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Clubs and Associations
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Welcome to
Clubs and Associations Our clubs, societies and organisations in Royston make a large contribution to the activities and vibrancy of the town. From churches to children’s activities, social to sports, you will find something for all ages and interests to get involved in, meet new people, learn new skills, and enjoy all that our town has to offer.
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Royston. Take a closer look.
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Clubs and Associations
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Adventure 12 Platoon Army Cadet Force Military Youth: first aid, adventure training, community work, shooting, sports, map & compass. Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme Location Dodkin Hut, Tannery Drift, Royston SG8 5DE Time Mondays and Wednesdays, 7.30pm Web www.Bedsarmycadets.co.uk Tel 07963 359758 Email pro@beds-herts-acf.co.uk
APIS (Anglia Paranormal Investigation Society) An independent group of professional people with a common interest in the investigation and explanation of paranormal phenomena Location Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 7JL Time Monthly Web www.apisteamspirit.co.uk Tel 01763 220374 Email apisteamspirit@gmail.com
Royston District Girl Guiding Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. For girls 5 - 18 years Location Guide HQ, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP Royston Methodist Church Hall, Queens Road, Royston SG8 7AU Time Various times through the week Tel Claire Walkiden, 01763 247803 Email c.walkiden@hotmail.co.uk
Royston District Scouts Open to all boys and girls from 6 to 18 years in Royston and the surrounding villages. Beavers - 6 to 8; Cubs - 8 to 10.5; Scouts - 10.5 to 14.5; Explorers - 14.5 to 18. Plus opportunities for adults to be part of Scouting Location Various locations Time Various times Email Scoutingroyston@gmail.com
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Clubs and Associations
Royston District Trefoil Guild We have a varied social calendar including speakers and outings and sometimes help out with the Guide and Brownie functions Location Guide HQ, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP Time First Wednesday monthly, 7.30-9.30pm Tel Joyce Mallows, 01763 245914 or Val Stamp, 01763 243801 Email jmallows@sky.com
Royston Power Kiters Local Power Kite, Buggy and Board Club. We meet on windy days! Training available Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Various times, evenings and weekends Web www.therpk.co.uk Tel 01763 249199
St John Ambulance Badgers and cadets groups Location St John Ambulance Hall, Newmarket Road, Royston SG8 Time Tuesdays various times Web www.sja.org.uk Email lee.taylor@sja.org.uk
Advice Citizens Advice (North Herts) North Herts and District Citizens Advice Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Drop in Mondays and Wednesdays, 9.30am-12.00noon Web www.northhertscab.org.uk Tel National Advice line number: 03444 111 444 Mondays-Fridays, 10.00am-4.00pm Email enquiries@nhdcab.org.uk
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Business Business Babble Royston Approachable hands on supportive group for women who run (or are setting up) their own business Location The Ball Room at The Old Bull Inn, Royston SG8 9AW Time Usually the first Monday of the month at 7.30pm (for informal chatter) for 8.00pm until 10.00pm Web www.businessbabble.net Tel Jayne Bratton, 07764 657576 Email kathryne@businessbabble.net
Coffee and Connect An informal business networking event in the centre of Royston at Palazzo, Kneesworth Street. Free to all members of the Royston Chamber of Commerce and ÂŁ2.50 for non-members Location Palazzo, Kneesworth Street, Royston SG8 5AB Time First Friday monthly, 10.30-11.30am Tel Julia Brooks, 01763 877110 Email juliab@c4bmedia.com
Friday Fizz FREE business & social networking event. Simply go to the month’s chosen venue, buy a drink from the bar, and meet the group for an informal after-work catch up Location Various locations, Royston Time Last Friday monthly, 5.30-7.30pm Web www.facebook.com/FridayFizzRoyston Tel Sharon, 01763 248447 Email sharon@townhousepublishing. co.uk
KISS (Keeping It Simply Simple) Informal business networking lunch Location Various locations, Royston Time Second Tuesday, monthly Email annecook1955@gmail.com
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Clubs and Associations
Royston & District Chamber of Commerce A representative group for organisations wishing to do business in the Royston area. Our aim is to increase the commercial prosperity of the town and to work for the benefit of its members, representing the interests of business to local authorities Location Various locations, Royston Time Bi-monthly meetings Web www.roystonchamber.org Tel Anna Stocks, 01763 878304 Email info@roystonchamber.org
Royston Business Breakfast Club Details Location Time Tel Email
An informal business breakfast networking event Various locations, Royston area Third Thursday monthly, 7.30am Sarah Hillman, 07967 197898 S.Hillman@enabling-growth.com
Royston Business Network - RBN Meet other business people to find suppliers and customers Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Thursdays, 7.30am Web www.roystonbn.co.uk Tel Tony Field, 01763 242984
Royston Community Breakfast If you are active in the Royston & District Community, this is a group of charity group leaders, councillors, local businesses leaders - who support each other and share ideas Location The Old Bull Inn, Royston SG8 9AW Time Second Friday monthly, 7.30am Web www.roystoncommunity.org.uk Tel Ray Munden, 01763 241217 Email breakfast@roystoncommunity.org.uk
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Royston First The result of the BID Renewal Vote means that Royston will now continue to benefit from a sustained programme of investment in a wide range of ongoing and new project initiatives, as detailed in the BID Prospectus Web www.roystonfirst.com Tel 01763 878242 Email info@roystonfirst.com
Royston Means Business Royston has many great qualities that make it a great place to trade and do business. A number of local businesses have come together to form this group that is seeking to promote Royston’s position as a retail and business centre Web www.facebook.com/RoystonMeansBusiness Email roystonmeansbusiness@gmail.com
Royston Open Secrets One giant marquee filled with local businesses, community groups, voluntary organisations, local charities and more... In addition sports groups, Royston clubs and societies have all been invited to really show off what our great town has to offer! Time One Sunday in June Web www.open-secrets.co.uk Tel 01763 223216 Email admin@open-secrets.co.uk
Women In Business Network Royston Group National networking organisation for Women In Business, there are 100 groups in 22 counties. Structured networking for women in business who work part time, full time or flexibly whether employed or owner of your own company. If you are serious about building your business why not visit WIBN in Royston Location The Old Bull Inn, Royston SG8 9AW Time Third Thursday, monthly, 11.45am-2.00pm Web www.wibn.co.uk Tel Louise Yexley, 07989 020647 Email louise.yexley@wibn.co.uk
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Clubs and Associations
Children After Schools Club @ Coombes For 8 to 13 yrs. Drop in Youth Club. Coombes Community Centre. Wii, arts & crafts, sports, pool table. Run by qualified Play leaders from NHDC. Funded by Lottery Grant Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Fridays Tel Gemma Crosk, 01462 474560 Email gemma.crosk@north-herts.gov.uk
Baby Rhyme Time Just drop in! Location Royston Library, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN Time Wednesdays, 10.00-10.30am and 11.00-11.30am
