Volume 42, Issue 25 - March 11, 2020

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 42  NO. 25


MARCH 11, 2020


High Style budding at Denver show Event overviewed tactics for de-escalation with police and subsequent action | pg. 6

Photo by Justine Johnson | jjohn460@msudenver.edu

Pact, Simple Shoes and High Society Collection on the runway sporting clothes made out of hemp at the High Style Fashion Show on March 5 in Denver.

ACLU event educates people on civil rights Tactics for de-escalation with police and subsequent action were reviewed with police. “I’m gonna die next time.”

By Rachel Lorenz

that de-escalation should inherently be

instructor of ethnic studies at CU Denver

the duty of the officer initiating contact.

and president of the Aurora branch of

for American Civil Liberties Union

But sometimes they won’t do it, he said.

the NAACP, noted that there were few

Colorado, was joined by Aurora Mayor

Sometimes that burden falls on the civilian.

young adults present at this event.


Howard, community education manager

Jessica Howard warned a room of 50 people that feelings might get strong as the

Pro Tem, Nicole Johnston, and a handful

group discussed techniques for handling

of community partners, held a workshop

you can to get safely home to your

people — particularly 17 to 19-year-olds

encounters with the police at the Know

focused on de-escalating interactions

mother, your father, your sister, whoever

— struggle to realize that they’re adults

Your Rights event in Aurora on Feb. 29.

with law enforcement, asserting one’s

it is that’s waiting for you,” he said.

in the eye of law, Montgomery said.

“All I hear is comply or die,” said one

rights and reporting police misconduct.

attendee who did not want her name published because of previous run-ins



Inspirational speaker Jonathon McMillan tells the young people he works with

| pg. 2


| pg. 5

“Your responsibility is to do everything

There’s a gap during which young

The two-hour workshop gave people the tools to do just that. But Omar Montgomery, adjunct


| pg. 7

| Continued on pg. 3


| pg. 8

First Generation students gather at

Encrypting police scanners is

1996 film “Basquiat” does justice in

Met Media makes its predictions

the Capitol

dangerous for public knowledge

representing late artist

for 2020 MLB season



MARCH 11, 2020

Know Your Rights event helps civilians handle confrontations with law enforcement Continued from cover

“You need to know your

verbally assert what you believe

practiced saying four key phrases

your rights to be and then comply

throughout the afternoon: “Are

with the police officers. And

you detaining me or am I free to

let it get sorted out later.”

go?” “I don’t consent to searches,”

rights more than anyone,” he

A complaint can be filed if

“I can’t let you in without a

said, referencing young adults

you feel your rights were not

warrant,” and “I’m going to remain

in general and students on the

respected during an encounter.

silent, and I’d like to see a lawyer.”

Auraria specifically. “It should be

The Auraria Campus Police

part of their student orientation,

Department, for example, has a

handle police encounters at your

and it should also be a part of

form on their website. But not

door, how to be a good witness of

their student handbook.”

complying with law enforcement

a police encounter and how and

can lead to problems such as

where to report police misconduct.

Auraria Campus Police Chief Michael Phibbs said the

an arrest for obstruction or

department’s time to talk with

resisting a police officer, he said.

students about public safety is already short. If he had more, he

Phibbs’ advice does not contradict the ACLU’s.

said he’d rather spend it educating

At the Know Your Rights

Howard also presented how to

At times, the discussion got emotional. People referenced interactions they found disturbing— police officers that lied, planted evidence or

students on the department’s

event, Howard used videos

active shooter emergency

created by nonprofit Flex Your

response program, which he

Rights to illustrate 10 rules

and struggles,” Johnston said

said could save individuals

for dealing with police and to

of the community’s strained

from serious injury or death.

stimulate discussion with the

relationship with the Aurora Police

group. The videos reenacted a

Department in a later interview.

“I don’t think it’s bad

performed illegal searches. “We’re having some challenges

information,” Phibbs said.

traffic stop and street stop by law

“I just don’t think, with the

enforcement and featured advice

intoxicated while on duty, the

limited time we have, that I

from Billy Murphy, the attorney

sudden resignation of its deputy

would make that a priority.”

for the family of Freddie Gray.

police chief, and several police-

Phibbs did offer one piece of

The event’s attendees, few

The investigation of an officer

involved shootings and deaths

Photo by Rachel Lorenz | rlorenz7@msudenver.edu

Jessica Howard, community education manager for the American Civil Liberties Union Colorado, reviews rules for safely asserting constitutional rights at a workshop in Aurora, Colorado on Feb. 29. Additional resources can be

“I hope this information gets

advice to students. It’s the same

looking younger than 30, sat

last year has put the Aurora Police

found at the ACLU’s website

to our youths so they know their

advice he offers his children

and watched in rows of chairs

Department under public scrutiny.

section on what to do when

rights in school, know their

and their friends, who are young

in the meeting room of the

Just last month, an officer was

you’re stopped by the police and

rights as they’re walking down

people themselves: “Always

Beck Recreation Center. They

fired for severe misconduct.

at the Flex Your Rights website.

the street,” Montgomery said.

First-generation students head to the State Capitol family to achieve higher education.

By Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

“It’s really inspiring, because what you’re able to do by going to college and

First-generation students from MSU

changing the course of where your family

Denver, Colorado Mesa University and

is will not only impact your family, but

Adams State University gathered to be

impact your community as well,” Rep.

commended by the Colorado General

Matt Soper said. “And it’s that type of

Assembly at the Capitol Building on March 6.

determination, that raw guts and spirit,

The Capitol held a breakfast reception at

that show you will be successful in life.”

7:30 a.m. for students to talk to legislators and

The same sentiment was shared by

lawmakers and share their stories with elected

other representatives, such as CMU

officials to support first-gen college students

alumnus Marc Catlin and second-

by bringing attention to the importance of

generation graduate Jovan Melton.

further prioritizing funding to support them.

First-generation students are looking

Following the reception was a

to make the change not just in their

tribute in the house where legislators

communities, but also in their families.

shared their own experiences.

