Volume 30, Issue 11, Oct. 25, 2007

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Serving The Auraria Campus Since 1979


Vol. 30 No. 11

Thursday, OCTOBER 25, 2007


Clinton: It’s time for change « THREE PAGES OF COVERAGE BEGINs ON A7 » Photo by JOHANNA SNOW/snowj@mscd.edu

metro THE METROPOLITAN » OCTOBER 25, 2007 » A3





Friday 10.26

• The Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board meets at 2:30 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329 • The Earps and Doc Holliday had a little showdown at the OK Corral in 1881

Monday 10.29

•The Student Goverment Assembly Executive meets at 4 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329 • Isreal invades Egypt in 1956 beginning the Suez crisis

Wednesday 10.31

• The Student Government Assembly Senate meets at 4 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329 • Martin Luther posts his 95 theses on a door in Wittenburg in 1517 setting off the Protestant Reformation


October 27, 1982 Co-op libraries liked by computer

• Auraria’s new online system will allow inter-library communication

Students serve as staff assistants

• Student Affairs Office to train liasons between administration and student population


The speed that China’s new 2nd generation high-speed “bullet” train will run on its route between Beijing and Tianjin due to open for the Olympic Games. The 70 mile stretch, comparable to the distance between Denver and Colorado Springs, will now take 30 minutes.


This week’s top stories: • Hillary speech • Bike trail renovation • HSI Majors • Metro’s diverse faculty • Men’s soccer kicks butt Check out Metro’s own student-run TV newscast at: http://metreport.mscd.edu

Raising the education bar Standards for college admission could lower future Metro enrollment By ROBERT FISHER rfishe@mscd.edu Metro has long been an institution of opportunity, but next year new admission standards could result in thousands of Denver high school seniors missing out. Starting in the fall of 2008, Metro will adopt Colorado’s new Higher Education Admissions Requirements. Incoming college freshmen 19-yearsold or younger will be required to complete specific academic courses before being accepted into any of Colorado’s public four-year colleges or universities. The new HEAR standards were approved by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education in 2003, and though the commission waited five years to implement the new requirements, not all school districts have changed their curriculum to prepare their graduating seniors for them. Douglas County school districts have implemented the requirements, but Denver Public Schools will not be in line with HEAR until the 2011-12 school year. If students do not meet the new requirements, they will have to either attend a community college for a year or take a year off. Although students 20-years-old or older with a high school diploma or GED will still be able to enroll at Metro, the new admission standards will undoubtedly affect Metro’s enrollment, according to Elena Sandoval-Lucero, director of Admissions and Outreach at Metro. Sandoval-Lucero said 99 percent of Metro students are from Colorado, and the college does not recruit outside of Denver and its surrounding communities. “What they are predicting statewide is about 3,000 to 6,000 students to have not taken all of the HEAR requirements,” Sandoval-Lucero said. She added students who choose to take a year off disrupt their educational career and are at a disadvantage when they return. The difficult transition from high school to college many Denver high school students face is an example of what both Gov. Bill Ritter and Metro President Stephen Jordan have called the state’s “shrinking educational

The Denver Public Schools building located at 900 Grant st. houses the district’s administration. Metro will be raising their admission requirements starting in the fall of 2008. Douglas County has begun to prepare its curriculum and students for the change, but Denver Public Schools will not be ready until 2010. Photo by STEPHEN SWOFFORD /sswoffo1@mscd.edu

Step 1: Requirements for fall 2008

Four years of English Three years of math Algebra 1 or higher Three years of science with two years in lab sciences Three years of social studies with one year in U.S. or World history Two academic electives

Step 2: Requirements for 2010

Four years of English Four years of math Algebra 1 or higher Three years of science with two years in lab sciences Three years of social studies with one year in U.S. or World History Two Academic electives One year of a foreign language

pipeline,” a popular phrase used to describe the accessibility of Colorado’s educational system. A group, called the P-20 council, has been appointed under Ritter to evaluate and suggest improvements for this “educational pipeline.” At their meeting last month at the

Colorado School of Mines, a subcommittee unanimously agreed that school systems have a responsibility to prepare students for the transition between high school and college. However, the members also recommended that each district implement their own plan.

Sandoval-Lucero said the new HEAR standards would probably not be a long-term issue. There are a couple of ways Metro can offset an enrollment drop, she said, by recruiting older students who aren’t affected by the HEAR standards, or by using its “through the window” policy, which allows the college to accept 20 percent of its incoming freshmen class who don’t meet the requirements. “For the first year HEAR is implemented, our window will be full and use all 20 percent,” Sandoval-Lucero said. She estimated this policy will admit about 300 students who would not have been able to attend Metro otherwise, but that the need to do use the policy will taper out. “I think…over the course of three to four years it will even out and eventually won’t impact enrollment,” she said.


Nuggets show their early season gold

Eduardo Najera, member of the Denver Nuggets, visits with fans before practicing in the Auraria Events Center Oct. 18. The bleachers were filled as the team practiced for about an hour after playing pool, selling tickets and signing autographs by the Auraria Book Store. Photo by STEPHEN SWOFFORD/sswoffo1@mscd.edu


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF David D. Pollan dpollan@mscd.ed NEWS EDITOR Andrew Flohr-Spence spencand@mscd.edu ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Amy Woodward awoodwa5@mscd.edu FEATURES EDITOR Josie Klemaier jklemaie@mscd.edu ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITOR Rachael Beieler rbeiele2@mscd.edu MUSIC EDITOR Jeremy Johnson jjohn308@mscd.edu SPORTS EDITOR Eric Lansing lansing@mscd.edu ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Zac Taylor ztaylor2@mscd.edu PHOTO EDITOR Amie Cribley acribley@mscd.edu ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS Cora Kemp ckemp4@mscd.edu Dawn Madura dmadura@mscd.edu DESIGN EDITOR Nic Garcia ngarci20@mscd.edu ILLUSTRATOR Andrew Howerton ahowert2@mscd.edu COPY EDITORS Clayton Woullard cwoullar@mscd.edu James Kruger jkruger1@mscd.edu DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Dianne Harrison Miller harrison@mscd.edu ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Donnita Wong wongd@mscd.edu ADVISER Jane Hoback The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State College of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees, and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the Summer semester. The Metropolitan is distributed to all campus buildings. No person may take more than one copy of each edition of The Metropolitan without prior written permission. Please direct any questions, comments, complaints or compliments to Metro Board of Publications c/o The Metropolitan. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advertisers. Deadline for calendar items is 5 p.m. Thursday. Deadline for press releases is 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Thursday. Classified advertising is 5 p.m. Thursday. Tivoli Student Union, Room 313. P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Denver, CO 80217-3362.


Darfur survivor speaks of genocide Yousif beaten and jailed, Sudanese disagree on the turmoil at home By RITA WOLD rwold@mscd.edu Abdelmagid Yousif ended up in jail for doing what other students are encouraged to do. As part of the Darfurian Students Association during college in 2002, he helped indigenous people from the Darfur region of Sudan make attending school a possibility by providing them with financial and emotional support. Yousif said the Sudanese government arrested him and other students and held them in a specialized “political jail” for one week in an attempt to stop the organization’s efforts. In jail, he said he and other members of the DSA were beaten with a stick, fed once a day and kept from sleeping. “They need us to say who helped us,” Yousif said, recalling the reasons they were held, when he spoke at the Voices From Darfur tour presentation Oct. 17 in the Tivoli Turnhalle. “They think that somehow we have connections with some other organization or country or some other rebel group.”

