Volume 23, Issue 16 - Jan. 19, 2001

Page 1






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2 / TheMetropolitan

January19, 2001






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'19,2001 January

TheMetropolitan r3


t lnternet pages such as thls are off-llmlts to Vhglnla plotessors on campus computers after the U.S. Supreme Court reftrsedto hear a case to declde the constltutlonallty of the law.


Courl declines porn cqse m


explicitmaterials on computers ownedor leased by thestatehasbeen declined, fhc OctrcpCtcn "lt is wellsertled rharcirizens do not relinquish all of theirFirsr The U.S.Supreme Courtrefused Jan.8 ro heara casewhich Amendment rightsby virrueof accepring publicemployment,' he challenged a Virginialarvprohibitingstateemployees from accessingcontinued.'Nevertheless. the state,as an employer, undoubtedlv sexually explicitmaterial on state-owned computers. possesses greatef authority to restrictthespeech of itsemployees thanit LastJune,the4th U.S.CircuitCourrof Appeals upheldrheVirginia hasassovereign to restrictthespeech of thecitizenry asa whole." law,r'hich prohibitssrateemployees from accessing, downloading, Virginia AttorneyGeneral MarkEarlysaidhe wassarisfied wirhrhe printingor storingan:/sexually explicitmaterial, unlessthe employer court's ruling. approves in writingbeforehand. "Virginiataxpayers shouldnot beforcedto payfor theuseof state According to collegespokeswoman DebbieThomas, Merro'spolicv computerson statetime by stateemployees for downloading oncampus computers doesn't specifically prohibiremployees or students pornography off theInterner," hesaidin a writtenstatement. fromviewingsexually explicitmarerial, but prohibirsanyactivity,that FourthCircuitJustice J. HarvieVilkinsondisagreed. knorvingly interferes 'Academic withsomeone else'sacademic freedom. inquiryis necessary to informedpoliticaldebate,"he AlthoughColoradolaw doesnot havea provisionsimilarto the rvrote in a dissenting opinion, 'Academic curiosityis criricalro useful Virginia law,theSupreme Court'sdecision to let the4thCircuitdecision socialdiscoveries. Onecannotpossibly contendthatresearch in socially standcouldsetprecedents for otherstates aswell. usefulsubjectssuchas medicine, biology.anaromy, psycholcgy. "lt'sinteresring theSupreme Courtdid not rakethat case," said Metro professorDolph Grundman. "l thinkif I'm doing research, I shouldbeableto plug J. HarvieWildinson anthropolog!', law,economics, art history,lirerarure, andphilosophy is intoanything I lant fromtheInternet." Grundman alsosaidhehasnever not a matterof publicconcern. U.S.Circuit Court fudge,4th Thecontentof thisresearch doesnot heardofanyprofessor at Metroprohibited fromaccessing anywebsites involve ofAppeals a professor's wages or l'orkingconditions, Rather it concerns an whileconducting research. aggregate of subjects withbroadsocialimpact- subjecrs rouching our Metrostudent A.Villiamssaidhedoesnotseetheanyproblemwith phvsical health,our mentalrell-being,our economic prosperity, and professors accessing explicitmaterial on theInternet. ultimately our appreciation for the worldaroundus and rhedifferent "Denver Publiclibraryallowsir," he said."lf ir'sdonefor academicsheritages tharhavebroughtthatworldabout.The rrghtto academic purposes, thereshouldbeno problem.V/e'readults.It peopledo find inquiryintosuchsubjects cannotbedivorced fromaccess to onemeans it offensive, theycanvoicetheircomments." (theInternet) which by thatinquiry iscarried our.Byresrricting Interner Sixprofessors fromfourVirginiacolleges anduniversities filedsuit access, a statethusrestricts inquiryat whatmaybecomeirs academic againstthe lw ]n 7997,sayingit curtailsresearch on topicssuchas single mostfruitfulsource." humansexuality, artandliterature. Theappeals n'rththestate's lawlers.whosaidthelaw courtagreed "Noneof theappellees hasrequested or beendeniedpermission to guards against a hostileworkenvironment, andprevents stateemployees access sexually explicitmaterials pursuant to theact,"wrote4th Circuit fromwasting time. CounJudgeVilliamWilkinsfor rhe majorityin the Junedecision, "lndeed,the recordindicates that no requestfor accessto sexually -TbeAsnciatedPress cot ibuted to tbisreDort.






inquiry is necessaryto informed politicaldebate'

4 r TheMetropolitan


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ti meman age- As wom enem bar k u c t i v ei n y o u rd a i l y

Signs. Who

than ever beforeth

This challenges. r olesf or u em er ging t heirwayint o f inding nas?Participants are exper iences t o f acilit a

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it ionally f em aleat t it udes m e r i c ap, o l i t i c sa n do t h e ra r e t o s h a r et h e i ro w n s t o r i e sa n d


January 19,2001

/5 TheMetropotitan



Scottsmettrer/lL lctrcacllton Pauline Reece, right, a long time member of .trheMetro community, sings "YYeshall overcome" with others who came to celebrate illartin Luther King .:Jr.'s birthday on Jan. 12 at the Tivoli Turnhalle. Reece, the Associate Dean of Student Life, rcceived this years Dr. ilartin Luther King, Jr. Peace Award. To ihe left of Reece is Brenda Mosby, pasl rccipient of the awald.


Communilygqtherslo celebrqleMtK


Lutrey,alongwith StudentServices Vice Afterthereading, whichwasaccompanied by little embarassed." Shesaidas soonas she Ghris Ward wPresidentYolandaortega-Ericksen,co<hairedGospelVoices,officeofStudentLifeDeanKarenlearnedshewasbeinghonored,shegotonthe thecommittee behindthebreakfast. gave Rafonhtookthesageto presentthe2001Peace phoneto tell the committeethereweremore Lutre.v

acknowledgements whohadmadethe Awardto PaulineReece.Rafonhinrroduced deservingpeople.She then expressed to people her Morethan300peoplegatheredintheTivolieventpossible,includingMetroPresidentSheilaReeceassomeonen'ho,.helpededucateandgtfude]an TurnhallethemorningofJan'12tocelebratetheKaplan,representarivesfromtheHopeCenre legacv ofMartinLutherKingJr andpastrecipienrs peace of thePeace Award. whereconflicthadruled." youcansay, silentlyby whentheres something ThetenthannuaIDr,N1anin|utherKingJrLutre,vc|osedheracknorv|edgementswith..aReeceistheassociatedeanofstudentlife, PeaceBreakfastattractedthelargestcrowdo[u.,y,p..i,lacknowledgementtoDrKarenbutasRaforthpointedout,shehastakenonReecewasuniquein students,faculqiandcommunitymembersintheThorpe'Dr.Thorpeisthereasonteaallhere event'shistory.N{asterofceremoniesMichaeltoday,''Lutreycontinued,.'becauseitrvashermanerherjobtitle

