Volume 23, Issue 22 - March 2, 2001

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2 l The Metropolitan

lrtarch2, 2001



lrlarch2, 2001


Thelrletropotitanr 3

ProposedCentral Platte Valleytight Rail Route

tight rail train to circle Auraria llicaela Duarte


fromthebuildingVolf said. Thecenteq whichhouses theAuraria BookCenter's, inventorv nas beenkeptin anareaof Srgi's PoolHallduringrheconstrucrion, said A newlightrailtrackwill brushbycampus givingeasieraccess director of Srudent Auiliaries. to BubWbiske, Shesaidthemaioritv of the sportingandentertaining venuesaswellasdowntown. bmk center'sstockl'ould be relocared backro the pnntinsand Thenew1.8-mile trackwill connectwiththecurrentlightrailtnck DistributionCenterShealsosaidit wouldbe up to the sru"dents on WestColhxAve.at thesouthsideof campus.Thef46 millionlne whethertheclosedoffareain thepoolhalliskeptasa storage areaor will headundertheviaduct,thencirclenonheast upforgameusesbvSigi's. uound rhecamous opened towardsSix FlagsElitchGardensand the pepsiCenter,endtngat Thenewlightrailwillbefreeofclurgetoallstudents withacurent VewamStreet. rdentification card. "lt willservice allthesporaandentertainment Theconstruction venues, willcreate andmore a periodof inconvenience duringthe imporuntly,we will sendeverytrainto the CentralplaneValleyro summern'hichis good timingsincethe enrollmentis usuallv provideservicemorefrequently duringrushhourandlet us provide dramatically lowerVolf said.Hesaidparking lot J wouldbeclosed moreserviceto downtown,"saidSconReed,spokesman ior the whileparkinglot K *'ouldberestricted spacedueto theconstruction Regional liznsportation Dstrict.Mrh theadditionof thenewtrack.the overthesummer. 16thStreet lr4all shunlewillbeginrunninganextended "V/ewillhavethelotsbackbutatanetlossof20spaces, roureof rhree burwearc block; from MarketStreetStationto VewattaStreetto connecr pickingup somespaceon fifth Street," Wolfsaid.,,Burthe mass passengers fiomtheshuttleto thenewlightrailtrack,bringingstudents transportation willmakeit moreconvenient forAuraria." Volf alsosaid andstaffto theedgeofcarnpus. duringtheconstruction of thenewlineseparate construction wouldbe Thecorstructionof the newline hasalreadybegunwith the doneon FifthStreetimproving thecurb,guttersandpaving.Thenew destrucdon of a buildingon thewesrsideof campus,.idDeanVolf, linewillstopatfourstations; theAuraria Campus, Invesco FieldatMile o<cutivevicepresident forAuraria Campus. Reedsaidtheconstruction High,thePepsi Cenrer/Six FlagsElitchGardens andthererminus arthe isanticipated to becunpletedandoperarional DenverUnionTerminal byMarch2002. in LoDo.Thelightrailwillrunon a 15minure '.tlltork o1 thelinewill beginassoonaswegetreasonable andwillprovidemoreirequent spring schedule service duringspoftingevents. weather, in aboutthenort30days," !fldfsaid.Reedsaidthebulkofthe Theideaof thislighrrailtrackhasbeenin procesfor abouttwo construction, theplacement of the trads on theAurariaparftwav Boardapproving and year wirhtheAuraria rheideaaboutayearanda half tlreinstallation of theoverhead wireswouldhappen ago, !(olfsard. duringrhesummer andfallof2001. Thead!"ntage to thecampus isit thatstudenawillmakeuseof the TheAurariaHigherEducationCentersdd lr half of the land under the printineand Distribution Gnter to KD to usefor th"enew lightnil track,at a costof f137,000, basedon a hir market appraisalVolf said.Thebuildingwillloseabout7,400square express routesfromtheNorthandVlestandmakeit closerfor them fec, Wolfsaid,and the operationwithin the buildhgwill coniinue because it willbeaccersible to campus, Scott Reed Wolfsaid."Thatwaspanofour duringtheconstruction of rhenewline, motivation forthis" Spokesman for the Regional *They havetemporary wallssorherewillbenoinrerruptions Reed saidthiswouldmostlikelybethelasraddition Transport District during rotheLiehrRail _ theconstruction," V/olfsaid. system byAuraria Campus. Thelightnil trackwillbeplacedandwillrunabout5 to g feetawav "Thisl'rll pretffmuchcoverwhatisneeded atAurana, wetrll hale givento access poinuto thecampus," Reed said.


la *,,, service ail the sports and entertainment venues.,,


4 t The Metropolitan

March2, 2001

March2, 2000

TheMetropolitanr 5

'Student'accused of scam sentenced mffi#

stipulates serve90dap in countyjail, thatPierce followedby 180 daysof electronichome Sheis alsorequiredto informher statements monitoring. Thewomanwhosecontradictory employer of herfelonystatus. and asa Metrosludent, topolice aboutherstatus Sentencing recommendations calledfor 90 who waschargedwith theft in July for her jail, days in but Bayless said the casewas for gift certificates scheme to rip off restaurans previous felony aggravated by two convictions in Feb.23. wassentenced andmerclundise, Arapahoe county that were on deferred of receiving Pierce, 23,wasaccused Elizabeth Deferredadjudication allowsa and gift worth 15 cenificata 1946.50 a set of adjudication. person to convicted of a crime avoid a prison steakknives.Shepleadedguilty to anempted term or she is not as long as he convicted of theftinJanuary. period another crime during a specified of time. Pierceto JudgeH.JeffreyBaylessentenced "l didnottry to steal,"Pierce testifiedduring years prison, suspended the but then six in sate the sentencing hearing. sentenceprovidedthat Piercecompletessix HeraftornE,BrianBakkum, saidPiercewas yearsof probation.The judge'sruling also

EdwardB. Mnslow

paperforaclass complainingof bad service,said uritingaresearch shewastaking restaumnts CkistineAgosa,aninvestigator for the Denver at trletro. ButDenverProsecutor PhilPanottsaidher districtanorney'soffice.Piercewasgivengift First cenificates to Allie'sAmericanGrille,Basil's storychanged duringpolicequestioning, The BrownPalace. shesaidshewasattending classes, Thenshetold Ristorante. The FreshFish policethatshewasthinking ofattending classes.Company, Jar Fish House,Marlowe'sand Thenshesaidshewasukinga conespondenceMortons of Chicago. Morton'salsogavePiercea Parrott said. set of steak knives, Agosa course, said. wasshegotbusted," Agostasaid after Pierceheard a radio "!(rhatreallyhappened brcadcast Purotsaid. by reporterPennyParku,who sail that Mortons wasgoing to prcecute the matter It wasonlyafterherplanwasuncovered shedecidedto paybackthegift cenificates thal legallyif Piercedid notrcturnthe merchandise, she redeemed,Parrotsaid."Ms. Pierceis a shebecamevery scaredandwent homeand crook," hesaid. immediatelybegan calling the restauranr Piercewrote lettersto 60 Denver-area managers to apologize.

