Volume 23, Issue 19 - Feb. 9, 2001

Page 1


Vol um ,: 23 l s s ue19F ebr uar9.2001 v


2 I The MetroPolitan

February9, 2001

February9, 2001

The MetropolitanI 3

JaimeJarrett/Tlc fcbpdftot et$ Scholes, from the Scholes Foundation, speaks with Hermon George about his speech Feb. 1. Hermon, a ofessor of Africana Studies at the University ol Nortrern Golorado, was the keyrcte speaker for the Black World onlerence

l'leql pqsl, chqnge future 'people,"' George said. George alsostateda strongdisliketo the"gangsrer rap"of today. "lt began witha message, thenrhecrackcocaine explosion ofthe80s gavewzyto 'gangster rap's'themeof consumerism andviolence," he said. He saidthe stereotl'pical cocaine useris a whitemale,of full-time employment andhasa hrghschooldegree.But that the U,S.prison population ismajority black. "Thephonywarondrugsisreallyawaronyoungblackmen,"George said. Healsomentioned thedifference in punishments for thosewhoare caught usingcrackor cocaine. punishment The foracrackuserisharsher thenfor a cocaine user,George said. KevinPowell, a formerRealVorldcastmember, wasthespeaker for the secondevenrfor BlackHistoryMonth,titledThe Historyof the


America willnevererasethecolorlineuntilblackAmerica receives its rarations for the past,saidHermonGeorge, kEnotespeaker at the rckVorldConference on Feb.1. Ggrge,whois a professor of Africana Studies at the University of rrthEtn Colorado, saidin hisspeechto about50srudents, facultyand ff, thata sumof nearly$4 to $10trillionshouldbe paidto African rericans duringa 40yearperiod. "Thepointisto demand respect," said. George Theneedfor reparations couldpossibly leadto thebiggest lawsuitin : UgitedStates, George said. Healsosaidthereis a hugeresistance to thereparations because it ,uldbea directchallenge to theracialhierarchy. Georgesaid in his opinion rtwhiteAmerica doesno!want :ial integration and there are lufllii'e thingsthegovernment uldneedto do to helpAmerica itswayto socialintegration: people's l.Socialengineering. Memory: Theimportance of BlackHistoryMonth. "'Vhen you 2.Constant vigilance. all seeisballplayers andentertainers, that'sallyouaspire ro," said Powell in a speech Programs that work at the Tivoli towards Turnhalte Feb. achieving change. 5. I "!flhenI sawJesseJackson 4. Programs thatwouldbringattentionto socialintegration. runfor president I said'rhar'swhatI want to do,thatiswhatI wantto do,"'Powell for greater goodof racialintegrarion. said. 5.Andthewillingness "Sadly, Hesaidrepeatedly thereislittleevidence thatthestudents thatwhireAmerica needto read.'Allyouhaveto do doesnotwantsocial sgration." Georgesaid."Theydon'twanrir if ir costsomething like isread,thenyouwillknow," Hesaidhis fouryearsin college ir'yhiteness."'He saidAmerical'ould nor acceprrhe integration wereverydifficult."l felt I hadto up," catch he said. :auJt"whiteAmerica" "l absorbed won'taccepr allrhebooksI could." theintegration. George saidalongwith thereparations that100percentforgiveness Theothersideof dilficultyat collegefor Powell,he said,wasthe Llso needed. seePOWELLpage7 "Ultimately thepeoplewilldecidethatrhe'sysrem' isbroken,notthe


there is evidencethat white America does not want social integration


Hermon George Keynote speaker,Black World Conference & professor ofAfricana Studies at UNC

4 / The Metropolitan


9, 2001 February

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February 9, 20q)

TheMetropotitanI 5

, Metro boqrd bill defeqted Emmonuel


Alamosa, MesaSate Collegeand Western shouldhavea planfor allstudents acros the Colorado Graduate state." llc lekopcllloa Center in Grand Supporters for the bill testifiedMetro needsits orvngovemingboardbecause the Junctionand Vestern A bill to give Metro its own governing State College in collegehasdiferent needsthan the other in theLegislature Gunnison. boardhit a majorroadblock threeruralinstitutions. 'Vhat reD. 0_ Opponents to the it comesdownto is ownership," voted6- bill testifiedthe bill Committee TheHour Education said Nolbert Chavez,D-Denver,who Thebill,whichrvas would financially House Bill1192. 5 todefeat hurt Nolbert Chavez sponsored thebill. 'The (Metro)Foundation, introducedJan. 17,would havetransferred the threeothercolleges the studentsand facultywanta senseof for the governed controlof Metrofrom the Trustees bythetrustees. orvnenhipthat will take them to the next SateColleges in Coloradobeginning "(The bill) is premature and offersa level." July I, 2002.ln additionto Metro, the Boardof piecemeal alternative," saidAnneRice,vice saidheplansto introducethebill Chavez for the Sate Collegesin Colorado chairfor theBoardof Trustees. Trustees year "Policymaken againnext AdamsSate Collegein currentlyoversees


Adamllousernan /llc fcfoaonca Abdoul Doumbia Mali, plays his Djembe drum at a concart of west Afrban music Feb 5 at tfre St. Francis Genter. The concert was sponsorcd by Metrob music department as part of Btack History Month.

Gollery reopens ChrisWard tlcLLlpdncn

Threestudentart showshavebeen scheduled Gallerythis at the Emmanuel semesterr interimgallerydirectorKathryn Charles saidFeb.6. Eachof the l6-day exhibitionswill fromadifferent feature theworkofstudents school.University of Coloradoat Denver students will be featuredin the firstshoq whichopensMarchl. The gallerywill be closedfor spring break,after which an exhibitionof work by Metrostudentswill openMarch29. The finalshowwill open April19,whenthegallerywill hosttheartof of Community College Denver students. The three shown will each have an openingcelebrarion, Charlessaid. She is currently organizing ]qthryn Charles the CU-Denver opening, whichwill markher firstshowat Emmanuel. The galleryhas been closed sincethedirectorpositionwasleftvacant in July2000. "This is our premiere opening exposition," Charles said."Hopefully it will plans bewellattended." Vhileshe to make theopening"agalaevent,"Charles doesn't wantto emphasize thefactthatit willberhe firstshowat Emmanuel in morethaneieht months. "l hesitate to makea hugedealout of the reopening," shesaid,referringto her interimstatus."Therewill be causefor a biggercelebration when a permanent directorisin place."

Sqme - sex inherilqnce bill qpproved by Senqte



DE},IVER (AP)- A bill appmvedFeb.5 bya Senatecommitteewill allow the surviving partnerin a same-sex relationship to inherit propertyafterone partnerdies,if thereis no will. Opponents saidthe measure comesclose to sanctioning same-sex marriage. The SenateJudiciaryCommitteepassed Senate Bill 159,4-3.T:he threeRepublicans on the committee- Sens.Mark Hillman of Burlington, KenArnoldof Vesminster, andJim - votedno. Dyerof Littleton Ib inherit from a panner,the new law

would requirea coupleto sign an affidavit for debate, whereit is expected to encounter so everyonecan benefit?"said Hillman,in declaring thattheywere"committed panners." strongoppositionfmm conservatives who last response to awitness whotestifiedtharwillsare It wouldgiverhesurvivor rhesameprioriry yearhelped passabanor szrtâ‚Ź. easilycontested theLegislature in Colorado and thusnot a asa widowed spouse. sexmarflages. strongprotection forgaycouples, Currentlaw allowsthe familyof the Democrats this1'earhowever havean18-17 "This could havebeen done without deczuedpartnerto conlscateeverything, even majoriry in theSenate compared wirha 20-15 makingit a gayrightsisue,"he said,adding if thefamilyhasn'tseenthe personfor many Republican majoriry theyearbefore. thathe is concerned thebill is a steptoward years,saidbill sponsoror Sen.PatPascoe, DThisisthethirdyearPascoe hasintroduced sanctioninggay marriagewithout actually Denver the bill and the first time it has surviveda pasinga law. "lt's a matterof simplefairness," said Senate committee hearing. LoriAnnGirvan,executivedirector of Pascoe. "lt would keepsomepeoplefrom "lnsteadof changingthe law simplyto EqualityColorado, group, a gay-rights advocacy plunging intopoverty atthedeathofa partner" accommodate partners,why not saidthebillwouldprovide same-sex a veryfundamenal, Themeasurenowgoesto the full Senate improvethelawgenerally on privatecontracts, basicright.

