Volume 42, Issue 24 - March 4, 2020

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 24


MARCH 4, 2020


Coloradans vote in droves for primary Bernie Sanders wins Colorado, turnout six times that of 2016

Photo by Justine Johnson | jjohn460@msudenver.edu

Theodore Stilwell from CU Denver turns in his ballot in the Tivoli Student Union Building on March 3. Bernie Sanders won Colorado by over 10 percentage points.

By James Burky | Herman Guzman-Ibarra |

eclipsed 600,000, was six times that for

21%, respectively. Sanders won 53 of 64

a change, then get your voice heard. I

Brady Pieper

the 2016 Colorado Democratic Caucus.

counties in Colorado and garnered over

think that’s more than enough to see

40% of the vote in Denver County as of

what the populace is thinking,” MSU

and nobody wants a wrong answer,”

press time, according to AP. Immigration

Denver student Marco Delgato said.

Giovanna Castro-Perkins said as she walked

and climate change policy motivated

out of a polling center at Front Range

students to take time to vote on campus.

jburky@msudenver.edu | hguzmani@ msudenver.edu | bpieper3@msudenver.edu Over half a million Colorado

“Everybody wants the right answer

Sixteen miles from Delgato, voters in northern Jefferson County showed

voters mailed ballots and waited in

Community College in Westminster. “With

line at polling stations to show their

the older generation’s ideas dying, we

into two lines that led into the Tivoli

importance of elections. Over 50,000

support for Bernie Sanders in the

don’t want those same 50s values where

Multicultural Lounge. One was for voters

Jeffco Democrats voted on Tuesday —

state’s first primary on March 3.

the wife stays home and the husband

registered in Denver County and the

Sanders nabbed 34% of those votes.

works and that kind of mindset.”

other was for those registered outside of

Sanders won Colorado with 36% of the votes as of press time. The Associated Press

Former New York Mayor Michael

called the state for the Vermont senator just

Bloomberg and former Vice President

as polls closed. The voter turnout, which

Joe Biden trailed Sanders with 23 and



| pg. 2


| pg. 5

People, mostly students, divided

similar support for Sanders and the sheer

Denver County but were on campus.

| Continued on pg. 3

“Let’s get our voice heard. If you want something and you feel like making


| pg. 6


| pg. 8

Local and national synopsis of Super

Don’t panic, COVID-19 may not be

Mile High movie scene shows up for

Softball and baseball perfect at



fair at Colorado Film School

home over weekend


MARCH 4, 2020


Super Tuesday: Results from Coolorado’s first Democratic Primary Delegates

Votes %

Votes Count

Bernie Sanders




Michael Bloomberg




Joe Biden




Elizabeth Warren




Tulsi Gabbard




Tom Steyer




Cory Booker




Marianne Williamson




Rita Krichevsky




Robby Wells (withdrawn) (withdrawn) (withdrawn) (withdrawn) (withdrawn)


0.1% 0.5% 0.4% 0.1% 0% 0%

296 3,307 3,119 200 0 0


Design by Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

Andrew Yang Tom Steyer Deval Patrick Pete Buttigieg Amy Klobuchar

Super Tuesday: Biden surprises, Warren and Bloomberg suffer, Sanders holds own Design by Zhen Tang

*All results are as of press


time | via Associated Press

States winner


Joe Biden


Joe Biden


Bernie Sanders


Bernie Sanders


Too close to call

Massachusetts: Minnesota:

Joe Biden

Joe Biden

North Carolina:

Joe Biden


Joe Biden


Joe Biden


Joe Biden


Bernie Sanders

Vermont: Virginia:

Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden

Key: Color coding represents candidate finishes in each state


14 states

from bottom to top. Example: Sanders (green) was first in Colorado and Warren (brown) finished fourth.

MARCH 4, 2020



Sanders wins Colorado, Biden favored nationally

The former vice president and Vermont senator were the two major Super Tuesday candidates Continued from cover

Going out and voting is their way of shouting into the void to be heard. “We have a democracy. You

The minds of voters exiting

should use whatever power you

Front Range Community College

have, no matter how small it feels,”

wasn’t on the candidate they

said voter Margot Allscheid. “You

were for as much as it was the

could hopefully make a difference.”

reason they were voting. Ming, an Adams County

All but 11 ounties across Colorado went to Sanders. Adams

resident who declined to

County’s votes were 41.26% in

provide her last name, took time

favor of Sanders, and Pueblo

off work to cast her vote.

County — which voted in favor

“We’ve spent so much time

of Trump in 2016 — went to

fighting for that right — for women

Sanders, beating Bloomberg by

to vote, for minorities to vote,

about 1.5% as of press time.

and then people don’t exercise

Allscheide said that she’s

that right — it’s just wrong,” she

lost some hope with the way

said. “You can do a lot with social

things are run, and that there

activism and all that, but if you

needs to be systematic change

don’t come out and vote if you

on the national level, or some

can, what did you fight for?”

kind of political revolution.

Ming’s sentiment bled across party lines. Edward Schaulz, a Republican, cast his vote for President Donald Trump, who unsurprisingly won 89% of the vote for his party.

“It’s your God-given right as a United States citizen to vote.” – Edward Schaulz

“It’s your God-given right as a United States citizen to vote,” Schaulz said. These voter patterns are

Sanders’ steamroll in the state did not transition on a national

Photo by Brady Pieper | bpieper3@msudenver.edu

Colorado voters wait for their turn to cast a vote during the Democratic Primary in the Tivoli Multicultural Lounge on March 3. In Maine, the difference between

recieved being 33 as of press time.