Author to speak at c@fâ‚Źrcncâ‚Ź Nauniwofiauthor of llte fuauyM1tb, frrc wih frrcand Prcnisuiry,willspeaklvlarch 9 as pa$ of the 5th AnnualWomen's kadership Conference. Theconference will be from8 a"m.to l:30 p.m.in theTrvoliTurnhalle. Therewillbea$5regbtration feeforstudens anda $10feefornon+tudents. lllarch is women's history rnonth Tarot,galmandpsychic readers, Reiki,henna uttooingandworkhopsarcamongthe many offeredthisyearat the secondannual services VomenbSpirituality Fathalbeingheldfrom9 a.m,to4 p.m,,March 13in Tivoli640. The lnstitutefor Vomen'sStudiesand Service andIou loa Ioa aresponsoring theeven to celebruethe diversiry of the manyformsof womens spiritualiry pleaseconact303For moreinformation, 556{/4r.



Tellheryou love her AdamHousem an/ltc l.lJopcliLn And thg Winner iS- DionRabouinannouncesthe winnersof Universityof Coloradoat Denver'sBlackStudent ServicesPaFAfricanltlurturingand Development GamefinalsFeb.25 in Tivoli64O.Thegameswerefor studentsof areahighschoolsto competein knowledgeol BlackHistory.

Kaplan no longer a finalist mH#'--*t Metropresident SheilaKaplanhasnot bern chosenasa finalistin the University of presidential Toledo search. -The searchcommittee was impresed with Metro'ssuccess," Kaplansaid."The committee members' intercstwasa personal complement to meandto ourcollege.I wish themthebestin theirsearch for a leaderwho willbeagoodmatchfortheirinstitution."

The university will interviervthe two universiry's presidential searchcommittee. finalissfor the position,RichardDarenport Browne wasunalailable for comment. fromCentral Michigan Univenity andDaniel TheUniversity namedKaplanasoneof 11 forthepositionJan. 18. Johnsonfrom the Universiryof Alaska finalists Anchorage, duringthelirstweekof Nfiuch. Metrospokeswoman DebbieThomas said "Thecommittee is confidentthat borh she is not surprisedthe universitychoose havethe qualifications expressed in the Kaplan asoneof is 11finalists. leadership sutement whichszsdeveloped "Theschoolhasbeenon a roll late\',and last fall with ertensiveinput from faculty,staff, gettingnational recognition," Thomas said."l srudents alumniandfriendsof theuniversity," wouldn'tbe surprisedif she had been rwoteJoanuhl Brorme,chairvoman for the approached byorherinstitutions."

The Institutefor VomensSrudiesand Services isoffering"Tellher-grams" for $l dunng themonthofMarchto orpress yourappreciation forthewomenin yourlife. In cel$rationofVomensHistory Month,the "Tell-her-grams" will be deliveredon cunpus between MarchI and29.theycanalsobemailed. Ib order,goro i033NinthSr.h*. All moneywill benefitthe Pamela lilarcum memorialScholarship Fundfor survivors of violence.

JobXairon carnpus DeltaPhiOmega is hostinga iobhir from9 a.m.to 6 p.m.,lvlarch 6 in theTivoliTumhalle Theiobfairisopento allmairn.Studens are encouraged to bringtheirresumes, Morethan 30 agencies from rhe aiminal toattend. iusticefieldareexoected

6 / TheMetropolitan

trlarch2. 2001

flIp&ting or C. mpEs ff* w r, â‚Źvents k A ctl ri ti es Sesssr*e*

f n r F r o x p e c t i v s * t u d e f t t & r 8u* i argu.* *

& ,ettffi $tH sl ty' Fri * nd,* * fi $ V i si t$r s

Nan:e'riBest Yalue fElrY*ur:

"Fuiri*nf)*ilar rlxtil4:ik i n H;tli I *rr,t'54,rp*' l{}ril i"*llrI,

t ;ttlllu{

Mebo'snewwebsitewill be up and runningafter springbreak.

Gollege redesigns its cybersPace look said. moreacceisto clicksin,"tr'lancuso Thenewwebsitefeatures Nlarch 19. 'There's new web The sitervillalsobe thefirstthe on the front pageas well as an rvrong rviththe information panicularly nothing fhc mekcaclilon directory, collegehas designedcompletelyin house, andmoreefficientcampus manager of updated presentsite,''saidChrisMancuso, said,The currentrvebsite was suchastheBanner registrationMancuso services. forMetro."lt'sjusttimeto On-line webcommunications Metro's websitervillhavea newlookto it takcit ro rhenextlevel.lt'sbeentwoyears Technology staff, bytheInformation constructed rveb sites from individual since system and afterspringbreak. out. de;ignwascontmcted with thew'eb butthevisual will not be affected departments wevelookedat thissitelroma communications ''Thisisagrass-roos and perspective. N[erro'sCollegeCommunications said. effort,"Mancuso Ve justwantto put ourbestfoot sitechange. ''N!ost will unveilthe site foruzrd," lnformationTechnolog,r willbeavailable twoor three content


