Volume 23, Issue 18 - Feb. 2, 2001

Page 1












HealthyMoves gpring1emeshr 20 01 Fnou rne l{eal-rx

GelvTER AT Aunann

So You're Thlnking of Eecomlng a Vegetarian Apfl 26: Naturcpathic Medicine with JennyDemeaux, with Ellen Speate, Nutritionist for Wlld Oots RNC,ND - Jennyis a NaturopathicPhysicianand OB-6YN Jenny has been in the health care Nurse Practitioner. and Alfalfas profession for 20 years.Naturopathicmedicineisa methodof I Thurrday, F€bruary Iearnina how to creote a



I o2o,{inth Whatisa WhatDO will Ellen.

ofyour questions.

Exercis€for Fun and

health care which seels to restoreand maintainoptimum physical well-being through prevention and the enhancementof nature'sinherentcapacityto heal.Come n seeksto leam more about how the Naturopathic discomfon identify and remove the cause the ratherthansimplysuppress



Two days a week the Heolth oppoftunity to take some reiuvenate. Relaxation skil!s


elements to improve learning calm, you become mote


ftee.No signup. Justshow

wom€n to encoulage

Qigong and lai Chih

and The Heatth ,rexperience event),ou for details.

Thurrdays,February8 Tivoli't44,12:15-1pm Qigong ("cheegung") is system.To slowdown and the key to healing and liv exerciseand meditationto this balanceis achieved, blood pressure, immunesystem. Includes T'aiChi that emohasize: circulationof chi within).Regular

of Menopause €n MA,RYT., Leslie ;RYI 27,4|0{tPm Center,one of Woman within you


of mind and is ideal for

to anend.These arenot strenuous. No Justbe readyto relax


Yoga:Fot EYery

4-5pm and menwho arestruggling supportgroup helpsfill the

Tuerdayt February6 Tivoli444,12-lpm Whatcould be more Or stretchinggently fro bringingyour body and and givingyourselfa c built-uptensionand

feelings with concerned others. ask for Linda Wilkins-Pierce.

of Making

emotional harmony.

6 3-4pm

what shape you opportunrtyto is all about. bringa blanket

resolutions? Wonderwhy invltesyou to explorehow to you are trying to "get

tobacco,loseweight,improve change, thisgroup otherlifestyle r successful.

Warrior Thurdays, Physi<.1

Everwanted to little intimated Warriorwomen trainingand que$ lo garn

for)ou. makeit easyandcomfortable


tifeb teqlqS tte . w€keut 'Resolve

Eoenis Speclal ""-"JIX,T: Dh Dr.Drcwoncampus! lrrcw on Lampus! Zg:,Devet Dontmissthestarof MTV'S Loveline. D-r. Drewwillgiveadvic" Marc* ifrifr,'frf.S.,n.O._

on love, romance and relationships.F.-- '


rivorirurnhare,iz:30-r:3opm Dr.Jocelyn Elders:Heafthcare inthe zlst Century Thurrday,February22 livoli Turnh.ll.,7pm Dt, JamesO. Hill: The Epidmtic of Ob*ity Over 60% of U.S.adults ou"*"-iqlrt oi obese.This "r" to 6Jit'i'"ii1' epidemicof obesityisoevastating ""Jq""iiii have an of life.this presentationwill talk about why we epidemicand what we can do to beginto teverseit. Tueida, March6 Tivoli320ABC,l2-l:3opm

'having a greater awarenessof the cause and effect

a comprehensivesupportive designed to meet your for an appointmentto quit, cut health. for Quitting Counseling for pharmaceutical

and motivation . RelapsePreventidh. Follow-upsupport of bodily experience. This talk will addressbody awareness ' SupportGroup...See Group of Metamorphosis description sensingand other simple methodsof cultivatingqualities such as balance, consistenc, for well being, important programs under H€althy simPlemethodsreducephysical Alro bc rure to <heck out the simplicityand stillness.These and Tools for Living. Pleasures symptoms, improve relationship to food, and enhance intuitionandcultivatea deepsenseoftlust in yourown body


Htgh lreael Wellness Sertes lntroduction To Meditation:A Mindful Apprcachto Strcssand Pain Wednerdaysin February Tivoli642.12-1pm practice Meditationis a contemplative Insight(Vipassana) Buddhisttradition.Inthe West,it is now fromthe Theravada findingusefor managingstressand pain,in additionto its Lloyd traditional usein awakening wisdomandcompassion. of SpiritRockMeditationCenter Burton.PhD.is co-founder andTheInsightMeditationcommunityof Colorado.




2,2@1 February

The lietropotitan I 3

ScottS.nettzer/llL let ct n r Jeff Stat|p€f b thc assbtant dlrestor of tho Tlvoll Student Unlon, The stato has hl.ed a consultlng firm to ravlew the bulldlng pla113and to make safety recommendatlorp on lts findlngls, Stamper sald that ths lnspectlorc would assulo that tho Tlvoll wlll mcet 01 €rcood Danver llrc code.

Fireqlqrms lqcking in Tivoli in thefallwillfundtheproposed approved Thebondissuethatsrudents alongwithoth€rrepairs. firealarmimprovements arerequiredto obain byprivatebusinesses Space in theTivolioccupied Unioncanbeheardloudandclearin the a buildingpermitwhentheirspaceis retrofined,but spaceoccupiedby Firealarms in thelivoli Student aconsulting donot.Instead, C-Vbst, campus colleges of theAuraria thereareno lire ahrmsin some agencies building'scommonareas,but because plans andmake review the with campus staff along firm hiredby thesate, interiorofticestheycanbedifficult,if notimposible,to hear. assisunt directorof JeffreyD.Stampeq of Facilities designandsafetyrecommendations. dirctor of DesignandCapitalConstruction JohnLovshin, asurelhat thespacewill Management for theTivoli,saidbid requesshavebeenissuedto bringthe the TivoliStudentUnionsaidtheseinspectiom Denver code. meet or exceed q6temto Foperstandards. Ya,it will beabout60daysbeforea contractor saidSteve Swain assistant needsto beupdated, Yetthefirealarmsystem isselectei,lovshinsaid. sell served as arEas are not as "Some "l thinkit's dangerous, BodyPresidentdirectorof hcility management. verydangerous," saidStudent Vasilarosregarding theamountof timeit will taketo bringthe othe$." Stephanie hiredto inspecttheTivoli'sfiresystem, Co,,acontractor B&JFireSafety theygooffallthetime, Sheaddedthatbecause s]stemto propersandards. found 47 itemsthat neededrepair.Items proves theory B&J Swains nooneseems to cafe, smola detectorsand heat GdosSanta Cruz,whoworh in Metro'sOfficeof Student mentiond in its reportincludedinoperable Merosrudent thev detectors. Activities. saidthelasttimethefre alumwentoff'nooneleftbecause

EdwardB. Winslow



. tF

thoughtit wasa drill. ButAdamSchecter, whoworlswith Cruzin the Ofiiceof Student Activities, suggestdthe building'smanagerbe 'lhe wasreconfigurcd thespace fohn Lovshin occupancy, fu spacein thefucilitychanged s Safetyand HealthAdministration reponedto OStlA. Occupational of Design and Director elecuical forworkingmen with differentpanitions,heatventilationand air conditioning, wortingconditions misionisto "asuresafeandhealthful of Construction Capital wiringandthelike,butthefire-ufetyqstemswereleftastheywere,Garrod andwomen." Faculties ltlanagement,Tivoli enforcement said. The DenverFire Depanmenthas no legalfire-safety years Denver fire or six ago, the frve Vihenthebuildingwasremodeled controlled by saidDenver FireCapuinS.J.Ganod.Sinceanagency authority lornhinsaid.Butheaddedtrten the fire-safety department tested rystem, quare-footTiroli,it isnotsubiect theSuteof Colorado managcthe327,000 unless there is a maiorbuildingremodel modified, building codes are are.If theTivoli dut priratelyownedbuildings to theDenvercityordinances 'ake are buildingarea,upgrades percent of the total 40 or consisting of about 50 "theycaniustsay fire-safety ordinances, doesnotconformto Denver's notrquired. usto coun,'"Garrnduiri. 'lf (the fre alarmsystem)is somethingthat must be addressed Meanwhile, be areasthatcouldpotentially studensandsuff occupying repairs. fire alarm managen rhedule wait until building dangerous must said. immediateh,'Lornhin immediateh. thenI'm sureit willbeaddressed


(the fire alarm system) is something that needs to be addressed immediately, then I'm sure it will be addressedimmediately.'

4 TheMetropolitan

February 2, 2001





lr GlFlGrrffaillllsGll strdGnts anilal||mnl

Tuesday fe[ruary 20,2001 l0:00am-4:00nm Iil.[ SudomUnbn, IunheilG The Engineering Fair is your opportunity to talk with company engineers and recruiters about job opportunities, training, career fields, internships/etc. If you have questions, please call Joanne Wambeke at CU-Denver.(303)556-2250 or Ron Lujan at MSCD, (303)ss6-3664.

EmployensAttending as of January 25th (more registeringdaily):


American Consulting Engineers Council

.. tOB]tl|0RElltlt0Bltl.|All0l'l,CA1I

MEIRO SOUT}| AT 303.72t.13t3


CalifomiaDepartmentofTmnsporbtion Carter & Burgess Cycen Technologies.Inc. ETI Professionals Freshwater Software, Inc. HDREngineering,Inc. l.D. Edwads & Company JonesCyber Solutions Level(3) Communications LockheedMartinAstronautics Martin/Martin, Inc, Maxtor

NovaMeasuring Parsons PlexusTecfinologyGroup PowerEngineersInc. Raytheon Rhvthms Rogue Wave Software SvedalaIndustries,Inc, SwisslogTranslogic Tetrad Corp. Univ.Corp.for AtmosphericResearch URSCorporation U.S. Air Force U.S. PeaceCorps WashingtonGroup Intemational,Inc.


Bringyourresumefor critiquespriorto the CareerFair.Studentsmayattendeithersession. . Tuesday,February6: 4-7 pm,CU DenverCareerLibrary0ivoli 259) . Wednesday, February7: 2-5 pm,MSCDCareerServices(CN203)

Dogou need information about

policy a campus orprocedure?

flregou dealing uith

a conflict witha student, staff,orfacultymember?

flregou eilperiencing nith difficultu

a particular ofiiceordepartment?

flregou confused about

yoursituation? where togotoresolve

SPAN Gan Help You!

problems Helping students resolve isthepurpose oftheStudent Problem AdionNetwork. Thecomplex andchanging nalure ofa large,urbancollege canlead At times.thebenefits of to somemnfusion or conflict forstudents. programs MSCD'sbroadeducational and servicescan be overshadowed wheretotumforhelporinformation. bynotknowing

lleed help tuith oproblem?

SPAN consisls ofa teamoffaaltyandsbfiwhoarehained to help studenls with problem solvingand negotialing the somelimes processes complicabd ofollege.