Sanders and Biden was almost

expected from the area. In Jefferson

Vice President Joe Biden, Sanders

negligible, barely having a 1%

state, with 228 delegates at stake.

County, 48.9% of the people voted

has had to fight an uphill battle.

difference between the two.

Sanders was leading for a while, but

favored by almost every voter

Biden began to overtake him as the

demographic. Only voters above the

night went on before surpassing him

age of 65, voters against universal

Democrat in the last presidential

This didn’t mean he had done

There were 1,300 delegates are

Texas is also another important

my age, I think,” Allscheide

level, however. Up against former

said, who is 22 years old. In Colorado, Sanders was

election, 42.0% voted Republican,

poorly — compared to Mike

on the table for the presidential

and the remaining 9.1% voted

Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren,

candidates, the most out of any

Independent, according to Jefferson

Sanders did much better. Biden

primary election and about a third

whole — it’s about the people voting

did not vote in his favor. Even

County’s official website.

gave him less breathing room,

of the total delegates available.

too. Women, minorities, undeclared

then, Sanders still received 20%

parties and larger demographics

of moderate voters’ support.

Similar to Colorado, Jefferson

however. At 8:30 p.m., Biden

The big prize on Super Tuesday

It’s not just about the states as a

healthcare and conservative voters

County hasn’t voted Republican

had won Alabama, Arkansas,

has always been California, with

are key to winning the primaries.

since 2004, when former President

Minnesota, North Carolina,

415 delegates to distribute. Sanders

In California, Biden won 38% of the

for either of those two candidates

George W. Bush was on the ballot.

Oklahoma, Tennessee and Virginia.

was projected to win the state

Black voter group, but in Virginia,

was the American Samoa territory,

once the polls closed, according to

he won 71% of that demographic.

which favored Bloomberg the

People are looking for change in the current political climate.

Sanders had only claimed Utah, Colorado and Vermont.

AP, with the amount of delegates

The only area that did not go

most out of everyone. The US

“We have a democracy. You should use whatever power you have, no matter how small it feels.” – Margot Allscheide

territory is only worth six delegates, but with how close the vote has been, those six may make a difference for the candidates. Warren was not expected to win any states during the night. This is not the end — far from

Sanders is favored in Texas by Hispanic and Asian voters,

getting more tense as the days

claiming 45% and 57 of their votes,

go on, and as election day looms

respectively. Sanders is also more

over the candidates, the race for

popular with people between the

presidency continues to be one of

ages of 18-29 and 30-44 across

the biggest stories of the year.

almost every state, while Biden

Now it falls on the American

appeals more to older voters in

people to make their peace with the

the 45-64 and over age range.

decisions they’ve made leading up

This lines up with voters

to the Nov. 3 presidential election.

exiting FRCC as well, as many

Photo by Herman Guzman-Ibarra| hguzmani@msudenver.edu

The only thing the American

of his supporters there were

people — and the world

in their early to mid-20s.

watching — can do is wait.

“He’s very popular with people

Guillama Saaty walks out of Front Range Community College’s voter service and polling center on March 3 after submitting his vote. He was one of over 50,000 voters in the area.

it. The political climate is only



MARCH 4, 2020

CU Boulder raises surveillance of coronavirus, suspends China abroad programs By Tory Lysik | CU Independent

and common cold symptoms. In rare


cases, it can be lethal. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.

Now declared a global health emergency

The virus is currently said to be a low-risk

by the World Health Organization, the deadly

issue in Colorado after Colorado Department

coronavirus has caused increased health and

of Public Health and Environment officials

safety monitoring across the U.S. following

deemed a third possible case of the virus

its outbreak in China. The University of

negative on Feb. 25. There are currently no

Colorado Boulder said in a CU Boulder Today

confirmed cases of the virus in Colorado.

article on Feb. 26 that it is monitoring the

Still, CU Boulder staff are asking

situation and is following guidelines from the

students to practice healthy habits including

Center for Disease, Control and Prevention to

washing hands, using tissues and avoiding

ensure campus safety. There have been five

contact with people who are sick.

confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S. so far. “While the CDC considers this a serious public health concern to monitor,

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student

the immediate health risk to the general

Photo by Andrew Scales and courtesy of the CU Independent

public is currently considered low in the

media organizations are sharing editorial content to promote student work around the

CU Boulder medical professionals advised students on Feb. 26 that risk of coronavirus on campus was low. The university also suspended its study abroad programs in China.

U.S.,” Gloria Brisson, senior director of medical services, told CU Boulder Today.

state. For more information, write to Editor-inChief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

The university also announced that it has suspended Education Abroad-sponsored

decision to raise the Travel Advisory Level

in Wuhan, China, is a disease normally

programs to China for the Spring 2020

for China to “Level 3: Reconsider travel.”

contracted by birds and mammals. In

semester following the Department of State’s

The coronavirus, which first broke out

humans, it can cause respiratory issues

Briefs MSU Denver professor speaks at Pixar exhibit Craig Svonkin, an MSU Denver

Mayor Hancock says Denver is prepared for coronavirus Denver Mayor Michael

Stepmother of Gannon Stauch accused of murder and arrested Letecia Stauch was arrested on

Tweet by Denver councilwoman prompts calls to resign A Feb. 28 tweet from Denver

Mexico v. Colombia soccer match coming to Denver The Federación Mexicana

associate professor of English,

Hancock spoke to press on

March 2 and accused of murdering

City Council member Candi

de Fútbol and Soccer United

spoke on March 3 at the Denver

March 2 to assure the public

her 11-year-old stepson, Gannon.