Life after Napstermay be just as lonely for music industry Deborah9rg$yf rn!h

theproblem? reallyeliminated "person-to-person" system hastheindustry file sharing cooperative afterthe site is removed.In a Napster editorScon sayno. klon's managing operation.Thenew Experts Forrester into a subscription-based recentinterviewwith Newsbytes, rvrires, "the motivation clearly thatenables Rosenberg EricSchreirer modelwouldutilizea technology Research musicindustryanalyst that "the ideathat (the labels)will digital musicfiles to be transferredfrom alreadyexists, lf the Napsterphenomenon Hopingto end a bitter lawsuitwith the indicated it provesthat the Internet user, butwithanew provesanl,thing, userto computer userswill computer make Napster unusable andtherefore industry, Napster hasofferedto pay recording librarvof immediately public wants a universal copy as limiting the abiliry to $1billionduringthenextfir'eyearsto senlethe simplyrvaituntilthemusicindustrytellsthem restrictionsuch music."He adds anddownloadable realistic." thosefilesto a CD. A setfeehasnot been accessible isnotparticularly y,ear-longcourt battle surrounding its whatto do instead but is estimated to besomewherethe problemnow is that the musicindustry copving of determined, Thirtvyearsago,theoccasional controversialmusic-swapping service. If must come to acceptthis oulcomeand dollars. personal pretty and for was much a minor between music use $5 $15 thepopularonlinemusiccommuniry accepted, participate rel'enue. in itspotential what next? Napster has a few remaining because of the So, bytheindustrl'-+oday, u'ouldpay$150millionperyearin licensing fees concern potential ison thecritical revenue Butthat like daysto appealthe latestcourtruling. Until onlinecommunities and$50millionper Internetandmassive to majorrecordcompanies of goesaway, thcreadyaudience the RL{Afeelsthatartistsarelosinga then,thesiteisstillupandrunning-withwen list. If Napster yearto independent labelsandartists, But Napster, potential goes any of the problem lovers away-to music visitors than before. Bur the real significant portion income and the only more of their Industryksociationo[ while the Recording waiting patientlyin these"pirate" doesnot existin the copyrightinfringementNapsteralternatives thisisto eliminate America(RLM) might feel confidentthat wayto prevent isGnutella. 0nesuchsubstitute nerv cyberspace. idealalone,it existsin the astonishing in theirentiretv. Napster is nearits finaldemise, somesaythe communities If the recording industrvthoughtNapster hashadnot onlyon the Some13 millioncomputerusersare impacrthatNapster mayactually organization be huningitselfby" mightbe something \\"s scary, then Gnutella within but also on the rertical markets estimated dotnload digital rnusic for free, industry, to forcingthesiteto shurdoln. this worst because their nightmare out of percent lnternet digital technology sayslB of users. ThoughNapster maybe one of the most PewResearch \fleb site Its havedownloaded while NapstercreatorSharvnFanning systemis almostanonvmous. violators of copvright infringement,or 35 millionAmericans, sought-after : explains to develop a system for sharingfiles wwwgnnutella.tt'ego.cont report intended itsestimated oneof musicfromtheV'ebbutascant2 percent constitute 50millionuscrs "One probtems Napsterand with of the paid lovers, the success of Napster having it. among music for collective the biggest audienccs ln music A are centralzed, it is that they like with the othen part plans has been credited spawning Napsteq of itssettiement, on alone as tharrvillscatterif the9th history-anaudiencc agencies to place for development modelsometime of the portablel\{P3 centralucd a nervbusiness this commercial CircuitCourtof Appeals $overnment forccsthesiteto close. releasing thenet. to search and impingeuponyourfreedom valuein summerthat will anemptto keepthe uscr playerand the needfor manycolleges argucthcreisgreater Some anahsts engines real time search commercial All those block its group to access from schooltogether Partnering wuh German universiries keeping theNapster comnrunity intactandthe ads atvou, logs so the'y can target probablv keep labs. computer giantBertelsmann AB,a parent of the orvned rvouldbckiddingthemseltes telecom recording industry reall,v Soif Napster doesrhrorvin thetorvel. the if thev think usersare goingIrr remain Bil'lGhbel,thenvopianto funherdevelop seeNAPSTERpage7 Thc md.cAcliton

March2, 2001

Artists have issueswith Napster from unauthorized usersfrom downloading "bombs" fileswithantiintersperse sites. These At leasttheykeeplogssotheyknowhowmany placedthroughout piracymessages randomly searches theygetperdaysotheycantell it to into wouldbenl'ominutes A listener And theyprobably run some thetrack, their investors. whenyouhearCharleton Eminem's newrelease dataminingto figureout how manypeople public interestmessage Heston reading a searched for MP3s,howmanypeoplesearched are songtheft.Thecountermeasures opposing etc.All thatso theycanfigureout for recipes, or systems destroy computer not meantto whattheircustomer islike, exactly to annoyusersand "Cnutellaputs a stop to all those other files,but merely sites. of unauthorized the use discourage \(hen you senda queryto the shenanigans. thatno thereseems to bea feeling In short, thereisnotmuchin it thatcanlink GnutellaNet, to Napster needed outcome, matterthe that queryto you. I'm not sayingit's toully bothforusenandtheindustry. for happen, to figureout who'ssearching impossible "Napsterdid two things,"statesformer andeachtimeyour what,butit'sprettyunlikely, "Firstof MattEdgar. musicindustryemploliee queryis passed, of discovering the possibility andmadethem all,it shookuptherecordlabels rvho originated that query is reduced realize thatthereneedsto bea verydeftnitive exponentially. rvhat copvright "ln short,thereis no saferrvayto search explanationof exactly it's calledthemto infringement is; secondly, withoutbeingwatched. taskon theirpricingpractices." 'A big howeveq To speedthings horvever Edgar,who workedcloselywith record \0bll,we are not anonymous. up, downloads "Thisis nothing concludes, labelsin Nashville But again, have to make compromises. industrvat alliust enteftainment new to the tryingto keeping logs,andnobody's nobody's issueback thewholeVHS,tsetaMax remember profileyou." predictedthat taping " for in 1984. Opponents is too"geelrv VhilesomesayGnutella wouldresultin cablebroadcasts movies from the avcrageuser its potentialremains industrl', butthat of themovie thetotaldemise entityis really no singular interesting because helpedimprovethe happen-itactually the didnt responsible for it. lt'snotthereto promote qualiry ofbothcontentandservice." nota exchange of MP3files-"ir'sa technology, issueisa newsort VhilethewholeNapster piracy tool," music Edgarstatesthat in his of digitaltheology, shockwave doesn't swapping Butthe IvtP3 recordlabelsmakea heftyprofit Eventheartists experience stopwithNapster alternatives. the lo\l'liestof tides,"butit seems from even themselves haveissueswith the onlinefilefor thatuntiltheyareaskedto beaccountable sharingconcept. Manybig namesin the of price distribution ofCDs, electronic hasfinally thebeefy controversy industryfeeltheNapster filesmaystaypopular" over broughtto lightthegrowingfrustrations controlwhat how much recordcompanies musicpeopleget to hear Some,like Prince, sitesand haveevenlaunched theirownInternet Othersclaim communities. musicdistribution manynewanistswouldneverbe heardif their on thelabels. weretotallydependent futures filesharing have A storyin tbeFeb.16isuemisspelled of unregulated Opponents even gone as far as launchingelectronic DeM Pisciotte'slwme. Bombs"and called"Napster countermeasures "Trojan Horses" withinMP3filesto discourage

from 5 NAPSTER,



itan / 7

EDITOR fo, 2001-2002 will be The MSCDBoardof Publications acceptingapplicationsfor the 2001'2OO2 editor of TheMetropolitan. This is a paid position. The editor rs responsiblefor the editorial content of the weekly studentnewspaper.Dutiesinclude managing the student editorial staff, assigning stories, editing copy, and working with the production manageron the physical make-upof the newspaper. This position will begin in April of 2OO1. Pay schedule eorrespondswith fiscalyear.

