Volume 30, Issue 12, Nov. 1, 2007

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Serving The Auraria Campus Since 1979

Vol. 30 No. 12

Thursday, november 1, 2007


Men’s soccer scores big Roadrunners earn first RMAC regular season championship » A9

Photo by STEPHEN SWOFFORD/sswoffo1@mscd.edu

Mike Pinto, founder of Thick As Thieves Tattoo in Denver, works on a tattoo at the Body Art Expo Oct. 13 at the Denver Merchandise Mart. The expo, the world’s largest tattoo convention, was host to thousands of tattoo artists and people who express themselves with body art. With the rising popularity of tattoos, the art has become more commonplace, but so has tattoo removal. » B4



Students seek legislative relief on book prices » A3






Friday 11.2

• The Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board meets at 2:30 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329

Monday 11.5

• The Student Government Assembly Executive meets at 4 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329

Tuesday 11.6

• The Student Advisory Board meets at 4 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329

Wednesday 11.7

• The Student Government Assembly Senate meets at 4 p.m. in Tivoli suite 329 • The Faculty Senate meets at 3:50 p.m. in Tivoli suite 320


Photo by DAWN MADURA/dmadura@mscd.edu

November 3, 1982

Chelsea Williamson signs a petition carried by Christopher Boyd, the chief justice for Metro’s student court. Metro’s student government is working with the Associated Students of Colorado, a group advocating on behalf of students in front of the state government, to gather signatures to send to members of the legislature. The group hopes to change the law to require publishers to disclose their prices upfront so professors can take that information into account when ordering books.

• Facilities council votes to give the bookstore 480 square feet of the Health Clinic to make room for one computer

Students fight textbook prices

Health clinic loses space

Foreign student enrollment up • Number of students from other countries hits record high, despite recent 25 percent decrease in the number of Iranian students


The number of new blue-light emergency phones being installed around campus, bringing the total to more than 40


This week’s top stories: • Emmy awards • 7,500 students on hold • Rowdy auditions • Business Fair • Metro men and women’s soccer goes to RMAC Check out Metro’s own student-run TV newscast at: http://metreport.mscd.edu

Statewide co-ed group gathers signatures, pressures legislature By JAMES KRUGER jkruger1@mscd.edu College students have taken issue with the price of textbooks as far back as the 1930s when their average price was $3, according to the National Association of College Stores. Metro’s Student Government Assembly found that, in regard to students’ discontent with the high cost of textbooks, little has changed, with Metro students now potentially paying up to $171.50 for a single book at the Auraria Bookstore. Within the ’07-’08 school year, the SGA intends to make a change. The SGA recently passed a resolution with the stated goal of lowering the cost of textbooks by the end of the academic year. The plan, along with the Associated Students of Colorado, is to push legislation requiring publishers to proactively disclose the prices of textbooks to faculty and pro-

fessors, which, according to SGA Vice President Andrew Bateman, is something that currently isn’t happening. “Right now, faculty (members) have to take the initiative to contact the publisher to determine the price of textbooks,” he said. “It (the price) isn’t something that is readily available,” adding that if such legislation were passed, more teachers would take prices into consideration when selecting the textbook required for a course. The resolution came after the SGA provided students this fall with forms to voice issues on campus they wanted addressed. Of the 170 forms collected during the first three weeks of the semester, more than half regarded what students felt to be the high cost they pay for textbooks. “There were more complaints about (the price of) textbooks than about financial aid, which, honestly, surprised me,” Bateman said. He believes the average college student in Colorado spends about $900 a year on books. On Oct. 17 the SGA held a rally outside the Tivoli where they collected about 1,200 student signatures and

60 handwritten letters supporting the legislation. The SGA and other student governments involved with the ASC are holding similar rallies and plan to send the letters to various legislators to illustrate local support for the issue. While faculty members support minimizing the cost of textbooks, many indicated such legislation was unnecessary because they already consider prices when making their selections for upcoming semesters. “Personally, I generally always consider the price,” said Clark Germann, professor of technical communication and media production. “All of the instructors and professors that I know are empathetic (with the students) about the high cost of textbooks.” Germann added that he sometimes requests less expensive packets from the publisher of various articles and research that is more tailored for the subject taught. And he allows students to utilize alternatives in lieu of buying a new textbook, such as using cheaper online versions of the text or employing older editions. However, he was quick to point

out that each class must be dealt with individually, and costs cannot take precedence over education. “We (the faculty) are all very empathetic with the cost of textbooks but not at the price of lowering the academic quality of what you are trying to teach,” Germann said. In addition to pushing for legislation, Bateman said, the SGA hopes to promote the acceptance of older editions among teachers provided that educational value is left intact. Bateman is drafting an e-mail that will be sent to faculty seeking their support in lowering the cost of what students pay out for books. Students have other complaints in addition to books’ cost, however. Many are also upset about the lack of a book’s use throughout a course. “A lot of the time I don’t even open them (the textbooks), but teachers require them,” Metro senior Jaena Michali said. “It sucks because you pay $100 for something you don’t even use.” Bateman acknowledged such

TEXTBOOK Continued on A4»



MET REPORT Statewide student brings home alliance to take on the gold textbook prices

From left: Members of Metro’s student-run newscast Eric Lansing, Rosie Stringer, Jon Snyder, Carissa Deutscher, Amy Ferguson, Amanda Allen and Geoff Sawtell pose with their Emmys awarded for Outstanding Student Achievement. Photo by DIANNE HARRISON MILLER/harrison@mscd.edu

Continued from A3 complaints and called paying for a required textbook that isn’t used in a class “the biggest waste of money on campus.” He plans to research other alternatives instead of requiring students to buy a book, such as a rental program. Jennifer Weisgerber, textbook coordinator for the Bismarck State College Bookstore in Bismarck, N.D., said that the college implements a program where students can rent a book for a semester, and she feels it’s been successful. “Through the rental program, we’ve saved students $50,000 during the ’07 spring semester,” she said. Departments at BSC are required to sign a contract agreeing to use the book for at least three years. The restriction such contracts place on teachers is one of the reasons why a rental program wouldn’t work at Metro, according to Auraria Bookstore Director Michael Clarke, who also said that the costs required to start a rental program would be too great. Clarke said that, although he has not been approached by the SGA, the bookstore has already begun trying to save students money. “We’ve had more used books this past semester than ever before,” he said, adding that there has been a 32 percent increase in used book sales, while sales of new books were down. The bookstore also attempts to mitigate the expense of books by giving students money back for their used books, Clarke said, pointing out that the bookstore paid over $1 million in buybacks to students last year. “Our number one source for used books is the students,” he said. According to Clarke, buying books back from students returns money to them and allows more used books to be available. The problem, he said, is the longer faculty wait to notify the bookstore of the book they will use, the less used books will be available, due to a lack of books garnered from the student body and those available in used book warehouses. Clarke has been part of a drive to get faculty to turn in their book orders sooner, which would also allow students more time to shop for cheaper alternatives to buying them from the bookstore, something he said he doesn’t oppose. “We’re here to serve students, and we’re trying our best to serve students,” Clarke said. The SGA is also planning to approach the Faculty Senate to ask them to put a policy in place that would allow students to know what books will be used for an upcoming class at least four weeks in advance. Bateman said that would give students time to shop websites and used bookstores to find the cheapest books possible. “We just want to make sure money isn’t being wasted, which is what I believe is happening now,” Bateman said.


Rounding up the next Rowdy Metro mascot search finds eager applicants, tryouts to be announced By AMY WOODWARD awoodwa5@mscd.edu The search for a student who is willing to wear Metro’s giant roadrunner outfit has turned up a large response so far, according to the Athletics Department. Dave Alden, assistant athletic director for external affairs, has received at least 20 e-mails from students interested in filling the mascot role and stepping into the Rowdy costume. Tryouts will be held soon, but a date has not been set, Alden said. “We want to have Rowdy in place before the home conference game in early December,” he said. It will take an energetic and tolerant person who loves kids to become the next Rowdy. “Mascots have a unique ability in a game to make it into a fun experience for people,” Alden said. “Kids love mascots and love to abuse mascots.”

One of Metro’s most memorable Rowdys was Amber Michael, who is now the administrative assistant to Metro President Stephen Jordan. She played the role of Rowdy for almost five years and looks back on her Rowdy days with cheerful memories. “I got to travel a few times with the basketball team. It was real fun,” Michael said. “I had the opportunity to play with a lot of kids — it was great…you are their best friend.” Michael also had the opportunity to develop new friendships and network through the mascot community in Denver, which includes a small group of college and professional mascots. While most of her memories are filled with smiles, there are some other experiences that were not so

enjoyable. During a tennis match, fifth- and eighth-graders, who were at Auraria for a science conference, decided to hassle Michael. “A group of kids tried to push me down the stairs,” Michael said. She wasn’t hurt, but Michael said she has experienced harassment quite a few times from players who are on the opposing team or members in the audience. “It’s never been isolated to one incident,” Michael said. “It happens.” Michael will be a judge during the mascot tryouts and said she is looking for someone who has a true love for Metro. “You can’t be a good mascot if you don’t truly love the place you are representing,” she said.

