Volume 23, Issue 24 - March 16, 2001

Page 1


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2 / TheMetropotitan

March16, 2001




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rvl *tIl 1 i{--


COMPANIES IilTERVIEWII{G FORMEDIGAT POS|T|ONS OitLY: Aetna U.S. Healthcare Banfleld lhe Pet Hospltal Deveroux Cleo Wallace Exempla Hcalthcare Mckesaon HBOG l{ew We3t Physlcans Unlverslty of Cololado Hospltal COMPAilIESI1{?ERVIEWII{G FORTECHNICAL POS|T|ONS OilLY: Hile Pot€ntlal lTl lnforrnation TochnoloEy Instltute l{et Llbrary Oxford lane, lNC. Cortlfied lI TraininglCerter ProceaaContlol Consultants. ll{G The Woment's Collogo Viawsst lntcrnet Seryices, INC Wide Open West Aml lllore!!





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Thelvletropolitan/ 3

Assistam Director of the Tivoli Jeff Stamper looks at the rePair of the parapet on tie mrth wall on the f-rvoli roof. The angle iron used to support the lilting wall cost the Tivoli $16,(x)O as opposed to the $6O,fi)O it uould cost to repair the wall by removiqg and replacing eacfi brick. kott gnettrertlL f*recncr

Hikein feesto help fix buildings according since1992, studenr feeshavenotbeenincreased Novembeq SACAB report, to the |t.f.br.no. is expected to garneranestimated feeincrease Thenewstudent to an fees'according persemester io studentfees $],1$llion peryearmorethantheold student Theestimated $1.2millionincrease willbeusedoverthenext10years MF'Cestimate' thissemester thatwasimplemented for bringingback alsoareearmarked Thestudentfeeincreases to repairtheTivoli,theChildCareCenterandthePE/EventCenteron and student community Pool Hall' pfograms, such as sigi's arnusement Aurana campus. SACAB reported' tobudgetcuts, services thatweresacrificed feesare expectedto coverrhe estimated The increased $13.9 proposal to turn someof the unusedracquetball is a There also said burltin 1AZO, millionneededfor theTivoli,whichwasoriginallv weightroomsto help Elents Center intoadditional in PEl courts the Center. forAuraria HigherEducation spokesman Curtlfliedeman, weightroomssaidNewman ofthe current with the overcrowding to need$1.5millionandthe Thechildcarebuildingis expected an to choose areexpected Campus buildings of Auraria Managers ln addition, for improvement PVEvents Centerwill require$7d0,000 . repairs on somebuildings construction firmto supervise architectural $2 mi ion will be neededfor the repairof lquipmentusedin the to signa leasefor rhevacant is erpected A new tenant campus. at the viedemansaid. operation ofthebuildings, in theTivolibytheendofMarch' In July,staffhom Auraria'sdivisionof auxiliaryand business movietheater bidson the project' firmsthatsubmined Of the 16architectural thatshowsthe for therepairs prepared a preliminary estimate services saidA thenumberto six'Wiedeman proce-ss narrowed Centerneedt18.i theinterview Tivoli,the ChildCareCenterandthe PE/Events to be madeby the hired is expected is to be which firm on decision Viedeman said. millionin repairs andmaintenance, budgetreportoutliningcostsfor repair of and endof Marchanda complete maintenance theroof,windows TheTivolineedsrepairand beforethestartof thesummer is expected priorities includingthe heatingandair andreplacement Mechanical systems, exteriorpainting. sesslon, nesalo Thefirewillbereplaced. conditioning systems, I rr to I according systems willalsobereplaced, safery I

EdwardB. Wnslow



#T:#:tr"-.i#l',J:#frifletlnis is somethingthat neededto be done.AlS0'year'old and electrical io include Center areexpected


iS gOing

plumbingrepairsalong with upgradesto areaat playground Therecreation equipment. Anothu budgetproblemwasthe lossof AMCEntenainment and electricalsystems center needsmechanical the pE/Events theTivoli's12-screen whichoccupied tenant, corp.,theTivoli'slargest reponed. sACAB,s document repaired, foot square 25,000 leaving the inJune, moved out ,,This AM^C movie theater to bedone.A 150-yearold building thatneeded issomething said per year in rent' paying Jeffrey $500'000 is going to show some age," said Emily Newman,a SnCai spaceemptyAMC.was Union' ofthe Tivoli Student director assistant Stamper, "Ve wantto do it rightandmakeit last." repfusentative. monthswitha havebeenunderwayforseveral Lease negotiations Auruia studentsvoted875 to 270 in favorof In November, peryear to pay$300'000 whichisexpected Starz'4ncore, incrvuingrhestudentfeesfrom $39.50to $58per student.AHEC newtena,nt, month' the a lease within to sign is expected StazlEncore showthat in the fall of 1999therewereatmost3Z,OOOin rent statistics votedfor in viedemansaid' Priorto the increase at the AurariaCampus. students

tO ShOW SOme


Emily Newman Student Advisory Committee to the Auraraa Board

March16, 2001

4 I The lletropotitan

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9 people running for 12 spots on SGA wouldstepup representation in allareas members of allMetrostudents curentcommittee positions withinthestudent of the campuscommuniryas well as to andrunforactual receive, investigate andtakeactiononstudent SOVernment. concernsand problems.The Vassilarm saidthereis no competitioncomplaints, There are fust nine students,all year, with the article with exception states the purposeof the student the election this runningfor 12of the alailable uncontested, government She posible in candidate. also said elected officialsis to providean write spots on Metro's StudentGovernmentof a ticketwouldstill officialvoicethroughwhichstudentopinions, the StudentEmpowerment asemblythisyear. duringthe concerns andideasmaybeexpressed. campaign candidacy for their of rheSGAofiicers Thsyear,theelection 2{. of debatesthis year, the April Instead election scheduled for willbeonefor thebook. Therearenoheated is more commission had optedfor a "Meetyour "The point voting for the of ateachother's issues thathavethecandidates



'There are no passionateissuesthat makestudents

wanrto run,"said want to run (for Student make students



chairman,Brian ElectionCommission Brian Gies,Election Commission Chairman "l dothinkit isunfortunate." Gies. youlikeand StudentGovernment Candidates" day.The A hrniliarticketwill run againthis year, studentsto votefor a candidate at 12:30 p.m March 26, that they is to be held on show the administration care about event whichwonsixof the StudentEmpowerment, Vassilaros in theMulticultural Lounge in theTivoli. said. The issues," in the2000election. 12posiblepositions government race purpose campus Voting for the student The on is to act as ofSGA ticketwill be headedby the curent Student year. studens will via the Intemet agin this a liaison between the the be done and Assembly President, Stefanie Government t0fithin the Onlinevotingwasfirst implemented in the Vassilaros, whoalsowonhercurrentposition administrationof Metro. garnering 522votesfrom a asa memberof the SrudentEmpowermentconstitution of the Metro Student 2000election, population Government it states in IV, student of nearly 17,000. Assembly, article ticket in last yearselection.Alongwith "ensure purpose that for the incoming the of the assembly is to The terms elected Vassilaros will be returningVicePresident of participation L maximum student in the Metro offrcers will begin Nlay AffainandStudentEmpowerment Academic "Ve arehopingthattherurnout is big," and policydevelopment that Farmer. whowillrunfor the governance member. Candace directly or indirectly affects students, hereafter Gies acontested racewouldhelp said."Having position. Boardof Trustees 'sharedgovernance'." (the voter referred to as It also turn out), in lieu of that we are manager for the LaurenBradie,campaign is to ensurefair goingto dowhatwecanto bringa turnout." ticket,saidseveral statesthat the assembly StudentEmpowerment

Backpackstolenfrom library wasreportedmising fromthe A backpack Auraria Libraryl{arch2. JasonHopkins,reponedtMt his backpack wastakenfroma studyubb on thefirstfloorof theAurariaUbrary.ln the report,Hopkinssaid at his study unattended he left his belongings ofthelibrary.Iilhen tablelocatedontheeastside he returned,his thingsweregone,fie report said.Hopkinsreponedlosingone large,dirty, with variouspersonalitems greenbackpack, enclosedin the pack,raluedat 1100.He also reponedmissingone black shoulderpack estimatedat $20,dong with threetocbook; raluedat f200,onebrowndaytimerwonhf50, a smallredSwisarmyknifewluedat f 20,anda wonh110. blackminimagflashlight,

Digitatcameramissing Adigialcamera wasreponedmissing bythe ActivitiaofficeFeb.20. . MetroStudent DavidJohnson,a MetroStudentActMties reportedthecamera misingto officeemployee, theAurariaPolice.Theblackandsihercamera, at a valueof $300,belongedto the estimated MetroStudentActivitiesofice, in Tircli room to 105E.Thecamerais usuallykept,according storage bin,but therepon,in a lockedorerhead mayhavebeenoutonashelf,thereportsaid. Thecameracouldhavebeenmising for a wasoften longerperiodof timesincethecamera usedby the officesaf or other surounding offices,the repon said.The camerawasnot reportedmisinguntila checkbyofficestaffwas hadthecamera in conducted to seeif anyone theirpossesion, thereponsaid.