Qualifications: . Applicants majorsor mustbe Journalism for at least10 credithours minorsenrolled at MSCD . Applicantsmusthaveand maintaina GPA of 2.0 or above r Journalismexperienceis a major in the selectionprocess consideration lnterested applicants must submit: o R6sum6with coverletter o Most recent grade report or officialtranscript o Two lettersof recommendation o Samplesof work

Pleasesubmatthe above materialsto: TheMSCDBoard of Publications. c/o Renee Ruderman,

Tivoli313 or maalto: Box57 Campus P.O.Box173362 Denver,CO 80217-3362





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illarch2, 2001

The,l^etroPolitan /9

ls copitol punishmenljustifioble murdeP EDITOR SeanUeauer ART DIRECTOR llarftl fienard FEATURES EDITOR SarahCanret ASSISTATTITFEATURES EDITOR Cl|risWard OPIN()I{ EDITOR DanHle lhrabu.da T{EWS EDITOR laine lanctt SPORTS EDITOR Ilick Garner PHOTO EDITOR ScottSlncltzcr


COPY EDITORS Amberhlnson TotsyRees REPIORTERS Bemdettc B.ca Bena Brorn Matr Davis femifr Youngman Mam lhniuan lemifer Grcy ReenaAl.Omad WalterGant TomHcPhersoo Al. Uicens PHOTOGRAPHERS flehnie &alik ldan ]lqrenan -

. lle.lhGr


ILLUSTRATOR BrendenSmith GRAPHIC ARTISTS Pai ilctreil Rb Spcer Gi$ Glynn

Danielle Haraburda

for deathpena.lty Somecrimesareunforg[able. asopposedto satesthatdo. In fact,whenCa.lifornia Sometimes, reasons noteltr completely humans reinsated centurythe undersrood, thedeathpnalry in thelanerhalfofthisprevious commitactsso despicable the prpetrator has murderrateincrsased. forlifeaverages forfeitetlhis rightro ln'e. Formany,this is the aprisoner Norisit cheaperThecostofincarcerating jusriry inmate, deathrow aftgrtheir ra onaleusedto America's Thecostsfor anaverage deathpenalry, about$600,000. canrangeintothemillions. ls a humanbeingwhooftenmakes hasbeene<hausted, herdecisions course of appeals I in regards is a subjective tojusticeusrngmyemotions, innatelv, Doesn affordour societyjustice?This,perhaps, quesdon, victim canundemtand a life of the is not reinsated this belief ,4sa suMvorof bur it is ceruin that the violent crime,lcanemparhize withthesarishcdonbecause weexecure theirkiller.

punishment grants capital bothvictims andsocieryThisis,however,

onething;themanor woman Butrhese allpresuppose arguments

rvheremyalignment guilry, withthemajoritv sentenced of publicsentiment ends. todearhis,indeed, It s a diftcultpositionto nke, thisoppsitionto thedearhpenalry ls that,rn A fundamental flawin our systemof capiulpunishment Not,I beliere,in factual wouldliketo admit,innocent peopleare debate, but,rather,whenit isviovodbypublic morealsesrhanitsproprcnents sentiment, sentenced to diein America. "Horvcouldyouevenaftemptto arguefor thelifeof someone its capita.l punishment like Thegovernor of Illinoisrecendysuspended DontaPage?" sptembecause hadreached alarming numben. afellowstudentash me. Howindeed. ofmisukes thenumber Pageuzs convicted of firstdqgree murderandsotualasaultlast [n Teras to die. lt waslaterrevealed ttut lasty2, a manwassentenced November Hebrutallyrapd andmurdered Hillresident, Capitol Pelton hisdefense sleptthroughportionsof thetrial. Did attorneyhadactuall], Tuthill,in herhome.Hiscrimeisindefensible. Hehasadmined hisguilt thismanreceirea far trnl? Is the cessailon of life suchanattnctive andnorva panelof threeColorado arewillingto riskitsmanyinaccuracia? thatwe,asasociety, ludgawilldaide thefateof Page's punishment life-erecu Vhat( rnenor,youwereconvicted tionor lifeirnprisonment. of murcler?

gratifiing menandrvomen vhq It feels emotionally to thinkofPage's execudon, Many aboutinnocent andI am of ushave heard stories life.Instead, r'erelater notheretoaryue thevirrue ofPage's mvargumenr doubttobeguilw, liesinrhe ahhough arzuonable oncethought be1'ond guilrypafiy ideathat,if akinglifeisrvrong, then,bvthisveryprecepr, theactual thedeath exonerared foronereason or anotherSomerima penalry wrong innocence, u inherently aswell, comes fonvard DNA isused toprove aperson's One ;sometimes mostvaluable guanmtee, OneofAmerica's asets, rtrenconsidering with100percent ourjustice thingissure, howeveq wecannot sureqithe nithourjusufication system, s theideaofimpafiialiry isblind, likerouy. Capital perfecdon of some ofourcouns)stem.Don'enot,even Justice punishment, hosever, tes6thisbeliefInir essence, penalty is retriburion, weseek topunish if neput thedeath become asguiltyasthemurderen based Vedonot,forinstance, on theemotion of revenge. sentenceeven oneinnocenr manorrvoman todeath? rapists violence, guilty toanencounter ofsexual orbeatpeople Present the disparities between those thatdoanddo ofasault, too,are alarming erenif thrshnasyseems somewhat fulfilhng. notreceive Forthesame thedeathDenalty astheirultimate Dunishment. morethann'hite,poormore It is hcauseof thissense of retaliadon, thou$,dratwe hare crime, nationallS blackmenaresentenced Justice,h seems,is not rrally blind after all, bur, pedraps, . oudat'edvigilanrcgroups. Our penalq6tem rrus createdso that the " thanrvealthy.

unpredicubility ofhuman emotion couldnotovernde logcandreason. jaundiced instead. Vhenweplacetheargument of vengeance rvehavenosrong aside, Thebestsolutionthenis to abolishthedeathpenalry,Norbecause a€umen$left in favorof capitalpunishment. I[ can'tbe labeledasa murderers likeDontaPagedeserve thecompassion of our socieqibut ratesarentusually deterent.It'lurder lowerin sutestiratadminister the becauru'easasociety cannotafordrheluxuryof ourrevenge.

O]T LINE EDITOR hssica Rcdl INTERITET STAFF Sinon hshi l0ystd Cutler SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT BemadetteBacr DIRECTOR OF STUDEilT PUBLICATION DougComaroe BUSINESS MANAGER llonnita llrong ADVISER hne Hoback TELEPHONE NUMBERS Editodal:(303) 55&2507 Far:(303) 55&3421 E-ma* rcarcF@mscd.edl Web: lnrp://clem.nscd.edr/-thqnef lhe Mettottulitan is ptoduced by and for the students of A etropolitan State College ot Derver serving the Auraria Campus. ftl€, Metrcpotitan is suppor t€d by aclv€rttsing revenues and sti,lden fees, and is published every Friday durar€ tl|e academic year and morthly durit€ the s!,mmer sen€st6. Ihe tulenopolitan ls clistrituted ro att campus buitdings. No person rnay take mce ttran one copy of each edition of fh€ Arenqpolraan without p.id written prmission. Direct arry questioos, cornplaints, compliments or comments to tl|e MSCD Boad or Rrbllcations c,/o The lvletrcootitan. opinions expressed wtl|in do nor nec€ssarlly reltcc( thos€ ot lhe Adelrqporiaan, Mevopolitan Srate Cotteg€ of O€nve. or its advertisers. Deadtine for calendar is 5 P.m. Frlday. Deadline for p.ess releases is lO a mMorrlay. Display a.tuertising deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. Classiaie<t advertising deadtine is 5:OO p m. Mon.lay. Ihe Metropolitan's ollices are located in the Tivoli Stucl€nt Union Suite 313. Maiting acldress is PO.Box 173362, Camp(ls Box 57, Denve., CO aoz1 7-3362. c) All rights rBorved.

