Volume 30, Issue 5, Sept. 13, 2007

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Serving The Auraria Campus Since 1979

Vol. 30 No. 5



Green fee approved Metro gets on board with campus-wide recycling, clean-energy program » A3

3-million-year-old fossilized teeth missing from campus » A7 METROSPECTIVE »

aids & hope

Decades later, Aurarians, Denverites still walk to help find cure » B4

‘runners find

Photo by CORA KEMP/ckemp4@mscd.edu


Metro forward Phillip Owen jumps into the arms of teammate Ryan Brooks Sept. 7 after a 5-3 upset win over Fort Lewis at Auraria Field. After falling to the Skyhawks four times during the 2006 season, including losses in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference semifinals and in the first round of the NCAA Tournament, the men’s soccer team finally exacted revenge on its conference rivals. The Skyhawks were the No. 1-ranked team in Division II, and Metro, which already defeated 3rd-ranked West Florida in the season opener, is now the team to beat in the conference. » A11

“When you walked, you could see people who were obviously physically ill.”




n: something large and powerful that acts as a single, unified force » B6







Thursday 9.13

Happy Jewish New Year!

Friday 9.14

The Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board meets at 2:30 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329. SACAB is located in Tivoli suite 314. Stop by the office or call (303) 556-4589.


September 15, 1982 New UCD classroom put on hold

- Move to Auraria Campus delayed for classrooms located on 14th and Arapahoe Streets.

Illustrated by ANDREW HOWERTON/ahowert2@mscd.edu

A symbolic rendition of Auraria’s investment in wind energy.

The money

• Spring 2008, Auraria students will pay a $3 student fee • Spring 2009, the fee will rise to $4 • Spring 2010, the fee will go to $5

Pink Floyd movie opens

The program

• Increase current wind-energy investment • Increase campus energy efficiency • Expand current recycling programs • Reduce campus water use • Education and marketing of program

- ‘The Wall’ opens in September at specially selected theaters.

Who’s in charge?

• A Sustainable Campus subcommittee of the Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board (SACAB) will lead the plan • Student and Auxiliary Services • Facilities Management Division • University of Colorado at Denver and Health Science Graduate School of Public Affairs

Green plan gets go ahead THE COLD FACTS »

Push, turn wheel During the school year Auraria uses an average of 180 rolls of paper towel per month - if rolled out in a line it would stretch 20 miles, or from about Auraria to Highlands Ranch. Statistics supplied by Ivan Lybarger, Facilities Management.


This week’s top stories: • Marijuana initiative • USS Indianapolis Survivor • Fall fest • No more night rider • Volleyball vs. Colo. Christian

Student representatives will oversee recycling, use of renewable energy By ANDREW FLOHR-SPENCE spencand@mscd.edu

All eyes were on Metro’s Board of Trustees Sept. 5. Its vote that day was either the dealmaker or deal breaker for the passing of Auraria’s proposed Sustainable Campus Program. The three other governing bodies at Auraria had already approved the program, and a nay vote from Metro’s board could have negated the whole deal. Despite speculation about whether the board would approve the measure or not, the board unanimously said yes. The new program is designed to reduce Auraria’s negative impact on the environment. “I’m happy they (Metro’s trustees) recognized that students are behind this,” said Kevin Harris, Metro’s student trustee. Students voted in April to support the program, with 96 percent of

those voting saying yes, Harris said. Only 6 percent of Auraria’s students participated in the election, but the turnout was the fourth highest in Auraria’s history, he said. The University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, CCD, the Auraria Board of Directors and now the Metro trustees have each voted to approve the plan that was several years in the making. Originally the plan called for a new full-time administration position and an immediate $5 fee, but when the proposal was presented to the Auraria Board they refused it and sent it back for changes. The program’s organizers returned with a new plan that called for the program to be student run with a staggered implementation of the fee. With the new plan, each student will pay $3 per semester for the first year, $4 in 2009 and $5 in 2010 and beyond to give the plan the needed funding. The new fee will replace the now expired $1 clean energy fee that for the past two years had funded campus investment in renewable energy. “I want to commend the students

for putting in a lot of hard work,” said Andrew Pattison, a graduate student at the UCDHSC’s School of Public Administration who helped draft the proposal. It was the students’ willingness to compromise on several points of the original plan that showed the board they were serious, Pattison said. “One thing that I think that student leaders across the three institutions have been really good at, is when they heard the first response from the (Auraria) board ... which was a pretty tough response ... they went back and made modifications to the proposal and brought it back,” Metro President Stephen Jordan said. “I think (the students) have been really responsive to the concerns raised.” One point that was critical to gaining the trustees’ consent was the trustees will still have to approve the fee at the beginning of each year, Jordan said. According to Metro’s rules, the board must review on a yearly basis each fee funded by students. Jordan said the students would have to make a presentation each year proving the plan’s effectiveness and laying out plans for the following year. “As long as (the board members)

have to vote on it every year, that gives them some consolation,” Jordan said. Lia Peckman, a UCDHSC student and the newly appointed chair of the subcommittee that will run the program, said the students are ready for the challenge and will be prepared to present their progress for administrative review. “We started all of it with (administrative review) in mind, because we knew if we didn’t accomplish much they are not going to approve it,” Peckman said. “Essentially, we just have to prove ourselves.” The Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board, the group behind the initiative, will begin the implementation of the program in the spring. A committee of students from each of Auraria’s three schools and advisers from the Student and Auxiliary Services office will run the campus-wide program that includes an expanded recycling program, a continued investment in renewable energy and the replacement of old plumbing and lighting with more energy-efficient hardware.


Students slow to line up for injections Immunization deadline approaches, and about 12,000 records are unfiled

What to know and where to go The deadline to submit proof of MMR immunization is Oct. 1, 2007

By ANDREW FLOHR-SPENCE spenceand@mscd.edu Business for the Health Center at Auraria has been pretty normal these days, which is bad news for one of the center’s most pressing issues. With Metro’s approaching Oct.1 deadline for its new measles, mumps, and Rubella immunization requirement, the office on the Plaza Building’s first floor should be full of students. Nearly 15,000 Metro students with less than 90 credits toward graduation must turn in three documents – the Auraria immunization form, proof of immunization and the Meningococcal disease information form – and if they fail to do so, then they will not be able to register for spring 2008 classes. But the center has only received forms from about 20 percent of the required students. The Health Center’s director Stephen Monaco said he is concerned many students will have a rude awakening when they try to enroll for next semester. “If you want to get into a particular class you might not be able to do that,” Monaco said. Students who wait until the deadline and then find out they don’t

Documents students are required to submit: 1. Auraria Immunization Form 2. Proof of Immunization Record 3. Meningococcal Disease Information

Martha Eaton, assistant director

Steve Monaco, director

“In spite of our efforts to get the word out, for some reason it’s not clicking with them (students).” MARTHA EATON, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AT THE AURARIA HEALTH CENTER have the required proof of immunity could find out they have a month or more to wait until they can register – long enough that certain classes could be full. “The problem is ... if you need two shots, they need to be 30 days apart,” he said. The Health Center uses several ways of notifying students, but it is clear that communication still needs improvement, Monaco said. An extra page informing students of the

Students can obtain immunizations through their healthcare provider or at the Health Center at Auraria. MMR shots are $45 and a blood test to prove immunity is $25. For more information download forms at: www.mscd.edu/student/resources/health/immunization.htm.

deadline when they registered for fall classes forced students to check a box saying they had read the contents. The center has also sent numerous e-mail notices, and in the coming weeks Metro professors will read aloud public service announcements in class. Martha Eaton, the Health Center’s assistant director, said around 3,000 students complied with the requirement, but around 12,000 students had not. The office was ready for the

students with a special station set up in the hall to make the process faster, but if too many students wait until October, there are bound to be long lines, she said. “I think it becomes relevant when there is an implication to lack of compliance, and unfortunately that’s not until they go to register for spring,” Monaco said. The lackluster student response so far was probably because the policy is a new one at Auraria, Eaton said.

“In spite of our efforts to get the word out, for some reason it’s not clicking with them (students),” Eaton said, adding that federal law requires all colleges that have campus housing to keep student immunization records on file. Because housing such as the Campus Village has recently opened near Auraria, the campus had to conform to federal regulations, she said. State law in Colorado, and in most other states, requires MMR immunization for all school children. The Health Center advises students to contact their high school to obtain their records. Metro student Dolores Hernandez said while she thinks the requirement could be a hassle for some people, it is something she would do anyway because of the dangers of getting Meningococcal disease. “I mean – it’s deadly and it’s contagious,” Hernandez said, adding that the Health Center already has her immunization records on file, but she still needs to get the disease information form turned in. Matt Hermanson, another Metro student, said he has not yet turned in his form. “I actually forgot about that,” he said. He is taking 18 credit hours, works all weekend, and hasn’t had time to go down to the Health Center. “My focus is on books more than anything else right now. But if it helps me stay healthy then it’s a good idea.”

Scope of department widens with enrollment boost African-American Studies indicated as success story by new campus census By AMY WOODWARD awoodwa5@mscd.edu Intriguing courses and outreach incentives from the African and African-American Studies department has paid off with more students showing an interest in the program. Following Metro’s Sept. 5 census, this interest became apparent when the department discovered that enrollment in the program had increased by 60 percent. In 2006 there were only 28 declared majors in the AAS department, compared to 47 declared majors this semester, according to the census. “The department is a real success story,” said Luis Torres, former interim chair for AAS and interim associate dean for the School of Letters, Arts and Sciences. “I think a better understanding among the student population about all of the variety of courses that the African-American studies offers – not only courses – but also presentations and speakers, I think (has caused) a much broader interest among students and the department.”

