The Heat Seekers (Mother's Day Edition)-May/June

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MorganFlowChildJones Dr.AudreyAnnMoses KingsBookReviews:


The Music Zone

EllaWright BrianaCole MichelleStimpson
MoniqueHall Talks about her Hollywood star, music career and current projects!
AprilPhillips KaySoul
NEW: Spotlight
CONTENTS ofTheHeatSeekers Editor's Note 4 Digital Foreplay 5 Top 5 Women You should know: 8 Author Spotlight: 24 Tasteful Tips & Trips-With Robin Shockley 29 The Music Zone: 32 Trending on Riches in Reading: New Book Releases 36 Book Review by King Brooks 39 INDIE SPOTLIGHT: 47 MELBA MOORE Pg. 42 Melba Moore recently received the Hollywood Star walk of fame for her 50+ years to the music and theater industry. She is best known for her acting in the Broadway musicals HAIR and PEARLY. She won a Tony Award for Pearly and received 4 Grammy nominations for her sensational music hits. She continues to make history in the entertainment field. PHOTO CREDIT FOR COVER AND ARTICLE PICS: THE MELBA MOORE team and MARVELOUS Magazine THE HEAT SEEKERS MAGAZINE 2 EXCLUSIVE-MELBA MOORE
BIG THANK YOU TO OUR TEAM! WE TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR HARDWORK AND CONTINUED SUPPORT. KENYATTA INGRAM KISHA GREEN NAYOMI CHARNELLE KING BROOKS LISSHA SADLER SHAI MONTANA TERESA B. HOWELL THE HEAT SEEKERS MAGAZINE 3 ROBIN SHOCKLEY Petty in Pink Riches in Reading Black Page Turners Hardcore Grind Entertainment Professional Robin’s Tasteful Tips & Trips Founder & CEO/Graphic Designer TB Productions Love and Happiness Podcast Entertainment Professional Digital Foreplay Editor LATONYA MECHELLE ADVERTISING & PROMOTION TB Productions Media Group COPYRIGHTS The Heat Seekers Magazine is owned by Teresa B. Howell and Teresa B. Productions. The magazine, its staff and writers, has made sure that content is accurate on the date of publication. The views expressed in the articles reflect the author(s)’ opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or editor The published material, adverts, editorials and all other content is published in good faith All rights reserved. Nothing can be partially or in whole be reprinted or reproduced without express written permission. The LaTonya Mechelle Experience QUEENIE CLEM Book Reviewer/Interviewer

AstheFounderandCEOofTheHeatSeekerspublication,Iwillcontinuetospotlightindividualsintheater, film, music, and literary works The THS team works diligently to ensure that every story, ad, review, and feature will be unique and diverse for all readers We are now a 2022 recipient of The Atlanta Hottest award due to our fresh and intriguing editorials I am honored and privileged to have an award-winning magazine that sparks the interests of readers worldwide We are spotlighted in over 19 countries and an estimateof10Kreaderseachyear

Thank you for your continued support as we continue to show the world that we can enlighten, educate, and praise others by pushing them to their greatest potential We thrive on lifting each other up and helpingall toevolveandshine Wearethelight of theworldandwewill continuetopush, motivate, and inspireotherstoBRINGTHEHEAT

I ama Heat Seeker with extraordinary talents So help me celebrate the others within this publication that arealsoHEATSEEKERSwithextraordinarytalentstoo

Letter from the Founder and CEO T FOUNDER and CEO/EDITOR/CREATIVE







Good Sex

Drug-Free Mate



I was recently assigned to list twenty must-haves for a relationship. Initially, this task was easy until I sat with a pen and pad at my desk. The first ten flew effortlessly, but eleven, twelve, and beyond had me temporarily stuck. Because for the longest I believed this fairytale that the man was supposed to come and rescue me and provide this sense of peace. Well, that is not entirely true because to want peace, one must possess that same peace within oneself that one seeks in a mate. Do you get what I am saying?


Emotionally Available





One has to be very honest with oneself. If you are broken, is it fair to want a complete mate when you are not there? See, a lot of times when this subject arises, people get defensive. They are quick to start judging, but the truth is that people should take the time to heal whatever has hurt them or plagued them in the sunken place of failed relationships. Their reality is men and women are actively jumping from person to person to fill a void that will only come when you face the demon head-on and address it, but, most importantly, heal from it- hurt people HURT people, and long as people are pretending the pain does not exist, is selfish and continues to perpetuate the toxic behavior.

You must be realistic and realize that a relationship has ups and downs No relationship is perfect, DESPITE what social media shows you Know that being let down will happen, but instead of using it to hold a grudge, use it to learn more about your partner. This is IMPORTANT, especially for long-distance relationships, because not seeing your partner can create tension, so turn that frown upside down. A positive attitude during such difficult times leads to happier relationships.

When you refer to you and your partner as "we," you subconsciously consider both of you a single entity. Refrain from referring to the relationship as you or I but instead say we. This simple word enhances bonding and trust in a big way – even if your partner is not physically around. Your partner wants to feel safe and secure, and hearing you use words like us/we build a stronger bond.

Relationships come with obligations, and with that- Be aware of and fulfill them, as this shows consistency and will make your partner happy. At the same time, ensure you're not sacrificing your private space; you must be satisfied, too. Talk about it with your partner if you're uncomfortable doing some things

Good Luck & Happy Dating!




Remembering TheMother’sweloston


It was May 14th, 2016 the day before Mother’s Day. My mother Helen Jean Ellis Richardson closed her eyes at 11;20 pm. I took a deep breath not realizing that when she exhaled deeply that it would be her last breath. Being an only child from my mother, she was all I knew. Trying to understand why God would take her from me lingered in my thoughts for years.

It was brain cancer that crept into her life in 1997 disguised as a massive brain tumor. I would have never imagined that it would one day become full blown cancer. But God knew before anyone that this would be the way her life would end.

For the first 5 years I would cry Mother’s day away wishing that she was still here with me. But gradually, I realized she is definitely in a better place.

So on this mother’s day, I encourage all who have lost a loved one to think of all the good times, the laughs, the shopping trips, the travel, and the good food we ate together. Smile when the sun comes up and pray when the sun goes down that you will remain at peace. There is nothing like the love of a mother. She can never be replaced. However, she will never leave your heart.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers that are no longer here.



O P 5


Y O U S H O U L D K N O W E V E R Y M O N T H APRIL PHILLIPS 1. MORGAN “FLOWERCHILD” JONES 2. Monique Hall 3. Kay Soul 4. Lynn Adams King 5.

SHE’s making moves in HAIR

Teresa B.: So tell us about yourself.

April Philips: I'm the owner of Hager hair company. I've been in business for a little over four years now and I have worked with top celebrities. I am a wig designer as well as a fashion show stylist. I recently created my own product line for 100% organic hair growth.

Teresa B.: Okay, and how long have you been in the profession of hair?

April Philips: I got my license in 2021.

Teresa B.: What made you go into the hair business?

April Philips:l I always like to do hair. I stopped and started. I would do my baby dolls hair and stuff like that, never like a real live person. When I turned 16, I started to dabble in it, and was like “nahhh” it's just too much. Then one day I was going into depression and the Lord was like - do hair - and I decided to follow through with it. And when I followed through with it, I realized that I encountered the same people like me and when I made them feel good, it made me feel good. I made a difference. So Yeah.

Teresa B.: Yes, I've been told that doing hair is a Ministry. Did you find after so many months of doing it that it became a ministry for you?

April Philips: So when I first started I was working in the shop because I wanted to gain experience. I would take additional classes so that I could be abreast of all the new styles that were going on and how to just enhance looks overall. I started off working under people and then now I've transitioned into my own suite.

Teresa B.: Nice, where are you located?

April Philips: I am located in Kinston, North Carolina.

Teresa B.: So when did you start making your product?

April Philips: I started making my product in March of this year(2024). I sold out within two weeks after I put it out on the market. I put it in stores on the 18th. The Lord told me to cut my hair all off, so I cut my hair down to about ½ inch on March the 20th. Then I doubled back in April and showed my results of the growth and it completely sold out.

