Volume 23, Issue 17 - Jan. 26, 2001

Page 1



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2 r TheMetropolitan




An Afternoon with Sonia Sanchez - Poet, Mother, Activist, and Professor I\aoli 320 c 12:30 - Z:9oyrn Sponsorcd bg MSCD Departmmt of AJricon American Stud'i'es,UCD Olfine of Block Studmt 9eruices, & MSCDruCD Stu'dntt Actittlti'es For mnre inJormation, call (3OS)556-8M8


Lecture - "The Contemporary Civil Rights Movement: New Themes and Approaches' - Dr. C.J. White Notth Classroont,Bu d'i1,9 1521 . 11 - 11:5Oam Sponsored.W the MSCD Depaftment of A{ricon Anleri.utt' Stud'i,es For more inJormation, call (303)556-2934


Lecture - "The Tlansformation of the Western Sahara" - Dr. Akbarali lhobhani

Ttroli. 64O . lLam - 1pm Sponsored by MSCD Depaftnten't oJ.\friran Arneri'can Stu&i'es For mare iryformnti,on, call (9O3)556-2946


Black Student Alliance (B.S.A.) - GIG Series Tiuoli. Atrium . lo:goarn - 12pm Sponsorcd bg UCD Studznt Serui'ces,UCD OIfice oJ Black Stuten't Seruires. & MSCD Black Stud'ent Allianne Fm mnre inJormati.ut, cdl (303)556-8048



PANDA FINALS - see February 25th 2O'|n

BlaCk History Month is an outgrowthof NegroHistoryWeek,

established h 1926 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. In 1976, the obseryance !u lil$l was expanded to "National Black History Month" in honor of the Itlli tr.tion'r bicenteruLial. The month reminds all Americans of the varied roles African Americans have played in shaping this country. The m national theme for the 2001 Black History Month observance ffi .IIUTI:CREAIING AND DEFINING THE ATRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY:




Lecture - "A History of People's Memory: The Importance of Black History Month" - Mr. Kevin Powell-Cultural Critic/Ilip Eop Historiart

Lecture - t'Zirst Century Healthcare: A Case for the Poor and Powerless MinoriQr" - Dr. M. Joycel5rn Elders Tiaoli. Tlrnlmlle. 7 - 9pm Spor*ored W UCD Stu/:|e'tltSeruices, UCD OlJice of Blttck Student Sensi.ces,Stud.entHealth Center at Auraria, & MSCD Deparnnent oJ Afric on Ameri.can Stu d'ies For mnre inforrnation, call (308)556-848

Calendarof Events Black \ilorld Conference Eighteenth Keynote Speaken Dr. Hermon George, Professor of Africana Studies - University of Northern Colorado 'lluoli 320 ABC . l lam - lpm bUMSCDDeparhnzntoJAfri.canAmeri.conStu'dies Spotzsored, For mtne infonnati.on, cdl (303)556-294

Free Lunch and Fabulous Flicks - "Tiny and Ruby: Ilell Divint Woment' and'3Bill Tlrrner's Secret" Tiuoli, 320 . 12 - zprl Sponsored.bE th,eGLBTSS of Auraria For mnre informatto4 call (303)556-6448




Tiaoli 640. 12 - 5pm Spowored ba UCD OlJire of Blork Stud'ent Senti'ces Fnr rnore inforrnati,mr, caU (303)556-2701

'Creating and Defining t/te African Anterican Com munity.' Fant.ily, Ch.urclt, Politics and Culture" ffi

Pan-African Nurturing and Development Games (PANDA) Area High Sehools Black llistory Competition Preliminaries

slr"k Student Alliance (B.S.A.)' GIG Series

Ti,uoli,Atrium o to:?Oam - 12pn Sponsored by UCD Studnnt Seruines, UQD Olfbe of Blnnk Student Serui.c*, & MSCD Black Student AU/imwe For more inJurmnti,on, call (303)556-8044


PANDAFTNALs Tiwli640.2-spnn Sporsoredby UCDOlfi'ceof BlnckStu'd'entSerui'ces For more infortnat:ion,call (303)556-2701


TiooliS2o t l - Spm Sponsored,bA MSCD Deportment of '\frfuan American Studies, UCD Office oJBla* Stu ent Senti*es, & MSCDruCD Student Acti'?titi'es For more i.njrtnuli.on, caU (303)556-8048


Workshop - "Conversations with the Voices of Biracial


Within: Diatoguing Individuals"

naoli 651 . llarn - 12:3opm Sponsored,bg tlrc MSCD Counseling Center For more infortnati,on, cdl (303)556-3132



Gumbo Th,stier - An African-Louisiana Cuisine Experience North ClassroomBuilding 5018 o llan' ' Zpm Sponsmed bg UCD Olfice oI Black Stud,ent Seruices For rnore inJmmati.on, caL (303)556-2701

Pteasecontart th.eMSCD Deryrtment oJAfriaan Studiz$ at (B00)566-S103 or @09)656-2934 Jor atuii'tianal inJo?1nati'qn.All progTtrns will, be locatEd on thc Autwria Ca7nlt11sunless othzrwise posted.




The [{etropolitan I 3

Rep. Mark Paschall, R.Arvada, ls a cosponsor of H81192, whlch would transier contlol ot Metro from the Trustees ot the Statâ‚Ź Collsges In Colorado,to a separato board. Paschall ls a Metro State alumnl. Adam Horeman/llc


Boqrd chqnge proposed diverse student body,to lill tenuretrackpositions, andto hireandretaina "Theissues qualitv part-time faculry." Theresolution continues, facedbythe ric lei.opcftor llr faculty propeqi atMetropolitan State College of Denver suchasintellectual Metrowouldhaveits ownseparate boardof trustees ifa proposed bill profasionaldevelopment, parking,educating distance education, a diverse passes in thestateLegislature. srudenr body,thehfhat costoflivingincreasesin thestate, andcommuting House Billi192,whichwasinrroducedJan. 17,wouldtransfer controlof aresubsanrially difflrentfromthosehcedbythefaculties atAdams. Mesa, MerofromtheliusteesfortheSateColleges in Colorado beginningJuly 1. andWestern Stare Colleges." Inaddition toMetro,theBoard ofTrustees fortheSateColleges in Colorado TheTrusrees forrheSuteColleges in Colorado oppose thebill. ,,Thetrustecs currently overseâ‚Źs Adams State College in Alamosa, Mesa StateCollege and posirion hasandcontinues to bethatthesystem of srate ,,Ve V'estern Colorado Graduate Centerin GrandJuncrion andWestern State colleges shouldremainintact," saidtrustees spokesman LeeHalgren. College in Gunniso haveseennoclearrzuonasto whyir isrotheadvantage of students andro "Metroisa uniqueschoolandit deserves itsownboardthatcanadjusr MerroStare to breakaway fromtheSateColleges.,, andshiftto thedivergent populations," saidliucy Rhines, Metrostudent Metro's Boardof liusrees wouldbecomposed of seven who members bodyvicepresident of administration "l don'trhinkth andfinance.

filSean Weaver

'5;; mrege board can trury represent rhis corege and three ..r.s; ffi:,l[ iltrJfi:1,:1Jffi,'ii',:H,:j*'trj:fJfi:t^'[:',1ffi# ",*r misionisdifferent, ourstudent bodvisdifferent. I think it causes l{ero to facultv. Thesrudent andfaculry represenurives wouldbeadvisory positions

mis outona lotof opponunities. Wereallydeserve to haveourowndevice withnovoteontheboard. Thebillwouldempower thenen,board to hireor to speak to theColorado Commission on HigherEducarion." dismisMerro faculty, setsalaries programs anddefine degree forthecollege. Metro's ad-i.ri"r-thn n."


-;; "^t (- I ;;;;;; ;;;i II don't think the state college board can truly represent this college' il:|ff #,r:T'i:




accordingto college Rhines "l thinkMetrohasgrownin irsstudent popularion, irsclouranditsfund -Tracy spokeswoman DebbieThomas, butMetro'sStudentGolrcrnment Student Government Assembly,raisingabilities to rhepointwhereit deserves irsownboard,"saidState FacultySenate, AlumniAsociationBoard,andMetro'sFoundation Assern-bly vice president of Board Rep.Nolbert Chavez, Democrat a Denver whoisoneof thefoursponson of havereleased statemens supponing rhebill. the bill. Chavez saidthebill hasbeenreferredro the HouseEducation administration and finance "Ve aredisadvanaged in rhesptemeconomically because thefunding Committee, buthasnorbeenscheduled to beheard. formula drains money fromourinstitution to goto theothers," saidFaculty ln addition, thebillwouldrequire everyapplicant to Metroundergo an Senate President MonysHagen."Vlealsothinkwe'redissimilar to other entrance "lf examination byMetm's faculty. Theprovision states, it appears institutions andthe issuesthe facultyfacearenot thesame.Thewayyou thattheapplicant isnotaperson ofgoodmoralcharacter, or if theapplicant teachtraditional students andthewayyouteachreturning adultsarevery failsto pass theexamination, theapplicant shallberejected." different,Thetrustees wouldbe interested in adancingtheinterests of withthemoralcharacter Rhines saidhedisagreed provision ofthebill. metro,andnotfourinstitutions." Theschoolisn'thereto teachmorals, itshererogiveaneducarion," he Metro's Faculty paseda resolution Senate irs said.Chavez Jan.17,whichourlined saidtheprovision couldbetakenout, supponfor rhebill.Theresolution "Thefundingformula states, withinthe Additionally, thebillrvouldtransfer controlfromJuly1,2001toJuly1, SuteCollegahasdrainedtheresources of Metropolitan StateCollege of 2002,of Mesa, Adams andVbstern statecolleges fromtheTrustees of the Denver forsomanyyearsthattheinstitution faces economic crises ofsuch State Colleges in Colorado toagoverning board, rvhich t'ill bechosen bythe magnitude thatit is unableto maintain thediverse faculry needed for irs l,eqislatu re.

