1 minute read
Carolyn CJ Jones
Carolyn CJ Jones is a college forgiveness instructor, transformational speaker and coach, and multiaward-winning author of two books; one won a Silver Medal for World Peace.
Having spent 30+ years as an angry, bitter, blaming victim who recov-ered to become a woman filled with gratitude and positivity, at peace and free from re-sentment, CJ draws upon wisdom gained from her journey to guide you to create your own healing.
She then leads you to the peace and joy available to you. One student claims CJ’s teachings were “... like a flashlight in a dark forest, illuminating my path.”
Jenna Martin
Jenna Martin is a gentle entrepreneur with explosive results! She is a true testament that you can be successful with marketing and sales while being authentic! She was able to grow a business group to 5,000 members in 5 months (now 30,000!).

She provides courses, memberships, events for women worldwide to help them reach their goals in business. She also runs Affordable Marketing, which helps women with designs, editing, and marketing!
Jenna believes in sharing from a heart space and that everyone can achieve higher levels of health, wealth, and abundance!