In addition to being suspended from the university, one of the terms of his release, he said, was to abandon the DSA. Shortly after getting out, he left his family and all he knew to flee to Egypt. Two and a half years after his ordeal, he continues to give his testimony to the world. At the Oct.17 event, Yousif told his story without detail, description or emotion. Yet, his story is part of what has grown into an international political issue, and there are many conflicting points of view. “I would’ve shot myself in the head,” declared an audience member, before asking Yousif and the other refugee speaker, Daoud Hari, how they were able to continue on after witnessing the government rob them and their people of everything. The pair’s response didn’t answer the question. Instead, they gave an overview of what they both did to escape. “Can you express how you feel?” another audience member asked. “I feel very sad,” Hari said at last. The conflict began when two rebel groups, the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement, mounted an insurgency against the central government of Khartoum, accusing it of neglecting

Photo by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

Abdelmagid Yousif the Darfur region. “The majority of Darfur is black Africans,” Yousif said. “So they (the Khartoum government) don’t want to build schools (and) develop the region – that’s why the rebel groups have a problem.” Yousif said that following rebel attacks, Sudanese president Omar alBashir increased arms to local tribal factions calling them “self-defense militias.” Al-Bashir has rebuked allegations that he was supporting the Janjaweed – Arab black Africans who

are accused of trying to ethnically “cleanse” black Africans from large swathes of territory – while calling them “thieves and gangsters,” the BBC news reported. Despite a UN investigation in Sudan that concluded war crimes had been committed but there was no intent to commit genocide, the U.S. government and some human rights groups continue to proclaim genocide. “If you study the legal definition of genocide carefully, you will see clearly it is not a genocide,” said Omar Fadul, a Metro student from Sudan. “The atrocities are just horrible. But I think to call it genocide falsely, just to exaggerate a horrible situation, I don’t think will help.” Fadul agreed the government is neglecting Darfur and other regions, but he said, “holding force to get your request answered, I don’t think it is the proper way to do it – it is just going to create more conflicts.” “We do not have Arabs in Sudan. They are all Africans,” said Bakheit Rahama, a Sudanese native from Darfur. “We speak the Arabic language, and we have the Arabic culture because of Islam.” Rahama said many countries are interested in the Darfur region because of its “big oil resources”

and people like Yousif and Hari, who claim otherwise, are doing so for their own economic interest. “The whole thing (conflict) is politically being manipulated,” Rahama said. “You have no reason to flee and leave your family back there and claim that they are killing them, they are raping them,” he said. “Go fight for your own people. I myself would go back if that was true.” Rahama attributed the problem to the more than 250 tribes in Sudan with different dialects who practice tribal nationalism and to a dishonest government that doesn’t distribute the resources to the public. “Many people do not have enough food to eat,” he said. But Yousif said that was not the case. “The problem of economics will not help if the idea of eliminating the black Africans isn’t destroyed first,” he said. Rahama warned that even one day of war would bring the country more harm than 50 or 100 years of negotiations. “We all used to live in harmony. People are just fighting for no reason,” he said. Peace talks are scheduled to begin Oct. 27 in Libya between the Sudanese government and rebel groups.

Metro Rox fans defeated after race to purchase tickets Angry students again unable to get passes to the World Series By JAMES KRUGER jkruger1@mscd.edu While crowds gathered outside to hear Hillary Clinton speak Oct. 23 at Auraria, inside its buildings some Metro students skipped class to go to the computer labs in a second attempt to obtain World Series tickets online. And similar to their first attempt the day before when the Colorado Rockies website’s server crashed, many students were again left disappointed, frustrated and angry. “I’m irate. I’m absolutely irate,” Jesse Delgado said to his girlfriend,

Metro student Erin Zaromski, regarding their failed attempts to get tickets. After four hours of trying, all they received were load times and frozen computer screens. Delgado accessed the site and was able to select tickets four times, once when he was prompted to pay, but shortly after entering his email address and password to login, he was kicked off and forced to go to the back of the digital line. Clutching their cell phones and crowding the computer labs, others experienced the same frustration. “I would’ve rather just waited in line,” said Metro student Elsi Gourmous, who also said more than threequarters of the computer lab in West Classroom 244, which houses 49 personal computers and 15 Macintoshes, was filled with students at-

tempting to get tickets when they went on sale at noon. But the wait was over as of 3 p.m. when the Rockies website announced that all tickets to games three, four and five had been sold out, leaving many to question the Rockies organization’s decision to make the tickets only available online. “They (the Rockies) should have done it a better way. There is probably going to be more Red Sox fans at the game,” said Metro student Steve Dyer, referring to the lottery system the Red Sox implemented to sell tickets to their home games. There were no issues reported in the computer labs, despite the crowds and problems many reported trying to get tickets. Jose Hernandez, who works for Metro’s Information Technology department in one of the Plaza

Photo by LOGAN LYLES/llyles@mscd.edu

Chris Cochrane from Aurora waits in the long line on Oct. 22 at Coors Field to obtain tickets to the World Series. The computer server crashed during the day, stopping fans from buying tickets. Many went to Coors Field to complain. Building’s computer labs, said there was nothing unusual other than the groups of people trying to get tickets.

“A lot of people have been trying to get schoolwork done, but everything has been fine,” Hernandez said.

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THE METROPOLITAN « october. 25. 2007 « metro « A7

Hillary makes case for change By DAVID D. POLLAN dpollan@mscd.edu A smiling and energetic Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, equipped with a message of change and reform – as well as current administration bashing – spoke to a crowd of more than 1,000 students and supporters Oct. 23 at Auraria. The crowd, packed in on the grassy knoll that is the Lawrence Street Mall, was eager for Clinton’s arrival, cheering incessantly when the Secret Service motorcade pulled in, anticipating the moment the Democratic presidential front-runner would grace the stage. When she did, the crowd went wild. They held up their signs in support of the candidate, and the cheers from those not admitted could be heard from beyond the metal barricades. The onlookers were not as passionate for the opening act. One of Colorado’s more prominent rock bands, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, played a set and debuted their song “Blue Skies” written in her honor. The speakers that preceded Clinton included Metro President Stephen Jordan, Colorado Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon, Democratic state Rep. Alice Madden and former Denver mayor Wellington Webb. Webb, who is co-chair of Clinton’s national campaign, was integral in bringing Clinton to campus. But the people came to see Clinton, and she did not disappoint. “I think she did well,” Metro journalism major Miriam Madrid said. “She was very passionate in her speech … For the most part, I am a big Hillary supporter.” Clinton delivered a near flawless speech, barely stuttering and only using notes to thank the band and the people who introduced her. For 25 minutes, she spoke with passion and an un-battered enthusiasm. Her speech was interspersed with the steady, resonant sound of applause and cheers. “Now let me ask you, are you ready for change?” Clinton yelled. “If you are ready for change, then I’m ready to lead.” The former first lady and senator from New York vowed to withdraw troops from Iraq, as well as put $50 billion into renewable energy, which would create more jobs. She also promised to create a universal pre-kindergarten program, give Americans the option of receiving the congressional health care plan, reform the federal government and make the United States respectable around the world again by rebuilding relationships abroad.