4 / TheMetropotitan


Student@Life andSupport StudentAssistance StudentRightsandResponsibilities andReferrals CampusLife Resources StudentJudicialOfficer Tivoli311. (303)556-3559 mscd.edu/- studlife http:|/ cLem.

ttGonnecting You to Gampus Resourcestt




Tivoli 305 (303)556-2595 http://studentactivities.mscd.edu



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nt nunitr

. . . .

HealthClub Facilities/Aerobics SportsPrograms PhysicallyChallengedProgram Kayaking,Rock Climbing, Skiing

. . . .

PersonalCounseling SupportGroups Student- PeerEducators StressManagement

. . ' .

For New andTransferStudents Informationfor Success How to Navigatethe Campus Easingthe Transitionto College

. . . .

FinancialPlanning Funding EducationalTravel IndividualBudgetingSessions EmergencyStudentloans



Tivoli651 (303)556-3132 http://clem.mscd.edu/-counsel




GLBT Services


Tivoli 311 (303)556-6333 http://clem.mscd.edu/-glbss








StudentLegal Services

rivoli 262 (303)5s6-6061 )11 -'tt-' hup ://clem.mscd.edu/-legal



Tivoli311 (303)556-4435 sources/sfrc http://www.mscd.edu/student/re



4, 'rZ




Excellent job opportunitiesexist in all areasof StudentLife. Theseconvenientjobs provide flexible work hours in a supportivework environment. Contact the specific departmentlisted abovefor further information.



The Metropolitanr 5

Kqplon nqmed finolist in president seqrch mffi

interviewed. lnterviews willbeginFeb.2J. - anda recognition "lt is a personal compliment of Metro I could be nominated State's success that to head another MetroPresident SheilaKaplanhasbeennamedoneof 11 institution," Kapfan said in an e-mal| to The finalists bya presidential search committee for theUnirersity of "Ofcourse I willtalkwiththe Metropolitan. Toledo in Ohio. 'lk I lookforwardto my nextprofessional search committee, it's entirelvtooearly but challenge, the far to speculate how those discussions will chanceto serveasPresident of the University of Toledohas go, I quite proud am of our extraordinary appeal,"Kaplanwrote in an application letter accomplishments at MetroState,and I datedDec.18, remain committed to thecollege." Kaplan, whohasbeenMetro'spresident since1993, wasone Sheila lGplan The search committee lcrrtheuniversity of 46 candidates for the position,according to Joe Brennan, a statementNol'.10,sayingit is seekinga presidentp'ho executive directorfor publicrelationsfor rhe University of released "forge can strong relationshipsboth on campusand off, to Toledo. Theuniversity narroleditschoices to ll candidatesJan. encourage diversity, to havethe abilityto work with all campus 18,andrvillmeetFeb.5, to determine whicheandidates rvillbe

leaders, of Toledowith andto buildsupponfor the University theStateof Ohio."Theuniversity hasa studentpopulation of 19,000, with on-campus housingfor approximately 3,000 students. Othercandidates isconsidering include Owen theuniversity president Cargol, of theUniversity of Maine;BettyYoungblood, presidentof VesternOregonUniversity, JosephGilmour, provostat Northwest DanielJohnson, Missouri StateUniversity; provost provost of theUniversity Edward Uprichard, ofAlaska; at the Unrversity DavidYoung,deanof the of North Carolina; college ofartsandsciences attheUniversity of Missouri; Richard Ringeisen, vicechancellor for academic affairsat EastCarolina Universiru andStephen Lehmkuhle, vicepresident for academic affairs attheUniversity of Missouri.

constituencies, includingfacultvand staffunions,and rvith city

A University of Colorado at Denver student reportedthata manexposed himselfto herin theNorthClassroom onJan.i, In the AurariaPolicereportthe srudent saidthe man approached her in the North Classroom, pulledhis blackjacketbackand pulledhisgenitals ourof hispanrsexposing themto her Themanwasdescribed asa bald blackman,rvitha mustache, in his mid-20s, approximarely 5 feetro 6 inchesto 5 feer8 inchestall,weighing about140pounds. He waswearinga blackjacketand jeansand carrying a blacksuitcase-style bag,thereport said.Afteruardthe suspecrfled towardthe I lvolr.

Kathryn Chartes is the new interim director of the Emmanuel Ga[ery. The gallery has been closed since tuly, 2OOOand will rcopen sometime this semester.

Direclor dusls of cqmpus gqllery fewdapasgallerydirecror gertingroknowthe "l had the opponunity to work with very campus, meeting someof thepeople professors shewi.ll talented andothercurators." Tlc !.tcpolilon ben'orftngwirh,andcleaning thedustthathas In l9i, Charlas'entto Virginia to actas gathered duringthelastsirandalnlf monrfs. curatorof the VrilliamKing Regional Arts Kathryn Chades wanm to puttheEmanuel "Dick Feuerborn has beenvery,\ery Centerrvhereshe managed, directed, and backon themap.Asrhegallery's newinterim generous of histime,"Chades said."He'sgiven coordinated activities for several areagalleries. director, she's inagoodposition todojustrhar. meanertensive tourandintroduced meto a ln 1D9,shereturned to Denler,whereshe "l thinkthisisagreatvenueto present local number ofimportant resources.r' workedasrhedirectorof marketing andsales talent,"Charles saidof Emanuel. "lt's an Acting asa gallery director isnothing new forthe\filliamHaruGallery. important visualan space...because it's so to Charles; shehasspentthe majorityof the "l thinkjustthisregioni"sfrlledwithgrear convenient, socentral to dadyacademic life." pastdecade workingwirhtheans.A Colorado talent,andI ama big spokesperson for local Thegalleryclosedits doorsin July,when nati\e, shegrerv upinDenver andanended the andregional anists," Charles said,"l'mthankful thendirectorKen Petenon's contractrvasn t Universitv of Coloradoar BoulderAfter thatI hadtheopportunity togetroknou'the;e renewed. Thebuildingremained emptyuntil graduating in December of 1990rvith a anistsbetterworkingthroughcommercial began hernewjob.For bachelor's Jan.22,whenCharles degree in theatre ansandaminorin venues, butl'm veryinterested in workingin thetimebeing,howeveq thewallsarestillbare finearn, Charles workedasa regsrarar an non-profit, andworking in anacademic settrng andwillremain that$ayunrilanexhibit canbe archeological site in Calabria, Italyin 1991, aswell." arnnged.Charles isplanning to meetrvirhthe Theresheexcarated andregistered Hellenistic Charles hasbeenhiredto sen'easdirector chairsof the campus' threean depanmenrsanifacts daring backto 700B,C. until the end of June,by whichtime a andAuraria Facilities andUsedirector, ,Planning Charles thenreturned toCU-Boulder toget permanent director willbehired.Charles said Dick Feuerborn. in the comingweeksto hermaster's degree in arthistory.\ihile thcre, sheuouldconsider applying forthatposirion, discuss, she servedas directorfor the University "l'm very interested in the director's 'I'm lookingforwardto theopportunivof Memorial CenterArt Gallery from1992rhrough position hereona permanent basis," shesaid, meeting withthefacultysorvecanputin place 1f4, whenshereceived "andI thinkthatthenextfivemonths herdegree. willgire aschedule forthenextfivemonths," shesaid. "lt wasa greattraininggroundfor me," meagoodideaofwhatit wouldbelike." Inthemeantime, Clurleshasspnr herfint Charles saidof hertimeasa graduare studenr.



An AurariaHigher EducationCenter emploleereporteda brokenwindowin a parking lot hutto theAuraria Police onJan.15. RobertVaughn Pipes,II, an AHECemplol'ee, reportedthatthebrokenwindowislocated at pointin the Tivoliparking thesouthernmost lot.

Thepoliceconcluded thata heavyobject had brokenthe window.The repairto the windowof the parkinghut is estimated at or $100.At this time policeno suspecrs current leads. A studenthourlyemployee reportedthe theft of $600from the AurariaChild Care Centeron Jan.12,an AurariaPolicereport said. The employee, CamilleOliver,reponed that moneyhad been stolen from her unattended purse,whichwasstoredundera couchlocated in thebreakroomof theAuraria ChildCareCenter According to the report,the moneywas keptin a zipperedpocketwithinthe purse. Thebreakroomwherethethefttookplaceis opento all AurariaChildCareemployees, as well as thosedroppingoff childrento the center.At this time,AurariaPolicehaveno suspects.