CdeBaca prompted backlash from

Marketing will hold a soccer

Museum of Nature and Science

that the city is prepared for

She was arrested in Myrtle Beach,

the Colorado Republican Party.

match between Mexico and

on their Pixar exhibit. The special

a coronavirus outbreak.

South Carolina and transported

“Science of Pixar” exhibit explores

There are no confirmed cases

CdeBaca retweeted a message

Colombia in Denver this summer,

to Colorado after waiving

from a woman saying she would

according to 9News. The game

the math, technology and art used

in Colorado, but there are nine

her right to fight extradition,

go to Make America Great

will be held at Empower Field

to create Pixar classics like “Toy

tests pending. Hancock said

according to The Denver Post.

Again rallies if infected with the

at Mile High on May 30.

Story” and “Finding Nemo.”

the city will install sanitation

“From the beginning of

Stauch is in the custody of the

coronavirus, then commented,

Both teams are expected to

stations in public places, and he

El Paso County Sheriff’s Office

“#solidarity Yaaaas!!” with

bring top rosters in preparation

film, animation has been right

has assembled a task force to

and being held on suspicion of

laughing-crying emojis.

for further competitions this

there — it’s pure cinema,”

coordinate strategies with schools,

murder, tampering with a body,

Svonkin told MSU Denver Red.

shelters and Denver International

tampering with evidence and

on March 2, saying CdeBaca

the Mexican National Team on

Airport, according to FOX31.

child abuse resulting in death.

should resign and calling her

June 19, when they defeated

tweet “simply disgusting.”

Canada 3-1 at the then-Broncos

The Pixar exhibit opened on Oct. 11 and will close on April 5.

The mayor said the best way

Gannon was reported missing

The Colorado GOP responded

The tweet was deleted on

summer. Denver last hosted

to avoid getting sick is to wash

on Jan. 27 and his body hasn’t

your hands often with soap and

been found. Stauch was the

March 3, according to 9News,

water. The city provides more

last person to see him alive,

and CdeBaca’s chief of staff

will go on sale on March 9 at

information on its website.

according to The Denver Post.

said Republicans should

10 a.m. on Ticketmaster.

redirect their focus to the Trump administration’s downplaying response to the coronavirus.

Stadium at Mile High. Tickets to the May 30 match

MARCH 4, 2020



Try not to panic about Coronavirus until you have to

staff Editor-in-Chief

he coronavirus is sending

Washington State, according to

their seats on the plane and extra

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu

the U.S. into a frenzy,

CBS News. Locally, Denver Mayor

staff to keep the airport clean.

Managing Editor

and all the hand sanitizer in

Michael Hancock said on March 2

There is still little danger

the world can’t help us.

that no one in Colorado has been

of getting the disease while

confirmed to have the coronavirus,

traveling in the U.S., but

of Super Tuesday, and it’s no

but there are nine pending

traveling to some countries can

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

wonder people are getting

cases, according to FOX31.

be dangerous right now. The

Features Editor

CDC recommends canceling

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu


Add to that the confusion

sick. But as local politicians

While your chances of getting

Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu News Editor

announce how many coronavirus

sick or dying are low, there

trips to China and surrounding

cases have been confirmed

are things you can do to keep

countries, and travelers should

Sports Editor

yourself healthy. The Center for

pack an emergency first

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

in your city, just remember

Megan Webber

one thing — don’t panic.

Disease Control and Prevention

aid kit with things like hand

it was the ghost of swine flu

recommends washing your hands,

sanitizer and cold medicine,

up memories from 2009 when

leaving my body, but I survived

avoiding touching your face and

according to Go World Travel.

the swine flu pandemic took hold

that, too. Being able to say that —

— my favorite — not panicking.

of our country. I was in seventh

when 284,500 other people were

Doctors are advising people not

reason for a panic, but if you

grade, and I remember kids at

killed by the disease, according

to go crazy when stocking up

are susceptible to colds and

my school clutching themselves

to Business Insider — gives me

on supplies like hand sanitizer

diseases, don’t feel bad about

and trying to distance themselves

confidence in my immune system.

and face masks, according to the

taking precautions. Don’t be

All this excitement is bringing

from other bodies. I saw no reason

That said, COVID-19 has been

As of now, I don’t see any

Washington Post. Just a little

dumb, but rest assured we’ll

to panic, and then on my twelfth

reported to be more deadly

bit of soap goes a long way. You

be fine until we aren’t.

birthday I was diagnosed with

than the swine flu. The death

can also carry hand sanitizing

H1N1, also known as swine flu.

rate of H1N1 was 0.02% in 2009

wipes with you and wipe down

Megan Webber is a fourth-year

according to Business Insider, and

public surfaces like shopping cart

convergent journalism major with a

COVID-19 has a death rate of 2%,

handles, doorknobs and tables.

minor in linguistics at MSU Denver.

lying under a pile of blankets

according to Live Science. That

and shivering so hard my teeth

number takes the entire globe

chattered. After a week, I got

into account, so it’s important

better. I rescheduled my birthday party for Halloween night, but the day before Halloween, I came down with another fever. Maybe

Justine Johnson jjohn460@msudenver.edu Copy Editor Nicolas Cippitelli ncippite@msudenver.edu Spanish Editors Manuel Saldana msaldan4@msudenver.edu Francisco Hernandez fherna14@msudenver.edu Design Editor

and felt miserable. I remember

I was out of school for a week

Photo Editor

Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

She is currently the Managing Editor

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

comes from people who travel.

of The Metropolitan and interning

Production Manager of Met Media

Denver International Airport

at The Denver Post. In 2019, she

to remember that fatality rates

has announced a bump in their

won the Denver Press Club’s John

in the U.S. are still low.

