The Mentors' Journal Charter 2012

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General Provisions Section 1. Journal.”

Name. – This publication shall be known as “The Mentors’

Section 2. Principal Office. – The Mentors’ Journal shall hold its principal office in the Roxas Hall or in any such building designated for the College of Education, Bulacan State University, City of Malolos. It may also have offices at such other places where it is qualified to do business, as its business may require and as the Editorial Board may, from time to time, designate. Section 3. Nature and Purpose. – The Mentors’ Journal is the Official Student Publication of College of Education Bulacan State University Main Campus and its purposes are to gather, disseminate and comment on news and information, and provide students the most fair and accurate coverage of events that affect their lives. Section 4. Vision. – The Mentors’ Journal will be the leading student publication in the University that inspires students to become responsible and principled individuals proud of their BulSUan identity, devoted to the service of their community, and dedicated to build a prosperous Nation respected around the world. Section 5. Mission. – Through ethical journalism, the Mentors’ Journal will empower students to make informed choices and enlightened decisions, articulate student aspirations to attain shared goals, and engage students to chart their future as members of the University Community and as citizens. Section 6. Goals. – The Mentors’ Journal aspires to: 1. Motivate creative and analytical thinking. 2. Enhance the quality of the publication at par with global standards. 3. Nurture high ethical values and professionalism in campus journalism. 4. Transform the way each student lives and thinks. 5. Optimize students’ access to channels of free expression. 6. Respond and adapt to the continuously evolving media. Section 7.

Objectives. – To attain the goals, The Mentors’ Journal will:

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1. Jumpstart analytical examination of various points of views by providing information necessary to the understanding of and interaction within the University community and the larger society of which students are a part. 2. Open up a culture of innovation by introducing new methods, styles and trends in campus publications. 3. Uplift the competence of student journalists through continuing edification and trainings. 4. Raise the standard of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness, diligence and public accountability, and ensure that each student journalist espouses these values at all times. 5. Nourish students with values, principles and ideas that will challenge their attitudes and outlooks. 6. Advance student’s involvement in the publication by encouraging more contributions and engaging more student journalists. 7. Lead in expanding the publication’s reach by utilizing both print and electronic media. Section 8. Principles on the Conduct of Journalists. – The Mentors’ Journal hereby adopts the following International Federation of Journalists’ “Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists”: 1. Respect for truth and for the right of the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist. 2. In pursuance of this duty, the journalist shall at all times defend the principles of freedom in the honest collection and publication of news, and of the right of fair comment and criticism. 3. The journalist shall report only in accordance with facts of which he/she knows the origin. The journalist shall not suppress essential information or falsify documents. 4. The journalist shall use only fair methods to obtain news, photographs and documents. 5. The journalist shall do the utmost to rectify any published information which is found to be harmfully inaccurate. 6. The journalist shall observe professional secrecy regarding the source of information obtained in confidence. 7. The journalist shall be aware of the danger of discrimination being furthered by the media, and shall do the utmost to avoid facilitating such discrimination based on, among other things, race, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinions, and national or social origins. 8. The journalist shall regard as grave professional offences the following: a. Plagiarism; b. Malicious misrepresentation; c. Calumny, slander, libel, unfounded accusations; and d. Acceptance of a bribe in any form in consideration of either publication or suppression. 9. Journalists worthy of the name shall deem it their duty to observe faithfully the principles stated above. Within the general law of each country the journalist shall recognize in professional matters the jurisdiction of colleagues only, to the exclusion of every kind of interference by governments or others. ARTICLE II

Membership and Organization Section 9. General Policy. – Membership in The Mentors’ Journal and to any of its positions is open to qualified students of College of Education of the Bulacan State University Main Campus without regard to sex, race, culture, religious or political belief, or sexual orientation. Section 10. Ineligibility. – So as to facilitate the autonomy of The Mentors’ Journal, no one can be eligible to become a member of The Mentors’ Journal at the same time that he or she holds any of the following positions: Page 2 of 12

