Volume 23, Issue 28 - April 20, 2001

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2 / The MetroPolitan

Aprit20, 2001

Donrt Go Undercover Without lt!


Upon check in, just


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April 20, 2001

The MetropotitanI 3

Aurora City Gouncil Member At Large Edna Mosley and husband John Mosley, formerly ol the Tuskegee Airmen, sit in their home in Aurora April 17. The llllosley's have been active in supporting the African American Studies major and plan to contanue helping the program $cceed after it was granted a two year extension from the Golorado Gommission on Higher Educaton. tott 9neltzer/llC lcf opclilcl

Golorado education commission extends African American studies Vhiteemphasized rheimportance American of anAfrican Studies Metrotm,saying it wassomething $e school oweditsstudents. 'ThemajorinAfrican American Studies uniquely addstothewholeof "(lt) Vhitesaid. isapanofMetro's atMetro State," history and TheColorado Commision on Hi$er Education announced April5 ourmission legacy. . .to major would regresion, discontinue the denote and ar MSCD Metro's African American malor wouldbeavailable Studies for tostudents committed tobuilding uponthepastandmoving forward in atleasttwomoreysrs.Nowmembers of theAfrican American Studia wearetotally progresive fxhion." depanment, Metroandthesurounding communiry areworking tomeet a Since the commission announced in plansto cut the majorin therquiremenu outlined byrhecommision. Octobeq several campus and community members havespokenour "Needless to say,we areplzuedwith CCHE s decision," African maior meetings defending the Several have been held aswellasan American Studies chairCJVhitesaid.Several memben ofMetroandthe demonstration atrheflagpole lt4arch 29.Vhitecited"thesnong community, many ofwhomcampaigned fortheextension, seconded that organized showofsuppon comngfromthecampus andcommunity" asoneofthe reactlon. reasons for the ertension. Themajorfacedcancellation afterfailingo meetrhecommission's wenereabhtomake agoodcase forthenecesity of the graduation minimum requiremens of threestudents overa firee-year "l suppose Mosely. saidEdna a member of Metro's firstgraduating class. penod. Since is inception in themid-1970s, American theAfrican Studies program," Mosely her husband, Recired Lr. Mosely, and Col.John were both in active major graduated has 13studen6, andonlyonein thepastyear plan African American major supporting the Studies and to continue Viththeextension, Metrohasnvoyears tobringtheAfrican American 'lb theprogram succeed. Studies degree uptothecommission's standards.thisend,Metrohired helping "Ve willhelpoutn'hatever \r?ywecan,andhowerer weareneeded," a consriltant to reviewthe program andpropsewalsto incrEase Mosely said. "Ve graduation rates. will studytherecommendations madeby our Inorderfortheprogram tosurvire willharetoderlare ,morestudents program consulant concerning methods effective to recruit, retain, and majors in African American Studies, more and of themrill hareto graduate malors in theAfrican American program," Studies Vhiresaid.


|tc lcfopcilfcn

rI *,,,.[:'l;:T;in",'f,?:;"1"fixi,illliil: vhitesaid"'SoitbemmesourresPonsibilitYto incrcase thenumber ofmaiors and

lt's obvious

'Arrhis pont, ournumben areincreasing in nqmbef

reference to majors andin reference to minors," Iflhitesaid,pointing outthatin recenr weekthe


Of majgfs

CCHE's and



concerns '

graduate. Plansarebeingmadeto increase recruitment andretentionof programhassignedup threenewmajorsandsix in program studenrs the well raising as as community andcampus "We newminors, willcontinue to publicize ourmalorin thecampus and awareness ano suppoft' in thecommunity asweMvedonein thepast." withinthe to graduate therequired number of sudents It isthiseffonwhichmori redthee$ension, saidCCHEdirectorTim If it isunable Studies will be Foster"They'regoingto putresources intoit to try andsucceed," Foster nexttwoyears,it's not definiteMetro'sAfricanAmerican ,,The "at down, However, pornt you shut Foster said, if have some a degree said. otherrzuon isthenatureof anurbaninstirutionin thesute's thatnoonewantsto take,I thinkrheinstitutionhasto cometo blggestcity."Fosteralsocitedthe significance of an AfricanAmerican program grips withthat"' Studies maiorat a schoolasdiveneasMetro.

retate to...the

cJWhite Chair, Metro's African American studaesdepartment

April 20, 2001

4 / Thetiletropolitan


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by: sponsored The Colorado Hospitality StudentAssociation& The Hospitality, Meetings& Travel Administration at The Metropolitan StateCollegeof Denver

April 20, 2fi)1

The lletropolitanI 5

Domino'srobbed, suspectapprehended iiicaela Duarte ffclhpcncr

Auraria Police April15 in urestedawoman connection with an armedrobberyat the Domino's Pizain theTivoli. Folice arrested Sara Elizabeth lmaniatNinth Parkat 7:40p,m.,in connection Street withthe robbery whichoccurred thesame evening. A robberpointeda blackhandgun at the Domino's, lvlalshini clerkonshiftat Perera, and money, Police reponsaid. demanded aDenver Theclerkhanded thesuspect $112fmmthe fmntcashdrawer. saidTivoliDomino's Piza general manager, Smith. John TheDenverPolicereportthensutedthe suspect saidto theclerk,"l amsorry,butI have

"flI shootyou." Denver. twokidsandI have nomoney, reponsaidshesaidtotheofficer, call911." Thereportsaidthesuspect OnizsaidtheDomino's Piuaresnurant thenfletlthe Schwam thenwrestled tlrc suspect to the in restaurant southboundtowardthe Eventsground heqthereponsaid. theTloli hasbeenrobbed oncebefore. anddisarmed 'i{bouttwoyers ago,around CenterAt thetimeof therotrbery thesuspect AurariaPoliceChiefJoeOnizsaidIrnani dosingdme, wasnotfound, wasama.le robbery and thesuspect andwasnotapprehended couldbeclrugedwithaggravated Anhourandahalflater, Imani, whomplice firstdegree aggrarated asault, tomyrecollection,' Ortizsaid. w:ls Aspokesperson for the DenverPolice Since1997, saidmatched thedacription of thesuspect, thereharconlybeensixother *alkingthrough seen thecampus, byanondury Depanment saidImanihadherfirstadvisementrobberies on theAuraria campus, according to Auraria April17,andisscheduled April Auraria Repon. hliceofficer, thereponsaid. to haveanother Campus Clery The repon saidofficerMike Schwartz27, wheretheywill set the datefor the TheAuraria Campus CleryRepon isareport hercounting observed a largewadof money arraignment. of criminal offenses oncampus thatiscompiled whileshewaswalking. Schwara her ,4sofApril18,Imaniwas approached stillbeing detainedattheendofeachmonthandthentotaled atthe andaskedto search herbackpack, thereport at theDenverPoliceDepanment. Herbailis endofthe)sar. said.Sherefused, andbegan to wdkaway from currently Thisreponis available to srudenrar the setat$50,000. policereponsutesImaniwasa AurariaPoliceDepanment Schwaru, thereponsaid. TheAuraria locatedin the ,{sSchwanz began todetain Metro investigation reveals Administration thesuspect, the student, butfurther buildine. reponsaidshereached intoherwaist-band and sheisnotregistered atMetronoratUniversity of pulledouta blackSemi-automatic pisrol. The Colorado or Community College of at Denver

Golden Key 'Advisor of the Year' LynWiclalgren, psychologl' chairof Metro's depanment, wasnamed Advisor of theYearfor !flestRegionofGoldenKey the Mountain Intemational HonorSociety April3. Ittickelgren washonorednot onlyfor her rvorkinGolden Key,butalsoforherinvolrcment in academic, civic,community and church activities. ShehasbeenGolden KeyAdvisor since1995. Theaward wasbased on recommendations from studentmembers of Metm'sGoldenKeyand fellowhcultymembers. StudensLeahNeckerandOi TengTang recieved the200G2001 Outsunding Sophomore April3 fromMetro's award Golden Keychapter Food drive aides sandwich line Memben of theAuraria community donated offoodand$105.03 totheSt.Elizabeth's 50bcxes LinefortheHomeless, Sandwich Metro's SpeechCommunication and Academic Afairsdepanmens tiedfor themost foodandmoney collected atseven boxes each. TheBiology depanment collected fiveboxes, theAdministration Building collected fourboxes, andtheChildCare Centerand CU'smainbuilding bothcollected overthreeboxes each. Spring Fling Auraria's annual FlingwillbeheldApnl Spring 26fmm10a.m.to3p.m.inthecenter ofcampus. Thefestival will indudemusic.fmd. and vendors. Forresenations on a table,conuctBridget NloVechen at 10T5i6-2595 u c;;'ll303-5564247 formoreinformation.

