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The campaign received a lot of recognition on social media and was lauded by people Nitin Saini, Vice president – Marketing also shared his views on the campaign and was overwhelmed to see such a response from his 360-degree communication campaign has not only targeted social media but also has been successful in targeting offline channels, ground activations, and influencer engagement This Mush Detector application has effectively used GPS and has been successful in integrating the relevant data Even after not being technically precise, the mere idea of this campaign has heaved the eyebrows of a lot of competitors. The brand has also collaborated with Smaaash, Zomato, Keventers, and Frozen bottle to create Mush free zones where people can sit and “Do Nothing”

It has also created an evacuation camp for singles in Mumbai, one of the mushiest places in the country The brand has not shied away from its competition and has taken a slight dig at brands promoting mushiness and love The campaign irrespective of its stand against couples has stood out this Valentine’s Day and has proved a great marketing move by the brand After a huge success last year, this campaign was even more important which 5 Star was successful in capitalising upon.


Appropriate use of technology, creative idea, proper execution and perfect positioning helped the brand layout an excellent marketing campaign this Valentine The marketing campaign also helped 5 star stand out against its competition and was the most talked topic in the market

It garnered great attention, owing to the fact that while most of 5 Star's in-house rivals such as Dairy Milk were focused on catering to the smitten population with their Silk and Pop the Heart offerings, the fformer realized there was an entire neglected market of singles who were yet to be captured, and it instantenously grabbed the opportunity at hands.

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