The Healing School Magazine - July 2019

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“For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the irstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justiied: and whom he justiied, them he also gloriied” (Romans 8:29-30). here are Christians who are reaching out for the glory, always praying and asking for the glory of God to come down. Sometimes, in a church service, a singer could even be called to sing in order to “bring the glory down.” They fail to realize that the one who’s born again is born into the glory of God. We’re the Church of Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus has given us the glory: “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one” (John 17:22). So, you don’t need anyone to bring the glory down. You’ve been gloriied.


been destined for greatness, set apart for a life of victory and triumph from glory to glory.

Imagine you were in a room or outside somewhere, and someone said, “Let’s bring air into this place”; that wouldn’t make sense. However, some people may start looking for where the air is going to come in through, but the truth is they had been breathing the air all the while, even though they weren’t conscious of it. Now that we’re used to certain things, like air, it doesn’t mean we should no longer be conscious of their reality. But blessed be God! The glory of God in us isn’t such that we can ignore. That glory is in our spirit; it increases as we pray, study, and meditate on the Word of God.

Another way to walk as the gloriied one is to worship Him. God’s glory changes constantly and continuously on His throne. The angelic beings see His glory and bow in worship. By the time they raise their heads, the glory has changed, and they bow again; this continues throughout eternity (Revelation 7:11-12). Something beautiful happens when we behold the glory of God and worship Him. The more of His glory we see, the more glorious we become; the more we’re beautiied by His glory, and we can’t but glorify Him again. Through worship, our spiritual eyes are opened to behold the glory of God.

Psalms 87:3 says, “Glorious things are spoken of thee O city of God.” That refers to you—the new creation in Christ Jesus, you’re the city of God. Glorious things are spoken of you in the Word: glorious things about your heritage, placement, ability, liberty, and privileges in Christ Jesus. Your responsibility is to look into the Word to locate, and enter into, the glorious things that are written of you, and fulill your destiny. Your destiny is in the Word of God, and it’s been settled; it’s not determined by your family background, country of residence or the government of the day. You’ve

Incidentally, when we see His glory, we see our glory. That’s why God tells us to worship Him; it’s so we can behold His glory and be gloriied. You can expect miracles when you worship Him because, then, your eyes are opened to see what you’d never have seen any other way. You’re the glory of God, and He demonstrates His manifold wisdom through you!

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1 John 4:4 says, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” This means your origin is in God; you hail from Him, and you’re already victorious over Satan and the adversities of life. This is your destiny. Personalize this and other glorious things written of you in the Word, and walk in the light of them.

Walk in the glory; live in the consciousness of who you are in Christ. You have been gloriied!

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you. The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833

aturday, the 18th of May 2019, was a signiicant landmark in the lives of many. For a marvelous time of worship, inspiration and empowerment, millions all around the world converged, both online and onsite, to participate in the epochal fourth edition of the Global Miracle Faith Seminar (GMFS), which was streamed live from Johannesburg, South Africa, to over two hundred countries and territories. It was a celebration of faith, and all who attended were ready and hungry for the Word and a special impartation of the Spirit.


The program began on a high note with the choir ushering in an atmosphere of praise and exultation through sessions of profound worship. Following were moments of earnest prayers of thanksgiving for the Healing School Autumn Session, which had just been concluded, and the impact of the GMFS around the world. The Program Coordinator, Pastor Lanre Famodu, heightened the participants’ expectations in her opening address, telling them to pay rapt attention and, “Get ready to receive, make giant faith-strides, celebrate victories and the outpouring of miracles.” Other high points of the program included special ministrations in music and the spoken word. In a special segment appraising the impact of the Healing School in the lives of people all over the world, the host–Pastor Freedom-Wealth Eriya– invited several individuals whose lives changed when they encountered the power of God at the Healing School. Their testimonies were nothing short of extraordinary, so also was their deep understanding of faith and the Word of God. Sharing her Healing School experience, Boitumelo Hlanjwa said, “The day Pastor ministered to me, I saw others receive their healing and I knew that my expectations would be met. When Pastor blew on me, the power of the Holy Ghost went from my head straight through my body. My life and ministry changed that day; I went back with the power of God to impact my world. As 04 | The Healing School Magazine