“I have five younger siblings, and the trend

“March 6, 2020 celebrates first-

in our family is to drop out of high school,

generation college students at the Capitol

usually not go to college, get a standard

to bring attention to the importance

job, and financially struggle for the rest of

of recruiting, enrolling, mentoring and

Photo by Brandon Wheeldon | bwheeldo@msudenver.edu

coaching first generation students and

MSU Denver Social Media Manager Sarah Hunsinger stands with Rowdy, at the First Generationd Day at the Denver State Capitol on March 7.

further prioritizing funding designed to support these students,” said Connor Randall, reading clerk for the House.

your life. I am determined to change that trend,” Washington said. “I’m showing my siblings that you can be financially stable, that you can go to college and get a degree.

working hard and achieving your dreams,”

going to be hard, and everything in life

You don’t have to worry about the little

said Rep. and MSU Alumnae Lisa Cutter.

is going to be hard. If it’s something big

things that we had to worry about as kids.”

sharing their own experiences as first-

“I will mention that Metro State University

that you want, you’re gonna have to work

generation students and as alumni

has four board members currently that are

your ass off. You’re going to have to stay

set before you. It’s a risk that gets taken all the

of the universities represented that

first-gen and 10,000 students, so kudos to

focused,” said Sauntice Washington, a

time, and visiting the Capitol and sharing that

day, as well as acknowledging the

all of you and keep up the hard work.”

first-generation student at MSU Denver..

message with legislators is taking one step to

Representatives spoke to the House,

students they talked to that day. “I am so pleased to have been able to get

Her comment about hard work isn’t a

Her efforts and those of all other

superflous statement — it’s a sentiment

students do not go unnoticed though.

such a wonderful education from MSU and I

shared by many first-generation students

Many represenatives mentioned how

know other fine universities are represented

realizing the effort it takes to succeed.

much respect they have for students

here today, so shout out to all of you for

“Being first-generation is hard. It’s

who decide to be the first in their

To be first-generation is to break the mold

further fund support programs so the efforts of these students doesn’t end up for naught.



MARCH 11, 2020

Denver, Auraria respond to COVID-19 concerns in the state By Kerry McCawley | Chantel Merriex

you will likely see decreased attendance to

kmccawle@msudenver.edu |

class, probably a lot of cancelations of class,


if not the whole campus is closed.” Said MSU Denver biology professor Johnathan Alvarez.

Gov. Jared Polis declared a state of emergency after 17 positive cases of COVID-19 were reported in Colorado as ofpress time. Three of the cases are confirmed positive,

Students of MSU Denver pose a different perspective. “It’s really easy to say, ‘Stay home if you’re sick,’ but some of us have jobs

and 14 have yet to be confirmed by the

and assignments due. Life doesn’t wait

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

for you to feel better,” said MSU Denver

Polis ensured Coloradans in a news conference at the Colorado State Capitol on March 10 that there was no need

student Heather Davis. “So instead, if you are sick, take the precautions.” MSU Denver will be halting all

to worry as a mountain of preparation

international university travel, Davidson

for COVID-19 has been done.

wrote in an email on Monday. This

“We’re going to get through this

suspension follows recommendations of

together, but the actions that we take in

the CDC to reschedule nonessential trips.

the next few days and weeks will really

“All MSU Denver-related international

Photo obtained from US Dept. of State

COVID-19 has become a global pandemic over the course of the past few weeks and continues to cause concerns in communities across the world.

determine the trajectory of coronavirus in

travel, including study abroad, is suspended

Colorado,” Polis said. “To contain the spread

through the end of the semester,”

and surfaces and then touching your mouth,

are screened for coronavirus by U.S.

of the coronavirus, to protect our most

Davidson said. “All personal international

nose and eyes, and from community spread,

Immigration Customs Enforcement and U.S.

vulnerable populations and to maximize

travel is strongly discouraged. Please

according to the World Health Organization..

Customs and Border Patrol as they are more

our chances of avoiding widespread

use your best judgement when making

The CDC describes community spread as

prone to being incubators of the virus.

disruptions to the daily lives of Coloradans

decisions about upcoming trips.”

when someone who was infected with the

Since Auraria is a commuter

virus passes it along to those in their area.

campus, students and faculty rely

is closely monitoring the situation. Auraria

This makes prevention essential, as anyone

mostly on public transportation.

has assembled a coronavirus task force to

in your area can give the disease to you.

and our economy, I am declaring a state of emergency here in Colorado.” Given that three cases are in Denver

The university says on its website that it

plan for every scenario and to coordinate

ways that students can proceed with the

with city health officials as new cases arise.

methods of preventing spread are avoiding the

being cleaned every day, specifically,

semester if campus is closed. Although

MSU Denver will also hold a town hall for

sick, staying home when you’re sick, covering

high-touch surfaces, and additional

MSU Denver does not plan on closing as

students and staff on March 11 at 3 p.m. in

your coughs and sneezes, disinfecting

sanitation products like electrostatic

of press time, President Janine Davidson

Jordan Student Success Building Room 420,

surfaces and objects, and washing your hands.

cleaning devices are being purchased.

says that all professors should have a

and the town hall will also be livestreamed.

backup plan in place for their classes. “As soon as there’s one reported case, then

COVID-19 spreads in three ways: personto-person contact, from touching objects

According to the CDC’s website, the best

RTD’s plans for the coronavirus is to

County, MSU Denver has brainstormed

update their pandemic plan. Buses are

As spring break approaches, Denver International Airport has released plans to prevent COVID-19. Commercial aircraft





Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support EPIC Scholars. Come in to the Chipotle at 1480 16th St in Denver on Monday, March 30th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds will be donated to EPIC Scholars.

Haz que la cena sea un acto generoso uniéndote a nosotros en un evento de recaudación de fondos para apoyar a EPIC un evento de recaudación fondos apoyar aMarch EPIC Scholars. Acude al Chipotle ende 1480 16th para St el Monday, Scholars. Acude 1480 16thTrae St el Monday, 30th, entreal lasChipotle 4:00pm en y las 8:00pm. este volante,March 30th, entre las 4:00pm y las 8:00pm. Trae este volante, preséntalo en tu teléfono o dile al cajero que estás apoyando la causa en contu el teléfono fin de asegurar el 33%que de los ingresos se preséntalo o dileque al cajero estás apoyando la done a EPIC Scholars. causa con el fin de asegurar que el 33% de los ingresos se done a EPIC Scholars.

Online orders will not be included in the fundraiser total. To ensure your purchase is counted in the fundraiser, be sure to order and pay in-restaurant. Gift card purchases during fundraisers do not count towards total donated sales, but purchases made with an existing gift card will count.