The 60 percent increase is a dramatic and unique change, Torres said, because departments will usually only see a slight increase of about 6 or 7 percent. He is surprised by the size of the increase, but is not surprised by the sparked interest in the program, as the faculty in the department has been working toward raising interest in the AAS program for a couple of years, Torres said. “It’s really a story about the faculty and what they have done,” he said. Torres attributes the department’s success to perseverance from the faculty, new courses, study-abroad programs and outreach presentations to engage student involvement with African culture. One of the summer programs implemented to spark interest was a trip to Kenya organized by faculty member Derrick Hudson. There is also the Gullah Experience, a class taught by Ella Maria Ray that studies the history and culture AfricanAmericans known as the Gullah used to preserve their folkways, beliefs and language. The class also offers students the opportunity to travel to South Carolina. The Johnson Lecture Series is another example of a course designed to give visibility to the program. The series is a class

taught on campus and out in the community and is frequently visited by various speakers. The versatility of the classes offered by the department has also attributed to this semester’s increase in enrollment, Torres said. The Chicano Studies department, AAS and the Women’s Studies department are the only three departments that have cross-listed courses, a feature that Torres said he believes has added to the enrollment increase. Cross-listed courses allow students who take a course in one of these departments to use the credit for another course study. So, if a student takes a class in AAS, he or she can apply it toward history credit. Also, AAS courses can meet half of the general studies requirements such as social science, history, arts and letters and multicultural requirements. Some classes in AAS can fulfill more than one requirement for general studies. For example, one semester in African-American literature can fulfill arts and letters and multicultural requirements. Lucas Shamala, an AAS professor, along with the African Students Organization, presented the “The African Forum: Building Bridges Across Cultures” Sept. 11 at St.

Photo by Dawn Madura/dmadura@mscd.edu

Metro student Shana Anderson listens to the instructor during an Introduction to American Studies class on Sept. 11. The department has seen a 60 percent increase in enrollment, attracting students interested in majoring in African and African-American Studies. Cajetan’s, which gave students an opportunity to meet Kenya’s presidential candidate, Raila Odinga. The “African extravaganza” offered African music and dance and free African food. Shamala, who has been teaching at Auraria for two years, is elated by the department’s success and feels it is not only an amazing feat, but that the faculty’s efforts and teamwork have contributed to the

department’s success. “I think it is a significant development, because that is the challenge that has always been passed to us, it demonstrates our commitments to do what we are called to do,” Shamala said. “We (the faculty) come to this department because we are called to do this, it’s much more than a job – it’s a calling … to provide education, to enlighten, to share and exchange ideas.”


CCD celebrates Chinese curriculum By KATE JOHNSON jokathry@mscd.edu A university nestled within the biggest city in China is looking past its familiar forests to a city one mile high and thousands of miles away. On Sept. 8, a day Mayor John Hickenlooper christened “Confucius Institute Day,” CCD celebrated the addition of the Confucius Institute to its curriculum. The program aims to teach students, faculty and others about Chinese language and culture. Along with other Chinese officials, the president of Chongqing Three Gorges University attended the inauguration ceremony at the King Center concert hall. After many thanks and speeches, guests looked on as students and teachers performed dances, songs and even a rubber knife fight. “It’s a really tremendous moment and opportunity for our college,” CCD interim president Barbara McDonnell told the audience. “We are the only community college in the United States to have a Confucius Institute.” Confucius Institutes have been established throughout the world to help promote Chinese language and culture. The institute on campus is a joint effort between CCD and its sister school Chongqing Three Gorges University in Chongqing, China. It is one of only 150 such institutes in the world. “Memories are being created in this beautiful mile-high city,” said Ping Huang, consul general of the China consulate in Chicago. “But what remains more important is for us to join hands to make the best of the opportunity to advance cultural understanding between the people of China and the people of the United States of America, and to develop even stronger China-U.S. relations.” The Confucius Institute offers credit and non-credit courses for anyone interested in learning about China. CCD curriculum includes: Chinese language I to IV; methods of teaching Chinese in preschool, elementary and secondary schools;

preparation courses for proficiency tests; and other courses. It also offers classes such as business conversational Chinese, business customs and workshops and forums on contemporary issues in China. In addition, the Confucius Institute holds seminars on topics such as Chinese cooking, musical instruments and painting and calligraphy. Other services include the organization of student and teacher exchange programs with China and providing resource materials in areas such as language, culture, arts and economics. At the reception prior to the night’s speeches and festivities, guests listened as world-renowned guzheng player We Fei plucked the strings of a Chinese string board so hard it nearly fell from its stand. Some guests indulged in wonton hors d’oeuvres, while others were content to simply look upon the elaborate food arrangements, including sushi in the shape of a Chinese dragon. “Everyone gets to see a little bit about Chinese culture,” said Metro student John Gorham. Gorham, one of the performers in the Red Ribbon Dance, said students at Auraria have been preparing entertainment for their foreign visitors for weeks. He said he hopes the ceremony has raised student awareness of the existence and quality of the Confucius Institute. “(If they) see how interesting, how much fun it is, hopefully that will spark their interest in learning the language,” Gorham said. CCD student Jay Cui is also an advocate expanding student involvement. He came to America two years ago to study English as a second language, and said there is great importance in learning a new language. According to Cui, there is no Chinese program comparable to CCD’s. “I want to show people what the Chinese culture looks like,” Cui said. “I want to help people understand Chinese culture.” Jacob Britton, one of the per-

Photo by GREG DAILY/gdaily@mscd.edu

Above: We Fei plucks the strings of a guzheng, a traditional Chinese instrument, Sept. 8 during Confucius Institute Day at the King Center concert hall. The celebration marked the establishment of the Confucius Institute at CCD, a program designed to promote Chinese language and culture. There are 150 such programs in the world, and CCD is the only community college in the U.S. to have one. Right: CCD teacher Yating Lu performs the traditional Chinese Peacock Dance Sept. 8 during the opening ceremony of the Confucius Institute. Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper officially named Sept. 8, “Confucius Institute Day” in honor of the establishment of the program at CCD. Photo by TYLER WALTON/twalton2@mscd.edu

formers and masters of ceremony, said he has been enamored with Chinese culture since he traveled to Xi’an – the city of the terracotta warriors – to study the language and history of its people. “I like history, so I wanted to go to

that place in particular,” Britton said. He said he hopes students from each of Auraria’s three schools will take interest in the Confucius Institute and realize learning another language is far from impossible. “We want it to be open to students

on campus as much as possible,” he said. Gorham agreed, saying the ins and outs of the Chinese culture and language are at students’ fingertips. “It’s not such a mysterious place,” he said. “People are people.”

Tanzanian artifacts stolen from anthropology lab 3-million-year-old fossilized primate teeth loaned by African ministry a ‘terrible loss’ for department By EMMA MARSHALL emarsha4@mscd.edu The Denver Police Department has not named any suspects in the Aug. 8 theft of a set of 3-million-yearold fossilized teeth valued at $30,000 from a University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center research lab. The fossils, which are the property of the Ministry of Natural Re-

sources and Tourism in the United Republic of Tanzania, were last seen at 2 p.m. on June 9. They were stored in a clear, plastic case inside a locked metal cabinet in research lab 270P in the CU Building. The police report indicated that various students, faculty and staff had keys to the area where the teeth were located. UCDHSC’s anthropology professor Charles Musiba first discovered the teeth were missing when he

opened the locked metal cabinet and found the fossils gone. He was hoping to take high-resolution photos of the teeth before publishing a study on early primates in East Africa, he said. UCDHSC’s anthropology department is not looking to pursue legal action if the person who took the teeth returns them with no questions asked, said UCDHSC anthropology professor David Tracer. “It’s a terrible loss for our department. There’s a measure of trust with countries who have their antiquities on loan, and this destroys that

trust,” Tracer said. The Metro anthropology department has no fossils or artifacts valued as much as the Tanzanian teeth. Metro’s labs only contain replicas or casts of fossils, but would represent a significant loss for the department if they were taken, said Metro anthropology professor Catherine Gaither, adding that the replicas are stored in a room where a code is required for entry, and only trustworthy students and faculty have access to the area. “I feel for the professor (Musiba),” Gaither said. “It must have

been awful. It’s a terrible situation to be in.” Higher security measures will be implemented, such as installing a code lock on the door of the research lab, said Stephen Koester, chair of UCDHSC’s anthropology department. He doesn’t think security was inadequate at the time of the theft, but he will work with campus security to prevent further losses, he said. “It’s stealing a part of humanity’s history. It is nothing that is of use to anyone. That is what is tragic and perplexing about it,” Koester said.



The Voice of Reason: Gen. David Petraeus

FROM THE STUDENTS » Sustainable Campus “If the other institutions hadn’t passed it, I think we would have gone in there a lot more afraid and skeptical of whether (the Metro Board of Trustees) would pass it or not. But with the pressure of the other two institutions having passed it, we didn’t think Metro would be the ones to turn it down.” – Nicole Barringer, chair of the Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board, regarding the recent passage of Auraria’s Sustainable Campus Program

POLL POSITION » About.com Which of these starlets would be the perfect pal for Paris? Who should be her new best friend? Lindsey Lohan: 17 percent An Olsen Twin: 8 percent Tara Reid: 17 percent Hilary Duff: 4 percent Kelly Osbourne: 5 percent Nicky Hilton: 23 percent None of the above: 22 percent

A BIGGER VIEW » Re: Iraq update “Are we safer than we were on that terrible day that shook this nation’s sense of invulnerability? And, if not, why not? The invasion of Iraq plainly isn’t paying off in the sweeping terms promised by President Bush. Instead of blooming democracy that would send ripples across the autocratic Mideast - strengthening our national security - Iraq is a slogging occupation that is draining lives and billions from the United States while building up worldwide resentment. Meanwhile, the Bush administration pleads for more time to rescue itself from a mess it created with this war of choice.” – THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE

Illustrated by ANDREW HOWERTON » ahowert2@mscd.edu Written by The Metropolitan staff