6l TheMetropotitan February9, 2001

New stqndqtdscould shut down leqchet educqlion plogloms

(AP)- A statelawthatcouldshut content; classroom and instructionalwill not have adequatetime to address on. DEI\rVER hasbeenslow Adkinssaidthereviewprocess of instruction; weaknesesbeforethe deadline,ntrich could individualization downteacherducation progffns at colleges management; givenample would be all schools thatfailto meetstatesundards technology;and democracy,educationalmean the closureof much-neededteacher at times,but anduniversities concerns. timeto address programs. education in teaching an governance andcareers cou.ldworsenthe state'steachershortage, teachereducationstandards new policy The and director of Adkins, schools The law seeksto ensurethat Jeanne ofiicialfromaschoolunderreviewsaid. need for collegestudentsto the on emphasize planningfor the ColoradoCommission teachers. are producequalified Fiftecnpublicand privateprograms saidfearof teachershortages graduatewithin four years,and requiresa "The bill has teeth,"ColoradoEducation HigherEducation, undera programpasedby the beingreviewed experience. process. minimumof800hoursof field-based "Youmustdo shouldn\ cloudtheneedfora review for Commissioner MlliamMoloney. legislaturein 1D9.The lawsetsstandards produced roughly year, colleges state's quality," the last the "Ve want to compromise dont ofyourprogram dateorapproval prognms. thisbyacertain teachaeducation with teaching endorsements. graduates Adkinssaid."Ve dont wantteachenwhocan't 2,200 The sundardsue in eight generalarzu: is in leopudy." studensarebeingtested teachto thesundards fear schools officials College and univenity literacy;math; sandardsand assessment;

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,; :.!

The Metropolitan/ 7

9,2@1 February

q lo single month confined isn't history llqck ,

''Thiscountryis notwhatit usedto be," Shawalso said his passionhas not of in thefirstseason Powellpanicipated . sincehis televisionappearance, on decreased show,l"beRealWorld, Powellsaid,"But thiscountryis not whatit the reality-based on campus. harassment consistent intoa cause. but hasbeenredirected saidtherehavebeengreat MTV. "VhenI wentto Rugters University, it was useto be."Powell Nor', "Hewasrealvolatile andpassionate. "l waseitherlovedof hatedon the real butnotwhencollege equality, towards he said."Tokeepbeing strides a rudeawakening," He's is directed it but "l passion, has he was mv 20s," in said. Powell 'do suchasMetroarestill fightingto World," campuses 'dealwithit."' on campus, youhaveanID?"' sfopped say, can and he now speech eloquent at Powell's member Oneaudience program in Studies "l amgladI wentto college keepanAfrican-American Powell added, uid the of the speechattendees One Tbe Real real, on for being him thanked 2001. androsehell,I amnotoneto sitdown,I will but thoughtthe speechwasentertaining, "lt's not enoughto haveblackfriends, World. bethelastonestanding." ''YouhelpedmefeelproudasanAfrican- message to themasses. given be should or to lovehip-hop,it's bofriends,girlfriends, Powellsaidin socialstudiesandhistory anda lot of "l thoughtit wasentertaining female,"saidKimberlyPhillips,a not enough..," he said."Yougonafeelit in American theblackhistorysectionisveryshort classes; to lhechoir,butit wasgood, UpwardBoundstudent. it waspreaching MetroVeterans yourbones." andvague. saidKen just the audience," on is depends still it ofAfrican' "Vhatyousaidto thosein the house Powell saidthediscontinuation 'All you get in historyis RosaParks, at of Colorado Denver is occurringall drilledin myheadandI wantto thankyou." Boogie,a Universiry Studiesprograms stopsbeforethe American MartinLutherKing,it ahvays Powell saidof hisstinton TbeRealworld graduate. hesaid."lt mademe overtheUnitedStates. civilrightsmovement," "ln my pointof viewit doesno good.lf "lt'shappening it's thattheyusedwhattheygavethem,andthat all overthecountry. andsisters." madto betruthful,mybrothers youhavealready you areenrolledin college, hesaid."Firstit is theAfrican- youcan'thaveregrets. ': He addedthat historyis memorYof allconnected," Bianca readbooksandbeenthroughwhathe has of theaudience. member program, thenit'sChicano Another American Studies people. saidsheenjoyedthe speechgivenby beenthrough,"Boogiesaid."lt rvouldbe he Sharv, it's allconnected," kian Studies, "Blackhistoryis not a month,itsall vear Studies, wentto themases." betterif themessage Powell. sald. longto me,"Powellsaid. saidall hewantedto comeof the Powell "l dug how passionate he was,"Sharv of Powell saidthebestthingthestudents on the possible Porvell alsocommented wasfor peopleto read. thathewants speech MetroandAurariacoulddo is to uniteand said."Hehasa strongmessage of the African-American di#continuation fight,to writestuffdownon paperif needbe. to getoutthere." program at Metro. Studies who understand "There's wrongwithyouall,If He alsosaidto find allies something of the leadership but that the everything, it $'asn'tfor the strugglesof the people fighthasto beblackpeople, before1'ou,1'ouwouldn'tbehere,"hesaid. "Theleadership rvearewaitingfor is you blackstudentsto take He encouraged clinic said.'James Bird,abortion all," Porvell to learn classes Studies tht African-American country is to me this bombings, Columbine, what the peoplebeforethem had to go fallingapanat theseams." throughfor them.

OWELL,from 3




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February9, 2fi)l

TheMetropotitan/ 9

New protected clqss of citizens? EDITOR fVcrver S€an ART DIRECTOR lhvid Hc||'d

FEATURES EDITOR S.rCrG.ntet .ASSISTANT FEATURES EDITOR ffih . OPITK'I{ EDITOR Dilhfe Huahrda ]IEW5 EDITOR hEhntil SPORTS EDITOR ItdrGancl COPY EDITORS AnbcrJobroo Tobilnec. REFORTERS BerndetleBra EM&$tdor Eara Bruwll ilail Datd. hmihrYocgmtr AdamDunhar leonftr Grcy bm ilcPftenor PIIOTO ED]TOR Scoil9nelber PIIOTOGR'IPIIERS tlclrnle Eafh Adamlhurannn G