1. An officer of the Student Government excluding Class Officers; 2. A member of the Commission on Student Elections or any equivalent institution; 3. An elected or appointed president or vice president or any equivalent position of any other student organization; and 4. A member or staff of any other student publication in the University. Section 11. Application Procedure. – Membership is attained on the basis of an application process. The application process consists, at a minimum, of the following: 1. The Mentors’ Journal will conduct an application process within the whole months of July for first semester and November for second semester. The application is scheduled so as to accommodate larger number of applicants for each semester. At its sole discretion, the Administrative Board may conduct additional application processes at any time it deems appropriate. 2. All full- or part-time students who have enrolled in College of Education in the Bulacan State University Main Campus are eligible. 3. Screening and selection of writers and reporters must consist, at a minimum, of an application, submission of a résumé, a brief essay indicating the applicant’s interest to join The Mentors’ Journal, and a writing sample of no less than three (3) pages. The application will be graded according to the application evaluation form and is based on commitment to The Mentors’ Journal, prior writing experience, and current writing ability including analysis, style, tone, organization, and any other factor deemed important by the Administrative Board. 4. Screening and selection of photographers, visual and graphic artists must consist, at a minimum, of an application, submission of a résumé, a portfolio of at least five (5) previous works, and a plate or photograph based on a theme or topic to be provided by the Administrative Board. 5. Screening and selection of Administrative Department staff, such other personnel and volunteers shall consist, at a minimum, of an application, submission of a résumé, an interview, and any other prerequisites as the Administrative Board may require. Section 12. Confirmation. – Confirmation of membership shall be determined by the vote of the majority in the Administrative Board including the Editorin-Chief and Managing Editor of the Editorial Board in a meeting, there being a quorum, and shall be announced not later than the first week of August and December. Section 13. Duration and Termination of Membership. – Membership in The Mentors’ Journal shall only cease upon graduation, dismissal or transferal from the College or from the University, resignation, death, removal from The Mentors’ Journal or failure to fulfill tasks as stipulated in this Charter or as directed by the Administrative Board. All membership rights, privileges and benefits shall cease immediately upon the termination of membership. Termination of membership shall not affect the right of The Mentors’ Journal to any dues or other monies which the person might owe or to any property in custody of the person. Section 14. Renouncement of Position or Membership. – Renouncement of membership or resignation from position shall be in writing and directed to the President. Any such renouncement shall be effective upon approval of the Administrative Board. No member may renounce his/her membership if The Mentors’ Journal would then be left without a sufficient number of members to maintain its operations. Section 15. Indemnification. – (a) Any member made a party to any action, suit or proceeding, civil or criminal, by reason of the fact that he/she is or was an officer or member of The Mentors’ Journal shall be indemnified by The Mentors’ Journal against the reasonable expenses, actual and necessarily incurred by him/her in connection with the defense of such action, suit or proceeding, or in connection with any appeal therein, unless such officer or member is finally adjudged in such action or proceedings to be liable for gross negligence or misconduct. Page 3 of 12

(b) In the case of a criminal action, suit or proceeding, a conviction or judgment shall not be deemed as adjudication that an officer or member is liable for misconduct in the performance of his/her duties, if such officer or member was acting in good faith in what he/she considered to be the best interest of The Mentors’ Journal and with no reasonable cause to believe that the action was illegal. Section 16. Annual Assembly. – On the second Saturday of March in each year, the Administrative Board shall conduct an Annual Assembly of members in which the annual election of the members of the Administrative Board shall take place, and reports from the Administrative Board and the Editorial Board shall be presented. ARTICLE III

