Volume 23, Issue 29 - April 27, 2001

Page 1

Z / The [tetrcpditan


' Aprit 27,'2001 ' . ,


J rI ilv/ =Ttl 1t fr) lll\ rX-IfIlir *lIr*\ POSITIONS R OPEN 5rO FIILI-TIME g PAnT.TIME, ttANAGEDtEDmGl ENtnr LEVEL POSlrlOr{A AVAITABT,E





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toR gneltrer/ttc f.Uctcn

Sigi'sFool llall andArtadewascloseddownJuneI dueto TheAurariapolicerequirepermis if morethanone perSonis Auraria HigherEducation Centers budgetdeficit.The speaking or if displapareusedsothatsafetyismaintained, f455,000 Ite Denrq Intemational Film Festivdretumedto the deficitwas createdwhen the StudentFacilitiesBond Fee whichaskedstudensfor a $20.50 Referendum, feeincrease, was Tivoliftt. 12- 21despitetheclosureof theAMCTivcliTheater reiectedby the governing boardof the Community Collegeof Studeds got a secondchanceto lote on the Student DenverAll threecolleges Facilities on Nov mustapprove Bondke Referendum 'lhe proposedfeewouldadd thefeefor it to pas. I and2. Sigi'sreopened to studentfeesthatwouldbe kb. 21 with new $18.50 gamesand a live musichall after the used to maintainAurariacampus studentbondfeepassed allottingmore services. The bond fee passedthe money to the pool hall for secondtime around857 to 270,The will be improvements. estimated $1.2millionincrease Elfuahth M. Piene, whoclaimed usedoverthe nert ten yeanto make shewasa Metrostudent,wascharged repairson the Tivoli,the Child Care withtheftJuly letters Gnter andthePVEvents Center. 6,2000forsending complaining of badservice to 60metro Due to a policy change, the wassentenced aru restaurants. Pierce to ColoradoCommissionon Higher sixyearsin thesuteprisonEb. 23by Education African Amencan cutMetro's who then Studiesmaior in November. CCHE JudgeH. JeffreyBayless, suspendedthe senlence,providing of 10graduata requires thelikelihood Piercecompletesix yearsof probation, in the next yearfor the cut to be serve90daysin thecountyjailfollowed appealed. suppon But with extended kott $nettrer/ll. LLc9dif.n played MollyBrownin by180dapofhomemonitoring. DebGallegos, who from the Metro and Denver of TheUnsinkable Molly Ihe EmmanuelGalleryclosedia Metro'sproduction communities, CCHEgavethe African Srowz'r, beginsherwarm-ups Feb.27, Theplay doorsin September afterAHECbudget ranfromMarchI throuoh18. AmericanStudiesmajor a two-year cutscaused interimgallery directorKen extension April5. House Peterson's contractto not be renewed. The Education Aftersixmonthswithouta campus voted6-5todefeat House Bill1192 onFeb.6, Thebill, art director, a newone$?s Comminee hiredJan.12.Kathryn would Charles sartedherjobasinterimdirector whichwasintroduced 17, have transferred control of Jan, gallery the liustees for the in Colorado aad reopened in March. Metro from rhe Sate Colleges Jn.22 Ihe Aurarialfrlk team raisedmorethan$9,000 for AIDS beginningJuly 1,2002. l(alk2000,heldSept.10.Atthetimeof theregistration, theAuraria A prcsidentialsearrh committeenamedMetropresident Vralkteamwasthe secondlargestteamregistered for theUniversity of Toledoin for thewalk, SheilaKzplanoneof li finalists according since to KarenBensen, DrectorofGay,Lesbian, Biandlizns OhioonJan.18.Kaplan,whohasbeenMetro'spresident job. Student Services atMetro. 1993, wasnotchosen forthe luraria police antsted ChuckSpigola,.an lte StudentGovernmentAssâ‚Źmblycandidate nce was anti-abonion demonstrator heldApril2{. Outof 12positions on on Oct.4 afterhissecondappearance on campus. uncontestd in theelection people was voted in a write in ballot. Auraria policechiefJoe police removed from the SGA, only ran and one on Onizsaid Spigola 9 seeYear in Revieurpage1| flagpole areabecause for thesafetyof rhestudents. of concerns



2000/2001 inRictulGs



Rashawn Fulchet and rotlt ]lollins listen to men's basketballcoach Mike Dunlapspeak with reporters during the post-gamepress confererEeafter their loss to St. Cloud State Universityin the Divisionll RegionalsMarch 1O.