sanitizing efforts, such as extra

C. Ennslin award. Contact her at

Office Manager

sanitizing stations, cleaning wipes


Meher Noorulamin mnoorula@msudenver.edu

Nine Americans have died so far, and all of them were in

Most of the danger of a spread

so passengers can wipe down

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

“Toy Story” movie series among greatest of all time


s there another movie series out

one of the key characters who

and Pixar are still making the

there that makes your heart feel

create gender equality, which

wonderful adventures of the toys

the films once lacked. Because

worth watching. “Toy Story” is as

of this, the movies have gained

entertaining as it is innovative.

better than “Toy Story” does? Arguably Pixar’s most popular movies of all time, nothing

new fans across the landscape.

compares to “Toy Story’s”

“Toy Story” kicked off a

The first two movies came out before I was even born, but

intriguing storylines that leave fans

new era. It was the first entirely

they were instrumental in my

falling in love. Since 1995 when

computer-animated feature film

childhood. Even to this day,

the first “Toy Story” movie came

and sparked a slew of movies that

when someone asks what my

out, the series has dominated

were similar. The cast was full of

favorite movie is, “Toy Story” still

stars, headlined by Tom Hanks as

circles in the back of my mind.

critic’s charts and the box offices.

Will Satler

Shortly after its release, “Toy

Woody and Tim Allen as Buzz.

Does “Toy Story 4” mark

And the story almost never

the end? Time will tell, but if

Story” worked its way north of $370

in box office sales in 2010 and

million. That was just in the box

“Toy Story 2” neared $500

came to be. While the technology

another movie comes out, I’ll

offices, as revenue flowed in heavily

million. The numbers back up

advancements Pixar was making

definitely be watching it.

from other popular “Toy Story”

the franchise’s success.

were strong, Disney wasn’t sold on the storyline, according to American

Will Satler is a second-year journalism

can still go to the store and purchase

“Toy Story” helps its case

historian Walter Isaacson. Disney

student at MSU Denver. He is the

Buzz Lightyear and Woody toys.

too. Almost every kid in

wanted more adult references to

Sports Editor of The Metropolitan and

America has seen or heard of

appeal to adults. That’s why when

is the co-host of the Game Seven

for a movie that came out in 1995,

the series. Often, playground

you watch the movies back, you

Podcast for Met Radio. He was a

but one of the series’ strong suits

debates would battle who was

might catch an inside joke you can’t

national award-winning journalist in

is the length of the story. In 2019,

everyone’s favorite character.

explain to your 7-year-old cousin.

his time before MSU Denver. Contact

items. Twenty-five years later, fans

That may seem like a stretch

“Toy Story 4” earned over $1 billion

The recognizability of

With her rise of stardom

Like Buzz says in the movie,

in box offices around the world.

in recent years, Little Bo Peep

“Toy Story” went “to infinity and

“Toy Story 3” was the first

enters the ranks with Buzz and

beyond.” As one of the highest-

Woody. Bo Peep joins Jessie as

grossing movies of all time, Disney

of the series to break $1 billion

him at wsatler@msudever.edu.

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



MARCH 4, 2020

The Colorado Film Industry is alive and well By Brady Pieper

get behind the camera and


learn more about YouTube, news broadcasting, on-camera work and video production.

Colorado filmmakers don’t

Walter’s experience in the

have the same access to funding as those in southern California.

media industry as an actress in

But Darla Rae doesn’t think that

shows like AMC’s “Preacher”

deters locals from making art.

and “Better Call Saul” gives her the experience necessary

On Feb. 29, the Colorado Film School and Women in

to voice her support for the

Film and Media Colorado

Colorado film scene. “When I first started out,

coordinated an industry fair for film and media professionals to

I used to act in Colorado Film

express their voices to the next

School productions. I had just

generation of filmmakers. Male

starting acting, and I tried out

and female attendees had the

for one of their first productions.

chance to network with pros, get

I really liked the students —

headshots, attend classes and

professionals,” she said. “They

receive demo reel critiques.

were professional, and I could tell they had their stuff together.”

“This fair is an opportunity

As the next generation of Mile

to bring a variety of people together within the film and

High moviemakers, the students

media industry for the students

attending the fair were trying to

and young filmmakers,” Rae,

take their next steps in career

owner of Colorado-based Film It

advancement. Attendees were able to rub knees with people that

Productions, said. “It’s all really providing information, workshops and consultations in one place so people that want to learn can get a lot of information all at once.” The Colorado Film School is

Photos by Sara Martin | smart333@msudennver.edu

Talk to the Camera CEO Audrey Walters sits alongside fellow actress Robin Zavala at the Women in Film and Media Colorado Industry Fair at the Colorado Film School on Feb. 29. The table at the fair promoted youth introduction to film. 2018 top film schools. This year marks the industry

could help get productions off the ground while some students made connections that led their small films to the big screen.

keynote speaker Dia Sokol Savage,

opportunity. One of the tables

creator and producer of “16 and

near the entrance was lined with

Pregnant” and “Teen Mom.”

vibrant notes, envelopes and

generally excited to know that

“Young filmmakers are

one of the largest film production

fair’s second year of operation

programs in the state with 350

at the Colorado Film School.

stickers addressed to the Colorado

there’s a place where they can

students. Founded in 1993, the

Attendance spiked from 70

tendency to want to say, ‘the sky

House of Representatives.