Administrative Department Section 17. The Administrative Board. – The Mentors’ Journal shall have an Administrative Board, which shall be composed of the President; the Senior Vice President; all Vice Presidents; Past Presidents and Past Editors-in-Chief, whose membership in The Mentors’ Journal has not ceased; and the Faculty Advisor. The Administrative Board, collectively, shall be the highest policy-making body of The Mentors’ Journal, and shall: 1. Adopt and promulgate general policies for The Mentors’ Journal; 2. Approve budgets and make decisions on all fiscal matters, authorize the disbursement of funds, and audit all business records of The Mentors’ Journal; 3. Adopt and, at will, alter the official seal of The Mentors’ Journal; 4. Authorize agreements that require The Mentors’ Journal in general to enter into obligations through contracts made in a public document as prescribed by law; 5. Appoint the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor; 6. Promulgate requirements for membership and approve all applications for membership and, as it may deem necessary, establish annual dues for and the schedule of payment therefor; 7. Appoint, suspend, censure or terminate any member of the Editorial Board and any member of The Mentors’ Journal; 8. Establish a rewards and merit system and a compensation plan for members; 9. Distribute for any worthy purposes all monies, properties and assets of The Mentors’ Journal in the event of dissolution thereof; and 10. Accomplish all other duties set forth in this Charter. Section 18. Official Action, Meetings and Quorum. – (a) The regular meetings of the Administrative Board shall be held on the first Saturday of each month. In the event of a lack of quorum or for any reason beyond their control, the regular meeting will be postponed to the immediately following Saturday. (b) A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the members of the Administrative Board. Any decision of the majority of the members where quorum is present shall be a valid act of the Administrative Board. Each member thereof shall have one (1) vote. (c) The members of the Administrative Board present at a duly called and held meeting at which a quorum is initially present may continue to do business notwithstanding the loss of a quorum at the meeting due to a withdrawal of members from the meeting: Provided, That any action thereafter taken must be approved by at least a majority of the remaining members thereof. (d) Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Administrative Board under any provision of law may be taken without a meeting, if all members thereof shall individually or collectively consent in writing to such action. Such action by written consent shall have the same force and effect as the majority vote of the members of the Administrative Board.

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Section 19. President. – The Mentors’ Journal shall have a President who shall perform all duties and exercise powers commonly incidental to and vested in a chief executive officer of a corporation and discharge other powers and duties, to wit: 1. Direct and supervise the organizational operations of The Mentors’ Journal; 2. Represent The Mentors’ Journal in all dealings with offices, agencies and all persons and entities, public or private, domestic or foreign; 3. Execute, administer and implement general policies approved by the Administrative Board; 4. Direct and supervise the preparation of agenda for the meeting of the Administrative Board, and submit for the consideration of the same such policies as he/she believes necessary to carry out the objectives of The Mentors’ Journal; 5. Study, make reports and submit recommendations to the Administrative Board on matters of governance and ethics, including general policies and periodic changes in the Charter; 6. Preside at all meetings and call all special meetings of the membership and the Administrative Board; 7. Sign all correspondence, memoranda, issuances and other similar documents; and 8. Carry out all duties delegated to him/her by the Administrative Board. Section 20. Senior Vice President. – The Mentors’ Journal shall have a Senior Vice President who shall assume of the office of the President in case of vacancy. At the end of the term of the President, the Senior Vice President shall become President. The Senior Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of duties, including leading, guiding, directing, and evaluating the work of the Vice Presidents; and directing all aspects of effective administrative management, financial management and reporting, information technology, facilities and human resource management. Section 21. Vice President for Publication and Circulation. – The Mentors’ Journal shall have a Vice President for Publication and Circulation who shall be directly responsible for production operations, including quality control, maintaining production schedules, and liaising with printing plants. In addition, he/she shall: 1. Ship final copy to the press for printing and oversee the printing process; 2. Be responsible for the distribution strategies of The Mentors’ Journal; 3. Recruit, train and direct distribution personnel; 4. Direct the delivery of newspapers in an organized and timely fashion; and 5. Provide documentation and reports of distribution effectiveness after each publication is released. Section 22. Vice President for Finance. – The Vice President for Finance who shall be responsible for the sound financial management of The Mentors’ Journal, budgeting, cost control, pricing, planning and analysis, income and loss review, and variance analysis and interpretation for the publication. In addition, he/she shall: 1. Develop, propose, manage and monitor budgets, and track expenses to assure goals are met; 2. Keep the records of the funds of The Mentors’ Journal and keep, receive and disburse such monies as required; 3. Be responsible for the custody, security and inventory of the physical assets and properties of The Mentors’ Journal; 4. Submit the financial records to audit at the conclusion of each publication, at the end of every semester, at every meeting and at the conclusion of his/her term; and 5. Recommend to the Administrative Board such honorarium and emoluments for services rendered, and such reasonable advancement or reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of staff duties. Section 23. Vice President for Membership Recruitment and Retention. – The Vice President for Membership Recruitment and Retention shall manage human resources functions such as recruitment of staff, training and internal relations. Specifically, he/she shall: 1. Maintain an official, current membership list; Page 5 of 12

