Volume 23, Issue 20 - Feb. 16, 2001

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2 r The lletropotitan


StudentAuxiliaryServices Present




tl usiG... PJilGs...$ naclts 02-21-01 9 AM.7PM UrtclrfolDo$ting$ Uuoughout camrus



The Metropolitan/ 3

Teqcherlrqining reform slqled for summer Ed,vardB. Winslow ff. f.UcAdno.

mandating of a teachertraininglegislation lmplementation tnininganda morefocused maiorfieldof study morefield$ased is erpectedto be completethis for aspiringColoradoteachers summet program requires education a minimum of Thenewteacher trainingthatn'ouldrquire Colorado's 800houn of field-based primaryandsecondary graduating schoolteachers havesufticient professional knorvledge to applytheirskllsin pre-school to 12th to theColorado gradeclassroom settings, according Commision policy, teacher education onHigherEducation's program forces education aspiring ln addition, thenewteacher thatdrectlyapplytocurricula in thepublic to havemajors teachers policysays. teacher education thecommission schools, thatColorado's colleges of thelawis to ensure Thepurpose qualifi produce ed schoolteachers. anduniversities "V'e dont lant teachers who can'tteachto the standards on,"saidJeanne Adkins, director ofpoliq arebeingtested students forCCHE. andplanning wasin themidstof a depanment ThisweekMetro's education withthe reviewto determine if it isin conformance threedayCCHE Deanof Education, saidAssociate Barbara new requirements, Baker. NletroState's teacher education Bakersaidsheis confident programcomplies rvrthneweducation rquirementsthat the colleges anduniversities mustmeetbyJuly. state's "V'e've metthechallenge," shesaid. alsosaidColorado hasacritical teacher shortage, butthe Baker willnotaffect neweducation requirements thisshortage inanyway, 'Allof thecolleges (inColorado) haverisento theoccasion" to mert the new requirements, Bakersaid,therebvarertingan additional shonfall of teachers. The compliance by the education depanments aroundthe programs stateensures thatnoneof thestate's teacher education produced will beclosed.Last1ear,Colorado's colleges about2,200 graduates withteaching endonements. CCHErs charged wirhmakrng cenainthatthenewteacher educationrequirementsare properly implementedand maintained. If colleges in Colorado donotmeetthenewstandards programs byJuly1,theireducation willbeterminated, according to policy. theCCHE education policyisbased, Theteacher education in part,onthefollowing principals: . Teacher educationprograms are student-centered and performance-based. This is measuredby the students' performance.


Metro student teacher Ch.istie Grant gives advice to l&yearold Anna Evanson an assignment in a "Fundamentalsof Speech" class at Thomton High School, Feb. 14. Grant will graduate from Metro in May with a secondary teacher's license and plans to teach high schoot English.

;."f"- m. mffi

'Teacher progmms education aredesigned to giveteachem

Y Ye don't want teacherswho can't teach to the standardsstudents are being tested on.' JeanneAdkins Director of Policy and Planningfor CCHE

theabilityto effectively communicate withstudents andparents, assess student learning and,if necesary, modifuthecurriculum.

4 / TheMetropolitan

February16, 2001

g$tffiNtwt beoble tolih70lbs.) must You dothelifting(you poy edutolion. for will uptoS23,0llll yourtollege ondUPS

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The Metropolitan/ 5

SlqtecollegesboqrdsupporlMelromojor exemptionsfor low-demandprogramsas community spoke:EdnaMoslyfromtheAurora fromthecommunity. "Ourdecision wasbasedon thefactthatwe opposedto the presentthree,with African CityCounciland amember of thefint graduating American Studies beingthefounhprogramand classof Metro; Rachel heardfour very compellingspeakenwho are 'liustees for theStateColleges the AfricanAmericanStudiesmajorwill be TheBmrdof to Noel,professor andoneof willingto workwith the collegecommunity voted to suppon extendedfor the nextthreeyears,Duringthis unanimously in C,olorado founders of African makeit a panof thegreaterDenvercommuniry" Studies department in periodof time it wouldbe expectedthat the Metro'sAfricanAmerican Americar Studies atMetro; said Lee Halgren,actingpresidentand vice African American itsfightto continuean Studies department andstudentaffairs foracademic forthe wouldincrease thenumberof major RevIangstonBoyd,pastor president maiorat Metro. retentionandgraduation rates. of Shoner Community board. DaleMingilton,ctnir of the board,invited "Thisis a verycommunityoriented he andthe Mingiltonsaidthisis something major," Dale lr,lingilton AME Church;and John American community to Mingiltonsaid."Tte boardheardthatthiswasan membenof theAfricanMosly,former Tuskegeerestof theboardbelievein andarewillingto go meetwiththeboardoncampus Feb.9 to discus importantmajorfor thecityof Denverandthat Airman, andcommunity activist. to batfor. Commission of HigherEducation's the community theColorado "Theballis in CCHE's courtnow,"Halgren wasrvilingto helpandnurture CJ. Vhite, chairof the AfricanAmerican of themajor. cutting "V/e pleased will work in any wayto help them depanment, saidheis theprogram." Studies theboard said. going to The boardis recommend to the theimportance of it." romeetandhearstatementsundersund Fourspeakers from the AfricanAmerican hadtheopportunity commissionthat Metro be granted four

Tronsportotionbill on lhe rood dispite Governor'sobjections Fundto ensure thestate's budgetcouldgrowat theminimum6 percentoverlastyear'sspending. lnoclCcd Pea Owens sent senatorsa lener Friday fornewsatefacilities if threatening to cutfunding DEIII\/ER (AP)- The Houseand Senate theshonhlls occur, 'Thevotersclearlytoldthegovernment funding approved anvisedplanfor transporation in the of Gov Bill On'ens, lasttwoelections Feb.12overthe objections thattheirprioritiesareto fund whosaidlast-minute changes madeit vulnerable transportation Owenstold andK-12education," shortfalls, to revenue legislators, UnderHouse Bill1267, rhestatewouldusea SenateMinoriryLeaderJohn Andrews,R" delayin Englen'ood, cashreservefund to avoida one-year the amendment made uid .Monday pii5iects rwo sensein lightof rwenueprojections, somehighuayconstruction approved butsaidthe yearsagobyvoters. changes shouldhavebeenmadesooner Thebill passed theSenate unanimously kb. "l dont thinkn'ewereworkingat our best," 12. later rn the day,the Houseadoptedthe Andrenssaid. Senate's changesand voted 49-15on final In the House,opponentsarguedagainst approval. stripping moneyfromstatebuilding-maintenance wasdesigned Themeasure to restoreto the projecrs. They alsocriticizeda movethatmadeit 'liansponation of ColoradoDepartment i212 appear asif theLegislature wasdoingeverything it millionthatwasshiftedto publicschools ?s a couldto ensure gmwth, atleast6 percent budget resultofvorers' approral ofAmendment 23. thatminimum figureisnecessary, Mainrarning Vith the lossof thatfunding,Transponationhon'ever, because if thegowth ratewasallowed to Department DirectorTomNortonhassaidadozen dip slightly oneyear,lawmaken couldnot move majorhighwayprojects, includingrvideningback up to the 6 percentallowedin the Interstate 25in southeastern Denler,wouldMve Constitution withouta popularvote,saidHouse to waitayear DougDean,R-Colorado Springs. Speaker Under the bill, the moneywould be R-Lamar, co<hairman Rep.BradYoung, of the transferred from a trust fund that generates Budget Committee said lawmakers were left , Joint interestusedto payfor maintenance on state- withlitdechoicewith thepasageof Amendment Thefundnouldberepaidwith ownedbuildings. anunexpected thestatewill $300millionwindfall "ls it thebestof all posibh worlds? Notbya receivein 2002-03 as a resultof population longshot,"hesaid."Butgiventhesituation we're underestimates. in right noq I think it's the best use of this Senate Democratssaid the revenue money." projections were over-optimistic,and roters Deansuggested theposibilityof asking recommended withsales to change thattheamount"floaC' theConstitution to allowgmwthabove taxprojections. Thelatestfiguresshowonly$168 6 percentifnecessary to makeupforaslowerrate millioncouldbeavailable. Therestof themoney of gowth in a prwiousyear. fromthetrustfundwouldremain in theGeneral


JenniferGrey/Tlclclrcaclloa TastierGuisineDirectorof BlackStudentServicesRen'eRabouinserves gumboin the orth ClassroomFeb..8at the GumboTastier:An African. LouisianaCuisineExpedence. fhe festiualwas put on by Univbrsityof Colorado at DenverBlackStudentServicesas part of Black HistoryMonth.

Commilteerejectsslqle employeesgqy pqrlnersbenefit bqn DEI.IVER (AP) - The SenateJudiciary Committeerejectedlegislationthat would havebarredthestatefromusingpublicfunds to provide benefitsto partnersof state employees in same-sex relationships. CriticsofSenate Bill139saidFeb.12it was

"mean-spirited" gays. and aimed at harming billwasnotaimedat harming state or universityemployee.Colorado homosexuals. Musgrave saidherbillaffirmed thefactthat currentlydoes not offer benefitsin those The bifl wasdefeatedon a party-line4-1 domesticrelationships althoughsome cities have are not recognized relationships, vote,withDemocrats law. similarprograms. opposing thebillbySen, underColorado MarilynMusgrave, Thebillwouldhavebarredtheuseof state R.Fort Morgan, Sen.MarkHillman,R-Burlington, partnerof a saidthe fundsto anydomestic relationship

6 r The Metropolitan February16, 2@1

UNClqborqlory school moving off compus GREELEY(AP) - The announcement at a meetingkb, theLabfthool,whichhadbeenon University of NorthernColorado 12,saidcochairwoman Rebeccacampus for 108years. kboratorySchoolwill bemovng Koppes Conway The school trains eighr offumpusintoa newhomein the In June,UNCPraidentllank teachersa year and coststhe western panof thecity. Brownandrhool provost Marlene university about$l millionto The lab school'sBoardof Stratheannounced plansto end operate. Brownsaidteachers can Gcrvernorswill make the the unirenity'srelationship wrth receivebenerrainingin public

schools forles monE Mth theannouncement, the universityended its five-yeu contractcrertd whenthe 60G student elementary andsecondary schoolwent to charterschool sarus.