Photo by KRISTI DeNKE/kdenke@mscd.edu

Sen. Hillary Clinton addresses a crowd of more than 1,000 people Oct. 23 at Auraria. She outlined her four major goals for her presidency in a 25-minute speech. One of Clinton’s major promises was to decrease the cost of higher education. Her plan outlined bigger tax credits, an increase in Pell grants and finding out why college is so expensive. The cost of college has risen faster than the cost of anything else, including health care, she said. “I believe that anyone who wants to go and is willing to work for a college education should be able to do that,” she said. “I am personally going to do everything I can to take on those private lenders who have ripped off so many students, charging unconscionable interest rates, forcing you farther into debt. And I would like to see us forgive more of the debts of students who graduate with on average in America $20,000 of debt from four years of school … Do something that will give back and we will forgive your student loans.” This was an issue that really hit home with a number of the students in the crowd, as cheers were fervent during Clinton’s delivery of this plan. “If she is for forgiving debt, I am so for that,” Madrid said. Clinton also found a way to take jabs at the Bush administration regarding every issue she discussed, often humoring the crowd and evoking loud cheers. Comments such as

“won’t it be nice to have a president who will actually speak the words ‘global warming,’” or Hurricane Katrina was “a natural disaster turned into a national disgrace” plagued her speech. She did refrain from slinging mud at any of her fellow Democratic presidential candidates, however. The current poll leader ended her speech with a story that former secretary of state, and good friend, Madeline Albright told her. The story was about Albright’s visit to the Soviet Union and how people presented her with American flags that had been passed down since the United States liberated Europe after World War II. According to Clinton, Albright asked the citizens there why they had kept the flags, and they responded by telling her they loved America and the values it stood for and hoped one day they could live in freedom. “I want to be the president who not only gets the rest of the world feeling that way about us again,” Clinton said. “I want us to believe that about ourselves again.” Though most people in attendance were in support of Clinton, there were others in opposition. “I think her plan for health care is atrocious and her plan for Iraq is going to keep us there another five

years,” said Nate Moore, a pre-med student at Metro. Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul were on hand to inform the crowd of Paul’s policies. “Paul is a constitutionalist. He’s down for the people – not just for the rich people,” said Bob Jenniches, who was holding a sign in support of Paul’s presidency. The crowd also included those wanting to learn more about Clinton. “I am mainly just interested in what Hillary has to say on war and on health care,” Metro communications major Lilly Porche said. “Right now, I am really between Hillary and Barack (Obama), leaning towards Barack because I have read his book and saw him speak in Aurora and can relate better to him.” Other attendees also supported Obama. “Right now, I would rather see Obama as president because he will work with the Republican Party, and I’m not sure Hillary is going to be able to do that,” Metro international affairs major Carah Killian said. “And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq in 2002, and I think that is really going to hurt her.” - Andrew Flohr-Spence contributed to this report.

1. Restore America’s leadership role around the world 2. Rebuild a strong and prosperous middle class

3. Reform the government after Bush’s departure 4. Reclaim the future for the children and the country

“You can’t be a leader if nobody is following.” -SEN. HILLARY CLINTON



Hillary Clinton 48.4% Barack Obama 20.6% John Edwards 12.3% Bill Richardson 3.1%


Rudolph Giuliani 28.1% Fred Thompson 18% Mitt Romney 12.8% John McCain 13.5% Mike Huckabee 5.6%

Clinton vs. Giuliani Clinton 47.2% Giuliani 43.2% Undecided 6.6%

-RealClearPolitics.com Oct. 9-22


Funds raised in Colo. Democrats $2,448,015 Republicans $1,218,733

Barack Obama $1,218,733 Mitt Romney $688,001 Hillary Clinton $535,802 Rudolph Giuliani $417,186 Bill Richardson $371,175 John McCain $311,764 -Federal Election Commision


A8 » OCTOBER 25. 2007

OCTOBER 25. 2007 « A9


Hillary running on redux of '90s glory days “Women can do anything men can do better… except make stupid mistakes.” – Kimora Lee Simmons, CEO Baby Phat

Photo by LOGAN LYLES/llyes@mscd.edu

Clinton hugs a supporter upon arriving at Auraria.

Photo by JOHANNA SNOW/snowj@mscd.edu

Sen. Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidental hopeful, addresses a crowd of more than a 1,000 Auraria students and Denverites Oct. 23 on the Lawrence Street Mall. Clinton said she would go after private lenders who charge extraordinary interest to college students for their school loans, if elected president.

“Americans are ready to be Americans again.”

Photo by AMIE CRIBLEY/acribley@mscd.edu

Big Head Todd and the Monsters, one of Colorado’s more famous rock bands, performed prior to Clinton’s speech. They debuted a new song, “Blue Skies,” in her honor.

NIC GARCIA ngarci20@mscd.edu America that we all believe in.” Hillary not only wants to see the people Bush hasn’t, but Hillary wants to see the people Bush hasn’t going to work. Hillary reminded those who forgot about the 22 million new jobs she and her husband created in the ‘90s. And she assured the crowd she could do it again by focusing $50 billion into renewable energy. She said the current Vice President has said over and over again that renewable energy would destroy the economy but she said, “If we don’t start heading that direction, we will wreck the economy.” Hitting even closer to home, Hillary suggested many options to improve higher education, including the cost. She told the crowd she would like to find a way to help forgive loans for people going into public interest industries such as nursing and rescue workers.

Foreign and domestic “blah-blahblah” aside, I’ve got to admit, Hillary got to me. I’ve known something has been wrong for a while. My friends and I have been discussing it for years. Bush, beyond Iraq, beyond stem-cell research, beyond No Child Left Behind, beyond damning gay marriage, he has done something so much worse. And it wasn’t until Hillary said, “I think Americans are ready to be Americans again,” that it really hit me: America really has turned into a two-class dictatorship. I know as a Hispanic gay male, I’m a second-class citizen. I know I don’t matter to Bush. To him my ethnicity is an excuse for me to be lazy and my sexuality is an excuse for him to be lazy. I was in the fourth grade when President Clinton came to visit Pueblo in 1996. My class went to hear him talk about building the bridge to the new millennium. I remember feeling pretty important. The future was mine. And today, for the first time in a long time, I felt important again and maybe, just maybe the future is mine again. Perhaps it was the infamous Clinton charm? Perhaps it was the comfort of the lullaby a mother sings to her distraught child? Perhaps there are only two certainties regarding the upcoming election: One, America – as a whole – is ready for anyone but Bush. Two, we’ll get our wish.

No fruit, candy or hope in U.S. after Clinton rhetoric Photo by CORA KEMP/ckemp4@mscd.edu

Darcy Ratner helps prepare signs Oct. 22 for Clinton’s campaign stop at Metro.


I’m not ready to say Sen. Hillary Clinton will be our next president. I’m not even certain she’ll get the nomination from the Democratic Party. But what I am ready to say is she, more than anyone else, is most likely to garner both titles. You see, Hillary is running on a platform of change. Or so she said Oct. 23, when she visited more than 1,000 people at a rally at Auraria. The truth is, however, she’s running on a platform of redux. The redux being the ‘90s. Luckily, vintage is never a bad idea. After all, don’t we all recall how great 1993 to 2000 was? Hillary sure does. Yeah, there was that one time in the Oval Office … but who really cares about Cuban cigars and interns when Iraq and our economy are so much worse? Colorado Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon pointed out shortly before Hillary took the stage that those eight years of the other Clinton were eight years of prosperity and, for the most part, peace. The Clintons – that means Hillary – cared about people, he said, and they still do. “This election is much more about your future than it is about mine,” Hillary said to the young people in the audience. “This is going to set the course for what kind of dangers, threats, opportunities and challenges that we

have for you.” And to make sure the future is the best possible for everyone, Hillary outlined four goals she wants to accomplish: restore America’s relationships and leadership role around the world, rebuild the middle class, clean up Bush’s mess and reclaim the future many of us – myself included – feel the aforementioned knucklehead ruined. Hillary said the first thing to restore some order to the world is resolve the cluster fuck – cluster fuck is my word, not hers – in Iraq while unilaterally finding common ground with our friends, allies and even our enemies around the world to fight issues such as AIDS and global warming – global warming are her words, not Bush’s. “The U.S. needs to rebuild relationships to have the respect and admiration it once did,” she said. “All of our global challenges, we can’t do all of it on our own.” It just isn’t our international relationships Hillary wants to rebuild. The First Lady turned Senator said we have a lot of work to do on our own soil too. She said the current administration has turned a blind eye to anyone who lives outside the walls of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and anyone who doesn’t work for Halliburton. “I meet so many Americans who feel like they’re invisible to their president … When I am president we are going to start seeing each other and hearing each other and working with one another to create the kind of

Photo by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

Bernadette Briones, a Clinton campaign staff member in the Denver area, lays out painted signs Oct. 22 in the food court of the Tivoli. Auraria students were able to participate in producing the signs.