Baby Yoga (mother and baby yoga) Classes for small groups. Gentle stretching, strengthening and relaxation for you and your baby. Lots of songs. Yoga balls, sensory toys, handouts, refreshment time included. Suitable from 8 weeks to crawling Location Royston Complementary Health Centre, Halstead Chambers, 31B Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JS Time Tuesdays, 11.30am-1.00pm (5 week courses) Web www.babymassageherts.co.uk Tel Penny Constantinou, 07944 416572 Email penny@babymassageherts.co.uk
Boys Allowed for Dads and Tots Organised by Royston and Villages Children’s Centre. Parent and child sessions in purpose built Under 5’s room with soft play outside area Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Saturdays, 9.30-11.00am Tel 01763 243338 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
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Knit & Giggle at Royston Museum Our children’s knitting group. Come to learn how to knit or bring along your own project. All abilities welcome Location Royston and District Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL Time Weekly, Saturday afternoons Web www.roystonmuseum.org.uk Tel 01763 242587 Email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
Little Treasures Toddler Group For any children below school age and their carers. Free entry Location Royston Evangelical Church, York Way, Royston SG8 5HJ Time Fridays 9.30-11.00am Web roystonevangelicalchurch.com/Activities_Children.html Email jwscott1978@gmail.com
Monday Club A club for 5 - 9 year olds, which includes games, crafts, bible stories, songs and snacks. John Hardwick and Charlie the Monkey will be there too Location Royston Methodist Church, Queens Road, Royston SG8 7AU Time Second Monday of each month from 3.30 to 5.00pm Web www.royston-methodist.org.uk www.facebook.com/roystonmethodist Tel 01763 242682 (Gill Grainger) or 01763 208381 (Richard Elcock) Email club@royston-methodist.org.uk
North Herts Nappy Library Offers advice and support for parents using or considering using Cloth Nappies. Loan service and trial kits available Web www.facebook.com/northhertsnappylibrary Email NorthHertsNappys@gmail.com
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Clubs and Associations
Papillon Playgroup Play time all the time at Papillon Playgroup for rising 2yrs to 4yrs. A warm family environment where children can learn while they play Location Masonic Hall, Jepps Lane, Royston SG8 9AP Time Term times on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, 9.15am-2.15pm, and Wednesdays 9.15am-12.15pm Web www.papillonplaygroup.co.uk Tel Anne, 07887 674453 or Carrie, 07909 607753 Email anne@papillonplaygroup.co.uk
Queens Road Playgroup A safe, happy and stimulating environment for children aged 2 - 4 to learn social and physical skills through play and a range of organised activities Location Icknield Walk First School, Poplar Close, Royston SG8 7EZ Time Monday to Friday, various times Web www.queensroadplaygroup.co.uk Tel 07951 918 767 (playgroup hours) 01223 207548 (out of playgroup hours) Email judy@queensroadplaygroup.co.uk
Rainbow Playgroup For children 2yrs to nursery age, fun and learning through active play, purpose built under 5’s area and playground Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Morning and afternoon sessions and lunch clubs Web www.rainbowplaygroup.com Tel Stephanie Wellstead, 01763 230700 or 07712 468677 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Royston Young Voices Singing, dancing, acting and playing music for the 4 to 8 year olds Location Royston Methodist Church Hall, Queens Road, Royston SG8 7AU Time Tuesdays, 4.00pm Web www.playmusicplay.co.uk/youngvoices Tel Linda Bance, 01763 246415 Email musicwithmum21@btinternet.com
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Stay and Play Organised by Royston and Villages Children’s Centre. Mother and child sessions in purpose built Under 5’s room with soft play outside area Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Fridays, 1.30-3.30pm Tel 01763 243338 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Sunbeams Baby & Toddlers A Baby and Toddler group for 0-5 year olds and their parents/carers Location St. Mary’s Church Hall, Melbourn Road, Royston SG8 7DB Time Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, 9.30-11.30am Web www.sunbeamsroyston.co.uk Tel Tiffany Searle, 07837 660603 Email michelle.long@hotmail.co.uk
Sunchild Organised by Royston and Villages Children’s Centre. A support group for parents who have a child with a disability, aged 0-12 years Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Saturdays, 10.00am-12.00noon Tel 01763 243338 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Tiny Talk Baby Signing Baby Signing and Toddler Talking classes Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Mondays and Fridays, 10.00-11.00am (Toddler), 11.15am-12.15pm (Baby) Web www.tinytalk.co.uk Tel Natalie Hanlon, 07740 643690 or 01223 208144 Email natalieha@tinytalk.co.uk
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Clubs and Associations
Toddler Music & Dance at Royston Museum A fun packed music and dance workshop for toddlers and their parents or carers Location Royston and District Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL Time Monthly, Friday mornings Web www.roystonmuseum.org.uk Tel 01763 242587 Email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
Tots Play Sessions for crawling to 3yrs and 8wks to crawling. Musical, physical and sensory fun for you and your little one Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Monday mornings, from 9.30am Web www.totsplay.co.uk Tel Carly, 07809 873817 Email carly@totsplay.co.uk
Tumble Tots Britains leading National active physical play programme for children 6 months to 7 years Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Tuesdays, 9.30am-2.30pm Web www.tumbletots.com/hitchin Tel 07725 736333 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Under Five’s Story Time Just drop in! Location Royston Library, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN Time Fridays, 2.00-2.30pm
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Wednesday Club For children in Reception - Year 4 (6.00-7.15pm) and Year 4 - Year 8 (7.30-8.30pm) Location Royston Evangelical Church, York Way, Royston SG8 5HJ Time Weekly, Wednesdays Web roystonevangelicalchurch.com/Activities_Children.html Tel 07999 538961 Email jwscott1978@gmail.com
Youth Members at Royston Museum Discover Royston’s history and get creative with craft activities. Have lots of fun and make new friends Location Royston and District Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL Time Monthly, Saturday mornings Web www.roystonmuseum.org.uk Tel 01763 242587 Email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
Church Churches Together in Royston & District We are a group of local churches working together in and around Royston. The objectives of Churches Together are to promote activity between all churches in our area and to promote and publicise Christian activities on a district basis Web
Ignite Community Church Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Various services Tel 01763 852118 Email margaretmaccormack@talktalk.net
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Clubs and Associations
Royston Catholic Church Location Time Web Tel Email
Melbourn Road, Royston Various services www.roystoncatholicchurch.co.uk 01763 243117 seamusmcgeoghan@rcdow.org.uk
Royston Evangelical Church Location Time Web Tel Email
York Way, Royston SG8 5HJ Various services www.roystonevangelicalchurch.com 01763 243809 pastor@roystonevangelicalchurch.com
Royston Methodist Church Location Queens Road, Royston SG8 7AU Time Sunday Services at 10.00am and 6.30pm Web www.royston-methodist.org.uk www.facebook.com/roystonmethodist Tel The Minister, Revd Chris White, 01763 256816 Email admin@royston-methodist.org.uk
Royston Parish Church Location Time Web Tel Email
Melbourn Street, Royston Various services www.roystonparishchurch.org.uk 01763 246371 rpc.churchoffice@btinternet.com