2. Take charge of the campaigns to expand the roster of membership; 3. Inform individual members of activities, meetings and other events, and serve notices of meetings; 4. Be responsible for attendance, membership retention and fellowship activities; 5. Formulate and implement programs and projects to advance the professional development and growth of each member; and 6. Organize trainings, seminars and workshops for continuing edification. Section 24. Faculty Advisor. – The Faculty Advisor shall be chosen by the majority of entire membership from a list of three (3) nominees submitted by the President. The Faculty Advisor shall advice, as requested, on all aspects of newspaper production, and on all matters with legal and ethical considerations. Section 25. Administrative Staff. – At his/her discretion, the President may appoint administrative staff such as a secretary, office manager, clerk, and such other personnel as he/she may deem necessary. ARTICLE IV

Editorial Department Section 26. The Editorial Board. – The Editorial Department shall be headed by an Editorial Board, which shall be composed of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor, and all Senior and Associate Editors of the newspaper. The Editorial Board is in charge of determining overall newspaper structure each issue. It shall assign all editorials and approve them by a majority vote of its members. In addition, it shall: 1. Identify scope of journal content and, when appropriate, themes for various issues; 2. Determine criteria for accepting manuscripts for publication consideration; 3. Develop criteria and guidelines for writers, to use in creating each type of manuscript; and 4. Create or otherwise dissolve editorial positions as it may deem necessary. Section 27. Editor-in-Chief. – The Editorial Board shall be headed by an Editor-in-Chief who shall be responsible for the overall operations of the newspaper. He/she shall: 1. Ensure that all tasks, from planning to distribution, are completed and in the process coordinating overall operation of the newspaper in an efficient and orderly manner, supervising all aspects of writing and design, working with the managing editor to ensure pages are well-written, artfully illustrated and effectively designed; 2. Supervise all positions and delegate responsibility to ensure the fulfilment of job responsibilities, and enforce all deadlines and policies with the staff; 3. Conference with writers and editors as necessary to make sure tasks are completed on time and with reasonable skill, hold regularly scheduled meetings for all staff and act as chair at these meetings, and call for special meetings as the need arises; 4. Write the editorial opinion of The Mentors’ Journal, or assign such responsibility to any of the editors after the same has been deliberated and agreed upon by the Editorial Board; 5. Makes final blue edits of pages before they are shipped to the press; and 6. Meet regularly with the President to discuss progress and any potential problems or concerns. Section 28. Managing Editor. –The Mentors’ Journal shall have a Managing Editor who shall serve as assistant to the Editor-in-Chief and who shall assume the office of Editor-in-Chief in case of absence, removal from office, death or resignation. Upon the expiration of the term of the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor shall become Editor-in-Chief. In addition, the Managing Editor shall:

