WELL-BEING AT KING’S ...time to care...
At King’s, the well-being of our pupils is of utmost importance and we are passionate about every child and young person being able to benefit from support to improve resilience, mental health and self-esteem.
We appreciate how life can, at times, feel overwhelming and create feelings of anxiety and stress. Having space and time to talk things through in a confidential place can help life to feel manageable.
The Tutor and Head of Year are a natural first contact to help pupils resolve any difficulties and they work closely with Mrs Phillips, the Deputy Head, Pastoral. They may suggest speaking with Mrs Emma Tyer,
our Well-being Mentor, as the next step. Alternatively, pupils can email Mrs Tyer directly or pop into Welfare to ask for an appointment.
A vital part of our well-being service at King’s also includes our School Nurses: Mrs Rachel Griffiths, Mrs Clare Balding and Mrs Louise Hann who are all trained nurses. The Welfare Team is here to promote and support physical and mental health and well-being to the whole school community.
In addition, the Chaplaincy Team are available for our pupils to talk to every lunchtime in the Chaplaincy Centre.
Our experienced Well-being Mentor, Emma Tyer, provides a set of tools and strategies to support your child to become more confident, resilient, productive, happier, healthier and fulfilled at school and at home.
Mrs Tyer offers an independent listening service to allow the children and young people a safe place to discuss worries and concerns. At times it becomes necessary to signpost young people to additional supportive, specialist and therapeutic services.
• Accredited Senior Coach with IAPC&M
• Member of the Schools Well-being Alliance
• Master trainer for ‘The Other Subject’
• Senior mentor coach and supervisor for the NMC Child and Adolescent Coaching Programme
Thank you for all the support that you have given to X. It is great comfort that you are there if X needs support in the future. You provide a wonderful and vital service.. A parent
Emma provides a safe haven in which the Junior School children feel safe to talk about the issues that deeply affect them. They like the idea that they can talk to her privately and leave their worries behind.
Anne Haas
Having the Well-being Service gives pupils the opportunity, time and safespace for self-reflection. Mrs Tyer works with huge compassion and expertise in tandem with pupils, to give them tools that they can draw on to increase their confidence and success in challenging situations. This, in turn, positively impacts their overall mental health and resilience. Head of Year
I would highly recommend coming as just talking confidentially about issues can be a weight lifted off.
Sixth Form pupil
To be more comfortable when everything seems to be going wrong. Second Form pupil
To be more resilient and control my thoughts. I learnt I am stronger than I thought and have rediscovered a lot about myself. Sixth Form pupil
I learnt new ways to cope with my feelings. Fifth Form pupil
Talking to people you can trust helps to make the worries go away. Junior School pupil
The sessions have helped with my concentration. Second Form pupil
They have made me feel more confident about my worries and that if I say to myself “no that isn’t true” then I worry less. That I can change my negative mindset. Fourth Form pupil
To not get into as much trouble and to work harder. I learnt that if I put my mind to it and listen I can actually be quite smart. Second Form pupil
How to cope in difficult situations and that I am more resilient than I think. Third Form pupil
Learning techniques and how to deal with anxiety and stress. I learnt that selfcare is so important and that I do have some good qualities. Sixth Form pupil
I am very grateful that when I needed the help there was always someone I could go to, to talk to and that I was never left to be upset on my own.
Third Form Pupil
• Adolescent and child life coaching and mentoring
• Independent listening
• Signposting to additional services when necessary
• Goal setting and future planning
• Improving mood
• Optimism and positivity
• Managing friendship issues, including making new friends
• Improving focus and awareness
• Emotional regulation
• Organisation and planning, raising confidence and selfesteem
• Building self-awareness
• Practicing good selfcare, managing family relationships
• Exam and interview nerves
• Knowing limits and boundaries
• Managing unhelpful selftalk and negative beliefs.
Pastoral Care is highly regarded at King’s but we are not complacent; we know that life can sometimes be tricky to navigate and there are occasional ‘bumps in the road’ and so we are proactive, flexible and adaptive in our support and well-being offering. We also pride ourselves on knowing our pupils extremely well which enables us to not only recognise when something is not quite right, but also to decide what support might be most appropriate, on an individual basis. We have a wealth of experience within our Pastoral Team who are dedicated to ensuring that our pupils are happy and thriving. Mandy Phillips, Deputy Head Pastoral.
Mr Chris James, Head of Year, Mrs Emma Tyer and Mrs Mandy Phillips