Royston Spiritualist Church Hymns, prayers and a visiting medium demonstration. All Welcome Collection plate, refreshments. Awareness group Thurs 8.00pm under guidance of an experienced teacher Location Room 11, Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Sundays, 6.30pm Tel Judy Moule, 01223 503345
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Creative Choir - Singing Aloud Sing, have fun, meet new friends. We are a choir for everyone. Wonderful songs, friendly people, stunning harmonies all taught by ear. Come for a half-price taster session Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Mondays, 7.00-9.00pm Web www.singingaloud.com Tel Ruth, 0791 679 8655 Email ruth@ruthawhite.com
Corvus Amateur Drama Society (CADS) Royston’s amateur drama group, performing since the 1940s and open to new members aged 15+ - no previous experience needed! Regular meetings and play reading groups as advertised Web www.cadsroyston.org.uk Tel Ian Cowley, 01763 244927 Email cads.secretary@gmail.com
Creative Royston Organising Royston Arts Festival and involving local talent Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Monthly Web www.roystonartsfestival.org Tel 07907 880355 Email info@roystonartsfestival.org
Electralites Majorettes Majorette group dancing routines using batons, pom poms and flags. Competitions and performances at local Fetes and Canivals. Equipment provided. Girls and Boys from 4/5yrs up to adults. Current BATON UK Champions Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Thursdays, 5.00-7.00pm and Sundays, 9.00am-3.30pm Web www.electralites.co.uk Tel Zoe Barfield, 01763 245447 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
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Clubs and Associations
Funkids Singing Class Vocal techniques and performance skills for 5 to 11 year olds Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Tuesdays, 5.00-6.00pm and second class 5.15-6.00pm in two age groups Web FUNkids@hotmail.co.uk Tel Lisa Martin, 07964 875387 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
G-Stars Royston, 6 Days a Week. Melody Movement Baby Ballet, ISTD Ballet, Tap, Modern Theatre, Boys Only Street, Contemporary, Commercial, Body Conditioning, Singing and Musical Theatre Location The Dance College, Lumen Road SG8 7AG and Royston Methodist Church Hall, Queens Road, Royston SG8 7AU Time Mondays-Saturdays Web www.gstars.co.uk Tel Georgina, 07720 713 532 Email g-stars@hotmail.co.uk
Guysing Royston’s new all male choir. First session free Location Greneway School, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7JF Time Wednesdays, 7.30pm Web www.playmusicplay.co.uk Tel Linda Bance, 01763 246415 Email musicwithmum21@btinternet.com
Knit & Natter at Royston Museum Come to learn to knit or bring along your own project. A great way to make new friends. All abilities welcome Location Royston and District Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL Time Weekly, Thursday mornings Web www.roystonmuseum.org.uk Tel 01763 242587 Email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
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Library Knitting Group Tea served, everyone is welcome, no charge Location Royston Library, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN Time Mondays, 2.00pm
Play Music Play Creative music making sessions for families with babies and children under 5 Location Various locations, Royston Time Wednesdays and Thursdays Web www.playmusicplay.co.uk Tel 01763 246415 Email musicwithmum21@btinternet.com
Printing Workshop at Royston Museum Join talented local artist Liz Beardwell and print your own lino cut designs on the 1855 Royston Crow Newspaper Printing Press. No prior experience necessary Location Royston and District Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL Time Monthly, Tuesday mornings Web www.roystonmuseum.org.uk Tel 01763 242587 Email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
Priory Quilters An opportunity to get together with other quilters, 3rd Mon monthly, 1.30-3.30pm, an informal sit and sew (not Dec) Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time First Tuesday monthly, 7.30-9.30pm and third Monday monthly,1.30-3.30pm Tel 01763 230187 Email priory.quilters@yahoo.co.uk
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Clubs and Associations
Royston Arts Society Two afternoon painting sessions monthly, friendly, sociable atmosphere. Nine professional art demonstrations in various media and two exhibitions per year. New members welcome Location Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 7JL Time First and third Tuesdays, 2.00-4.00pm Web www.roystonartsoc.org.uk Tel Richard Clayton, 01763 221322 Email enquiries@roystonartsoc.org.uk
Royston Choral Society Very friendly choir with a wide repertoire of sacred and secular music from all centuries. All welcome Location Royston Parish Church, Melbourn Street, Royston SG8 9LG Time Tuesdays, 8.00-10.00pm Web www.roystonchoralsoc.org.uk Tel Heather Howard, 01763 249058 Email heather@lemonyellow.org
Royston Folk Club All kinds of acoustic music. Check the website for Showcase & Concert listings Location The Old Bull Inn, Royston SG8 9AW Time Showcase nights Second and Concert nights last Friday of every monthly Web www.roystonfolk.org Tel Chris Walls, 01763 260556 Email chrisw@roystonfolk.org
Royston Photographic Society New members always welcome Location Icknield Walk First School, Poplar Close, Royston SG8 7EZ Time Thursdays, 7.30-10.00pm Web www.roystonphotographicsociety.co.uk Tel Andrew Fox, 01763 222856 Email andrewjohnfox@btinternet.com
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Royston Saturday Morning School String, woodwind, Brass, percussion, Jazz and recorder ensembles. Choir and theory classes. Open to children from Yr4 - Yr 13 Location Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JH Time Saturdays, 9.15am-12.00noon Tel Sue Pettitt, 01438 844518 Email stevenagemusicenquiries@hertscc.gov.uk
Royston Town Band Brass Band weekly rehearsals. Activities including competitions, concerts, summer fetes, parks. Any age and ability welcome Location Tannery Drift, Royston SG8 5DE Time Thursdays, 7.30-9.30pm Web www.roystontownband.org.uk www.facebook.com/roystontownband Tel Roger Simons, 01763 246929 Email rogfsimons@hotmail.co.uk
Royston Writers Circle Informal, friendly group writing for fun and pleasure Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Third Thursday monthly, 8.00pm Web www.sites.google.com/site/roystonwriterscircle Tel Julie Dore, 01954 719395 Email roystonwriters@yahoo.co.uk
Rubbish, Recycle, Remake Juice and biscuits given at story time in the last 10 minutes of session. Tea and coffee provided Location Glazed Creations, Baldock Street, Royston SG8 5AY Time Thursdays, 10.00-11.00am Tel Julie, 07427 789169 Email juliealabaster@icloud.com
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Clubs and Associations
Singing Kettle CafĂŠ Run by Ignite Community Church. Free tea, coffee, cake and company Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Tuesdays, 9.30-11.00am Tel Contact Margaret MacCormack, 01763 852118 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Stage Right Studios Fully equipped dance studios. Ballet, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Streetdance, Disco, Lyrical, Drama, Musical Theatre, Singing. Boys only classes. BTDA and ISTD grades & vocational exams. London College of Music awards. All ages and abilities Location Lumen Road, Royston SG8 7AF Time Mondays - Thursdays, 3.30 - 9.00pm. Saturdays, 9.00am-3.00pm Web www.stagerightstudio.com Tel Kerry, 01763 244866 Email kerry.hay@fsmail.net
Stephanie Prior School Of Dancing Classes for all ages. Mini Movers (18 mths-3 years), Freestyle Disco, Street Dance & Hip Hop, Ballroom & Latin American, Rock & Roll, Lyrical, Ballet, Vocal Coaching, Musical Theatre Location Lumen Road, Royston SG8 7AF Time Various days and times Web www.stephaniepriordance.co.uk Tel Tara, 01763 878587 Email tara@stephaniepriordance.co.uk
Ukulele Group Informal group of Ukulele Players Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Thursdays, 8.00-10.00pm Tel 01763 230220 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