Green today for gay tomorrow While most gays go gaga for theme parties, I’m not a fan. It’s not that I’m against the idea of a bunch of queens getting dressed up in ‘80s dreads or for a slumber party in general, it’s just that I have neither the time nor the energy to prepare for such events. Besides, when I go out, the last thing I want to happen is to be the only one in my boxer briefs when everyone else skips out on the underwear theme. But this Saturday, Tracks is hosting a Green Party. And I’ll be there. You see, business as usual is taking on a whole new meaning at the local gay disco. The fag haven is going green. No, not like The Emerald City, more like the rainforest. And this Saturday, they’re having a fiesta to celebrate its new environmentally friendly ways. “We go through so many bottles and boxes,” said Erik Arredondo, manager of Tracks and the company’s event center EXDO. “Recycling is mandatory now.” Arredondo described how after big weekends the dumpsters behind the nightclub would be overflowing. He and the other managers paused and realized they could make a difference beyond Walnut Street. It’s often thought that homos in general are one-issue folks. AIDS, marriage, couture. But Arredondo said he hopes that besides helping the environment, going green will show

the world on some scale the community is interested in helping others besides themselves. And knowing the power gays have with starting trends, he said he hopes other nightclubs in Denver and around the country will adopt similar practices. In a memo to all office and floor staff at Tracks, Arredondo said that bottles, cans and cardboard boxes must be recycled, and that for every bottle they do recycle they’ll save enough electricity to power a 100watt bulb for four hours. And believe me, there are a lot of lights at Tracks. “It’s all going in a dumpster,” he said. “Now, it’s just a matter of taking an extra second and determining which one.” After the first week of implementing the recycling program, Arredondo said the garbage dumpster and recycling containers behind the club were about equally full. The office staff will be doing their part as well. From the paperwork and filing cabinets, Arredondo said his staff will recycle all paper, magazines, junk mail, brochures, pamphlets, file folders and staples. Items the club won’t be recycling include food, napkins, carbon paper, Styrofoam and decorations in general. Arredondo said the club can’t recycle a lot of their deco because guests sometimes wear and destroy the material. The manager said Tracks will be

NIC GARCIA ngarci20@mscd.edu paying a fee to use a recycling program through their current trash service. “I guess you have to pay to do your part to help the environment,” Arredondo said. Larry McDonald, manager of another hot spot in the Denver gay scene, JR’s, said his bar doesn’t have a recycling system because its trash service doesn’t offer such a program. However, the bar has cut water use by switching its beer and soda lines from a water cooler to an electric fan, McDonald said. “It’s great that they’re doing this,” McDonald said. “At another restaurant I used to manage, we had a recycling program. It was a lot harder (than just throwing a bottle away) and it wasn’t 100 percent, but it made a difference.” Aaron Nelson of The Alliance for Sustainable Colorado echoed McDonald in applauding Tracks. He said by the nightclub hosting the party it tackles one of the biggest problems of

greening: education. Nelson suggested any company going green should educate its employees, vendors and, most importantly, its patrons. “Imagine if a guest sees a lowflow toilet in a club, they’ll see how it works and go home and want one themselves,” Nelson said. “If a nightclub can do it, so can I.” Nelson said while recycling and educating its guests is a great first step, next for Tracks is to look at the structure of the actual building. He said buildings generally are to blame for 40 percent of greenhouse gases and use 70 percent of all energy in the U.S. “Reducing the amount of energy the club uses will present the most quantifiable results,” Nelson said. Besides recycling, Tracks will reduce its amount of promotional fliers over the next year and will only print on 70 percent recycled paper. In a typical week Tracks prints and distributes 5,000 fliers. Arredondo wants to reduce the number by 30 percent by the end of the year. In the meantime, Tracks’ Green Team will be on hand to sign people up for an e-mail list that will replace the flier system. Tracks will e-mail promotional information and coupons. And Arredondo said people who sign up at the Green Party and thereafter will be eligible for monthly prizes. And so in one night, Tracks will prove me and the world wrong: recycling and theme parties are necessary.


B1 » THE METROPOLITAN » September 13, 2007


The USS Indianapolis during World War II. Photo courtesy of www.eastport4th.com

Shipwrecked with sharks A survivor of the worst U.S. naval disaster in history tells his tale By JAMES KRUGER jkruger1@mscd.edu In boot camp, Paul Murphy was required to overcome fear by leaping into water looming more than 80 feet below him. But at that time he didn’t know that the real test would eventually come when he had to step off the deck of the sinking USS Indianapolis and into the Pacific Ocean. World War II veteran Murphy told his story on Sept. 10 in Tivoli 320, recounting how he overcame fear and shark-infested waters without food or potable water, surviving the greatest naval disaster in history. More than 100 faculty, staff and students gathered to hear Murphy’s tale as one of the 317 survivors of a tragedy that claimed the lives of more than 800 sailors. At 19 years old, Murphy had already participated in five campaigns in World War II when a Japanese submarine torpedoed the USS Indianapolis on July 30, 1945. “I lost my home,” Murphy said of the sunken Portland-class heavy cruiser, which he called the most beautiful ship in the Navy. He was at times emotional while describing the events of the four days and five nights he and the other survivors spent adrift. Murphy told of his first night vomiting oil consumed from the sinking ship as he

dodged the swarming sharks in the waters. He also gave accounts of shipmates stricken with madness due to dehydration and the pain victims endured during their survival and subsequent rescue. “The skin came right off their bones,” he said, recalling the description rescue workers gave him of the survivors’ condition when they were pulled from the water. There was also secret cargo the ship carried weeks before its sinking. It was later discovered to be an atomic bomb, which was delivered from the United States to the Pacific island of Tinian in record time, days before the U.S. nuclear attack on Hiroshima, Murphy said. “We didn’t know what we were carrying,” he said. “Our orders were to immediately leave. And every day we could save going across the ocean, we could shorten the war by that much.” Shortly after that cargo was dropped off, the unescorted ship was en route to a training mission in the Philippines when the Japanese submarine hit it with the torpedo. Murphy was asked to speak after a faculty member recommended him to Metro’s Office of Student Activities, said Laura Strohminger, interim assistant director of Student Activities. She added that the office was pleased with the event. “I thought it was great,” Strohm-

Photo by CHRISTINE COOL/ccool1@mscd.edu

USS Indianapolis survivor Paul Murphy speaks to an audience Sept. 10 at the Tivoli. inger said. “Obviously, it was an interesting piece of history and it was great to have him here to give it a personal slant.” The audience was also engaged in Murphy’s story, and some students walked away with a better sense of the disaster. Metro student Jason Cordova said he enjoyed the session and found it

interesting because of his own experiences in the Navy. He pointed out that the shark attack exercises he went through were based on the USS Indianapolis survivors’ experiences. At least once a week Murphy speaks to groups about the tragedy to impart the wisdom he has garnered from his experiences. In spite of all he has gone through, Murphy’s genial

sense of humor shines through in his speeches and emotional recollections. Parched from speaking to the crowd, Murphy paused briefly and took a break from detailing the effects of drinking salt water to take a sip from a nearby water bottle. “I’m a proponent of water,” Murphy said, eliciting laughs from the crowd.



Q: Why did the tomato turn red? A: It saw the salad dressing! CROSSWORD

ACROSS 1. Short gaiters 6. Laugh loudly 10. Box 14. Greek fabulist 15. Capital city of Western Samoa 16. Yard tunneler 17. Hop, step, and jump 19. Singles 20. Basque separatist organization 21. Historical chapters 22. Ornamental plasterwork 24. 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet 25. Sudden explosive noise 26. Depart 29. In a series 33. Foe 34. Dell 35. Delhi wrap 36. Old Indian coin


37. Black tea 38. Prejudice 39. Undoing 40. Once more 41. Fable 42. Duce 44. Doorkeeper 45. Single, individual unit 46. Auctioneer’s cry 47. Stiff drink 50. Ponder 51. Hanoi holiday 54. Title bestowed upon wife of a raja 55. Unnecessarily 58. Performs 59. Exclamation to express sorrow 60. Blackboard crayon 61. Side 62. Bell-shaped flower 63. Curt

Sept. 13 puzzle from www.crosswords.com. Solution available on the website.

DOWN 1. Fill to surfeit 2. Saucy 3. Home to most people 4. Summit 5. Spleenful 6. Prince of India 7. Literary work 8. Direct a gun 9. Freebooter 10. Buffet meal 11. Early video game 12. Sheltered, nautically 13. Take a break 18. Gaelic language of Ireland or Scotland 23. Tropical cuckoo bird 24. Romantic tendency 25. Beneath 26. Facial hair 27. Boredom 28. Photo finish?

29. Brown and white Eurasian falcon 30. Spoil 31. Angry 32. Skinflint 34. Poisonous fluid 37. Fatherly 41. Assemble 43. Consumed, usually food 44. Voting-pattern predictor 46. Like bubble baths 47. Spoiled child 48. Speed contest 49. Rectangular pier 50. Repast 51. Former Russian ruler 52. Old cloth measures 53. Small child 56. Biblical high priest 57. Female pronoun


metropolitan staff and andrew howerton


geof wollerman and andrew howerton


Be the first to e-mail us the correct location, and you’ll receive a free ticket to the Starz FilmCenter! Lucky you! Each week’s winner will also have their photo printed in the following issue of The Metropolitan. Send e-mails to jklemaie@mscd.edu.