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1. Maintain a minimum schedule of office hours in order to address all potential concerns of the staff; 2. Maintain assignment sheet for each section with story slugs, word counts, and deadline history; 3. Serve as heavy-duty copy editor, thoroughly checking all copy for spelling, grammar, punctuation, style and factual accuracy before an article is submitted to the Editor-in-Chief for final review; 4. Assist in the development of the design and layout for the pages, assisting in the completing of thumbnail sketches, mock-ups, final page dummies, and page proofs; 5. Prepare all correspondence in behalf of the Editor-in-Chief; and 6. Keep accurate and legible minutes of every meeting of the Editorial Board. Section 29. Senior Editors. – (a) The Mentors’ Journal shall have Senior Editors who shall be primarily responsible for the editorial content of the page or section on which such Senior Editor is assigned. In addition, he/she shall: 1. Develop story ideas, track issues and events, select reporters for coverage, schedule stories for publication, and schedule time for interviewing, writing and editing; 2. Supervise Associate Editors, reporters, contributors and writers, and develop the general visual elements of the section in close concert with the Art, Graphics and Photography Editor, photographers, visual and graphic designers; 3. Copy-edit, proofread and prepare all section materials; and 4. Research and verify factual information to ensure editorial credibility of his/her section; (b) The Editor-in-Chief shall assign one (1) Senior Editor in each of the following sections: Opinion and Editorial Section, News, Feature Section, and Hulagpos Literary Section. (c) At the discretion of the Editorial Board, new sections may be added to augment the content of the publication. Section 30. Art, Graphics and Photography Senior Editor. – The Mentors’ Journal shall have an Arts, Graphics and Photography Senior Editor who shall primarily be responsible for establishing the overall image, look and visual identity of the newspaper, and the conception, design, production and supervision of art for each page of the newspaper. In addition, he/she shall: 1. Create dummy pages and manage templates and layout formats for all pages; 2. Ensure that every major news story is assigned a photograph or an informational graphic, as well as any story heavy with statistics; 3. Work with graphic and reporting staff to make sure all text within the graphic is accurate and grammatical and that the design of the graphic itself reflects an accurate and fair illustration of the content; 4. Supervise and ensure completion of photo assignments for the newspaper; and 5. Deploy photographer to events, which require coverage. Section 31. Online and New Media Senior Editor. – The Mentors’ Journal shall have an Online and New Media Senior Editor who shall be primarily responsible for bringing The Mentors’ Journal to social media sites and the Web. He/she shall: 1. Be in charge of placing content on the website or social media site of The Mentors’ Journal; 2. Have overall responsibility for online design, content planning and production; 3. Lead long-term planning for site design and development; 4. Decide, with the Editor-in-Chief, which non-print stories should run; 5. Lead design team, organize and plan for production of multimedia content; 6. Assist reporters, contributors and writers to create electronic materials will which will be uploaded to the Web; and

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7. Tracks statistic and reader interaction to present to the Editorial Board at meetings. Section 32. Associate Editors. – Each Senior Editor shall appoint an Associate Editor to assist in the performance of duties including, but not limited to, proofreading copy to ensure correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation and placement of pictures and captions. At the expiration of the term of the Senior Editor, the Associate Editor shall become Senior Editor. The Associate Editor shall exercise the powers and duties of the Senior Editor in case of absence or vacancy. Section 33. Staff Writers. – Each section of the newspaper shall have staff writers, where necessary and as a Senior Editor will appoint, who shall: 1. Be responsible for writing stories, columns or articles, as the case may be; 2. Cover beats regularly, following all leads and subjects, and attending any and all events related to that beat; 3. Provide ongoing story ideas and stories on a regular basis by deadline; 4. Conduct interviews and gather data to support the story; 5. Seek the assistance of photographers to capture photos of any event and write the cutline for such photos; and 6. Write a headline. Section 34. Staff Photographers. – The Arts, Graphics and Photography Senior Editor shall assign a number of staff photographers for each section, event, beat or coverage as far as practicable and necessary, who shall complete photo assignments as designated; provide photo coverage and documentation of events or beats; and generate photo ideas, enterprise photos and cutlines as requested. Section 35. Visual and Graphic Artists. – The Arts, Graphics and Photography Senior Editor shall assign a sufficient number of visual and graphic artists, who shall: 1. Assist the Art, Graphics and Photography Senior Editor in establishing the visual identity of the newspaper inclusive of typography, color and space; 2. Create, design and produce charts, graphs, simple illustrations, cartoons and other necessary graphic elements for stories, news and articles, as directed by the Art, Graphics and Photography Senior Editor; 3. Make effective compositional decisions for the specified display data and use various production techniques which may include computer graphic systems and software; and 4. Prepare the layouts for each page. ARTICLE V