-l l

4 I TheAtetropolitan Aprit27, 2G)1


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TheMetropolitan I5

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kott SmettrerrlLletopcllcn

6 / The Metropd,itan

Nrit.27, 2001



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tott Smettzer/ltc[eloaolilotr

The Metropolitan I 7

8 / TheMetropotitan

Aprit27, 2001

Troamm M9CD?eerEducation NowReutrving For Fall2OO1 lor new TeerEducators.


ffiffiaw** TickuV lnterested? anapVlication fromouroflice alTivoli 651-A

YHffi,HHAM, (ws)ffi3132 TeerEducation Negvo* An Affiliataof rhe1acchus & Gamma

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The ltAetropolitan r9

Metro'sschoolof lrtters,ArtsandSciences of andtheTheatreProgram of theDegartment Angry nicarnnsprwnr Tfuelue Speech Commu Roselvlay1{. Mal, byReginald Theplaywill be performedin the MSCD ProductionStudio in the KennethKing Arts Centeron Academic and Performing campus. krformanceswill be at 7:30p.m.[4ay1-5 andat2:30p.m.May6. nesâ‚Źrvedticketsmust be pickedup 15 call minutesprior to curtain.Forreservations,

303-5563J15. please withdisabilities call301556 People information. 3073for ticket Adulttickesarell0, Metrostudentswith ID, free,and all other students,rniors and children, f5.

In MetrobriefsApril 20, kah Becker's namewasmispelled. lf TbeMetrcpolinnstrivesfor accuracy. please weaver misake, contact Sean spot a 1ou


10 r TheMetropolitan Aprit 27, 2001

toffiE Congratulationsto the Outstanding Student Award Winners! President'sAward

JudithK. George AcademicAffairs Service Award

AcademicAchievement AwardCollegeand CommunityService


OutstandingStudentAward- Schoolof Buslness Michael J. Alcock

EmberGrooks TerriO'Keefe

Jenniferlrene Derosby

AcademicAchievementAward Collegeand CommunityService

Student Services Service Award

Sara B. Knickerbocker

OutstandingStudent Award - School of Letters, Arts and Sciences

AcademicAchievementAward Challenging Circumstances

Thad Beery Kathleen Goodyear MaureenTurnbull

LindaJ. Cecile AmericanAssociation of University WomenAward

Jenniferlrene Derosby Student Leadership Award

RaquelleGarcia-Ulam Academic Achievement Atl arge Award

TraceyC. Mahoney

JuneM. Favre AcademicAchievement AwardChallengingCircumstances Anna Smolkina AwardAcademicAchievement ChalIenging Circumstances

OutstandingStudent Award - School of ProfessionalStudies

Tiffany Bartlett MelissaCornell Whitney Giddings



Academic Achievement AtJarge Award

CharisCraven Sponsoredby the MSCD Office of Student Life.

t*3!!Flii{+,r}i}18{{fi fl M*&}lt*;*iL$liEiiirr:E


The Metropolitanr 11

Year in Review,2OOO-20O1

'' Yearin Rwiew, from3

IVomen's hadtheirfirstlosine basketball since1989-90. lhe Metlo meds soccerteamwentto the season DJ.Hummel Dfun andCarikwon were National CollegiateAthletic fusociation named AllAmerican at the national competition. toumament for *le firsttimein 2000. The Mero men'S tennis team won the RMAC tournament by beatingSouthern Colorado 74. Women's tennismadeit to the RMAC tournament, but lost in the semi. finals. Jake Edwards, outfielderfor the