world. So don’t be a victim, be a victor.” he charged. The event reached its height when Evang. (Dr.) Eddy began to minister to the sick and those with various health challenges. He uttered words of power, by the authority in the Name of Jesus, to those who required healing in their bodies. What a moment that was! Many received their miracles as speedily as the words came forth. “I just received healing in both knees at my viewing center. I am so grateful to God for this healing,” testiied Edem Exoke, just a short while after the prayers. a result, forty-one souls were added to the Kingdom of God from my family.” “I was told that I’ll never have children and given six months to live. This is three years later and I am still here, healthy and alive, cancer-free and with my seven-monthold daughter,” voiced Ceza Thabane, who was healed of breast cancer, and now ministers to people who have cancer; many of whom have received their healing. Free from sudden hearing loss and able to lead the life that God desires for her, Elza Gill’s admonition was for those who still needed healing. She said, “Testify about the Word of God that made you whole. I am a testimony of the working of the Word. If the enemy cannot steal the Word you received, he cannot steal or kill or destroy. You’re healed, that’s the Word of God. Hold on to it.” It only takes a spark to get the ire burning, and indeed the ire ignited in the hearts of many at the Healing School is a burning and shining light. Their remarkable testimonies continue to inspire faith, bringing healing and salvation to millions all over the world. It was time to be imparted with the Word of grace, and amidst an atmosphere of reverent worship, the esteemed Evangelist (Dr.) Eddy Owase began to exhort the global audience on the supremacy of God’s Word over every circumstance and the unyielding nature of faith in the face of daunting challenges. “Faith has a language,” he insisted. “Your stubborn faith compels changes to correspond with your confessions and with what God says. You are proof of God’s Word. You’re illed with the Word, to change your

Godwin said, “I am so happy about what God has just done in my life. When the man of God was ministering, I got healed of a pain I was feeling in the right side of my belly. Praise God!” “Before the GMFS, I was very ill and I could feel the life leaving my body. While participating in the program and watching Evang. Eddy teach on the good ight of faith, I felt something moving in my stomach and I rebuked it out of my body. After Pastor prayed, I felt the anointing all over me and I knew immediately that I was healed. Yes, it is done and I am alive and healed. God bless you for changing lives around the world,” announced Thécle Faye. Many had the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ, and the call for salvation yielded much harvest as they gave their hearts to Christ. In a truly momentous culmination, the esteemed Evang. (Dr.) Eddy released words of power, commanding God’s blessings upon everyone who participated. The impact of the GMFS will resound around the world for seasons to come. The miracles many experienced will be eternal testaments of the dynamic workings of God’s power through the healing ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris. Lives have been eternally changed and testimonies will continually abound on the lips of many. Glory to God! For updates on upcoming Healing School programs, visit and subscribe for our weekly newsletters. God bless you.

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ope. Relief. Gratitude. These were the emotions that looded through this sixty-two-year-old lady’s heart as she sat in the Healing School auditorium with many others who, like her, were awaiting their time of visitation. Having come all the way from Réunion Island, France, she was glad to be here because it would soon be all over. The grief and pain she had sufered for the most part of eighteen years were about to become history. The faith and joy that illed the atmosphere mirrored the state of her spirit, and she was conident that she would leave rejoicing because it was time for her miracle. Myriam Thiong Kay’s story began one day while she was visiting her mother. They were having a good time talking, laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Then Myriam tried to get up and

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found that she couldn’t due to sharp pain in her sides and lower back. “When I started to rise, I felt a strong pain, like a shock of electricity, in my legs,” she said. Experiencing so much diiculty doing something that should have been easy was alarming. So Myriam and her mother called the family doctor for a quick consultation. Upon close examination, the diagnosis of acute back pain emerged. The doctor prescribed treatments and ordered ifteen-day bedrest. Thus began the ordeal of her life. From then on, Myriam’s life became a litany of pain and trauma. “I was on treatment for years, but the pain never left,” she recalled. “No matter the treatment, whether pills or injections, the pain always came back. It would lessen for a while, but after about six months, it would come back stronger than ever before. I was always in pain, whether at night when I was sleeping or during the day. It felt like knives were piercing my back on two sides.”

