The Hardware Journal May/June 2021

Page 16

News & Products

nestfLiX: “KestreL CAm” to LiVe streAm from mAnnoK QuArry Ireland’s very first “Kestrel Cam” has been installed in one of Mannok’s quarries and will be live streamed in the coming months so viewers can get an exclusive look inside an Irish Kestrel nest throughout the breeding season. The live stream was launched on World Earth Day to highlight the need to protect local wildlife and the wider eco systems, particularly with the Common Kestrel having recently been placed on the Red List as a species now at risk of extinction in Ireland. Two discreet cameras have been installed in the nesting location under license from The National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) and in partnership with Netwatch to enable Queen’s University to study the birds and to raise awareness of the need to protect the species and other wildlife across Ireland. Speaking of the Kestrel Cam project, Mannok CEO, Liam McCaffrey, said, “ This initiative is part of our drive to protect and enhance biodiversity on our land and across our local region as an important element of our wider sustainability commitment, and we’re very pleased to be in a position to help highlight the need to protect our native wildlife and the recently red-listed Kestrels in particular. Our Environmental Team have worked very closely with Queen’s University’s Kez Armstrong and Netwatch’s John Kennedy to ensure the safe installation of the cameras, with the welfare of the Kestrels as the top priority. Live feed from the nest will be broadcast on the Mannok website for the duration of the project, together with a Kestrel Blog from Kez to keep people informed of progress and allow people to follow the story of the nesting pair of birds.

Oisin Lynch of Mannok’s Environmental Team, who has been working on the initiative for several months, explained what has been involved, saying, “As these are the first Kestrel nest cameras to be installed in Ireland it will give us important insights into the behaviours of the birds which we haven’t had access to previously. Our number one priority is the welfare of the birds, so there has been a great deal of collaboration with a number of wildlife groups and relevant licensing bodies”. To view the Kestrel Cam live stream visit lestrel-cam.

soLVing tHe HAnd sAnitising proBLem The advent of COVID 19 has meant that retailers had to urgently put hand sanitising facilities in place for their customers and staff. From constantly needing to be refilled to simply not working, it was soon evident to many that the plastic bottles and dispensers on a stick were not up to the task and that there was a need for something better. Irish company, Safe Hand San not only know of the problems but have rectified them. Their initial offering was better than most, however reliability issues remained. To meet that challenge, the company offered first-class support for all customers and thereby gained experience of hundreds of different use cases. Armed with this knowledge they were able to develop the “GEN2” shown here. This highly improved model is installed at hundreds of retail sites across the Ireland, the UK, and much further abroad. So, if you are not currently 100% satisfied with your sanitising facilities get in touch with Tom Hughes at Safe Hand San,,, who will be delighted to assist with further information.


May/June 2021

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