Volume 23, Issue 21 - Feb. 23, 2001

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Uofunc23lssuc19lcbruary 2l,20gl '7

2 r The Metropolitan




February 23,2001

Kicking sqfety into high geqr

The A4etropotitan r3

JaimeJarrett tlc treiropoltce

Sartingthissemestet Policeis offeringa theAurariaCampus rapedefense program faculty, suffandstudens. to allfema.le TheRapeAggression programprovidesrealistic, sell Defense defense uctia andtechniques awareness, for womenby teaching prevention,risk reduction,avoidance and basichanddefense training. "Thiscouneenables womenby shatteringmythsthat they grewup with,"saidDet.DaveHockmanof the AurariaPolice. "M1ttslike,womenarephysically powerlesagainst men,women secretlywantto beraped,onlyyoungwomenarerapedandonly womenwithbadrepuations areraped." who has Hockman, beena defense tactictrainerfor thepolice for 15years,teaches thecoursewithfellowofficer,AndrewLiska. saidthathe wentto the MD instructor Hockman course thinkingit wasn'tgoingto work.Hesaidhefoundout thatit does workandisveryeffecti,,'e. Thecourseisbeingoffered, notbesuseof anupsurge of se-r butbecause crimesoncampus, theyfeltit wasagoodthingfor the manywomenon campus to know. "l'vebeenwaitingfor learsfor a selfdefense course," said "ln Shirley McCormick, building manager fortheSt.Francis center. mylifetime, I mightneedit." wasoneof threewomenwhosignedup for the McCormick ftrstcoursethatis beingheldduringkbruaryat theSt.Francis center TheRADcouneisdesigned especially forl'omen,menarenot to anend, Hockman allowed said."Menhavea betteropponuJrity to receive selfdefense training," hesaid. Lawrence Nadeau, whoinl'ented theMD program, saidthe objective isto develop andenhance theoptions ofselfdefense, so viableconsiderations theybecome to thervomarwhots being attacked. Hockman saidrhemovestaughtin thecounedon'!involve groupsthatgiveaninstantaneous ftnemotorskills.Large muscle resultare usedbecause they are simpleand effective. The movements. he said,areintended to hurt theattacker, not the woman. ''ln the rvehavethemrepeatthemorement course overand oversoit becomes automatic." Hockman said. But,Hockman said,therightdecision isn'talwavs to fightback. 'Therightdecision, for,r,ou, isrosurvn'e,' hesaid. LindatrIange, u'honorksin theTivoliAdministnrire office, also signed upfortheclass, "Wbmen havebecome soindependent," shesaid,"Wehaveto knorvtherightrvavto takecareofourselves." Beside theRADcoune,theAurana Police arealsoworking on otheroptionsto keepstudents andstaffsafe.Callboxes arebeing installed in parking lotsEandA forsafenreasons. hbr nrcreiflbnmtion aboutthe RADcourseor d you are pleasecontactDet.DaueHockman interested in attendingaclass, wtththeAuraia Policeat 303.5562263.

Reviewingwhat she leamed in the previous lesson, Linda Mange works with Det. Dave Hockman on selfdefense maneuversFeb. 15 at the St. Francis Center. This was the second of a four part class on selfdetense that is sponsoredby the Auraria Police.

l'letaineBiatik/n. metopclit n


courseenableswomen by shatteringthe myths that they grew up with.' Dave Hockman Auraria Police ofiicer & Rape Aggression Defense course instructor






7., 2oo7.


frvete Mulaiculeurql


(R,ootn 26r.) Locqfted in tihe Tiwoli

T*d Panel consistsof: .Kathy Heyl, RegisteredDietitian .Dr. Ieff Broid4 ExercisePhysiologist .Dr. SandraHaynes,Psychologist . Linda Wilkens-Pierce,Health Educator .Dr. Rhonda Whittig Medical Doctor

Have you heard conflicting information about diets and exerciseregimes?Take the opportunity to ask our specialists questionsabout nutritioru supplements, exercisetechniques,and eating disorders.

February23, ZO0O

The Metropolitan/ 5

Deli victim of attemptedburghry A localfoodrandorreported ananempted bughry Rb. 14.RockiesDeli in the Nonh Clasroom,reportedthatunknownsuspec(s) thelockto theback triedpryingandpounding to the deli, dre kitchenfur to gainaccess policereportuirl. Froyd,a RockiaDeliemployee, Catherfur breakin.Theatimated reported theattempted lock is to rhe damage $75.Ihe suspec($did to the deli andnottringwas not gainaccess repond mrssing.


ofrce Pursestol€nfiom CU-Demrcr A Universityof Coloradoat Denver office reported atheftfiomapersonal employee

Kalum D. Hanis plays pool dudng the reopeningcelebrataonat Sigi's Pool Ha]l and Arcade. Sigi's, located in the Tivoli, closed in JtI|e 2(Xn due to budget cut backs

Sigi's pool hqll reopens

supervisor Thevictim,RuthPosehl,clinical at the Universiry and psychotherapist of coundrngcenter, reprted Colorado atDenrrer suspect(s) hadentaedheroftce, ttratunknown whichmayor maynot havebeenlockedand '[he tmk hernzllet. locationof herpursetud notbeenlockedeitherdrereportsuted. Fossehl reportallylosther brownleather wdletntrlfi had wo creditcards,$2 , her identification cards,fivepenonalchecks anda pre-paidtelephonecallingcard,the police reportuid


in improvemens, saidBarb but the choiceis up to the students.Both asabout$15,000 wouldhara V/eiske, saidthestudents directorof studentauxiliaryservices. PiccoandWeiske -tables, The re-coveringof the pool thesaywhenit comesto improvements and pool replacement the carpet and light repair all additions to hall. of the Afteralmostsevenanda halfmonthsin ThepricesarestilllowandbothPiccoand hibernation, Sigi'sPmlHallandkcadehasre- tookplaceat Sigi'sbeforethegrandopening kb. 21, Veiske said. Weiske saidthe reasonthe pricesarelow is openeditsdoorsto patronsof theTivoli. "lt looksreallynicenot',"uid Universiw of because thestudents arewhatmatterandit's Thepoolhall,whichoriginallyclosedis place Cnlorado Denver really at student Preeti lGtrel. a for the students to goandrelax. doorsJune 1dueto budgetcutbackhasmade "This Vhen was in students, Sigi's operation, it brought in is for the but we needto a vibrantcomeback in theTivoliwith liveDJ pool about to 200 a day from tables light, heat and staff area the the also,"Piccosaid. $175 games, mwicandnewarcade a weekfrom the arcade Vleiskeis looking to have special "lt'sa gmd atmosphere. Thelivemusicis and about$1,200 games,whichare leasedout to the Auraria promotions for the non-peak hoursof the good,"saidMetrostudentRanalopez. pool Higher Education Center by an vendor. hall. Although Picco said Sigi'swas ouride DavidRuderman, a studentemployee of ping pong The gone packed ublesare andsoare theentirereopening day. thestudentauxiliaryservkesvolunteered his games Picco Tables have full theentire and been timeto mh musicfor thepatronsof thepool two of the poolubles,but the la1'out, . said, is more intimate now wirh day the exception of 10 minutes before hallonthereopening day. "lt's definitely a more intimate like when few feel. I each hour a open up but re-fill Sigi'sPoolHall and ArcademanageE games upstain,"shesaid. quickly, Picco said, Sandra Picco, saidthelivemusicmaybecome travingthe Piccosaidthepingpongablesandortra "lt'sagoodplaceto ake abreakfromthe a permanent fixturein thepoolhall. uid. A liveDJmixingthemusicis new,aswell poolabla will comebackinto thepoolhall, dayandgetawayfromthings,"tWbiske ll.Lrrgcnon

Studentantstd on nspicion ofDul BrianHo1t,'aUnivt{sityof Coloradoat Denr.ersrudenrwasanestedfor suspicion of of alcoholon Feb. drivingundertheinfluence Parkway 12.Hoytwasarestedat 1250Aurada Folice. andwastumedorrr to theDenver

lisitor to campusafi€st€d Avisitor Gnrpus wasarrcsted oftheAuraria ofdriving under*reinfluence on forsuspicion wasarrested kb. 10.Aaron Scage4 at8thand larimerandwasrurnedoverto drcDenver Folice.

Oil corporqtiondrqwsfire from proteslers mffi


company currendy drillingin Tibet,a nationstill "Thevcamein andinradedTibet."Shresthat aoathv. "Veasconsumers occupied bythekople'sRepublic of China. said. canvoiceanopinion.You According to web BP's site, human rights were are He said they asking BP Amoco to divest can decide to boycon," saidTsewang. Pmtesters caniedthe colorfulflag of rhe an issue rvith of concern them. pmtesters wereof Tibetanorigin. irselfof itsinvestment in PenoChina. Shresthat Notallthe nationof Tibetalongwith signsthat read"BP "Everpvhere wel'ork, we try to contribute saidColoradoans with Colorado shouldcareaboutthecurrent SheilaAndersonis associated genocide" Amomsupports and"Honkfor a free of civilsocieq,--otablishingsituationin Tibet and Corporate organiztion America's Friendsof Tibet,a BoulderSased Tibef' outsidethe AmocoBuildingdowntown to thedevelopment clear ethical stmdards for with ourselves and our involvement. the same concerns regarding Chinese Feb.21. contractors, "!t's ensuring rhlt thelhole of thelocal aboutbasichumanrights,"Shresthatoccupation of Tibetandthesubrquentexihof TheStudents for a FreeTibet,who organized bcnefitfrom our presence, and said,"YouAmericans theDalaiLama. enjoyfreedomof speeh." itsleader, outliteratureto passersby theprotest,passed in communities 'i{npne with cant stepaside a conscience protestof thecorporations controversial tiesto bringing sone positive energl, to the He referredto the protestersoutsidethe development of the conrnrunity," let this tuppen." BP's rveb site and added, can t do ttut in Tibet," and building "\fle China. Dechen Tsewang is aTibeunwhomadethe BP,whkhsundsfor Beyondktroleum,isa stated. Tenzing Shrcsrllrt, for nnrc mfonnatiwt@nnd SMdenB I Tibennstudentrvho rip from Santak, NewMorico. Sheand 12 conglomerate of wiors Americanpetroleum lor attends Unilcrsitv of Trfut thc Cokrr",rdo Denver, rvas a M at uww.tifut.org$t. BP Anwo cmt irt others smrted at 4 a.m. to make it in time for the corporiltionsincludingAmoco. They have protest. Tsewang atwww.bp.com wuned against&nerican befound investedmillionsin ktroChina.a Chineseoil at theprotr\t.