Hillary Clinton demands a lot of attention. Auraria’s Frisbee-friendly, Hacky Sack-ing courtyard was transformed on the afternoon of Oct. 23 into a standard Orwellian freak-zone, complete with barricades, checkpoints, helicopters, snipers, police and Secret Service, and conspicuous black SUVs meant to escort the only relevant person in the entire area: The Great Hillary. I arrived early, bearing gifts of fruit and candy for the massive crowd I expected to see. Most people only glanced and grinned at my box of goodies while others indulged themselves on the generous array of tomatoes, apples, bananas and candy I offered out to anyone who bothered to show curiosity. I thought it appropriate, given my past columns, that I at least attempt to bring a box of fruit to a political rally. “You’re the guy who writes that column,” said one woman cautiously. “What are you planning to do with all of those tomatoes?” “Nothing,” I said. “They’re free. You can have some.” “I’m not going to throw tomatoes at Hillary Clinton,” she responded. Half of my stash was eaten by the time I arrived to the security check-

point, and rightfully so. If I were to throw anything at Clinton, my arm would have needed to be accurate up to at least 100 yards, and it probably isn’t. I plopped my box down on the table along with my computer bag and stood like a criminal so that I could be tested for bombs or anything else I might have used to kill people. “Hey,” shouted one of the guards to someone who seemed to be in charge. “Can we allow him to bring this stuff inside?” “No way,” the man responded with a very serious expression after seeing all of my treacherous fruit. “You’ll need to take this somewhere else.” I scurried around the corner of their tent and promptly set my box down where it would be out of their sight and then returned to see a woman examining my computer as though it were a weapon of some kind. “Did you just put that box over there on the ground?” she asked. “No,” I said. “And that’s just a computer.” “I know what it is,” she said. I was then herded to a fence somewhere toward the left of the stage. Black SUVs began to pull in behind the stage, and everyone in the crowd

JIMMIE BRALEY jbraley@mscd.edu seemed ready to piss him or herself. Women and men began to screech loudly, creating an awful rippling of mindless cheering. The band quit playing, and Clinton took the stage where her wine glass half-full of water was patiently waiting. She neglected the water and subjected all of us to the typical rhetoric that normally comes with a political rally. Her message, along with that of all other candidates, was that she is the candidate for change in America. She will be a “president who cares about the people.” She said that she would work hard to find renewable energy sources, fix our devastated and hopeless health care system, give children a chance to become literate, pull com-

bat troops from Iraq and, among other rhetorical promises, lessen the burden of tuition and college loan debts for students. Hooray! Well now what do we have left to worry about? Well, I suppose that, yes, we could take her at her word. But why would we do that? She is a liar with a tremendously silly following. As far as I could tell, the only conceivable difference between the guy standing next to me and Clinton is that he doesn’t have millions in senseless campaign contributions and a giant stake in the National Treasury … and a band to play everywhere he goes. The rally ended with a typical, heartfelt, pro-American story about old war victims who still love America. I made my way back to the entrance, trying to keep my head low in case the ferocious security woman noticed that I had lied about leaving my box around the corner. I went back for it, but the only thing there was the empty bag of candy I had placed in among my fruit. I went on my way that afternoon without my fruit or a candidate to have any faith in. I had only an empty bag and an empty confidence in the future of my country.


B1 » THE METROPOLITAN » October 25, 2007



mystery tour...

Enter if you dare » B4

INSIDE » Transform your living room into a filmhouse of horror » B6



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ACROSS 1. Bury 6. Former Russian ruler 10. Little devils 14. Sift 15. As well as 16. Yard tunneler 17. Bay 18. Discharged a debt 19. Heath 20. This is what eyes do 21. Soul 23. Flavor 24. One on slopes 26. Languishes with longing 27. Thrashing 29. Strong thread 31. Tiger’s choice 32. Paris divider 33. 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet 36. Divide up 40. Express 41. Dog 42. Highly


excited 43. Young pig 44. Swiss city 46. African sir 48. Eating implements 49. Muse of lyric poetry 50. Trail of a wild animal 52.T.G.I.F. part 55. Sled 56. Billiard implements 57. Allow to enter 59. Traditional prayer ending 60. Greek god of war 61. Jewelled crown worn by women 62. Resting place 63. Ruin 64. Awry DOWN 1. Egyptian goddess of fertility 2. Baseball team 3. Telescopic

Oct. 25 puzzle from www.crosswords.com. Solution available on the website.

investigation 4. Woman created from the rib of Adam 5. Keep possession of 6. Rhino relative 7. Close with force 8. Home to most people 9. Slender bar 10. Inhumanly cruel 11. Bullwinkle, e.g. 12. Schemes 13. Shrivelled, without moisture 22. Bit of film, to a photog 23. Fungal infection 25. Basic currency of Papua New Guinea 26. Liquid measure 27. Covers 28. Extent of space 29. Itty-bitty 30. Stream of air 32. Complacent 33. Based on twenty 34. Northern arm of the Black Sea

35. Star of the first magnitude 37. Thick-skinned charger 38. Garment of ancient Rome 39. Slender 43. Evident 44. Sticky substance 45. List of mistakes 46. Mist 47. Earnings 48. “Damn Yankees” choreographer 49. Enthusiastic vigor and liveliness 50. Chapter of the Koran 51. Hammer head 53. Air-filled rubber hoop, become fatigued 54. Remain 56. Taxi 58. Excavate


metropolitan staff and andrew howerton


geof wollerman and andrew howerton

WHERE IS THIS? Be the first to e-mail us a description of the correct location and receive a free ticket to the Starz FilmCenter. With the annual Starz Film Festival coming up Nov. 8-12, there are only three more weeks to earn free tickets to the star-studded event. So, test your knowledge of Auraria campus! Each week’s winner will also have the chance to have their photo printed in the following issue of The Metropolitan. Send e-mails to jklemaie@mscd. edu with “Where is this?” in the subject line and a description of where the photo was taken in the text of your message.

puzzle courtesy of www.websudoku.com


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SUN 2:00PM



B4 » OCTOBER 25. 2007

The campus creeps


OCTOBER 25. 2007 « B5

Metro clubs unlock more than 100 years of Auraria’s bumps in the night » by David Strungis » dstrungis@mscd.edu