Elections, Appointments and Succession Section 36. Term of Office. – (a) The President, Senior Vice President, all Vice Presidents, the Faculty Advisor, the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor, the Senior and Associate Editors shall each have a term of one (1) year beginning on the second Saturday of March every year and shall end a year thereafter. No person shall serve for more than one (1) term of the same office. No person who has held an office for more than five (5) months of a term to which some other person was elected or appointed to such office shall thereafter be elected or appointed to the same office. (b) Administrative and editorial department staff shall hold office until they graduate from the University, or until they are dismissed or have opted to transfer from the College or the University, or until they resign, or until they are promoted or replaced. Section 37. Eligibility to Hold Office. – (a) No person shall be eligible to become President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Senior or Associate Editor who has, prior to becoming a member of The Mentors’ Journal, been found guilty of violating University rules and regulations, or who has been convicted in any court of the Republic of the Philippines for misdemeanour, or who has been expelled from any other student organization for misconduct and graft and corruption, or who has not served The Mentors’ Journal as member thereof for at least Page 8 of 12

one (1) year prior to election or appointment, as the case may be, or whose membership shall automatically cease on the grounds stipulated in Article II of this Charter, or who shall graduate from the University within the term he/she shall serve office, or who shall vie for any office in the Student Government excluding Class Officers; whereby, in such case, the person shall be deemed removed from the membership and from office upon filing of candidacy. (b) No person shall be elected President, Senior Vice President or Vice President who has not served The Mentors’ Journal as Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, or Senior Editor. Section 38. Election of the Administrative Board. – At the end of the term of the President, the Senior Vice President shall become President; thereby, on each year, only the Senior Vice President and all Vice Presidents shall be elected. Such election of the members of the Administrative Board shall be held once a year, on the second Saturday of March, during the Annual Assembly of members. The vote of the qualified majority of all members in such Assembly shall be sufficient to determine the winner. Votes shall be cast by secret ballot, and the ballot shall be repeated until a person receives a majority. Section 39. Appointment of the Editorial Board; Mentoring and Promotion System. – In the spirit of leadership continuity, sustainability and stability, The Mentors’ Journal shall adopt a mentoring and promotion system, as follows: 1. Within ten (10) working days upon assumption to office of the first Administrative Board, the Administrative Board shall choose ─ by the vote of its majority ─ an Editor-in-Chief and a Managing Editor from among the membership of The Mentors’ Journal. 2. The first Editor-in-Chief shall appoint, within ten (10) working days upon his/her appointment, the Senior Editors. 3. The Senior Editors shall choose their respective Associate Editors and staff. 4. Thereafter on each year, the Managing Editor shall automatically become Editor-in-Chief at the end of the term of the Editor-in-Chief; thereby, on each succeeding year the Administrative Board shall elect only a Managing Editor. 5. In the same manner, the Associate Editors shall automatically become Senior Editors at the end of the term of the Senior Editors; thereby on each succeeding year only the Associate Editors shall be appointed. Section 40. Succession. – (a) In case of permanent vacancy in the office of the President, the Senior Vice President shall become President and the membership shall elect a new Senior Vice President to serve the unexpired term. (b) In case of permanent vacancy in the office of the Senior Vice President or an office of any Vice President, the membership shall elect a replacement to serve the unexpired term. (c) In case of permanent vacancy in the office of Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor shall become Editor-in-Chief and the Administrative Board shall appoint a new Managing Editor to serve the unexpired term. (d) In case of permanent vacancy in the office of Senior Editor, the Editor-inChief shall appoint a replacement. In case of permanent vacancy in the office of an Associate Director, the Senior Editor shall appoint a replacement. Such replacements shall serve the duration of the unexpired term. Section 41. Suspension or Removal from Office and the Membership. – Depending on the gravity of the offense, any member of The Mentors’ Journal may be suspended or removed from office or from the membership for breach of the performance-based contract as stipulated in this Charter, culpable violation of the journalism code of ethics or culpable violation of any provision of this Charter. Suspension or removal shall be determined by the vote of the qualified majority of all members of the Administrative Board. Section 42. Performance-Based Contract. – (a) All members of the Administrative and Editorial Boards, all administrative and editorial department staff, Page 9 of 12