Bikeand lock missing A University of Colorado at Denverstudent reportedhisbikemissing Feb.7. The student,VesleyMcNun,saidin the policereponthathe hadparkedhisgrayJamis 21sponmountainbikeat the northeast corner of the North ClasroomBuilding.Upon his return,hefoundhisbikeandcablecombination lockmissing, the reportsaid.Totalralueof the at| 620. bikeandlockisestimated


Backpack stotenfromlibrary

Honoringthe memory.


Universityof Coloradoat Denver student Amy webber, stops to look at the "Clothesline" project designed by Auraria students to rememberthe victamsof domestic violence in the Tivola, March 14. The t shirts were hung as part of Margo Green Domestic Violence Awareness Week. Mam Housernan/ Itc lctrcpcltco


A lockerin thePV EvensCenterwasfound by the tenantto be forcedopen and the personal student's belongings wereremoved on Feb.5. RasoolMccray,a Metro studentplaced variousitemsinto his locker,No. 606,and attended class,thereponsaid.Uponhisreturn fromclassMccRav foundhislockerto havebeen forcedopenandhistwoto<tbook,andcashto bemissing, thereponsaid.Totalestimated value of stolenitemsis$ i27.50.

6l The|letropotitan

lrlarch16, 2fl)l

7 -ni.,:_i*,*= i.l

Mqrch 27,200 1

| | qm r 2pm * Tivoli Turnhqlle Designedto encouragerespectfuland informative dialogues about the culturesof others Opportunitiesto learnabout: . CulturalTraditions . CulturalValues . CulturalNorms . StudyAbroadOpportunities . FormingStudentCulturalOrganizations

Festivalwill include: . CulturalBooths . CulturalFoods . Prizes

Aurorocompusfoculty,stoff,ondstudents oreinvitedto ottendthiseventot no chorge.

For more informotion,cqll (303l'556-4044 MSCD CounselingCenterDiversityProject Respect- Dialogue- Knowledge Spoasored5y:/V|SCDDiversi|y|ni|iativesProgrom,rl4SCDPeerEducq}1onProgrom,GlBrSfdenfServiceso|Avrorg,HeohhCen}ero|A *ISCD Student Judtciol Office, *15CD Studenl Publicolions, ond UCD Sludent Activilies


i r...



lrtarch 16, 2fi)1

I ; : i I ' r rr : r ' J ] l


The Metropolitan r 7

Outstanding womensought

AdamHcrseman/flc lctopclilca Commitment to education Metro senior,CatherineAlire is comfortedby her sonRamonduringthe Studentsto WatchawardscetemonyMarch14 in St, Francis'scentermainroom. Alire is a HumanServicesmajorfocusingon domesticviolence,Theawardsceremonywas heldto honornine studentswho haveovetcomedifficult life circumstances andshowa commitmentto e4rcationandthe community.

l/ourott-',*,=:;:tt U



Thedeadline for nominations for the 2001 Outsunding Women Awards isApril2. The Institutefor Vomen'sStudiesand Services is spoosoring the awardto honor womenat Metroand to supportthe Pamela Mclntyre-Marcum Fund. Scholarship Alumnae, facultymembers, adminisrrators, curent studentsandclasiliedsaff mayall by nominated. Lettersof nominationshould include: background informationon the individual, toward evidence of leadership andcontributions enhancing women'seducation,evidenceof academicexcellence or prominencein a parricular if nominating field,yearof graduation analumnae or current student, details of specific achievements, name,address andphonenumber of nominator Submit nominationsto: Institute for women'sStudies AttentionAwards andServices, Committee, CampusBox 36,P.O.hx 171362, Denver, 80217-3362. For more information, call CherylSipeor -8441. Tm Tullar303-5i6

UoMIM GL[]B NDYOUR Student organizati ons, do vou needmoneyto:

supposed to pay for

The Sludent Travel Program is a unique student fee-funded proEramthatenablesMSCDdudentsand MSCDSludenlOrEanizalions for lhe and Clubsto participateat regionaland nalionalconferences students. andeducalionalenrichmenl of all MSCD academic

L t ,.t/,' /./d"" ,,n,t ,t? SI^^, oPleasestop by our office,Tivoli 3u, and pick up the studentTnvel ProposalPacket.The StudentTnvel Prognm funds transportalion, (ona caseby' erpenses,and lodgingexpâ‚Źnses conferenceregistralion casebasis).Youcancall us at (303t 556-'l+35for further information. oThe StudentTrdvelCommitleeand the Dircctorof StudentTravâ‚Źl proposals reviewall completed and decideon how muchfundingto awardeach proposal.The StudenlTravelPrognmOfficewill inform you of the fundingdecisionand will work with you in makingyour travelarrangemenls.

TheStudenlTravelProgramI TV3ll | (3031556-+{35

The Club Funding Committee (CFC) is here for you every Tuesdayfrom lO-llam. Tiresday, March 27,2OOl Tivoli #329 (Sen'rte Chambers) 1O-11am

To be eligible, your club must: . Be a recognized MSCD Club . Submit a CFC proposal Pick-upCFCproposalsandschedulesfrom Tivoli #305or the Club Hub Tivoli #346,Kiosk#1lC. Submitproposals to theClubAccountant in Tivoli #305by 5pm,the Fridaybeforethe naxt CFCmeeting.



8 r The Metropolitan


The Metropotitan/ 9

March16, 2001

Powerof mobileInternetslowlye-merges consensus among than a dollar,saidone Denvertechnology palmoftheirhand. Sountilthereis an industry consumer enthusiasm Gnerally,increasing on the developer."Mostpaymentsystems Lucent, such as manufacturers, component n f.fo cn n integrators will manufacturen system have force and which usually credit cards, proges Internet require of mobile EricsonandMotorolathe U.S,users up dwelopment. Until then, to speed remainsomewhatstagnated,a minimumchargerequirement.Ve have Mostcellularphoneusersin NorthAmerica lnternet will powerof a paymentsolutionthatwill enable willonlvbeableto envythehand-held hasagreedon GSM,the existingglobal developed arejusthappyto geta signal,but usersinJapan Europe purchase their oveneas counterparts. you pay parting small items, for and to communication. mobile for purchase gazeintobrilliant airline sundard colorscreens, dialing themeterorthe bysimply issueis the suchasasoda, the standards Complicating groups, allontheir tickesandjoinonlinedating rvithyourmobilephone." machine Evenif manufacturersvending arebusytalking problemwithbandwidth. mobilehandset.Whileanalysts the mobile In additionto micro-payments, withoutsometype a standard, theri are wereto settleon aboutthe dotnfallof e{ommerce, will most appealing to studens. will Internet be sptem, mobile surfers wireles somewhoassertit hasn'tevenstartedyet and of broadband able students being to join envision waiting, andrvaiting, andwaiting Developers findthemselves theymightberight. If groups,registerandpay TbeMetropolitanstrivesfor accuracy, discussion Rightnorv,mobilesurfersin the interactive threeverycritical lor information. Consumers haveembraced contact Sean please you mistake, spot a purchase aswellasordertranscripts, rates forclasses, thathavehelpedto U.S,generallycan surf at connection in technology dwelopments Weaverat303-5i5-8353 pay student fees right fromthe lj kilobytes bools, tickets and bem'een and anpvhere 9.6 shapea comingnew wireles economy,the ranging and MP3files. persecond. Internet,cellulartelephones market awaits an Butallisnotlost.A viable theymaynot appearto be profound Singularly, younger audience. The rncreasingly and anxious . but whencombinedtheyare the contenders, goods and content such as for the marketfor digital catalyst for anentirelynewmarketplace newmusic,weatherreports, restmintreviews, newsandinformation. saleof music, and movietickesiserploding. traffic repors of 1999JapansNTTDoCoMo ln February thatthemajority strategiss suggest Market launchedits i-modemobiledaa service,a userswill be comprised contentdeliverysystemthatpushesthird-party of mobileInternet students and youngbusines largely of and contentsuchas news,music,restaurant It'sa simple calculation: professionals the marketcommodity is and that to almoet14million information entertainment primed. via a growingnumberof Web- already subscribers "Contentis many things,"said Andy enabledphonesand personaldigitalassailants officerCAPGemini, Mulhollan, chieftechnology (PDAs).Itls becomea culturalphenomenon payment in recent Internet conference. UK a almot overnightin Japanand accordingto a "lt's information, films, all of media, boola, reponin Ara lWk, nked in morethan$3.6 whichcanreadilybe movedaroundbecause millionin aboutsixmonths. in anelectronic format." havereadilyembnced thevarealready BothEurop and,Asia publisher of inThe StrategisGroup,a mobile phone technologybecauseof its proiecs global reports, relativelyquick serviceactivation. Both depthmarketresearch mobile revenues to reach$37,8 e{ommerce lengthywaits Europeans andkians experience grow billion in 2002 and to nearly billion $140.2 in to havea stardardwirelinephoneinstalled is which billion in 2004, of approximately $32,4 stemfromincreasing theirhome.Theproblems alone. anributed to NonhAmerica populations andan agingtelecommunications what's in us? So, it for infrastructure unableto handlethe growing Vhenit getshere,a lot. Rightnowthere demand o[itscustomers. working serrral consortiums of companies are IHt tMPACI0ftXPtil5E50l{ PtBf0SMAittE in managing a Ihe equation iseasy. Lowerexpenses In the UnitesStates,howeveqthere are interesting new fundcanequalbetterperformance. disagreements amongmarketplayersregarding together to develop Intemet technology. applications for mobile protocolstandards.Industry communication thatmobile Perhaps thebiggestadvantage suggest the confruionresultsfrom a o(perts Howmuch?Jusltakea lookatthechan.Thencallus. highlycompetitiwma*et thathasproduceda Internet technologyhas over "desktop' youa free,easy-to-use We'llsend expense calculator so numberof newmobiledevices, allof lnternettechnologyis its abilityto process signilicant yourselfthat your pu canseelor nomatlerwhal withltluesless or palments whichhaveproblems workingwitheachother micropayments,