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Education Kumon Maths & English Kumon after-school programmes for children of all ages and abilities help build confidence and study-skills Location Catholic Church Hall, Melbourn Road, Royston SG8 7DB Time Mondays and Thursdays, 4.00-6.00pm Tel Sally McMeekin, 01763 248562 Email royston@kumoncentre.co.uk
Language Classes in Royston Relaxed, affordable 10 week French courses (also Spanish and Russian if demand is there). Accessible to all Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Wednesday mornings. Term-time only. Private tutoring also available Web www.lingualounge.co.uk Tel Sarah, 07775 640794 Email sarah.moran@btinternet.com
Little Linguists Fun in Spanish for children (3yrs to 13yrs) and their grown ups Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Mondays, 3.45-4.15pm, 4.30-5.00pm. 5.10-5.55pm Web www.littlelinguists.org.uk Tel Suzanne Snowdon, 07808 729364 Email suzanne@littlelinguists.org.uk
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Clubs and Associations
Royston & District Local History Society Historical Talks of the local area. The Society has produced numerous books which may be bought at meetings, at the Royston Museum & Art Gallery and in the Cave Shop. There is a coach outing in June every year. The Society is also responsible for the opening of Royston Cave Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time First Thursday monthly, October-April, second Thursday in May, 8.00pm Web www.roystonlocalhistory.org.uk Tel David Allard, 01763 242677 Email david.allard@ntlworld.com
Royston & Saffron Walden National Trust Association We are a social group who are interested in, and wish to support, the National Trust. We meet locally to to hear speakers on subjects of interest to our members. We arrange several day outings each year and a short break holiday, often including National Trust properties. Members do not have to be a National Trust member and we invite you to visit our web site to learn more about our Association Location Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 7JL Time Last Friday monthly, 7.20pm, September to March Web www.roystonnt.org.uk Tel Stephen Marshall, 01763 261442 Email membership@roystonnt.org.uk
Royston Reminiscence at Royston Museum Join us for tea and cake and reminisce about life in Royston in days gone by, prompted by items from the museum’s collections Location Royston and District Museum, 5 Lower King Street, Royston SG8 5AL Time Monthly, Tuesday mornings Web www.roystonmuseum.org.uk Tel 01763 242587 Email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
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Royston Spiritual Awareness For those who wish to learn more about spiritualism and mediumship under the guidance of an experienced teacher Location Room 11, Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Thursdays, 8.00pm and third Friday monthly, 8.00pm Tel Judy Moule, 01223 503345
Royston WEA Educational talks Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Tuesdays 10.00-11.30am, Spring and Autumn Tel Audrey Parsons, 01763 660234 Email a.parsons52@btinternet.com
Royston Wildlife Group Talks from leading experts in wildlife, ecology and conservation Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Tuesdays monthly, 7.30pm Tel Don Shewan, 01763 244079
Environment Royston Recycle Online group for giving and getting items for free to keep them in use and out of landfill Web https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/roystonrecycle/info Tel 07962 157589 Email roystonrecycle-owner@yahoogroups.com
Royston Repair Café Repair Cafés are free events and they’re all about repairing things (together) Location Market Hill Rooms Time Quarterly Web www.facebook.com/roystonrepaircafe Tel 07962 157589 Email leeinroyston@aol.com
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Clubs and Associations
Fundraising Cancer Research UK Royston & District fundraising group Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Four times per year Tel Maurice Hill, 07719 132793 Email mauricehill1945@gmail.com
Marie Curie Cancer Care Fundraising Group Local fundraising group for Royston and District. New members welcome Tel Sandrine Gamaury, 07947 123341 Email sandrine.gamaury@ntlworld.com
RNLI (Royston) A fundraising organisation, organising street collections & manning stalls Time Monday evenings, bi-monthly Tel Mrs J Emes, 01763 245958 Email jeanemes@gmail.com
Health Adaptive Yoga Yoga for any age for people living with disabilities Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Tuesdays, 4.30-6.30pm Web www.yogashak.com Tel Contact Jo, 07946 310037 Email jo@yogashak.com
Slimming World Location Time Web Tel Email
Various locations, Royston Various Times www.slimmingworld.com Jo, 01763 247875 joslimmingworldroyston@outlook.com
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Vegetarians & Vegans Group Social events, info stalls, campaign about animal welfare issues Web www.nhveg.org.uk Tel Daisy Lachat, 07503 554567 Email nhertsveg@gmail.com
WeightWatchers Location Time Web Tel Email
Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Wednesdays, 9.30am and 6.15pm www.weightwatchers.co.uk Julie, 07803 123849 jdowse@weight-watchers.co.uk
Yogasense Gentle Hatha Yoga good for overall health of the mind, body and soul. Suitable for all abilities and beginners Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Mondays, 9.30-10.30am Tel Contact Liz, 07920 109344 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Hobbies North Herts Stamp Club Talks and displays by visiting speakers on a wide range of philatelic subjects Location Room 11, Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Second Wednesday monthly, 2.00pm, September to May Tel Mr A Kennedy, 01763 247641 Email akennedyroy@hotmail.com
Royston & District Model Engineering Society Track Running Days, informal workshops. New members welcome Location Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JH Time Mondays Tel Jeff Dickinson, 01763 261670 Email dickinja@globalnet.co.uk
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Outdoor Friends of The Hertfordshire Way The Hertfordshire Way is a 194-mile long-distance footpath which goes through Royston in the north, Tring and Chipperfield in the west, Shenley in the south and Bishops Stortford in the east. The Friends of the Hertfordshire Way, from all parts of the county, promote and help to maintain the route Location Various locations Time Monthly walks Web www.fhw.org.uk Tel Bert Richardson, 01763 244509 Email BertandSheila@yahoo.co.uk
Gay Outdoor Club A national activity club for men & women with local groups: Cambridge; Essex and Hertfordshire. Walks of moderate length take place once a month. Come along and make new friends and enjoy some healthy exercise Web www.goc.org.uk Tel (Cambridge Group) Colin, 01763 262647 Email colin@pubsw.f2s.com
Greenfingers Gardening Club A friendly club with talks, outings, competitions and demonstrations. New members welcome Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Fourth Wednesday monthly, 7.30pm (not Aug or Dec) Tel Anne Rayner, 01763 244424
Royston Allotments & Gardens Association Club-house on site. Shop available for members to purchase their gardening needs. We organise our own annual “open day� for the public to view the site first hand. Coach trips are arranged yearly to a place of interest Location Coombes Hole, Green Street, Royston SG8 Web www.raga.org.uk Tel Mick Griggs, 01763 242053 Email michael.griggs6@btinternet.com
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Social Catholic Women’s League Find fresh interests, make new friends and discover opportunities that will enable you to make a real difference and play an important role in church and society Location Catholic Church Hall, Melbourn Road, Royston SG8 7DB Time Second Monday monthly, 7.30pm Tel Mrs A Varney, 01763 242812