Democrqls,Republicqnsfighl over otfice equqlity (AP)- Membem DENVER of Colorado's House of Represenatives arefightingover - and somebigisuesthissession somesmaller pointstoo. the Democntic minority's 27 membersare strugglingaginst some of the problemsof partivnshipsuchas not gening theofrcesupplies theyneedand havingto lumpthroughhoopsto usethecopymachine. Democratsallege that the

Republicans areakingallthegmd stride.They call it American Democrat. ofrcespaceandthebetterofue politiraltradition. REublicanlawmakers ugrre equipmenc. Theyevensay that EvensomeDemocrats who it's not just the Democras, and Republicans tookofficemachines saythE'\â‚Ź beenon thereteiving ttut theirsuffsarealsoscrambling fromtheHouseminorityoffice. endofpettyRepublicrn snubs also forequipment. "lt son of grates,"uid Bob say thafs to be expected, Thereisnofaxmachine in the Bacon,D-Fort Collins,who is throughout everysatecapitoland Republican Housepres office, servinghis third term in the in Vashington, D,C. andworkerstheretuveto sweer minority,'At timesI resentwe "My advice? Spend$25 at talk othersfor useof the copy dont havethe quipment they OfficeDepotandstopntrining" machines. do." said Sen. Bob Hagedorn,D"l boughtmyownprinter, and Butsomelawmakers saythose Aurora,whospentthe pasterght I buymyown reams ofpape4" said sortof anticsshouldbe ukenin years serving as a House majoritycaucuschairmanRep. RobFatbank, R-Liuleton. "lt's not likea privatebusiness whereyou haveasupplycloser andcanraidit everytwodap." Therearealsoallegtionsof highschml-sq'le highiinh in the Senare, Freshmen Sens,Deanna Hanna,D-lakewood,and Andy -NIETROPOLITAN STATE C.OLLEGE of DEI'{\.ER'S McElhany, R-Colorado Springs, werehazed rtren thg inuoduced bills. Bothwereshocked ntrenthe billsfailedontheSenate floor. It turnedout the 'no' r'otes Place$100 etace$zs Placegso ff) from theirfellowsenators wasa >_-,1 prank, Both bills were later reintroduced andgassed.





Writlng Contest 1A

A Unilersity of Colorado at Denver studentwas arfested duringa caraccident Feb.3. DenaSuzanne Piscone, theeditorin chiefof the CU-Denver oewspape! TbeDmuq hee Prss,was anctedon chargaof gvingfalseinformation and interference. Thepolicereponss6resthatalcohol wasinvohed.Thedriverof Piscotte's vetriclewas Cypher. AsCypherleftfie Tiraoli parfting Jonathan lot,helootconmlof rhecar,jumpedthecurt and strucka steelpole,the repn said.Cypherwas isued a ticket for careless driving.there was moderate damage to Pirone'svehicleandslight damage n thesteelpost" A CommunityCollegeof Denverstudent rcponedtheatshadbeenmadeto herattheSouth ClasrmmBuilding Feb.5. Thestudentemplolrcreponedrhatshewent outsidefor a smokebreak,anda blackmanwitha thinbuild,about5 feet,8inches, and160pounds, with brownqes, and silverfnmed pracription glases,hadaited theSouthClasroom Buildingand stopped nextto herThemanthenbegn talkingto herin a rudemanner andfoullanguage. Beforethe manlefthegalr heraflyerNeither thevictims name northecurrentsuspect's namehalebeenreleased. A fernale trletrosrudentrepoftedanassault by heror$ofiendJan.30. Thefemale student saidin rhepolicereportthat her ex$o1&iend hadshovedandpushedher in between theKarlKingCenterandthePlazCenter Heprevented herfromulling911onhercellphone and then spit on her,the reportsaid.The erbofriend is descnbed as a rvhiremale5 feer,6 inches,155poundswith shonblackhair anda moustache rith agoatee. Theabol&iendthen0ed the areaon foot goingnonh, The victimthen cona$edanofficeronJan.31to filearepon.

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February16,2001 The Metropolitanr 7

Schoolof Minesgels chqnceol becomingslole'sfirsl chqrler StevenPaulson

they would haveto provethey can retain Anderson saidother universities, including students andmeetothergoals. the University of NorthernColorado,have lf the experiment is successful, the bill indicated rheywouldlikeropanicipare, provides for it to to be expanded three stateThe bill establishesthe chartersas DIINVER (AP) ColoradoSchoolof Mines years. funded universities within three millenniuminstitutionsand allowsthem to got initial approvalFeb. lJ from a Senate Committeemembers said they are create, modiry,or eliminateacademic programs committee to becomethe state'sfirst chaner concerned about on the the state's without effecs higher approval commission. of the university, but it stillhasto convincetherestof system, communiry especially colleges Thoseuniversities wouldhaveauthorityto andstudents theLegislature, thegovernor thatit education andtransfer credits. establish resident andnonresident tuitionrates willwork. "Myconstituents aresomewhat concernedfor theinstitution, subjectto a negotiated cap. The SenateEducationCommitteegave about cutting loose institutions the of higher They to receive also would continue state funds, tentative appmralto SenateBill 176by Sen. andprivatizing," saidDemocratic Sen. asblockgrants. to set up a education NormaAnderson,R-Lakewood, Ron Tupa, whorepresents Boulder, homeof the that fail to meettheir Charteruniversities chanerunivenitysptemwith Minesasthe firsr University of Colorado. goalswouldreturnto statecontrol school. TimFoster, directorof theCommission on Charteruniversitieswould get more John Trefny,presidentof Mines,told Higher Mucation, said Colorado already allows legislators the bill giveshim the flexibiliryhe programs fnedomto shapeacademic andset substantial freedomto setcourses needsfor academic programs, tuitionrateswithoutapprovdof the Colorado universities and rquires accounubility, gotmore Trefny said his institution recently on HigherEducation. Commission In return, "l don'tthinkit'srhatradical," Foster said. than$1 millionto endowa graduate program lsocioled ?err Sdlcr

and had to warnthe donorthat the program mightnotbeapproved. "rVewantto beentrepreneurial," Trefnytold legislators. Hesaidthebill alsowouldallowtherhool to settuitionto meetmuketdemand. SenatePresidentStan Masunaka,DLoveland, insistedonanamendment thatwould requireinstitutionsto comebackto the Senate whichhe chairs,for Education Committee, andanychanges. of theirprograms approval "lhis rs designedto saythe kgislatureis makingpolicy.Ve wantthemto work out an and bring it to us so we havean agreement opportunity to makechanges," Matsunals said. "l'mwillingto ukethisfirstbabystepaslong aswehavecontrolof theoroces."hesaid.

UPCOMING EVENTS FORFEBRUARY Feb.20,fromnoonto 2:00in Tivoli320A,B,C, FreeLunchandFabulous GLBTissponsoring Flicls, "Tiny and Rub,v: Hell Divin 'iflomen"and "Bill Turner's Secret." Feb,22,Dr Joycelyn Elderswill speakat the TivoliTurnhalle on"2lstGnturyHealthcare: ACase for thePoorandPowerlesMinorityCommuniry" Feb.23at2 p.m.in KingGnter486,formerU.S, will holda Ambassador to Somalia, PeterBridges, roundtablediscussionon "FailedStatesand American Foreign Policy." Feb.26at 11a.m.in Tivoli640,IsraeliDruze leader, diplomat andformermember of theIsraeli Parliament (lftesset)ZeidanAtashiwill speakon 'Pursuit of Peace; Palestinians andlsraelis." . Feb.27 at 1pmin theGolda l\{eirCenter, author MarkKurlansky willspeak on"Baques andHistory"

LibraryScholarship openfor application JaimeJanettfl|tc m.hFllton The beat goes on- Ken Hamblin, aka DJ K.tuee,sets the record player for a new song at the Have a Heart Valentines Dance that was in the Tivoli atrium Feb. 9. Ihe dance was put on by Metro's Student GovemmentAssemblyto laise money tor the Children's Hospital Cardiac Gare Unit. Altholâ‚Źh SGA didn't selt as many tickets as they had hoped, $50O will be donated to the care unit.

An afternoon with Sonia Sanchez.Sonia Sanchez,poet, activist. author and educator, speaks at the Tivoli Turnhalle Feb, 8. Sanchezhas written 13 books, six plays, three chal. dren's books and numerous essays about the triumphs and struggles of people of color as well as global and humanist themes.