Text book buy back TheAuraria BookCenter textbook buybackis heldlvlay being 2-12 inthelowerleraloftheTivoli aswellasrarious locations around campus.

Mark Stockholm, one of the workers for the Colorado Flower Festival, prepares the plants tor potential owners. The festival, being held on campus, started April 14 and will run through June. Other locations include Golumbine and George Washington High Schools. lietanie Baitild[. let'cCclloa

Aprit20, 2001

6 / The Metropolitan

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April 20, 2001

TheMetropotitanI 7

Cyber-stalking:the dark side of the lnternet

- theimpetus ServiceProviders particularly andteenagen to educateand inform Internet.Butevenwithincrzuedlegislation, children prominent. potential for more lurking onlineufetystillbegins withtheuser. ensuring safety become But consumers of the dangers ltc leiracflol Depanment according to theJustice repon,as online, TheDepartmenr of Justiceandthe offersa complete Cyberangels onlineguide qber*talking growsin scop andcomplexiq',Information Technology Asociation of America for Internetuft$ aabttp:lluwuqbuangels Vhileadvances in Internet tethnology have lackof lawenforcement The orglintunetllI linda"btmldesigned training andexpenisehaveformetltheCylrrcitizen Partnership. m help conributed to improving thequalityof lifefor canfrustrate victims andslowresponse Awareness Programeducatesnewusersknowandunderstand onlinesafety times. Cybercitizen many, it hasalsobecome fenrhgoundsfor a In addition, and rules. thereue alsoa rarietyof legal children andyoungadultson thedangers wiety of illegal Aspecial Department activities. progres.Onemajorproblem consequences isueshindering ofcyber crime. Someonline safetyrecommendations reponcitesthelowcost,easeof use ofJustice with the complications multiple Theprogram isdaigned toestablish include: deals of a broad "an andanonymous naturemakeqberspace . Dont respond juridictions.Because can senseof raponsibility andcommuniry in an cyber+talking cases toprcvocation online medium for fraudulent attractive scams, child . fromvinually akeplace anpvhere intheworld,it effonto develop in youngpeople name smart, ethical Choose agenderlzu screen o<ploitation andinuyasin$y, a newconcern canbe dificuhfor locallawenforcement and sociallyconscious online behavior . Dontflin online,unlesyouteprepared "' known as'qter-sulking. jurisdiction proper agencies o determine and According o the organizations chaneqthey fortheconsequences. Almost anyone canbestalked online,buta . Save resources allocate toeachreponed case. accomplish thisby creating conte<t abourthe offending messages andreponrhem vastmajoriry of victims arefemale, acmrding to provider Anotherchallenge comesin the formof properus€sof the newmedium by drawing topur seMce Cyhrangels.org, Internet oneof the largest . Dontgveoutanypersonal According information online anonymiry tothedepanment,parallels benveen theoFlineandonlineworlds. saletyorganizations. Theorganizadon repons anonlmityprovides manyimponant benefits, However,until adequatelegislation,aboutyourself oranpneelse. stalking estimates show80 percent of such . Getout of a situation protecting qberincluding the privacy of Intemet resources andtraining canbeachieved, onlinetlnt has victims arewomen andthatmostcyber-stalkers qber-stalkers hostile; logofforsurfelsewhere. users.Unfortunately, andother stalkingwill remaina veryrealpan of the become aremale. Clterangels maka it clearthese qter-criminals can exploitthe anonymiry estimates arenotmeant to inferthatsulkers are arailable onlineto avoidaccounubilitv fortheir neverwomen because therehavebeenseveral conduct. repondcases; it justmearu ttut mostoffenders But thereis somegootlnews, Some reportdaremale. promise specialzed cyberuniaareshorving in Making World-ClnssPhysicians & Cyberangels.org estimates that thereare the fight againstcyber-stalking. Larger Veterinarians Today,For Tbmonow's World approximately 200,000 reallifestalkersin metropolitan areas, suchasNewYorkandLos graduates. I Prognms to meettheneeds of highdml andcollege America percent today.That'sroughly 0.008 of Angela, whkhhave seen numerous incidents of medical I a half a century well-recognizd and esablished European More tlran old theU.S.population. Statistics alsoshowmore qber-stalking,have developedhighly than1,5millionAmericans todayhavebeenor Blucationand I Prcgrams rccoEized byNational Comminee onMedical specialiad andequipped teams to investigte victims: arecurrently sta.lking aboutI person in Accrediation Departrnent Erlucation. and US of withtheprosecution andfollowthough ofthese provides loansto subsidized I 1004c financial aidis available. Ttr USgovernnrcrt 156; 'lf theseratioswerereflected on the cases, Fororample, LosAngeles's Sulking and qualified progrdms. sodens in our (andnoonereallyknows Intemet these figures) Threat Assessment Team unitaspecial I Approved Boadforclinicaltrainingin thesateof rctions byNewYorkMdical Education theoout of the atimaredpopulation of 79 p<xitions.) NewYork.(A statewitha hi$ numbuof resldency of the policedepartrnent with its district millionpeopleworldwide on theInternet, we I Medicalandveterinary clinicalclerkhiptrainingin theUSA. attomey's depanment. Thecomboseek to I Smaller clas sizt withmditionalEumpean tutorialstyleeducrtion. wouldfind53,000 Internet stalkers traveling the ensureadequateresources are available, I Prognmoffersop'onunityto eamdualdeg€ss- MD Ph.D.,MD MBA,MD superhighmy, stalkingapprorimately 474,000 including higtrly trained investigtors, MSM.MDMPF{A.ec. ictims.' I Muchsafercampus t0 runy campuses in theUSA,allowing environmenl compored groups A.lso, selrral hare consumer teamed Asmoreandmorepeople venture onlineretain andstrenghen identities. to cultural up with industryorganiztions andInternet to majrxAnencan medical andveterinary I En$ishlanguage cuniculum matches


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8/ TheMetropolitan

April 20, 2001

New law won't kill teen drug use Dear Editor, passed legislature recenth alaw TheColorado clubnighaanderrns. This hnningallunderage is thesute'sattemptto keepdrugs,especially out of teens'handswhilesolvingthe Ecstasy, hascaused. Unfortunately, this hpteriathemedia in saving sutejustmadea hugestepbackwud fromdrugs. teens something clzu Fint0ff,I wouldliketo make ofthisyzudied Theteenwhodiedatthebeginning herbrain ofwater, shedrankthreegallons because pany, notarave, Andshewasatahouse and drowned. notaclub,Andwhydidshedrinksomuchwater? sheandherfriends didn'tknow anybettec Because forgotthis. lnstead of Themediasomehow it became of death, the drowning beingthecause put,themedia needs Eotasy. anewplatform Simply to rallyuound.It didntreponthewholestory;it gc themostratings. would repnedwhatit thought newspaper told the true story Onlythe thegovernment Because of thismediacraze, passed ahwtfutislikely toleadtomorercens' deaths it istosave, Being apanofthenot"quite" 21age than just group, fromhrghschool three and graduating go. I knorv how And I'm not ago, these things )tars proudto saythatI trieddrugsin highschool, including Ecsusy. of thespctrum, I cansay Being onbothsides amisuke, I'mnotinanyway salngdrugs theymade akingmoreacrivities aray areokay.ButI amsaying just problem rvorse. Very few fiomrcens is making the or teens suyarayfromdrugs because thE'reillegal because adulm tellthemnottodothem.Ttutishalf source of thettuill.Andclubs orraves arentthemain drugs eitherIt'stheirpeen. party; Theteenwhodiedrvas atahouse theone whowenttothehospital rasatarave. Atacluborarave Innowaywasaclubinvohrd, and there uepoplewhoaretrained tospotproblems gettheperson help.Unlike theproper ata house party where whattodq oraretoo teens dontknorv get help. scared to I dontknowwhylegislaton dont tryeducation. I'mherehcause I knewtherules.,AsI said, I dont on mndone druguse,butI docondone education watch mywater drugs. I wasalwap ararethatI should whileon Ecsusy. I kneivnotto mix consumption Thiscouldharrsaved of uppen anddownen. some grlcould myfriends. Theyoung luvebeen savd,and hundrods America been of teens around couldhave saved. prevention goupwent lecently anunderground intoColorado to ducateteensaboutthe schools choica thEmake andtheprecautions theyshould be praise, aware of krteadofgeaing thq weremldthat theywerccondoning druguseandtheywereno longer welcome. Tellingteens"no"obviously is not rvorking. Irutead moreteens, of$vingmorerulesandkrlling whydont wetryanw approach? Educate on teens rvhat Teach thern can theriskstheymightmake. happnandwtnttheyshould do.Telling themnois making worse, notbe[er theproblem JoannaSequeira

l etro student


strAss SUMMER .rl'te;

ffitrqffr-r^6r=DA'sf -"fiie';i tg3l'q \lr'rcLe d. Rour.ee$aw,ory.s.f L't{'y if,Jig,i*t


