Volume 23, Issue 26 - April 6, 2001

Page 1






2 I The Metropolitan

April.6, 20O1

Donrt Go Undercover t Without lt w I



April 6, 2001

TheMetropotitanI 3

Students,staff show support for African American studies major Metrostudents andsaff metar theflagpolelr4arch 29to shorvsupportto rheAfrican AmeriunStudies malorprogram, l'hich isbeingdiscontinued dueto lackof gnduates, TheColorado Commission on HigherEducadon announced it wzscuttingtheAfrican AnericanStudies majorin October. According to Commission pohcy, theremusrbe a likelihood of 10graduates wirhinthenortyzu foracurmajorto beappealed. CJVhite,chairof theAfricanAmerican Studiesdepanment, saidhe is oprimisric the commission willdo therighrthingandreinsuterheAfrican American Srudies major. 'To discontinue rhemajoratthispointisadissen'ice toMetro's histon'. Ir'sadisservice to ourlegacy," Whitesaid." trsa urbaninstitution witha satedcommitmenr to sene Denver's diverse andmultiethnicpopulation. soplease remember African American Studies atMetroState isa panof thewhole. "lt is our responsibility asa institutlon of hrghereducation to be responsrve to our changing demographic "Theincrease sociery,'' Vhirecontinued, in thenumber ofpeople of colorin coloradoindicates thatprograms suchasAfrican American srudiesshouldbe expanded notdismanded. V'eharea responsibiliry to beresponsire roourclrentele.,, ''Thegood nern is we'veheardsomeprelimhary information thatrheCCHErdl ,,ltis recommend thecontinuarion of theprogram," saidSheila Kaplan, Metropresident. alsoimportant thatue showoursupponfor it, If thismajorissaredit rsbecause of the support of thesrudenrs andstaff Therally,sponsored byN{etro's government student andBlack Studenr Alliance, r.asro helpgarnsupponro encourage ccHEto reconsider thediscontinuation of rheAfrican American Studies mapr "ldentity isimportant," saidBenzelJirnrnermn, I'icepresident ofBlackStudent Alllance 'regoing "V'ecan'tletthiscontinue oncampus. andr,,'e to keepbattling forrr,'hat isright." Universiry of Colorado at Denverstudent, l{ia Hareilsaidshestopped bv to shorv supponbecause awareness of all historyts imponantandereryone shouldhavethe opportunit.y to learn. 'lAny ,,V/eneed culturematters," saidMetrostudentJansViilkinson. to showour support." 'Thisis aboutknowing I'ho ,vouareandmaking a diference in yourcommuniry" said stefanie vasilaros, president of Metro's student government "ve wantto sav'thrs assembly isourcommunity andthisisI'hatue wanrfromit.'Ir isneeded aspanof N1ero's mision .to diversin:" policysura if anyprogram CCHE doesnotgraduate at leastthreestuden$ fromany majorprogram withina three-year period,thanthatmajormustbecutfromthecollege's offeredma.iors. Curendy13studenrs havedeclared African American Srudies asrheirmajor, Those students harefour1'ears to complete theirdegree arMerro. Although themajorhasbeendisconrinued, allrhecurrenr classes willsrillbeavailable to students. Students wanturg to majorin African American Studies maystilldoso,onJ.v the degeel'ould beundertheIndividualized Degreeprogram wheresrudenrs candesigntheir owndegrees to whattheywouldlikero learnshoulda specific majornorbeavailable at Metro. "Thebeautv of America is thedifferent peoplewhomakeusgrowwirhthoughr," said cliford Flectwood, chairman of theBlackPanyof colorado."colleges area placeof higher education. Thisprogram addsa different perspective to history.,,


tleatherCemeyr'llc[ctogollca Metro studentsTroy Ray and EbonyWatsonsign a banner March29 in supportof saving the AlricanAmeracan studies majorat Metro. The Colorado Gommission of HigherEducation recentJydecadedto disclntinue the proglamdue to lack of g.aduates,promptingsupporters to hold a rally at the flagpoleon campus.

r- _r


lrt. beauty of America ts the different people who make us grow in thought.' Clifford Fleetwood, "lt is imponantthat everyone chairman, Black Party of understands theirhistorytheirculture and Colorado, theirroots,"saidMetrostudentScott Gentry. ,,you've "You've gottogiveit suppon,'' saidMetrosrudent gottogiveit Serge Kabongo. achance."

4 r TheMetropolitan

April 6, 2001


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To nominatean outstandingfacultyor staff adviser,submita letter containing the followinginformation : (i{ staff adviseris anyadministratoror classifiedstaff memberprovidingdevelopmental advisingor detailedacademicplanningassistance to sludents.)

l.llame ofnominee (faculty 2.Indicate category ofaward orstaffl phone, (nominations name, 3.Your andcampus boxnumber accepled fromstudents, faculty, andstaffmemben) 4.lna detailed stalsment, indicate whythisadviser isdeserving ofrecognition, andrelate personal experiences oranecdotes which demonstrate theskillandcontributions ofthe adviser. Thefollowing listillustrates many ofthecharactedstics advising: ofgood attitude towards advisees ,:.,r . Cadng . Positive interpersonal skills . Accessible andavailable tostudents . Monitoring progress ofstudenl . Willing toassist students whoareexperiencing difficulty . Mastery policies, institutional of regulations, andprocedures . Knowledgeable about college resources which willenhance experience theeducation ofsludents Nominationswill be judged by the College Advising Committee and awards will be given at a special ceremony on May 7, 2001.

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Send nominationsby April 27 to: Dr.LisaRansdell,AcademicAdvisingCenter,Box # 71, CN 104,or E-mailnominationsto ransdell@mscd.edu


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Mustbe a MetroStatestudentcurrentlyenrolledfor 6 credithours.

April 6, 2000

Coopartiw Ednr im- Irtut!.tim

The Metropolitan/ 5

ir Strd|IG

tlhy slEuldFudo aninlnrhip? Corultr a fts of th! b:Drfib: . ApplyclnrsrDom hDwbdt/r b arhrl on-llE-iobcryerbnrcs. . Galnidditbnd rxpcrirrrEth.t buildssldlb in jrorucho3cn cal!tl.

a Erhnncr ]'oru Frunr ard impror: pur oppoiunitlr fur Bood jobr rftr gr.duition. a InrrEdscpartic{raton in chrr dEcussionsand improw lour' Brad!$. r ElccirE sollrB; crEdithmd tnduaton rEquiDmtnb (sornt drl tnEnb only). Eam nlorrly ior tuitirn and eapcnscs. You d! ?ligibF b !$DlI tr Coopcntiw EduE tion if Jnu neet thr fuuDtring qualificationc: . Metapoubn Sbb Collcgc of Denrr sMrni with at bast otE rlmrsbr comDbbdat MSCD. r Sophomon.jimior or icnior rbtrs. Yau rnut cnrEltin co-op bcto]! thc fir:t tuy of )Eur finrl scnlrstr. I Dcclarrd m.Jor in a[ udrrBladlrats prEBram . 3.5 nlininru cumuhtivr GPA al Meto

Metro's Cooperative Education Center's new website allows for easier connections between students and employers

