1) Use As to say that things are similar
1) Use Like to say that things are similar
Example: I work as hard as my father did it
Example: My sister is not like me.
2) As is used before subject + verb or a prepositional expression. Examples:
2) Like is used before a noun or pronoun.
Nobody knows her as I do (Subject + verb)
On Friday, as on Monday, we meet at eight. (Prepositional expression)
3) As can be used before a noun or pronoun to talk about the jobs, roles and functions of people and things-
He runs like the wind. She looks like me.
Examples: He worked as a teacher for 10 years. (Job)
As your mother, I must tell you not to do that (Role)
Don’t use your car as a bed. (Function)
4) Use As with common expressions such as: • • • • •
As I say As you know As you see As usual As always
Compare these two sentences: As your mother, I must tell you not to do that (I am your mother) Like your mother, I must tell you not to do that. (I am not your mother. We both think the same)