,l ffiJj




confident that MartinLutherKingf a is lookingdownat usandgivingusa thumbsup' Flichael l.liera

notonlyby Master of Ceremonies, thenumber ofpeople atthebreakfast, butalsoby risionthatNletropolitan StateCollege of Denver from director to l'lartin Luther King, Jr. PeacebreaKast there havealwap been howrvell.Metro follows King's example. madeit a tradition thelegacy honoring andthe instructorto teacher at least two recipients "l beliere Metrohasmetthechallenge setb.v teachings of theRevDr l\,lartin LutherKing," eachyeu. to associate dgan,her Dr.King,"lvliera said."l amconlident thatMartin "Unfortunatel'i thoqx beganthe traditionof a breakfastcompassion servedall r,,'e receivedvery few andarticulate advocacy LutherKingJr.islookingdownonusandgving honoring Kingin 1992, "Of I'hen about50people shetouched." Raforth alsomentioned thatReece nominations," Lutrey saidafterthebrsakfast. usathumbs up." from the campus gathered (Reece) in hasperformed seemed multipletasksat onces'hih at thenominations, to bethemost andcommunity N{iera rvhatwasthenthe Student Afterrvelcoming thosein attendance, including actingasthedirectorof Ga,v; wonhy." Union(it hassince lvletro, turnedthe microphone overto MaryLou\hn becomethe Plza Building) has takenplace, to celebrate Krng's Lcsbian, Bisexual, andTransStudentServ-ices, Althoughthe breakfast Voorhis, whogave legacy. anacademic advisor attrletro, Theevenrhasgrowneveryyearsince. despite hada full-time Ericksen isn'tdoneyet,They thefactthatshealready saidthecommittee an invocation.FollowingVan Voorhiswas Followingthe acknowledgements rvill meetin lateJanuar.v \{as a iob. or earlykbruaryto for Retention performance Assistant to the VicePresident eventwent,and begin gospel groupGospel Reeceaccepted the alard rvith modesn, discusshow this y'ear's by Christian Projecm Katelutrey. "l really Voices anda poetryreading saying, amdeeply; honored, anda planning for nextlear b,vEricksen. deepiy

6 I TheMetropolitan

January 19,2001



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The Metropolitan/ 7


New sweel shop opens in Tivoli MicaelaDuarte llr





Thenewstorein theTivoliloolspromising, locatedin the TikkiJons's, aswellasdifferent. formerhomeof thecandyandtcecreamshop "Sl'eez"hasadopted a newlook,theCaribbean. The ice creamshopwith a tropicaltwist onJan.15,andhada coldsan to sales, opened hasprogresed, butastheweekandtheweather as well, the the saleslook to be progressing orvners said. Theorvners, Kristine andJonDonhole,said thestoreis a permanent fixure in theTivolifor norv,andsaidtheyarelookingforinputandideas for expanding theirmenuoptionsbutwillmost likelystickin thetreatsarea. "Veue always lookingfor ideasto makethis place better," Kristine said. fourflavors includes ThemenuofTikkiJon's yogurtaswellas16flavors oficecream. ofFrozen and aremuffins,freshfruit,cookies Alsoavailable brownies. but Thefoodmightbe the mainattraction, s couldbealso. thedecorof TikkiJon "lt looksreallynicelydecorated, it hasa said feelto the wayit is decorated," Caribbean of the Tivoli. Lead Custodian Francisco Flores, Verana Montoya an employee of the new ice crcam parlor in the Tivoli, Tikki Jon'sr sewes FranciscoFlotcs ice Flora predicsthe nervstorewill bebusywhen crearn Jan. 17. The storc opened for business lan, 15 and serves ice cream, fiozen yogurt' muffins and other the weatheris warmertowardsthe end of the goodires. springsemester. Kristinesaid.Thestoreis breakfast business," thelivelymusicandthe Thetropicalscenery, currendy openfrom9 a.m.-7p.m.daily, butthoselooking TVsbringin notonlybusiness, of thestore, Jon,coownerandnamesake to justhangout aswell. to the 'A lot of peoplehavecomein andhungout saidhehaslud a lot of positivereaction store'sopening. Thestore'sfun namecame and that'sOK with us," Kristinesaid."You You dotfielifting(you must booblo b lifi7olbrl trip to Floridathathadshops fromthecouple's probablydon't want to comein and study pcy yourtollcgc ond UPS rill up to for duofion. $23,1M withnames of "Tikki"caughttheirqe. betause it'sloud." "Ve thoughtit sounded fun,andit flowed The couplesaid the TVswill play DVDs Kristine said. wellwithhisname," featuring sports,andconcenclips."lt e<treme Jonsaidhe likesthe locationof theshop worl<s withtheatmosphere," Ikistinesaid. andwouldliketo getsomeof thePepsiGnter Vith the shop opn only four dap, the as well as the dailystudentand business ownersarealready lookingfor improvements. 's employeebusiness. "Ve mayopenearlierto getmorebreakfast . Poid modk{denhl, ondvision benofih The couple also owns the Subway business, wemayopenat8 a.m.instead of 9 a,m. . Poid votctions/holidrys restaurant in theTivolifoodcoun,aswellas to accommodate more morningpeopleand across fromColfax Avenue. theSubway



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8 r The Metropolitan





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The MetropotitanI 9

EmqnuelGqlleryto reopenfor spring semester ChrisWard llc lcfogoflcr

The Emanuel Gallerywill reopenduring but anexactdatehasyet thespringsemesteq decided upon. to be "'0(e're waiting for (the Advisory Committee) to be ableto get togetherand makeplansfor the springsemester," Auraria FacilitiesPlaningand Use directorDick

'But thegoodnewsin thatit whichis madeup of the deansof the three includingfinding a permanentdirector said. Feuerborn said the committeeis currently campus art departmentsand Auraria Feuerborn is goingto open," jobdescription. going over the said Feuerborn reconvenes. Thegalleryclosedits doorsJuly1,when representatives, hopesgallerywill be ableto Feuerborn a time for contract wasn't he is currendytryingto schedule interirndirectorKenPeterson's numberofshowsduringthe hostrhestandard Aftermorethansixmonthswithout thatmeeting. renewed. we havethree semester "Typically it's spring week (of semester) first the "This gallery, new interim director a campus art a plusa faculry shows, shows and three student with the department anything impossible ro washiredJan,12. Feuerborn said. the community," couplefrom kuerbornsaid. rvillstartheriob asinterim chairs," KatieCharles willbeableto dothat will whetheror notEmanuel isopen,thecommittee OnceEmanuel directorJan.22,The galleryitself,howeveq "will be up to thecommittee." this semester it open, looking for ways to keep begin the Advisory Committee, wait until rvillhaveto

'Mqrqde' brings mqny together to celeblqle unity killedbyDenver president immigrant of theDenver Mena,theMexican Hancock, Michael drugraid. duringa botched andco<hairof theevent,asked policein 1999 UrbanLeague whodidnot Theywereangrythat the policeofficer to hugsomeone eachpanicipant warrantthat search whosignedanerroneous (AP)- Hundredsof people looklikethem. DENVER probation. young people and led ro the raid only received people embraced Old huggedstrangersbeforeholdinghandsand whocame whitepeople. Lennie Damrauer, !7,of Denver, marchingthroughthe city to mark Martin blackpeoplehugged "Dr King'sdreamis alive,"Hancock said. to theeventfor thefirsttime,saidshehopes on Mondal'. lutherKing,Jr.'s binhday Kingis morethana oncea year we celebrate the manandthedream. remembering ofa marchand "Today acombination Themarade, todayrvhrtlivesnotonly event. parade, in honorof theslaincivilrightsleader Let'sshowallAmerica people "l consider himoneof thegreatest gathered morepeopleasit moveddownColfax in oureyesbutlieswithinin ourhearts." I thinkhedidmorefor Heralliedthecrowdto cheerfor Kingand to everlivein America. Park. Avenue to CivicCenter said Americans thanI couldeverimagine," hisspirit. childrencarrving celebrate The crowd,including "l King in her fint child whonamed Somemarchers held Havea Dream" Damrauer, pompoms, of King adultsholdingphotographs andunitv.Another honorof thelEader andcalledforpeace atCityParkto posters andacowboy onstilts,gathered justicefor Ismael saidhe groupof peopledemanded Doss,Jr.,44,of Denver, Charles startthemarch.