Auraria has a dark and disturbing history. The campus sits on the bones of the former mining township of Auraria. Before it became part of Denver – and long before there were classrooms – Auraria was a rough and tumble place, home to notorious and grisly murders. “Just about every one of these buildings has had reports of some type of paranormal activity,” said Jason Cordova, president and founder of Metro’s Crypto Science Society. For more than a year, his group has been collecting stories and gathering video and audio data of haunting phenomena on campus. Last year, they even brought in a professional psychic to gather impressions of paranormal activity. This Halloween, with the help of the Phi Alpha Theta honors society, the Crypto Science Society will share their findings and host their Second Annual Haunted History Tour of Auraria. The town of Auraria was built in 1858 on the west banks of Cherry Creek, a favorite camping ground of the Arapaho Indians. Today, all that survives of that past are a few of the old churches and the Victorian houses at Ninth Street Park, where the tour will begin. Constructed between 1872 and 1906, these buildings have stood the test of time and each has a story to tell. At the south end of the park is a memorial stone in honor of those who lived and died in Auraria. While the haunted tour will cover the entire campus, the main stop is the Tivoli. Founded in 1866 by German immigrant Moritz Sigi, it is a place students may not want to get caught

alone in after hours. More than any other building on campus, it is home to strange stories of bumps in the night. Eric Martinez, the accounting supervisor of the Auraria Bookstore, has a wealth of information on the Tivoli and has often given tours. He can rattle off dozens of morbid stories, including those of brewery workers meeting horrible deaths while cleaning equipment, performers dying violently in the Turnhalle and the sounds of a woman with high heels wandering the corridors near Cimarron Café. He said he believes this woman is the ghost of Sigi’s wife, Margaret, who died shortly after her husband was unexpectedly killed when his carriage overturned on 15th Street. He referred to their deaths as the “Tivoli’s curse.” If Margaret Sigi’s ghost is really haunting the Tivoli, she is not the only one. Workers have also complained of a little girl giggling in the hallways in the south wing. Martinez claimed that a number of custodians have switched from the night shift to the day shift because of her. “She’s not a mean ghost,” said Blaine Nickeson, Student Auxiliary Services interim division director.” She seems to be having fun.” He said that a number of people, both staff and contractors, have reported hearing sounds of the giggling girl. The little girl may have lived in a house where the south wing now stands, or she might have been the daughter of the baker who worked in the grocery store. While her origin is difficult to place, her presence is very much

felt at the Tivoli. To find evidence of haunting at the Tivoli, the Crypto Science Society has conducted a number of experiments. While some tests have come up negative, others have bizarre results. The most curious data has been found in the catacombs. Located behind Sigi’s Cabaret and off-limits to students, the catacombs refer to the subterranean tunnels that were used for cold storage and fermentation when the Tivoli was an active brewery. While the area is now used for storage, there are rooms in the catacombs that are on the floor plan but have long been walled off and are no longer accessible. No one knows what, if anything, is back there. “This place gives me the willies,” said John Mosley, SAS Sales and Event manager. He is not alone. Mosley explained that during the renovation of the Tivoli “the workers actually refused to come down here alone. They would always go down in groups of two or three.” It’s no wonder why. Something inexplicable about the catacombs creates a sense of dread and is inherently disquieting. During their research, the Crypto Science Society locked recording equipment in the catacombs for a night. No one went in or out during the experiment. However, at some point during the night, the fully charged battery on the video recorder drained and temporarily turned off. At the same time, the audio recorder picked up what sounded like banging noises, soft music and the sound of a woman sighing. When the noises stopped, the video turned back on

and showed a “low battery” signal. Cordova explained this can be typical in an area with high paranormal energy, and he plans on playing the tapes on the tour as evidence. Another test in the Boiler Room Student Lounge produced pictures with mysterious orbs. “Orbs can be a common paranormal phenomenon. Yet they are often dismissed as lens flares or dust particles,” Cordova said. By enhancing the image, he said they have been able to prove the orbs have three dimensions and cannot be explained as dust particles. While the Crypto Science Society has made strong progress in the last year, Cordova admitted that if Auraria is actually haunted, it will take more effort and research to prove it. For now, the haunted tour will offer students a fun opportunity to learn more about the macabre and gruesome history of the campus.

Above: St. Cajetan’s Cathedral, located at the western edge of Auraria, was built in 1926 when Auraria was still a Denver neighborhood.

Bizarre Tales » From the Auraria Library Archives In the early days of the Auraria settlement, the saloons and gambling halls were often open day and night. A.H. Baker, one of the stockholders in the original Auraria Town Company, reported that “finding a dead man on the streets in the morning was a common incident.” One incident he may have been referring to was the murder of the notorious gambler Jack O’Neal in 1859. One night after a game of poker, Johnny Rooker swore he would kill O’Neal. The next morning Rooker did just that, shooting O’Neal dead on the street. For some time after that, the town cemetery was referred to as O’Neal’s Ranch.

Photo Illustration by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

Above: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church, at the corner of Speer and Arapahoe on Auraria, was built in 1898 and is still an active parish. Photo Illustration by ANDREW BISSET/abisset1@mscd.edu

The “catacombs,” an off-limits room in the basement of the Tivoli Student Union, located behind Sigi’s Pool Hall, is one of the more feared areas of the Tivoli due to its dark atmosphere and rumors of hauntings.

Photo Illustration by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

On the cover: The fountain at the south end of Ninth Street Park at Auraria is illuminated by the lights of one of the block’s historic houses, where the haunted tour begins. Photo by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu.

One cold February morning in 1908, the Rev. Leo Heinrichs rose to give communion at St. Elizabeth’s church. A man knelt before him and accepted the Eucharist. As Heinrichs moved on to the next recipient, the man leapt to his feet and spat the bread out of his mouth. He pulled a gun and shot the priest through the heart. While the congregation stood aghast, the man lunged over church pews out into the street. He was quickly apprehended. It was later revealed that the man was an anarchist named Giuseppe Alio and was part of what the newspapers would later call a “vast conspiracy” to murder Catholic priests. He was sentenced and hanged.

To experience the free haunted tour, join the Crypto Science Society and Phi Alpha Theta at 6 p.m. Oct. 30 at the north side of Ninth Street Park.


New-to-you nightmares


Tired of the same old scares? These films will revive your holiday spirit » by David Strungis and The Metropolitan Staff» This Halloween season, exorcise the demons of the tired teenage slashers, chuck out Chucky, say goodbye to Freddy and Jason and try one of these freaky flicks for guaranteed gross-outs, goose bumps and spine tingles. Session 9 Few movies have the lasting creepout power of Session 9. David Caruso and Josh Lucas star in this film about Hazmat workers removing asbestos out of a haunted and broken down mental institution. Shot on location at the Danvers State Mental Institution in Massachusetts, it’ll keep you up at night. (2001. USA Films. 100 min. Dir. Brad Anderson.) Hard Candy Fourteen-year-old Hayley (Ellen Page) and 32-year-old Jeff (Patrick Wilson), her creepy online acquaintance, meet for the first time in person. Once they are alone, it soon turns out Hayley is not the sweet, innocent little girl she appeared to be. (2005. Lions Gate Entertainment. 103 min. Dir. David Slade) Frailty Bill Paxton plays a loving father who wakes up one night to tell his kids that God came to him to tell him it is their duty to kill demons. The kids write it off as a bad dream until Dad comes home with an axe, a pair of gloves and a tied-up nurse in Paxton’s directorial debut starring Matthew McConaughey and Powers Boothe. (2002. Lions Gate Entertainment. 100 min. Dir. Bill Paxton) Feast In the vein of Evil Dead and From Dusk

gator’s (Sam Neill) descent into madness and paranoia as he tracks down a reclusive pop-horror writer, only to have his own world fall apart. (1995. New Line Cinema. 95 min. Dir. John Carpenter) Feed An Australian cyber-crime investigator travels to the U.S. to track down a serial killer who is forcefeeding women to death as a sick fetish known as “fat erotica.” Not only gut-wrenching and downright disgusting, this horror flick will make you think of eating cheeseburgers in a whole different way. (2005. All at Once Films. 101 min. Dir. Brett Leonard)