Si realizas una orden en línea durante el evento de recaudación de fondos, ten en cuenta que debes elegir la opción de pagar en el restaurante e informar al cajero de tu participación antes de pagar. Las compras de tarjetas de regalo durante los eventos de recaudación de fondos no cuentan para el total de ventas donadas; sin embargo, las compras realizadas con una tarjeta de regalo existente sí cuentan.

Haz que la cena sea un acto generoso uniéndote a nosotros en

Si realizas una orden en línea durante el evento de recaudación de fondos, ten en cuenta que debes elegir la opción de pagar en el restaurante e informar al cajero de tu participación antes de pagar. Las compras de tarjetas de regalo durante los eventos de recaudación de fondos no cuentan para el total de ventas donadas; sin embargo, las compras realizadas con una tarjeta de regalo existente sí cuentan.



MARCH 11, 2020

Are we du-ing better yet? Wecandubetter demands administration change By Grace Ganz | DU Clarion

make up only seven of the 22 current Campus


Safety officers. The team has also negotiated with the Title IX offices on campus and have

After a period of active student and

advocated for a streamlined investigation

administrative mobilization in response to the

process that includes the office speeding

@wecandubetter Instagram page, the creators

up communication. Many stories shared

of the account are demanding further change

on @wecandubetter discuss how survivors

and updated safety policies at the University

have been re-traumatized through the Title

of Denver. As graphic stories of sexual and

IX process and have had their cases take

gender-based violence appear on DU students’

much longer than the 60-day guideline.

Instagram feeds every day, Chancellor Jeremy

Since beginning @wecandubetter, the

Haefner and the DU administration are looking

campaign has taken off even outside of

to answer these appeals in the near future.

updating campus-wide policies. Saul and

In response to a previous Clarion article

her co-founders were invited to speak

about the upcoming blue light replacement

during Sexual Assault Awareness Month at

project on campus, Shannon Saul, co-founder

Santiago Canyon College in California, they

of @wecandubetter, reported some more

were interviewed in a story for The Denver

non-functioning blue lights on campus.

Post and they recently launched the national

In the last week of January, Saul ventured

Instagram page @thedobettercampaign.

on campus to test a few of the more central

Photo obtained from Wikimedia Commons

and prominently-located blue light phones. In a video documenting one call, she tests the brand new solar-tower assistance phone in

across the country, this Instagram page does

The @wecandubetter Instagram page has sparked controversy and discussion around the University of Denver.

front of Sturm Hall. After receiving no answer the first time, Saul dialed again to receive a robotic-sounding, unclear voice on the other end which could not be understood.

With stories of survivors from universities all the same thing as DU’s but on a national level. “In the perfect scenario, we would be able to register as a non-profit and then

Title IX and the Office of the Chancellor. After meeting with the women of @ wecandubetter, Haefner released a

we must unite across campus in our

we would have several roles,” Saul said.

commitment against such terrible acts.”

“It would be kind of like we would be the

This response and transparent plan was

base to help other student activists create

“I think that whatever new system

campus-wide email statement on March

seen as a step up from the video from the

they’re replacing the old phones with,

5 which attached a comprehensive plan

Chancellor’s office that was sent out to the

they need to make sure that it works and

for safety, policy and training changes

DU community on Jan. 27 attached to a

campaign into a company, these roles would

that it’s cost-effective,” Saul said. “We

to be implemented on campus.

short letter that addressed the Instagram

include taking on the legal and safety risk

page and invited the DU community to the

of sharing stories away from students and

including further lighting areas around the

silent protest that Saul, Wankelman and

publicizing survivor stories on different

Burwell Center for Career Achievement,

Membrino organized for students. The video

campuses, advising students at other

facilities teams, is currently working on a

the Dimond Family Residential Village

was received poorly by the DU community

campuses on how to effectively work with

campus-wide blue light replacement project

and the Community Commons.

due to its insincerity and cue card nature.

administration, and drawing public attention

shouldn’t be putting too much money into a new phone if it’s not even gonna work.” DU Campus Safety, in partnership with

that is, at best, going to be completed in

The plan outlined various steps,

The proposal stated, “In addition, because

“When we staged the silent protest, the

similar changes on their campus.” If the three are able to expand their

to places where a university is “mistreating

August before the 2020-21 school year. Many

of location and design, all areas near the

chancellor made that video inviting everyone

of the old hardline, analog phones are not

new buildings will be well lit due to the

and we talked to him about how that felt really

operational since their power was cut in

reflection and transparency of the glass.”

not genuine,” Saul said. “He admitted to us

the three will continue to publish stories of

the widespread construction on campus.

students who are asking for reform.” In the upcoming months, Saul anticipates

In other major changes, the Office of

that they took 20 takes and they were feeding

survivors, continue to grow their national

Equal Opportunity and Title IX will now

him lines so that’s why it felt not genuine. We

campaign and meet with other campuses

assistance phones, like the one in front

report directly to the chancellor, campus

also felt like they were co-opting our protest.

and student activists. Saul also anticipates

of Sturm featured in Saul’s video, are

climate surveys, comprehensive EOIX

The protest was against them, not for them.”

putting in work and furthering activism

still not fully operational and have no

statistics and Title IX office’s Outcome

signage indicating their malfunction.

Committee rubric will be publicly available

and marketing-heavy response to these

to all students, trauma-informed training will

issues, Saul has expressed that their work

many students are generally not aware

be upgraded and mandatory for all faculty,

with the administration now proves hopeful.

of the construction cutting off power to

staff and students, and the EOIX website

these phones. Saul said Haefner was also

will be revised with information on how to

response has been a lot better. I feel like

students are looking toward a future where

not aware of these malfunctioning or

file a report easily and understandably.

they are being more human with us and

every student feels confident in their safety on

not running everything through marketing

campus — and the fight that comes with it.