and all members of The Mentors’ Journal in its entirety shall enter into a performancebased contract, which shall stipulate, among others, a clear set of objectives and indicators, a systematic efforts to collect data on the progress of the selected indicators, and the consequences, either rewards or sanctions, that are based on performance. Failure to meet the stipulations of such contract shall automatically result to the removal of the person from the membership in The Mentors’ Journal, upon the qualified majority vote of the Administrative Board. (b) Such contracts shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following stipulations, as far as applicable: 1. For the President, Senior Vice President, Vice President for Publication and Circulation, Vice President for Finance, Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor: They shall, collectively, be required to supervise and cause the publication of at least one (1) issue for each semester in broad sheet at a minimum of eight (8) pages featuring all sections; to conduct regular meetings; and to incur not more than two (2) consecutive absences in such meetings. 2. For the Vice President for Membership Recruitment and Retention: Increasing the number of members by at least twenty-five per cent (25%) each year; retaining at least eighty percent (80%) of the members, excluding from the computation any decrease caused by removal from the membership or graduation or transferral from the College or the University; conducting at least one (1) professional development training or workshop per semester; and incurring not more than two (2) consecutive absences in Administrative Board meetings. 3. For Senior and Associate Editors, excluding the Art, Graphic and Photography Senior Editor and the Online and New Media Senior Editor: Each is required to proof read all articles submitted for inclusion in their respective sections for each publication issue within the deadline as required by the Editor-in-Chief, to complete at least one (1) article of publishable quality in each year, and to incur not more than two (2) consecutive absences in Editorial Board meetings. 4. For the Hulagpos Senior Editor: In addition to the stipulations intended for Senior Editors in general, the Hulagpos Senior Editor is required to supervise and cause the production of at least one (1) Hulagpos Literary Folio in each year and incurring not more than two (2) consecutive absences in Editorial Board meetings. 5. For the Art, Graphic and Photography Senior Editor: Supervising the overall layout, design and the placement of graphic elements for each publication issue within the deadline as required by the Editor-in-Chief, and incurring not more than two (2) consecutive absences in Editorial Board meetings. 6. For the Online and New Media Senior Editor: Personally maintaining the social networking site and the website of The Mentors’ Journal, which shall be updated at least once a week; to increase by twenty-five percent (25%) each year the subscription of the social networking site; and incurring not more than two (2) consecutive absences in Editorial Board meetings. 7. For writers and reporters: Each is required to complete at least three (3) articles of publishable quality in each year to be submitted on time as required by the Editor-in-Chief or the Senior Editor concerned. The writer or reporter shall submit his/her article for consideration and the decision whether to publish the same rests with the discretion of the Editor-inChief, the Senior Editor concerned and other members of the Editorial Board as necessary. 8. For visual and graphic designers: Each is required to participate in the layout and design of each publication issue, and to complete at least three (3) graphic material of publishable quality in each year to be submitted on time as required by the Art, Graphic and Photography Editor. The decision whether to publish the same rests with the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, the Senior Editor concerned, the Art, Graphic and Photography Editor and other members of the Editorial Board as necessary.

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9. For photographers: Each is required to cover at least five (5) events in the entire year, and to submit at least five (5) photographs of publishable quality within the deadline set by the Art, Graphic and Photography Editor. The decision whether to publish the same rests with the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, the Senior Editor concerned, the Art, Graphic and Photography Editor and other members of the Editorial Board as necessary. ARTICLE VI

