3 minute read
Let’s talk triggers…
Do you ignore them? Are you even aware of them?
Triggers activate something. Usually, an emotional reaction, typically because of arousing feelings or memories associated with a negative or traumatic experience. They can be something seen, heard, felt, or even read.
Now, I want you to be really, bareit-all, confession-time, honest –with yourself… distorting who I was, eternally people-pleasing in search of acceptance and love.
What was your FIRST reaction when you saw the picture above?
Did you feel inspired? Happy the woman looks so content? Or simply thought, wow, I wish I had the courage to be photographed like that.
OR – more like this…pffft, why would anyone pose half-naked on the beach at her age? OMG, that is a tad revealing! No way, a tattoo, how tacky… yada, yada, yada.
So, WAS that you?
Great! Do you know why? Somewhere deep inside you, something stirred, didn’t it?
You see, your triggers can give you clues as to what you may be suppressing or denying yourself. Hidden stuff you do not want to admit to yourself because it is painful to bring them to light. Now – read that again. Let the words sink in.
Could it be…that what you see in that woman makes you subconsciously long for being just like her? Fully embodied, oozing sensuality like warm caramel, oh-so confident, flirting with life, and giving zero cahoots of what anyone says about her goddess pose?
Instead, your logical mind talks you out of feeling. It is easier to marginalize your desires than to face them, and so you would rather belittle or scold the woman in your inner dialogue.
Spoiler alert!
You cannot talk yourself into feeling better, happy, worthy, or lovable. Just affirmations and love-and-light self-love mambojumbo are not going to cut it. It gives you warm fuzzies, but that is all. To explore and work through limiting beliefs you must get out of your head. Diving into your old conditioning, blocks - facing your dark mirror, and doing THE WORK.
What do I mean by that?
Well, it is not a trip to Baskin Robbins. It requires you to BE WITH YOURSELF in stillnesstake a cold hard look at what is going on inside yourself. I know, sounds ominous, doesn’t it? But I promise you – it is so worth it. I did it – and if I can, you can!
Yes – ALL IN.
And you know how I know?
Because the woman in the photo…is ME.
This photoshoot was a gift to the woman I have become, capturing my evolution - celebrating myself – unapologetically. I am 48 and it has taken me this long to truly embody and accept who I am. Because for decades I berated myself, self-loathing my too-muchness, my curves, and
So, stand up tall, look at yourself in the mirror and say aloud “Whatever she’s got – I’m going to get me some of that this year!” - go on…give yourself a cheeky wink, too.
I know you want to!
Check www.femmepreneurpathfinder.com
Bio: Tina K Kailea is a feminine embodiment coach, speaker, writer, possibility agent, and unapologetic wild woman. She is fiercely devoted to helping female leaders break up with limiting beliefs, ditch their not-good-enoughness and reclaim their voice so that they can thrive from boardroom to bedroom and everywhere in-between.
Connecting to Your Dreams and Goals at the
We have all heard how having a purpose in life is linked to health, but what about productivity and success in a workplace?
Harvard researchers have clearly stated that being connected to your life’s meaning will create health and longevity which of course would help create a vital and alive team. But is there something deeper that our society has been skipping over? Let me start by sharing about a recent experience I had...
There were piles of clothes displaced and unorganized. We ended up walking out with a mismatch bikini (that was the best I could find) and no leggings.
Before we walked outside, we asked one of the workers what was happening. Of course, there is a lot of transition and chaos in today’s world, but we were surprised at the lack of care at our staple Target that we have been visiting for years. She shared how they are completely understaffed and doing the best they could, as she showed us a tired and hopeless smile.
This is happening across the country, and it is time we started to address the elephant in the room... people just do not find it valuable for their lives to be at their jobs! Stores, restaurants, corporations, are all feeling this uneasy sense of change. And change is what gets to happen!
We needed two items, a swimsuit and a pair of leggings, but as we started looking, we were horrified!
Bio: Rae Irelan is a globally acclaimed Transformational mentor, business coach, and speaker amplifying the voice, vibrancy, and visibility of global leaders. She is the founder of Soul Aligned Coaching, an award- winning singer and musician, and visionary producer. #1 Best Selling Author of Blame It On My Soul. Creator of Miracle Moment Podcast & RaeTV YouTube.