Volume 23, Issue 27 - April 13, 2001

Page 1






2 / TheMetropolitan

Aprit 13, 2001

Donrt Go Undercover Without It!

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uraria & Frid


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Do it for Yourself...andOthers ContinuingCommitmentto the HealthCenterat Auraria'sGoal of Creatinga HealthyandEducatedCampusCommunity


April 13, 2001

TheAetropotitan/ 3

SeanWeaver/llc le{rctclior Amy Laugesenapplies a coat of plaster to her sculpture "Tad" in her Denve. studio. According to a recent study published by the ltational Center for Education Statistics, women who are employed in the arts, heath and engineeringtields eam salaries conparable to men.

Women'ssalariesequal men's in engineering, arts and health The report,whichwasreleased ln Februarl;alsofoundsel'eral factors, suchasageandrace,determined l'omen'ssalaries, whileonly majorfieldof study, andtheschool predicted anended mens salaries. Women whotakejobsinengineering aremorelikelvto earnsalanes "These resultssuggest that\\,omen maybe sublected to greater comparable to men,according to a studyreleased by the National scrutiny in entering andadvancing in the labormarket," rhereport Center forEducation Sratistics. sEtes. On average, womenI'ho graduated from collegein 1992-1993 Anadditional reportreleased bv rhecenterin Marchfoundwhile earnedf30,596in 1997,according to the reporr,rvhilemenrho $'omenconstitute a maloriry of collegestudents, theystill earn18 graduated at the sametime earned$38,415. Vomenu'hoentered percent lessthanmen. professions, engineering however,reportedaverage earningsof "Vhilethisdispariq' mayin panbeaccounted forbvdifferences in whilemenin thesameprofession $42,822, reported average earnings of occupational emplolment, , ,thisfindingnonetheless bringswith it a Butaccodingto National $42,952. Science Boardsratisrics, women numberof implications, including questions aboutcomparative makeup slightlymorethanonefifthof thescience andengineeringdifferences " h a college education's economic returnon investment workforce.Accordingto statisticsfrom the NationalScience the secondrepoftstates."Therefore, wholeeconomicparityiby Foundation, womenreceived engineering 9,200 degrees in 1995, while definition, cannotbeachieved through offsesin (adegree) for those menreceived engineering 50.800 degrees. whoareothenvise disadranaged, (a degree) nonetheless serves ro "Oneof the thingsthafs provenhistoricallv is we still have mitigate thosedisparities." conservative and traditional attitudesthat havepersisted despite "There's stilldiscriminarion," Hagen said,'Oneof therhings abour politicaland socialrealiry," saidMetrohistorv


r il'i:';J#:'nli!;i.,i :i,:';: :iii,Lill,l$ n made,butstudiesdoneinthe'eossalrl;l'.t{* going to be 100 I'ears(befor


of the things that's proven historically, is we still

comparable)." The other thing toorhar's more have consefvative thanpay.youalsohaverolookatbenefir packages,

y",d;;,;";;;"tuiiPersisted reriremenr and insurance


and tfaditional





and social reality.'

prcrure. Thestudvfoundwomenin health andartfieldsalsoearned salanes thatisit canbedoneunconscious\,. \bu canmakeassumptions about ,tbucouldbe comparable youtcndro evaluare to men's. anapplication. themdifferenrlr "ln thearts,rvedon'tgetpaidmuchanlrva)'," saidAmvLaugesen, a stereotpingand includingor excluding critela you,renot eyen sculptor andaneducation assistant for theMuseum of OutdoorArts. conscious you're.applving." ''lt's competitive, but I guessit's different.I rhink there'smore recognition forrvomen in theans.It'smoresubiect acceptance more thanoan"

Monys Hagen, Metro history professor

4r The Metropotitan

Aprit 13,2001

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The Metropolitan/ 5

SGAelection winnersno surprise l{icaela Duarte

couldhavebeenworse." transformation of theGoldaMeirCenter Vassilaros said she planson uckling Vassilaroswon on the Student thistermincludingacademic Ernpowerment ticket,whichshewonwith 0f the 12 positionsavailable on the variousissues year's advising, an independent board for Metro, in last election. StudentGovernment Assembly, 10 were andmakingtheGoldaMeirCenterhandicap Other winners on the Student filledin tlrcSGAelections April26 accessible. Empowerment ticketare;vicepresident of Though the student government "lt's reallya yearto continuethework academicaffairs,Ellen Schauer;vice electionswere predictabledue to an presidentof student services,Jorge said. uncontested race in all positions,the wehavebeendoing,"Vassilaros Of the issues Vassilaros plans said she on Hernandez; vicepresident of administration winners wantto usethistermto continueto year shesaidtheGoldaMeir andfinance, Bianca Ortiz;vicepresident of workonthethingsthecurentksemblyhas worftingonthis Gnter might yean take a few to implement. student organizations, Dimetra Bernaquer; putting already been in place. at vicepresidentof studentfees,CarinViet; Pruidentialwinnerand curent SGA Shesaidsomethingshavebeenchanged the center to help make the house more vice president of diversiry Benzel President, StehnieVassilaros, hada totalof Trustees 106votesof the 150students whovotedin handicapaccesible,like a two wayvideo Jimmerson; Board of and radio which connecs the downstairs representative, candace Farmer thisyeanelection, downfromlastyears522 arca to an upsuirs room giving person a Independent position candidate for the of srudentvotes. who is unable walk to downthestairsthe anorneygeneral, lvanRodriguez, alsowon, "Obviously it (voterrurnout) waslow to stillpanicipate in theevent. aswellasa write-incandidate for thevice because of the typeof ehction,but I am chance Shesaidtheasemblywillbelookingfor presidentof campuscommunications, happywith the resuls,"Vasilarossaid,"lt grants in order to complete the ValterGrant.with11votes.


Wattetstolenfrom library An employeeof the AurariaLibraryreponedher walletmisingfromherworkareaon March21. VickiBrino,a library technician of kriodicals, reponedto the policethatsomeone hadenteredher officeareanearroom130of thelibrary,whichisopento thepublic,andremoved herblackwalletfromherpurse. Thewalletrzluedat $50,conainedseveralcredit cards,a checkbook,andmiscelhneous papers.Ihere arenofurtherleadsof susoects atthistime.

A theftfromaroomin theNorthClassroom Building wasreportedon March18.Thetrvovictimssaidin the reponthattheirbelongings werebeingkeptin separate roomwithintheNonhClassroom Building. Victimone,Christenson, rcporteda stainless steel, MultiLeatherman wittlarasa{pt nasbeingstoredin a

unanended desk-draieilt$i'rooS. Thesecondvictim.Sulli n. saida blackGrter Folderknifewasbeingstoredin rmm 1001of theNonh Classroom Buildingunanended. At thistimetherearenosusoects or leads.