However, some of these brand new

In the case of large-scale construction,

decommissioned blue lights in a meeting she had with him two weeks ago. Saul is one of the most prominent

In terms of blue lights, the letter stated,

However, after the initial “disorganized”

“Since we’ve given them feedback, their

“The e-phone lights were checked the

anymore,” Saul said. “Something that’s

when new national Title IX regulations become public in the upcoming days. “I think that there’s a long way to go,” Saul said. With new policy shifts in the works, DU

week of Feb. 24. All lights and phones

frustrating is I feel like we have to ask for

The Metropolitan and several Colorado student

on-campus voices demanding updated

not working have been removed and

things several times before they commit to

media organizations are sharing editorial

security, especially in hopes to prevent

replaced or have an active work order in

them, but they are doing most of what we

content to promote student work around the

cases of gender-based violence like the

place. Going forward, we will conduct

asked for. For the most part, we do feel like

state. For more information, write to Editor-in-

ones seen on @wecandubetter. Saul and

monthly audits of lighting and phones.”

they’ve done a good job listening recently.”

Chief James Burky at jburky@msudenver.edu.

her co-founders, Grace Wankelman and

In his letter, the chancellor responded

Among other demands, Saul and her

Madeline Membrino, have met with several

to the campaign, writing, “If anything,

co-founders are rallying for the university

administration offices to advocate for

having now heard more stories like

to hire more female officers and officers of

student safety, including Campus Safety,

these, I feel even more strongly that

color within campus safety, which together

MARCH 11, 2020



The next vice president of the US should be a woman

staff Editor-in-Chief


fter Sen. Elizabeth Warren

on the basis of sex doesn’t seem

dropped out of the 2020

like a big deal to you, ask yourself

among hopeful voters. Biden and Harris are friendly,

presidential race on March 5,

what books you’ve been reading

having known each other for many

women and girls across the U.S.

and consider a change of genre.

years, but an ugly spat during the

have been let down once more.

“The frame of ‘electability’

second Democratic debate in June

James Burky jburky@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Megan Webber mwebber6@msudenver.edu News Editor

needs to be smashed; the

posed questions about how well

Herman Guzman-Ibarra hguzmani@msudenver.edu

held the highest position of

notion that the public cannot

they could really work together.

Features Editor

leadership in this country, but

envision or accept a woman as

Harris accused Biden of working

since that is unlikely to happen

commander in chief must be

with segregationists to oppose

Brady Pieper bpieper3@msudenver.edu

this go-around, women need to

dispelled,” Jennifer Rubin wrote

busing, an issue that she made

Sports Editor

in a March 6 opinion piece for

clear was personal and dear to her

Will Satler wsatler@msudenver.edu

It’s high time that a female

focus on the vice presidency.

Megan Webber

the Washington Post. “It may

heart. Her issues with the former

of this is all those little girls

“One of the hardest parts progressive country without

take a woman a heartbeat away

vice president don’t disqualify

who are going to have to wait

including women at its head.

from the presidency to convince

Harris for the vice presidency,

Justine Johnson jjohn460@msudenver.edu

Americans that a female president

of course, but if she and Biden

Copy Editor Nicolas Cippitelli ncippite@msudenver.edu

four more years,” Warren told

Do Americans not have enough

Photo Editor

reporters in Boston after she

female role models to inspire

would be perfectly acceptable

can’t run together, we may just be

announced her exit from the race.

the possibility of electing a

and entirely normal in a country

digging ourselves a deeper hole.

woman as a leader? I doubt that.

in which women serve in virtually

ones who are disappointed that

Pop culture poses females as

every other political capacity.”

the race is now left in the hands

heroines and leaders constantly,

of two white men, former Vice

and feminists are fawning over

which woman should be chosen

President Joe Biden and Sen.

leaders like Malala, Michelle

for the vice presidency? I’m not

Bernie Sanders. House Speaker

Obama and Ruth Bader-Ginsburg.

a politician, so I don’t have the

Megan Webber is a fourth-year

Nancy Pelosi told reporters that

Women have been chosen to

answer, but if you pay attention

convergent journalism major with a

she almost cries when she is

lead American organizations and

to the happenings of this race,

minor in linguistics at MSU Denver.

introduced as the most powerful

universities, like MSU Denver’s

it’s clear that there are several

She is currently the Managing Editor

Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu

woman in the U.S. because

own President Janine Davidson

good options, Warren being one

of The Metropolitan and interning

Production Manager of Met Media

she wishes it wasn’t true.

and Provost Vicki Golich.

of them. One feminist group,

at The Denver Post. In 2019, she

Supermajority, is insisting that

won the Denver Press Club’s John

Little girls aren’t the only

England, Germany, Argentina,

Yet after the 2016 election,

The big question then is,

Stop breaking little girls’ hearts, America. Vote for women and make it clear that Americans want a female leader.

Spanish Editors Manuel Saldana msaldan4@msudenver.edu Francisco Hernandez fherna14@msudenver.edu Design Editor Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media

Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

Scotland, Israel and 54 other

somehow they’re seen as un-

the next vice president be a

C. Ennslin award. Contact her at

Office Manager

countries have been led by

electable by the grand populus of

black woman, according to The


females, according to CNN,

this country, which is a dangerous

New York Times. After Sen.

Meher Noorulamin mnoorula@msudenver.edu

and I don’t see how the U.S.

state of mind that I can’t wrap my

Kamala Harris endorsed Biden,

can claim to be a leading,

head around. If excluding a group

she has risen as a favorite

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Brady Nelson bnelso73@msudenver.edu

Colorado has a public transparency problem


he deafening silence from

power but an isolated incident.

Colorado law enforcement will

In December, I witnessed the

continue for the foreseeable future.

archaeologists. In other cases, those costs can run for hundreds

normal reporting process for

or thousands of dollars. And last

high-pressure situations. Some

week, Boulder’s Daily Camera won

officials and police departments

of the state’s best breaking news

a lawsuit filed against the University

across Colorado — including

reporters listened in on police

of Colorado system — the state’s

the Auraria Campus Police

scanners from a Denver-Metro

largest employer — over violation

Department — argued at the

area police department as officers

of the Colorado Open Records Act.

Capitol that journalists should not

searched for a woman accused of

All of this is to say that most

have access to police scanners.

a hit and run. There were plenty of

government agencies — agencies

times where officers communicated

funded by your money — abide

ambiguous information — such as

by many philosophies but public transparency is rarely one of them.