New web site brings students,employerstogether DeborahGrigsby-Smith

perception, Sabo saidthatthecenter work hard According to thesite,someof thebenefits of writing,letterwriting,interviewing andinterview to make the cooperativeeducationjob cooperdtive educationinclude: follow-up. -. . Develop^ gcatetdegreeof confidence experience agoodone. . Gainskillsin yourchosen "ByworkingdirectlywithMSCDfaculryand careerfield. uponentering a jobsituation. Metro'sCooperative EducationInternship . . the we employen, strive to make sure that more Apply skills and knowledge learned rn the Beginat a higherlevelof responsibility in Center hasanewV/ebsitethatmakes it easier for to actualon-the-job yourfint positionthangraduates experiences. withoutco{p. both studentsandpotentialemployento find than50percentof thejobworkisdirecdyrelated classroom . Enhance . Beginat a highersalarythangraduates to thestudent's academic majorIn addition, we yourresume your andimprove eachother forgoodjobsaftergraduation. withoutcoop. Workingcloselywith localbusinesses,makefrequentvisitsto thejobsiteandobserve opportunities . the student and how they are being utilized. If Discover the variety of career government agencies and non.profit wg see that students not gaining are specific skill opponunities in yourfield. Thebenbfits don'tluststopwithstudents.l organizations, the centerand the site offer a . Receive collegecredittowardgraduation "Employers wealthof resources whoarelookingto fill positions willl for studentsinterestedin setsor notbeingutilizedin iobsrelatedto their academic major, wecanpullthestudent andhelp requirements (some gaining departrnents only) find thatit's reallyeasyto list a job with usand valuable on thejob training. 'The core purpose . them find something more appropriate." Earn money for school tuition and inexpensive aswell. In addition,wehaveoneof of this projecris to Saboalsoexplains thatthesiteis a workin expenses. enhance the most motivatedand readilyaccessible the education of tvlSCD students by . Increasepanicipationin classroom workforces andthattherearemanymoreadditions placing themin wort o<periences available," saidSabo."Ve workwith direcdyrelated progress between discussions andimproveyourgrades. to their academic major,"said BrendaSabo, plannedto enhancethe interactivity someof Denver'smostprominentemployers . Workon programs employers andthecenter."Ve really Cooperative andwith equipment includhgR[D,Channel EducationsInternshipCenter students, 4, Univision, University give want to visitors morespiceregarding what notavailable on thecollegecampus. coordinatoc of ColoradoHealthSciences Center,several . Learn to interact professionally Mth aneye<atching withpeen. publicrelationsfirms and manyof the local design andeasyto use we do here. Rightnoq we arehopingto add . Esablishcontactsandbeginnetrwo*ing school regarding the cooperative navigation,visitors io the site will find studenttestimonials districts." experience.Vtearealsohopingto forfutureemployment. informationdescribingwhat cooperativeeducational . Develop referencesfor furure education is all about. In addition, hr moreWrmation, uisittbeCooperatiue then are getthejobswehaveonlineaswell.I(e'vefound with emplovment otherareas or graduate withinthesitethatoffertipson how thatothersiteshavea greatdealofsuccess school application. Educatian Web site at . Havetheopponunity -coopedlor call tbemat Ir I'ouldalsobea bighelpfor to interview, whatresumes shouldlooklikeand onlinejoblistings. to formdecisionshttp:llclemlnscd.edul whatkindsofquesrions to expect ataninterview. us ason anygivendayour centeropensand abourjobcompatibility, 30r5563D0. . Learnjcb+eeking approximately 10jobs." Vhile internshipsmay havea negative closes skills,suchasresume ffc OctJopcllcn


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Aprit6, 2001

The MetropotitanI 7

National group pays for local radio ads on state official term limits (AP)- A nationalgroup is spending DENVER Rep.FrankVreddig, D-Aurora, andSen.JimDyer,Ryearwhetherto on radio u'ant voters ads aimed at Littleron, to decide no<t killing legislation that $21,000 wouldextend termlimitsformoststateofficials. extend termlimitsfromeightyears to 12, U.S.TermLimits,basedin Vashington, wasapproved D.C.,is Theresolution lastweekbytheState, tryingto pressure AffainCommittee andispending lawmakers debating that Veterans andMilitar,v a measure wouldaskvoters to reconsider before the full House. termlimitstheyimposed in lDOonelected saythelegislation undermines thewill stateandlocalofficials. Opponens putthetermlimits TheadssunedApril2 onfourDenrerandColorado of voters. Theysaybecause citizens Springs sutionstMt carryconservative citizens should betheonestryingto talkshowhoss, isueontheballot, it, notlawmakers. saidChrisBaker, U.S.TermLimisnational fielddirector. change Theradiospotsrvillcontinue Supporters of expanding termlimitssayeightyears through theweekbut couldbepulledearlierif theHousekillstheproposed isn'tenoughtimefor a lawmaker to gaintheskillsand legislation, exoerience needed to be effertive. heuid.

Gounty clerks warned about denying marriage licensesto immigrants DEN\ER(AP)- Countyclerksarebeingreminded The AmericanCivil LibeniesUnionsaid it has rumerous complaintsfrom immigrant wake of that they received of a sate law in the allegtions applicants. advocates andmarriage routinelyandillegallyhavedeniedmariagelicenses to attorneys, whodon'thaveSocial TheACLUwarnedcountyclerk in lettersmailedlast immigrants Securiry numbers. Advocates chargethat the practicehas beena weekthatit wouldtakethematterto courtif county immigrants marriage deni'ing rvidespreadform of discriminationagainst clerksdidnt stopillegally Hispanic immigrants, licenses, undocumented "Marriage,constitutionally did not intend and sacramentally, "Thelawshowsthatthe legislature licenses simply shouldnotbebasedon whethersomeone hasa Social for peopleto be deniedmarriage numben," said theydo nothaveSocial Security Securirynumber,"said DeniseMaddenof the because Archdiocese MarkSilverstein, legaldirectorfortheACIUof Colorado. of Denver In responseto the claims,an attorneyfor the In addition. Silrerstein said.the U.S.Constitution Court ColoradoStateAssociation of CountyClerksand protectstherightto marryAndtheU.S.Supreme Recorders saidhe senta hner April 2 to the state's has ruled that constitutionalrights extend to mry immigrants, evenif theyarein thecountryillegally, countyclerk a&isingthemthatmariagelicenses 'Therightto marryisa fundamental rightenjoyed be isued to immigrants who lack SocialSecurity numbers. byallpenons,"Silverstein said. Coloradolaw mandates that formsfor marriage Mlrxatescouldnotestimate horvmanyimmigrans licenses because theylack licenses askforSocial Security numbers. ButaJuly2000 havebeendeniedmarriage law makesclear that peoplelackingthe federal SocialSecurity numbers. Butsomeclaimthe denials identfication numbers maygetmarriage licenses if they occurdaily,andcomplaints havecomefromalloverthe providesrvornsultements that theydorft haveSocial state. Secrritynumbers.

Attachecaseleft with friends,left tabte werereponedmissing froma table Anattach6 caseandlariouscontents in theTivolifoodcounMarch24. MichaelGail,reportedlyleft his atachdcase Thevictim,Christopher estimated at$100 each, agreen valued at$100 aswellastwoNokiacellphones personal items with friends andleft digialstopwatchvalued at$50,andother thetableto buylirnch. weregone,thereponsaid. Uponhisreturn,hisbelongings report saidthe food coun washeavily the At the time of the theft, populated. areaanddidnotfindhisbelongings. Gailsearched thesurrounding

Backpack and medicationsmissing wasreponedmissing froma studyloungein theTittlli March A backpack 22. with variousclothing ManinKilloryreportedthat his greenbackpack were raluedat $500, prescribed medications itemsinsideestimated at$50,and taken. K.illory saidin thereponthatheleft theRogerBraunloungen theTivoli andcontents andwentdownthehallfor a fewminuta,leavinghisbackpack we@ and belongings unanended in thelounge.Uponhisreturarhis,bd.lp4pk gone, Hesaidn thereponthathedid notnoticeanyoneelsein thearea.

purse fromemployees Itemsmissing depanment ofMetqi enetrpl-oypS sl&"Qp_grjgrgl&fggprl{gg$&Eps reporreditems rn!r{q8"fraq}^her+tElp.tWf,&L;;, Hr

The employee, AmyMoody,reportedthat someonelud enteredthe unlockeddoor to room 239.The repon then saidthe unknownperson at $10,that included$15,her drivers removedher blackwalletestimated creditcuds,andvariousitemsand license , MenosafflD,sevenmiscellaneous papers. was andnoneof Moody'sbelongings A checkof thearea conducted werefound.

-Micaeta Duarte

Bonfiles BloodCenterwillbe on campus April12, Theblooddrive,sponsored by University of Colorado at Denver, l'ill beon thefirstfloor oftheNonhClasroom from8a.m.to7:30p,m. For ar appointmentor for more information, please contactKellyYoungat303t5. >>o-oz

Northwestern College of Chiropractic In a sportsstoryMarch30,the winning Roadrunner pitcherfor gamefouragainst the Universityof Southern Colorado was incorrectly rdentified. Thewinning pitcher was TimPrice. TheMetrcpolitanstrivesfor accuaracy. If youspota misake,please contactSean V/eaver ar303-556-8353.