.^nztrn q \ALLY ,{.BaAL'., 6ttT

@aHu 'AdtJA(ta




Prisonsdon't solve problems parentsaren'tat homewith their because noturulerstanding children.Ihe children, life or being raised without true repeatthe cycle,rvhichwill supeMsion, oftenleadthemtojail,Theq'deconrinues until many of the malesin certain will eitherhavea criminal communities prison, record,bein or dealwithsomeqpe It'snota situation. of paroleor probation thisare thesepeoplesuffering WalterC,ant number.The fint you,weonlyseemycousinonholidapand coincidence staffcolumnist poor, where a mrnoriry or both. u'hat he does or time they call I I couldn'ttell lou with disageement him I alsohavea severe butaftertlut I rvon't.The hesleepson a dailyb;rsis,Vb helpecl usually accept, thatoccuraftera personhas is thatcallsfromprlsonan just aslongasrvecoulduntilwealldeckledhe stipulations lirstreason is I rtally neededto helphimself.Thepointof fiis comeor.rtof theprisonsptem,specifically soo<pemive. Thesecondreason couldbe cant help them.My familysendsdtem storyis all his time in prisonwasused theirrightto vote. Manyissues and not raisedabouttliis, but rqgardlasof rvtut certainftings theyneedlike snacksand rorking on farnx in Louisiana, If they'vedone,theystill arecitizensof the book andafterthatI can'tdomuchmore. learningtradesfor hiserantualrelease. If lnliticians cancountthem goal prison rvas rehabiliute, UnitedStates. to tlre main of Onceyougetbehindthatwallyoubasically people livingin theirdistrict,*fiich guts ivhy is my cousinone of the millions as forgonen, almosta mptery become thosepeopleshouldnt The originalgoal of prisonwas to released thatwantsto abidebythelawbur rhemmoreporver; leadsto havethat right takenawayfrom them. This,in mostcases, rehabilitate, but drat goal has been cantfindjobs? returningto crimeandfillingup t hereisa largeamountof blackmenin the isto criminals ThegoalofAmeriianprisons ctranged. prisonqntem. can'tvote.Almost10percent countrywho overcrowded simplvgetallthebadpeopleoffthestrees, ouralready cantvote.If islargely of theblackmenin Colorado Thecurrentinfluxof criminals arrests Ve havea system rhatconsmndy druglawsinstituted lou can'tvote,youdont haveasayin 1'our offenden dueto themandatory drugusersandothernon-riolent tlre 80s.Insteadof arresting mmmunity. for lengthyterms.Ve alsoput millions rhroughout butlife I'm notdefending allcriminals, instead thE cau$t mostof the drug larvsno mattel kingpins, awayon mandatory therightsolution.lf selling drugs. in prisonisn'tahvays andloter people r'hattheircircunutrurces ue. Theproblem middlemen havefelt rve reallylant to changecriminals,we andLatino communities rvefacein America isreallyrvhatto dowith Theblack insteadof treatingthem the most,clueto the mustrehabilitate convicmoncetheyreturnto thc gencml the repercussions Tliis likecattle. stateof thosecommunitres. population. Also,I wantto discusrighsof general prisonersafter they return home, leadsto wholefamiliesbeingdestroyed theirroilngdghts. I specifically A fewtrnesthroughout thenronth, receive callsfromsateandfederal last year,oneof mycousinsreturned collect p e n i t e n t i a r i e s homefiomprisonfor thelint timein 15 throughout the ;ears.Beforegoingin,hedidn'tdo much. Hehadjobon andoffbeforegoingto jail. countrylhaveaferv cousins anduncles He getsout and the world hasbmically turn.Vith no locked upindifferent nradea compledydifferent states.I dont knorv lob skillsanda felonyrecord,mostplaces witli horvtheyget the aren'ttryingto hirehim.Tobehonest


April 20, 2001

The Metropolitanr 9

Service,smilesrare at Auraria EDITOR Seil tYcavet ART DIRECTOR Milenard FEATURES EDITOR Srah Ganey ASSISTANT FEATURESEDITOR ftrbWrd OPINIONEDITOR DillcL Harabudr TIIEIYSEIDITOR &nnetamfr SPORTS EDITOR l{ck Gilter OOPY EDITORS Anberlohnson,Totsy Recs PHOTOEDITOR Scoil9nelbr


REFORTERS Bemadetle 8** EdranlB.lttrslor, Eena&urtt, fd Darir, illel Durb, AdamDnlyar ,efldft. Grry,ReennAHlmad ttdter Gant,TomMcPherson PHOTOGRAPIIERS llehnie llidik, ldam llolseman tleafts C€ncy IIJ.USTRATOR BcnderrSniur GRAPHICARTISTS Pad ncilGfll,Re Spc€r GEiGfnn,SachhTakda ON LINE EDITOR hssha nosdl INTERNETSTAFF liinon ,loshl,l&ydalGutler SENIOROFFICEASSISTANT Bendeue Baca DIRECTOROF STUDENT PUBLICATION DagGoname BUSINESSMANAGER DonnibtlUbng ADVISER ,ile






TE:I"EPHONE NUiIBERS Etribriaftlixl3l 55&607 Far |aB) 5563421 E-mal:weavers@rnscd.edo t&h hfrpc//dem,nucd.edu/-lhenret The Metronlitd, is produced by ar|d for $e students of Metropolitan Slate College ot Denver servi.E the Aura.ia Caano,.a. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising re\renues and sludent fees, and is pLtlishert e\rery Ri<ra)' dunng the acdeanic '€ar and nrontHy cluairg lie sumrner ser.reEter. ft e Meto@rita, is distdbuted to aI carnpus buildiags- No pEason may take more tnan one cooy of e€ch edtion ol fl?E Metro@titan wittlf]'jr'' prior w'itten permission. DiJBct any questjons, comdalnts, comdiments or comments to the MSCD Boaad of Pubfirations c/o TtE Metrcetitan, Ofinions exgessed witlin do not necessarity retlect those of |he tt e&opol,lar, MetaoDotitan State Cotbge of Defi\,er or its adv6rlise6. Oeadtine for calerdar items i9 5 p.m. Friday. Deacttine tor press releases is 10 a.m. Mgnday. Dasptay adve.tisir€ deadline is 3 p.m. Fiiday. Classified ad\Drtising deadine is 5:0O p.m. Mo dav. The Metroqtitan.s offices a.e located in the Tiwti Studem Ur$on Sdte 313. MaitirE ddress is p,O,Box 173362, Campus Box 57, Denw( @ 80217-3362. @ AI rights aesefled.

