VOL. 44
The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver MyMetMedia.com
NO. 14
MAY 16, 2022
Throwing shade at climate change “We’re well on our way to making real impact. ... And we’re going to keep pushing and being aggressive.” Auraria campus is becoming more sustainable one step at a time with the help of the Auraria Sustainable Campus Program. The newest project for ASCP is the redesign of the Shade Garden installation outside of the Plaza building.
(Top) Cassy Cadwallader the Sustainability By Reanna Medina Coordinator, and Rylee McCone the Waste rmedin36@msudenver.ed Diversion Specialist working on the shade garden outside the Plaza building on April 26.
The shade garden is in the process of being built as volunteers got the project underway in April. Chris Herr the director of ASCP said everything should be planted by mid May yet we’ll most likely get only a
(Right) Members of the Auraria Sustainable Campus Program andolunteers at the shade garden on April 26.
week or two of the shade garden in the fall. “We have a beautiful indeginous aesthetic that we should be embracing,” said Herr. The area had originally been filled with grass which got torn out in 2014 and replaced as a shade garden with plants not native to Colorado. The area had originally been filled with grass which got torn out in 2014 and replaced as a shade garden with plants not native to Colorado.
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