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10rThe Metropolitan

March16, 2001

Toxeswon't be the only Cut to say It mightbeanunderstatement thereis nothingmoresacredthandeath and taxes. especiallvin the new PresidentGeorgeW, adnrinistration. Bush'svigilantstrategyto repaymillions of Americanshard earnedmoney,has as created thedeathof theUnitedStates it. u'eknow in tar changes Therecentproposed Congressmust be viewedagainstthe will make effectthebudgetadlustments in governmentalservices,st"tchas education,helathcare and research, defense, and security is endless. list transportation...the will impactall suppofiive Thesechanges services we expect fron the governmem. palcheck or A savings in yourweekly bottom line may 1.11.., additional Vhat are,vou in the beginning. dollars, windfall of money? goingto do u'iththis givingperhaps?Vith so Charitable many Americansfaced with the davtoday decisionsto keep their families nioney theadditional intact,it'spossible mightgo to savingsfor their childlen's collegeeducation. Of course,this freedomfrom the governmentmay actuallymean the governmentcould reducethe numberof federalstudent wisely. thatmone-v Ioans,so manage A few peoplewill, of course,invest refundsin a newhealthcarefacility.So dont worry about a need for on aging government fundsfor research we or longtermcare.Thisis something will no longer need and could do without. Besides,it will save the government money. haveprosperedin a long Arnericans services historyofcountingon collective fromthecoffersof our nation.Vhether youfeelthecountryis headingin a good direction,it is clear to me Bush is lookingto serveonlyhalfa nation. It is my understanding the role of government to acton behalf issupposed people, for thosecitizens and of all its who do not receivea tax cut the questionis, what will theY receive instead?

Karen E. Gerdine GuestColumnist



Gqme of love goes techno

that I wouldhare withoutthe orpectation "Lovein an nsunt message." It would patter-crash-boom, it to bea magical I while. expect to himfora Youonly builtif I wereta.lking makea goodsong,don't1'outhink? seeloveon thewebeverytimeyousignin to eventwith angelsholdingharps,playingthe srveetmelodyof in andflowers rersionof RommandJuliet...thesmelloffreshstrasbenies checkyourmail.Themillennium's (which much say doesn't hrgh I have ocpcations air. . . ahhh, the anageoldtopic, I'm sure,but bearwith me of for my argumentaboutexpectations Thefunnythingis,sincethebeginning this rend in the worldof meetingpople here!)Isn't it fun to rvatcha person'shcial expresionswhen theirbody Râ‚Źema Al-Omarl uticles they'rearoundyou?Isn'tit fun to watchandanatyze I'vereadnumerous overtheInternet, staff cdumnist voice combined their you? it fun to hsar Isn't language towarcls dating thatlabelthispracticeof usingonline have it m a picture isn't fun "unhealthy." Yet,everytimeI go t0 withfacialapresions And,bestof all, to meetsomeone, services of themthatyoucanframe,ratlrerthanoneon a dbkl checkmye-mail,there'sanadfor anonlinedatingseMce. pu go aregoodonesto askyounelfwhen Allof thesequestions "SurtYourSearch It's not an ad talking Nowl"anadscreams. those asked I bet that anyore like Kiss,com. or discountbooks...it's an ad for onlineanduseservices computers, aboutdiscount "Yes! Yes" to allofthem. wouldanswer Yes! Kiss.com, anonlinedatingswice.Youcanjustfill in theblanls questions andl'm nottryingto saythat I'm nottryingto judgeanybody, with your mousefrom the drop downmenu."l am a woman, onlineis a badthing.Itk not.In hct,I feelthatit someone Tothinkyoucanfind meeting Iookingfor a man,"it's assimpleas1-2-1. people to meetpeopletheyn'ouldnever a chance yoursoulmateafterfillingin thefieldsfroma dropdormmenu givesmanyshy of,"isthat if it werein penon.Butthencomatheproblem approach online... theageof technology, person t'mulkingto?OriustHotBunsl16T?" thegenuine Mrat has this world cometo? I realizethere are many really at thatbegins panofareladonship I feel dangerous Above the met all, after the couple relationships thatharedeveloped romantic To be emo$ons. pan involvei the that like, is the onein a million. Kis.comandthe meetings areprobably online,butfiosechance to drainlnu in every in personis enough in thoseemotions in a chatroom,by tangled started relationships have these Sometrmes what theotherprson is rvondering you're consuntly way, gotten because know other to each chance, afterthetwohavetalkedand n'hatthepenon's knowing Add not feeling about or thinking first, 1'ou, asfriends andl'ou'vegot things, when say srveet just they are happento facialexpressions It's one thingto go inroa chatroomand rtry pmsibly it's dme butonlythis draining emotionally y,oumfht be attracted to andmight something stumbleup,onsomeone name. morethanascreen with.It'squite nothing a relationship andhaving endup meeting actually people doit.andI wouldnt besurprised popular, manv it's going a So, purpose online or using of anotherto makeyour sole songtitled"[ove in 'n instant rvith a out if somebandcame to meetthatsomeone, likeKiss,com service stafirvithoul.r real,live it, it shouldn't but doggone of message," nvopeopleisthefirstglance benreen Panofthechemistry in thebeginnhg! of seeing friendship eachotherAt leartto me,it's partof tlte excitement goplrlermy heart feeling in person forthefirsttimeand someone



The lvletropotitan I 11

lgnorqnce strikesin the pqrking lol ED]TOR Seil lhaver ART DIRECTOR lM ilarad FEATURES EDITOR Srrdr Gamey ASSISTANT FEATURES ED]TOR ChlbWad OPINION EDITOR DankrfeHrab0rda NETYSEDITOR ldnrc lamt I

SFORTS EDITOR lllck Grmer OOPY EDITORS AmberJohn:on,T@Rees PHOTO ED]TOR ScdStnelbr


REFORTERS Berdette Baca,Efra.d B, Wlnslow' Ee a 8rffir, Md lLvis, hnniftr YomgnaqAdar Dunlvan lemihr Grcy,f,eemaAl.0narl Ittalbr GanlTm ilcPherson P}IOTOGRAPIIERS ilehnh Eaft, Adamllousem.n lledcr Ccilet