For the '-< third straight year, the women's soccer team went to

Rocky the M o u n t ain , Athletic Conference tournament in 2000. Metro's -Ivolleyball playersturned Melrorugbyphyer,t{igelMailaa,chargespasta Mesa arounda losing StatedefenderMarch3 at the Aurariafields. season and team,isclosing inonthe baseball Roadrunner lvlarinaBanz wasthe first Metro Roadrunners in a season. school record for home runs made playerofvolleyball playerto be namedRl,,lAC 2

He needsone moreto breakthe recordmadeby the-year. Vaughn in in1989 and1990 andTodd Befus lte meds basketballteam wentto the Rusry for the founh straightyear 1986. NCAAtournament andwon the RN'IAC tournamentfor the third yer. consecutive



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Aprit 27, 2fl)1

Animalsare responsibilities, not objects

Vassilaros steps down year school To Metro's studentuse. tfflehavealsomade intothe2001-02 Although I willnotbeableto accept in making theGolda StudentBody, inaedibleheadway

MierCenterandfth StreetParkbetter the positionnort year,I wouldliketo I recently headaverysadstoryabout adognamed Farmer for thosewith disabilities.stronglysuggest that Candace On Thursdayaccessible He'sawoyzuoldSibâ‚Źrian Hus$He'snowliving Cain. your Thisyear'sStudentGovernment has whoisthepresent\rP ofAcademicAffairs April25,2001, at the DumbFriendsLeague worhngrelationshipsand the.electedBoardof Trustee created excellent Student waiting forhisfatetouke shelter, with administration, faculty, be appointedto the alumni,the Representative, Government shape. Stephanle is oneof the most andtheBoardofTrusteesposition.Candace Asembly isholding statelegislator Cain'sstoryis an animal Vassilaros Sptem.Ve have sincere,hardworkingpeopleI know. Guest its iinnual of theStateColteges lover's nighunue. Hisstorybegins Commentary mature andhasprorren to you, Sheisproactive, inauguration at the madeourofficemoreaccesible puppy, when hewasaverysmall a were competent while having set up to herself to be an extremely 2-3 events that flagpolefrom fewweekold.A woman bought worked has closehwith pm.It isanimportaffeventandwillgive make ,vou more aware of the leaderCandace himhometo heryoung sonasa Reema Al-Omari youhave andtheservices methispaslyearandhasexprienced Io seewhoyour representation present. binhday Thatwoman you the opponunity Staff columnlst pu. year lvailable to Todo thiswe whatneedsto be doneto makea representatives that are student are for the would're beenbetteroff bulng workbestfor the Meet Your pu to anend. soonsorcd Student Srudent Government to come.I encourage hersonvideogames, because that'swhatheendedup youelected studentsit represents.Candace Unfonunately, although lifewasspentmonlyousidein choosing overCain.Cain's alrerdyhasworhng relationships me for term as Body a second Student post, thebackyard, chained to a survd for affecdon, as vrithadministration, facultyand many President I will not able accept be to thewomandidnt wantthisbig,hJper-active thingin her groups with whom yournomination sheis student thisThursday. Asmany house, . . andfiomthesounds of it, neitherdidtheboy, worked actively involved.Candace ofyouknowI amasingleparent andam dut'sif hecared atall. year you for this on effectively facing in my a change lhat musr occur Nei$bonwouldcomplain aboutCain,forhebarked, grade policy academic and appeal living is situation. This situation howH andaied.Bpecially whenit rzs coldoutside, or vrithherwork andI wasimpressed requiring metoworkfulltimeandsince at nightwhenhefeltexceptionally lonely.People didn't anrbition to saveMetro's andtireless I amalsoa fulltimestudenr, thisnew callthepolicebecause Cainwasloudor annoying, they African American !