6 I The Metropotitan

January 26,2@1



The Metropotitanl 7

Bushreslricts inlernqlionol qborlion funds dan afterDernocras dearedout withformer FrstladyLauraBushsatat theRoc€velt T1pactionrecalled drefint weekof former PresiJent Clinton Rmmsblebeside herhushndforthemeeting Praident reClinton s term,whentheDemocrat Fhstered aidesstrugledto findcomputerwitheducation in themilitary. Themove orperts. oraluaed abanongays Opening the Vhite Housefor business,pasuords, Vestuflingtelephone questions numbenand On a busydry,Bush's VhiteHour also pleased Clinton sliteralhsebutraised 'lki Fleirher. President Bushpleased conrnatrr supporterstheirownoffrces. PresSecreary,"announced trisfirstforeign to gorcrnasa centrist trip,toMoiicoonRb. abouthiscommitm€nt Monday by impming srict restrirtions on U.S. readasheet ofpaper dangling byacomer ouside 16,convened treads ofn'eralagency to Demanat. ameeing 'lt's groups hiscomer fundsto rnternational hmily-planning ofice. putsBush discussthe California Abortion inasimihrquandary. energycrisis,though hiseducation inohedin abonion, Pushing and "l o<pect member every ofthisadministration Fleisdrer maner,"not exactlya middleof-the-road issue,"said saidit was"mostly a California proposals, too,Bushtoldsenior aides, o saywell ux<uning withinttr boundaries rtutdefine legal andprepared package hiseducation ina Ka$leenJamiaon, anopertonpolitical rhetoric tounveil "Wbarenotherejusttomatktime." andethical conduct," Bushtoldsenioradvisen RmeGarden with sayrng Fennst{rania. ceremonyTuaday,aida atttr Unircrsity of group accused Bushof aftertlreyweresu'om Abonion-rights into Vice office by President would plan he include voucher In to anti-abnionmarchers a school opposed a statement 'bending tothewillofthehr ri$f' byreinstatingDickCteney, bymostDemocrats. ofthecounnrling, Bwh marking ttn annivervry limiations onU.S.aidttnt hishtherandformer Brshtoldthemto becivi.landrespecdrl to Bushmetwithnearly a dozenDemocraticuid,"Vbshare agreatgoal,toworktoward aday Presktent Reagan hadimposed. ercryone thE meet- 'Thereis no oicusefor Pany press in life and elders suchasJodyPowell, secretarywheneverychild is welcomed Ttrefirstmaixactofhisprcsidency reversedarrogance" - andto movequickly behindhis forPresident Caner; former OhioSen. JohnGlenn protefid in law... to builda cultureof lifq actionsby the Clintonadministration and agenda. Mindfrrl thathishrherwascriticized fora andformer Democxatic chatman Roben Sraus. aftrmingtlut everype6onat everysugeand dominated mdia anention, aneulytestof his slowsnnin1989, "V/eareheretomake Bush Bush saiJ, qualinGod's saidhewanted theiradvice image." onhowtobea season oflife,iscreated ability fromthemildlewhile togovem appzuing progress." leader. in pemn bipartiun hsh didnotddirarthesutement hisconsenatiw hse. Bush metseparatdywith "He's educators "Geturd toit,"Fleischer goingto orbyrclephonehrt hadit readtomarchers. andGOP said. 'Thb polcf recogrizes our country's long lawnakers "Hedeadyis bending to highlighr hisschool.improvemenr continue to identifythmeDemocrats whoare to fie willof thePar historyof provirling intemational healthcare packageatopisueinhiscampaign and a signal most willing work to with him." Bush meers larer right on dae isues," abonion-rights supporter _ including voluntary seMces, frmilyplanning to tlut heintends govern "He to fromthemiddle. Bush in the weekwith Democratic Ikte l,tir*relman saftl. so quicHyshedhis congressional couples around ttreworUwhowanttomake free salthercrldlawmake$ abouthis$1.6rrilliontax leaders. ondfsisue." frcade andhisdmkofmoderation ud responsible decisions aboutthenumber and cutproposal, aswellastrisplarsforthemilitary, On the 28thanniversary lawbarutherseofU.S. funds forany of the Supreme Cunent spacing of theirchildren," reada satement by Medbare andSocul Security. Former Presidents Counrrlinglegalizing abonion, Bushsteppd abonions in foreign countries. pressecreary AriFleirherBushhadcautiously Hetoldlawmakers prirarely thathewould not intoa politically issue ReagnandBuh furtherbannedU.S.aid to andemotionally charged addrased ttreabonionissueduringhis GOP bowtoDemocratic pressure plan."l withorders onhistax<ut groups t0 maintain the$425 millionforeign internationa.l ttratue theirorn money to campaign, concerned aboutalienating swing amnotwoniedaboutmylegacy," hetoldrhem, aidbudget prforming butprevent rhemoney fromflowing to suppon abonion eithu ttrough the _ voters. according to two participants in the private organizations that provideabonion-related surgerycounseling on abonionas a hmilyAttheWriteHouse, newcarpeting andfresh meeting. Afterward, hemetin theVhireHouse servicaeven with planning govemments if ttnseservices areorovided option, foreign orlobbying paintgave thebuilding ajust"moved-in look,two residence withHouse Soeaker Dennis Hastert. theagency's ownmoney. onabonion oolicv.


& B*Etroporitan lll'li{fi illf,'" sGFsGlh[ ol VerrNTrNE


E'ebruary'lst, at the Colorado Cinemas

Cherry Creek Theater

$top[y fie

MeFoDolitrn office(liuoli

SUdBnt Union, fioon313) iluring lusiness [o[F$,topiclr

u y0ur


scr8eilm0 mss. +


Passes arelimited anddistributed ona tirslcome-firsl served basiswhilesupplies last.onepassperperson. passadmits Each two.Seating is notguaranteed-anive earty. THEATER lSNoTRESPONSTBLE F0R oVERB00KlNG. TheMetropotitan tick€ts aredistributed withtheintent thevare you usedsolely byAunriastudents/laculty andstaff. wil beasked to showa llra llrrbh,l-.lcl! college l.D.atthethethealer. Withoul l.D.youwi notbeadmitted totheater.


8 / The Metropolitan

26,2001 January

Ustukh CIUB TUi'DYOUR Studentorganizations, doyou needmoneyto: Bring a Sneaterfl PIan an Euentfl Buy Suppliesil

Position auailahle

In the 0llice oI the Uice Presitenl For Stuilent Sewices Are ygglooking for on-campusemployment? This is your opportunity to work in a very sfudentfriendly environment!

The Club Funding Committee (CFC) is here for you every Wednesdayfrom 12:30-l:30pm Thesday, January30,2001 Tivoli #542from 10-11am

All we askis that you... . Have and maintain a 2.5 GPA or above, . Are available to work at least 4 hours in the afternoon on Monday & Friday, (Some hours are available on Tuesday and Thursday), . Possesssome generalof6ce and basic computer skills, (!Ve will provide training), . And have a pleasant, friendly, and helpful attitude toward serving students.

To be eligible, your club must: . be arecognizedMSCD Club . submit a CFC proposal from Tivoli #305or the Pick-upCFCproposalsandschedules to the ClubAccountant ClubHubTivoli #346,Kiosk#11C.Submitproposals in Tivoli #305by 5pm,theFridaybeforethenextCFCmeeting.

about need inftlrmotion DoUou policy orprocedure? a campus

urith deating flreUou member? staff,orfaculty witha student, a conflict uith difficultu efipeliencing flreUou ordepartment? office a particular

confused about flreUou yoursituation? whereto goto resolve

SPAN Gan Help You! problems oftheSfudenl isthepurpose resolve Helping students Problem Action Network. canlead nature ofa large,urbancollege Thecomplex andchanging of Attimes, thebenefits forstudents. orconflict tosomeconfusion programs can be and services MSCD's broadeducational wheretoturnforhelporinformation. bynotknowing overshadowed

tuith help lleed aproblem?

lo help andstafiwhoaretrained SPAN consists ofa teamoffaculty sometimes the wilh problem solvingand negotiating students processes ofcollEe. complicated Life,Equal withtheOfficeof Student Advisors workinconjunction Legal Assembly, College Governmenl Opportunity Ofiice, Student individual and Directors, Department Chairs, Counsel, Deans, as staff,and facultyin orderto resolveproblems sludents, effectively aspossible.


The lletropolitan / 9

Counliesbqlk qt governor'slnternetplon


into the o(pertiseofferedby metro area hospiulsfor consultations andtraining. The planis pan of Owens'biggergoalof big (AP)- Coloradoofficialsare helpingcontrolgrowthby encouraging DENVER to take businesses to placesrhat determinedto createhigh-speedInternet companies jobs growth, need the and and fromthe away access for allcounties, evenif theydon'twant Front Range which enjoyed the bulk of the It, economic boom. It maytakeyearsto fulfillGov.BillOwens' "rfflhen you talk about economic dreamof wiringcounties whichhasbeen for communities outsidethe dubbed the"&anpoleProject" because of the development Front Range, want knowabout companies to stalklikelinedrawings of fiberopticsandthe Internetconnections. Until that gangly copper, cableandwireless connectionshigh-speed nothing occurs, else can be seriously required, Dick discussed," said Vadhams, Owens' lhe proiectwasde.signed to providea