IlI.USTRATOR &t:rdcnSoiUl GRAPHICARTISTS Padilcl{cill Ee SDGGr GldGUnn ON LINE EDITOR |.eseica nordl INTENNSTSTAFF Slron toohl,ltysial CuUer SENIOROFFIGEASSISTAM Ecmadefie B*a



covERltlusTRATtoN Pnil ncildl


TEI.EPI{ONENUMBERS Edilorlal:llll)3155&251t7 Far.13031 556342r E-nakreanrr@nrcd.edu IUeb:lrt$c//clem.mscd-edu/-drc|rFt me Metrowlitan is produceat by ar|d for the students of Metropolitan State Coltege of Derwer serving the Auraria Cafioilâ‚Ź' The Mearcpotitan is supported by acfuertising revenues and studenl tees, ard is published every Friday durtrE the academic year and monthly during tlE $lmmer semester. Ihe /lretroporlan is distributed to atl campus buildings. No peGon may take more than one copy of each edition ot The MetrcDotitan wi!}lottt prior written permassion. Direct any questions, complaints. compiimenE or comments to the MSCD Board of Pubficalions c/o The MetoDotitan. Opinions expressed wilf$n do not ne@ssarily reflect lhose ol The Metrowrtan, Metropolitan State College of Denver or ils aclverlisers. Deadline for cale.dar items is 5 p.m. Friday. Deadline lor press releases is 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. Classi{ied advertising deadline is 5:OO p.m. Monday. The Metropolitan's ottices are located in the Tivoli Student Unaon Suite 313. Mailing address is P.O.Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Oenve( CO 80217-3362. @ All rights reserved.

"hu ga1fucbingfagu, wlrydonlpu go allexciting I handwashed myhth mat.Pretry steamy stuff, enough, backwherelou canwfrom and leaueour eh?Nothing likehandwashing a bathmatto reallyputyouin the children alone." moodforlove. youcaney'oz.. . Vell,I'mfrom ... wltydon't1ougobackuhete Suffice it tosay,thisnotewasnotthemost Idaho. Contrary to popularbelief,gays,labians,bisexuals and plzuantthingI'vefoundon my wndshield transgendered peophcomefromprettymucheverywhere. Vb are lately. Dapitethe factthat,asan opinion notcreated AndI canasureyou, insome bathhouse inSanFrancisco. Danielte columnist, I receive afairamount ofderogatorythemoralmajority wantmebackanymore of Idahodoesn't thanmy Haraburda quite mail, never I'm used to note writer enthusiastic does. opinia editor wordsas vitriolicas these ...ntd leaue ourcbildrmakne... Ok, were.Obviously, theysawtheinnocuous sticker on thisistheprt tharjustirriutesme;Thefintrwo mycarandcaredenough to spendprecious time pansI un iustchalkoff to ignorant, butthis writingthisnote.Butaftermybloodpressure came For and tgnorant. those of smadsofdangerow thananything, youw-ho down,I foundmpelfmorecurious inthiscultural letme share obtuseness, Vhyasume FuchingFagot... I'mmale? That withyou.Out share some rcrysoundsatistics is the assumption I makeaboutmy unhappy of the pedophiles currendyrotting in windshield misive,astheword"faggot" hasamale institutions around ourcountry, morethan90 feeltheneed connotation. Infact,if people toyell percentof them are white,male,and an1'thing at me uponviewingmy bemgnlittle HETIROSDruil. Childmolautionhasmore yellout theu'ords,"fag"or sticker, theyusually to dowithasick,warped individual whowants "hggot."It'sa gutreaction for themindless, I powerful to feel byo<ploitlrg a childforsorual suppose, and,tobehonest, I wouldn't necessarily gratification. It hasreladvely nothing todorvirh congratulate themontheirabi.lrty tousetheproper sexualorientation.Or,at lzut, thafswhat gender appropriate terminthese cases, butit alwaJs professionals from the American Psychiatric makes mewonder why"homoso<ual" is sooften Asociation uy. associated with men, ratherthan women. So,whafsmypointtoallof this?Well,for Additionally, theo<pletive of thisphrase sonofassumes I'mnotonly stafiers, I'm hopmgI're educated my small.mrnded, notewriting male, butasexually actireoneatttut. I undentand thatthecommon friendalitde.Theno<ttimeyouwanttoleareanasty noteonmycar, mythaboutmycommunity is tlat we'reallrunning "raved" around, highin plusebeadvised: popped I amawoman, I'renever Ectasyand nightcluh, traving reallv, sexallthetinreTbut, thesorryn{$ s thata allnight,in hct,mylifeisjustpretrydull,I livehere,withtherar of lotofusarejusrtoodamntired.I onlywishI couldlivea lifethat pu, andI'monlyatrracted toadults. orhilarating. lastnightI had150wordsto readfromBleakHouse, Jusrthought you'dliketo know. workonapaper formypolitical science class. ..andthen,if thatrzsnt

Nothing like hand washing a bath mat to really put you in the mood for loYe.

Reservolionsoboul CSAPunwqronled DearEditor,

he/shewasnot receivingan adequateeducationin a traditional Response ln to Opinioncolumnin TbeMetropolitan,dated publicschml, I anr thankfulthat suchan option wasavailable. I,larch9, 2001. Charterschoolsempowerchildren,parentsand teachersto I am compelledto respondto Mr. WalterGant'sopinion succeedwhere public schoolsfail. less privilegedfamilies,in column, in whichhe exprcsses yet misguided panicular, well-intentioned, musthaveaccess to thesealternative education options resen4ations about the ColoradoStudentAssesmenrProgram because theycannotrealistically considerprivaterhools or home (CSAP). It shouldbe clarifiedthatuseof CSAP for srandardizedschooling. Funher,my chanerschoolexperience demonstrates testingofchildrenin elemenurygrades rhrough highschoolisnot that the problemsin our schoolswill not be solvedsimplyby new.CSAP hasbeenappliedin Colorado schools for nranyyedrs, makingmorefundsarailablefunds.Ratheqexistingdollarsmustbe andthe implications of rhistestingharebeenevidenttor soilre spentmoreprudenily.My child'sgradesimprovedsignificantly in time;too manystudentsarent meetingColorado's educationala chanerschoolthatwasreceiving25-50percentles fundingthan standards. publicschools in thesamecounty. LikeMr Gant,I too,amconcerned Mr imponant Gant, I imploreyouto consider that decisions thatthereal"propaganda" regardingthe educationof our children quickly become iscomingfromthosewhosuggest thatourstudents shouldn\be politicized. Forerample,politicalrhetoricis ofrenemployed andthosewhoarethreatened to taughtto standards bytheideathat convince innerritycommunities for failingto providechildren thatchanerschools shouldnot schoolsshouldbeheldaccountable besupponed. Mr.Gant,youdoyourcommunity when withanadequate adisservice education. you suggestthat alternativeschoolingoptions,suchas chaner KimberlyDecker schools, area threatto thepublicschoolsystenr UCDstudent andourchildren. As a parentwho movedher child to a charterschoolbecause



welcomes TheMetropolitan lertersof 500 wordsor feu'eron topicsof general interest. Letters mustincludea fullname. school affiliation anda phonenumber or e-mail address.

Leners mightbeeditedforlength, grammar anoaccuracy.

Alailbox: TheMerropolitan Parhray, Suite313 900Aurana Denrer CO80204 e-mail: haraburd@rnscd.edu phone:303.556.2507 laxi 303.556.3421

12 r TheMetropotitan


asha bandele signs a poster for Denver resldent, TaRosaJacobs during he?visit to campusMa.ch 12. bandele gave a speech In the Tlvoli Tulnhalle about her neyvbook The P soner's Wife.