6 / TheMetropotitan


'01 ForSpring Late StartingClasses!!

. BellaVivante Associate Professor of Humanities and Classics at the University ofArizona

Hennebadr Visiting Professorat the Colorado Schoolof Mines Author: Women's Rolesin Ancient Ciuilizations


ilIarch i, zoor 1() - 1O35Oam

Tivoli B2o A&B FreeAdmission Classesare Welcome Luncheonto follow at llam in Tivoli 44o & S4o

Ifs not too lateto addan accelerated class schedule. TheExtended Campus at to yourSpring'0L classes MSCD offersthe fo[lowingacceterated at MetroSouthandMetroNorth,andthere'sstitl beginin March. timeto register.Manyc[asses registration instructions tetephone Referto the MSCD (page22-23of the SpringClass Schedute) NOW! to ENROLL

Thefollowing courses beginMarch77 ond end May12th, unlessotherwisenoted.


To commemorate Women's History Month. Sponsoredby Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society,Institute for Woman's Studies and Services,Office of Student Activities, & Metropolitan State Collegeof Denver

PlszaBIvd.,Englewood 5660 Greenwood (near1rchardRoadandI-25) Dept,f ACC2020 cJc 3200 cJc4058 EDU4540 HSP4540 cMS2110 FIN3150 GEL 1150 H S P3220 P H I1110 PSC 1010 sP E1010 WMS234A WMS234F WMs234G

CourseTitle Hrs II 3 Principles ot Accounting Behavior 3 Criminal JusticeAdmin 2 Youth,Drugs& Gangs Youth,Drugs& Gangs 2 Youth,Drugs& Gangs 2 Prg Appr BusPrbLm Stv:Struct 3 Ptanning 3 Personaf Financial 3 oceanogr aphy ConflictRes.& Dec.Making 2 Language, Logic& Persuasion 3 American Nationa[ Government 3 3 PubticSpeaking TimeManagement 1 S exuaL Har assm ent / Discr im .1 Career 7 Evaluation Workshop

CRN# 31827 32177 33339 34449 37847 30385 34359 30710 3421? 3t575 32?69 37477 33348 3??74 32215

Day/Time/Dates 5, 8: 3oAM - 2: 45PM 5, 8: 3O AM - 2; 45PM (3/ 16-3 FS,8:30AM-5PM /3r) (3/16-3/31) FS,8:30AM-5PM (3/16-3/31) FS,8:3OAM-5PM S, 8: 30AM - 2: 45PM S, 8: 30AM - 2: 45PM S. 8: 30AM - 2: 45PM (3/2-3/10) FS,8:30AM-5PM S,8:30AM-2:45PM 5,8:30AM-2:45PM 5,8:30AM-2:45FM (3/3-3i 1o) s, eAM-5P[,1 (4/28-5/5) s, eAM-5P!1 (4fi-4/r4) s, eAM-5Pr1

(303)450-5177 11990GrantSt.,Northglenn (near120thondI-25) DepL # GE L1O2O PHI3360 SPE3760 wMs2344


CoutseTitle Geologyof Co[orado Business Ethics CutturaIInfluencesComm. TimeManagement StressManagement

Hrs 3 3 3 7 |

CRI{# 37769 31901 34056 37794 37797

Dayflime/Dates S,8:30AM-2:45PM 5. 8: 30AM - 2: 45PM S,8:30AM-2:45PM (4/14-4/21) S, eAM-5PM (s/5-5/r2) S,gAM-5PM


February23, 2000

The Metropolitanr 7

Componydefendssotlwore, CU worksfhroughglitches BOULDER, Colo.(AP)- The University of Colorado is still vrugglingto issueemploleesproperpaychecks and benefits, monthsafterinsallinga new $33million,four<ampus sofhrare system. "lt's tremendous stres,a tremendous arnount of t'ork,"said LlnnValloch, rvhohelpsadminisrer thepayroll for525employees of CU'sCooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. "Everymonth,I wonderaboutwho'snot goingto get paid,and probablyeverymonth we havea problemwith somebody's paycheck." Installation of thePeopleSoft Inc.accounring andpayroll slstem began in 1999 andwascompleted inJuly. Kevin Horigan,generalmanagerof the educationand govemment divisions at PeopleSoft, saidproblems duringCU's transition hadnothingto dowiththesofrware. A PeopleSoft manual says it couldtakemonths or.vean to installor testnewprograms. "Thousands of satisfied cusromers aroundthe worlduseour sofwaresuccessfi.rlly evervda,v," hesaid. Horigan saidpartoftheproblem maybethatCUinitiallv chose anoutside consultant overPeopleSoft, based in Pleasanron, Calif., to helpimplement thesystem. Otherschools alsoharrhadproblems rvithPeoplesoft. Glitches in sofrware usedbyCler,eland Srate Universiw havedelaladfinancial aidforthousands ofstudents. Working it out. Metro stu. TheUniversit,v of N{rnnesota in 1999hada monthlongdelayin dent Mark Husseyworks on financial aidpayments andregistration flawslastyear,CUdoesnot an assignment for his inter. usetheprograms forstudent services. mediatejewehy making for budgetandfinance, saidthe class Feb. 19 in the Arts JohnBliss,CU'svicepresident system will nevertheless be benerthanthe 2O1earold qntemit Building. replaced. "Thishasbeena maloqmajorimplementation forrheuniversir.v, andI think,clearly,whenyou changeasmanys'tsrems asrvedid, there's a hugechallenge," Blisssaid. AdamHousem arVTiclclropolilan CUrecently applied to bea reference forPeoplesoft rvhenother customers askabouttheirproducts, Horigan uid.

Hordweqrstoterevqmpsimqgelo drow women Tiffany lrteredith

Highlands Ranch residents ownhomes witha arebrighterandaislesarewider.Srephenson median ralueof $248,000, hesaid, saidthe ideais to meetthe wholefamily's Is America making you ht? If thefirsttwoaresuccesful, thecompany needs. HIGHLANDS MNCH(AP)- rffomencan willlookatadditional stores, Stephanie Spencer, rhrough 38,wandered DrJames O.Hill,obesity orpenandDirector mulloverrvhetherto go sagegrâ‚Źenor terra Althoughother hardware retailchains thestoreasherT.yeuolddaughter Christina of the Centerof HumanNutritionar the cotta as they sip a cup of jala and their offer how-to workshops and varied played in thechildren's arfl, Unircrsity of Colorado HealthScience Center will childrenplaynearby. merchandise, "l jusiranin togeta key," Aceleadsin targeting women shesaid, withan speak oncampul{arch6. A coffeekioskandbistroublessir at the and youngpeople,said Sid Doolittle,a armfulof itemsthatincluded a chamois and "lsAmerica Hill'stopicof discusion: making backof thisnew-style hardware retailconsultant store.Trendy Chicago who workedwith glue.''ButI foundawholelotofotherrhings I pu ht?Leamhowto fightbackl"inTioli 320. panerned pillowsareflankedby waterfilters Ace on the stores.His clientsalsohave need.I wassurprised," andpaint.Thesmellofpopcorn nrfu rhrough included HomeDepot,Sears andLowe's, Doolittlesai{ theyounger generarion ll{archis worren'shistorymonth is "They've theairasgiggling push children tinyshopping identified a tremendousalsoalargely unupped portionof themarket. carts. opponunitythatwasn'tbeingtakenadvantage "lts important to get peoplestartedin Various speakers andevents sponsored bya.ll In an effon to drarvmorewomenand of bymostretailen." Doolittle said termsof beingcomforuble shoppingin a threecollegeswill be presented on campus 'The neighborhood young-adult customers, AceHardware Corp. storesarea supply particular kindofstoreasyoung aswecanfind duringdremonthof l{arch.If pu wouldlikea hasopenedtwo Neighborhood Solutions basefor everythingyou needaroundthe them," hesaid."lt mighrbeassimple calender asadvice of evens,pla:r cdl38-556&41. conceptstores.In additionto the varied house to takecareof theplace." onMnginga picture." Editorof fssar?ce magazine andpoetAsha merchandise, thestores feature ascaleddown Vithwarehouse-sized stores ofcompanies LouManfredini, authofof 101Answery Bandele will speakat 10a.m.lilarch12in the to modelhomewhereemployees HomeDepotspringing areavailable to like 20-yearold up IbeMostCommonjkked Questions TivoliTurnhalle. About teachcustomers "everyone horvto makehomerepairs nationwide, isfightinghardto carve RepainryYourHone, saidhe learnedin his Hermostrecentbook,TbePrinner\ V\fe, andimprovements. a nichetosurvive," Doolittle said, 15years in theindustry tellsofhere;rperience tharit isn'omen n'ho of meeting andmarryinga "You'd walkin andsay,'Thispartisleaking Based in OakBrook,Ill,, rheT5.yearolddriveit, manserving 20to lifeformurder onmyfaucet or drain,'andwewouldtakevou prMtelyheldAcehas5,100in the United He said65 percentof the userson his overto theprduct andteachyourightthere, Sutesstoresandadditional storesrn more home-improvement Web sire identifo handson, how to replaceit," saidBretr than65countries, themselves as women and 75 of the Stephenson, Ace'srvestern The29,000.square-foot divisionmanager. Highlands Ranch approximately 100dailye-mails he getsare Acebuiltthetwostoresone in Highlands storehas a multi-media centerof how-to fromusersrvhosaytheyarewomen. TbeMetropolitanstrivesfor accuracy, if you - areas Ranch, andonein LongyieqVlash. "Youcanhavea lot of funandyoucando with booksandvideos, a 4,000-square footgarden please relativelyyoung populations seea mistake contactSeanV/eaver at which have areaanda children s playarea. this,"saidl,,lanfredini, whosebookis soldin expendable Depanmens "Dont income, Stephenson said. focuson specific projecs Acestores. letpeoplerellyourhary'ou 303-ii6-83r3. Research shorvedthat 92 percentof instead of items.Storecolorsaresoft,Lghts cant." furcbbdP'.re

