VERYDAY ENGLISH t the doctor's I Match the pictures with an illness fro m the box.
Ida l ~ ' ri;}1
an allergy
a twisted ankle
food poisoning
Z Read the sym ptoms and complete the diagnosis with an illness.
htMnt's sy..,mms
Doctor's diaposis
I I can't stop coughing and blowing my nose. 2 I've got a fever and my whole body aches. 3 It hurts when I walk on it.
You've got _ _ __
4 I keep going to the tOilet.
You've got _ _ __
5 My glands are swollen. and it hurts when I swallow. 6 I keep being sick, and I've got terrible diarrhoea. 7 I start sneezing and itching when I'm near a cat.
You've got _ __ _ You've got _ _ __ You've got _ _ __
You've got _ __ _
You've got _ _ __
lID listen and check. Practise saying the lines with a partner. ) IlJl listen to a conversation between a doctor (D) and Edsom (E), a student from Brazil. Answer the questions.
Ja,l ~ ,.
tke. AOC.tO'(
D What seems to be the _ _ _ 1 E Wen. I haven't felt had a bad
for a few days. Ive and now I've got a _ _ __
D Any sickness or diarrhoea?
E Well, I haven't been _ _ __ D Do you feel hot ?
E Yes, especially at night. I feel hot and I start _ _ __ when I lie down.
D OK, I' ll just
your temperature. Ah, yes. You do have a bit of a . Now. let me see your throaL
~~~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!=:::::;~;;~ ! What are Edsom's symptoms? 2 What questions does the doctor ask? 3 What does the doctor think is the matter with Edsom? 4 What does she prescribe? 5 What advice does she give h im? 6 Does he have to pay for anything?
Open your
S Act the scene with your partner. Make similar conversatio ns with other sympto ms.
Yes. your throat looks very red. Does this
E Ow!
And your glands are . You just have a bit of an infection. You need antibiotics. Are you allergiC to penicillin?
E No, I'm not.
4 Read and complete Edsom's conversation with the doctor.
l1li Listen again and check.
wide. please.
E Can you see anything?
Good. Now, you _ _ _ take things easy for a couple of days and you a prescription.
drink plenty of liquids. I'll write you
E Thank you. Do I have to pay you?
No, no. But you'll have to pay fo r the _ ___ . It's ÂŁ7.20.
E Right. Thanks very much. Goodbye.
Unit 8 • Girls and boys 69