Womanliveslife in frontof bars s lovestorylt's a of otherwomen three.In six hours, thousands BndgeSpeakerseries.Theyhavesponsored opposedto Colorado's documented, known, story thafs shed and your is hEade year's without distractions Vinie Davis, andlast suchguestasAngela filed, photographed, videotaped, audiotaped, It to thefront,sheexplained. Theyhavehopesto getbellhoolsfor yourtruthcomes Burrows. Vhat in thehellwouldpossaa \!'omanto neK studied, each photocopied, watched ove! wasduringthesetimestheyaccepted event. )'ear's for sentence, marrya manservinga 25+o-life questioned, researched andnoted." caricatured, mishapes past and past. that shapes the name other's prefen have her who to bandele, murder? sign of Denver College The Communiry printedusinglowercaseletten, spokeon usall. Depression? Aeschlimann Nancy interpreter language interesting is booko[memoirs Theauthor's The34-yzuold Monday, in theTivoliTurnhalle. Desperation? "lt to takeon theeffectof thespeaker. Sheis a blackwoman seemed for Esence dueto herbackground. bandele,is the editor-at-large loneliness? Aeschlimann said. classfamily wasveryengaging," or whogrewup in an upper-middle desperate, magnine.Sheisn'tdepressed, Love? Vait.it couldn't belove,couldit? offersa writing, bandele her Through ofrarious life consisteci Her and nefhborhood. lonely,sheisa womanin love. 'Thisisalovestory"writesashabandele in 'idndrvhenyou'rein love,youtant to tell privileges;horseback She expresses for transformation. prescription piano riding, ballet, Pinnu's ofher newhnok,Tbe thefirstchapter of livingin parens disgustoverthegros contradiction privateschools andacademic lessons, shesaid. everybody," of rvhatit is W'rp.Thebookisa reallifeaccount countryyet thissamecountry an unforgiving Buthowcouldshesay,themansheloved whol'eren'tdivorced. like to be muried to a man in prison.The wasin prison, suchas for atrocities absolved to be or wants "l doctor marry a supposed to was possiblv forlife. Instituteof Vomen'sStudiesand Services "Not an slavery. shesaid. second book, lanler,evenanaccountant," bandele's TbePrinner'sVife, asa bridgespeaker, Depanment chosebandele A fewstudentswereaskedtheir thoughts the inmate." attemptsto explainthe inexplicable, rvhichischoseneachyearbya boardto bridge resffictdromance But she wrote to expressher love,not on womenrvhochoseto marrya manthatis withRashid. ShemetR?shid the closingof BlackHistoryMonthand the as a classassignment. Manyfoundtheideahardtograsp, He wasin marimum' absolvehim for his crime,not to judge incarcerated. openingof Vomens HistoryMonth. womenwouldmarryamanin intelligent why an we all buta memoir counsystem, securiryprisonin upstateNewYork. Shewas America's A call from fuharaEkundayo, a Metro earning pflson. andblack haveastoryto tell,shesaid. in politicalscience herdegree 'A long-distance 'The to Tamara African-American Studiesgraduate, relationshipis turd goto a bestof ourlitentureshouldhelpus a class to required and a course science for directorof the Institute Tull, associate you cangeta planeticket," at least but enough, we not rvords, are ln other locate ourselves." two The prison,and read to the prisoners. Depanment, VomensStudiesand Services "Butyoucant Merro freshman, Bianca, a sairJ pa(icular developed a friendshipthat led to written alone.Vhenwe thinkof our own prompted action. ofiail." the buya planetkketout asbeingunique,or uncommon, and longdisancetelephone situation correspondence "l wenttosleepandI wokeupin themiddle felt shewas Mostof the malestudents you. wasn't She came before fact is, someone were they years of courtship, calls.Afterfour Ekundayo said.lt was1 married.Sheexplained howto romance of thenight,andcalled," withinherselfthat would thattransports lackingsomething a theonlypersonon themini-bus fust a.m.andshejustknen'tfio the idealbridge poet; the sheerpassionand desireRashid family thing,Buti{'sthe an illogical such her do make to theprisonto visitinmates. andfriends speaker shouldbe,lt hadto be ashabandele. ei<pressed lovewhichde$ strength of passion and Shewasn'tthe fint womanto fall in loveand pol'er, her overwhelmed for Vomen's is sponsored by: lnstitute bandele TiffanyJustice. saidMetrostudent logrc, "lt wasmy orygen." Shehadneverbeen marryamannpflson. Studies, romanced, thebook,explains African-American that begin andServices, words Studies five The filled of a woman with the speed She read she said,despitehavingbeen DiversityInitiativesProgramCommitteeand married. love story. is a This it all: her with pasionandtruth a chapterfrom This is the 10thAnnual EnglishDepartment, hoursaresixhoum,as book:"Thisis a lovestorymylovestoryand In NewYork,visiting


March16, 2001

The Metropolitanlt

One ot the sublec'ts of loi Re'/tt bys led|€ torward to accept $50 ln the documor tary by Fonton Ball€y and Randy Barbato Ths f|m ls bell€ shown March 17 and 1A at tt€ Tlvoll as pan ot "Seelng Que€dy:the Mountaln Statcs Gay & Lesblan Fllm Fostlval & Synposlum." Photoc(Irrtesyof f.|ld


C lor&r

atthemovies is whyKasapetses choseto thepointofafilmfestiral istodisplay time AcademyAwardwinnerRoben Barbatomanageto get past the first justification movies thatwouldnt othenvise bewideh Epstein. went to great lengths impressions and show thesemen as ruin a promisingscriptwith badactors




seen.Vith thelast documenting effecton uniqueindividuals. Thoughnot alwalt and worse sound editing. The only the Holocaust's - benefitof themovie'sconstant givingtheviewera strong pleasantit isat timesquitedisturbing decade's sharp homosexuals, staticand which amplifiedbackgroundnoiseis tlut it increase in senseof the eventsleadingup to and 101RentBolscomes offashonest, independent film, resultingfrom the Nzis' targetingof is more than a lot o[ interview-st1'leoccasionally drownsout the hackneyed more and more homoso<uals. perform4ces. documen tariesoutthere. festivals in For youngeraudiences arebeing Mostinteresting arethe hteMews Onttreotherendof thespectrum tlrcre'sTln held, often witheightof the 10knownhomosexualGfugn Sraps,a cheesy,poorly made SisyDucHing,an animatedchildren s preaching concentratlng on Holocaust about struggling who movie tolerance of those who survivors. Their attitudes and short film a actress ChrlsWard On Fllm a specific Theonlyprobhmwiththis theme. personalexperiences rary greatly;one discovers a hiddenpower.It issuppmed actdifferently. One such manwillonlytelltheintwiewerthathe to be thesemi-autobiographical storyof premir is in someof the earlyscenes festiralis titled "SeeingQueerly:the hasnodesireto revisitsuchapainfulpart Grace Valcott,whomadethefilm. whenthe Elme4the titularprotagonist, MountainStatesGay & LesbianFilm of his life, whileanotheris morethan In apressrelease shesaidshegotthe comes off as les tolerant of his kstial & Symposium." lt will beplayrng readyto tell whyto thisdayhe resens ideafor thembview-hen sherealized she clasmates' actMtiesthantheyareof his. atthel4ayan andTivolittreaters l{arch15 everythhg This Stilt, this is a decentmoviefor andeveryone German, coulduseherbodyto heradvanuge, throughthe11. Anotherinteresting documentary is is represented on-sseenby lightning children.Moet membersof Tk Sisy Thisisthethirdannualfestival puton 101Rentkrjs, a seriesof interviews with boltsshootingfromher breass.By the Du.kliry\ arget audiencewonrt care by The Cay, Lesbian,Bisexual& the maleprostitutesof SantaMonica endof theeightminutes, shehasfound that the animationseemsto havebeen 'liansgender CommunityGnter of Boulevard. Filmed, appropriately enough, usesforherbustranging fromfendingoff rushed,or thatthecel$rityvoice dont 'Colorado. Afterscreening morettran100 in wious hotelrooms,101Rmt &ys is would-beattackersto changingthe alwals line up with the characters' films,thecenterhasselected withouta remote. moutl$.Mostadulswont beblownauay 38tiratvary editedtogetherto examinedifferent channel greatlyin subjectmaner,genre,length aspecsof the professionthesemen Alsoon thelowendof theselecdons,bythemovie, but therestof 0refestiralis andquality. share. Forerample, oneseries ofclipswill in termsofbothbudgetandqualg,isTbe for them;letthekidshavetheirmovie. 'lhis Of the films I had the chanceto featurerariousmentellinghowtheygot lols of hnaking.Tryingto emulatethe isonlyasmdlsample of thefilms preview, thebestwastumgraph175,the theirsmnashustlers, whileanotherwill recent trend in reality television, beingfeaturedby the festival.Opening festival's closing nightselection. Amovhg discussthe strangest Nick Katsapetses breals andclosingnightsaside,the screenings thingsthey have writer/director documenury hmgrapb lD e<amineseverdoneonthejob. fromthe will allbeheldat theTiroli.Anyonewho up hisnarrative withcomments the pers€cution of homosei<uals in Nzi Comingoff a moderate succeswith characten asthE try to justifuor atone omgetpirsttheideaof goingto smpus Germany. fast year'sThe Eya of TammyFaye, fortheiractions, duringspringbreakmightbe pleasantly DirectorsleffervFriedman andtwo directorsFentonBaileyand Randy wtut needsthe most sumrised. Unfortunatelv.