StevenK Faulson fucclolcdftrrr


{inancial incentivefor privatetelephone companies fiberopticlines to runhigh-speed toruralcounty ignored. seats thatwerelargely It providesthe last-milelink for governments, homes andofficesto theother panof Owens' vision,theMuhi-Use Nenrork Prolectto link everycountysert to sulte agencies as pan of a step towardeSwernment. Inall,36of63counties arepanicipating. Theprogram, approved bytheLegislature in 1999, hasnotbeenwithout itsproblems. Delaysin gettingfiberoptic cableand upgrading switching stations on thesupply sidewerecomplicated by problems on the otherend,suchasconvincing counties it was in theirbestinterest toioin. Sohr, theprojectis abouta yeubehind. Ihelatatplancallsforthefirsthookups tobe complete'by 1. Particigans say there July alreadyhavebeenso manysetbacks they opect it to-belaterin the year.Thesrate predicts it willakefouryears to complete it. Theprogram already hascost$4.8million. Thispar,Owens isasking for$5millionmore predict to kecpit going.Pmgram managers theiinalsutecostcouldreach $30million. Park County officials refused to panicipate, calling theprogram aTrojan horse, saidFlo Raiuno,directorof the Colorado Rural Development Council. "Theysaidthisis goingn bringgrowth, wedon'twantgowth,goaway. Vhoareweto nuts?" tellthemthey're sheasked. Somecountiescomplained that the process application wastoocomplicated, and were given state help filling out the papervork. Othercounties thathavebalked includeGrand,togan,Phillips,tVashington andEagle. GaryAshida,vicepresident of Otero agreed to helplink ciryand JuniorCollege, countyofficesin Bent,Prowers, Baca, Kiowa, Cron'ley andOterocounties. Heexpecsto be oneof thefirst to connect. Othercoundes readyto panicipate includeEl Paso, Pueblo, andMesa. Thesoutheast counties havebig plans, with60of 80oflicesreadyto flip theswitch. prisons Iirosateprisons andtwoprivate want to hook up video monitorsto county courthouses so officials canavoidhavingto rarspofipnsoners. Social service agencies say theycanprovidebemerserviceto welfare planto tap clientsandjobseekers. Hospitals

to do thingstheydonotwantto spoKesman. communities Bob Brooks, director of the sute do.Thosepmpleneedto tell thoseoftcials Department of LocalAffairs,saidthe stateis whattheywant,"Raiuno said. willseethesavings hopingrecalcitrant counties On the Net: Beanpoteprofect: and economicbenefitsof the programand bttp:IIwuw.ruraltelecon. o@beanpole join. eventually RaitanosaidEagleCount,v wasreluctant Vailhasupgraded manyo[ its phone because connections. Shesaidthatviewisshortsighted willbeleftout, because othercountyresidents Tbe Metropolitan strives for alongwith thosein smallercountieswhich If youspotamistake, participate accuiacy. callSean at all. cannot "This will put a lot of citizensat a Veaver at(301)556-8353 disadvantage. Ve are not going to force



I -o s-hine!


Outstanding Student Awards 2OOO and 2OOlGraduatingSeniors! Forthose seniors graduating in December 2OOO& May 2OOt Be recognizedfor superior academicachievement plus leadership,servicg or other honors: . President'sAward ' ServiceAward from AcademicAffairs . ServiceAward from Student Services . Outstanding Studentsfrom the Schools . Student LeadershipAward

. Outstanding StudentsAt-Large(academic, service,or under challenging circumstances) . American Associationof University Women Award

The deadlinefor your completed Outstanding Student Awardsapplication is Friday, February 9r2OO1 in the office of your major department. Specificcriteriafor the dwardsis on the applicationform,availablein TV3l 1. WC133,WC257,and 511o1or on the web- http://clem.mscd.edu/-studlife/

10r The liletropolitan


The Qwest for competent service Danielle Haraburda

loathsomesharedvoicemail. I hadto dosomething In the last five months,I have had four separate I find mpelf this week. Something lostthe abilityto needing to doat leasta coupletimesa problemswith my voicemail,completely year. SomethingI find not only receivecallson my wirelessphone,and hadat Ieastone but altogether unpleasant andstressful, aswell, usually expensive No,I didn'tgoto thedentist.I hadto callthephonecompany. I mean,of Bvphonecompany

...maybeI'm serving some karmic sentence for all those crank phone calls I made as a kid

I don't have course,Qwest,since,like most Coloradans, much choice about my phone service provider. Accordingto Qwest,they'vereallyimprovedtheir service so I guessthis lackof competitionisn't reallya problem to customerslike you and me. In fact, founh quaner earningsat Qwestare up 44 percent,so theymustbe doingsomethingright. Right? Maybe. MaybreI lust have really bad luck in the telecommunications department.Or maybe,in the land of limitedoptions,the one choiceof sewiceprovidersis king. In anycase,I foundmyselfpressing"1" for "service billing eror I havespentliterallyhourson the phone and repairs"this week. andre' vhy did I haveto call the phone companythis week, waitingon hold,pushingbuttons,andexplaining, servicâ‚Ź in customer sincethereis noconsistency why did I haveto call the phone explaining, oq more specifically, phone woes. matter my many seem, no care, comapanyagain? Becausethey cannot It is, howeveq(next to the actuallack of seeming how hard I try to convincethem, to just provide the thatmakeme excuses thevariedandridiculous competentcy), servicefor which I pavdearly. I'm havinganotherproblemwith my voicemail. It's thecraziest. service andaskedthatmywireless I movedlastSeptember noncxistent. Vhen peoplecall me they don't get my phone wireless and voicemail, just a busy signal. I calledthem a few days transferto my newaddress.My home ago. They promised that it would be fixed in two phonesharevoicemail,a serviceI find helpfulandneeded.I this wastold that'therewouldbe no problemransferring businessdays. I believed, child, andlikea narve ShouldI call sen'ice. k's nowgoingon daythree.Mydilemma? In all fairness, I mustsaythat the voicemailmighthave themagain,takingthe risk that somedoubleserviceorder whocalledmy anyone myalreadymalfunctioning worked.I couldn'ttellthoughbecause will funherdelayandcomplicate Insteadof ras no longer in service. phone lrzs it told that supplicant to I wait around a few more days, Or do service. service problem, my customer the the only phoneserviceproviderwith whom I can attain correcting Qwest

(aboutthefounhor fifthoneI spoketo) toldme representative thatmyphonewasoutdated(it wasa yearanda halfold) and that I neededto purchasea new phone from Qwest Meanwhile, theywerestillbillingmeforservice. 'i(ihenI gotmynewphoneit worked, but,no bigsurprise here,thevoicemaildidn't, I reallystartedto thinkI mightbe theproblem.Perhaps thatI possess that abnormality there'ssomeweirdmagnetic causes my phoneto go on theblink. 0r maybeI'm servrng somekarmicsentence forallthosecrankphonecallsI rnadeas mypainwithothers.I found a kid. ButthenI started sharing outI amnotalonee, Talesof horriblebillingerrors,monthsof waitingfor service, droppedwireless callscamepouringoutof myfriends and cow'orkersn'ith litt-leurging. Justamongmy officeco withQwesttookup workers, angst thetestimonials of personal a goodportionof anevening. "Myphonecallsaredroppedconstantl,v," saidonewoman, "andmvvoice phone,Sheadded, complaining of herwireless mail,oh myGod,sometimes I don'tgetit for da1's." "Weu'entfor threemonthswithouta phoneat my new house," saidPaul. via the handsof Qwesthas All this personal hardship though.\[e're broughtus in the officeall closertogetheq forminga supportgroup(please turnyourphoneoff before joiningus,please.) who, Theworstcomplaint I'veheardcamefromawoman withQwest.She service like me,hadherhomeandwireless decidedto cancelher homeserviceanduseher cellphone a strange herbill shediscovered instead,Vhenshereceived sheasked.Shewastoidthatsince chugeof $75."Vhat'sthis?" seniceat thesamerimeit shesunedherhomeandwireless "new" service to wasconsidered a iusthaveawirelessaccount. charge. Hence,the$75service V'ow,$75to continuea servicealreadyfunctioning?No areup 44percent. wondertheirearnings

HB 1192 to give Metro State local control in the State Gov. Bill Owensand the Republicans Metrocanrun run thanMetro.Theyalsoinsistthatbecause years for should that schools have been saying Legislature resources, your is money "efficiently" without additional The worst positionto be in when you're the third wholeheanedly. with I agree them locally, and Theystandfirm that becontrolled largestcollegein the stateof Colorado,havea student betterspentat the otherinstltutions. students, not onlyis the costof livingequal,but propenyvaluesare Thisbill givesthemthe opportunityto showhowserious populationcomprisedof mainlynon-traditional the final as rheyare on the subject.As with any legislation, leaderin on-linecourses, and the samein GrandJunction,Gunnison,andAlamosa, area nationallyrecognized the like however, looks the original, never professors copy Metro not amended do are centrallylocatedin the hean of a metropolitancity theyarein Denverand,therefore, main focused the on or AdamsState legislatorsmust keep their eyes steepedin culturaldiversityis to be directlygovernedby a needto be paidmorethanMesa,Western, your people professors. control education-not purposeof thebill whichisto givelt{etroits independence. Yes, these responsible for three other boardof trusteesthat arealso This bill will be introducedinto the HouseEducation your taxdollars. small,rural,traditionalcolleges.However,that is exactly to mention study Committeein the comingweeksand I think this is a Thank to the NOREDreport,a independent whereMetropolitan StateCollegeof Denveris stuck.Vhen on Higher fantasticopponunityfor studentsto showthe Legislature by the ColoradoCommission Metrowascreatedin 1965,I'm surethe ideaofgroupingit commissioned recommend wheretheycanput theirstudentapathy.TheChairof the existing system and the Education to examine good idea, with Mesa,Adams,andVesternseemedlike a R-Centennial, is Rep.NancySpence, Committee improve higher Education and education possible to enhance options but asDylansaid,"thesetimestheyarea changing." for making everyeffort her enough hasbeendraftedand andI cannotcommend Administration and facultyhavedone a good job in in rhe stateof Colorado,legislation issue. She has beenvery on this in the State to learnstudents'views by Rep.NolbertCharez,D-Denveq makingsurestudentsdon't seethe shonageof teachers sponsored (HouseBill 1192)to giveL{etro interestedin hearingu'hat studentsthink. Shemaybe fundsthat Houseof Representatives dueto an unequaldistributionof stateallocated governing Vhat wouldthe benefitsbe reached at: board. sendmillions(yes,millionsl)of dollarsto the other three irsveryown board,besides Houseof RePresentatives everyyeu whileMetrocan\ retainor attractnew to Metroshouldit receireitsowngoverning colleges grab at our ankles ererv board of StateCapitol having to longer per no professors.Forexample, receives AdamsState $5,002 \Ihen students, administration, and Rm.271 meeting? full-timestudentenrollmentfrom the generalfund,n'hile trustees will no longer DenveqCO. 80203 MetroStatereceivesonly 93,278per student(basedon facultyhavecomplaintsor concerns,they oo3)855-2904 figures).HowdoesthecurrentBoardofTrustees haveto standin line behindthreeothercollegesto have 199&1999 will governing No longer the voices heard. board of their discrepanc)'? explainthe reasonfor the apparentfinancial whatis in the bestinterest Matthew D. Roberts Vell, asidefromrefusingto dirulgethe equationtheyuse I etrobe forcedto compromise whentheir Board of Trustees RePresentative, thatit is a complex of N{etrofor thesakeofthe otherthreecolleges to diwl' up thefundsbeyondexplaining Metro StudentGovernmentAssembly arein directconflict. formula,theymaintainthattheseruralschoolscostmoreto interests