Teresa B.: Are you just selling in the local area or throughout the United States?

April Philips: That’s the goal girl, that's the goal. So I have my product online and I have my product in one Beauty World, which is in Kingston. I am negotiating a few deals at the moment. But my goal is to go global because I know the product works. I used it on myself and family and I've seen the results. It works. So I know people are like you are a kitchen chemist. Call me what you want, but it works. My favorite product out of all of it is my scalp detox. I'm going to ask you the same thing ... When was the last time you had a scalp detox?

Teresa B.: I probably haven't had one.


HEAT SEEKERS MAG: Who was your biggest influence in film?

April Philips: And that's why a lot of ethnic women suffer from hair loss, alopecia, bald spots, itchy scalp dandruff, build up, and it is because when the scalp needs a detox, it gives off signs. And when it gives off signs what happens? It is itchy all the time or it's kind of has a smell to it or if you got dandruff buildup or it's thinning or shedding; it is saying “help”. So I recommend my scalp detox, which is my best seller., and the scalp oil. People also like the shampoo and conditioner too, but they love that scalp oil and detox. With that detox, it opens up the follicle and it makes the blood flow come back. You gotta understand the follicle comes from within the body. So it's like when your hair grows out, that follicle prevents it from dying. You have to take care of it. If you love anything you take care of it, and I know we love our hair so that detox It helps the follicle stay alive. That's what we want, alive and it smells good too.

Teresa B.: What's the name of your product?

April Philips: So the name of my products is “Hey Gurl Hair Company” . I just named it “Hey Gurl Hair Company because that's pretty much my brand, but I call it the Scalp Detox. So, how do you think I spell girl?

Teresa B.: Probably G U R L.

April Philips: Yeah, I'm from the south. lol

Teresa B.: I knew it. lol

April Philips: Hey Gurl. lol

Teresa B.: Yeah, when did you decide to sit down one day and say hey, I'm gonna create this fabulous product for hair growth?

April Philips: I wanted to do it 10 years ago, but I started a family so I put it to the side. Last November I was looking at my daughter's scalp and I said to myself, "I'm a hairstylist and this girl is bald headed.(laughs) What can I do?" She has really bad eczema. So it's like you just can't put any and everything on the scalp. I began to look at all different medicinal plants that could help, which led me to becoming an herbalist. So I took a herbalist class to know more about different plants and how they work for us. I followed through with it in March 2024.

Teresa B.: Okay, All right, and so you are also a celebrity stylist as well?

April Philips: Yes, I consider myself a celebrity stylist. I work with a few and I know that I will work with many more.

Teresa B.: Are you able to tell us who they are or is it top secret?

April Philips: I've worked with Vivica A Fox, Carol Minaj, who is Nicki Minaj's mom. I've also worked on Sweet T the rapper and the owner of Tequila, the liquor along with some new officials in NC.

Teresa B.: Do you travel outside of North Carolina, or do they come to you?

April Philips: I do travel. I consider myself a traveling stylist as well.

Teresa B.: Is there anything else you want to let people know about your business or anything else about you?

April Philips: Yes Book me at

Teresa B.: You better work it!. That's what I'm talking about. It was such a pleasure meeting you.

April Philips: Thank you.

24 year Public school Theatre Educator, 32 years Professional Choreography (Theatre & Live), 25 years Acting, 15 years Writing, Directing, and Artist Development
22,000 TikTokfollowers

Teresa B.: What pushed you to become an entrepreneur and open your own business?

Morgan FlowerChild: So in the entertainment world when I was about 18, I faced a lot of rejection in the industry. And so facing rejection being a plus size woman and not being trained, a lot of people rejected me. I knew I was talented and I had raw talent with a lot of passion. So I said, what I would like to be is the change. Let me be who isn't, supply and demand I trained raw talent plus size women and made sure that they got the attention that they should get having raw talent and actually being talented. They're just going for looks in the industry. So I started creating opportunities for real talented people including myself and it turned into a business.

Teresa B.: Okay, and how long ago was that when you started doing that?

Morgan FlowerChild: I freelanced in 2001 all the way to 2019 until the pandemic. I freelanced with no paperwork, just under the table. Then I went and I Incorporated by starting my nonprofit. so I have an incorporation and a nonprofit in 2020, the pandemic forced me to do that. I had to run my business school full-time. At that time the school system was virtual. I was at home. I was like this is weird to be creative and be stuck in the house. So I started my business online. I had clients online and gave dance lessons.. It was really different.

Teresa B.: Wow, so once the pandemic was over, how was business for you?

Morgan FlowerChild: When the pandemic was over it was so shocking because it's like venues opened up doors, opened up and theaters, and directors were calling me to choreograph. People were also calling me to direct different Productions. It was like I got overbooked real fast. I also had clients that still wanted to take acting lessons online. I started advertising my business as an online business as well as in person. Everything happened for a reason.

Teresa B.:So as a female entrepreneur, there are several other female entrepreneurs out there. That seek help. Do you do guidance or counseling for other African American women or all women?

Morgan FlowerChild: Yeah. My incorporation is pretty much my creative Services where I go out and I provide creative Direction producing writing. Choreography for different companies but my nonprofit organization is actually a mentorship program. So I Mentor young adults adolescents college students anyone leaving college or all ages. Really I Mentor anyone going to the entertainment industry that wants to know the back end of the paperwork, getting their feet wet, and needing resources. So yeah mentoring is a huge part of my nonprofit. That's the main thing that we do with the nonprofit is making sure that especially young black women going into the industry will not degrade themselves and actually use their creativity to get to the next level. So mentorship is big for me.

Teresa B.: Because you work with all ages, right? With the variation of different age groups, is that difficult for you?

Teresa B.: You are originally from North Carolina, is that correct?

Morgan FlowerChild: I was born in Yonkers, New York and raised in White Plains, New York. I went to A&T for college and I stayed there after meeting my ex-husband. And so the Greensboro Community I had to literally find my artistic tribe in Greensboro after I graduated college and I built my business in Greensboro never went back home. for New York Resources. When divorced,I took a chance and went to Atlanta.

Morgan FlowerChild: It's very difficult for me because I run into issues where parents want me to work with their young child and the child is not passionate about the Arts. they want their child to be a dancer. So I want you to make her love it and I'm like, I can't make your child love anything. They don't love it so it's a challenge because they see me working with older kids and older kids already know what they want to do. But what I do is a consultation with Children First and I say do you like this do you want to do this? I talk to the Children totally different than adults and then with children. They don't learn as fast as adults. So when I do a children's production, I give up myself about two to three months to prepare for the children's Productions and adult Productions. It takes about a month and a half to prepare a good play. So it's very different. I have to be a lot more patient with children.

Teresa B.: And moving from Greensboro to Atlanta. how did you go about obtaining your audience?

Morgan FlowerChild: When in North Carolina, I took about I want to say a thousand dollars and I was watching social media push and I said, okay, I can promote on social media and I don't have to promote in the city that I'm in. So I did a whole bunch of promotional material and I put about 800 of that thousand dollars behind pushing my dance videos and a lot of them went viral. And people were booking me while I was in North Carolina. It came down to me auditioning for “Beauty Shop” with Shelly Garrett, the National Historical legendary production. I auditioned as a dancer and he hired me as a choreographer and lead actress. I met so many people. I was on stage with Tony Terry,Jackie Christie, Shirley Jones of the Jones girls, Kim Whitley and then he hired 12 of my dancers from Greensboro to go on the road. We put out some videos of us in the show and people were like, my God, who are these plus size women? Because he had plus size dancers in beauty shop. And so people were like, who's this Flowerchild Productions? And I just saw my name circulating. I started sitting down in meetings and people would say, we already know who you are and I'm like how I don't talk about myself like that. but I know promoting myself really worked before I even got to the city.

Teresa B.: if you were to give someone advice that is trying to a newbie in the business, What would you say to them?