Evergreen Club Social club with bingo, speakers, entertainment, bring & buy sales, day outings and a mini-market Location Masonic Hall, Jepps Lane, Royston SG8 9AP Time Wednesdays, 2.00-4.00pm Tel Mrs Joan Inwood, 01763 224 997
Forget-Me-Not Club Speakers, quizzes, bingo, bring and buy outings and lunches Location Housing 21, Blackett Ord Court, Stamford Avenue, Royston SG8 7EB Time Wednesdays, 1.45-3.45pm Tel Barbara Charter, 01763 231319
Johnson Matthey Vintage Club For the retired work force and their families. Organised outings, talks etc Location Canteen at Johnson Matthey, Orchard Road, Royston SG8 5HE Time First Tuesday monthly, 3.00-4.00pm Tel Bernie, 01763 230750 Email berniejwilson@ntlworld.com
Laurels Club A social group with many activities -bingo, bring and buy, tombolas, days out, lunch outings Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Thursdays, 2.00-4.00pm Tel Peggy Shepherd, 01763 230050
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North Herts 50 Plus North Herts 50 Plus is an older people’s forum. Being a member of North Herts 50 Plus gives you the opportunity to attend our forum events with a range of topics, discuss issues affecting the elderly, attend our IT courses and weekly exercise classes. Annual membership is £5 Time Third Thursday monthly Web www.nh50plus.org.uk Tel 01462 689408 Email info@nh50plus.org.uk
Rotary Club of Royston Meet weekly for fun and fellowship, but make a serious contribution to our community too. Kite Festival, Youth Makes Music, Technology Tournament, and Swimathon - all that’s us! We welcome new membership enquiries from both men and women Location Royston Golf Club, Baldock Road, Royston SG8 5BG Time Tuesdays, 6.45pm Web www.roystonrotary.com www.facebook.com/royston.rotary Email info@roystonrotary.com
Round Table A social organisation for men under 45. Kite Flying, Track Car Driving, Laser warfare, Fund Raising, Father Christmas Sleigh Helping , plus the occasional curry. New members welcome. Over 45’s welcome at our sister club, “41”! Location Various locations, Royston Time First and third Thursdays monthly, 7.00pm Web www.roystonroundtable.co.uk Tel Dan Watson, 07795 555287 Email membership@roystonroundtable.co.uk
Royal British Legion (Women’s Section) Service and ex-service women and their families. Membership is open to all women including those with no service connections Location Royal British Legion HQ, Mill Road, Royston SG8 7AE Time Mondays, 2.00-4.00pm Tel Mrs S. Titmuss, 01763 222824
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Royal Naval Association Royston Service and ex-service and non-service are welcome to meetings/socials Location Royal British Legion HQ, Mill Road, Royston SG8 7AE Time First Tuesday monthly, 8.00pm Tel Tony Richardson, 01763 222706 or Graham Perry, 01763 261325
Roysia Women’s Club Affiliated to: National Association of Women’s Clubs. Speakers, outings and social evenings, vacancies for new members Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Mondays, 8.00-10.00pm Tel Wendy Pearce, 01763 231381 or Mavis Ingle, 01763 222524 Email roysia10@yahoo.co.uk
Royston & District Mencap Society Society for people with learning difficulties and their carers. New members welcome Location Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JH Time Alternate Tuesdays Tel Peter Andrew, 01763 245363 Email peter.d.andrew@ntlworld.com
Royston & District Probus Club A regular meeting point for retired professional and business men, often with a Guest Speaker Location Royston Golf Club, Baldock Road, Royston SG8 5BG Time Second Thursday monthly, 12.30 for 1.00pm Tel David Gray, 01763 245895 Email david.r.gray@ntlworld.com
Royston & District Town Twinning Association Organises twinning trips to and visits from our twin towns of La Loupe (France), Großalmerode (Germany) and Villanueva de la Cañada (Spain) as well as social events such as boules, quiz night, dinners Web www.roystontowntwinning.org Tel Paul Rydon, 01763 241721 Email paul@rydon.net
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Royston Action on Disability Are you physically disabled, feeling isolated, lonely or a bit depressed? Our group will try to cheer up your social life, with interesting speakers and demonstrations, and plenty of time to chat and meet new friends. Door to door transport is provided Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Fourth Monday monthly, 3.00pm Tel Mrs Barbara Goddard, 01763 244338
Royston Community Association A voluntary organisation formed in 1976 to promote social, welfare and recreational activities for people of all ages living in Royston and the surrounding area. The RCA run the Coombes Community Centre Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Web www.coombescommunitycentre.co.uk Tel 01763 248081 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Royston Day Centre A warm, friendly atmosphere where up to 25 older disabled or housebound can socialise Location The Old Barn, 61 Upper King Street, Royston SG8 9AZ Time Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 10.00am-1.00pm Tel Sharon, 01763 244229 Email sharon.redrup@talktalk.net
Royston Ladies Circle Club for ladies aged 18 to 45 who want to make new friends, have lots of fun and do some fundraising for local good causes. Activities in this year’s programme included Cambridge Shakespeare Festival, Pizza Making, Ceramic Painting and Power Kiting plus much more.. We are a very friendly group that welcomes new members Location Various locations, Royston and the surrounding area Time Second and fourth Thursdays, monthly Web www.ladiescircle.co.uk Tel Alexandra French, on 07968 568 532 Email alexandra.french@matthey.com
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Royston Lions Club Part of the world’s largest service organisation. We serve the community and have fun too! Location The Old Barn, Upper King Street, Royston SG8 9AZ Time Second and fourth Wednesdays monthly Web www.sites.google.com/site/roystonlions Tel Keith, 01763 231492 Email roystonlions@gmail.com
Royston Rascals Childminders Support Group A friendly social group for all registered childminders, activities, story, singing, juice and biscuits Location Guide HQ, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP Time Wednesdays 9.15-11.15am Tel Kerry, 01763 243159
Royston RNA A good social programme held at RBL. We also have weekends away Location Royal British Legion HQ, Mill Road SG8 7AE Time First Tuesday monthly Tel Graham Parry, 01763 261325 Email parry-28@virginmedia.com
Royston Royal British Legion Club A Social Club affiliated to RBL, activities for all ages including live entertainment on Sat evenings Location Royal British Legion HQ, Mill Road SG8 7AE Time Monday - Thursday 5.30-11.00pm, Fridays 5.30-11.30pm, Saturdays 4.00-11.30pm & Sundays 12.00-10.30pm Tel 01763 244560 Email roystonrbl@gmail.com
Royston Speak Out Club Affiliated to the Stroke Association. Support with communication, activities and outings Location The Old Barn, Upper King Street, Royston SG8 9AZ Time Wednesdays 10.15am-12.15pm Web www.speakoutclubroyston.yolasite.com Tel 07591 973 363 Email speakoutstrokeclub@gmail.com
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Royston Townswomen’s Guild A warm welcome awaits you at our meetings. Speakers on a variety of subjects, plus outings, theatre trips, etc Location Heritage Hall, Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time First Tuesday monthly, 2.00-4.00pm Tel Pauline Gates, 01763 221314
Royston WI (AM) The modern face of the WI. A group of friendly ladies invite you to join them for speakers, coffee mornings, outings, fun and friendship. Make time for yourself Location Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 7JL Time Second Wednesday monthly, 10.00am for coffee, 10.30am start Tel Monica Gray, 01763 245895 Email patmorritt@msn.com
Royston WI (PM) The Royston branch of this large organisation where you can meet new friends and enjoy social events Location Heritage Hall, Town Hall SG8 7DA Time Second Thursday monthly, 1.45-4.00pm Tel Helen Barrett, 01763 261152 Email annedharrison12@gmail.com