Sct\ooL: AY CLAr',4.fEdts!ts'A @NFRA$rr fo ,fFlrl.t6 sar'lcltoc vol<E . atfL MAs soAkGD rN utttr.E !',l^t A rdr€:|.t S"r€u-s Ai}rQtr tb r{t{E No tgeA w*8r 4 F\T tJ{l^t9 . d{r{€3rrr'z .( HavE A t'-EATt{r^x5H 6AME o ooFJ' rS t'{Y FA\roa.lTE . "6r935-1rra-

Letters PoLicy

welcomes TheNletropolitan lettenof 500 wordsor feweron topicsof generalinrerest. Letters mustincludea fullname, school anda phonenumberor e.nuiladdress. affiliation Lenerumightbe editeclfor length, grammarandaccuraq'.


Mailbox: TheMerropolitan Suite313 900AurarirParhva.v, Denver C080204 e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone:303.5i6.2i07

f ax:303.556.3121

10 / TheMetropolitan

|larch 2, 2001

Metro stuilent takes on I


'(Theplay to become a socialite, against thewishes ofherhusband. Shewentto classes to become familiarwiththeansandforeignlanguages. In 1894,theymovedintoa Hetzel.Hetzelr homeat 1340 Pennsylrania St.,in Denr,rr thedirectoil.l\{argaret Browntraveled Europe "Ourstaffi enensively, Shewasreportedly in Europe whenshegot wordthathergrandson wasill, soshebookedhenelfon the notin qualiry maiden voyage of theRlvlS Timnic Heaelenjc Vhenthe'unsinkable" Titanic struckaniceberg andsank, was Brown oneof vocalabilities theapproximately 1,200 survil'ors. Asaresultofheradventure, gained Brorvn the demanding. h fameshesodesired. said. "V'eBrowns areunsinkable," shereponedly toldthepress. Asbigastl q,as ButBrorvn w'as morethananoutspoken socialite. She a philanthropistbuilding. whohada handin improving thesafety requirements anddevices on boas,as Theprodu u'ellastomen'ssuffrage. studiotheater r Gallegos admitted shedidnt havemuchknow'ledge aboutMollyBrown, bigest setsrrb priorto thisrole,but herresearch hasbeenextensive. Howeler, Hetze sherestricts campus. herself from ratching performance the Oscar-nomlrated of Debbie Reynolds in between theot Thethin framedoesn'tseemasthoughit wouldholdsucha loudand the title role of the movie version or Kath.v portrayal in Bates' the movie'litanlc. The Court voice. booming "l wantto bringmyownbitof ongrnality to therole,"shesaid. andszsbuilta "Everyone thinksI fit thepanbecause I havea bigmouthlikethe,v sa,v she Gallegos, aDenver native isasingle motheq afull-time student andsheholds Thery4g did,"saida smilingDebGallegos, plal'ingthetitlerolein l\,[etro's theactress job. part-time "Everviior a She anends Metro on a Displaced Aurarian Scholarship, a full productionTlte springmusical UninhableMolll Broun."NIymomusedto sa,v I scholarship for the families ofthose uprooted to make room for the to learn new campus. aboutt hada microphone in myrhroat." "My grandmother live where used to the South Classroom building is,"she Theplayd< The26-yearold Metrojuniorwalked intothecampus libranitintedlellow so the theaterd sunglasses onherhead,andthesoundof musicin herean.In herriihlkman she said. just "l it, do because I have to," she very says abour her hectic up on a morea schedule. hasa upewithafewof thesongsfromtheshowthatshelistenstowhilewalking She enjoys sharing this new erperience with her familv. Her sons, On I{a4;h' ages four to hernextclas. Sheisveryfocused on hernewrole. 'Molly,"' and sx, help her with her lines, and the three singing area highschoc all love songs from the play "l wassoshocked whenthevcalled andsaidI tas Gallegos said. "l Arehu Sureisafavonte. havealw Shedidnotaudition for thepartinitially,In fact,she abilities She at West draws from Molly Brown rhe dynamic checked thespace marked "anyrole."Sheaudirioned by degree determination persistence in theatr and sheer that keeps singiagan a cappellaversionof "Believe In Yourself," from "lt rvomen's both has bee spirithighin thefaceof advenitv. the musicalTIte Wz, pertormnga rehearseddance ' Thecastof theplayhasbeenrehearsing since her" numberandreading a fewlines. A displayc Jan,29, and will soon begindailv five-hour TheUnstukable Molll Brounisa musical writtenby rehearsals. memorabilia of Meredith WilsonandRichard Morris.lt is anhistoncally"unsin There are pmple The more than 150 worting on basedaccountof the life and tima of Ntargaret Tobin thisproduction, including castmembers, baclstage wanted to crea Brorvn, awomanwhonasreportedly nevercalled'!{olly.' assistants,orchestraand Metro's theater "spunkandvjgr Brown,bornin 1867,wasa poorlrishgirl fromHannibal, "Ve growv department staff Mo. In searchof a husband andluredby the ales of a said. The newlybuilt KennethKingAcademic & prosperous wayof life,shemovedto Colorado, At age19, Performing kts will host production. Center the shemarriedthe31-year-old Brown, a Colorado John.J, Thelhsink Theplaywill be presented in the Eugenia Rawls siherminer. Mthina fervshortyears, theBrowns became 15 16. And tw Cou$,ard Theater wealthy andhadnrochihren.ThenewMrs.Brownsetout Aboveandleft: DebGallegos,who ptaysMolly Brown, teheaEeswfth the cast of Tte atnslnkabte Mo y BrcwnFeb. 27. TheplayopensMarch8 and runsthroughMarch18.

lvlarch2, 2001

The Metropolitanr 1'l

$own story !yElena lialilr !yMelanie Xhotos

r0lr villtestjustwhattheKingCenter cando,"saidMari\'n"Cookie" thechairof theSpeech Communication Depa(menr andsheis heploduction. reissmall," "Wecallit amomandpopoperation, shesaid. but