that'sright,sportoftials. members ofurr society, Manyof us didn't hear aboutthe mostcontroversial personally agatnst pstponement I dont have arything house Now, dont getmewrong, of a dangerow billafew Infact,lots oranything. likemost,hasseenthe spons I'mnotsporaoftcialphobic weeks offrcials. ago.Thisyear, oftcials.I iustdontseewhyhisor herlife ofmany bills of myfrbndsaresports debate, ublingandpostponement else's. HouseandSenate few should bevalued above anyone in boththeColorado dont they? fteir lifesryle, peopheverhearabout, butgiven dr hundrcds Andlefshceit,spns oftcialsdroose to theychose theycouldhavechosen, legislative sesion, I mean, outofallthecareers introduced ertry of bills Danietle with it *e krow can bring place in line work ttut all Id like to ulk, a of themselves that'snot reallysurprising. Haraburda game and orfoothall sometime, billmany ofpu might imminent danger howeve4 about aspecrfic Justgoo ahod<ey is you'llseewhatI mean.Those games getrough, buthey,nobody have foundspecifrcally egreglous, guystobesporsofficials. It wasabadbill,I'msurprised came outto forcing these tlut notmorepeople hasbeenputon procas, alittlezuier*nt HB1041 Sowecanallbreathe fightthisobvious aburofourlegislative in ourHouse of Committee Forsuflers,it wouldhavecreatda protecrddassof people. thebackburnerbytheCriminalJustice to the ButI thinkweneedto paycloseanention ThaCs right,a protected das of peoplewhowouldhavebeen Repraenatives. it. whosupported violence more*un weryday average citizens, threepeople safeguarded against (theaforementioned foratucking Afterall,whenthreesaterepretentatives, minimum fineonpeople imposing amandatory $1,000 R-Foumain, andLynnHefley,R{olorado beingisalready Clapp,RidurdDeckeg them.\[e allknowtlut violence against anyhuman suchthingsashate to suppon whodon'tseemtooeager Andwealsoknowthatpeople Springs), illegal toColorado sututes. according punishment just for fines and instead increased legislation, suppon in because some other crime arent urgeted Colorado, or anywhere, wonder why. onehasto pople ue bigotedor prejudiced. Canyoubelievesomesutte theasaultofsprtsofficials, ofage,phpicaldisabiliry withspecial tl(hywouldsomeone seetheadditions represenutive w:rnts to create a special clasof people lawsas you or se<ual punishmens orientation to the aistingethnicintimidation protections if,sayforinsunce, thatcreate different want laws designed to inherently wrong, but to seate specificrlly orl wereatacked? Outrageous. protefi protect Arethaerepresentatives tryingto a sporuofticials? lrlarkHillman, R-Budington, I thinkthatI trave toagree withSen, to beargesof hansment beenproven whowasquoted Rocby groupof poplewhotrave assaying, onlyafewweekagon rheJm.30 morethanothercitizens, or aretheytryingto advance isworse andviolence Mountain News,"ldont *tryoneformofhatred understand who to minority of citizens thinktheyareentitled the agenda of a wasalkingabout thananother formof hatred."Now,Sen.Hillman trerunent? arrcther billentirely, ofcourse, butI thinkthesentiment stillholds. special way,it allsounds higtrly to me. Either suspicious LauriClapp, RVho arethesepeople dratstaterepresenffive protections? wan6to favorwrthspecial Onlythe Arapahoe county,

ITTUSTRATOR Bnden9d[r GRAPHICARTISTS Paulilctldll ffe Speer GU Gtnm ON LINE EDITOR lessicaRoudr INTERNETSTAFF liimonhshi KrysfalGuder SENIOROFFICEASSISTANT Eemadette Baca DIRECTOROF STUDENT PUBLICATION Ibqg Gomaroe BUSINESSMITNAGER DomftaWbrg ADVISER faneHobac* TEI.EPHONENUIIBERS Edltorlahlilll3l 55&Ztlt7 Far lilll3l 55G3421 E-ml&roarer@rnscdrdu ttbh lr@://chm.rccd,edu/-benEt The Metopolitan ls p.oduced by and for the students of Metropolitan State College of Denv€r serving the Au.aria Campus. The Metroqlltan is supported by advertislnEl revenues and student tees, and is published eve.y Frldayduring the academlc year and monthly during the sumrner semester. Ilre /l,tetropolitaa is distributed to all campus buildings. No person mq|/ take more than one copy of each edition ol The Metropolitan without prioawritten pemission. Direct any questaons,complalnts, compliments or comments to the MSCD Bo{d of Publicatlonsc/o The Metroqlitan- Opinlons expressed wlthin do not necessarify reflect thos€ ot The Metropolitm, Met opolltan State College of Deriveror lts aclvertiseG. Deadline for calendar items is 5 p-m. Friday.Deadline ror press releases is 10 a.m. Monday.Displqy advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Friday.Classified a(tue.tisingdeadline is 5:OOp.m. Monday. The Metropolftan 3 offlces are located in the Tivoll Student Union Suite 313- Mailing address is P.O.Box173362, Campus Box 57, Denver,CO aO2L7-3362. @ All rights reserved.


Letters Poticy

welcomes lenersof 500 TheMetropolitan wordsor fewerontopicsofgeneralinterest. ktters must includea full name,school anda phonenumberore-mail affiliation aoqress. Lettersmightbeeditedfor length, grammar andaccuracy.

Mailbox: TheMetropolitan Parkway, Suite313 900Auraria Denver CO80204 e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 303.555.2507 f ax:303.556.3421

10 r TheMetrooolitan


for the Local artlst and cultulal authorlty on Mexlcan and Ghlcanoclvlllzatlon, Rlta Flores de Wallace shares a poem wlth paltlclpants dudng thâ‚Ź family day at the Metlo Centel tor the Vlsual arts.

whole family storyandphotos by ftott Smeltzer


February9, 2001

I 11 TheMetropolitan

Twcyâ‚Źarcld Jace Holford plays with a hand woven rug on the wall dudng the Metro Center tol the Vlsual Arts famlly day.



quietmuseum tositon.Shesaidthe.v techniques usedprimitive The wallsof an otherwise including with the soundsof childrenand to weaveall kindsof fiberstogether, reverberated joys leaves, of the arts Feb. to make the rugs. parenssharing in the 3. [4anyof thepanicipants in thehands{narts fortheVisual Ansheldits TheMetroCenter of the tviththecurrent experience didn't knowthe significance familvdayin connection annual elJ'ibit,Mdotti 6 weston:Muicanidad. The loomor eventhe name,but all flashedbright by TinaNlodotti smileswhen finishedwith their colorful orhibit featuresphotographs Veston,who livedandtraveledin masterpieces. andEdrvard "LookwMt I made,AuntieBoop,"said5Mexico,takingpicturesof the peopleand yearoldMarcella Corral, holdingup a pinkand theyencountered. landscapes purple program loom with colored cottonballson directoq nvo AmyBanker, theeducation saidthatonceayearthecenterhostsafamilydav eachside. whenan especially Otheractivities includedpoetryreadings for peophin thecommuniw from two Metro Chicano studiesprofasors. different cultural community. features a exhibit "Ve try andreachout to thatcommunity," RamonDelCasrillo, saidthat he hasbeen said."Vegetpeoplein herethatmalbe involvedin writingpoetryas a form of selfBanker forthelast2lyars. havenot everbeenin our gallerybefore,and expression "Tome,a poetis a painterthatpaints with maybehaven'tever beenin any galleryor 'l the image in my words," DelCastillo said. see museum." it." The centerteamedup with the Bridge mnd andrvnteit anddescribe program LaloDelgadohasbeenwritingChicano underthedirective Project, anoutreach poetryformorethan50years, sincehefirstcame Flveyear{ld Malcella Cor]al works on a weavlng plolect on a pdmltlve loom durlng of Denver of theUniversity "Ourmisionis to helpkidssay in school," to theUnitedStates fromJuarez, viaChihuahua,the lamlly day at the Metro Cantâ‚Źt for ths Vlsual Atts tamlly day' ofdevelopment for Mexico.Delgado hasbeena profesorat Metro saidGigiCamas, thedirector and poetsof the saying,"Youare the artisans Chicano Studies. poetsfromtheregion. forthepast15yeanandteaches theBridgeProiect. practice "They gift populations rvho poetr)' is a ttut has person had of future." are students Delgado uid had a dnt the Theirtarget to the tongue. They calledit Tlamatinimewhich Bankersaidthe hmily daywasa succes downfromonegeneration livein publichousingin Denver Theprojectis beenpassed 'was gartnered with the DenrerHousing Authority next. means, goodwithwords.'I tell peoplerve drawingmore than 200 people.Modotti 6 "(Chicano wtrlbeon displaythrough Veston:Mwicanidad goesbackto theAztecs," arethedescendents in Poetry) of theTlamatinime." andhasfacilitiain trvohousing developments said.'Theyusedto holdfestMlscalled theciryUncoln ParkandtheColumbine housing Delgado AsDelgado wounddowntheday,heswept March3. wheretheyprovideafter-school the flour andsongwhichwouldbringall these hishandaroundat the)'oungfacesin theroom developments, mentoringprogramsto help kids with their schoolwork and other social issues. Approximately fromtheprogram 30participants attended thefamilyday. Banker saidthedaywasopento thepublic, but directlytargeted the Latinopopulation in town,thus the pannership with the Bridge Proiect. According to Camas, thehighestpercenbge of pmple l'ho live in the nvo publichousing { derelopments areHispanic. Theeventsof the dayfeatured freehands-on anprojects, foodand poetryreadings thatreflected theLatinoculture. "\(e'reall abouttryingto fnveaccess to the aru,sopeoplecanhavetheexposure andlearn moreaboutit and,hopeful\',be inspiredand influenced." Banker said. Thebighit ofthedayforchildren andadults ivasthehandonartserperience. Witha dizying display of colorfulyarnandPopsicle Rrta sticks, Floresde Wallace, a localanistwhoorganizes I{exicanculturalprograms. taughtparticipants theartofleavingona primitive lmm. ..Shesaidtheprimitive loomwasusedbythe lor Vlsual Arts. The exhlb the Metro Cente? the Tina Modottl at at the work of looks Independent Stephen Schmldt filmmaker indigenous Mexico, called natives of Coahuila, ft titfed Modotti & Weston:Mexlcanldadwlll be showlng dally thtough March 3. patterned rugsused theGuachichiles, to weave