Dear Editor,

26,2@1 January


TheMetropolitan I 11

Gag rule undercuts rights EDITOR Seanltlearcr


OPINIONEDITOR bnlet lbnhrdr I{EUS EDITOR ,*tEhntfr FEATURES EDITOR Srrdr Carrrt PIIOTO EI'TTOR ScdSllebr OOPY EI'ITORS Anbcr,olntott Tot.yne€. REFORTERS Eernadeils Brca flc.ft J. Dordl ElmdWldil Ttoyliaderaf meb Dtatb lennlftrYourynan ldal Dudrrr lenler Gnr

As NAXAL andothersgathered to celebrare to beableto prevent pregnancies. the 28th families unintended Webelieve anniversary of Roev.Wade, Coundecision theU.S.Supreme contraception that thatmaking moreaccessible iswhatstopsabonions, made abonion safeandlegal, wasreimpming ournewPresident to stoptheir the not denyingpeopleinformation andthreatening global rule "Erg" oninternational planning programs. reproductive family health careservices, lntemational familyplanning It isnotlustthise<ecutive fundswereappropriared this Thisacdon ordertturistroubling, pastfallwithoutthe$obal"gag"rule,butantithoicelawmakerssends amessage totheprochoice communiry. Vhenoneof thefirst


Thenomrnatron of formerSen. insisted thatthefundsbehelduntilkb. 15,gambling to tlre positionof attomeygeneralis Eually as ttratif Bush JohnAshcroft wereelected, hewouldre-impose general therestriction beforethefunds troubling.It is theanomey whoenforces of theFreedom wererelzued. Acczuto ClinicEntrances Act. Thatis the lawttrareffecively Theglobal'gag"rulebarsinternational clinicviolence. Vhilein theU,S.Senate, familyplanning detened Ashcrofr argued organiztions fromseeking U.S.fundsunlestheydecluetlreywill against thisverypieceof legislation. Areweto believethatthis notusetheirownfunds toprovide abonions oradvocate alawheworked forabonion prsonwillvigorously enforce sohardto block? laws. ltre issuance oftheexecutive orderthatre-imposes theglohal Ourfoesargue thaallthEwantistomake certain ttut none "gag" rulemustserve asacalltoactionforthose ofuswhocareabout ofourmoney ispaying forabonions. Theyfailtomention thatinthe reprcductive righa. pastit hasmeant rVemustremain women maynotwenbeold dutabonion isalegal vigilant.Tmoftenwefeelthatwecannot option.Theycertainly nevermention *ut it iscontraception rhatis makeadifference, butmustnotgiveup. It isimportaff thatwhen beingstopped, notabonions. Theveryrealconsquence of this eleaed thattheyhearfromprorhoice offrcials donotvoteforchoice action isthattherewillbemoreabonions because fewer women will people inoursatewhodonotagree. haveaccess tobirthcontrol. BarbaraBaldwin Thepohcy issimply notacceptable forthose ofusn{rowant ColoradoNARAL

PHOTOGRAPIIERS tehleH{r ldam Horeman


I1TUSTRATOR Bnnderlird[r GRAPHIC ARTISTS Paulilcfkll ilc Tambe

or SqF*gfi"

INTERNET STAFF Stnonloshl lftfidQt0cr



1315 iAllD fuER

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,.tttH t*rR fufa*t.



TELEPIIONENUMBERS Edltodaftlilll3l 53S2507 FarcliD3l 556:1421 E-mlt rcaucrs@m3cd.edu lllebl htb://chm.ms.d.edd-UrenEt

c&a. gS ilANYor_4eg t*\ ?Fttl" tlqa xor elq>,-

'rqrl tscrttN(rl

The Metopolitan is produced by and for the students of l'retropolitan State College of Den€r serving the Auraria Campus. Ihe Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenues and student tees, and is published every Friday during the academic ) ear and monthly during the summer semester. The Metropolitan is distributed to all campus buildings. No person may take more than one copy of each edition of lhe Metopolitan without prior written permission. Direct any quesuons, complaints, comdiments or comments to the MSCD Board of Publications c/o The Metropolitan. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily refeqt those of lhe Metropolitan, Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advertisers. Deadline for calendar items is 5 p,m. Friday, Deadline for press releases is 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. Classified advertising deadline is 5:00 p.m. Monday. Ihe Metropolitan's olfic€s are located in the Tivoli Student Union Suite 313. Mailing address is P.O.Box 173362, Campus 8ox 57, Denver, CO 402173362. @ All rights reserved. fhe

Metopolitan is pdnted on reclcled paper.

Letters Poticy

- sr"E€trgu9ttuL

TheMetropolitan welcomes lettersof 500 words or few-er on topicsofgeneralinterest. Letters mustincludea fullname, school anda phonenumberore-mail affiliation aooress.

Leners mightbeeditedforlength, grammar anoaccuracy.

rtiailbox: TheMetropolitan Parkway, Suite313 900Auraria Denver CO80204 e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 303.556.?t07 faxi 303.556.J421

12 / TheMetropolitan January26,2@1


StorybyElen Photos courte

Thereis a framedclearpictureof a , camera. Thepictureto theleft of heris oi thecamera, Thelittlegirlisabout10,ther Siberiain a pool.TheolderwomanI ia apart,buttheireyesarethesame. Theysharethegiftofprophery, They Bothwomen,andothers,aresubjec Piaceexhibitcurrently on display at The{ St.Theexhibitwillbeshownar thegaller Borges, pliotr 58,hasbeenpresenting for morethan25years.Mostrecently,Bor; tribes.Shamans aredescribed asspiritual, abilities,which manifestwhen rhey are dzziness andblackouts. Borges wasfascinated by the reactlo " would'co slmptoms.Vhat "Vesterners indigenous peoplewill nurture.Fromtlx "shaman Borges believes, existin allcultur Hehastirhd hislarestbook,TheGltandcultures thatcommunicate soiriruall who mediate this spiritualcommunion. The mediationBorges refersto is knownas Animism;the belief that the naturalworld is animated rvrth powerfulspirits. The Camera Obscura Galleryhelda receptionand book signingfor Borgeson theopening evening of his exhibition.The framedand unframed pictures were sold

from $1,200-$3,500

tl laan-Ba**o.r, fAonSoli<



This erhibitionis the thirdto be hosted at theoldesrgalleryin Denver;Hal Gould, orvnerof thegalleryis a bigfanof theartisr. Gouldopenedrhe gallerybecause he felr there was a lack of appreciation of 13()9Bamod<I photographv as a fine

art."Halis veryknorvledgeable man,"4o longbeforephotography popular. was Heis Gouldwasrecendy featured in theDen

January26, Z@1


The Metropolitan I 13

t raits froma roadlesstravelled

Srown y of Gamera Obscura Gallery Gouldbelieves theworkof Borges is veryimportanr lunggirl;sheis lookingdirecdyat the Photography. andshouldbe "lt justmakes sense "Veareallrelated Io me,"hesaid. tothenatural world." noticed. rnoldwoman; sherslookingdirectly at Thebook,Spifi ofPkce,isscheduled forrelease inspring 2001. It willcoincide Loretta Young-Gautier, thegallery's associate l&r woman director, agrees, about80.Thelitdegirlisin witha four-parr seriesro airon theDiscovery Channel calledhail Blazers. Tlte "lt's very impo(antto icr$or in thejungle.Theyareworlds serieswill focuson the selected indigenous document cultures thatare cultures oftheAmzonandthePhilippines who vanishing," Gautier said. retheshamans of theirtribes. practice Animism. is) the modernofphotographer PhilBorges' Spifiol "(Borges Theexhibitwill moveontorheTelluride S.Curtis." meraObscura Gallery at 1309BannockdayEdward FilmFestiralafterconcluding - its run at the <-Borges began his lromJan.19-- Feb.25. Camera Obscura Gallery with black ; oflrdigenous tribesandtheirpeople photography The Seanle-based grandfather wanrsro and white photos s began focusing ontheshamans in the instilla message "Be into hrsfamily, surero rhebirthof idesandhealers. Many havepsychicJikedocumenting followyourheanandnotbeswayed bymoney dildren.Thesignsrnclude farnring,his son.He took a few or status," Borges said. "Dowhatturnsyou photography classes, ro on." learn how to develop the roq thetribeoverchildren withthese rmonlytreatwith medicine, tribesof pictures. With some he madethe tucticCircle,Siberia andtheAmzon, hesitation, decision to move fromthe s,unchanged." Tsa.3aa.r.o-w...r, r/\cr.loli<^ Var',.ii 7o financiallv securefieldof hephotos focus onindigenous people .. 'iththenatural worldandtheshamansdentistry he was an orrhodontist for 18years- andfocushisattenrion on photography. He has been a professional photographer for 12 years.Havingmaderhat decision hehasnotlookedback. "l wassweptawaywithphotography," hesaid. Borges' phorosareconcenrrared on a healthy doseof promotionand perseverance of cultural diversiry, His exhibitand award-winnin g book,Tibetan Portrait, TbePowerof Compasion, fcxused onthe endangered peopleof Tibet,marginalized by the Chinese occupation of theirhomeland. "l cameout with an appreciation of their 'Afrer cultureandpractice," saidBorges. r.ears of hardships, beingjailedandrorrured forsomerimes comingout of jail with no birterness. 30,rears, It pursthingsin perspective if someone cutsmeoff on thehighwrr,." In 1998,he joinedAmnesty Internarional to presentEnduing Spirit, an exhibitand book celebrating the 50thanniversary of the signingof theUniversal Declaration of HumanRighrs. Borgesdiscoveredthroughouthis travels across theworld,hekeptrunningintothespiritual sideof thetribes.lnSpiritofplacethearristspent morethana monthcapturing images fromSiberia, Mongolia, thePhilippines tr'ilcfi b hocfirg Pldl Boâ‚Źer'qplfr dpte andEcuador Thespirituality wasso heavilydominantasa fixed structure rvithin the cultures, "He it couldn'tbe ignored. :s *id. recognized phorography Having abandoned theMormonreligionatage16,hebegan >neof theoriginals." a