LAST WEEK’S WINNER: Biology student Jim Davidson, 27, is last week’s winner! He’s an amateur Roadrunner and the President of the International Brotherhood of Frisbee Throwers.

puzzle courtesy of www.websudoku.com


FRI- (4.45), 7:35, 9:35 SAT- (12:20), 2:30, 4:45 SUN- (12:20), 2:30, 4:45, 7:35, 9:35, 7:55 MON-WED- (4:45), 7:35 TH- (4:45), 7:35, 9:35


FRI- (4:40), 7:30, 9:30 SAT- (12:00), 2:20, 4:40, 7:30, 9:30 SUN- (12:00), 2:20, 4:40, 7:30 MON- WED-(4:40), 7:30 TH- (4:40), 7:30, 9:30


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SAT- 7:00

SAT- 10:30 AM


Pingpong movie Indicting the scores with fury modern era RETRO REVIEW »

By RICKY WONG rwong4@mscd.edu Kung fu and pingpong finally come together in the wacky new comedy Balls of Fury, starring 2005 Tony Award winner Dan Fogler, (Broadway’s The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee), martial arts action queen Maggie Q (Mission Impossible 3) and the eerily talented Christopher Walken. Fogler plays former Olympic pingpong hero Randy Daytona. The film starts with a flashback of his big match with Karl Wolfschtagg at the Olympics, where he finds out that his father, a secret agent, was involved in a vicious underground pingpong betting scheme. Daytona loses his focus and therefore his chance at winning the game, and is reduced to performing at seedy clubs in Las Vegas. He rejoins the world of competitive pingpong to seek revenge for his father, who was murdered by the Chinese Triad, trained back into shape by blind Chinese Ping Pong Master Wong, played by James Hong. Balls of Fury is at times genuinely funny, while at other times falls very flat. Christopher Walken is brilliant in his portrayal of an eccentric triad boss and avid pingpong player, Feng, the former pupil of Master Wong. He chews up the scenery, especially when engaged in back-and-forth one-liners with Daytona. Dan Fogler does a decent job as the lovable loser-turned-hero Daytona, who falls in clichéd love with

Balls of Fury Directed by Ben Garant Rogue Pictures Maggie Q, his trainer and the niece of Master Wong. In Q’s best scenes, she takes on five guys at once on the pingpong table. However, the relationship between Daytona, a pingpong-shaped klutz, and Maggie, a sleek and skillful beauty, seemed rather forced and it disrupted the flow of the film. The supporting cast was excellent and it helped pick the film back up from its sappy subplot. Thomas Lennon does a great job playing the evil Karl Wolfschtagg, Daytona’s arch nemesis. Lennon infuses Wolfschtagg with energy in his impressions of an arrogant professional athlete and James Hong is hilarious as the bumbling Master Wong. The pingpong action was for the most part believable and helped to keep the whole film afloat. With a colorful cast of characters and nonstop action, this film will satisfy the hardcore table tennis fan in all of us.

Ignatius J. Reilly has a bone to pick with humanity. But first he’ll have to get a job. by geof wollerman » gwollerm@mscd.edu

person’s lack of theology and geOn the list of Pulitzer Prize ometry; it could even cast doubts winners for fiction – sandwiched upon one’s soul.” His own outfit is, between works by Norman Mailer of course, “acceptable” and “sugand John Updike – is a novel with gested a rich inner life.” an interesting history. A ConfedIn Reilly’s world, there is no one eracy of Dunces, by John Kennedy more important than Reilly. Toole, is a timeless gem of poignanBefore the novel’s end, he incites cy and comedy that makes readers a workers’ strike at a pants factory, wonder what could have been if develops a filing system involving only the author hadn’t died. a trash can, and gets into trouble Toole, who wrote one other with more than one cop – most book – The Neon Bible – at the notably for attempting to contain age of 16, taught in obscurity at a cat within the bun warmer of a Hunter College and the Univerhot dog cart. All the while Reilly sity of Southwestern Louisiana, fends off a college flame, “Myrna while he honed his masterpiece the Minx,” whose “offensive comin secret. Then, after several munications” always disturb his frustrated attempts to get it pub“pyloric valve.” lished, he killed himself in 1969. Critics have aptly dubbed A The novel would not be published A Confederacy of Dunces (1980), Confederacy a modern day Don for another 11 years. John Kennedy Toole, 405 pp. Quixote. Reilly is constantly crusadHis story is tragic, to be sure. ing for some higher cause, and at But not nearly as tragic as the tortured life of Toole’s grandiloquent protagonist, Ig- many points he blatantly recreates events to fit his narnatius J. Reilly. Residing with his mother in New Or- row – though Reilly might choose the word “worldly” leans – “the vice capital of the civilized world” – Reilly – perception. When met with resistance, his visionary seems singularly concerned with denouncing gov- projects are either quickly abandoned or embraced ernment, pop music, and modern day conveniences, more fervently. And like Quixote’s vexing problems such as tour buses and deodorant. He also suspects with enchanters, Reilly is similarly at the whim of that America is “teetering on the edge of the abyss.” what he calls “Fortuna’s cruel wheel.” The unusual thing about A Confederacy, and QuixBut after inadvertently causing his mother to crash her car, he is forced to go out into the world he abhors ote, is that the reader experiences the novel through the lens of the protagonist while the reader can plainly and get a job. “A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy see his folly the whole time. Those who do not pity him balloon of a head,” A Confederacy begins. “The green might chide Reilly for being a Luddite, and chalk up his earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine problems to a misplaced reluctance to join the present. bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on Others will laugh at his comical syntax and brazen cireither side like turn signals indicating two directions at cumlocution. But it is impossible for any reader not to once.” Reilly is in front of a department store “studying see in Reilly a sliver of the self: indignation, righteousthe crowd for signs of bad taste in dress” because “pos- ness, and that occasional quixotic perception that prosession of anything new or expensive only reflected a vides some sanity in a world gone terribly awry.


Dates with turtles and pot smoking tips for businessmen

Depending on what you’re looking for, Craigslist.org can be the most useful or useless site on the Internet. Its daily postings are filled with bizarre offers, crazy requests, insane commentary and countless musings about life, traffic laws and the difficulties of owning a cat. Simply browsing through the site’s latest postings will reveal perhaps one or two of these gems, but if you want to really immerse yourself in a world of people who have nothing better to do, Craigslist.org has the answer: a collection of its best postings. Dubbed “best-of-craigslist,” the collection consists of thousands of postings nominated by Craigslist. org users – a sort of variety show highlighting the highs and lows of the sometimes-freakish online community. Take for instance the woman in Raleigh, N.C., who is looking to get rid of her husband and is willing to throw in a 2003 Audi, a 42-inch flat-screen

television and “the best watch dog on the planet.” How much for this incredible package? Absolutely nothing. And on top of that, there’s a bonus. “The sex will be awesome,” the posting states. “He is very talented with what I can only describe as Godgiven gifts … If more women knew of this man’s talents I wouldn’t have to be doing this – women would be chasing him, and men would offer gifts of appreciation for lessons.” It is unclear why the husband is being dumped, but the location of the posting is “The Land of Discontent.” Apparently, sex isn’t everything. Then there’s the posting from someone in the San Francisco area who has a recurring dream of dying in a plane crash. On the off chance that the dream comes true, the posting states, a few words are necessary for the fellow passengers. “Yes it’s terrifying. But please, for the love of God, what’s with the screaming? I understand you’re

GEOF WOLLERMAN» gwollerm@mscd.edu frightened. I understand you don’t want to die. I’m coming to terms with that myself as is every other passenger on that plane. But while I’m facing my imminent demise looking out the window in absolute silence and stunned horror, you’re ruining the last few moments of everyone else’s existence with your incessant shrill chimpanzee-like shrieking.” I’ve never thought much about my theoretical death, but now I feel a little behind in the game. Other postings are more simple and direct – yet ultimately creepy –

such as the one from New York titled, “I will trade you records if you hang out with me and you are female.” Awww, poor guy… In case you weren’t aware, the going rate for hanging out for one half hour is 10 records. A massage will earn you 15. They are mostly rock albums, but don’t ask for a list, ladies: You have to go over and check out the selection yourself. Just let a friend know where you are going. Record geeks aren’t the only ones searching for companionship. A new turtle owner from Boston is looking for a little booty – for the turtle. “My turtle doesn’t need any baby momma drama and since he’s pretty young in turtle years, I doubt he’s ready to commit to anything exclusive or long-term. So I guess we’re kind of talking about casual sex here but I promise that my turtle could give your turtle more respect and pleasure than the average ‘special friend.’” Talk about rough sex…

Many of the postings are simply informative. “Helpful tips for the Employed Urban Potsmoker,” from Portland, reminds users of the dos and don’ts of getting high downtown on a lunch break. Tip number four: “Move yourself about on the street. Don’t huddle in one place and look like some little pot troll. Stride quickly like you’re late for an important meeting, and you’re sucking down a quick butt because your fucking pissed that everyone else in the world is so slow and incompetent.” So next time you visit Craigslist.org, don’t stop at the personals – which are quite funny, but suspiciously fake – and don’t look through the product listings or the job offers or any of the things that Craigslist. org doesn’t do that well. Go for what the site does best: provide a forum for those whose thoughts are best left unvoiced, but who have elected to make their private musings public.



B4 » SEPTEMBER 13. 2007


he 20th anniversary of the AIDS Walk Colorado was marked Sept. 9 by bobbing red balloons, wagging tails on dogs sporting T-shirts and, of course, the walking and running feet of thousands of Colorado citizens raising money for the single largest AIDS fundraiser in the state. But there was a portion of Denver’s Cheeseman Park that was still. It was a memorial of lovingly handmade quilts hanging in the crisp coolness of the late summer morning. Overlooking the expansive green lawn, nothing there was bobbing, wagging, running or walking. AIDS is still a national and global epidemic. It is still, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading cause of death among black women ages 25 to 34 and still infecting black and Hispanic populations at an increasing rate. It is still changing with each person it infects, and there is still no cure. Research, treatment and services are still in need of funding. There is also still hope that can be seen at events like the AIDS Walk and in people like Billi Mavromatis of the Auraria Health Center and the Auraria Walk team, which had been participating in the walk since the year it started. “People were dying very quickly,” Mavromatis say about the first years he walked. “There was a very large turnout. When you walked, you could see people who were obviously physically ill.” The Auraria Walk team raised more than $11,000 for AIDS the first year. This month in the Auraria Library, archivist Rosemary Evetts has arranged a display of the T-shirts, posters, buttons and Metropolitan news articles from past years of AIDS Walk Colorado. The display includes a framed team Auraria T-shirt, which was also shown in the state capitol building as the winning entry in the race’s design contest. “They are so focused on what they are doing now, this year that they don’t think of anything they have done in history,” Evetts said. The team, which sees involvement from the Auraria Health Center, Disability Services at the Community

SEPTEMBER 13. 2007 « B5

AIDS: A brief time line»

The prominence of the AIDS cause has been shadowed by other issues throughout the years, but AIDS Walk Colorado rallies the emotions and funding of those still affected by the disease. by josie klemaier » jklemaie@mscd.edu


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues a warning about a rare disease, believed to be a strain of pneumonia, among a small group of young gay men in the Los Angeles area. It is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which claimed its first reported death in the U.S. in 1981.