Advisors wortin conjunction wilhtheOfiiceof Sludent Life,Equal Opportunity Assembly, Legal Office, Student Govemment College Counsel, Deans,Department Chairs,Direclors, and individual students, staff,and facultyin orderto resolveproblems as effeclively aspossible.

February 2,2W1

The itetropolitan/ 5

Bill qttqcks gqy relqtionships 4.

as any definesa domesticrelationship

KarenBenson,directorfor Metro'sGay, tesbian,Biso<ual andTransStudentServices, relationship whichisnot saidthe bill is daignedto deprivepeopleof betweena man and a theirrighs. andnotlicensed Collegesand universitiesin Colorado woman, A patron of the AurariaEventsCenter "lt's time for us to eqand our rcality," and registered. iust wouldbeprohibited fromproviding benefits to reponeddothingandcunencymising froma ''Itre pubticpolicyof shesaid."lt'sanotherploybythehr rightto bit pannersin homosexual relationships if a lockeronJan.24. bybit stripawayanypotentialfor ourgining the Sate of Coloradois Senate bill pases. Robert Mercier,reported the theft of ourduerighs in thissociety. Thereshouldbe to recognize In additionto barringbenefitsto domestic not rariousclothingitemsaswellashis walleton .a basicunderlyingstandardof hirncs and gannenofstateemployees, SB139wouldalso homossrualmariages," ,{ark Paichall Jan.24,Merciersaidin the policereportthat equality,not basedon individualreligious frte companies and non-profitorganizationsuid Rep.lvlarkPaschall, he had put his belongingsinto an unlocked the House of the bill. "Benefits beliefs." sponsor fromprovidingthesamebenefits. lockerin the mens locker and unsecured isnota question ofequalprotection. The bill, sponsoredby Sen. !,larilyn "Domesticrelationships are againstthe structure roomof theAurariaEventsCenter. wasintroduced in theSenateJan. 26 strong public policy of Colorado,and It isa matterof publicpohcy.Theieisnothing Musgrave, VhenMercierreturned, he foundthathis Judiciary. iustta( andreferredto theSenate ...domestic relationships arenot recognizedto denya personfromgettingbenefits, wallet, estimated at a valueof ll0, which underColoradolaw,"the bill states.The bill dollarscannotbeusedto oromoteit." keysand contained hisATMcard,creditcards, Dockers pants mising as well as his dress f2 with an estimated valueof t20. TheAuraria Policehaveat this time no leadsor susDect information


ff. f.Uct



Purses stotenat gym reportedtheir Two Metro cheerleaders purses otheritemsmissing onJan. andvarious

23 Nicole Pachecoand SabrinaZoeller Police thatduringtheir reponedto theAuraria practiceat the AurariaEvents cheerleading Centeq theyhadplacedtheirbelongings in the frontlobbyof thegym. Upontheir returnfrom practicethe two foundtheirpursesestimated at a totalof $65 containing a total of t46, a cell phone estimatedat $80, electricdav planner at $25andvarious otheritemswere estimated gone.At this time AurariaPolicehaveno suspects of leads.

Car theft in Tivoli lot

kott srnetEer/lLletrlt

n i

Save the Arctic-Copire reprcsentative tohn Riordan explains a petition to a student tan.31. The petition is in rcgards to a ballot proposal to save Ahskars arctic refuge from drilling. Riordan cited statisths that indicated the oil and natural gas that would be extracted frcm the Arctic refuge wouH nol rcach the U.S. eoonomy for 10 yearc and wouH not help the curent shortage.

Billlo expond hqte-crimeslqw qdvqnces (AP) - A bill to expand 75 did not createa protectedclass,as already DENVER violentacts criminalizes hate-crimes Colorado's law to include opponents havearguedin thepast.Rather, Lastyear,the bill passedthe House thosemotivated by thevictim'sage,sexual it targetspeoplewho prey on elderly, withthehelpof moderate Republicans, but orientationand mental or physical homosexual people. anddisabled Current rvas killed in a Senatecommirtee. disabilitypassed4-3 Mondavin a Senate lawcoversraceandreligion. Republican Rep.MarkLarsonof Cortezwill commrttee. Law enforcementauthoritieshave carryit in theHousethisyear,if it makesit It's the fifth time the bill has been endorsed thebill in thepastbecause thev there,It still must passthe Senate introducedbv Sen. PenfieldTate, D. sayit wouldgivethemanothertoolto fight Appropriations Committee and the full Denver. Tatesponsored it eachof the past hatecrimes andwouldsenda message that Senate. "Thefactthatit hasbipartisan fouryearswhenhe wasa memberof the suchcrimes support willnotberolerated. Tatesaid."lt Houseof Representatives. Eachy"ear, it has to bemorehopeful," ButSen.JimDyer,R-Arapahoe County, isreason gottena littlefurtherin theprocess. said he did not want the governmentshorvs therearechanging attitudes onboth Sen.DougLinkhart, D-Denveq saidSB makingmoraljudgments. He saidthe law sidesof theaisle."

The orvner of a red Jeep Cherokee reported a rheftfromhercarJan.19. Thevictim,KellyTretter,hadparkedher carin theTivoliparkinglot at 2:30p,m. VhenTretterreturnedto hervehicleat J p.m.she foundher compactdisccasewith variouscompactdisc'samountingto t750, gymbag,runningshoes,workoutclothesand her make-up bag,totalingto $210in missing Police haveno leads merchandise. TheAuraria or suspect information.

Manarrestedfor indecency Joe GeraldSandovalwas arrestedfor unlawfulpublic indecency,disturbingthe peace, andunlawful actsonschoolgrounds at 5 p.m.at theTivoliJan.22.

6 r The Metropolitan

February2, 2001

ffi8rryNIffif You dotholifting{you mu*beoble tolih70lbs.) willpoyupb $23.000 ondUPS foryourtollege edurolion.

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3:3G0:30ar l0pr-3rr 54Opr tu 3:30lpr I lorrllut - 12.3:30pr 3:30.1:300r 5:30-lll'30pr


The MetropotitanI 7

Bill would requiredqlq collection on rqciql profiling youlmk acertainwayor appear stopped because He alsosaidunderthe measure, anytody informationto provetlnt wouldhelp rebuild to bein a certaingroup." couldcomplainaboutracialprofilingand ttut trustbetween policeandminorities. frcd*ahrz Several members of the committee advised complaintwould be includedin the report "lf wedont dosomething aboutit, I'mafraid Groffto askfor a delayso he couldwork on withoutanyinvestigation intowhethoit actudly it'sgoingto orplode,"hesaid. DEI.IVIR6P) - A bill that wouldrequire changesdut would makethe measuremore occurred. Demrr policeandtheColorado Sutehtrol certainlaw enforcementagenciesto collect pahtable. Supportensaidwhile it mayappea.rttut alreadyare gatheringinformationon whether information on whetherofficersengage in racial The initial versionq,ouldrequiredl law racialprofilingis not a problemin somearzu, mcial profiling occurs. Some committee profilingappearedreadyto die in a House enforcement agenciesrepresenting at least incidents oftengounreport€d because victirns do members suggested usingthoseefiorrsasa pilot committee Jan.30beforeis sponsorpledgedto 25,000 peopleto gatherdaa on nacial profiling, nottrustlawenforcement agencies to investigate proiect,but Groffand othersupponerssaida wort onacompromise. whidroccurswhenanoffrcertakesactionbased complaints. widerprogramis necasarybecause otherlaw Rep.FetaGroff,D-Denver, wasprepared to onethnicityratherthanbehavior. Threequarters of respondents to a rccent enforcement agerriesharr not hadthediversity try to forceavoteonHBI 114afterseveral hours ThestateDivisionof Criminal Justicewould surveyof nonheastDenverresidentsby the trainingand educationthat officersin those of testimonyin which law enforcementgatheragencies' reportsand then presentan Colorado Progressive Coalition saidtheyfeltthey agencicharehad. represenatives told the HotseCivilJusticeand annualanalpisto thekgislaturefor frveyears. hadbeenvictimsof racialprofiling Groff said he will work on dnnges thar Comminee thatit wouldrequiretimeJudiciary "lf we musterr, let us en on the sideof would make data collectionvoluntaryfor Several law enforcement officialssairlthey consuming andexpensive paperwork. woulduke swiftactionagainstanyofficerwho justice,"saidthe Rev.PatrickDemme!past agencies representing 25,000to 75,000people, "l understand budgetary constraints," Croff engages in racialprofiling.Thq alsosaidthebill's presidentof the GreaterDenverMinisterial andmandatory for largeragencies. He alsosaid said."Buton theeveof BlackHistoryMonthand requirements wouldbe expensive and ake up Alliance."lncreased paperworkmustneverbe he wouldproposereducingthe lengthof the asanAfrican-American male,lm not sureI can significant amounsof offrcers' time. the criteriaby whichwe do not seekto ensure programfromfiveyearsto threeandeliminating 'There'sno continueto shapeandmoldthisbill anymore. justice." doubtin my mind that many cossbyallowing theur of grantsanddonations. "l waselectedto comedownhereto makea officerswill avoidmakingminor andcounesy presidenrof the The Rev.VrillieSimmons, difference," hesaid."ls it inconvenient? Youbet stopstheydo noq" saidlittleton FoliceChief EastDenver Ministerial Alliance, saidevenif racial it'sinconvenient. Butit'salsoinconvenient to be GaryMaas. profilingisnotfoundto bea problem,gathering

Jm Sarche

Group distributesrocisl lliers to Golorodo Stofe Univelsityfoculty,sfqtf . FOKI COIJNS (AI) - ColoradoState criticized thecrimerateamong blacls,saidCapt. ChafeesaidCSUpolicewereinvestigatingJewish,said he recently lecturedabout University facultyandstaf foundracistlirerature BobChafee oftheCSUpolice. thismonth's incident, lt wasnotclearwhatlarv multiculturalism and studentsmight have slipped undertheirofticedoorsin fourcampus Thesamegroup'sfliersweredistributed at wasbrokenor whatcharges mightbe filed,but urgetedhimto receivetheliterature. buildingsJan. S. theUnivenity of Colorado in BouherDec.18-19 Chafee "l ake thisveryseriously," saidthe distributors couldbe charged Boiarsky said."l Theflien, froma groupcalledthe National afterthestudentcouncilrejecteda proposalto withlittering, if nothing else, gotbeatuppretryregularly growingupbvpeople Allianceadvocated an all.whitesocietyand fishtaffrmative action. GregBoiars$,ajournalism professor *'ho is ...rviththismindset."




tt ',.




hte-nile mryhorn!'t,lf"rJ:t' +--

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couporrc5ubncoueox-l-, l lti coueoncoupoNcoupoNcoupoNcorrpoN r:-