knowing that she’d be one of them someday soon. She narrated her peculiar encounter when Pastor Chris ministered to her: “That day, I was waiting for the entrance of the man of God in anticipation. I was at the back when Pastor Chris passed by me, and I felt the presence of Jesus. It was Jesus, through the man of God, that was passing. Then Pastor came, and I was looking into his eyes, and he mine. I felt that it was Jesus looking deep into me, penetrating deep inside me. Right after that, I fell under the power of God. It was only for a few seconds, but as I stood up, I could feel the unction that I had received. Then I was running and jumping all the way; this was something I hadn’t done for a long time. I felt like I had a battery that had been fully recharged inside me. I could feel the Spirit of God inside me. That was my moment with Jesus; the moment of my miracle. My moment of change!”

Living with pain every day was a tough reality for Myriam, especially since the condition only worsened as time passed. At irst, it was just some diiculty with standing or sitting, then she could no longer bend, then she found it impossible to lift heavy objects, then simple household chores became too much for her to handle, then driving became a torture, and it just went on and on. Eventually, her condition would deteriorate to the point where she had to stop working because some pain episodes were so severe that they rendered her immobile, and she had to be carried home from the oice. “Most of the time, I was just on bedrest, staying at home. It afected me socially because I couldn’t go out anymore. It was really troubling, and it started to afect me mentally, too,” she added. Over the years, Myriam’s body stopped responding to various painkillers and other treatments that were prescribed for her. The doctors had ordered many X-rays and scans to get to the root of the problem, but none of the results provided answers. She said, “I heard about patches and I started self-medicating with Voltaren™ patches, but at a certain point, even those stopped working.” All medication, both prescribed and self-administered, had failed; it was time to do things diferently. Myriam had come in contact with the ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome through videos played in her church. And as she prayed for a solution, she was divinely directed to come to the Healing School. She obeyed, conident that God would heal her and restore her to the woman she once was. “This condition didn’t come from God, and I knew that I was going to be healed through the man of God, Pastor Chris,” she airmed. As she patiently waited for that instant when the man of God would come to her and declare her healing, Myriam’s heart soared with expectations and her faith increased as she prayed and sang and worshipped the Lord. She rejoiced with those who shared their testimonies of the miraculous,

In that instant, the seemingly never-ending pain vanished. Myriam no longer had a need for pills or patches, she was free from pain. She could do all the things she couldn’t do before and had received new strength to do even more. She gladly declares, “Now, I can walk several kilometers when I go out on evangelism without getting tired. I am very happy that I can go out and bring the Word of God to people. Also, through this healing from Jesus, I have healed many people.” Speaking speciically to someone reading and in need of healing, Myriam says, “Believe in the Word of God and stay in the Word. The Word heals and makes free.” Today, Myriam Kay is completely healed, free of her former limitations, and lives every day grateful to God for touching her body and totally restoring her life. “Thank you so much, Pastor Chris and Healing School partners. Thank you for making it possible for God’s children to come together and receive of the Lord by faith. We didn’t pay for anything at the Healing School, and the help you provided was priceless. I congratulate you on what you are doing. As a result of my healing, I too have become a partner of the Healing School,” she says. Visit for more information on how to attend a Healing School Session. The Healing School Magazine | 07