submit their film and have it

school is an extension of the

people in 2019 to around 150 this

is falling on the Colorado film

People at the table instructed

projected at a professional

Community College of Aurora

year, in part due to the addition

industry.’ But it’s contrary in

attendees to write letters to

theater and interact with the

and was honored in Variety’s

of booths and Denver-raised

my opinion, there are so many

their local representatives to

audience and get the chance to

pockets of people doing film

support the local film scene.

meet people and talk about their

“A lot of people have a

work in Colorado,” Rae said. “We

creations,” said Alex Weimer, executive director of Bug Theatre.

don’t have a lot of incentives to

looking for the next big thing.

make films in Colorado. That’s

Production companies were

the biggest negative for us. But

looking for talent and producers.

storied endeavors is titled the

it hasn’t stopped people from

For Talk to the Camera CEO,

Emerging Filmmakers Project,

doing films here just because

Audrey Walters, the search for

where indie creators from around

they’re lacking funding. There’s

talent starts early and training kids

the state get the chance to air

a whole lot of us kicking ass and

to get off their phone and engage

their creations to a live crowd.

taking names and making films.”

is a good step for the future.

The event takes place on the

Colorado’s government

“Whenever I started to talk

One of the Bug Theatre’s most

third Thursday of every month at 8 p.m. and tickets cost $5.

provides little to no funding

to the camera, my kids were all

for filmmakers, Rae said. In

buried in their devices. I realized

comparison, California, the

that their social communication

success stories is Daniel Junge,

biggest film industry in the U.S.,

skills were really lacking,” she

who won an Oscar for his

provides filmmakers with a 25%

said. “So I got together with

documentary “Saving Face”

tax credit for independent movies

an educator, and we were just

in 2012 and two Best Colorado

and relocating TV series, while

talking about, ‘What can we do

Film awards from the Boulder

Colorado provides 20% — a

to get kids out of their devices?’

International Film Festival for

change that occured in 2012 due

The scary thing was kids were

2007’s “Iron Ladies of Liberia”

to public and industry outcry. The

willing to text things to each other

and 2008’s “They Killed Sister

percentage changed from 10 to 20.

but wouldn’t say face to face.

Dorothy.” Junge, a Colorado

“My philosophy is, ‘If you

So, oddly enough, we use the

College alumnus, played his

build it, they will come,’” Rae

camera to make that happen.”

films at the Bug Theatre for the

said. “If we keep making films,

Talk to the Camera was created

One of the project’s biggest

Emerging Filmmakers Project

and we keep hiring people and

with the intent to get kids out of

before going on to much

creating jobs, the money will start

their comfort zone and in front

bigger things, Weimer said.

to come in. I think that Colorado

of or behind a camera. Walters

is a great place to be in and is

said she wants to help kids

thing ties him to Colorado — his

certainly a great place to be for

through positive reinforcement

education and ability to grow in

up-and-coming individuals.”

and lead them down a positive

the Colorado film scene. Although

path, potentially on camera.

the future is unpredictable,

throughout the film school’s

Her company provides after

the state is making progress

interior, from table to booth to

school programs and summer

toward building its film scene.

classroom looking for their next

camps for kids who want to

Those individuals sprawled

Actress Ronna Burrows speaks with attendees and advocates to state representatives and senators for job opportunities in the Colorado film industry at Women in Film and Media Colorado Industry Fair at Colorado Film School on Feb. 29.

Multiple agencies were there,

Junge’s story is unique, but one



MARCH 4, 2020

Softball upsets No. 11 Dixie State, sweeps weekend By Will Satler

with our defense behind me.

first, but to be able to say, ‘No,’


Just trusting that if a ball is put

and answer back with our own,

in play, they’re going to make

that was great,” Van Wetzinga

plays and they’ve done a pretty

said. “We kind of took the energy

good job of that so far this year.”

right there and ran with it.”

Twenty games into their season, the MSU Denver softball team is starting to make some

She continued her strong

Sheppard continued a strong

noise in the Rocky Mountain

weekend on March 1 against Dixie

weekend against Black Hills

Athletic Conference and even

State, a quick turnaround for

State in the second game on

on the national stage.

the two teams — only 15 hours

Sunday with a two-run home

between the end of their extra-

run, her team-leading seventh

to 14-6 overall, 6-2 in RMAC

inning game on Saturday before

of the season. Sheppard has 31

play after a weekend sweep of

a 10 a.m. first pitch on Sunday.

RBIs in 2020, which is second

The Roadrunners improved

No. 11 Dixie State University

Van Wetzinga credited

in all of Division II softball.

and Black Hills State University.

McGhee’s maturity, which was on

MSU Denver is tied for ninth

Dixie State was picked to win

display in another complete game

in the country in home runs and

the RMAC in the Preseason

against Dixie State in an 11-3 win.

will look to continue mashing at

Coaches Poll, while MSU Denver

The offense, who came alive late

the plate on March 7 against Regis

in their matchup on Saturday,

University at 11 a.m. They’ll play

Roadrunners first basemen Alyssa Richter prepares for a groundball during game against No. 11 Dixie State University at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 29.

was in tune from the get-go.

part in a weekend pod of games

up right where she left off the

Highlands University over the

sophomore Laney Sheppard went

there wasn’t much going. What

through all seven innings with

day before with a three-run

weekend, the latter who they’ve

dead-center for a two-run home

I think was great is we didn’t

a career-high eight strikeouts.

home run in the bottom of

already beaten this season.

run to tie the game. Senior pitcher

take it to the field. Our defense

Darby McGhee held down the fort

locked it down. Darby locked

stellar on the mound for the

a 3-1 lead. Richter also went

and think about any team,”

in the circle with a complete game

it down. We found a way.”