GLBToffering. 58,000schotarship

Metro students Alana Montoya, left, and Kelly Ridlen, right, rflait for a light rail train to arive at the Collar station on April 10. Student tees will be raised by $3.3O to add tegional rqrtes to the pass program


Studentsvote for bus pass additions


Pearse, busdriverfor route12said."l havenn'osonsin collegeand I thinkanybreaktheycangivecollegekidsisgreat.I wishit was even more." Students fromall ttree colleges votedin favorof theRegional 'li'ansponation "l thinkit'sfor thebest,eventhoughI justrideeveryoncein a DistricCs BusPass Program Contract renegotiations while," saidMetrostudentAlainaBrandenburg April4 & 5.Outof the 1,029 nrtescast,89percentruledin favorof Thefeeswillbeadjusted basedonstudentuugefor theyears continuing theprognm. 2002 and 2003, promised but it is theywill norexceed $22. Therenegotiations extendusageprivileges to regional routes. A student identification with card a current semester decal Regional routesincludebusessuchasB, D, E from Boulderto doubles pas. as a MD Mth it, students receivefreelocal,limited hrker freelightrailsewice,freeexpresroutesanda Thiscturgewillcausea t3.J0increase in studentfees.Thefee Denverbusservice, onSkylile rwice to DenverInternational Airport. will be raisedto 120shning in the hll. Thisnewpriceincludes 12discount The pas has been available to yean studens for sk andis insitutiomlcdlectionfees. available onlyto students, "RIDges a lotofbrsinasfromtheAuraria Campus," Dan


An $8,000 Gill GLBTScholarship is beingofferedfor incomingfreshmen by Gay,Lesbian, Bi, TransStudent Services at Metro. Metrois amongfiveschoolsthatwereawarded the moneyfromtheGillFoundation aspartof thefoundations Gayandlesbianfund for Colorado. Thescholarship will be awarded in the amounrof excludingsummer,for four $1,000per semester, concuffena !'ears. Tobeeligible forthescholarship, applicanm must:be first-year students andenrolledfull-timeatMetro,writean esuydemonstrating pastinvolvement with gay,lesbian, bisexual, transgender issues andfuturecommitment to communityservice, and have fwo letters of recommendation. In orderfor students to maintain the award,they mustpanicipate in approximately to 30hounof service theGLBTcommunity eachsemester andmaintain a 2.5 GPA, Thisscholarship is onlyavailable to rhools that includeserualorienutionin their nondiscrimination policy. Application formsmustbe postmarked by l4ay1. ThE arearailable in theGLBToffre,TivoliJl1 or ontheir web sirehttp:IIclen nrt. edu.I - glbtsl. For more informationcontactKarenBenson. director,GLRISS a| 303-5566333.

Scholarship workshopbeingoffered A workhop for anyoneinterested in leamingmore aboutscholanhips processb being andthe application heldI to 2:30p.m.April19in liudi3mq

6 r The Metropolitan


Used PGsoffer alternatives to high prices maybea viable treatedpoorly- thesearethe kindsof systems in an'asis'condition mostpowerfulPCcan computer doesn'tneedthenewest, astute, then youwantto stepawayfrom. equipment ata option.Butifyou'renottechnically llc lei,cpolilca adequate buyused,butperfectly . Unlesthepriceis panicularly goodyou a youcanreduceyourriskfactorbvnegotiating fractionof thenew-Kprice." fairs, from computer privilege avoid buying return should warranty at least some sort of in technology, of Because of rapidadvances It hasbeensaid that one man'strashis you sales, aslegally mayhave markets or car-boot agefastand*ratcanbeanadrantage withthedealer. anotherman'strelsure- and noqtere is this computers 'Typically problems. protection are privilege good no if there is a young "t{lhrranty or return is as a computer that for buyers. philosophy moretruethanin theusedcomputer . "lt your purchase with a creditcard lot the Make generation adds. says a about old indicator," Brggs a a&ancing e<ponentiallyasninemonthsis considered mu*et.with tethnology can where possible, Many credit card companies thedealerhasin hisworkandin the every 18 to 24 months,entry level and andcansellfor aslittleas50to 60percentof ia confidence help pu leveragereturn righa if there is a intermdiatecomputerusersarcpoiseito find originalprice,"up BarryBrgs, CEOof PC qntemheissellingyou." problem.Checkwithyourcreditcud company items to additional qntem Biggs offers the following "For a that in Littleton. eomple, Brokers atafractionof thenewsomerully goodrystems system: to besure. a used computer mayhaveonceretailedfor $1,500couldlery lookforwhenbuying PCprice. your thatupgrading Finally,Biggssuggests bepickedupfor aroundf500." ln a recentreporqtheIDCU.S.QuanulyPC realistically . Makesureyou test the PCthoroughly current systemmay be an alternativeto of the .{s for the qualityand availability growthfor significant l'larketTrackerforecasts you anentirelydifferentsystem."There before buy,andwatchfor simpleindicators purchasing that there ue there, Biggs indicates system out the usedPC market. The repon suggests ' with canstillbealot of lifeIeftinpur olddeshopand "boot-up "There clean subility such as a prospects. are someredly of system 10 percentgrowthfor 2001and interesting approximately your memory,processor and simptyupgrading days. Vhile nosistemeffors. out on the market these nice systems of9 millionand Z}l2,andanavengetotalmarket . methd be most costâ‚Źfficient promised hard drive may the Ensure that all of the software off companies are laying all these dot-com respectively. 9.89millionusedcomputers students.For lndustryopera citetlut oneof thebiggest peopte,theyareatsolayingoff theircomputer has been installed,and that the licensing for buyerson abudget especially than to approximately to. Remember havebeenadhered $300 $400less thepriceof therearealsosome requirements aswell.However, drivenof the usedPCmarketis the newK systems 'AsnewPG becomeFaster usemcan computer usedmachine, youfindon yourusedsptem theavemge thatarenotsuchagooddealandbuyers thatanysoftware market. andcheaper, s)Etems price to upgrade a you you their sptem. Our are not upgrade to and may not be licensed before making need to themsehes really educate andbusineses have users- both individuals with 500MHZ, a Pentium@ system to left on a sandard Also, e'<isting softwue entided to use it. moreincentives to buynewmodelsandselttheir a purchase," faster modem is appmximately viuses. mayalsocontain damaging $440." oneof the rnostimpoftant usedsysrem Biggssuggests old equipment to (usedcomputer)dealers," . ltsk the dealeraboutthe motherboard, sptem when considering a used hctors to look at writerfor the writesPaulFreeman, acontributing For more informationon buying u.vd process central unit,andto help abilityto standbehindtheproduct thecomputen isthedealeCs Pugmt&nnd Business Journal. 'Just qstemt uisitPCBrokm online al potential. computer you upgrade determine its continues, asthereue good afterthe sale. "Thereare two tlpes of used Freeman 'as . or call than wilb your of the wwupcbrohen.com appearance Theoverallcosmetic thosethatsellsptems is' reasons for peopleto selltheiroldPCs,thereare computerdealers, onsatfl t347 I I ffi . goodreasons for peopleto buythatquipment. and thosethat offersomesort of warrantyor systemis aisoa goodindicatorof its general questi keys are If it s dirty, has cracls and the you condition. aretechnically sawy and The mostimportantis price. Anyonewho returnprivilege.[f a looseor sriclrv,the computermayhavebeen willing to take a risk - then purchasing