Morgan FlowerChild: Newbies in the business I would definitely say protect your work and protect your art because people are not creative these days and they want to take things from the creatives. Then you're left out here saying how did my idea get this and that and I'm like you talk too much but you got to copyright your stuff. You got to protect your soul because people want you to do just about anything for an opportunity. And I also think a lot of people want to go knock on everybody's doors to get opportunities. But if you're a real creative, you will create your own opportunities because you're no different from Oprah or Tyler Perry. You are a creative and all you need is the platform to create. You cannot be afraid you got to literally wake up and say I am not scared and have that attitude all day.


Teresa. B.: How many shows have you completed?

Morgan FlowerChild:. My resume has to be up to five pages. I'm out there and in at least right below a hundred I'm saying right at 100 Productions.

Teresa B.: As a strong African American woman what is dating like?

Morgan FlowerChild: Yeah, I'm a hopeless romantic. So what happens is you meet beautiful people as an artist and when we are artists we see the beauty and people we love human interaction. We love people so when we meet people we don't always see their flaws and those red flags, so A lot of time I think this day and age people hide their childhood traumas very well and you don't and a lot of times men that I like their intimidated the ones that I feel that are good for me. They tell me that you're too busy or you got a lot going on. I can't compete with you. my God, I don't want to compete with you. But a lot of times the men who have the traumas and stuff. I just have decided to immerse myself in the dream. The right one will come along. But I've had to pull back on just being a hopeless romantic. I'll be like no. Nope. Don't talk to him, red flag. lol

Teresa B.: if you had a piece of advice, What would you tell people out there about the industry?

Morgan FlowerChild: So I always tell artists and my acting clients, the number one thing to remember is to be authentic. I think that authenticity is so important. I say shop for an acting coach because a lot of people. sign up but every acting coach is not good for every actor. Because everybody's gonna give you something different. I have told some actors, hey, I don't think I'm the person for you so call this person. There are different acting coaches for different types of actors. I will listen to them and I'll do a consultation. if I feel like they need something else, I refer them to a person that might be best for them. .

Teresa B.: that's good. So, if someone wanted to hire you for services, how would they reach you?

Morgan FlowerChild: if someone's a hired me for services my management she gets all of my email for booking which is Francois management, or you can go to my website which is flowerchild and go to the contact form.


SHE’s making moves in Bookstores & Movies

Best selling author, film producer, CEO & Founder of Mobettaa Publishing, and CO CEO of RAM Productions MoniqueS.Hall

10,000 followerscombinedonallplatforms

1) You are a success on so many levels, tell us how did it all start for you?

It all started for me as a book that was meant for Therapy . In 1993 I lost my God Brother. I was a witness to his murder and I wrote “ Two Tears in a Bucket,” my first novel as therapy . It was picked up by Random House and debuted on the Library Journal and the rest became history.

2) When things seem very challenging, what motivates you to keep moving forward?

When things become a struggle, I am motivated by the voice of God. My foundation in Christ is something serious so whenever I feel like I can’t do it, I trust on him to push me through. I feel like if you can look up, you can get up. It’s not always easy. But nothing in life is easy. So I trust God and not myself. I let him guide me.

3) What got you started in the film industry?

I just wanted to do something different and I felt like if I gave my all to theater and movies that something would be paying out later. It just so happened that platforms like Tubi, BET, and Netflix we’re looking for new talent and new product. I took a stab at it and became history.

4) Being an owner of several bookstores, what advice would you give someone who wants to open a bookstore?

I would say that if you want to open a bookstore, you have to love and understand books of all genres. Book lovers in particular are very serious about their product. You have to get to know every genre and you will have to make sure that you have what your customer wants. You have to have a knowledge of where to get the books from as well. You have to become the bookstore that everyone can depend on. Also be ready to have some type of knowledge of every genre or have someone the store that knows majority of the what’s really hot and popular. Also, make sure you are patient with your readers and have something exciting for them every month.

5) How long in the atlanta area? When did you realize that you would blossom in the area?

I came to Atlanta in 1994 on a wing and a prayer after having an issue with the death of my God Brother. I just wanted something different and Atlanta was exciting. It was fresh. It was hip. It was chic and I wanted everything that it had to offer. I knew I’d make it in Atlanta because no one I knew was from Atlanta. But everyone was willing to make the city the black Mecca which is what it is today. I’ve met a lot of people along the way and they have been encouraging. I’ve met some people here that I quickly learned everyone is not for you. But everyone’s not against you either. This is my base of it all and I wouldn’t change it for nothing in the world.

6) Being so busy, what are some of your hobbies? My my hobbies are reading ,spending time with my family and serving God.

7) Being a writer, publisher, screen writer, and motivational speaker, what can you share with other women on how to succeed?

I would say never give up on your dreams and nothing happens overnight. Always remember God gives you a vision and that vision is your vision. So don’t give up and definitely stay on the right track. My motto is P. U. S. H. That means to pray until something happens so always remember to trust your in itself and put everything on God. He will definitely direct you and honor your heart desires.

8) You have great supporters, how does one keep a great team around them?

I deal. with who deals with me. I have my quirks so I deal with people who know my quirks and understand my heart. For me, Miss Kiera has been the person who I can count on because she can understand me. She doesn’t always agree with me, but she knows what I want. She is definitely my backbone, and of course, my partner Rodney Daniel has been there with me thru thick and thin. So I stick with what works for me and they are people I trust and who also trust me.


9) Who are you influenced by the most?

My biggest influence in my life would be my father and my mother Thomas and Marilyn Hall. But my sister Dr. Teresa Hall, influences me more than anyone because I watch her Just take life by the hands and makes it happen for me.

10) If you could do it all again, what would you do differently? if I could do it all over again I would take it slower and embrace the moments. I rush so much sometimes that I don’t get a chance to enjoy my success. It’s onto the next thing for me and that’s something that I plan on making sure that I stop to smell the roses.

11) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In five years, I see myself expanding on my publishing side, writing more books and screenplays and possibly teaching on a collegiate level. I definitely want to give back.

12) What is the best advice you can give to an entrepreneur? The best advice that I can get any entrepreneur is to bet on yourself.

13) Who would you like to work with in the future?

In the future, I want to work with talented authors and actors because they want to give as much as they get. I’m not concerned about how popular they are but more so they’re willingness to go out and get it. That’s the most important thing to me is the passion of it all.

14) Whats next for you?

This next portion of my life is to write great scripts that reflect life in all genres. I love Urban. I love Christian and I love children based Films. You will see more of that from me as well as more bookstores open up across the country.

15) What would you like your fans to know about you? I’m a person that you get exactly what you see. There’s no flash for me. I’m natural. I’m simple and I’m free so my fans get the authentic version of me every day.

16) If you had to do it all again, what would you change? I wouldn’t change a thing. Life has a way of showing you that you have a purpose for every journey. I think that the life I’m living is the one I’m supposed to.

17) How can the public reach you if they needed your services? Anyone who is trying to reach me can catch my social media handles which is Facebook Monique S. Hall, Instagram Book Boutique ATL, or email me at


SHE’s making moves in MUSIC

A Unique Neo Soul singer that is on the rise!

10,000 followerscombinedonallplatforms

Teresa B.: So tell us what you're doing currently?

Kay Soul: a lot has been going on. I'm definitely grateful for that. I think since we last actually saw each other in person, I released my EP Connections and then I just followed that up in February with a release of my new song called “Heavy Love”. It is a preview of my forthcoming full-length album entitled Heavy Sets. So I'm in the process of rolling that out this year. I won best gospel song performance from my work on Connections with Strong Connection in Chicago. Which is where I'm from. So, yeah, it's been a lot going on. I’m still out here releasing music trying to spread the good message.

Teresa B.: I know you moved from Chicago to Atlanta to enhance your career. How long have you been in the city?

Kay Soul: It's been about two years now.

Teresa B.: Okay, and what do you like about Atlanta the most?

Kay Soul: I definitely love the weather, coming from Chicago. I do not miss the winter at all and not having to go through all that snow,ice, and everything else that comes along with that has been very nice. And I definitely love the artist environment. I've had a chance to go to several events and meet artists and just kind of see how things are done and so it feels very much like a good community here.