comesto themaradeearlyeveryyearto natch thecrowdgatherin thepark. "There'snothinglike unity and I loveto comeout here and see how everyoneis unified.I wishDr Kingwashereto seethis.I saidDoss, wishhecouldseewhathecreated." who is proudthat westerncity hoss sucha largeKingcelebration. Last year, 28,000to 30,000people turnout panicipated in the event,Thelargest Clintonandan wasin 1995,whenPresident 40,000 othersparticipated. estimated a national King'sbinhdaywasdesignated in 1984. by Congress holiday

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Thegift, paidout overfiveI'ears,will be DENVER(AP) - A Silicon Valley the Univenityof Colorado entrepreneur andhiswifearedonating a record usedto establish for Cognitive Disabilities. University of Colorado to Coleman lnstitute million to the f250 people with TheColemans, who havea niecewho is developtechnology to help the promise andautism. disabled,said they understand disabilities suchasDownsyndrome It is the largestgift everto an American technology canofferpeoplewithdisabilities, "Ve havewitnessed this publicuniversiry to TheChronicle of the challenges according population problem Education. faces every day with Higher chairman solving, reasoning skillsandunderstanding and Thedonation fromBillColeman, andchiefexecutive of BEASystems in SanJose, using language," Bill Colemansaid in a wasannouncedJan.statement. Calil,andhiswife,Claudia,





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10 I TheMetroDotitan


Media manipulating public outcry Dear Editor,

'Journalists I am responding to the article do anvthing for attenrion"in the Oct. 21, 2000Metropolitan. I have heardcriticismaboutthis article,and the opinion that is voiced in the anicle, I hare to disagreewith these criticisms. I find it very refreshingto hear an opinion such as Haraburda's, aboutdomesticviolenceand the media. I will be one of the firstto condemndomesticviolence, and anyother kind of violencefor that matter. It seems, howeveqthat we now live in a time rvheneveryoneis judge, jury and executionerwhen it comesto peoples personallives,especiall,v supâ‚Źrstars. PatrickRoyhasbeencriticizeda lot sincehisarrestfor domesticviolence. He has becomeevil in the eyesof many. I disagree with thisu'holesitua on, includingthe rvaythe mediahandlethe stor.v. Firstoff, I think what Roydid waswrong. He lost his temper,and shouldhavefoundanotherrvayto releasehis angeqbut rvasrippinghisdoorsoff meantro inrimidatehis wife? Unfortunately, no onewill everknow. Somepeoplesay it that scaredMrs. Roy so bad that she calledthe cops,

thereforeit is not onlyintimidation,but domesticI'iolence aswell. Because ofColoradostatelawaboutdomesticviolence, andbecause thelinebetween ofcertainpeople's opinions, domesticviolenceandan argumenthasbecomethin and a Iittle transparent.Manythingscanintimidatea person (girl or guy). So,doesthis now meanthat in the midstof an argumenta personraisestheir voiceand intimidates another,then that personshouldgo to jail? Beinghappilyengagedto a wonderfulgirl, I can tell you thatnot all couplescansolveproblemsin slowcalm voicesall the time. Doesthis meanwe abuseeachother becausethe l'oice levels or the movementsof each other mayintimidateone or both of us?It seemsto me that in trying to protectrhe innocentwe haveput he blameon other innocentpeople, The next thing I disagreewith is the media's involvementin Roy'spersonallife. He is in the lime light because of his supersmrstatus,but the mediahas gonewayto far. The dayafter Roywasarrested,channel 7 newsaired a story comparingRoyto peoplelike Ray Curruth, RodSmith,PedroAstacioand manyothers. The problemwith this is that rheseotherguysseverely

beatandevenkilled their rvives.How canyou put a man who rippedsomedoorsfrom theirhinges,with a manwho gunned dorvn his wife so he didn't have to pay child support? Patrickhas had no other prior record of he released domesticvrolence.Now,because his angeron a door (not hiswife),the mediahasconvincedpeoplethat he is just asevil asa killer is. The mediadid this Lrecause for somereasonit is a more seriousstory then average peoplebeatingandmurderingtheir spouses. to intensify Theytried (andin somewayssucceeded) the Roystory by placinghim in a group of peoplethat committedhorribleactsso the storywould evokepublic outcry. So now, a man who gives to charities,rvriteshis children'snameson all of his hockeysticks,givesauav practicesticksto children,and hasdone so manythings for this communiq',hasthe horriblenameof wife beater. Is thisright?No. Vas Royright for breakinghis own property?No, but the mediadid an arvfuljob reportinga story,and gavea labelthat mayneverleavehim. manan undeserved

Robert Kanipe Metro Student





The MetropolitaR/ 11

Ashcroft nomination stinks ED]TOR Seanl&aver

AttorneyGeneral-designate JohnAshcroftoncesaid that thereareonlytwo thingsin the middleof the road,

ART DIRECTOR |}avi|ilennd ON LINE EDITOR lcdca Roudl OPINIOI{ EDITOR Drnhle lbnbuda C.

NEWS E'ITOR ,drnclamfr SPIORTSE'ITOR l{ldr Garner FEATURE EDITOR Sildr Gam€t PIIOTO EDITOR Scot Smelber REPIORTERS BernadeteBaca tloah J. Dearfl ElmdUlnsbl Try ilill€raf Itcaeb Drarb lennibrYongmrn AdamDuivan tenniftrew PHOTOGRAPIIERS Scot 9neltser III-USTRATOR Brcrde||Sniul GRAPHICARTISTS Parlldleill Eelxtbe STAFF TNTERNET Shon ,oshl l0tdal Crder DIRECTOROF STUDENTPUBLICATIONS DougGmmroe SENIOROFFICEASSISTANT BenadetteEaca BUSIiIESS MANAGER lhnnitr Wbng ADVISER laneHoback TEIEPHONENUMBERS Eturtak l3ll3l 55e507 Far:lill3l 55G3421 rearert@rrcdedu E-rnail: erEt Wbh ]rtpt//clem.mlcd.edn/-ft


The Metropolitan is produced by and for the studerts of Metropolitan State College ot Den'/er serving the Auraria Campus, The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenues and student fees, and is published every Friday during the academic )€ar and monthly during the summer semester. The Metropolitan is distributed to all campus buildings. No person may take more than one copy of each edition of The Metrowlitan without prior written permission. Direct any questions, complaints, compliments or comments to the MSCD Board of Publicatio^s c/o The Meto@litan. Opinions expressed within do not necessarify refleqt those of The Metropolitan, Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advertisers. Deadline for calendar items is 5 p.m. Friday. Deadline for press releases is 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m' Friday. Classified advertising deadline is 5:OO p.m. Monday. fhe Metroplitan's offices are located in the Tivoli student union suite 313Mailing address is P.O.Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Denver, CO 80217-3362. @ All nghts reserved. fhe Mefiopolitan is printed on recycled paper.