“I had the opportunity to play with a lot of kids it was great...you are their best friend.” AMBER MICHAEL, FORMER ROWDY

Photo by J. ISSAC SMALL/jsmall4@mscd.edu

Rowdy, Metro’s mascot, hugs a young fan at the RMAC shootout on March 4 in the Auraria Events Center. Amber Michael was the school’s mascot for almost five years and will be judging the upcoming tryouts for the new Rowdy.

Student court rules not to boot SACAB representative By ANDREW FLOHR-SPENCE spencand@mscd.edu A Metro representative on the Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board will return to her position within the Student Government Assembly Executive, the Student Court ruled on Oct. 25. Nicole Barringer, one of Metro’s two SACAB members and the committee’s chief of staff, filed a complaint with the Student Court on Aug. 17 after losing her position with the SGA when she was gone for two months over the summer. “I’m very excited about the ruling,” said Barringer, who will regain her voting power with the SGA and

about $1,900 in back wages. “Now I’m back.” The court ordered that the SGA pay 50 percent of the wages due to Barringer for July and half of August and 100 percent of the wages entitled to her from August until now. The court also declared the SGA’s summer attendance policy, rewritten last spring, to be unconstitutional. The SGA’s summer policy, the court said, “failed to maximize the student experience in an academic pursuit,” and thus, was not consistent with the intent of the SGA constitution. The court said the strict attendance policy, which states that stu-

dents must resign if they are going to miss more than one meeting, needs to be changed to allow students to pursue internships, acknowledging that summer is the best time for such training programs. The court also said the SGA laws need to allow for e-mail communications to be sent in case of absence. While the SGA had argued that the e-mails sent to inform it of her absence were not sufficient as the policy did not include anything about e-mails, the court said that Barringer’s attempt to communicate was enough. “I can understand where they (the court) are coming from,” Stu-

dent Trustee Kevin Harris said. Harris said that while the court found in favor of Barringer and reaffirmed that the two bodies should maintain their independence, the court’s opinion acknowledged that the SGA had the right to impose its rules on SACAB members. Harris said the ruling was good because it addressed some of the problems within the SGA bylaws, specifically the summer attendance policy. The SGA’s rules and ethics subcommittee will now rewrite the policy. Barringer said she agreed with the court that SACAB should be ac-

countable to the SGA because the SGA writes the paychecks for SACAB members. “I’m sure we’ll continue to work together,” Barringer said. “I am excited to have Nicole back on the team, and I’m excited to start working,” Harris said. “One of the great things about this SGA is we have a very professional attitude when it comes to our jobs.” He said he could not imagine that there would be problems now with SACAB and SGA working together. “It has put us in a place where we have no choice but to move forward, so it’s good.”


insight Payback is a ...



Tancredo’s departure “U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo finally made good on his term-limits pledge — three years too late. The Littleton Republican’s decision not to seek re-election to Congress in 2008 came as a relief to those who have grown tired of Tancredo’s overheated rhetoric and constant drumbeat against illegal immigration. But it was a disappointment to those who credit him with propelling the issue into the national spotlight ... We’ll give Tancredo credit for helping to push this important issue to the nation’s front burner, but it’s unfortunate that he never followed through to use his clout to forge a solution to our nation’s broken immigration system. Let’s just say he won’t exactly be remembered for his pragmatism. Tancredo, unfortunately, seems happiest when he’s kicking a hornet’s nest, rather than making laws. In nine years, he’s practically cornered the market on controversy. Last year he likened Miami to a “Third World” country, and in 2005 suggested the U.S. should consider bombing Mecca if Islamic terrorists launched a nuclear strike on the United States. Yet, he has remained popular in his heavily Republican district ... We hope his successor in the 6th District picks up that baton because more work obviously needs to be done on the immigration. However, we also hope that person uses the congressional seat as more than a one-issue soapbox.” – THE DENVER POST, Oct. 30 editorial


AOL Poll Result are you surprised to learn that dumbledore is gay?

Yes, I’m stunned: 58 percent Not at all: 30 percent I had my suspicions: 12 percent Total Votes: 235,715

Illustrated by ANDREW HOWERTON » ahowert2@mscd.edu Written by The Metropolitan staff

Prophet spoils all voting hope I walked into an Auraria restroom recently and at once noticed a homeless man drying the insides of his trousers with one of those mechanical hand dryers. He was rather typical with greasy, light-brown hair strung about his head in disarray; a bulky, black bag dangling from his shoulder; and an unbuttoned, red flannel jacket covering his stained white T-shirt. Although I was not personally offended by what he was doing, the others who were there for conventional purposes seemed rather sickened and in a hurry to get away. They neglected to even wash their hands in their haste. The homeless man paid no attention to the atmosphere of disgust surrounding him. I thought to ask why he would need to dry the insides of his pants, but decided against it. I supposed that he must have had good enough reason to do it and resolved that I was in no position to question him. I ignored the man while I went about my business and made sure to keep a watchful eye for any dirty senators or other politicians that Steve Jordan might have thought to invite onto campus for whatever queer reason. There was an ongoing battle of words on the walls about gay marriage and an attempt to scare everyone into thinking that the restroom was covered in syphilis. Anyone with the audacity to consciously bring a

marker into a restroom should be whipped with a leotard soaked in hot coffee and denied bathroom access until they’ve pissed their pants in public. Then we all would know who writes these terrible things across the walls. I was pondering this rather seriously when I exited the stall and noticed that the homeless man was still standing with the front of his pants open to the hot air of the hand dryer. His pants were buttoned and he wasn’t wearing a belt, which made me wonder, since he was able to extend his pants so far from his waist, how he managed to walk around without them falling to his ankles. I drew toward the sink to wash my hands and noticed him considering a sloppily jotted paragraph written in bold, black marker on the wall above the hand dryer. I lingered there at the sink for some time pretending to be scrubbing my hands with strict concentration while I carefully observed the man. He wasn’t moving. It appeared that he had found his special place in the world and wasn’t planning to abandon it anytime soon. “Watcha readin’?” I asked him. He didn’t respond at first, as though he had been certain that no one would dare to speak with him under the circumstances. After a moment he looked over and noticed me staring.

JIMMIE BRALEY jbraley@mscd.edu The homeless man paid no attention to the atmosphere of disgust surrounding him. I thought to ask why he would need to dry the insides of his pants but decided against it. “Oh, uh . . .” He began to laugh, “Just this crap on the wall here.” I had apparently ruined his meditation, and he was hurrying to fix his trousers and settle himself down before exiting out into public. I inspected the writing on the wall while the man fiddled with something in his bag. “What did you think?” I asked. “You know, about the piece on the wall.” I could make out only a few sentences. Enough to know that whoever had written it had probably copied it out of a book. It was about communism’s bad rap. It seemed in-

teresting but not so much so as the homeless man who was evidently concerned with the question. “I thought it was awful,” he said sharply. “I hated it.” “Why?” I asked. “Not a fan of communism?” “Oh, I’m not allowed to be,” he said, “and neither are you. I’m a drifter, son. This world, the one right outside that door, did this to me. Heck, I was just a boy when McCarthy was going after those bastard commies. The Reds had it comin’,” he said. “Just like me.” He smelled like booze, which I figured explained his inability to clarify what he was trying to articulate. But then he said something worth writing about. “You’re a voter,” he said. “Hell, I can see that you’re a voter, kid. You’ll vote on and on until you’ve got nothin’ left to vote for. Then you know what will happen? Same as before. Nothin’. Your vote won’t do a bit o’ good no matter where you send it. People write on the walls of shitters and it makes no difference either. This democracy ain’t no democracy at all. It just seems that way so you’ll shut up and write your sorrows on the walls while you shit.” Well, I thought, maybe so. He was one of those lunatic prophet types and, hell, I agreed with him. But I’ve never brought a marker into the goddamn restroom.


More Dumbledores are needed We all knew Marv was gay. He never told us, and we never asked, but the proof was in the pasta. I worked at an Italian restaurant in Pueblo during my high school years. Marv was one of our best customers. He came in almost every night. He mostly ordered the filet mignon, sometimes the casserole. Every once in a while, he’d mix it up with a simple bowl of spaghetti. Wine was always present, and coffee and dessert were necessities. Well, they were until his doctor advised him to pass on the bread pudding. He called dinner “vacation.” You see, Marv was a local businessman. He started working for the company he would come to own right out of high school. He told us he had never taken a real vacation in all of those years. Marv usually dined alone. On occasion he’d bring along an old friend from high school. It turned out they graduated the same year as my grandma. And then he had his younger gentlemen friends. They were all straight. And they, too, knew Marv was gay. But that didn’t bother. Marv liked the company. After all, he grew up in a time when there was no way he could have come out of the closet. A chance for any sort of relationship, especially for a public figure such as himself, was impossible. And if you ask me, had he come out of the closet then in 2004 — or even today — I’m sure his business would have been negatively affected. Some of us called him “Uncle Marv.” Talk was usually kept light. After all, he was on vacation. But we all knew if we ever needed anything he’d be there for us. I always wanted to ask Marv about being gay. But I never did. I was in the closet, and it just seemed rude. And even if I ran into him today I wouldn’t dare ask. It’s not my place. But God, could I have used some ad-