Sport Aerobic Fitness The ‘Wright’ Way Fitness Classes for male and females - all age groups - speciality groups - 50+ and seniors catered for with special care. Qualified teacher, RSA/LCYMCA. Ex to music/50+/KFA Location Various locations Time Mondays-Thursdays, various times Tel Paula Wright, 01763 243884 Email tcwright22@talktalk.net
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Baby Massage Classes small groups. Learn strokes that can help your baby with wind, constipation, colic, reflux, calming, sleep and more. Suitable from newborn to crawling Location Royston Complementary Health Centre, Halstead Chambers, 31B Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JS Time Tuesdays, 10.00-11.30am (4 week courses) Web www.babymassageherts.co.uk Tel Penny Constantinou, 07944 4 16572 Email penny@babymassageherts.co.uk
Badminton Tuesdays Play for fun and exercise. Small friendly group of all ages and abilities, many have not played for years, but young enthusiatic players too Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road SG8 5PT Time Tuesdays, 7.30-9.00pm Tel Gillian, 07973 816880 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Breeze Cycling Free local rides run by women for women Web www.goskyride.com Email s.bracewell@talktalk.net
Corvus Cornix Basketball Club Meeting at Royston Leisure Centre Thurs, 4 - 9pm Mini Basketball and basketball for all ages and abilities. From 8 years to adult Location Royston Leisure Centre, SG8 7XT Time Thursdays, 4.00-9.00pm Web www.corvusbasketball.co.uk Tel Di Charles, 01223 207213 Email di.charles2@btinternet.com
Five ‘O’ Table Tennis and Social Club Table tennis for adults aged 21 years and over and their friends. Nonleague Location Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 7JL Time Wednesdays, 7.30-9.30pm, September to May Tel Doreen Pepper - Secretary, 01223 871458 Email doreen.pepper@btinternet.com
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Inclusive Football Inclusive football sessions for ages 5-13 and 14+ Location The Gym, Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JH Time Thursdays, 5.00-7.00pm Tel 01763 242236 Email admin@meridian.herts.sch.uk
Jazzercise Jazzercise come and join the fun, burn up to 600 calories with each 60 minute workout Location Greneway School, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7JF Time Various times Web www.jazzercise.com Tel Maxine, 0796 316 1246 Email Jazzercise_Royston.Melbourn@yahoo.co.uk
Karate Classes For Children from 4yrs and adults. Classes by Sensei Anthony Barrett, 4th Dan with 20yrs coaching experience Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Mondays, 5.45-6.45pm Web www.karateschools.co.uk Tel 07929 100612 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
Kickboxing & Kung Fu Kickboxing and Kung Fu, ages 7-adult Location Various locations, Royston Time Tuesdays and Saturdays Web www.gmax.me.uk Tel Glen, 07563 755 199 Email gstanway@gmail.com
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Pregnancy Yoga Classes for small groups. Stretch, strengthen, posture awareness, breathe and relax. Time to bond with your baby. Birth preparation is included. Suitable from 14 weeks to birth Location Royston Complementary Health Centre, Halstead Chambers, 31B Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JS Time Thursdays, 8.30-9.30pm (booking essential) Web www.babymassageherts.co.uk Tel Penny Constantinou, 07944 416572
Relax, Stretch and Breathe NCT class suitable for anyone from 12weeks to right up to when your baby arrives Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Tuesdays, 7.30pm Tel Merial, 07870 624985 Email nctrelax@gmail.com
Royston Bowling Club Outdoor bowling for ages of 12 years and over Location Green Drift, Royston SG8 5BX Time Various times, April - September Web www.roystonbowlingclub.co.uk Tel Stan Whitehouse, 01763 245534 Email stanley.whitehouse@btopenworld.com
Royston Bridge Club Friendly Bridge club, affiliated to the English Bridge Union, playing duplicate using computer-generated random pre-dealt hands. Visitors welcome for free refreshments. Teaching available, and ‘find-a-partner’ Location Market Hill Rooms, Fish Hill, Royston SG8 7JL Time All Thursdays, 7.30pm; 2nd, 4th (& 5th, if there is one) Tuesdays every month, 2:30pm. Doors open half hour prior. Web www.bridgewebs.com/roystonherts Tel 01763 260746 Email RuthBKatz@btinternet.com
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Royston Chess Club All levels novice to county standard. 4 teams in Herts League (KO winners 2014), 2 teams in Cambs League (champions 2012/3/4), 1 team in local league. Also friendly games, competitions & training Location Royston Conservative Club, Kneesworth Street Time Mondays, 7.45pm (September-June) Web www.roystonchessclub.webs.com Tel Kevin Clark, 01763 243370 Email kevin.clark54@btinternet.com
Royston Contract Bridge Club Friendly club seeks new members. Just turn up. Beginners welcome Location Royston Conservative Club, Kneesworth Street, Royston SG8 5AA Time Thursdays, 7.00-10.00pm Tel Nancy, 01763 242276 Email robbrad44@yahoo.co.uk
Royston Cricket Club Based in Therfield, two adult Sat league teams, U19s Junior teams-under 10, 13 and 15. All new players are welcome. Therfield also run a Sunday side for which we provide players Location Recreation Ground Therfield Time Youth Training Sunday 10am till 12. Adults Fridays 6pm during the season Web www.royston.play-cricket.com Tel Paul Harris (adults), 07966 766120 or David May (Youth ), 01763 246396 or 07801 235814 Email david.may@uk.tesco.com
Royston Crows Junior section of Royston Runners (ages 8-16) Groups for different abilities - all welcome Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Monday evenings, 6.00-7.00pm Web www.royston-runners.org.uk/html/crows Tel Tina Filby, 01763 241460 Email tinafilby@btinternet.com
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Royston Cycling Club Club rides for roughly 2 hours duration, split into groups according to abilities, and covering around 30-35 miles Location Outside Mica Hardware, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JT Time Sundays, 8.45am Web www.roystoncc.co.uk Email roystoncc@hotmail.com
Royston Golf Club An 18 hole course & practice facilities. Membership & Green Fees apply. All welcome Location Baldock Road, Royston SG8 5BG Web www.roystongolfclub.co.uk Tel 01763 243476 Email office@roystongolfclub.co.uk
Royston Heath Archery Club A small and friendly club, beginners and experienced archers welcome. Beginner’s courses and all equipment available Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Sundays Web www.roystonarchery.org Email contactus@roystonarchery.org
Royston Hockey Club Mens, Ladies, 8 teams. Coaching, “back to hockey” sessions, Juniors. New members welcome Location Seniors on Saturday all day - Heath Sports Club, Therfield Heath, Royston, SG8 5BG Juniors on Sunday 10.00-1.00pm - Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JH Time Senior training - Tuesday and Wednesday 7.30-9.30pm, Bassingbourn Village College SG8 5NJ Web www.roystonhockey.co.uk Tel Colin Smith, 01763 250982 Email president@roystonhockey.co.uk
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Royston in Blue An annual 5k run/walk in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust Location Therfield Heath, Royston Time One Sunday in June Web www.roystoninblue.co.uk Tel Lisa Thompson, 07540 157200 Email roystoninblue@gmail.com
Royston Meridian Men’s Keep Fit Class We follow a well tried session, including: warm up, basketball, circuit training, football and volley ball Location The Gym, Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JH Time Mondays, 7.30-9.30pm Tel Ray Munden, 01763 241217 Email grayowl@care4free.net
Royston Netball Club Friendly sociable club who are always happy to welcome new members Location Greneway School, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7JF Time Wednesdays, 7.45-9.00pm Web www.roystonnetballclub.co.uk Tel Tracey Stimson, 01763 247634 Email Roystonnetball@outlook.com