Danielle Haraturda

moderatesand deadskunks. Giventhe view he has from the right side of the street,he shouldknow. The former Missouri senatoris an unabashed extreme right wing politicianwho recently had, for a brief time, designson the 2000 presidential campaignas the Christian Coalition nommee.

he's an anti-choicein regardto Not surprisingly, he opposes most all gun control,evenon abor on, action,hate heopposes affirmative sryleweapons, assault crime legislation,and has even fought in the pastto overturn desegregationlaws. he haspraisedboth Additionally, the formerSouthernConfederacy and former slave owners,and fought a bitter battle to keep an

How does a man who claims to prescribe to new centrist conservative politics aPpoint someone with strch stringently conservative values?

African Americaniudge from the MissouriFederalbench. Giventhesefacts,it's no small surprise that so many Public interest groups across the country such as the NMCP, the Sierra Club, and pro-choice organizationssuch as NAML, NO\(t, and Planned Parenthood are fighting his aPpointment. He *, is being referged to as racist, a mysogenist, and hombPhobic. He's found little love among democrats,rvinningfew Projected senatevotesoutsidethe GOP. he hasnt beentoo Apparendy, popular in his home state either. He lost his 2000 bid for re-election to the Missouri senate-to a man who died a few weeks before the election. The late governor,Mel Carnahan'ssenateseat will be occupied by his wife, Jean Carnahan. Sadly, Missouri'stragiclossis our tragicgain. But, in spiteofall thesealarmingfacts,this is,afterall, politics. I understand that as long as the scienceof governmenthasexisted,peoplewill cary differingviews. As a liberalDemocrat,I opposethe imminent nomination of Ashcroft. And as a right wing Christianextremist,no doubt Ashcroft disagreeswith most, if not all, of my politicalsentiments. But at leastI neverwonderwhichsideofthe streethe lives. u0hileI don't agreewith him, and while I alsohave seriousreservationsthat he will indeeduphold lawsthat with, I canrespectthat he hasn't, he vehementlydisagrees himself. thus faq misrepresented

Letters Poticy

him,that'sanotherstory. But the manwho nominated remember the presidential to difficult It's almost election,whatwith the courtbattlesandhangingchads' but I'm almostcertainthatBushponrayedhimselfduring In fact,I cansaywith the raceasa moderateRepublican. "compassionate phrases some confidence the and"leaderof all thepeople"got morethan conservative" theirfifteenminutesof fame. Bush hasgone to greatlengthsto paint himselfas rhe new GOPposter presidentof diversity' He even refusesto come right out and say that he doesn't want to hire homosexuals' to Sotell me,howdoesa manwhoclaimsto prescribe politicsappointsomeonewith newcentristconservative values?It seemsodd that conservative suchstringently somebody who claims to be sirdngin the middleof the road would choose an Attorney Generalwith politics so much more extreme than his own. Unlessof course,they're not. how can Bush Furthermore, fulfill his promiseto "unite a divided nation" by Ashcroft's nomination? He can't.

Beyondthat, the alarmingtruth most probablylies in the fact that, in light of his cabinetchoices,it's obvioushe doesnt want to, nor did he ever ptan to do so. Uniting the nation would mean a compromiseon behalf of Bush and his party. Former campaignpromises to create a Sovernment that will work with the opposingPafiYare in the Floridasunshine. like ice melting away Compromiseslike those that democratpoliticianshave made in the past from the death penaltv to school vouchers.I seriouslydoubt when Bush and other GOP leaderstalk of compromisethey meananythinglessthan the concessionson the part of Democrats. Bushwon the votesof manydemocratsby representing himself as someonewho had a more conservativefiscal espouseda moderatesocial outlook, yet compassionately philosophv. I havenewsfor thoseofyou who believedthis rhetoric He lied. He lied to gain your vote. But don't rely on me to prove it to you. Look for yourself. Ifatch who he surroundshimselfwith, seewho he tries to appoint. fuhcroft.Chavez.Nonon. That'sno moderatein the middle of the road. That'sa skunk.

welcomes leners of 500 TheMetropolitan topicsofgeneral interest. wordsor few-eron mustincludeafullname, school Letters ore-mail anda phonenumber affiliation a00ress. lrnersmightbeeditedforlength, grammar anoaccuracy.

Mailbox: The Metropolitan 900 AurarihParkway,Suite DenverCO 80204

filBTlioo.scd.edu phone:303.556.2507 fax: 303,556.3421

12 r TheMetropotitan



Irnryss{the Meticnnrtnd movement workfromeraof revolution Visualartscenterdisplays Carney bySarah

January19,2001 The Metropolitan/ 13






Two peopleare drawn to each other,and fall in love during the Mexicanidad revolution.One is an upcoming actress andmodelmaried to a prominent poetandpainter;both usetheirart asa wayto hghtfor the cause. The other is a photognpher exploringabstractandsensuallinesof "a'ft images, usingnudemodels dther unconventional subiects. Soundslike the plot of a.romance novelwith its backdropas a hisrorical event.Vell,thecharacters in thisstoryare not fictitious;they are Tina Modottiand EdwardVeston. Duringthe 1920sthe pair traveledto Mexico and documentedthe changes thatthemovemenr broughtabout.The imagesthey createdare on displayat Metro's Centerfor theVisualfutsJan.19rhroughMarch3. The exhibition is called Modotti tYesnn:Mexicanidad. Vestonand Modottimer in California whileshewas workingon a film. Shebeganto modelandstudyphotography withWeston andanintimaterelationship began.Thetwomovedto Mexico afterModotti'shusband, Robode Richey, diedof smallpox. Eastman Modottiwasgoingto helprunVeston's studioandhousehold. House In returnVestonwouldteachher photography, according to International Museum of ThereseMulligan,curarorof photography ar rhe George Photography andFilm. Thetwoimmersed themselves in artisticandsocialcircles, countingseveral leadingartistsandwrirers- includingDiego - amongrheir Rivera, andDavidAlfaroSiqueiros JeanCharlot, friends.Theytraveledthroughout Mexicotakingpicturesof the architecture, the n'orkers,and the morherswith their children, andrhelandscape, 'hlthough partner a of Wbston's, Tina'simagesare very different,"saidSallyPerisho, directorof the Centerfor the VisualArts. "Hercamerareflectsher motivation to usethe camera for socialreform." A goodexample of Modorti's abstract composition and sharplyfocusedportraitsis rhe picrureritled Wonan of Tebuantepec, whichis alsoon displayat the Centerfor the VisualAns, In thisportrait,thelenspositionandanglemakes thewomanlookmonumental, almostlikeanIndianqueen.

Vestonhaddifferentprioriries for his work in Mexico. [r was workingwith the pictorialistsryle in the teens and 1920srhar esmblished him asa phorographer, but hisworksin l{enta nidad show his growinginterestfor "straighC' photography- sharply focused, unmanipulatedimages of often commonplace subjectmattersprinted ' on plainglossyphotopapeqaccording to Perisho.