Matt O’Leary, Jeremy Sumpter and Bill Paxton in Frailty. till Dawn, this Project Greenlight film centers on a group of people trapped by horrible, ugly monsters inside a bar in the middle of the desert. Feast was produced by Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Wes Craven and also stars Balthzar Getty, Henry Rollins and Jason Mewes, (2006. Dimension Films. 95 min. Dir. John Gulager) May Poor, socially awkward May (Angela Bettis). Her only friend in life has been a porcelain doll. Now she’s in love with Adam (Jeremy Sisto), but she’s a little too weird for his tastes. Well, her mother always said, “If you can’t find friends, make them.” This is just your average heartwarming tale of murder, dismemberment and social acceptance. (2002. Lions Gate Entertainment. 93 min. Dir. Lucky McKee) Frenzy Claimed by some to be the last great film by mastermind of suspense Alfred Hitchcock, Frenzy marked his

Angelica Houston in The Witches. return to London after years of filming in the U.S., as well as a return to his classic murder-thriller form. If the serial rapist scenes and wrongman scenarios don’t scare you, the 1970s London fashion will. (1972. Universal Pictures. 116 min. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock) In the Mouth of Madness Loosely based on the work of classic horror legend H.P. Lovecraft, John Carpenter’s In the Mouth of Madness is psychological horror at its best. With a clever script and twisted imagery, the film follows an insurance investi-

The Witches Based on the novel by Roald Dahl, the champion of twisted children’s humor, it would be a shame to let this scary film skip any generation. Starring Angelica Houston as the Grand High Witch of a society that turns children, including the main character, Luke, into mice. The Witches is a safe and entertaining choice for all ages seven and up. (1990. Jim Hensen Productions. 91 min. Dir. Nicolas Roeg) Battle Royale More suspense than horror, this Japanese film finds a class who has to fight each other to the death until only one remains. The teens sport collars set to explode if they fail to kill a classmate in the allotted time, and while some get guns and machetes, others get binoculars — or nothing. (2000. Toei Company, Ltd. 114 min. Dir. Kinji Fukasaku)

Witches band together for creative activism » by Dominic Graziano, dgraziano@mscd.edu As the lights go down in the Mercury Café, Denver’s traffic can still be heard from the streets outside. The room is dimly lit by candles on each dinner table, and the noise from silverware dwindles as six witches enter the room. The witches begin to tell the history of Columbia, with the subtle sounds of a cello complementing their serious tone and the dark atmosphere of the room. This is the opening of Hot Columbian Nights, a play performed by the Allied Witches, the feminist faction of the Mercury Motley Players, a group of community actors based out of the Mercury Café. One of the Allied witches is Marilyn Megenity, the owner of the Mercury Café. Megenity said the group chose the label of “witch” because it represents a lot of different groups of people such as insurgents, peasants, enemy combatants and “any other term used to demonize people.” The play concentrates on a bevy of topics including oil conservation, global warming, war, immigration, capitalist exploitation and all the other


@ The Mercury Café, 2199 California St. $10 7:30 p.m. Oct. 25 and 31 Dinner reservations available. For more information call 303-294-9258 things that make activism fun. Each scene offers a satirical look at all of these problems. One scene depicts natives witnessing Columbus’ landing in the new world; another features Bertha and Bessie, two cows living with the troubles of growth hormones; and in another, the witches play big business owners and political figures such as Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and Ann Coulter. Metro English student Becky Christian plays cello and portrays Al Gore in Hot Columbian Nights, her first play with the Mercury Motley Players. She said the play is her way of getting information out to the community in a creative way. “Issues of global exploitation and corporate reign go a lot deeper than politics,” Christian said. The group of six women started writing the

play in July, Christian said, and there was much energy put into it. “Many of the ideologies and actions that impact our society are still very male based,” she said. “Women often have a different take on things.” Megenity added that the group wanted to pay tribute to Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Columbian writer and journalist who was given a Nobel Prize in literature in 1982. “He was never given a United States visa to enter the country because he wrote political truths within his journalism,” Megenity said. Hot Columbian Nights is an example of the South American magical realism that Marquez made famous, Megenity added. The play may be light and comic in nature, but there is a lot of serious information given to the audience members. Christian said people who come to the play should come prepared with an open mind. “Laugh at it, but take (the information) home with you and let it settle,” Christian said. “Look the problems in the face and see how you really feel about it.”

DeVotchka will summoneerie mu-

Day Of The Dead Halloween Gala featuring DeVotchka, The Yard Dogs Road Show, Benevento Russo Duo 8 p.m. @ The Fillmore Auditorium $23, 16+

Halloween Bash featuring Pindral and The Sons Of Nothing 8 p.m. @ The Oriental Theater

The God Zilla Halloween Ball featuring Zilla, Eoto, Glitch Mob and Sporque 9 p.m. @ The Ogden Theater $20, 16+


Night Of The Living Dead Homies featuring Blaze Ya Dead Homie 7 p.m. @ The Gothic Theatre $14, 16+

The Zombie Prom featuring 3OH!3, Grace Gale, Brotherhood of Daehan and Distrakt 8 p.m. @ The Fox Theatre in Boulder $12, 21+

The Swayback w/ The Ravonettes and Moccasin 8 p.m. @ The Bluebird Theater $15, 21+

Umphrey’s McGee w/ Kinetix 6 p.m. @ The Fillmore Auditorium $22.50, 16+



half notes

UPCOMING SHOWS » Thursday 10.25

Public Enemy w/ Flobots

8 p.m. @ The Boulder Theater $29.50, All Ages

Dashboard Confessional

7 p.m. @ The Ogden Theater $27.50, 16+

Saturday 10.20

Architecture in Helsinki w/ Nathan and Stephen and Panther 9 p.m. @ The Ogden Theater $20, 16+

Monday 10.22


Dashboard digs deep with ‘Trees’ By DESIREE CLARK dclark67@mscd.edu “What rulebook says it has to be called your name if you’re one guy?” Chris Carrabba, founder and front man of indie-alternative rock band Dashboard Confessional, once asked. In 2002, Carrabba gave into the stereotype of a “band” being a group of musicians and finally invited John Lefler (guitar), Scott Schoenbeck (bass) and Mike Marsh (drums) to be part of his musical ensemble. After five years together, Dashboard Confessional has produced five studio albums to go along with Carrabba’s solo efforts, including their newest release, The Shade of Poison Trees. The largely acoustic album debuted Oct. 2, making the Billboard Albums Chart and peaking at No. 18, but it dropped to No. 50 within two weeks. The Shade of Poison Trees is wedged between Feist’s summer-long fan favorite The Reminder and a compilation album, a somewhat shameful position and unimpressive showing. For fear of wearing out the album’s theme revolving around the pick, shovel and spade, it’s possible that the band has dug itself into a hole. The first track, titled “Where There’s Gold,” tells the story of a female “gold digger” waiting for an rich, older man to take her home: “But you were surely still an actress/ Older men would find attractive/ And all you ever cared about got lost/ Where there’s gold, there’s a gold digger.”