Since 1979

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF David D. Pollan dpollan@mscd.ed NEWS EDITOR Andrew Flohr-Spence spencand@mscd.edu ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Amy Woodward awoodwa5@mscd.edu FEATURES EDITOR Josie Klemaier jklemaie@mscd.edu

NIC GARCIA ngarci20@mscd.edu vice back then. God, could I use some advice today. One of the biggest problems about growing up gay is the lack of role models, older men and women for the young queer community to look up to and learn from. I wish there was someone to blame. But until recently and perhaps still, there isn’t a culprit to pin this serious dilemma on. And that’s a good thing. Because someone, sooner or later, will realize and be able to capitalize on our success and pass that down to baby fags. Most recently, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling announced her character Albus Dumbledore is gay. Now, I’ve never read a Harry Potter book. So I’m not really sure about Dumbledore’s character, but friends have explained that Dumbledore was the headmaster of the school Harry attended, and he was the most powerful wizard. One of my friends said Dumbledore was a like a grandfather to Harry and Co. What better way to piss off the Religious Right than to have an older, loving figure be outed as a gay? Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Media Institute, recently spoke out on the issue on Dan Abrams’s MSNBC show The Abrams Report. “It’s not good for kids because it forces the subject of homosexuality

ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITOR Rachael Beieler rbeiele2@mscd.edu MUSIC EDITOR Jeremy Johnson jjohn308@mscd.edu SPORTS EDITOR Eric Lansing lansing@mscd.edu ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR Zac Taylor ztaylor2@mscd.edu

Headmaster Dumbledore into an area where a lot of parents aren’t comfortable with it,” he said. “A lot of parents don’t want this.” In typical fashion Knight went on to scream about the homosexual agenda, “Homosexuality is being injected into everything. There is this incredible campaign to say you’re prejudiced and a bigot (if you reject homosexuals).” Moreover, Knight, who I can safely assume is more or less of the opinion gays have chosen their lifestyle, believes if any sort of an authority figure is gay it will only lead to more and more children applying for gay cards. “To have sexually confused boys look at this (they’ll think), ‘Maybe I should try it? After all, this authority figure is into it.’” The truth of the matter is, no authority figure can make a man gay or straight. Yes, an older man can seduce and even molest a young

Photo courtesy of Google Images

boy, but that’s not what this is about. There is a very big difference between a creep and a life coach. Marv could have been the latter. There was nothing sexual about dinner, just good food, good drinks and good people. Marv knew his place as an older gay man. He’d never violate the trust we all — gay and straight employees and friends — had in him. You have to hand it to Knight, he’s just worried about the kids. “You’re not going to be around when they come down with STDs and all sorts of emotional problems,” he told Abrams. “This is not a happy lifestyle.” He’s right. Being gay is difficult. Sometimes, there is nothing “gay” about being gay. But life will only be more difficult if the gays of tomorrow don’t have an older, authoritative figure — imaginary or not — to look up to.

IN RESPONSE » Letters to the editor

Traffic must be regulated

New twist to paper refreshing

Re: Crosswalk Chaos, Oct. 18

Re: Poverty fix not easy, Oct. 11 by David D. Pollan

A crosswalk that was not mentioned is the one at Colfax and Mariposa near the light rail station and bus stops. This one particularly interests me because it is the one I use frequently. I have found that when the cuckoo chirps three times the light changes long enough for me to take, at most, six steps into the street before it changes to red. Granted, I walk slower than most of the students, but since I’m 80 years old and walk with a cane, this might be expected. At any rate, I can’t run across Colfax and even by picking up my speed


slightly, I still arrive on the opposite side with my heart pounding furiously as I picture the drivers with one foot on their accelerator, preparing to knock me down. I realize that a student walkway across this intersection is probably not a viable solution, but can’t something be done about regulating the traffic lights to allow more time for people to cross the street safely? I’m sure I’m not the only senior citizen or disabled person who finds it necessary to use this intersection periodically. -Dorothy Hicks, Metro alumna

I am a much older student at Metro, almost out and majoring in criminal justice. I have been helping ex-offenders in re-entry and those who still live behind the walls for 14 years. Additionally, I have worked with the homeless community for a long time. I have been very disappointed with the Metro newspaper until this year. Before the last election, I wrote an article pleading with the students to PLEASE vote...it was “too radical.” Clearly there is a new twist this year.

Your article was awesome and I want to thank you for your very perceptive eye and your presentation to the Metro community. I am both shocked and thrilled to see something like this in the newspaper. This is what I would hope that the students would be reading. They need to take their attention off loaded ballot boxes and look at the world around them. Thanks for doing this. You give me some hope for this campus. - Kathie Reinhardt, Metro student

PHOTO EDITOR Amie Cribley acribley@mscd.edu ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS Cora Kemp ckemp4@mscd.edu Dawn Madura dmadura@mscd.edu DESIGN EDITOR Nic Garcia ngarci20@mscd.edu ILLUSTRATOR Andrew Howerton ahowert2@mscd.edu COPY EDITORS Austin Corell acorell@mscd.edu Amanda Hall ahall35@mscd.edu James Kruger jkruger1@mscd.edu Debbie Marsh dmarsh8@mscd.edu DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Dianne Harrison Miller harrison@mscd.edu ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Donnita Wong wongd@mscd.edu ADVISER Jane Hoback The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State College of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees, and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the Summer semester. The Metropolitan is distributed to all campus buildings. No person may take more than one copy of each edition of The Metropolitan without prior written permission. Please direct any questions, comments, complaints or compliments to Metro Board of Publications c/o The Metropolitan. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advertisers. Deadline for calendar items is 5 p.m. Thursday. Deadline for press releases is 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Thursday. Classified advertising is 5 p.m. Thursday. Tivoli Student Union, Room 313. P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Denver, CO 80217-3362.


B1 » THE METROPOLITAN » November 1, 2007



A delicious double feature » by Josie Klemaier, jklemaie@mscd.edu »

You do it. Your friends do it. Heck, your mom probably does it from time to time. When money is tight and ticket prices are ever increasing, moviegoers across the country do it: sneak food into the theater. Jimmie Lee Smith did it. “Almost everyone I know sneaks something into the theater with them,” Lee said as he sat in the middle of Denver’s newest independent movie theater and bistro, Neighborhood Flix. Neighborhood Flix Cinema and Café, which hosts its grand opening Nov. 2, is the brainchild of situations in which Smith and his wife were refused good food to go with good film, when they couldn’t cross that “red velvet line,” as he called it, with anything but expensive buttered popcorn and soda. Featuring moderately priced, quality food, cocktails and beer, as well as the traditional concessions, the theater’s goal is to provide an allin-one place for patrons to enjoy and talk about independent film. “This is going to be a little bit of an education for some people,” Smith said about the unique set-up of the theater. Though this style of theater doesn’t really have a name yet — it can’t be called a dinner theater, yet it’s more than just a movie theater — it is slowly catching on in cities across the country. One chain, Movie Tavern, opened its doors recently in Aurora. The space boasts seven screens showing first-run movies, a full bar and restaurant and full service inside the theater. Their menu offers a smorgasbord of American classics like nachos, wings, Monte Cristo sandwiches, chopped salads, beers and an array of colorful cocktails. The theaters follow the standard stadium-style, maximum capacity seating. Smith said he looked to places like Movie Tavern and others for inspiration, and while he found elements of what he had in mind, they were not all in one place. “As our culture is changing and eating healthier, our industry is changing,” Smith said. The focus at Neighborhood Flix is on healthconscious entrees, organic and all-natural whenever possible. The recipes are all created by renowned chef and consultant James Mazzio. Mazzio’s resumé includes Food and Wine magazine’s 1999 Best New Chef with contributions to menus at Cucina Colore, LoDo’s Via and Green’s Fine Salads. “To me it was very exciting to create new food,” Mazzio said. “I’m into the creative part of cooking, it’s the fun, exciting part for me.” Mazzio has gotten creative with simple foods to make Flix’s menu full of taste and easy to eat

Photo by GREG DAILY/gdaily@mscd.edu

A bartender at Neighborhood Flix Cinema and Café tosses a bottle in the air as he sets up the bar in preparation for the theater’s grand opening, which will be Nov. 2 at its location on East Colfax Avenue. The location is also home to the Tattered Cover and Twist and Shout. while viewing. The menu includes appetizers like spiced sesame ginger sweet potato fries and Vietnamese egg rolls and entrees ranging from sandwiches and pizza to pastas and braised Colorado lamb shank stew. Still, some menu items such as pizza, don’t fit on the custom caddies that sit in the armrest cupholder, and the pot roast might be better enjoyed in the restaurant. The restaurant and the movie theater areas of Flix are completely separate, though both contain elements of the other. The dining area, has a view of the colorful, contemporary bar on one end and the concession stand on the other, while three digital projectors cast classic and independent films on the walls above the tables. The Bistro Theater, the smallest of the three screen rooms at Flix, will have tables and chairs set up for a maximum18 guests to eat their meals while watching a film. The other two theaters, The Screening Room, which seats 163, and the Neighborhood’s Premier Cinema, which sits 189, feature stadium-style rocker seats. The Premiere even features luxury plush couches for the lucky early birds. Customers can choose the traditional pro-

cess of buying a ticket and proceeding to the concession stand, which serves bottomless popcorn and soda in small, more traditional sized portions, or choose to ask a server to direct him to the next available bistro table. In the bistro, tables are available for drinks, a complete dining experience or both before entering the theater. “We wanted to keep the control in the hands of the guest,” Smith said. He admits that there may be some kinks to work out as the best flow is determined for customers who want to take their food into the theater with them and those who want to enjoy the bistro. Enhancing the quality of the food at movie theaters just makes sense, according to Smith, especially with the onslaught of home theaters that some claim have taken a toll on box office sales. “What they seem to keep missing is the value of experiencing something together,” Smith said, which is why investing in more than just the movie made sense to him. With admission prices and food moderately priced (appetizers range from $2-$5 and entreés are $7-$11), and The Tattered Cover and Twist and Shout just steps away, the award-winning

Colfax project in the former Lowenstein Theater, Smith said, makes for a “killer date night.”

