Astrology for the Soul with John Wadsworth
John has been working as a professional astrologer since 1993 and teaching astrology since 2000, running the Kairos School of Astrology in Glastonbury. John holds an MA in Cultural Astronomy & Astrology from Bath Spa University. He also teaches night-sky astronomy and runs a mobile planetarium for schools. YY Twelve Gateways to Wholeness ~ Cancer to Virgo
our lives, we begin to remember what we already know deep within us. That we are not separate
Why are people so drawn to astrology? Many
or alone, but actually connected to each other, to
people dismiss it, whilst at the same time,
our ancestors, to the beings of the earth and sky,
peeking furtively at their daily sun sign forecast.
to our spiritual roots. In order to be healthy and
The idea that the movements of the planets
happy, we need to consider the whole of our being,
and stars should have a bearing on our lives is
not just the material part. C.G. Jung said that we
thousands of years old, but it has been cut adrift
must reconnect to our wholeness, and to this
from the acceptable face of modern western
end we must treat not just the body but also the
thought. So why does it still prove such a source
‘imaginal or psychic component’, the heavenly half
of fascination to so many people? The answer is,
of ourselves. The Zodiac as an ancient emblem of
perhaps, that we are all longing for something that will address the loss of meaning in our
the soul, offers us a route to recover this knowing.
lives. The twelve signs of the zodiac, and the
YY A Dynamic Model of the Psyche
idea of having one of those signs as your own
In my book, Your Zodiac Soul, I present the zodiac
personal totem, stirs up a sense of wonder.
as a dynamic model of the psyche, a wheel of
YY The Zodiac ~ Ancient Emblem of the Soul Perhaps what we are really longing for is a sense of being connected to something greater than ourselves. We have become separated from the stars above that
awareness. Psychologist, James Hillman once said of the soul that it is, 'not a substance, but a set of perspectives…a mode that recognises all realities as primarily symbolic or metaphorical.' The zodiac offers twelve distinct and richly layered
simultaneously twinkle
perspectives, twelve powerful metaphors to
in our imaginations, and
describe both the order and the complexity of the
stimulate a yearning in the
human experience. It carries a body of wisdom that
soul. As we bring the stars to
can help us transform and heal our perceptions of
earth and feel their presence in
44 The Henge Magazine
life that is deeply imprinted in our collective
ourselves, our world and the cosmos we inhabit.