On March 4, government

The transportation committee

James Burky

agreed and struck down House Bill 20-1282, which would have

people. I saw how the encrypted

finding cars that could have been

forced agencies to open their

scanners made my colleagues’

the suspect. The average person

HB 20-1282 had flaws, so to

scanners to the press.

jobs more difficult. Journalists are

could have thrown caution to the

the law enforcement agencies,

watchdogs and messengers to the

wind and tweeted that information.

press and our elected officials,

scanners protects officer safety

The police argue that encrypting

public. When there is a shooting

But at this outlet, there was a

work together for legislation that

and derided the bipartisan

downtown, our job is to relay the

meticulous editorial process and

will provide reasonable access to

legislation’s vague language

who, what, where, when and why.

journalists quickly realized how

reputable outlets and no longer

— which used “media’’ as an

Oftentimes, police will release

unnecessary that information was.

leave the public in the dark.

umbrella term. But some police

little information and reporters

and government representatives

are only able to deliver so much.

also said they are transparent

The argument of protecting

Those stories of editorial triumph and cool heads are glossed over. I understand that ambiguous

James Burky is a fifth-year convergent journalism major with a minor in

enough with open records laws.

officers is well-intended but flimsy

language has room for volatility,

sports media. He is the Editor-in-

That last argument shows that

in this context. Opening scanners to

but we need more transparency

Chief of The Metropolitan and has

they are more opaque than not.

only journalists is not endangering

from our local governments and

worked for The Denver Post and

officers. Law enforcement has

law enforcement if they’re going

Boulder’s Daily Camera. Tips? Email

news intern at The Denver

referenced a time when a reporter

to build walls on their scanners.

James at jburky@msudenver.edu.

Post, I dealt with helpful and

overheard a barricaded suspect’s

knowledgeable Public Information

phone number and then called them.

Jeremy Jojola received a $250,000

Officers who I believe are good

That is a gross misuse of the press’

cost estimate from publicly-funded

In my few months as a breaking

In October 2019, 9News reporter

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or Met Media’s advertisers.



MARCH 11, 2020

Cannabis and fashion are a joint effort in Denver By Justine Johnson jjohn460@msudenver.edu

Style Fashion Show on March 5. CBD vendors such as Foria and Rosebud set out their tables and

The McNichols Building in Denver

samples for cannabis consumers. L’Eagle

Wanda James, the first African American

industry,” James said. “Women power,

greeted the audience and began the show.

women entrepreneurs and more importantly

“We’re here celebrating cannabis,

was packed with cannabis and fashion

Denver, a cannabis gallery, offered

celebrating style and we are celebrating

for the debut of Westword’s High

joint-rolling lessons and dried hemp.

Colorado. What has really been amazing

Photos by Justine Johnson | jjohn460@msudenver.edu

Horacio Hermandez sits at the L’Eagle table to give joint-rolling lessons to guests during the High Style Fashion Show at the McNichols Building in Denver on March 5.

Vox, an L.A.-based singer, songwriter and producer, released her first EP, “I’m not a God” on Oct. 4. She performed her EP at the High Style Fashion Show at the McNicholas Building in Denver on March 5.

is what the women have brought to this

woman to open a dispensary in Colorado,

all on their own. All of the ladies, the trees, the cannabis, it is all from feminine energy.”

Foria intimate products infused with CBD and THC floral piece at the High Style Fashion Show at the McNichols Building in Denver on March 5.

Vox, an L.A. artist and producer, perfoms at the High Style Fashion Show at the McNichols Building in Denver on March 5.


MARCH 11, 2020


A retrospective look: “Basquiat” does justice to an artist film “Do the Right Thing.”

By William Bowman bowmanwilliam1969@gmail.com

without showing the complete

In many of Basquiat’s graffiti

catalog of his self-made art. But

drawings and paintings, the

Basquiat’s art appears in the

athletes are presented with

film as props. In “Basquiat,” a

starring Jeffrey Wright as Jean-

black strokes drawn over

scene shows the artist looking

Michel Basquiat and David Bowie

figures. Early in his artistic

up at the sky, illustrating his

as Andy Warhol, shows that art

career, Basquiat is portrayed

death on Aug. 12, 1988. Yet, no

does not always define the artist.

using strokes very similar to the

one knew his art would sell for

Basquiat was born in

wave of clouds he said he saw

upwards of $110 million in 2017.

Brooklyn, New York in 1960

when he looked up to the sky.

The combination of Basquiat and

The 1996 film “Basquiat,”

and died at the age of 27 years

Despite living a life of extreme

Warhol was definitely evident in

old. Basquiat debuted as an

poverty and homelessness,

the film because Bowie’s acting

American postmodernist and

his graffiti art lives on in

interpreted Warhol’s public

neoexpressionist painter around

photographs displayed in

identity. The film did not illustrate

1979. Although the film did not

important art galleries.

Basquiat as poverty-stricken and

focus on his best work, many

In the film “Basquiat,” the

needy, but critics agree Basquiat

fans knew about Basquiat’s

famous jazz musician Charlie

acrylics or oils, his subject

untitled acrylic paintings and

Parker, another subject Basquait

matter and design framework

bold oil stick styles on canvas.

drew, is in the film. But none

are original and creative.

The film shows the visionary

of Parker’s music accompanies

side of Basquait while much of

the soundtrack of the film.

his art is based on struggle.

Image obtained from Flickr

Art books such as “Basquiat”

Basquiat had a response to racism that transcended his painting style almost as if

Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat created acrylic paintings and bold oil stick styles on canvas. He died in 1988 at the age of 28.

by Leonhard Emmerling discuss

it was a dream or nightmare

the relationship Basquiat had

that resulted in his symbol,

story. The focus is on Basquiat’s

displays the power of his graffiti.

Basquiat’s most popular graffiti

with Warhol, who ushered

“No King.” Neoexpressionism

stardom in the New York art

Basquiat showed his greatest

art symbols, titled “Samos” and

the popularity of Pop Art.

breaks away from classical

world with many references

talent was combining organic

“No King,” graphically shows

Throughout Basquiat’s career,

expressionism not only in the

to his mental state and the

visuals with his mechanical

Black people getting no credit for

he would paint over furniture if

context of Art Deco styles, but

images he saw in the world.

artistic skill. Experts often

their performance in professional

he needed materials. However,

also affected neoexpressionism.

note his artwork expressed

sports. The artwork “Jackie

though “Basquiat” touches on

his mechanical genius.