[lcltopcllon MamHouseman/tlr

The AurariaLibraryand MediaCenter,in with the AurariaBook Center,are conjunction offering rhesecond annual Read, Succeed atAuraria LibraryScholanhip. Thescholarship will beawarded to onestudent fromeachof thethreeAurariaacademic institutions. A completeapplication includes: A 300500 word typed statementon how the applicant successfully usedand benefited from the library resources andservices, a faculrynomination letter, GPAJ.0ol highsr,andanevidence of enrollment for thecurrentsemester The winnerwill receivea $350cenificateto purchase andsupplies textbooks attheAuraria Book for application is 5 p.m.on Cenrer,Thedeadline March20,and shouldbe scnt to N{aryDodge, library,1100Lawrencc Sr. Denver, Auraria 80204. questions direct Pleme to 103 f6-3526, or mdodge@carbon.cudenver.edu

8i TheMetropotitan

February16, 2001

Where is Denvet's affordable housing? Walter Gant ffclhpd|tcr

therearemanyttrings that1ouhearabout, butyou Manalbum never see,Talkhg dogs, thenewMethod and Tarintino movie.Howaboutaffordable thenewQuentin Vhodoyouknowwho'snotpaying housing inDenver? It's an apanment? t550to $600for a one-bedroom poor pâ‚Źrson, parent to every student atrocity andsingle intfe city. Theaverage rent for a moderate two-bedroom in Denver is nearly$800a month.Housing apartment in thelast10 costsMveincreardnzuly100percent hascomefromlow1ears.Thegrowthin employment income lohs. A singleparentwouldhaveto average decent housing, 44 bemren 113to $15anhourtoafford percent renters of the in Denver can'taffordthemedian rentof $765a month. Ttut'snzulyhalfof Denver struggling everymonthfor rent.Addtherisingenergv phone pricaofgaVelectric, for andfood,andit'sdifficult just oftherenters anyone m getby.Morethan50percent in Coloradoare payingmore than the federally recommended of theirincome onhousing, 30percent is wtutcityofticials Gentrification aretryingnotto callit, Sure, theyaredoingagoodiob"cleaning up"the who willsufferThepeople city,butinthelongrunmany pushed willfindthemsehes make acityinteresting away fiomtheircommunities errrytimerentsincrzue.I walk myneighborhood rich around andI seemorepseudo kidsruiningmy neighborhood. Theydon'teven onwhichtheylive. undenund thehistory of thestreets A perfect example of thisis MercyHospitrl.I lile across thestreetfromMercy.Soonit willbeno more. Developrs areplanning to replace it withluxurycondos, parents inthe$80,000 range.i.,lany ofmyfriends' selling werebornin thathospiul.Some have andgrandparens are evendiedthere.I knowthatsoon,whenthecondos finished, myrentwillshootupandI'll jointhesadsucs thatI'vetoldyouabout,I walkthrough theEasaide and Hill neighborhoods Capitol anddreadto thinkabout whatit willlooklike20years fromnow Ma/rc,bythen foraonebedroom rentwillbe$7,000 apanment. I'maproduct ofaffordable housing, Untilmyfamily movedto Denvu,we livedn Section 8 housing all isoneof thefew theSouth.Section 8 housing through people places programs helping inAmerica tofinddecent requires thatthetenantpay to live. Thegovemment income onrentand roughly of hismonthly 30percent are 8 homes utilitia. Rightnowabout6,000Section The way extinction or ue akady extinct, approaching Denreris behavrng thefutureis looking on thisissue, pretry bleak. TheonlybrightthingI've heardin thiswhole isthebuilding housing situation ofaffordable ontheold Theyplantobuildapproximately 1,600 StapletonAirport. unitsduringthe ne\t 15 years.Unless theysun it wontreallymafterto youor me. Weare tomorow, very willbelaidof entering a roughpriod. Morepeople families andmostAmerican areinserious debt.Everyday moreorpensive things areiustgetdng andtheAmerican popleisdyrng.Thenightmares formany sanin dream housing 2001. Affordable inDenver indicates that.

Aging is a matter of attitude thatit hasnothing to dowrthage,it'sthe mmo, for attitude. . . therue founainofrouththat Yousee,I thinkit'sveryimponant llc icfopoltroo a whenwe'vereached to go *uoughthemotions of eachof usposses everyone inourlives. pointofhappines experience getung old.Everyone should I cant waittobeafosil.That's right, memory istoblame forthephobia los, gra)'harr,iointproblems, I feelsociety I absolutely cannot waittotellmylifestory belliesandâ‚Źvensaggy people pans. from The many suffer socalled aging. body to everyTom,Dick and Harrywho reason Remember them1stery therearemany Lookattelevision, I saythisisbecause tohelpmeatthegrocery I people attempts store. Murder, Howaboutthe these things seies. $bel{f'ote? whoareexperiencing guesI'velustbeenblessed nith parents butdontthinka minute Those weregood abouthowold sitcomTln GoAen Gir&? whohavefunastheygrow with dreyare. old,along witandwisdom shows, andhadenough to drerestof myfamily.I realize a lot of Heisthe serveanentiregeneration. Bothof those mvfather. Take fornstance, people wouldwonder if I'monsomethingperfectexample who has shows werecancelled andhavebeenoff of someone uyingsomething hkethat.I mean, afterall, foundhisfountain years, alongwith other ofyouthpasttheageof theairforseveral thefountain of youthis something that 55.On topof having A recent and showswith "older"characten, badeYaight people,alongwith science, havebeen grayrng showackled of rheNly McBeal hau,my htherhashighblood episode looking foralongtime. storereplachg pressure whichhe mustmonitoron a theisueof a department I recendy came across M regularbasis.He also must take itstraditional whois oldand SannClaus advenisement inalocalnewspaper, which medication withayoung andthinSanta Claus and chubby, to keepit undercontrol, satedthatwitha sprayakenorally, one watch theimage of thestoreforthe step torepresent hisdiet,Hehastakentheextra couldake 20yearsoff his or herage. of purchasing I think timesof themillennium. to laep that changing a treadmill Alongwithuking20learsoff,thrsspray bloodpressure of these happenings"in Ho\wood, level, atahealthy )andfor all canalsohelponeloseweight,reduce hisbellytoshrink, inparticula4 television areenough toshow ofcourse.) wrinkles, improve memoryand heck, even number ofpeople sufering from Even myhtherhasallofthae thelarge though giveyou thisun happn "aging" enthusiasm!Allof gening phobia I really hope of old. nuisances to dealwith,he is the in six monthsaccordingto the probably penonI know thatsociety wakes up soonandrealizes themostvibrant advertisement. I'm notgoingto sit here Hisdaparefilledwithbusywork,andhis thatbeingold isnt all thatbad,andif whether thisspray energy andargue or talkabout be lertl shootsthrough theroofon anlthng,it'sapartoflifethatshouldnt reallyworla.I'mnota scientist anddont someda1s, 21. mised. Like turning whenallI wznna do issleep reallyhavethedesireto lookin medical in... ok,hibemate Knowingwhen to havefun and to be moreexact. I journals to checkthe validiryof this sometimes whento loosen up is whatthe wonder howsomeone almost knowing sithereand threetimesmy agecanhaveso much founainofyoudrisallabout. scientifrc find,I will.however Drugs might growing energyand always ralkaboutmybelieftconcerning buttheywont want to be doing take20years offyourbody, of puth in my something. oldandthetruefounarn feelinside, hw oldyoutrul,v I'vecometo the realizationchange



The itetropotitanI 9

Public misinformed about NAS EDITOR Scanltbwer ART DIRECTOR llilld



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driven andideologically moredutabrief withthe politically onnothing reponwasbased Dear Editor, the some of philosophy that dominates visit, The truth, on-site teacher andinadequate TherEon on four Colorado prognms he and evduated, education and teacher isthatSuewasindirccte-rnail educationprogramsprepued bY mY howerar, to the ltrich he arguaisa mail hindrance four of the phone with the deans conact on Commtsion fortheColorado organization by required reforms kind of educational monttu. programs for more ttun three the become hasrecentJy HigherEducation programs within those law Cdtics Thoe deanssentSaxeboxesof data, Colorado I amwridng toset attention. ofpublic subject (and to dirreditSaxe's of coursesyllabi,NCATIrecords, arenowattempting stack number with to a respect sraight therecord perspative and materials,the llAS's)common-sense or news facultyvitas,andotherrelevant of mattenwhgrepubliccomment as to education works" approach hhat of amount and ill- whidraddedto thesubstantial has been misleading coverage 'tonsenatira' This therefore biased. and law,NCAT!,andthe material on Colorado informed. of their dut Saxe wasableto acquire only providesfunherevidence I(rhat is the NAST The National fourprograms with ideologY. intoricadon without those deans' assistance. politically is not a Association of Scholan to the ![e standby the imponance It is a scholarly Sarehadbeenworkingthroughthis associadon. conservadve we report of the professon with mounBinof datafor nearlyeightmonths citizensof Colorado association of university to theCCHE.k findsmuchto foot on the Colorado submitted fmm acros the beforehe stepped of members thousands particularlyin the teacher very commend, His visis served the site campuses. political spectrum. of programs of the University education whatthedata ofconfirming program,limitedpurpose Vhatunites usisnotapolitical College. andMesa gaps. Nonhern Colorado to high academictoldhimandfillinginanyremaining but our commitment the hctthatatthe documents But it also pursuit to for anyone It is unfair and untrue of and the unbiased standards education Metro, the teacher and CU-Boulder man was wong that Saxe the either Ve sund suggest in highereducation. knowledge grip intolerant rigirt and programs in of job are the or that he did not basehis in higher for the idmlo$calindoctrination agarnst pedagogicrl theoria polidcal ideolo$aand evidence. onsufficient it hailsfromtheleft,right, evaluation whether education, block to the kind of In ourrepon, thatarestumbling Is therepon"biased"? orcenler, by is nowmandated that reform educadon his very fonhright about is Who is DavidVarren Saxe?The Saxe real and is the story To this law. us, His view,he informsthe Colorado researcher andauthorforourrepon,David perspective. tobefullyaddressed. theseuchfor theonethatneeds "highlights objectivity, VarrenSaxeis a scholarwith a superb reader, Sincerely, pluralism, the and intellectual truth, credentials background andunimpeachable BradfordWlson, Ph.D. and knowledge of essential educationimportance forconducting a studyof teacher Executive Director it skills."Asthisviewappliesto schools, progmms. professor of "centenondirm andproveninstructional Editor, AcademicQuestions He is alsoan associate National Associationof in theCollege of methodswherg teachersare. fullY andInstruttion curriculum Scholars in teaching the andskillful and knowledgeable Universitv State Education atPennsl'lvania 221WitherspoonStreet,znd subjecmatter."Finally,his Board of panicular State isa member of rheknnsylvania floor on basicsklls, a premium national view"places he is a well-known of Education; Princeton,NJ08542 and scholastic knowledge, discipline-based K-12 for authorityon statestandards 609t683-7878 erperienceachievement." eduution;andhehasextensive (fax) 609/683-0316 this ideology, apolitical Rather thanbeing but asan educator not onlyasa teacher philosophy butsound educational isnothing level. atthepretollegrate educator for their Americans embrace most that Vhsthe reponadquatelyresearched? of Coloradoat children. The deanof University pan of his reportto Saxedevotes hasbeen Boulder'sSchoolof Education philosophy above educational the conffasting professor Saxe's reponed assuggesting that