Teresa B.: Yes, the music community is great here. Are you under management? Do you have someone that manages you while you're out on the road?

Kay Soul: Yeah, I'm currently under one with Nation Under God Records managed by Brian Irby.

Teresa B.: And how long have you been with that label?

Kay Soul: I've been with One Nation Under God since 2020. I went through them initially for distribution to release my album at the time entitled In My Mind.

Teresa B.: Okay, or do you have other recordings that's being released within the next year or so?

Kay Soul: Yes, heavy Love, so that's really new that came out and I'm in the process of preparing the roll out for the official first single which will be Heavy Hearts. My goal is to do it this fall, but we've been getting a lot of momentum. So I may even put the album into the first quarter of next year, but that will be Heavy Set.

Teresa B.: Okay, and how did you start in music? Was this a lifelong dream or did It just happen? How did you start in the industry?

Kay Soul: This has been something that I've always wanted to do. I've been writing and singing since I was a kid while sitting on my porch. I was in the sixth grade girl writing my own songs. I came up with melodies and I would say maybe about the last 10 to 12 years, I've been seriously pursuing music and being actively a part of the industry.

Teresa B.: Okay, what age did you start?

Kay Soul: I would say I was 11 when I wrote my first song. I went to a program that summer called Right On. It was a college program and I got selected to go when I wrote stories and short poems and things like that. I think from there, I already loved to sing but the program helped me to add my poetry writing that I wanted to do at the time.

Teresa B.: The music that I've heard thus far kind of reminds me of a 1970s, 1980s feel with a little jazz a Gladys Knight type of feel. Did you grow up listening to those types of artists?

Kay Soul: Gladys Knight? Yes, my sounds are definitely influenced. I never heard the Gladys Knight comparison. Lol I'm not mad at that because I love Gladys. but I definitely grew up listening to a lot of gospel. My grandmother was very religious. So it was stuff like the Clark's sisters and Shirley Caesar. But my granddad, he was more of the Lena horn and then they both loved Whitney Houston and Stevie Wonder. So you get kind of all of those but also a lot of me growing up on the south side of Chicago. So I would like to think that I do Fusion type music. When you start to define a genre, sometimes it puts you in a box and I really kind of like to put all of that into my music.

Teresa B.: Yes, I can hear the sound blend between gospel, Jazz, and R&B. Yeah, I hear it when I hear you sing.. Do you find it being a very competitive industry when you're out there trying to do your thing?

Kay Soul: It is competitive even if you're not per'say trying to compete with people. Of course people will still be competing with you and then a lot of times the powers that will kind of pour that into it too .But honestly, I really try not to allow that to be any type of fuel as far as what I'm doing. I'm just trying to really do what I feel I'm being called to do but to just continue to be better than I was yesterday. And also continue to be better than myself because I believe I'm really my only competition. We all have different gifts but no one can be Kay Soul just like I cant be Teresa as well as Teresa can be Teresa. You see?

Teresa B.: Yes I totally get it. …


Teresa B.: What inspired you to have a live band when you perform?

Kay Soul: My gosh, I love performing with a live band. And definitely while in this Indie grind. I do have to do a lot of shows with tracks as well. But even in that I try to use live instrumentation even in my tracks. It’s just something about that feeling you get and a lot more freedom to move about. So if something really sparks between you and the audience and you want to vamp out a little longer or pause to do something else, you have the freedom to do so. You can allow the music to go where it's gonna go in that moment. You can take the audience on a Journey.

Teresa B.: Yes,that’s so dope. I was on that Journey when I watched you perform. When the music started to rise your voice also started to rise. I was like, my goodness. It's a real live concert going on! What are some of the challenges that you face being an indie artist?

Kay Soul: For one, I I feel you're always having to prove yourself to be taken seriously because the market is so saturated. There's so many different people popping up every day. You have to really work hard to stand out to show you’re unique. , I never said I was trying to go viral. It's more than going viral. It’s really something bigger than that and I think just getting in the industry as you may know, they're a lot of gate keepers. It's a lot of favorites. It's a lot of clicks. So you really have to love what you do and then be very diligent and persistent about it. I feel like the moment people can smell that you don't know what you're doing or what's going on, they're gonna come after you.

Teresa B.: Yes Savages. Where do you see yourself in the next five years while in the music industry.

Kay Soul: I would like to be doing more National level engagements. My goal is to tour and open for other major artist. Also just to grow my brand and continue to release music. I can do music fully without having to do anything else and just be about that business.

Teresa B.: So anything else you would like your fans to know about you?

Kay Soul: I'm a healing artist and I make music that is geared towards the healing of the mind, the heart, the soul, and the spirit. I just want people to be encouraged. I share the stories of myself whether they are good, bad, or indifferent. I believe that there is healing in transparency and I hope that when people listen to my music, they can find that hope that they can see themselves in those stories and be able to grow along their Journey.

Teresa B.: Tell us how we can reach you if we want to book you for a wedding, concert or other special events?

Kay Soul: you could definitely check me out on my website I'm really active on Instagram @ KaySoulmusic or you can reach out to management Brian Irby with One Nation Under GodInc@

Teresa B.: Thank you so much for coming today to talk to me with The Heatseekers Magazine.

In a world where authenticity is a scarcity, emerges an artist whose music resonates deeply with the

dying world with her purpose driven vocals, deep meaning messages, and uplifting positive affirmations.



soul National Recording artist Kay Soul's mission is to uplift a She not only solves the problem but gives the answer as

SHE’s making moves in Television Production


CEO Of Studio 5.0 and Dream Big Productions LLC


Teresa B.: Talk to me about your Production. I was told it's similar to Soul Train, is that right? DreamBIG Productions: I cannot duplicate Don Cornelius. He is a legend, he is an icon and don't ask me how I fill those shoes. Those are not my shoes to fill. His are solidified and cemented in stone. Nobody will ever fill those That was magic in a bottle at that moment in time, Studio 5.0 is for a time such as this. So yeah while he made the foundation, laid it, slayed it and all of that, now it's time for Studio 5.0. So, yes, ma'am.

Teresa B : Okay, and how did you come up with the concept of forming Studio 5?

DreamBIG Productions: 5.0? Yes, ma'am. That point is significant. It's not that I didn't have anything else to do, it is there for a reason?

DreamBIG Productions:When the vision came back in 2018, it was a vision for a show that merged the audition phase of American Idol with Dancing with the Stars, but for ordinary people. I spent most of 2019 in preproduction on the original version of Studio 5.0 and the idea came back at that time that it was supposed to be for people 50 years of age and older As far as the point. And of course, we know the tsunami called Covid 19 hit and washed everything off the table. But I knew I was onto something because back in 2019 ABC had started teasing the golden Bachelor. So God does not allow me to do anything easy, so I'll probably never hit the lottery. Nothing is ever easy, I got to work for every single thing. So I'm a private investigator by trade; I've been a PI for more than 20 years. I’ve been in business for myself since ‘08, on paper, but it was actually before then I started working for the Fulton County medical examiner's office as a death investigator and they had the nerve to fire me. I've never even been disciplined on a job, never you get this no place you can go you'll find a write up, verbal nothing and since we're recording I'm gonna keep my language clean Those dirty dogs fired me, you know that is not really what I wanted to say, (laughs) and you know how some people say, sometimes you gotta be nudged out of the nest? No, I wasn’t nudged out of anything. I was picked up, dropkicked, body slammed, rolled over and my reputation felt like it was in shatters. They broke me, for a minute they got me to my knees. But on my knees was where the answer came. That's funny. I hadn't thought about that till just now. But my knees is where the answer came. And one day I heard two words in my spirit “streamline” and “simplify”

I was like hmmm. And it was about a day or two later, brushing my teeth in the bathroom and I heard “Soul Train”. Somebody told me about the access channel. I went there and said “hey, what'll you do to start a show here? And God bless me with a director, a producer, a three camera crew and all volunteers and an editor and I just started shooting shows. So Yeah,…

Teresa B : Oh wow!

DreamBIG Productions: So that's my only experience in television is in a Rec Center gymnasium.