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8/ The Metropotitan

Aprit6, 2001

Lovefor Colorqdo lost in q momenl rere effortsto stopV'illiamsfromsuingthecity himto theDPD. was,by far, e(citement.ShelovedDenreqlovodschool andrecommended Stephanie lir,ingon herown,eventhoughher Andnothinghasbeenthesameertr since. for thelossof herson. Giventhecoverup at the most anistically andlov'ed it hardly oftheaccident, seems outof uas aboutas largeiis Except maibe,forRandy Banel.ln hismothers thescene talentedstudentin our CapitolHill apartment Depanment. Three 22- linefor theDenverPolice closets.Evervtimete spokeshe eveshervillprobablv ahalsbeherbeautiful class.Vhentherestof us mostpeople's at the sceneof the accident r!'ere gumming up triedto convrnce meto moveto Denver, son.OfficerFar killedRandythatda.v, rvitnesses 0nly year-old to thepolice ro givetheiraccounts watercolorboard rvith theworstof ,:ircumstances couldhavepulled and changedthe courseof my friend'shfe attempted forever. oflicerscoveringtheaccident.ThE rveretold crude stick figures or herawavfromDem'erAndtheydid. Danielle werenotneeded, sun'ived. theirtestimonies andin one I(rearefonunate thatSteohanie scenes of grass, 0n June4, 1989,RandyBartelpickedup treeand Haraburda opinioneditor with a ticketif fiey did not Andyes,sheis strll case,threatened rivaling andthenvo sunshine, thoseof Stephanie listenedto the any first-grader,she had recreatedthe ofthemheaded toward beautifuland smart leave. Thesesamewitnesses inner-workings andtalented, butthe nenscoverage thatnrghtandhzudtheofficer's of her onn plsche.complete Denverfor their first ruth Bob Dylan l,vrics"oozing"out of date. Before they werepresent.The head injury she claimsthatnoeyellimesses ponraitof her mind. I thought could, however,the received in the follorvingmorningthey went directlyto the drsassembled nrasnothinglessthan an anisdc t';vomet fatalcalamity arcidentre-routed policesutionto makea reponandweregiven Stephanie genius. Shewasalsomy bestfriendduring onFederalBoulevard to "report"the in her entirclife. She plainpiecesof paperon r,.'hich about I ras a the form of a Denver doesnot havethe accident.Thentheywerequestioned thosehighschoolvears,so,admittedly, prejudice police bit biased. But, aside,everyone, officer name anisticability she theiruseofdrugs. knewStephanie N{ichael Thiswasall 12longyearsago,but it hasn't indudingJane, Farr. oncedid. Norcould ourartteacher, juryawarded wasdestinedto a lifetimeasa full-timeartist. Far wasansn'ering shepursuea lob in endedvet. Eventhougha federal when fellow Colleen V/illiams million, the largest Sheplanned work creatively she could, a call bv art to a officer, the commercia.l $2,25 judgement against thecityof Denverever,the but knewthe difficultyin earninga livingthis not an emergency call, field, or anv field way,so,to combine herlife'sjoyandherneed but a routine trallic whereahighlevelof DPDis still notwillingto acthonorably.ThE guiltandculpabiJity, nvoweek to makea living,plannedto work as a stop,Hewasspeeding sffessis involved, finallyadmined beforc the trial, but thdre appealing tlrecoura about 60 mph Head injuries are commercial anist. at dorn Talented asshewas,shen'ouldhavebeen Federal,and rvithout hardlikethat, Still, decisionall the same. During closing V'allyVonhamsaidno into manyart programs, but to benefitof a sirento she managesto statements, citvattorney accepted to Villumsbecause nobody studyandu'ork,but moneyshouldbeawarded s surpriseshe chosethe Colorado warn surrounding instantaneously Instituteof An, a decisionI suspectlud reiy uaffic,rana redhghtandslanrmed and intotheside it akesmuchmoretimethanit usedto for lrer her son died almost littlepain,Colleen Villiams suffered little to do with the programat CIA and ofRandy'scar, Shehaslearned to simpliffherlfe, to dorvhat therefore wasnot a nervinfraction for reallymatters.Mai,lxthisiswhyshechosenor will nowhareto sufferlogiclikerhisfor a fav everything to dowithDenver, Speeding of appellate was rn love with My Officer Fur According to coun, documenLs to fi$t rhe city of Denverwith a stressful nore yearswhiletheslowprocess Stephanie Colorado. 'center' fint memories on the only'a shon trne beforehittingRandyand lallsuit, coun dragsher throughthe horific deafi of of Stephanie l\{ounufui he hit another Denver driver.And It hasn'tbeensoeasyfor Colleen li/illiams, hersononemoretime. discussion of thisRoclcy stateandirs Srephanie, StiJl manymerits.Sheonlylivedherea fewyearsas beforehewasevenhiredto theDenverPolce Randy's mother,Shewasntgiventhedrgnityof Sowhe.rcis OfficerFantheseda-vs? death, workingfoL the DenverPoliceDepartment, achild,bunow'edto returnmd makeColorado Depanment hehadreceired10trafficciations, anapologvfromtheDPDafterRandy's in thetraficbureau, no to sergeant thefollcwing day promoted her home. Duringhrghschool,I had little 5 for speeding andonefor drivingthewrong ln fact,shewasapproached interestin movinganayfrom Boise,so my wav on the highway. The Civil Service and told that her son wasundercriminal less. lnd my friend Stephanie?Studying Iater she received reaction a bill for to herplansfor thefuturewasalwals Commission's executive directorreferredto investigarion. "an England. DPD in Bnghton, note, Farr raiting frappen," from the to cover the orpense of education lukewarm.I thinkaboutthisnowand as accident to and $17,000 "evidence." \lheneverrvetalk,I tellherhorvhappyI am More Thornton, wrthsomeirony,horvmuchI loveithere,..and police, in Aurora, and storingRandy'scar as depanmenrs 'noticeof claim' iu Denrerhorvbeautifulit is liere. I askher Department turned outragmus\', sheu'assen'eda howfarawayfromColorado is now, theAdamsCountyShenffs Stephanie thenDenver Police statingshe \!?s to pay for OfficerFarCs whenshe'smovingback. Sofar,shehasno She moved here not long after we himdorvn.Unfonunately, graduated conrpensation. nlansto return.I can'tsavI blameher fromhighschoolin 1987.Herlettes ChiefAri Zavarasmusthareseensonething u'orkman's in Farrthatereryone thesetacticsof rntimidation elsemi"ssed, Mostprobab)v, and phone calls to me were filled with redeeming

Only the worst of circumstances could have pulled her awaYfrom Denver. And they did.

Multirqciql children new hope for fufure roce relqlions Thebigest problemfor mostmixedkids A newspaper report differences that usuallykill same+ace Now there are thingsthat rvill become andallmarriages of I'veulkedto,iswhattheyidenti$with.I think Peoph in these marriages bymixedmarriages released aftertheUnited reladonships. could affected and this generationif peoplearen't teachers, thisshouldn'tbeasbiga problemastheymake States Census shorved a talkmuchmoreabouttheirexperiences Childrenwill sun growingup withoutthe it. Theyshouldtakethetimeto evenlyembrace apublicthatgenerally shuns dreidea. surge in interracialteach theirownfamilies relationships. I didn't I wasbornandraisedin Louisiana, and knowledgeof their past.I alreadysee tlut eachotherandtheneducate they mayhaveof rviththepeoplemyage.Tireparents aboutthe misconceptions really findthattoohardto outside of NervOrleans I'oudontseemixed trappening believedue to whatI've |nafrnges.I rva:i.rioughtup not knorvrngmany don'ttakethe timeto tsachthernaboutthe orherethnicgroups.Mixedpeoplealready people.'l{hen r'e moved to Colorado I peoplethatmeanta lot to theirculure.In one quali$'asa rich and uniquegroupof people ohiervd sincemovingto rvhite of the differentviewpoinsthat they rvent I met mked of myclases,hardlyanyoneknewwhoCaner because Denvel l'he report throughcultureshock, Mericans Thehct that G. Woodson(the founderof BlackHistory bringto thetable. ofmarriages aremixed, children, andAsians. showed nearly 5percent Vill mixedpeoplebeableto helptheworld? rvasat school,in clubsor just Monrh)rvas.Vb as a peopleneedto teach 1.5millionpeople, I everybody wtrichequates to roughly grosn great It has not only Martin Ilther King Yes can,but onlyif thw uke theintiative is for America. hanging together shocked me, on children about and they prsonally that a thing think :h.c They aswellasstudents. Du andbecometeachers growing farther VestintheUnited butalsoaboutCheGuewa,Vr.E.B. in nexl0 merhatpeople Sutes Gandhi, I alsoforesee thatstatistic Allcultures needto teach alreadyhaveoneup on mostpeoplebecause suchasinerracial Bois,andBoblt4adey. years.what doesthb reallvmeanfor thrs aremoreaccepting of things will theyhavealwalndealtwiththeraceisue.lr will I wentthrough .heir past so that futuregenerations hasmany Theaperiences Thequestion scenarios. relationships. country? roseethetunroutin 20or 30 wap rvork with understand, not one, but both oftheir heritages. beveryinteresting showed me to Multiracial familieshavemuchthE can in Colorado with. Thiswillallowthae childrentofunherclosethe yearsconcemingwhat strideswill be made whomI wouldhaveno contact have people teachthe countryTheserelationships in America. ttnt have,in realirystymred towardracerelations remained dapitesignifrcanr culruralburiers, Thatnotonlyspeakaboutmebutit alsosapa gapof racerelations forward, here, thiscountry'smovement bornandraised Theyhavefoundwaysro look past the lotaboutthepeople WalterGant staff columnist