12 I TheMetropolitan

February 9, 2001

pioneers ExhibithonorsTuskegee two of the originalTuskegee Airmen.The A dozenof the400livingTuskegee Airmen Seeingthesemen and hearingtheir "Buck" airmen,82-year-old primary Lt. Col. Fitzroy residein Colorado, thetwo storiesis more than black history.lt's including Newsum, Ret.,andLt.Col.JohnMosley, Ret., speakers. Americanhistory. Historythat shouldbe Manyof our dreamsare nothingmore 79,spoketo the diverseaudience aboutthe Tuskegee AirmenInc.isa nationwide non- usedasa mapto thefuture. thanflightsof fancy, littlethoughts Fleeting of trialsandtribularions of becoming a pioneer. profitorganization thatsponsors scholarships Thesonofoneofthe airmen,EricMosley, flyinghighabovetherest. A fewof theoriginalairmenwerepresent and for youngpeopleinterested in aviation. They is a UnitedAirlinescaptain."Professionally, TheTuskegee Airmenmadetheirdreams acknowledged in the audience. 45 scholarships Theyspoke awardapproximately a year. (blackpilos) arelessrhanat theapexof the a reality, brieflyabouttheirownexperiences. Thereare 43 chaptersacrossthe country, Tuskegee Experience," he said.lt wasless TheTusk-who-gee? The men did not set out to become includingthe local,HubertL. "Hooks"Jones than40 yearsagowhencommercial aidines Justwhoare theseairmenthrt not only pioneers. Theyjustwantedto fly phnes;arid post. The "Hooks"chapterinstituteda beganhiringblackpilots madetheirdreams a realirybut madehistory if theycoulddo so by servingthe military, program calledTheMileHighFlightProgram, Manyoriginalairmenagreedthe Aurora aswell? thensobe it. But the goalwouldhaveto be The programis a 4-year-old enterprisethat HistoryMuseumTuskegee Airmendisplayis TheTuskegee Airmenwerethefirstgroup reached bypavingtheirownroad. school teaches high students aboutaviation. frr superiorthenthedisplaydedicated to the of blackpilotstrainedby the - thenracially "Thepurposeof Tuskegee wasfor us not The most recent awards went to men at the Smithsonian,located in segregated Americanmilitary.The 33 black to succeed. Themilitarywantedto provewe GrandviewHigh School senior Thomas VashingtonD.C.The exhibit,Rsminiscences menweretrainedat the Tuskegee Institute, didn'thavetheaptitudeor thecourage or the Fonson,Ill, He is scheduled to enroll at by Tuskegee Airmen, containsactual flight 'They on anArmyairfieldlocatedin Alabama. intelligence fly," Mosley vranted to said. Metroin the fall.CurrentMetrosophomore, suits,parachutes, scalemodelsof airplanes, In 1941,Americawasa nationrallied usto fail." Marquis Airmenfigures Jiggets,and two studentsat Emory dog tags,6.1.Joe Tuskegee togetherby loyaltyand patriotism.The Amid harshcriticismof havingblack Rinle and ColoradoStateUniversitywere anda pictureof Eleanor Roosevelt visitingthe community effortbyAmerican citizensadded pilots,the 99th Squadron escortedbomber awarded thescholarship. Tuskegee Institutein 1941. to theroleof the UnitedStatesin WorldVar planesfrom1943through1945. the Ib silence Themission of theorganization isto teach A few of the airmengavetoursandrold II. But Americawas alsoa nationhighly critics,eachmission wasperformed flawlessly.the importance of teamwork, leadership and storiesto the crowds. Themusicof theerais divided by racial inequality.Housing Theyneverlosta bomber the qualitiesrepresented adapt4tion, by the alsorepresented in the displayand quietly communities, hospitals, drinkingfountains, Theblackmendid not fail. Tuskegee Airmen. playsin thebackground of theexhibit.There restrooms and the militaryweresegregated TheNegromensucceeded. Threeolder men, two white and one is aninteractive displayfor childrenaswell. by race. Theblackmenexcelled. black,weresittingwiththeirsons,daughters, "lt is a historymuseum's dutyto present '!(rhenPresident OnFeb.4, at theAuroraHistoryMuseum, HarryTrumansignedan grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.All topics,to fill in the gaps,"saidDr Gordon hundreds of peoplegathered to geta glimpse executiveorder in 1948 orderingthe raisedtheirhandswhenanaudience member Davis, museumdirector.The Tuskegee of history,Manywereturnedaway,due to desegregation "Howmanyof youareherebecause of thearmedforces, theairmen asked, of Airmenexhibit runs throughApril 15.Call limitedseating. Somestoodwhileotherssat knewtheyhadmadetheirmark. -6660 (theairmen)?" for moreinformation. 303-739 on the floorto hearthe two-hourlectureby




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9,2001 February


The illetropolitanr 13

helpbuildhqbitqts Roqdrunners m

wasfust73hounawayfrom wheresheaids Sciences the500required completing the office, in managing I nc fcucaotllco Humanity to by Habiat for among other duties. Theair wascold,andcariedrvithit the owna home.Kempapplied heardof the Hollenbeck andsawsandpeoplehard of hammers sounds and has gone through to volunteer opportunit.v atwork.Thegroundwasmuddyanddampand severalself-helpworlshops hertimethroughGlatz's attheendof thedayit leftitsmarkoneveryone provides. theorganization mailinglist. fu for her 13th wasonthecornerofV/est there.Theplace "You fill .out an personal reasonsfor The Avenueand NelsonStreetin Lakewood. applicationand go to bravingthe cold and peoplethererverebusyworkingtogethefto orientationinitihllyto see muck to build houses, build houses,amongthem Metrostudents, wtratit's like,"shesaid.tu Hollenbeckcited the Saturday to a leisurely faculry andsuff,forgoing about for her enthusiasm hands-on experience nasHabitat theirtime.Theprogram volunteer home, Kgq3;s a owning suchworkprovides. a nonprofit for HumanityInternational, hasn't diminisheddespite "My primary to providelow<ost established organization the cold and muddy is that I'm motivation in need. housing to families conditions. remodelingmy house. was Habitarfor Humanitylnternational "lt'sreallywonhit. lt'sa I've beentakingclasses in 1976byMillardandLindaFuller established deal. I'm really wonderful at the HomeDepotand hasbuiltmore theproSram Since itsinception, excited,"Kempsaid,"l've to thisis anopportunity housesand is organDedat the than 100,000 learnedso much. I never learn." across locallevelby morethan1,900affiliates thoughtI'd be pickingup a Habitatfor Humanity l(aty Lever and Dlane Hollenbeck slt on scaffoldlng and ttlm a plece of sldltg chapterof HFHI thewodd. Themetro-Denver you hammerlt'saddicting... also provides an that wlll then be nalled to the Habltat for Humanlty house Feb. 2. applyand hasbeenactivesince1979.Families meet so manypeopleand opportunity to meet basedon theirabilityto repayan ue selected youlearna lot." peoplefrom all walksof beenvery verygoodto me,andit's the only loan,theirlevelof need,andtheir interest-free out moreaboutHabitatlor To life. f;nd wayto paythemback." willingnessto becomea partner in the wereworkers Hufltanit!, aisit tbeir web site qt Butalongwiththevolunteers Jerry Halladay,a recent retiree, has 400 Theymustthenvolunteer organization. ol HfrQ;' Tbeloul cbapter volunteered for Habiatfor a coupleof years, with a very personalsake in the buildingof wwwhabitat.org. hourstowardbuildingotherhomesandthen at uww.habitatmetrodmuu can be through his hearingaboutthe organization lound one homes,TanlaKempissetroreceive rhese 100hourstowardthe buildingof their own Il youunuldli.hctoplaceyourwf on Glat/s church.'Theystaneda houseandI iustnever of thehomes site. attheLakewood for metroDenver house.Mongagepayments and uid. fu for why he wenthome,"Halladay and motherof three, umpusmailinglist,uffit mscd.lists.edu Kemp,a housewife of thefamily's on25percent arebased families link. chnsetbeHabitat asa wholehas for Humanity volunteered. he said"Society income,interestfree. The programsubsists upon donations,corporatesponsorsand the helpofvolunteers. The man primarily responsiblefor effortson spreading thewordaboutHabitat's Lawrence Glatz, an assistant campusis professor of German atMetro.Hefirstbecame at Penn interested throughhis connections mailing a computerized Stateandestablished interested. Since then, listoncampus forthose and Glatzhas let Metro Stateemployees students knowabouteventsthroughe-mailor simplyrvordof mouth. Glatzsaid he wishesto take N1etro's invol',ement a stepfurther. ''whatI'd like to set up is a permanent groupatMetro," Habitat Glatzsaid. One of the studentsGlatzinformed throughword of mouthsas KatyLeveqa student of hisandaseniorin herfinalsemester at lUetro.LeverworkedwithHabitatrvhilein volunteered whensheheardof highschooland Metro's involvement. "l workedHabitatin highschoolandI had I a greattime,"Leversaid. "lt's something part wanted of." to bea Leveqalsoa memberof the GoldenKey spread HonorSocietyat Metro,subsequently thewordto her fellowmemben,Onesuch wasJim memberwho becameinterested junior yearat Robins, a psychology majorin his WARNING:Thesevideoscontainnudityand his timewasan Metro.He saidvolunteering sexualcontent.May be unsuitablefor minorsand opportuniryto meetand rvorkwith good personsoffendedby subjectmatterofthis nature. pmple. reallygenuine,I "Everyone outhereseems people," Robins said. likegenuine LOEiON Ng\,VIF YtrU LIKE WILDGIRLS But not all who hailedfromMetrowere u'orlsat students or faculty.DianeHollenbeck of Earthand Atmospheric the Department