NEIGHBORHOOD FLIX» Grand Opening Nov. 2 2510 E. Colfax Ave. Tickets $8.50 students $10 regular First show of every day $5

Now showing Pete Seeger: The Power of Song Manda Bala In The Valley of Alla Delirious For more information visit www. neighborhoodflix.com





ACROSS 1. Hairless 5. Go back, in a way 9. Palpitate 14. Off-Broadway theater award 15. Tart 16. Jeweler’s tool 17. Ridge of rock 18. Verge 19. Hardy equestrian creatures 20. Lucerne 22. Conspicuous 24. Make watertight 26. Fish eggs 27. Purify 30. Frozen dessert 35. Participant 36. Gnarl 37. Exclamation of fright 38. Bind 39. Improve in appearance 42. Indian dish 43. Human bone, located in the arm


45. Tropical plant 46. Not concealed 48. Inflammation of muscle tissue 50. Begins 51. Small drink, young child 52. Point in the desired direction 54. Widen 58. Dwells 62. Main artery 63. Riding 65. Dynamic beginning 66. Implied 67. Portrayal by an actor 68. American space agency 69. Vestige 70. Chilled 71. Journey

Oct. 25 puzzle from www.crosswords.com. Solution available on the website.

DOWN 1. Adriatic wind 2. The third man 3. Willing 4. In fact 5. Of practical use 6. Knobby 7. Made a hole 8. Minerals 9. Aztec god of rain 10. Socks of any kind 11. Trick 12. Amenable 13. Of the highest quality 21. Dens 23. Narrow mountain ridge 25. Historic county in E Scotland 27. Single piece of information 28. With no emotion 29. Shorthand taker 31. Pigeon coop 32. Bird that gets you down 33. Away

34. Thaws 36. Wife of Shiva 40. Dull surface 41. Short letters 44. Unstable 47. Tending to change 49. Treat salt 50. Oozed 53. Cave-dwelling dwarf 54. Sheet of matted cotton 55. Laugh loudly 56. Killer whale 57. DEA agent 59. Letter opener 60. Scottish Gaelic 61. Saturate 64. As well


metropolitan staff and andrew howerton


geof wollerman and andrew howerton

WHERE IS THIS? Be the first to e-mail us a description of the correct location and receive a free ticket to the Starz FilmCenter. Each week’s winner will also have the chance to have their photo printed in the following issue of The Metropolitan. Send e-mails to jklemaie@mscd.edu with “Where is this?” in the subject line and a description of where the photo was taken in the text of your message.

puzzle courtesy of www.websudoku.com

Congratulations to last week’s winner, Caleb Steinkamp. Caleb is a Metro junior, working toward a degree in sociology and has played the piano for 15 years.


FRI (4:45), 7:05, 9:15 SAT (12:00), 2:15, 4:45, 7:05, 9:15 SUN (12:00), 2:15, 4:45, 7:05 MON-WED (4:45), 7:05 TH (4:45), 7:05, 9:15


FRI (4:50), 7:15, 9:30 SAT (12:20), 2:30, 4:50, 7:15, 9:30 SUN (12:20), 2:30, 4:50, 7:15 MON-WED (4:50), 7:15 TH (4:50), 7:15, 9:30


FRI (4:30), 6:55, 9:20 SAT (11 :40), 2:00, 4:30, 6:55, 9:20 SUN (11:40), 2:00, 4:30, 6:55 MON-WED (4:30), 6:55 TH (4:30), 6:55, 9:20


FRI (4:40), 7:10, 9:25 SAT (12:05), 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:25 SUN (12:05), 2:10, 4:40, 7:10 MON-WED (4:40), 7:10 TH (4:40), 7:10, 9:25


FRI (4 :35), 7:00, 9:10 SAT (12:15), 2:20, 4:35, 7:00, 9:10 SUN (12:15), 2:20, 4:35, 7:00 MON-WED (4 :35), 7:00 TH (4:35), 7:00, 9:10


SAT 10:30 AM


SAT 7:00PM TUE-WED (5:00), 7:30


Fear on the cliffs of Clear Creek Canyon Ridiculous attempts at portraying fear and spookiness popped up everywhere this past week: fake spider webs strewn across porches and windows, fake witches straddling broomsticks against the trunks of trees, and least scary of all, blow-up globes full of cartoon ghosts and skeletons. Scorning these failed attempts to frighten our community, Auraria’s Outdoor Adventure Department was there to save the day. On Oct. 27 students and faculty from Auraria tackled a real fear, acrophobia, the fear of heights. The “Scary Halloween Rappel,” led by Bryan Ferguson, assistant director of campus recreation, combined a variety of mountaineering skills with a finale of adrenalinepumping excitement for our group of thrill seekers. The adventure began under the watchful eye of a massive bighorn sheep silhouetted against an overcast sky atop a cliff in Clear Creek Canyon. We geared up, reviewed some safety precautions, and headed out for the moderately steep hike. After dodging loose debris while traversing the mountain, we enjoyed some chow along with basic lessons on map and compass navigation, important tools for anyone negotiating the great outdoors. The lesson ended abruptly when Bryan asked, “Are you ready to do this?” It was time to put my game

JEREMY PAPASSO » jpapasso@mscd.edu face on. Once the group reached the site of the rappel, there was a sudden change in facial expressions. Happy and smiley turned to “Oh sh**, what did I get myself into?” Or maybe that was just my mind talking. After a couple deep breaths and a daring step of faith, we made our descent one by one down the “Wall of the Nineties,” rappelling to the ground below. The ground feels pretty damn good after spending an hour or so perched on the edge of a 200-foot cliff. The adventure cost only $15, leaving little excuse for the perennially poor college student. This experience put a new meaning into Halloween, one that will stay with each of us forever. It’s a great reason to put down the pumpkin carving tools and join the Outdoor Adventure team for a real scare. Life IS an adventure; get out there and live it. Some upcoming events through the Outdoor Adventure Department

Photo by JEREMY PAPASSO/jpapasso@mscd.edu

No, the photo is not sideways, that’s University of Colorado at Denver faculty member Liz Pruitt as she rappels down a 200foot cliff on the “Wall of Fear” Oct. 27 in Clear Creek Canyon. The adventure was part of a group trip led by Metro’s Outdoor Recreation Department. include mountaineering in Moab, ice climbing in Ouray, river kayaking classes, rock climbing and WOLS (Women Outdoor Leadership Skills), among others. It’s cheap, fun and recommended for anyone seeking a walk on the wild side.

CAMPUS RECREATION» Outdoor Adventures For more information on the winter excursions being hosted this season by Auraira’s Campus Recreation, contact Outdoor Leadership Specialist Bryan Ferguson at (303)556-8363 or visit www.mscd.edu/~cra

Día de Los Muertos: dying for student participation » by Rick Brown, brownric@mscd.edu» Around Oct. 31, Americans are busy dressing in costumes or getting baskets of candy ready for trick-or-treaters. While many children look forward to consuming massive amounts of sugar, Latino kids are decorating skulls. Riding the bloody coattails of Halloween is the increasingly popular holiday known as Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead. Although Halloween and Día de los Muertos both celebrate the afterlife, they have very different roots. Día de los Muertos began as a holiday of the indigenous people of Mexico, the Aztecs. They believed that every person has two opposing forces that struggle for control. To honor this duality, the Aztecs celebrated the dead as well as the living, and Día de los Muertos was established. Día de los Muertos has evolved to its present form through many years of change and cultural integration. When the Aztecs were conquered in 1519, they began to merge their indigenous beliefs with Roman Catholicism. Día de los Muertos was moved from its original celebration date in the summer to the fall to coincide with the Catholic All Soul’s Day, celebrated Nov. 2. Halloween was originally a Celtic holiday dating back to the 11th century, and its purpose was to observe the end of the harvest season. On the eve of Halloween, Celts believed that ghosts returned to the land of the living to destroy crops and bring bad luck. It was during this time, as well that druids, or Celtic priests, would build sacred bonfires and make predictions for the coming year. “This is a great holiday, but it is one of those holidays that is overlooked,” said Jose Guardiola, organizer for the Día de los Muertos event on Auraria. The event kicks off at 3 p.m. Nov. 1 at the Tivoli Turnhalle. It will include Aztec dancers, a mariachi band and a play preformed by local theater group Su Teatro, as well as local spoken-word poets. Fourteen altars featuring items that honor the dead will be on display as is the custom for the holiday. Included will be bright

orange Zempoalxochitl, or marigolds, which are used to leave a symbolic path for the dead to find their way home. A cup of water and portions of the dead’s favorite food is also placed on the altar in case they arrive hungry or thirsty. Pan de los muertos, or bread of the dead, is a sweet that is commonly placed on the altar to nourish the famished soul upon its arrival. Guardiola will erect an altar to honor his grandmother, as well as his deceased brothers from the nation’s largest Latino fraternity, Sigma Lambda Beta. “I bring playing cards for my grandmother because she taught me how to play cards, and I want to remember that,” Guardiola said. “Brothers from all over the state will come and bring something that will remind them of their fallen brothers.” Another altar will be decorated by two Metro students, Nicole