April6, 2001

The Metropotitan/ 9


EDITOR Sernluewer ART DIRECTOR Ilnld llcnad FEATURES EDITOR SrahCamy ASSISTANT FEATURESEDITOR duls Wad OPINION EDITOR lhnldh llraburda NETYSEDITOR hirElarefi SPORTS EDITOR l$ckGaner COPY EDITORS TotsyRees Amberl,ohnson, PIIOTO EDITOR ScotlSrrelber REFORTERS BeiladeileBaca, Eenabom, td Dails' illlcaehDuarle,AdamDunlvan JonrflerGny,ReqnaAl0nrri IualterGant,TomllcFherson PIIOTOGRAPTIERS ilehnle Ealk, AdamHousanan lledrorCc't|et II,IUSTRATOR &eider SrdUr GRAPHICARTISTS F diLf{e|,ftSpecr *|Srn ON LINE E ]TOR l€$lca Roudl INTERNET STAFF Slmonlodti, lttdal Cuder SEI{IOR OFFICEASSISTANT BcnadetbBaca DIRECTOROF STUDENT PUBLIGATION DoqgGomarue BUSINESSMANAGER DonnilaWong ADVISER JaneHDbad( OOVERILLUSTRATIOT{ Dadd[emd, Ahx Re TEI.EPHONENUMBERS Edilorial:lilll3l 55eZU FanliXl3l 55S342r E-rmil:rcavert@mscd.edu t{eh htbr'/chm.tnscd€dd-therEt The Metrcpolitan is produced by and lor the students ot Metropolitan state college of Denver serving the Aumria CampLts. The Metooolitan is supported by advertising revenues and stuclent fees, and is puuished every F iday during the academic year and rnonthly cluring the summer is distributed to all 3emester- The bletowlttan campus buildings, No person may take more than one copy of each ectition ot fE Metropolitan witlrEut prior written permission. Direct any questions. complairns. con.L .ments or comments to the i\tSCD Boffd of Pubfications c/o Tlre Metopoli?an. Opinions e,apressed within do not necessarily reflect lhose ol fhe Metropoirtan, Metropolitan State College of Derwer or ils aclvertisers. Eleadline tor calendar items is 5 p.m. F_riday.Deaclline tor press releases is 10 a.m. M;nday. Display ad\€rrasia€ deadllne is 3 p.m. Friday. Classilied advertising The Metropolitan's deadfine is 5:OO p.m. Moddi. otfices are located in the Tivoli Student Union Suate 313. Maani€ ad't.4ss isP.O.gox 173362. Campus 8ox 57, Denver, CO EO217'3362. @ All rights tesefveo-

Hqrlmqn broughl conflict on himself DearEditor,

forJusticeapproaching Sincehe makesno mendonof theStudents

noattempt I assume first,to discusrheirconcerns, "Radicaltheadministration byAndret'Hanman, interest in theanicle I tookspecial it probably at dialogue, they succeeded was made. Had I at dialogue in theMuch30Metropolitan. in Thornton" nottolerated teacher against wouldnot hareendedmiliaryrecruimentat theschool,but heand wishI couldrallyto hissideandhoinin thisgreatcrusade fortheirviewsto be than hisstudensmighthavegainedtheendonement more lssue is complu grave However, I thinkthe injustice. some with thefull suppn their booth luve set up could hzud. Then they his articleimplia,andan imporuntopprtunityfor democradc in the mainhall,nextto the recruiter That of the admhistration, waslmt. discourse andsociallustice;not up wouldhavebeenagreatvictoryfordemocracy onthetoneof hisrhetoric.Hanman I basemyassumption qpense other, but both sitJa of the at the winning out one side genera.l "rystem ," in andinsociery ..intheschools thereisa ofinjustice. recruiment is, I feel the As it ctnain place the uble at odststhatdivida havinga Hemakes it soundasif somegreatdichommy unabated, Thegoodgupandthebadguls.Thebad continues mankind intotwocamps: I havenoticedthatmostmothsdiewhen Onefinalobsenation, Thegoodguparethe gupue theoneswhoruntheunjust system. It isheroic,andmStc;vet, into the candlelight. headfirst just rhey charge good gu)6 hart to a The appear oneswhoare likeHartman. keepsnghtonbuming. And candle justice the theyue deadnonetheless. because therrervactsof nearly insurmounable disadvanuge victims of"theslstem." themtobecome theyperform causes his studenrs something M. Mumby teach hadtheopportuniqv to Hanman instead. MetroAlumnus Hechose tobeconfrontational about democratic discoune.

TheMetropolifonshouldvqlue ocodemics over sporls recognition he teamandearnfrgnational competing alongside the panner, V/illums, earned Add 32ndseed andher gbvTbe'\letrcpolitan,weN{elanie Vhat,asa sociery, dowevalue?Judgin Jordan


players whoexcelatge$inghir in thehead.Thisisthe at the tournamenr.The fifth placenovicespeakerarvardrvasgivento raluebaseball andJenLarsentook home giventhe articlethatappeared in the lt4arch16 Melanie natura.l conclusion Jordan,n'hileJoDetDougherty 'Giving Maggie ArnoldandI w'onseconc place award. novice debate the third for the nel meamng to takingone Metrcpolinnentided I re grotmtired debateq collegiate thatgivesfullrides placenovice.Asa highschooland Asembarrassed asI amroattenda school team." in a spon.It is time I don'tpanicipate because whosesolepurposein lifeisto steprnfrontof projectila of beingmarginalized to srudents for thoservho rapect equal ?"be Melropolitan showed lr{etro, and that that this per more embarrased naveling at 90miles hour,I ameren It is timeforthe level, academic on an the college recognition hostto theNauonal bring thesamet'eektMt l\{etroplay'ed articleappeared heads to anal4ze use their to thosethat To addinsuhto collegeto providescholarships Parliamentary DebateAssociation championship, ratherthaniusrusingthemto inlury,Thetrletropolitanchosenot to reporton the terrific isues andform rationdarguments, won sop baseballs. Gratson achievements of thel{etro debarrs.Ourcoach,Scon univerulpraisefor hostingnot onlvthe largestdebatetournament DavidW. Gallivan Ourassisnnt States, butalsothemostelegant, everheldin theUnited Student Metro to helping the hours Tracey Mahoney, dedicated coundess coach, well as as telm get into primeconditionfor the tournament

Letters Poticy

$'elcomes letters of 500 TheMetropoliun interest. ofgeneral topics wordsor feu'eron school Letters mustincludeafullname, or e-ntail andaphonenumber affiliation address. mightbeedited forlength, Letters grammar andaccuraclt

Mailbox: Thetr{etropolitan Suite313 Parhvay, 900Auraria Denver C0802M e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 301.5i6.2507 f ax.303.555.3421

10 r TheMetropotitan

Aprit 6, 2001


AdamHousem an/lhc lllet|lpolitron lary Mc{illl demnstrates T* Kwon Do to Hs It roductory class on April 3.