Royston Rackets Badminton Club Recreational badminton in a friendly atmosphere. All skill levels welcome Location Leisure Centre, Royston Time Tuesdays, 6.00-8.00pm Tel Graham Benstead, 01763 242558
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Royston Ramblers Promoting walking by organising led walks. Monitoring the condition of local rights of way. You may come on three walks before deciding to join Location Various locations, Royston Time Tuesdays and Thursdays morning walks. Longer walks on Sundays. Shorter evening walks on a different day each week starting last Monday in April and continuing to the end of August Web www.ramblers.org.uk Tel David Allard, 01763 242677 Email david.allard@ntlworld.com
Royston Rockets BMX Racing Club Regular competitions & club sessions at the BMX track Location BMX Track - Rear of Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Various sessions Web www.roystonrockets.co.uk Tel Phil Townsend, 01763 260959 Email Roystonbmx@aol.com
Royston Rounders Club All ages and abilities, male or female, from 14+ welcome. The focus is having fun and getting a bit more active Location The Heath, Royston, SG8 5BG (April-September), Royston Leisure Centre, Royston, SG8 7XT (October-March) Time Sundays, 6.00-7.00pm (April-September), 7.00-8.00pm (October-March) Web www.roystonroundersclub.co.uk Tel Mike Bygate, 01763 243529 or Paul Skerry, 07909 598425 Email roystonrounders@hotmail.co.uk
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Clubs and Associations
Royston Rugby Club Rugby Union Football Club in Herts - Middx.1 1st XV, 2nd XV, Veterans, Youth and Minis Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, various sessions Web www.pitchero.com/clubs/roystonrfc Tel Dafydd Hudd, 07881 466223 Email chairman@roystonrugbyclub.co.uk
Royston Runners Various sessions for all abilities, including absolute beginners Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Tuesdays from 6.30pm, Sundays 9.00am Web www.roystonrunners.co.uk
Royston Short Mat Bowls Club Informal friendly group. New members are always welcome Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Mondays & Wednesdays 1.30-3.30pm (October to April) Tel Terry Mitchell, 01763 848775 Email terrymtc@aol.com
Royston Short Tennis A group of energetic retired people playing for pleasure and exercise Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Thursdays (am), 11.15am - 12.15pm Thursdays (pm), 2.30-3.30pm Fridays (am), 9.30-11.00am Fridays (pm), 2.30-3.30pm Tel Thurdays (am), 01763 247630 Thurdays (pm), Anne, 01763 244138 Fridays (am), Fred, 01763 230050 Fridays (pm), 01763 247409 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
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Royston Shotokan Karate Association Chief Instructor - Shihan P Deacon 7th Dan. Instructors Sensei W Varsally 3rd Dan. Sensei N Varsally 2nd Dan. For children (6yrs) & adults. Try a FREE taster lesson with no obligation - (friendly relaxed atmosphere) Location Royston Leisure Centre, Woodcock Road, Royston SG8 7XT Time Fridays, 6.00-8.00pm Web www.rska.co.uk Tel 0794 489 8659 Email seeyreen40@hotmail.com
Royston Swimming Club Qualified training and coaching for competitive swimmers of all ages. The club enters teams in local galas and competitions Location Royston Leisure Centre, Woodcock Road, Royston SG8 7XT Time Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 6.00-8.00pm Web www.roystonswimmingclub.co.uk Email roystonswimmingclub@hotmail.co.uk
Royston Table Tennis Club Play competitive table tennis with 6 teams of varying ability in the North Herts League Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road SG8 5PT Time Thursdays, 7.30-10.30pm Web www.roystonttc.com Tel Fred Bendall, 01763 230050 or Gordon Barnes, 01763 249713 Email ecretary@roystonttc.com
Royston Tennis Club We have 6 floodlit courts. Full LTA tennis & coaching programmes available with club/fun sessions for all abilities Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Various times Web www.roystontennis.co.uk Email roystontennis@gmail.com
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Royston Town FC Garden Walk, Royston Location RTFC, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP Time Various times Web www.roystontownfc.co.uk Tel Terry McKinnell, 07772 086 709 or Steve Jackson, 07850 383 483 Email support@roystontownfc.co.uk
Royston Town Ladies FC Garden Walk, Royston Location RTFC, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP Time Various times Web www.roystontownfc.co.uk Tel Clubhouse, 01763 241204 or Lewis Endacott Email support@roystontownfc.co.uk
Royston Town Youth FC FA Charter Standard Community Club with FA qualified coaches running mini-soccer, 9v9 and 11-a-side football teams for boys and girls aged 7 to 18 Location RTFC, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7HP Time Various times Web www.roystontownfc.co.uk Tel Carl Filby, 01763 241460 or 07563 366080 Email carlfilby@btinternet.com
Sport Royston A forum for all sports clubs in Royston and the surrounding area Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Meets four times per year Tel Di Charles, 01223 207213 Email di.charles2@btinternet.com
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Walking Football A slower paced version of the game aimed at over 50s or people returning from injury Location The Gym, Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston, SG8 7JH Time Thursdays, 7.00-8.00pm Tel 01763 242236 Email admin@meridian.herts.sch.uk
Support Alzheimer’s Society A support group for people with dementia and their carers to meet for information and support Location Housing 21, Blackett Ord Court, Stamford Ave Time Second Monday monthly, 10.00am-12.00noon Tel Cate Mitcham, 07720 946034 Email cate.mitcham@alzheimers.org.uk
Angels Support Group For parents/carers of children with ADHD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Drop in meetings - an opportunity to chat with other parents. Free Crèche Location Children’s Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5EQ Time Thursdays, 12.30-2.30pm Web www.angelssupportgroup.org.uk Tel Leise Cooper, 07815 458355 Email info@angelssupportgroup.org.uk
Brian Leslie Racher 2004 Charitable Trust 1108727 A charity for the benefit of the inhabitants of Royston, Herts within a 2 mile radius from the Parish Church of St John The Baptist Location c/o Limbach Banham & Co Solicitors, John Street, Royston SG8 9BE
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Cherryhomes Trust Local charity supporting severely physically disabled people to live independently in their own homes. Loans, grants, practical help & guidance can be provided Web www.cherryhomes.org.uk Tel Rosaline Van de Weyer, 01223 870869 Email info@cherryhomes.org.uk
Cruse Bereavement Care Hertfordshire Enabling anyone suffering bereavement caused by death to understand their grief and cope with their loss. We provide telephone support or face to face support in the client’s own home; we occasionally offer some group support Web www.Cruse-hertfordshire.org.uk Tel 01707 269 497 Email office@cruse-hertfordshire.org.uk
Depression Alliance A self help group providing a confidential, caring, & non-judgemental place for people to share their thoughts & experiences. All welcome Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time First and third Tuesdays monthly, 2.15-4.00pm Web www.depressionalliance.org Email info@depressionalliance.org
Frank Letts Blind Fellowship of Royston Open to all blind and partially sighted in the Royston area. Transport can be arranged Location The Heath, Royston SG8 5BG Time Second Tuesday monthly, 11.30am-3.00pm Tel Bridget Matthews, 01763 231881 Email b.m@ntlworld.com
Friendship Scheme for Mental Health (NHS) Befriending service in Royston for adults recovering from long term mental health problems. Volunteers needed now as befrienders to take clients out for one to one social activities in the community Tel Alison Kingman, 01462 680120
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If Only We provide support to those who have lost someone to suicide Tel Jayne, 07764 657 576 Email ifonly@jaynebratton.co.uk
