CHINA’S DEADLY NOVEL, CORONA VIRUS The outbreak and high contagious new Coronavirus has become a death penalty for those who have been affected by it, raising numbers of deaths to 106. The Coronavirus commonly causes colds, and more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The newly named novel coronavirus is the stressing epidemic which has made a large impact in a short space of time. It has not previously been seen in humans therefore it is not yet known how people are affected and most importantly the cure is not yet known, however treatment is available.
n 31 December 2019, it was alerted that several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China was detected. In the first few days of the new year the Chinese authorities had confirmed that a new virus was found. It was been advised the best way to protect yourself and the environment is to do the following; frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water; cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing. Use tissue and dispose of as soon as and stay away from people with a cough or a fever. Avoid direct unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals in areas where Corona Viruses has been detected and the consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. On 27th January it has been announced thet there has been 2761 cases found in the birth place of the virus. The virus is quickly spreading to nearby countries and continents; 4 cases in Australia, 1 in Canada, 5 in the USA and France being the first country in Europe to come across the virus with 3 cases. According to the Global health Organisation the risk at global level is “High”. After resisting international assistance, China has finally accepted help from experts with research and containment.
Airports and boarders have expanded their health screening, however the shortage of treatment kits are predicts number of cases to double. Although there had been rumours and misinformation of the origin of the virus, there has been reports of Chinese eating habits to be blamed, in particular a bat soup, a video created by a YouTuber having the bat soup last year has gone viral, exhilarating the rumours. However the starting point of the outbreak is still a mystery and being investigated, it is now known that the new coronavirus is believed to have come from illegally traded wildlife at a seafood market in Wuhan. T h e r e have also been conspiracy theories about the virus leaking from China’s convert biological weapon programme, a former Israeli military intelligence officer was quotes to say that “so far there isn’t evidence or indication” to suggest these allegations to be true. These programmes were created to use germs as a weapon to cause death or disease usually on a large scale. In 1969, the countries including the UK introduced proposals to the UN to ban biological weapons, and the production of biological weapons had been terminated, allowing only scientific research for defensive measures. However some countries are still suspected of perfor-
There have also been conspiracy theories about the virus leaking from China’s convert biological weapon programme. ming the offensive programmes. Currently an estimated 300 British people are thought to be in the city of Wuhan, now under strict travel restrictions. While the US and Japan are arranging transport to evacuate their citizens from the affected area, Downing Street says they are “urgently exploring options” to rescue the trapped British nationals.