Robinson” with a crown on the

their relationship, it does not

in 1988, “Most young kings get their heads cut off.”

I feel that the film interprets Basquiat’s life as a Cinderella

Lacking money for education and materials, could Basquiat only rely on his creative intelligence to paint? Another Basquiat film, Edo Bertoglio’s “Downtown 81,”

The 1996 film showed

side of the canvas remains a

explain the reasons for their

famous Black athletes as a

popular Basquiat neoexpressionist

artistic and personal split.

major influence in his selection

painting. It was later appropriated

of artistic subjects. One of

and shown in Spike Lee’s 1989

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As Basquiat himself said

This art film shows the rise of a star in the art world



CONTACT US! Danielle Holmes dholme11@msudenver.edu



MARCH 11, 2020

2020 MLB season shaping up to change things By Brady Pieper | Isaac Bugarin |

more complicated. Cody Bellinger

There’s no stopping DeGrom

for AL ROY is a safe pick if Kansas

.300 had no business being in

James Burky

is primed for another amazing

when he turns 32 years old in

City wants to see what they have

the NLCS but quality defense,

bpieper3@msudenver.edu |

year if he can stay healthy. The

June. He’s getting a hat trick of

in their top pitching prospect.

pitching and grit carried them.

ibugari1@msudenver.edu | jburky@

Dodgers’ right fielder had 47

Cy Young Awards in 2020. The


homers in 2019 and could look to

newest player to wear pinstripes

improved this offseason and

grows as a slugger and the

eclipse 50 in his third MLB season.

will find success early. Gerrit Cole

rookie pitcher Michael Kopech

lineup shakes off the rust, this is

is going to win the AL Cy Young

could flourish in a talented

going to be a dangerous team.

Every year, members

Isaac: The NL MVP is a guy

James: The White Sox

If reigning All-Star Paul DeJong


of the Baseball Writers

who could have been a back-to-

even though he plays in a stadium

rotation. In the NL, Rockies’

Association of America come

back winner had it not been for

with hitter friendly dimensions.

infielder Brendan Rodgers is

Brady: The Minnesota Twins

together to baseball’s best.

a late September knee injury,

He’s going to get 20-plus wins,

ready to burst on offense. He

and the Los Angeles Dodgers. It

Not without controversy

Christian Yelich. If healthy, he’s

flirt with a no-hitter in Toronto

batted .350 in AAA last season

is hard to keep the Yankees out

though, as it’s rare that any of

going to hit .325 with 40 bombs

and keep a sub-2.50 ERA.

and struck out on less than

of the World Series this year, but

the award races come without

and will lead the Milwaukee

17% of his at bats. Playing with

the Twins have something the

tight competition. We’re

Brewers to the postseason. But

Gerrit Cole figures to be the pick.

and learning from guys such

Yankees don’t — the ability to

looking at you, Mike Trout.

imagine picking anyone else for

He is one of the most lethal aces

as Charlie Blackmon, who has

stay healthy. The Twins are led by

AL MVP other than Mike Trout.

of the last ten years and, well, he

revolutionized how Rockies

new signee Josh Donaldson and

a World Championship is as wide-

The 28-year-old defending AL

plays for the Yankees. The east

hitters prepare for the road,

previous talents in José Berríos

open as ever. The 2019 champions,

MVP and three-time winner will

coast bias is real. Cardinals pitcher

should boost his performance.

and Miguel Sanó. Their opponent?

the Washington Nationals, lost

hit .310 with an OPS of 1.050.

Jack Flaherty is a big reason the


The Dodgers — ­ a team built from

team made it to the NLCS last

Brady: The Red Sox will shock

strong trade for Mookie Betts,

On top of all that, the race for

their star third baseman, Anthony

James: The safe pick in the AL

James: In the American League,

Rendon, and the runner-ups, the

is Mike Trout — and it will always

season. In that miraculous run,

the world in 2020. They already

and homegrown talents Cody

Houston Astros, are in the midst

be that way until God knows when.

Flaherty stranded base runners

did with the Mookie Betts trade

Bellinger and Walker Buehler.

of the biggest cheating scandal in

In the NL, Mookie Betts catches

over 80% of the time (fourth most

but now it is their time to prove

WINNER: Los Angeles Dodgers.

the history of professional sports.

my eye. Betts may have posted a

in the MLB), had a league-high

the haters wrong. Acquiring Alex

.295 average last season — nearly

.968 WHIP and opposing batters

Verdugo injects some youth into

new decade be kicked off with

NL West and AL East look to

50 points below his 2018 mark

managed a pitiful .242 average.

the team and offloading the David

a matchup that Major League

be locked down before a pitch

— but a change in scenery and


Price contract sets the team up

Baseball has always dreamed

has been thrown, the road to

a better team surrounding him

Brady: Luis Robert of the Chicago

for the future. The Sox won’t be

of, the New York Yankees and

October will have its bumps.

should do wonders for his game.

White Sox is on a team that is

contenders, but I wouldn’t be

the Los Angeles Dodgers. These


bad. The team is young, however,

surprised to see them win 90

two teams have played in the

Brady: After leaving the

and has a bright future. Robert

games and make the playoffs.

Fall Classic eleven times and

While some races, like the

Along the way, players will stand out as they either experience their breakout season

Dodgers in free agency, I am

shot his way up the minor leagues

or career-best campaign.

looking for Hyun-jin Ryu to have

Isaac: It’s only fitting that the

Isaac: The Chicago White

the Dodgers have only come out

in 2019 and his jump to the MLB

Sox and Rick Hahn wore out the

victorious three times. It’s going

a revenge season where he tears

will be successful. NL ROY will

checkbook this offseason. They

to stay that way as Gerrit Cole

nowhere and make a run for the

up the AL. I’m picking the Toronto

go to Rockies infielder Brendan

brought in Yasmani Grandal for

cements his legacy in his first

playoffs and others will run far

Blue Jays’ new ace for the AL Cy

Rodgers. We saw glimpses of

$73 million and Dallas Keuchel

year in pinstripes. The chase

from it, toward the 2021 MLB

Young award. The NL Cy Young

his well-rounded game but he

for $55 million while also trading

for 28 comes to a close in 2020.

