Volume 32, Issue 30, April 8, 2010

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METROPOLITAN Serving Auraria for 31 years

Vol. 32, Issue 30

April 8, 2010

Auraria affirms RTD pass Despite lower voter turnout, students still favor bus and light rail programs •A3

Empowering Latino leadership through voice, action


Dancers of Danza Guadalupana, from left, Alejandro Mares, 12, Noely Mendoza, 9, Esteban Torres, 9, Ariana Flores, 12, Mayra Montanez, 12, and Daisy Flores, 11, talk after their performance at the 6th annual Latino Leadership Summit March 31 in St. Cajetan’s Center. After the performance the dancers led a march around campus with an estimated 300 followers to show their support for Cesar Chavez and the Auraria Peace and Justice Awards. Photo by Luke Powell • lpowel18@mscd.edu


Kellie Nishikida

Softball secures top conference spot after series win against Mines • A13



Unspoken reality Bad Veins of sexual violence uses old tech for fresh The Clothesline Project is ‘airing dirty laundry’ indie tunes •B6 to raise assault awareness • B2


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CAITLIN GIBBONS • NEWS EDITOR • cgibbon4@mscd.edu

Wheels in motion for 2010-11 pass price increase


Watch a slide show from the rally protesting the April Fools’ Day issue of the UCD Advocate.

By Nicholas Roper nroper@mscd.edu Auraria students have voted to keep the bus and light rail pass for another year. With the vote in favor of keeping the RTD Student Bus and Light Rail Program, a price increase on the current pass will rise from the 2009-10 fee of $46 to a 2010-11 fee of $61. A high amount of ridership is the cause of the price increase on RTD student passes. The Auraria Higher Education Center/RTD agreement is pricebased on actual ridership throughout the year. According to the Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board, an estimated 3.8 million rides were taken last year. Metro student Nick Webb voted for the referendum. “I live really far away and $61 for the full semester is way less than what the monthly pass is for bus passes,” Webb said. “I’m down here Monday through Friday and I’d be S.O.L in a lot of cases if this thing does not pass.” A total of 3,514 students from the colleges on campus cast their ballot March 31 and April 1. While the turnout of student voters was relatively high, this year’s totals were less than last year’s 3,557 voters. The referendum voting was hosted by AHEC who hired certified election judges, at $12.50 an hour, to hold the voting in three buildings across campus. According to Rick Van, a manager at the Commuter Resource Center, AHEC pays the judges from revenue collected from a combination sources. They include tuition, parking tickets and various campus fees coming from all three schools. Voting stations were held in the North Classroom Building for UCD students, Central Classroom Building for Metro students and South Classroom Building for CCD students. A similar pass that provides as much access to local routes as the student pass would cost $164 a month or upward of $576 a semester, according to the RTD website. With the pass provided by the AHEC/RTD agreement, students can save $515 a semester. All students at Auraria will have to pay an additional $15 per semester regardless of whether they use the pass or not. For students that use the pass every day, the price increase is cheaper than the cost of a bus or light rail pass at regular price. Alexa Jakubiak, a student at Met-



Aurarians say ‘yes’ to RTD



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SPORTS Metro baseball team tops ThunderWolves in four-game series. Desiree Davidson, right, signs in to vote on the proposed increase in fees for the RTD Student Bus and Light Rail Program, while James Thomas, an independent election judge, checks a photo identification card. Photo by Chancey Bush • cbush7@mscd.edu ro, also voted for the RTD referendum. “I voted ‘yes’ because I take the bus. I think the parking out here is outrageous,” Jakubiak said. She said she still voted yes despite the 33 percent increase in price because “paying a little more for the pass is better than not having one at all.” Erik Sabbeth, a music major at Metro, voted yes for the referendum, as well. Although he voted yes, Sabbeth said he was not too pleased with the price increase. “The price hike is ridiculous in my opinion,” Sabbeth said. “I understand everybody wants money but if they take it from students, there is little incentive for people to want to become students. I still feel it is better than having to pay the four dollars to park or the four dollars to take a train though.” Sean Thoensen, a student at Metro, voted no for the increase in price because “tuition costs are enough and it is only going to raise more.” Thoensen is concerned with the rate at which prices for RTD and tuition are increasing. Although he does ride the light rail every day, he doesn’t want to pay any more money. According to Peter Bonaker, an election judge, students and faculty members were allowed to contest the process of the RTD referendum April 5 in the Tivoli, room 329. “In the many years I’ve been [working at AHEC], no one has come to complain,” Bonaker said.



100 No


Metro 1,604 Yes

38 No

UCD 1,224 Yes 0



50 No 1000



TOTAL AURARIA VOTE: 3,514 NO: 188 5.4%

4.08 • Sunny High: 61/Low: 33 4.09 • Sunny High: 66/Low: 37 4.10 • Mostly sunny High: 66/Low: 37 4.11 • Mostly sunny High: 70/Low: 40 4.12 • Partly cloudy High: 63/Low: 39 4.13• Mostly sunny High: 58/Low: 33 4.14 • Sunny High: 60/Low: 36 By Kendell LaRoche

CORRECTIONS To notify The Metropolitan of an error in any of our reports, please contact Editorin-Chief Dominic Graziano at dgrazia1@mscd.edu

YES: 3,326 94.6%

NEWS TIP? If you have a news tip you would like to share, contact the news desk at 303-556-3423

A4 • NEWS • APRIL 8, 2010 • THE METROPOLITAN • BY THE WAY: You are more likely to get stung by a bee on a windy day than in any other weather.

Tea Party Express tour rolls into Denver National movement rallies conversatives, pushes toward D.C. By Caitlin Gibbons cgibbon4@mscd.edu More than 600 people gathered at the Colorado Capitol March 31 to voice their displeasure with the government and to show support of the Tea Party Movement. The Denver rally was one of 45 stops for the Tea Party Express Bus Tour. The tour will stop in 23 states in 20 days according to Levi Russell, communications di-

rector for the Tea Party Express Bus Tour. Russell said the tour features seven regular speakers and local guest speakers along the way. Leland Baker has been involved with the Tea Party for a year, but said he has been an activist for balanced budget issues since 2002. As a local speaker at the rally, Baker explained the movement has a few basic tenets. “Comply with the constitution is number one. Number two is smaller federal government. Third, states rights, the 10th amendment. Fourth, balanced budgets and fifth individual rights and responsibilities,” he said. Colorado native Carl Johnson said he has

attended seven Tea Party rallies, starting last year on April 15. “I decided to come down to the Tea Party rally. But I’ve felt this way for about the last 10 years,” Johnson said. Trevor Rawls, who works at a local nonprofit organization, said he came to the rally to see what all the fuss was about. “It’s interesting to get this side of it. I really don’t really see any reasons why they are so angry,” Rawls said. Many of the attendees said they came to the rally because they are unhappy with how tax dollars are being spent, and the represention at local and national levels of government.

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Mikhael and Natalya Orekhov attended the rally as first-time participants with their 2-yearold daughter. Originally from Russia, the Orekhovs said they came to the rally because of worries about the recent passage of President Barack Obama’s health care package. “This is turning into the Soviet Union. That’s what we left. We don’t want this [country] to become that,” Natalya Orekhov said. Mikhael Orekhov said it is the growing national debt that concerns him the most along with the government “takeover” of private industries such as health care. The bus tour’s final stop will be in Washington, D.C., April 15 for the tax day rally.



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DID YOU KNOW? Armadillos, opossums and sloths spend about 80 percent of their lives sleeping. • THE METROPOLITAN • APRIL 8, 2010 • NEWS • A5

Summit celebrates Chavez legacy

Colorado colleges honor community role models, heroes By Jeremy Hoover jhoover9@mscd.edu

Students at Auraria and from the Denver area gathered to honor the legacy of Cesar Chavez and encourrage each other to strive for leadership positions at the 6th Annual Latino Leadership Summit March 31. Students marched through campus chanting, “The people united, will never be defeated” in order to honor Chavez, as well as to raise awareness of Latino issues. The event was put together by Metro Student Activities, who collaborated with clubs from CCD, UCD and various schools throughout Colorado. “I think the event was really successful, and it’s like any event that you plan or work with, there are going to be hurdles and challenges, but at the end of the day, we had over 330 people at the event throughout the day,” said Gretta Mincer, who helped organize the event with Metro. “I feel the message of leadership and involvement was really present throughout the day,” she said. The main goals, according to those involved with the planning, as well as past organizers, are to educate young Latinos about Chavez and leadership opportunities, as well as the potential for college and management positions. “The goal is to educate people about who Cesar Chavez was and then also the leadership style he did all his events through, how he really lived as a person, and kind of combine it to us, to the students, to broaden their horizon,” Jose Guardiola said.

Daniel Stange of Azteca Art Colorado performs outside the Emmanuel Art Gallery March 31 after marching in the 6th annual Latino Leadership Summit. Photo by Luke Powell • lpowel18@mscd.edu Guardiola helped develop a Latino leadership conference at CSU and helped organize the event at Metro in 2009. “For Latinos, I think Cesar Chavez is a person we kind of idolize as a role model,” Guardiola explained. “He fought the struggles in the ’60s and ’70s to give everybody equal rights. He fought for migrant workers and the living conditions [that] were terrible on the plantations.” Carlota Loya Hernandez spoke to the crowd before the organized march through campus. She dis-

cussed “Casa de la Esperanza,” or “House of Hope” and the participation and activism of students. “Because we can, we must,” Hernandez said about the future of Latino leaders. “We need to ask each other for help.” Marches and events to honor Chavez were held throughout Colorado, including at the CSU and CUBoulder campuses. However, Denver is a diverse region, as many of the organizers and attendees explained. “Our diversity, if you know the history of Auraria campus, this was

a Latino neighborhood before it was Metropolitan State College of Denver, St. Cajetan’s was the first Spanish church,” Guardiola said. “The Latino community here at Metro is obviously large … I know the number of Latino students is high,” Metro sophomore Jay Michael Jaramillo said. “So what I want to take from this is for everybody here to realize we need people in the Latino community to rise up and become leaders, to finish college, get their bachelor’s and move on.” High school and other non-col-

lege students also joined the march, and attended the workshops offered throughout the day. “It’s really important because a lot of these high school students would never come to college,” Guardiola said. “It’s an opportunity for them to be on a college campus, the person next to them might be a senior in college, and is still attending events like this.” “Hopefully we planted the seed in some of the students this year and hopefully they are looking forward to it for next year,” he said.

Advocate’s satire draws Auraria ire, protesters April Fools’ Day edition of student paper sparks anger By Ben Wiebesiek wiebesib@mscd.edu Speaking to a crowd of protesters April 5, editors from the UCD student-run newspaper, the Advocate, refused to apologize for the controversial content of their April Fools’ Day edition. At issue were three articles, which Advocate editors described as satirical of viewpoints on race, immigration and eating disorders. Rally organizers enlarged and posted copies of the three articles at the stage at the Tivoli Commons. UCD Chancellor M. Roy Wilson said the college wanted to honor the responsibility of freedom of speech while also recognizing concerns the

particular issue raised with students and the campus community. “University of Colorado Denver administration denounces what we consider inappropriate stories in the April 1, 2010, issue of the Advocate, a student-run alternative weekly paper,” Wilson said. “The paper maintains an independent editorial privilege. We understand the April Fools’ Day issue was an attempt at satire but in trying to achieve that we believe the paper exercised poor judgment,” he said. Advocate Managing Editor Jef Otte, who wrote content for two of the articles, came to the stage of the rally to answer questions from the crowd. The first question was greeted with cheers from the crowd: “What the hell were you thinking?” “That is an excellent question,” Otte said. “I think the types of view-

points I satirized in that article are disgusting. I think they’re racist, hateful and xenophobic and that’s why I mocked those points of view.” At points, members of the crowd booed Otte’s comments, but rally organizers immediately reminded the audience the intention of the rally was to be respectful to opposing viewpoints. “You have 200 people in front of you who think this is offensive and many of us pay for the paper with student fees. Don’t you feel a responsibility to apologize to us?” a protester asked. “I won’t apologize,” Otte said. Speaking before the rally, Otte said the Advocate editorial staff was united on the decision not to apologize for the content of the April 1 issue. “The chancellor’s office apparently felt compelled to issue an apol-

ogy on our behalf, which I’m a little upset about because we have no intention of apologizing for this,” Otte said.

“We’ll certainly devote space in this next issue to addressing what’s happening right now,” he said.