Roadrunners all weekend despite

deep in the game against Black

Sheppard said. “We need to be

dealing with some adversity.

Hills State the day before.

like, ‘We’ve got this, this is just

was picked to finish fourth. On Feb. 29, MSU Denver trailed Dixie State 2-0 with one out in the bottom of the seventh until

and the Roadrunners would walk

Photo by Will Satler | wsatler@msudenver.edu

Their 4-2 win over Dixie State

Lopez and McGhee were both

Senior Alyssa Richter picked

the first to give MSU Denver

“We just need to go up there

off on the Trailblazers in the eighth

came on the heels of a 6-2 win

McGhee missed practice all week

on an Ari Valdez infield single.

over Black Hills State where junior

due to sickness. Nonetheless, she

the pressure on the Trailblazers

need to play together, not be

pitcher Destinee Lopez dominated

came ready to battle one of the

the rest of the game, never

individuals, but be teammates.”

coach Annie Van Wetzinga said.

on the mound. Lopez usually

NCAA’s best teams on Saturday.

letting them back in. Richter

“What was nice was I think the

pitches out of the bullpen but

step we took towards staying

was thrown into the starting role

pressure on myself and I think

while freshman Olivia Dampier

steady and not getting too down.

when Kayla Banks was unable

I’ve done a pretty good job at

went 3-for-4 with three RBIs.

It wasn’t going great offensively,

to play. She allowed two runs

that,” McGhee said. “It helps

“I know we’re capable,” head

“I try not to put too much

The Roadrunners would keep

with Regis and New Mexico

any team out there.’ We just

collected a career-high five RBIs,

“I know they got the run in the

Roadrunners up and down through non-conference play By Will Satler

that we were the better team.

the middle of it,” Martinez said.


But you know, it doesn’t matter

”I’m not trying to pull off, just

what happens when you go out

stay up the middle, adjust my

there, you got to win the games.”

timing on deck and get ready

Momentum was hard to come by for the MSU Denver baseball

After the tough series in Hays,

to go when I get to the plate.”

team through the first 4 weeks

the Roadrunners returned to the

of the Roadrunners season.

Regency Athletic Complex to

games against Sioux Falls

They started their season 0-6

His five hits in the first two

take on Emporia State University.

helped the Roadrunners win

before earning their first win of

MSU Denver battled poor weather

by a combined score of 26-6.

the 2020 campaign. A 5-9 non-

all week, limiting their practice

But the star of the final

conference record isn’t what the

time which may have played a

weekend was Walsh, who was

Roadrunners envisioned coming

part in two losses to Emporia

named the RMAC’s Player of

into the season, but a weekend

State on Feb. 15, the opening

the Week for his performance.

sweep of the University of Sioux

day of the four-game series.

Falls to head into Rocky Mountain

Crader would have his breakout

Athletic Conference play has

party in the first game for the

MSU Denver ready to go.

Roadrunners on Feb. 16, throwing

The Roadrunners opened

Photo by Will Satler | wsatler@msudenver.edu

MSU Denver shortstop Zach Paschke leaps to avoid contact and make a tag as a University of Sioux Falls base runner attempts to steal second during a game at the Regency Athletic Complex on Feb. 29.

eight innings of scoreless baseball

Walsh had five hits, hitting .500 with two homers and 6 RBIs versus the Cougars. One of his homers gave the Roadrunners the lead in the seventh in the

the season on Jan. 31 in Hays,

with nine strikeouts. He would

three-run home run in the first

Kansas against Fort Hays State

have continued into the ninth if the

game on Feb. 16. Walsh went

University. They lost all four

Roadrunners hadn’t taken an 11-0

3-for-3 in game two, collecting

managed more than three runs

He’ll look to continue his hot

games by a combined six runs,

lead in the bottom of the eighth.

two RBIs and scoring twice.

in a game over the three-game

streak into the first series of RMAC

including two one-run games.

The Roadrunners never

final game of the series, helping MSU Denver earn the victory.

The Roadrunners split the

weekend series in Edmond,

play in Pueblo on March 6 against

best of my ability, and for me

weekend with Emporia State,

Oklahoma. Freshman Brice

Colorado State University-Pueblo.

potential on Feb. 2, striking out

that’s what’s going out there and

earning their first two victories

Martinez continued his breakout

The Roadrunners will play four

eight in six innings of work, but

putting up zeros and not letting

of the year on Feb. 16. Strain

campaign as he collected five

games against the ThunderWolves

MSU Denver couldn’t capitalize on

them score,” Crader said. “Letting

went so far as to say it was the

hits in 11 at bats with a home

starting on Friday at 6 p.m.

big hits when they needed them.

the hitters take care of their job,

proudest he’s been of a team

run against Central Oklahoma.

“That first weekend was so

put up the runs that we need and

he’s coached in 19 years.

Senior Cade Crader showed his

“It’s just doing my job to the

Bronchos swept MSU Denver.

weird. The close games, we

worrying about what I need to

couldn’t get a break,” head

do to the best of my ability.”

coach Ryan Strain said. “We

Seniors Zach Walsh and

Martinez leads the Roadrunners

“They’re a good ball club,” Walsh said. “We just need to

MSU Denver was looking

through 14 games with a .405

come out and do exactly what

to carry that momentum into a

average. He’s had at least one

we did today, not overthink stuff

road-weekend series with the

hit in each of his last eight

and just go out and play.”

really were more shocked than

Cade Peters were starting to

University of Central Oklahoma,

games and was instrumental

anything, losing close games

show signs of their success at

but were met with a plethora of

in a sweep of the University of

like that and thought that they

the plate. Peters collected six

former-D1 pitchers who shut down

Sioux Falls on Feb. 28 and 29.

should win them. I truly believe

hits and four RBIs including a

the Roadrunner offense as the

“I’m just trying to stay up

MARCH 4, 2020



Frickey: Rose is not for the baseball Hall of Fame By Grant Frickey

of the rule, there are some who

of the general manager and


still feel fit to make the argument

manager of the team for one year,

that Rose somehow should be

along with a $5 million fine to

reinstated after 31 years, to be

the organization, the maximum

eligible for the hall of fame.

amount allowed under MLB rules.