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14 / TheMetropolitan

February 9, 2001


Alana Voth and son Kellon stop playing lor a qulck pose outside the tlre daycale center on Feb. 6. AbtanieBiatildlL LLtogcnon

rqceqnd erolicq Metrowrilerqddresses mffi

whenyou leavehere.'And*rat wasall he said.He wasn'tvery Ulent.Nomatterwhatyou'rewriting."

worean well.Jerome HisIaceat tbatmommtI remembu planted in wet man ubo had a sboe tbatofa uprcsiontnatcb@ parmts announced loa roomfull olotber dog$it ashe,afatbe4 phololakenat Cbristmas "Ve're Logan's andcbildren: notbaving tlv Westminster Mall tbisyear Theirknn Clauslookslikea Muiun." -Alana Noel Voth "Vhv Can't A MexicanBe SantaClaus?" aboutrace. Alana NoelVothistalking shewrote specifically about anon-fiction essay Sheisspeaking

whenwritingerotica. prediction to heartandleft mixedmessages foreboding VothtookheradvisoCs a double whereI'm eitherchallenging "l reallylikesituations Shewentto thedramadepartment department. thejournalism it andplalngoutwheredoesthiscome standard or I'mexploring paidoffforVoth. however, field,Drama, another high-paying - | liketo make in actingshefoundher wayinto fromandhowdoesit affectwomenandsexuality Throughher experience verystrong.Theycalltheshos." Shewas myfemalechuacters Shehadsucctsmodelinglocallyfor l0 years. modeling. beenawriter. Vothsaidshehasalways a CoorsErtraGoldGirl. writing,"Vothsaid."l "ln myearliest I remember memories "l dida posterandadsandmadevarious appearances," notebook andwrite Chief pieces paper out of the Big of would take of Modeling Barbizon School at the was an instructor She also little horses." my orvn and then draw about horses litde storia for sixyears. teacher, Shesaidit washerjuniorhighschoolcomposition in hernritings. Racism isnt theonlytopicVothhasexplored qfio herto write. Shehas beenpublishedin Metro'sannualliterarymagn'ine, Mrs.Vallone, encouraged 'Noel,I thinkyou vividly. Shetoldme her so genre. "l remember the erotica in And she's had succes Metrosphere. lust

calldWbyCan'tA Mukan Befunta Claui The 34-yearoldMetro Englishmajorwon in last category third placein the non-fiction year'sWritesof Springconrest, by sponsored Activities. Metro'sEnglish depanment andStudent Voth,whose3-yearold sonKellonis biracial, wantedto erplorethetopicof racefor a "ft'she numberof reasons. -Alana NoelVoth "l grtw up in a racistenvironment andthat wasanissuefromtimeto time,"shesaid."lt'sa scaryplacetogo.VhenI'verritten thingslikethat market forme,"shesaid."l've canbea writer.I thinkyouhavea tdent.'AndI usedto takeher "Erotica hasbeena successhrl in class I'vehada lot of peopletellmeI can'twriteaboutracism. sacksof pagesof storiesI waswriting.Shewouldwrite me AndI'mOKwiththat." publications in thatarea. hadseveral Theydont wantit in theirface.Theydon'twantto dealwithit." when me,andthatwasprobably she'shadninework appzu wonderfullettersandencourage publications, Arnongtheseveral rvith when she speaks- gesticulating Sheis animated writer." being a about thinking I first sarted in Playgirlmaguine. enthusiasm to makeherpoint.Sheisopenabouthenelf,herson. graduate school Vothplansto applyto lowaSateUniversity's called in ananthology willbepublished Another of herstories adornthe andherlife.Awards frompastwritingaccomplishments After that she graduates from Metro. writingwhenshe will forcreative Besl Wmen\Erolica.Andin 2002,moreof hereroticrvntings rall aboveherdesk,a tributeto wlut shehasdone,areminderof saidshewouldliketo teach. calledGirlplay bepublished in anotheranthology rvhatshecando. "Youhaveto behappywithwhat1'outedoing,"shesaid"l the same any of herother erotica as Vothsaidsheapproaches college careerat MesaState Vothbeganher non-traditional knowalotof people,membenof myhmily,whodidjobstharthey writings. jCege in 1987. But theywantedto bringhomea goodpaycheck "l putasmucheffonandthought hto it asI wouldanlthing hatedbecause "l stanedout asa journalism Vothsaid."[l hadan major," Lifeistooshortforthat.I'mnotgoingtoberich. miserable. willtellyouit'snotrealrvriting. they're alotofpeople else," shesaid."Norv 'you're goingto make$6anhour tellme advisor in thedepanment happ,v." But I'll be great amount of it. Any writing ukes a I don'tfeelthatray about


writing takesa great amount of talent. No matter what you're writing."




February 9, 2001 tv Ircodcn


thtt r



Street 'With whol is not.t my h"qd, ii fled to the sur+o.cc world to esco'!€ p€as€cution ,n whof ! ro9 once its hotne, popping uP in South.rh Calif ornia...