Velasquez and Carolyn Campos, as a memorial to all those that have died from genocide. “We wanted to focus on something real. For this altar we wanted to educate everyone and provide the knowledge of an existing problem,” Velasquez said. In addition to educating people about a global issue, the two were excited to teach others about their culture. “People should come to the celebration. That way, if they have any questions about this holiday, we can answer them,” Campos said. “Last year was a blast. This year we are very excited to be teaching all the kids that come.” “It is great to have these poets coming in and being able to teach the children about their culture,” Velasquez said. While Halloween may be the more recognized holiday, Guardiola sees the growth in attendance of Auraria’s celebration as a promising sign of the rising popularity of Día de los Muertos. “The first year I attended Metro, there was no one planning an event for Día de los Muertos. Now we have several groups as well as several different events going on,” Guardiola said. Jill Overlie, curator of the Longmont Museum and Cultural Center, which currently features an exhibit about Día de los Muertos, sees this holiday as a perfect example to teach about indigenous Mexican culture. “This holiday is about letting everyone, no matter what religion, culture, ethnicity to come together and celebrate our deceased ancestors,” Overlie said. The Longmont Museum is just one of several places celebrating the holiday this year. There is an event being held in Lakewood as well as the Chicano Humanities and Arts Council art gallery. CHAC is just one of the many galleries in the art district on Santa Fe Boulevard, an area that is already strongly influenced by Latino culture. The growth and acceptance of the holiday is evident in the number of people attending these events. “This year we had over 1,000 people attend the celebration at the museum,” Overlie added.

B4 » NOVEMBER 1. 2007


NOVEMBER 1. 2007 « B5

A body of work An art all about image, tattoos are getting a face-lift » by Nicole Queen, nqueen@mscd.edu » Photos by Stephen Swofford , sswoffo1@mscd.edu» For thousands of years, tattoos represented status as warriors and were used for ceremonial purposes within indigenous cultures all over the world. Today tattoos grace the bodies of young and old, rebellious and clean-cut people around the world and are more commonplace. “My grandma got her first tattoo when she was 70,” Travis Fowler, a UCD junior, said. Tattoos are ubiquitous at Auraria. Whether it’s a flash of a little butterfly on the small of someone’s back or a hard-to-miss tattooed sleeve on an arm balancing books, there are signs in the student population that tattoos are a permanent fixture of the student population — so far. With the rising popularity of getting inked, the need to be un-inked has risen as well. “People get [tattoos] covered up because they’re just not happy with it anymore,” said Jsn Anthony, a Phoenix-based tattoo artist who was at the Body Art Expo Oct. 12-14 at the Denver Merchandise Mart. “Or they were just young and dumb.” The point of the expo, the world’s largest tattoo and body art convention, was to bring artists and enthusiasts together to see awardwinning tattoos and piercings and to present a variety of opportunities to get tattoos from artists around the world. “For every different person, there’s a reason to get a tattoo,” Anthony said while hunched over the foot of a woman wincing as he filled in the petal of a flower on her ankle. “Some people take a long time to think about it, and others come in and get it without ever seeing it before.” Tattoos may be an expression of personality: timeless works of art for everyone to see or representations of significant memories in the life of the person who has the tattoo. Rebecca Flint, who also attended the expo, said she uses her tattoos as a way to express herself to others. “I take what’s on the inside and put it on the outside,” she said. Flint is a receptionist for Permanent Addictions tattoo parlor based in Pueblo, CO. Anthony explained that tattoos may be spontaneous or require a long thought process, depending on the person. According to Ashley Christensen, a CCD freshman, tattoos are becoming trendy. “My next one’s going to be green eggs and ham.”

Sometimes people may cover up or remove their tattoos not because of regret or dislike but because of the lack of skill and quality of the original artwork, as was the case for Metro junior Tara Moberly. Moberly got a tribal image on her back when she was 19. Unfortunately, when the artist was done, she was anything but thrilled. “When it was done, it looked nothing like the original design,” she said. “The lines were crooked and not balanced throughout. Basically it looked really bad, and it wasn’t quality work.” Two years ago, Moberly found another artist who transformed her trashy tat into a work of art by incorporating the badly drawn lines into flowers. Other times, people may be sick of the image they wake up with every morning and go to bed with every night. In cases such as this, Denver-based Ink-B-Gone has the answer for divorcing your tattoo. According to Shelley Novello, the owner of Ink-B-Gone, a tattoo removal service, business is booming because people either want to fade their tattoos enough to get them covered up, or completely remove them and start over with a clean slate. Ink-B-Gone uses a specialized laser that looks for polar opposites in the ink. The laser crystallizes the ink until it disappears; there is no bleeding or scarring in the process. While the laser may be able to permanently remove the ink from the skin, it doesn’t get rid of the scarring that tattoos leave behind, so there may be an outline where your tattoo used to be. “Fifty percent of what we remove is names,” Novello said. While getting rid of people’s unwanted tats may be keeping Novello busy, some students at Auraria seem, overall, pleased with their tattoos. “I like my tattoo still today and don’t regret it at all,” Metro senior and political science major, Nicole Drahnak said of the image of a sun on the small of her back. “I have heard many threats from older people, like my parents and old high school teachers, that I will regret getting it and hate it, but I don’t think so.” “It’s great and sexy,” she said. “[Plus] my boyfriend really likes it, so that always helps.” On the flip side, regrettable tattoos do exist as well. “Some might get tattoos to show they are tough or because it’s the

“My next one is going to be green eggs and ham.” -CCD FRESHMAN ASHLEY CHRISTENSEN

so-called cool thing to do,” commented Desi Clark, a junior at Metro studying journalism. “I have friends that hate what they tattooed on their bodies.” Even though tattoos are widely accepted in today’s society, many with tattoos still get strange looks from strangers and relatives alike or statements that they’ll one day regret those tattoos, and sometimes, they are even faced with a social bias. According to Moberly, who has two-thirds of her back covered and is planning on a future sleeve, women with tattoos face some judgment for choosing to get inked. “Some women get tattoos that are small, cute and pretty, but when a woman starts to get a big piece or a lot of them, then people look at her differently,” Moberly said. Still, these stigmas don’t faze Moberly or thousands of other tattooed women and men. “My tattoos are a road map of my life, and I remember different stages of my life through them,” she said, “so I don’t think that I’ll regret them when I’m older.”

Tamera Mclain grits her teeth as a tattoo artist Jsn Anthony of Phoenix’s Love and Hate Tattoo draws a flower on her ankle with his needle at the Body Arts Expo Oct. 13 at the Denver Merchandise Mart.

Skin slang»

Tamera Mclain winces as artist Jsn Anthony of Phoenix’s Love and Hate Tattoo toils on the tattoo he is drawing on her ankle. “I’m a wimp,” Mclain said as she endured the pain of the art.

Tattoo: designs made by piercing the skin and putting in indelible dyes, comes from the Tahitian word ‘tatau’ Sleeve: one coherent design that covers a person’s entire arm or leg Tribal tattoo: usually solid black abstract designs using lines and curves Jailhouse: used to describe the style of tattoo given by inmates in prisons using crude, makeshift material, they are the most difficult tattoos to remove

“My mom took me to get my first tattoo when I was 16. Now she says, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have done that!’” -METRO JUNIOR TARA MOBERLY

