Was were could

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T O D AA Y N DY ESTERDAY Past- wos/were/could I fISf

Readand listen to the questionsabout the presentand the past.Completethe answers.



What day is it today? t+' . tL ) _.

What day was it yesterday? It was

What monthis it now? It's-.

What month was it last month? It was

ls it sunnytoday? itis./ -, it isn't.

Was it sunny yesterday? it wasn't. it was.I -,

Whereareyou nowit l'm inlat

Where were you yesterday? I was in/at

Whereareyour parentsnow? They'rein/at-.

Where were they yesterday? Theywerein/at -.

now ? A reyouin E ngland l'm not. I am./

Wereyou in England last year? I was.I -,1 wasn't.

Canyou ski? lcan./

Could you ski when you were five? I c o u ld .I -, 1 c o u ld n ' t .

lca n ' t

Canyourteacherspeaka lot of languages? Yes,can./ No,can't.

Could your teacherspeakEnglish when he/shewas seven? Yes,couldn't. could. / No, 2 Ask and answerthe questionsaboutthe pastin exerciseI with a partner.

the PastSimpleof to be. Comptete

@ 3 Completethe sentences with the pastof the verb to be and can. ill. I I wasn'tat schoolyesterdaybecauseI 2 Mv oarents at work lastweek.Thev

Whatisthe pastof can"t |/y ou/ he/ she/ itlwe/they

3 IIilil

andrepeat thesentences. Listen

Reference 5.2- 5.3pl37 )ts Grammar

on holidav

in Spain. you last night? I phoned,but you 3 Where at home.

4 IreadandwritewhenI readuntilshe5 My sister

just five. seven.

T a lk in ga b o u ty o u aboutyou. 4 Workwith a partner.Askandanswerquestions . . . . .

me! 40 Unit5 . Super

at 8.00thismorning at 10.00 lastnight at thistimeyesterday lastSaturday evening morning lastSunday

youat 8.00 Ihisnorning? Wherewere I wasat hone/inbed/ at work/intown...

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