Markus Warren and Deb Gallegos rohearsatheh rotes as Johnnyand Molly Brown F6b. 27 ln preparatlonfor fhe Unslnkabte Molly Brcwn, whlch opens dlalch 8,

sthechallenge it willpresenr to thestudents' concerning their n this typeof theater, voiceprojection is vitalandmore rregresthemfor performing in varioustypesof venues, she : KingCenteris,themusicalneedsevenmorespacefor set ionisusingthespace in rheArtBuilding, Room271andthe om.Metroproductions tendto havethelargest castsandthe Jfteo shares thetheaterwith thetwootherschools on the :elstheKingCenterisawelcome addition, buthaving to cycle :r schools makes thingsdifficult. rdTheater hasa capacity of 200,theabilityto flyin seuings, r flexiblespace, whichcouldcreatea theaterin theround. rflv[4rch isnationally rcognizedasV,/omen's HistoryMonth. 't isivomen's history month"Heuelsaid."lt'sbeenaprivilege istremendous pioneer." sn'tprovidea true-to-fact tribureto therealNlargaret Brorvn rartment willhand outstud,r' guides fortheaudience tobrush :unteversionof Brown's history. theplayrvillhost"HighSchool Night," a private viewing for r,in aneffonto promote hteresrin thears. s beena performer," saidGallegos, whonunured heracting tighSchool andknewshewouldsethersights onobaining a wonderfrrl to rvatchher grow,"saidHetzel,"l trulyadmire : willbeattheentrance of theCourryard Theater showcasing .ollyBmwnandbitsofAurariahistory. ble"visionis whatthemembers of thetheater depanment . Theessence of MollyBrorvnexemplifies andreflectsthe ' qf theMetrostudents, saidHeuel. h therunof theshowandaredeepened byitsclosing," she

bleMollyBrounwillbeperformed p.m.lr{arch ar7:30 8-10, matinees at2:J0p.m.Marchi1 andMarch17. Practlclngfo? TheUnsinka e no y Brcwn Feb.27,Debcallegos,who playsMolly Brown, beglnsto do her wanDups.The play opens March8 andwlll run throughMarch18.

i I

I I t I

12 / The lietropolitan

li\arch2, 2001



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isin theairNow oldhabits ARIES:Ctrange andemotionsto be swpt awayandpu'll be will situatiors howfastnewande<citing surprised aredratyou'vebeentryingto Chances materialize. from workat thingsalone,stopandgetfeedback others. TAURUS: Duringtheweekyourphpical energywill abound.Usethisnewfoundenergy posibly wellandincludeothersin theactivities, children.Tie up any looseendsand expect rn tin worlplaceto cometo a head. somettring alot Youhave to sharewiththosearoundyou. GElrtlNl: Thereissommnecloseto 1ouin help.Lookaroundpu needof financial despexate closely,this individualmay not be obvious. kelings of trsion will followpu duringthe in aposititeway,It is week.Directthisfieryenergy punelf romantically. agoodtimeto e<press CANCER Tryto mainainyoursunnyspirit deprcsingcircumsunces. in drefaceof seemingly Youcan Dowhatyoucanandtryto stopworrying. youfindyourself domuchtodrangethesituatiom h. Doyourbestto acthiriy,formoneymattenue comingto a head. willflourishif LEO: Anodstingrelationship youtrusttheotherprson completd Thereisa for a newandintenselove.Your realpossibilrty sparkof enthusiasm bringsout thebestin those 'lhis you. opprnrnitycouldpart theway around to moreresponsibliry VIRGO: Youaredoingwellin yourcareer choice,but know1oucouldbe dohg benerif given the chance. That opponunity for aduncement is rightaroundthecomer.Besure youcanmakegoodonpur promises. Thereisan intro6pe$i\rfriendwho rcedspur emotional supportthisweek. LIBRA: Turmoilseemsto be everywhere that a greatdealof this week,Jut remember effectirtly withasmile.It criticism canbedelivered willmakemoresense to ketppeopleonpur side if youcanclunnelyourragein a moredirectway. is. Joycouldbejustashabitformingaspessimism SCORPIO: Youmayhavetheopponuniry withunerpected to investin a creative enterprise moneycomingfrom a hmily memberwho is If arelationship lmkingoutforyourbestinterests. isstarting tryto findwapto tofeelalitdesagnant, increase viuliryorgetout. SAGITTARIUS:It'stimeto takealeadfrom anambitious acquainunce, anduke yourshotat hmeandfonune.Yourlovelifemaybeabitroclry thisweek,so try to accentuate ttrepoitira, It's timeto sewup anylooseends,leaving nostone you untumed as finishup. CAPRICORN:Changado notcomeeasy, butttnsethatmayoccurin yourpersonal lifewill probably bemoreorcepted thanrnost.Quiettrme withhmilywillgrveyouttrcoppomnityto catch upwithothen'lirrs.Vhenpu putyourmindto jrst wlut pu want. it, youcanaccomplish of AQUARIUS: lbu seemto haveactroice patlsto ak. lv{ake suretMt pu arenotachiedng willno srccess atdrecostof ottrers. Suchambition doubtreaprewudsyoumaynotwishfor lt feelsas if you arerunningaroundin circles;ercrything doesnothaveto bedonebythebook. pu PISCES: If youaregettingto atached, areonlyrning younelfup for disappintrnent. Livein thehereandnow,tomonowwillakecare of iaelf Muchofntratyouharcbecnstrivingforis withinyourgrxp, butpu mayharr to counton othento helpyoureachttratg@1.

14 l TheMetropotitan March2, 2001


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lvlarch2, 2001

Metro lqkes three of foul t.