8r TheMetropolitan


Readers prefer style over substance

Gorrecting black history

somepeople Africandescentis barelyon par with that of a consolidating Mas. - Undoubtedly, Q-VrlRDCAMBRIDGE, whocareabouta ls individuals wouldbemorewilling Sadhiit isthecasethatAmerica wonderif therereallyis a needfor a BlackHistoryMonthV/ell, democraq? themupfor the varietyof issuathataffectoursociety thereshouldntbe.Therelevant gloss dredge over its own demons ttran affairsof historyshouldbetaught to srnply the manv wedepend on andnation, Thswzsand sakeof education. involred. of theindividuals nomatterthebackground Thepositive informationsourcesavailableto ttnt isignored,however in what America's It isnotjustthenegative bias is a disdnct There notthecase. is.however, to of the provideuswithhctualinformation because overlooked of blach are often this contributions teachandwhatmediaoude6report,Solongas schoolsystems on opinion an informed was come$tone at labor the bestanive Slave effonto oftet theirbias.Black conte{ fromwhichtheyemerge. persiss,wemustmakeadedicated jugernaut,but to attributeanything any givensubject.The varietyof economic of theAmerican Monthcanservethatpurpose. History A.J. vicens for thezu andq'e to competing sources of Africans positiveto the slavetradeseemsamoral.Black' contribution Nobodyshoulddenythat"popular"conceptions general vaguely lumpd underthe of isnowadalt but because music is enormous, of thenewsconsumer American past inaccurate. totallv and AfricanAmericanswere in the termof "themedia". regarding an, it seemsto reinforceintellectual umbrella generaliztions aboutthae Sroupswereof sucha misconceptions Unfounded thatthe isbestserved byanawareness Reconstructioncra srides madeby blacksin state A newsconsumer virulentnaturethat they shouldneverbe forgotcn (if even stereotypes. do not netasanly forgiven). because of theirseemingly rarely acknou'ledged are upandd mediachohesnorvavaiiable legislatures people this of country prevents the Political correctness of of qually reliablesources makefor a broaderselection narure. attitudedoesas ephemeral them,butignoringttut historical frommentioning with western neglectdoesnot appear information. Vb must Suchapprehensive themselves, greata diserviceastheoriginalcomments a newsitemwith heralded dapite their Monarcts are kceptingthateachof usapproaching figures, hol'ever European a we left rvithout full are or underbelly confrontthat shad,v would undersanding. is ourbiasaasafiher,in anidealn'orldeachnewssource wantonprpetuadonof history'sfirmestcasteqntem.Chivalry of us to posting luving it to each with regretable the facts, is littered iaelf to all. Any war limt ser<ism and unabashed lyndonB praised, theVotingRightsActof 1965.President Consider Thatidealscenario of history andabsorbthe information. recorded in deuilwithintheannals evaluate is poll each still events, to eradicate in order Congress had a bill to to send 1et Johnson to disagree taxes,literaq tesmandotherimpedimens andrationzl would,in tum,makeit moreefficient Airmenand the Nat Turnerrebellion orprasly BuffaloSoldien,Tuskegee constructed anygiven to keepblacksfromvoting,Yetthe24thAmendment areleftto withthosewithwhomweaimto review African Americans agreeably Othenvise, thatsamerespect. explicitly deserve forefathers. their and rzst of themselves subjecl with a misestimation outlawsthe pll ux as a meansof impedingvotrng.Nearlya contend weneed centurybeforetlut, the 14thAmendment tothatidealpremise, biases onemonth Norso.Longkforeweaspire thesehistorical Acknorvled$ng andconfrondng madestatedu jour weare denialof therighrto vote(among theinformatton of Black to accept thatin tm manyinstances, withthem,andin that,thedoubters beingviolated ayearwillnotdoaway otherprovisions the becolored byararietyof reinforce artrficial provided mayalready point. it easily bythese sources In [act, can Month have a History In otherrords,on by polltaxesandtheirilk) unconstitutional. nugets of l'eeding the requires out solution to that frst our The thisbagage of theraces. biases, thehistories itsown dichotomy between thiscountryhasprsistedin violating occasions numerous fluff. a complacency facrfromthetonsoftheatrical forthatbreeds useful quandavisnotto sitbyidly,hon'ever, of harmingblacta. lawsfor thesolepurpose Instead, theopen wanting change. Media biases comein manyforms,ran$ngfromthepreprwents America from even vhich is it means us, Vhat Sowhat,onemayask,Thatlsnowbehind Theformer usuallv thatthecountryhasbarelybeenadhering be pointofviewtothesensationalistic, hismry should packaged of country's chronicle faults in this of the to itsownsetof codes admission ttut thE full perception the autho($ incorporate the by historian to reflects a wellmeaning htrs,likevisa animpetusfor anyself-respecting (not to mentionthe numerous for *ree decades lalenmeantto sodut,oneday,it in theatrical knowbetterlhe laneriswrapped whichcurrendy existandcanbeconstrued ruth intofutureto(ts.BlackHistoryMonthexists quotasfor Caribbeans, In bothcases, the fortheirproduct. abroader audience create not need to. will by surpassed adherence an suchinjustice), as perpetuating primary agendas. issecondary to theirauthors' content rvoulderer ThirdVbrldcountria.Whathistoryteacher numerous uend. sa.v, le havehelpedthispathetic Asnewsconsumem, PhilipBurrowes peoples of however, thatthiscountry'sruleo[lawconcerning (nodoubtinclusive of persons fervexceptions Mth relatively by arebelieved mostnersconsume$ reading thiseditorial), rather sound bites relatively la4', accepting be media outletsto substituting pieca,andsales-testd deliverv thanthoughtful ofnets maybemadethatasthenumber Acase forsubstance. groq thequaliryandor reliabili4iof thene$sbeing sources isdeclining. shared canmakeacasethatthepufhall Yetthemedia erecutives or so makesfor a foistedoverthe pastdecade approach shows Timeandagainthernediaresearch audience. broader graphics, music like the general we seem to audience, thatasa wellthoughtout packaged newsovertheferver andcarefully a SreltdEal pieces whichto befoundrequires anddelivered ofworkandextraeffonbythenewsconsumer. getlost. coreissues thebackbone In thisenvironment, overmany winduphanng theirloreliresanalped Poliricians thatthecore r'ith thetitillationobscuring weekandmonths, in largerissues.The issueshouldhart beentheircredibiliry lackofveracity beingerpsedbywhatmayhavebeenaminor Publicworla to theirlargertransgressions. mattercomparcd strengths, andfinancial bytheirsocietal avoidbeingevaluated to the publicin a publicrelations oncetheyarepresented appals. blizardof photoop andemotional good ve lose.Many andcidzens, ls bothnewsconsumers oflice,leery runningforpolidcal poplewouldnwerconsider to someprirate secondary of theirgoodidzu becoming appetitefor matteras fodderfor the media'sinsatiable issuegetslou in thepackaging Manyanimport2nt sensation. of discussion theradonai foisted ontheconsumer , avoiding itsmerits. onany let usmakethetimeto geta varie]yof sources givensubiect onwhatthebasichctsare.Wecanthen toagree onanySiven to ageeor disagree takeit fromthereandagree $sue.


February 23,2@1

TheMetropolitanI 9

Eminem;teen fad, orjust plain bad? EDITOR ScanWeaver ART DIRECTOR lhvit| ilenad FEATURESEDITOR SarahGflcy ASSISTANT FEATURESEDITOR drbWad OPINIONEDITOR DanbleHaraburda NEWS EDITOR JalmeJanefi SFONTS EDITOR l{ickGamel PHOTO EDITOR ScottSmeltzer OOPYEDITORS Anbertohnson ' Tot3yRecs REFORTERS BemdetteBaca Eeoae,orm llld Davis JemilerYountmn AdamDuniral JennihrGrcy ReermAl-0mari fuanerGant TomilcPhrson AJ.lrhens PHOTOGRAPHERS Mehriellialik Adamlloosenan ILLUSTRATOR BnndenSmiUr GRAPHICARTISTS Paultlcl{eill RleSpeer GU GUnn ON LINE EDITOR J6dca Rouch INTERNET STAFF liirmrlchi l&tltal Gr0et SENIOROFFICEASSISTANT BenadetteBaca DIRECTOROF STUDENT PUBLICATION DougConnarce BUSINESSMANAGER Donrdta lVong ADVISER lanellobaclr TEIIPHOIIIE NUMBERS Edibdaht3D3l5!i$2!t07 . Far liXt3l 556:t421 E-m[: reaver@necd.edu Weh ffi pr'lden.ntscd.edd-Urciltct


tne Metropohtan ts proctuced by anct for the students of Metropolitan State College of Denver serving the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by a(fuertising re\enues and student fees, and is published every FridAl durialg the acaalemic year and monthly during tlre summer semester. Ite Metropor'tan is distributed to all campus buildings. No person may take more than one copy of each editj()n ol fhe Metropctlitan without prior written permission. Direct any questions, complaints, compliments or commems to the MSCD Board ol Publications c/o The Metropolitan. Opinions expressed withan do not necessarily reffect those of The Metropolitan, Metropolitan State College of Denver or its advertisers- Deadline for calendar itâ‚Źms is 5 o.m. Friclay- Deadline for press releases is 10 a.mMonday. Oisplay advertising deadline as 3 p-m. Friday. Classified a(tuertising cleadline is 5:OO p.m. Monday. Itre Met opolitan's otfices are located an the Tivoli Student Union Suite 313. Mailing address is PO.Bo)( 173362, Campus Box 57, Denver, Co ao2L7-3362- @ All rights reserved.