Amateur Player Draft. When

will be going to Los Angeles

will be on full display in 2020.

for Nomar Mazara and extending

WINNER: New York Yankees

October comes though, MLB

pitcher Walker Buehler. The

will be exciting again. Here’s

25-year-old dethroned teammate

is going to the NL ROY and it won’t

former OSU Beaver and CWS

Dodgers and the Houston Astros.

what some of Met Media’s staff

Clayton Kershaw as the team’s ace

even be close. Lux will hit .280

Champion, will also debut at

Who doesn’t want this? Sure,

members had to say if they

in 2019, posting a 14-4 record. He’s

with 15 bombs for a team that wins

some point in 2020 as the best

the Dodgers’ fan base will be

had a vote for the awards.

primed for stardom this season.

100+ games as they cruise to yet

pure hitter in the organization.

unbearable if they make the

another division title. I’ve always

This is a team that looks good on

World Series but this would be a

fourth pitcher since 1969 to post

said that success at the AA level

paper and had a good winter.

poetic rematch of the 2017 World

Trout this award for both leagues,

consecutive seasons of, at least,

will translate to the bigs. Brady

James: Full disclosure, I’m

I would, but I’ll just stick to giving

seven wins above replacement

Singer won’t make the Opening

a Cardinals fan. But I do think

him the AL MVP. He’s Mike Trout

to start his 30s. He’s on a list

Day roster for the Royals but will

that the Redbirds could be a

and he’s the best player of our

that includes Greg Maddux, Curt

turn some heads when he gets

dominant squad in 2020. A

generation. The NL MVP race is

Schilling and Pedro Martinez.

the phone call in late May. Singer

team with just one batter above

Teams will come out of

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER Brady: If I could give Mike

Isaac: Jacob DeGrom is just the

Isaac: Gavin Lux of the Dodgers

Luis Robert. Nick Madrigal, the

James: The Los Angeles

Series marred by the sign stealing scandal. WINNER: Baseball fans.

Award winners predictions for all of the MLB Graphic by Zhen Tang ztang@msudenver.edu

Major League Baseball picks one award winner from each league — American and National — but if the Baseball Writers of America had to pick just one player from both leagues for the awards, here’s who we think they’d pick.





Ronald Acuna Jr.: After his

Gavin Lux: The expectations

Marcus Stroman: He may

David Ross: It’s rare for a first-


age 21 season in Atlanta, Acuna

for Dodgers’ infielder Lux are

be a dark horse in this race,

year manager to win this award,

addition of Gerrit Cole makes

is on track to win his first NL MVP

through the roof, but rightfully

but a full season in the Mets’

but it was also rare for Chicago

their pitching staff even scarier

award after a stellar campaign

so, as he shined in his short

powerful pitching rotation will

to hire someone who was playing

and with one of the most stacked

in 2019 with 42 home runs and

time in the majors in 2019.

prove to be the biggest move

in the organization in 2016, four

lineups in baseball, the Yankees

37 steals. Mike Trout will make

After winning the MiLB Player

made at the 2019 trade deadline.

years prior. Ross has the Cubs’

will run through the AL East, the

another run for this award in

of the Year, he’ll be the best

He’s been good since 2016, but

clubhouse under control and

American League and whoever

Los Angeles, but for no dice.

rookie in baseball in 2020.

in 2020 he’ll be at his best.

ready for a bounce back season.

the National League presents.

MARCH 11, 2020



Brady vs. Will: Who wins it all for March Madness? ROADRUNNER BRIEFS Softball sweeps RMAC players of the week MSU Denver pitcher Darby McGhee and catcher Laney Sheppard won both the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Pitcher of the Week and Player of the Week, respectively. It’s the second week in a row McGhee has won the award and the third time this season Sheppard has won. The Roadrunners moved into a tie for first place behind a 4-0 weekend led by McGhee and Sheppard, with two wins apiece over Regis University and the University of New Mexico Highlands. Sheppard is first in NCAA Division II softball with 41 RBIs in 2020 after her 6-for-9 and 10 RBI weekend. McGhee went 2-0 with a 1.75 ERA.

Baseball splits series in Pueblo After losing the first of a fourImage obtained from NCAA.com

The NCAA Division I men’s basketball national tournament, also known as March Madness, takes place from March 17 through April 6. Andy Katz’s 2020 bracket is not the official bracket of the NCAA as official picks will be made on Selection Sunday on March 15.

game series against Colorado State University-Pueblo on Friday, 9-4, the MSU Denver baseball team bounced back to earn a weekend

By Will Satler

Illustrated, through nearly 11

By Brady Pieper

Bears facing the University of


full weeks, 14 AP top-five teams


Southern California and, despite

lost to unranked opponents, The Associated Press’ Top 25 NCAA men’s basketball poll has been a mess this season. So picking your bracket for

and 64 AP Top 25 teams lost to unranked opponents. When building your bracket this year, pick the upsets.

Last year’s March Madness

split with the ThunderWolves. During the doubleheader on

the stronger competition, will

March 7, the Roadrunners won the

find their way to the Sweet 16.

first game of the day, 10-8, before

was a mess that left the millions

Wins against Auburn University

losing the second game, 4-2. They

of submitted brackets busted.

and Seton Hall University in

earned a split in the series behind

the Elite Eight and Final Four,

pitcher Cade Crader’s complete

This year will be much of

March Madness — the NCAA

Some upsets I picked include:

the same, a slew of upsets

respectively, puts them in the

game on Sunday, where he allowed

Division I national tournament

10-seed Utah State University

and not a surefire champion.

NCAA National Championship

just one run in a 2-1 victory.

featuring 64 teams competing

beating seventh-seeded Penn

But don’t worry, let me be

against two-seeded Kentucky.

for a national championship

State University, eighth-

your spirit guide through the

is quite the doozy this year.

seeded University of Colorado-

mystical March mania.

Since Selection Sunday isn’t

Boulder beating No. 1 seed

My bracket regales the story

on March 13 for a series

the bracket is University of

against the University of

California, Irvine squad. The

New Mexico Highlands.

until March 15, Andy Katz, a

Dayton in the round of 32, and

of Baylor and their attempt at

team is led by four double digit

college basketball correspondent

sixth-seeded University of

their first national championship.

scorers: forward Collin Welp at

for the NCAA, created the most

Michigan beating No. 1 seed

up to date bracket. Your March

Kansas in the Elite Eight.