Ko'Mlrunners wtn

together asa team,"seniorTim Uhlssaid. the Rams'hitting in check for the "Vinningagainsta goodteamlike that is remainder of thegame. ,f. TheRoadrunners' hitting,on theother seniorJack Edwards said thecomeback hand,wascomingaroundat precisely the Senes IfOm fe&OnAl righttime.A luckytwo-runhomerun from Edwards in thebonomof thefifth put the into wins good teams. against Roadrunners downiust6-4. " "l had two strikeson me, and I just before, Much like the day the final two AdamDunivan gamesof the serieswere very different wantedto put the ball in play,"Edwards D.Ietctcnon from each other. Vhile one was an said,"l reallyjust got luckyon the next offensive enplosion of sorts,the othersaw pitch." Last weekend'sfour-gameseries hitscomefewandfarbetween. wasfullyachieved Thecomeback in the teamandTexas between theMetrobaseball jumped TexasVesleyan on senior sixthwhen,with oneout andtwo runners IfiesleyanUniversitywas billed as a starter Caleb Parmenter, rvho struggled a on base,Uhlsconnected againoff Gerold stickto seejust whatthe team measuring bit with consistency. TheRams scorednvo for hissecondhomerunof thegame. maydo thisyear "l wasjust trying to hit it into the runsin thesecond andincreased theirlead After all, it wasTexasVesleyanwho to 5-0witha three-run homerunfromright outfieldsomervhere," Lrhls said,"andI lust earnedthe fourth and final spot in the fielderAndrewlvladey gotmypitch." in thethird. Tournament in 2000, NCM Vest Regional Withoneoutin thebotrom of thethird, Uhls finishedthe game2-for-3,two withMetrofinishing fifth. theRoadrunners began a mildcomeback as runsscored and4 RBl. In the first meetingbetweenthe two Uhlsputa DerekGerold changeup overthe Cummings allowed teams,Metroearnedthree victoriesand leftfieldfence. hits in the top of tlo provedthey could seemore gameswell Parmenter lcfr in the fifth inningafter the seventh, but is over. aftertheregularseason facingnvo batters, and wasreplaced by preserued the rvin for Aftersplitting a Feb.25doubleheader, Steve[:rrs.Parmenter finished the theRoadrunners. lunior Metrowon8-6and2-1Feb.26,in games gameallowing sixruns.allsixearned. and Offense rvas not thatrverecharacter builders. struck out six Ram hitters. evident in the second "Afterlosingthefirstone,re justcame Jason Ash Foxandclassmate EricCummings held 8ame, astnetwoteams combined foronlyninehitsandthreeruns what was evident,however,was the extraordinarv effonof juniorJasonAshon themoundfortheRoadrunners. .r {' Ash,who wasusedas a relieverlast .vear,got his first careerstart for the Roadrunners. HeshowedheadcoachVince rvhathehadseenin theoff-season Porreco andpractices: improvement inbothcontrol andtechnique, Aftergivingup an unearned run and two hits in the first inning,Ash then dominated thelineupwhichscored 20runs in the previous threegames. He allowed threehits,walked twoandstruckoutfivein the remainingsix inningsto give the Roadrunners theirfifth win of theseason. For his teammates, the performance wasmuchneededas the lackof offense keptthegametightuntiltheend. "[Ash]shorved a lot ofconfidence anda lot of poiseon themound," Porreco said. "Hereallyhadcommand of thegameand weneededthatperformance." SaidUhls:"Hestepped up for us in a big gameandthat'swhatwe'regoingto needfromthewholepitchingstafffor the restof theseason." Accordingto Porreco,althoughthe season is )'oung,thewinswerecrucialin puttingtheteamon therighttrackin the region. "Froma regional standpoint, it put us up rvherewe needto be this earlyin the season," The Roadrunners will be haveone moreseriesat home,againstNebraskaAdamHousern an/tlc llclropolilon Omaha, on lt{arch2-3,beforegoingon the Roadrunneroutfielder Jack Edwards ducks out of the way from a wild pitch during roadto facethe University of Norrhern a game Feb. 26 against Texas.Wesleyan.Metro won both games of the double for nvogameson l\,larch Colorado 6.

an :'Tj::',.ff'ffi['i;l.i,J1:':H: foeTexas-Veslqt


header.8-6 and 2.1. The Roadrunnerswon three of four games from the Rams.

The MetropolitanI 15

Melro, Wesleyon split openel CorriganWitlis |lc]fopdlor

@ight almostranout at AurariaFreldFeb,25 beforethe Roadrunnencould get a win against V/esternREgional foe TorasVesleyan,Metrodid, nunage to splitin drcopening doublelreader however, series of thefour-game beforethesunwentdown. TheRamsoustedMetrofor the fourthandfinal regionalplayoffspot in the last week of the Roadrunners' 2000season,and that didnt go when unnoticed lookingaheadto theseries. "V/e talkedabout it," said headcoachVhce "lt wasin the backof my mindandthe Forecco. (returningplavers) mindttut theymadeit in frontof u5." Despite thoughaof rwengefor theRoadrunners, the Ramsdrewfint bloodof the serieswirha 12-7 gameone rvin. BryceGehlenpitchedgame Seniorside-armer one for Nletroon jusrfour daysrest, Gehlenwas givingup fiverunson roughedupearlybytheRams, fivehitsin thefirsthning,rncluding a trrorunhome runbyknceNewton, Metrodidnt answer. Rams sanerTyLowestruck outseven Roadrunner hittersin thefirstfourinnings, game andstranded eightbaserunners in a complete victory, Merrorored onerunin thefirstfiveinnings and didn'tbustoutoffensively untilthesixthrnnrng when ChadConzalez linedatwooutgrand-slam overtheleft field nall, cuttingthe leadto 10-5. The Rams responded in thetopof theseventh, scoring twomore runsandupping theleadto 12-5. 11hitscamein thelast Seven oftheRoadrunner's wo innings. TylerVbods,NathanLavernzand GonzlezledMetrowithtwohitseach, goodpitching, Game twoshowcased extrainnings anda nalkoffbasehit byMetro'sJack Edwar&in the lateafternoon wilight. TimPriceandTimNeelycombined onatlree-hit, victoryto holdoff theRams.In hisfi$t nine-inning startasa Roadrunner, Pricestlrniedthe Ramsbas early,holdingthemhitlessforthefirstfourinnings. "l qasrealorcitedformyfirstsan,"Pricesaid."l wasableto getusintopositionto winandNeelyshut thedoor" Merro's TimUhlsdoubledin thefifthinningand laterscoredon a sacrifice flvbythereddotGonzkz, whohadalready doubhdin Mero'sfirsttworunsin thethirdinning. A two-runhomerin thesixthinningbylowe,the Rams' designated hinerandgameonewinneron the moundgavethe Ramsa 43 Wad.lowe'sblastonto Auraria Parlcway madewayforNeely, ntropitchedfour hitlas,shutoutinningsin earningthevictory '(Neely)was pumpingstrikeswith all three pitches," pitchingcoachAnthony Gutierrez uid. Neelygavethe Roadrunners' offensechances in game. theseventh, eighthandninthinningstowinthe In the ninth,Edwards finallycapitalized off of relief pitcherJustin Clereland withagame-winning single to right fieldthat emptiedthe Roadrunner dugoutto greet JarodSrulzathomeplate. washappyrviththervh,butsaidtheteam Porreco rvasstillmakhgroutinemistakes. Despire committing serenerrorsontheday,Metroacapedwiththesplit.

16 t TheMetropotitan

March2, 2001

?oR TheMSCDBoardof Publicationswill be acceptingapplicationsfor the 200L-2002 editor of the award winning student literary and artsmagazine...