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Aprit 13,2001

The AletropotitanI 7

NebraskaUniversityhealth plan to now cover birth control UNCOIN, Neb.(AP)- University of Nebraska criticbed theproposal, ufng it encourages the In a lettersentlastweekto UNIofficials, the pregnancy,childbirth or related medical will haveprescriptionbirth contrcl useof binhcontrol, employees whichhecalledunamount Vashngton,D.C.-based NationalWomen s law conditions,"in all aspectsof employment, addedto theirhealthbenefitspackage undera to a chemical abonion. Center asked thattheschool immediately include includingfringebenefia. proposal adopted bytheBoardof Regents. "Heabsolutely hasnoideawhathe'stalking suchcoverage. The law also protectswomenagainst Theproposal, adopted 8{ April7,will cover about,"RegentJay Maukeof Seward responded. The UnitedStatesEqualEmploymentdiscrimination because theyhavethe abilityto prescription oralcontraceptives anddevices for ln mostcases, birthcontroltricksthebody OpponunityCommission in December ruledin becomepregnant,not just becausethey are theuseof birthcontrol. pregnant, noted. intothinking it'spregnant, Mauke said,keeping a favorof two Vashington womenwhosaidthat already theagency In an originalproposal,the contraceptivewomanfromovulating. theirhealthinsurance companies, whichcover Thecommisionalsofoundthatexcluding "lfyoucant owlate,thespermandtheegg the maleimpotencedrug Viagra,alsoshould contraceptives benefitswouldnot beginuntil January. But amountsto sex discrimination Regent NancyO'Brienof llhterloosucceeded in can'tshake theseprescriptions areavailable onlyfor hands," hesaid. coverbinhcontrolpillsfor women because amending it to startthecoverage inJuly. Theregents'decisionshouldquellgowing The commission said that excluding women. will cost betweenf1.5 criticism women's contraceptives is a violationof the 1978 and threatsfroma national . Implemenation millionto $2million. rightsgroupto suethe University of Nebraska. Pregnancy Discrimination Act,whichrequires BobBlank,president of MetroRightto Life, Lincolnfor itslackofbirth controlcoverage. equal treatmentof women "affectedby

Warning:vans usedto shuttlecollege teamshavehighriskof rollovers VASHINGTON (AP)- The government otherswereseriouslyurjuredwhentheir lzn warnedApril 9 that l5-gasengervans- like rolledoveron thewayto a meetlastyearOther thoseusedto shuttlecollegeteams,church seriousrolloveraccidents lastyearinvolvedthe - have a Visconsin-Oshkosh groupsand airport passengers swim team,the DePaul dramatically higherrisk of rolloverwhenfully womens trackteamand the KenyonCollege loaded. swlmteam. The NationalHighrvayTraffic Safety NHTSA foundthatwhenfullyloaded, a large Administration alsosaidthelans,oftendrivenby vans centerof gravity shiftsupandto theback, students or volunteers, shouldbeoperated only increasing theriskof rollovers, especially in panic byexperienced dnvers. maneuvers bydrivers. NHTSAissuedthe rareconsumer advisory Officialsfrom GeneralMotorsCorp.,Ford , afterfindingthelansarethreetimesmorelikely MotorCo.andDaimle(hrysler AGagreed that to roll over wt:n carrying10 or more randriversneedto beespecially cautious, Ford, passengers. Thestudywaspromptedbya series whichmakesthe topsellingEconoline, *zrns of rollovers involving collegesportsteams. driversin its owner'smanualto avoidshup Four membersof the PrairieView A&M turns,excessive speedandabruptmaneuvers, Univenitytrack teamwere killed and seven buttheothertwomanufacturers donot.


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E/ The i{etropotitan


Suffering from "Bubble Syndrome?" I'm not a psychology maloqbut it doesn't takemuchfor meto conclude *ur peoplewho drive four-wheel-drive vehicleshavea condition called"bubblesyndrome." Itls a disorderI've only seenin thosepeopledriving largetank-like vehicles, likea ChewSuburbans or Lincoln ReemaAl-Omari Thosewho are staff columnist Navigators. infected with "bubble syndrome" tend ro feelthe factthey'rehigher than eyeryoneelse makesthem invincible.I believetheycontractthe illnessfromwatching too manySW commercials. Theonestvithfine print,statingthatthestuntsbeingmadeby the driversshouldnot be rriedby justanyone,that thedriversin thecommercials areprofessionals. Forsomereason, thefineprintdoesn'tsinkin. Nowlet me describe the symproms of this ' illnessto 1'ousothatyoumayspotthesedriversI nexttime you'reout on the road. Nexttime you'rein a parkinglotat themall,or evenhereat school,chances areyou'llseea tank-type vehicle takingup two spaces, of coursethiswill mostly likelyhappenwhenrhere'sno parkinganywhere else. tf(ihiledriving,you'll norice rhat bubble syndromesufferersdonl! caro,if there's+ot. enoughroon in the lane.,between.you and.the. ', carin frontof you,theywantin andtheywant into the laneNOV/...of courseyouhaveto let themin or they'llcrushyou.Oncetheyget in front of you,well,that'swhenthe realdanger begins, It's an absolutemust for driversof these vehicles to owna cellularphone,one thatthey especially use when they'redrivingin snowy conditions, andswitching lanessuddenly. I think it'g a prerequisite whenyou buy an SW you absolutely musthavea cellphone. Now,I realizethat there are plentyof cautiousSW driversout there-l knowa few myself-butthe numberof "overly"confident driversof thesevehiclesfar outnumbers those who are cautious. It's a nuisance to me personally, because, unles I havefivekidsanda hone to trail alongrvith me, I wont needa vehicle of thatsize,burI'm feeling likeI'm just not safe if I don't own one. I just don't understand whypeoplebuythesevehicles rvhen theylivealone,or simplydon'tsharethespace with RID to giveridesto peoplewhodon'tget RTDservicein theirarea.Makeroundsaround periodically. thesuburbs Thereare plentyof SW ownersin my neighborhood, I couldjustsirourin theyardand flagdowntheonesthatdriveby.AnotherthingIr maybe "likea rock,"but thatstatement can rvorkboth positively andnegatively. Yes,ir can pull your horseand getsthe job done,even thoughmostSW ownersworkin thecorporate world.But wharaboutpeoplelikeme in lirtle sedans? SIJVownerssufferfrom"bubblesvndrome," andmymission is to bursrrharbubble.