Danielle tlaraburda Opinioneditor

It's a farly common analogy that the bener the economyin a given area,the worsethe service.I guessthe ideabehindrhislittle pieceof wisdomis thatso manypeople

pt helpfuland crew. Theyseemrelaxed, cheerful, The a.m.group,howweqs another cupo'joe. V4utagroupof malcontents. Onegirl, workingthe espresso got her machine, feathersruffled rvhen I repeatedmy bererage orderto her It was,I thoughr,a I thoughtshe simplemisunderstanding. hadn'theardme,sinceshe:;eemeda bit dud, nd I repeatedrhe words,"large, sknny,latte"toher Norealharmdone,but apparendy I grosslyoverstepped my place asa payingcustomec"l heard1outhefirst time,"shesnarled inreply.I justsroodrhere

wasbusymaking several otherbreakfasts just andI would needrowairuntilshecould takemyorder Needlzu to say,I tookrhe hintandleft. These aren'tisolated orperiences atrhe Grind,but theydo seemto occurmost oftenin the morning.Goodthingthey senabreakfast burritos alldaylong. popular Another placeforbrealdasr at Auraria isTheMercantile. Tois beneft, The Mercantile hasgreadv improved onirspasr problems. service Thecashiers havebern nothing butpoliteandhelpful tomeandthe guywhorustles upmybagel ischeerfrrl too. Thefrycook,though...good lord. Is thismanthereagainst hiswill? h he cturnedto the grill as somesortof penance? If anyone fromtheMercantile reads ttris,please, LFITllEFRYCO0K GOIHedcsperately needs aracadon, Speaking of which,somevery unhappy manat theCampus C-Store couldusea fewdapof R&R.Hevery impatiently uplained to me,in rarying tones,whyI neededto payanother quaner forcheese I'lladmit sauce. I was having abadjunkfooddayandI didput an aM.rllot of cheese sauceon my nachos (it's self-serve). Toomuch, apparently, as I rhenreceived an unsolicired sermon about thehardships ofusing toomuchchecesauce. I found out I wassingularly responsible for drivingupcossformyfellorv srudents. To thoseof youwhoselivesharebeen altered glurrony by myunconscionable of this nondairycheddarlike producr, I apologize. Hadhekindlyinformed methis supplemenury cheese sauce charge existed, eventhough thisextracharge wasnowhere adrenised in thesrore, I wouldgladly have givenhin anadditional 25cens.I hadno

havemoney to spend, sotreating eachand everycustomer u'ellis a wasteof time. Eventually, somebody elsewillspendtheir moneywho doesn'trequirethe litde niceties, you." such as"please and"thank If thistheoryis correct, thenthe average incomebracket of Auraria's students mustbe prettyhigh, The service I'veencountered in many of our campus is appalling.krhaps eateries theseestablishments knowrheyhavea captiveclientele,or perhapsthe employees arestudens who,likemyself, areheaded torwd theannual endofsemester breakdorm. Neither of these scenarios matter tone. l.just wanttobe ableto purchase my lunchtvithout incident, I shouldsay,beforeI beginmy personal critique ofoursome ofourfmd establishments, I arntheverywors! person for thejob. i rvaited ublesfor morethan6 1'ears.Thismeans I am probably a bit morecritical of things otherpeoplejustwouldntgetworked upover If you'veeverhaddinneL witha feelin.q reprimanded whilesheprulucedniy curentor former dronefromtheservicelatte. Vhenshervaslinishedshelet me industry, you'llknowwharI'm talking knorvby screaming the orderout, despite about.Thatsaid,I're triedto limitmy thefactthatI wzssunding3 feetarvayfrom narrative to thosethings I intagine most heraid sheu'aslookingdirectlyat me. I anyone rvould findobjectionable. hear that drinkingtoo muchcofieecan kt's sanwithlastn'eek.I ammorea makea personuptight.Shemighrconsider slave to routine thanI rvouldliketo admit, a non-caffeinated beverage for arvhile. butsometimes lifeinthe"rut"isjusteasier ThenexttimeI stoppedin wasntmuch idea condimentswere such a serious Moremornings thannot,I getbreakfast, or better,but at leastnoMy yelledat me. business. Plzueremember thisthenext atleastcoffee, atdreTivoli's DailyCrind.I Nobody gotmebreakfast, though, eitherIt timeyoustopbytheCampus C-Store, and surtedthisritualneuly5 yearsago,back rzs a slowmorning, pretryrare dont forget something qu&ter tobrnganextra whendrensupervisor perked Sashn upmv in theGrind,to besure,butI waitedatthe Almost forthepastmonthor everyday morningwith her consrantlv changingregisterfor quite sometime beforethe soI'vebeengetting luncharthel,landarin, hairstyle. I lovethespace artheGrind; irs wonun(a tlillerentonefiis time)noticed in the Tivoli'sfool coun. It mightbe comfonable, the menuis goodfor just me. Thehct shesawmeraiting,however, besuseI amacreature ofhabit,orit mi$r about everyone, and,ur esssomeone isina didin norvayerpedite herpresence at the betecause thenicegidwhorvorlslunches rveird mood, themusic isprettydecent. But register.Shelookeciat me severaltimes behind rhecounter smiles athercusromers. Iatelythesaff seems to wishtheyrvere withoutspeaking, lookingmoreandmore Butreally, goodenough thaCs forme. somewhere else.Notallofthem of course, agitated tlut I was still Finally, rhere. she , I'vehadprettygmd luckwiththeafternooncameup to theregister to informmeshe

To those of you whose lives have been altered by

my unconscionable gluttony of this non-dairy, cheddar.like

product [cheese

saucel l apologize.

Letters Poticy

TheMetropolitan welcomes leaers of 500 n'ordsor fewerontopicsofgeneral interest. Lerters musrincludeafullname, school affiliation anda phonenumber orr-mail aooress. Leners mightbeeditedforlength, gmnnuranoaccuracy.

|{ailbox: fie Metmpolitan Parhvay, Suite313 900Auraria Denver CO80204 e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 303.it6.2507 faxi N3.556.342r


April 20, 2001

promotes Tibetanstudent

through McPherson StorvbvThomas Houseman bvAdam Photos

Drummsr, DavoMlller,a UnlyeFltyot Colotadoat Denvermuslcmajorplayswlth hls band Katalystoutsldethâ‚Ź Tlyollon Mar.1?. Theconcertwas sponsoredby the StudentsForA Ftee Tlbetandfoaturedsevetalbands.

Theair lust outsidethe Tivolicarriedwith it the soundof record Throughout vinylandmixedtracksin a DJsymphony. needles scratching performances by Bop and working the turntables men the setsby the All the waspassed out to theonlookers. literature Skizzum andKatalyst, for theeventlookedon rvitha smile rvhile,themanprimarilyresponsible of the injustices theeventto raisea$?reness Tenzing Shrestha organized have few seen. a homeland in hishomeland, committed hehasn'tseeneither Thetruthis,it'sa homeland from TheeventwastheFreeTibetconcert.analldayeventstretching Bop at the concertwereKatalysr, 10:30a.m.until 3:30. Performing performed tao help Vtek, All DJ Discord, and DJ DJ Chonz, Skizzum, of occupation thewordon Chinese spread andhisorganization Shrestha Tibet. wasbornin 1978in Nepal,but hisfamilyrootslie squarely Shrestha himselfas Tibetan. Tibet.Heacknowledges rvithinneighboring to hereferred of otherTibetans parents andthethousands Shrestha's by thePeople's its invasion andoccupation following fledtheirhomeland Republic of China. Since1949,Chinahasheld dominionoverTibet theDalaiLama,rvasalsoforcedto flee Tibet'sspiritualandpoliticalleader, like of Tibetans an entiregeneration As a resultof this massexodus, somervithouleversening theirhomeland; hasgrorvnupoutside Shrestha effon footwithinTibet'sborders.fu a result,therehasbeena worldrvide occupation andfreeTibetoncemore. to ny andendChina's tryingto in hisownrvay, China's occupation hasbeenfighting Shrestha eventssuchas the raiseawareness of the crisisin Tibetby organizing radiostation concefionApril17. Theeventevenattracted Jamnin 925, sold rvhichcoveredthe concertlil'e. Denver'sMt. Everestrestaurant helpsShrestha's effortroraise asrvell.Allof theattention cultural cuisine China against arvarding for a FreeTibet'scampaign awareness of Students family. runsin Shrestha's activism Suchpolitical Games. the2008Olvmpic said. Shrestha "Borhmyparents actually," actirein Nepal, arepolitically carriesa price.ThoughheisTibetan,hehas Butadvocacy for suchcauses andrisksmuchshouldhetry underthecurrent neverseenhishomeland, circumstances. government "Thereis a certainrisk factor,"he said,"TheChinese his familyname because active."He believes knowswho is politically incarceration shouldhe everenter mightbe on a list,he riskspossible government remains in control.Hereferred TibetaslongastheChinese to a friendwhowentto Tibet"to recordTibetansongsandshoota Tibetan hisfriendhas to Shrestha, hesaid.According video.He'sstillin prison," year now. a for almost remained imprisoned of creditsthe University Shrestha ls to his life in the UnitedStates, Colorado. "TheUniversitl' of Colorado- theyopeneda schoolin Nepal,so I year for and a halfandthenI camehere,"hesaid ln thespring studied a majoring at Denver, of Colorado Shrestha cameto theUniversity of 1999,


April 20, 2001

The MetropolitanI 11

change 'a


muslc Katalyst outsldo tho Ttvoll on Ma?.17' The concert was sponsored by the Students Fo. A Free Tlbst and iaaturod s6veral bands.