- LODOhollelr-83oo zoTH& MARKET

8/ The litetropotitan

February 2,2W1

No fqith for Bush's chority proposol It appears President BushI'ould liketo seean law overturned: The FintAmendment. old 29,Bushsigned OnJan. wo executive orders,which ull for the creationof a highJevel Vhite House and Ofhceof Faith-Based Initiatives, Community and instructs five Cabinet sâ‚ŹanWeaver deparmen$to establish and Gntersfor Faith-Based Initiatives. Community ThemotivebehindBush'sactionmightseem noble- supponcharitable to help organizations poven,v combatdrugaddiction, andhomelessnos, Vervfewpeoplewoulddenythebenefitchariable - both religiousand secularorganizations provide for society. In Denveq several organizations, suchas the CapitolHill United Ministries,provideinvzluableserviceto the Bush'smethod,howeveqrs flawed. community. !'eryflawed, he can createthe Officeof Bushmaintains Faith-Based andCommuniry Initiatives andstillbe consisten!with the First Amendment.The Coun,in deciding Lemonn Kurtzman Supreme , if ruledaiawdoesnotviolate theFirstAmendment ir meetsthreecriteria:the law has a secular purpose, the law doesnot adrmceor hinder religion, wouldnot become andthegovernment entangledin religiousaffairs. Vhile Bush's proposal doesservea secularpurpose- helping charities it fallsshonof the secondandthird qualifications. h orplaininghis program,Bush claimsfundingwill onlybe providedfor charitable rvithno funding organzations usesby faithtrased publicmonE providedfor mrnistering. Providing freesmoremoney howeveq to religiouscharities, for rehgiousministries.Bush'splanwould also placethe government in the positionof tracking publicmoneyto ensurecharitieswereusingthe purposes,creating fundingfor non-religious governmententanglementin unnecessary religiousaffairs.Bushclaimshis plan *ould removecharityanzvfrom"disantbureaucracies," In realiw,it w'ouldcreatemore. Conuaryto how Bush'splan might seem, religiousinstitutions wouldnot win a viqtoryJust needsto be separated from the asgovernment fromthe church,thechurchnerdsto beseparated government. Govemment fundingseldomcomes withnostringsatuched.Bydictatinghowfundhg maybe used,the governmentcouldba, in essence, dictatinghow a religiousinstitution conducts itsbusines. According to Galluppolls,mostAmericans, 55 percerit,believethe governmentshouldbe responsible for alleviatingpoverry,while 28 percentbeliereit is up to religious insdtutions. poverry andsocialills Cerainly,with thescopeof facingmanypople in Ameriu,thesolutionliesin religious,seculuand governmental institutions. The solution,does not require,howevequnmeasures. Constitutional - SeanWeaveris a tiletro student and editor of The Metropolitan.

Wqlking while blqck kp. original anichutrinwin tltevbittierNeiglfurlxdsryw dated 01,20N.Pepriued uiilrWni"sion home, I was Aug.30,2000, whilewalking OnVdnedayevening, police meand lhe ofrcerpulled upbeside stopped byaDenver officer "CanI askyoua question?" i, of course, said,"yes"and asked,

isanortremely service legislators Myfamily believes, asI do,thatpublic I amalsonotcyniulor ignorant aboutthegreat nobleendeavor in uniform faceevery day,I am responsibilities ourmenandwomen veryas?reof howpoorlywepaythemandthelackof incentives way. Howelrr, theremustbeabener omvided.

whilenalking I havebeenstopped threr tima sinceIve movedbackto Denver.Noneof thesetimc hart I beenaccused of an,vcrimes.I havent Almostallof m.r'African-American evenbeenaskedfor identification. approached theofficerHestoppedthecar. Perez, District malefriendshavealsofacedthesameproblem.Yetnot oneofmy Heandhispannerthengotoutof thecar.OffcerJose of uneven 6 PatrolDivisroncametowardsme andasked,"Do you haveany whitemalefriendshaseverbeenstopped.Thisperception andtheplice together doeslittleto bringthecommunity weapons?" I stoodthereblownawavtiratsomeone, a policeoficer, "iusdce" Thereue stepsweasacommunity shouldtaketo ueatedunge. aweapon.I respnded,"No!""Hethen wouldaskmeifl wascarrying 'We shouldencourage the policeto havea filewith theMme,race, asked,"&n I searchyou?"1said,"Yes."I hadnothingto hide. OfcourseI wasn'tthinkingthatI havetherightto say"NO."As andgenderof thepeopletheystop.Thiswouldcreatequantitative henassearching meheasked,"Do1ouhaveanydrugson you?"I dataon whetherpolicearemakingstopslike thesein all Den'er "l cameoverherebecause,vou andwhomarethevstopping. askedmeif l'ou communities angril,v responded, getthe I stronglvrecommend thatifyou hcesuchanencounter, couldaskmea question.i thoughtvouneededmyheip. i dont me."OfficerPerez policeofficer'snameandbadgenumberDocumentthe eventa.s aresearching dodrugsandI dont knowwhy,vou me. soonaspu gethomeandreponit. responded thatI gavehim permission.He*opped searching r$(/e "Whv alsoshouldbe just asvigilantin nodryingthe superionof I asked did,r'oustopme?"Hesaidthathedidntstopme:he andbevondthe callofdufor I stoppd andapproached policeofticersthat aregoingabor,'e askedmeif he couldaskmea question. Distnct2,isoneof these officen.Vhittier OfficerDanAndrevn's, them. neighborhood, and for his responsiveness to our I identified myselfasthepre;identof VhittierNeighborhoodapplauds events. ourmeetings andneighborhood Associarion and explainedthat thesennclomstopshun the attending It ismvhopethatweasa communityu'illinsiston thecommon relationshipbetueenthe policeandthe peoplewho are paying to getthere. thatareneeded sense changes theirsalary thecommuruty, forhisnameandbadge numberHegamemehisbusines By DarrellB. Watson I asked Association WhittierNeighborhood awryangryandhumiliated.I wasonlvtwoblock President cardandI wa.lked police firemen and In famill we have officers, frommyhr-ruse , mv

SpecialGuest Commentary

Bush'sqclions speqk louder lhqn wotds (LI-V{RD has PARI!k. - Sen.Johnlvtc{ain,R.-Ariz., UNI\tsRSIY reformbill.Justthis finance. beenmakinga brgpushfor hrscampagn t'ith thefirststoptn Litde weekhebegn a rries of townmeemgs, of thenation's R'xk,Art.,rtrich hehopawill helpleadto anoverhaul finance lals. campargn provisions by of hrsbill,whichwascoauthored Oneof thebiggest wouldbanunregulated andunlimited D-!01s., Sen.RusrllD.Feingold, - ntrictrMc{ainu1s - knoln assoftmoney panies donations topolitical pliticians. American hascorrupted V. Bushdoesn\wantto dothat. PraitlentGeorge L{nfortunateh', lastweekto discus to meetwith McCain AlthoughBushagreed finance reform,litdeprogessrauhd fromtheralk.Publidy, campaign reform.Butwlutabout nith theneedforcampaign finance Bushagreed prirately? Actions speaklouderthanwords,andBushhasukenlittleaction ontherssue. 'he'llwasgenialandbothmenpraenteda Vhile themeeting in thereform image, Bushwantedto indudeaprovision work+ogether" to donate softmonev. bill dratrvouldstillallowindividuals

In actualiry, with thlsloophole,anyoneor anygroupcouldstill just donatemonq', aslongasit wasdonernthenameofan"indhiJual.' to leaders haveblockedlegislation Foryears,GOPcongressional andtilts it inlringa.onfreespeech rqgulate campigninancing, daiming adrzntage to Democrats. thefundraising soft arebothguiltyof arcepting ButDemocrarandRepublicans election. aswasthecasein thelastpraidentia.l moneydonations. bill wouldnot helpeittrerpartysrgnificandv Mdain'sproposed - something morethanthe other.His reformplanis nonpartisan pledged work the election. poliricians have to torurdafter Bush'ssuggestion to allowindividualsto makesoft monev do wouldbe a billiondollarloopholettut wouldbasically donations forofice. nuhingto change thewaypliticianscampaign in reforming campaign WhileBushhassardhewillsupportMcCain laws,heisntdoingmuchto help. finance withhbspkenpledgatowork Bush'slack of cooprationcoupled whateractlyhis positionis on the with McCain leaveusrvondering sublect.

Studenlclub funding moneygqlhering dust to Tivoli305thattellsus abouttheevenr Dear Editor, GOOD,that Club Funding Chancesare E)ilREMELY The Club FundingCommitteeprovidesfinancial will fundyoull by helping Committee to recognized studentorganizations assistance club,presentto CFC,have Bea recognized Guidelines: to fundeventsthroughoutthe schoolyear TO WANT at least10percentof the totalcostof the event. CFCwill Forsomereasonthis year,NO ONESEEMS DON'T FORGET not fund off campuseventsandwill not fund alcohol,or THAN IS UP \?ITH MONEY-\}{/HAT CFC securityfor orentswith alcohol. THATTTEAREHERETO HEI.PYOU. Raaki Garcia-Ulam Thisis the shnny:let's saya clubdecidesto host an Vice President of Student eventbut they dont haveenoughmoney.Vhat can an r0fell, way let me tell you that thereis a Organizations do? organizadon youhareto do issubmitaproposal thatis Fairlypainless-all

February2, 2q)1

TheMetropotitan/ 9

Ashcroft no rqcist EDITOR ScanfUeaver


ON LINE EDITOR ,€sslcaRoudl OPINION EDITOR Dafltle thabuda IIIE1USEDITOR Jdmcraret SPORNS EDITOR l5dr Gamer FEATURESEDITOR SarahCarney ASSISTANT FEATUREIi ED]TOR ChdrWad PHOTO EI'ITOR Scd Smalber OOPY EDTTORS lmber tohGon Tdly neca REFORTERS Bemad.ileBaca Elrad B WnCov EenaBowll ilatM3 lemltcr Yo.r|gnar AdamDudrm lsnlftr Gny PIIOT(rcRAPHERS teh*Edlr ldan llourenru ILLUSTRATOR BnndcnSni[r GRAPIIIC ARlr|sTS Fd ncilel trc Tambe INTERNET STAFF liirmrtcll lqnfl Otdc.

