The Manufacturer December 2012

Page 1 December 2012/January 2013 Vol 15 Issue 11 | December 2012/January 2013 | Vol 15 Issue 11

NEW THIS ISSUE: On the road again

Follow ’s editorial team as they visit factories, industry conferences, debates and political events around the UK and further afield

Manufacturing Leadership

Masterful: Cranfield University celebrates ten years for its Operations Excellence MSc Demand and Supply: Airbus works with suppliers to increase capacity Steel yourself for change: Scrap metal trading laws overhauled

Workforce and Skills

It’s good to share: Employers don’t have to go it alone in apprenticeship provision

We are the


Supply Chain and Logistics

Chain reaction: DHL’s role as a catalyst for supply chain management improvement

Award winners show what the UK is made of

IT in Manufacturing

Missing link: The bankable benefits of workforce management systems

Interview Sir Anthony Bamford Chairman and owner, JCB

Factory of the Month The Royal Mint

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