to ihe casual arenotapparent atrocities in music.Heplansto usehis talentstowardthesamecausehisparentscontinueto do - seeTibet.ShenotedthatChina's observer. fightfor backin Nepal. there,"shesaid,"lt lookslike "l've beento TibetandI met my relatives he "I planto write revolutionary kindsof songsabouttheTibetanmovement," okay, everything's said. how performer. but not played rather that's Today, the roleof concertorganizer than Shrestha for a freeTibetdoesnotstopwithsongwriting. Shrestha it is." Sheadded Buthisferventadvocacy his parentshaveset the only way to alongwith theexample hasusedthe situationof his homeland for a FreeTibet,a peel back this to becomepoliticallyactivehimself.He is a memberof Students fagade is for a free apparent campaigning nationalorganization of students, bothTibetanor otherwise, protestsand to ask questions Tibet, To help in this effort,he hasset up fund raisers,organized "Then handed out literatureto try andeducate themasses on thesituationin hishomeland. repeatedlv. Americans knowlittle or nothingof the situationin Tibet. "They thevreallybreak He believes shesaid. a timewhenhervasdistributing shins down," don'tevenknowwhatit is,"hesaid,recalling The of that read"FreeTibet." He musedthat peoplethoughtit wasa freegiveaway somethingcalled"Tibet"insteadof realizingthe politicalmessage.But despire opportuniryfor to general Americans' lackof knowledge regarding the MigyurShrestha in return to her feelings towardAmerica Tib:tancrisis,Shrestha's was a general homeland arecomplimentary. 'Actually, he unrqueone, an I thinkAmericans arereallylucky," thatis calledfreedom of speech,opponunity said,"Thereis something notbeing bythegovernment," Headded that likely no longer bound even in Nepal,rvhichis free of direct Chinesecontrol,

Andy Skellenger plays Djembe at a concert sponsoredby the students For A Fre6 Tlbet out slde the Tlvoll on MaL17. fhe concert featured seveaal bands and ran throughout the day.

stillin theleuningphase," shesaid.Bhanarai creditspeoplelikeShrestha forgetting for herinvolvedln themovement for a freeTibet.Sheis nowa memberof Students quite a FreeTibet. Shealsoadmitsthatrvhilesheis active,sheis not asactiveas "l'm not asdedicated Shrestha. asTenzing," sheadded. MigyurShrestha, whois not relatedto Shrestha hisheritage,hadthe but shares not havethechanceto andmanyotherTibetans do opportunity to do whatShrestha -{



he mighrstill risk incarceration for his activities.really impossible "These I amdoingnorqif I didthem to get a vlsa kindof activities nowadays,"she in Nepal, I wouldbein prison," hesaid. Shrestha alsonotedthelearning opponunities a said, "lfI wasgoing provides. But evenone liketheUnited States country who hasseenthe for to studymusicin Nepal, therervouldbenofacilities me,"hesaid. tragedvof her Those whohaveknownShrestha bothduringhis homeland up notice of hissocially close, applauds timein Nepal andherehavetaken Suvekshya Bhattarai is a NepaleseS h r e s t h a ' s activedemeanor. graduate in DenverShe dedication. of theUniversity of Colorado "He has in the metShrestha duringtheirtimeasstudents branch in Nepal. c o n t r i b u t e d University's "Tenzing keenon organizingsincerelyto his andI werealways cause,He'sbeen events," shesaid. Butdespire for planningreally devoted," theirshared enthusiasm Matt Kavan playlng the electtlc gultar at a concert sponsoredby events, Bhattarai admitted shewasratheraloofto the she said, Students For A F ee Tlbet out slde the flvoll on Mal 17. tha Tibet."l wasn't really , ,l'm For Shrestha crisisin neighboring aware. and


many The concert ieatuled several bands and lan tfilougho|lt the day'

countlessother goeson. "l stillhavethisdream of goingbackto Tibet,"he Tibeuns, thestruggle to likeShrestha continue maybecome a realiry, aslongaspeople said.Thardream soread theword.

12 tTheMetropolitan


Violence, subtifles cquse wqlkouts

Joulnal|3m Barbara Novlck at an artlcle she wltten for l, Novlck capltallzed

her past expedenceto fiom Metro In

yearsby worklng

penos. Alotof people outofAzores arewalking Notentireaudiences, mindyou,butanaverage of Theatre to Esquire threeor fourpershow,according manager Edward Manin. assisunt walkoutof "Vedefinitely haveat lzut oneperson Maninsaid."l haventseenit playonce eachshorv," without leavins." someone


degreeprogram forgo taklng qedlts. She s€vsn porttollos €xplalnedIn detall she dldn't have take the class€s.