"Thoughintenselyaffectedby Mexicancultural heritage,Veston's photographs neverhadpolitical or social purpose," Perisho said. "lnstead, he used theperiodin Mexico to develop anewformal " aesthetic. A goodexample of V/eston's obsessions with sensual linesishispicturetitled[rcusado,Mexico. Heshowshowthelinesof something ascommonas a toiletbowlcanhaveexoticlinesandcurves. EventhoughModottiand Vestonwereusingtheir cameras as differenttools,their combinedeffortsbrought aboutasocialdocumentary ofa timein Mexico.that celebrated itsancientandindigenous heritage. Weston combined realism and abstraction while Modoniusesan eloquentsenseof designwithsocially andpolitically orientedsubjecrmatter. In the beginningof the exhibit,rhereare picturesof VestonandModottiin a verytraditional pose.It candeceive for a momentbut thesetwowereradicals in theirownright, foraging throughnewterritories in therealmof photography. The Centerfor the Visualfuts and The Universityof DenverBridgeProjectwitl alsobe hostinga familyday in conjunction withModoni6Weston: Maicanidad on Feb.3 from1l a.m.to 4 p.m. Thefamitydaywill includeChicano poetrvperformances, Mexican folk art handsonworlahops, culturalpresentations andrefreshments. Theeventsarefree andwillrun throughout thedayat theCenterfor theVisual Alt photographs courtesyof Ltrc Ca{*rr fcr U. page: Facing "Woman of Tehuantâ‚Źpsc" by Tlm Modottl page (trom top): Photographers lllodotfl and

Wâ‚Źoton;'Mexlco Clty' by Eduald Woston



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/ 15 January19,2001 TheMetropolitan




Hopingfot o betteryeqr of cinemq At the New Year's Eve pany I attended, everyoneraisedhis or herglasandlisteda few thingsthey wantedto seein the comingyear. AfterwhatI hadseenin 2000,I felt obligatedto ChrisWard say"bettermovies." Onecriticwentsofarasto saylastyearwas for film"what1929wasto thestockma*et." Therewasone noteddifferencebenveenthe two; I neverreadaboutstudioexecutives jumping outofwindows. I don'tknowwhether rhatwouldhavebeena baddevelopment. .lt'snotthatthereweren'tanygoodmovies in thelear 2000,therewere.It's simplythat afterthe creativesurplusof 1999(Ameriun Beauty,ThreeKngs,BeingJobnMalkouicb, the list goeson), a year when films like Gladiator and Erin Brokouichare frontrunners in theOscar raceiskindofdepressing. Truthbetold,themalorityof greatmovies or to hit theaterslastyearwereeirherrevivals impons.Amongthe bestmoviesshorvnin 2000were the CoenbrotheCsclassic Blood lle Girl on tbeBidge. Sinple andFrance's Despitethe largeselectionof spectacular, foreignandclassicffims,onlyCroucbingfigeq HiddenDragon,garneredthe recognitionit deserved. The rhrillingBlood Simpleand hauntinglybeautifulGirl on tbe Bridge receivedcriticalpraise,but uere passedover byaudiences forthemoretypical summer fare. Therewerea fewnewdomestic highlights, mosrnotabfyRe4a ientlor a Dream.Requiem sasthebestfilmI sarvthisyear, andamong the mostpowerful in recentmemorv. Regrenabl5 rvhileEllen Burstynis being (deservedly) nominated for awards leftandright,rhework of hercostars anddirectorDarren Aronofslq' is beinglargely ignored. Theothermaiorcinematic achievement is doingmuchbetterin rermso[ recognirion. TralJic, Sreven Soderberg's lookar the drug situarion in the UnitedStates andlvtexico has beenquite successful, borh criricallyand financially. Vith nvo notablehigh poinrs,the ,vear 2000hadmorethanitsshareof lorvs.I rvould behardpressed to pickaworstfilmof theyear: thereare so manyrr,'orth.v candidates. After considering suchintellectual insultsas$e o/ tbeBebolderandBaulefieldEarth,in theend I'dhaveto award thishonor toHowtbeGrincb StoleChristmas. Vhileothermovies mayharaactually been ofworsequaliry, Ibe Gnncbheldthetopspot at the boxofficefor several weeks,in effecr doing more damagethan other cinematic atrocities. Sohere'sto 2001.Mayit bringqualityin film and recognition to thosemoviesthat deserve it.

Therearethoset+tho shyawayfron challenges. Andthentherearethose nlles whotravel9,000 looklngfor then. Stop by a PeaceCorps Infornatlon Sesstonand flnd out about the hundredsof overseasJobsavaltlng you!



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16 / TheMetropolitaq January19,2Co1



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January19,2@1 ,

6iume a 1 L:pc\r€

The lAetropolitan/17


To ANNllall{re I


3,u** snu*o oe$.B_rrr-l

tbr$r 1lrl salr-.sft4lo




high energyand upbeatanitudeis catchrngon with others.Take advantageof your appealto make gains in your personaland professional life. It's a greattime to improve relationships. TAURUS: Make it a point of accomplishing thosethings that have beenon your to-do list. There will be grcat personalpower for you. A certain amount of stress will no doubt accompanyyour busy schedule;lashing out at family memberswill get you nowhere.

H(}OD R('_u'r LSO N @ H (,TMA| L. COM


GEMIM: Romance is in the air, and that warm glow from you and your lover will get you throughany unpleasantsituationsin the workplace.Get chores and errandsout of the way,creatingextraqualitytime to sp€ndwith family andfriends. CANCER: Younrightfall in love,sotakeextra carewith who you showeryour affectionson. It's time to consulta financialplanneron any you'vebeenconsidering. longterminvestments Your intuitionak)ut moneyis right on target. Avoid criticism.


Vchn*, rifaerc,to aoiir:rLttlt^ittw af tusice*Tlf H!


Youhcard ne..Rqgnl itrdividxalism lJbest e{g€ssed bytflrtl'r?3 pur healthwithcigante snoke!

LEO: This entiremonthwill be quitebusyfor you,bothat homeandat work.Youaregetting closerand closerto personaland careergoals, so rememberthose who have helped you achieve what you want. Be supportiveof family members,especiallychildren. VIRGO: Help out whereveryou can this week, but make sure to avoid any manipulators, all thoseeffons shouldgo to a worthwhilecause.Theremaybe an extracash flow just in time for weekendfun you have planned.Enjoy any break from your usual routine and havefun.

Son,tordght ttr gl|el of mybollcl$owneft\rdl behougirto yoobyyout goodfrial&atTaoTcdfu!

LIBRA: Youarereadyto conquerall obstacles in your way,just makesurenot to hurt anyone. You'relikely to find kindredspiritsto further careerand social plans.Major home repairs It isn't sucha badidea may be very necessary. to spendsometime alone. SCORPIO:This weekwill bothbeginandend on a high note. You are in tune with your sweetheart andeverythingseemsto be running smoothly.You can movecloserto your goals, partnership with a possiblenewbusiness in the ofllng. Signthat newcontract. SAGITTARIUS: You may need to get away from your hectic routine and be alone with your thoughts.It's a great time to travel. Be confident of successesin any business financialsurprises dealings.Avoid unpleasant by going over bank statementsfor any discrepancies.


CAPRICORN: A friend challengesyou to breakout of your shell and promoteyourself for advancement.You've nothing to lose, and will be happierin thelongrun.Timespentwith someoneclose can make your day.The world is filled with dreamersand doers,be a doer. AQUARIUS:Veryprominentpeoplewill want your opinion,so be very carefulhow you word anyresponses. It is hardto avoidconfrontation with thosearoundyou, so it's betterto remain silent than drawn into unnecessaryarguments. Someoneclosemay tum on you.

b€ 5€A1s r.l TIE ULfA{-VIOLENT AcflaN trucK <€cfraNL"

PISCES:Careeradvancement is effortless,so pursueyour cherishedgoals.Co-workerswill welcomeyour ideas.Keepyour cool in family situationswhich may be gettingout of hand. Theremay be a differenceof opinion,causing distance between you and someoneclose to you. Be fair.