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ARIES: Youarein a rrry practiulframeof mind and unusually sharpin all your money matters. In pur undoanythingmood,nomanu howbusy,youwillbemorethanableo ukecare of everything. Speak softly and avoid witha lovedone. disagreements for now. TAURUS: Iamilyis higtrlighted will prove with children Heart-tGheart talk goalspu'ra hadin Thefinancial adr"antagmus. mindaregoingto be rcalizedin the verynzu future.Suivefor himas in all pur decisionnnking. in hmilyor home GElrtlNl: Anyproblems lifewill finallyberaohed.Keeppur coolin the workplace, coworkersmaybe orrdy sensitive. whichwillstir Therearectrangc,ftoma distance, thingsup at wo* for the nort few weeh. maybemade. Unreasonable demands You'll san theweekin a dream CANCER: worldof yourown.It maybe bestto tala time aloneandtreatpurselfbetterAstnrt tripmaybe the ticket to fun and adventure.Vork runs in smootlrly for a dunge,but therearetensions yourmate. thehome.Remember LEO: Llstento a friend'sadviceregarding planning. financial Onceyou tuve pur planin order,uketimeto discusit withyourbeneficiary. youof livingwith uruealistic Othersmayaccuse - dont let it bother1ou,yourbct oe€ctations ideas cometoyouthisway. VIRGO: Thisweekwill bringpassion and intimacy withyourlora.Business andhousehold prolects arehvored,andyou'llbesurprised athow muchyouget.doneTheremaybe a bonrsfor yourrcceflteffora.Tala time for hughter,and makeplansto funherpur education. LIBM: Themoreyou dependon your innerresenrs,thestronger lou are.Youractions to strirefor their best. irspirehrnilymernbers Thereare someself doubtsyou havebeen wratlingwithwhichonlyyoucanworkthrough. Sel[improvement effortswillsucceed, SCORPIO: Spendtimewithclosefriends andhavesomefun.Bothyourfriendships andlove relationships areveryfulfilling.Kecpyourcml; yourposition someone is tryingto undermine withflattery Thereisalucrative oroutrightbribery. jobpossibility in thefuturc. SAGI'ITARIUS: It'sa prettyefortlasand pleasurable week.Youharethe powerto make changes forthebetterPersonal achiercmens and for the nert few romancewill be highlighted months. You need to resolve an old withanestranged misundenanding friend. willstarton CAPRICORN: Thisn'eek avery upbeat note. Vihereveryou are, you are sunounded by luckandftiendship. Unorpeced your moneyismostlikelyto come way.Yourwork and hmily raponshilitia are heavy,you have peophrelyingon yor:fromall sides,uke things oneataffne. AQUARIUS: Therearemanythingsttrat ned pur attentionrightnow.Tryto priodtize, and do the mostimpoftantthingsfirst.\trhl - bothpur h& andco chshesareunavoi&ble pur auttnrity. worfteawillchallenge PISCES: Spordsometimewittryournnte ud clnming.It andhmily.Youarebothassenive feehgoodo succredat qiorkandkm, pur hmily'strappytm. the rcek willbeftrllof heavy menal sdmulationand many challenges. Innovative andunconventional apprmdresmay worftwell.




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Theliletropolitan/ 15



16 r The Metropolitan

February9, 2001

Dunlqp finqlly gets win No. 100


TaylorOsieczanek Tlc lctropdn



Running 100milesin aday. t{linning100baskethllgames in onlyfouryears. "Vinning100games atMetro(wasthehardest ofthenvo),"said Dunlap after winning his 100thgame Mike mensbasketball coach withtheRmdrunners. maysound,Dunlap asbothaccomplishments Asimprobable hasdoneboth. He onceran100milesin 23 12 hours.Andon Schoolof Mhes,hewonhis theColorado Tua&y night,against game in only his 121st try. l00th Fouryeanago,Dunlapinheriteda 13-13te:rnthathadlostin the first roundof the RockyMounainAthleticConference Hisimpactwasfekimmediately. Toumament to Nebraska-Keamey. Metro to a 25-5 record and a benhin theNCMFinal32, asheled coachof theyearin hisfint season with andwasnamedtheRMAC theteam. at It juu keptgeningbette4whenin onlyhissecondseason Metro,the Roadrunnen to rheNCMfinah,wherethey adlanced lostto No.1seeded Kentuc$V/eslelan 75-60. AdamHouseman/ltt fletppcllolr ranked No,1in thecountryfor Metlo men'sbasketballcoachMlke DunlapglvlnginstructlonsIn a gameearllerthls season.Dunlapwon hls Metrobegn the1D9{0season thefint timeinschoolhistory.Whenrheyearhadended, theyrvere 100th garneFeb,6 whenMetrodefeatedColoradoSchoolof Mlnes81â‚Ź9, right bck wherethey suned,in first place. Dunlapand the headcoach," Fulcher. Dunlapsaid. oneofhis100wins;seniorforwardRashawn 'Thosehundredwinsaremine,coach,"Fulchertold Dunlap Rmdrunnem broughtthe sate of Coloradoits first basketball Alcock,JohnsonandBpum provideda boostto the team l.antucky Weslelan championship in history,defeating 97-79. because of thetnditionthatDunlaphashelpedtogivethem. afterthegame, tfrathecan,and Dunlaphasprovenevery'r'here hehascoached "Everyone in theorganization knowsthatI haveasoftspotinmy "Thetruesttrademark of traditioniswhenformerplal'ers come willbesuccessful. hehelpd leadhis back.Ve'revery!'oungasanorgani;ration, In frveszuonsatCalLutheran, we're Rasluwn, because of his academic prowes and his and startingto heanfor teamto threeconsecurive NCAA Tournament appearances andtwice buildthat(radition),andI thinkthafsver,vimportant," "l ability,"Dunlapsaid. toldhim thathecouldcomein leadenhip 16. tookthemallthewayto theSweei In hisfint threeszuonwithtr{etroDunlaphasledtheteamto andtakethe(game) balln'henhewantedto." hecoached the a minimumof 25 winseachyear; lastseason AfterDunlapfinished hisstnt at CalLutheran, HighSchoolin theywon an Fulcher came toMetrofromSt.Joesph's Oakland Adelaide to a recordof 59-33 astonishing teaminAustralia, 36en,aprofessional wherehewasthecapuinfor threeyean."Hewill absolutely bethe 33games. (64.1wirrning grrcentage) in threeyears.Buthehasencountered Dunlapsaidthatrvh sandsoutthemostto himishorvquickly besthumanbeingyourvillevercoach," Fulcher's highschoolcoach 'i\ndhewasright." byfurthemostsucresatMetro. hehasgottento whereheisat. toldDunlapduringtheretruiringproces. 'Thebestmemory(frommy timeat Metro)rvasafterthe andasa tributeto "Thepaceatwhichwe'vedoneit.Andagain, that'sa tnbuteto Fulcher's highschool coach diedof cancer National Championship game,walkingoutsideandit wasaround the qualityof plalen,suff andadministration gotatattooonhisleftarmwiththewords"OneLole." they've him,Fulcher because 2:30p.m.andit u'as70degrees, andthereuasalightrvindblowing. allowedus at the highestlevelto do our job,"Dunlapsaid.'i{ny Dunlapwonhis100thgameon Tuesday night,butevenmore thatrvehadreached thepinnacle," enrironment Justcomingoutof thereknowing go rvant in way rvhere victories way was thatI intoI to setthebar a no important thanallthe alongthe thewayhedidit, Dunlap said. oneelsecanjumpit, Soonceour timeandtenureisdoneat this withhonor Hehasnererakenthecreditfor allthathehasdone Dunlapprovedyet againagainstMins why he rs sucha institution, givenit to hisplayen.Andhe that'sgoingto bea tou$ oneto match." fortheprognm,instead hehasalways succesfulcoach.Beforethegamehe hada fervformerplayen, Dunlaphasaccomplished manythingssofarinaveryshontime wasableto sharethevictorywithallof them. MichaelAlcock,JasonJohnson andJohn Bgtum,comeandspeak to atMetro,buthenevercouldhaveaccomplished allof it withoutthe FouryearsagoRashaun Fulcher andMikeDunlapbegan theteam. job playen players years, incredible his havedoneforhim,Ofallthe hehas theircareers at. Four oneNational Title andone-hundred "lt'sthattimeof yzu r'heretheplayers aretiredof hearing the coached at tr{etro,onlyonehasbeenwithhimforeachandevery winslatertheyarestilltogether,

usl q lhought

playing in thebiggame.