"Thisguysaid wasn't it wasn'tfor sale,it wasjustthere- if commercial, wantedto go rvithhim andlearnKarate. 'there's stuff.' youtanted to go youcouldgo." farmerthatteaches thisKarate thisJapanese was this older The stylethat McGilllearnedras calledshotokan Greeley, and rhere Sowedroveout eastof LarryMcGillstandsin theN{etrogvmduringa breakin guy.,,and he returnedto Denverand Afterhe graduated hehadoneof thebarnswherehe hadcleaned Karate. hisTaeKwonDoclass andreminisces abouthisglorydays. beganlearningTaeKwonDo - the st.vlerhat he still stuffedwithphotosof his He leafsthrougha scrapbook teaches today. past.Theyrepresent almost of a lifethathas threedecades HeopenedhisfirstTaeKwonDoschoolon EastColfax in TaeKwon beendedicated to teaching andcompeting Gardens. Vith two fromtheoldl\,lammoth Avenue across Do. il{cGillgotin on thebeginning of theTae otherpartners, Taekwondo is theKoreanmartialartthatmeans"way in Coloradr.,. KwonDo movement Tae of thehandsandfeet."McGill, 56,hasbeenteachrng "l ivasone of the manypeoplewho wasformingan KrvonDoat Metrosrncethecollegeopened,andsaidheis McGillsaid."Vb didn'thavel cluewherethis industry," not the manhe usedto be. He turnsto a photoof his thingrvasgoing,we rvererunningrhewholethingout of youngerself,his hair long and black.An unrulybeard I wouldseea communit.v centerandsay ourbackpockets. 'Gee,it looksliketheyhavea bigrecreation adornshisface.He is executing a perfectkickup at his area.' oPponent. "l'd go in andI'd say,'Areyouthedirector? Vell,mv "l can'tkicklike I usedto," he says,lookingat the name's LarryMcGillandl'vegotaninstructor whodoesn't photo.Thenhe smilesandadds,"But at leastI'm still havea placeto teach.' l'd getoneof theseredbeltsfrom kicking." andputthemin a YMCA or a community center" class McGill,whohastaughtfour classes, two da1's a week he is mostproudof Mccillsaystheaccomplishrnent withoutfailhascuthisclass loadin halfthisyearHeisan with helpingto getTaeKrvonDo into is his involvement enthusiastic raconteur whowill speak onemomentabout theOlympics. Hewasteammanager at the1988Olympics the historyof the college, thencontinue lovinglyabout in Seoul. Korea. thesportthathehelpedtakeallthewayto theOlympics. "Thebiggest momentof my life wasgoingto Seoul, "l hadsomeotherclasses I rvasteaching on Mondals Korea," McGillsaid. and Wednesdays, and I had two other classes I was EventhoughMcGillis j6 he sayshe hasno plansto teaching on Saturdays," l\{cGillsays."Couplethat with TaeKwonDo. stopteaching ''l haveaguywhoinspires goingto tournaments, traveling,.,ljust had to start "There's me."hesays. a gu,v metropolilcn Mam Houseman/tle cuttingback. named Master N{o.(He's)a 70*ome-year-old guy in Pueblo CommunltyCollegeot Denversenior,Brian "l'm a primecandidate for repetitive uses,vndrome. If rvhohasi6 and l7-year-old children. And at the state Munembo,practlces his folms durlng La y youcanimagine howmanythousands of kicksa weekchampionships thisyearthere's a divisron forseniors. . .he Mcgill's Introductoty to Tae Kwon Do class - ir takesto teachseveral kickingandpunching classes a cnters thc division, and he teaches. He's 70-somethingon April 3. day,everydayof rheweekfor 36vears. Buthey,I'm still I'monh'56, So,l'm lusta kid.lf,\tasrer I'locandoit I can outtheredoingit.' d oi t . " ''I planon teaching lvlcGill firstgotintroduced ro martral arrsl'hcn hcrvas the flcroroff and madca realniccarea.And he did Karutc hercasiongas(thev'll)havemc." a sruden[ in Greelev. A fraternitr, brotheraskedhimif he on his orvnoul therc.Andanvbotlythutivanredto so - il



Aprit5, 2001

111 TheMetropolitan


Denver Lqndmqfts between Denver's agreement Thejointoperating to affectthe has managed two daily nervspapers way movies, andnotin a positive I learnedaboutthe effectthis pastweekend, whenI went to a movieat the ChezAniste.Just started, oneof theChezArtiste's beforethepreviews walkedto thefront employees of the theaterand got the 's attention. She audience announcedthat, due to an rates, increasein advertising which LandmarkTheatres, [squire,and runs the Ma1an, ChrisWard ChezAniste theaterslocally, orr Film lietanie Biatildltc mdrc9ol*ol wouldno longerbeableto list EmmauelGaflâ‚Źryopons up lt's doo?sto Metro students lot Naleldosco@. Mlchelle C. looks at one of the listingswill in everypaperInstead, theirshorvtimes pleces on dlsplay tltled, Srnoke by Mark Hussey. The att show wlll be on dlsplay thtough April 13. now appearon Friday,Saturdayand Sunday; moviegoers areon theirownduringthe restof the n'eek. By removingtheir dailylistingsfrom the dailv hasto pass fourdaysa week,Landmark newspapers manyofwhom onto itscustomers, aninconvenience since theirpaperfor showtimes havebeenchecking "[t's a shamebecause theystartedgoingto movies. peopleare usedto it and they expectit," David said Denvercityofficemanager, Kimball, Landmark's listing;. of thereduced to the landmark does offer alternalives before newspaper listings,whichwereannounced worksof art,butonlya fel weregiventhe artists.Butit hasbeena difficultroadfor themorieandin theirneeklye-mailupdate.Forms ThomaslrlcPherson honors of "HonorableMention"and the gallery, Emmanuelhas recently havebeenplacedin the theaterlobbiesfor an1'one |lc lcflopollcn 'Juror'sChoice," reopened aftera lengthyperiodandhas whowantsto beon theLandmark mailinglist,which "kaleidoscope" showed The One masteroiece receivedthe arvard yetto finda permanent director. will weekly schedule updates andfreelistings include everything from paintingsto photograph Bestln Shorv, "\bu reallyhaveto havea lot of DarvnNlcFadden's HitlittgI, or lookingup canstillbefoundbycallingthetheaters collages ro coppersculptures. TooMuchTenderness, anoil/collage work. supportto makea gallerysuccessful,"theirwebsite wwwlandmarktheatres.com. at Kaleidoscope is the nameof the new Among those chosenas 'Juror's Charles said. That'sall fine andgood,but the problemhere studentart showfor Metroon displayat "TheSeason Choice" areHansAxelson's of ln her brieftimeasinterimdirector, isn'tfinding whattimea movieis playing. The out the Emmanuel Galleryfrom Nlarch29- Riches,The Season of Surrender, The Charleshas enjoyedher stint with problemistheraisein advertising costs abouta 120 April 13, JurorsMarkMasuoka, Carol Seasonof Chance,"a mixed-mediaEmmanuel Galler,l'. "lt's really percent increase, according to Kimball. KellerandSandra Toland chose48pieces presentation. "lt'sexciting, it'sreallyfun,"shesaid, independent to handle hard, especiallv for theaters, a o[ art from more than 200 rvorks Honorable mentionsincludedBetsy "Youget to workwith so manydifferent just "We percent 120 increase," Kimball said. can t do submitted, accordingto Katy Charles, photo Wirgs,The show at t,vpes of people."Charles alsocitedthe ir." Jamison's interimdirector at Emmanuel Gallery, importance of havinga galleryfor the Kimballsaidhehopesthiswon'tbea permanent "Ve're trying to give all of the artprograms foundon Auraria Campus change, returnto andtharLandmark caneventually schools theopportunity to showworkby for showcasing art showssuchas publishing week. its movie listings seven days a That students,"Chadessaid. Kaleidoscope program, Kaleidoscope. there needs to is unlikely,howeveq unlessthe DenverNewspaper waspreceded bya University ofColorado "lf thereis an art program, there Agency pricehike. reconsiders the at Denvershowearlierin the yearand needsto be a placefor the artiststo problem wont be limitedto Most likely, this Community College of Denverstudents display theirwork,"shesaid. independent movietheaters.Now that the Rocky willgettheirturnin Emmanuel follorving "ft'san rmportant space,' Charles MountainNews . andDenuerPosthavethe same theMetroshorv.Usually -Katy Ghailes the showsare '.Thisis a reallv saidof Emmanuel. advertisrng department, thereis no competition for more evenlyspacedout, but since Emmanuel Gallery Director imporrant space for rhearrcommuniry Vithout daily advertisers, competition, the Denver Emmanuel Gallery waswithouta director in Denl'er" Newspaper Agencycanraisetheirratessignificantly until recently,the showshad to be Emmanuel Galleryis one of manythat rvill remainon display Kaleidoscope rvithoutlosingmonev. Thosewhocanaffordhigher scheduled closertogether. have been shown in the venerable untilApril13th.Charles urgespcopleto will costs more than make up for thoservho,like "lt's a prettyrigorousschedule," she structure.Emmanuel Episcopal Chapel comesoon,sinceshe estimates several Landmark, have to cut back. said. rvasbuiltin 1876. andstillstands todayas artistsrvill be takingtheir rvorkdown Unfortunately, thereisnotmuchthatcanbedone Ironically, the hecticschedule might the oldestchurch structurein Denver beforethen.Theshorv isondisplav at the abour the local daily advertising monopoly. As for haveincreased rheamountof visitorsto The buildrnghas undergoneseveral Emmrnuel Caller,v, locatednext to the Landmalk, I plan continue rvhat to doing I have been thegallery. diiferentincarnatrons sinccthen,most Physical Education Building,Theglllery sinccI moved to Denver: supporting thetheaters that "Visitation hasrun anlwhere betrveen recently shorvcasing the an of students. is open11a,m.-ip.m. N{ond;rv-Fridav. To providevenue a forindependent, artistic, andforeign 60to 180peoplea dav,"Charles said. faculryand evennationlll,v recognizedcontlciEmmlnuel Glllerl', call5j6.8337. cinema patronage. through nrycontinued Kaleidoscope fcaturesseveralnotable