Protestbest achieved with brain, not stomach It'snoteverydaythararadiotalkshow bolcotting Chinese restauranrs? I'mrvilling somehorv bejustified asameans ofprotest, makes mybloodboil. I know,mosrof rhe to bet tharar leasthalfof the Chinese that is nothingwhenfacedr.,'rththe fact airwavesthese dals are filled with restaurants in thisnationprobably aren'r thatCommunist Chinahasbeentrading on egocentric shockjocls and long+vindedevenolned byChinese immigrants. And a largescalewith the USfor quiresome commentators, butonrhisparticular day,it so rvhatif theyareTIs Chinese cuisine time norv-an agreement that has just recently beensolidified. Doyouwantto protest China's actions? Vtriteto yourSenator or Congressman, let themknowtharChina's actions arervrong. wasonemoron'srhetoricthatsetmeon somehorv anattempt bvCommunist China Let them knorvthat \tlhshington's trade edge, to exploitAmericans? Theserestaurantsagreements with Communist Chinaare Thismanivascalling foraboycotr ofall areusuallv independent operations withno wrong.Cet involved withStudents for a Chineserestaurants in response to the corpomte ties. Vouldboycotting takmut FreeTibet,an organization dedicated to recentstandoff between theUnitedStates reallyhun the PRC?Vbuld theyeven righting the most seriousof China's andthePeopletRepublic ofChina, notice'/ wrongs.LetV/ellington V/ebbknowthar For thoseof you who havebeen It reall,v rvasn'tthe lunacyof sucha economic alliances rvithChina arenotwhat watchingthe ten o'clockSporsCenrer statement thatdisturbed me. It wasthe ue needin our finecity. Let him and instead ofyoulocalnel's,Chinademandedfactthatthisidiorras pinningrheactions othersknowtharpouringmoneyintothe an apologyfor the collisionbetween an of a Communist regime on anentirerace. pockets of Communist offlcials isnotworth American spyplaneanda Chinese fighter Thesamemistake wzsmadeduringVorld economic stabiliry'. Lethim knowtharhe jet overinternational waten,forcingthe VhrIl whenJapanese. Chinese, andKorean shouldbe in Denver,not in Beiiing Americans to makeanemergency landing. Americansrvere rounded up into negotiating withChinese officials. Chinaheld the 24 membersof the internment camps for fearthatthevmight Taking out I'ourangeron themanor Americanplane'scrervhostagein the betheenemy.Thecomments bytheman u'omanwith the slantedeyesor funny meantime. on the radiorverehardlvracismto that accen! iswrong,andultimately useless. NowI'm halfAsi;n,andI don'tat all degree, butit r,,'as racism nonethele;s. Besides, thev,likeme,mavbejustas approve rvhatthePRCi.sdoing.Foryears Thepointis,takingouryourangerand Affeflcan asyou. norv, they have commirtedserious frustrarion on anentireraceis at rhever,v violations of humanrighrs,borhin rheir heartof rvhatdefines prejudice. Andeven ThomasMcPherson ownnationa.srvellasplaces likeTibet.But if theavoidance of Chinese cuisinecould

Guest commentary

Aprit 13, 2@1

Thelletropolitan r 9

Party in the AAS department EDITOR Seil tU!.rtr ART DIRECTOR Drvi|fcda.d FEATURES EDITOR SrdrGract ASSISTANT FEATUREIi E:DTTOR ff3Wad C

OPINIONEI'ITOR hf*He.hrd. NETYSEDITOR ,dmcLrftfr SFORTS ED]TOR l{d( Ganct OOPY ED]TORS Anter lolmson,I*y Recr PHOTO EDITOR Scd 9nclhar REFORTERS Semadette B*a, Elrrd B,Sltrlor, Eena8runn,ild Dilic, illcacl Dta te, ldam Dtriril ,mdhr Gny,Rcsm At0nad litalbr Garil,Ian cPtcron PHOT(rcRAPIIERS ildanh Ea[k, Adamllonsran l|cdterGemet IlIUSTRATOR Bnndar$ddr GRAPHICARTISTS P.rdXcllcil, trc S!.cr GEiGlyrcbSad* Tafda ON LINE ET']TOR Jcsi6 nart INTERilET STAFF Shtottlodd, lqrlad qrUer SENIOROFFICEASSISTAT{T EenndetbBrcr DIRECTOROF STUDEiTT PUBLICATION DougGonarme


BUSINESS iIA]{AGER Dofinafrtg ADVISER bne lloback GOVER I1IUSTRATION GlrisBaron TETEPHONENUMBERS Edibrlahlill)ill 55G2507 FaEl303l 55e921 E-mail:reaver@necd.cdu fVeh ffig/dem-mtcd.cdd-ltdrct ffre tytetro@litdr is paoduced by and br ths students ot Metropolaan Stde.College ot Oefiver sofirg fhe A!-aia Carnprrs - IIE Metrogoliadr is supported by adwrtisirE revenues ard student fees. and is pr.tblished every ftktay during ttE edcfir.c !.ea. drd dEntt||y durirg tfE sum,rcr senEster- I?re MetoDoria, is d6tributed to atl campus buildirgs. No peraon may take .rlor€ tha.l one copy ot each edition ot Tfte Metrg@'lit''lwiat.,tli prior written pefmisgbo. Direct ary questions, conHaints, compliments or cornrnents to the MSCO Board of Pubfications c/o fhe ,netqalital Ofinbns express€d within (b not necessarity reflect ll]ose ol ft'E Metopolitan, Metropolitan State College of Oenve. o, its ach/ertisers. Deadline for cale.dr items is 5 p.m. F iday. Deadfine for p.ess reloases ls 10 a.m. Monday. Display advertising dedline is 3 p.m. Riday. Cl6silied advertising dedfine is 5:@ p.m. Moaldat. The Metolnlitan's offices are located in the Tivoti Stuclent Union Suite 313. Mailang address is P.O.Box 173362, CamDus Box 57. Denve., CO 80217-3362. O All rigms reser\€d.

MetroStudentGovernment sponsored rallyof supporrfor African DearEditor, 'the andattractdpress, Studies.It hadspeakers andresolutions l wantto tell all Metrostudenfs, pafiy is in the African- American couldsignin supportof the American studiesDepanment." LastThumday April5,2001,I wasable Attherallywasalsoalargebannerrallyers weregivenandtherewasa groory to heartheunanimous Colorado Commission on HigherEducation. MS major l,{anygreatspeeches votegrantinga three-year studies showof support.Thebannerfor signingwasalsosignedfromendto ocensionof theAfrican-American maioranduving it from discontinuance. African-American studies end. wasshownto drecommisioners aweeklaterbefore Thisbanner department hcultyandstudentsalongwith studenm of all malors, or not.Ourprovmt, Metrostudentgovemment, BlackStudentAlliance,Metrofaculty, takingthevoteonwhetherto givetheextension 'liustees, Metrdadministration, and Metro'sBoardof tuve been Dr.Nononspoke,asdid theMS chairDr Vhite andtheBOTchai4 'lhe in hvor of the malorandanertension. banner fightingto keepthis imporuntprogram's majorthisyear,citinSits DaleMingleton, in therectorybuilding significance in promotingacademic direaity and fulfillingMetro's canbeseenandsignedin theMS depanment pu willlastas where can also learn more about the major Thebanner mission statement. behindanisue and of thepowertlut Metrocangenerate Lastsemeste4 afterhearingthe MS majorwasstill h danger, a reminder (eventhoughlastyeuweallsighedadeepsighof reliefthinkingit was willalsobeabannerto marchbehindif weeverneedto sundupfor president again. saved), diversity BSAstuden$,Metrostudents andhcultysenate Dr academic If Metrocontinues tostandupforwhatit believa,it willcontinue Haganwentto CCHEheadquarters to alk to TimFosterto savethe program.Thismeetingdid not yieldthe resultsin writingthatwe togetwhatit deserves. Metmstudents, hcultyandadministration worked upforwhat together forMetro's divenityandwon.CoMetro,gostanding wantedandsotherenewed stn'gglebegan. gopartyin thereaorybuilding. 0h yeah,letsnotforyet Manyworkedhardonsavingthemajorfor Metro;manydifferent youbeliwe...and granted diversity wefightto keep andnevertakefor the effonswereputfonhwithimmeme energy. Somethoughtit wasalost to celebrate oncewedo..itsgone. cause,but the causewon.A combinedeffon of rallies,lobbying, because community suppon,mediapreswe andothersled thewayto the finalvictoryat theMS depanment. CandaceFarmer Vice Presidentof AletroAcademicAffairs On l-,tarch 29,2001Metroapenencedandembraced a BSA-