nightbeforeto setupthisRLIAC showdown for therightto goto

Metro81,Colorado School of theEliteEight. 3.Feb.7,2001: In fourseasons with theMetromens Mines 69: It tookthreeandhalfyears forDunlap todoit,bur 7,Nov.15, 1997:lrletro95, Collegeof Notre basketball team,coachMikeDunlaphas hegotrvinNo.100.Hehadbeenstuckon98rvinsforalmostthree Dame65: This game was andwinnumber oneforDunlap. It



reached100wins fasterthan any other men'scoachin Metrohistory. I havebeena srudent at Merrosince DunlapsBnedcoaching andto me,it's beena privilegeto watchhim wo* his NickGamer magicwiththemens baskeball program. "Hara Editor SPorts rra thetop l0 greatest games or moments, in myopinion,sinceDunlaptookoverasthecoachof theRoadrunnen.

week,buthefinallygotit. 100winsdown,48morefortherecord. stunkthathehadto getit on theroad,buthewouldgethisfirst 4.Dec.11, 1999:A{etroTl, Fort HaysState homewinaweeklateragainst Roclcy MounuinCollege. 75: Thisiswhenthe27game winningstnakwasin its at-home 8. Sometimeafter winning the national earlysuges, butit seemed in thefint halfthatit wasgoingto end championship, 2fl)0: I wasneversureof the daytlnt at 12games. Vhenthefist halfended,Metrowastrailngby 1i Dunlapreceived hisanardfor national coachof theyear,but*ut poins (44-33) andTigerguardRodeny Malloywashittingfrom isanawardthatnotmanyMetrocoaches cansaythE havewon. everywhere onthecourt.Hewas9-for9fromthree-point landand 9.i{arch 23, 2000: iletro 75, Missouri l2-for-14 shmtingfromthefield.In thesecond half,though,the Southem 74: This is a gamethat I reallywishwason Roadrunners heldl4alloyin check,Mth thegamewastiedwith television, because fromallof thestoriesthatI haveheardabout l. ilarch 25, 2000: Metro 97, Kentucky 1.5seconds leftJohnBynummadea shortjumperin thelaneto it, I thinkthatit couldtnvebeenan ESPN lrxant Clasic.The Wesleyan 79: Thbisthegreatest dayforanybaskerball fanin giveMetrothecomefom-behind victory. gamewastied,therewas1.5rcondsleftonthedock,thereisa thesuteof Colorado. ln a re-rnatch of the1999NCAA Division II 5.Feb. 3, 20fi): filetro 86, Fort Lewis71: madscramble on thefloorfor a looseball.Shane Ahl{att comes championship, got the Roadrunners sweetrevenge against DeMarcos Anzures wasoneof thefewplayers whocameto Metro divingonthefloorfortheballandinstead of himgettingcalledfor Vftsleyan, Kentuclcy in ftont of 4,648lans,who weremostly rmtingagainst theRoadrunners. All-American DeMarcos Anzures Arzuresbrokethe schmlrecordfor mmt poins in a caree4 andsink oneof twofreethrowsthatsendstheRmdrunners into scored agame-high andwasnamed theNCMEliteEight breaking 32po:ints theoldmatksetbyRalphRivers (1,879). thenational championship game. MostValuable Player 6,ilarch 6, 1999: |letro 78, Nebraska- 10.Feb.27, 1999:lrtetro83, l esaState73: 2.lrlarch27, 1999:KentuckyWesleyan75, Keamey 69: I wastherethatnightwhenMetrowonitsfinr Thiswasthe last)su andlastgamethat the RlvlAClud the iletro 60:Elrnthough thiswas alosforrheRoadrunners, this everregional titleinVhyne, Neb.Theywerenotevensuppordto tourMmentat Metro,andthisnasthefint toumament tidefor wasa giantsteptowardgatingtheorposureandoperienceto beplaying Kearney, butKeamey knocked offhmtWayne Sutethe Dunlap, hisfint of tno toumament cfumpionships.




February 9, 2001

The Metropolitantz

players havebroughtwiththemto Metro opportuniryo competeagainstcurrentprofessional thatour players experiences you see on television, Sute. werecruitto belletro State Whateveryoneof theplayers Fromrepresenting theircity,stateandregionin national is the abilityto understa* By Eduoldo Ptovencio,Mefro in common to nationalteamsand studentathleteshas to beingselected athleticcompetition, andwhatit takesto besuccessful, canbeachieved men's ond women's lennis cooch playtennisaroundthe u'orld,all of our playersbringto the howsuccess on thetenniscourt. or out classroom it in the share be upon and drarv they that program to anvathletic is the cour$a lifetimeof experience assets Oneof thegreatest atsome to feelsuccess player had an opportunit,v has Every himself or herself rvithgood to maketheteambetterasa rvhole. abiliryfor a coachto surround of work high standard lnto a hastranslated Thisyear'steamsarea meltingpot of uniqueexperienceslevel.Thatsuccess people. ethictowarda commongoal. andpersonalities. staff,but student Bv this,I don'tjust meancoaching thathasto onworkandgoalsissomething Fourof our menhaverepresented Thisperspective personality ofarecruit's evaluation athletes aswell.Asacoach, also spillsover in tennis but in internationalbe acquiredthroughexperience countries theirrespective andacademic andrapponwithothersisasvitalastheirathletic work of theirlives;school,socialinteraction, suchastheDavisCupand intootheraspects competitions successes. environment. CuP. theJuniorDavis in theworld@eit youlookatallof thegreatteams When thatcanbe givento a coachis compliment Thegreatest have Othermalestudentathletes oneof themajor components orinclass) insports, inbusiness, job has for their howgoodof a helshe donebringingin qualirypeople servedas representatives experience Eduardo abilitvto meldpersonal is theteam's of.success theschoolandtheathleticprogram.Therangeof such to represent in countries territories andprovinces andperforma teamdirective. Provencio earto create withanempathetic to bedonein ordertc. andsenseof whatNEEDS experiences Africa. andSouth asAustralia at Duringmytenureasthecoachof thetennisprogram a studentand for in a player, I look is something rangefrom besuccessful fu for thewomen's team,thestudentathletes an to create thisphilosophy I haveimplemented MetroSrate, Metro Statewith to in lunior a person.If a newstudentathletecomes champions in highschool, to national statechampions program, increasingly successful on the thattheywillbea success players fromaroundthe thisattitude,I canbeassured are the collegeto eveninternationall,v-ranked on campus Someof the bestkeptsecrets ofl court and had rare the world, Members of both of theseteamshave

Cooch's cotnel

Wrqp-Up Weekly (13-6,8-5

toumament. A*rletjcConference Men'sBasketball by needed Metro a three-pointer Athletic Rocky Mountain Lindholm forward lv{alene splittwogamessophomore Conference):lv{euo

basketball@ Chadron S t a te ,F e b .1 0 , 8 P .m.: Thiswasnot a fun placefor the asthe lastseason, Roadrunners EaglesendedMetro'slJ-game winningstreak,beatingMetro Chadron drilled13three90-77. pointers for thegameen route to the l3-pointvictory.In five trips to Chadron, the havecamearay Roadrunners withthreewins,thelastcoming season, a 81-78 in the 1998-99 victoryfor Metro.

HaysStateinvadesthe Auraria EventsCenter.Three weeks ago,in Hays,Kan.,the Tigers barelywalkedawaywith a 62-58 win,sending Metrointo fourth placein the EastDivision.But havehad the the Roadrunners Tigers' number at home, beatingthem at four straight includinga 77-75win meetings, lastyear

Fort Hays State @ wom en' s basketball,Feb. 16, 5

women' s basketball,Feb. 17, 5 p.m,:TheNo.J Lopers come into the AurariaEventsCenter and with the best conference (19RitfAC record in the overall 1, 12-1) andrvillbea toughtest Metrowill for theRoadrunners. series try andsplitthe season with the Lopers.At the first beween meetingof theseason these two teams, Kearney 86theRoadrunners dominated

p.m,: Metrowill be tryingto

women's avengeanearlierseasonlossto rlletro basketball@ Chadron the Tigers,a 85-81Fort Ha.vs State,Feb.10, 6 p.m.: Statewin. Metrohasrvonthe


