional Giving Committee Heidi R. Gesell, Co-Chair Eileen McMahon, Co-Chair Steve G. Brady Douglas J. Bruce Kathleen R. Callahan Elizabeth Lukanen Debra Mitts-Smith Mary F. Rosenthal Wendy Rubin Sheree Savage James Zacharski – 31 –

Kit Hadley, Ex officio Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Alayne Hopkins, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Library Strategies Committee Kathleen R. Callahan, Chair Gregory N. Blees Debbie Meister William J. Cosgriff Howard Guthmann Ann B. Hutton Diana Lewis James P. O’Donnell David A. Pointon D. Scott Ross Ellen E. Watters Jerry Woelfel Susan C. Dowd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Sue Hall, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Opus & Olives Planning Committee Jack Lanners, Co-Chair Lori Raduenz, Co-Chair Tanya Lea Bell Dana Bruce Harold Crump Leigh Crump Mike Dickson Patricia L. Effenberger Jeanette Frederickson Elizabeth J. Keyes Mark J. Richards Wendy Rubin Billie W. Young Sue Hall, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Wendy Moylan, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Perrie Jones Advisory Committee Roxanne Hart, Chair Mary K. Boyd Delano DuGarm Sheila Hatchell Anne T. Levin James P. O’Donnell Susie Orr Susan Price Martha B. Rhode John Scanlan Elaine M. Wagner Mary Wagner Sandra Walsh Deborah Willms Susan Dowd, Friends Staff

Public Awareness Committee Billie W. Young, Chair Robert A. Awsumb Liz Bogut Harold Crump

Patty Dunn Mari Oyanagi Eggum Jeanette Frederickson Roxanne Hart Adam Lerner Debra Mitts-Smith Nora Murphy Pondie Nicholson Holly Sylvester Annette Whaley Jym Wroblewski Lee Pao Xiong Amy Mahnke, Library Staff Sheree Savage, Library Staff Liz Boyd, Friends Staff Lynn Giovannelli, Friends Staff Alayne Hopkins, Friends Staff Ann McKinnon, Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, Friends Staff

Friends Staff Peter D. Pearson, President Liz Boyd, Director of Individual and Planned Giving Susan Dowd, Special Projects Coordinator and Capital Campaign Coordinator * † Lynn Giovannelli, Director of Operations † Sue Hall, Library Strategies Coordinator and Opus & Olives Coordinator * † Alayne L. Hopkins, Programming Coordinator and Minnesota Book Awards Director Josh McCabe, Database Administrator † Ann McKinnon, Director of Marketing and Communications Jim Moen, Graphic Designer † Wendy Moylan, Director of Institutional Relations Jane Neimeyer, Administrative Assistant † Ann Nelson, Minnesota Book Awards Coordinator * † Sharon D. Sturdivant, Office Manager † Pramila Vasuderan, Marketing Assistant † Amy Zimmer, Director of Finance * Contractual Employee † Part-time Employee

The Friends of the Saint Paul Public "El Capitan" from nonprofit, “America the Beautiful: The Monumental Library is a private, Landscape organization of Clyde Butcher,” displayed at the Central and membership James J. Hill Reference libraries established in 1945 to support thein early 2010. Saint Paul Public Library.

325 Cedar Street, Suite 555 Saint Paul, MN 55101-1055 Phone (651) 222-3242 • Fax (651) 222-1988

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