Politically correct correction insulting DearEditor, ElenaBrown's anides.Holeveqthearticleon the I enjoyreading Tuskegee Airmenwaseditedto be "politicallycorea." I find that insulting. wasused. Shewaswritingaboutanerawhentheword"colored" The theissue. thewordto black....defusing TINMehopolinnchanged Black the Negro,.., the anideshouldhavesaidrhecoloredman..., andpowerYoumadeit soundlikea aprogression man..... Thisshows badlywordedphrasel

Letters Poticy

andwhenyoushould I readtheanideaboutraceanderotica haveeditedthefourletterword it wasnt,Youcouldtuveputthe wouldnot have of thesentence s*** andthe meaning standard changed. thebackbone orlacks process iseitherfaulty I thinktheeditiorial areintelligent. ttratthereaders thatacknowledge toprintanicles people. Stopbeingscared'tuhite" Viola B. Nathan filetro Student

lettersof 500 welcomes TheMerropolitan interest. words or felreron topicsof general Lettersmust includea full name,school alfiliationanda phonenumberor e'mail Lenersmightbeeditedfor iength, glammal' anoaccufacy,

Mailbox: TheMetropolitan Suite313 Parkway, 900Auraria CO80204 Denver e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 303.556.2507 fax:303.556.3421

10 I TheMetropotitan

February 16,2001

Metro professor,C.J. Whlte, shown In hls oftice, returned from a year-long sabbatlcal In Alabama, He plansto use hls findlngs in his classes and at publlc presentations. l-leather Cemey/ lhe O.l'oeolilon

Professor leqrnsmuchfromsqbbqticql memorial thatwasestablished byTheSouthern Poverty Law involved in thepoliticalarena," hesaid. fil Jennifer Grey Vhite saidhe rhinksthe celebration of BlackHistory |||n.m*,"9a-Centerfor40civilrightsactivistswhol'erekilledasaresult

in theCivilRights Movement. Monthisimportant because Vhateverhappenedin Montgomery, it givesallof ustheopportunity Ala,,after Rosa of theirinvolvement "l was quite pleased to hear comments, to hear pause to andfocuson thecontribution Parksrefusedto go ro the backof rhebusin 1955? ofa groupthatwas Vhat relatedto theneedandthevalueof educating neglected in theaccount happened ofworldandAmerican in Birmingham, Ala.,afterthe 16thStreerBaptist conversations historyfora wharhappened," he said. "They long time.He addedthat the foundersof BlackHistory Churchwasbombedby members of the Ku KIuxKlanin the youngconcerning 1963,killingfour youngn'omenwairingto parricipare tharrheinclusion of rheroleand in a wouldsaywecannotaffordto repeatthispartofourhistory monthstronglybelieved and we must educate young the to increase the chance of the youthday program? contribution ofBlacks shouldbeongoing, Vhat happened notjustforthe in Selma, Ala,,afrer policeon theEdwinPettusBridgeartacked activists asthey movingforwardanddoingthe righrthingfor the greater monthof February. good." weremarching "Thisisa busymonthandI wouldliketo thankZavand to Birmingham asa wayto demonstrate for Vhite foundrhatthecitizens of Birmingham establishedKhushnurDadabhoy. theirrightrovotein 1965? I havereceiveda greardealof help, Museum in theCivilRighrs Hisroric Disrrictand from providinga calendarof eventsro bringingin ,,big ChairoftheMetroAfrican-American Studies department,a CivilRights CJ.Vhiteasked speakers himselfthesequestions suchasSoniaSanchez. I alsoappreciate anddecided the to uke that the 15thStreetBaptistChurchwasrestoredwirh a names" memorial for rhe women killed. a yearJong depanment's sabbatical excellent lastyearro conductresearch relationship with the Metroand on the In Selma, he foundthatTheVorer's Rights Museum civilrightsmovement was (University of Colondo ar Denver's)Officeof Studenr in theSourh,particularly Alabama. He established at the foot of the EdmundpettusBridgeto Affairs," focusedon three cities;Montgomery, hesaid. Birmingham and commemorate theirstruggle fortherightto vote.Also,Selma Selma,wherea considerable Vhiteearned a Ph.Din Sociology amountof activismand andAmerican Ethnicity elected itsfirstblackofficial. resistance fromFloridaStateUniversity tookplacein the1950s in Tallahassee, Fla.,andlvasan and'60s.Hefounda great hadrecendy t0flhite saidhe waspleased to discover a greatdealof undergraduate dealof change andpeoplecommitted whenthe civil rightsmovement to documenting what began.He change within Alabama's polirical arena as well.In a srate cameto Metroduringrhe 1984J5schoolyearand was happened andcommemorating thoseinvolved. Vhite said is black,in 1955there appointed heplansto usehisresearch headof rhedepartment findings in 1995.He hasstudied in hisclasses, especiallywhere30percentof the population were only 20 black elected oflicials "Social because so many blacks Movements and traveled andtheBlackExperience.,' extensively in Africaand the Caribbean, Healsoplans and to presenthis findingsro communiry his commitment groupsand public weredeniedtherght to votedueto thestrictJimCrowlaws. continues to the retentionof theAfrican Today, Alabama is a statewithoneof thehighestnumberof culturein theAmericas, schools. the CivilRighsMovement andthe black elected officials, 726. VhitevisitedtheRosaParks South. Museum Library, whichhad "Politiais still a vehicletharcanbe urilizedto bring recently "Vhen the workis no longerchallenging, openedin Montgomery, completewith a big bus I will retireor about change and for black Americans parks being insideas a reâ‚Źnactment denied theright findsomething elseto do.At thispoint,I findmyworkto be of wtut happenedwhen putringforth challenging, refusedto go to the backof the bus.He alsofounda to voteforsolongwestillfindblackAmericans soI planto bearounda bit longer," hesaid. a specialeffort in welcomingthe oppurtunityto become