We're talking a lot of trash here! DearEditor,

ArtsBuilding. andWest Clasrmmsold9,618 bottles of20oz.drinla, projecrforaclassat Metro,I discovered That's fortwobuildings oncampus inonlyonemonth. The4 Duringa recentresearch afigure theactualfigurc thatidentifrtheamountof trashwearegenerating machines filledwith12oz,carninthese tunbuildings burped fonha dailyhereon ourgreening campus. cold'ones duringrJznuary,'rand theimtantcoffee of us toril of 3,140 .Vithanestimated 33,000 breeziogthroughhereeadrdayon our wayhome,to lobs,andto machines in these twobuildings aloneserved 2,582 steamy cupfuls. futurecareers somewhere else,wehavequitean environmen talimpact. AHEC peryear spndsanestimated $100,000 to haveBFICorp.pullourdumpsten awayin the earlymorninghoursbeforemostof us arrive. Andthemountain of trashgenerated herein a year would be luger in volumethan the Recreation Building if wecouldsetthemsideby side.

Mathmajors:multiplythesefigurc. . .Artists, picturethemonihsof garbage beingsmashed undera tractorintothelandfill.. .EarthScience majors, assess theimpact. . .Historians, tellusif this type of systemof wasteis found in history. . ,andalltherut olus,thinkaboutthis system thatweareunknowingly supponing.. I amcalling. for r:campus-wide movement.l withina ciry I challenge herein ourcommunity A tremendous volume alldailyvisitonto hmme avueofourrefuse.It of thistrashconsiss of beverage containers alone. TheDailyGrind, would be a smalldifference to eachof us awa fe Of puringbyfarthebest"cuppa" goes penonally if ve allcaffiedor keptabeveage cup oncampus, through aporoximatelv. 4.800 dspmable cupsa on campus, and rhenchoseplaceslike The O U f da i lVt month, andMcDonald's in theTivolidispenses Mercantile or the DailyGrindwhowillinglyfill personal more thandouble thatnumber, andforonlyone cupsfora discount, overdispensing a fef'S." . month. Andthese areonlycupsl! newdisposable. 0r carneda waterbottlefrom Thedrinkmachines homeandrefilled andreused it. maybehandier thana trip to the Tivoli,but theirremaimaremorevoluminous yet.And Butit wouldmakeagreatimpactontheland.is agroupwecould whileit is posibleto recyclethebottlesandcanshereon campus, makea positive impacttogethelonethatismeasurable. Andthiscould only a sliver of them actuallyend up recycled, as volume growasamreness andintegrityanda lovefor our campus andour mffsurements pror€. Colorado. Vith a totalof 165machines on campus, the 20 oz. bortle just machines popular. areespecidly A samplingof Karen Kenney nro buildings duringJanuary 2001revealed thesetallies: 1l machines A{etro student located in the

Letters Policy

I challenge all daily visitors to become

welcomes TheMetropolitan lettersof 500 wordsor fewerontopicsofgeneral interest. Letters mustincludea fullname,school affiliation anda phonenumberor e-mail address. Leuersmightbeeditedfor length, grammar andaccuracy.

lrtailbox: TheMetropolitan Farkvay, Suhe 900Auraria 313 Denvcr CO80204 e-mail: haraburd@)mscd.edu phone: 303.556,2507 tax. 303.516.3421

10 / TheMetropolitan Aprit13,2001

Raclng s

A father and his son run t'hrough downtown DenverAprll I as part of the Race to Stop GlobalWarmlng.

to keep cool Story by ElenaBrown PhotosW MelanieBialik

Allene Ger3teneergerscales a free cllmblng wall set up as part of the post{ace festhltles Aprl! 8.

Thepatter of athletic shoes hit thestreets of dor',ntou,nmethane,and nirrousoxide.This raisesthe Earth's Denver ardgenerated a roaras570runners ncedforGlobal temperature. Vhrming. TheGreenhouse Netu,ork willholdaseries of Eanhday The5Kfootracelrvaik to stopGlobal Vhrmhgbegan and rtlatetlnces/walks inSeattle onthe22ndandPortland onrhe endedin frontof NikeTownon the 16thStreetl'4allon 29th. Sunclay Apr8.Therunisaqualiher forthefamedlOKBoulder The3,5-mile cenified routeledtherunners downand Boulder raceonNlemorial Day. aroundthePlarte Riverbeginning andendingin frontof \ike Denverhostedthe racethacuzs conceived by the Tor.vn. 'Attirsr Ponland, Oregonbased GreenHouse\etlork. The non"But I didntnantto run,"said9-ye,roldJordan. profrt,GreenHouseNetworkheldit's fint nce lastlear n thenit gorsunny. lt wasfun.''ThisistheLouiwille Elementary Portland, it ras successful enough to beexpanded to Denl'er sn:denLs' fustrace. andSeatde. Business andindividuals concerned about global Thespringtime Denver temperature reached ahighof60 warmingfinancially supportthe races.The goalof the degrees fortherace.A bit coolin theshade, butmanvof the justgreatfor runningor walking. organization is to promoteresponsible energ'iuse,andbea runnenfoundtheweather nation-wide racereaching overli citiesbvtheyear2005. uasthererunningwithhermottrerandgrandparenrs. Jordan TheGrcenHouseNettork is aimedat informingthe Thefamilyn'asoneof themanyfamilies sponsored bvRoclry publicaboutthe dangerof globalnrming. The earth's Flats. climateispredicted to dungebecause humanactivities are Someof thecorpontesponsors induded:Nike,Aveda, altering thechemical composition oftheatmosphere through Gaiam, CHZVHillandEconergy lnterrntronal. - primarily thebuildupof greenhouse gases urbondioxide, Therunnenandrzlkerscouldregisterat anyVhole



/ 11 TheMetroootitan

Volunteefsdlstribute ftee orange julce, bananas,and bagels to pa.ticlpants In the Race to Stop Global Warmlng Aptil 8.