18 I TheMetropotitan January19,2W1


ATTENTION! FacultvandStaff Students. MSCD hasapproved"AppropriateUse of ComputingAnd Network Facilities"policy which hasbeenapprovedby the College'sInformation TechnologyAdvisory Committee. Pleasetake time to readthis policy. Thoseof you requestingaccessto the Internet(Information Superhighway)will be requiredto sign a documentcertifyingthat you assumeresponsibilityfor adherenceto this policy.

APPROPRIATE USE OF MSCD COMPUTING FACILITIES MetropolitanStateCollegeof Denver'smission statementespousesa "commitment to academic freedomas the key to intellectualinquiry and developmentof ideas." For us to successfullyrealize this mission,it is incumbentupon every userof MSCD's computing resourcesto use those resources appropriatelyand responsibly.i.e.,to usecomputing and networking in a way that does not infringe on any other individual'sacademicfreedom.that doesnot interferewith any other individual'sintellectual inquiry and that does not interfere with any other individual'suseof computingto developideas. Equally importantis the individual'sright-to-privacy. Every member of the MSCD community must protect everyother individual'sright-to-privacy(seethe Family Educational Rights and Privacy of 1974). This responsibility spansevery form of information: on-line systems,reports, verbal and electronic communicationsand electronic data files. The Metropolitan State College of Denver wholeheartedly endorsesEDUCOM's published statementof principle concerning software and intellectual rights (seeThe EDUCOM Code). APPROPRIATE USE To be appropriate,use of any computing facilities at MSCD must be clearly in support of institutional goals. These facilities are provided as "tools" for the collegecommunityto use in accomplishingtheir respectivejobs. This is true of administrative informationsystems,academiccomputingresources,

networkingtechnologiesand office automation.

-Violating copyrightprotectionand authorizations,

MSCD's computingresourcesare availableto MSCD students,faculty and staff. For any other individual or organizationto useMSCD's computingresources requires special written approval from the Associate Vice Presidentof InformationTechnolosv.

license agreementsand contracts. - Any commercial use fbr profit; - Use of an intercampusnetwork suchas Bitnet, Colorado Supernetor the Internetthat violatestheir usage guidelines(seeusageguidelinesfor thesevarious networks).

INAPPROPRIATE USE Any activity involving MSCD's computingfacilities which knowingly interfereswith someoneelse's academicfreedom,the institution'sgoalsor policies, examplesof inappropriateuse include, but are not limited to the following: - Anempting to gain accessto personalinformation, computer accounts,or computing resourcesfor which you are not authorized. - Not logging off from public terminals, thereby providing others accessto computing resourcesfor which they may not be authorized. - Damaging,alteringor tamperingwith other'sdata contained within or transportedby MSCD's computingfacilities. - Molating the confidentiality of information associatedwith an individual or their research.or information associatedwith the college. - Any form of electroniceavesdropping,e.g., examining the contentsof data packetstransmittedon the campus network. - Any form of harassingactivity; Any activity which wasteseitherhumanor computingresources.



PL246 PL 305 PL 307 PL 311 SSTT9 AR 195 KC 317


7AM - 1OPM 7AM - 1OPM 8AM - 9:45PM 8AM - 9PM 8AM - 9PM EAM - 8:30PM 8AM - 8:30PM 8AM - 8:30PM 8:30AM - 8PM

8AM- sPM

8AM - 9PM

RIGHTS InformationTechnologyreservesthe right to assistin determininginappropriateuse. This may include,but is not limited to, examiningthe contentsof datafiles or reports and system activity logs. RESULTS OF MISUSE Misuse of computingresourcesat MSCD may include suspensionof computing privileges, referral to an appropriateauthority on campus and referral to a law enforcementagency. Discipline action by the College may include suspension,expulsion and requirements to make final restitution. NOTES: Portions of this document were taken from similar Appropriate Use Statementsfrom The University of Michigan and WashingtonState University.

uoucan use one of these....

got one of these....

SI 124 wc244 wc243 so 103

Many of theseexamplesinvolve violationsof law. For example,unauthorizedaccessinto someone's informationstoredon a computersystemis a violation of that person'sright to privacy and is a criminal act.

7AM - 8PM 7AM - 5PM 8AM - 4:45PM 8AM - 5PM 8AM - sPM 8:30AM- 4:30PM 8:30AM- 4:30PM 8:30AM- 4:30PM 8:30AM- 4:30PM 8AM - sPM 8AM - 5PM

8AM - 5PM 8AM - sPM 8AM - 4:45PM 8AM - 5PM 8AM - sPM 8:30AM- 2PM 8:30AM- 2PM 8:30AM- 2PM Closed Closed 8AM.sPM

12 - 4PM Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

MSCD has 30 equipped with PC or MAC systems. They are available for use by MSCD students with a valid ID. Word processing, spreadsheet, database, programming and even CAD software is available depending on the lab. l,aser printers are available in each of the labs as well as access to the World Wide Web. If you are interested in working in the computer labs, contact Ken Gurule at (303)556-8133for an appointment.