Teresa B.: So, how did you get the support to back you up on your plan?

DreamBIG Productions: Teresa, one of the things somebody did for me one time that has proven to be sort of pivotal in my life, a guy gave me Martha Stewart's book years ago. I don't remember anything else about that book except I came away saying she's a smart woman, but her talent is knowing how to paint a vision and get other people with the expertise to bring it to pass. I have found out God has graced me with that same ability to make the vision plain so that they can take it and run with it. I have a staff of volunteers who work so hard on these concepts and these events. I have a whole slate of concepts. It was a brain dump of every concept I have had in my spirit for so many years That slate probably got about 15 different shows on there and more shows are coming to me. And yes,… So it is the ability to paint a vision for something that's new, Innovative and creative that people want to be a part of. They're watching this baby grow right in front of them and the fruit hasn't dropped from the tree yet, but that mug is getting heavier and heavier It's about to pop off.. I haven't had a paycheck in a year and God, He is faithful. I'm down in Fort Lauderdale sitting on the beachfront right now, I haven’t missed a beat When I've been green lighted by the Most High baby, there's nothing that can stop me, nothing.

Teresa B.: When you came up with the concept of your show and then you got the support that you need; God just put everything in place for you. Then you turned around and said I'm gonna put this show out. Boom when what was your estimated timeline as far as putting the show out act over?

DreamBIG Productions: I didn't really have one because I don't have A pipeline so to speak. No definitive pathway, so everything is winging it. It's all about a concept in my head. but the way I kept myself from feeling overwhelmed is I like to throw parties I am a one woman party I show up and here's your party and that's the Sagittarius in me. I am a woman rolling party. So I said I'm gonna have a party. I'm gonna throw a party. These people are going to shoot a show. And so that's how I kept it in its perspective for me to keep it from being this big weighty thing but I don't really have a pathway. So now we are getting ready to resume shooting shows and what is designed to do at this point is to reignite the buzz. We've reached the buzz all the way to the West Coast Reignite the buzz and continue to have content for our social media sites.But I've got a couple of nibbles on the line. I got to get a pitch deck done. I need you to get a pitch deck. I've never done a pitch deck before so yeah,…: But guess what? It's gonna happen because somebody said to me you get that pitch deck to me,I know what network I'm gonna pitch you too. I gotta do my part.

Teresa B.: Nice! How many staff members do you have helping you with this? or volunteers?

DreamBIG Productions: Let's see six. But when you don't have the ability to pay people they're juggling other responsibilities. So the thing is now I have a publicist and I have a marketing professional that is helping me with carrying some of this load I don't even know if you know I've entered into concert promotions and get ready to have my very first national recording act on May 30th. Anybody that wants on this train… I'm not the person that wants to be the big fish around a whole lot of little fish I want all of us to get it. There's people out here making so much money every day. It's our time. The harvest is now.


Teresa B.: Is there anything that you want the public to know about you, anything that you want to share with the world about your business, about your upcoming show or anything personal about you?

DreamBIG Productions: Wow, I think my message is more important than touting my concert I want people to understand it's never too late. I had the first vision for that talk show back in the 90s. Like 93 94 and I've had so many days. I've been discouraged. I've cried out to God. was my saying Lord, I'm pregnant with about eight babies And if you cannot bring them to birth, abort them all. Let me be happy living an average life on my average couch. After I got off my average job, because I was sick. The disappointment was making my heart sick and I almost just couldn't take it. He had a time appointed on the calendar when I would be greenlighted and walk into every vision that I had in my head. I just want to tell people do not give up, keep your faith and continue to hope that it will come to pass. And God is faithful. He will not let you down.

Teresa B.: Amen

DreamBIG Productions: That's more important to me…then talking about my shows. You're gonna hear about my shows? This is the message that I need people to understand because I'm living proof of it and I thought I would die with my story still inside me. I didn't think I would live to see it. I thought I had made a mistake and yeah, I thought I heard wrong but I didn't.

Teresa B : You heard the right voice

DreamBIG Productions: I heard it, right, but It's a thing called seed, then a space called time.

Teresa B.: Mm-hmm

DreamBIG Productions: Time is where you’re gonna live or die in that space called time and then is the harvest and that's the message.

Teresa B.: Tell us how we can reach you if someone wants to be on your show.

DreamBIG Productions: Studio 5.0 TV is our Facebook. We have a fan page Studio 5.0 TV dance show fan page. And yeah, our website is And if you just want to email us info@dream bigproductions tv, so that's it Call 877-45 dream

Teresa B.: I love it! Thank you for the interview.


Unveil the Secret to Living Your Dream Life!

FREE MASTERCLASS: "The Art of Fulfilling Your Goals" with Varda Say!

Embrace the profound spiritual journey of living with passion, where goal attainment paves the way for living our dreams. It's time to put ourselves first and prioritize our own fulfillment. Let's delve into how spiritual principles can elevate our journey, guiding us towards achieving true fulfillment.

In this transformative 60-minute class , we'll not only explore the spiritual aspects of goalsetting but also review the 10 hidden obstacles that may be hindering our progress.

Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and unleash the extraordinary potential within. It's time to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where each step brings you closer to God's will and the life of your dreams.

THE HEAT SEEKERS MAGAZINE 22 Don't pause the journey to Don't pause the journey to Don't pause the journey to fulfilling your goals; make your fulfilling your goals; make your fulfilling your goals; make your dreams a reality! dreams a reality! dreams a reality! Are you tired of falling short of your goals, leaving you feeling unfulfilled? It's time for a change. Let's harness the power of spiritual principles to ensure your success! Master the Art of Fulfilling Your Goals THURSDAY MAY 16, 2024 @ 8PM est. Register Here:




AudreyAnn Moses


Dr. AudreyAnn Moses is a Certified Christian Life Coach and Mental Wellness Counselor. She is involved in several community-based programs focusing on personal and professional development and is an experienced workshop/program facilitator. Dr. Moses has written several articles and conducted workshops on personal growth and transition. She has written several novels which, although they are fiction, address situations found in most families. Her stories focus on physical, mental, emotional, relationship, and spiritual trials we all find ourselves facing. Her books can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble (NOOK), and Goodreads by contacting her.

AudreyAnn currently lives with her husband, Leonard in the quaint rural community of Cokesbury in Hodges, SC. They have four adult children, ten grandchildren, and one great-grandson which qualifies her to write stories of Christian family dynamics, love, and devotion to each other and to God. Learn more about her coaching services and to purchase her books by browsing her link:

When did you know that writing is what you were called to do?

As a teenager, I thought that I would really love being a writer, but I never pursued it. Always keep a journal and because of that, I had played to start with once I started writing as more than just a hobby.

What is it about being a writer that you love the most or frustrates you the most?

I love creating lives for my characters. I’m always excited to see who they will become. I get frustrated when my thoughts don’t come through clearly. It usually happens when I’m very stressed or overwhelmed with too many other things in my brain.

Can you tell us a little about your book(s) and where our readers can find out more about them and you?

Yes, thank you for asking. I have currently published 7 books and coauthored in 5 anthologies. My novels are divided into three series. Saved By Grace (two novels) is about the Martin family and all of the trials and triumphs they go through within a span of four generations. Earl Grey Chronicles (three books) is the story of a retired Chief Petty Officer, now a congressional investigator. As she unravels the secrets of a harassment investigation, her own happy and sad moments of her naval career become intertwined in the case. A Hearts Abound Novelette (two books) is a collection of stories about the good and bad of family relationships and love. The anthologies I have had the privilege of collaborating on have blessed my soul in so many ways I cannot begin to explain. My novels and coaching information can be found at

I can be found on social media as Dr. AudreyAnn C. Moses on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn. My email is

Where do you draw your inspiration from for the stories that you manage to weave together and the characters that you create?

As most authors do, I draw some of my inspiration from my personal environment. I write about the things I know. I am a Developmental Psychologist so my knowledge base is developmental issues for individuals as well as families. Most of my characters are completely fictitious, but I do have several characters based on someone real in my life. I change the name and situation to protect the innocent and the guilty.