Foods or \tiildOatsstores, in peruon Network asrvellasOlmpianand1997 atNikeTormor online.The Nlrnvof theshops closed forthemorning fortherace. supporttheGreenhouse pre-reglstration rvas public uses oiwrnd champion, libbie Hickman. fee $20foradultsand$17forchildren, Entry Across theboothinforming the aboutthe Boulder Boulder rvas$25foradulrs and.wasthe MC for the feethedayoftheraces and$17forchildren. powerwasa lineof all age;formngfor a go on the30-foor Hickmansignedautographs D:sh organized theDenl'er andopenly climbing wallthatu'u.s FromgrandmothersChildren s funrunandDiapcr Claudine Schneider event setupalongihestage. "Thisisagreatlrst race,'' Hickman uid. Colorado busines Nenrork tograndsons, thelineri,asjustasdirerseastheraceirself. challenged to helptheGrernHouse 'open join winner inwithatimeof by becomhg ln the category' themale came a corporate sponsoq and in theireffonsto lvlanv agecategories competed inthcrace, lrom14andunder rvithatimeof greenhouse gases wrnnerlromBoulder finished reduce anduseenerglmoreefficientlr to 70andoler Andtherunne$crmefromallorerthestateto 15:39 andthefemale "We're giftcertiiicate, notintercsted ingreen-wtr.shing corporalions." tcre fromAspen, 17r5'i, receired a $300NikeTorvn a Green compete in therace.Someof thervinners &rrhrvinners -washing s r termusedforcompanies race. thatsuperficnlly suppon Fnnktown, Springs, andDcnver. The plaque :urdqualfied fortheBoulder Boulder Golden, Colorado Boulder 'rhisrsabourchanging "Remember," environmental causes. prizoincluded phonecards and$50NikeIb*n gihccrtficates Schneider began, the Thisracerrasthc fint raceorparizedbv Schneider. The The Firstl.advof DenvcrWilrna\\'c'bbna-son handto *'odd,notrunning a race." formerU.SCongresssomen becme iruolved rvitlrcnvircnmental concerns assheseru-ecl onthe Rhode Island scrence committee. Shescrved for i0 yearsand intrcxluced the Global\(arming Prcsen'ation Act,ii'hrchledto dreKratoTrcat\l TheKy,oto lieatyis the international trcaryon \(arming. Global The CreenHouseNcnvorkalsoprovides spakers heeofchzuge tospeak atcollege campus, churches, business, schoolsand retirement communlues. TheCityofDenrcrhosred theEneryv Fairand post-racc celcbntion. A stage las setup lor the bands. GoodV/oodandtheMid-Life Crisis Blues tsand,and alard presentations. A prcsenter entertained thecrol'dsn'ithtriviaquestions, such as;hol manymilesdoestheFordLrpedition vs. getpergallon. theHonda lnsight Theprizeof thetrrviaquestion wasa Global VarmingRaceT-shin.By the rva.v, the Ford ges12miles kpeditiononly" tothegallon andthe gets10milesto thegallon. Honda Insight As the bandplayed,"Shake1'ourNlonev Ntaker", manyof thepartlcipans, voluntees and onlookers atefruitsanddrankorangejuicefrom the Vild Oats standsand gainedenergy conser%tion information fromvanous bootfrs. The boothsrr'erelocatedat the Denver Ubble Hlckman,a memberof the 2000 U.S.Olymplcteam, leadsthe DiaperDash,a Ghlldren'srace held befo.ethe Pavilions Shopping Centeron 16thandGlenarm. Race to Stop Global Warming, April 8.


Aprit13, 2001

lookingfor politefilmgoers "Dueto rhe complexnatureof the film Memento,whenyouwatchir). mannersof moviegoers in otherareasaswell.Theyalready absolutely no onewill be admitted oncethe featurehas The only problemI havewith the practiceof not usesoundproofing materialto makesureaudiences onlyhear already started." admittinglatecomers is that it is not doneoftenenough. the movietheyarewatching, sowhynot designthe theaters

Thisis the signI sawthe otherdaywhenI wentto an fuidefrombeingableto understand moviesthatdon'trehash to block cell phonesignalsas well?All the other recent afternoonmoyieat the Mayan.luckily, I wasa good ten everyplot point onceeveryten minutes,thereare other innovations in movietheaterdesign,suchasstadiumseating minutesearly,soI hadplentyof timeto benefitsto havingeveryonein the theaterwhenthe title and digitalsound,don't meanmuchif you still haveyour find a seat,fill up on concessions, and sequencestarts.Thosefilmgoerswho own functional movieinterruptedby an annoyingelectronicrenditionof evenlistento a coupleof thebox-office Beethoven's Fifth.Thiswaypeoplewho forget,or just plain workersdiscuss whocouldandcouldn't refuse,to turn off theirphoneswouldn'thavethatoptionin getawaywith wearinghats.I wouldlike thefirstplace. to thinkI wassomehow responsible for Asfor talking,thereisn'tmuchtharcanbe doneto keep theirconversation. peoplequietin thetheaterAt onepoint,I thoughtif a movie Chrls\{ard The sign was a bit of a surprise On Fllm wasengaging enough,peoplewouldbe too interestedin though.I hadnt heardof manymovies what was happening onscreento discussit. Sadly,the beingclosedto latecomers in recentyears.In fact,the only oppositeseemsto be true; the more attentiona movie caseI had heardof was in 1960,when AlfredHitchcock requires, themoresomepeoplewill feeltheneedto distract orderedtheaterdoorsto be closedassoonas the opening thosearoundthem.Maybeit hassomething to do with their creditsstartedforPsycbo. Hitchcock's reasoning wasthathe not understanding the movie,andneedingto heartheirown didn't wantaudiences ro feel cheatedout of seeingJanet voicesto becomforted. Leigh,who receivedtop billingin the moviebut wasonly I guessthat'spartof whyI writeaboutfilms;it givesme onscreen for about30 minutesbeforetakingher infamous the opporiunityto go to screenings with onlya dozenor so showel timepieces and know how to use them wouldn'tbe people,all of whomknowto be thereon time andthe only !ftile watchingMenento on theotherhand,it reallyis interruptedtenminutesinto themovieby peoplewalkingin noisetheymakeis occasionally writingsomething down. necessary to seetheopeningof themovie,withoutwhichthe frontof themandaskingwhattheyhadmissed. Thistypeof Still,it wouldbe nicewhengoingout to a movieto be restof thefilm is difficukor impossible to comprehend. This activityis directlybelowcellphoneuseandstatingobvious ableto expectcommoncourtesy withouthavingthetheaters is largely because of its innovative style;Memmtostartsat the plotpointsoutloudon thelistof movietheater petpeeves. enforceit. endandfinishesat the beginning(trustme,it makessense Maybetheaterscould work towardsimprovingrhe


the recentinnova

tionsin movietheater design...don'tmean muchif youstill haveyour

movieinturrupted byan

annoying electronic rendition of Beethoven's Fifth."

the. A VI





metrop0tltdl 19 A pREV;EW 'CREENING OF

E lf,Etropolitan

Inviteyou qndq guest toc

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durine louru budnm


ttprttr hliok c0mplilt|mIr! rus

$lonbyl[BMctrorulitan olfice lhion, firoH$fidenl n00m-318) during business t0Fictunyoil. hsuns, G0mllimentary $Grscniru m$s.


11il5lll4EYoUCAI{IC}|ANGE IltEC}tll{Nt[.

perperson. Passes arelimiled anddistributed 0nalirstcome-lirst served while basis supplies last.onepass mmblf,E/5rr Ead|passadmits turo.Seatino is notguaranteed-arrive early. Nohonecallsplease IHEATER lSNoTRESPoNSIBLE FoR 'lI*l'g:lfitr4UIUur 0VERBo0K|NG. Ihe Metropolitan tidctsaredistributed withthâ‚Źintenttheyareused solelybyAuraria studentvfaculty andsbtf.Youwillbeasked toshowa college l.D.althethetheater. Wilhout LD.youwillnotbeadmitted totheater.


nf,t8PAWIm EG{M8oull. Pioro 0ru *l{c[sgnYfofi|n|rDltE.

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Eir.c3ort /9ur.G


The |letropotitan/13


vtfl LsoNGPtsrcDTMAl

t 41

l-ife at Bayside txr$ !s 68s|66t64f ltAit 'lge CoarAr?ay#iC|4S/{RE s|I$AY CAaje r ,g tpr-orâ‚Ź Ar4.fllrs 't/lao io<(!



,a,,ffi ,.,\


" =:"bf.