Of the 13 RockyMountain Arhletic Conferenceteams, ChadronSrareis the toughest placefor Metroto play.In seven trips to Chadron, the Rordrunners haveonlyonewin at theAuraria to showfor it, a 80-67victoryin lastfourmeetings Lastseason, EventsCenter,includinglast the1997-98 season. victory.A win here Metrowenrto Chadrontwice, year's77-73 put would Metro aheadof Fort and oncein the regularseason in the first roundof the RN{AC HaysStalein thestandings. Nebraska-Kearney @ Merrolostby 15tournament. men' s points,70-55in the regular seasonand 92-71 in the basketbafl,Feb. 17, 7 p.m.: Kearney took it to tournament,

Fort Hays State @ Metro men'sbasketball , F e b , 1 6 , 7 p .m.:A re in match of thewo topteams Fort first as the RIvIAC Dlace


J6 in Kearney Jan,26. Metro the faresbetterat homeagainsr Lopers. The Roadrunners Kearney 75-61athome defeated Iastlear

l etro men and women'sswimming@ State Central Swimming Feb. Championships, The Men and 15-17,TBA: will teams Vomen's swimming

Mo., for of the travelto Springfield, Metroin thefirstmeeting the the swimmingchampionships. season, defeating Roadrunners 76-58in Kearney,Thisis rhesecondto lastmeet Neb. The Roadrunners lt{arch 7-10. lastyearat home, Championships dominated into 20 forcing Kearney turnoversand startedthe halfona21-9run.Metro second hasa6-3recordathomeagainst theLopers.

left to ra.l thewin for this last l'eekend,losing to ReSis lirh twoseconds SeniorforwardSara Universiw 79-7 rn orenimeFeb.2 and the Roadrunners. good night,shooting10had a Gordon Universiry 83Christian beating Colorado poins.Sh#'" fieldfor24 54 Feb.3, both gamesat the Auraria for-16fromthe Seniorguard recordedeightrebounds. EltntsCenter addedin 20poinmon&for' seniorforrzrd YvetteBarrios In the los to Regis, losing from thefield.Despite 10 shootrng flat'less from rrs almost Rashawn Fulcher rebounded the out theRangers scoringa team thegame, thefield,gong 1l-for-12, 31-25. a teamhigh Roadrunners high21pointsandsnatching nasnt aswildastheone meeting This Roadrunnen Two other rebounds. eight yers when Metro defeated ago guard rwo scoredin doubledgia; freshman ut double 116-111 Christian Lula Kendallwith 17pints andsenior Colorado The Evenm Center attheAuraria added12poins.The ovenime centerIkne Oakley game slow, startd the Roadrunners 1D5' hrst the wasthe surce winfor Regis ln Metro73' trailingbywo pointsat thehalf,34-32, rvhentheydefeated 96season psted third thesecondhalf,theRoadrunners 70,Thelos wasthe Roadrunnen suaight,a fint for coachMikeDunlaP 52 poins to cruiseto their seventh winon theyear. sincehetookovertheprognmrn1997. conference SeniorforwardMichelleMcAnhur reboundthe The Roadrunners followrngrughtto dominateColorado leadtheroring forMetro,ronng agame a rhree' high 21 poinrsand pulhngdownsix snapping Besides Chnstian 83-54. gamelosingstreak,Oakleybecamethe rebounds.Four other Roadrunners fruhmancenter school's all-timelEaderrn shosblocked. scord in doubledigitsr (14), Lindholm(13), For his career,Oakleyhas 173block, RachelGrove 170setin 1987' Gordon(13)andBarnos(12). ShunTillman's surpassing


Women's Aten and Metrosunedthegamewitha 15{ until Swimming and Diving: the scoreless runandheldtheCougan 'lhe Roadrunners Dakou this wereinSou0r half. in fint was left the 12:27 there both defeated pastweekend. Itc Coyota lead wentontoholda46-21 Roadrunner rhemen(12138)andthewomen(8!fi atthehalf MeuobroketheSouthDakonPol a center Senior JodyHollinsscored 12 record in the 400 Medley Relay. game-hrgh 17poinsandrecorded seniorJerem Setdemire, off SophomoreJ.D. whileiuniorioeKellycame rebounds juniors Jessfthwamkophand thebenchto score17poinr on6-for'9 Johnson, dominatedJasonHolmescamein with a dmeof Thekndrunners shoodng. of Coloradoat the Universiry the 4:06.82. rebounded andout the boards, previous recordin 1990 the set Boulder Cnugas44-31.

won Holmesa.lso witha timeof 4:07.01. witha timeof 1:59.75. Women'sBasketball(9'1 1, the200Freestde women's side,frahmanMikel the games On rvon both 7-6): TheRoadrunners AmandaCarroll and senior Ziruolo Regis 7149atd defeating thisweekend, afour finishedone-twoin the 4m Free$yle. snapping 84-75, Christian Colorado Viththetwowins,the Ziruolocameinwithatimeof 5:00.6fu151 game losngstreak. hter,witha for Carrollfinishedtwoseconds ue backin contention Roadrunners thefrnalsporfor theRoc$Mounuin timeof 5:02.88.

+ 18 r TheMetropolitan

February9, 2001

month from 6-7:30pm. Freeand every- employrnent opponunities in the Tivoli one is welcome.Formoreinformation. #320 from5-7pm. Topre-register andfor catt(303)520-3W5. moreinformadon, cill (303)556-3664. YOGAfor Eaerybody - The Health 12 STEPMeetings On Canpus - M CenteratAurariainviteseveryone to take Meetings on TLesdays from & Thursdavs partin freeyogaeveryTuesday in Tivoli 12-1pm in theAurariaLibrary#205.For #444 from l2-1pm. \[ear comfortable moreinformation, call Billi at (30il556Tbe Contenporary Ciail Rigbts Women Warriors: Women on Wetghlru clothesandbringa towelor blanket. For (303)322-4440. 2525or Mooement: New Themes and - Learnproperexercises techniques, how moreinformatio n, call(303)556-2i21. Approacbes Dr. CJ. Vhire, chair of to use weight what the equipment, to do - Meeton l0(ednesdavs AL-ANON in the African-American studies will presenrrhis with exercise ballsandbandswith other Sigong Prac-tice- This is an ancient AumriaLibrary#205 from 12-1pm.For lecturein the NorthClassroom #1521 tr'omento supponand encourage ,vou, Chinesehealthcaresystemwhich has moreinformadon, callBilli ^t (303)556from11-11:50am. For more information, tr{eets in PE from the building 1-2pm. beenshownto reducestress& blood t7Zior Q03)32r-8788. (303\556-2934 call pressure & strengthen the immunesysSearcb Strategies Learn how to tem. trleets Thursdays in Tivoli #444 Job LISCDStudent GouernmentMeeting job initiatea search, makecontacrs, and trom ll: .l)- l Dm. - Getinvolvedrlith studentgovernment use resources in free rvorkshop this for all evervlhursday from3:30-i:30pm in the NISCD students. Meets in CN#203from Eating Disorder Support Group Senate Chambers,Tloli #329.Formore - Freesupportgroupfor women 2-4pm. pre-register To and for moreinfor- (^4N,\D) information, call(301556-3312. Ihe TransJormation of the Western (303\556 mation,call andmenwhoarestruggling with aneat3664. Sahara - Dr Akbarali Thobhani will lecing group disorder. A support helpsfill Truth Bible Studyfrom a Messianic tureon thistopicin theTir,'oli #640 from the need informadon to share andfeeling For moreinformation, call Jewisb Perspectiue- All arewelcometo 11am-lpm. with concerned others. Meets ever_v and (303)556-2946. ioin in Tivoli #542 Xrednesdays Thursday in Tivoli #661. For moreinforThursdalsfrom 34pm. For moreinfor(303)555-252f, mation, call for Linda ask rglgn, callReuben at (303)355-2009. Cqreer Senices Employment Resumesthat Work - Learnhow to Vilkins-Pierce. Forums . Joinus for theseinformation write an effectiveresumein this free SMARTRecooery - A non-traditionalsessions, which includea panel of workshopfor MSCDstudentsin CN addictionrecoverygroup,meetsat the emplolerswho will discusslob search #203 ftom 10am-12pm. To pre-register DenverMainUbrar)',13th& Broadway, strategies, marketrends in Colorado, and more informadon,call (303)556on the lst and 3rd Tuesdar. of everv resumes,interviewingtechniquesand 3664.

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