February 16,2001

TheMetropolitan / 11

'Muliny'stqrled ql Melro Problems The mffi with little gold men



Theywouldluve eventslikea cupdropanda shirtburning. yourlockerday"thatwasjudgedbythe Therewasa "decorate l,FC.Theywereallthingsto getpeopleinterested in altemarive Duringa timewhenwomenwerestill tryingto gainequal waysof thinking, Jensensaid. 'hnothertimewe treatment andanistsforagingnewgroundexperimenting with buriedfour ice trays.They'reprobably newmediums werebannedfromshorvingtheirart,a mutiny stillthereunderthecement by theEmmanuel Gallery. They yearsafterMetrorefused hadn'tpouredthecement aroseandisstillin full swing.Twenry yetforthewalkway, wehadfourice work,he is still producing to showJackJensen's successfultrayswith ice in them,andwe buriedthemunderthe din galleryshows.Hislastone,ritled20 Years o! Mutiny Art was alongwith two copiesof TheMeaningof Modernkulpture heldFeb.9 atBumpandGrindonEast17thAvenue. Theshow andnowthat'sallcemented over,"Jensen said. will continueto be displayed through Some people MarchalongwithhisshorvattheSnake Pit criticized these onEast13thAvenue. tactics as being His mutiny beganwhile he was destructive but no Metroduringthelate70s.There anending arlestswete ever wasa groupknownastheLFC,Lekmme made,according to whichwasprimarilv Criminals, a women's He refered Jensen. art movementthat workedto*ards the backto theI"FC.He of womenin art. equaltreatment said thesegroups 'A lot of the w-omen therewerenot all had a purpose being treatedas equalsor gradedas andthatsometimes equals,"Jensen said. "There were it is necessarv to definitelya fewart professors whograded look takea at that downon thel'omen,andbeinga student whendetermining aidein the print shopand the jerelry whetherthe ends shop,I sarvthatgoingonallthetime." justifies themeans. Thewomenwouldbedoingthesame Jensen type of work, with the samerypeof graduated in 1979, technique, the sametype of design and immediately element andsometimes wouldevenhave started putting to do morewort to compensate, Jensen togetherart shows said.So,the l.,FCwouldspraypaintthe rvith Benderand rhool from time to time and.useother othersfromtheLFC formsof ralliesto\ to get the message at thesummerflea acrossandlet it be knownthattherewas markets. Thegroup somediscrimination goingon, eventually grew "Theonlywayfor themto geta write lnto a new name up in the paperor to get a little extra sarahCamey/n. mcflcpclher andaspace fortheir recognition in thecommunity therewasto Jack Jensen,managel of lchabod's Book Stoto, gallery own do thingslikethat,'Jensen said. located on Broadwayand Ellsworth Avenue,stands Pirate. Pirate is Duringthesametime,Jensen andhis amldst the rows ot books Feb. 13, Abov6 hls head located at 3659 dassmate Phil Benderhad their own are sdne of hls palntings, whlch also are on dlsplay NavajoSt., and is groupof artistscalledthe DenverDada at other stores on Broadwaysuch as Sugar and still owned by Club,whichhaditsrootsin theDadaart Amsrlcan vogue. BenderTheyused movement, whichbeganafterWorldMr I this galleryas an primarilyin Germanyand Swiuerland.It wasan anti-an opportunityto show the art thatno oneelsewaswillingro movement thatemphasized goingagainst thegrain,Jensen show. said. Bender andJensen producing continued wo*ingtogether 'Theywouldsay,'this is art,"' he saidpointingat a off-the-wall galleryopeningswith twistsand unexpected cardboard cuponthetable."Rather thangoingto abigschool announcements forquiteawhile, untilJensen eventually broke andhaving a bunchof diplomas theycouldrurnantthinginro awayandstarted hisownMutinyin February 1981. art.Theywouldshowin unconventional places, kindof like Nowhehasteamedup withDanicaBomar,a youngartist whatthemutinyisdoingnow,theywoulddo unconventionalwiththesamekindofvisions, Thetwoof themhavehada few actsponraying satire." showstogetherandtheyhavebeenverysuccessful. Thefirst Thereference to theDadamovement in theirclubname showcalledBadHealtb20(Nin Augustwasalsoheldat the wasreallya comparison to thepunkmovement thatwasiust BumpandGrindandwassoldoutaweekbeforetheopening, gettingstartedduringthelate70s,Jensen said. said. Jensen "lt started in '76,but it wasreallygaining momentum, rhe "Ourworftisverycomplimentary," Jensensaid."Ve both attitude, themusic,theclothing, thewholefashion statement likeworkngwithboldcolorsandfunthemes." andpoliticalstatement, in the BoulderandDenverareas," he Jensen has workedwith variousmediumsfrom silk said."Bandswerepoppingup and night clubsthat would screening to silversmith work.Hewasa.lso a chefat theBrown promoteit wereshowingup. actually Palace forawhile.HisamvorkisalloverDenverandtheworld ' "Ve felt asstudents,thiswasthe sameson of thingthat including, Budapest, Berlin,Barcelona andTokyo. wasgoingon in the Dadamovement,whichwasanti-art. Alongwith producinghis own shows,he is alsothe getrid of theseold fansandshowsomenewblood. manager Basically of Ichabod's Street andvolunteers at GrantAvenue Stopsaying,'you youdont havea Reach can'tshowthatbecause to helpfeedthehomeless. nex openingwillbe Jensen's degee.'" at theBuz Caf6on EastSixthAvenue andMarionStreetin So,theDenverDadaclubfollowedtheleadof theiranti-art April,whichmayincludea scooterrally,depending on the predecessors peopleto ake noticeof theirwork. weather. to encourage

On kb. 13,at 6:38in the moming,thoseof us interestedenoughto watchsawactressJudi Dench thenominees forthe73rdAcademyAwards. announce Because the academy didn't wantthe nomination pressconference to takeaslongastheactualasardshow, onlytheeightmostpopularcategones wereannounced. For anlthingoutsideof acting,writing,directing,and producing awards, a full list wasavailable onlinewithin seconds of theannouncement. tf(rith the poor quality of moviesorrralllast!ea4it should havebeenhard for ttrat list to disappoint me,butit managed. I hadresohed myrlf to theha that GladiatorandEin Brockouicb, two entertain ing but forgettable ChrisWard On Film movies, wouldhavereserved ssats in theBestPicture category whilebetterfilrnswouldbeleft out. Vhat cau$t meoff-guard wasthedegreeto which Requiunlora Drwn,Vondu ktltqmd otherinnovative filmswereignored.Youknowthingsarebadwhenlbe (howrtgotnominated Ginch'sup forthrreOscars foran directionwhen?"De Cel/nrs leftoutisa mystery to me). membencanonlynominate Because academy filmsin (directors votefor the BestDirector theirowncategory nominees, writersfor BestScreenplay, etc.),I was surprised to sK REuien, thebestfilmof theyear2000, failto garnernominations in thefilmeditingandoriginal scorecategories. EditorJayRabinowieskillfullypiecedtogetherthe morethan2000cus (he average movieconuiru600to it seamlas 700cuts)andused to createa flowof images, whilecompcerClintMansell matched hismusicto the lookandfeelof the film.Still,both asrys d Requian werepassed overin favorof moreconventional movies. In hct, theonlynomnationRquian didreceive was a BestActress nodforEllenBurstyn, butit isdoubtfulthat shewill win. lf goodasrc prevails, the awardfor that category will go to Jmn Allenor lauraLinney,bothof ntrom gaveacellent performances in their respective filrns.lt ishr morelikely,howeve4 thatJulia Roberu willbe rewarded for notdoingherusualmediocre workin Snll Btwkouich. On a morepositivenote,CrowbingTigq Hiddm Dragonrer,wdl0 nominations, themostbyanyforeignlanguage filmin theacademy's history. Thiselegant martial ara filrn fromTaiwanalsois onlythe third mo,ie with subtitlesto be nominrtedfor BestPicture,thoughia acto$,mo6tnotablyMichelle \â‚Źoh andZiyiZtung were unfonunately ignored. w?sStevenSoderberghl Theotherfttreoccunence doublenominadon in theBestDirectoretqxy,for Erin Bwhiuich nd Trffi. The otly odrer time this has wasin 1938. happened Unfortunatety, it threatem todivide votesfor Soderbergh, whodeserves to winforTrffrc,nd givetheawardto a lessdeervingdirector is badasthingslooknoq thereisstillhopettnt my pessimism will bedisprorc{,andtheawards could!o to the peoplewhodeservethem.But I'm not holdingmy breath.

12 r The Metropolitan

February 16,2001

leqrnhowlovehqschqnged Studenls m#

Joann Loviglio

RADNOR, Pa.(AP)- Love.Vhethertrue or tragic,unrequitedor eternal,it hasbeen the subiectof artists and writers for thousands of years. But whenstudentsin professorHarvey Lape's"Philosophy of [ove" classat Cabrini Collegediscussmattersof the hean, it's closerto Descartes thatDameCartland. 'Love doesn'tcomewith an operating going to manual,"lape said. "Everyone's

have failuresin relationships; maybeit's Sappho,Dante,Ovid, Freud,Frommand living in,' he said."CertainlyI don'rwant themto becomecynical,but maybethey'll somethingtheywon't feel so bad aboutif others. theyhavea littlemoreunderstanding Studentslearn in Plato's"Symposium"comeawaywith a lessfantastical viewabout of how wasnot love." viewson lovehavechanged overtime." that the pathto eternalhappiness but of all things.In "LaVita Perhaps not surprisingly, femalestudenb For the pasteightyears,studentshave loveof another, flockedto Lape's"Philosophy of Love"class, Nuova,"Dantewaxespoeticabouthis love outnumbermen in Lape'slove class- a relationship Beatrice that generally,the ratio is about 3-1. Though The courseis so popularthat two classes, for hismistress consummated because of the strict women outnumbermen at Cabrini50 eachwith J0-plusstudents,are held each wasnev€r at the 2,000-student springsemester Roman societalrulesof courtlylove and arranged percentto 40percent,Lapeis uncertain why in suburban thescales arestilltippedmoretowardfemale CatholicCollege Philadelphia, marriages. Freudconductsa scientificanalysisof students. In what the schoolsaysis one of the byvarious "Y/ehadaboutsixguysin a classof about fastest-filling classeson campus,students love,whichheseesassurrounded discuss desirefrom the viewpoints thatneedto be overcome in order 20. Theywere pretty obnoxiousat times," of Plato, neuroses to have healthy relationships.And Eric saidTiffanyPlatt,a junior who took Lape's how a classlastyear.'They definitelyput in their Fromm'sTbe Art ol Louingdiscusses desireto be "upwardlymobile"has led to voiceduringthediscussions, but theykindof of love- thatis,gettingthe shut up when we talkedaboutwhat love commodification reallymeant." bestdealin a partner. "l alwayshada sort of idealisticnotion Similarphilosophy classes areofferedat of Tennessee, aboutlove,but I learnedthat ifs not so the University Oklahoma State concrete," said Cabriniseniorleigh Ann Universiry andMichigan StateUniversity, but Tenore,21."Thereareso manygrayareas, l,apesayscoursesaboutlovetypicallyhave because realloveisn'tlike this perfectideal moreof a sociological or psychological tone. carries." thateverybody Lookingat love through the eyes of Lapehopesthat'sjustwhatstudents will philosophers showshowtheconceptof love takeawayfromthecourse. evolvedovertime,hesaid. "l try to show them that the human "lt's not thatphilosophy claimsto solve conditionis fairlyconsistent over time,but the thingswe find diflicultaboutlove,"Lape our viewsare shapedby the societywe're said.