19,2W1 January

The Metropolitan/ 19

Bqsketbqll keeps the wories qwqy

Lindholmis shootingjust 36.9 in scoring(13.2 average), behindthearcand74'6fron from field, 26.2 percentfromthe thecharitystrip. in 28poinnin herworthbycashing Andwhilesheshowed confidence lacks the she still 16, Dec. Mesa State a 69-68lossto the shots Although said Power thatspurson greatshooters, aren'tfallingfor Lindholm,shekeepsputtingup the shots, thenextshotwillfall, believing said. "That's thewayvouhaveto think,"Lindholm EricEames whenit perfect and Poler saysin practicesheis nearly Tte OrlrogCitcn time oftenspending sheworksthehardest, comes to shooting her shot. gym, honing classes, in the between Thelessshethinksabouttheshotsheisaboutto shot,the Comegametime,though,it all fadesaway bettertheshottendsto be. "lt'snot a physical thingrvithher,it is moreof a mental A couple of hours before everv game, Metro's know thing,"Powersaid,",..Sheknowsandher teammates lindholm is listeningto 1980dance N{alene fonvard/center do it. step up and has to good she shooter, is a that she iust musicto clearherhead. get That is the it done. and not game time Youcan'tcometo whatsheisaboutto do:howtheballfeels visualizing She's timeit reallycounts." of it, theboostoff theground. therveight in herhands, sheis iustnotwarmedup to theideaof nothaving Maybe SPlash. Aim.Snaprvrist. to crisisthreatens Malene Lindholm any family aroundto helpwhena personal New York, soundin theworlds'hentheshotgoes "lt'sthesweetest like l-indholm,comingto invertherlife. For manyEuropeanpla.vers, says. in,"Lindholm courtwhenyou "lt's hardto get relaxed on thebasketball storiesand with Cinderella is a dream-replete America times whereshewasborn,old Denmark, In Copenhagen, said. offthecourt,"Power the arenotrelaxed Lindholm breathe television, Through success. it helpedto overnight Vhensheplaysbasketball, therearenotforgotten. ir's on her mind.Maybe else has something Perhaps she to home. She loved andgavehersomething NBAandWNBAin by the longfull back dil'orce takehermindoffherparent's into her seeped perfection that has for search hercontinuous andLisaLeslie, watchMichaelJordan thatshegrewto love. "lt's shedoes. pores everything and into my go she said. been to America," wanted to "l always much it takeshermindoff how Nowthatsheisin America, lindholmsaid "l ever donemybest,ever," I've going don't think to about playing. Ialways thought dreamsinceI started rvhostilllivesin Denmark, herfamily, shemisses you want to keepon always "which good way because in a is New youseeit onTVallthetime,especially because and thestates Vhen summercomes,Lindholmreturnsto Denmark with what got satisfied you to be learning. But sometimes with YorkCity." givesher a breathof freedom,a chanceto reconnect 'Hey, I put in a goodefforttoday.'ButI andis oneof the you'vedoneandsay, WhileNewYorkis richwithpossibilities mealsand earn familyand friends,eat somehome-cooked I coulddo think thereis something that, I always never say like Lindholm didn't mostserioushoopscitiesin the world, enoughmoneyfor thenextschoolyearandplanetickets. pressure on game put so much time, I it comes benerSowhen pace. is something I livingat a highway "Making moneyto go homefor Christmas I win. So I wantto performwellandI wantto because busy," myself, wereconstantly "ln NewYorkI felt lonely.People wouldloveto continueto do,"shesaid. rushmyshot," scheduleal-lowed shesaid. a breakin the basketball Fortunatelg has lindholm, who is maioringin modernlanguages, a freshman at beflch as to the ThatandshewasrJgulated A coupleof dayslater,she Lindholm to flyhomefor Christmds. in I stay brain. Should rattling her thought perhaps another l{etro Butwhatthatfirstscoutsawiswhat Manhattan College. with teammates, rvasbackin Denverto resumepractice or returnhome? aftergraduation arrivedin America videotape "TheonlytimeI gethomesick said coachMikePowersawwhenLindholm's isaround theholidays," she hastwo more yet. As sure a sophomore, not She's leaves an indelible At 6-foot-2 she summer: "lt the mail last herfamilydaily. didn'treallysinkin lindholm,whoe-mails rhat's not sucha goodidea. years Actually, things out. to think is surprisingly with that a shot goodbye to myfamily.Thenall impressionon opponents untilI rvasat theairportsaying got to make. game she's shots timeand It's for hersize. that smoothandaccurate theystanedcryingandthat'swhenI realized ofa sudden it's beenoff.Thoughsheleadsthe team But,thisseason,

Lindbolm, ForMalene gets playnsbasketball ber mindoffofhertroubles


News qnd Noles From the Breqk



you don't I wasscaredto go andcomeoverhere,because knorvanybody." she has made personality But with her unguarded rvhichhas in English, Shetalksopenly American friendseasily. accenttrailingeachphrase. a hintof hercordial,nativeDanish and French, (someGerman, threeotherlanguages Shespeaks in all. five Spanish), riding, knewa lot abouthorseback At age10,Lindholm Thenher sisteqLotte,poiseda nothingaboutbasketball. statement thatstruckher interestin the game,"Hey,you're tall,youshouldplaybasketball." off tryingto put a tennisballthroughthe Soshestarted hoop.Whenshefinallygotin a gvm,with leave. thisrime,shecouldn't a basketball I'm a gymrat,"she "ln thepreseason admitted duringa game It'spaidoffandin 1999, a scout,who sheintrigued in Denmark, in play College at lvlanhattan her to invited

team. California. Suong,6-7, Region in Southern Moorpark JuniorCollege wasnamedto the firstteamafterleadingthe at Armstrong next ssason in eligibility will be a sophomore 200pounds, Vilson, HighSchool in VesternAustralia, teamin scoringwith 13goalsin the 2000season. at Australind Metro.Playing games for the in all 20 1J pointsand five reboundswhile namedto the secondteam,started Wonhington averaged scoring a goalandaddedtwoassists. Roadrunners frombehindthearc. shooting 52percent

Men's basketball suffers first home loss in 29 games:when the Roadrunners playat the AurariaEvents Metto Diver's set new mark: MetroseniorsCari Center, it'sanalmostautomatic theyaregoingto win.Thatwas LewtonandDJ. Hummeleachsettwodivingrecordsat the untiltheteamplayedMesaStateDec.16.Forthefirsttimein Colorado College Classic. morethantwolâ‚Źars,Metrotasteddefeat, losing76-54to the Colo,,wonthe 1' Lewton, a nativefromGrandJunction, Mavericks. ThelossrvasthefirstsinceWestern Statedefeated points). (443.55 poins)andthe3-meter meter(362.05 Meroin the1998-99 season 89-81. alsotookfirstin the anativefromFoxfield, Colo., Hummel, points). (383.00 points)andin the3-meter l-meter(379.10 Baseball adds new coach, signs one: Baseball coach VincePoreconamed Anthony Gutierrez assistant coach. Men's soccetfinishesin top 15 nationally; Gutierrez rvill takeoverthe dutiesof coaching the pitching Gallardo earns All-American honors: Aftersettingthe staffsincethe departureof KennyLeonesio, who took a (14),theRoadrunners finish schoolmarkfor rvinsin a season coaching spotin California. Gutierrez, whoplayed sixandhalf point season, Metro At the No.11. one ranked the2000season season in theHouston program, Astros' minorleague hasbeen ashighasNo.4 . wasranked an assistantcoach at EnglewoodHigh School.The After scoringa team high 17 goalsand 37 points, Roadrunners alsosignedJ.C. Reigenborn, shorstop a standout on thethirdteam rvasrecognized DannyGallardo sophomore Central lromPueblo HighSchool. All-American.

Volteyball lands two on the all-rcgion team: LuearnedfirstteamAllJuniorsMarinaBuanaandMei-Rong VolleltallCoacha Regionhonon by theAmerican Southwest Association. Playerof' theRoclryMounuinAthleticConference Bazana, digs(4.32)in school finishedwith the fourth-most the-Year, history.Shehad418killsandhit .240for theseason. hit a teamhigh,365, selection, Lu,a firstteamAII-RMAC performance in school single-season rvhichwasthethird-best hisrory.