AIDS is officially named by the CDC, which states “identified risk factors” as male homosexuality, intravenous drug abuse, Haitian origin and hemophilia A. The media and some doctors often referred to the disease as “GRID,” or “Gay-Related Immune Deficiency.”


College of Denver, the Auraria Library and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Student Service, saw slightly lower attendance this year, as the walk as a whole has seen less participation than in the beginning years. “I remember the years when you’d drive across Denver and you’d see all these signs,” Mavromatis said. Though overall infections rates are slowing down, infections among minority groups and Africans are rising. Most importantly, there is not yet a cure. “It’s hard to keep that at the forefront of everybody’s mind,” she said. She said that with other growing health problems such as diabetes, breast cancer and issues linked to the war and Hurricane Katrina, many people think that AIDS is no longer a problem in the U.S. With the help of drug cocktails that help stave off the fatal effects of the disease and increased knowledge about prevention, less AIDS patients are dying. However, what began as a disease the media intitially called “GRID,” or Gay-Related Immune Deficiency, is still a significant problem. “The nature of the disease hasn’t changed for people who have it,” Mavromatis said. “When I think about AIDS, I think about Africa,” admitted Community College of Denver retention manager Lori Kester, who was on the CCD committee for this year’s Auraria team. She agreed that the AIDS cause in the U.S. does not gather as much attention as the AIDS problem in Africa. Dorothy Hicks, who graduated from Metro 14 years ago at the age of 66, has been involved with the Auraria Walk Team since it began. She wanted to be more involved on campus, but said the AIDS cause took her in when she lived near Cheeseman Park and watched the first years of the Colorado AIDS walk event, which at that time did not involve teams. Since then, she has lost a friend from her church to the disease, has worked for the Colorado AIDS Project and has been an active member of Auraria’s team, gathering donations for the prizes that are given to team members who raise the most funding. Still, she says, the walk is necessary. “Something needs to be done to find a cure.”

The CDC tells Americans not to discriminate against the “high-risk group,” or fear casual transmission. A fifth risk group, women who have sex with individuals with AIDS, is announced.

1984 Photo by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

The cause of AIDS, Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV, is identified. The CDC reports that the number of AIDS cases is doubling every six months. San Francisco closes bathhouses.


At least one AIDS case is reported in every region of the world. The first International AIDS Conference is held in Atlanta. The FDA approves the first test kit used to screen for antibodies to HIV and blood banks begin screening their supply.


The U.S. Congress adopts the Helms amendment. The legislation is often dubbed “no promo homo,” because it bans the use of federal funds for AIDS education that promotes or encourages homosexual behavior.


The FDA approves the first antiretroviral drug, AZT. In the first and only nationwide mailing, a brochure, “Understanding AIDS,” is mailed to all U.S. households.


Ryan White, an advocate for AIDS education, dies of AIDS at the age of 18. The Ryan White Comprehensive Resources Emergency Act, or CARE, is subsequently passed by Congress, providing $220.5 million to community-based care in its first year.

1991 Photo by SARA LOVEN/sloven@mscd.edu

The Red Ribbon is introduced at the Tony Awards as the International symbol of AIDS awareness.


Retrospective »

AIDS becomes the prime cause of death for U.S. men between the ages of 25 and 44.


A look at The Metropolitan’s past AIDS coverage...

The FDA approves the first oral HIV test. AIDS becomes the leading cause of death for everyone ages 25 through 44.


“‘College students are not immune to the HIV virus. At the University of Texas at Austin, one out of 100 students tested positive for HIV virus.’”

President Clinton sets 10-year goal for an AIDS cure.


— Ray Lobato, “Taking a walk for AIDS,” Sept. 4, 1992

The first large-scale human trials for an HIV vaccine begin.

“A crowd of more than 8,500, including about 60 Auraria walkers, moved as one body to raise about $600,000 for the Colorado AIDS Project...”


Congress reauthorizes the Ryan White Care Act for the second time.

— “Auraria team walks Sunday to fight AIDS,” by Robyn Schwartz, Sept. 16, 1994


HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death worldwide of ages 15 through 59.

Headline: “AIDS walk has record turnout”

— Sept. 13, 1996 when 10,000 people raised $1.2 million at Colorado AIDS walk


President Bush announces a five-year, $15 billion plan to address AIDS, as well as malaria and tuberculosis in hard-hit countries.

“Composed of 180 walkers, the team exceeded its goal to raise $10,000, according to Karen Bensen, director of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Student Services.”


— “AIDS Walk team successful” by Danielle Shook, Sept. 18, 1998

Announcements are made that efforts by the U.S., the World Health Organization, UNAIDS and the global Fund to Fight AIDS succeeded in providing antiretroviral drugs to 700,000 people before 2004.


Photo by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

Above: “This is so sad,” Metro student Dara Merrifield said as she looked at memorials dedicated to victims of the AIDS virus, which were displayed at Cheesman Park. Merrifield attended the 2007 AIDS Walk Colorado on Sept. 9. Top right: Six-year-old Kiara Hayes cheers on passing runners Sept. 9 during the AIDS Walk Colorado . Hayes’s uncle, Peter Knapper, was killed by the HIV/AIDS virus and she and her family wore matching shirts in remembrance of him. Top center: Liz Torres and Vanessa Quintanilla walk in the 2007

AIDS Walk Colorado Sept. 9 at Cheesman Park in remembrance of their brother Joe Quintanilla, who died of the disease in 1999. Torres has participated in the walk since 1996 and Quintanilla joined the walk for the first time this year. Bottom right: Angela Korte cries while composing a small memorial to honor her father, Jim Ruoff, who was killed by AIDS nine years ago. She sits among the many other memorial quilts and posters set up Sept. 9 in the Cheesman Memorial Pavilion during the 2007 AIDS Walk Colorado.

Photo by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

The World Health organization and UNAIDS recommend that male circumcisions should be considered part of AIDS prevention. Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, http://www.kff.org/hivaids/ timeline/hivtimeline.cfm




half notes

UPCOMING SHOWS » Thursday 9.13 Common w/ Blackalicious and The Knux

7 p.m. @ The Fillmore Auditorium, $35, 16+

Tuesday 9.18

Muse w/ Juliette And The Licks

7:30 p.m. @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre $35, 21+

Finns finally in with HIM By DESIREE CLARK dclark67@mscd.edu Finnish rock band HIM has been in high demand lately. A distinctive blend of goth, metal and classic rock, the members of HIM have labeled their musical approach “self-proclaimed love metal.” HIM played at this year’s Projekt Revolution tour (which played its final show in Englewood Sept. 3 and was created in 2001 by Linkin Park) with the likes of Taking Back Sunday and My Chemical Romance. And now, coming off all the summer performances, HIM is good and geared up for their Nov. 2 performance at the Ogden Theatre. Formerly known as His Infernal Majesty, HIM has released five full-length albums, including Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666, Razor Blade Romance, Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights, Love Metal and Dark Light. Their sixth album, Venus Doom, is scheduled to be released Sept 18. Originally a tribute band covering an array of bands including KISS, Type

O Negative, Danzig, Black Sabbath and Depeche Mode, HIM were formed in 1991 b y

vocalist Ville Valo, guitarists Mikko Lindström and

Oh no, not HIM! Fresh from Projekt Revolution, Ville Valo, Mikko Lindström and Mikko Paananen lead the band formerly know as His Infernal Majesty. The masters of heavy metal makeovers crash the Ogden Nov. 2.

bassist Mikko Paananen. In 1997, HIM released their debut album Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666, which features a cover of Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” and Blue Oyster Cult’s “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper.” In 2004 HIM released their greatest hits album And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits 1997-2004. With two unheard tracks (“And Love Said No” and a cover of Neil Diamond’s “Solitary Man”), Greatest Hits is the perfect album to get to know HIM before Venus Doom is released Sept. 18, and just weeks before they headline at the Ogden Theatre. If Projekt Revolution is any sign, HIM will be performing a couple of Venus Doom selections, including “Passion’s Killing Floor,” which was featured on the “Transformers” soundtrack, and “The Kiss of Dawn,” which is slated as the first single release off the new album. Tickets for the Nov. 2 show at the Ogden are on sale now and are available at www.ticketmaster.com.


Venus Doom Sire Records www.heartagram.com


Photo courtesy of www.monolithfestival.com

The Last Sucker Megaforce Records www.thirteenthplanet.com

No need for a spoon, let’s just use our fingers. Britt Daniel, Jim Eno, Rob Pope and Eric Harvey are SPOON, and they’ll be headlining the Monolith Festival presented by Esurance Sept. 15 with lords of the acid-eaters, The Flaming Lips. The major music festival is a first for the historic Red Rocks Amphitheatre.


Volkerball (2-Disc CD/DVD) Megaforce Records www.thirteenthplanet.com


Christ Illusion American Recordings/Slayer JV www.slayer.net

Smashing Pumpkins

Zeitgeist Warner Bros. www.smashingpumpkins.com

For new music releases visit: www.newmusictipsheet.com

Photo courtesy of www.monolithfestival.com

Tyler, Chris, Ian and Martin want to eat your brains. Or, at least, they want you to listen. The Laylights will be performing at 2 p.m. on Sept. 15 at the Monolith Festival presented by Esurance on the New Belgium stage at Red Rocks.


Cake, The Decemberists, Kings of Leon, Clap Your Hands Say and Ghostland Observatory


Everything Absent or Distorted, Cat-A-Tac, Born In The Flood, Bela Karoli and Ian Cooke


The Flaming Lips, SPOON, Art Brut, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos, The Little Ones and A Verse Unsung


Meese, The Laylights, Hot IQs, Machine Gun Blues, The Swayback, Nathan and Stephen, Nina Storey and Gregory Alan Isakov For more information visit www.monolithfestival.com.