Eminemjust newand unusual youlooknowadays, youseesomething likeeverywhere or themosdycriticizedfromwhatI'veseen(fromNVAin the80sto the It seems to thatrule.I Eminem,), but therewerea fewexcepdons music. If youaskme, millennium's otherof or aboutEminem andhis"controvenial" yet just But I know that they became a when I{SS came out. Vanillalce-Sirwasn morethana t born I thinkit's abunchof hypeovernothing fedupwiththediscoera,lovedin ttrclate70s. bandthateveryteenager, Mx-A-Lotting doofus. newandunusual, they veryclearly, fu rvithmanyotherbandsthatdo something I remember the dap of VanillaIceandSir-Mh-A-Lot to seel'ho could werecriticizedby manywhofelt thewordKISSstoodfor "Knightsln andI remember theirliria, In fact,it wasin acontest records." andthattheymade"demonic Service," memorize thoseguys'lyricsandwholustcouldntgetir down.( know Satan's I alsoremember that I don'tknowaboutyou,but fromallthistalkaboutthissubject, bySir-N{ix-A-Lot) alltheu'ordsto "BabyGotBack," There's alwapgoingto to seea pointdemonstrated. morethanfunny,raunchv talktharl'ouwould I'm beginning the\ricsmeantnothing band or solo every single put to the controversial about mainly together to cater be something hear in music of that t'7pe, only just never that's beendone thatcomesout with something whohave gottenout of rhebiologyclasscovering musician teeny-boppen going whenit'ssomething thatdoesnt endorse andtheir before.Panicularly of thehumananatomy of the"unmentionables" thesubject it is peoplefindto be a or whatever to churchor beingreligious, functions, meof theeratvhen goodmesageto listenersteenagers. alsoreminds Gosh,dongallthisreminiscing I feelit's imponantto examine the pwchological affectsof these lce.. . gup wouldshave to looklikeVanilla awedgeintotheire1'ebrous on theaudience andthenworryabouttherest.I feelthat ThepointI'm tryingto makehereisthatthere'sa nervrend in thearea entertainen themselves abouttheeffects of the to asktheaudience isa lotmotethanjust"fouroutof ifs important A trendin whichcriticism of music. laughing to. lvlaybe the teenagers are at the anis$ they're exposed on anentrely fivesmrsfor thisbaby."It setmsto bea rend,focusing into articlesbeingprinrcdaboutthe effecs of Eminemand his lyrics nervsubject,rvhichcanonlybe provenwith indepth research justdont knowwhat'sup," "Bolithesepeople are thinking, themselves including theresearchen something thatmanypeople, isprobably nght. Andyouknowwhat? Thatteenager panof it, bafiledby.It's thepsychological Forall theyearsI'vespenton thisearth,there'saluai,sbeensome ReemaAl-Omari anistandtheaffecrthat kindof hypethatgoesaroundabouta musical Rapwas withtherypeofmusic theymake. heorshehason thelisreners

Eminem'scomplaininsdoesn'tdeseraea Grammy not evenin thehip- ., r aboutothermusichns. In. the past year,one musicianhas whiningandcomplaining genre. is filled with,malicious aruclatowardtlre , r hop The album completelyheld the nation spellbound. *NSvnc, Bop, Brirnql Spearsand Christina,{guilera. on Backstreet Eminem hashadtheentiremediahanging hiseveryuord,andit hasn'talwapbeenalove- Thae peoplehavenofiing to do withrapmusic.Heatmclapeople fightback, fest. He hasoffended womensgroups,gay whocannot he'susually discusing Vhenhe'snottalking badabourpopstars, allacross the activists, andpolicedepartments andgaypeople,I believehiphopmusicisoften world. By the trne this ardcleis prinred, hisdislikeof rvomen Walter Gant thatmanywomen took prizein music, a misogynisdc anform,butevenso,I believe Eminem mayownthebiggest had do The malority of female bashing to year Marchall his seriously, for for his aJbum Tbe album too theGrammy, bestalbumof the wife mother. Additionally, I hefelttowardhis and MatbmI-P.Myproblem it'srviththeraliditvof withtheanimosity isntwithEminem; of thegaycommunirybut in the rap nominating hisalbum.in myopinion, hisalbumisn'teventhebest dont condonehis treatment genre,"gay"isawordusedmostcommonly that against otherrappers hip-hop albumoftheyear. 'heak.' Lila anithrngin this country,controversy rvithhiphopdon'tpaymuchattention to areconsidered Manypeopleinvolved canclaimasa thatEminem respect.Theyneverseemto nominate sells.lt is,afterall,onlythiscontroversy theGrammys foronereason: just dont concept forthealbum, the right people,and the peopledecidrngthe award liesnotin Eminem, butin theCrammy selecdon hiphoplistener ivilltellI'outhe So,theproblem undersand theculture,Theaverage betterdeservtng hip-hop Clronic2M1, This,andat isell A longlistcouldhavebeenwrinenof albums albumof theyearwasDr.Dre's Clientele.J^v Z's thenomination. Thepeoplewhopicktheawudsaretoooutof tune lzut threeotherafbums, Ghosthce Killah's Supreme Volume arebetterrhan withhiphopandthepeoplewholistento it, Thesearethesame s llke WaterForCbocalate, 3, andCommon in givenWillSmithnumerous Crammys rvhohavepreviously Eminem's. Allof thesea.lbums havea theme,Supreme Clientele was people wins Eminern past. is fairness and the The onlv hope that, somehoq notevennominated for a Grammy Theonlvthemenresentin Emrnem's albumseemedto be his doesn't.

Letters Poticy

welconres letteLs TheMetLopolitan of 500 wordsor fe',rrron ropicsof generalinterest. Lettesmustincludea fullnane,school anda phonenumberor e-mail afliliation Leuersmightbeeditedfor length, grammar anoaccuracy.

Mailbox: TheMetropolitan Parkway, Suite313 900Auraria Denver CO80204 e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 303,556,2507 fax:303.556.3421

10 r The Metropolitan


Rencltrng fo,

Qigong Instructor, Steve Rldley,leads Auralia students In exerclses Feb. 15. Ridleyls employed by the Student HealthCenterwhlch offers qlgong every Thursdayand Yoga every fuesday. HeatherCerney/ftcic{roPc]flco

n Lrtgherstnte markedlydifferentthan thoseof Tai Chi, thoughthe complementto still sitting,"he added. "lt's also a to moreaerobicerercise."El'enthe medical to complement principlesbehindboth formsare the same.According work."l'm teaching has takeninterestin Ridlev's community movement of energy through the both are based on Ridley, in the Tivolito the fourthfloor the body,but whileTaiChiis a martialart,Qigongfocuses classes he Takethe TowerElevator for chronicpainpatients," at KaiserPermanente "lt to pain seems and you'll find more than just a higherlevel-1'ou'llfind moreon "healthbuilding."Thatdoesn'tmeanthatthose said.In addition its in management, to aid higher states to quicken the healing facultvandstaffascending Aurariastudents, experiencedin martial process," hesaid. of mindaswell. artsarenotinterested. Room444 in the Tivolihousesfree But even those 0n Thursdays, JamesDouglas,an practiced who the Ridley, has who sufferfrom led by Sreren don't lessons, Qigong emploveeat the Auraria "cheeinjury or illnesscan art for 25 years. Qigong(pronounced mysterious Center, HigherEducation movement hasukenlessons gung")is an ancient Chinese traditioninvolving benefitfrom Qigong. in Jung thebody'sflow.hesaid. Fu and has practiced Ridlevsaidthatamong to improve andbreathing exercises TheflowRidleyreferredto is theqi, or chi,theinnerenergy manvmartialarts since rhoservho practiceit "there seemsto be thathelpin. 1q77 of thebodv. Qigongis oneof manypractices higher for betterhealthandachieving better health and a utilizingthis energ.v "l'm interestedin stateof rvell-being." statesof being.YogaandTaiChiareothersuchpractices. thistypeof exercise," he in Qigongafterpracticing said. Ridleyinvitesthose Ridleyhimselfbecameinterested ivho harenot explored Therearealsothose ),oga. llcttoPolit.n Heather Cerney/The "Well,I stanedpracticing theworldof Qigongto ,vogaand the ideaof moving rvho are simplvlooking to me,"Ridley for theholisticproperties Metrostudentspractlcestretchesduringa yogaclass Feb.20. try it. "lt's easyto learn likein yogaappealed insteadof still postures and enjoyable to said. HollY Qigongpossesses. improve hesaid. oractice." Hoover is a graduate Qigongshouldappealto thosewho wish to Aprll,Thursdays to Ridley.Unlike studentat theUniversity through hislessons theirhealthandsenseof being,according Ridley willcontinue at DenverHooversaid of Colorado lessons arefree 444. The Room Tivoli in traditionalmeditationand yoga, Qigong achievesthe shelearnedof the Qigonglessons 12:15-1p.m. from her meditation through without you participate. If want to find body, of the wish to movement who movement of chi through society as today andopento any class,andcitedthe stresssucha speedy "lt's you periodsof time. theneedto sit or lie still for extended for attending. out moreaboutthe art of Qigong. cancontactSteven asherreason bringsto people thatimproves the flexibilityof the bodybut also something "I certainly dormin such Ridley ^t (303) 322-7717 or e-mail him ar seetheneedto slowourselves TheHealthCenteratAurariais also theflow,"Ridleysaid. theridleys@excite.com. shesaid. a fastsocietyandregainour senses," one practice fromnoonrvho 444ereryTuesday Tivoli observation of those yoga in Upon lessons Qigong, Ridleysaid there are manywaysQigongcan be holding are noticesthat the differentposturesand movements into one's lifestyle. "lt's a wonderful 10.m. incorporated