Baseball announces 2001 schedule: The games witha ll straight willstartthe2001season Roadrunners on Feb.17witha four begins Fields. Theseason at theAuraria (Neb.). gamesetwithHastings College playon Mu. 24witha will startRMAC TheRoadrunners Someof the RN'IAC game with Colorado. four set Southern Men s basketball signs two: Men'sbasketball coach FieldsareNewMexicoHighlands Two women soccer players named to all'region teamscomingto theAuraria MikeDunlaphassignedforwardsLesterStrongand tr{ark team: MetroseniorforwardJanicefumstrongand junior (Mar 31-Apr.1), Regis(Apr. 21-22)and the defending Vbrthingtonto scholarships. Strong,rvho plal'edhis high Plains conference champions FortHaysState(May5-6). defenderlolc Wilsonwerenamedto the All-Great yearat schoolat Kennedy(Colo,),is playinghis freshman


20 I TheMetropolitan January 19,2ffi1




The Metropolitan 21

Despite78 record,Metrostill in conferencerqce butwehavesomegreatathletes. theball,we "Byusingthepress andpushing Th Dcfrogdifon moreshotoppomrnities. aregoingto generate more theotherteamwillbeabletohave Cranted, of Metrostudenswereableto shotsasrvell,but basically it s do or die right A majority relievesomestressduringthewinterbreak,but now." team,reliefwasnotin s basketball forthewomen The teamceruinlyhasn'tdied,evenwith store. someclose sucha bizre breakthatincluded CoachMikeFower'squad (78, 13 Rocky calls, andanairport a coupleof blo*'outlosses, notonlytud to dilemma. AthleticConference) Mountain games, butalsowiththe crucial dealwithseven ThewinterfiascoonthecounbeganDec.16 who was ,gpinstWestern Zacharova, lossof junior Natasha State. Metrocameoutstrongto toprecruitthisszuon.hcharola,who beginthegame,andshotmorethan54percent Power's wasleadingthe teamin scoring,transferred (1&33)in thefirsthalfto gaina l6-pointleadat reasons. forundisclosed schools thehalf. in the Goodnewscameto theRoadrunners in the directions Eachteamwentin opposite who has secondhalf,aswestemStateshot56percentin form of senionMichelleMcAnhur, Barrios, thesecond played herethelasttwoyean,andYvette toMetro'sJ6percent. halfcompared State University. fromBoise apointguardtransfer Sara Gordon(1! Mth aralianteffortfromsenior 20pointsper poins, ninerebound$,the Roadrunnen foralmost were Thetwohavecombined gamein fivegames. comeback and ableto holdofftheMountaineer in the play key roles will the two Powersaid win. escaped witha 73-72 Headdedtfut Buriosis outcome of eachgame. Oneclosegamewasnot enough.Thenort just what the teamneededafter Tacharo',t's nightagainst once theRoadrunners MesaState, depanure. but could not hold again hadtheleadatthehalf, "Mth thest1'le of gamethatwe'replaying it very long afterwards. Malene Sophomore isa perfectfit for a pointguard," Lindholm noq [Yvette] with28poins,butit was ledallscorers Power said. outa 69squeaked notenough astheMavericls McArthur,rvho is familiarwith Power's 68win. system , hasgiventheteamanewoptionwithher Justthreedals later,the teamwason the game) (5.2 per also will range.Her rebounding to be. road.. . or atleasttheyweresupposed defense. playkeyfor theRoadrunners' atSouthDakoa Vitha roadgame scheduhd Vith the lossof the team'stop scorerand StateonDec.19,theteamgotstranded atDenver game plan has changed his Power r$oundeq of Airportfor eighrhoursbecause Internationa.l Scottgne{trerlllc }trcachcr onbothendsof thecourt. completely Theteammaruseda flisht fliehtcancellations. Motro cent€r Rachel Groye goes up to? tI'|€ ,ump shot ln a gamo agalnEt Fort Lwls at Onoffense, Fowersaidthe teaifris pushing or.it, theirrrggrg!t"[g.o th€ Aurada Events Contet. uuiunronuirately the ball downthe coun,in hopesthat easier anotherflightout. the of SouthemColorado, The travelstorystoppedthere,but the and the University will be generated. On scoringopponunities According to Power, by the tirneeverything into pushed back themselves Roadrunners Sourh A loss at story continud. horor 95{2 of his wassealed, defense, Powerhasutil2edtheathleticism arrivingat theyhadfoundthemselves in theRlvlAC. up by an 89-52 contention was followed Dakou State playenbyusingthefull-counpressincrexingly. a hotelin Omaha, Neb.,around1:00a.m.The recordpus them Metro's5-3 conference drubbing atBriarCIfi anNAIAschoolthatFower "l tant to go backto the waymanyof the nextmorning, theteamthenhadto driveanother with 11gamaleft in the fifth in theconference coached. players wantto playttregame,andthewayI like six hoursto get to thegamesitein Brookings, previously schedule. Thetopeightof the regular conference Adams Vith wins over conference teams said."Ve'renotthatbig, S.D. to playthegame,"Fower go on to playthe at Colorado Springs t4 teamsin the conference State,University of Colorado






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22 r The Metropotitan

19,2001 January

of eler.v on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday monthfrom 6-7:J0pm. Freeand ever1. one is welcome.For moreinformation, c^ll (303)t20-3095. 12 SIEP Lleetings On Campus Ileets Tuesdays & Thursdays from 121pm in the AurariaLibrary#205. For moreinformation, callBilli at (303)5562>2ior (303)322-4440.

interest meeting for an,vand every registrar, CN#105,bv Fridav,January 26, joining rvoman whois intcrested in our 2001. For more information,call sorority. Meetsin TivoIt#322 from6:30- Q03)556-3991,. 9pm. For more information.call \720)936-33b. Last day to beput on wait list for a class.

VtehomeBack Receptior - The Ga,v, The Rodger Lang Visiting Artist Lesbian,Bisexual,and Transgendered . Sefies Ceramic workshops at Aurariainvitesall ally thatshowStudentServices N-AtlON - Meets!fiednesdavs in the staff,andfacultyatAurariafor a casetheexpertise of localceramic artists. students, AurariaLibrary#205 from 12-1pm.For Lorio will present Functional fun receptionin Tivoli#320 B&Cfrom more information,call Billi at (303)it6- Jim Stoneware from 6-7:30pm in Arts#189 Ot Mice and Men - The University of 11am-l:30pm onJanuary Lunch 31,2001. 2525or (303)32r-8188. andVickySmithwill presentLarge-scaleColoradoat Denver'sTheatreBuffsis will beserved. Formoreinformation, call Handbuildingfrom 8-9:30pmin Arts presenting this plavas a protestto the 003)555-6333. MSCDStuder.t GouernmenttrIeettng - Getinvolvedwith studentgovernment #189. For more information,call novellandingon thebannedbooklistfor (303)864-1954. 1999-2000. TheplayrunsfromJanuarv 24 Resumestbat Vork - Learn how to everyThursday from3:30-5:30pm in the February to Saturda.v, 3 in Arts#278 at write an effectiveresumein this free Senate Chambers, Tivoli#329.Formore Formoreinformation Meets 7:30pm. andreser- workshopfor all MSCDstudents. informati on, call(303)556-33 l?. vations, call(303)556-8850. on February1, 2001in CN #203 from 2:30-4:30pm. To pre-register and for Trutb Bibb Studyfram a Meslanlc (303)556-3664. information,c more all courcJewi* Perspec:tiae- All arelvelcometo Lastdayto dropJulLsemester join in Tivoli #542 \lednesdaysand eswith 100%refund Eigbteenth Black Vlorld Conference Thursdays from 3-4pm.For moreinforDr Hermon George,professorof mation,callReuben at (303)355-20W. Graduating?- All potentialspring2001 Africana at Univ'ersiqv of Northern Studies who will havecomdegreecandidates will be the keynote speaker, Colorado, pleteddegree requiremens SMARTRecoaery - A non-traditional bytheendof February1, 2001in Tivoli #320 ABC addictionrecoverygroup.Meetsat the MUSTfileanapplicathespringsemester Pi lambda Chl Interest Meeting - Pi from 11am-lpm.For moreinformation, DenverMainUbrary,13th& Broadway, tion for graduation in the officeof the IambdaChi sororitywill be hosdngan catl(303)555-3934,

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