{ajor In give Studies will not me the schedule allow to were woried was calledbecaurthey thatCain being you mind, is no one more my there must Student Body the time thal neglected ashewasconstantly and andabused, outside, Government capable to leadStudent from)'ourPresident. expect rvasnelermkenonwalk... something thatoen a lizrd y'ear successful to another I anrnot a personwho cando isentitledto. I believethat Candace andthe halfrray andI soI donotwant anything I0henCainreached theageof wvo,myfriendheard group push will newly SGA to position elected to accept the andlet1'oudown hisstory.Hermotherlivednec to theownerof Cain,and anevenhigherlevelthisnextyearI bydoingso. Thispastyearhasbeena decided to makeadifference. Myfriendwanted adog,and lookforward, to seeing yearfor studenm asa student, andfor herewastheperfectoppnunityto rescue a negleaed magnificent group Again, I succeed. this I have very Student Government. been get andabused dog,and unconditional lovein return. put who have to those with apologize honored to work someof themost Cains lifewmbegnning were to lookbettenPeople pasionate peopleon theirfaithin me!o leadtheStudent andhardworking visiting him,uhng himfor walk to getto knowhim, year.I will Bodyintothissubsequent I would recommend this campus and him .. his treas. acknorvledging oristence.'lhe day $ving involved with Governnrent Dap Nights, Student continue to be Student and the experience of Student Government camefinallywhenCainwasukento hisnewhome,where (giving within Nights night not the capacity whohasthedriveand Services students an Government but to anystudent hewasgoingto luvea backtard wherehecouldroamas their of president.I hopethat you can willingness to usethe services to notonlyenrichtheirown opponunity hewished, adoghouse forshelter andmorevisisindoon. Ball understand thatmysonhasbeenand education but to workto betterthe studentfeespayfor),anda Charity Vhenmostpeople thinkofgeningadog,theyalways talk will we designed the campus be thefirstpriorityin mylife, that to bring always educational orperience of all students at aboutgetting afencesothedogcanrunaround wheno'er community in orderto have andsotherefore, to do wtratis bestfor rogether Meroaswell. it wants. Vell,thatwasn'tenou$forCain.Cainwanted a This past yeaq your student somefun and raisenroneyfor The him I crnnotacceptthis positionfor lotmorethanroomIo move, hewanted loveandaffecdon, year. gorcrnment. Hospital another issues Childrens Cardiac Unit. tusconquered many Somuchlove,ttut myfriendcouldnt $vehiinenou$. your yrcuverymuchforpur faith past year, Thank This Student African such as the continuation of the Andthatis whyin the middleof the night,Cainwas worlad a team in in me, AmericanStudiesMaior, Metro's Government as order dropped offat theDumbFriends league. . . because tre Independent Governing Board,the to getthingsdoneforyou.Ofthisfact,I wantedso muchloveand affection, he almostcame Stefanie l. Vassilaros AurariaAr.xiliaries BondFeeand the amveryprouddfthispastyearandsorry Hewanted he through awindow. intothehouse sobadly, will lead Metro SGAPresident that I be unable to another team Publishing Faculty Evaluadons for of the uppushing himself . . in ananimal ended funherouside.

...1am very proud of this Past year and sorry that I will be unable to lead another team into the 2OO1-02school year

shelterwherehe couldget adoptedandthrownback again, or hemaynevergetadopted at allandbeputto sFep. It'sasadstory.Somepeoplemaysaythatit'sthefact thathe'satoughdogto dealwith,beingaSiberian Hus$ rviththat,I feelthatCainwouldbein a andall.I disagree nicehomervithlove,if hewasntsarvingforaffection to point rvhere hemightbreaka window the to beletinto someone's home. It allbegan fromthedayhewasbrought present,.. homeasa binhday he rvastreated asjust another toyor videogame. Tobethecenter of anention andthenthroivnarz.vrvhenit'snotthestvleanlmore. storieslikethiswill repeataganand Unfotunately, again,unlesspeoplehgin to thinkbeforethq get a pâ‚Źt,..pe$arenotobiects. Thryarelivingcreatures that needloveandaffection... A andmostof all,anention. heanfullofloveshouldcomebeforeafenced backyard.