Alfredo Reyes, far left, holds the Advocate April 5, while Elaine Gezahagne, center, and Marcus Steward discuss an article written by Jef Otte during a rally at the Tivoli Commons. Photo by Tiffany Kassab • tmorri31@mscd.edu











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F.Y.I: A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbook can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court. • THE METROPOLITAN • APRIL 8, 2010 • NEWS • A7

Piquing job fair curiosity

Nicole Cooper dances through the Tivoli Commons April 6 at Auraria. Cooper, who was performing with her husband, David Hale (not pictured), was part of a hired act through Jaytee Productions Event Specialists who entertained pedestrians and attempted to attract people to the Metro Spring 2010 Job Fair held in Tivoli Turnhalle. Photo by Leah Millis • lmillis@mscd.edu

Hospitality aspirants hear from pros Metro students learn finer points of event hosting By Brian Mees bmees@mscd.edu On an early Friday morning, a mixture of coffee, bagels and charm welcomed students into St. Cajetan’s Center to show how hospitality is handled. April 2, the hospitality department at Metro hosted the third annual Tourism and Event Guidance Panel at St. Cajetan’s Center. The panelists were experienced professionals in their field, ranging from hotel managers and event planners to a wardrobe consultant. In addition to giving students a feel for their possible future profession, it was an opportunity for students to network and the room buzzed with conversation and greetings. The three-part event was made possible due to the hard work of students as well as faculty. However, Professor and Director of Event Management Cynthia Vannucci was in charge of organizing the event. “We are thinking about their academic journey,” she said.

Vannucci offered students from her lower-division courses the option of attending the panel in place of taking the final. Kasia Dávila, a Metro student, was among the students who showed up professionally dressed and ready to charm a possible future employer or colleague. It really is a connection -based industry, commented Dávila. “Our philosophy is learning through theory and experience,” said Ray Moroye, an assistant professor and director of hospitality entrepreneurship. The event opened with a question-and-answer session of hotel managers and event planners who spoke of the nature of their work. Mike Skarzynski, a manager for Kroenke Sports Enterprises was the moderator, asking them a series of questions before opening up the floor to questions. There was a lecture given by Kelsey Bell, an assistant director of human resources for the Brown Palace Hotel and Spa who interviews and hires for the company. The interview process was broken down and laid out while she explained the do’s and don’ts of a successful interview based on her experience. Particularly, Bell stressed the importance

of “showing your teeth” when you smile. She pointed out a lot of things that were common sense, but some you wouldn’t think of, Dávila said. There was also a lecture given by

Paul McCormick, a wardrobe consultant from Brooks Brothers in Castle Rock, who spoke on proper business attire. Three models in his company’s clothes were there as a visual aid to his presentation.

Dávila said the event was beneficial for acquiring the skills and contacts to get a job in the hospitality industry. It’s like having a bunch of cheerleaders cheering you on; they’ve got your back, she said.

Metro student Diane Corlett wipes down a stove at the end of a food preparation class April 5 in the Plaza building. Photo by Steve Anderson • sande104@mscd.edu

A8 • NEWS • APRIL 8, 2010 • THE METROPOLITAN • THIS JUST IN: Human jaw muscles can generate a force of 200 pounds on the molars.

Colorado’s marijuana culture

Cannabis conundrum Since Amendment 20 passed in 2000, allowing Coloradans to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, the debate around the drug has spilled outside the confines of counter-culture use. Advocacy groups are working to lessen punishments for marijuana offenses on college campuses, the legislature is working to tighten the laws around dispensaries and the Colorado Convention Center hosted the state’s first Cannabis Convention April 2 and 3. The Metropolitan takes a look at the state’s most burning topic. By Caitlin Gibbons cgibbon4@mscd.edu Auraria saw a little hint of green April 1, as SAFER stopped by to discuss lessening penalties for marijuana offenses on campuses. The Denver-based non-profit organization, Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation, led by Executive Director Mason Tvert aims to educate the public about the relative safety of marijuana use. The Emerald Initiative, is SAFERs plan to open up the discussion about marijuana use on college campuses. Tvert acknowledged the date for a nationwide push of the initiative was not an April Fools’ prank, banners reading, “This is not a joke… Let us make the SAFER choice!” were placed in the center of campus. “It’s time our colleges and universities stop teaching students to ‘drink responsibly’ and start teaching them to ‘party responsibly,’” Tvert said. SAFER launched their college campus initiatives in 2005 after two highly publicized alcohol-related deaths on Colorado campuses, according to Tvert. “We, as a society, accept the fact that people like getting intoxicated. So why can’t we just accept the fact that there is not just one reasonable intoxicant,” Tvert said. The Emerald Initiative is a direct response by SAFER to the Amethyst initiative, which is seeking to lower the legal drinking age to 18. Will Griffiths, a first semester student at Metro said after hearing about the Emerald Initiative, he is in favor of it. “We have the medical legalization in the state, and frankly I think it is being abused. So I think honestly we need to look at more realistic views about integrating marijuana into our society,” Griffiths said. Griffiths said he grew up in England where the legal drinking age is 18 years old. Lowering the drinking age would not combat the dangerous behavior of younger students he said. Tvert is an open critic of the Amethyst initiative, which more than 130 college presidents and chancellors have signed. “Some may scoff at the Emerald Initiative, but it is

On the street Should marijuana offenses on college campuses be punished the same as alcohol offenses?

not a less viable plan,” Tvert said. Supporters of the Amethyst Initiative say lowering the legal drinking age is a viable way to combat dangerous drinking behavior on college campuses. Student Government President Andrew Bateman said he has pledged his support to the Amethyst Initiative. He said he believes it would foster a safer drinking environment for students. “I don’t know anyone between the age of 18 and 21 who says, ‘I won’t have that beer because it is illegal,’” Bateman said. SAFER volunteer Kirsten Rozel said conversations about marijuana use as an alternative to alcohol starting on college campuses could serve as a segway to the conversation in society at large. “I don’t think punishing it less is an open invitation to use it on campus,” Rozel said. She said in cities where the marijuana laws are not as “relaxed” as Denver’s, the conversations on campuses could lead to progressive laws. Eva Enns, outreach director for SAFER is a Metro alumna. “I have so much Metro pride and it would be the highest pleasure to see more rational marijuana policies be supported by the school,” she said. “There are a lot of consequences associated with drinking that are very harmful. I really hope President Stephen Jordan will consider allowing the students to make a safer choice, or at lease support an open discussion about it.” Patrick Houston, a UCD student is working with SAFER to spread the word around campus. He said the April 1 announcement is only the first event to talk about the issues on campus. Houston, along with Tvert delivered a copy of the Emerald Initiative to Jordan’s office. Jordan was out of the office at the time. Tvert said to date no college president or chancellor has signed on with the initiative, although many have expressed an interest. “It’s not like we are asking them to take a bong hit. We are asking them to have a discussion,” Tvert said.

Proposals at a glance The Emerald Initiative The Emerald Initiative is SAFER’s response to the Amethyst Initiative, a call by more than 130 university presidents and chancellors to debate whether lowering the legal drinking age to 18 could reduce dangerous college drinking. It calls on college presidents and chancellors, particularly those who have signed on to the Amethyst Initiative and those at schools where SAFER Referendums have been adopted to “support an informed and dispassionate public debate” on whether allowing college students to use marijuana more freely could result in fewer students engaging in dangerous drinking. http://www.safercampuses.org/emerald-initiative.html

Amethyst Initiative Launched in July 2008, the Amethyst Initiative is made up of chancellors and presidents of universities and colleges across the United States. These higher education leaders have signed their names to a public statement that the problem of irresponsible drinking by young people continues despite the minimum legal drinking age of 21, and there is a culture of dangerous binge drinking on many campuses. The Amethyst Initiative supports informed and unimpeded debate on the 21 year-old drinking age. Amethyst Initiative presidents and chancellors call upon elected officials to weigh all the consequences of current alcohol policies and invite new ideas on how best to prepare young adults to make responsible decisions about alcohol use. http://www.amethystinitiative.org/

By Ben Wiebesiek • Photos by Luke Powell “You wouldn’t think it would be treated that different. It should be equal. If you’re legal, there should be a place to smoke. On the streets, it’s not so bad if you get caught smoking.”

“I think since times are changing, alcohol should be recognized for what it is, which is a lethal substance. Everybody knows marijuana isn’t. Politics should go along with the times.” Jon King Metro Sophomore

Gianni Tanza Metro Freshman

GOOD TO KNOW: More than 7,000 Coca-Cola products are consumed every second. • THE METROPOLITAN • APRIL 8, 2010 • NEWS • A9

A look at legislation Regulating the sale of medicinal marijuana

Trey Caruso shows an example of a large marijuana bud at Urban Dispensary in Denver March 31. Photo by Will Morgan • dmorga26@mscd.edu

Convention draws thousands Proponents, lawyers, politicians talk future of pot By Dominic Graziano dgrazia1@mscd.edu Hoping to attract more than 100,000 people in a weekend, the Colorado Convention Center opened its doors to educate the masses about medical marijuana laws, hand out drug-free samples of edibles and promote discussion April 2 and 3. The first Colorado Cannabis Convention was organized by Kush LA Magazine and DailyBuds.com owner Michael Lerner, who also played emcee for the convention. More than 300 booths showcased anything and everything to do with pot — from smoking accessories to security systems and hemp clothing to grow boxes — from businesses from 50 states as well as Holland and Italy. Several businesses were also handing out “medicine-free” samples of their drinks and edibles marketed toward patients who cannot smoke — including owners of local dispensary The Farmacy, who have developed an all-natural one-shot drink processed entirely in Denver, in accordance with state law

“Alcohol should be punished more based off of how many accidents from drunk drivers occur every year. A lot of people end up being alcoholics because it is a disease but when have you heard of a person going to rehab because of a pot addiction?”

which mandates all marijuana consumables must be made in Colorado. Two booths featured trained chefs teaching how to cook with cannabis at home, and selling DVDs of the same material. The only thing missing from the festivities was marijuana — banned from the convention so people without state medicalmarijuana cards could attend. While they couldn’t smoke inside the facilities, plenty of visitors used the provided re-entry stamps to take a break outside and imbibe. “No problem, that’s why I parked in the parking garage,” one self-named patient said. “I’m happy to medicate outside the Convention Center if it means we’re getting our voices heard.” Also speaking their minds and answering questions about the future of marijuana laws were a panel of legislatures including Sen. Pat Steadman, D-Denver. “Don’t expect the legislature to solve all of these problems in one year,” Steadman said. A panel of lawyers spoke earlier that day

LuLu Romero Metro Senior

“There is a lot of contradiction. They allow people to drink and they actively promote it but weed is pushed under the rug. I have a friends at the Campus Village and they got arrested for alcohol and they got caught a couple of times for pot. And the punishment was less severe for the pot because Colorado is more liberal-minded with our pot laws.”

— less optimistically about marijuana’s legal future. Attorney Rob Corry said efforts at the state Capitol to write marijuana industry related laws was an attempt to regulate users and proponents of medical marijuana “out of existence.” Attorney Sean McAllister told onlookers the best way to deal with police investigations: don’t. “Say, ‘It’s medical, it’s legal and other than that you can talk to my attorney.’” The panels were one of the more popular events during the convention, but even more attended was a meet and greet with hip-hop group, and pro-marijuana advocates, Cypress Hill. Exact visitor numbers were unavailable from convention organizers, but the Colorado Convention Center can hold up to 12,000 people at one time and its largest selling event — last year’s Great American Beer Festival — drew around 50,000 people.

Colorado House Bill 10-1284 calls for the creation of a state licensing authority to regulate medical marijuana similar to the government oversight of alcohol sales. In addition to the creation of a new state regulatory body, the bill would also impose a one-year moratorium on the opening of new medical marijuana centers and would limit a doctor to five patients on the medical marijuana registry at a time. The state licensing authority would be a part of the Colorado Department of Revenue and records would be kept of all acts and transactions of medical marijuana, which would be open for inspection by law enforcement agencies. Members of the general public would also be able to view non-confidential records detailing sales volumes and quantities sold to individuals on the medical marijuana registry.

Defining the patientphysican relationship Colorado Senate Bill 10-109 would place restrictions on physicians on income they can make from prescribing medical marijuana. The bill would also require stricter guidelines on a physician’s diagnosis of a debilitating disease if medical marijuana is prescribed. The bill would also create a sevenmember board appointed by the governor to review medical cases of patients under the age of 21. The state would also collect revenue in the form of a fee charged to patients to a dedicated cash fund, which would be separate from the Colorado general fund, to finance state regulation of medical marijuana.

“As long as it is the law, it should be punished according to the law. If you don’t like the law, change the law. I have a libertarian view on these issues. As long as I don’t have to pay for people to get treatment then I’m not too concerned Richie Bryan ... I have a concealed Metro Sophomore carry but I can’t carry a weapon on campus and I think that’s stupid.”