rviththeAnirnist wayoflife. erAft Museum's Colorado lt{asters of tofeelaconnection



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14 t The Metropolitan January26,2ffi1




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Exs^x'qi; r-ur.rr *eAo







the tlo*sy Brothcrs,flnttt [tr. ilchirc to

t€ll thon bobiescdne fron.

willfurrhayour ARIES:Tactandforesight pay will than goals. work offsooner Hard cueer pu think.Yourhmilylifeisdunging, abitmore with,butthe rapidlythanyouarecomfortable willbeforthegood.Expraspur ftkas. ctrange TAURUS: If you've been feeling rideit out andthefeelngwill be depressed, task withtheurgencv replaced to accomplish you've beenpunrng offforsomedme.Youare it fullof energy, evenaggression, dontoverdue though. all GElrtlNl:Tryto saycentercd, because those uoundyouareinquiteafunk.Coworkers andyourmatewantsto squabble. aregrumpy wi.llconunue Thistension to drainyourenergy yourself untilyouul€ dmeoutforyou-pamp€r special. andbuysomething week, CANCER:It's a pretryuneventfrrl dont orpectmuchfromthosedoseto pu. questions Raolvefinancial for longandshon mind.You rcrminveitmens, zuingaloved one's will accomplish morethano(pectd,despite fromafoe. oppositron LEO: Youareon topof theworldboth ofthe Take advanuge emodonally andphpically. youabout those around highenergy toconvince beentoyingwithforsometime. anidea.vou've by love,so showyou Youaresurrounded pace it.The atworkishectic. appreciate willbemade on VIRGO: Manydemands pu spend pur yourtime.Watch outjustwhere with andwithwho.Share anydreams energies yourmate youareableto readeachotheCs aremadefor ronunce. mind.Yourevenings Expect abadeofwillsin theworkplace. LIBM: A fewauthoriarian tlpesmayget projects. in vcurway,so pu$ueindepndent Yourlinancial outlookis on the upswing. atworkwillprobably zueup,andyour Pressures thepasion mood conagious. Share cheerful withyourlover. andromance SCORPIO:Besureto thinkbeforeyou likean speak, or youmaycomeoff sounding pain opinionued in theneck.Takeit zuy if washed feeling out,theflumaybecoming 1ou're happening nothing atworkthatcan't on.There's waituntiltomorrow. Thismaynotbethebest SAGITTARIUS: timeto interactwith others.Youandyour soplayit o(perience adashofegos, sweetheart waituntil aboutyourmotircs, cool.If mnfused pu areseeingthings moredearlytosort outthe Avacation isagreatidea. situadon. Thepeopleamundyou CAPRICORN: pur youwantto hideout when help need iust try to at least andgetyourownacttogether, Playit coolwith listento theirproblems. whomaydemand a confronution. colleagues week tobe fromzulierin the seem Anytensions goneforgood. may A friendwithproblems AQUARIUS: willbethe in thissituation needtoalk.Laughter forafight, A coworker islooking bestmedicine. sotrytokeepalowprofileanddontbeatalget. Makesureto thinkbeforepu speak,your maylandyouintrouble, bluntnes tobetullof PISCES:Thisweekpromises Allyouneedtodo fun,laughter andfriendship. feeling thueverything isbeyourself. Youmaybe youat work- theobsudes areonly is against you If 1ouaccept a newchallenge, temporary. yourincome. canincrease


cqual ctroughto bcFillits or $sc tlinh contlol or haie abortioqs because6e], dids't uscbirlh c@rol, Oh 'cab-.Ard ga)5,


,l cooxrr.rcr \^JITHTH€ EAAfeljR o{eF.


elcdme Back Reception

You choosethe format:

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As sccn on MTV': thc RealWodd, Powcllhasbccn callcd by famcdscholarMichaclEricDysona 'One of Ancrica'smoct brilliantyoungcritics."fowellhaslscturedon racism,icxisn, blackand Americrnhi:tory, Americanpop culturc,Martin LuthcrKingJr.,contcmporary litcrohrrc,multiculturalirrn, and thehistoryof hip-hop.

Tltelzistult of tlte pewlis memonr Tlzeimputuiceof Bkd( HistorVMf,ntlt

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Feb.5o2001 Tivoli



117 The AAetropotitan

CouplesellsstudentsOoodStuff mffi




Rumorhad it he usedthe collected pennio from GoodStuffto buy a IJarley Davidson. "Some of themoneyformyscmtercame fromthepennies, but nu all of it. I usedto to the Hadey thankpeoplefor contributing fund,mai,k thafshowit got suned,"uid asheshufledaroundn the DennaHogland Caroll, Carollis lirtle,whitehutner to Cricket hisgirlftiendandtheownerof thebusines, theysellfood,drinksand CoodStuffTogether snachat 10thandCunisbeweentheArs thelibraryandGntralClasroom. Building, MetrostudentLuellatortll hadnt heard she'sbeena GoodStuff therumoraltlrough fora coupleofyears, customer "l comefor cupsof coffee,sandwicha alwaphasasmilefor andhotdogs. [Hogland] y'ouandif they'reout of creamor sugaror something, they'llsayit'son thehour," she if said,asHoglandaskedanothercustomer shewassulrngbusyor justloafingaround. Theownensoldthebusinasto Carollin 19t99 aftereightyeanofworkingforthem. ''Iheydidnt thinkI coulddo it at first.I lovepeopledrc tell meI cant,"shesaidas shebum@ intoHogland onherwaytogeta hotdogfor one of the fl$tomersliningup duringthelunchrush. "l'm thankfulfor the chancethE gaue me,selling methebusinas.I dont thinkthey krowhowmuchI appreciate it,"stresaid. Ho$andused to rvork as a campus grouodskeeper andwouhstopatGoodStuf tobuyaburito andsoda.Onedayheofered Carollhelpwiththetrash.Hesaidsheputup afightandofferedto atleastbuvhima drink for helping, but herefused andkeptcoming forft)odandtohelpherwiththetrash. around "Vbll,beforepu knervit, whenI would comearoundshewouldbefrllingoutof the hutto cometa.lkto me.the restishistory"he uid lmkingoverto Carollwittrabigsmileas shelookedbac{< andnoddedin ageement. Sherentstle spacefrom the Auraria HigherEducation Gnter and - sinceit's - shehasto submitand golernment property winbrdsto runGoodStuffpaying 18percent of foodsales or $700permonrh-rvhichever is greater. Carolland Hoglandun dreir stuff to campus froma commisaryin an industrial parkwhereone of her daughters helps preparethe food.It's an earlymorning procas.Hoglandis up at 3 a.m.to be on campus bv6:30withthebreakfast buritoswhichregularly sellout - in time for the brealdast crowd, "kople don'tknowtlut theycangetour GoodStuffof campus. Thecommisary hasa diningareaandit's not far from campus," Groll saidassheloadedunsoldgoodsrnto hercarto takebackto thecommisary at747 Sheridan Bld.,UnitA5. "l lovethisbusinas.Thepeoplearegreat shesaid. andsoistheacarlemic atrnosphere," Theyusechange belmandbrairuinstead of a cashregister anddon'tseetheneedfor

taketheirlacations onesincethE'resoprosedforspace betwessemesten. ''buy The M StuffHut isasmuchapanof Theyofera onegetonefree"ule at campus the endof the dayanddonatethe unsold theAuraria astheTivoliandthe9th Park. hotdogs, Students uuerkrautandleftoversandwichesStreet andhcultyhavebeen liningupin themiddle because foryean theyhateto throwfooclarzy. ofcampus 'A guy thebreakfast harrnt soldout comesaroundand sayshe's hoping bunitos machines sending sommneout to collectthefoodfor ardforthesmall trlkthevending House.I don'tknowwlut he dont offen theSamariun Lastsumme6 meansby that,but sommnealways thetlarleyfundbecame comes andgesit,"Carollsaidassheputfoodintoa the Harley repairfundwhenCarolland He hashis bagfordonation. Hogland werein an accident. although he Carolland Hoglanduke their breals tladE upandrunning agarn, AtetanieBiatildllc fel'.ecnot nten busrnesis slowduringthe dayand sa]6 andneeds some Dennls Hogland,Good Stuff employee,stands In the thefrontendstillshakes fund,say"Hi" hut with hfs donatlon Jal on lan.2L He contnues totheFladey oftenoneofthemwillneedtogotothecarfor wo*,Godonate moresuppliesor to run errands, andDennis andif pu're lucky, to coltect donatlor for hls Hadey Davldsonfund. but thq to Cricket makesurethey'reboththerefor the lunch they'lltrave a breakfast buritoforyou-with whenrhool'sin session and or withoutmeat.