Finances Section 43. Sources of Funds. – Funds of The Mentors’ Journal shall accrue from fees paid by students of the Colleges of Education as earmarked by the University Office of Administration and Finance, donations, subscriptions, advertisements, and other grants to be secured as General Fund for The Mentors’ Journal. Section 44. Use of Funds. – Funds shall be available exclusively for the specific purpose for which they have been appropriated. All disbursement shall be supported by appropriations approved by the Administrative Board, and no money shall be appropriated, used, or paid for entertainment or reception purposes. No money shall be paid on account of any contract under which no services have been rendered or goods delivered. Section 45. Annual Appropriations. – At the opening of each semester, the Vice President for Finance shall request from the University Office of Administration and Finance a copy of the statement of funds available for the entire semester allocated in lump sum for The Mentors’ Journal. Within twenty (20) working days upon receipt of such statement of funds available, the Vice President for Finance shall propose a semestral budget to the Administrative Board in line item, identifying and specifying the appropriations for each expense. Upon the approval of the majority in the Administrative Board in a meeting, there being a quorum, a resolution authorizing the appropriation of such funds shall be submitted to University Office of Administration and Finance and the Office of the University President for approval. If within fifteen (15) working days, said offices shall not make any declaration that such appropriations are approved or disapproved, the same shall be deemed enacted as if signed by the University President. Section 46. Supplemental Appropriations. – A supplemental appropriations may be enacted in times of emergency by way of budgetary realignment to set aside appropriations for the purchase of supplies and materials or the payment of services which are exceptionally urgent or absolutely indispensable. Such appropriations shall clearly indicate the sources of funds available for appropriations, as certified by the Administrative Board, and the various items of appropriations affected and the reasons for the change. Section 47. Surplus. – Unexpended balances of appropriations authorized in the annual appropriations shall revert to the unappropriated surplus of the General Fund at the end of the academic year and shall not thereafter be available for the expenditure except by subsequent enactment of the Administrative Board. However, appropriations for capital outlays shall continue and remain valid until fully spent, reverted or the project is completed. Section 48. Banking Practices. – All monetary assets of The Mentors’ Journal shall be maintained in a banking institution designated by the Administrative Board. Withdrawals shall be made to meet the financial obligations of The Mentors’ Journal. All checks, drafts or orders for payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of The Mentors’ Journal shall be signed by the President, the Vice President for Finance, and/or the Faculty Advisor. Section 49. Interest in Assets. – No member shall have any right, title or interest in any property or asset of The Mentors’ Journal. No person whose membership

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is terminated whether by death, resignation or any other means shall have right, title or interest in any property or asset of The Mentors’ Journal. Section 50. Audit. – The Administrative Board shall have an audit of business records of The Mentors’ Journal at the end of each semester, and at other times when it deems necessary. The Administrative Board may seek the services of external auditors to ensure the veracity of financial statements. The book of accounts shall be open to all students of all Colleges of Education of the Bulacan State University System at all times for inspection. ARTICLE VII

Final Provisions Section 51. Transition. – (a) Within thirty (30) calendar days after the ratification of this Charter, The Mentors’ Journal shall establish its first Administrative Board. (b) The incumbent Managing Editor for Administration shall automatically become President, and the incumbent Managing Editor for Finance shall become Vice President for Finance; therefore, the membership shall elect a Senior Vice President, a Vice President for Publication and Circulation, and a Vice President for Membership Recruitment and Retention to serve until the second Saturday of March next after the ratification of this Charter. (c) The incumbent Editor-in-Chief and the remaining incumbent members of the Editorial Board shall continue to hold office albeit based on the adjusted staffing pattern as stipulated in this Charter. (d) The incumbent Associate Editor shall become Managing Editor who shall assume the office of the Editor-in-Chief upon the expiration of the term of the Editor-inChief. In case the incumbent Associate Editor shall graduate from the University within the academic year within which he/she shall serve as Editor-in-Chief, the incumbent Associate Editor shall serve as Managing Editor until the second Saturday of March next after the ratification of this Charter and a new Managing Editor shall be appointed thereon. Section 52. Amendments. – This Charter may be amended by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all members of The Mentors’ Journal. Any member may propose such amendment, and the same shall be deliberated upon in a meeting of all members duly called by the President for that purpose. No revision to this Charter shall be introduced within five (5) years after its enactment. Section 53. Separability Clause. – If any provision or part hereof is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Charter or the provision not otherwise affected shall remain valid and subsisting. Section 54. Repealing Clause. – Any previous charter of The Mentors’ Journal is hereby repealed. Any issuance, order, rule or regulation contrary to or is inconsistent with the provision of this Charter is hereby repealed, modified, or amended accordingly. Section 55. Effectivity Clause. – This Charter shall take effect upon approval of the present Editorial Board of The Mentors’ Journal.

──█── Enacted: 20 November 2012.

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