artnership with the Healing School is a commitment by individuals, ministries and organizations to join forces with the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, in changing lives around the world. Through prayers and consistent giving, we amplify our eforts in saving the unsaved, healing the sick and inirmed, and restoring hope to the hopeless. When you partner with us, you are God’s outstretched arm to a sick and ailing world. You spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and take healing to the nations, and that which you have made possible for others becomes a reality in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. There are various partnership opportunities that are available, and we encourage you to join millions of others who are making a diference with their labor of love. Here are some of the ways you can partner with the Healing School: 1. Join The Healing School Prayer Network. Your faith-illed words of intercession can transform lives. Make a diference today; join the Healing School Prayer Network. 2. Give For Healing School Sessions & Outreaches. Your heartfelt donations amplify our eforts in saving the unsaved, restoring hope to the hopeless and those in need, and taking healing to the nations! Sign up today. 3. Attend The Healing School Cyber Church. Join us for a time of worship and revelation by the Word, as we fellowship together as brethren. It promises to be a time of refreshing in God’s presence. Welcome to the Healing School Cyber Church. 4. Read & Distribute The Healing School Magazine. It’s your one-stop access to inspiring messages, reports and testimonies. Get it free every month and share with your loved ones. 5. Follow Us on KingsChat and Use Our Mobile App. It’s the Healing School experience at your ingertips. Get inspiring and faith-stirring content daily, with great features like weekly videos, faith confessions, and lots more. And it’s free!

Partner with us today in furthering the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Learn more at The Healing School and You… together, taking healing to the nations! 08 | The Healing School Magazine


he Word of God is living, quick and active. This is the reality that we have proven time and again at the Healing School. Many across the globe have had their lives restored; many others received salvation; and many more, by extension, have taken the message of divine health to their world and spread the light of the Gospel––all as a result of their divine encounter with the power of God at the Healing School.

For ifteen years, Ruth Oswald sufered subglottic laryngeal stenosis (a condition that narrows the airways) and depression. Her symptoms included shortness of breath and coughing. With the depression, she found herself unable to relate properly with her friends and family, and she was full of anxiety and worry. At the Healing School, the man of God–Pastor Chris–ministered to her, and she immediately felt a lightness inside. No more sickness or depression for Ruth. Hallelujah!

Marylyn Matshata battled arthritis for over three years. The pain and diiculty had gradually increased until she could no longer walk, unless with the aid of a pair of crutches. When she met Pastor Chris at the Healing School, he transferred the power of God into her body, and her legs received strength. She got up and walked without any aid, completely healed. Glory to God!

The 2019 Summer Session with Pastor Chris in Canada comes up this August. It will be another opportunity for men, women and children who are alicted with diverse health conditions to receive one touch from God that will change their lives forever. Expectations for life-changing experiences and restoration will be exceeded! Get ready for a time of divine impartation and superlative transformation! Registration for the 2019 Healing School Summer Session is ongoing, and you can also participate in the following ways: • • •

by praying about the session by giving for the session by inviting someone to the session

Visit for more information. The Healing School… taking healing to the nations!

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ating vegetables regularly can have many health beneits. There are thousands of diferent vegetables, many of which are easily accessible.

healthy and helps to protect against infections. Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy.

More importantly, vegetables are rich sources of many nutrients including potassium, dietary iber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C. Also, vegetables ofer a wide range of varieties and have diferent cooking and preservation methods. While most can be eaten raw or combined in salads, others can be roasted, boiled, grilled, fried or dried.

Common Types of Vegetables The market is looded with diferent types of vegetables, each belonging to a distinctive vegetable group. Vegetables also difer from season to season in diferent parts of the world and have diferent advantages. Allium vegetables are anti-allergy, antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-histamine, anti-inlammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Asparagus, another type of vegetable, is diuretic and detoxifying; it also contains antioxidants. Cruciferous vegetables are helpful for ighting cancer. The colorful squash and melons of the gourd family contain important carotenoids. The sweet potato, also considered a vegetable, is a complex carbohydrate, and its lesh contains carotenoids and iber. The list below shows examples of diferent types of vegetables:

Health Benefits • Most vegetables are low in fat and calories. None have cholesterol; hence, most experts recommend vegetables as an important dietary need for weight watchers. Vegetables are also a good source of dietary iber; this means you get satisied quickly, without the extra calories. • Fiber also provides extra energy, so you can keep going for a longer period with a lesser amount of calories in your system. Foods rich in iber also reduce risk of heart disease, obesity and type II diabetes. Fiber is also important for proper bowel function and helps to reduce constipation and diverticulosis. • Vegetables provide potassium, which helps the body maintain healthy blood pressure. Potassium also lowers the risk of heart disease, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. • Certain types of vegetables like onions, cabbage and turnips may reduce risk of cancer and help ight its progression. • Vegetables are also rich in vitamins. Vitamin B (folic acid or folate) helps the body form red blood cells and reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina biida, and anencephaly during fetal development in pregnant women. Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin 10 | The Healing School Magazine

• Allium vegetables: chives, garlic, leeks, onion and shallot • Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, caulilower, collard greens, mustard greens, rutabaga and turnip • Composite vegetables: artichoke, chamomile, chicory, endive, lettuce and sunlower • Gourd family: cantaloupe, cucumber, melons, pumpkin and zucchini • Legumes: beans, chickpea, lentil, pea, peanut and soy • Morning glory vegetables: sweet potato • Culinary vegetables: bell pepper, eggplant, potato and tomato • Spices: cayenne, chili, curry and paprika • Sauces: ketchup and hot sauce • Umbelliferous vegetables: carrots, celery, caraway, cilantro, cumin, dill, fennel, parsley and parsnip

“…verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20).


he Lord Jesus made it clear that you can accomplish anything with your faith. You can change the course of your life and circumstances. You can change unfavorable situations in your home, your job, your inances, and in your physical body. You can even inluence changes in the lives of other people—in your school, city, nation, and the world! Not only do we have the power to change hopeless situations and overturn what Satan has done, we also have authority with God to alter divine destinies. There’re accounts in the Scriptures, of men who changed divine destinies.


One of such examples was Moses, who prevailed by intercession and prevented the Lord from destroying the children of Israel for their rebellion and stubbornness (Exodus 32:7-14). We see another instance in 2 Kings 20, where King Hezekiah changed the course of an event that had been divinely ordered of God. He had been sick to the point of death, and one day, God told him, “… Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.” However, Hezekiah “…turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the Lord…” and immediately, God overturned his death sentence and added ifteen more years to his life.

I have been divinely selected for a higher level of life; I live from the mountaintop, in a realm outside the ordinary. I am a victor in this life. I am absolutely indestructible. It is impossible for sickness to gain access to my body because it is foreign to, and inconsistent with, the realm in which I live and from which I function. Victory and dominion over disease and the forces of this world is my lifestyle every day.

Now, what does it take you to be able to efect positive and lasting changes in the circumstances of your life? Faith! Jesus said if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, whatever you say will happen, and nothing shall be impossible unto you. You can be what you want to be, change what you want to change, and achieve what you want to achieve! You have the ability to efect changes through the Spirit, by the Word and prayer!

As He is, so am I in this world; God cannot be sick, therefore I cannot be sick. I have the life of God in me; therefore, I live above the limiting elements of this world. I am an expression of divinity. I was born for the glorious life.

My faith is alive and producing results. I am full of life, and the Word of God is prospering in me. My faith grows strong as I yield to the Word, making me unshakeable and immovable at all times. I walk by faith, and not by sensory perceptions; I live from my spirit. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on my true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God. I am bold, strong and courageous in my daily faith-walk. My words are quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down every challenge and situation that is contrary to the provisions of the Kingdom. The Greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in me, pulsating through every part of my body.

As a child of God, I am a partaker of His divine nature–that nature that doesn’t know sickness, disease, inirmity, lack, want, or even death. Sickness is inconsistent with my nature. I am dead to sickness and sickness is dead to me; every disease and inirmity is paralyzed where I’m concerned. The life of God that I have in me is incompatible with sickness. No sickness can thrive in my body.

My faith is the conquering power that overcomes the world and causes me to live above its systems in dominion. I operate by the higher law of faith; I know that my body is impregnable to sickness and disease because it is the temple of God. Glory to God! The Healing School Magazine | 11

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