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I nr'rEdny &isbIt', I F*,'# I I lDd! )$tr anc?,rixrunl'i |l)e{"{.lh I I unnnr.,nr rnturmrinrrrrrson... I


ARIES: Youwill bechallenged to put forth pur verybest,sokeepanyrebellious thoughsto yourself. Beingfilledwithhighenergy, malasure you aresensitive feelings. It's to otherpeople's your timeto comeoutof shellandlivea litde. anyunduestress TAURUS:Guardagainst hashitjusttherightbunon sommne orsomething yourenergy. anddrained Yourmatemaybehaving problems coping,andmoodinzuwill no doubt speak result- remember ttratactionswill always louderthanwords. GElrtlNl: Maketimeto suyhomeandrest, youout. tensionfromall sidesmaybe stressing will be Yourfresh,newideasin the workplace received veryhvorably.ftnditions areolcellent withan for rapidprogress at work.Getin contact oldfriendyoule losttrackof. dernands on CAI{CER:Theremaybeheavy pu, sotry tostickto noutine andallwillgowell.If yiu havebeenclingingto eitha a childor lover, pu needto letgo a linh, theynetdmorespace now.Angy wordsmayfiarebetweenpu and another, becautions. LEO: Yourmind is usuallyquick and perceptive. Youwillnodoubtcaptiwteothenwith pur wit andwisdom.Authoritiaat work are youropinions, interested in hearing andtheability to seethebigpicturewillbegready 4ppreciated. VIR@: If youcangraspanopporunityto financially dontpasit up,theeffon betteryourself at iswonhit..Sain,theextraeffortmaybeneeded of work-goearlyandstaylate.Yourunderstanding the neeisof bodrmenandwomenhelpsyou gendertnrddisputa. mediate aremadeon your LIBM: Heawdemands Disputes wittrhmilymemben timeandenergy, crn be raolvedttroughthoughftl discrrsions. meetings will aho be goductive. Anybusiness Yourmatewill end the weekwith a romantic interlude, and,ifunanached, anewloveiswaiting. SCORPIO: Your keen memory and problem+olving will helpyouto impras abilities lt's realrtychetktimefor you,with lour booses. memories andintuitionplaying majorro|esinyour actionsfor the nec few months.Thereare powerfulspiritual insigha dominatingyour innerself SAGITTARIUS:lt maybetimetostepback fromcurrentprojectsto thinkthingsout,to give you a betterperspective on long-termcareer strategies. It's a goodtimeto siurebrightideas withraeptivecolleaguc.Thereseerns to be an oldadrcrsary backon thescene, becautious and patient. CJAPRICORI{'It willbeadullengingweek, andpu areasrniveingeningyourideasacross. A yourhelp,andrnay friendwillnodoubtwelcome beeithercombatire or irationrl,sobepatient with them.Buttherewillalsobea limitto patience, so knowwheno sayenoughisenough. AQUARIUS: \bur healthis in question during the week.Be reassured ttut there is nothingwrongwithyouthatmorerestandless stresswon'tcure.Takeortratimefor yourmate, andtuvea longandlovingtalkwitha lovedone. Yourcommunication skillswillget1ourhrough the week's challenga. PISCES: Youmayneedto talkyourirleas whatyou out.Nobody willmindthough, because haveto sayrsfascinating. Theworkweekwillstart gins.Thereare outwithopponunity formonetary differences of opinionwhich may threatena friendship; resohethemnonr.

14t The Metropolitan

February 16,2@1

New seqson,new foces AdamDunivan tlc [.kctollon

It's the samestoryfor every collegecoach,no matterwhatsport heor shedirects. Vrth the turnoverratio of so it is difficultto stick manyplayers, planfromyearto withthesamegame tear, Mth new playerscomenew that will hopefullyrender strategies success. ForMetrobaseball coachVince of this year's Porreco,the success Roadrunners teamwillcomethrough a foundation of speed and ratherthanpowerand fundamentals, clutchhitting. ''Vere norgoingto beableto sit aroundandrait for a bighomerun this year,"Porrecosaid. "What's exciting aboutthis1'ear's clubis that will lot we be able to do a of different FtrotoCourtseyof Art Bitsten thinssthataremorespeed-based." s€nlotJoshvlckers takes hls cuts In who iorr.,o sardthereareolareru a gamelast season.vlckers*ill h hru"nowerzndcandriveih.'brll,bu, start at thhd baseon openingday ::^- -"j;':^ proouclng tney\\1 De:":;-,-:' morerunsrn$ yearbyapplying pressure on thebasepaths against opposing defenses. "We're goingto useallfacesof thegameto create said. runs,"Porreco hit .351asa wasnot a problemfor lastyear'steam.TheRoadrunners Offerse goodfor seventh in thenationat theDivision Il level.Therun teamlastseason, production record, whichtiedtheschool helpedtheteamfinishwitha solid34-16 ma* for themostwinsin a seasor,. adismal Despite thetremendous szuon,Porreco's teamfellshortof itsgoalr,{th performance Roclry Mountain Athletic Conference tournament. atlastyear's hadthe secondseed.Aftera Goinginto the tournament, the Roadrunners los to Mesa Satein thefirstround,Metrowentonto disappointing 7-6,extra-inning whoeventually became theNCAA national faceFortHaysState(Kan.). TheTigers, destroyedllletro's hopeso[ attainingtheir goal of the RMAC runner-up, chamoionshio. Onceagain, theteamisstriving togetitshands ontheRlv[AC title,something underPorreco. theyhave1etto achieve Porreco saidtheteamhascometogetherwell,andthe,vlooklorwardto theseason Feb.17atAuraria Fields against Hastings Colhge(Neb.). beginning "Vithallthehardworkthatwe'vedonein theoff-season, all that we'vedonethus far,I\e seengu),scometogether quickly, andI thinkwewillplayvery wellasa team," Porreco said.


Returning players: BryceGehlen,Sr (2000stats:16 Sr. earned runaverage); Caleb Parmenteq record,5.51 appearances,6-3 (12app., Ash, TimPrice, 7-0,5.27); Jr.(15app, 3-1,9.50); Jason Jr (12 app.,2-2,12,50). tuiz.);Robbie Carson, Who's new: MikeAmarillas, Jr (Phoenix, Jr. (Denver); Stephen Fox,Jr (Albuquerque, (Lakewood); EricCummings,Jr, Richardson, Neely, N.M.);Steve Jason Jr (Flagstaff, Jr,(DalyCity,Calif.); Ariz.);BradVhitwonh,Sr (Englewood). playersto hasa groupof experienced The scoop: NewpitchingcoachAnthonyGutierrez with Parmenteq Price and fuh. Most of the year rotation is set Gehlen, with The starting work this rolesareconstantly starts.As Gutierrezputsit, however, pitcherswill seeoccasional remaining changing. "Roles astheycanbe notassigned," said."Theycanbelostjustaseasily Gutierrez areearned, won." pirchthathe saidis the"pitchof the thechange-up hasworkedhardon developing Gutierrez mrllennium," "Thechange-up pitchin thegame,"he said."lf vou havea hasbecome themostimportant but stillhavethe milesperhourlessthanvourfastball, change-up thatis 8-to-10 alldaylong." samearmspeed, .lou'llhavehinersguessing staffis theprominence of right-handed aspect of thepitching Onenoticeable pitcherontheteam,butheisexpected pitchers. Vhitworthistheonlyleft-handed fromshoulder surgery, recovering to missmostof theseason thereis oneIefthandedpitcherleft,so to Wirh\,/hitworthourfor theseason. speaK. "Theguyscallmethe'goofyleft-hander,' and soI jokewiththemandsaythatit is theopposite 'goofy right-handers,"' Gutierrez said. theyarethe from the differentpitchers,the lackof left-handed He addedwith the differenttechniques pitchers rvillnotbeasevident asmaybewithotherteams. pitcherhasa rvillstartoutastheNo.1 pitcheron thestaff,Theside-armed Gehlen Breakdown: He battersguessing. fastball thathasbeengunnedin thelorv80mphs,but hismotionoftenleaves to up thardivesdownandaway, a greatassetto have.According hasdeveloped a change mentally morethanphysically. willbeatplayers Gutierrez, Gehlen is constantly in theupper is theteam's fireballer;hisfastball Parmenter to hasworkedwilh Parmenter 80s,but topsout at 90 mph.Gutierrez Hisbreaking develop a change up thatis8-to-10 mphlessthanthefastball. aftereach ballis still in the works,but he is gainingmoreconfidence


attempt. a nasty Hardwork haspaidoff for Price,and he hasdcveloped

curveballfor his effons.Aftera rough seasonin a relief role last veaq Pricehasworkedto makeall of his pitches move around saidPriceis readyand Gutierrez excitedto taker-rnrheroleasa 2000season fuh hada torturous but islookingto rebound asa reliever, to Priceat the asa goodcompliment rotation. backof thestarting "Jason's fastballreallysinksdownrvard," said."Justin thetirlc thatI'vebeen Gutierrez here, I've seen him throwing a ()t more qualiry pitchesastime hasgoneon."