ARIES: er,rcidakingyourselfto seriously thisweekYouluvea tendarcyto workpurself intotheground- areyoujustaconscientious workeror aworkaholic? Lighten up.Paydose youmaybe attention toanimportant relaionship, in wayoverlour head. TAURUS:It'strneto takeasofterapproach your love and appreciation in expressing for you carefor Avoidingany problems someone whichareonthefrontburnerwillnotmd<ethem go away.Takea deepbreathandjumpin. the willbeeasier resolution thanexpected. io situation seems GElr{lNl: Yourhnancial thisweek,andwill remainsofor at besteadying leastthe nextseveralmonths.Builda solid foundation now: .y.ou canneverbe too sureof whatthefurureholds.lf you'refeelngresdzuand bored,godosome*ring new. If CANCER: vouarebuntingwithenergy to getsomefresh thisw'eek, uketheopponunitv Ifyouaretryingto breakfreeof a airando<ercise. or habit,aclosefriendmaybe fficult relationship ableto help,Changamaybefficult to hce,but willbebestn thelongrun. LEO: Thisweekis not time to be mking Any majorrisls vith ' a primaryrelationship. inmindthe keeping changes mustbemadeslowfy, a feelings ofothersinvolved. Youareerperiencing thateverything iswell,in feelngof contentment, spiteofcontrarl'elidence. good VIR@: Thereis somesurprisinsly 'lake moneycomingpur ray. advice conceming financial adviceof a closefriend.A consenative approach is defnitelybesqandanyinrtstrnents to unwindputtingthingsin perspective. LIBRA \brr.ar in a greatmmd ddsweek, andcanremain soif youlookonthebrightsideof life.Useyourwit wMt isreallyqurtea wonderful folk rtro andclurm on thosestick-in-the-mud play it ufe and rarely have much alwapwantto

fun. Yourwork isamaioconcem SCORPIO: 1l be surprisedhow

quicklygoalsare aaomplished. If you are


overwhelmed by choicesregardingmonetary purchases, sleepon it first. It is time for introspection andmuchneeded rest. SAGITTARIUS:Useyourcreativity to the wh.ichpu wouldusually maxto solveproblems putoffto theside.Bytheneek'sendpu mayfeel quitesecure quest andsuccessful in yourpresent to providethebestuseofyourresources. Youmay getcaughtup in a projectandloseall senseof time. youmake CAPRICORN:Anyconnections in yourpresenrloverelationship will reflectthe you have cultivatedwithin interconnection yourself.Takea leadership role wheremorey matters areconcemed. Youmaynotknowwlratis tobringaboutsuccas. best,butpu knowenough AQUARIUS! Are you suddenlybeing draln iito anunusual relationship? Payattention to 1,ourhunches andintuition,particularly where loveis concemed. Don'tactout of egoif you victorious erpetttoget4nywhere. $u willemerge in a situatiurdueto pur abilityto reason things through. PISCES: Yourfeminine sideispresent, and thismaymakeyoufeela bit uncomfonabh h a whereeleryoneis encouraged society to actand way.Don'tbeyourwoneenemy, thinkinamacho thinhngthingsttroughmayonlyuke,vououtof frnowwhento leave wellenou$ alone. rhegame.



141The Metropotitan



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Aprit 13,2001

TheMetropolitan / 15

Melrofinds winningwqys qgoinsl Mines Nick Crarner ft



tWhat anicewayto sun offalongroadtrip. After losingttree of four gamesto New Mo<ico Highhnds theweekend of April1-2atthe ArariaFrkls.0rcMetrohaseba.ll teamstartedan eightgame rmd trip by winningttree of four gamesfrom ColoradoSchoolof Mineslast weeknd.Vith thewim,it putstheRudrunnen (17-161, i-7 RMAqbackin thehuntfora spotin the Rocky Mountain fuhletic Conference tounument 'Thispastserieswasimportant, but thereis stilla lotof rason leftto beptayed," saidbaseball coachVince Forreco."Ve have four more games confererrce series left.I havealways feltdrat it comesdownto thelastseriesof theyear,and with everyonein the RIMACbeing strong, ertryonejustbeating uponeveryone ehe."

Game1 - Metro10, Colorado Schoolof Mines8 Behind junior Chad Gonzalez's3-for-3 prformanceat the plate,Metrostafledoff fie series on a gmd note,beathgtheOrediggers by two. Vith Metroholdingontoaone-runleadin the top of the fourth inning,the Roadrunners e'plodedfor fiverunsoff Minessaningpitcher KevinBarrento takeasixrunlead, Butjustasquicklyasthe Roadrunners took thelead,theOrediggers camebackin thebonom of theinning,roring sixrunsto tie thegameat tleatlnr Cemey/llc lel'.ao$cr erght. Metro f.st basetnar Nathar lrveflE attempts to pick off a Colo.ado School of Mlnes baserunneron lpn e. ne Roadrunne6 took thleâ‚Ź After two scoreless innings,Metro broke of frourgames from the OrediggeE last weekend. throughandrored nvoin thetopofthesevenrh. bottomof thefifthinning, Metrofinallytookthe whenTerryPacker smacked a RBItripleropullrhe Game4 - Metro13, Colorado Orediggen withina runar2-1. Schoolof Mines3 Game2 - Metro10, Colorado leadinthetopofthesixthinning. With runners on first and second with one Vith Packer on third,lvlanvizgroundedto In the final game of the series,the Schoolof Mines9 cameto theplateandhkeJack outtosecond base, butit brought in Packer to tie Roadrunners scored12 runs in the finalthree playeda lhtlehomerun out,BrianEdwards TheRoadrunnen Edrads pervious did the inning, game he smashed a the at nvo. win innings to its fint conference seriesof the , derbywiththeI,linespitchen,rvithjuniorChad three-run shot over gil'ing the fence, After the a scoreles second inning for both teams, season. { Gonzalez leadingthewaywithnvo,asMetrohad a 108leadthattheyne\â‚Źrgaveup. Mine'sRlanliamada andlt{arwiestruck, WithMetroclingingto a3-2leadin thetopoF to comeback froma live run deficitto beatrhe Roadrunners For the game,Gonzalez went3Jor-3,three After Kamadadoubledto left field and thesirthinning,theRoadrunners exploded forsix Orediggers. ':{ll runs scored, four RBI and the two home runs. In advanced to third b;se on a sacrifice fly by Packer, with runs, the big hit coming from senior "Hewasjust in the zone,"Porreco said. Jerod thefint nvogameof theseries, Gonzrlez went6- hewouldstealhometo giveMinestheonerun Stule,rvhosmashed a basesloadedtripleinto yzulong,hehasbeenthemostconslstent hitter rightfieldto givetheRoadrunners a 9-2lead. "Hemadeadjustments at the plateandwas for{, withfiverunsscoredandfourRBIandwo advantage. home runs. The very next Marn'itz, batter, smashed a solo "lt gmd was to see it transpire," Forreco said. drivingtheballandrfren youmakethoseqpesof game Brian Edwanls finished the shot push nvo over the fence to the advanage to nl'o 3-for4, "\t(Ie runs with scored all sir two out in the inning. youwillbeverysuccesful," adjustments, u(ith a runner on, one out and the rurs scoredandthreeRBl,includingthegame runsat42. Goodteamswill uke advanrages of otherteams homerun Metrocuttheleadto 4.JwhenjuniorDonald mistakes andI think*ut wedidjustthat." Roadrunnen trailing2{ in thetopof thesecond winning junior doubledto centerfield,scoring JackEdrards,who is onlyeighthomeruns Gwinner Minesstartedthescoringin thefint inning, inning,Gonzalez launched ashotoverthefenceto short of the school record, went l-for-2, one run Nathan Iavrenz from third. when Oredigger TerryPacker singled downtheleft tiethegameat nvo. scored and three RBl. The Roadrunners had a chance to take a lead fieldlinesconng ChadHerbers fromsecond base. AfterMinesscored sixunanswered runsin the in thetop of theseventh, with thebses loaded Metroresponded in the top of the second nexttrffoinningsto takean&2 lead,Metro@an Game3 - Colorado Schoolof andtwoous,Iavrenzstruckouttoendthegame. inningwhenseniorBryceGehlengotonbaseby is comSack. Mines 4, Metro got a solid pitching rlayof anerror,whidrallowed 3 The Roadrunners seniorJosh Vickers Vith thesamesiruation in thefifthinningasit game Vith the tied in performance at rwo the bottom of the from seniorBryceCehlen,who to scoreto tiethegameatone. wasin the rcoM, a runneron and one out, AfterMinestooktheleadbackin thebonom Goruala,for the secondtime in the game, thirdinning,MinesAdamNtarwiuhit a homerun pitchedall six innings,allowingrven his, four which proved game to be the winner for runs the all of them eamed, and struck out eight and of the founhinning,theRoadrunnen reclaimed launched a shotoverthe fence,his fifth on the Orediggers as Mines avoided being by ualked suept none in a losing effort. theleadin thetopof thefifthwhenVickers hithis season, to closethegapto M "Thiswasoneof his betterouttingsof the ftnt homerun of theseason, Metro. a tworunsho!,to Following back-toback singlesby frchman beating gotontheboardearlyin the year," TheRoadrunners Poneco said."Hewaskeeping thebll down giveMetroa 3-2lead. BriarrMwardsandseniorBryceGehlen,senior first inning, when freshman Brian Edwards and the biggest thing was ttnt he wasgetthg Junior1im Pricepitched> 16 inningsto get stepped up to theplateandfor the JackEdwards continued his hot hittng pitching, ground against Mines balls out those pitches," of his teamleadingfounh win of the year..He eighthtimethisszuon,hesmashed a homerun "He ras stayingaheadof the count and allowedthreehis, ttree runsallof *remeamed, over the fence,a three-runshot, to put the sendinga singhup the middlescoringsenior themoffbalance. It rvasgoodto seehim andstruckoutthree. JerodStuluandjuniorChadGonzlez,purting keeping Roadrunners backbyonlya run,&7. I{eno up 2-0. get back in rhythm." Vickers gohglforhisbestgameoftheseries, AfterholdingtheOredrggers in checkin the Minesresponded in rhebonomoftheinning, 4,scoring threetimesanddrovein a 5 RBI.