The i$etropotitan/ 11



Metro professor Ron Mlles, rlght, pâ‚Źrfolms Feb. 16 at the St. Paul United Methodlst Church SeanWeaver/ltc lcttcgCitor

Melro musiciqn wqlks roqd of recognilion


friends. conversation wascivil- a gentlechatbenveen At times "OnethingI wasreallysurprised withwashowmanypeople the conversation became moreintense astntmpJt,sa;<, celloand werefamiliar with our music,"Milessaid.Duringthesummer, SeanWeaver - frantically Mileslinished guitar- collectively knownastheAmberr,mbrella recording hissixthcompact disc,whichshouldbe ttc lctrogoltoo exchanged stories, followed bysedate, refl(.tivemoments. withintheyeac released At theedgeof anoakchurchpeq he satby himselfin his "l listentowhatI wanttoplay,whattheothermusicians "l justlistened want to it againforthefirsttimein acouplemonths ownworldwithhisheadboned,eyesclosed, andfootsteadily to play,andwharthe roomsoundslike,"Milesuid. "Usually andthought'l reallytikethis,"'Milessaid."Thesongshavea tapping on the floor.A croudfilteredinto thechurchro hear whenI'mimprovising, I don'tgetnervous. I'mfusttryingto think tunefulnes.I thinkmypopallegiances aremorestatedon this whatwason hismind. Hishands gentlyrestedon thecustom- of something." onethanthelast."Miles'recordings, likehisconcera, highlight madelv{onette trumpetneatlyplacedon his lap. A sharp Usually, tr{ilesis thefrontmanin hisgroups. Thisnight,he thediversity of hismusic. Mileswrotehisfirstcomposition when smattering of applause playedsecondtrumpet hel'asa freshman in college. jerkedRonMilesout of "lt wasreallvsimpleandpredictable," to Lowe.whoplayed rhe hesaid.A professor he hisownn'orldandonto guitar for Miles' hadwhilestudying at thei\{anhattan School of Music,horvever, a stagewith his friend, recording My Cruel sawa sparkof talentand encouraged him to continue guitarist Farrell Lowe. Heafi. composing. Today,trliles'work is anythingbut simpleand Althoughhe has "lt's goodto enter predictable, He drawsinspiration fromall typesof music,and performed his someone else'smusical stampsthemwith his uniquestyle.Hislastcd, Ihb, fearured progresive styleof jazz jazzfixtures world,"Milessaid,"lt Denver EricGunnison on pianoandKentMcKagan aroundthe rvorld,this gives me a helpful on bass. 0n thenewcdlt{ilesmovedarvay fromthetrioformat, nightheplavedin front perspective in beinga recording with a largerband.rvhichfeatures severalnotable of hisfavoriteaudience leaderWith Farrell,it's Denvermusicians suchas guitaristRossMartin,bassist Artie - local. reallygoodandliberating I,looreanddrummer RudyRo,vston. MihsrvillperformFeb.24at "l thinkthatas the to say, 'let's go plav Triosin Boulderfrom8 p.m.to midnightwith two musicians, worldgets smaller,n'e without anythingset MarkDalioandBijou,whomhe heardplayingat the Purple lose the sense of RonMlles,rlght, perbrmswlth the Amber up."' Thetwo havebeen tr{artini in Denver. UmbrellaFeb.16 lmpoftance about playingtogethersince "Therewassomething Milessaid."Vhen abouttheirsound," community," Milessaid. 1986, whenLowemoved someone makes aninteresting or compelling sound, I wanttoget "lt's importantto have to Denver. in withthem.lfs funto expand thecommunitv andseewho'sout localmusic.It'sjustsogreat.lr makes usfeelgoodaboutbeing "Ron's agreatguy,andit'sanhonorplaying withhim,"Lowe there." here." said."Hehasoneof thosepersonalities wherepeoplejustwant Milessaidhe is gratefulto havehis musicreceiveboth Thecrowdbecame quiet.Themusicstarted. Thesoundof to getcloseto him," national andinternational recognition. resonating chimesechoes rhroughtheold brickchurch. Vithin It's beena busyyearfor Nfiles. ln adCition "VhenI grewup, therewerent andstillaren'trhatmany to hisfull-time minutes,the room eruptedwilh rich texturesof a musical teaching position several venues at Metro,hehasplalied around musicians that get any kind of recognition outsideof our - completelyimprovised. At rimes,the Colorado conversation andV1'oming. communiw." hesaid."l feelvervfortunate."

12 I TheMetropolitan February23,2001

producevoiceof lheirown Studenls change, The VTO has more than 140 in its membership, and it settles countries trade disputes and mediates trade Theystartedout as a group of N{etro agreements.Protesters contendthat the students who kneweachother from classes \(TO is moreconcerned with profit than andshared similarinterests. rvorkers'rightsot environmental impact. Denver5 Productions is whatthevcalled The Seattleprotestsbroughttogethera themselves after they varietvof groups returnedfrom rheir trip to from aroundrhe Seattleand producedS&in worldrepresentrng ontbeDrum,a documentary labor and rhe aboutthe protestsagainst envlronment tnat rhe Vrorld Trade uznted to call 0rganization. attentionto the Afrer submittinga issues. The proposalto the Student demonstrltors Travel Program, the blocked rheparhof administration approved and the delegation's granted thegroupadditional motorcade, fundingfor rhetrip. -MaureenTurnbull shuttingdoivnthe 'l{ny group AdamHousemanmre mckcpcllon of students c o n f er en c e ' s plaza Andrew Eateman of Denver 5 Productlons entels room 238 at the bulldlng can do it and that'srvhat openlng ThursdayFeb. 15 to show the documentaly Skln On the Drurnwhich he cGproduced. peopledon'rknow,"saidAndrewBateman Nov.301999. of ceremonies "Wetooktheinitiative Denver5 Productions. Denver camebackwithits 5 Productions presentations "Ve wantedto demonstrate and teach-inson college thattherecan andgotlucky.Nobody going knewwhatwas to footage andeditedit together rvithvoice-overs Nfaureen Turnbull,a polirical be an independent campuses, studentvoicewithin happenup there, I learnedmorein Seanle of spokenword. Theyrecentlyfinishedthe sciencemaiorand a memberof Denver5 institutions.Wefundedthe trip rvithmonev thanin fouryearsof college." finaledit andaregeningreadyro distribute isalsoin theprocess of translatingfromtheschoolbutwedid notreceive school protest- Skin on tbe Drum to schoolsand libraries Productions, They proposeddocumenting Skinon theDrum intoSpanish andgettingit credit or use school resourcesin the whatit is andhowsocialacti"*ism affectssocial across thecountr.-r'. Thevalsoplanto useit for production," in trlexico andCentral America. distributed saidTurnbull.




wantedto demonstratethat there can be an





February 23,2001 TheMetropotitan/13 6itrrr$e a Wee&... eiiv

6v BrenCer Sn'f+rr


r,rve to*lso:t


:b faopDo gfrofE 4As gr(y ctT I P€oe(E


sha.a he, conle f'.om, the doo.$ell rc.|g. qnd l r. Plont foqnd o nron $rith o pctitron for hirn to si9a.






t.f,lc0f{t r0 r{Al{/f ttA , 11ll



Lifeat Bayside L€rr- t? lrDlr.r firxE rhlr lsr tTDgcroEon A


youwillbe ARIES: If younsrstonperfection frusuation. Bewillingto relax in for considerable yourratherunrusonable noteveryone standards, pur no in cirdewilllireupto thoseo<peoations, manerhowhardtheytry. ttut needro TAURUS: Therearechanges bemadeat home,Eventhoughroursuggestions go ahead may not be met n'ith enthusiasm, in thelongrunpu'll begladyoupushed. an1ra,v, to your Taketimeout for vounelf,it is essential paceof mind, GEMINI: Usualroutinesmaybe altered, situations ttut arise,Nipyour dueto uno<pected egoh the bud andbeharewith counesyand compasion at work,morewill getaccomplished dicutor.Actfromyour thiswayrnstead of playing heanandnotlnur headwithlorc. CANCER: A feelingof isolationmay olenakeyou,somaketheeffono reachoutand isues needto be touchsommne.Rehtionship to,sosateyourneedsdearS.If lou are attended feelingsruckat work, hangin thereand the withlitdeefionatall. solutionwillappear LEO: Dontletlour egogetthebestof pu, youto do something reallytoo ris$ at inducing you atwork,thetime thispont.If tant to adrance an maynorbequiterightyet.Youmavexperience in thenzu futurewtrahwrllaffectyour awakening attitude. success in VIRGO: Due to a stunning pu feel business, or if yourloveLfeisimprcmng, likeyou'resittingontopof thenorld.Enjoyit!You tiings donl haveto giveuparythinglustbecause Stnr,e for arefinallygoinglour wavfor a change. thebar. feelingsmavarise LIBM: Somenegarive week, fiom isues abouttrust and duringthe betralzl.Thereismorethanhope,thereis a real for success, butonlyif vouarewilling oppom-rniry wift anopenmind. to embrace curentchanges to nsnt on quality SCORPIO: Continue your especially n in all of dealngs, andhonesty inallyour isuesclosetoyourhean.Doremember withothersthattheabsolute ruth is interacdons quitehardtocomeby.Youluveonlyyourpersonal to workwith, ruth andlrnitedperspective yourlovelife SAGITTARIUS:Conceming to sorualattracdons and thisweek,payanendon goforsomeone whojssafeandkind.fushyounelf laterif to thelimit,foryouwill onlykickyourself ufiich is u'ithin tlrat vour hil to accomplish 1ou grasp exravagant CAPRICORN:Do something thisweek.Althoughmoneyis usuallyasociated with this activity,time could be your biggest Take sometimeforyounelf.Harmony commodiry home will at bringpu agreatdealof satishction, yourinvestments to seeif returnscanbe Review bener AQUARIUS: It's timeto ulk aboutyour need for indepndencewithin your closest Listencarefirlly to ths€ wordsof relationships, lorr, andtryto readbeweenttrelines.Therearea If help number of thingswhichyoucantdoalone. pu leave the isnotontheway,dothebest canand restforlater. youremouonal armorif PISCES: Remorrc pu really$ant to get throughto someone. Vithout sucha willingnasto shorvyour own vulnerability, no oneelsewill feelthattheycan trustyou.Thefeelings ttut pu ture forsomeone you'llluve your right nowarebestkeptsecret, chance.

