7th Session Genitive Case

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7th Session Genitive Case = Expressing Possession My father’s house Possessor Possession The book of my sister = My sister’s book Sophia’s mother = Her mother “My mother” Said Sophia Tom’s girlfriend = His girlfriend “My girlfriend” Said Tom Translate these ideas 1 George es el esposo de mi prima

George is my cousin’s husband

2 La oficina del abogado está en el

The lawyer’s office is downtown

centro 3 Los temas de esta semana son

This week’s topics are challenging

retadores 4 La cobija del perro está mojada

The dog’s blanket is wet

5 Comamos en Domino’s Pizza

Let’s eat at Domino’s

6 La profesora de las niñas está de

The girls’ teacher is on holiday

vacaciones 7 El sobrino de Tom y Alice es un

astronauta 8 Estos no son los números

telefónicos de Bryan, Dennis y Ángela.

Tom and Alice’s nephew is an astronaut These aren’t Bryan’s Dennis’s and Angela’s phone numbers

My Family Tree Gilma Lucelly---------------John Guadalupe




Who is Gilma? -Gilma is Vicente’s mother / -Gilma is John’s mother -Gilma is Oscar’s mother / -Gilma is John, Vicente and Oscar’s mother -Gilma is Guadalupe’s grandmother / -Gilma is Ximena’s grandmother -Gilma is Guadalupe and Ximena’s grandmother -Gilma is Lucelly’s mother-in-law

Genitive Explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Cm52TjFQzY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnSWgALQLkY

Practice https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/apostrophe_s2.htm


‘s It can be


Is = He’s my brother / The house’s big Possession (Genitive) Jenny’s dog Has

Verb To Be or Genitive ‘s? My cat’s small = V to Be My cat’s eyes = Genitive My mother’s Gilma = V to Be My mother’s at home = V to be My mother’s house = Genitive My mother’s house’s big = Possession / Is

Genitive Chart Possessors



Singular Possessor

Fred’s money…

The possessor carries ‘s

Singular Possessor ending in S

Charles’s wife…

The name carries ‘s

Separated possessors

Fred and Ann’s children

Only the last possessor carries ‘s

Separated Possessors (Different Possession)

Fred’s and Ann’s IDs…

Each possessor carries ‘s

Grouped possessors

The workers’ uniforms…

Plural noun (regular) ending in s adds only ‘

Grouped possessors

Your children’s toys..

Irregular plural nouns carry ‘s


The parrot’s food…

The possessor carries ‘s

Time adverbs

Today’s class…

The adverb carries ‘s

Countries & Cities

Pereira’s women…

The place carries ‘s

(Same Possession)

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