The Gabber: November 4, 2021

Page 30

the gabs How do you know it’s winter in Florida? Photos by Gabrielle Reeder

Ken Michaels, Phoenix: “When my parking spot is gone when I get to my shop in the morning.”

Vegas, West Virginia: “What I’ve learned is the snowbirds start showing up. Those Maine, Michigan, Minnesota tags start showing up. You know. They’re like, ‘Winter’s here, bro.’”

Eric, Knob Noster, Missouri: “It’s death season when you ride a motorcycle cause the old people like to kill [people] on motorcycles.”

Dakota Kersey, Swainsboro, Georgia: “When the temp drops below 60.”

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30 | November 4, 2021 - November 10, 2021

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The Gabber: November 4, 2021 by thegabber - Issuu