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uri\ riiA fq ra

14 /The lvletropolitan

Congratulations to the 200IStudents to Watch!


4:30- 6:00pm

PleaseRSVPto (303)556-8441 by March 9th

Catherine Alire- Human Services Wonne"Mutzi"Brown- lop - Human Nicholas Delmonico Services - Undeclared MargritaEspinoza Cone'tGolden- Human Services Deborah Hudes- Nursing - Behavioralscience Travis Moses AngeloVanFleet- nrt - Computer KimWessell Information Systems Sponsoredby: AurariaBookCenter, DivenityInitiatives Program Committee, GLBT StudentServices, lnstitutefor Women's Studies andServices, StudentAffairsBoard.StudentLife,Student Services, StudentGovernment Assembly, Combined Computer Accâ‚ŹssLab,Student Publications


/ 15 TheMetropolitan

Roodrunnerssweep Forl Hoys qnd Keqlney


EricEames tlc mctJopcllicn



Followingthe Metro men'sbasketball "Thisis the hardestworkingteamI have team's104-92win over No.22 Nebraska-hadin myfouryearsherewithouta question," Theyve the players'smilescould havelit Dunlapsaid. Theyve sacrificed. Kearney, done little worked all the harder They've Denver's slcyline. be done." to they thingsthatneeded the smilesof happiness, Butbesides kind Eventually hardworkpalnoff."V/e've werealsosmilesof redemPtion. record, our to which is a the of rvay off crawled our had The Roadrunners Pulled solid record." good Dunlap andNo.18 record.a really bothKearney sweeping impossible, 'And now\{'earein a psition to really thattheywerestill said. FonHaysStateandshowed Andwe'vedoneit quietly." Mountain help ourselres. Roc$ in the teams best oneof the (13'4,18-t night,Kearnev The following AthleticCon[erence. to therestof the becamethe latestteamto learnthar the Thervinssenta message (I2-5, \i -6) are that silent afraid.Bevery Roadrunners Il: Be Division NCAA teamsin who strikesat the mostopportune assassin. zfraid. toutnament "People's eyesareopenand they'relike, time,just beforethe conference 'Oh man, Metro State is good begins. PlaYing point "!(re're stillalive,"saidsophomore youbetterwatchoutl"' in February, basketball whohadcareer highsin Smith, Fulchersaid after guardClayton seniorforwardRashawn (9)."Ve aresleepers in points(19)andassists winoverKearneY. Metro's forte has this RlvlAC." N{etro's It is no secretthat andit full-courtdefense, becomeits zealous Justtrvoweeksago,aftertheylostthree - includingroadlosses at Fort straightgames FortHays'downfall, became observers were readlto Hays and Kearney this t1'pe of that Yet,therewasnoevidence but for plavhadanything to do with lt{etro'sgrinding writeMetrooffasanlthing contenders theNCMDivisionll crown. 79-76winovertheTigersFeb.16. "Theexpectations havebeenreryhighon (1i-2 RI{AC, Fort Hals Thevictoryhanded but 204 overall)its seconddefeatto a RNfAC this group,and someof it not iustifted, Dunlapsaid. endingits eight-gamethafswhatgoeswithrvinning," in 17games, opponent are.lt'letro expectations Vhatever those rvho led all giving Fulcheq winningstreak, rvins. rvith the two up them rvith18points,a sensethatthetideis backed scorers Cominginto the games,Metrowasthe turning. "Elated,"said Fulcher,describinghis underdog. SophomoraPatrick Mutombo fakes a jump shot to get a Fort Hays detonder In the feltrightat homeat ButtheRoadrunners feelings afterthegame."lt nasone of those alL Metlo went on to edge out the Tlgers by th?ee 7!I7G. sinceFor!Halsand ElentsCenter, builder theAuraria breakthroughgamesa confidence from Fulchersaid,"but staying JuniorguardJoeKellyhit rhree-pointers rvonin Denversincethe1996- not panicking," haven't that (s21nsy game.Thiswin lvasmoreaboutrealizing from the of the key and focusedon what ive wanted to get thewing,fromthetop canrvin 97season. ourstyleof playcanwork.Ourdefense ''V/e Hollinsrvasporverrebounding. up baseline, the ball,staying havenothingto lose,"Dunlapsaid. accomplished-reversing usgames." with driving andscoring wasdishing, Smith not coming looks and upopen It's a defense that takes sound "The ke,vfor us is to playwith recklessonD,notgiving gave him. defense takingwhatthe they regularity; dorvnandjackinga shotup iustbecause and a team abandon," strictdiscipline, iundamentals, ':{ lotof teams meto be no* arescouting end," on the other did againsL finallv took to the c.rurt Whcnrhel of aren'ta collection effon.If theRoadrunners jusr to score," and not looking defender a N1etro, and basics for back to lhe It was stealing and design. Fort Hays,tr{etrorvaspressing, MikeDunlap's individuals, it'sbycoach "so now to score more I'm looking said, as if rhiswasthe national withthatthet-wenton a 13-2runto go up 74- Smith forcingturnovers a lay-up andthevdon'tknowrvhatto do rviththat. game.. Thcyattacked thcf igcrs' 69.FonHaysforward championship JarodEckmissed less "They'renot preparedto deal with that. game with at 76 rvould have tied the that likekillerbees. ballhandlers to Rashawn focused alltheirattention They've throws plav. clutch free to Three was thena minute intothcgame, thescore Fourminutes (Kendell), I'mjustthe LeeandLuke 15 andKane, rvhoscored I,letro14,Fon Hars0. The onlvthingthe fromjuniorguardLeeBethea, oddmanout." points. sealed thervin. Tigershadto shorvuasfiveturnovers. Thevnevertrailedagainand Kearney were victories "ln a rvaythevprobably of the two Thc last rveren't usedto the Hollins. couldn'tkeepup, nevergettingcloserthen forFulcher, Oaklev andJodv who emotional center KaneOakley, pressure," saidsenior for The gameagainstKearneywas the last eightpoints.Bythattimetheyweregasping rvith10points."Thathasanaffecton finished game air seniors. For home for the regular season no other everyteamthat we play,because "(That's)a goodsight,"Smithsaid,"and teamin the leagueappliesthe defensiveOakleyand Hollins,the night beforewas that'swhenwejusthaveto turnit up." restless. pressure likewedid today." "l wokeupa coupletimesin themiddleof Metroshot57 percentfromthe floor,63 But the point explosiondid not last just percent from three-point land. The couldn'tsleep,"Hollins the night. I forever scorein double' hadsixplayers Roadrunners TheTigerskeptcuttingintotheMenolead admitted. points, 23 led by Fulcher's digits bunerflies, Hollins Vith a night spoiled by the andwhenthe first halfbuzzersounded, Kendellscored16of his 18pointsin the werent alongwith the restof his teammates to four,42-J8. leaddwindled Roadrunners not evenlGarney,ruin secondhalf.Oakleyadded16.Betheahad10 For the first tl'o minutesof the second aboutto let anybody, Kellycashedin 13. Hollins and six assists. game, this guard to FortHays half,the gamebelonged ufillieDavis. grabbed 1l boards. pervious off the night'swin,there Feeding Hescoredthefirstninepointsfor "You want to be playing your best radiatingfrom the Metro theTigers,andfinishedthegamewith 11,as wasa confidence at theendof theyear,"Dunlapsaid, Fort Haystook a one-pointlead.Almost players like never before, and it was basketball wecancontinueto that." "hopefully half,theTigerlead contiguous. halfrvay throughthesecond kott Srneltzer/th ncfropcliloc Beafraid.Bevery,very,afraid. the wholeteamhad it. Oakley Suddenly grewto eightandtime wasrunningout for Mon's baskâ‚ŹtDallcoach Mlke Dunlap converted soft hook shots in Fulcher dunked. Metro. shouts out plays durlng tte Roadtunners "Our biggestchallenge in this gamewas the lane.Betheahit jumper after jumper 7$7G wln ovor Fort Hays on Feb. 16

Ustukh CIUB TU]ITDYOUR Studentorganizations, doyou needmoneyto: Bring a $neaforfl Plan an Euentfl Buy Su[[IiesP The Club Funding Committee (CFC) is here for you every Wednesdayfrom 12:30-1:30pm Tuesday, tr'ebruary27,2001 Tivoli #542fr om 10-11am To be eligible, your club must: . be a recognized MSCD Club . submit a CFC proposal Pick-upCFCproposalsandschedules from Tivoli #305or the Club Hub Tivoli #3216, Kiosk #l I C. Submitproposalsto the Club Accountant in Tivoli #305by 5pm,the Fridaybeforethe next CFCmeefing.

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Hesident VPforAcademicAfhirs V.P furStudentServices V.PforAdminlstation andFinance VPfurCommunicatims V.PtorSildentOrganizations V.P forStudent Fees CANDIDATES VPforDiversity THEffiI HECT'ONCOMMISSION ENCOUf/.GES CANDIDATES Repesenhtivm SACAB TOfuBMNCKETS"IMEMT B0TRegesenhtive TOBUIYFOBAIS,POSTN(N Attorney General DESCEFNONSAND ETECNON BUIES ABEAUAIUBIEH'NPrcK BOOM#ilE,OR UPATNVOU cAu(ilBl E6-4tfi7mB DErilXS.