It’s time to tell Pete Rose’s Hall of Fame candidacy to hit the showers. His legacy of cheating

For those individuals, I suggest


The Astros also lost their first

MLB’s all-time hit leader,

overshadows his hitting and he

reading the report compiled

and second-round draft picks

Pete Rose, is one of the most

has no place in Cooperstown.

by John Dowd following the

for the 2020 and 2021 draft.

controversial players of all time.

The switch-hitting master

investigation of Rose, which

Many fans, including the pro-

Rose was caught gambling in 1989.

posted a career batting average

clearly shows that he was

bono lawyers and self-proclaimed

Rose denied the allegations until

of .303, and set the all-time record

betting, in excess of tens of

baseball experts, feel that the

2008, when he finally admitted to

in hits with 4,256. During his

thousands of dollars every single

punishment does not match the

betting on his own team. “Charlie

24-year playing career, Rose won

day on games in Major League

severity of the Astros cheating,

Hustle” was known for his play style,

three World Series rings, three

Baseball, to include ones that

that it does not go far enough.

batting titles, an MVP award and

he had “a duty to perform” in.

was named an All-Star 17 times.

Furthering the opinion that

But he also gambled on his

However, the commissioner’s office had only one prior issue

which was often thought to be dirty

Grant Frickey is a second-year journalism student at MSU Denver. Frickey worked for MSU Denver Athletics and loves to write about Colorado sports, especially his favorite, baseball.

since he played extremely hard. He once said, “I’d walk through hell in

has been thrown around are

of electronic cheating from

team as a player and manager.

two lawyers Evan Caminker and

which to base a punishment,

He knowingly violated a rule

Erwin Chemerinsky, working

and the amounts of fines were

born from one of the darkest

“pro-bono” via an article in the

undisclosed, and teams were

spots in baseball’s history.

New York Times, stating that

warned of losing draft picks

League Baseball, but by the New

Astros cheating scandal continues

Rule 21 of Major League

Rose’s punishment does not

should further infractions

York Mets, who fired him from

to grow, what Rose did 30-plus

match the severity of his crimes.

of the rules occur.

being the team’s manager.

years ago seems to be not as bad.

Baseball was created in 1927 by baseball’s first commissioner

They argue that somehow

All that to say the Astros as

So defend Pete Rose to the

cheating is worse than gambling

an organization were punished

grave if you want to. Scream

Landis in the aftermath of

in baseball, that a lifetime

because the results of the MLB

all day about how unfair the

the 1919 Black Sox scandal

banishment should not be

investigation into the cheating

treatment of the Astros may seem.

during the World Series.

bestowed upon someone who

clearly show that there was no

was gambling, despite the

strong evidence to show that any

half-cocked demanding the

of gambling in baseball, with

rules of baseball clearly and

specific player, other than former

reinstatement of Rose, à la

Section D, subsection two stating,

concisely stating otherwise.

player Carlos Beltran, knew of or

Caminker and Chemerinsky, do

participated in the cheating. The

some research and see that the

“Any player, umpire, or Club or

The article points to the recent punishments handed down by the

rules of baseball dictated that the

iron-clad rules, laid out by a

shall bet any sum whatsoever

office of the commissioner to the

players should not be punished

judge, clearly lay ground for the

upon any baseball game in

Houston Astros regarding the sign-

if no wrongdoing could be found

banishment of Rose from both

connection with which the bettor

stealing scandal primarily in 2017.

regarding specific players.

baseball and the Hall of Fame.

declared permanently ineligible.” However, despite the clarity

The punishment for cheating

Thus, no players were

and ultimately claiming a World

punished besides Beltran, who

Series victory was the banishment

was not punished by Major

Bugarin: Rose deserves to be in the Hall of Fame By Isaac Bugarin

(3,562), at-bats (14,053) and plate

been 34 years since Rose last


appearances (15,890). Keeping

played in a professional baseball

the best hitter to ever play the

game. The game of baseball has

game out of baseball is silly.

changed and so has society.

There are few topics that are as hotly debated as Major

It’s not like Rose got all 4,000+

In August 2019, Major League

League Baseball lifting the

hits from being tipped to tell

Baseball and FanDuel, a daily

lifetime ban from Pete Rose.

him what pitch is coming. If the

fantasy sports gambling service,

2017 Houston Astros can steal

partnered together in hopes

for Rose to be in the Hall of

signs in an elaborate plan and

of bringing attendance back to

Fame, such an idea is clear.

win a World Series, Pete Rose

the ballpark. If baseball is now

should be eligible for the Hall

profiting from in-game gambling

the Cincinnati Reds, both as a

of Fame. None of the individual

opportunities, why is Charlie

player and manager, receiving

players whose names are forever

Hustle stuck in the shadows?

the ban from then-Commissioner

etched in World Series history

Bart Giamatti following the Dowd

received any punishment. It

problem and bets on baseball. I

Report in 1989. An important

only costs $5 million, the loss

understand the ban from baseball,

of a couple draft picks and the

it can have a lasting effect on

job of General Manager and

the integrity of the game.