Do you outline your novels?

I outline my thoughts on what I think the book should be about. I name my main characters and create a bio for each one. When I introduce a new character that is not on my main list, I add them. This way I keep up with who’s who.

How long does it generally take you to finish a novel?

It’s hard to say. I wrote a six-chapter short story in 2 weeks. The longest it took was for my last book which took two years because my brain was foggy and I had a hard time connecting what I thought my plot was and what it actually turned out to be.

What projects are you currently working on?

I am currently collaborating with some phenomenal women on an anthology and a devotional entitled, “The Women of the Waiting Room. Surgery 4 Your Soul. I am also working on the outline for three new books to be published in 2024 and 2025. On my coaching side, NeverSayCain’t Christian Life Coach & Consultant, I am working with several clients in one capacity or another.



After a week off Tony D On The Radio's New Artist Profile Invades Your Radios With Great Music. Check Out The Following Artists To Include....

Timothy Sims "You Reign"

Shonda English "There Wouldn't Be A Me"

Peggy Brit "I Won't Complain"

Destinee Fitzpatrick "Preparing Me"

Andraye Speed "God Is 2.0"

DrJames L. Patterson "Certainly Lord"

Kim Kenny Voice Studio "Yes"

K.B. the Messenger "Changed"

Daniel Coleman "New Thing"

Shelia Moore Piper "Better Days"

Mark A. Williams "We Bless Your Name"

Roxanne Trissia Gayle Music "Mighty Wonder"

Janora Brown "Reel Me Back In"

Ishika Purpose "Miracles"

Taylor Vereen "All I See"

Lady Kimberly Jackson "God Will Do It" & Jesus Will See You Through"

The Independent Connection With Timolin Atkins Features Lee Booker "Work It Out".

The One To Watch Sam Purpose "God In Carolina"

The New Joint Of Week Jeremy Miller "Moving Forward"

The Featured Artist Rufus Johnson "Thank You" "Different" "So Good".

All Week Long In Global Syndication. The NAP Show.

"We Keep It Hot For You"


I love to travel. On one of my many trips to New York I remember one particular day while enjoying lunch in downtown Manhattan. I had the sushi and the chicken vegetable Pad Thai. It was amazing at AMAZE on 694 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10017. They are open every day until 10 PM . It wasn’t spicy and the Lime juice mixed well with the blended flavors and vegetables. The chicken was very tender. The philedelphia roll that consists of smoked salmon and avocado & cream cheese was perfect.

The atmosphere was pretty and exciting with a lot of noise but not too noisy.

There was a business meeting with a few guys & gals down from my seat. They were loud enough to hear and they were talking so loud about different people and Omar Gooding name gets mentioned. Then I began to listen and they are talking about r&b songs & movies as well as managing people. I smile and say to myself “I was just with him last weekend in Hollywood on the red carpet, and here I am in Manhattan eating lunch hearing stars mentioned and I can now say I know them.”

And then as I sit here, I’m reminded of what my team members tell me, I am a STAR myself and that I need to realize it. I don’t see it though. I know I’ve come along way in a few years. I don’t take it lightly. This is why I do what I can to help build people because there are people who have helped build me. When I meet celebrities I am myself. That’s why they are drawn to me. Nobody is better than me and I am no better than anyone else. We are are humans out here living and all aiming to be great.

Some of us just choose to see life differently and just go for it. And when we make it we either look back and help others or we do our own thing. I want to be the one who helps others reach their potential.

Yes, lunch was good that day as I reflected then and now of how far I’ve grown in this media industry. The food was Tasteful and definitely a trip to remember here in New York City. I highly recommend.

Tasteful Tips & Trips with Robin” is not just an ordinary food blog! It’s about fun, adventure, and a lot of tasty foods as I travel to places along this journey road called life. I am all about traveling and experimenting food flavors and the mixtures of them. So what better way to spread the word to others about places that I visit and help promote businesses!

If you would like for me to visit your venue or restaurant please email me at the name of your restaurant and location.

You may just see me show up unexpectedly one day with my big smile and readily appetite!

Robin Shockley is the Founder of “Focus Forward with Robin” she is a Writer of magazines, TV Talk Show Host, Actress, Community Servant-Leader, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, and Author of books. She believes there is freedom to move forward in life to think, believe and achieve a thing. Contact Robin for future bookings to host your event or be a Speaker to help empower your audience. #focusforwardwithrobin #tastefultipsandtrips #mahattan #robinshockley #rememberthename




Music Artist in the ZONE

’A’lahn: The Shooting Star of Baltimore’s Music Scene

In the sprawling urban tapestry of Baltimore, Maryland, a new voice rises, distinct and resonant, carrying with it the depth of classical training and the vibrancy of contemporary rhythms. Shernita Matthews, who graces the stage as A’lahn, is fast becoming a beacon in the realms of Pop, Soft Pop, R&B, and Dancehall music. With a classically trained Soprano voice that effortlessly captivates, A’lahn’s journey into music isn’t just a pursuit of passion; it’s a voyage destined by her very essence From the tender age of four, A’lahn’s musical foundation was being laid, nurtured by the melodic strains of her mother’s singing and the harmonious chords of her uncle’s piano playing It was a childhood immersed in the sounds and stories of music that blossomed into a fervent love for the art. Educationally, A’lahn’s talents were honed at Patapsco High School & Center for the Arts, where she majored in vocal music Her exceptional skills not only led her to perform with the esteemed Chamber Choir of Baltimore, the Patriot Choir, and the All Honors Choir of Maryland, but also to contribute her soprano vocals to Maverick City Music & JJ Hairston’s anticipated collaborative project in 2022. A’lahn’s presence in the music scene has been nothing short of meteoric From gracing stages as a special guest performer at the Baltimore Soundstage Rage Fest to opening for Washington D.C.’s own Ant Glizzy, her trajectory has been both impressive and inspiring. Yet,

’ it is her debut single, “Levels,” released on August 20, 2021, that truly marks the dawn of A’lahn’s luminous career. The track, an anthem of selfempowerment and self-worth for women, showcases not only A’lahn’s vocal prowess but also her deepseated desire to connect with and uplift her audience. A’lahn stands as a brilliant constellation in the musical night sky, seeking to be a touchstone for all who encounter her music. Her ambition goes beyond the melodies; it’s about crafting a legacy of inspiration, connection, and empowerment She is not just an artist; A’lahn is a movement, a shooting star that invites us all to wish, to believe, and to embrace the levels of our own worth. To delve deeper into the essence of A’lahn and her musical journey, tune into her full podcast episode available on major streaming platforms like Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Soundcloud It’s more than a story; it’s a testament to the power of music, dedication, and the indomitable spirit of a woman who refuses to be anything but extraordinary. Discover A’lahn’s Story: Listen to the Full Podcast Episode A’lahn isn’t just making music; she’s crafting anthems for the soul. With each note, she reaches out, seeking to touch the lives of those who listen In Baltimore and beyond, A’lahn is not just a name but a symbol of hope, talent, and the enduring power of music

For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide –

From its inception in California in 1974 to its highly acclaimed critical success at Joseph Papp's Public Theater and on Broadway, the Obie Award- winning for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is Enuf has excited, inspired, and transformed audiences all over the country Passionate and fearless, Shange's words reveal what it is to be of color and female in the twentieth century First published in 1975 when it was praised by The New Yorker for "encompassing every feeling and experience a woman has ever had," for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is Enuf will be read and performed for generations to come Here is the complete text, with stage directions, of a groundbreaking dramatic prose poem written in vivid and powerful language that resonates with unusual beauty in its fierce message to the world


JCBurkecatapultedstraightfromfilmschooltoHollywooddarlingchurning out “Black trauma” films that have made her a household name--but at whatprice?Whensheabandonsthesetofherlatestproductiontofleeto her hometown Parable, Texas, JC is forced to reconsider the career that made her a superstar, as well as reexamine her deteriorating relationship withherproducingpartner,HudsonPyke

A romantic connection with high school Media Technology teacher Luke Favors (dubbed The Hottie Professorin a viral social media post) alleviates a bit of the sting from her disappointments, but is Luke enough to keep JC away from Hollywood forever, or will she return to the privilege she turned her back on?

