Volume 22, Special Issue - Mar. 22, 2000

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·Roadrunners rule. .Division· 11



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1be Metropolitan Special Edition

Mlrcll 21, 2000

The Starting Five


Michael Alcock 6-6 senior forward

DeMarcos Anzures

Lee Barlow

John Bynum

Kane Oakley

6-0 senior guard

6-9 senior forwanl

6-3 senior guard

6-8 junior center

M.etro Kentucky Wesleyan's Lorico Duncan had 33 points. "I'm never comfortable until that last tick of the clock," he Anzures, who was named a First Team All-American by the said. 7be Metropolitan National As.5ociation of College Basketball on March 22 and the The Roadrunners jumped out to an early lead, scoring the LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A wide smile crept up on senior Most Outstanding Player for the Elite Eight tournament, was in first seven points of the ball game, taking the Panthers out of DeMarcos Anzures' face as he spent the last 20 seconds of his disbelief as the final seconds ticked off the clock. their game plan. college basketball career dribbling the ball at half court. ''The game couldn't get over fast enough," Anzures said. "I "We had a game plan to attack," Kentucky Wesleyan's Anwar Anzures scored 32 points to lead the Roadrunners to a 97- just couldn't l}elieve we were going to win." Perry said. ''They wanted it more than we did at the beginning." 79 win over Kentucky Wesleyan in the NCM Division II Even as the blue banner with "Metropolitan State 2000" in Despite being up by 20 at halftime and leading by as many championship game at the Commonwealth Convention Center white letters was raised to the ceiling and they cut the nets as 27 points in the second half, the Roadrunners really couldn't in Louisville on March 25. The national title is the first for any from the rims, the Roadrunners remained in jubilant shock. get relaxed against the Panthers. With just more than six Colorado basketball team. "I don't think we can articulate (what this means)," Metro minutes remaining on the clock, Kentucky Wesleyan closed to Anzures made five three-pointers and was seven for seven coach Mike Dunlap said. within 13 points by going on a 12-0 run. at the free-throw line on his way to the team-high 32 points. Dunlap, like Anzures, couldn't wait for the game to end. "Everything got kind of quiet on the bench," Dunlap said. "We knew they would make two s~rges in the second half, we just had to ride them out." The Panthers never cut Metro's lead to less than 10 points, but as they narrowed the 27-point gap, the fans in purple and white tried to inspire their team. Chants of "KWC" rang through the arena, until senior John Bynum, who scored 16 points, silenced them all. With 2:07 on the clock, Bynum broke away from the crowd off of a steal, ran the length of the court and slammed the ball home. "I love when the crowd gets into it," Bynum said. "It makes me want to make a play or my teammates make a play to shut the crowd up." The crowd was not only silenced by Bynum's dunk, but moved as well. Fans of Kentucky Wesleyan began filing out of the stands after the bucket and a new chant filled the air. "We're not leaving," screamed the small contingent of Metro fans with joy. By Jennifer Youngman

All,Tournament Team 0 DeMarcos Anzures, Metro 0 0 Kem McWNrW/Jbe Metropo/llan

0 0

Sophomore Shane Ah Matt, right, cheers for his teammates in the final moments of the NCAA Division II championship game March 25 against Kentucky Wesleyan as assistant coach John Peterson and senior Michael Alcock look on.

Most Outstanding Player Lee Barlow, Metro John Bynum, Metro Kane Oakley, Metro Lorico Duncan, Kentucky Wesley




"1lrdl 28, 2000

1be Metropolitan Special F.dition


Going the distance: the two they had to get through !...