Madness bracket must have

13.0 ppg; guard Evan Leonard

triple-headed backcourt with

at 12.4 ppg; guard Eassyu

Softball, baseball to host weekend series

unanimous Big 12 First Team

Worku at 12.3 ppg; and forward

upsets — when a lower-seeded

the Final Four, leaving Michigan,

guard, Jared Butler, 13.9 ppg;

Tommy Rutherford at 10.1 ppg.

team beats a higher-seeded

the University of Maryland

scorer MaCio Teague; and

team — if you want to have the

— who I predicted to beat the

unanimous Big 12 All-Newcomer

I predict the team will bust

to March 15. Both MSU Denver

most accurate bracket. In 2018,

University of Illinois in the Elite

Team guard, Davion Mitchell.

through everyone’s bracket

baseball and softball will host RMAC

we saw the first No. 16-seed,

Eight — and second-seeded San

Butler leads the team in scoring

but mine. The Anteaters will

play in a four-game series. Baseball

the University of Maryland,

Diego State University to face

with 16.0 ppg and is projected

defeat two-seed San Diego State

will host the University of New

Baltimore County, beat a one-

No. 1 seed Baylor. The Final

to be drafted in the second

University in the first round

Mexico Highlands on Friday at 3 p.m.

seed, the University of Virginia.

Four will take place in Atlanta

round if he were to declare

and Saint Mary’s University in

on the first week of April.

for this year’s NBA draft.

round two before meeting their

State College at noon on Saturday

eventual defeat in the third round

for a double-header. It will be

to Michigan State University.

“Strike Out Cancer” and “Cancer

Since 2017, 12 teams ranked as the tenth-seed or higher

Three top seeds will fall before

The Bears are led by a

MSU Denver returns home

The true underdog of

San Diego State, behind

Baylor is the first seed in

Ranked as the No. 15 seed,

The Regency Athletic Complex will be buzzing from March 13

Softball will host Chadron

have won in the first round

their strong defense, will

the South Region of the bracket

of the tournament. Of those

knock off Baylor, and Maryland

this year and their pathway to

12, ten of them have come in

will beat Michigan — which

the natty will have them facing

Loyola University Chicago in

the past two tournaments.

they did on March 8, 83-70.

some steep competition.

2018 and my prediction has UC

special cancer awareness

Irvine making a similar run.

jerseys on Friday night.

There’s never been a “perfect

Defense wins championships,

The first round matchup pits

The magical run made by

bracket” completed by someone

which is why San Diego State

the Bears against either Robert

on NCAA.com in the history of

will knock off the Wolverines.

Morris University or North

perfect, but if you follow these

Carolina Central University,

two tips, maybe we can share the prize for winning it all.

the tournament, and the chances

We’re in for a crazy March

of that happening in 2020 is

Madness, so make sure to have

which the green-and-gold

unlikely. According to Sports

plenty of upsets in your bracket.

should take easily. A round two matchup, I predict, will have the

Nobody’s bracket will be

between the two teams. Baseball will be wearing



MARCH 11, 2020



“I love when I show movies in class. You learn and I sit.” “You mean to tell me there’s Corona in this virus?” “I just won an argument about Blink-182 lyrics. I hate myself.” “I’m sorry. I’m typing this with my pinky because I have Takis dust on my hands.”

Top 5



A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep. Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come shining through.

You ain’t never had a friend like the ones you’ve met this semester, so hold tight to them. And occasionally let them out of that lamp.



When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.

No one knows how far you can go when you put your mind to something, so set sail and don’t lose sight of who you are.



When the going gets tough, just remember you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

You often give yourself very good advice, but very seldom follow it. It would do you good to stop chasing rabbits.


Ways to stay healthy


You never know what will happen when you take a leap into the unknown. If you hear a siren calling, follow it.

1. Wash your hands 2. Exercise for 30 minutes a day 3. Get enough sleep

Remember to think happy thoughts and then it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to the second star to the right and straight on till morning.



All you need this week are the bare necessities, so leave that extra toilet paper on the shelf for someone who really needs it.

Next time you feel scared or lonely, try singing a song. Others will join in and then things won’t feel so bad.

4. Drink lots of water 5. Eat three meals a day



You need to paint with all the colors of the wind and sing with all the voices of the mountains. The answer is in your heart.

You wish you could be part of a different world, but reality keeps your fins nailed to the floor. Don’t stop dreaming, Sagittarius.

Photo of the Week The thing that makes MSU Denver unique is

with the right person for them. When people

all its wonderful students from all walks of life.

rush into adopting service animals, they

Some folks on campus even walk on four legs.

don’t always know whether it’s a compatible

Veterans at MSU Denver’s Veteran and

match and end up returning the animal later.

Military Student Services Office enjoyed the

Most people love puppies, and Ace

company of Ace, a 6-month-old mini pitbull, on

clearly had lots of love to give to the vets.

March 5. Ace is a service dog in training and

This photo is melting our hearts in the

came into the office to gain exposure to people

Met Media office, so maybe if Ace comes

and play with the vets. Staff photographer and

back to campus sometime, he could come

veteran Brandon Wheeldon captured this photo

give us some love. We really need it.

of Ace enjoying pets from student Devin Pearl. Ace did a great job with the vets, Wheeldon said. All service dogs must go through up to a year of training to become full-fledged service companions so that each dog is paired

Do you have a funny quote you overheard on campus or an interesting photo you just have to share? Submit to Managing Editor Megan Webber at mwebber6@ msudenver.edu. Photo by Brandon Wheeldon | bwheeldo@msudenver.edu

Devin Pearl, a U.S. Army veteran and MSU Denver student, holds a 6-month-old mini pitbull mix named Ace on March 6 at the Veteran and Military Student Services Office at MSU Denver. Ace is being trained to be a service dog.

Events Town hall on COVID-19 livestream on campus

Post Malone

Colorado Avalanche vs. Vancouver Canucks

Blake Shelton

Colin Hay


March 11


March 12


March 13


March 14


March 14


JSSB 420


Pepsi Center


Pepsi Center


Pepsi Center


Paramount Theater












3 p.m.


8 p.m.


7 p.m.


7 p.m.


8 p.m.

Met Media gives a voice to the MSU Denver community through student-produced television, radio, magazine and newspaper, offering unique perspectives on news, sports, music, lifestyle and culture.


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