14 /Thei etropolitan


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It{arch16, 2001 The Metropolitan/ 15

TheSlip slidesinlo Denver

pushesus to keepthe musicas freshand hesaid. interesting aspossible," Barr fu for The Slip'smajorinfluences, BradBarrsaidthe namefor hisbandcame nameda list of peopleasdivenear thesounds fromhighschool,andsaidaboutTheSlip"We theband'smusictriesto create.Everything from just kept it becauseit doesnt reallysuggest VestAfrican to Cream and musictoWoodyAllen; anything. It'smdleable. It canmeananything we AC/DCro BobQ'lan;to Rumi,a 13thcentury wantit to." poet. Butsuchthingsareinfluences on Persian Ihat appears to definethe musicTheSlip TheSlip'ssound. Banlook forwudto being pla1s,musicthat defiesconvention or even backin Colorado andtheBluebird, seeingit as definition."Ve tryto createsongswithmelodies anothervenueandopponunity to re!?mptheir "weliketoplay music."Getting tlnt last,"Barrsaidin aninterview to playandfindwavsto improve . .allow them to soakit in any our repeftoire"appeals for theaudience. to Barr. "Ve haven t waytheyMnt." Headdedthathetriesto avoid reached pornt.'' anydefinitive labelinghis musicas a "jazz,funk,groove But don't misukeThe Slip'ssoundas ensemble." incomplete oramateurish, Norshould TheSlip's bandcurrently uniquestylescareawaypotential TheSlipis a Bostontased listenen, touringthe countrywith their uniqueand "Veharrthecapabiliry' of catering to anyone evohingsound,Theybroughtthatsoundto the whohasanopenmind,"Bansard.Headded thar 'lhe Ptpt courtesyof SoWhat Theatre, lvlarch bandconsissof peoplefroma varietyof musical Bluebird 9. tastescometo Membersof the Slip,who appearedanDenverMarch9, posefor a photo. Barr on lead vocalsand guiuq his brother commenton how The Slip'stunesappealto on bass. them. Everyone Andrewon drums,andMarcFriedman from punk fansto blues attemptdto thenbringanother heuid that"being abletohave MarcFriedman Bar sakl this venion of The Slip has been enthusiasts to country listenershave all partofthemusic, popularmusic.'Thebener politia at lzut on or be a catalvst," is level to their already an effect together forsixyean,andit isthathmiliaritywith nelcomedthe decidedly differentapproach to in Barr's lyrics weget,themorepeoplewillwantto seeus,"Ban important to him.Butthepolitics oneanotherttut drivestheirmusic.He added themusicBanandhisentourage perform. "in a more abstract way." said.Healsosaidthatthemusicallowedfor the that their Bostonroots also inspiretheir Fornow,TheSlipremains a viable source of arethoserendered to bringa pieceof themselves compositions. exprasionfor.Barqhis brother,andFriedman. The Slip took the Bluebirdin a different threemusicians into the mix, adding,"Our with Ron Lery'sV/ild and their history direction March Kingdom 9, "There'ssomethingabout Bostonthat Thoughheholdsaestheticism tobeanimporant astheopeningact. BradBan,AndrewBarr,and historvallowsthemmicto soeakfor itrlf "



Mqifmqnsqves7-yeoFold ioyrider ?

(AP)- A mailmanis GRAND JUNCTION creditedwith savinga 7-yearoldboy from seriousinjuryby grabbingthe wheelfrom theioy-riding child. Sahadorlopez saw NicholasReyesat thewheelwhenhe hadto leapout of the car'spathon theafternoonof March12. 'l was going down the sidewalk deliveringthe mailwhenI hearda noise," saidLopez."l lookedup and sawthe car

comingat me.I couldseebytheboy'seyes in thecarthatsomething waswrong,it was justthe lookon hisface.I jumpedout of theway," After narrowlymissingLopez,Reyes steeredthe cartowarda carstoppedat an intersection. Lopez dropped his mail and dashed acrossthe street, reachedthrough the window and turned the steeringwheel

brake.The beforegrabbing the emergency carsideswiped anothervehiclebut cameto a stop. The boy was taken to the hospital minuteslater with minor injuriesto his face.Lopeziniuredhis ribs when diving throughthewindow,but the iniurywasnot serious. saidhisson,leftin thecare CurtisReyes of his oldersiblings, somehow managed to

get the stick-shift car startedanddroveit, eventhoughhis feet couldnt touch the floor Policesaidtheboywill not becharyed. "l think he'slearnedhis lesson,"said his mother,Della."He was reallyscared when came home. Ve were all pretty scared. I'm justgladhe'sOK.'

Milfionqirelurnshqle compoundinlo educqfioncenlel COEIJR D'ALENE, Idaho(AP)- Internet Nationssecurityguardsin 1998.Lastyear Carq41, an ldahonative,paidfor the human rights educationprogramsfor millionaireGregCamhaspaid $250,000 for they won a $6.3 million civil judgment propertyfrom his personalfoundationat schools. the 2O-acre Aryan Nation compoundin againstfuyan Nationsfounder Richard Harvard University, and Gov. Dirk In thestatement, Carrsaidthe building northernldahoandplansto turn it into an Butlerandhisorganization, will be turned Kempthorne used church bankrupting the said transforming the by Butleras a "the educational centerfor humanrighs issues. group. compound inroa into a museumdisplaying artifactsof T "'lhedaysof thefuyanNations usingthis human rights hatredleft behindby the AryanNations." Ihe property's future is ,_]l: -,,*::,1': facility as a national headquanersfor obtatned tne true to c e n t e r The remainingbuildingswill be rued and . promotingreligious-and race-based hatred the propenylast to setrye is a lteminder tontinues ro replacedwith a classroomfeaturingthe and violencearâ‚Ź over," Carr said in a month ^t ^ that theclearesthistoryand message of the hurnanrights When send 'iUStiCe pfeyails statement issued earlyMarch14byTheCarr bankruotcv courtof sienals of what movement. : "The property'sfuture is to Foundation. "Courageous peoplein nonhernl&ho serveas a reminderthat lusticeprevails announced theirwish have protested against Buder'smess4;for 'Greg Qa;;ab'rui' whenit comesto humanrights," to sell it to a group ln 1999,Carr 20 vears,"Carr said. "Our goal f to Carqwho foundedthe Internetservice promoting human pledged demonslrate tM; progresis posible.*! Prodigv, boughtthe compoundnearHayden rights. in the area.Viftnt to the Anne Frank Human Rights Butler remains $i00,000 Lakefrom a motherand son who were The conrpoundcontainsnumerous Memorial in Boiseandlastsummerdonated victimized group. bythewhiteseparatist buildings,includingButler'shome, a another$500,000 to theldahoHumanRights VictoriaKeenan andherson,Jason, were bunkhouse, r guardtowerandthechapelof EducationCenterto underwritestaffand chased,shot at and terrorizedby Aryan Butler"s church, work with localgovernments to develop


-' -;;;

it comes to human rights. 'd,ilT ;,;i;

c'?r|-f,!htJ0[il a lif,Etroporitan @ *r;"$r#,tJg* ITUITEYOUA]IIDA GUESTrO ATTE]IIDA SPEGIAT ADUAilGESGREEITIIilG Areyoulucky? Stop bytheoffices of TheMetropolitan located inthe TivoliStudent Union, Room #313, today beginning at 10:00 AMandtellus whatyouwoulddoif youwonajackpot worth $100,000, you'll lnexchange, receive a complimentary pass screening for twototheadvance screening of

roR The MSCD Board of Publicationswill be acceptingapplications for the 2001-2002 editor of the award winning student literary and arts magazine...

TOMGATS onTuesday, March 27'h atthe UAColorado Center, Pass6 goodwhilesupplieslasl. On€passperpersonper hous€hold. Muhipl€ enttieswillbe disqualified. Parlicipating sponsoB andtheiragencies are noteligible. No purchasenecessary NoDhone callsDlease.

This is a paid position. The editor is responsiblefor the content of the magazine. Duties include managing the student staff and working with the production staff on the physical make-up of the magazine.This position begins Fall semester2001.