By Jennifer Youngman 7be Metropolitan

LOUISVIIl.E, Ky. - For the Roadrunners, who hadn't played since March 11 when they beat Wayne State to win the North Central Regional Tournament and advance to the NCM Elite Eight Tournament, the first tip-off couldn't come too soon. "~'re anxious to play," senior DeMarco.s Anzures said a day before the tournament started. "We're tired of practicing, we've been practicing for a week and a half" The time to play finally arrived at 1 p.m. MST on March 22 at the Commonwealth Convention Center in Loui6ville, Ky. The Roadrunners took the court against unranked Saint Anselm (New Hamp.5hire) with a balanced attack. The usual suspects, Anzures and senior Lee Barlow, played well on both sides of the ball, but it was seniorJohn Bynum who surprised the Hawks. "He killed us,"-Saint Anselm coach Keith Dickson said. "His numbers aren't what he does." Bynum, who averaged 12.5 points a game before the Elite Eight tournament started, dropped in 20 for the Roadrunners' 81-61 victory. He sank three three-pointers in the process. Bynum took his offensive performance in stride. "I gotta do what I gotta do," he said. "Some nights (Anzures and Barlow) are going to get theirs and some nights rm going to get mine."

When Bynum wasn't scoring, he was helping out on the glas.5. His 11 rebounds were not only a team-high for the game, but also a career-high for himself. Bynum's previous high was nine rebounds, which he grablxrl earlier this season against Midwestern State. Roadrunners' coach Mike Dunlap wasn't as surprised by Bynum's double-double performance. ''He's been the emerging light since the tournaments started," Dunlap said. The lights from the ceiling of the Commonwealth Convention Center shone on Shane Ah Matt the following night. In the Elite Eight preview by the Louisville Courier:Journal, Ah Matt was photographed shooting free-throws in practice. Against No. 5 Missouri Southern, Ah Matt was back at the free-throw line, only this time the game was on the line. With the score tied 74-74 and just 1.5 seconds left in the semifinal

W McWl*tttlflbeMetropolitan

Meb'o fans rally behind the Roadnmners during the championship pme apinst Kentucky Wesleyan on March 25 •

Kem McWWrter/Jbe Metropo/iJan

Meb'o coach Mike Dunlap goes over strategy with the team during a time out in the Roadrunners' 75-74 victory over Missouri Southern on March 23.

game, Ah Matt sunk his first attempt The one point was all the Roadrunners (32-4) needed to beat the lions (30-3) 75-74, and advance to the NCM championship game against defending champions Kentucky wesleyan (31-2). Ah Matt, who shoots 61 percent from the free-throw line, simplified the intense circumstances. "I ju.st thought of making the first one at least," he said. "Coach gives us tha;e situations in practice, like there's 30 seconds on the dock and we're down by three, but it's not like this, with everyone rooting against you." Dunlap couldn't have practiced the situation Thursday. With a minute remaining, senior Lee Barlow made two of two free throw attempts, but Missouri Southerns' Carlos Escalera answered with a three pointer to tie the score at 74 points apiece. On the following po5.5e55ion, Barlow missed and the Lions had a chance to win. After · two missed shots, Escalera and Ah Matt were on the floor battling for the basketball. Aloo.se ball foul on Escalera sent Ah Matt to the line. During the time-Out before Ah Matt went to the free-throw line, Metro coach Mike Dunlap tried to put the game into perspective for his team. "I told them to enjoy it, that's what competition is all about, it's one moment," he said. Competition i.s also about swings in momentum, something that crowds can play heavily into. The Roadrunners knew going into the championship game that the Kentucky wesleyan fans can create quite a riot, as they had seen in last year's championship game. At press conferences on March 24, one day before the championship game, both coaches claimed to be underdogs, something Dunlap found amusing. ''That's a nice try," Dunlap said with a laugh as he learned that Kentucky Wesleyan coach Ray Harper thought the Panthers were underdogs. "Let's have them do this: put all their fans in Metro colors, some blue and white, and every time we get the ball they'll cheer for us." The Roadrunners witnessed how much fans can affect a team on Thursday when Kentucky Wesleyan rallied from 13 points down to force Seattle Pacific into overtime. "It makes a lot of difference for their players," Dunlap said. "When they were down, that crowd had a lot of will." Kentucky Wesleyan went on to beat Seattle Pacific, 87-81, to ~vance to the championship game.