Alilention! All Potential Spring 2Cn1 Degree Gandidates Vho WillHave All Students Requirements Degree Completed bytheEndof the 2001: SpringSemester,

Must File an Application for Graduation card in the Office of the Registrar(CN105)by Friday, January26,200'1.



Shouldhavea CAPPCompliance Reportrun NOWin theAcademic AdvisingCenter(CN104)or their . majordepartment

18 l The |letropolitan




January 26,2@1


The lrtetropolitanI 19

Fromlhe 9ym lo fhe swimming Pool

shecouldplacein the top threeat nationals,"Kennedysaid. "Ve'rereallyshootingfor top five. Thafstherealisticgoal. ttc Ltegcnco Lewtontendsto agreewith hercoach. at theageof three.Allherlife,she'd Shewasa gymnast probablyin the top three," ltwton said. "Conference, her feet. land on "Nationals, beennainedto top five." anda fewbackflipslater,things But,a lot of handsprings spirit,thatsingleminded,goaloriented It's thatagreeing whenMetrosenior attitudethat Lewtonand Kennedysharewhichmakestheir days, a litdebit. These havechanged.iust eventhemostdifiicult relationship findsherself executing one. diverCariLewton bothin andout of thepoola special her. still surprise scores that "l knewI'd havea muchbettersenioryearif Briancame ofdivc,it'snotherrecord-setting "l wasscared boardwhenI started,"backto coach,"kwton said,referringto the one-year to jumpof a 3-meter break Lewton said."VhenI Iirstwentintodivingit washardforme. Kennedy tookfromthe poolduringherjuniorseason."He's natural.ForawhileI was beena greatfriend.Ve'reat thepoolforthreehoursa day.I'd Thatwholeheadfirstthingiustwasn't landing feetfirst." onaboard, doinggymnastics basically whospendsthatmuchtimewith someone hopethatanyone seta poolrecord elsewouldbe impacted waybothin performance Therewerenosignsof fearwhenLewton in a positive Her December. amazing in early 3-meter College arColorado aswellasin life." lessthanprovethatsheis didnothing divingscoreof 443.55 Lewton's sentiments. Kennedy shares les II. Maybe diversin Division "lt's beena pleasure said. oneof thepremier thesekids,"Kennedy coaching iustslighdy amuingis the fact that rhe recordshebrokewith that "lt's reallyrewardingto knowI've beenableto help,not just 435.20 settwo withtheirdiving,butwiththeirlives.I thinkI'vehelpedthem performance washerown,a veryrespectable agowhenshewasasophomore. seasons aspeople,youknow?" coach saidMerodiving to compete," "Shejusthasadesire vaultto the Thathelphasplayeda majorrolein Lewton's "She's within her I it's very ta.lented. think Kennedy. what Brian II dMngranks.In fact,Lewonshared topof theDivision grasp tobeanAll-American." at the collegiate shethoughtwasthe keyto beingsuccessful meetto preparelevelof diving. Lewonhasaconference In themeantime, ability as Still,withasmuchphysical bynationals. foqfollowed "lt's all about motivation,"Lewtonsaid, "You need more motivation insissthatdivingtakes something Lewton shepossesses, aSreat fromyourteamandfrompur coach.Brian's experience. thanlustpastgymnastics motivator.Somedmes, though,youjusthaveto be consistent "The andmotivate Lewton mental," admined. "l'dsaydiving is70percent yoursell" you get If up on the board and percent is ability. actual other30 kwton admittedthat it wasn'talwayseasymoti%ting PtrctoCorfts€yof Art Bitsten willdefinitely reflect herselfto makeit to practice,though.Sherecalledthosecold you'renotconfident, it shows.Yourscores Metro dlyo? Carl Lewton prep8rlng for a dlve last yeal that,too." dayswhenthelastthingshewantedto dowasgetout of bedin plac€d nln$ and l:ltt on tlte boatd last year at in Lewton's early the morninganddive into a poolfull of cold$ater. But it's t€wton maybewhatwaslacking Thatconfidence natlona!3. physiulabiliryLewton sacrifices cueerasadiverEvenwithheramazing likethesethathavemadeCariwhalsheis today:a top' school,whenshefint attempted the l-meterboard. She Then,lustoney€ar rankathlete. 20that nationals asa freshman.* finished on the 3-meter admis,though,that sheeniop competing competition. later, fifthin thesame shefinished Still,with asmuchattentionassheasdrawnof late,kwton boardmorethanthel-meterboard. "That's said."Twentieth to hasnotlet anyof it go to herhead,In fact,whenaskedabout a pretrygoodjump,"Kennedy hwtonsaid."lCsalot "3-meter isiustmorefuntowatch,' withanyone.her feelingson the recordsettingdive in December, to compete fifthin oneyear!Shehastheabiliry kwton harder, alongerfallandthere'smoreto do." too.There's veryresponsive She couldn'tevenremember to feedback, Andshe'sverycoachable, aren'treallywhat's whatit was.Scores Regardless of whichboardshe'sleapingfrom,Irwton is in anddoesherwork.She's importantto heranyway. doesn't complain. Carijustcomes reflect withthebest.Herscores confident thatshecancompete kidto have atpractice." agreat "!flhenI'm diving,morethancompeting theother herskill,andheranitudetowudsthespoftdefinitely against suSSests It's qualities like thesethat makeLewtonwhatcoach diversin the field,I'm competingagainstmpelf,"Lewtonsaid. thematuration respected byherpers, athlete. She's ofayoung wouldcalla leader.She'swelllikedbyall,shedoes "WhenI'm preparingmyselffor a competition Kennedy , I placemyselfin toutedby her coachandrevered by divingfansthroughout These arethe thatnationalssituadon.I playit in myhead.Theannouncing Division whaCs asked of her,andshedoesit withpassion. Andiustthink,sheusedtobeafraidof II competition. verythingsthatchampions aremadeof. of mydive,thedegreeof difficulryI run throughall of it." headfint. landing at a pointwhere,if sheputstogether a goodmeet, "Cari's yearin high kwton hasbeendivingsincehersophomore

Eric }lcConnelt



Whol's On Deck >



85-79. lostbysixpoinsin overtime, Lopersnumberof late,winningthe last eight meetings, theRoadrunners includinga 78-72victory last year.This will be the best women's and men Metro (Metro)goingagainst thehighestscoringoffensein defense Jan. University, Denver give here. swimming/diving @ hasto (Keuney).Something theconference

team swimming/diving 27, noon: Ihe menandwomen's Arletrowomen's basketball @ Nebraskaperformance at Colorado Metro women's basketball@ Fort Hays is comingoff a disappointing Kearnen Jan. 26,6 p.m.: Thiswillbe atoughtest rebouod againstthe to is looking Mines and p.m.z help of win will School For Metro, a State,Jan. 27, 6 for theRoadrunners. Thelopersarea perfect10{ in the hadwon Pioneers. gainground t{ap,TheRoadrunners onfourthplace EastDivisionandareverydifficultto beaton theirhome with the Tigersbeforelastyear, meetings six consecutive (7-9,54 RockyMounuinAthletic coun.TheRoadrunners losing7?-$in Hap,Kan. Conference) limp into this gamewith a twogamelosing streakandthe lasttimeMetrodefeated Kearney in their lAetro men's basketball @ Fort HaYs placewasback'n 1992-93 TheRqadrunners lostlast season. State, Jan. 27, I p.m.: Thisis oneof themore season 75-59 to theLopers. games schedule to dateforthe anticipated of theconference are andtheRoadrunners Metromen.Haysis9-l in theRMAC lAetro men's basketball @ Nebraskaandtrailing champions Division II national thedefending Kearney,Jan. 26, 8 p.m.: MetroandKearney are Haysin theEastDivision. placetieandwithawin,theRoadrunners in asecond would 0-3in theMike atHa1s, TheRoadrunners are0-4lifetime be in solepossession of second, andcouldtrailfint place defeat a 26-point Dunlapera.Lastyear,Metrowa!handed FortHaysStatebyaslittleasasinglegame. to has came Metro closest The fromthe Tigers,88{2. (12-3,7-2RMAC) TheRoadrunners haveownedthe when rason Haysat theirplacewu in the1998-99 beating