This is a paid position. The editor is responsiblefor the content of the magazine. Duties include managing the student staff and working with the production staff on the physical make-up of the magazine.This position begins Fall semester2001.

elections6reFerendums SG,A Eledionswill heheldApril24, ml.

onthiscampus U*canmaleadifference positions: - ,. b **ing foroneofthese ,

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March2, 2001

The Metropolitan/ 17

Metto qdvqnces to RMACsemi'finqls it lookedlikeKellyrvas lions(15-11), Mountain behindthe gameof H-O-R-S-E playinga personal llc O.frcgolt n line.Hehitfromeveryangleandtwice three-point and fromdistances Theycameout high-flyng,rim-rattling of 25feet. for theUnivenity but unfortunately "Oncehe ges started,man,thereis no shotrtcrdring, nobodykeeps stoppinghim," saidteammate Springs, LukeKendall. at Colorado of Colorado pregame warm-ups. during istot'ardJoe "Vhenhegeshotourwholeoffense trackofstatistics because theywere jrstsohecanshootit andputit down." "lt caughtme off'guard, said anddunking," jokingaroundin warm-ups Kellvhad15poinsonftvethree Byhalftime, Kelly."l didn'tknowwhatto think pointers MeuoguardJoe comingoffthebenchasMetrotatk a42' of it. I dont knowif theywereloosein agoodway 32lead,V/henKellyhil rwomorethree-pointers, we arenot thistimein thesecond half,theMounainLions or a badway.But thafs something by forcng*re ballout of his reallywoniedabout." finallycounteracted V/henthe realgamestarted,the Mountain hands, downto earthunderMetro's Lionscamecrashing Alongwith Kelly's21poinsNo problem. - fiveotherRoadrunnen Roadrunners the as shooting, and soliddefense on 7o[10 shooting victory kb. 27 to a 10035 coasted scoredin doubledigits, 'tfith the win, Metro (20-6).the twotime "Eve4,6n.is unselfshon this team,"said RockyMountainAthleticConferenceKendall,r'ho scored22 pints, including3of4 defending of the shooting adrancedto the semi-finals champions, frombehindthearc."Weknowwhoto Mam Houseman/llcLt cfclfu|t play will top they where RMACtoumament, goto andutrentogoto them." whocreated Freshman guardLukeKendallis on the defenseagEinsta cllcolorado spdngsgaurdin Fortflap StateUniversity Fulcher, seeded ThentherewasRashawn Q34) ar 3:30 of Denver's spacein thepaint,scored17pontsandgrabbed Metro's1dI85 win overthe Universityof Coloradoat ColoradoSPdngs. p.m.March2 at the University Gym. Hamilton Smithslithered FointguardClayton sirrebounds. toleadthe fieldandhit 10outof 14three-pointers. 23points Simponscored "lt'sgoingto bebilledasonehellof a game, passesinsideto a cuttingKaneOakleliwho Quincey Heck,bringon Kentuc$ BringonFonHa1s, coulddo Lions, butthel'isiton'defense solet'sgofor it," MetrocoachMikeDunlapsaid. finished rith 16poinsandthreeblock forMetro Ir{ountain whohavebeenin big before "Ve'vegota lot of players out,whileSmithhadl0 poinrand litde to slorvdownMetroas the RoadrunnersVesleym. fouling "Wetelookingto playanltrody,anyrvhere, leadsof ninepoints,12 to comforrable sowe'llakethat." games Lee cruised before, (a newcareerhigh).l\{eanwhile, 10assists at thissageof the )sar,"Dunlapsaid. anfime points. poins, as 17 andashigh who'snotlikelyto panicunderthe Betheadrove.stopped, Oneplayer shotanddroppedin 12 just "Vle're tuppyto bealive." the shot56 percentfrom TheRoadrunners playisKelly.,gainstthe poins, presureof championship


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18 l TheMetropotitan

fttarch2, 2001

monthfrom 6-7:30pm. Freeand ever1,oneis welcome.For moreinformation, callQ03)520-30%.

Is America Mahtng YouFat? - Learn how to fightbackwith Dr.JamesHill in theTivoli# 320AB& C from12-1:30pm. Snaclswill be oroyided.

The Case of the Broken BasebaU 12 STEPMeetings On Campus - M Bat: Vlomen, Citizenship and Meetings on Tiresdays from & Thursdays Violence- Dr LindaKerber, professor of 12-1pm in theAurarialtbrary#205. For historyat the University of Iowawill dismoreinformation, callBilli ^t (303)556MSCD Synphony Orcbefira - The cussthe Gwendolyn Holt jury service 2525or (303)322-4440. MSCDmusicdepartmentpresentsthis caseof 1957and connectit with the Voicesof A{rica - Thisamazingdrumfree concert.It will includeBarber's ViolenceAgainstlJflomen Act. Meetsin ming group focuseson the traditional AL-AI{ON.Meeton Wednesdays in the Adagiofor Strings,Mozart'sSinfonia Tivoh#640 from 1-2:1Jpm. For more drummingsryleof Africa.Meetsin the AurariaLibrary#205 from 12-1pm. For Concertante, and Dvorak'sSymphonv information,call(303)5564830. TivoliTurnhalle at 1lam.Formoreinformoreinformation,callBilli ^t A$)556-8048. No.8 in G Major.It startsat7:30pmin the mation,call(303)555 252Jor Q03)32r-8788. King Centerconcerthall. For informa- Emerging Rolesfor Women in the tion,call(303)556-4584. New lllillenniurz - As womenembark Loae uitb a Rul.er- I(rhatdoesil mean MSCDStudent GooernmerrtMeetlng on the joumeyinto the 22ndcentury, to be intersexed? director CherylChase, - Getinvolvedwith studentgovernment will theyarefacedwithuniqueopponunities of the lntersexSocietyof America, everyThursday from3:30-5:30pm in the join this discus- answerthis questionanddiscussissues Please and challenges. Senate Chambers, Tivoli#329.Formore new roles sion about that areemerging suchas genitalmutilation,facinginterinformation,c:.ll003)555-3312. for womenin Tivoli#651 from 3-4pm. sexedindividuals. Meetsin St. Francis Women Rulers and Warriors in (303)5i6- Centerfrom 2-3pm.For moreinformaFor more information, call Trutb Btblc Stud.yJrom a Messianir Ancient Cultures: Did Xena Eeist?tion, call Q03)555-6333. 31J2. this asshepresents Jewisb Perspectlae- Nlarewelcometo JoinDr.BellaVivante and lecturein Tivoli #320 A&B from 10ioin in Tivoli #542 Ylednesdays Interuieuing Skilk - Reviervth inter- Resumestbat Work - Leam how to Thursdays from 3-4pm.For moreinfor- 10:50am. A luncheonto followin Tivoli viewingprocessin CN #203 from 12- write an effectiveresumein this free mation,callReuben at (30T355-2009. #440 and #540. Classes arewelcome. 2pm.Freeto MSCDstudents. Toprereg- workshopfor MSCDstudents. Meetsin Forinformation, c ll O03)it6-3113. -3pm. ister and for more information.call CN#203from1 Toprereerster and SMARTRecoaery- A non-traditional moreinformation, call(303)556-3664. $0ri56-3664. addictionrecovery8roup,meetsat the DenverMainUbrary,13th& Broadway, on the lst and 3rd Tuesdayof every

trom$7 Summer opportunities starting


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The MetropolitanI 19

lviarch2, 2001


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