Oneof the primaryreasons peopleareforfeitingthe priceof their tickets is the realistic violenceof the film. There's nothingrorse thanwhat most peoplehaveseenbefore,but two factorsmakeit harderfor most ChrisWard In 198,str @anafullrime Metro rMdq withhe hdpofThe ElenaBrown peopleto handle. On Film tearning. forIndividualized Center Oneis wherethe violenceis yean. in Novick muuged to her collqge carcer She complete 3 dealswith directed. Thefint of thefilm'sthreesegments graduate Novick willctldrateMottru'sDay, Onf,hy13,Barbaxa Learning for herhstrracking bruul do$ghs, filmedwith enoughrealismtlut the for Indivdualized crdits ttr Gnter her ftornMetro and 56thbrnhday. college operience. audienceis informedbeforethe moviesum that no people gmduate Notmarry at56)tarsold. '1{nd "l justrcmember it," said. ttrcn I someone ulking about sh€ '1dil things werelurmedin the makingof the movie.Still, animals inrcrrrse. Butatleast I gotit done" Novick sad. manypeoplehavenoublewatchinganimalsget hun, Novi*willgraduate withadegree in ixmalismwithan wentovertothecenter," thislvlay Thecenteris undera dor ohenationof Ctuda Scdlia, eventhoughsweralmoviesdepictsimilarinjuriesbeing in publhrdatbns.Shehasa gndepoint emphasb average of 3.71. lancaster, andlrlaureen directol coordinator inflicted uponhumans. Aaording o daucomplied Res€arch, by theOftceof kutitutional prcgram, for teaming Novick receired more the Credit Prix Under The Theotherfactoris theaftereffecsof violence. women up1percent of Metro's toulpopulation but 56ord&r make hounforjoumalism, nongoftandmanagement classes.fights,shootings tlm 15credit penos Aot wreck in.,Onores re and car tuvettrehighatGPAs of3.5orhigherMeuowillgraduate students 36 ponfoliostating program must wric Ilre student in tlrc tw the like much glamorous, all so funny, or at entertaining, I'hearealso78studens ntroenrolled orcrage50thisl,Iay. inthespring for theclas.Orce movieviolence. outslfuknowledge andaprienceis enough Theyaretragic.fu Martinputit, "Forthe 2001 rmesterolderttun50. pap16 of the first time in recentmemoq',they depictedviolence for the student receir,es oedit the das and apprcred, leaming, TheCenter fu hdivitlualized isaservice fiataidsstudens the scarring Ve seethe pain,thesuffering, accurately." with,dargning drir ownmainorminorandeaming college creditfor uition. Iancaster has since the miri-7ft. has been The center been around qperience, leftoutof the after<ffects that are so often and all other life program with has many students the since 1981. She seen take standard actionmovies.Foronce,we seeviolenceasa Novickbegan herllfeh Conneaicutand thenmovred totheBrorx Degree Program, buthasseen adecline badthing.If peopledont wantto lookatit, I cantblame oftlrehdividualized HerRusian mottrer andherfutrerfromNen'\brk raird her.Her dvanage program. in forPriorleaming on them;somemoviegoers don'twantthatmuchreality mother worked inthewelhre depanment andherhthernasacaterer. tlreCredit procas," "I4any pmple beginning she uid. ale uxious about *rc afternoon. a Saturday lnthe6b urdwidrout thetraining inioumalism, strebegntowrite 'Ttrey lurrnt been tocollege insolong." peoplehaveleft thetheater, Asfor theotherreason thebeauty fu yourRunarrce columns mryuneurdshewrote captlxu feelapprehensive aboutuking6e firststep it is far les understandable. Butpeople shoukln't I mustsalithatI amoften torNStntlftrua|. rerntering s]stem is there for them. and college, because the suppon people needspelledout for surprised at what some Shemanied a civilengineer, andbeganto morearound. Her 'lhis "Vetakepoplebdreams, them. program rery is said. a useful tool.' She huslund wasuansfened toNewJerry, andthenDenve{ knnsylvanb realbed." addtheconect andmake theirdreams cuniculum people On openingnight,Manintold me,several firccouple haslivedin Denver forthepast24pan. Novick spnt 15 prognms in her college career She askedfor theirmoneybackbecause Novick has used both to o(cel realize they didn't in dr floral desrgn business. had no formal Once again, she 1tan The is mentioned should know about the center. center ftels errryone would have read during the show By the end of rhey to training intheindusry, in1rtanother butmanaged toflourish carcer. handbook. Information is in the course catalog and the student even posted rhe night therewasa sign at the box ofiice " I rasludcy; ercqthing I seemed totouch snoutnlld." incorpratdinthenewstudent orientation. peffos is a Spanish informingmoviegoers thatA?nores Strcsoldfloralanmgements to Denwrdepanment stores and Donnal?hitsitt. The52-yur- language Orthesmall suffiswori<-studystudent rarious film with Englishsubtitles," and that "No hotelduin6aswellascreating arrangemena br weddings. She graduate yean in muldcultural This refundswill begivenafterthefeaturebegins." will in nvo with a degree studia. old thenentercd thecraftshcwarena. herdegree inflemenury Mucailx.Shehasacunent GPA Noq I knewthisgoingintothemovie,because there "l dilnt ercnhave "Oneshow businas cads," Nwicksaid. I hel@ willenturrce of3.88. werea fewtellnleclues.Thetitle,for one,is in Spanish; wihturned into10stm6." "lt'shigher shesaid. thanbothmydaughters," looselytranslated it means"Love'sa bitch,"in reference Novick wasasay-at-home wifeurdmother nisingtwodrildren, a wordoflmoudr. too, hzud of the center by She, only imponance of dogsto the film's interweaving to the boyandagid.Shecontinued o workoutofherhome. hasplarutomeetwiththehculryofwerydepnment plos.Addto tint thefactthatit wasproducedin Mexico, '1lilatobebusy,"she The centu uid. profason heads anddepartment aboutthe and wasnominatedin the bestforeignlanguage to informandreacquaint film Dapiteherbusylifatyle,sttestillfeha roil. Something still program. Emeritus Program, whth withthe ciltegoryat last month'sAcademyAwards,and the Thq harc begun an allo*s, remained "l was missing unfulfilled. adqgree inmylife,"str uid. people olderthan60tositinonadasforfree. language oftheprofessor, les of a mptery of themoviebecomes kr19'916, strebegan anerrning with approrml dasatMeuo. Shewasworkhg pa.sionate "l'm make in rtut we Iancaster uid, to 'Jrut "l'm orcited do," I canundersund. a filmisunsetding kavingbecause tlrc SayNo' prognam, tlrc"ts 2 Youth'program and"Youth feelhonorinstut theydoandturcdorr, student TheRratinghasgottento thepointwhereit'snotalwals hwa" program. Each oftreprograms wort<ed tohelpencourage inner. ead'Ihe session April26and uken seriouslyas evidenceof graphicmaterialin a centerwill beholdtug aninformational cityandmubledputh to oael.Novick, withoutformal onceagain I4ay8. you expectedit to be in movie.But leavingbecause tnining, prognanu nwuged tooaelintheraclunteer asafud-miser and pt her Ph.D. from Unircrsiry, and Novick's cousin Columbia 'l'ouldhavemore fust English? I hadhopedmostmoviegoers gmntwriter. StEel€n manaSd tomisetl0$,000 inoneeveningof fund. she's 79. knowinganything sensethanto gointoa movier,vithout raising Ituasduring disepe&noetlut NovlCr nourbhed trcrpsbn 'She'smy rolemodel,'t{ovick justgoesto sh@tlut aboutit. "lt said. ofcadng forfre chihrenandfighting "l wanna fortheunderdog. do kott gneltzer/TL lclopctcl

Metrosludenlinspires oldercrowd



something forkiA."

leaming islifelong.'


I 13 Aprit20,2(X)1 Thelvletropotitan 6inrt$€ a Wceft...


I ET:SFIL IIIUE A BRrcE oS Sll€hra6 $o8' orog raoffilr 'ot l1{

$Yfmr, sad


eB ?urJt( lcor}

?.srnoutg -s TllE

Lpt<roroeS lnF6ED or> ft?Otr- lSrt^ ?&r, :srnnrrv

Hi,l'm Chris,Ore ot ourcanmnistsis sol'vebeen havingtechnical difficulties, calledin to heloout.

. I can't draw r|onh a damn, so now you're stuck readinga comic that's notiing but my photo with text.

HOOD €nrcsor/orrrrcArr

l'm not very good at punchlines,either.



Life at Frf r.rl^? llff. frlr4rt garlrr€a uf ||Y r{|,rlr{ fr3^Frirt''rll!tE


lrrffi Y,rr




) ,*,1\'4


il0[[ r0slm cArr00N ffiH#p*mfi fNu sruo*?rc\ ]ti'1r)t9f urlgGAY,


M,Mffi, 'niffitttuts-'

NrgRltr ctttPMuuKs: luvrN STOKY lHE UNTDI,D


ARIES:tt'stimeo comi&rthedifference ardtoEke stagnatbn... hlanceandbasic between in,Youtendto noteofjustwhatsatepu arereally purselfso and.iudging bequitecriti:l ofyounelf, hck ftombiggerand harshlycould beholdingyou things. bener TAURUS:A lwedonemayunknwingly kt drcmknw what thiswed<. hunpur feelings suchgoblerns in hashunpu, andhowtrcavoid tolookatanyovertensitivity Bewilling tle funue, holddzu onpur part.Aprsorulphiloophypu quatinedsotrytogowithtlc flow. maybe GEMINI:Thereis no suchthingas perfection, sodontepectasmudrfrompunelf pu. Stopbeingsocriti:aland andthcearound hhw harntoh goodtopurselfandtoothers. pu willbegladpu did, pur hunches thisweek, respnsibilities. orsorrypu dilnt. Delqgte mayseem to CANCER:Yourbeli{qntem before bedisintegrating loure]€s,andalthou$ notseern tobegoodnetsatthepresent drisdoes ofthe time,it wll in ttr longrun.Talaadrantage wantto give andcarefrmilymembers support pu...hmilyhasalways beendrreforpu. timeduring theweek LEO: Trytosetasirle pu to orploreanynewua)t of selforpression, had avenues thatyounever creative mayuncover pmn inyour previously ttnu$t of let aspecial andloved. life knowtlnt tlrefareapprechted some timealone. Spend may thetruthin asituation VIRGO:Facing asyoumaythink.Reluinto notbeasdamAlng isntso andpu willfindttutit rea.lly thenewnas toanewwayoflooking bad,thereareadrantqes mayputpu inpur place Someone atsituations. othen. ifpu monopolize andposiNe allthatorcasirc LIBM: Gather -fiere getauskaccomplishd thisweek energym to bedone is nousein puttingoffwlut needs in get up a situation caught Do not eventually. nowhere. rtrichisgoing It'stimeforawelldaerrcdrest SCORPIO: Alongwith restshouldcomeself thiswee.k, matters, toanyhea.lth hy aftention irurospection. nomatterhowtrivialthE mayrem. Romance untilpureview mayhonholdforthedmebeing for howyouwantto pur feelings andoptions proceed. Thisweekpu prohbly SAGITTARIUS: regarding condusions conrcticsomeimpofiant with Lirtly dirusions money. of best use the lrcur the information to willbringrrw hmilymembers knowlour another of letdng group. Becautious youmayjustned to sit on thisone feelings, asfiile. pu maybe Anyinformadon CAPRICORN: how nomaner ableto$eanfromahmilymembo, willbewell thisfiguremayseem, authoriarian Daydreams do wonhanyuncomfonablenas. get buttry noto function, servea \€ryusefrrl uughtupinsuchhnusia. AQUARIUS:Youmaybe ablem teach to energies anotherthe leson of focusing profitable ends.Youharregoodidzu for the tosoftenpurapprmch butyouaneed workplace, Acherished pu tum off otlren. sottut don't F1 apanattheseams. ofpur lifeiscoming ofot.hers intheadmiration PISCES: Bask fora iobwelldone,andthenstana ckanslae. younelf sosunound Timealone canbearealtreat, If pu are andserenity. beauty withquiemess, work findadditional wo*ingonlyfor money, you willleave utisfied. which

14 tThe Metropotitan Aprit 20, 2001

Gay,Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans


Student SeruiceslL at Autaria


Eor *ISCD S&nt,



SUPPORT SE R VIC ES - addr es s es i s s uesc onc er ni ng coming out, AIDS, relationships,homophobia,etc. for GLBT students, friends, and tamilies.