Royston & District Community Transport Low cost door-to-door transport for groups or individuals who are unable to use conventional public transport Time Office hours 9.00am-3.00pm, Monday-Friday Web www.roytrans.co.uk Tel 01763 245228 Email info@roytrans.co.uk
Royston Foodbank Voucher referral system in operation Location The Open House Project, 4 Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JL Time Sessions on Wednesdays 9.30am-12.30pm and Saturdays 3.00-5.00pm Web www.royston.foodbank.org.uk Tel 07541 808 185 Email info@royston.foodbank.org.uk
Royston Job Club Location Royston Library, Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN Time Last Wednesday monthly, 1.00-4.00pm Email michael.grimsdale@dwp.gsi.gov.uk
Royston Miscarriage Support Royston Miscarriage Support - for free support after early/late miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Monthly support group meetings and annual service of remembrance in May at the Wesley Church, Cambridge Tel 07906 559 756 Email mcsupport@virginmedia.com
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Royston Time Bank A community skills exchange allowing you to earn ‘time credits’ by helping others. You can then spend the time credits on getting people to come and help you. We also hold events supplied by Time Bankers Time Various times Web www.mytimebank.org.uk Tel Savita Mason, 01462 689405 Email Timebank@nhcvs.org.uk
William Lee’s Charity A local charity, offering aid to residents of the town in financial difficulty. The grant size depends on individual circumstances, but we give careful consideration to all applications Tel Clerk to the Trustees, 01763 241048
Visit Curwens Art Gallery Curwens in Royston is also proud to be the home of the Art Gallery supporting local artists with a place to display their talent Location High Street, Royston SG8 9AA Tel 01763 241261
Priory Memorial Gardens A Green Flag Award winning large, attractive enclosed park, surrounded by mature trees, hedging and walls, with junior and toddler play areas and green open spaces Location Melbourn Street, Royston SG8 Time Daily
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Royston and District Museum and Art Gallery Illustrating and interpreting the history of Royston and its district through collections and other resources to encourage the local community, to actively participate in the collection, research and presentation of our local heritage Location 5 Lower King Street, Royston, SG8 5AL Time Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10.00am-5.00pm. Bank Holiday Sunday and Monday, 2.00-5.00 pm Web www.roystonmuseum.org.uk Tel 01763 242587 Email curator@roystonmuseum.org.uk
Royston Cave Royston Cave is unique in Europe and still largely unexplained. The age of the Cave is uncertain but it is a man-made cavern in the shape of a beehive, with a small aperture at the top for ventilation. It’s most remarkable feature is an extensive range of wall carvings representing the Crucifixion, the Holy Family and several saints, among them St Katherine, St Laurence and St Christopher Location Melbourn Street, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 7BZ Time Every Saturday & Sunday and every Bank Holiday from 2.30-5.00pm (last entry 4.30pm), Easter Sunday to September. Also open on Weds during August. Web www.roystoncave.co.uk Tel 01763 245484 Email cave@robynson.plus.com
Royston Library Location Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JN Time Mondays, 10.00am-5.30pm Tuesdays, 10.00am-5.30pm Wednesdays, 10.00am-6.00pm Fridays, 10.00am-5.00pm Saturdays, 9.00am-4.00pm Web www.hertsdirect.org/services/libraries/findlib/libs/roy Tel 0300 123 4049 Email herts.direct@hertfordshire.gov.uk
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Royston Picture Palace Community cinema in the heart of Royston, digital surround sound, tiered seating, latest films Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Time Friday, Saturday and Sunday screenings Web www.roystonpicturepalace.org.uk Email info@roystonpicturepalace.org.uk
Voluntary Home-Start Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire (HSRSC) provides a home visiting service, a family support group and helps families link with other local services and resources Web www.hsrsc.org.uk Tel 01763 262262 Email admin@hsrsc.org.uk
Royston and District Volunteer Centre Working at theheart of the local community providing advice, support and guidance to individuals wanting to volunteer and to our local voluntary organisations, community groups and sports clubs Location Town Hall, Royston SG8 7DA Web www.roystonvolunteer.org.uk Tel Denise Graham, 01763 243020 Email info@roystonvolunteer.org.uk
Youth Ignite Youth Group Run by Ignite Community Church Location Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Fridays, 6.30-8.00pm Tel Margaret MacCormack, 01763 852118 Email coombescommunity@uwclub.net
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The House Youth Drop-in Centre Drop-in centre for young people aged 12 to 18 Location The Open House Project, 4 Market Hill, Royston, SG8 9JL Time Tuesdays and Saturdays, 7.00-10pm. Tel 01763 246 799 Email info@the houseonline.org.uk
RJ’s+ Youth Group Drop-in youth centre for ages 15-27 with additional needs. Play pool, table tennis, x-box, board games, or just call in for a chat. Free entry, drinks and snacks available Location The Open House Project, 4 Market Hill, Royston SG8 9JL Time Weekly, alternate Mondays and Thursday Tel Linda Hall, 0776 784 7796
Youth Club in Royston Lots of fun, just come along! Location Youth Centre, Meridian School, Garden Walk, Royston SG8 7JH and Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston SG8 5PT Time Mon and Wed, 7.00-10.00pm, Tues, 4.00- 6.00pm, Fri, 7.00- 10.00pm Tel Gary Leask, 0774 776 2829
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You can find out more about the town in the Royston Information Centre, situated in the Royston Library on Market Hill.
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We are rightly proud of our attractive town on the South Cambridgeshire/ North Hertfordshire border. In Royston you will find a mix of heritage, gardens and green open spaces, contemporary living and a thriving business and industrial community.
Royston boasts excellent transport links for visitors and business, with the A1M and M11 each within a 15 minute drive, London Kings Cross 38 minutes away by train, and London Stansted just half an hour’s drive. Steeped in history dating back to the 12th century, Royston is proud of its rich heritage, which includes the Augustinian Priory, of which the Parish Church of St John the Baptist is the only surviving part, the medieval Royston Cave, whose purpose has been puzzling historians and visitors since its rediscovery in 1742, and the Royse Stone, from where the town gets its name. Enjoy the green open spaces of the award winning Priory Memorial Gardens and the open views from Therfield Heath, with its woodland footpaths, the rare pasque flower and chalk tracks. For a pleasant hour-long stroll around the town centre streets, discover the rich history highlighted in the Town Trail. And relax, with a variety of cafes and restaurants offering a diverse mix of food and drink to suit all palates.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Explore. Discover. Experience.
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DISCLAIMER: All the information in this guide is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the details are correct, we do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. We cannot be held responsible for the standard of service on offer.
Published by Royston First Ltd in collaboration with The Listing Please supply any amendments to The Listing by email info@townhousepublishing.co.uk For a comprehensive online directory of the town’s clubs, societies and organisations, please visit www.thelistingmagazine.co.uk
Designed by C4B Media - www.c4bmedia.com
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