Dusty D’Agostino UCD Junior



"I'm just happy for a team win in a conference game. It's a huge win. It keeps us in a good position to maybe win a conference championship." — BASEBALL FIRST BASEMAN EVAN CLAUS ON A13

How would Jesus handle health care? Spitting on a U.S. Congressman, along with ugly racial slurs … demands that governors step down … state attorney generals filing suits to challenge health-care reform … threats to Democratic lawmakers who voted for the bill and foaming-at-the-mouth Tea Party whackos screaming opposition to reform and anything else they can link to Big Government. Welcome to the current climate of American political discourse, disagreement and statecraft. Time was when a party that lost an election sucked it up, regrouped and came back in the next election with a stronger candidate. No more. Now, they simply vow to oppose and disrupt every proposal and new idea offered by the winner. And they deliver. No mystery who we’re talking about: the party of NO!!! New ideas? Nil. Candidates for 2012? Palin? Rush? Glenn Beck? What a roster! But it might be interesting to see one of those clowns as the face of the GOP with Tea Party zealots leading the charge with pikes, pitchforks and torches. Meanwhile, a black man in the White House drives them nuts. Many of them also hate the poor, minorities and anyone not as well off as themselves. But they claim to love Jesus. Which brings us to the just-concluded Easter season. OMG! I actually said EASTER and not spring break or festival of the Equinox or Druid howling-at-the-moon time or whatever else may be politically correct this month. Let’s get a few things straight. I’m not a kneejerk True Believer, although I grew up in a Christian tradition — a standard “mainstream” brand, and not some off-the-wall subsect. Nor do I tell Jews, Muslims or Zen Buddhists in Boulder that they’re going straight to Hell. But if Heaven is filled with the kind of people who talk most about it, I might not opt for an eternity with them. Vatican apologists managed to again ignore a growing crisis of confidence over pedophile priests in official Holy Week pronouncements. But Holy Week, that ended Easter Sunday, is supposed to cause Christians to remember and reflect upon that week’s events that saw Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, fall from favor with fickle crowds in less than a week; betrayal, arrest, crucifixtion and return from the dead on Easter Sunday. Jesus himself was a great teacher, but never published – so forget about tenure – and it fell to four of his followers to set down four versions of his life in narratives done decades after the fact. While he lived and preached and was said to perform miracles for just three years, Jesus hung out not with social A-List types, but with society’s outcasts: prostitutes, beggers, and “sinners and publicans” according to one version. The latter referred to despised tax collectors; not REpublicans. Jesus preached a love of the poor and powerless — hardly a parallel with today’s Republican worldview — and showed them kindness, compassion and respect. The poor, he said, had a better shot at the kingdom of heaven than the rich or ruling classes. He praised a poor widow for casting two “mites” – coins worth only a few cents – into the treasury while big-ass Pharisees made a show of donating large sums. “She gave all

No mystery who we’re talking about: the party of NO!!! New ideas? Nil. Candidates for 2012? Palin? Rush? Glenn Beck? What a roster! But it might be interesting to see one of those clowns as the face of the GOP with Tea Party zealots leading the charge with pikes, pitchforks and torches.

she had,” said Jesus, who posed an obvious danger to the Pharisee elite (under the yoke of Rome) and had to be eliminated. Jesus also drove thieving money-changers out of the temple with “… my father’s house should be a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves.” Far from the bland, bloodless – and often blond and blue-eyed – personage of popular images, Jesus, if taken at his word, was a dangerous revolutionary. Were Jesus to return today, he’d be called a “socialist” by folks who wouldn’t know a socialist if one kicked them. In the McCarthy witch-hunt early 1950s, it would have been “Communist.” During America’s “Big Red Scare” after the First World War, the worst tag you could carry was “anarchist” or “Bolshevik.” Same tactics; different labels. So how might Jesus handle health care in America? For clues, try reading what Jesus preached in the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They lead off the New Testament and you won’t have to spring for a $90 used paperback at the campus book store. But go with the King James version. Modern-day translations, in “modern” language, not only destroy King James’ language and poetry, but dumb down Jesus’ teachings to vapid-sounding sayings that are perfect for New Age-y digestion.


Obama eyes interns

Democrats move to deny useful job training to young workers J. SEBASTIAN SINISI sinisi2@msn.com

Now that you’re on a reading roll, don’t stop there. For a hint on how the Party of “NO” got to where it is today — kicking and screaming — scan a bit of American History, starting with the early Republican Party. Its anti-slavery stance and Lincoln’s election in 1860 triggered Southern secession and the Civil War. Lincoln freed the slaves and pushed the Westward-expansion Homestead Act before 1865, and the Party has had few new ideas since. Lincoln hadn’t been dead a decade when the Party, under President Ulysses Grant, began molting into a tool of big business, railroads and monopoly “trusts.” Two decades later, the GOP established credentials as the mortal foe of organized labor efforts. It solidified into its present shape with the election of William McKinley in 1896. But for a brief blip under Teddy Roosevelt – who supported antitrust laws and promoted the National Park system – the Party never relinquished its reactionary pedigree. So try some reading — maybe for a change of pace — and draw your own conclusions. It could even lead to the very dangerous development of critical thinking, which is supposedly why we’re on campus; along with honing jobseeking skills. Far be it for me to suggest how you ought to think. Deep-thinker “celebrities” already hold that job.

DAVE LARSON larsodav@mscd.edu

Washington Times Editorial Staff April 7, 2010 The Obama administration’s top law enforcement officer at the Labor Department, M. Patricia Smith, is targeting companies that give young people unpaid internships. She claims that internships are rife with abusive practices and that serious violations of labor law are widespread. Arguing that interns should get paid at least minimum wage, Ms. Smith and the White House risk destroying a valuable steppingstone that gives many young Americans training they need to get jobs they want in the future. Unpaid internships are valuable for many reasons. Most simply, they help people test whether they are a good fit for a particular industry. If interns like the type of work at particular companies, internships can help them get the training and contacts they need to make their career aspirations a reality. The short time that interns spend at jobs - often just two to three months - makes it difficult for firms to both train these young people and get much work out of them. From manufacturing to nonprofits to media companies such as The Washington Times, hands-on opportunities open through internships are almost endless. Basic economics teaches that if the price is raised, demand falls. If companies have to pay wages, they will take on fewer interns. If these youngsters were actually benefiting companies more than it costs to train them, companies would pay them. Profit-seeking companies compete against each other for employees. If untrained students were such valuable workers, firms would gladly offer money to beat out the competitor next door to get them. Some statements by the administration suggest that their actions are not simply motivated by the welfare of the kids who get internships. The O Force worries that unpaid internships might disadvantage lessaffluent students, who might not be able to afford to spend their summers at unpaid jobs. But the administration’s solution risks eliminating many internships at for-profit companies so that no one gets them. The Obama administration, which is full of rhetoric about improving education, actually views education extremely narrowly. In the real world, people gain a lot of practical knowledge on the job. Eliminating training opportunities will only mean worse careers and lower future earnings for those President Obama’s team is claiming to protect.

Ashley Moreland Features Editor amorela1@mscd.edu April Zemyan Assistant Features Editor azemyan@mscd.edu

Dacia Johnson Assistant Features Editor djohn205@mscd.edu

Metro{spective} APRIL 8, 2010 • THE METROPOLITAN • B1

Adam Scaturro, a 31-year-old quadriplegic and nationally ranked rugby player, prepares his son Sebastian for bed after giving him a "faux hawk" in their Lakewood home. "That's funny!" Sebastian laughed. Story by Julie Vitkovskaya and Jamie Cotten uvitkovs@mscd.edu • jcotten1@mscd.edu Photos by Jamie Cotten Adam Scaturro, a Colorado native, has a vigor for life many people don’t possess. He plays on a nationally ranked rugby team, coaches youth football, has travelled to Mount Everest and cares for his 4-year-old son. Except Scaturro does it differently than most single dads — he does it all in a wheelchair. Scaturro was in a high school wrestling accident that resulted in a dislocation of his C6 and C7, the vertebrae part of the spinal column responsible for muscle functions in the lower body. On Dec. 14, 1995, the 17-year-old high school athlete was surprised by a fellow classmate when he was flipped across and slammed down on a wrestling mat. Although there was hope for recovery — a blind test for an experimental drug and physical therapy — the injury left Scaturro a quadriplegic. But when many quadriplegics would give up on life, Scaturro only got started. He found the same energy of high school sports and activities in a quadriplegic rugby team, the Denver Harlequins, which won a national championship three years ago. Above all, though, Scaturro is a caring father who adores his son, Sebastian. While many people with a disability like Scaturro’s are unable to have children of their own, he and his ex-girlfriend were overjoyed when a surprising small heartbeat appeared on an ultrasound. “It was one of my biggest fears after getting hurt; not knowing if I could ever have a family,” Scaturro said. Nearly four years later, Sebastian inherited the same energy and love for life as his father has today.

Story continues on B4 >>



heart of Adam Scaturro

Scaturro tells his son, Sebastian, to get off the cabinets in the kitchen at their house in Lakewood.


Behind the Numbers 5: The equivalent number of times a person will walk around the equator in the average lifetime. 17: The average number of hours a cat will sleep every day. 10: The number of human body parts that are three letters long. 178: The number of seeds on a McDonald’s Big Mac bun. 7: The amount in tons the Plymouth Rock weighs. 1/10: The amount of calories burned when licking one stamp. 119: The number of grooves on a quarter. 86,400: Seconds in a day. 6: The number of pounds of the total weight of skin on an average adult human. 15,000: The number of eggs a queen bee lays. 1140: The average number of phone calls the average person makes in a year. 98: The percent of atoms replaced each year in the human body. 15: The number in billions of cigarettes smoked worldwide each year. 2.5: Billion number of times the heart beats in an average lifetime. 300,000: The number of fast food restaurants in the U.S. alone. 34: The number of muscles in the face used when french kissing. 200: The number of slang terms for the word marijuana. 10,000: The amount in dollars it takes to train a federally certified search and rescue dog.

Sources: randomfacts.com and randomfunfacts.com

Using art to fight back

The Clothesline Project displays colorful shirts to raise awareness By Tiffany Kassab tmorri31@mscd.edu A single clothesline hangs from the Tivoli ceiling, just above a stairway, with T-shirts — a rainbow of colors — hanging vibrantly. Though it appears to be just a line of shirts, it’s actually a piece of art with paintings and writing, assembled to speak out against sexual violence. Lisa Ingarfield, associate director of The Phoenix Center at Auraria, believes these T-shirts are an opportunity for survivors and their families to express their feelings about sexual violence. According to Ingarfield, decorating a T-shirt is not only for survivors, victims and their families, but for anyone wanting to speak out against sexual violence. “Sexual violence concerns everyone,” Ingarfield said. “We all have someone in our life who has had this experience, whether they have disclosed it to us or not.” The Clothesline Project, according to Ingarfield, began in 1990 in Cape Cod, Mass. when women in the surrounding community wanted to turn their experiences into something the public couldn’t ignore. The shirts gave women an opportunity to express their stories while also serving as a coping tool and outlet for their feelings about personal violence. Ten years later, the project, according to The Clothesline Project website, is in 41 states and five other countries, and more than 50,000

T-shirt, from The Clothesline Project hang from the Tivoli ceiling as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The T-shirts will be displayed through April 23. Photo by Tiffany Kasab • tmorri31@mscd.edu shirts have been decorated. They not only display the effects of sexual violence against women, but against men as well. The Phoenix Center provides information, resources and awareness for those who have suffered sexual assault, relationship violence and/or stalking. It has been at Auraria for a year and started The Clothesline Project as a way for students of all three institutions to share their personal experiences with this issue. “Right now it is visually striking and draws attention to the number of survivors on this campus,” Ingarfield said. Ingarfield thinks the only way to see a change in society’s view on sexual violence or to help prevent it is

Sprinting into spring By Dacia Johnson djohn205@mscd.edu With Colorado’s beautiful weather finally emerging, it’s time to get moving and enjoy the warmth. A great way to do so is by signing up for a running race. The Denver Metro area holds two to three races each weekend beginning in April, running through summer and into fall. The types of races vary, some more serious and some geared toward beginning runners. There are alternative races that encourage dressing in silly outfits and races that raise money for various causes. Whether you are an experienced runner or just starting out, these races are a fun way to be active outside.

To start, find a race that’s right for you. Some races offer a run/ walk or a children’s run/walk, and distances vary from one mile to just over three miles (5k). If you want to participate in a serious run, find a training plan; there are many online. Sign up sheets are available online for most races, which cost between $20 and $50, and include a T-shirt or other goodies. If walking or running isn’t your thing you can volunteer at the events and still be a part of this great outdoor activity.

For a list of upcoming local races, visit the Wellness Woes blog at themet.metrostudentmedia.com/ wellnesswoes

to highlight the fact sexual attacks are never OK under any circumstances, and the community as a whole needs to join together against them. “The Clothesline Project doesn’t get at all of this, but it is a piece of the puzzle,” Ingarfield said. Michele Rubright, an intern at The Phoenix Center, thinks the clothesline of T-shirts creates a physical testament to violence rather than just seeing numbers and statistics. “You can see something beautiful that defines it,” Rubright said. Rubright’s favorite shirt says, “You may have forgotten my face or that I even existed, but the scars you carved into my soul that night will stay with me for the rest of my life,” in blue writing.