Track three, “Keep Watch for The Mines,” follows their theme straight to the grave with the image of a digger: “The traps and coils of the wires/ With the sharp razors/ The ditches and the trenches and the smiles/ Of the grave diggers.” “These Bones,” the fourth track, utilizes the verb form of dig: “There’s a story hidden/ Underneath/ If you dig deep/ Will you find relief?” After hearing three tracks that involve the different variations on the digging theme, the songs can be listened to without general, thematic mockery. The fifth song, “Fever Dreams,” uses a strange dynamic of songwriting that starts with the chorus, “Fever dreams/ Can only haunt you/ ’Til the fever breaks,” and then transitions into the beginning of the song’s story: “Beneath your skin/ And your games/ You’re alone/ But you’re so contagious/ Tell me, what am I to do/ When fire, and fever rages/ And I have caught it too/ So who’s to blame?” The gem of the album is the title track. A love ballad, the song describes the hardship of choosing between one’s heart and one’s desires, using the title of the album in just one verse: “As we lie/ In the shade of poison trees/ Are we safe/ As we let ourselves believe?” “The Rush” replicates U2 and for good reason. In 2005, Daniel Lanois, co-producer of U2’s The Joshua Tree, was summoned to produce Dash-

Photo courtesy of www.svsu.edu

Forget midnight Mass. From left: John Lefler, Mike Marsh and Chris Carrabba are Dashboard Confessional, and they’ll listen to all of your dirtiest secrets. board’s fifth album, Dusk and Summer. The invaluable recording session must have lingered, as the remnants of that sound are evident throughout track seven. Carrabba came up with the band name from a song titled “The Sharp Hint of New Tears” in which he wrote, “On my way home/ This car hears my confessions.” And The Shade of Poison Trees is the type of soul-searching and ambling album one can listen to while driving aimlessly around town,

making the name Dashboard Confessional all the more fitting.

Junior Brown

8 p.m. @ The Bluebird Theater $20.50, 16+

VEGOOSE LINEUP » Saturday 10.27


Daft Punk, Iggy and the Stooges, Thievery Corporation, Queens of the Stone Age, Frederico Aubele, The Shins, M.I.A., Public Enemy, Cypress Hill, Atmosphere, Mastoon, STS9, Blonde Redhead, Lupe Fiasco, Battles, Gogol Bordello

Spice Girls

Zig-A-Zig-Ahhh Unauthorized Petal Records www.thespicegirls.com

Blues Traveler Cover Yourself Columbia/RED Ink www.redmusic.com

Mexican Weed Headz Blended In The Bay Universal Music Group www.umusic.com

For new music releases visit: www.newmusictipsheet.com


@ Sam Boyd Stadium Las Vegas, NV One Day Pass: $79.50 Two Day Pass: $146.50

Sunday 10.28

Rage Against The Machine, Moe., UNKLE, Muse, Umphrey’s McGee, Infected Mushroom, Michael Franti and Spearhead, Ghostland Observatory, Robert Rudolph and The Family Band, Ghostface Killah and the Rhythm Roots Allstars, ALO, Pharoahe Monch

See Vegoose review Nov. 1 in AUDIOFILES

Photo courtesy of www.turnforum.net

Clockwise: Zack de la Rocha, Tim Commerford, Brad Wilk and Tom Morello are Rage Against The Machine. After 11 years, the band is doing a limited tour, including the Vegoose Music Festival.

sports THE METROPOLITAN » OCTOBER 25, 2007 » A11


ERIC LANSING » SPORTS EDITOR » lansing@mscd.edu



Thursday 10.25

VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m. vs. Colorado Christian at Auraria Court

Friday 10.26

VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m. vs. Colorado School of Mines at Auraria Court SOCCER Women 1 p.m. vs. Colorado Christian at Auraria Field Men 3:30 p.m. vs. Colorado Christian at Auraria Field

Sunday 10.28

SOCCER Women noon vs. Regis at Auraria Field Men 2:30 p.m. vs. Colorado School of Mines at Auraria Field


“You know that you’re gonna get your butt kicked, but you do as well as you can.” -Winthrop Dyer, Metro’s head swimming coach, on the fact that his teams face Division I opponents despite being a Division II school.


Metro men’s soccer is ranked No. 9 in NSCAA polls, their highest rank in a season where they began outside the top 25. Additionally, they are first in the RMAC with a record of 8-0-3, six points ahead of the second place team and last year’s RMAC champions Fort Lewis who have a conference record of 7-3-1.


The number of career attack attempts by Metro volleyball player Julie Green-McFarland. She now owns Metro’s alltime mark in attack attempts after passing former outside hitter Stephanie Allison. Green-McFarland is only 47 kills behind Allison for first place in career kills at Metro.

Metro victory out of reach Volleyball drops two RMAC matches, slips to No. 3 as season nears final weeks By ERIC LANSING lansing@mscd.edu Metro’s volleyball team’s chances of hosting the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference tournament took a major blow with losses to Regis Oct. 19 and UC-Colorado Springs Oct. 20 in conference play on the road. The Roadrunners had been flying high on a five-match conference winning streak dating back to Oct. 4, and looked to continue their run, as the team with the best record in the RMAC at the end of season will have homecourt for the entire tournament. But the two losses put Metro three games behind first place with only four games remaining in the regular season. Nebraska-Kearney, UC-Colorado Springs and Fort Lewis are in a tie for first place in the RMAC with identical 13-2 conference records. The Roadrunners would need to win all four of their remaining games while needing all three of those top teams to lose in order for the ’Runners to grab the top spot. Although it seems like a long shot for Metro to attain that top seed in the tournament, Metro head coach Debbie Hendricks is focused on the next practice rather than what may or may not happen when the season is over. “We haven’t spent time on longrange goals,” Hendricks said. “We have worked on the short-term goals and our team has been really good about that. There seemed to be this perceived pressure and whether this pressure exists or not, we need to learn to respond to it.” The ’Runners took a 1-0 game lead in the match against the Rangers Friday night with a 30-25 game one win. Metro held Regis to zero kills in the game, but only posted a .111 kill percentage. It looked like the Roadrunners would roll to their sixth straight win, but the Rangers had other plans, reeling off the last three games 30-21, 30-24 and 31-29. They held Metro to an abysmal .044 kill percentage for the entire match. Metro outside hitter Julie-Green McFarland led all players with 22 kills, but also committed 15 attack errors. However, it was the rest of the outside hitters for the ’Runners who couldn’t punch any kills through the 16 blocks powered by the Rangers. Metro outside hitters Kelsey Ellis and

Photo by CORA KEMP/ckemp4@mscd.edu

Lisa Jones misses the block during the second game against Regis Oct. 19 at Regis Fieldhouse. Regis took the match against the Runners 30-21, 30-24 and 31-29. The loss cuts short Metro’s five-game winning streak. Danielle St. Pierre combined for only 14 kills while hitting negative kill percentages. Ellis had 13 attack errors in her -.189 kill percentage and teammate St. Pierre could only post -.174 while committing 12 attack errors, totaling 51 on the night. “That was the most glaring stat of that game was the 51 attacks errors,” Hendricks said. “We seemed we were playing to not make any mistakes and when you play that way, you are going to make a ton of mistakes.”

Metro then headed to Colorado Springs to try to close the gap for third place against the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, which held a two-match lead over the ’Runners. But the Cougars jumped out to a quick start totaling .302 and .469 kill percentages in the first two games, and then held off a late Metro rally to take the match by scores of 30-24, 30-16, 28-30, 33-35 and 15-10. Ellis led Metro with 17 kills and 21 digs while Green-McFarland added 22

kills, but it wasn’t enough as the team only managed a .120 kill percentage. The Roadrunners’ 35 attack errors really hurt the team’s chances of pulling out the important conference match. The two losses drops Metro’s record to 12-11 overall and a 105 record in conference play. Metro finishes the season with four home games, including dates against Colorado Christian Oct. 25 and Colorado School of Mines Oct. 26, both taking place at Auraria Court.