X{:OIJiRS: Approx, Sohrs/w.eek (ll.'ciblo otowtd dlat c4rA'/'ol DRIES9; Cesue,l Thisis your OpporAtrtty @ Int'enrr,hip fucolrincittg

br Experience.

The Student Organization Accountant is responsible for an array of accounting and bookkeeping services for our student organizations. This is a gteat experience in general ledger maintenance, reconciliatiory accounts payable and some on-line.

ADVOCACY - supports GLBT studentsin discriminationand harassmentsituations,and works to improve the advocacy system on campus. RESOURCE CENTER - providesintormationrelatedto GLBT issues to students, faculty, and staff. SPEAKER'S BUREAU - provides speaker'strainingfor student volunteersand schedulesspeaking engagementsfor campus c/asses and events. PROGRAMMf NG - offers GLBTAwarenessMonth, Safe Zone Project, welcomereceptions,leadershiptraining,panels, speakers,and entertainment.

Karen Bensen, Director 900 Auraria Pkwy., Tivoli #311H (80204) CB 74, PO Box 173362 Denver,CO 80217-3362 (303)ss6-6333


H o ur s : M o n d a y- T h u r s d a y 8:30am-5pm F r i d a y sa n d e v e n i n g s by appointment.

http://clem.mscd.edu/- glbtss/



WHO'SWHOAMONGSTUDENTS IN AMERIGAN ANDGOLLEGES UNIVERSITIES &ltool of lrllt;ts. M Shaleane Denise Abegs Gretchen Anthonv-

Thad M. Beery Bart ara L. Blair Phyllis Blueit Deborah Brvon Keslie A. Caitrell Unda Cecile Amanda K. Conwav PamelaD. Dinwidiie Arleen Erland f,aura Ferguson Christina J. Gabe Damon Garr Greg Gedney Mrginia Gibson Julia L. Glover Kathleen M. Goodvear Mandv G. Gr".r"" " Kathrj,n A. Greenslade Sara Hoerlein Cheryl A. Housley

& Sclencs

Jeremv N. Johnson Cindv-Laub Ally""" B. Loftis Karen Louis Maria C. Otero IGthleen Sue Pase Christopher Jam-esParker Cecile M. Piret Joel A. Potter Linda Marie Prien Carlos Reves Susan L. ft.r"""11 Andrea Schmidt Antionette Snell Michele Spencer Keena Tristi Tiernev Maureen Ti.rrnbull Stefanie lona Vassilaros Angelia Jewel Washington Trevia Lynn Woods Candace J. Graham June M. Favre

Sclmolof Bushrcs Anna Smolkina Yue-Ling Li Lorena Dawn Smith Dina Maru James Joseph Sandoval Ember Crooks Kenneth C. Robertson Wei Wan Loretta Conkel John E Kidd, Jr. Kathleen Ryan Morgan Joanne BasEall Michelle Ot-ero Lisa J. Sweet Sarah Truitt Chi Phuane Robertson -C"d".d Janice M. Kimberly E. Soto Michael J. Alcock Theary Sok Cecilia Javne Gutzke Jason Ruikofsky Crvstal Lunt LiJa C. Veraldi Marleen Stene-Trout Madeleine Marv Gravson


Schoolof Pmtespilonal Studies Kara A. l,andrv Kendra D. Larick Freva Etna Mallow Kiriberlv Martinez Maritsa?ardo David T. Parks Michael G. Plichta StephanieL. Plumberg Cara N. Randoloh Christopher A. Rothe Andrea L. Schell Eric P. Mlliams Devon C. Hendrix Kristy L. Hinderman Julie A. Girard Bradley J. Hanson Kathv A. James

Keri Adcock Rachel J. Cross Kimberly P. Johnson Melissa F. Cornell Shellv Hanvell Gr"giG"d.r"y Brea A. Albers Jasmine M. Harrison


Aprit20, 2001

TheMetropolitan I 15

Melrosluggerlookingto breokmqrk Eduardsisn't like just an,vcompetitive ahalswilhng athlete, though,He'sa truegamer, of theteam,Horvso? to rvorkfor thebetterment tr{tell,for starters,he's not a shortstop anymore. All-American or no, Edwardshad no rfiatsoeveraboutmovingto right reservations fieldaI'earanda halfagowhentoh it wouldbe bestfor theteam, "Youneedsomebody in theoutfieldwhocan 'Jack do said. can coveralot ofground,"Forreco great instincts and an o<ceptional He has that. for averysolidrightfielder. Eric ilcConnell arm,utrichmakes lh lelopclloa "Hisnumberone ishowhecanhelp concern 'fie's a leaderby histeam,"Forreco continued. therestof theteam.AIotof If you'wgottmls,you'dbetterknowhowto eumple.Heuphfts peoplerespect him." usethem. \Uhafsnotto berespected? Ve're not talkingabout those Bob Vila gadgetsyou see on the Szus commercids, Sutisticalproductionput aside,Edwards than so muchmoreto the Roadrunners bnngs though, \Wbteulkingaboutathletictools- skillsthat justaquickbatandconsistent He defense. bnngs to succetdat any level. More that leadershipthat only the fiercestof are necessary we'realkrngaboutbaseball skills,firt competitors canbringto a ballclub,thoughhed specifrcally, power, defense. it. average, arm, never admit to of them:speed, "l or wouldnt sayI'm oneof thebigleaders Not everyplayeris fonunateenoughto 'T've said. possesall of theseasets at once,but Metro moti tors on the team,"Edwards for 19,20yearsnow. It's isoneof thefewwhodoes. beenplayingbaseball Edwards seniorjack coach justwhatI lwe to do. Yougota loveit." "He'sjustanathlete,"Metrobaseball He maynot thinkhe does,but likePorreco VincePorrecosaid. "He'sdefinitelya five-tool player" said,Edt'ar&definitelylea& by example.For those him,it'snotaboutthenumbers. It'snotabout developed Vlren or whereMwanCs It'saboutwinning. theattention, toolsisbeyondevenMwardshimself. 'Jack's 'l wasnt blessed said. withanyGod-gven ability," notgonna talkthetalk,"Porreto EdwanJs said."lt sjustwhatI loveto do. I guess "He'sgonnauzlk thewalk,lbu canseeit in his attitude. There's allthehardworkhaspaidoff. Butwhenyoulove eles.He'sgotthatcompetitive not one guy on the team t'haty'oudo,thehardworkisn'thardatall." who wouldntdo ani'thing Thafsthe attitudeof a competitocNo willeverbeenough. forhim." amountof success And in retum,there's Take for example Edwards'offensive production nothingEd$?rdswouldn't thusfarthisseason. M€{ro senlor ottfddet ,*k Edflards dud(s under a pltch h a giam€€arllot tib seGon AsofApril16,hewasbaning.316r'ith eight do forhisteam. homo rulE ha a charc€ ol "Ve stillhave16games agalnst N€braska{rmdta. Edrvatds,who leads tt|3 team In doubles, ninehomeruns,37RBIandhissluggtng Jack Edwards prcenagewasabove.500. said. "Vre boakhE f|6 school recofd lor home ru|B In a slngle 36ason. to go,"Edwards ertn if hisnamersJack like thanjustoneplayer, outburst True, it wouldulteanoffensive still do havea chanceto Noq if that'snot enou$ to havepitchen to Edwuds. witnessed atanylevelforEdwards rarely from around the RockyMountainAthletic make Toumament. I feelgoodabout those theRMAC That doesn t mart. the school tie or surpass in 12 therestoftheseason." shakipg, addninestolenbases Conference watch, fun to though. it won'tbe sentimentmean andyou'vegotpurselfaverysolidyear Thatseems to betheresounding attempts, aboutthehome "l wasneverercnthinking in thedugoutthae right?Vbll.. .. ofoffense, amongthe Roadrunners said. "lf youdo,you'll Edwards "l coulddelinitelybedoingbetter,"Edwards dap. Noonecandenyit'sbeen atoughseason,run record," in spos, Butspirits overswing." isntwhereI wantit to be, If I ma1,lrc sard."Myarerage elrn disappointtng suchasthat Edwuds attributalitdehctoids Id liketo bat.400." could'putit togettrcq ue high. Regis University @l{etro he'sreceived atMetro. baseball, April 21-22, starting "lhrshasbeenafrustrating withalot onetothegfeatcoaching season .400?!Bya showof hands,howmanyof us "&dson,thehiningcoach, hasbeenhuge," at noon both daYs:Regis wouldbe prfecdy content of clmelosses," Edwards said."Ve'reakingit ixrhll enthusiasts wonan game, me "Vince has uugfu the just Edwuds said. play rela<, game-by-game key is to now.The rith the.316? with the Roadrunners earlyencounter toomudr." tm. I usedtojustgetupthereandswing.Nowl thisarticle ivithinyourself. Youreally cant press But, ttufs why we're reading but thistime, 15-14, earlierthisseason, Edwards swears he'sgoingtofollowhisown knowabouthitting." aboutJackEdwardsand not the otherway games in the conference count the probably t draw standings. doesn It'ssafetosavEdwards of his *trenit comes to theremainder amund. advice plays well at home Metro

