Present Perfect Worksheet

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Read Jim's travel blog and write the correct day under each picture.

Destinations lour Travellers } Forums

I I I I Flights




I I Tours

Travel Insurance



Day I W e arrived in Piraeus early thi s mo rning. Liz has never seen the Parth eno n. I've been to A thens once before, so I'm going t o be her to ur gUide. W e're going there to night!

Day I


In the afternoo n, we went by train fro m Piraeus into th e city of Athens, and w alked up to t he Parthenon - amazing!

Day 2 Back to Athens agai n and th is t ime we fo und a rest aurant in the Plaka area. W e've eaten Greek food many times back in N ew Zealand , but thi s is real Greek food! This is the first time in my life that I've tried octo pus and it was delicio us!

Day 3 We stayed overnight in Athens and then t ook a bus down to Cape Sounio n in the afternoon to visit the Temple of Poseidon. We've seen many sunset s in o ur li ves, but this was the most beautiful - the su n going down into the A egean Sea.

Day 4 We left Piraeu s early this morning and sailed for twe nty ho urs to the island of Santorini. We arrived in the o ld port late in the evening. To morrow mo rning we 're going up to the vi llage - by donkey! I've ridden horses, camels, and elephants but I've never ridden a donkey!

DayS Donkey disaster! I'm w riting thi s fro m a hospital bed in Athens. W e started o ur donkey ri de thi s morning and I made a big mi stake: I walked behind the do nkey and it kicked me in the st omach! Th ere was no hos pital o n the island, so they took me by helicopter to A t hens. I've broken three bo nes ... and I still haven't ridd en a do nkey. But I have flown in a heli co pter!

B Read the blog again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F) ? I Jim is a tour guid e.


6 A Imagine it's before the holiday. Read the blog again and write short answers to the questions. I Has Liz ever seen the Parthenon? No, she hasn't.

2 Jim hasn't eaten Greek food before.

2 Has Jim ever been to Athens?

3 Jim liked the octopus.

3 Has Jim ever eaten octopus?

4 They watched the sunrise near the Temple of Poseidon.

4 Have Jim and Liz ever seen a sunset ?

5 Jim and Liz travell ed to Santorini by boat.

5 H as Ji m ever ridden a donkey?

6 Jim enj oyed riding the donkey. 7 Jim flew back to Athen s. 8 Now he's back home in N ew Zealand.

C Correct the false sentences.

lim isn't a tour guide.

B Now imagine it's after the holiday. Read the questions again and write short answers. I Yes, she has.

2 3 4 5


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