Applicants must be English majors or minors enrolled for at least L0 credit hours at MSCD Applicants must have and maintain a GPA of.2.0or above Experiencewith publications, including computer layout and design,is a major considerationin the selectionprocess

R6sum6with cover letter Most recentgrade report or official transcript Two letters of recommendation Samplesof work

The MSCD Board of Publications, Attn: ReneeRudermarLTIV 313,or mail to: Campus Box57, P.O.Box 773362 Denver, CO802L7-3362


lrtarch16, 2001 ,v




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The Metropolitan/17


ARIES:Change isin dreairAllowoldhabis urd ernotionsto be sweptavayandpu'll be surprised howFast newandercitingsinutions will materialize. Chancaalettnt pu'vebeenryingto workat thingsalone,stopandga feedback from others. TAURUS: Duringtheweekpur phpical energywill abound.Usethisnewfoundenergy wellandindudeothersin theactivities, posibly children.Tie up any looseendsand expect something in theworkplace to cometo a head. Youhavealotto sharewiththor aroundpu, GElttlNl: Thereissommnecloseto youh help.look aroundyou desperate needof financial closely,this indivrdualfiuy not be obvious. Relingsof passionwill followyou duringthe in apositiraway.It is week,Directthisfieryenergy punelf romantically, agoodtimeto express CANCER:Tryto mainainyoursunnyspirir circumsunces. in thehceof seemingly depressing Dorhat youcanandtrytostopworrying. Youcan you yourself domuchtochange thesituations find in.Dopur bestto acthidy,formoneymatters arr comingto ahead. willflourish LEO: en o<isting relationship if pu trusttheottrerpersoncompletely. Ttrereisa realposibiliryfor a newandintenselorc. Your spartof enthusiasm bring out thebestin those couldparctheway aroundyou.Thisopportunity to moreresponsiblity. VIRGO: Youaredong wellin pur career choice,but knowpu couldbe doingbenerif given the chance. That opportunity for adrancement is rightaroundthecornerBesure youcanmakegoodonyourpromises. Thereisan intrmpective friendwho nee& your emotional supportthisweek. LIBM: Turmoilseerns to be everptrere ttris week.Justremember ttrata greatdealof criticism canbedelivered effectively withasmile.It willmakemoresense to keeppeopleonyourside ycrurragein a moredirectway. if pu canchannel just could be as habitformhgaspessimism is, Joy SCORPIO: Youmayluvetheopportuniry to investin a creative enterprise withuno<pected moneycomingfrom a familymemberwho is Iookingoutforyourbestinteresa. Ifa relationship isstaning to feelalitdesagnant, tryto findwalnto viulity,or getout. increase SAGITTARIUS:It'stimeto akealeadfrom anambitious acquainunce, andtakeyourshotat hmeandfortune. Yourlovelifemaybeabitroc$ thisweek,so try to accentuate the positive, It's timeto sewup anylooseends,leaving no stone untumed asyouflnishup. CAPRICORN:Changadonotcome2y, burthosethatmayoccurin yourpersonal lifewill probably bemoreexcepted thanmost.Quiettime withfamilywillgiveyoutheopportunity to catch upwithothen'lives.V/hen1ouputlour mindto justwhatpu want. it, I'oucanaccomplish AQUARIUS: Youseemtoharrachoice of padrsto take,Makesurettut iou arenotachieving success atthecostofothen.Suchambition willno youmaynotwishfopIt feelsas doubtreaprewards if y,ouarerunningaroundin circles;everythrng doesnothaveto bedonebvthebook. PISCES:If I'ouaregening pu to atuched, areonlysettingvourselfup for disappointrnent. Liyein thehereandnow,tomorrow willtakecare of itself.Muchofwhatyouhavebeenstriving foris withinyourgrasp,butyoumayhaveto counton othersto helpyoureachttratgoal.

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18t Thelrtetropolitan -


lrlarch 16, 2OOl


Eric Eames Ik





Minn. Anyworld outsideof St CLOUD, ceasesto erdstin this lockerroom hasketball tlalenbeck llall. underneath submuged have sunk into deep The Roadrunners No,l-seedSt.Cloud thou$t asthegameagainst Somearelyingon approaches. StateUniversity suring holesinto the ceiling,while benches, backandfonh,slowlyerodinga othersarepacing pathintothetileflmr. issimple:Vin andyouplay I'heirmotivation tidethefollowing for ttreNonhCentnlRegional ni$t. Ioseandyouheadhomeandtry to livea normallife. fanusyandthe realworld "l'm in benveen right'now,"seniorJodyHollinssardbeforethe foraslongasI game. "l wantto suyin thisfantasv can." On lvtarch1Qthe hntasyended,shanering the dreamsof Hollins and the rest of the Roadrunners. St. Cloud dominatedearly,often and thegamefora 100{1victoryoverthe duoughout the 39-pointdefeatwastheworst Rmdrunnen. whenthE Metrolosssincethe 199495season. Mike los coadr lostby55.Thbwasalsotheworse tenureat Dunlaphassufferedin his four-year Metro. "Thegamegotawayfromusandtherewasnt a wholelot we coulddo,' Dunlapsaid."ln the recondha,lfwedrippedaway,but therewastoo muchof a spread.they shotttreballwell,we such didnt,andonthethingsthatwereimportant, job got asrdounding,theydefinitety the done. 'A8atn, cr€ditto them,but it's beena really gmdrip forus." Finalsgtistia:Metroshot35percentfor the gameandgrabbed St.Cloudhit 55 26rebounds. percentorerall,rippedthe cordsfor 14 three42furds. pointers andgrabbed In matchingwhite shoes, sock and walkedoutfor wristnnds,thefiveMetrostarters alitde andma1'|rc tlreopening tip,lmkng serious ti$t. RadoRancik,St. Cloud's,6fmt9 cente4

The riletropotitan/ 19

BJ.Brantuid. Sateforward finailymung into action, the Rmdrunners whenMaro guand JoeKelly'sdraineda theepointq cuningtheleadto ttreeatdre11:30ma* But Metronevergot anydcer and hit a scoringdrought that lastedmore than five minutes,wtrileSt, Cloudput on a three'potnt running, shoothgclinic*rathadtheRoadrunners shooters. tryingto covertheHuskies' ontheteamcanshmt,sottnt puts "Everyone saidVin, who on thedefense," a lot of pressure poins andhrt five wittr 28 pacedthe Huskies "Ve dont hale oneor twoSuys thee-pointers. wehavel0 gu1r." thatcanscore, Brant (15 points)cashedin tluee threepointersfromthe left wing.JasonKron(16)hit AIex twothreesfromthetopo[ rhearc,Reserves (11)andAlankrsinger(1)gotin onthe Carlson acttoo,andwell,.vougettheidea. ''l thinkererybody butmymotherhit a three in the fint hdf," said5t. Cloudcoachl"evin "lt wasiust shaknghisheadin disbelief. Schlagel, going inand the ballwas nighswhen oneof those foruswecapialzedonit." fonunately buyabucket. Attheodrerend,Metrocouldn't shooting shotwasoff.Kelly's turnaround Fulcher's tlree-pointer shot a gone. Luke Kendall was ouch Clank.Hegot theballback,firedfromthemme spot.Clank. score:St.Cloud56.Metro25. Halftime Andwhenthesecondlulf sarted,St.Cloud wasstill scoringwhile Meuowaslmking for to getthernbackhto thegame. something and forcingturnovers St.Cloudwasstealing, Metro kept wavingtheir armsat the crowd. comingthoughstrong,with dignttyand clas. eadrodrr &frcit,theycheered a47-point Despite wehll. United we stand uy, United as if to on "Fromhalftimeto theendof thegamettut andplayed wasprideandourgtryswereverydassy Scottgneltzer/ltc lelrcpcllco it'sallabout cuch uid, ls a Dunlap really hard," MetroguardLukelGndallandgoesupfor a layrp wlth SouthDakotaStatGfrward in manywalnI on theup beat,because staying 91€O vlqtory' Codylblnrer rrakllg an attenpt for the Uod( In lhe Roadruru|e|s just frusuationthat is aken out as think h is Rancikhit a lay'up. for ttre drainedtwo three-pointen. steppod up to meetMetro'sKaneOakley tojustbeingonEanhandundersunding opposed to Metrro wasdown10beforetheytud a chance jumphll. effonto tlut it wouldluveakenanecnordinary blink. it back o Rancik apped Ttreballurastossed, ercngetbackintoit.' "\!b dwapsetourgameplanup for comhg tsunmateForcstMtt andSt.Cloudwasoff urd St.Cloud andbeingtheaggressors," running.Rancikdroppedin a hookshot.Vitt outrightaway