“The fact that they can be removed–I think that makes it socially acceptable.” -METRO STUDENT SUZANNE WILLIAMS




half notes

Knopfler proves he can still ‘Kill’ it

Friday 11.2

Dire Straits frontman fingerpicks his way to another hit album


9 p.m. @ the Bluebird Theater 18.50, 21+

Saturday 11.3

Tegan and Sara

9 p.m. @ the Boulder Theater $20, 16+

Sunday 11.4

Del Tha Funky Homosapien 9 p.m. @ the Fox Theater $22.50, All Ages

Monday 11.5

Neil Young (11.5 & 6) 7:30 p.m. @ the Wells Fargo Theatre $118, All Ages

The New Pornographers

8 p.m. @ the Gothic Theater $20, 16+

The Pipettes

8 p.m. @ the Walnut Room $12, 16+

Tuesday 11.6

Coheed and Cambria

6:30 p.m. @ the Fillmore Auditorium $61, 16+

Kid Rock

8 p.m. @ the Paramount Theater $89, All Ages

Wednesday 11.7 Danzig

8 p.m. @ The Ogden Theater $100-$80, 16+

By JEREMY JOHNSON jjohn308@mscd.edu It’s hard to believe that in between various projects that include movie soundtracks and guest appearances with some of the most notable music minds of our generation (such as Bob Dylan and Eric Clapton), former Dire Straits frontman Mark Knopfler manages to write any new album material, let alone the recently released and widely-acclaimed Kill To Get Crimson. Crimson is an immediately accessible collection in that Knopfler is so fully adept at a number of compositional variations that evoke an array of emotions, as well as crisp and concise storylines that arouse an immediate kinship with the listener. Knopfler has managed to perfect the gift of sexily conveying both sentimentality and sarcasm at once, and with the coy conviction of a child who’s oblivious to the outcome of his instrumental doodling. Knopfler’s Crimson is a bittersweet killer from the beginning, blazing with sad and sentimental opening tracks such as “True Love Will Never Fade,” the Celtic-inspired story, “The Scaffolder’s Wife” and the not-so-subtle “Heart Full Of Holes.” But the fourth track, “The Fizzy And The Still,” shines with slow, simple chords, small words and limited lyrics that paint a picture of the sad failure of a son – a struggling actor – coming home from Hollywood: “He says she asked too high a

price/ Neglecting to declare/ What sits between them there on ice/ Chilled, with the fizzy and the still/ He tried but didn’t make it there.” By the fifth and seventh tracks (“We Can Get Wild” and hit radio single “Punish The Monkey”), Knopfler reverts back to his infamous, cunning and slippery trademark style, full of mocking lyrics of misfortune. “Wild” serves as an ironic vision of iconic, rock star living as an idealistic young man sets out into the world with his girl to make a name and a fortune: “Hey, look at you, baby/ Tell your daddy you’re no child/ Hey, look at you, baby/ We can get wild.” Meanwhile, “Punish,” with the most convincing lyrics accompanied by pertinent, hollow percussions, approaches a relationship well beyond the salad days and laced with cynicism, murder and deceit: “You’ve been talking to a lawyer/ Are you going to pretend/ That you and your employer/ Are still the best of friends?/ Somebody’s going to take the fall/ There’s your quid pro quo/ They’ll punish the monkey/ And let the organ grinder go.” All in all, the album is a compilation of serious storytelling, set to Knopler’s sincerely cool electric one minute and then to the swaying acoustic sounds of mandolins and violins on the disc’s pair of Old World waltzes (“Secondary Waltz” and “Let It All Go”). The transition from one to the other is surprisingly seamless and convincing, as the album plays like a cynical but sustaining lullaby. Knopfler has always been an accredited musician and guitarist. Play-

Photo courtesy of www.oneveryvideo.edu

Don’t worry, Mark Knopfler is no killer, unless you mean with a six-string. Knopfler’s new album Kill To Get Crimson, combines coy, Celtic kicks with killer guitar licks. ing with an odd variation of fingerpicking (and using a custom-made pick to do so), Knopfler has an incredibly recognizable sound that earned him No. 27 on the Rolling Stone top 100 guitarists of all time, as well as accolades spanning from honorary music doctorates (from Newcastle and Sunderland Universities) and culminating with The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire award (Knopfler was born in Scotland). But if Knopfler is recognized as anything at all, it’s as the “Sultan Of Swing.” And it looks like, with

Crimson, Knopfler aims to keep in the swing of things for a couple of more waltzes to come.

Colbie Caillat finds success under her father’s wing By DESIREE CLARK dclark67@mscd.edu Musical talent runs in the Caillat family. American acoustic-folk singer and songwriter Colbie Caillat released her debut album with the help of her father Ken Caillat, producer of famous ’60s rock band Fleetwood Mac. And now the widely acclaimed Coco has been on the Billboard charts for 14 weeks, peaking at number five. With four hit singles, “The Little Things,” “Feelings Show,” “Realize” and “Bubbly,” Coco was certified gold Oct. 2. The acoustic-folk themed album is light and exuberant. Gone are all the angry break-up songs, which are traditionally the mark of most female artists’ albums. Instead, her lyrics tell a story, which is a must-have quality for conventional and unconventional folk music alike.

The most popular single, “Bubbly,” embodies what the whole album is about. It has that cheerful and lively sensation that puts a smile on your face, along with a sing-a-long chorus: “It starts in my toes/ Makes me crinkle my nose/ Wherever it goes I always know/ That you make me smile/ Please stay for a while now/ Just take your time/ Wherever you go.” “Feelings Show,” the fifth track, is a rollercoaster of tempo that starts slowly, “You told me/ You’d wait patiently/ But I wonder if he’s kidding/ Well maybe he could be serious now/ Maybe not/ Maybe not/ Because,” reaches crescendo during the chorus “Love is crazy/Pretty baby/Take it real slow/My feelings show/All you have to do/Is never ever let it go/My feelings show/And I want you to know,” then slows down again with the next

set of lyrics. Key elements necessary to ensure the making of a good folk album include a song or two about drinking. “Midnight Bottle” is the seventh song on Coco, explaining the need to drink until everything feels better: “I’ve got a midnight bottle gonna drink it down/ A one way ticket takes me to the times we had before/ When everything felt so right / If only for tonight I’ve got a midnight bottle/ Gonna ease my pain/ From all these feelings driving me insane.” “Midnight Bottle” has a strange structure; the chorus is not noticeably apparent and all subject matter always returns to the midnight bottle. The acoustic presence of Coco is evident in all of the songs except for one. Track 11, “Tied Down,” has

Caillat Continued on B7»

Photo courtesy of www.celebratestlouis.org

Colbie Caillat shows her better half on her new album Coco. Caillat’s new album was produced by her father, Ken, who was once a producer for classic rock band Fleetwood Mac.


Vegoose ’07: Debauchery in the desert half notes As we blazed through Utah, deeper into the desert en route to the City of Sin, I gazed toward the fantastic rock faces that peered at our speeding Ford Focus from the horizon and wondered what it was we hoped to find out there past those massive stones, out in the vastness of Vegas. It was Halloween weekend and it promised to get wild out there, what with the booze and drugs, the clubs and, of course, the music. I was looking for salvation, and the third annual Vegoose Music Festival was a promising provider of just that. I’d seen my share of concerts – mega and otherwise – that had moved me toward a higher plain. But according to what I’d heard from some friends, there was nothing like the festival (and all the freaky, freaky people) to make you lose the contents of your bowels to the heavy beat and howl with pure rage on an acid tongue at the harvest moon ahead. The more notable acts that were to appear at this year’s event included Public Enemy, Cypress Hill, The Battles, The Shins, Muse, Ghostland Observatory, Ghostface Killah (sense a theme?) and the Rhythm Roots AllStars, Thievery Corporation, Michael Franti and Spearhead, Umphrey’s McGee, U.N.K.L.E., Iggy and the Stooges, Rage Against the Machine and Daft Punk. Vegoose’s main claim to fame has always been variety, and this year’s lineup offered plenty. There was something to be said about the kind of subculture that made such moments of pure hedonism possible. What, I wasn’t sure. But I was determined to find out. Our first night in Vegas went fast, and the following day we walked with the dead toward the land of disco, reggae, rap and rock ’n’ roll redemption. The first day’s lineup was far superior to what followed and proved to be the perfect time to get wicked, what with Halloween around the bend and the stadium fields filled with all manner of men and women whipped to a frenzy and searching for their own higher musical plains. There were ghosts and ghouls and zombies and such roaming the grounds, but the more creative of the crew included everything from the Amish to one fellow with a cardboard dinosaur head and the moniker, “Tyrannosaurus Sex.” Underneath his cheap but effective costume, the fellow was oddly small and older, with a queer little


Timebomb (Single) Interscope www.interscope.com

JEREMY JOHNSON jjohn308@mscd.edu mustache and very un-sexy, wirerimmed glasses. It seems the festival made demons out of the least of us. Then there were the standards. Costumes that were fun, if not necessarily groundbreaking. They included classics such as the Mario Brothers garbed in green and red and denim overalls, and trios of ghostbusters in brown jumpsuits, with plasma packs on back. Then there were the Hunter S. Thompsons in Hawaiian shirts, leering from beneath their green poker visors and bucket hats and chewing on various cigarette holders and mushrooms, among other things. Then there were the others. The ones not of this world. I found one of them and did a hippie flip. And just like that, bring the noise. Vegoose’s three stages provided plenty of fodder for the musicminded and what better way to get rolling than to the politically charged hip-hop sounds of Public Enemy. Flavor Flav and his reality television-fed antics bled into a speedball of sounds as I skipped from stage to stage, checking in briefly on the other gangsta going-ons of M.I.A., Cypress Hill (which, much to my dismay, played opposite P.E.), Thievery Incorporated and, eventually, Queens Of The Stone Age. A majority of these young bands will be here for Vegoose festivals to come, but there are moments that can’t be missed and Iggy And The Stooges, reunited and playing punkrock classic Fun House from start to finish, was one of them. Iggy pumped and thumped and humped his way through the set, leaving us all a bit randy and covered in sweat. As we left the stage and headed to the main act of the night, a hippie couple donned in tie-dyed muumuus meandered up to us, soaked in satisfaction. “Did Iggy fuck you?” the woman asked me.