general. . .,"Jan.15,2001) Dear Editor, It seemsto mefiat "racist"is a title b€fittingthosewho writingabilityisimpressive, butin her Danielle Haraburda's ':Ashcroft onher supponthe billiondollarabonionindustrywhichconvinces nomirudon stink,"shedepends Jan.19column, numberof disproportionate fact She womento abona saggeringly for lack of and analpis. anfulrhetoricto cover a Liberals, the light of day. rhey even see minority babies before and thesurface ofeverytopicfromabortion succesfully skimmed position wouldusehis to shouldn t fearthatAshcroft himself as however, thatBushponrayed racism, to theunfounded assenion genocide. legalized thwantheirprecious amoderate duringthecampaign, thelawsof theStateof Asgovernor; hefaithfullyexecuted Theauthor's asin epithetical useof theword"Chrisdan," mentioned anicle, " (including, to the above according ".,,right-wing Missouri, objectionable o(remist., . ispanicularly Christian of thestatelotterythoughheis Everypolitician hasa serringup theadministration for itsprimafacie religious intolerance, hisdutvto thelawsof it) andhewillexecute against worldviewwhichanchorshis politicalviewsand decisions,personally general with land anorney excellence. this as U.S. Hindu, whether of Christian, it fallsintothecategory Jewish, iruccuracies in self-serving Addingto the list of politically Bahai, NewAge,atheist, orotherwrse. himselfasa anicle,is theideathatBushponrayed moderate Apolitician whether liberal, orconserrldve,Haraburda's sideas, andthathewasonlylying. shouldbe weighed on theirmeritsandeffect,ratherthanthe moderate, and At our house,we recordedboth the Democratic in whichtheyseemto fall. stereotypical category vice presidential well erery and as gun Republican co €ntions,as opposed HanburdaclaimsAshcroftis anti-choice, debate.I wouldreallyliketo knowwhereBush control,is agairstaffrmatileactionandhatecrimeslawsand presidential he because himself butthat'simpossible asamoderate, laws.Byimplication then,she ponrayed foughtto overturn desEgregation never misrepresented lie he Bush didn t because didn t, So then, freedoms resuiction of penonal appean toclaimAshcroft desires (anti-choice), and himself. that he desiresasmanyrandomshootings moderate wote concerning Bush's alleged tlaraburda Finally, andwants murders of minorityraces, asposible,hateseveryone "LookforyourselfVhtch to support diversity: andclaims whitesseparated fromminorities.If thesethingsweretrue,I rhetoric himselfwith,seewhohe ries to appoint. doubt,{shcroft couldgetairb asajanitorfortheSateofMissouri, whohe surrounds omittedthe Nonon."Sheveryconspicuously nomimtion. Ashcroft.Chavez. andreceive acabinet muchles holdagovernorship Rice,as nominees:Condoleeza of racism.Mostpeopleareat mo majorAfrican-American kt's consider theallegation prochoice Powell, Colin as national advisor and the who serurity Evers, rights leader leastcursorily of Medgar the civil aware racist? course Does mean she's a Of of State. this If Secretary wasmurdered. Irs arefamiliar withhisbrotheq ChulesEvers. Ashcmft Evers writeo judiciary not! AndneitherisJohnAshcroft. isa racist,thenwhydidCharles because David T. Hindman committeemembers supponinghis nominadon Metro Student ". , ,arenotsupponed accusations regarding racism bythefactsl' (Please refer to RockyMountainNewsanicle,'Anorney

WAyg To LrvEl.r uP CAtAVvt, PAgr i; TllluuLlNG NrrcAt-€"yLE h*ccno8rL€.'RAcrirct tsjecds in €rccssof 23 u$ltl

SENIOROFFICEASSISTANT BenndetleB*a DIREGTOROF STUDEilT PUBLICATIO]II DugCqmra BUSIT{ESSMANAGER fuo|g Do|mfta ADVISER JaneHobedr TEI,.EPHONE NUMBERS E0torlrklil03l 55&250i7 Fu: litlBl 55G:1421 E-mft marrn@mrcdedu fkb HDr'ldenrrlcd.edd-UrcttEt The Metropolitan is produced by and for the studerns of Metropolitan State College of Denver serving the Auraria Campus. The Metropotitan ls supported by advertising re\€nues and student fees, and ls published every F iday during the academic year and rnonthly during the summer semester. The Metooolitan is distributed to all campus buildings. No person may take more than one copy of each ediuon of lhe Metropolitan without prior written permissionDirect any questions, complalnts, compliments or comments to the MSCD Board of Publicataons c/o The Metro@litan Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of fhe Metropolitan, Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advenisers. Deadllne for calendar items is 5 p.m. Friday. Deadline for press releases is 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. Classitied ad\rertising deadline is 5:OO p.m. Monday. fhe Metrooolitan's olfices are located in the Tivoli Studem Union Suite 313. Mailing address is P-O.Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Denvet CO 80217-3362. @ All ights reserved.

Letters Poticy

welcomes letters of 500 TheMetropolitan wordsor few'er interest, ontopics of general Irttersmustincludea fullname, school ore-mail affiliation anda phonenumber aooress. Letters mightbeeditedforlength, grammar andaccuracY.

llailbox: 'lheMetropoliun Parkway, Suite313 900Auraria Denver C080204 e-mai| : haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 303.556.2507 fax:303.556.3421

10 I The Metropolitan

February 2, 2001

Angelo VanFleet assists Metro student Janel Eme6on at the Student Support Services office located ln Central Classroom201. AdamHousem an/llc llCtopolitoo

Gqlleryownerdevoteslimeto others mffi

froma desireto give Theideato openanartgalleryevoh'ed illness sruck. "closet "Theheadinjuryshut off my otherlife, drugs,alcohol, a placeto showrheirwork,VanFleetsaid. artists" - beingsild andcruy.Afrerthat,it riasthe roadto of nineerhibitsa yearMost VanFleetis nota selfish Angelo man. ThePotBoilerrunsanaverage pamying The42-yearold Metrofineartsmajorandownerof rhePot recovery." artists, andstudents hesaid,arefromnewandobscure shows, Boilerartgalleryin rvestDenverisallaboutgMng. Metro. much from thathebases VanFleetsaidhiscomagavehimvisions to exhibittheir of hisanworkon.Hedescribes Vhetherit'sgivingstudentartisma chance Andalthough thePotBoilergalleryis his,VanFleetsaidhe thesevisions astransitions. workat hisgallery,or rvhether it's helpingsrudents find their "Vhen a NativeAmerican hasneverhadanexhibitof hisownwork. wherehe dies,theirspiriris transformed "l wantto focuson otherpeople,"he said. waythroughcollegeat StudentSupponServices "You VanFleetisreadyto help. the feedback, l'orksoncampus-Angelo shouldseethe expressions, into the wingedbrothersand "l try roinfluence get." thestudents a lot of thestudents thatI runintoevenif sisters-+he andthecompliments hawk,theraven,the Rebecca Specialist I don'tknowthem,"VanFleetsaid,"l ireara lot ofstoriesabout crow Vhen thespiritdies,you StudentDevelopment 'l pregnancies. Fernandez saidthatVanFleet'sconributionto bofriends,husbands, can'tdo this,I can'tdo turn into a wingedcteatureto English isinraluable, sucks.'ltry ro getrhemto rationalize watchoverthenativeswhot'ere that.lvlathsucks, thestudents "He isa greatresource," shesaid."Heisvery thesituation." lefton theeanh." Whenhe VanFleetknowsaIotaboutrationalizing situations, Hehelpsstudents findtheirstrengths," caring. Van Fleetsaid that as he tas 28hervasstricken withencephalitis, aninflammation of the recovered Fernandez saidthat althoughVanFleetis from hrs illness,his heisassigned brain.Hespenttwomonthsin a comaandayearin thehospiral artworkevolred. required to workwiththestudents Hesaidit isstill recolering, he maintains for onlya y'ear, conmctwith them evolving. "Before hesaid."l never theircollege career thesickness I neverpaidattention," "i'm krodof unbalanced," throughout he "He is a verv stronginfluencein keeping paidattention to anithing,really.I hada nine-to-fire iob,came said."l'm not on an evenkeel homeanddiddrugs-wentto bedanddidit alloveragain." shesaid. yet," themin school," witheverything Support Services Before hrsillnes,VanFleethadneverdrawnor hadadesire VanFleetsaidthatStudent His work reflects this wastherefor him whenhe neededhelp,sohe oil paintings to draw.Thatdesirewouldcomes'henhe wasin the hospital unbalance. Spiritual andhisgodmother broughthima setof coloredpencils. hasgivenbackto theprogram. of hisvisionsadornthew'allsof "l purour a lot,"he said."l reachout to "l drewsomething." it was." hisgallery, hesaid."l can'tremembelrvhat are Stonesculprures VanFleetsaida passion in him. It is a on display for art arvakened I getdeepwilh them.I'm nottherype studenrs, too,aswellasa lamp passion In 1995, that lookslike it couldhave personto shove1'ouoff It's a goodplaceto thathe woulddevelop overthenext12years. of AdamHousernan/li.lletropolton heenrolled a degree in fineanswilha painting comefromtheOrient, atMetroseeking be." Thereare Angelo VanFleetshorys off hls handy for In 1996,he stanedworking StudentSuppon alsophotographs in the fall.Andafter emphasis. VanFleetwill graduate thatlooklike wolk at the Pot Boller gallery Jan. usinghisgalleryto help whoneeded thatheplansto continue rvhere hebegan mentoring students some theyweretakenat the turn of 30. The gallery ls located at 3877 Services, guidance getting rhrough college. themselves. others express thelastcentury, TennysonSt. VanFleetmentorsfirst-generation fu for hisownart? studen$,low-income At first glance,the casual "l haven't with He he from determined andstudents disabilities. said drars let whereI wanttogo," students, observer mightnot realizethar I'ork. doingthis,shoningotherpeople's hisorvnlifeexperiences ro helphimwithhismentoring. them.Butthevareall hisvision.It is a hesaid."l'm enjoying rhesamemancreared I whenhewasonly14, visionof selfcxpression. Hefathered thefirstoffire daughters Andir is a vrsionof ranringto help Rightnowit's moreaboutgivingthe artistthe opportunity. thatrvavuntilhis otherserpress knorv1'llgetmvturn." Heabused alcoholanddrugs.Andcontinued themsehes.



/ 11 TheMetropolitan

Thasis a paid advertisement

governrnâ‚Źnl assern1>lY I


12 ITheMetropolitan


February 2, 2001 Th:s is a paid advertasement

Letter from the President

Dear Metro Students,

Sometimes as sfudents we are so busy running around earning a living, doing research, racing to classes,and taking care of our families that we hardly get enough time to breathe. As students, we come to Metro for various reasonsand we take part in our education in a variety of ways. As a student who is fairly new to Metro, I have leamed what this school and the people in it can do for me and what I can do for Metro. A little over a year ago, I stepped onto this campus for the first time and felt lost. I had recently graduated from Arapahoe Community College and knew that I could handle it, but I felt overwhelmed by the size of Metro. Not knowing a soul on campus,I stayedfairly quiet in my classes,and spent much of my time reading in the library for most of my first semester.When I looked up from my books, however, I started to seethat the campus community was all around me. Both studentsand faculty seemedexcitedabout being here, and slowly but surely I was pulled in by their enthusiasm.There is so much happening at Metro that even I as the Student Body President only know the half of it. We are your Student Government Assembly, a grouP of students furthering the magic that every student who seb foot on this campus feels. We are composedof both traditional and non-traditional students:Parents, athletes,professionals,and activists.We work as a team to addressstudent concernsand issues,and we take our positionsvery seriously. This year has been great for Metro sfudents. We have been successful, creatingstrong relationshipswith our faculty, administration, alumni, and state representatives,and have carried the Metro student voice to the highest levels of our college administration and state governmment. Higher education is a dynamic issue in Colorado, and in order for our education to remdn a positive experience,we must continue to make our voice heard. To do this, we must know about the issues facing us. This newsletter is an attempt to educab you about some of the important issue facing you asa student. We want to allow you to becomefamiliar with a group of your peerswho are taking action. Included is information about eventsthat the Student Govemment wanb you to get involved in. It is our hope that no matter why you are a sfudent at Metro, or what your schedulelooks like, you can find the time to read our newslefterand begin to understand the possibilities and magic that comes along with being a Meho student. As your Sfudent Government we are here to addressyour needs.Stop in and tell us what WE CAN DO FOR YOU. Sincerely

MYEStefanie Vassilaros MSCD Student Body President

Metropolitan State College of Denver Student Government AssemblyMission Statement


// lt is our mission to uphold student rights and regardlessof race, gender, sexual responsibilities orientation,age, or ability in an opent dynamic,and ratherthan power. peacefulmannerstemmingfrom a positionof responsibility adventure,we, the MetropolitanStateCollegeof With a senseof intellectual DenverStudentGovernmentAssembly,come from a placeof imagination, when dealingwith the visionsof each other, possibility,and compassion of this college. faculty,and administration the students,

The ElectionCommissionis YOUR opportunityto impactthe campus!! are Elections lor 2OO1-2OO2 The StudentCovernment comingup and there are still two studentpositions available on the ElectionCommission! for ensuringthat is responsible The ElectionCommission all candidates are: . eligibleto run . ableto follow procedure . giventhe opportunityto debate in this can benefitthroughinvolvement Membersof the ElectionCommission experience. resumeworthy lf you are interested,stop by or call the SGAoffice at (303)5563312.