Bushtax plan won't benefit working families Security an to providebadlyneeded families. Dear Editor, programs. will receive MostColoradans InstEad ofPresident Bush's tax President iresponsible Bush's President wealthy, more liule, if from Bush's here'sa any,benefit wr planoffersa luge ta<breakto the breaksfor the Vhatrveneedinstead is Colorado could taxcutproposal. weahhy, alternadve: butIntleor nothing toColorado'sresponsible programs for our moreteachers for ourstate's healthandeducation workingfamilies. Nearlyone in five hire1,351 seniors, andworking schools, upgrade the90percent of state'schildren, Coloradofamilies.rvith a fifth of our public provide taxcutplanthat a famrlies andaresponsible nothing, ourschools thatarein disrepair, children,wll receiveabsolutely for oursute's wontjmpardize thestability of Medicare drugbenefit the majorityof our workingfamilieswill prescripdon tr{edicare recipienrs, andbring andSocial SecuriryIt'stimeto stopthe receivean average of lessthana dollara 451,000 "fuzymath"andputfint careto theonein fiveColoradansnewpresident's day,while the wealthiest of drewealthy health first. And, things rvouldreceiveil15 a day,or closeto whoarewithouthealthinsurance. with all of theseesendalprograms DennisRoe {42,ffi0ayar. we couldstillhareenough for ColoradoProgressive ltlorsestill, this plan depleta funded, working Coalition ax relieffor state's the fundsto securetr{edicare andSocial targeted


The Metropolitan/13


_\,,r(r r\ u5 _ so wtJATtS YouR SruDy Me1il oo ?






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REFIORTERS Be rdrfic Brca, Eena8rfln, tlld Dilrl+ illel Dnb,Adar Dulrr lanilbr Gny,Rccna|l{M lUilbr Gant,bm ilcPlnt:dl PHOTOGRAPTIERS flehde B*1, Adamllqronsr tled|crCerncy il,t-USTRATOR EcndenSniUt GRAPHICARTISTS Pad ilclftill, fte Speel GigiGtrnn,SadrieTaloda ON LINE EDITOR lesslcaRouch INTERNET STAFF liimonlo6hi, l0ydal Cuucr SENIOROFFICEASSISTANT Bemdetl€Baca DIRECTOROF STUDEIIT PUBLIGATION DougGomme BUSINESSMANAGER Doilfia flo|g ADVISER Jile llotadr OOVER ILLUSTRATIOI{ llarddterfld TEI.EPHONENUiIBERS Elibdek GXBI55S25117 Fm l3lltill 55$il2r Emafl:rerver@nccd.edu Web ltilpr'/deoutEcdrdd-drnrt


The Meto@litan is produced by and lor the stuclenls of Metromlitan State College of t enver serving the Auraia Cafipus. The Metroplitan is suppofted by ad\renisi.r€l revenues and stuclent fees, ard is published et/e.y Fnday during tl|e academic yeaa and monthly duridg tt|e summer semester. 7h€ Metro@/italr is distributed to all campus buildngs. No peison may take rnore than one copy of each edition ol TIE Metropolitan willFrft prior witten permission. Direct dty quesdons, comdaints. compliments or commenls to the MSCD Board ol Publications c/o The Metropolitarr. Opinions expaessed within do not necessarily aeflect those of 7he A4etlopolttar, Metropolitan State Cotlege of O€w6r or its achrertisers. Deadline for calerdar itemg i9 5 p.m- Frlday. Deactline tor press releases as 1() a,m. Morday. Disday ad\rerusirE deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. Classified advertising deadfine |3 5:OO p.m. Mon,&y, The Metrcplital's qffices are lgcated in tbe Tivoli Student Union Suite 313, Mailing add.ess is P.O.Box 173362, Campus Box 57. Derwe., CO 40217-3362. @ Al rtgms tsser\€d.