To ‘Is’ or not to ‘Is’ Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ EP an ’80s punk rehash worthy of a big no-no By JEREMY JOHNSON jjohn308@mscd.edu

CMJ Radio Select Top 20 Chart TW LW ARTIST






Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga




White Stripes

Icky Thump

Warner Bros.




Our Love To Admire





An End Has A Start

Epic Fader




Sky Blue Sky




Beastie Boys

The Mix-Up




Ryan Adams

Easy Tiger

Lost Highway

Tegan and Sara

The Con



The Reminder

Interscope Cherry Tree


Finding Forever


Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Is Is [EP]




Beggars Banquet

Okkervil River

The Stage Names


New Pornographers



Architecture in Helsinki

Places Like This


Chemical Brothers

We Are The Night


Polyphonic Spree

The Fragile Army





Smashing Pumpkins



In case their zealous moniker 8 8 didn’t already give it away, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are a practice in 9 14 repetition. And while their new EP 10 12 further exasperates their mocking 11 5 gimmick with songs like “Kiss Kiss,” Photo courtesy of www.mtv.com 12 19 the title track “Is Is” and the closing Everybody say “Yeah!” And no, no, no, that’s not Larry, Moe and Curly. From left, track “10 x 10,” they also manage it’s Nick Zinner, Karen O and Brian Chase of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. 13 16 to fall prey to a retread sound. 14 149 Their bass-driven, pop-punk 15 24 sound – complete with muddled feedback driving with lyrics like: “Now he’s as straight as and microphone effects – echoes an ear16 11 lier sound birthed and established in the a bone/ And he’s known 17 9 late ’70s and early ’80s, most notably by all along/ Everywhere 18 25 kiss me/ Everywhere kids Siouxsie and the Banshees or, perhaps, 19 2 Kim Gordon and her Sonic Youth. What’s sleep/ No catch no beat.” more, the Yeahs’ kind of angry, sexy, rock But, for my money, if you want real “Kissability,” ’n’ roll bitch act (led by Karen O) has, in recent years, drummed a multitude of go pick up Sonic Youth’s variations on the theme, including naDaydream Nation. That’s the problem with the Yeahs’ EP (which is surpristional acts such as the Detroit Cobras and Denver’s own Hemi Cüda. ingly short, even for an “extended play” album): It’s intriguing, but eventually Essentially, the Yeahs and all the other kick-him-in-the-balls knock-offs have some big combat boots to fill. leaves the listener reaching for the classics. After all, who wants Not to say that the Yeahs don’t fairly wail in some aspects. In to listen to imitations when the real thing is right there in your fact, the album as a whole is deliciously danceable, yet dark and record collection.

Sure, Shakespeare kind of had it right with the whole “nothing new under the sun” spiel. With that pretense, Is Is might be an essential in the fairly sparse Yeahs catalogue, and the band should be proud of its ability to recreate that classic early-femalepunk sound. But the Yeahs must be careful of who they piggyback, because some of those original, old bitches might just buck them off.

Rock on, Roger, and roll By JOSHUA SMITH jsmith293@mscd.edu Roger, Roll’s two demos, “I’m Going to College, Can You Watch My Goldfish” and “Summer 2007 Demos,” constitute something you don’t find a lot these days: honest, emotional, well-crafted indie rock music. By visiting the band’s MySpace page and listening to some of their newer unreleased tunes, such as “The Essence of Things,” you can find further proof of the versatility and expertise exhibited in band leader and song-writer Eric Peterson’s music. Roger, Roll make simple, beautiful songs with none of the pomp and faux-artistic arrogance that has categorized so much of the rock music released in the last few years. This is amazing because, when speaking of local bands, it’s rare to find impressive, original rock ’n’ roll music of this genre. It’s uncommon that a demo handed out by a friend is going to turn out to be anything more than a slightly entertaining listen, allowing you to eke out a few words of encouragement and light praise.

This, fortunately, was not the case with Roger, Roll, as they are one of the few bands in the Denver scene that has the sound and skill to make it on a national level. Peterson played and recorded all of the music on these two releases, before the full band of Patrick Kelly, Pam Gilpatric and Nicholas Cox came together to help spread the sound of Roger, Roll to the masses. This being the case, one can proceed to be even further impressed by Peterson’s songwriting genius and flexibility as a musician. On songs such as “Drop Everything,” the listener is exposed to a slow, bassy, drum groove, backed with keening violin strings and Peterson’s pensive, comfortable voice and inviting metaphors of velocity, change and escape. Alternately, “The End” is composed of a playful, coastal mood; guitar and bass weave palm tree riffs around one another, while a ’60s-inspired synth dances delicately in the background, asserting itself, occasionally, as the true focus of the tune. The gem of these 12 tracks, though, is “All We Want,” a triumphant, driving indie anthem with its hands firmly on the wheel and a

smiling face turned toward the sun. The 12 songs contained on these two CDs tell stories of love and adventure, sadness and excitement, all wrapped in cloaks of professionally crafted, complex indie rock music. This is even heard on the incredibly campy rendition of “A Whole New World,” from the Disney film “Aladdin,” beautifully recreated with soft guitar strumming and Peterson’s quietly soaring vocals. As you listen to Roger, Roll over and over again, scrutinizing it closely, you begin to pick out the influences and the cross-pollination of styles that have helped to create the band’s wholly original sound. Strains of Menomena, Broken Social Scene and even the occasional nod to Sea and Cake make themselves known as you meander through the EP. You can further delve into what is soon to be a huge local phenomenon by going to check out some tunes at Roger, Rolls’ MySpace page www.myspace.com/rogerroll, or by going to Peterson’s blog – and the band’s de facto website – at www. rogerroll.net. Unfortunately the

Photo courtesy of www.myspace.com/rogerroll

Eric Peterson and Patrick Kelly of Denver indie band Roger, Roll, want to caress your precious little heart with songs of love, loss and romantic magic carpet rides. only way you can currently get your hands on discs of the band is by going to one of their shows or asking one of the kids in Roger, Roll themselves. With rumors of a forthcom-

ing album release, it should become easier and easier to hear the sounds of what will surely, if there’s any justice in the world, become Denver’s new favorite band.


Tobacco barons try to build bridges Remember when cigarette smoking was dangerous, self-gratifying and cool? Those were the days. A smoker could light up anywhere and instantly feel like he was living on the edge, part of an elite and popular gang of misfits who were able to declare, unequivocally, “I’m an independent thinker, a rebel, and if I want to kill myself, that’s my choice!” But smokers around the country lately have been faced with a new and startling fact: The glory days of smoking are on the wane. A recent Gallup poll found that just 21 percent of adults reported smoking cigarettes in the past week – the lowest number recorded by Gallup since it began asking the question more than 60 years ago. “The vast majority of smokers continue to express a desire to quit, but also consider themselves addicted to cigarettes,” Gallup reported on July 25. In 1944, 41 percent of Americans reported smoking. Since 1989, less than 30 percent have admitted to smoking, and Gallup’s recent poll found that less than 10 percent of smokers report going through more than one pack a day. Upon coming across the poll, I was reminded of an Onion headline: “Secondhand smoking leads to secondhand coolness.” Indeed. This was the defining ethos of my high school career and beyond, but over the

years I have found myself – and my habit – socially ostracized to the point where I now wonder how I landed on the wrong side of a once-innocuous habit like smoking. Alas, my predicament is nothing compared to that of President Bush, who recently vowed to veto legislation that would raise the tobacco tax in order to help pay for children’s healthcare. The Senate is calling for an increase of 61 cents a pack, while the House is pushing for a more moderate increase of 45 cents, according to the Los Angeles Times. I might be a smoker who doesn’t enjoy paying $5 a pack, but if my habit – now a social liability – can pay for a couple of kids to get a check up, I’m all for raising taxes. Of course, one might argue that this puts added pressure on an industry that is already unfairly taxed. It’s easy for a Republican like Bush – who despises domestic government intervention and who owes his presidency in part to tobacco money – to shrug and say that a higher tax is not the answer. But it’s hard for any smoker with half a brain to defend the tobacco companies. After all, Big Tobacco has spent the last 50 years perfecting the process that makes cigarettes more addictive. Our best interests are not being looked out for. Unfortunately for Bush, his position is light years from Republican

GEOF WOLLERMAN gwollerm@mscd.edu legislators who are pushing to pass the bill. It’s hard for any member of Congress to oppose healthcare for kids. Of course, the tobacco industry has been lobbying doggedly against the tax. It even began providing smokers – via notices at cashier stands across the country – with an 800 number to call their legislators and complain. But the industry’s fears surely include more than concerns about an unjust tax. It must be able to read the writing on the wall. With once-dedicated smokers leaving the fold, who will be around in 20 years to shepherd toward early death? It is in this spirit, no doubt, that Camel sent my little brother – recently turned 21 – what can only be described as a smoking start-up kit. My mother, a nonsmoker, called Camel’s package “insidious.” Included in the box was a Zippo-style lighter, a pack

of cigarette coupons and a colorful promotional booklet extolling the virtues of what Camel wanted him to believe was still an edgy and hip addiction. “Before we get into anything, let us just say, ‘Welcome to Camel,’” the booklet begins. “’Round here, we just like to be ourselves, follow our passions and enjoy the finer things in life: variety, creativity and most importantly FLAVOR.” The booklet was filled with contemporary artwork and photos of young adults at all the hottest clubs. Camel even went as far as to say that art is incredibly important to the company and that it is doing everything it can to foster the creative spirit of independence. “We’re more of what you’d call a collaboration of great taste and selfexpression,” Camel explains. What Camel seemed to be describing was more of a radical new social movement, rather than an unhealthy habit that shuttles its users to the social fringe. But I could see Camel’s rhetoric for what it really was: a last ditch effort to attract new recruits. By attaching itself to the 21st century and its creative, rebellious spirit, Camel is hoping to gloss over the industry’s ugly past. Good luck with that, Camel. All I can hear is the dying gasp of a guilty dinosaur.