The EventsCommitteeworks on eventsthat the SCA -participatesin, while continuingto create a campus community.One of the major projects that this iommittee is working on at the moment is "Have a Heart," Metro's first Valentine'sDance, to be held February9th, 2001, from 9pm-1amin the TivoliAtrium. This dance is a charity fundraiserand is designedto further bring the campus community together. All proceedswill go to The Children'sHospitalCardiacCare Unit. The events committeeis also working on a variety of educational forums and another "Meet your StudentCovernment Day,"an eventthat we previouslyheld during both the summerand fall semesters. lf you would like to help us with any of theseeventsor the EventsCommitteemeets: wouldlikemoreinformation, 4pm EveryWednesday, Tivoli#329 (303)55G3312 n . '. i t

NicholasDelmonico ir v.P. for Diversity t

Y(IU??? D(lF()R WI|AT CA]I SGA . Helpyou navigateMetro'sadministration & Faculty . Beyouradvocates as studentsworkingfor students . Representyou as a

studentbody ' Provide information aboutthe collegeand the StateLegislature


The MetroPolitanI 13

This is a Paidadvertlaement

The Great and GroovyStudent GovernmentExperience


When I was approache-d last year by an involved student who was always making class announcements, I wondered what she had in storc for me' She voiced the sufgestion that I run for Student Govemment on her ticket. At that time in my accumulated file of college life and experience I had not one document on student govemment except for what Brandon went through as Student Body President on 90210.So, with my limited idea of Student govemment, I agreed. Now almost a year later, I am looking back and writing this essay to try to communicate whai student government has done for me, and what it can and should do for all the students who want to be involved and even those who just want to listerl Student govemment is a community builder and once a community is built it gives a voice to that community. This year's student government "focus issues" from the September 14, 2000Agenda were: Goals: 1. Dispel APathY 2. Build a Community 3. Be proactive. 1. Passthe Bond Fee 2. FacilitateAccessfor Night Students 3. Get word out about SGA. Dispelling apathy and maintaining a student voice is a double role for student government to play, which requires work on more than one front at a time. Atthough ttrey are not the same, these two roles are interlocked. A community builder that Student Govemment Assembly,(SGA) participated in this year was AIDS Walk Colorado. This was done by promoting the walk, participating in the walk and by tabling on carnpus for a week to recruit students io join in thi watk. This activity enabled our student rePresentafivesto be helping in the fight against AIDS and at the sarnetime become known and connected to the campus, other students, and people in the walk. The Auraria Team raised $15,00 this yeaq,thanks to all who participated. An example of the strengthening of the student voice is committee work. Through this opportunity the student voice is heard by administration and faculty advocating student perspectives. The VP of Academic Affairs is on many committeei as the student voice. The committees of B.A.S.E, which makes decisionsabout academicstandardsequivalency,Grade Appeals Committee, and the Academic Policy Advisory Committee, which advises academic policy, are the some of the committees attended in which the student goverrunent member, and so the students, have a direct voice or vote. Since the B.AS.E. and Grade Appeals Committees are confidential, I will use the Academic Policy Advisory Committee as an example. This semester,this committee was working on the rewriting of the Grade Appeal procedure to make it less hassling for the students, faculty, and all involved. As a member of this commitEe I was able to bring to the table concems for the students about how the policy would affect the students. BecauseI was a member of the group I got to help resolve any conllicts for the shrdenb in the policy that we recommended. Altemating back to the community building aspectof student govemment I will mention the mural contest, which was sponsored this year and invite everyone to come to the office in Tivoli 307 to see the work in Progrcssby student Jessica Rouch. On the subject of student voice, another example of activities of SGA would be the Bond Fee. The Bond Fee was an issue voted on the year before we were in office and Metro students passed it- Due to events not controlled by Metro, the bond fee was killed by the higher ups, the powers that be, etc. This semester,SGA S.A.C.A.B.representativesfought hard to get the vote back to campus becauseof SGA irutitutional memory and duty to be the voice of Metro students. Our student govemnent worked very hard to make sure the voice of Metro students would not be ignored. The passing of the bond fee involved the Auraria Child Care Center, the Tivoli Student Union, and the Auraria Events Center, and of course for all you interested students extensive notes are avaiLable.The bond fee passed the second time like the first time and the Metro Student voice was heard. There are so many other functions that this student govemment strives to offer. Student govemment is a râ‚Źsource for students with questions or problerns or for students who want to get involved. Student govemment has many issues and many commitbes that need student involvement. There is the issue of the discontinuance of the African American Studies, which student government has a committee working agains! there are also the legislative issues that student govemment ie working towards, such as Metro having its own govemance board' There are events planned to connect students and the campus together. Student govemment has a lot to offer all those who corte into contact with it, as does each person who comes into contact with student govemment. Tivoli Student Union is not iust a name - it is what we make it. Your Metro Student Govemment office is located in , Tivoli 307 and is open for you. Come in and get involved, informe{ or into, in your own special way, the great and groovy student government experience.It may be different than what you saw on 90210 but isn't everything?And in the end aren't you glad it 2? The objectives were:


lf you would like to join any onc of tftosc oommlttccs, (3o3)556ft12 or Email to vtsslhr@m*d.edu

Gortact 9bfrnie


Academic DiversiBl Committee

MissionStatement:To providta voice of advocacyfor academic programs that enriches the campus with protectedby the status diversityand is not necessarily ouo academicstructure. Meetings: EveryFriday,12-1pm Tivoli#307 (303)55G3312 CandaceFarmer,VPof AcademicAffairs-Chair Committee objectives . Learnabouf the historyof, Policiesof, statisticsof, and.possibilit!es..of, African AmericanStudies,Native AmericanStudies,ChicanoStudies, programs that bringdiversityto the and otheracademic Women'sStudies, world of Metro. academic . Findout what is happeningwith regardto academicdiversity,inform the student body on the issuesand events ancl become a volce lor the students. . Make connections with variousacademicprogramsand influentialpeople for the college. makingacademicdecisions . Make connectionswith studentsand studentgroupswho are interested academicdiversity. and involvedwith maintaining . Brainstormand executeideasto promotethe successof a varietyof academicprograms.



Committeeis to The-missionof Metro'sSCA Legislatirre communicateto SGA and Metro's student body all proposedlegislationthat directly or indirectlyaffects them. The commitbeewill be knowledgeableabout legislationand track its movementsthrough the Legislature.lt will also be the responsibilityof the students'opinions committeeto voiceto the Legislature and concemson proposedbills.

MatthewD. Roberts,Representativeto the Board of Trustees Meetingp:EveryFriday,1pm Tivoli#307 (303)556-3312

Golda Meir Accessibility Committee

whereno To createan atmosphere MissionStatement: physical their challenges. of left behind because is student Members: Committee VPof StudentOrganizations-Chair RaakiGarcia-Ulam, CommitteeObjectives: . Makethe GoldaMeir Centerwheelchair accessible . Put doorbellsand intercomson all the 9th Street Park housesto allow a of a physicalchallenge studentswho cannotenterthe housesbecause way to get assistance. . Placelargesignagewith Brailleon all the 9th StreetParkhousesfor studentswith visull impairmentsin orderto assistthem in findingtheir way. . Findmoneythroughfundraising,grantsand foundationsto makeall above objectivesa reality. . Createalliances administration with AHEC,alumni,the Metro Foundation, and faculty . To maintaina high levelof activitythroughoutthe yearin order to createcontinuity into the next year.

2pm Meetings:EveryThursday, Tivoli#307 (303)5563312 RgarciaU@aol.com


VPofAcatumic Alfairs



14 / The Metropolitan

February2, 2001 This is a paid advertisement






e cordiallv invited to


All Proceedswill go to The Children's Hospital QardiacCareUrri,f

Sponsoredby the MSCD StudentGovernmentAssembly

For more information or tickets call (3031556-3312 or stop by Tivoli #307 or email vassilar@rnscd.edu l>

February 2,2001

The Metropotitan/ 15

gradleaves of a'piece' ililetro herselfbehind <-

StoryanolphstosbyJenmferGrey Kryzabid to put her Marlene Krlzawantedto appliedfor Originally, Metrograduate herby sculpturein the MD circle at l0th and something to remember leavecampus after spendingeight 1'earsworking and Larimer.Hersecondbid wasfor a spacein here.\0henshegraduated rhelibrarycounyard.Then,thecommittee anending classes spaceoutsideof witha bachelor's the temporarv of fineartsin desQnated in Mav1999, to Kryzafor a year Dick she theVestClassroom sculprure, shestartedon the sculpture divisionaldirectorof Faciliues installed outsidethe\I'estClassroom Jan.26. Feuerborn, Planning andUse,sarshehopestheconcept Then,shedroveto Boston. "l'm saving$300bv diggingthis hole catches on, "Ve decidedto try to developan myself,"K.rlzasaid,a breakerbar in her hole opporrunityfor studentsro displavtheir handsandsnndingin the 3-footdeep ."So a location to work," hesaid. weidentified thatt'ould laterbe pouredwithconcrete steel-spiraled sculpture. andwe are in the processof refiningthe mountthe10-foot, Feuerborn to ensurefairness." oualifications