Emmqnuel Gqlleryseen throughq Kqleidoscope


there is an art

be a placefor the aftists to displaytheir work,"



12 r The Metropotitan

Aprit 6, 200'l

Tuforing Centerhelpssludenfs excel mffi

evaluations to assess the center'sperformance. Cooksaidshes tryingto coverallthebases. Shesartedasthedirectorof theTutoring Are you still havingtroublewith those Centerearlythisyearandhassinceinitiated calculus problems andit'syoursecond attempt somechanges to increase theflexibility of the . attheclass? Hasthevirology classor anyclass progfam to meet the. requirements of forthatmatter- gotyouseeing spotsandyou're participating students. It used to be thar stillnotgettingit? Toopoorto paysomebody studens couldonlyreceive onehouroftutoring with a trainedbrainfor the information you persubject, perweek.\ow students canhave needed to understand bylesterday? TheSaint t$'o or more houn,. depending on r,,hat they Francis Tutoring Centercanhelpyouout.It is need, She also heard enough students expres freeto Metrostudents, andyouprobablv should interestin el'eningtutoringsessions, so she havegonetherethefirstI'eekof classes, opened thecenter on Vednesrlay nights. Goupandfiilouta rutorrequesr form.The "l believeit's very importantto have director, JaunitaCook,will hookyou up with reputable rutorsro bestservethestudents and someone to helpI'ougetrhrough.Thecenter quality the high is going ger onl,v ro berrer each offelswalk-in,one-(l-one and somegrcrup semester," Cooksaid. tutoring in mostsubjects andifyoursisobscure, The tutors musrbe juniorsor srniors. Cookwill morerhanlikelyfind.vousomeone maintain a 3.0GPArnthesubject theyrutorand rvhocanhelp. haveareference ''lfI don'talready from an instructor in thesubject havesomeone, I'll arrange arca. The. reference is then sent to the fora tutorto beherewhenthestudents come," ^,tetanie Biatik/nFmekopolilon depanment head forrel'ielandapproval. Cook Cooksaid, "Thjsis hereto helpstudents get At the tutoringcenterlocatedat the St. FranclsCenteron Mar,G,JaunltaCookand hasmorethan20Nrorsonstaffandis looking through." studentgo oversorrFhomework.As the newdirectorof the tutoringcenter,Cook for morereferrals frominstructcnfor porential Cookrvorks withtrletro's department is lookingto makesevetalnewchanges. heads tutors.It isa paidposition. and instructors to ensurethat the prognm 'TLtoring great About200students aregettrng tutoredthis to 5 p.m. It'slocated onthesecond floorofthe is experience," Cooksaid. . benefitsits panicipants.Instructorsassess '(lt) reinforces semester, not including ' those who went to rhe st,Francis Building no<trost.Elizabeth schurch rhe rutor'sknowledge of the student's progress throughthe tutoringcenter centerforhelpanddidntsuy. andit'snottoolateto pullourapassing grade in subject and looks great on resume." a andthedatais usedby thecenterandStudenr St. Francis Tutoring Centerrvillbe open over that thermodynamics class that,s trying to eat Students and tutorsneedto beenrolled in Services to findwaysto betterservestudents' thesummer Monday through Friday from8 a,m. yourhead, panicipate. classes to needs. The center also uses instructor


& ilEtropotitan

ItEltvER PAVttrcilS 15 16thSt.&Tremont Plc. 777-FILM #534

Shp byThe Metropolitan office Student Union, Rootn 3]3] ffivoli

hours, business tophk uppur pass cornplimentary (admitting 2).

Passes are d islribrrled on a filst come-tirst sewed basls while supplies last. One pass per personPass does nol guarantee sâ‚Źatlng. Please arrive lo lhâ‚Ź lhaater eallv. THIS PROMOTIONIS OPENTO STUDEI.ITS, FACULTYAND '17 YEARS AND OLDER. STAFF No one uncler 17 will be


April6, 2001

oiut||e e ttfeck...

Suftlr lv Erenden

\lol rrrS YoJ 'Ttl6 \rJ HA

HEfts n€:fuQ.N tuc. 5o T$ *r I t4alY \Jd f,r Fr rr,r rl


SfAcrE9 5o

Lb,tt A(A W$n Ii€ lent*l og

CallipygianStreetby Kurt Cole

g4t'lr: ';$ry ,'fi'


Life at Bayside


foor- \tnllc I lSooc fan-

ldtA lrsas t faot. LAa -1?,r, fooc To Krlt {,.r1 lFthrR, F Fdo( To DlS6n cJ -rH6 totrjrl laAar6J SIyLE , hr.lo ABov€ Far-, A $ooc To L€ttt C i'\€ ALiUE To TRL€ VtN{r€}rcE {on- 1o,rrr t11.1ol€\*€ 1.

i r. i4ochine's heod hos been token in o box wifh on 'Aber.ciz€{"'to o hor6a where two hippies live, only lo hqv? q hyd.oponic plont edt or|c of th"'!i,