Fast-food junkies fiend for fat-filled fixes I have been there, at the heart of the frenzy. I go there most days in fact. I simply must make my living somehow. I, like you, have greedy people trying everyday to coerce me into giving myself over to mediocrity and tax people to pander to so that fat, white men can buy ammunition and obtain allegiances to facilitate the destruction of other cultures and expand the empire. I am not proud of this or of my nationality, but I am still, somehow, obliged to work . . . work . . . work. I arrive to work, late, of course, day after day. I am left amid the swarm of evil customers with only a register, that machine I use to transfer payment from the zombie-like, flagwavers to the fat white men. The air always becomes arid and lifeless once they begin to line up for their usual feeding. It is always “usual” because it never changes. They arrive by car and on foot and I must accommodate them all. If I refuse or show any sign of life, the zombies will go straight to the top, straight to the corporation. I do not fear the corporation, mind you, but I am vigilant. I know when to avoid confrontation and it is not safe to disrupt the encroachment of hundreds of overweight Americans demanding their fix. It is fast-food that they want,

JIMMIE BRALEY jbraley@mscd.edu and it is fast-food that they are determined to have. The daily feeding begins just before noon. We, the jaded and drained employees, stand firm like a phalanx awaiting the charge. They arrive in waves reminiscent of a medieval clash. The hysteria begins to set in. The preparations we make every morning are never quite enough, and before we can establish a coherent thought, they are on us. There is no distinction among them beyond uniform and class division. They are almost always fat and never satisfied. Many of them stampede through the door confidently sporting their American pride T-shirts depicting a bald eagle clenching an automatic weapon and a flag in its talons. Few of them seem liter-

ate, and none seem concerned with the fact that they are consuming filth day after day. My only protection from them is the small countertop between us. I am often troubled by the possibility that, in their fury of ingestion, they’ll finally succumb to their evil instincts and charge my counter with food dangling from their jaws and begin screaming at me and masturbating on my register. I feel I should be given more protection from these people than a simple countertop. For some criminal reason, and please reflect on this very seriously, it is actually encouraged that people exploit the “drive-thru” option. The concept of being allowed to drive up to a speaker and call for a numbered combination of what is always a disgusting and disgraceful excuse for food seems very unreal, especially when we endeavor to remind ourselves of the poverty and starvation rampant around the world. It is appalling for anyone to be able to simply say “give me a number one” at a speaker and then drive 20 feet to a window and have the thing handed to them as though they were compulsive androids or ill-mannered farm animals who’ve acquired a speaking mechanism. What would Darwin say? This sort of lackluster efficiency is, howev-

er, one of the defining characteristics of our country, the great beacon of freedom, which many who we refuse to acknowledge as cognitive human beings refer to as “the Great Satan.” Those people are terrorists though, and the things they say are not to be taken note of. Remember that and no one will question you. People who are forced into this perverse business are required to deliver to these monsters the filth they crave in two minutes or less, as though doing so is the most important thing that they could ever concern themselves with. And when this target is unachievable, the monsters will scream and whine, and the corporation will send a red envelope noting its displeasure and expectance of excellence and will, on occasion, dismiss a few undesirables. It is very difficult to rationalize why one shouldn’t simply plunge themselves into the vat of scalding-hot fryer grease and be done with all of it. There is no demon quite like the American lust for fast-food . . . well, except the American lust for war, weaponry, cars, oil, capitalism, mindless self-indulgence, expansionism, theft, deceit, hate, etc. But, those are all tales for another day, provided we, the ones who can see, can avoid that grease long enough to tell them.


EDITOR IN CHIEF DAVID D. POLLAN dpollan@mscd.edu MANAGING EDITOR Geof Wollerman gwollerm@mscd.edu NEWS EDITOR Andrew Flohr-Spence spencand@mscd.edu ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS Emile Hallez ehallez@mscd.edu Amy Woodward awoodwa5@mscd.edu FEATURES EDITOR Josie Klemaier jklemaie@mscd.edu ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITOR Rachael Beieler rbeiele2@mscd.edu MUSIC EDITOR Jeremy Johnson jjohn308@mscd.edu SPORTS EDITOR Eric Lansing lansing@mscd.edu ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Zac Taylor ztaylor2@mscd.edu PHOTO EDITOR Amie Cribley acribley@mscd.edu ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS Cora Kemp ckemp4@mscd.edu Dawn Madura dmadura@mscd.edu DESIGN EDITOR Nic Garcia ngarci20@mscd.edu ILLUSTRATOR Andrew Howerton ahowert2@mscd.edu COPY EDITOR Clayton Woullard cwoullar@mscd.edu SPECIAL GUEST COPY EDITOR Adam Goldstein goldstea@mscd.edu DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Dianne Harrison Miller harrison@mscd.edu ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Donnita Wong wongd@mscd.edu ADVISER Jane Hoback The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State College of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees, and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the Summer semester. The Metropolitan is distributed to all campus buildings. No person may take more than one copy of each edition of The Metropolitan without prior written permission. Please direct any questions, comments, complaints or compliments to Metro Board of Publications c/o The Metropolitan. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advertisers. Deadline for calendar items is 5 p.m. Thursday. Deadline for press releases is 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Thursday. Classified advertising is 5 p.m. Thursday. Tivoli Student Union, Room 313. P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Denver, CO 80217-3362.




ERIC LANSING » SPORTS EDITOR » lansing@mscd.edu



Friday 9.14

SOCCER Women 2:00 p.m. at CSUPueblo Men 4:30 p.m. at CSU-Pueblo

Saturday 9.15

VOLLEYBALL 7:00 p.m. at Colorado School of Mines

Sunday 9.16

SOCCER Women 1:00 p.m. at Adams State Men 1:00 at UC-Colorado Springs


“It’s definitely a big weight off our shoulders. I am a sophomore and I lost to them every time last year, but I think it’s the first time we have beaten them in four years. It’s big, and definitely big for the seniors. We are just so happy about it.” - Sam Rolph, men’s soccer sophomore, on his first victory over rival Fort Lewis.


Men’s soccer senior Phillip Owen had a goal and an assist to help upset Fort Lewis, and then had two goals and another assist against conference foe Mesa State. With the wins, Metro starts conference play at 2-0.


Ranking of Metro men’s soccer in points (11 per game), goals (19) and assists (17) in NCAA Division II. The team is also ranked fourth in goals against average (1.80). With its two wins over the weekend the men are 4-1 for the season.

Photo by CORA KEMP/ckemp4@mscd.edu

Metro’s midfielder Ola Sandquist, right, kicks the ball away from Fort Lewis midfielder Tom Settle Sept. 7 at Auraria Field. Metro put up 13 shots on goal and scored on five to upset the top-ranked Skyhawks. The Roadrunners lost four times to Fort Lewis last season where they were outscored 13-0.

Metro shoots down No. 1 Men’s soccer team takes out top-ranked Fort Lewis By ERIC LANSING lansing@mscd.edu

The men’s soccer team overcame two huge obstacles in one game by not only defeating the No. 1 team in Division II, but also defeating the team that has given them the most trouble the past four years. Metro scored five goals to upset the Fort Lewis Skyhawks 5-3 Sept. 7 in its first conference game of the year at Auraria Field. In 2006, Fort Lewis and Metro went head-to-head four times, and the Skyhawks prevailed in every contest, including a 2-0 victory in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference championship game and a 3-0 win in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. Sophomore Sam Rolph, who experienced the struggles his team has had with its conference foe and who got the scoring started for the ’Runners, said he was ecstatic to finally defeat the team that he and most of his teammates have never beaten at Metro.

“It’s definitely a big weight off our shoulders,” Rolph said. “I am a sophomore and I lost to them every time I played them last year, but I think it’s the first time we have beaten them in four years. It’s big, and definitely big for the seniors. We are just so happy about it.” The victory wasn’t an easy one for the ’Runners as they had to rally from two deficits in the game. Metro allowed Fort Lewis to score the first two goals of the game. But after Fort Lewis midfielder Kieran Hall scored on a corner kick to put the Skyhawks up 2-0, Rolph scored 11 seconds later on an assist from senior forward Philip Owen. “We had to come back twice,” head coach Ken Parsons said. “That really shows great team character. It shows we are capable of playing good team soccer.” The second rally came at the 47:57 mark of the second half when Fort Lewis forward David Barden knocked in a deflection that ricocheted off Metro goalie Ryan Vickery. Vickery made the initial save on a shot from Hall as the goalkeeper dove to tip it away, but

Barden found the rebound and kicked it in for the 3-2 lead. It would be the last lead the Skyhawks would hold the rest of the game as Owen came through 11 minutes later when Metro forward Shaun Elbaum and Owen perfected a give-andgo play that finished with Owen sending it past Fort Lewis goalkeeper Zane Wells to tie the game at three. Metro carried the momentum from the last goal, as well as from a packed house of Roadrunner fans, to score again only four minutes later, as midfielder Mark Cromie scored his first goal of the season on a free kick from about 10 yards out. Cromie sailed the ball to the right corner of the net over a jumping Wells who had no chance at it. After Metro midfielder Mike Martinez added an insurance goal to give his team a 5-3 lead in the 75 minute, Metro’s defense tightened up and kept the Skyhawks out of the back of the net for the rest of the game. In the four losses to Fort Lewis, Metro failed to record a single goal and was outscored 13-0. It stood as a stark contrast to Friday’s game, when Metro

scored five goals on 13 shots. The win was its first conference victory of the season. The scoring onslaught continued two days later, as the Roadrunners scored four goals to rout the Mavericks of Mesa State 4-1. Owen and midfielder Kellen Johnson each scored two goals to lead Metro to its second conference win of the season. The Roadrunners put up 19 shots on goal to the Mavericks’ four. The wins improve Metro’s record to 4-1 overall and 2-0 in the RMAC. The Roadrunners will put their two-game winning streak against CSU-Pueblo Sept. 14 on the road in Pueblo. The win against Fort Lewis is the second upset win over a top-3 team. Metro also defeated No. 3-ranked West Florida “We’ve been challenged early with a tough schedule and we’ve found that we’re most successful with good possession of the ball,” Parsons said. “We have to let our opportunities come rather than forcing things.”