"Yeah,it's said. "Getting funnvI gotthis wasthe approval spot, too, hard parr. After because I that, I had rhe workedin the supportof AHEC financial aid to helpwith the offices riiht installationand for there over they've been fourt'ears," she great," shesaidas said,pointing sheworkeda rock ro the Central loose from the Classroom sideof the hole across near the West Classroofli lan. 24, withapicku. Lawrence 'TheyevendrovethisBobcatoverfor Street. a wayto me,"shesaidhurlingthe rockinto the design Shehadan engineer pukedbythe mountthebaseof thesculpture andfigured troughof thelitdeearthmover theprqectwouldcostherabout$500.The hole. Knza's design caught Threedimensional forthebottomoftheholecost$250 concrete her at the interest third anempt during 3-D alone. with anddesign class.Shesmned thesculpture to looklikeit processes Shewanted butwhenshe"finally the drawing andpainting in nature, climbing up toward belonged gotrherightteacher for 3-D,"thewelding it sitsrvith. sunlikethetrees hanging "Thisrvhole thingisa hugeriskforme," buggrewon herandshestarted "l'm Atlas's metalscrap lards. shesaid. notsureif thethingisgoingto around wasKrlza'slast"hoorah" Thesculpture standandI haveto fundtheprojectmlselfl" was oncampus, agiftfromherto us. Shetooka Shewashappythatwhenthesculpture job music schoolin Boston asafinancial at a the base, it stood. soldered to she'llbeback Higher aidadministrator, butshesays Auraria k .u hadto gothrough a paintjobbeforethe to girethesculpture Facilities N{anagement, Education Center's Planning andFacilities andUsedepartmenmvearisthrough. get to approral foroneof thethreesitesshe


the Wost Glassroom Jan. 26.

gelsgoodloughftomconfession Audience 'where's

wasdying!" Theaudience themonq'?' couldhearme, banloaroundhere." Butdidhereally stealthe Nodoubtlulattherr stoletheshow. "biciclebandit"hadmade threedap eadieE Macon s so<alled peda.lng away afterholdingup monql? hisdrirdgeaway in moretlun ayear, -Autographed ponraia Tommy tellenwitharifle. MACON, Ca.(AP) ofGallaghe4 withthree the 43-ye:rold Fotice thinkso.Thq'vecharged inside Chong ud dcensofothertouring comics hang theComedy l,lanheun'impromptu robbery If aiurydecidal{anhemwasnthdding, himbookedintothecounty counrofarmed sugeactgot wantto addthelatestsensat.ion wholeftan jad.Comedian If theowners Cafe. tolifeinprison. besentenced Ric*e.v Smilqihostof theshow"ComicView"on hecould audience institches, hismugshot. they'llneed past manwalked inroa < 14montts, amasked Three in the trnes is stilllaughing aboutthesuspect BlackEnterainment Television, l{auhenn andcraclad up who*umbledinn hissunduproutine. Glenn upagedhishloritecomedran robbing tellers the shotfromariflebefore barkandfiredawaming 'Ttut '1 asohoutcrowdatthecomedy dubwfienhehop@onstage to wasfunnyashelll"Smiley said. wasonthemicrophone, page16 - "l'mtheguywho's seeCOMEDY beenrobbing these andI pretended make acriminal confesron ButI said,wheretheaudience I waswhrspering.



16 l TheMetropotitan

February 2, 20O'l

Accusedbonkrobbetsleqlsthe showqf Georgiocomedyclub l+

from 15 COIiEDY,

night.Youmakemelaugh,andI got pressure on suge. "Vtrat's "I m going me," l{atthews said, according to Smiley. the onl' he aslad a budy, ult-andFolrce werestumped andacapngon a bL1rcle. guywho's beenrobbngthae hnk aroundhere, bearded mandancing downfront. performance.pepper Matthews' before bizarre one-night grabbed I wenttojail,I justwanted to comesee And before hopped suge and Matthews on TheJan. 12show hadsoldoutattheComedy '10u." joke. hand he even tell a Srni.ley's before could wrneand where Cafe, anaudience of 300sipped ClubownerMikeSmith,a formercop,didn't "l'myourbiggest fan.I watch vouonTVevery eblesasSmdev tookfie botdod beeru candlelit

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Hewasdisrupting careif theguywasjoking. the show.So Smithhad his staff call plice immediateh. Meanwhile, Smileytried to goad his where he'dstrshed the confasional hnintotelling Ttr audir:nce howled withlau$ter cash. 'They're it off astrulypanof the blowing comedyshoq" saidSmith,who persuaded lt{atthenn to learrthesageafteraboutseven mxnutes. said. { dont feelhewasdrunkatall,"Smrth 'Tirere wasalcohol onhisbreath. ButI H there wassomerealemctional distress on hispn 'You're notgiving meenough Hedbeen attentirrn.' had robbing bankfor 14mon*s,ard nobody him.' caught was Smiley ud healsobelieves theconfesion thercaldeal. 'Thesinradon wasfl.rnny, buthewasserious whenheuasuyingir Hedidntcracka smile," dl.I Smiley uid."Didn't ukehismedtation, that's thinktheyshould've hadhim on Ritalinor something." llatthews mayluvetoldaroomful of people Butpliceuy that tluthepulHofftherobberies. wasn toclwgehim- it tooktwodaFto t enough digupenough evidence o puthimrniail. clubepisode, Ilatthews' Sincethecomedy havebeenin court. onlypublicappearances he diJnt repertor Duringnro bdefheadngs, reuact hisconfesion. Ivlatthews hasno telephone listingin his I5 mila southof homeown of VhnerRobim, ntrerepolicesayhe hada prasureMacon, washing Andhehasyeto beappointed businas. ntrocangvehissideof tte lanyer a permanent story. BenMllis,anindrgent ddense attomEwho lr4atthews in counMonday, brushed off advised l{atthews' Cafeasa outbuntat *re Comedy "humorous admision"thatwouldcarrylittle weight incoun. '1thinkercrything mustbeputin i6 prop€r 'There's Willis benueen conto<t," said. adifference in theconfesional anduying uyingsomething inacomedy something dub." No hddingsaidDistrictAnomey Howard wanttogototrialon "l dont thinkI would Simms. justaconfasion inacomedy club." sayng Police e<pect to travethelastlaugh, got link Itlatthews fiey've enough evidence to to PoliceCapt.RobenHernandez the robberies. wouldn't buthedll discusmootof dreevidence, offertwotidbits: dubina Frst,Mattlrews drove tothecomedy ran, the sameqpe vehide whiteChewolet wimesses hisbicydeinto saidthehndit loaded 8, aftertlrethirdrobhryJan. l,fatthews resembles the robber Second, cameras. Sdll,the caught on thehnla' security woreamask. bandit "Verecowed evidence toobviously suffcient said. believe ttutit'shim,"Hernandez should stillbeableto SmilEup lvlauhews watchhim on "ComicView"fromprison,if other necessary. Hesapheknows thisbecause inmatcarefrns. |Do lour dme,getout andlefs splitthe That's whatI saytohim.Justgivemesome money, "!0hen hegesout,he ofit,"Smilef Mid,laughing. gersfreedckentotheno<tshow. He'spanofmy oftcialfrn dub. "He'snotjustamembei He'stheprcsident."

Februdry 2,20o1 cjrl{f€lDhritcqn

iv Ererdca$ft'ft



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+E SUe lF; to dffre.



ra:s ba io

Xg+ la l5l€r lo 3.-

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c or.tgg.lr-rxra BoYBA<l<

The Metropolitan/17





yourenergies on prsonal ARIES:Focus of epectingtoomudrfrom irutead clulhnges, dimb, isteading onanupward career ottrn.Your pmition is fulfilling anda promotbnor more needmore possible. relatioruhip Yourintimate quality timenow. to imprort directactions TAURUS:Take goals. Ttrcre willbe yourrelationships andcareer progress u workif youcangetyurridzuacros nomatta tbepakingstepforward, suaessflrlly. pur goalat pu to close bring howsrnall, to work. will be ableto accomplish GEMINI:You yousetpur heanandmindto.Thisis anything is oneof pur bat timesat home. harmony .{a It'stinetotalaaprsonalinventory everywtrere. program forpurself. ardstanaselfimprovement atwork. andsayfocused Goit alone makingany pmmises, CANCER:Avoid monE- youmaynotbe if it concems cpecially howhard nomaner ableto keepthoepromises, in front of youat there challenges try. are 1ou penonal Rebest. work,somake sureo doyour pur gulsandoppnunities, oramine LEO:Goafteryourhighestgoalin the athowdoseto workplace, andpu willbeamazed goallou canget.Youarein a thischerished Be sogoit alone. losttnthought... mood, serious which makayouless wan'ofvourself-ahsorption, toothers. sensitive findlyrill beanendinsight VIRGO:There andohtadarcSding theproblems concerning foryoumayencounter money. Beonpur guard, youwithhead wholikesto surprise someone games dectsions about andpouieiplap.NIake - findthebargarn. purchases unporunt matethatture LIBRA:eny isws withracur willberesolved. If you previouslv caused conflict it maybe umerc takean arefeelingresdess, pleasure theright impromptu trip.Youveeamed pace. Your leisurely lazy, so orplore at a nk areemphasized. friendships weekwillfindpu suning SCORPIO:fhis newfriends. Ifyouarein nervactivities andmaking possibly it may move relationship, a strong yournay maniage, andifpu aremaried, trovrards work It willbeachallenging children. sunhaving pace yourself. week, tosonout timealone SAGITTARIUS:Take ycurclosest conflicts dratmaybe hampering A greatnumber of thingscanbe relationships. if vou get in the workplace accomplished Your friends need torely fromothen. cooperation onpu foremotional srppn andadvice. arelikelyatwork. QAPRICORN'F'twoIic andsidatep Take care ofyourownresponsibilities You withcoworken. areleaming anyuguments fromyourpastmisaka,sothetemaybeadash pu candiugee withadmefriend.Remember without being diugreeable. rapidprogress AQUARIUS: \buwillmake widrpro.iecr, andcomeupwithfnshidzufor nfio Therennybe a rclative odstfgprolects. in pur help.There isgreatfinancial news needs ycnr the thenearfutureforpu and hmily.Enioy gmdfriends. compnyof prioritia need to be PISCES:Your for boh career andhousdtold srarghtend out, rapnsbilitiesarecomptingforpur attenlpn. respomibilitier atwork- will Taking onadditional meanmorcmoneycomingyourway.Your ud cooperubn. howholdb filHwithafertion

18 r TheMetropolitan

February2, 2001






Demonstration of beautiful and unusual textural techniques.




Screenprinting on clay demonstration.



tex:v 9r::n

Demonstration of unique twodimensional assemblages.



frr,l Maxor

Geometric slip designs on functional ware demonstration-



CARIA FTETCHER Direct studentson concurent saggar and pit fire, two of the oldest firing & forcr techniquesknown. WHIT(O||B




Work with studentsdirecting a firing on Metro's new fast-fire wood kiln.




Building monumental ceramic sculpture demonstration.

All 'presentationswill be held on the Auraria Campus in the MSCD Art Department's Ceramics lab, Arts Buihlittg, Room 189

Study worB, or Trcnrel Abroad !! ITT


Go to the

Spring 2oo1 StudyAbroad Fair T\resday, Febnrar5r 19, Pool 1oaln - 3pm

North Classroom Building Atrium from the following organizationsand programs Representatives will be on hand to talk aboutthe options: . Australearn . Butler University . Councilon International EducationalExchange . Semester at Sea . SyracuseUniversity . U.S.PeaceCorps ...andmore!!! Sponsoredby the MSCDInstitute for lntemationd and Intercolhfal Mucation, : & UGD OfEceof International Education.