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23,2001 February

The Metropotitant 17

' Metro tqkes two in seqson opener I feltthatTimPrice said."Fortunately, ranintoa Porreco SeniorpitcherCalebParmenter leadto 13 pushing theRoadrunners Gwinner, NickGarner inning. couldcomeandshutthemdown." TimUhlswouldbringin the littletroublein thetopof theseventh Senior runs,15-2. gaveup pitched6 2,{ innings, Tlc leircaoliott Parmenter loaded whenhegrounded Withhis teamleading7-2,Parmenter runof theinning, seventh plate, the to cross singled fivehits,allowedfourruns andwithoneoutJLarson the bases out to thethirdbaseman. to cut walkedfourandstruckout4. the firsttwo daysof Vith snowcanceling Vhen the dust had settled, the backup themiddleto scoretwoAggies Pricepitched1/3of an inning,struckout therecould scoreboard season, rheMetroleadto 7-4, the 2001Metrobaseball 2. readMetro16,Panhandle and on andearnedthesave. Parmenter SeniorTim Pricereplaced havebeenworriesof the teamcomingout In all, Metrorecordedninedoublesand Metrowill bein actionagainthisweekend hitter to State Panhandle edge. last and on out the nervous struck belted17hits, playingadoubleheader Wesleyan, Texas when the the8ame. That,though,was not the caseas Stultz finished the preserve Both games and withCaleb(Parmenter) on both Saturday Sunday. opened the seasonwith "l feltcomfortable Roadrunners gamegoing 4-for-4,with convincingl7-3, 7-4 wins over Panhandle rhreedoublesandscored andI rvantedCalebto finishout the game," startat noon. Feb.21. State four timeswhileGwinner "Ve playedvery sounddefenseall day went 3-for-4,scoringnvo "The long,"saidMetrocoachVincePorreco. runsandknockingin five game, we didn't ball pitcherskeptus in the RBI, Vince Porreco Thiswasa teameffort,even walkeveryone. Gelhengot the win, our bench,everyonewas into the ball pitchingsixstronginnings,allorving fivehits, going rhreeruns,only one of themwasearned, game,. . butyouhaveto haveeveryone direction." in thesame three. walkedtwoandstruckout In the first gameof the doubleheader, ashighscoringasthefirsl, Game2 rvasn't pitchers the first from Aggie attacked Metro butMetrodidscorefourrunsin thefirstthree inning.Senior behindeady. JarodStulustartedtheinning inningsto put theAggies fly witha doubleto rightfield.Aftera sacrifice in this game, rvould strike early Stultz Southwest that singling to right field to open rhe to left lield by junior ChadGonzalez ra movedStulu into scoringposition,senior Roadrunners part of the first inning.Studz BryceGehlenwas hit by a pitch to put thenstolesecondbaseandadvance to third runnerson firstandthirdwithoneout.Then on anerrorbycatcher ZackMauzy. juniorDonaldGwinnercameup with the After Conzalezwalked,Jack Edwards singleto rightfieldthatscoredStultzandgave followedwith a singleto centerfield that the 14 lead,whichMetro scoredStutlzandmovedConulezto second the Roadrunners ry give up. wouldnever Andy out to shorts'op base.Dudleygrounded followine EventhoughMetroputupsixhitsin three Larson allowed Gonzalezto score and Statewasonlydown4-0. advanced innings, Panhandle to third. Edwards y Camp Site Director offensetookover Then,the Roadrunners Aftera BryceGelhenualk anda Vickers' y Camp Counselors thegame. reachedftrston an strikeout,BrianEdwards YMCA ertified Lifeguards We build stmng kids, Metroscored12 errorbythirdbaseman In thenexttuo innings, JonDutyallowingJack strong famili6, communities. strong Instructors runson 1l hits,with the Aggiescommitting Edwardsto score.In all, Panhandle would twoerrors. committwo errorsthatallowedRoadrunners thefourthinningdoubling, to scorethreetimesin thefirstinning. Stutlzstarted Callus todayat (303)761-7530. to third histhirdof thegame,thenadrunced StatepitcherN{att > on a balk by Panhandle groundedout to the AfterGonzalez Neihart. catcher,seniorJack Edwardsrvalkedand advanced to secondon an error by Aggie secondbasemanMonty Molinar,which Stutlzto score. allowed JuniorDavidDudley to givetheRoadrunners a doubledin Edwards 6-0lead. wouldstrikeagain,singlingto Gwinner centerfield scoringDudleyto push the advantage to sevenruns.SeniorJoshVickers and junior Bill Gustinwould get into the double game as well. Vickersdoubled in andthenGustinwouldfollowsuit, Gwinner Northwcstem can provide you with ao educationuniquely focusedon the 2lst century gettinga two-bagger thatwouldscoreVickers, Just ask our 4,000 alumni. They arc practicing from Amcrica to Zimbabwe, as solo practitioners and in interdisciplinary settinSs. They know that our FOCUS ON In the fifth inning,six of the seven EXCELLENCE has earnedus an intcrnational reputation as a pionccr in chiroprdctic whocameto the plategota hit. Roadrunners education, patient care and scientific research.Northwestern is a limited enrollment, Stululedthingsoff witha single,followedby private institution featuring a well-roundcd, rigoro-rseducational program integrating that scoredStultz. a doublefrom Gonzalez the basicand clinical scienccs,diagnosis,X.rat chiropr.ctic therapeutics,wellncsscare and practice management.Our pioneering clinical internship programs. with Edwards and Dudley each singled, Jack interdisciplinarysh.dy opportunitics and a state-ofGonzalez scoringon Dudley'ssingle. the-an student clinic provide our graduatcswith an AfterGehlenwashit by a pitch,Gwinner UNPARALLELED CLINICAL FOUNDATION. to theplateandrippeda doubleinto stepped Add our CareerServicesCentet where we assistour {gnduatesin.iob placement,and you can understand centerfield, scoringboth DudleyandJack why our graduates have such a high satisfaction NORTHWESTERN Edwards. personal

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18 I The Metropolitan

February 23,2001


monthfrom 6-7:30pm. Freeand everyone is welcome,For moreinformation, call(303)520-3095. 12 SIEP Meetlngs On Carnpus - M Meetingson Tuesdays from & Thursdays 12-1pm in theAurariaLtbrairy #20J. For moreinformation, callBilli at (303)556What is Femtntsn? - Feminismhas 2525or (303)322-4440, beenblamedfor a varietyof socialprob lemsincludingthe collapse of the 'tradi AL.AIION. Meeton Vednesdays in the tional'family.Thecontroversy surroundAurariaLibrary#205 from 12-1pm.For ing feminismin the mediahascaused moreinformation,call Billi at (303)556confusionand a proliferation of stereo25?5or (303)321-8788, types.A panelwill providean in-depth understanding of feminismin Tivoli MSCDStudett GoueramentMeeting For more - Getinvolvedwith studentgovernment #440 fron 11:30am-I2:4Jpm. -8441. information,call(303)556 from 3:30-5:30pm in the everyThursday Chambers,Tivoli #329.Formore Senate information, can6$)556-3312. Trafu Bfble Stadytron a Mesianic tewi* Percpectiue- All arewelcometo join in Tivoli #542 Wednesdays and from 3-4pm.For more inforThursdays mation,callReuben at (303)355-2009.

J& SearcbStrategies. Learnhorvto initiatea job search,makecontacts, and useresources in this fee worlahopfor MSCDstudents. Meetsin CN#203 from 1lam-lpm.Topre-register andfor more SIIART Recoaery - A non-traditional information,call(303)ii6-3664. addicdonrecoverygroup,mee$ at the DenverMainLibrary,13th& Broadway, on the 1st md 3rd Tuesdayof every

,ll: tIt, tit{t:lItltt rJII 'r'f,"1{t rJttlft r[)

#444 from 12-1pm.Vear comfortable For clothesandbringa towelor blanket. moreinformation, call(303)556-2525. The Seaen Valleys of SPirttual Growtb and Understanding - Ed Duhaimepresents thislecturebasedon "TheSeven Valleys" by Baha'u'llah at the Metro-Denver Baha'iCenter,99 S.Grant is freeandthe St.at 7:30pm. Admission publicis invited.Formoreinformaon, cat|Q0lT9e$19.

Ugong Prac:tlce - This is an ancient Chinesehealthcaresystemwhich has beenshownto reducestress& blood pressure & strengthen the immunesysin Tivoli #444 tem. MeetsThursdays from12:15-1pm.


Eating Dlsorder Support Group (ANAD)' Freesupportgroupforwomen andmenwho arestrugglingwith an eating disorder. A suppongrouphelpsfill andfeelthe needto shareinformation 'Warlors Women Rulers and ln ingswith concerned others.Meetsevery Ancient Cuhurcs: Dtd Xenn Efltt? - Thursday in Tivoli#66L.Formoreinfor(303)t56-2525, presents Dr. Bella Vi!?nte as she this mation, askfor Linda call Join Ii/ilkins-Pierce. lecturein Twoli #320 A&B from 10l0:50am.A luncheonto followin Tivoli #440 and#540. Classes arewelcome. Metamorpbosis: The Process of Forinformation, c ll (303)556-3113. Maktng Succestful Cbange - This groupinvitesyouto explorehowto make in yourlife.Vhetheryouaretrychanges ing to lose weight, quit tobacco,or improveyour nutritionthis group can glve you tools to be successful. Mees YOGAfor Eaerybody- The Health Tuesdays in theCounseling Tivoli Center, Centerat Aurariainviteseverl'oneto take #667 from3-4pm.Formoreinformation, pafi in free yoga every Tuesdayin Tivoli c ll (303)555-2525.