The lrietropolitan/13

cyranodebrassica @hotmail.com


@ U N








Hout.YWooD Atr{eRA LoNGISH

tokeep alotof ARIES:Youhave atendency good things secret, especiallyyour Doing rather unhvorable accomplishments. some for a bvedonewill rault n heanfelt chores gratitude. Youlire in the presentandloath dwelling Dontrtrine. onthepast, TAURUS:Youseem to beableto handle jrstabout youruay *trichmavbethrown anything in reganls Byputting tosurprises. a lotoffaithin love,it isa shock ntrensomeone lets those 1,ou your Keep rnuct down. self-esteem and uke 1ou timeoutforyourself too. GElrtlNl: Ongoing reladonships area lirde presendy, strained andnewonesaresomettrat willimprove dubious. Justwaitit outandthings is notimponant to pu, butyou soon.Money having enough sopu crndothethings lou enioy want, without counung thecost. now CANCER:Beingquitea homebody, wouldbeane<crllent timeto capitalize on any youluvein thatdirection. Yourlove indinations It isapecially otciting lifeisquiteintense lately. intensity matches ttutyourloved one's emotional yourown. of even surpass€s on LEO: Thisweekpu needto capitalze pur powers in awinner ofpersuasion andemerge - aswellasinyour abusinasfinancial negotiation in arelationship lorelife.Youseem tobehappier you are Butsince tlnn arealone, lourstandards incredibty tugh, etpatafewdrysplls. atthebestof timapu have VIRGO:Even to adopta negative to guardagamst a tendency in andromance towardhfein general attitude panicular. youknowrt or not,youare Vherher r.,ery bvonyourown.Being afast capable ofgetdng pu handle l'ell. stid<y situations thinker, LIBM: Youareverygoodat kepng howyou feelabo4,1 "secrets,"cpaldlpabmt maynotalw"alt beafl Youiloverelationship others, ro othen.Enjoving harmonious as it appears of ideasis companionship andthe sharing pu tend to focus on thepositive imponant, and sideofeveqthing. SCORPIO: Beneathyour strong, liesa desirefor a truly independent o<terior rnthetemptadon to. fulfilling rcla*nshbResist if youbecome inselfdatructive behavior indulge Emotional satishction canalsobefound unhapplr inrenoring oldfrnndships. pu usually Although have SAGITTARIUS: yru do muchbetteronyour a signficant other, is yourmotto.Yourreal orw. Independence leam liesinyoureverpresent optimism. strength of yourlifeand to raluethoseworsemoments Youturr anatural athleric abiliry lzunfromthem. inherent hulismwhich CAPRICORN:'lhe youaoundmaystifleanypositive rcmstofollow Your needed for 1outo get ahead. atdrudes sopu liesinpur ability tomwefomard, srrengh needto rvorkon gainingcontroloveryour prrticalandlivingintir Being negatirc tiroughs. suits. realworldareyoursfiong is onothers AQUARIUS : Reling depndent qpe pu dearo[,especially the ofsinudon steer relationships. whenit comes to anyemotbnal pu do quitealrighton pur own,avoil Since Your nature compasionate tendencies. hermitlike thanitswonh. willgetpu intomoretrouble \trtnlbingpur feelings toalorcd PISCESI way to clear the air, onecouldbe the best providing act is ud. Youarefeelingquite iscommunkated lately andtiut feeling attractive withtreguiling lbuareintouch else. toeverlone of yournatureandenioyo<prasing impulses purself.

14 tThe Metropolitan Aprit6, 2001


Reisitthefoshion wc idofthe1980t b'bringing ino pic:ure ofyourself dressed upin801 sfyle.Stopbythe offices of IheMetropoliton locoted inthe IivoliStudent Union, Room #313, withyourpirture beginning todoycf l0:00Atllond you'llreceive o complimentory poss for twoto the sdvonce screening of

JOEDIRT Passes goodwhileswplieslasl.Onâ‚Źpassperperson perhoosehold. MultFe envaes wil be disqualified Padcipallng sponsors andtheiragencies afe noleligibe. Nopurchase necessary. Nophoneca ls please


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Seelllet 0n-fllr onDCIU Omnnrl5? t0{! THE METROPOLITAN STATE COLLEGE,/DENIE,R MSCD Ofrh" S,*r, P"tlmnt^ "t

April 6, 2001

/ 15 TheMetropolitan

Highlqnds dominqtes Roodrunnets


in the finalr'woinnings,scoringtwo runsin thefifth andthreein thesixth,asMetrosplit Itc lctrogcton of theseries. theopeningt\r'ogames After rallyingbackin the bottomof the Afterbreaking a seven-game losingstreak secondfor two runs,Metrocarrieda2-l lead andscoringits first RockyMountainArhletic into the top of the third rvhenHighlands victorylastweekendagainstthe explodedfor five runsoff of staningMetro Conference University of Southern Colorado, thingswere pitcherSteven Foxto taketheleadback, startingto lookgoodfor the Metrobaseball After siningdownthe first two Cowboy teamheadinginto its fourgameserieswith hitters, hits,setting Foxgaveupback-to-back NewMexico Highlands April1-2. who for Cortroy Richard Rodriguez, the table Insteadof carryingthe momentuminto senta shotdownthe left field line,scoring lost it, and the bothrunners the series,the Roadrunners to tiethegameat three. seriesto the Cowboys,as Metro dropped Highlands Nick Giacone follorved threeof thefourgames, Rodriguez by doublinginto centerfield, 2-6RMAC) droppedinto scoringRodriguez Metro(14-15-1, andgivingtheleadbackto rvhile theCortoy,s. seventhplace in the conference, junpedintoa firstplace (21-6,6-2) Highlands put hitter,MattPlaneta, ThenextCowboy tiewithFonHaysState. markon theinningbysending anexclamation a 2-runshotovertherightfieldfence,pushing Gamel-NewMexico to 6-3. theadvantage Highlands 9, Metro3 Afterscoringtwo runs in the bonomof the fifth ro closewithina run at 6-5,Metro Metro could not capitalizeon four defenseshutdownthe Highlands offensein Highlanderrorswhile Roadrunner starting the top of thesirth andin thebottomof the pitcherBryceGehlenallowed13 hits and inning,theRoadrunners madeitscomeback. eightruns,all of themearnedasMetrolost Vith two outsandthe basesloadedwith thefirstgameof theseries. BrianEdwards singled freshman Roadrunners, jumpedon Gehlen(3-4)in TheCowboys up the middle,scoring thefirstinning,scoringthreerunsonfivehits. Mo runnersto givethe Vrilhoneout, anda runneron secondbase, leadbackto Metro,7-6. CowboyNeil ReBellhit a RBIsingledto the JuniorDonaldGwinner givingHighlands the early secondbaseman, followed Edwards witha rf=' leao. RBIsingie'torighfheid" Following Richard a strikeout,Highlands' givingtheRoadrunners a Rodriguez drilleda RBIdoubleddowntheleft BrianEdwards tworunadvantage, field line, scoringanotherrun to give the In the top of the Cowboys a 2-0lead. reliefpitcherEricCummings seventh, camein Vith Rodriguez on first, CowboyNick withoneoutandgotthefinalt\!'ooutsto earn Giaconesingledinto centerfield, scoring hisfirstsave of thevear Rodriguez andpushingthedeficitto 3-0. Edwards 2-forandGwinner eachfinished In the bottomhalf of the first, the first 4 fromtheplate, andtheyeachdrovein two ' threeMetrohittersgot on basewithsingles, runsapiece. withluniorNateLavrenz's singlebringing in TvlerVood to put the Roadrunners freshman Scott9nettrer/Tlc l.Ucgclloa Game3-NewMexico on theboard. Highlands 3, Metro2 Metro iunlor chad Edwa?& take€ a swlng .galnst l{sv Mexlco Hlghlandson Aptll 2. Ihe AfterjuniorChadGonzalez reached third Roadrunne6 lo6t thre€ of bur games to the GolflboF and hope to rebound against t'Yith the all the scoringin the first rivo ColoradoSchool of Mlne€ ttds weekond. baseon a throwingerror by the pitcher, wascaught Lavrenz stealing but games,the third gamebecamea pitchingduel second base, madea comeback in the TheRoadrunners Lavrenzkept the Cowboydefensebusy betweenNletrostarterJasonAsh and bottomof thefourth,withjuniorNateLavrenz Game4-NewMexico enoughto allowConzalez to scoreputting Highlands starter Brian Cochran. 13,Metro3 Highlands Edwards his on firstbase,seniorJack smashed Metrowithina runaa3-2. It became wasgoing eighthhomerunof the l'ear to pull Metro agame ofwhichteam wouldanswerin thetopof the to maketheonemistake Highlands to change thetideof withina runat3-2.Edwards Hopeof takinga split of rhe weekend finished thegame second, scoringtwo runs,whichwasall that thegame. serieswas quickly taken away from the 3jor-3with2 RBIandonerun scored. theyneededto beatMetro. got thescoring goingin the Highlands scorednineruns asHighlands But Cochran andKellers,r'ho took over Roadrunners, For the Roadrunners,firstinning,whenBrandon Ricesingledin for Cochranwith one in the seventhinning, in thefirstfourinnings to wintheseries, seniorJack Edwardshit Micha a shutdownthe Roadrunnersoffensefor the Kellers fromthirdgivingtheCowboys scoredtwo runs in the Afte'rHighlands his seventhhomerun, a 1-0lead. camein the first inning,the Roadrunners restof thegame. soloshotto left field.He AfterMetrowentdownin thebonomof Ash pitched well bottomof theinningto tie thegameat two. wouldfinishthegame1- thefirst,fuh gottwoquickoutsto openthe But Metro'sdefensedidn't help the despitegeningthe loss. for-3with oneRBI.Junior topof thesecond inning. He finishedthe game offenseout in the secondinning,as they put in a ChadGonzalez washoping Theonemistake thatMetro to allowingsix hits, three committedtwo errorsthat leadto fiveruns, Jack Edwards noteworthyperformance,avoidoccurred withthenextbatteq asMetro runs,oneof themearned threeof whichwereunearned. going2-for.3 witha runscored. second attheplate, TylerVoodcommitted baseman an Freshman BrianEdwards andjuniorChad and struckout four A5h Jason errorthatwouldhaveendedtheinning,but goocl had day at theplate. Gonzalez each a hitters. Game2 - Metro 8, New keptit aliveforHighlands. Edwardsfinishedthe day going2-for-4 on theseason, Vith eighthomeruns Jack iiexico Highlands6 Kellercameup to theplatefollowing the Edwards needsto hit sevenmorein 21games with a RBIanda run scored,whileGowalez. errorwithaRBIsingled thatputHighlands up to tie the schoolrecordof 15,set by Rusty went2-for-3witha run scored. TheRoadrunners foundthemselves down 1-0 (1986). Befus(1990)andToddVaughn bigearlyin thisgame(5-3),but stormedback