Club, MSCD CFC, Mile Hish Ceramics, und an



February 2, 2001

The MetropotitanI 19

Tqking bqsebqll tips from q reql pro


for three or four differentbookswithin its covers. He andhas frequently citeshisbookto helpteachhis players, ffcftfrcpc|lcr sheetdirectlyfrom its compileda pitchingphilosophy contents. fieldonMetro's Ifyoueverhappento strollbythebaseball graduated HighSchoolin 1988, fromEnglewood Gutierrez themovieKarateKid, wasdraftedandsignedrightoutof highschoolby theAstros, campus andseesomething resembling don't expectto seeDanielLarusoor Mr. Miyagi. It's just andhasstayedin baseball in at Englewood since.Hecoached Metro'snewpitchingcoach,AnthonyGutierrez, leadingthe 1996andestablished Baseball threeyouthteamsin theApache pitchingstaffin a setof mentalandphysical exercises called League. He currentlygivesprivatepitching instruction isometrics. througha$usiness calledInsideSports. "He bringsa differentapproachto the pitchingstaff'" in November as the head He joined the Roadrunners Metro baseballcoachVince Porrecosaid of the former pitchingcoach.In bet'ween Gutierrez is coaching thepitchers, HoustonAstros triple A pitcher."Anthonyis extremely takingclasses at Metroandonedaywouldlike to becomea " aboutpitching. knowledgeable teacher and Cutierrezbrings professional baseballexperience Althoughhe missedall of the team'sfall practices, to the baseball team. Gutierrez freshmethodsof pitcherdevelopment workoutsasan sawhislatearrivalduringindividual consistof everythingfrom dailyconversationsadvantage. His practices with his playerson pitchingphilosophyto the yoga-like "lt gaveme the opportunity to knowtheguysindividual isometrics. personalities, the andphysicalabilities,I thencouldassess with Mr.Miyagi," "[t lookslike a session senioroutfielder groupasa wholefromjudgingeachplayerindividually," said said. JackEdwards Cutierrez. Photocourts€yof Art Eitsten is a wayof weightliftingwithoutthe In reality,isometrics "He takesthe time to makesurethe guysarelearning," Metro pttchtrg coach AnthonyGutlorez wlll hav6th€ weightsthat Gutierrezlearnedin his minor leagueplaying Porreco said."l'm reallyimpressed bythewayheis relatingto Roadrunnsr pltchersroadyfor tho t€amsFgb.13 Season weight,usingthepowerof thepitchingstaff.Vhat'smoreimpressive days.It's the liftingof imaginary is howtheplayers opcnoragalnstHa3tlngscollego themind,the3l-yearoldGutierrez said. wellto thecollegeplayer" arereacting to him,herelates for Gutierrez because of his thattheyhadpriorrespect suggest "lt's the safestmethodto pushandpull the mostweight makes thematchwithhis Hisloveof baseball andcoaching baseball resume. youcanimagine," saidGutierrez. familya goodone. "l stillhadto earntheirrespectthroughopeningthedoors philosophy wasdeveloped A strongbaseball whileplaying his wife,Dana,and threekidsas beinga He describes of communication andbeingsomeonetheycan relyon for withandagainst the likesof CraigBiggio, Darryl "baseball JeffBagwell, aftera type family."Heevenhasa dognamedSlider, on and off the field."Gutierrezsaid. trialsand tribulations KileandBrianHunter.HeroomedwithKennyLoftonin 1989 of breaking pitch. "This ismoreimportantthanplayingat a higherlevel, withHunter. andis stillhasa friendship "He'sa greatteacherandis passionate aboutthegame," 'A lot of thethingsI do preachI'velearnedfirst-hand that "ButI bringexperience thatI havehadwith coaches from Danasaid."Sometimes I haveto quiethimdownaboutit." Ieague level that have translated pitched at the big have seeingwhatmustbedoneto besuccessful at a higherlevel," "l couldstandhereandulk aboutbaseball from7 a.m.to 5. andinstalling that messages to me. I'm takingthosemessages saidGutieriez. midnight," Gutierezsaid. to thepitchershere." Onedayatspringtraining,hehadtheprivilege of learning pitchingin the iuccessful TheRoadrunners haveenjoyed fromelsewhere is inspiration Foreverygreatteacher.there howto throwa changeup fromformerCyYoung Awardwinner recentpast. FormerpitchingcoachKennyLeonesio led the whodiedthree credits his father, that drives them. Gutierrez andAtlantaBravepitcher,TomGlavine. 1998pitchingstaff to a nationalrankingof 14th among greatest years From him,Gutierrez teacher. ago,asbeinghis "Hewasreallydownto earthandwillingto teachmethe Divisionll, and had second-ranked staffsin the Rocky learned important lessonsabout baseball,and more pitch. His changeup dovestraightdown,"Gutierrezsaidof Mountain AthleticConference in 1999and2000. aboutlife. importantly, Glavine.'l cameacrossa big leaguerwith one of the best Howeveqthe respectalreadygainedfrom Roadrunners "His with a calmingfire will ability to senda message changeups of all time, He taughtmethe pitchandI hadmy coaches and playersalike,makeGutierrezlook qualifiedto with I've learned to be a successful teacher always stay me. bestseason to datethatyear." continuethetradition. of that,andnowI'm tryingto pilssthatto the kids," Takingfor grantedexperiences like meetingClavinewas "Hehasopenedup hislifeto us,andallowsusto cometo because Gutierrez said. nevera feasible optionfor Gutienez.Throughouthis seven himaboutproblems on andoff thefield,"seniorpitcherCaleb in the The Roadrunners will be strivingtowardappearing yearsin theminors,he tooknoteof hisexperiences in a book Parmenter said. of on the success RII{AC playoff in 2001, and much that hinges thatisnowmorettun aninchthick. "l seethe pastsuccess hereasan extrememotivation.I realizes "Basically, I found myselfat the computertypingaway wantto usesomeof thethingsthathaveworked,andaddmy thepitchingstaffwill haveon thefield, ButGutierrez record. thathissuccess notonlyliesin thefinalwin-loss aboutmyemotions ander<periences," Gutierrez said. "lt has knowledge to bringthe pitchersto the next andexperience "Youcanlearnimportantlessons aboutlifewhenpitching. everythingI havebeentaughtfrom my dad and coaches. level,"Gutierrez said. pitch jokes,rituals,personalities Youcouldmaketheright at therighttimeandgeta bad AdversitS areall in there." "lt's goodto hearhimsharehisminorleague storieswith isimponantin life result.Tobeableto learnfromthatmistake Hehasthoughtaboutsomeday puttingthebookin some us. His is important," Parmenter said. experience youhaveto adustto thingsoutthere,"Gutierrez said. because typeof orderfor publication, because he saidthereis a base Althoughhe is quick to discreditit, playersentiments

Cmrigar Willis



Dunlqp seeks his | 00th win this weekend TaylorOsieczanek llc !.lrcFn


Vhen theMetromen'sbasketball teamleft for theirpivoul twoganeroadtripagainst Nebraska-Keamey andFortHapSate lastweekend, coachMikeDunlapwastwo victoriesshyof his 100thcareerwinat Meuo. Noteamin historyhaswer swepttheKeamey-Hays roadtrip makingit hardto envision a moreperfectscenario for Dunlapto earnhisl00thvicrorv.First.beatNebraska-Keamev onFridavand


placein theRoc$Mountain Metrokeptthegameclose,but trailed36-28 at thebreak.Metro moveintosoleposession ofsecond AthleicConference. Second, defeatFonHap,theNo.I teamin hadthe lopers'lerd downto fourduringthesecondhalf,but pulledawaydownthestretch.Metrowasthenforcedto Kearney theRlvlAC, onSaturday. games Instead,headinginto this weekend's versus foulat theendof thegameandendeduplosing76-58. home Regson Feb.2,andColorado Christian onFeb.3, Dunlapisstill Onekeysutisticfromthegamewaseachteam'stkee-point stuckwith98wins. shooting. Metrowas2-14(14.3percent)andKeamey shotG15 Metro'sfirstgameof thetripwasagainst sofu Neb.asls-Keamey.(40percent).Freshmen lukeKendall hasbeenoutsunding 'They(Nebraska-Keamq) for theRmdrunners, but he tud a sub-parone-forarethe bestteamin the league, thisseason performance fromthefield. withoutquestion," saidDunlap.Bothteamsenteredthegame sevenshooting "Freshmen withidentical 12-3records, withKeamey holdingaone-game lead dwap hit a lult,andheisdefinitelyin themiddle overMetrofor secondplacein theRMAC.Duringthefirsthalf, seeDUNI-APpage21



/ The Metropolitan

February2, 2001

Metro qthletes treqf troiners qs q porl of leqm The trainersareimportantto the teamstheyworkwith andmore. electric stimulation ultrasounds, playing. for keepingtheplavers theyareresponsible players' because faces Finally,it's gametime,A timeto searchthe go,"said and ready to ffc fetrdiloa "They guys the court on keepallour for anysignof blatantor hiddenpain. coachMikeDunlap. re' men'sbasketball At halftime, thereisiustenoughtimeto gettheplayers thatserreMetro's10athletic six studenttrainers There are much duties are play trainer's resumes game Metro athletic before On day, wrapped andstretchthemout just injured teams. Timeto unwrapthe tape,ice a sittingon thebenchwaitingto help morethen Thefinalbuzzersounds. "Theseguys work tremendouslY Roadrunners. kneehere,iceananklethere. Trainer leavethegym,thetrainersarestillat the hard,"saidMetro'sHeadAthletic Thingsstarttwohoursbeforetip-off.Thegyn is quiet;the Afterthepla,vers than put in more hours "They Troyer at paperwork. Paul locker rooms in the doing playersare not yet in uniform.But EventsCenter,cleaningup the trashand get a don't and they really athletes do the about, fourpeoplearescurrying gethomebv 11p.m. AurariaEvents Center, Theyusually They'reputtingout freshtowels,fillingwaterbottles,and Eventhoughtheyarenot on the roster,the trainersare rvholelot for it. "(Ve're) the oil that keeps the ontothefloor teams. luggingcoolers,iceandmedicalequipment of theathletics valued members goingthat peopledont ever machine up for t'omen's soccer "Theycertainly Aboutan hour beforetip-off,athletesare lining arepartof theteam,"said PaulTroyer 'A " see. partof theteam." ankle, wrist and finger wraps,stretches,theraPeuticcoach EdMontojo. imponant startswith Troyer,who has Everything upgradedthe Metro trainingroom from the messheinheritedfouryearsagoto theoneit is latthepresent, j "t've beenhere 16 yearsnol, and it's really,since ]probab\'the bestir's everbeen, said. Montojo took over," Troyu ]Paul




Outstanding Student Awards 2OOOand 2OO1Graduating Seniors! & May 2OOl Forthoseseniorsgraduating in December2OOO service,or other honors: Be recognizedfor superioracademicachievementplus leadership,