“Some of the shirts are pretty and have fun sayings like ‘consent is sexy’ but this one is really kind of sad,” Rubright said after reading the shirt out loud. Climbing the stairs in the Tivoli makes reading some of the shirts easier. Messages such as: “Beaten, Raped and nearly Murdered. I’m still here and I am shining,” pulls on the audience’s emotions and brings the issue to life. According to Ingarfield, this is the reaction The Clothesline Project is supposed to produce from those who view it. “It’s hard not to walk past and not read some of them and peak your curiosity,” Ingarfield said. “We want to inspire people to action.”

Running Tips • Invest in good shoes; most are only made for 500 miles, meaning they wear out quickly. • Invest in running socks; cotton socks lead to blisters. • Don’t try a marathon for your first race. • If you conserve your energy during the first half of the race, you can finish strong. • Race day is not the day to try new shoes, eat new foods or wear new clothing. • Drink plenty of water the week of the race. • Eat a moderate meal of both carbohydrates and protein the night before the race. • Eat a modest meal 1-2 hours before the race like an energy bar and sports drink.


‘Othello’ proves timeless classic Human atrocities and eternal message offered in 16th-century play By Lindsay Allen lallen31@mscd.edu With such intense storylines as poisonous love triangles and deceit, a Shakespearean play could never be bad. “Othello” was no exception. The play begins with Desdemona (Meghan Wolf) marrying Othello the Moor (Robert Jason Jackson). Othello woos the fair Desdemona, and the couple appears perfect and happy when Iago (John Hutton), Othello’s right-hand man, steps in to provoke chaos and tragedy until only one can triumph. Roderigo (David Ivers) is also in love with Desdemona and pays Iago incessantly to help him get a chance with her. In an attempt to separate Othello from Desdemona, “honest” Iago feeds Othello with fibs about Desdemona having an affair with Othello’s lieutenant, Cassio (Harry Carnahan). Iago’s wife, Emilia (Kathleen McCall), finds a sentimental handkerchief given to Desdemona by Othello. Emilia gives the handkerchief to her husband who plants it on Cassio. Iago deceives Othello further by telling him he heard Cassio talking in his sleep about Desdemona.

Closer look at Apple’s new toy By Drew Jaynes ajaynes1@mscd.edu

Robert Jason Jackson as Othello and Meghan Wolf as Desdemona in the Denver Center Theatre Company production of Othello by William Shakespeare, directed by Kent Thompson. Photo courtesy of The Denver Center for the Performing Arts. In a final act of cruelty, Iago questions Cassio about his lover while Othello is hiding nearby. Cassio is referring to a paramour, Bianca (Allison Pistorius), but Othello believes he is talking about Desdemona. After Othello’s mind is full of rage, Iago takes a step back so as to appear innocent. He tells Othello to look at her with neither jealousy nor security. In the beginning, the language of 16th-century Venice felt overbearing and intimidating, but it wasn’t long before it became natural to understand the characters’ every word. Philip Pleasants breaks the language barrier with his projection and annunciation in combination with his heart-felt body language as he plays Brabantio, Desdemona’s father. The most fascinating scene of “Othello” is when the nurse, Emilia, is getting Desdemona prepared for bed and Desdemona tells of how her mother died singing a song and proceeds to sing the song herself. Wolf skillfully plays a frail and subordinate Desdemona. Her sweet, calm voice initiates an eerie tone. As the scene proceeds, a thick air of sorrow fills the theater, and a nauseating feeling of doom settles over the audience.

Hutton was the perfect choice for the villain, Iago. The character’s cunning ability to outwit every other character throughout the play and efficiently pluck at each unique heartstring made him an admirable antagonist. Iago pits everyone against each other, using innocent Desdemona as the devil. Hatred evolves into jealousy and jealousy turns into hatred. Hutton captures it magnificently. He is hard to dislike for the most part, but by the end of the play Iago was so widely hated for his sinister crimes it was unbearable to look at him. McCall deserves praise for her unorthodox explosion of rage and sorrow in the final scene. “Othello” is full of morals and insight into the atrocities humans can commit. The characters’ qualities are still true of personalities in the news every day, even 400 years later. The story of “Othello” is timeless for its ability to accentuate human nature at its worst.

“Othello” The Space Theatre April 8 — May 1

Park Burger menu simple yet satisfying By Ian Gassman img2007@comcast.net Your mouth likes simplicity. Contrary to fine food, sometimes your taste buds will not accept such polarizing flavors or miniscule entrée plates that are presented like an olive sitting upon a matchbook. Yes, sometimes eating something hearty and familiar will help you sustain your appetite. Fortunately, Park Burger understands this exact sentiment. With a nod towards vintage diners and gourmet eateries, Park Burger defines minimalist dining. At the same time, it defies all that is off kilter with portions and pricing in today’s food world. Park Burger houses a small bar, a few tables and a menu listing its 14 sandwich options like the coveted commandments, giving the eater an affable, burger-joint

Stand Out Menu Items Buffalo Burger: $6.75 Milkshake: $5 Fresh-squeezed lemonade: $2 (awesome, but no refills) atmosphere in an upscale environment. Amazingly, Park Burger does focus on getting the cooking process right before dabbling in side dishes. From the bun down, each hamburger is correct. Each basket is decorated with fresh leaves of lettuce, slivers

of Vidalia onion, tomato slices and whole pickle rounds. The cooks behind the bar are savvy with a grill and know what heating the beef to a medium-rare temperature will do for the overall flavor. Of course, if you are not OK with “rare” meat, you can specify your ideal, cooked quality before ordering. When it comes to selection, however, Park Burger offers veggie, ground turkey, buffalo and certified Angus beef burgers. The buffalo burger truly stands out at a mere $6.75 per 1/3-pound patty. Yet, the beef tastes wonderful in a specialty barbecue burger with crispy onions. Now, it may seem like finding the right french fry or beverage is a lost cause when dining at a strict burger establishment. However, Park Burger perfected its sandwiches and quickly embraced fresh, hand-cut fries. Next, there are more than 15 international

beers, as well as white and red wines and unique cocktails like the Colorado Julep, which features local bourbon, mint and lemonade. In terms of dessert, $5 is pricey for a milkshake, but since Park Burger uses Coloradogrown fruits to create a different flavor for certain months, you may be donning a sweet tooth sooner than planned. So, if the rule “keep it simple, stupid” applies to your stomach, let Park Burger start you down the path to carefree eating soon. Catch the ballgame or grab a beer, but order your burger knowing you’ll be content by planning light and eating heavy every once in a while.

Park Burger 1890 S. Pearl St.

Apple debuted a new toy this week, a tablet device called the iPad that threatens to take the mobile Web community by storm. I demoed the device over the weekend, and formed some arguments students should wrap their minds around before they consider getting one. It’s a fairly big investment. Bottoming out at $500 for the basic 16-gigabyte model, you get the iPad, an AC power adapter for charging, a USB dock connector for syncing and that’s it. Say you want to use their keyboard dock though, add $69, or an adapter to hook up your camera; another $29. And let’s not forget about an Applecare Protection Plan at another $99. You’re already up to almost $700 and you haven’t even bought earbuds yet. Pretty pricey. At just over 9-by-7 inches, this is no iPod touch, but it’s not as bulky as a laptop or netbook either. It should easily fit into a backpack or larger handbag. And since it weighs in at slightly more than a pound, it shouldn’t hunch your shoulders much. Apple just loves to keep its users in a sandbox. Almost everything is run through iTunes and despite this, it still runs pretty quick. The software and hardware giant apparently hasn’t yet learned its lesson, however, when it comes to allowing multiple apps to run concurrently. The only way to overcome this hurdle is to jailbreak the device, a step I’d recommend holding off on until after Apple releases the new version 4.0 of its iPhone/iPad software. All new iPads come standard with WiFi capability, with more expensive AT&T 3G-capable models to follow. Apple has consistently labeled the iPad a consumption device, a mindset thats puts the iPad way ahead of the Amazon Kindle in terms of versatility in the mobile Web. The one major caveat is that iPads won’t support Adobe Flash, so the vast majority of Web video is out. But should students buy an iPad, you ask? I say maybe. If rumors are true and textbook publishing giant McGraw-Hill indeed plans to release electronic textbooks into the iBookstore, students could conceivably benefit. Best advice is to wait and see.

To learn more about the iPad and to read a roundup of reviews, visit the TechBytes blog at themet.metrostudentmedia.com

B4 • METROSPECTIVE • April 8, 2010

THE metropolitan


RIGHT: Sebastian plays a game on Scaturro’s cell phone while his dad practices rugby in the background (red-wheeled chair) at Craig Hospital. Scaturro has had practice every Wednesday night at Craig for 11 years.

ABOVE: Scaturro reads Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” before bedtime to Sebastian. RIGHT: Scaturro sits with his son Sebastian on his lap in their kitchen. Scaturro, who’s been a quadriplegic for 14 years, wheels Sebastian through the wheelchair-accesible house Scaturro built when he received his $3 million insurance settlement.

TOP: Scaturro hugs Sebastian warmly before dinner. “I love you, dad,” Sebastian said. ABOVE: Sebastian bikes up an incline while Scaturro gives him a push in the street outside their house in Lakewood.

Scaturro’s son his ‘greatest accomplishment’ Story continued from B1 >>

“Having a disability with a child can be extremely difficult sometimes, but I find some of the greatest qualities that he has, come from having a parent with a disability, only because he had to learn patience .”

— Adam Scaturro, talking about his 4-year-old son, Sebastian

Scaturro said Sebastian is a high-energy kid, and he gets restless sitting behind a desk. Although he worries Sebastian doesn’t always perform well in school, Scaturro showers his son with endless affection. “He’s exceeded all my expectations,” Scaturro said. “Having a disability with a child can be extremely difficult sometimes, but I find some of the great qualities that he has, come from having a parent with a disability, only because he had to learn patience. He had to learn how to start helping out with the family at an earlier age. I think it’s really benefited us both.” Pasquale Scaturro, his father and an avid outdoorsman with his own plethora of achievements, was rocked by his son’s accident. “The next couple of months, it slowly kicked in that he was never going to move again,” Scaturro said. By using bells, Scaturro led the first blind man to the base camp of Mount Everest and, in 1999, with the help of three Sherpas, led the first quadriplegic — his son — up to base camp as if to convey “anything is possible,” and “you’re not giving up if I have anything to do with it.” While Scaturro was still in the hospital, friends, family members and teachers helped him graduate from Lakewood High School on schedule with his senior class. With a competitor’s stamina and desire for victory, he slowly regained his independence.

After city council members heard of his injury, they approved a grant for Crown Hill Park, where Scaturro exercises, allowing for wheelchair-specific stretching stations to be built. Recreation centers reformatted their accessibility and the diner several blocks away from his house made a wheelchair ramp especially for Scaturro. When medical professionals presented obstacles to his adamant independence, Scaturro became stubborn. Doctors said he would never get behind the wheel; today, Scaturro drives his pick-up truck by using a hand pedal to break and accelerate. “Stubbornness was actually what has made him as strong as he is today and endure what he has,” said Jody Dertina, Scaturro’s mother. “I called it persistence, though, I thought it was a positive term.” The injury didn’t prevent Scaturro from growing up as a regular teenager. “[His friends] snuck him out of the house in a wheelchair, and I caught them coming back inside,” Dertina said. Meanwhile, Scaturro developed a friendship with a young football coach at Lakewood High School, Mark Robinson, which continues to flourish today. Robinson helped the entire Scaturro family heal and recover. “He had such a heartfelt compassion and concern that was really amazing,” Dertina said. “He would be there … he would check on me to see how I was doing.”

In 2005 when Adam began coaching a youth football league, the Lakewood Tigers, Robinson entrusted his own son in the teaching hands of Scaturro. Scaturro said when “life gets in the way,” he turns to something he’s passionate about — like sports. Because Scaturro is and always has been an extreme and extraordinary athlete, he will often find release by substituting a typical wheelchair for a metal-spoke, grunge-like thrill ride. Every swift turn of the wheels requires the strength it takes to do one push-up and, with limited use of his hands, Scaturro uses his wrists to rotate the wheels. For the past 11 years, Scaturro has played quad rugby every Wednesday night at Craig Hospital in Englewood, the same rehabilitation facility that helped him recover. The practices has led Scaturro to compete internationally on the U.S. National Team with 11 other men across the country — two of which are also a fellow Harlequin team members. Playing on the team is an incredible release of freedom for Scaturro; the chair is swift, light and allows for a much more broad range of movement. And all the while Sebastian, whom Scaturro calls his “ball of energy,” has been at his side. Even after he has achieved historical noteriety and competes as a leading champion on a national level, he calls his greatest achievement the baby boy that brings joy and humor into his world.