20 r TheMetroDolitan Ja



refere j rt:F


26,200'l January


21 TheMetropotitan

Kongqroos,crocodilesond spinningwqler,oh my

'Thenwegoto school. with Dunhpinsuntlysawa player In Kendell, shooung 51 to go train,"Ikndelluid, u'ellfromthefieldduringthatstretch, was who a capable "raw someone talent" and Iift Eric Eames or in aftemoon the frombehnd Thenwe shootaround percent fromthefloorand46percent thc nd..polftot andscorer. rebounder, slasher weights.Then we'll have dinner and do passer, thearc. Dunlaphkedthat, and invitedKendellto "Heknowswherehisshosarecomngfrom homework. "lt'sa pretwtoughschedule thanwfratI szs NIetro. wasa kangaroo, Hisfirstmascot now,wherzuamonthagohedidnt."Metrocoach 'toughsteak,"saidMetro's out "l wasprettyconfident thatI wascomtng ThE tastelike a N{ikeDunlapsaid."Hewasjusttryrngto fi$t for usedto," the Kendell said abour I rrusted,' that he uzs usedto wakingup at to someone In Australia, suningsmallforwardLukeKendell,a nativeof playing time. 'ing of pla for Dunlapandmovinghalf'aAustralia. Melboume, "Now,he is setdinginto a roh andbeinga ma$e 10a,m.Gomotorbikeridrng.Then,rf he prospect "l wasmoreercitedthanI wasscared." world away, practice Or in rhe afternoon. The workoutand Anithingelse)'ouwantto knorvabout matterthathes 18or rvanted, leading scorerandit doesn't but is Kendellanoffensl'eweapon, Not only LandDownUnder? 19or a frahman.It makes perlupscatchafilm, he Ths monrh on defense. persona engulfing he'salsoa mainstay when1'ou fun-loving Witha carefree, Doesthetoiletuaterspinbaclorard nodifference to me,'' andhe arerage isa jovto bcaround.Evenwhenhe Ieadstheteamrtth a 2.67stealing or not? flushin Australia Vhile we look upon him,Kendell glass. and det-ensive hard on the offensive worls 1of-8 like his shooting "lt'sfunnv. said, Kendell butit does," collegeplayerstodayas hasan off night just game. rebounds a three averaging dopite Chadron SuteonJan.19 against of performance HowaboutStelelrwin? menbecause beingy'oung ''CrocodileHunter,"whose Basketball "Theconsuntsin thjsgarnearerebounding still hissmilewillstillstretchfromear-to<ar Youltnow,the theirsize,thevarerea.lly ''He's shownmatunty Dunlap said, anddefense," lifenevermmng. aironAnimalPlanet. documenaries boysin matunwandthafs andsocral Kendell Luke contribute(in able to beng hs bybeyond "Typical in of culture," Australian, terms "l'm goodtnen&with (hrm),"Kendelluid. 1'ean howDunlapviewsthe 19game in andgame rhat, He's shorvn otherareas), games(in yeuoldKendell: "He wasat a coupleof basketball A "pup"whohasanenormous Dunlapsaid."life of thepartl'kindof pnon." Dunlapfrrst heardof Kendelltt'henhe out," Australa) andI methim.He'sa pretrygod guv." amountof potentialandgrowthbrewingnside Thosearethebestteamplalen,Dunlapadds, Brian is looking for a conuctoda goodfriendof hisin Australia, Beenthere,donethat.Kendell him. thaterervdeuilof The oneswhoareconvtnced winsin theNational andit lookslikehe'sfoundone "He'sgot a lot moreto showoncehe gets Goorjun,whohasthem<.rst newgiginAmerica Kendell atthe thegameisimporunt.Deuilstlut Dunlapandhis League andwascoaching suninglineup. in theRoadrunners' andbeingoutof his Basketball withthesystem comfonable suff preach,Detailsthat makethe coaching Ieadtng environment hisplaythuJanuary, Hehasunproved for a year,"Dunlapurd, "Hehasnt dme, andnearciumpion. ctrampion bem'een had heard difference IGndell wtth wasn't first time the Butit Metroin scoringin threegamesandis tied fullymatured vetphlsrcalJll' become thebesthe make Kendell whocoached theAdelaide Fulcherwith a 14.7 36ersto the Deailsthatcan seniorforwardRashawn Kendellhasadded13poundsto his6foot4 of Dunlap, ofbecoming. iscapable rtrile thetem is ridinga seven- framesincecomingto Metroand followinga NBLGrandFinalin 1D5. roring arcrage "He with team and that non championshtp gamewinningstreak. a it. in hasanybreak thatrarely schedule uid, Kendell alsohasshottheball "tl(iegetupatquanerpastfourin themorning isfairlywellknown(inAustrala) Baidesscoring, ," Kendell


Women's an en's Events Center, (27) nd poor shooting(40.0 Swimming/Diving:Themen's Turnovers Mines and divingteamlost to ColoradoSchool against percent) didin theRoadrunners and the women'steamlost the Mines132-84 Jan.16,althoughMetrodid out-rebound (188-25) and of NonhernColorado 45-36.SeniorYvetteBarriosled University Orediggers (151-41) onJan.20in Golden. with 17 points.Freshman toMines the Roadrunners Themen's400medleyrelayteam( RachelGroveadded12 pointswhile senior SaraGordonledtheteamwith 11rebounds. ToddSchmiu,JeremyJohnsonand j AgainstChadronState Jan.19,Gordon Jess Schwartzkopf, Jason Holmes)set pool recordwith a time hada biggame,scoring14poinrsandpulling ColoradoMines -9, broketwopool Holmes rebounds. Senior 15 (7 a career-high 3:39.63. down 5-41: JuniorJason Women'sBasketball with a timeof 49 100 freestl'le points her in 11 of records; the After scoring three straightwins, the MichelleMctuthuradded percent witha timeof 1':47.39. shotunder34 andthe200freestyle havelost two in a row, with own.TheRoadrunners Roadrunners SeniorDJ. Hummelbroketwodiving lossesto ColoradoSchoolof Mines(71-60) (33.8)for thegame. dives. aswell,in theI and3-meter and ChadronState(75-66)at the Auraria

withI senlor LukeKendell 15.freshman in 12. Fulcher added Rashawn Stateon wentoff against Chadron Bethea which Jan.19,scoringa careerhigh27-points, included5-for-10 shootingfrom beyondthe Itlen's Basketball(12-3, 7-Z arc and 10-of-16shootingfrom the field' Atfrletic Oaklevrecordedhisseconddouble-double Mountain Rocky in Roadrunners continue The ): two games,scoring 1l points and i4 both Colorado rebounds. winningways,defeating

Weekly Wrqp-Up

State73andChadron of Mines78-64 Events Center 50attheAuraria Against Mineson Jan.16,seniorKane in points(16)and hadgame-highs Oakley (14).Threeof Metroplayers werein

juniorLeeBethea with scoring;


.-. ir,




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22 r The lvletropotitan


January26, 2W1


monthfrom 6-7:30pm. Freeand every- interest meeting for any and every one is welcome.For moreinformation, rvomanwho is interested in joiningour (303)520-3095. catt sorority. Meetsin Tvoli #322 from6:309pm. For more information,call Interaneuing Shills - Attendthisreview 12 STEPMeetiags 0n Campus - M (720)936-3315. of the inrerviewing process, i.e. quesMeetings on Tuesdaln & Thursdays from preparation, tions, and presentation in 12-1pm in theAurarialtbnry #205. For Lart Day to Subtnit Pass/Failfurrn to thisfreeworkshop for allMSCDstudents moreinformation, callBilli at (303D556Registrar's Ofrite. in CN#203 from3-5pm.To pre-register - Allpotential Graduating? spring2001 2525or (303)322-4440. andfor moreinformation, call(303)556degreecandidates rvho rvill havecomLast Day to Drop Haoe and Class 3664. pleteddegree requiremenrs byrheendof N-A ION- Meeton \fednesdays in the Deleted From Academic Record, thespringsemester MUSTfileanapplicaAurariaLibrary#205 from l2-1pm.For lYitb 50%Rejund.. tion for graduation in the officeof the moreinformation, callBilli ^t (303)556registrar, CN# 105,bylriday,Januarv 26, 212ior (303)321-8788. 2001. For more information,call Keuin Powell Lecture - A Historyof (303)556-399r. trISCDStudent GoaernmentMeeting People'slvlemory:The Importanceof - Getinvolved rvithstudentgovernment Resumesthat Work . Learnho',vto BlackHistoryMonthin Tivoli#320 from everyThursdav from3:30-5:30pm in the rvrite an effectiveresumein this free 1-3pm. For rnore information,call Senate Chambers,Tivoli #329.Formore rvorkshopfor all MSCDstudentsin CN G0T556-8048, information, call(30J)5i6-33 12 #20J from2'304:30pm. 'Welcome Topre-register Back Reception . The Gay, for more and information,c ill (303)556Trutb Bible StudyJrom a Messiania Lesbian,Bisexual, and Transgendered 3664. at Aurariainvitesall ally JewisbPerspectiue- All arervelcometo StudentServices and students, staff,andfaculryatAurariafor a foin in Tivoli #542 Wednesdays - OJ Mi'ce and Men - The Universityof Thursdays from 3-4pm.For moreinfor- fun receptionin Tivoli#320 B&Cfrom EigbteenthBlack World Conterence Coloradoat Denver's ThgatreBuffsis Dr. Hermon George, professor of mation,callReuben at (303)355-2009. 11am-1:30pm onJanuary Lunch 31,2001. this playas a protestto the Africana Studies at University of Northern presenting will be served. Formoreinformation, call novel landing on thebannedbooklistfor will be the keynotespeaker. Colorado, SMARTRecoaery - A non-traditional Qo3)556-6333. The play runs Vednesday February1, 2001in Tivoli #320 ABC 1999-2000. addictionrecoverygroup,meetsat the SaturdaythroughFebruaryJ in Arts DenverMainLibrary13th& Broadway, Pi Lambda Cbi Interest Meeting. Pi from 1lam-lpm.Formoreinformation, #278 at 7:30pm.For moreinformation (303)J56-3934. on the lst and 3rd Tuesdavof everv LambdaChi sororiwwill be hostingan call andreservations, call(303)556-8850.

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I 23 TheMetropolitan


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