# Meilofindslouch qgqinstsouthDokolqstqteffi finishedwith 22 points,shmting6of-15from . n f.brcn behindthearc. "VhenJc's hot,we'regoingto gethimthat SL CIOUD,Minn.- Beingmorethan1,000 shotuntilhetiresout,"Dunlapsaid. Kelly,nootherRoadrunner couldfind Besides milesfrornfie l,tileHighCity,ttrcrcis plentyof first hdf ttre shooting touch in the oxygen to breattre. its Aftergoingup 2619,Metro(23{) mlssed oneononedefensive Intheendit wasMetro's (22-7) went on a ttnt allowed nort 14shotsastheJackrabbia shllsard high-dtiudeconditioning poinscoming rhemto blm' pastSouthDakouSuteUnivenity, 115run,withthefrveRoadrunner fhnsen slipped frrom the free throw line. Austin tlall onMardt9. 9180atllalenbeck in a and dropped underneath Metro's defense of beingatmilehigh," "Theieisanadranage left withfourseconds MetrocoachMikeDunlapsairlwitha grin."Our highudring three-pointer put and in the halfto Dakoa State up South 39-35 (to lower fitness levelissuchthatifwecomedon'n a fever crorvdreached typicallywe tuve beenableto outrun he roarof theJackrabbis' altirude), pitched. andI thoughttlr:ata lot of theirshotswere teams But when ClaltonSmith,Metro'slfoot-7 wasthedifference." shonandtlw uhimately point guard,naileda 5}footerat thebuze4jaws factor too. The Metro's iunior JoeKellywasa silence. dropped andthefansstoodin a stunned lulf, otplodingfor guardwasonfirein thesecond first Yet,Metrotrailedat halftimefor the time He 16 poins, includingfour three-pointers.

Eric Eames


forSmifi,Ttnmas A minuteaftersubstituting duringits llgame winningstreakandsomething in the laneand the floor, stopped down hadto bedoneaboutMetro's34percentfust+df raced jumper. Theno<tdmedownhefouttd But theonlycurefor coldshootingis drilleda shooting. Thenhe for a ttnee-pointer patience. And a key ingredientto patienceis Iftlly on thebaseline . .another threeial passed to Kelly. ball, stole the persel€rance. "Our playerscontinud to play and play in ttre air Swish.the followingpcsesion, he flmtedaleft'tundedhookup. a badpatch,"Dunlapsaid."Ve lustkept spunbydefenders, ttucrugh movingthe ballandthenwe finallycaughtour &rcket. wenton to Metroleadgrewto 5449.Thomas break. Our defenseunited us and then three steals andassists. points and had eight offensively, Joe Kellyand OJ. flhomas) hit a rore fiveshots had18poinsandblocked Oakley off K.ane theybacked buckes,because coupleof cheap asMetrochippdandchirleditsnzytoal4point ourpointguard." eatingat pressuredefens€ point leadwithis trademart about backup thenrelyalked Thomas, gavehimandtumed theJackratrbits. guard,tmk whatthedefense half,it "Looking outonthefloorin dresecond hisgameupa notch. andmentallymenagainstboys," "lt'siusttimeformeto dowhatI haveto do," wasphysically 'l coachScottNagy. dont know "lf pas it. uid sairJ. theyneedmeto pass,l'll Thomas Jackrabbits' are.Butphlskzllyandmentally, whattheanswers l'll rore." If thE needmeto score, wecouldn'tmatchup." Hedkl alittlebit of both.

20rThe Metropotitan


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letYoutUoiee BeHeatd! Monday,March 26th 12:30- 2Pm fivoli Multicultural Lounge 2nd floor fivoli Ad placed by the 2001 Electio.t Co!qo*$to* ,

l{arch 16, 2001

TheMetropotitan/ 21

Giving new meqning to tqking one for the leqm t

for Uhls, "l want to do whateverit takesfor the madethe distancemorebearable CorriganWllis your 1,000 miles. it is more than eventhough team,"Uhlssaid. "Youhaveto sacrifice ffclflcpdtoa "Shebacksme 100 percenton all my body.' Uhlssaid."(Metro)wasthe best Uhls spent three yearsat Vest Valley decisions," isa masochisticJuniorCollegein Saratoga, TimUhls'lovefor baseball in mycareer." for meto succeed Calif.,wherehe opportunity Uhlshas wasplunkeda schoolrecord32 timesin the one. AsMetro'sstartingshortstop, win a Uhls helped the Roadrunners gettingon baseby wayof thebean- '99season. mastered in 2000, for thecollege record+ying 34games ball, and he certainlydoesn'tmind the in 2001,Uhls He wasa first reamall CoastConferencefu oneofthe twoteamcapmins bruises. year early 12-5-1 start this has led Metro to an selectionthat and caughtthe eye of "l enjoygettinghit," saidUhls,a Santa coachesfrom SonomaState,Metro and season, and gavethe teama boostwith a Clara,Calif.,native. "l showthem(bruises) 1 a al I'm proudof them." off cause Youmight recognizethe seniorfor his RoadrunnerTim Uhls saysabout being hit by a baseball his afrofrom long,redgoatee,or remember Iast year,but Uhls' biggestimpressionin will beleft in Metro'srecordbooks. Divisionll-power,ChicoState. Denver game-winning home run againstVestern Despitespendingmuch of the 2000 Vesleyan. foe,Texas The best baseballfit was Metro,even Region injured,UhlssetMetro'scareerhit-by- thoughthedecision season wasn't "Hittinghomerunsis notmystyle,"Uhls simple. pitchrecordin a singleseason with 22. He is Uhls left behindhis fianc6e,Jen, and said. "l alwalstookmorepridein myglove on his wayto breakhis own singleseason father,Steve,who, Uhls said,courageouslythanmybat." of lumps raisedhim andhissister, recordthisyear,with anassortment So far in the 2001 campaign,Uhls asa single Jennifer, . threeweelsinto theseason. haven'tiustbeenwith hisglove parent. contributions in just 13games, Uhlshas8 hit-by-pitches "l had no tribulationgrowingup," Uhls andcollection of bruises. and looksto continueto shanerthe old said."l creditthatto mydadandgrandma, Hehasproven to bea threathittingin the careerrecordsetby Patlrlaxrvell. My dad is my biggestinspirationand my ninthspotof theorder,carryinga .313bauing "lt's an art," Uhlssaidabourgerting grandma with threehomeruns. is mybiggest fan." average beaned."l cangoup thereandtry to gethit.' won out, and Uhls Despitethe earlypowernumbers,Uhls Howeveqbaseball To most, getting hit by a baseball signeda full-tuition his rolein the ninthspotand baseball scholarship to hasaccepted speedsreaching approaching 90 mph would Metroin 1999. he doeshaveat the saidhe o*es thesuccess seemfoolish,but for Uhls,it's partof whathe plateto hittingcoach,TimCarlson. Andhedoesn'tregretit. ''(Carlson) hasto do to helotheteamwin. hasbeenthebesthittingcoach fianc6ehas Havingan understanding



'He putsin more I've everhad,"Uhlssaid. hittingthanheges timeoff thefieldstudying sleep." Uhlsenjoysstudyingthe gamehimself asa andsaidhewouldlike to stayin baseball are over playing days coachafterhis He boostedhis coachingresumelast wherehe coached an summerin California, team to a l8-year-oldSantaClara-based secondstraightnationalchampionship. After a nine-hourday at schoolthat

ofthem'fffffii'i.ffiilX,il1l#fiT:;|ifi'l I'mproud offcause | ,ho*"them(bruises) off of l(est 25thAvenue and to hisapanment Boulevard. Sheridan andfriends,JerodStultz His Roommates all makethe trekon the andSteveGuerrero, bus. "We have become good friends," Guerrero,a Metroinfielder,saidof the nio. "V/eall lookout for eachother." physical Uhls is majoringin secondary atSan education andplansto finishhisdegree destination State. Uhls' ultimate may be Jose but he has made friends for life California, herein Colorado. "l camein latelastyearandhe(Uhls)gave me a placeto stay,"Stultzsaid. "He has becomea true friend and not iust a teammate,"

grmes,i2 andS-7and i{etro baseball at yearandwonboth games. out24hiain thetwo Willamette March 20, 10 a.m. belting (1) : ,Jflillamerte willbethefirststopin lietro baseball at Southern theRoadrunner California trip.Metroand willamettemeet back in 1988with Colorado,A{arch24, 1 p.m. (2) Villamette shutting outtheRoadrunners 5- and Aiarch 25, Noon: Thiswill be Athletic the Rocky Mountain Conference 0. openerfor the Roadrunners. Lastyeaq in a four iletro baseball at San MetroswepttheThunderwovles FranciscoState, March 10, 2 gameseries,winningT-5,7-6,74and10-2. p.m. (1) and l{arch 21,2 p.m.: Mth rhesweep, Metro knocked Southern Metroplayed outtheRMAC tournament. SanFrancisco State twicelast Colorado




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