Metro draws with unwelcome house guests Roadrunners fail to redeem last year’s lone home loss to RMAC rival Fort Lewis By ERIC LANSING lansing@mscd.edu In a rematch of the 2006 Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference semifinals, the women’s soccer team could only tie the Skyhawks by a score of 11 Sept. 7 in conference play at Auraria Field. Metro, which won the Division II National Championship last season, had motivation to redeem itself of a 21 upset loss Oct. 28, 2006 at the hands of the Skyhawks. The loss ended a 61game home winning streak that dated back to Sept. 6, 2002. “Yes there was,” defensive back Jenna Oney said when asked if there was extra motivation to play well against Fort Lewis. “Actually, because we never lose home games. It was disappointing losing that one last year, and we came out today hoping we could beat them on our home field this year.” The 12th-ranked ’Runners and the Skyhawks remained scoreless through the first 54 minutes of the game, as both sides didn’t give an inch to the other. The two teams combined for 10 shots on goal in the first half but Metro’s goalkeeper Rachel Zollner

and Fort Lewis’ goalkeeper Bree Baker kept the game even at 0-0. The second half belonged to Metro, even though the score didn’t reflect it. The Roadrunners outshot the Skyhawks 12-5 in the second period and put a ton of pressure on their defense by spending a majority of time in the Skyhawks’ zone. The shot opportunities were plentiful for Metro and, they came close on a few of them, as they hit the crossbar and the post on three separate occasions. Metro finally broke through in the 55th minute as Oney rushed through the middle of the field to receive a pass from the left side from forward Becca Mays and then kicked the ball past a diving Baker toward the right side of the net. “I knew I didn’t have time to take two touches, so I just hit it far post and it went in,” Oney said. After working diligently to take the lead in the 56th minute, Fort Lewis responded quickly and tied the game in the 59th minute. Skyhawks forward Kelly Smith scored the goal on an assist from defensive back Jessica Otero. Regulation time expired with the score tied at one apiece. The first overtime saw four shots on goal, three from Metro and one from Fort Lewis. A majority of the overtime was played in the middle of the field, with no team putting a decent opportunity on goal. The second overtime began and

Photo by AMIE CRIBLEY/acribley@mscd.edu

Metro forward Becca Mays tries to dribble past Mesa State defensive back Alina Hartfield Sept. 9 at Auraria Field. Mays scored on the play and helped Metro defeat the Mavericks 2-0. each team had put a shot on net, but failed to score and the game finished tied after two 45-minute periods and two 10-minute overtimes. Although Metro head coach Danny Sanchez was pleased with his team’s performance against a tough Fort Lewis squad, there is no doubt he will be waiting to see them again in

the near future. “We’ll see them again in conference play and I’m sure we’ll see them in the RMAC Tournament,” Sanchez said. After the tie with Fort Lewis, Metro shutout the Mavericks of Mesa State 2-0 two days later, as Zollner made six saves for Metro’s fourth win

of the season. Metro defensive back Nicole Cito scored the game-winning goal in the 16th minute, and Mays would add the insurance goal at the 82nd minute to preserve the victory. The tie and the win puts the ’Runners’ record at 4-1-1. They next head on the road Sept. 14 to Pueblo.

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Metro cycling makes deep treads ’Runners’ biker Yuki Saito starts second season with tough top-10 finish By ZAC TAYLOR ztaylor2@mscd.edu The cycling program at Metro may still be young, but the road and mountain riders are already making big waves in the collegiate cycling world. Two of the riders showed off their abilities at the Beaver Meadows Mountain Bike Festival, Colorado State University’s opening race in the Northern Colorado mountains held Sept. 8 and 9. Metro’s Cycling Club founder Ben Stein and pro-rider Yuki Saito were the only Metro participants at the two-day cycling festival, but by the end of the weekend they had once again proved the program’s worth with their strong finishes both days. Saito, a Japanese native who has only been cycling for four years and living in the U.S. for five, placed 15th in the Short Track event Sept. 8, and then 8th the next day in the Cross Country event. Stein had problems in both races, but managed to finish in 22nd place in the Short Track, despite a fall early on. The Cross Country track was tougher for Stein, who couldn’t make the finish after incurring two flat tires. “The Cross Country race on Sunday was brutal, 29 miles of H-E-double hockey-sticks,” Stein said after the race. Despite his tough love for the Cross Country event, Stein is not new to that type of racing, as he’s been cycling both on the road and in the mountains for years. It was at the end of the fall in 2005 when he had the idea to start a cycling club at Metro. “I’m a big cyclist, and there was no cycling team here,” Stein said. He wasn’t setting any records by starting the club. The team became the 12th and final entry in the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cycling Conference, joining the University of Wyoming, powerhouse Fort Lewis College and nine other squads.

Photo by KRISTI DENKE/kdenke@mscd.edu

Metro cyclist Yuki Saito sprints to the finish Sept. 8 during the Beavers Meadows Mountain Bike Festival hosted by CSU. Yuki placed 15th in the short track event, and finished 8th in the cross country event on Sept. 9 “Every school in the state has a cycling team, even the community colleges,” Stein noted. Metro didn’t enter a weak conference either. The University of Colorado at Boulder has won a national championship in club cycling, and just last year Fort Lewis took the title. As an underdog squad, the ’Runners have had to work hard to stay competitive. “We have the potential, we just need to find the riders that can do it,” Stein said. Collegiate club cycling has become a great way for cyclists to hone their skills and possibly earn sponsorship. This is possible because school clubs are not tied down by NCAA regulations, which forbid sponsorship. Thus Metro cyclist Saito is able to race for both his college cycling team as well as Walt Works, which is a corporation that sponsors professional riders. This setup also aided Team Discovery rider Tom Danielson, who was able to race for Fort Lewis and work his way up in pro cycling. “I will have to climb my way up to the top,” Stein said about his future career in cycling. Before he takes his run at the professional ranks, Stein will have to find someone to take over, as he will be graduating after this semester. “I’m still looking for someone to take over the club,” Stein said. Running the organization is no

easy task, as last year’s team managed to raise $3,500 for equipment and race-related fees, including their Metro uniforms. The funds have to be raised by the team because Metro only provided $300 last year. “Metro doesn’t support club sports,” Stein admitted. The team competes with clubs such as Fort Lewis, CSU and CU-Boulder who, as he points out, receives more financial support. At the weekend race the difference in support was evident, with Fort Lewis setting up huge tents for their riders and CSU and CU coming with team trailers for their bikes. With only two people, Stein and Saito drove the two hours individually, bikes on racks, but they arrived in time to compete. Stein came to the festival equipped not only with his bike and his jersey, but also with his girlfriend and her long-legged, shaggy dog. The three then joined Saito and rode off to test the cross country course with the dog leading the way. Determination replaced carefree riding when the Metro rider’s were at the start line for the Short Track event. It was not the same endurance test as Cross Country, but instead induced a speedy 20-minute ride with laps around a half-mile dirt track. Spencer Powlison, originally a Vermont cyclist and now one of the conference directors, said, “In Colo-

Photo by KRISTI DENKE/kdenke@mscd.edu

Metro cyclist Ben Stein closes in on an Air Force Academy cyclist during the short track event on Sept. 8. Stein finished 22nd after a crash early in the race. rado, at the highest level, (collegiate cycling) is more competitive.” The Short Track didn’t disappoint Powlison’s notion as the player’s flew around the course. By the end of the race, nearly half the players had been pulled for being over the time limit. Stein was one of the last pulled with just one lap to go. “It was a pretty good result for me,” he later remarked to Saito. Saito avoided being pulled, and stayed in good position for his 15th place finish. He hasn’t always had the ability to keep such a fast pace. “It’s a hard sport, I walked a lot (in the races) when I first started,” he said. Four years of riding and his

devotion to the sport has paid dividends, although he admitted that riding for the Walt Works Pro team can be much harder than collegiate cycling. Both Saito and Stein agreed that their best event was the Cross Country race the following day. Saito didn’t disappoint in grabbing a top-10 finish, even though Stein failed to make it along with more than half of the others. But despite the Did Not Finish, Stein wouldn’t dare pass off the event as a failure. “It was a very fun course,” Stein said. His optimism and dedication has kept the Metro cycling program a success, and he said that after he leaves,

’Runners volleyball splits series to open conference play By ZAC TAYLOR ztaylor2@mscd.edu The women’s volleyball team swept Chadron State Sept. 7 and was in turn swept by 25th-ranked Nebraska-Kearney the following day. The ’Runners began their conference schedule in Nebraska, and coach Debbie Hendricks said that although the teams coming up aren’t ranked as high as some of their opponents earlier on in the season, the games are

still important. “I think that playing that hard schedule to start helped us to improve for the rest of the season,” Hendricks said. In Chadron, Neb., Metro jumped out to a fast start in their first Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference game against the Eagles of Chadron State. Metro hit a .424 kill percentage in the first game while holding their opponents to a -.088 average. Metro easily took the first game 30-14.

The ’Runners kept Chadron off balance for the next two games to earn the sweep, only having trouble with the second game, barely pulling out the win 32-30. The following day, the Roadrunners traveled east to Kearney, Neb., to take on the ranked Lopers. Metro failed to put up a kill percentage average at all in the first game and, like Chadron the day before, couldn’t regain a foothold and went down in three sets. “With Kearney we went in ques-

tioning ourselves,” Hendricks said. Kearney’s outside hitter Nikki Scott was the biggest menace for the ’Runners, notching 14 kills and hitting .385 for the Lopers. Metro could only manage eight kills by Ellis and 10 by Green-McFarland, although Ellis managed 15 digs. “This weekend was indicative of where we are as a team,” Hendricks said. “Sometimes we’re good, sometimes not.” Metro looked better in a 3-0 win over

conference foe Colorado Christian Sept. 11 at the Cougar Events Center in Lakewood. Green-McFarland had a gamehigh 16 kills and led the Roadrunners to tie their season high in kill percentage hitting .264 in the sweep. The 2-1 weekend improves Metro’s record to 4-8 overall and 2-1 in the conference. The Roadrunners will stay on the road to face off against the Colorado School of Mines Sept. 15 in Golden.

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