“I have a great life. I am very fortunate,” Scaturro said when Sebastian interrupted, “And he’s rough!” Scaturro laughed and replied, “And I’m pretty rough.” A curious, sensitive and patient child, Sebastian loves jumping into his dad’s lap as he wheels around the house. Sebastian often pulls Scaturro’s head closer to him and whispers into his dad’s ear. Sometimes, he’ll whisper a question he doesn’t want anyone else to hear. Sometimes he’s more straightforward: “I love you, dad.” In fact, Dertina sees them as each other’s mirrors – the same dimples, smile and a hint of a mischievous nature. Parenthood doesn’t come with instructions, Dertina said, but Scaturro has the patience and nurture that makes him an amazing father. “As big as all of the mistakes you make, I don’t think you can make the mistake when you love with all your heart,” Dertina said. Scaturro helps to care for Sebastian with the help of a settlement with an insurance company for $3 million, which also helped him design and build the home the two enjoy together. With time on his side, Scaturro plans to finish the 15 credits he needs for a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from University of Colorado and wants to teach history. “I’ve been blessed,” Scaturro said. “I mean, even with a disability, I’ve been blessed with so much that if I were to take for granted anything I have in life, it’d be an injustice to the universe, you know, for what it’s provided me.”

Scaturro asks a Wal-Mart employee if they have more colors in the smaller silly string size. Scaturro promised Sebastian he’d buy him more silly string for his Spider-Man web blaster if he finished all his chores.


sounding off

Bad Veins: The reel-to-reel deal

Bad Veins is a band on the rise and with good reason. The two-piece from Cincinnati have been making a name for themselves through their relentless touring schedule and intriguing mix of straightforward pop songs with electro and orchestral overtones courtesy of their reel-to-reel recorder. Benjamin Davis discussed what the duo is about. By Matt Pusatory • mpusator@mscd.edu MP: How would you describe your music? BD: It depends on who I’m describing it to I guess. If my grandma asked me I would just say, “It’s pop rock ‘n’ roll stuff.” But if I were explaining it to someone who’s like an indie music connoisseur I’d say we’re a two piece. Essentially it’s pop songs with electronic and orchestral backing things. I hate describing music. MP: How do you use the reel-to-reel in your music? BD: How do I actually make the tracks that are on the reel-to-reel? Actually I do that all at home. I arrange and record everything. Basically when I’m done making the tape, our live performance is most of the way done. I just do it all at home. MP: Do you have multiple reel-to-reels? BD: I have two right now. We’re getting ready to do an east coast tour and then a west coast tour so I got a second one to fill in so we could fly from one coast to the other. I don’t trust flying. I’ve had to fly ours before and it got banged up so I try not to fly it. I just keep it in the van. MP: What is your live show like? BD: There’s just two of us. We have more of a visual aesthetic than a lot of bands I think. We have a very unique stage set up. Someone in Cincinnati painted a [picture] of just our gear. Anyone who knows anything about us will be able to look at that and say “Oh that’s Bad Veins’ set up.”

We have a hybrid of kind of like a military theme and then a lot of floral paintings on a lot of our stuff. Also, Sebastien [Schultz] is a very over-the-top drummer. He’s very bombastic and intense a lot of people say he’s one of the most fun drummers they’ve ever seen. I have an old military microphone I sing out of and an old telephone I’ve wired up as a mic and the reel-to-reel’s center stage … All those things combined present a pretty unique live show. MP: What’s your favorite part of performing live? BD: I don’t know. I think it’s fun to play when people are into what you’re doing. I think that’s across the board for any performer. We’ve been really lucky in that a few of our songs have really resonated with people and people respond to them. I might be really tired of playing “Gold and Warm,” but when I’m on the road and people are excited about it, that makes me excited about it. That’s probably the biggest joy of performing live. MP: I just saw your music video for “Gold and Warm” on MTV2. What was that process like? BD: I just had this really simple idea of what I wanted to do. So I borrowed a friend’s video camera and set it up in my backyard. We did the video in one shot, in one take right in my back yard. We grabbed a couple of pieces of gear and we just did it. I threw it on the Internet

and it’s been kind of viral and got picked up by MTV. I don’t know how many one-shot, onetake videos get picked up by MTV by someone who doesn’t even know how to make a video. MP: Is there a new album in the works yet? BD: We’re finally starting to talk. The record came out about eight months ago. Eighteen to 24 months is the average release calendar — actually, that’s an aggressive one so I think we might try to do something about 10 months from now. I’m not sure yet. MP: How did you come up with your name? BD: That’s something that I’m not supposed to talk about too much because it’s a secret. MP: Do you ever get tired of being confused with Bad Brains? BD: I had actually never heard of Bad Brains when I started Bad Veins, but I was quickly corrected. Everyone immediately started telling me about [them], but it was too late at that point. MP: What’s next for the band? BD: We’ve got tours through April, May, June, July. I’m not sure how many more we have in the summer. I think we might stay home through August. We’re touring with Frightened Rabbit in a few weeks and that was something we really really wanted to do and we’re really excited about. If something like that comes up, we’ll keep taking those opportunities as long as they keep coming.

Benjamin Davis and Sebastien Schultz of Bad Veins

As Tall As Lions w/ Bad Veins

7:30 p.m., April 10 @ Marquis Theater $14

Mile high and rising

Action Packed Thrill Ride By Ian Gassman img2007@comcast.net

From left: Jon Evans, Lucas Johannes, Duncan Dotterrer and Mark Cawthray

The element of surprise seems to be one of the best tools used in music today. Bands that know how to “trick” a person’s ears have an amazing advantage over other artists who simply maintain a singular concept about songwriting or stay rooted within one genre. Perhaps Lucas Johannes, Mark Cawthray, Jon Evans and Duncan Dotterrer weren’t thinking ironically when they chose the moniker Action Packed Thrill Ride to best describe their work. Truthfully, the songs that these four create take the listener on a captivating auditory ride that never reaches one resolute, musical destination. On the 2008 full-length release, A Looseleaf Script, each of Action Packed’s 12 tracks shifted through a bevy of influences and various backup musicians. Understandably,

this strong of a release gave the quartet some solid footing. As the album notes a point of origin and has further mapped out Action Packed’s present live performances. Collectively, their sense of experimentation through songwriting is clear. The influences that comprise Action Packed’s writing primarily arrive from the downtrodden songs of Townes Van Zandt and the heavy alternative of Uncle Tupelo. Johannes and Cawthray continually express themselves with an understated blend of country and folk while arranging their guitars. Meanwhile, there are moments of beauty that bleed through the slightly depressed twang of Johnannes’ voice and the disquieted energy of Cawthray’s vocals. In harmony, both of the differing styles make a bold point. Evans and Dotterrer’s rhythm section dispels Action Packed’s “alt-country” label and brings forth the rock and the roll.

Action Packed an bend through dance-pop styled numbers, waltzdriven ballads and frenetic indie tunes within one evening’s set. In fact, on the stage is where Action Packed should always be. While their recordings are never lacking, all four members just connect live. Everything is warm and organic, as it is left unfazed by the parameters of the studio. Fortunately, anyone that is interested in taking a ride can do so this spring, including a show at South Broadway’s 3 Kings Tavern on April 23. In late May, they are participating in a benefit show at the Mercury Café for the Musicians Without Borders organization. Currently, Action Packed has released a small three-track EP they are giving away for free. But, this cannot compare to a beer-stained hardwood floor, dim lighting and a cheap cover charge when it comes to hearing Action Packed’s music and all of its surprising revelry.


On the record

Punks define more than destruction down the walls of teenage insecurities throughout the album. The lyrics of “Face Values,” for example, made me realize as a confused teenager that it was actually cool to be different: “Alright/ No need to fight/ Because everybody’s different and there’s nothing you can do about it/ Just because I don’t look like you, or act like you/ Doesn’t make me any better or worse.” Again, it’s not Socrates dropping knowledge, but the words and music just made sense to me, and I had found a new home in the punk scene. I traded in my gym shorts and Nikes for cargo shorts and Etnies, and I began checking out local music stores for all the punk and ska I could handle. I started going to shows, where I was introduced to skanking and crowd surfing. I’ve never had so much fun in my life. This album opened my eyes to a world beyond the shell of high school, and it led me to find bands such as Sublime and NOFX, two of my favorites to this day. I don’t know what happened to Dan, and I rarely listen to The Suicide Machines anymore. I bought their second album, Battle Hymns, and, while it had a few rocking punk riffs, it failed to capture the same spirit of Destruction.

Suicide Machines Destruction by Definition After that, they turned poppy, and I haven’t heard any of their stuff since 2000, when they actually had a minor radio hit with “Sometimes I Don’t Mind,” about loving a dog. However, whenever I throw in Destruction by Definition, it makes me want to jump out of my wheelchair and start skanking again. Not only that, but anytime I feel like I’m not good enough because of my disability, this album simply reinforces that my differences are, in fact, cool.

By Matt Gypin • mgypin@mscd.edu

More upcoming Shows The RX Bandits used to be a third wave ska band — a reggae influence still shows up in the band’s vocals and syncopation —but the current lineup is being touted instead as progressive alternative rock. Honestly, the genre that the Bandits fall into isn’t important; whether they bring a full horn section or mathematic guitar solos, the band 7 p.m., April 8 has enough energy for any crowd. Along for the ride is the Build@ Marquis Theater $15 ers and the Butchers. Their Americana/folk sound may come off a little old-fashioned, but their stage presence is hard to beat. These two bands don’t sound like the most cohesive tour to roll through Denver, but punk rock energy coupled with eclectic music and one of the best small venues in town guarantees a raucous good time.

RX Bandits

Foxy Shazam is a band of daredevils. April 13 they will be releasing the follow-up to their acclaimed album Introducing. On that same day they will bring their three-ring circus of a live show to the Marquis Theater in Denver. Lead singer Eric Nally is probably best described as Freddy Mercury on drugs. His distinct voice and 7:30 p.m., April 13 ludicrous stage moves (head stands @ Marquis Theater $12 and eating cigarettes are two examples) should keep the audience mesmerized. Musically, Foxy’s mix of hardcore with classic rock ‘n’ roll glamour is showcased perfectly on songs like “Red Cape Diver” and the new song “Oh Lord.” It should be quite the spectacle in the tiny Marquis Theater, so be sure to check it out and celebrate the new album release.

Foxy Shazam

By Matt Pusatory • mpusator@mscd.edu

By Dominic Graziano • dgrazia1@mscd.edu

Miike Snow

9 p.m., April 9 @ Ogden Theater $15.25

Swedish trio Miike Snow crafts some wonderful electro pop tunes. Imagine if the catchiness of The Postal Service met the dancey, sexiness of Prince. With great synths, singable choruses and heavy beats, the band’s appearance April 9 at the Ogden Theater should be a party of epic proportions. The band’s debut was hailed as one of the best albums of 2009. With great tracks like “Animal” and “Black & Blue,” it’s obvious the buzz

was warranted. Opening the show is a heavily buzzed-about band from Barcelona called Delorean. Their music is much in the same vein as Miike Snow so it should be a fun show for anyone who enjoys a good dose of synthesizers and dancing their face off. The international dance party awaits.

By Matt Pusatory • mpusator@mscd.edu


In the summer of 1997 when Dan introduced me to The Suicide Machines, I had no idea what to expect. I was a clueless 16-year-old trying to find my way in the world. Dan was my co-worker at Pizza Hut, a skateboarding slacker who made the job more fun. I thought he was cool. I didn’t know who I was, but as a jock at a new high school, I didn’t really feel like I belonged. “What the hell is this? Some death metal shit?” I asked, because let’s be honest, what else could it be with a name like that? “Just listen to it, it might change your life,” he said. The first time I heard Destruction by Definition, I was blown away by the fuck you attitude of the singer’s voice and lyrics, the fast guitar riffs and, most of all, the way it all combined into this wonderful melodic rhythm known as ska. It was nothing like the heavy metal or rap my friends listened to; this made me want to scream and dance at the same time. And, for the first time, I felt like I belonged somewhere other than a basketball court. The lyrics weren’t profound or anything but they captured that teenage angst perfectly, from the Holden Caulfield-esque Doc Marten-wearing phonies described humorously in “The Vans Song,” to breaking

Lucero has become one of the biggest names in indie country by mixing the best elements of outlaw country, old school rock ‘n’ roll and more recently, with the addition of a horn section on their most recent release 1342 Overton Park, Memphis soul. The band will take the stage April 13 with Shooter Jen8 p.m., April 13 nings (son of country legend Way@ Bluebird Theater $23 lon) at the Bluebird Theater. The band has built quite a catalog over the years. From party anthems like “Sixes and Sevens” to tearjerkers like “Here at the Starlite” and “Mom,” the band has enough variety to appease just about any music lover. Not to mention their live shows are packed with great energy and true country grit and atmosphere. This one shouldn’t be missed.


By Matt Pusatory • mpusator@mscd.edu

Matt Pusatory mpusator@mscd.edu Music Editor

On April 8 , 1994, Kurt Cobain of the band Nirvana died in Seattle of an apparently selfinflicted shotgun wound. He was 27.