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By: Kenyatta Ingram

Fake It Till You Make It

Debbie Mason meets Lizzie Shane in this small-town romance where a burned-by-love veterinarian arranges a fake partnership with a down-on-her-luck city girl in order to save his family business

When Amarie Walker goes for something, she goes big including starting over Leaving her cheating ex and entire D C life in the rear view, she crash lands in a small town with no plan, no money, and no job An opening at the animal clinic is the only gig for miles, no surprise considering the vet is a certified grump. If Eli Calvary ever cracked a smile, Amarie might faint on sight from shock At least his adorable golden retriever appreciates her fabulousness and shares her love of daily treats!

When Eli took over his late father’s practice, he quickly discovered the clinic was facing foreclosure So there’s no time for social niceties, especially not flirting, even with someone as gorgeous, bubbly, and business-savvy as Amarie Yet when Eli needs to invent an investor on the fly, it’s her name that comes to his lips Now, for the sake of their furry clients, Eli and Amarie hustle to save the clinic, trying to ignore the nonstop sparks between them Because while their partnership may be fake, their connection already feels way too real

Release Date: 4.23.2024

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Sex therapist Paityn Young had always been a go-getter, but when it came to finding sexual satisfaction in her city, she was met with disappointment. Determined to turn her own struggles into success, she embarked on a journey to create her line of innovative and provocative adult toys. This entrepreneurial spirit led her to the bustling streets of Los Angeles, where she hoped to launch her new company and revolutionize the industry. However, little did Paityn know that her venture would not only change her professional life but also open the door to unexpected personal transformations. Enter Bishop Lang, a seasoned business consultant enlisted by Paityn's boss to guide her through the complexities of launching a successful business in LA. From their first encounter, Bishop was captivated by Paityn's magnetic presence and unwavering commitment to her vision. Despite being forewarned that she was strictly off-limits, Bishop found himself drawn to her in ways he never anticipated. As their professional relationship deepened, sparks flew, and the lines between business and pleasure began to blur. Paityn and Bishop's partnership evolved beyond the boardroom, as they navigated the intricate world of entrepreneurship together. While Paityn's focus remained on her burgeoning business and the innovative products she was creating, Bishop found himself increasingly entangled in her world, grappling with emotions he never thought possible. As they worked side by side, their connection grew stronger, transcending the boundaries of their professional arrangement. Amidst the whirlwind of launching a new company and the complexities of their blossoming relationship, both Paityn and Bishop found themselves on a profound journey of self-discovery. For Paityn, the pursuit of her business dreams unearthed hidden depths within her, empowering her to embrace her true desires and passions. As for Bishop, the tumultuous path he walked with Paityn brought to light unexplored facets of his own identity, forcing him to confront his deepest insecurities and fears. In a tale of love, ambition, and self-realization, Paityn and Bishop embarked on a transformative journey that would forever change the course of their lives. As they navigated the challenges of business and romance, they discovered that sometimes the most unexpected partnerships bring about the most profound growth. Together, they embarked on a path of mutual discovery, unearthing the true essence of their desires, ambitions, and ultimately, their hearts.




In the tapestry of human relationships, the bond between sisters holds a unique and profound significance. As kindred spirits, they share an intimate connection forged in the crucible of family and childhood experiences. However, the complexities of life can sometimes strain even the strongest of bonds, leading to estrangement and brokenhearts.

"Two strong-willed sisters fight their way to forgiveness in this feel-good Southern fiction," tantalizes the enigmatic preface, inviting us into a realm where wounds of the past are laid bare and the transformative power of forgiveness is celebrated. At the heart of this poignant tale lie Rose Tillman and Marvina Nash, two sisters who have endured years of silence, their once-unbreakable bond shattered by a misunderstanding that has festered in the depths of their hearts. Decades have passed, and yet the memory of that fateful day lingers like an uninvited guest, casting a long shadow over their lives. Driven by a longing to reconcile and reclaim their shared dreams, Rose embarks on a journey to confront her past. With trepidation, she knocks on Marvina's door, seeking not only forgiveness but also the key to unlocking theirmother'ssecretspicemixrecipe.

However, Marvina, still burdened by her own version of events, greets Rose with skepticism and indignation. As the sisters navigate the minefield of their shared history,theyuncoveratapestryofmisunderstandings,hurt,andunspokentruths.The aroma of chicken dinners, once a symbol of their familial bond, now becomes a tantalizingmetaphorforthehealingpowerofconfrontationandforgiveness.

Through laughter, tears, and the shared experience of fussing over culinary creations, Rose and Marvina gradually chip away at the walls that have separated them. They realize that the passage of time has not diminished the love they hold for each other, despite the pain that has kept them apart. With each conversation, they unravel the complexities of their relationship, shedding light on the ways in which their own choices and perceptions have shaped their destinies They learn to embrace their differences and to value the unique contributions they each bring to their shared heritage As they delve deeper into the secrets of the past, they are joined by an unexpected ally: a young mother-to-be who finds herself navigating the challenges of motherhood. Together, the three women form an unbreakable bond, supporting and empoweringeachotherthroughtheirtriumphsandtribulations.

Through their shared experiences, Rose and Marvina discover that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It is through embracing their past, with all its imperfections and sorrows, that they can truly heal their wounds and move towards a brighter future. In the end, the secret spice mix recipe becomes more than just a culinary legacy. It represents the transformative power of forgiveness, the unbreakable bond of sisterhood, and the indomitable spirit that resides within us all. As the tantalizing aroma of chicken dinners fills the air, Rose and Marvina gather around the table, united once again by the love that has always connected them. The past is behind them, the future holds infinitepossibilities,andthesecretingredienttotheirhappinessisthelovetheyshare foreachother.

In this heartwarming and unforgettable tale, we are reminded of the enduring power of forgiveness and the transformative potential of human connection. Rose and Marvina's journey is a testament to the enduring bonds that transcend time, adversity, and the inevitable imperfections of the human experience. It is a celebration of sisterhood, a tribute to the resilience of the spirit, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the light of love and forgiveness can always illuminate thepathforward.


"The Marriage Pass" by Briana Cole is an enthralling rollercoaster of emotions that delves into the complexities of love, relationships, and the choices we make. This novel takes readers on a breathtaking journey through the lives of its well-crafted characters, inviting them to explore the gray areas of human desires and the consequences of temptation.

At its core, the story revolves around Shantae and Dr. Dorian Graham, a married couple seemingly living the ideal life. However, as with any marriage, theirs has its struggles and unfulfilled desires. The concept of a "marriage pass" an arrangement that allows each spouse to explore outside their marriage sets the stage for a gripping exploration of trust, temptation, and the boundaries of love.

Briana Cole's writing is nothing short of brilliant. Her prose is both evocative and relatable, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in the lives of her characters. Cole's storytelling skills shine as she artfully weaves a narrative that tugs at heartstrings, challenges societal norms, and ultimately leaves readers pondering the choices we make in the name of love and happiness.

What makes "The Marriage Pass" stand out is its ability to create empathy for each character, even when their decisions may be morally ambiguous. It forces readers to question their own values, what they would do in similar situations, and the shades of gray that exist in reallife relationships. This is a testament to the author's skill in character development and storytelling.

The pacing of the novel is impeccable. Cole keeps readers engaged from start to finish, leaving them eagerly turning the pages to uncover what lies ahead for Shantae and Dorian Graham. With unexpected twists and turns, the plot is an emotional rollercoaster, and the ending is as thought-provoking as it is satisfying.

In "The Marriage Pass," Briana Cole offers a thought-provoking, emotionally charged narrative that explores the intricacies of modern relationships. It is a book that will stay with you long after you have turned the final page, leaving you with a profound sense of introspection about love, trust, and the choices we make in the pursuit of happiness. If you are looking for a compelling story that challenges the norms of love and marriage, "The Marriage Pass" is a must-read. Cole's narrative mastery will leave you craving more of her storytelling prowess.