16/TheMetropolitan April 13, 2001

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The MetropolitanI 17

Soccet qnnounces 2001 schedule against Colorado against FortLewison Sept.16andLakewood, Metrowill thetwo roadgames, Sept.21,In between Christian ffc leioactlon takeon Minesfor thesecondtime,at homeSept.19. to takeon two will leavethe Colorado TheRoadrunners TheMetromen'ssoccerannounced its2001schedule April teamsfromOklahoma, Sept.28 and Oklahoma Northeastern from Tulsa will lookto repeatits performance 9. TheRoadrunners Sept. 30. whentheyearneditsfirsteverregional berth. the2000season "NortheasternOklahoma is a team in our region," Metrowill openwithsevenof itsninegames at theAuraria Crookhamsaid. "They are one of the better teamsin the Fields,includingfour straightat the AurariaFields.The regionaswell. Roadrunners will opentheseason in the4thannualMileHigh "Sincewe scheduled a gameout there,we had to find Classic onAugust24-25at the AvariaFields. Theyare play we and wereluckyto getTulsa. anotherteamto on Aug. traditionally will faceSouthwest Oklahoma TheRoadrunners a goodprogramat lhe DivisionI level,so things 24andMontana-State Billingson thefollowingday,Aug.25. workedout wellfor us." Metro will open its 2001 RockyMountainAthletic teamswillbecomingto theAurariaFieldswhen Tro Texas Conference scheduleduring the four gamehomestretch MetrogetsbackfromOklahoma, Word(Oct.5) the Incarnate August29.TheRoadrunnersandSt.Edwards RegisUniversity against archrival (Oct,8). V/estminster in Utah. College willwrapupwitha matchagainst withthreeof its{inal finishoutitsseason TheRoadrunners "lt's importantto get off to a goodstartlike we did last fivegameson the road,Metrowill travelto Colorado Springs year,"saidmen'ssoccercoachBrianCrookham. "Mth the to takeon The University of Coloradoat ColoradoSprings scheduling, wewereableto geta lot (Oct.12),backto Denverto takeon Regis change in theconference (Oct.17)andPueblo at home." of games (Oct. 28). Colorado with Southern for a showdown will get into Following the homestand,the Roadrunners (Oct.26)will Christian FortLewis(Oct.21)andColorado is RN{AC schedule. be the final two regularseasonhome gamesfor the Metrowill travelto Goldento takeon the defending Roadrunners. Schoolof Mineson Sept.3. conference champions Colorado will be Nov.2-4with the top tournament Theconference will be backat homefor twogames, as teamin the Rlt{AC TheRoadrunners The geningright to hostthe tournament. at Colorado Springs on Sept. Roadurnners theytakeon Colorado University will be hopingto makeits third consecutive of Southern Colorado on Sept.9. 7 andUniversity tournament, in theconference appearance will be back Afterthe briefhomestand,the Roadrunners with Regional willbea weeklater,Nov.10-11, TheMidwest on the roadfor two of threegames,with stopsin Durango thetop teamin theMidwestRegion hosting.

Nick Camer


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men'ssoccerschedule: 2001Roadrunners Thecomplete

ltl,LEHIGHCL/.SSIC Aug.24-254th ANNUAL Aug.24 SWOKLAHOMA 2 P.m. 4 P.m. Aug.25 I ONTANA-ST.BILLINGS 2 p.m. Aug.29 * REGIS 3:30 p.m. Aug.31 WESTMINSTER(Utah) * a t M i n e s 7 p.m. Sept.3 * TBA SPRINGS CU-COLO. Sept. 7 * SOUTHERN COLO. TBA Sept.9 TBA Sept.16 * at Fort Lewis * 3 P.m. l,llNES Sept.19 * at Coto.Christian 2 p.m. Sept.21 TBA Sept,28 at NEOktahoma TBA at Tutsa Sept.30 WORD TBA INCARNATE Oct. 5 TBA Oct.8 ST.EDWARDS * at CU-Colo. SpringsTBA Oct. 12 * at Regis TBA Oct. 17 'FORT TBA LEWIS Oct. 21 Oct. 26 * COLO.CHRISTIAN3 p.m. * at Southern Coto. TBA Oct. 28 Nov.2-4 RIMCTournament TBA F Nov.10-11NCM MidwestRegionatTBA


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18 l The Metropolitan



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I 19 TheMetropolitan

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