But with 4,256 reasons

Rose bet on the success of

distinction from the Dowd Report is that there is zero evidence that exists of him gambling, like the 2017 Houston Astros sign-

Isaac Bugarin is a third-year Sport Management student at MSU Denver. Bugarin is the Sport Director for Met Radio and hosts his own podcast, Game Seven.

stealing scandal or the 1919

Manager to win a World Series.

However I don’t believe the same issues that keep him

Pete Rose because he said the

banned from having an active

Chicago White Sox (Black Sox)

Baseball’s all-time hit leader sits

Reds would win three out of four

position in professional baseball

throwing the World Series.

alone at the top with 4,256, 17

games against a divisional rival.

should keep him barred from

All-Star Game appearances, the

Yes, Rose broke Rule No.

the Big Red Machine in the 1970s

1973 NL MVP winner and three

21 of Major League Baseball in

before joining the Philadelphia

World Series titles. He also holds

the 1970s. But baseball needs

Phillies and the Montreal Expos.

the record for the most games

to catch up to the decades. It’s

Here’s what people have said about Rose’s Hall of Fame candidacy:

“The question is not whether one likes or dislikes Rose or the Reds. What’s fair is fair. A 31-year ban for betting on his own team to win, for a 78-yearold man, is enough — too much, compared with others who more severely undermined the integrity of the game and received far milder punishments or got off scot-free.” - Law professors Evan Caminker and Erwin Chemerinsky “Rose’s name will never appear on the ballot, dead or alive. Sadly, the man who produced more hits than anyone who ever lived, will be only a footnote in Major League Baseball history.” - USA Today baseball columnist Bob Nightengale

Maybe Rose has a gambling

But no Hall of Fame ballot for

Rose was a key member of

into the league twice and has

However, before you go off

League official or employee, who

has a duty to perform, shall be

Rose has applied for reinstatement been denied both times. As the

Judge Kennesaw Mountain

The rule outlines the illegality

a gasoline suit to play baseball.”

having his name on the ballot.

“Pete Rose played Major League Baseball for 24 seasons, from 1963-1986, and had more hits, 4,256, than any other player (by a wide margin). He gambled, but only on his own team winning, and paid a decades long price. GET PETE ROSE INTO THE BASEBALL HALL OF FAME. It’s Time!” - President Donald Trump via Twitter



MARCH 4, 2020



“We’re always offensive and arrogant. It’s our staple.” “If you try to prank me, I will end your life.”



You’re experiencing a dark night of the soul this week, which is unlike you. A good book or funny movie could lift your spirits.

You will get some news this week about someone you know in distress. It’s best not to spread rumors, so check your facts before you follow up.

“Don’t call me ‘Sir,’ I still live with my mom.” “There is no tongue I’m more familiar with than a cow’s.”

Top 5 Women who are making history 1. Greta Thunberg



Your friends are excited about an activity they’ve been wanting to try, but you’re anxious. Hang in there, things will work out.

This week is a great one to go with the flow. Do what you can and don’t stress about going above and beyond. You’re doing fine.



Work is getting in the way of your relationships this week, but don’t let it get you down. The effects won’t last.

Someone special is on your mind this week, Virgo. Only time will tell if they like you back, so try to get to know them.


2. Michelle Obama 3. Oprah


Aries signs are likely to feel under the weather today, but don’t panic! It’s probably just stress and definitely not the coronavirus.

A new task will keep you on your toes this week. Keep at it, don’t give up! On second thought, you might want to ask someone for help.



You made plans with friends this week, but nature has other plans. Don’t be frustrated, you can reschedule for next week.

You’re feeling overwhelmed with a sudden turn your life has taken. Work through your feelings and don’t fight them.

4. Megan Rapinoe 5. Malala



Neighborhood woes have your family members in a weird mood this week, so use that passion for life to lift everyone’s spirits.

You’re feeling low on energy this week, but don’t worry. After all the excitement of the past few weeks, this is life’s natural course.

Photo of the Week Roadrunners got a chance to show their delectable sides on Feb. 27 at MSU Denver’s

staff writer Rachel Lorenz attended the event and snapped some photos like this one.

Chili Cook-Off competition and fundraiser.

“I love cooking and couldn’t resist

Students could taste test the chili or bring

the opportunity to see MSU Denver’s

in their own recipes to be entered in the

restaurant management students and

competition. All of the proceeds from ticket

faculty in action,” Lorenz said.

sales went to the Children’s Hospital Burn

We have to admit, a day of eating nothing

Unit, and all the leftover chili was bagged,

but free chili sounds delicious, but only if

frozen and donated to the Roadrunner

you can avoid eating so much you get sick

Food Pantry, according to Early Bird.

to your stomach. Did you attend the event?

There were three categories in the chili

Send us an email and tell us how it went.

competition: red, green and vegan. Chefs from MSU Denver’s Hospitality Learning Center helped scoop and serve the spicy stews. Photojournalism student and Metropolitan

Photo by Rachel Lorenz | rlorenz7@msudenver.edu

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu.

Chef Chris Moore spoons his vegan two-bean pozole into a cup for tasting during MSU Denver’s Chili Cook-Off competition and fundraiser on Feb. 27. Students and professionals competed in the event and money raised from ticket sales was donated to the Children’s Hospital Burn Unit.

Events Hot Topic: Military Selective Service

Colorado Avalanche vs. Anaheim Ducks


My Dad Wrote a Porno World Tour 2020

Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life in Focus


March 4


March 4


March 5


March 5


March 7


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