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RETURN Metro State Board of Student Media !TTN 3HAUN 3CHAFER 4IVOLI OR MAIL TO 0/ "OX #" $ENVER #/



Enrollment cap benefit for Metro My last semester, and this is what I have to sit next to as I limp to the finish. “Did I read it? Nah, brah, I’m not even going to open the book.” Insert self-gratifying laughter. I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately. Nearly a month left to graduate and I have this guy at my left like a sidecar to postgraduate hell, brandishing his pride at accomplishing nothing. An anti-accomplishment. Apathy: a college art, to be sure, and one it seems with more majors enrolled in the craft here at Metro than there are in hospitality. And we’re building them a fucking hotel. Students not powering into academic life happens at any college; I get that. But it also makes one helluva case for capping enrollment, don’t you think? I say we seriously consider upping the guidelines for getting into and staying at Metro, so that it’s more affordable for the students who want to be here for an education. In February, President Stephen Jordan said, “we have to look at the possibility of constraining enrollment until state policymakers see the consequences of not funding us equitably.” What Jordan was trying to say is that, as far as higher-ed schools in our state go, we’re getting screwed when it comes to funding (the lowest in Colorado at a little more than $2,000 a student, distantly behind CSUPueblo who gets almost double that). Capping enrollment doesn’t tell the com-

munity Metro is unwilling to educate students. Rather, capping enrollment shows the community the state is unwilling to pay Metro to educate students. We either get state funding or we get higher tuition. Easy like a Sunday morning. Rather than spending money to rebrand Metro and other projects to expand, the administration needs to find out if there’s more to be saved than lost if test scores and prior academic performance were weighed at the door, and if this would be a way to stave off

Apathy: a college art, to be sure, and one it seems with more majors enrolled in the craft here at Metro than there are in hospitality. And we’re building them a fucking hotel. tuition increases. But then those damn ethical questions have to pop in, don’t they? Since its inception, Metro welcomed any and all. Give me your disinterested, disenchanted huddled masses — so long as they have a line of credit at the financial aid office.

Since 1979

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dominic Graziano dgrazia1@mscd.edu MANAGING EDITOR Lindsay Lovato llovato5@mscd.edu

JAMES KRUGER jkruger1@mscd.edu I’m not advocating capping enrollment to turn students away who want to be in college, making higher education a just-out-ofreach luxury. What I’m saying is that college seems to be the answer for everybody who doesn’t have an answer, and it shouldn’t be that way. Data released last year by the ACT test people show most high school grads aren’t ready for college. With debt levels rising, why make it easier for them to enroll and drop classes they struggle with and don’t want to be in? I say this from experience. When I graduated high school, my GPA looked more like my age at the time than anything that would get me accepted into college. I wasn’t ready, emotionally or academically. I waited, enrolled at a two-year community college and came to Metro when I was ready. If success begins with you, I’m wondering whether or not you shouldn’t wait until you feel like walking before you’re expected to run.

NEWS EDITOR Caitlin Gibbons cgibbon4@mscd.edu ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Ben Wiebesiek wiebesib@mscd.edu FEATURES EDITOR Ashley Moreland amorela1@mscd.edu ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITORS Dacia Johnson djohn205@mscd.edu April Zemyan azemyan@mscd.edu MUSIC EDITOR Matt Pusatory mpusator@mscd.edu SPORTS EDITOR Kate Ferraro kferraro@mscd.edu ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Josiah Kaan jkaan@mscd.edu DIRECTOR OF VISUAL MEDIA Drew Jaynes ajaynes1@mscd.edu PHOTO EDITOR Leah Millis lmillis@mscd.edu ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Daniel Clements dcleme12@mscd.edu


What’s funny about hating Muslims and illegal Mexicans? Jef Otte's recent satire article, "Enjoy Obamacare if you like payin for illegal Mexicans," published in the April Fools’ edition of the UCD Advocate, has drawn up a firestorm from Muslim, Chicano and Mexican students, as well as other minorities and antiracists, for its anti-Mexican and anti-Muslim message. And rightly so. The controversy occurs when many Mexican, Chicano and Muslim communities are targeted with extra-normal forms of oppression. 'Patriot groups' have organized 'tea parties against amnesty;' Tom Tancredo wants to take vehicles away from immigrants; 'Englishonly' demands are being raised; non-citizens are forced to pay non-resident tuition rates even though many have lived in Colorado the bulk of their lives; and families are routinely torn apart by deportations. In short, Jef Otte's jokes are no laughing matter for many at Auraria. Thus, Solidaridad stands with those outraged with the publication of this article. Jef Otte and the editors at the UCD Advocate claim the article was satire and all in good fun. Members of Solidaridad ask, satire for whom? Certainly students who are "illegal Mexicans" and Muslims, as well as their friends and family, found it offensive. It seems the Advocate staff are the only ones who got the joke. Hey guys, some people still think 'n***** jokes' are funny. That doesn't mean they should be published in a student newspaper. While we're on the topic of satire, here's an alternative view of immigration and the


state of America today: About 500 years ago a bunch of conquistadors and settlers came to America (two continents connected by an isthmus); killed, purged and otherwise decimated over 90 percent of the native inhabitants and seized most of the land in North America (including half the territory of the sovereign state of Mexico; Colorado, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, and California all being Spanish words); never bothered to learn the native languages; and instead, set up an imperialist state to criminalize real Americans on their own land and bomb people half-way across the world (five Muslim countries since Obama was elected). Our solution: get rid of these racists and crypto-racists. Kick them out until they can learn the language and come back through the proper channels. No amnesty for these criminals. Or at the very least they should stay out of the 'cafeteria.' Humor aside, Otte's article exposes a long standing reactionary element in the U.S., recently flaring up in the wake of the Obama presidency. Such views aren't new. Nor does such 'satire' exist in a vacuum. Those offended by the article, as well as protesting the UCD Advocate for their decision to publish it, should equally if not more vigilantly oppose the racism and oppressive attitudes and ideas expressed with all seriousness in real life. The vile, disgusting perspective expressed in Otte's satire piece is not far off from that inside the Tea Party Movement, the Minutemen and the Republican Party, is of-

ten expressed through offhand remarks in everyday life and in more nuanced ways within academia and even the Democratic Party. If such racism is to be overcome, it must be overcome in all spheres of life. We have to start somewhere. Bottom line: the writers and editors of the UCD Advocate are idiots who failed to keep their racism behind closed doors. They should be replaced by people who express empathy with those targeted with extra-normal oppression, not passing humor in their persecutors. Solidaridad is a MSCD student group dedicated to building student solidarity with those resisting neo-colonialism within the U.S. and around the world.

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 700 to 1,000 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by e-mail to dgrazia1@mscd.edu.

PRESENTATION EDITOR Julie Vitkovskaya uvitkovs@mscd.edu HEAD COPY EDITOR Jeremy Hoover jhoover9@mscd.edu COPY EDITORS Amanda Hall ahall35@mscd.edu Matt Gypin mgypin@mscd.edu Christin Mitchell cmitch39@mscd.edu ADVISER Jane Hoback hobackje@comcast.net ADVERTISING Tucker Knight tknight7@mscd.edu GRAPHIC DESIGN Kathleen Jewby kjewby@mscd.edu DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Dianne Harrison Miller harrison@mscd.edu ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Donnita Wong wongd@mscd.edu The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State College of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advertisers.


The Metro State Office of Student Media is looking for the 2010/2011

a leader for a new era of Met Radio 91.7FM Met Radio, the revamped student-run non-commercial Auraria campus radio station airs programming that includes talk-radio, poetry reading and story telling, interviews and a variety of contemporary and classic music.


Application deadline is April 15, 2010 Responsibilities The Met Radio general manager runs the day-to-day operations of the station, oversees production and programing, collaborates with the technical engineer, advisor and director concerning hiring decisions and participates in training of DJs.


• Resume and cover letter • Most recent grade report or official transcripts • Two letters of recommendation • Samples of work

Return to

Metro State Board of Student Media Attn: Deborah Hurley, Tivoli 313 or mail to: P.O. Box 173362 Campus Box 57 Denver, CO 80217-3362

TIVOLI STUDENT UNION, SUITE 313 PLEASE STOP BY TODAY AFTER 10AM TO RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY PASS FOR TWO. Student ID must be presented at time of ticket pick up and at the theater. One pass per persons. While limited supplies last. THIS FILM IS RATED R. RESTRICTED. FOR LANGUAGE, DRUG CONTENT AND SOME SEXUAL HUMOR. UNDER 17 REQUIRES ACCOMPANYING PARENT OR ADULT GUARDIAN. Please note: Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. No phone calls, please. Limit one pass per person. Each pass admits two. Seating is not guaranteed. Arrive early. Theater is not responsible for overbooking. This screening will be monitored for unauthorized recording. By attending, you agree not to bring any audio or video recording device into the theater (audio recording devices for credentialed press excepted) and consent to a physical search of your belongings and person. Any attempted use of recording devices will result in immediate removal from the theater, forfeiture, and may subject you to criminal and civil liability. Please allow additional time for heightened security. You can assist us by leaving all nonessential bags at home or in your vehicle.




“Sexual violence concerns everyone. We all have someone in our life who has this experience, whether they have disclosed it to us or not.”


Kate Ferraro • SPORTS EDITOR • kferraro@mscd.edu


Roadrunners take three from ’Wolves


4.9 Baseball

By Matt Hollinshead mhollin5@mscd.edu After dropping the series opener, 19-4, against CSU-Pueblo April 1, the Metro baseball team responded quickly with three consecutive wins, 9-7 and 6-5 on April 2 and 19-2 April 3 at Auraria Field. Metro is now 15-14 overall and 12-6 in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference. “[We] came out and got beat pretty bad the first game,” Head Coach Tom Carcione said. “The guys responded with winning a doubleheader yesterday and coming out today, pretty much putting it to them.” First baseman Jordan Stouffer also took note of the series. “[We were] just trying to simplify the game,” Stouffer said. “[We’re] playing a little more loose, a little more relaxed. I think the first game, we came out a little stiff.” CSU-Pueblo jumped to a 12-2 lead in the second inning April 1, eventually winning the game 19-4. Metro pitcher Ted Jamison pitched six innings, striking out three and walking one. Outfielder David Fox extended his hitting streak to 19 games. Meanwhile, CSU-Pueblo pitcher Cole Stephens allowed only three runs, on nine hits, in eight innings. Metro gained momentum in the series April 2, despite a cold afternoon of baseball. In the first game of a doubleheader, first baseman Evan Claus hit a game-winning, two-run walk-off home run in the seventh inning. “I’m just happy for a team win in a conference game,” Claus said. “It’s a huge win. It keeps us in good position to maybe win a conference championship.” Metro won the game, 9-7. Pitcher Jake Draeger allowed four runs over 5 1/3 innings. “We just had to put it (Thursday’s game) aside us,” Draeger said. “The guys did a good job of bouncing back. Everybody’s got a good mentality on this team. That really set the tone for the day for us.” Metro won game two of the doubleheader, 6-5. Pitcher Nate Van Bibber pitched six innings, striking out three and walking two batters. In the series finale, Stouffer put on an offensive show, hitting 3-6 with three home runs, tying a school record, and added seven RBIs. Continued on A17>>