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The deadline for your completed Outstanding Student Awards application is Friday, 9r2OO1in the office of your maiordepartment. February S p e c i fi c c ri te ri a fo r th e a w ards i s on the appl i cati on form, avai l abl ei n TV 31 l , W C 1 3 3 ,WC 2 5 7 ,a n d S l l 01 or on the w eb- http://cl em.mscd.edu/-studl i fe/










,places['ve workedas a headcoach,"said coached at Caiifornia rlho previously lDunlap, 'And jl-uiheran andin Australia. that Lniversitv has volumes aboutthe job PauiTro,ver lspeaks of that.' lreistheieader ]Jonr,bccause athietic only cerrified staff s lioler, the I acivanced in master's de.qree a obtarned Itrliner. jrrhletictraining StateUniversitv fromCalifbrnia andhasbeenin thebusiness lo-"ein 1992. lrr S:Ln jft;L15vcaLs. hcrursa week.includingmost I For ir,< 'liovcr serves;i-{tile link benveen :roiidav-. ,liaverslnd stucient a problemsoiver trainers. 'l'he l:rnrlln criectrve ot iniuries, -.ix evaruetor 'rtudenttrainers ioiiorvanoiearnas muchas ltnevcaniromltim. jaime Danrel Puriibv, j i'hereis ihr Thomas. and.lolene BethRess Briscoe, \lcilissa iiiaidrvell. rEmricson. All ale seniorsandaii arervorking do norfalter loserher, sothe167i{etroathletes ongameoav. ii)nysicall]''Thevre veryprofessional do in rvhatthe,v ancitheytreatanytvpeof inruryyouhave,'said mens basketballsenior iorward Rashawn Fuicher Frombrokenbonesto diet tips,it doesn't matter- the,vrvantto help. "Ourrvholeplanis to try andreturnthe assoonasit is safefor esto competition them.''Troversaid. "That'sthe difference of and othert,vpes sportsmedicine ' youvegotthistimeline prcssure Troyer said athletic trainers take an

because approachto treatments, , injuredathletescan'twait to returnto

arejustaseagerto get them Thetrainers there,but safeh'.And thereinlies the reward to thepros, frombeginner tminer, athletic esfor "\(hen you take a injuredathleteand andbe therewith a rehabprogram implemenr andeverydayyou training themgoingrhrough rhemget betterandyou seethemback saidThomas, like nothinghappened'' 'ho oversarvthe rvomen'ssoccerleam tnls


2, ZW1 February

zt TheMetropolitan

Roqdrunnersdrop lwo gqmes on the roqd DUNLAP, from 19 performance." He is being of a lull," Dunlapsaidof Kendall's strong once he smells the definitely come back educated, andhe'll '!4ll A winandtheroad finishline." eyesthenturnedto FortHays. tripwouldstillbea success. It wasa closegamefromtheopeningtip. /rfterthe first20 were asthetwoteams of playnothinghadbeendecided minutes tiedat32points.Metroledlatein thegamewhenFonHap(141, 'A t-1) madewhatDunlaptermed bigbucketinsideof a minute," rimout,andwhenthefinal Metroproceeded to havetwobaskets lost 62-58 to finishthetripG2, sounded, Metrohad buzzer "Welost(toFortHals)byfourbutit wasagrertgame," Dunlap said. shootingagaingaveDunlapa Again,Metro'sthree-point whileFon a woeful1-15(5.7percent) headache, Metrofinished

scoring andFortHaysunderbothtgams'season Nebraska-Kearney frombehindthearc, Halswent9-19(47.4 percent) of90pointsa contest. "Wehavea tendency fromthe average at timesto havesomestruggles returnhomethisweekendfor two games TheRoadrunners field,"Dunlapsaid."Butwearealsoin the beingthe sameastheyhavebeenall of winning in rvith the kels down ouropponents top 10of keeping long. sothesigns forusare season fieldgoalpercenuge, from the ourselves "Takurgcareof the ball, reestablishing onceour offensecatches hopefulbecause Dunlap on defense," tobe tenacious line, and continue *ree-point we can be an orplosive up to our defense team.Andwe'veshowlat tlrnesrle cando said. so that teamin the RlvlAC "l knowwe'rethe bestdefensive rhat." ,rtike Dunlap " downthebackstretch. Therervasa oositivethe Roadrunnersholdswellforuscoming areableto stickto theirgameplanand If the Roadrunners roadtrip.Theyhadtheabiliryto couldtakefromtheunsuccesful night,MikeDunlap touch comeSaturday regaintheirshooting ukethecrowdoutofbothgames. Events his100thMetrovictoryat theAuraria "Vledidagoodjobfor themostpanat takingtheircrowdout shouldbecelebrating Andfromnoq on theydon'tgettheircrowd(when Center. ofthegame. Dunlap said. onFeb.15-1f," andl{ap travelto Denver Kearney held both the Roadrunners Andrvith their strongdefense,

The people lhqt keep the qthleles on the field 'Vhereis D at?"' thatkeepmedownandI amgoingto comebackfromthis."' wonder, a trainer,Troyerwason anotherathletic Beforebecoming the athleteand the A bond is usuallycreatedbetrveen injuryis priceless Helpinganathleteovercome a dramatic Ieam. tralnet and feelingTroyerandpaststudenttrainersgot whenthey "l usedto avoidPaulat firstandtriedto stayaway, because Troyerwrestledthroughouthighschoolandcollege,but of rehabilitating formerMetrodiver took on the challenge turnout wellfor him. to me,Paulseemeda bit rigid,"Fulchersaid."Butoverthe thingsdidn'talways Larwatwoyearsago. Jennifer "l've torn cartilagein my knee,brokeboth ankles, yearswe'vebecome close.Nowwejoke,talkaboutfamily.He's herhandson thedivingboard, In practice, Larwasmacked Troyersaid."l'vebeenthroughit all." myshoulder," separated person." a special whensheflungherhandsout fromher tuckedposition,she Yetthefirestillburnsin the36-yearold. andarenot iusttherefor the Theyallarestudenttrainers brokeseveral bonesin bothasshefellinto thepool. environment and the chanceto neededfor the athletic "l enjoythe competitive 1,500hoursof hands-on experience Larwalookedat her Kickingher nay backto the surface, special," Troyeradds."For do something n'ork with teams and who is working were so, Purifoy, lf that trainingcenification. werelimp. hands-they teamdoesn't n'orkingwith a nationalchampionship teamand hasmorethanenough instance, "l put my handsin front of me, but theyjust weren't with the men'sbasketball comealongveryoften.Tobea partof thatteam.Toexperience hours,couldhaveditchedtheteammid-season, working," shesaid. Thesacrifice as "Probably thatgoeswiththatthecamaraderie. the b$gestthrill of the trainingexperience,"everything In shock,andon thevergeof tears,Larwakickedherway putsinto thatin orderto achieve that "isbeingpanof theteam." a wholethateveryone Purifoy said, to theside,whereteammates helpedheroutof thepool. is in thetrainingroomat 5 a,m.to rvrapankles and goal,that'sveryrewarding." Purifoy various Byslowlyincorporating handexercises andrangeof getplayers properly session. Awardsfor athletictrainersdon't comeon plaques. stretched for the6 a.m.practice motiontechniques, Larsa,with her handsprotectircly taped, because there'snone doesn'tliewithina paycheck, whenthe team It{otivation He evenshowedup, withoutcomplaint, rvasbackon thedivingboardin sixweeks,pracricing carefully, trainen. student athletic practiced teammeetings and forI{erro's on Christmas Day. He attends Shecontinuedto recoverandeventually returnedto the "People do it for thesamereasontheyteach:theyloveto dinnersasrvell.withouthisfacearound.Fulchersavsheand three-meter divingplatiorm,r'hereaftersixmonthsof rehab, saysDr do it, theylovesports,theylike$orkingwithathletes," wouldworry, therestof histeammates she qualifiedfor Nationals and earnedan All-American at training curriculum director "He'snottherejustto berhere, the athletic he'stherebecause wewant Ir,lary Johnson, honorable mention, person go You to into athletic training. "[t takes a special he wants to be Metro. added.'And "Thatwasgreatto rvorkwithheq"Troyersaid."Something himto betherervithus,"Fulcher get look andhe'snottherewe'll don'tdo it roberich," there, If we together, around 'l'm likethat,it'sjustthehumanspiritsaying: notgoingto let TMINERS,from 20



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February 2, 2001

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month from 6-7:30pm. Freeandevery- givethis lecturein Tivoli#320 from 1- An &enoon with Sonta San&ez. one is welcome.For moreinformadon. 3pm. For more information,call JoinSanchez, poet,mothe4activist,and (303\52U3091. c:,ll professorin Tivoli #320 from 12:30603)556-8048. 2:30pm.For more information,call Job SearchStrategies. Learnhow to (303)ii6-8048 initiatea iob search, makecontacts, and resources in free workshop use this forall Diuersity in Our UniaersiA Rally . MSCD Meetsin CN#203from Join MSCD Student Government students. Intentiewing S&rJls- Reviewthe inter10am-12pm. Topre-regrster andfor more Assembly, faculry,smff.alumni.andstuvlewingprocess, preparai.e.questions, information, call(303)556-3654. dentsto protectand celebrateMetro's tion.andpresentation in this freeworkmulticultural attheRTDturncommunitv shopfor all NISCD students in CN#201 aroundand flagpolefrom 10-11:30am. from3-ipm.Topre-register andfor more For more information.c ll 60T556' information, caII(303)ii6-366+. 3312.

Conuersatlons Witbin: Dialaguing witb tbe Volces of Biracial Indiuiduals - Takepart in this workshop in the Tivoli #651 from 71am12r30pm. For more information,call YOGAfor Eaerybod.y - The Health CenteratAurariainviteseveryone to ake 60ri56-3r32. part in freeyogaeler,vTuesdav staning Feb.6 throughApril 26 in Tivoli#444 from 12-1pm. V'earcomfortable clothes andbringa towelor blanket,Formore information, call(303)556-252j. GAMBO Tastier: An AfricanLouisiana Cuisine F*pertence - Take partin thisGUMBO SMARTRecooery A non-traditional in usdngexperience A H**ory of People'sDlemory:The addictionrecoverygroup,meetsat the #5018from11amtheNonhClassroom Importanceof BlachHNory Month. DenverMainlibrary, 13th& Broadway, 2pm For more information, call KevinPowellfromMTV'sRealV/orldq'ill (303)t56-2701. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdayof every

MSCDStudent GoaernmentMeeting - Getinvolvedwith studentgovernment everyThursday from3:30-5:30pm in the Senate Chambers , Tivoli#329.Formore Of Mice and. Men - The Universityof information, call(303;)55 6-3312. Coloradoat Denver'sTheatreBuffsis presentingthis play in Ans #?18 at Trutb Bible Studyfrom a Messlanic 7:30pm. Formoreinformation andreser. Jeuisb Perspectiae Nl arewelcomero rztions,call(303)556-8850. and ioin in Tivoli #542 Vrednesdays Thursdays from 3-4pm.For moreinformation,callReuben ar Q03)315-2009.

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