Harper said the lai&e group of fans that pushed them to victory on Thursday i.s just the beginning. 'They're our sixth man," he said. 'There will be a lot more here tomorrow. It'll be a packed house with a lot of them wearing purple."


Basketball March 22 NCAA Elite Eight Quarterfinal Game Metro vs Saint Anselm Final: 81-61 W Points: Metro: Barlow 25, Bynum 20, Anzures 13, Fulcber 12, Alccdt 4, Oakley 4, Ab Matt 3; Saint Anselm: Ingegneri 17, Manuel 12, Tardio 9, Dunn Sbeel1Y 8, Murphy 7. ASSists: Metro: Barlow 5, Alccdt 3, Anzures 2, Ab Matt, Bynum, Fulcher; Saint Anselm: Delany 6, Tardio 2, Kulowiec, Sheehy. Rebounds: Metro: Bynum 1I, Oakley JO, Alcock 8, Fulcher 4, Anzures 3, Barlow 3, Ab Mall; Saini Anselm: Dunn 13, Sheehy 7, Murphy 5, Delany 4, Ingegneri 3, Kulowiec 2, Manual 2, Tardio 2. Turnovers: Metro: 9; Saint Anselm: 13.


March 23 NCAA Elite Eight Semifinal Game Metro vs Missouri Southern Final: 75-74 W Points: Metro: Barlow 15, Anzures 14, Bynum 12, Oakley 12, Fulcher 9, Ab Mall 7, Alccdt 6; Missouri Southern: Escalera 19, Shumpert 17, Ricardo 16, Babcock 8, Bard 4, Gomes 4, Mann 4, Santiago 2. Assists: Metro: Barlow 4, Anzures 3. Fulcher 2, Alccdt, Bynum, Gower; Missouri Southern: Shumpert 5, Santiago 4, Ricardo 3, Bard 2, Escalera 2, Gomes 2, Mann, Ragland Rebounds: Metro: Alccdt 9, Barlow 7, Fulcher 5, Oakley 4, Bynum 3, Ab Matt 2, Anzures 2, Gower; Missouri Southern: Ricardo 9, Mann 7, Babcock 4, Santiago 4, Gomes 3, Shumpert 3, Bard 2, Neuherry 2. Turnovers: Metro: 13; Missouri Southern 21.

March 25 NCAA Elite Eight Championship Game Metro vs Kentucky Wesleyan Final: 97-79 W Points: Metro: Anzures 32, Oakley 21, Bar/cw 17, Bynum 16, Fulcher 8, Ab Matt 3; Kentucky Wesleyan: Duncan 33, Ricbar&Wn 14, John 11, Thomas 8 Bartolont 7, Perry 4, Johnson 2. Assists: Metro: Ab Mall 2, Alccdt 2, Anzures 2, Barlow 2, Bynum, Fulcbtt; Oakley; Kmlucky lftsleyan: Perry 7, Palmer 2, Duncan 2, Bartolont, Zlm'nff.

Rebounds: Mttro: Oakley 8, Barlow 7, Bynum 7, Alccdt 3, Fulcher 3. Ab Matt 2, Anzures2;]obn 10, Richardson 8, Perry 5, Bartolcne 3, 1bomas3, Duncan.


Metro: 20; Kentucky Wesleyan 21.


C ngratu ations



. ...

:e ro State Roadrun·ners! DI







Metro State 97 Kentucky

esleyan 79

as e ball istory! Mike Dunlap, Head Coach Shane Ah Matt Michael Alcock DeMarcos Anzures Lee Barlow John Bynum Chris Ford Rashawn Fulcher

Joan McDermott, Athletic Director

Todd Gower Jody Hollins Jason Johnson Josh Morse Patrick Mutombo Kane Oakley Clayton Smith

Assistant Coaches: John Peterson Brannon Hays Derrick Clark Kelley Crosby Dan Quaratino Jesse Teplitzky

Roadr·unners Appreciatio Rally ~,


18, 12-:15 p.m at the Auraria Campus Flagpole!

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