Therestof thestaffwillbeout to spoilthepartyfor th ' otherieam. "Every pitcheron thisteamseeshisrole,knowshisr, ic, andgoesout saidof hisstaff."lt isgoin,I to berealtough hisrole,"Gutierrez andperforms foranother us.' staffto ourmatch ' SenlorBryce Gehlenwlll be the ace ot re Metto pitch' ing staff when the s€ason opens Feb. 1 agalnst Photocourts€yof Art Bitsten Has ngs college


/ 15 TheMetropolitan

wffiffiffir,* Returning players: JackEdwards, Sr.(.375baning (.333,2 runs,30 runsbatted in);Chad Gonzalez,Jr. average,5 home HR,20RBI); Caleb Parmenter, HR,17RBI);ManOlson, Sn(.317,3 Sr (.271, 4 HR,9RBI). Springs); David Dudley, Who's new: JoshCoe, Jr.(Colorado (Santa Clara,Calif.). Jr.(SanJose,Calif.);BrianFilizeni,Jr. of thegamethatwill benefit The scoop: Theoutfieldhasdepthandspeed-twoaspects will leadthe coreof outfielders on a dailybasisandwill be the teamin thelongrun. Edwards Dudley, All-American a iuniorcollege atWestValley, placedin theheartof thelineupon offense. in rightfieldandat theplate. provides theteamwitha strongacquisition to theoutfield,a transition thatPorreco said hascomebywayof movingGonzalez A change hasgonerathersmooth, Porreco re're going "l havea goodfeelingabouthim offensively," said."lf hestayshealthy, to besolidin thelineuo."

The 2001MetroRoadrunners BrianEdwards, Top Row (L-R): Bradwhiwonh,NateLavrenz, Stephen Fox. Parmenteq Richardson, BillGustin, Caleb Jason InfieldCoach Cory coachBillyVallace, Second Row: Catching Ash,MikeAmarillas, Robbie Linteo, EricCummings, BryceGehlen, Jason TimCarlson, Head OutfieldCoach MattOlsen,DavidDudley, Carson, Coach VincePorreco. (noton team), Donnie Third Row: JoshCoe,BrantSalmons Steve DustinKoon(noton team),Tin Uhls,ChadGonzalez, Gwinneq Gurrero, BrianFilzetti. Vood,Jerod Vood, Tyler Stulu,Jeff Bottom Row: James Brundige, Neely, TimPrice, Edwards. Steve Jack

Returning players: None. Retumirq players:Jerod Stultz, HR,15RB!;TimUhls, Sr Sr(.345, (.298, Hitbypitch);Josh Vickers, Sr.(.300, oneHR,27RBI); 3 HR,21R81,22 Bryce GeNen, Sr.(.000, 0HR,2 RBD.

Edwards, Fr.(Littleton); Donald Who's new: Brian (Pagosa (Chandler, Vood, So. kiz.); Gwinner, Jeff Jr Springs).

Who's new: Steve Guerrero, Calif);BillGustin, Jr. Jr (Torance, (Chestenon, Ind.); Nate hwem,Jr (Founuin);Tylervood, Fr(Arvada).

won'thave standout The scoop: TheRoadrunners

Billy Wallacein the lineup in 2001,but will havehis stafffor the upcoming season. His presence in thedugoutashe joinedthecoaching guidance to theteam. shouldhelpthecoreof catchers thatincludethreenewcomers but Gwinneris capable of Theopeningdaycatcherwill mostlikelybe Edwards, adefensethatwasthi,aintn.n.ti*ii;:tr1;T::1h".TirBil*n:*timisticaboutimpro'ingon year \(ood this but according to Porreco in at time. might be redshirted any "There's noreason whywecant benumberonein fieldingthisyear," Linteosaid."Thatisourgoalright lumping whoever andV'allace, is hittingwellwill befoundin thelineup. now.. . to bethebestin thenation" will not missa beatwhoeverendsup playingthe position. Defensively, the team Uhlsreturnsto the teamasthe backboneof the infield, skilled at blocking the ball andeachhasa differentformatof playingthe Both are Hisvocalleadership andskillfulplayluvemadehima team game, Vickenwillreturnat thirdbaseastheonlyplayeron caprain. hasa better "Ve'regoingto bestrong,but a littleyoung,"Vallacesaid."Edwards theteamto havetlueeyearswithPorreco. a Hecommitted go arm, but accurac.v has to to Donnie Gwinner." 11erronlastyear,butalsoturned10doubleplays. team-high


Guerrero appeanto be rhestrongest defensive second baseman, butLinrmuid thestaning mleisupforgrah.Stulz and Vood are both utility playersthat canbackup any positionin theinfield. "Veharea litdebit of hckup for everyposition," Lintm said."Ve'reactuallyhavingeverybody playevervpsition o(ceptforfrrst...wetr'antto getthemaccustomed to every justin casesomebody position goe;down." Vith thelikesof powerhittenMiikaAutio,DanaReichers andBrianAguiarno longeralailable,Porecohadto find capable fint basemen in thewontway.Similar to lastyear, fint basewillbemanned onaroatings'1stem withGustin, Lavrenz andGehlen. BothGustinandlawenzaretallandbulky,and will fill in thefounh,fifth,or sinhspotsin thelineupasthe PhotoCcurB€y of Art Bitstei main power hitters.Accordingto Porreco,Gehlenhas Afterspondlr€rnostof the 20fl) sea positioned himselfto seea signilrcant roleat eittrr firstbaseor sonIn th€ Roadunner'sbullpen, designated hitterbecause of hisoffensive skills. Judorlaon Ashwlll frndhlmselfIn UF strung rctdon

Senlor Josh Vlckers slldes Into home In a game agalnst the Unlvetslty of Southern Colorado last year at tho Aurada Flelds. Ptpto Courtseyof Art Bitsten


IeftField-JuniorChad Gonzales Eeld-JuniorDavid Right Dudley Feld- SeniorJack EdwanJs Center

-JuniorBillGrstin Infielders: fint Base - SeniorJerod Stulu SeondBase Uhls ShortstopSenior'lim - Senior ThirdBase IoohVicken

Pitcher/DH:Senior Bryce Brian ndwards Gehlen Catcher:Frahman

16 I TheMetropolitan February16,2001

Wq@-ffi}f,a,roporitan .rHEMExrtotif[iiHt*RrrA1{|c'r 22no. Oll THURSDAIFEBRUARY


t I \

electionst neFerendums

nilptil J||]nt0ilil5

will beheldApril25,ilil). SGAElections

make adifrerence onthiscampus Uuncan positions: -. foroneofthese liyrunning t President V.P forAcademicAffairc Services V.P forStudent V.PforAdministation andFinance V.PfurCommunicatims V.PtorStudent 0rganizations V.PturStudent Fees CANDII'ATES V.PforDiversity HEZM HTCNONCOMMISSION ENCOUBAGESANDDATES Reprcsentatives SACAB TOFOBMNCKEIS.'TTIIENr B0TRepresenhtive TOBUIfHBIIIS.POSMN AttomeyGeneral IESCflM(NS,ANDEIECNON



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February 16,2@1

TheMetropolitan I 17

Betheq finds q permqnenl home qt Melro EricEames llc lctlopclitoa

(CaLl)DeltaCollege VhenMetrobasketball coachMikeDunlap toSanJoaquin offeredascholanhip LeeBethea lastsummeq Bethea sophomore didn'tthinkmice. Afterall,theRoadrunners areachampionship leftBethea teamandonthatfrrstdayin town.Denver breathhs.ThecitynnsunlikeanyotherplaceJoreign or domatic- hehadbefore.Hewasableto in notime. acclimate to thenewenvironment ras essential Forhisfirst14yean,adaptabiliry life.Hislifeisfilledwithblurredmemories in Bethea's yean five he spent his birth in Georyra; in and throughPennsyhznia, of NorthCarolina, thestop-and-gos \ihshingonand,\,lasachurts. Texas, Tennzuee, "l'vebeento dangnetreverysatein rheUnitedSutes,''said Bethea. headaretl'o yearsin Cermany, AlsostinedintoBethea's m'odap in Rome and20hoursof France. Vhenhereturnedto American soilin theeighthgrade,it mayaswellhavebeenforeignland,because hewassafiingoveryetagain. "You "Ihe traveling wascool,but afterawhileit justsanedgeningold,"said23-1'euold Bethea. Junlor Le6Bothatsguardtng a colorado chrtsuan o'"r.filrl1Tffi"mtc' didn'twantto travelasmuchbecauryouwouldleavebehind1'ourfriends." Havingbeenborn in a miliary hmily,thiswasprotocolfor Betheaandhis voungerbrothe4 vlctoryon Fâ‚Źb.3, reallyistheplayereverycoachloolafor:Theperfectwodraholic-"He'll Secredy, Bethea definitely fmt in thedoor;theotheroneout.ButwhenLeeBethea Antoine--one Sr,a firstclassergeant, was qpe get get on the floor and drty for Dunlap said-and the who doesn t brag about numben. vou," andAntoine, orderedto goto Korea,Bethea did notfollow.Theyhadgrowntriedofzippingsuitcases "He'ssacrificed hisoffensive talentfor theteam,"MetroasisuntcoadrKellqCrosby uid, "Nevu andtrundlingftomonewouldciryto theother.It wastimeto setdedosn. game. complains. Not the kind ofguy who box score after the I say he is epitome ofa team loolsat the Thae days,the6-fmt-3,200-pound Bethea isdefending thebasket thewayhisfatherhelpedthe UnitedSatesdefendKuwaitduringthePersian GulfVhr-+ot givinga inchto foesning to penetflte plapr" Offensively, Bethea admitshisskillsaresuspect. Buthehasbeensolidenoughto keepdefenders zone. Metro's defensive nonesa. withmurle, Betheaharasses Shoulders anyopponentin hiscoverage areawithpfusicalofftalt, Since theNewYeu,Bethea hasdefended hissancein thesaninglineup.Hehasaverage of 12points andmaniac husth. denying defense compardto the7.5poinain 23minutes duringthefirstmonthanda halfof isasloudondefense Bethea asheiscackling amongteammates offthecoun.Yetthereisa dignity agamein 30.8minutes, was the when he coming season off the bench. maturiry forged years growing abouthimanda fromthe of traveling and upwithaparentwhowasrarely Against Chadron SuteJan. 19,hepured in 27pointson 10of 16shoothgandknocked downfive there. what is about. tlree-pohters. But talking about his achievements is not Bettrea "lt washardgrowingupbecause wedidntgetto seeasmuchofmydadaswewouldof haveliked," "Thewholeteamneedsto berecognized because weallputouta lotofercrgy,a lotof minutes and Bethea said."lt wasjustmeandmybrothe4thenoneof myyoungest weweretheonlythree cousins; 's lot just guy time," "Most people we practice. Bethea said. think come out and a of effon ttut each to prettymuchentenain eachother." puts fonh. Vhen Betheaand his brotherdid seetheir father,outsideArmyfatigues, the conversations "From(pointguard)Clayton (Smith)working onhisshotandhisabiliryroledtheteamto (forward) resembled thatof twostrangen trlng to getto knoweachother. 'Hi. Rashawn (Fulcher) vocal beingavoice,beinga leaderonthecounto (guard)ChrisFordfor puttinghis "Whenwesawhimit waslike, Howdoing?"' Bethea said,"lt washard,butir mademegrowup prt in.VhenI'm tuvingahd dayhe'llcomeoverandulk to meandhelpmegetthroughgama faster." mentally, whenI'mnotupto par."