6 p.m. @ Nebraska-Kearney

4.10 Track and Field

Pitcher Christie Robinson pitches to a Colorado School of Mines batter as Tara Mickelson stands ready April 3 during a softball game in Golden. Photo by Will Morgan • dmorga26@mscd.edu

metro 3 - Mines 1

Defense steps on ’Diggers By Josiah Kaan jkaan@mscd.edu

The Metro softball team strengthened their first place hold on the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference’s East Division April 2 and 3, winning a conference series 3-1 against second place Colorado School of Mines in Golden. “I thought we played really well,” Head Coach Jen Fisher said. “The hitters did really well and we got four great performances out of our pitchers.” What started out as a pitching duel between the top two pitchers in the RMAC, CSM pitcher Libby Balogh, who pitched for the ’Runners in 2008, and pitcher Christie Robinson, ended in a route as Metro mercyruled the first game April 2. “A lot of girls were hyped up to hit off her (Balogh) and it took a lot of focus to not get over-anxious facing her,” third baseman Tara Mickelson said. Center fielder Kellie Nishikida got the offense rolling with a double to left-center field, and was brought home two batters later as Mickelson singled to bring in the inaugural run. Both pitchers held the opposing offenses scoreless in the second before the Metro offense came alive, putting up four runs off RBIs from Mickelson, first baseman Jessica Haab, and left fielder Jennessa Tesone and extending the lead to 5-1 after three innings. Mines put themselves on the board in the bottom of the fourth with an unearned run from shortstop Sarah Van Lingen, but it wasn’t

enough as Metro put the game away with a five-run fifth inning due, in large part, to a three-run RBI double from Mickelson. Metro took game one handily with a 10-1 victory. “I really worked hard all weekend keeping my hands inside the ball and just really focused on hitting,” Mickelson said. “I really wanted to bust it out this weekend.” The Roadrunners’ bats remained hot in the second game, as they put away the Orediggers 7-1 with a strong pitching performance from Brittany Moss and more offensive production from Mickelson and the Metro offense. “They’re such a good team, you never know what is going to happen,” Tesone said. “They have good pitching, good hitters just like us, so you want to get those two wins out of the way.” The ’Runners picked up where they left off April 3, taking game one 10-0 in a six-inning mercy-rule win. Robinson took another game from the former Metro pitcher as Balogh was pulled in the fourth inning after giving up a 5-0 lead. Robinson improved to 10-1 with the win, placing her one win behind conference leader Justine Bosio from CSU-Pueblo. “You always talk about your hitters should get some run support to give your pitchers some confidence but [Robinson] kind of does the opposite,” Fisher said. “ She shuts them down to give the hitters some confidence that they can just swing and go for it.” Mines put an end to the Roadrunners’ offensive production in game two capitalizing on defensive

mistakes, which proved to be costly, in the end, to Metro. “It’s a game of inches,” Fisher said. “We were, maybe, a little bit off and we didn’t execute quite as well as we needed to on defense.” After Metro’s bats went cold in the first inning, Mines right fielder Allysia Cisneros scored off an errant throw from catcher Lauren Hainlen to give Mines a 1-0 first-inning lead. The Orediggers put up another run in the second after the ’Runners’ offense stalled for a second straight inning, before Metro tied the game in the third at two on a two-run home run from Nishikida. “The wind was blowing in really bad and their fences are 25-yards more deep than us,” Tesone said. “So, to know that little Kellie Nishikida could do it, I mean, we could too.” With the game tied going into the bottom of the sixth inning, the Orediggers’ third baseman Molly Thiebaut stole second and was brought home off a single down the right-field line from center fielder Macy Jones. Metro could not put up another run in the seventh inning, surrendering the last game of the series 3-2 to Mines. “Anytime you have a loss like that you absolutely turn it into a positive,” Fisher said. With the conference series win, Metro improved their record to 24-3 overall and 21-2 in the conference. The Roadrunners will return home for a conference series with University of Colorado at Colorado Springs April 10 and 11 at Auraria Field.

TBA @ CU Invitational Tennis 9:30 a.m. vs. Western New Mexico (@ Grand Junction) Softball Noon vs. UCCS Baseball 1 p.m. @ Nebraska-Kearney Tennis 2:30 p.m. @ Mesa State College

4.11 Softball

11 a.m. vs. UCCS Baseball Noon @ Nebraska-Kearney

Say What? “We’re fired up. There are some pretty big meets coming up to get good times. Our fitness level is there.” MEN’S TRACK SENIOR ANTHONY LUNA

FUN FACT Metro softball third baseman Tara Mickelson was named the RMAC/ Rawlings Player of the Week April 2. It is the first time she has been named player of the week this season and fourth time in her career.

Track, A14

Rockies Preview, A15

Kellie Nishikida Feature, A17

A14 • SPORTS • APRIL 8, 2010 • THE METROPOLITAN • “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” Unknown

’Runner secures provisional time By Kate Ferraro kferraro@mscd.edu Metro track senior Anthony Luna qualified for the NCAA Championships April 3 in the 800-meter at the Tom Benich Invitational in Greeley. Despite 20 to 30 mph winds, Luna finished with the top time among 48 runners, including a number of NCAA Division I runners. “Winds definitely play a role, because you’re racing to place,” Luna said. “Your main goal is to qualify, and it’s nice to get the auto, lock it in for NCAA. The element shows how tough people are.” He ran a 1:52.70, which converted to 1:52.13 for altitude. The provisional standard in Division II is 1:53.57 and the automatic time is 1:50.57. Luna was also part of the 4x400 relay team with sophomore Derek Fiorini and juniors Carl Arnold III and Shawn Lindbom. Luna said there was a handoff mishap where one of the opposing runners got in the way while Lindbom was trying to hand the baton to Luna. Even after the disastrous handoff, Luna still passed four competitors on the final lap to pull the Roadrunners to a third place finish, missing the qualifying time by five seconds. “He ran exceptional in both races,” Head Coach John Supsic said. “Even though it was

windy, he hit provisional times. He looked great; like a national champ.” Redshirt freshman Adrienne Bratton was one of the fewer athletes to benefit from the wind in her event. Bratton placed seventh in the triple jump out of 12 competitors, and was topped by just two Division II jumpers, while competing against multiple Division I and professional jumpers. Her 10.63-meter jump broke her school record of 10.13 meters. Bratton was excited to break her record once again, but is confident she can improve her jump even more. “It’s kind of disappointing, because it’s not as far as my indoor jump, but it will get better,” Bratton said. Sophomore Eiger Erickson came up just 13 seconds short of a provisional time in the 3,000-meter steeplechase for the men, finishing seventh out of 20 runners. For the women, sophomore Xenia Flores finished 24th in 5:04.55 as the top Roadrunner in the 1,500 meters. Though no one else made NCAA provisional times, Luna said he believes the team had a lot of success. “We’re fired up,” Luna said. “There are some pretty big meets coming up to get good times. Our fitness level is there.” The Roadrunners will compete in the CU Invitational April 10 in Boulder.

Hold The Press! The Metropolitan Is Looking For An Editor Editor Wanted for the 2010-2011 The Metropolitan This is a paid position. The editor is responsible for the editorial content of the weekly student newspaper. Duties include managing the student editorial staff, assigning stories, editing copy and working with the production manager on the physical make up of the newspaper. This position will begin May 8, 2010.

Qualications: • Applicants must be a Journalism major or minor or English major or minor and enrolled for at least 10 credit hours at Metro State. • Applicants must have and maintain a GPA of 3.0. • Journalism experience is a major consideration in the selection process.

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The Deadline is April 16, 2010

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Pitcher Mickey Lolich, who pitched 16 MLB seasons, hit the only home run of his career in his first World Series game in 1968. • THE METROPOLITAN • APRIL 8, 2010 • SPORTS • A15

metro Men 0-2 • Metro Women 0-2

Tennis drops four to Nebraska-Kearney By Enrico Dominguez edoming2@mscd.edu The Metro tennis team waited an extra six days to play NebraskaKearney because of a prior cancellation March 27 due to weather conditions. With all the anticipation in the air, one would think the Roadrunners would completely dominate the match from beginning to end. Instead the ’Runners lost in both men’s and women’s matches 6-3, 5-4. The men had a dreadful start to the match, losing all three doubles sets. No. 1 doubles senior Georgie Perez and junior Ross Gelina only scored three match points, losing 8-3. No. 2 and No. 3 doubles only scored a combined two points, both losing to UNK 8-1. Singles matches started off well with a win from the first three players, including No. 3 singles junior Ryan Campbell with a 6-3, 6-1 victory. Perez gave his opponent a glimmer of hope with a tie after the second set, but won with the tie-breaker, making the score 6-4, 4-6, 10-6. No. 4 singles freshman Ryan Joyce lost his match 6-3, 6-4 while No. 5 singles freshman Mark Damien lost as well 6-2, 6-1. No. 6 singles sophomore Mattia Ferrari finished his match 6-0, 6-3, making the final score tied at three. The loss against UNK leaves the ’Runners 6-5 overall, 2-1 within the Rocky Mountain Athletic Mountain Conference. Kearney is 10-5 overall and 1-0 in the RMAC. The women had a much closer

Metro tennis junior Ross Gelina returns a ball to MSU-Billings sophomore Franco Valdez April 2 at Gates Tennis Center in Cherry Creek. The ‘Runners lost 7-2. Photo by Steve Anderson •


match, losing 5-4 making them 6-7 overall and 2-1 within the RMAC. Doubles started off great winning two of three matches with a starting score of 2-1. No. 1 doubles was successful with a match win 8-3 from senior April Hirad and sophomore Yerica Pessoa. No. 3 doubles won

8-3 from junior Alexis Alvarez and freshman Marianne Evangelista. The trouble started in singles when No.1 Pessoa lost 3-6, 6-2, 6-1, No. 2 Hirad lost 6-1, 6-0 and No. 3 freshman Nicole Herrmann lost 6-4, 6-4. No. 4 and No. 5 singles were both won by tiebreakers. Evangelista

won her match 6-3, 4-6, 7-6 followed by junior Kathleen Thompson’s win 6-4, 3-6, 10-7. “Kearney is a really good team in our conference so we knew we had to come out and play our best game,” Thompson said. “They have always been a huge rival for our

Philadelphia and St. Louis. Ubaldo Jimenez had a breakout season last year winning 15 games and coming on strong down the stretch. Many experts expect him to compete for a Cy Young in his career but the Rockies are just looking for a rock in the rotation and expect Jimenez to be that guy. Aaron Cook, a notoriously slow starting pitcher in the early months, needs to get started quickly and regain his 16-win 2008 form for the Rockies to really get going in April and May. The wild card will be whether Francis can return from major surgery and winning anywhere close to his 17 games in 2007. Both pitchers with have to stay healthy in order for this rotation to be as dangerous as projected. The Rockies have never been so deep at the pitcher position. If they can stay healthy and have two or three double digit winning starters, watch out west!

2010. Namely Clint Barmes, Dexter Fowler, Iannetta and Stewart will all have increased roles and pressure this season. Stewart in a somewhat limited role had less than a full seasons atbats. Despite that he still cranked a career-high 25 home runs but was hindered by his 138 strikeouts. He will have to limit his K’s and increase his average in order to become a force that his coaches and teammates expect him to be. With the trade of Yorvit Torrealba and his great clutch hitting, Iannetta may have more pressure on him than any Rockie this season. Iannetta has been highly touted as an offensive catcher since he came on with the team but has yet to break out. This year he will get his chance with increased playing time. Whether he runs with his opportunity remains to be seen. Another exceptional talent is Fowler. With his speed and switching hitting he is a coach’s dream but after a great start in 2009, injury and a slump affected his season totals. This year the Rockies will surely

look for Fowler to increase his onbase percentage and hit more consistently from both sides of the plate. Look for him to steal a few bases as well. Rounding out the Rockies offense with be the powerful Brad Hawpe, the always patience Todd Helton and of course the face of the Rockies, Troy Tulowitzki. Overall, scoring runs should not be a problem for the Rockies, but when they score will be the key. If the Rockies can be more clutch, hopefully, a great pitching staff they could exceed 2009’s win total.

school.” All the pressure came down on freshman Sam Schall at No. 6 singles with the score tied up at four. Schall’s opponent was UNK’s sophomore No. 6 singles veteran from McCrook, Nebraska Melissa Lyster. Not only does Lyster have more experience than Schall, but she has a better record at 5-4 in singles matches on the season so far. Schall stepped up to the challenge but was unable to pull off the win for the match win. Schall lost to Lyster 6-3, 6-1 making Schall’s overall record in singles 3-5. Metro was unable to pull off a win not only against UNK, but also against Montana State UniversityBillings. The men lost to MSUB 7-2 while the women lost 6-3. Although the tennis program went 0-4 on the weekend, everyone seems to have the same thing on their mind, Mesa State College. Mesa is ranked neck and neck with the women’s program and beat MSUB as well. For the men’s side Mesa is ranked second in the standings while Metro is ranked third. “We look forward to playing Mesa because we are neck and neck every single time, we either lose 4-5 or we win 5-4,” Thompson said.

Colorado expected to ‘Rock’ NL West Division By Sam Cowhick scowhick@mscd.edu

Since the birth of the Rockies in 1993, two things have been certain; they have not won a World Series, and despite recent success, they have never been favored to win the National League West Division. It seems both are not so crazy possibilities in 2010. The looming questions remaining are the health of pitcher Jeff Francis and closer Huston Street as well as the current maturation process of Ian Stewart and Chris Iannetta. Opening Day is one for optimism and child-like joy for every team in the big leagues but Colorado now has both the expectations and pressure of being a preseason favorite for the postseason. How will they answer?

Pitching Depth The Rockies enter 2010 with possibly the strongest starting rotation in their history. In fact, they might have the fifth-best rotation in baseball, trailing New York, Boston,

Offensive Progress Progression is the name of the game for many Rockies hitters in

Defense is dependable After setting a record fielding percentage in the magical 2007 season the Rockies have sputtered somewhat on the defensive end. However, the Rockies still remain a top-tier defensive team with great fielders. Stewart will surely add to his highlight reel with amazing plays as he enters the season as the everyday third baseman. Tulowitzki, also, is bound to turn some stunning

double plays with Barmes and show off his great range and arm strength from the vital shortstop position. Barring injury the always dependable and often overlooked glove of Helton will be snagging balls out of the dirt at first to round out the infield for the Rockies. Youth is the name of the game in the outfield with speedy Fowler and Gonzalez patrolling left and center field. Also no opposing base runner in the league will be unaware of Hawpe’s cannon in right field. The expectations are unusually high for the Rockies this year. Experts from Buster Olney of ESPN to the writers of Sports Illustrated are picking the Rockies not only to win the West, but also contend for a National League title. Such expectations must not distract this team but motivate them. Baseball is an incredibly long season and the old “take it one game at a time” saying must be the Rockies mantra in order to get this team, city and state something they have never had before; a World Series Championship.