Swim strokes

Metro men, women make waves in early season meet vs. Division I teams in Fort Collins By ZAC TAYLOR ztaylor2@mscd.edu Metros women’s swim team placed eighth out of 10 teams, while the men placed fifth out of six in the Colorado State Early Bird Invitational Oct. 19 and 20 at Edora Pool in Fort Collins. At the tournament, the men and women faced off against a number of large regional schools including University of Colorado at Boulder and Texas Christian University. Therefore, placing eighth and fifth are good results, according to head coach Winthrop Dyer, because most of the teams they faced are in Division I, whereas Metro resides in Division II. “Apples to apples we did good against the Division II teams,” Dyer said. The only other Division II teams are Colorado School of Mines and Mesa State, although Mesa only has a women’s team. All of the other NCAA swimming teams in Colorado are Division I, thus the Metro swimmers are truly out of their league, according to Dyer. “It’s really not that fair because they can have all players on scholarship,” the head coach said, “but if we want to swim with other Division II teams, we have to go out of state.” Therefore, it was up to the top swimmers on both teams to snatch results. For the men, senior Ryan Moseman finished in the top 16 in four different events, his highest coming at sixth place in the 500-yard freestyle,

Saito breaks away from family, basketball to find love in mountain biking By ZAC TAYLOR ztaylor2@mscd.edu

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’Runners keep opponents from net Women’s soccer pitches two shutouts despite weather, now leads RMAC By BRODERICK JOHNSON bjohn116@mscd.edu Excellent play from forwards Katie Kilbey and Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference women’s soccer Offensive Player of the Week Becca Mays led the Roadrunners to two dominating conference performances as Metro cruised to a 4-0 drubbing of New Mexico-Highlands Oct. 19 and a 3-0 triumph over visiting CSU-Pueblo three days later. With the wins the ’Runners regained the top position in the conference standings. “We’re playing excellent soccer right now,” Metro head coach Danny Sanchez said. Metro used a trio of first-half goals – two within a span of just over a minute – to overwhelm the Cowgirls and take a three score lead into the second half. Mays initiated the scoring in the 21st minute when she took a Vanessa Mais pass and placed it in the top right corner of the net, out of the reach of Cowgirls goalkeeper McKaila Dorman. Soon after, midfielder Justine Mon-

toya put the ’Runners up by two after she headed in a score off a Kilbey shot. Mays added her second goal of the half with a score in the closing minutes. “I thought we played very well in the first half,” Sanchez said. “The goals we scored were very good goals and we limited New Mexico-Highlands’ opportunities as well.” Stingy defensive play by backs Nicole Cito and Jessica Brown, and a late second period score by midfielder Madison McQuilliams sealed a 4-0 victory for the ’Runners. Due to the inclement weather, Metro was forced to play Sunday’s scheduled match on Monday. Nonetheless, neither the Thunderwolves of CSU-Pueblo nor the near-freezing temperature could stop the red-hot ’Runners as they increased their season-long winning streak to five with a 3-0 shutout victory. Once again Metro jumped on the scoreboard first with two first-half scores. The first of the two scores came just 12:27 into the game. Mays punched in her 13th goal of the season with a stunning free kick from about 35 yards out. The sophomore’s kick squeezed inside of the far post past CSU-Pueblo goalkeeper Chrissy Mandarich. Five minutes later, Metro scored again, and this time Mays was on the

giving end as she fed Kilbey with a cross for an easy score. “Becca is coming into her own,” Sanchez said. “She is our most creative and most flexible player.” Kilbey added a goal late in the second period giving her 15 goals on the year, which leads the team. Midfielder Ashley Munchiando assisted on the team’s third and final goal. “Scoring early helps us settle down,” Sanchez said. “We need that especially in a big game like this one.” Metro controlled the ball for most of the match, taking a total of 15 shots. The defense was stellar in its performance as well, holding the Thunderwolves to just two shots on goal for the entire match. The shutout was Zollner’s third straight and 33rd of her career. “We’re gelling together at the perfect time,” said Zollner when asked about the team’s chemistry. “We have a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.” The victory elevates Metro into sole possession of first place in the RMAC with a 7-1-1 conference record, and 13-3-1 record overall. Metro can wrap up its sixth consecutive conference championship with a win over Colorado Christian on Oct. 26 or against Regis on Oct. 28, with both matches being played at Auraria Field.

Photo by KRISTI DENKE/kdenke@mscd.edu

Metro midfielder Jaclyn Percy clashes with CSU-Pueblo defender Kiley Draper in her attempt to win possession of the ball Oct. 23 at Auraria Field.

Defense waltzes around Wolves, clobbers Cougars SWIMMING Continued from A12

By ERIC LANSING lansing@mscd.edu Metro’s men’s soccer team is one step closer to capturing the No. 1 seed in the conference tournament with blowout home wins against the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Oct. 19 and against Colorado State University of Pueblo Oct. 23 at Auraria Field. The Roadrunners scored three goals in a 10-minute span to stomp the Cougars 5-0 in game one of the two-game conference weekend. “We certainly did very well on the attacking third on the field today,” Metro head coach Ken Parsons said. Metro midfielder Steven Emory scored his third and fourth goals of the season in the game, including a nice feed from Metro defensive back Ryan Brooks who intercepted a Cougar pass and fed Emory for a 2-0 lead in the 37th minute. Metro forward Shaun Elbaum scored in his second consecutive game after not scoring in the previous 13 games. The goal was his third on the year, and he also added an assist in the 57th minute on a strange goal when the Cougars apparently kicked the ball back to its goalkeeper Mark Howard, who picked up the ball with his hands. This is illegal in NCAA soccer, and the referee called a penalty. Elbaum instinctively grabbed the ball and set it down for fellow Metro forward Phillip

Photo by CORA KEMP/ckemp4@mscd.edu

Metro defensive back Andrew Donnelly keeps the CSU-Pueblo offensive attack off-balance Oct. 23 at Auraria Field. The ‘Runners won the game 3-0 after dispatching UC-Colorado Springs 5-0 just three days earlier to remain atop the RMAC. Owen to kick into the net before the Cougars’ defense could regroup. The Roadrunners were scheduled to play CSU-Pueblo on Oct. 21, but a snow storm covered Auraria Field, forcing the game to be scheduled two days later. Metro was undeterred by the weather as Vickery made four saves to blank the Thunderwolves 30 for the ’Runners. It was Vickery’s

sixth shutout on the year. “Just give the credit to the defense,” Vickery said. “They don’t allow anything hard at me, so just give them the credit cause they make my job easier.” Metro scored three first half goals, all coming from different players as Metro midfielders Mark Cromie, Mike Martinez and Tyler Hambrick found the back of the net.

The two wins have lofted Metro’s record to an impressive 9-0-3 record in the conference while also improving their overall record to 14-1-3. The ’Runners look to improve on their 15game unbeaten streak playing their final two games of the season against Colorado Christian on Oct. 26 and against the Colorado School of Mines on Oct. 28, both at Auraria Field.

and he followed that with a seventh place finish in the shorter 200-yard freestyle. In the diving competition, sophomore Ken Rhoades placed fifth in the one-meter board and sixth in the threemeter, qualifying him for both diving events at the NCAA Championships in March in Columbia, Mo. “Kenny got second last year as a freshman, and he’s looking to go back and win (this year),” Dyer said. The women are not to the nationals level, Dyer noted, yet they have still been getting good results with their leadership experience. Metro’s 31-year-old swimmer Meredith Lanphier is spearheading the move toward stability for the team, but in Fort Collins, she showed her age, not in the pool, but in her high school. “She had to leave the meet early to go to her 10-year reunion,” Dyer said. “She left, and it was like a herd of sheep without a shepherd.” In the beginning of the meet, where the leadership was still present, the women placed seventh in the 200-yard freestyle relay. The Early Bird Invitational is a chance for teams to monitor their progress before the season really heats up, so the top-16 finishes for Metro are promising marking points in competition against Division I opponents. “You know that you’re going to get your butt kicked, but you do as well as you can,” Dyer added.

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