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23,20o1 February


The Metropolitanr 19

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Students to Watch Awards Fire llith Fire: The New Female Power and How to

4:30-6pm . St FrancisCent€r


In order to pay tribute to the determination and perseverance of students who are dealing with difficult life circumstances, Metopolitan State College of Denver will honor several students who are working towards self-sufficiency with a "Student to Watch" a\rard. Students, stafi faculty, and community mernbers are welcome. Please RSVP to (303)556-8441.

Naomi Wolf 12:30p.m. . Tivoli 320 A, B & C Followed by a receptionand book signing Sponsors; MSCD and UCD OlJice of Student Activities lnformation: (303)556-2595

What is Feminism? . Tivoli:140 l1:30am-12:45pm Feminism has been blamed for a variety of social problemsincluding the collapseofthe 'traditional' family. The controversy surrounding feminism in the media has causedconfirsion and a proliferation of stercotypes.What is feminism really? A panel will provide an in-depth understanding of feminismfollowedbv time for dis(ussion. Sponsor: Institute for Womens Studies and Senices Infomation: (303)556-8441

ll'omen Rulers and Warriors in Ancient Cultures: Did Xena Exist? Bella Vivante loam . Tivoli320A&B Phi Alpha Theta Historian's Honorary of Metropolitan State College of Denver welcomes Bella Vivante, Associate Profgssorof Humanities and Classics at the Uni!'ersity of Arizona and Hennebach lisiting Professor at the Colorado School of Mines. Sponsor: MSCD Phi Alpha Theta Information: (303)556-4664

The Case of the Broken Baseball Bat: Womery Citizenship and Wolence Linda Kerber l-2:l5pm . Tivoli 640 Linda Kerber is Vay Brodbeck Professor in the Liberal Arts and Professor of History at th€ Universlty oflo&?- Her most rccent book arc No Conslitutional Right to be Ladies: t(omen and the Obligations of Citizenship znd Toward on Intellectual Histow of Women. She has served as P.esident ofthe Organizafion ofAmerican Historians and the American Studies Association. Dr Kerber will discuss the Gwendolyn Holt jury seFice case of 1957 and connect it r.irh the Violence Against Women Act. Sponsors: UCD History DeportmenL MSCD Institute fol Women's Studies and Senices. and Presidents Fund for the Huntanities lnfomation: (303)556-4830

Emerging Roles for Women in the New Millennium Donna Beck and StephanieMehleck 3.1pm . Tivoli 651 As women embark on thejoumey into the 22nd century they are faced with unique oppofunities and challenges. Are traditionally female attitudes finding their way into corporate America. politics, and other arenas? Pieasejoin our discussionabout new rcles that are emerging ror women. Sponsor: MSCD Counseling Center Information: (303)556-3132

Voicesof Africt llam . Tivoli Tumhalle This amazing drumming group focuses on the traditional drumming style ofAfrica. Sponsors: UCD Olrtce of Sadent Activities, Offrce of Black Student Services, MSCD Ofjice of Student Aclirities, and African American Studies Departmenl Information: (303)556-8048

Love with a Ruler CherylChase 2-3pm . St. FrancisCenter What does it mean to be intersexed? Cheryl Chase- Dircctor of the Intenex Society of America, will answer this question and discuss issues,such as genital mutilation, facing intersexedindi\iduals. Sponsor: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans Student Seflices lnformation: (303)556-6333

Rebels and Healers 3-4pm. Trvoli320A' A presentation about key women who worked in health care in Colo.ado between the 1880s and 1950s. This Chatauqua-st-yle progmm will focus on Dr. Josepha Douglass, Dr. Justina Ford, Dr. Rose Kidd Beere. and Nurse Oca CushmanSponsor: Colorado Coalition for Women's History

Sth Annual Women'sLeadership Conference \lues, Voice, Wsion: Leadership for the 21st Century Featu ng Naomi Wolf 8:30am-l:30pm. Tivoli Tumhalle

Spontors: CCD, MSCD, and UCD Student Activities Information: (303)556-8048 Registrationi $5 for students& $ l0 for others

The ClothesiineProject will be on display to honor the memory ofail victims of domestic violence in the Tivoli Student Union on the 2nd Floor. Sponsors: CCD, MSCD and UCD Ofjice of Srudent .4ctivities Informationr (303)556-8048

10th Annual Bridge Speaker between Black History Month and Women'sHistort Month ashabandele l0am . Tivoli Tumhalle Receptionand book signing to follo$ in Tivoli 320 asha bandele, Editor-at-l,a€e for tsJence Magazine, has perfonned her poetry on campus€sand in community centen acrossthe U.S., the U.K. and Soutbem Africa. Her book, The Prisoner r trfft, tells the story of a talented college student falling in love with and marrying a man in prison sen ing twenty to life for murder. This is asha's story At a time r.r.hen one in four black men are caught in the web of the criminal justice systern asha bandele shatters the myths of prisoners' wives and tells of embracing the b€auty oflove in the ugliest circrunstancesand ofp€ople's ability to change and to grow. Sponsors: Institute for Women's Studies and Ser,^ices, African Amelican Studies. Dirersity Initiatives Program Committee, and English Depaltment lnformation: (303)556-8,14I

Ddferent Paths, One Journey: A Celebration of Women's Spirituality 9:30am-4pm . Tivoli 640 This all day event \,!.ill feature workshops focused on women's spidtualily from diverse perspectives. Local businesses and individuals will be offering tarol readings, psychic counseling, and information. For a detailedschedule,call (303)556-8441. Sponsor: The Institutefor Women'sStudiesund Services

AII WordsAre Not Created Equal Kar}nRuthWhite l-2pm . South Classrooml36.4 Why is it that when a man is upset, we refer to him as being liustrated, but when a woman is upset,we call it PMS? Laugh and leam while we tak€ a deeper look into the gender bias built into ou! everyday language. Leam to detect ways in which you may be sabotaging yourselfwith the languageyou use. Sponsor: CCD StudentAssLetance Center and Women'sServices lnformationi (303)556-2343

Margo Green Domestic Wolence Lecture Series Til Death Do You Part 7:30pm . TivoliTumhalle violence A paneldiscussion ontheissueofdenialin domestic cases. Sponsors:CCD, MSCDand UCD OjJiceol'StudentActivities Infomation:(303)556-8048


Green Domestic

Wolence Lecture Series

Runfor YourLife . 11am

Sponsors: A lalta Book Center, Diyersit! Initiatites Prcgram Committee, GLBT Student Senices, Institute Ior Women's Studies and Services, Student Goyernment Assembly, Student Life, Student Publi cations, Student Sertic es

Women Warriors l-2pm . PE. Building This program $ill teach you the principles of weight training and exercise. Join other women like 1'ouin the questto build strengthand health tlrrough exercise. Sponsor: Shtdent Health Center t[rornallon: I JUJtJ)tFt)z)

Annual Women of Color in Higher Education Conference: lVeaving the Fabric of the Community Universit-yof Southem Colorado, Pueblo For information and registration,call (719)549-2314

Women & Spirituality in the New Millennium Mara Prestia l2:30-l:30pm . South Classroom136 Are women experiencing joy with new found "freedom" of choice, or is there a deeper search now for a truer, more spiritual sense of fieedom? This search, often resulting in a restless discontent, leads us inward to the very heart of spiritualiry What is the fulfillment that is being sought by so many women? Sponsor: CCD Student Assistance Center ond ll'omen's Semic.es Information: (3031556-2343


' Reception for Ana CastiAo

5:30.?pm . Museo de las Americas 861 Santa Fe Dri!€

Wsiting Distinguished Chicana/Latina Professor Ara Castillo 10-l l:30am . Tivoli Turnhalle Poethfist/iicanista, Ana Castillo's latest not'el, Peel My Lo.L'eLike an Onion, is a "celebration of life lived to the hilt." Castillo has been *riting and publishing since 1977. She recentiy completed another book of poetry I Ask the lmpossihle, and a children's bool M1., Daughter My Son, The Eagle, The Dove. She also writes essays and columns for a variety ofnewspapers and magazines. Sponsor: Metropolitan State College of Denver Irformatio!: (303)556-3908


Wse lYoman's Ways:Dmeloping Presence with Food ll:3oam-lpm.


Developing presence!t ith food means leaming an awarenessof the causeatrd effect relationshipbetweenwhal you eat and how you feel. L€am how to cultivate a senseoftrust in your body and improve your relationship with food. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to (303)556-2525by March 26th and let them know whether you prefer chicken, beel or vegetarian. Sponsot: Student Heahh Center


llomen's Dreams, Women's llisdom PresenterElaine Ryan l2:30-li30pm . SouthClassroom136A The nightscape slry gives birth to the wisdom contained in *omen's dreams. Like the phases of the moon, *'omen's drearns reflect life stages fiom menstruation to menopause. This workhop will explore special elem€nts that characterize women's dreams. Sponsor: CCD Studenl Assislance Center and ll'omen's Semices Infornation: (303)556-23,13


Tivoli 444

Julie lreland, from ColoradoCoalition Against DomesticViolence,vas only ten years old when her mother kidnappedher liom Australia to escapea terifying and dangerousmarriage. lreland, a thempist and comedian,t€lls a story ofdomestic violencefrom a child s point ofvieu. Sponsors: CCD, MSCD and UCD Oljlce ofStudent Activities lnformation: (303)556-8048

Express your apprcciation for the phenomenal women in your u.orld by purchasing a Tell-Her-Gram. These unique greetings can be purchased for $l each at the lnstitute for \lbmen's Shrdies and Ser!ices or at the Women s History Month information table (lst floor ofcentral Classroom) on February 27th & 28th. Choose fiorn several designsl Tell-Her-Crams will be delirered March 8th and 29th. All proceeds go to the Pamela Mclntyre Marcum Mernorial scholarship tund. For more information, call (303)5568,141. Special thanks to the MSCD Diversiiy Initiatives Program Committee and Sudent Affairs Board for financial support for the month.


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