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Nishikida’s bat louder than words

“I make my weaknesses my strengths and my strengths stronger.” - Team USA softball pitcher Lisa Fernandez • THE METROPOLITAN • APRIL 8, 2010 • SPORTS • A17

By Josiah Kaan jkaan@mscd.edu It has been said that still waters run deep. Kellie Nishikida, a senior on the National Fastpitch Coaches Association’s No. 10 ranked Metro softball team, may be the most dangerous example of a silent assassin in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference. “She’s real quiet, and you wouldn’t know it but she’s a real sparkplug,” Head Coach Jen Fisher said about the 23-year-old Hawaii native. “She’s definitely a quiet leader but she does keep everybody focused and relaxed too.” Nishikida, from Pearl City, Hawaii, came to Metro after her sister, Corrie, had been recruited by Fisher to play in the thin Denver air. “Coach recruited my sister and I was kind of taking a break from school,” said Nishikida, one of only two Metro softball athletes to be named All-American. “I just said, ‘Oh wouldn’t it be funny if we played again,’ and she said, ‘I’m going to talk to coach Fisher.’ I didn’t think she was serious but she really did.” And the rest, as some say, is Metro history. Corrie, 21, played one year under Fisher before leaving the mountains for the beaches, while Kellie decided to come back for her senior season. “Coming here, without her sister this year, had to be hard because all her family, all her friends are back in Hawaii,” outfielder Molly Clark said, one of Nishikida’s closest friends on the team. “We’re really glad that she came back but it’s different because she doesn’t have all that support that we have with our families here, our friends here.” Nishikida played soccer growing up and basketball at Pearl City High School before attending and playing softball for Hawaii Pacific University. She said that out of everyone, she owes the most to her parents. “My dad and my mom, they sac-

Metro softball outfielder Kellie Nishikida. Photo by Drew Jaynes • ajaynes1@mscd.edu rificed a lot,” Nishikida explained. “Sent us on trips to the mainland, and all that stuff.” After graduating from PCHS in 2004, Nishikida played for the Sea Warriors the following two years before taking time off and returning to softball in 2009. “Taking a break for a couple of years, I thought I would kind of lose it, the softball touch,” Nishikida said. “In the beginning [I did], but after that you just have to kind of jump back into it.” Since her Roadrunner arrival, Nishikida has filled up the box score, batting .407 to go along with 62 runs scored, 53 runs batted in and 13 home runs in the 2009 season, and has adopted a new state-side family in the team. “It’s tough being here,” Fisher said. “You can imagine, Hawaii or Denver; surfing or shoveling snow off your field. That’s been hard, she’s very close with her family and a lot of times we forget that that’s just a tough thing in itself to be away from

home and such a beautiful place and being close with your family and everything.” Fisher said that she expected Nishikida to struggle a little bit with her family’s absence, but she didn’t expect her to be the type of friend that she is. “She’s a good friend to everyone. That really surprised me that she stepped out of her comfort zone and befriended all 14 other girls on the team,” third-year Head Coach Fisher said. “That surprised me because for being as shy as she seems on the outside, she really has a great sense of humor and really does help the other girls.” Clark and Nishikida spend a lot of time together off the field and have found they have similar senses of humor. “We just find the same things funny,” Clark, 21, said. “It sounds bad, but people trip and we’ll joke about it, we’ll laugh about it. Stuff that other people might get offended by, we have a better sense of humor

metro 3 - CSU-Pueblo 1

about it.” Although she has accomplished a lot on the field, Nishikida said that one of her prouder accomplishments is leaving Hawaii.

“She’s real quiet, and you wouldn’t know it but she’s a real sparkplug. She’s definitely a quiet leader but she does keep everybody focused and relaxed too.”


“Leaving the Island; a lot of people, they don’t leave,” Nishikida explained. “So, I can say that I experienced it. I think that’s my biggest accomplishment.” Nishikida is a psychology major, after an introduction class spiked her interest, but said that as far as a career goes, she’ll just have to take the ride.

“I’m just going to get my degree then, hopefully, get a career,” Nishikida said. “Kind of just see where it goes, I’m not sure; maybe help coach high school or little kids.” During the offseason, Nishikida is an integral part of the community service program the softball team takes part in and has surprised and impressed others with the leadership she provides. “All the camps and things that we’ve done, the community service stuff, she’s really gotten in there oneon-one and been a good example for those high school camps that we do,” Fisher boasted. “She’s great with little kids too. I maybe wouldn’t have expected that out of somebody that seems so shy on the outside.” Besides the temperature difference, Nishikida said that the biggest difference between Pearl City and Denver is the scenery and that she still prefers surfing. “We’re surrounded by water in Hawaii, so there are no beaches here. Snow, there’s mountains, just scenery,” Nishikida said about the differences between the two states. “I tried [snowboarding] once and I kept on falling. I think I’d prefer surfing.” In her first season at Metro, Nishikida earned an All-American honor, Daktronics first-team AllCentral Region honors, NFCA second-team all-region and first-team All-RMAC honors. In 27 games this season, she has scored 35 runs, batted in 17 runs, and leads the team in stolen bases (11) and at-bats (86). “Kellie brings a ton to this team,” Clark said. “She’s got a great bat. She’s fast all around the bases. She’s a great outfielder too. Anywhere she’s put she can play. Right, left, center, she’ll do a great job for us. She brings a whole lot to the team.”

Roadrunners prepare for multi-series road trip <<Continued from A13 “I try to make every at-bat count,” Stouffer said. “I try to hit my pitches, not pitchers’ pitches. It’s the same approach I usually have.” Metro blew out the ThunderWolves, 192, behind Stouffer’s career performance. “He’s made some adjustments,” Carcione said. “A couple weeks back, he wasn’t recognizing the breaking ball too much. He’s putting a lot of extra work in the [batting] cages. He’s on a little streak right now.” Pitcher Bradshaw Perry allowed one run, on four hits, striking out four and walking five. Stouffer was named Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference/Rawlings Player of the

Week April 6 for the first time in his career. In four games against the ThunderWolves, he batted .438 with 11 RBIs and five home runs. Stouffer tied a school record by blasting three home runs April 3 and came within one RBI of the school record, driving in seven. Metro will travel to Nebraska-Kearney for a four-game series, April 9-11.

Metro second basemen Tommy Frikken tags out a CSU-Pueblo runner April 3 at Auraria Field. The ‘Runners won the game 19-2.

Photo by Steve Anderson • sande104@ mscd.edu





BEST OF ONLINE Across 1- Darn 5- Back talk 8- Water, abroad 12- Between ports 13- Swellings 15- Respiratory organ 16- Drops from the sky 17- New York city 18- “Venerable” English monk 19- Ancient language of Gaul 22- Aurora’s counterpart 23- Cornerstone abbr. 24- Frond plant 26- Actress Mason 29- Anew 31- Darlin’ 32- DuBois’“talented” group 34- Valleys 36- Baltic feeder 38- Ascends 40- Actress Turner 41- Humped ruminant 43- Chairs 45- Cpl., for one

46- Small lobe 48- Deceive 50- Former French colony of north-western Africa 51- Decoration at the top of a chair leg 52- Land in la mer 54- Imperturbable 61- Goes down 63- New Hampshire city 64- Person, place, or thing 65- Bottom of the barrel 66- Four-door 67- Cross inscription 68- Goes astray 69- Convened 70- Elderly, matured

Down 1- Sportscaster Albert 2- Biblical birthright seller 3- Singer Sedaka 4- Peril 5- Lounge 6- Brain wave 7- Heating fuel 8- Long-sleeved linen vestment 9- State in NE Australia 10- Go back, in a way 11- A long time 13- Arctic gale 14- Smell 20- Kind of prof. 21- Dweeb 25- Actual 26- Related to form 27- Wind speed measuring instrument 28- Licorice-like flavoring 29- In front 30- Therefore 31- Ad ___

33- Half a fly 35- ___ Paulo, Brazil 37- First name in country 39- Raise a grade? 42- Corker 44- Hit with an open hand 47- Rings of a chain 49- The Muse of astronomy 52- Land in water 53- Lecherous look 55- Dues 56- Moon of Jupiter 57- Med school subj. 58- Dull resonant sound 59- Decoy 60- Children’s author Blyton 62- Draft org.

Texts from last night

My life is average

A horse told me not to drive home last night. I think there was a cop on top of it.

Today, I used a new brand of bodywash in the shower. It’s bright blue and, when it lathers up before being washed off, it stays blue on my skin. This morning I made my entire body blue and pretended I was an Avatar. This will be a common occurrence in my daily routine.

Disney World has no open container laws. Ohmygod this place is even cooler than it was when I was ten. We were all standing in the kitchen taking shots and we look over at you and your face is in the plate of spaghetti you were eating.

Today i wanted to make popcorn. I took the bag and put it in the cabinet, five minutes later i realized it hadn’t beeped yet...then i realized i put it in the cabinet.

I left a cheeto on everyone’s car trailing to the house i’m at, hanzel and gretel style.

Today, I opened up my fortune cookie after i finished my meal at the chinese restaurant. It said, “Popsicles are a source of power.” I believe it has changed my perspective on life completely. Thank you, fortune cookie.

Ricky Martin is gay. You owe me $10 from 3rd grade. You were so high that you made a 14 page PowerPoint on why Santa would beat Peter pan in a fight. And I must say, you were very persuasive.



Naughty Pierre’s Burlesque and Comedy Extravaganza!

2nd Annual Project RUFFway Benefit and Fashion Show

8 P.M. Lannie’s Clocktower Carbaret $20

6:30 — 9 P.M. Mile High Station $20

Feminism + Co.: Art + Sex + Politics - Women and Motorcycling

Human Trafficking Clinic’s Silent Art Auction

6 — 8 P.M. MCA Denver 1485 Delgany St. $15/$10 members

6:30 P.M. CO-Art Gallery, 846 Santa Fe Dr.

SUNDAY/ 4.11


It’s a Pet’s Life Art Exhibit

Stop the Hate Rally

12 — 5 P.M. The Empty Bottle 1886 S. Pearl St.

11 — 2 P.M.

MONDAY/ 4.12 1800 Miles: Striving to End Sexual Violence by Josh Phillip 1 P.M.

Tivoli 440/540

Tivoli Commons

Sponsored by the Auraria Gay-Straight Alliance to bring attention to hate at Auraria and in the Denver community. This hate can be about things such as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, religion.

Illuminating the Politics of Disney, presented by Rachel A. Griffin, Ph.D. 1 P.M.

Tivoli Turnhalle


Comedy for a Cause

7 P.M. Bovine Metropolis Theatre 1527 Champa St. $20 Benefit for the Colorado non-profit International Hearing Dog, Inc.

Human Trafficking Clinic’s Silent Art Auction 6:30 P.M. CO-Art Gallery, 846 Santa Fe Dr.

WEDNESDAY/ 4.14 Spiritualization of the Body

7 — 10 P.M. Denver Metaphysical Research Society 1001 E. 7th Ave.

Only in Boulder Exhibit 10 A.M. — 5 P.M. Boulder History Museum 1206 Euclid Ave.

Wings of Spring 12 — 3 P.M. Matthews/Winters Park 1103 County Highway 93, Golden

Note: Best of Online entries are not edited.

Phone App of the Week AnyStop: Denver RTD By April Zemyan azemyan@mscd.edu Transportation is an important topic for most students, especially on a commuter campus such as Auraria. AnyStop: Denver RTD can be helpful for students trying to get to campus or other places downtown. AnyStop, made for Android, offers bus routes near your location using GPS. How to use: The app allows you to either type in your current location or use the GPS to pinpoint it. AnyStop will come up with a list of bus routes at that location. Simply choose where you’re headed. Advantages: AnyStop allows you to pick favorite locations, convenient if you use the same route multiple times. The app gives times of arrival in increments according to the time on your phone. AnyStop also offers an option to see all stops in Colorado. The app offers transit for most U.S. cities. Disadvantages: Sometimes the GPS can give an error and is unable to find your location, forcing you to type in the address. Also, if you try to click around too fast, the application can malfunction and close.


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91.7FM Knock Knock Who’s There? Funny cartoonist Hey, do you want a job at the Metropolitan? We’re looking for a cartoonist to create a weekly comic for The Metropolian. Contact Julie Vitkovskaya at uvitkovs@mscd.edu, 303-556-2507 or stop by Tivoli 313.

Looking For LOOKING FOR LUNCHTIME American Mah Jongg game. Rona 303-556-3128. 4/22

Only 15¢ a word! 303-556-2507

Your Growth Strategy Internship and Employment Opportunities in the Office of Student Media We are recruiting students for part-time internships and employment to sell advertising, underwriting and sponsorship packages for all our media platforms. Experience in print, radio, television and website e-commerce will help launch your future career. Visit: Tivoli Student Union, Suite 313 Call: 303-556-2507, Office

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