No Exit Eleven Seven Music www.elevenfiftyseven.com

David Byrne

The Knee Plays (CD/DVD) WEA Records www.wmg.com

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Some Loud Thunder Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Records www.amazon.com


D-Sides Virgin Records www.virginrecords.com Photo courtesy of Tara Chacon

Crowd-pleaser “Tyrannosaurus Sex” cuts a rug Oct. 28 at the Third Annual Vegoose Music Festival at Sam Boyd Stadium in Las Vegas. I thought about it for a moment and agreed, in some symbolic sense, that Iggy had, indeed, fucked me good. Then came the time to blow my mind. Friends scattered every which way as I wandered toward the North Star, in search of ultimate salvation. I’d find it in the disco digs of perennial house music masters, Daft Punk. The two secret robot deejays didn’t disappoint. Manning a stagehigh pyramid flashing with a massive, lucid light show, DP funked the punk with droning drum machines and a pure, super synth sound that left the world behind. I was lost in the endless loop of their light, hyped-up lyrics, and the sound came at me from down in the ground. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. A tall, attractive woman with brown skin and black hair stood in a gold dress. She told me to drop my drink, and I did. Then she took hold

of me and we tangoed for 10 minutes straight. Though I had never danced that dance before, I somehow never missed a single, disco beat as the pretty Latina girl and I stepped forward and back. I twirled her toward my body and held her close. She turned and kissed me on the lips, then walked away forever. There, under the red harvest moon of the deep Vegas desert, I had found my salvation, and lost it just as quickly. Daft Punk looped back into an encore of their hit “One More Time,” as I traipsed my way through cigarette butts and empty beers back to the car, wishing for one more redemptive kiss goodnight. I had sought out musical salvation and had found it, not through drugs or drinking but through the progressive thinking of a whack MC, a Stooge, a pair of robot music dudes and a beautiful woman who just knew what I needed.

Caillat » Coco an easy and simple acoustic-folk effort a reggae beat and the song lyrics focus on the issue of an ending relationship. Because of the laid-back reggae background, the lyrics are a bit lost in its up-tempo dancehall feel: “That I’m keeping it cool/ Now thinking of you/ Sticking around and if we should pay /Tied down, I’m looking around/ And I Know what I want/ So don’t hold me down.” The only thing

to do is bob your head back and forth to the rhythm of the music. Coco is a simple album. All the names of the songs appear in the lyrics, making it easy to understand what the song is about. With that in mind, it’s hard to determine why Colbie Caillat chose the album title of Coco. It doesn’t explain what kind of music she performs and the title nev-

er appears in any of the tracks. The only conclusion to make is that her album cover was mostly shot at the beach, necessitating an abundance of cocoa butter to soothe sunburn and dry skin. Then again, it could just be a special topic that Colbie Caillat shares with her father and that is her way of paying homage to him.

Henny Youngman

Take My Album...Please! Varese Sarabande www.varesesarabande.com

Matchbox Twenty Exile On Mainstream Warner Music Group www.wmg.com

Naked Raygun

What Poor Gods We Do Make: The Story And Music Behind Naked Raygun Riot Fest Records www.riotfest.org

Operation Ivy

Operation Ivy (Remastered) Epitaph Records www.epitaph.com

Iggy Pop *

CD Giftpack Import EMM Distribution www.amazon.com

Various Artists *

Discovered: As Sampled By Daft Punk Roadrunner Records www.repriserecords.com

For new music releases visit: www.newmusictipsheet.com

* -See Vegoose column left for review on band performances at the third annual music festival.



ERIC LANSING » SPORTS EDITOR » lansing@mscd.edu



Friday 11.2

VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m. vs. Nebraska-Kearney at Auraria Court RMAC SOCCER SEMIFINALS WOMEN: Noon CSU-Pueblo vs. Mines/ NMHU at Auraria Field 5 p.m. Metro vs. Fort Lewis/ Regis at Auraria Field MEN: 2:30 p.m. Fort Lewis vs. Regis at Auraria Field 7:30 p.m. Metro vs. School of Mines at Auraria Field

Saturday 11.3

VOLLEYBALL 7 p.m. vs. Chadron St. at Auraria Court BASKETBALL Men 2:30 p.m. vs. Kentucky Wesleyan at Anaheim, Calif. CROSS COUNTRY TBA NCAA Regional Championships in Vermillion, S.D.

Sunday 11.16

RMAC SOCCER FINALS Women’s noon at Auraria Men’s 2:30 p.m. at Auraria BASKETBALL Men 6:30 p.m. vs. Cal St. San Bernardino, Anaheim, Calif.


“I think our record speaks for itself. We’re undefeated at home, so it’s big to have it here.” - Andrew Donnelly, Metro men’s soccer defensive back on having home-field advantage throughout the RMAC Tournament.


The number of consecutive RMAC regular season championship titles for the women’s soccer team.


The number of RMAC regular season championship titles for the men’s soccer team. The 2007 team is the first to achieve this title in its 23-year history.

Photo by CORA KEMP/ckemp4@mscd.edu

Metro midfielder Kellen Johnson, middle, uses fancy footwork to maneuver the ball away from Colorado Christian midfielder Tim Starr, left, on Oct. 26 at Auraria Field. With quick moves and many attempted shots, Metro easily won 4-0 over the Cougars capturing the RMAC regular season title with a record of 11-0-3.

Crowning new conference kings Men’s soccer flies through RMAC undefeated, hosts tournament at Auraria By ERIC LANSING lansing@mscd.edu The Metro men’s soccer team wrapped up the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference’s regular season championship with sweep victories over Colorado Christian Oct. 26 and over the Colorado School of Mines Oct. 28 at Auraria Field. The ’Runners took the title with a 4-0 win over the Cougars. Four different Roadrunners scored in the contest while securing the top record in the RMAC, and Metro head coach Ken Parsons felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders as it was his first regular season championship for his school. “If feels good, with a little relief as well,” Parsons said. “I am glad we had the opportunity to do it today instead of putting the pressure on us on the very last game of the season. It’s nice to relieve that burden a little bit, now we can just focus on playing well (in the next game).” It was Senior Day for the men’s

soccer team; five players were joined by their families and recognized with flowers. It was also the first title of their Metro careers. Metro defensive back Andrew Donnelly, who has seen the ups and downs of the soccer program, was excited about the title but knew there was work to be done. “If feels pretty good, the team did well today,” Donnelly said. “We picked up another win today, and it was a tough win in the conference. But now we are looking toward our game on Sunday, and we want to stay undefeated over the course of the season. But it feels good to claim the title.” Donnelly anchors a defense that includes fellow senior defensive back Garrett Sadusky and sophomores Ryan Brooks and Brad Gorham. The four have put together a staggering five consecutive shutouts and haven’t allowed more than one goal in a game since Sept. 7 in a 5-3 win against Fort Lewis. Coach Parsons knows that the defense gets little credit, and in order to make a deep run in the postseason, the defense must continue to keep opposing teams from putting shots on goal. “You need your back four and

your goalkeeper to be playing well together,” Parsons said. “We didn’t get a good number of shutouts at the beginning of the season…but we’ve had a good number of shutouts toward the end of season, and that’s what you’re looking for heading toward the conference tournament and the national championship.” Metro forward Shaun Elbaum scored the first and game-winning goal against the Cougars; it was the senior’s third goal in five games. He appears to have his game heading in the right direction after a long midseason slump that saw zero goals in 13 games. Elbaum is glad to be contributing to his team once again at the perfect time for the playoffs. “It feels good,” Elbaum said on finally catching his groove. “The ball was definitely not bouncing my way the first three-quarters of the season. Now I’m just helping my team, doing what I can, and it feels good to get (the ball) back into the net again.” It seems the engine that is the Metro men’s soccer team is running on all cylinders with the offense scoring at will, while the defense is shutting out all opposition that comes their way.

The two wins improve Metro’s record to a conference best 11-0-3, with a 16-1-3 overall record. Next up for the ’Runners is the start of the RMAC Tournament where they will, for the second consecutive week, take on the Orediggers Friday Nov. 2 at Auraria Field.

Metro’s Final RMAC statistics - No. 1 in shots on goals with 375 - No. 1 in points with 163, 8.15 per game - No. 1 in goals scored with 58 - No. 1 in assists with 47, 2.35 per game - No. 1 in goals allowed with 16 - No. 1 in goals against average, 0.77 - No. 1 in corner chances with 135, 6.75 per game


‘Runners win pair, look to No. 1 Lopers Volleyball team notches back-to-back wins, gets ready for No. 1 Kearney By JEFFREY KOSKIMAKE jkoskima@mscd.edu

Photo by CORA KEMP/ckemp4@mscd.edu

Defensive specialist Bri Ostler waits behind Lisa Jones to cover in case Jones does not make the block in the match against Colorado School of Mines on Oct. 26 at the Auraria Events Center. Metro beat the Orediggers in a 3-1 match where Ostler contributed 27 saves. Ostler leads the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference with 556 digs and in digs per game with 5.79. The Roadrunners went on to defeat the Colorado School of Mines 3-1 Oct. 27 at home. Ostler had 27 digs.