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TheMetropolitanI 17

Aprit 6, 2001


Melro divers plqce ql Nolionqls placefinishon theMen's3-meter boardor SutiorsCariLewtoneighth place hisseventh finishonthe1-meter atnationals lastmonth.Hewasallbushess, thinkI'vejustmarured alot sincefreshman ard DJ,Hummel year,""lHummel uid. "lt justfeelsgoodto u'in." Vhning is somethingboth Hummeland finishcollege kwton havegroimquiteaccustomed to overthe

"Both thesekids wort at leastpafi-time, Lerronsaid."He'sgreat," forabouttwo Hummel rzs quickto mainaina3.0or betteqandpractice Lewton said."Tosayon second srntiments. anda halfhoursaday,"Kennedy "l affibutea lot of my top for an endrecollegiatecareeris quitean success to Brnn,"Hummel accomplishment." indeed,whenyou said."Hetooktimeoutof Quiteanaccomplishment hisschedule, oneusedto fliponthebedandtheotler andI givehima consider lotofprops, I couldn't have neverledwithherhead.But,ttnt s iusttheway Youmaynotahzls him." doneitwithout thingsworkoutsometimes.

pastfewlears. Cari LeMon "DJ.'sbeenanAll-American theprsttl'o years and&ri's beenanAll-American sinceshewasa Mrh thelength of thedivingseason beingone {indyourtalent;pur alentmighthavetofindyou. So,withonelastroundof applaur,u'ithone freshman,"said Metro Diving coach Brian of themosterhausring of anysport,it'samzing rousingo\ation,respectthe best,Me{ro. let more Kennedy. could even suy awake, a.lone thesetwoathletes "Metro's you. YouMre All-Amencms among on themapasoneof thetopdiving diretheirray intoAll-American sanrs. Ericl*cConnell Itc lelrcpcllloa in Division II, andit'smostlvbec.rrrse DJ, schools andCui haverepraentedus for thc pastfour years," F'ennedy uid. pur dassic Talkabout endings. knownat Cariloton madeher presence Vhen the cunainrventdownon two when placed Nationals as well 1lth she on rhe collegiate divingcareers latelrt month,there performance Women s l-meter board a that harebeenasunding should orztion. MentionAll-American Thecrowdshouldhavegonewildandthe earnedher Honorable whichmade applause should havegoneonfor hours,Asit status- andeighthon the3-meter, All-American her a true , sands, though, Metro dir.'ers CarilertonandDJ. "l felt prety goodabouttheray it ended," Hummel havefinished theirseason. andthev youcan't couldn'thavepickeda lemonsaid."GoingoutanAll-Amencan, really unhappy with ttut." be nay to it better end as lcwtonbegan herattrletic career Division II All-Americans. Considaing "l'm veryhappywith asa gymmstwho neverlandedheadfirst,she t haveanltlilngto beunhappy about. the way thingsended,"reallycloesn "trlflhen people I was freshman, had never a grand Hummel saidof his people Metro "Now hzudof Sate,"Irwtonsaid. exit. D.J.Hummel "Iflten I wasyounger,arelike,theregoes&ri.' It'sagoodfeeling." Bothdivenagreed thatnoneof theirsuccess i'dalwapdolikeflipsonthe possible would have withoutthe coaching been parents got bed,ard thenmy a trampoline.I ;rr!,i-ffi. got from Kennedy. just and suppon they mostly plald around,though." 'Brianreallymotivated meandpushalme," Therewasnothingplafrl aboutHummel's



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18 I The Metropolitan

April,6, 2001

12 SIEPMeetlngs On Campus. M Meetings on Tuesdap& Thursdays from 12-1pm in theAurariaUbrary#201. For moreinformation, callBilli at (301555(303)327-4140. 2525or AL-ANON.Meeton \fednesdal's in the AurariaLibrary#205 from 12-ipm.For moreinformation, callBilli ^t (3015562525or (303\321-8788.

DenverMainLibrary,13th& Broadway, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of el'ery month from 6-7:30pm. Freeand everyone is welcome.For moreinformation, Resumesthat Work - Learn how to c tt (30il5203095. write an effectiveresumein this free workshop for MSCDstudentsin CN Brown BagVorksltopon God'svill . To preregister #203 from 9-11am. and Bring a sack lunch. Hot and cold for information, c^ll(303)556-3664, drinks/chips provided. Monda.vs 11:30am-1pm and Tuesdays 12:30-2pm, St. FrancisCenter,Room#2. Formore information, call(303)7 50-5390.

Vocql and Instrumental Jazz Ensembles - Presentedin the King Center Concert Hall ^t 7:30pm. Admission is free,Formoreinformation, call(303)t56-3180. Mock Interulew - An opponunitvto practiceand eraluateyour interviewing Dressas vou would for an techniques. interview, actual bringyourresumeand arrivetenminutesearlyto CN#203from 1-3:30pm. Topreregister or for informarion,call(303)556-3664.

Interaiewing J&dlls- Reviewthe interviewingprocess in thisfreeworkshop for Cbinese Acupuncture and Your MSCDStudent Goaernnent Meeting N{SCD studentsin CN203from1-3pm.To Health - Traditional Chinese llledicine is - Getinvolredwith studentgovernment preregister and for information,call a completemedicalsystemwhichhas from3:30-5:30pm ereryThursday in the Diggin' Denaer - The Natural beenusedto diagnose, treatandprevent 30rti6-3664, Clubwill hostDr.Jonathan #329.Formore Philosophy Senate Chambers,Tivoli illness. Learnhowyou canapplythese Kent who will talk aboutArcheology information, call(303)556-3312. lessons to yourhealthpractices in Tivoli aroundDenverat 4pm in the North #320 B from1-2pm. Formoreinforma#1608. Trutb Bible StudyJrom a Messianic Classroom tion,callO03)tt6-2i25. to JewisbPerspectiue- Nl aren'elcome join in Tivoli #542 \I'ednesdays Angela Ol - Authoqsocialcritic,attorand ney',andpresidential will present advisoq Thursdays from 3-4pm.For moreinforher lectureon the "Futureof Race mation,cafl Reuben at (30T355-2009. in America" in Tivoli#320ABC Wind Ercemble and. Guard Band . Relations call in the King CenterConcert at 1pm. For more information, SMARTRecouery- A nontraditional Presented (303)156-2595. group,meetsat the Hallat 3pm.Admissron is free.Formore addiction recovery information, 180. call(303) 556-3


Aprit6, 2001

TheMetropolitan I 19


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