Metrobaseball playerJackEduards of basa cbance tbeschool breaking record bomerun





on that point. still, as manyafguments thegame of hseball, individual Aslongashe'splayed season. therewill productive he's been thisseason, as veryhighopecutions on up andger EdwanCs hasplaced If hedoesfinda wayto loosen thanindMdual have backintottratgroove hefoundattheendoflast alwapbe moreto baseball himself At times,thoseexpecntions accomplishments. very baseball worked him. wecouldseesome exciting against season, 'Jackhas "Oneplayer doesn t makea tsam,"hrreco startedslowwith hisbatthe lasttwo in thedap to come. given "He's menothing butpleasure "ButJack has yean," a "Hispowernumbers this)€arareabovelast said. Forreco said. lustbeenpresing 'Th€ yr:rr himfor thelast md a haf. nsa shonstop athis 1'zu's,"Porrecosaid. teamretord for watchrng littlebit. HewasanAll-Americzn weloveto getgu)slikeJack.He'shard' juniorcollege I believe hecanbe homersin a season is 15. RtghtnowJack'sgot coach, in Californb. toplay." worting andready thetophinerintheRtrlAC. nine. gong to makea runat thepost If theyte "lt wouldtakea realpushto getthere,and "Buthepussomuchprasureonhimself to be hadbener therestoftheRoadrunners theremltsnow,likeany I'm notsurewith16gamesleftwecoulduy he's season, dowell.Hejustwants readyaswell,becaurdrcreis moreto a team would." athlete comoetitive chasing."

holdinga 24'13edfle theRangers, against Fields. whenplaying attheAutaria all-time

Metrobaseball @Nebraska' KearneS Apnl 27,1 p.m. and will April 28 at noon: TheLopers year after last get from try and revenge losingthree of four games1o the holdsaslryhtedge Kearney Roadrunners. in Nebraska,9'7 overMetrowhenplaying all+ime.

Aprit 20, 2001

16 rThe Metropotitan



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The Metropolitan/ 17

Aprit 20, 2001

Tough200I scheduleqwqits volleybqll games athome, justin case Metrowillplaynineof itsfirstl0 conference It willbeagood weharcto playthreeina rowagain. and Fon Hays with Nebraska-Kcamey matches Sute. whichincluda forus." learning experience '€ ffc lelrfclllcn imponant before heading when offmagoodstartruhomeis Getting Aug,24tnCalifornra sunofftheseason TheRoadrunners in theyplayintheUniversity fromworsttodmostttretopoftheconference Aftermoving offonalongroaduip. tournament. ofSanDiego willhave Hendricls Debbie Metrovollqballcoach herfirstseason, thatwe do well,"Hendricksaid."'f(rithus Premier "lt's imperative asrheColorado Eventhoughthisisn'tasglamorous rnthe2001 season. moreofachallenge games playing in ttreedap,doingwellathomehforethe get ttree inwhenthey backfrom whichMetro willparticipate Challenge, withMetro Califomia, wasannounced today volleyball The2001 schedule goingontheroad." regionthat uipwillgiveusmoreconfidence in theRoadrunners therearesometeams roadtripattheendoftheseason,playin thistournament. sevengame arigorous enduring ontheNew ftl 12*trenMetrotakes Theroaduip begins dap. inasmany ttra games induding astretdrplaying Chadron In 27 aginst State. playing and ends ftt. Mo<ico Highlands dutare "lt'sagreat andsome oftheteams tournament outthegames,in it were rankedlast year,so it will give us a good benueen, tospread Hendricta saidtherewasanauempt from CU{olorado Metrowill hce toughchallenges theyhaveto challenge.'Tlendrids denie{ttrerquest.Eranthough buttheconference (Oct.14),KeamE(ftt, l9), (ftt. 12),Southem Colorado Springs uid. playdregama,ttrcreisabrightsidetoit. (Oct.26). (Oct. 20), Colorado Christian Fon Hap and Nonhern University of to hce the Following a tripto Greeley lowerthena No.I or a Colorado, "lf pu entertheregional toumament regular the season at the will finish out The Roadrunners san ttre RockyMounuinAthletic ttre Roadrunners pu haveto playthreegames in ttreedapjusttoget C,onference No.2 seed, 2) khml ofMinaQ',lov. ukingonColorado Evens Centeq fuiraria ponion ofitsrhedule. us, it,"Hendictssaid.'Thisisgoodforus,it willprepare through Nov9' goingintotheRlvlAC tournament (,lov3)before andRegis <; 10.


\ e;. \\v/



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18/ TheMetroPotitan


Job Searcb Strategies- Learnhowto initiatea job search,makecontacts, and in this freeworkshopfor useresources MSCD Meetsin CN#203from Students. andfor informa9-llam. Topre-register calperformance involving Suficonceptstion, call(303)556-3664.

DenverMainUbrary,l3th & Broadway, 2pm.Admissionis free. For information, on the lst and 3rd liresdayof every call(303)ii6-3180. monthftom 67:30pm.Freeand everyone is welcome.For moreinformation, The Voice and tbe Harp: An call(303)520-3095. Expression of Spirit - A ulk andmusi-


12 SIEPMeetings On Campus - M on Tuesdays & Thursdays from Meetings 12-lpmin theAurariaLibruv #?05. For Brown BagVorhsltop on God's$lilI . of M,vsticism presented andSpiritualitv at callBilli at (303)556- Bring a sack lunch. Hot and cold the Metro-Denver moreinformation, Baha'iCenter, 99 S. (303)322-4440. provided, 2525or drinks/chips Mondays GrantSt.at 7:30pm. Admission is free. 11:30am-1pm and Tuesdays 72:30-2pm,Forinformation, call(303)i98-4319. - Meeton Vednesdays AL.ANON in the St.FrancisCenter,Room#2. For more Resumestbat Work - Learnhow to AurariaLibrary#205 from 12-lpm.For information, call(303)750-5390. write an effectiveresumein this free moreinformation, callBilli ^t (301556workshopfor MSCDstudentsin CN 2125or (303)321-8788. #203 from l2-2pm.To pre,register and c ll 0A1556-3664. A Night at the Opera - Combined for information, MSCDStudent GouernmentMeeting choirsandsymphony featuring orchestra . Getinvolved with studentgovernment Electron Sbin-Spin Interactions . faculrysoloists.Presented in the King from3:30-5:30pm everyThursday in the TheNaturalClubPhilosophy will hostDr. Center Concert Hallat 7:30pm. Forinfor#329.Formore Senate Chambers,Tivoli MartinMaltempo, professor a ar UCD, mation, (303)i55-3180. call information,call(303)555-3312. who will give this lecturein North Interaiewing Sftills - Revierv the interClassroom #1608tt 4om. viewingprocess Truth Bible StudyJrom a Messiani+ in thisfreeworkshop for Per'sfuectiue MSCD students. Meets All arewelcometo in CN#203from Jeuisr, join in Tivoli #542 \lednesdaysand To pre-registerand for 9:30-77:30am. Thursdays from J4pm. For moreinforCommunity Concert Band - MSCD information, caII(303)556-3664. Department mation, callReuben at (303)351-2009. of Musicpresents this free Senior Pianw Recital The MSCD concertin the KingCenterConcertHall SMARTRecuery . A non-traditional Depanment Forinformation, call(303)556of Musicpresents thismusic at 7:30pm. addictionrecoverygroup,meetsat the eventin the KingCente6recitalhall at 3180.


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Aprit 20, 2001

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