The Heatseekers Magazine Exclusive Interview


Melba Moore recently received the Hollywood Star walk of fame for her 50+ years to the music and theater industry. She is best known for her acting in the Broadway musicals HAIR and PEARLY. She won a Tony Award for Pearly and received 4 Grammy nominations for her sensational music hits. She continues to make history in the entertainment field.

Teresa B.: So my mother was a big fan of yours. She's deceased but I am going to talk to her in heaven today and let her know that you were on my show. lol How did you begin your journey in the music industry?

B Moore: How can I make it a little bit shorter than it normally is? First of all, to make it really short, It's in my jeans. But that doesn't really tell you anything does it? My mother was a professional singer /artist. My natural father was a professional musician and very famous Band Leader by the name of Teddy Hill. And also he ran a very famous club called Mittens Playhouse which is still there and it was a real Jazz mecca, but my mother married a musician that she worked with and they formed a lifetime partnership. They worked together all their lives as long as they were living. He was from Newark, New Jersey. I was first living in and born in New York City Manhattan, but we moved to North New Jersey. I was an only child with just me and my grandmother who had a stroke. She didn't speak. The reason I mentioned that is because usually grandparents and the different members of your family tell you the family history and connect you when you don't have that. I would say the family is really broken. So that's an important part of anybody's beginning because a lot of times you don't get the destiny out because you don't have all those other pieces to help you to be a community. So that you can blossom and develop. But mother married an incredible man who was a piano player from Newark, New Jersey and they formed a performance Group. He also had a son and a daughter. So now I have a sister and brother. I have another father and grandmother who moved over with us. Also, the lady who raised me, my nanny. From there they rehearsed in the home and they took us to see their performances. So we really fell in love with music from the inside and we all took piano lessons. . I went from no family to everything all at once. So from there we studied music. We were a musical family like everybody could sing. And of course mother and daddy were professional singers. So we had kind of an interesting perspective to performance because it was in the family. By the time I go to be about maybe 10 or 11 or so, I think we realized I had a voice.

By the time it got to be Junior High School. I decided I wanted to major in music and not just go to a regular High School. I didn't know that I was going to be a star or anything like that or had any particular talent, but I know that I loved it with all my heart already. I didn't want to do anything else except study music, teach live music, and love music. That's it. And that was the beginning. My parents knew how insecure it was and so they really encouraged all of us to be teachers and so I became an educator to like you. I love it. I'm good at it. I think I'm still basically in a heart and educator, and a student. Teresa B.: So once you discovered your gift. how old were you when you started to perform?

B Moore: very late on because I went to college I taught school for a while. And then I told my father this is your dream dad. We're going to be secure and everything but I want to see if it could form. If it doesn't work out then I can come back and teach, so I asked him to help me get started in the industry. He took me around to some of his friends and colleagues and agents and stuff and got me started in the industry. We met a lot of different people but one of the people who actually got me started as a performer was Valerie Simpson because we met in somebody's office. She was meeting about something. We both were there so we started chatting. We exchanged numbers and she got me involved with studio backup singing and that was my entry into the industr.. So we did a lot of Jingles. We did backup for all of the Star recording artists of the day in the late 1960. And one of the recording sessions was for the Broadway musical Hair. But my God, I didn’t have any experience. The director said we'll teach you but basically that m was my first job. I was learning on the job and to make a long story a little bit shorter. I wound up with the female lead. That gives you an idea of how blessed my life has been in this industry.

Teresa B.: yeah, so I was reading in your magazine marvelous, which is fabulous. And I really enjoyed reading about the facts that I didn't know that you actually had a talk show back then It talked about a talk show or you appeared on a talk show or were you a host on a talk show?

B Moore: I might have been a host on talk shows over the important thing is myself and Clifton Davis had our own TV specials. Yeah, we were the summer replacement for Carol Burnett.

Teresa B.: TV special right, okay.

B Moore: Yeah, that's more than just a talk show.

Teresa B.: Yeah, that's big deal.


B Moore: It was just a summer replacement, but I didn't have any management. It was really based on our romance with Clifton Davis. He was starting in his own Broadway show. So we were kind of like the black Sonny and Cher. I didn't even have a manager yet. Things happened so quickly for me. So I was not able to really get into television in my own way. But once I got the Tony Award for Pearly I appeared on the Flip Wilson show. So I really became known by television and that gave me the variance.

Teresa B.: That is awesome! I also noticed that 1971 was a good year for you. I saw that you did a lot of magnificent things as you started getting Grammy nominations back then. How many Grammy nominations have you gotten thus far or how many Grammy Awards have you won?

B Moore: I think I've gotten four. I didn't win any yet. But I've gotten nominations.

Teresa B.: Was it 1971 you created your first full album?

B Moore: I think it was, yes because everything else before that, I was doing backup for other people. Now this catapulted me forward as a solo artist. I started looking for management so that I could catch up with all this good luck I was having.

Teresa B.: Right blessings upon blessings.

B Moore: Blessings, right

Teresa B.: Curtis Blow told me that if it wasn't for you and I think it was your husband at the time that he would not have been a DJ at one of the most popular clubs in the area. Did you purchase Will Chamberlain's club or did you have your own club at first?

B Moore: I think my husband bought it. He had several different clubs. That was his forte, but I Got credit for it.

Teresa B.: Yes, he gave you a big shout out in the interview I had with him back in December.

B Moore: We are friends and all that. If God hadn't been in control, if he didn't want me for this, It would have been horrible and difficult because I never really had good management. I shouldn't say never but I needed consistent management.. I don't know business, It's not my forte and it's because some part of the business aspect of it failed. So if I had been depending on being a good business person or having a good manager, nothing would have happened. But I won't call them accidents because God doesn't have accidents. But because I was only doing recording sessions and they were looking for people for the production, I turned out to be the type that they wanted.

Teresa B.: It was all natural.

B Moore: It's sort of like it was a favor and then as it turned out, I'll call it an accident. I'm not insulting God. We don't have any accidents. But the person that I would end up replacing was Diane Keaton. That's ridiculous right?

Teresa B.: right

B Moore: So I'm getting this credit for being an actress. I don't know the stage. But Hair was revolutionary. It was the first Rock Musical. It was also the first one to use contemporary music that you might hear on the radio. I remember I had the front page of the New York Times and it said the call for Hair changes. For a black person to have that kind of an opportunity, it was front page news, but that's what hair did for us. And they had a nude scene. Nobody had done that before. They really were revolutionary and I won't say lucky but blessed. One of the girls in the course reminded me that I should take this opportunity to learn how to audition and just start making rounds. Whereas, they learned the language of theater, I just learned while on it. . I went for a part and it turned out to be Pearly and that's what I got the Tony award for. After that I was on everybody's television show and everybody's concert hall and it really happened overnight which made me a big big star

Teresa B.: Yes, you're a big star.

B Moore: But it was big to me.

Teresa B.: No seriously, you are a big star! So after all these years of performing, how many years would you say that you've been in the industry?

B Moore: It's close to 50.

Teresa B.: Close to 50 years! I didn't want to say it. But I thought that's what I read close to 50 years of being in the industry. Are you still excited when you get on the stage?

B Moore: I'm still scared to death. I wish I could get over that. Yeah. I wonder sometimes if a lot of it is because in some areas, I still feel like I'm not trained. so I really try to prepare. It doesn't make sense to me that this should still happen, but it does. Somebody asked me about what it felt like to get the Hollywood Walk of fame star and I just was getting used to it and hadn't thought of anything to say and I froze. I said "Miss Moore you have to say something". So the least of it is to say it's very exciting.

Teresa B.: What would you say to someone that's coming into the industry right now as a newbie? What advice would you give them?

B. Moore: Remember to stay under God's anointing. Remember that first because whatever is going on, I don't care great and small, you're not gonna get it unless that blessing is there. You don't have to know that it's there for you to get it. But my advice is find out who's in charge and see what they're telling you. So that you can find a place in all it's just so much going on.

Teresa B.: I'm so honored and again blessed to have met you . Thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity.

B Moore: Thank you so much




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