Biden to receive Presidential honour 4 NEWS
President Isaac Herzog will award the Israeli Presidential Medal to US President Joe Biden during his state visit to Israel this week. The accolade will be made at the President’s Residence in recognition of Biden’s friendship with Israel, commitment to Israel's security, contribution to enhancing the alliance between Israel and US, and struggle against anti-Israeli and antisemitic hatred around the world. The Presidential Medal of Honor advisory committee noted, “President Biden is a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish People. The United States is Israel’s closest ally, a fact to which the President of the United States gives expression in word and deed. Since the start of President Biden’s rich career in public service in the 1970s, he has established himself as a person who loves Israel and is a true friend of the whole Jewish people. “For half a century, the President has stood by the State of Israel, has given his unconditional support to its right to exist, and has fought with determination to expand U.S. assistance to Israel. In this, the President gives expression in word and deed to the importance of the alliance between Israel and the United States, to his commitment to deepen the cooperation between them, to his support for Israel’s security, and to his commitment to firmly
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confront antisemitism.” The honour is the initiative of the Ninth President, Shimon Peres and awarded to individuals who have made an extraordi-
to examine candidates for the receipt of the honour. Former recipients include US President Barack Obama, German Chancellor An-
President Herzog at US Independence Day celebrations
nary contribution to the State of Israel or to humanity. It was first awarded in 2012. The honour has been granted to 26 individuals by an advisory committee. When Herzog entered office, he reconstituted the advisory committee under retired Supreme Court Justice Prof. Yoram Danzige
gela Merkel, Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel, Yad Vashem chairman Avner Shalev, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. Building up to Biden’s visit, Herzog spoke about Biden’s visit to Israel when he participated in Independence Day celebrations
Lapid praises IDF graduates BY ADAM MOSES
Israel is stronger than its enemies and will not hesitate to use force against them Prime Minister Lapid told IDF officer's graduating last week. Lapid added that despite security threats Israeli people were stronger and would stand together. “You cannot win on your own," was the message from Lapid to the 463 IDF officers who he described as an “elite team” of the Israeli people. “You may not share the same views but you share the same values,” he observed. “You don't complete officer training in the IDF without a strong personality and will. You are competitive and want to prove yourselves. You chose to dedicate your lives to a common purpose, to a common good.” Lapid outlined threats including a nuclear Iran, Hezbollah's precision-guided missiles in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and terrorist cells in Jenin but Israel would keep
Prime Minister Yair Lapid at the IDF Officers Course Graduation Ceremony
its citizens safe. “Our enemies need to know that at any given moment, we are stronger, more sophisticated and tougher,” he explained. “Our enemies need to know one more thing, we stand together against them. Israeli society is stronger than any disagreement. Israel's strength is the strength of unity.”
Lapid said officers are taught that you cannot win on your own. He explained, "If you want to be trusted, you must have trust in your troops and your commanders. Our mission as a society is to restore trust in our democracy, trust in the IDF, in the police, in the courts. But primarily, we must restore our trust in one another.”
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hosted by U.S. Ambassador Thomas R. Nides last week. He said, “The President is a longtime friend of Israel, who is known for his faith and resolve, as much as his warmth and decency.” Former PM Naftali Bennett, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion, government ministers, Knesset MKs, foreign ambassadors and diplomats attended the event. “Since its founding over two centuries ago the American model has been an inspiration to the world,” noted Herzog. “The US has championed so many weighty values derived from the Holy Bible and Jewish thought. It has gifted the global community with unprecedented prosperity and security, pushed the boundaries of individual freedom, and pioneered the notion of liberty, equality and the pursuit of happiness.” Regarding Israel-US relations, Israel’s president noted, “The Israeli and American peoples are bound together by a deep kinship, which overcomes disagreement and transcends political affiliation. The close strategic alliance Israel and US share, most notably in defence and regional security are a fundamental pillar in our bilateral ties. We will never take this partnership or friendship for granted. The remarkable American Jewish community also comprises a vital part of the American mosaic. It has enriched the deep friendship our nations share and deeply influenced Israel going back to its early days. Lapid said officers were Israel’s “deterrence”. He observed, “It's not something we get as part of an American aid package. Israeli deterrence is built on the strength of young people who are ready to push themselves to the limit and beyond. “Each time you encountered difficulty, you said to yourselves, 'This is my test and I will pass it. I will fall again and again, but each time I fall, I will get up.'” Lapid added that officers having completed the course were capable to withstand hardships. “You know what it's like to compete when the conditions are not in your favour,” he said. “You crossed the finish line because you told yourselves, "I'm not looking for excuses why I failed, I'm looking inside myself for the strength to keep going until I get there and become one of the best." He added, “The best version of yourself is the version that knows how to work together for the State of Israel, that the purpose of disagreements is not to fight, but rather to reach a better outcome.” Defence Minister Benny Gantz, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, Maj.-Gen. Motti Baruch and Col. Yehuda Vach attended.