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Step into your Feminine Power Chakra Healing Sharon Otness
Women have immense power. But struggling with that power is quite common. As women, we can feel overpowered with sacrifice, codependency, and emotions that send us into a spiral. We are a major force in the workplace, we birth and raise children, nurture our relationships, and somewhere in there, make room for honoring and taking care of ourselves.
Now more than ever, it is time for us to use our feminine voices and use our energy, our courage, and our power. It is the time for the Divine Feminine.
The Divine Feminine is the healing feminine force that connects people to Mother Nature, other people, and all energy sources. It is an interwoven essence that speaks to authentic power. Learning to use the energy within and understanding the chakra system is key.
Chakras (“wheels” in Sanskrit) are energy centers in the body which are swirling intersections of life force. The seven chakras form a formula for wholeness that truly integrates the mind, body, and spirit.
Here are the three power centers of women:
Pleasure-Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), Water element. Color Orange. Verb-I Feel. Desire, Pleasure, Sexuality, Play and Creation
When this woman is healthy, she is glowing with power and beauty. She manifests charm, sexuality, and pleasure. When imbalanced physical exhaustion occurs. Feelings of unworthiness and inability to enjoy sex may happen.
Love- Heart Chakra (Anahata) Air Element. Color Green. Verb-Love. Energy of Love.
When the Heart Chakra is open and healthy a woman radiates love and gratitude. She is happy and gives and receives love freely. She can maintain and nurture happy and fulfilling relationships. When imbalanced, work is everything, emotionally unavailable, depressed, and disappointed.
Spirit- Throat Chakra (Visuddha) Sound Element. Color Bright blue. Verb-I Speak. Communication, Creativity.
This is the center of selfexpression. When this center is open and balanced, a woman feels her spiritual nature easily. She brings beauty and harmony into the world. She is a good listener and knows how to share truth.
When imbalanced, more argumentative, gossip and complaining, and an inability to feel joy.
To be a woman of power, all these chakras need to be energetic, so you will be able to attract and receive everything good in life.
Here are some rituals to practice keeping these chakras in balance.
The Sacral Chakra, located around the pelvic and hips.
Ritual: Paint, draw, dance and play to exercise your creativity. Engage with your sexual side with or without a partner. Wear something that makes you feel sexy.
Journal Prompts: “What project am I birthing this month?” “Is there pleasure in my life”?
“Am I exploring my creativity”?
Eat orange foods such as carrots, oranges, squashes, and peaches. Wear orange clothing or accessories.
The Heart Chakra, located in the chest.
Ritual: Visualize a golden beam of light starting from the heart and growing larger until it encapsulates your whole body, the room in which you reside, and the community around you. This golden beam of light is the love your feminine side chooses to actively share. When we give love and practice Loving Kindness, we strengthen the Divine Feminine.
Journal Prompts: “What is my Love Language”? “How do I practice Self-Care”? “In what ways do I show love to those around me”?
Eat green vegetables like avocado, spinach, broccoli, kale, and chard. Wear green clothing or jewelry with aventurine or jade.
The Throat Chakra, located at the neck.
Ritual: Enjoy regular practices of singing, chanting, and speaking. This can include words of positive affirmations directed at yourself. Learn your authentic voice.
Journal Prompts: “Where in my life do I need to speak up”? “How do I speak about others”? “How do I speak to myself”?
Eat blueberries and blackberries as well as soothing foods and liquids like coconut water, herbal teas, and raw honey. Wear blue clothing and jewelry with aquamarine. Lapis lazuli or Sodalite.
Feminine energy is always within you. Just make sure to make the effort to activate it. Other ways to step into your power. Give back more. Embrace your creativity, enjoy physical pleasures, and make yourself a priority. Once you awaken your energy, you will become unstoppable.