FEB.17 FEB.18 FEB.21 FEB.24 FEB.25 A,IAR2 l,tAR 3

sAT suN wED sAT suN FRI sAT

MAR.6 MAR. 1011

Tue at NonhernColorado (2) Noon Sat-SunatMesaStateTournament TBA

2 3 5 7 8 9 10 11

itAR. 14 MAR.15 MAR.20 MAR20 MAR.21 MAR.24 MAR.2i t AR.31 APRIL1 APRIL 7 APRIL 8 APRIL 10 APRIT 14 APR]L 15 APRIL21 APRIL22 APR]L 27 APRIL 28 MAY 5 MAY 6



Thu Tue Tue 'f(/ed


Sat Sun


(nonconference) at Regis (1) 2:00PI{ rn.V/illamette (l) @ S.F. SureTBA atSanFrancisco Sate(l) 2:00PM atSanFrancisco Sate(1) 2:00PM I atSouthern Colorado (2) 1:00PM * atSouthern (2) Noon Colorado

SAT t N.l . HIGHLANDS (2) 11:00Ail SUN i N.,r.HIGHLANDS (2) 11:00Ail Sat Sun Tue Sat Sun

* atColorado Mines(2) * atColorado Mines(2)

Noon Noon atAirForceAcademy(l) 2:00PM * atMesa Strte(2) 1:00PM * atMesaSute(2) Noon

(2) sAT r REGIS . (2) suN REGTS

Fri Sat

* at Nebrasl<a-KearnE * at Nebrasla-faarney



18 lg

20 22 )4

26 )T

28 ?0



1:00PM Noon

33 40


* Rocky Mountain AtNeticConference

No Name




TylerVood INF 5-9 Stephen Fox RHP 62 oF 6r JackMn'ards rNF 5.9 JerodStule MikeAmarillas RHP 62 RHP 6I JasonAsh DavidDudley oF 60 ChadGonzalez oF 60 Steve Guerrero INF i-10 DonaldGwinner L 6{ TimUhls INF i-l1 ( }I [{attOlson OF c 5-10 JetrV/ood TimPrice RHP 5.1I Coe oF i-10 Joshua BrianFilizeni oF 5-10 Vickers C3 38 Josh Caleb Parmenter oF/P 6-3 Steve Neely RHP 5.10 Brad\Vhitworth IHP G2 Richardson RHP G3 Jason Robbie Camn RHP 61 EricCummings RHP 6I BryceGhlen RHP/IB60 BrianEdrards c63 NateLavrenz 18 6-3 BillGustin 18 6.2





180 180 185 180 170 185 185 180 170 205 190 180 185


R-R R-R R-R R-R R.R R.R R-R R.R R.R R.R R.R R.R R.R R.R R.R R.R 9R R-R R.R L-t R.R R.R R-R tR R-R R-R R.R

Anada,Colo. Albuquerque, N.M. Fruno,Calif Clearlake, Calif. Phoenix Ariz. Billings, Mont. SanJose, &lif. Colorado Springs, Colo. Torrance, Calif. Chandler, Ariz. SanaClara, Calif Sn Ramon, Calif Pagosa Springs, Colo. Thornton, Colo. Colorado Springs, Colo. SanaClara, Calif. Thomton,Colo. Dinuba, Calif DalyCiryCalif. En$ewood, Colo. Flagstaf, Ariz. Iakewood, Colo. Denver, Colo. Vancouver, Vhsh. littleton,Colo. Founain, Colo. Chestonon, Ind.

r95 190 180 r qq

205 170 170 ro)

r6i 200 18i 180 190

Jr. Sr. Sr Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr Jr Jc Sr, Sr So. Ir. So. Tr. Sc Sr.

Jr. Sr. Jr Jn Jr. Sr. Fr. T, Jr

(4)Vrnce Porrco Herd Coach: (24)TimCulson,(21)CoryLinteo,(31)Anthony Assistant Coaches: Gutiernz,(14)BillyWallace

18 I The Metropolitan

February 16,2W1

monthfrom6-7:30pm. FreeandeveryFormoreinformation, oneis welcome. catt(303)520-3095.

(303)556-2525 yourlunchand to reserve sDace.

Mock Interabw - An opportuniryto 12 SIEP Meetlngs On Camprlr - M practiceand evaluate your interviewing Meetingson liresdap & Thundaysfrom you Dress would for an techniques. as 12-1pm in theAurarialibrary #205. For actualinterview, bringyourresumeand YOGAfor tuerybod.y . The Health more informadon,call Billi ^r (303)556Ifieilcunng Skilk - Join this free arrive10minutesin advance to CN#203 CenteratAurariainviteseveryone to tilke 2525or (303)3224440. workhop for all MSCDstudentsand from12-2:30pm. Freeto MSCDstudents, part in freeyogaeveryTiresday in Tivoli process,i.e., Topre-register reviewthe interviewing andmoreinformation, call #444 fron l2-1pm.Wearcomfortable AI-Ai{ON. Meeron tf(/ednesdays in the questions, preparation, andpresentation (303)555-3554. clothesandbringa towelor blanket.For AurariaUbrary#205 from l2-1pm.For in CN#203 from11am-1pm. Topre-regmoreinformadon, call(303)556-2525. more information,call Billi ^t 003)556ister and for more information.call 2525or (303)32r-8788. (303)556-3664. Ugong Pradlce - This is an ancienr Chinesehealthcaresptem which has IISCD Student GouennnentMeeting beenshownto reducestress& blood - Getinvolvedv/ithstudentgovernment The Volce and Vlslon for 21st pressure & strengthen the immunesyseveryThursday fromJ:30-5:30pm in the Century Healtb Carc . Dr. Joycelpr MeetsThursdalsin Tivoli #444 tem. Senate Chambers, Tivoli#329.Formore Elderswill lectureon a casefor thepoor from12:15-1pm. information,c:rll(303)5563312. Matfuee & Morsels- In conjunction and powerlessminoritycommunityin with BlackHistoryMonth,GTBTSS will Tivoli #320 at 7pm. A receptionand Trutb Biblc StubJron a Mecrianlc be showingtwo short movies,Billy booksigningwill follow.Formoreinfor- Eottng Disorder Support Group (ANM) - Freesuppongroupforwomen - Nluewelcometo Turner'sSecretandRubyandTina:Hell mation,call(303)556-2595, Jeuisb Perspec-thte andmenwhoarestruggling with aneatjoin in Tivoli #i42 Wednesdays and Divin'\fomen.Themovieswill beshown group ing A suppon disorder. helpsfill Thursdays from 34pm. For moreinfor- in Tivoli#320Cat 12pm.A snackbarwill WiseWonan'slVay- L Celebradon of the need to share information feeling and mation,callReubenat Q03)315-2009. be provided.Formoreinformation, call FemaleDiversiryand Development for with concernedothers. Meets every (303)556-6333. Womenin Midlife.Stoplivingyour life Thursday in Tivo\i#567.FormoreinforSMARTRecouery - A non-traditional likean emeryency. JoinDianeSieg,R.N., mation,call(303)556-2525, askfor Linda addictionrecovâ‚Źrygroup,meetsat the CLCin this workshop.You will come Wilkins-Pierce. DenverMainLibrary,13th & Broadway, awayfrom this upbeatprogramwith on the lst and 3rd Tuesdavof everv renewedenergyand enthusiasm. Call




February16, Z@1

The Metropotitan/ 19

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