After dropping consecutive conference games two weeks ago, Metro’s volleyball team posted back-to-back home wins by sweeping Colorado Christian three games to none Oct. 25 and outlasting the Colorado School of Mines in a four game series Oct. 26 at Auraria Court. The Roadrunners came into the game against the Cougars after losing their previous two on their final road trip of the regular season. Metro posted a low .112 kill percentage in the match, but Colorado Christian bottomed out at .000. The home team came out strong in game one, hitting an outstanding .345, but slowly fizzled to a pitiful .020 in game three. On the other side of the net, however, Colorado Christian never hit better than .091, which came in game two of the match. Only one player from either team, senior Metro outside hitter Julie Green-McFarland, tallied double-digit

kills with 14 for the match. Metro outside hitter Kelsey Ellis, who had been struggling with her hit percentage the past few weeks, bounced back with a match-high percentage of .273 and ended with nine total kills for the night. Senior Libero Bri Ostler had a match-high 27 digs and, with Green-McFarland, led the Roadrunners in the sweep. The following night the Roadrunners hosted the Orediggers of the Colorado School of Mines. Metro beat Mines 30-28, 30-25, 29-31, 30-28. It was a great match to watch from the start as Metro hit .184 and Mines .174 from the floor. Green-McFarland led the Roadrunners again in kills with 24, and Ostler managed 27 digs. However, it was the freshmen who played like seasoned veterans during the match. Middle blocker Lisa Jones had a career high 20-kill match, and Kelsey Ellis led the team with 29 digs for the defense and also added 17 kills of her own. “Kelsey played unbelievable defense, but the thing about Kelsey is she’s good on both sides of the ball,” said Metro head coach Debbie Hendricks. “Our defense really made the difference tonight. We stayed consis-

tent. Lisa had All-American numbers tonight and not many errors. She played well and smart.” Also contributing were freshmen outside hitter Danielle St. Pierre with 11 kills and middle blocker Megan Murray with eight. “We seem to struggle when we get to game five of our matches,” Murray said. “It’s like when we feel the pressure we break down. So this week, coach put us in a bunch of different pressure situations, where we had to win to move on to the next drill. She pushed us really hard this week, and I think it payed off this weekend.” The Roadrunners have two huge Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference games this weekend when they host the conference No. 1 Lopers of Nebraska-Kearney Nov. 2 and the Chadron Eagles on Saturday Nov. 2 at Auraria Court.

Record vs. Lopers

- at home: 7-10 - in Kearney: 3-11 - last 10 matches: 1-9 - won last match on Nov. 3

Metro, Kilbey running toward another RMAC title Women’s soccer captures another regular season conference championship By BRODERICK JOHNSON bjohn116@mscd.edu Metro’s women’s soccer team captured its sixth consecutive Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference regular-season title as the Roadrunners closed out the season with a 50 victory over Colorado Christian on Oct. 26 and a 4-0 triumph over Regis two days later. In doing so, the ’Runners earned the top seed and the right to host the RMAC Tournament, which begins Nov. 2 at Auraria Field. The soccer team’s current winning streak stands at seven games, including five straight shutouts. “Compared to last year, the league is deeper and much stronger. We dropped a game early in the season, but the girls rose to the challenge,” ’Runners head coach Danny Sanchez said. “I’m proud of what they’ve accomplished this year.” Metro’s first match saw the ’Runners use four scores in the first half, three in a nineminute time frame, to cruise to a 5-0 win over the Cougars of Colorado Christian. The team’s top two scorers, forwards Becca Mays and Katie Kilbey, each added two goals. “Katie and Becca are playing great right

now,” Sanchez said. “They’re starting to click.” Kilbey got the Roadrunners on the board in the opening minutes of the game when she netted a close-range kick from a pass led by Carrie Aversano. Scores by Mays in the 16th and 25th minutes sandwiched an Amanda Nance goal in the 18th minute to give the ’Runners a four-goal lead heading into the second half. Another Kilbey goal came early in the second period to secure the victory for Metro. Metro’s superlative play continued Oct. 28 as they routed the Regis University Rangers 4-0. The dynamic duo of Kilbey and Mays were brilliant as they scored three of the team’s four goals. The ’Runners scoring again came in bursts as Metro managed to post two scores within a seven-minute period during the first half to break up a 0-0 tie. Another scoring binge came toward the game’s end as goals by Kilbey in the 78th minute and Mays in the 80th helped the ’Runners finish off the Rangers. “They’re doing an excellent job of taking advantage of scoring opportunities,” Sanchez said when asked about his team’s recent offensive output. The first half was dominated by great defensive play on both sides until Metro de-

fensive back Jessica Brown scored only her second goal of the season when she headed in a Justine Montoya cross. Seven minutes later Mays put Metro up by two when she blasted in a kick by Regis goalkeeper Holly Redmond. “I was very pleased with how we played,” Sanchez said. “Our defense was solid once again and really limited Regis’ opportunities. It is great to send our seniors out with a win.” Roadrunner goalkeeper Rachel Zollner tied a Metro record with her 35th career shutout. It was the team’s fifth straight shutout, dating back to Oct. 14. “Rachel is the top goalkeeper in the country, and she was solid again today,” Sanchez said. With the win, Metro improves to 15-3-1 overall, 10-1-1 in the RMAC. The top-seeded Roadrunners will await the Ft. Lewis/Regis winner at 5 p.m. Friday Nov. 2 at Auraria Field.

Final RMAC Statistics

- No. 1 in points with 206 - No. 1 in goals with 71 - No. 1 in assist with 64 - No. 1 in goals allowed with 10 - No. 1 in GAA 0.52

Photo by LOGAN LYLES /llyles@mscd.edu

Metro forward Katie Kilbey runs around Regis goalkeeper Holly Redmond to score a goal Oct. 28 in a 4-0 drubbing of the Rangers at Auraria Field. Kilbey’s goal gives her a career-high 18 goals and a career high in points with 44. Kilbey has won two national championships with Metro, and brings much-needed experience to the team that features nine freshmen.


RMAC Soccer Tournament Preview MEN’S PREVIEW

The other teams

No. 2 Fort Lewis Skyhawks

No. 1 Metro Roadrunners Record: 16-1-3, 11-0-3 in the RMAC Leading Scorers: Phillip Owen, F - 18 goals Steven Emory, F - 5 goals and 5 assists

Overall (13-5-1) RMAC (10-3-1) Leading scorers: David Barden, F - 9 goals Kieran Hall, MF - 8 goals and 3 assists vs. Metro: Sept. 7 L (3-5), Oct. 14 L (0-2)

No. 3 Regis Rangers

Overall (11-6-1) RMAC (9-4-1) Leading scorers: Nathan Kafer, F - 13 goals Sterling Copeland, F - 8 goals and 5 assists vs. Metro: Sept. 12 T(1-1), Sept. 30 L(0-2)

Phillip Owen, F

Metro’s leading scorer has amazingly quick feet and dribbling skills. You can’t stop him, RMAC teams have already tried and failed.

Andrew Donnelly, D Garrett Sadusky, D

No. 4 Mines Orediggers

Overall (10-8-2) RMAC (7-6-1) Leading scorers: Craig Thompson F, - 17 goals Nick Kubala, D - 8 goals and 4 assists vs. Metro: Sept. 21 T(1-1), Oct. 28 L(1-2)

The X Fac tor

These two senior defenders have held opposing offenses to one goal in the past five contests.

Mark Cromie, Metro midfielder The senior man in the middle helps set up both the offense and the defense. He takes the free kicks to set up the offense, while vocally keeping track of the ball to keep defenders in the mix.


The other teams No. 2 CSU-Pueblo Thunderwolves Record: 13-5-1, 8-3-1 in RMAC Top Players: F, Robin Hayes - 23 goals Chrissy Mandarich, G - 12-5, 1.62 GAA

No. 3 School of Mines Orediggers Record: 11-7-1, 8-3-1 in RMAC Top Players: Kayla Mitchell, F - 12 goals Briana Schulze, G - 10-7, 1.13 GAA

No. 4 Fort Lewis Skyhawks Record: 11-4-3, 6-4-2 in RMAC Top Players: Sara Egbom, F - 12 goals Bree Baker, G - 9-4, 0.87 GAA

No. 1 Metro Roadrunners Record: 15-3-1, 10-1-1 in the RMAC Leading Scorers: Katie Kilbey, F - 18 goals Becca Mays, F - 17 goals and 8 assists Becca Mays, F, Katie Kilbey, F The one-two punch that teams cannot defend. These two scoring machines combined for 35 goals and 16 assists. Mays is super quick while Kilbey’s knack for the ball is lethal.

No. 5 Regis Rangers Record: 9-10, 5-7 in RMAC Top Players: Carter Cornett, F - 14 goals Holly Redmond, G - 9-10, 1.55 GAA

No. 6 N.M. Highlands Cowgirls Record: 7-9-3, 4-5-3 in RMAC Top Players: Monica Vasquez, F - 8 goals Lativa Harash, MF - 6 goals and 3 assists

› Rachel Zollner, G

Metroʼs goalie is hot coming into the RMAC tourney with five straight shutouts. Has never given up more than one goal in any RMAC contest this year.

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