High court erodes Constitutional rights (U-v1lRE) Thechildren hadto mandatory"buckle-up"laws during tothepolice stadon. COIUMBUS, 0hio - The taken - sooftenthatpolice of felonies thetruckwas commission Supreme awayat basic betaken care ofbvafiiendwhile Courtis chipping was de8nitely tuveprobable cause to arestthese righ6agan.Thistimeit isan towedawayandimpounded. Atwater constitutional photographed Amendment. andreleased afterpostingviolators. assault ontheFounh ''Therightofthepeople wntingfor Sandra DayO'Connor, in bond. Sheplead nocontest totheoffeme and tobesecure Justice paprs,andeffecrs,paidthe$50fine.Sheandherhusband saidthatforthemaprity theirpenom,houses, sued, theminoritvopinion, violated herFounh of thecounto conclude thatAtwater's arrcst aganst unreasonable andseizures,claiming thatthearrest searches righs. served nopurpose andyetsaythatit passed shallnotbeviolated, shall Amenfurent andnoVarants It is a issue, Tuaday, the constitutional testsis inconsistent. butupn prohable cause, supprted by aftertheusualset ofappeals, guarantee Atwater fromsuing. Thedecisionviolationof the of the Founh Oath oraffirmation, andparticularly dacribing Coun barred Amendment. theplace andtheFnonsor was a54split. tobesearched, 'The arrest and bookingwere Natch outthere.., out. Sqallyoustudens things tobeseized." praedent Mth legal from the Supreme GailAmate4, woman, wasddving inconvenient toAnvater," David Souter a full aTexas Jusdce pu "Butnotso Coun,thenendmeyougetatraffic ticket, hernwoki6 homein 1997. A police opinion. officer wrotein themajoriry themercy of theStudent stopped thepickuptruckshewasdriving, extraordinary as to violatethe Founh mayfindyourselfat Afterall,youhav'e noticed Codeof Conduct. engaged hcause theofficer thatnoneof the Amendment." get you were fornot in anactivitythatcould arresrdand three wearing Teuslawallows So,being hauldarvay inhandcuffs seat belts. reasonable. hauledin by police,That'sall thatseems officem to makearrests overminortraftc having a seatbeltonis perfectly violations, violatesnecessarv now. many soAtsaterwashandcuffed and Obuously adesprate criminal

Letters Poticy

welcomes TheMetropolitan leners of 500 wordsor few'er interest. ontopicsofgeneral Letters mustincludeafullnanre, school affiliation andaphonenumber or e-mail address. ktten mightbeeditedforlength, grammar anoaccuracy.

Mailbox: TheMetropolitan Pukvay, Suite313 900Auraria Denver CO80204 e-mail: haraburd@mscd.edu phone: 303.556.2507 laxi N3.556.3421

14rThe Metropolitan Apnl27,2OO1


got three months off

iletanie BiatildTlclctrcFllor Kayaker Stevo Swanson rides the rapi& at Confluencâ‚Ź Park on Ap l 24.

ElenaBrown llcLlropolior

buildingfor nationalparksandpubliclands,buildingbridgesandclearingtrails. Therearefoe is only$60for members the package and$7! for norymeriiben. fromJanuarythroughNovemberThepeoplein the groups Coloradopackages


It'ssummer! '' '+ r yzusold. from18-70 range doforthenextthreemonths? So,whatareyougonna "l went lastMayon a Coloradotrip," saidMichaelHechter,membenhip gradehere,weareadults, andadultsjustdont geta coordinator Ve arenotin seventh "l wastheyoungest in thegroup..atl5 andtheoldest of thesociety, 'And ', \?!; '' three-month break. was70,"hesaid, hewaskickingmybutt." . According to thetvctBookpvtoutbyMetro;morethan80%of the17,000- TheGirlsScoutsof Americarecruitvolunteers yeu'round andstaffmembers jobs.Most Therearestrictguidelines plusMetrostudents on theAuraria Campus withfull or part-time andbackground check eachmember of structure r' ., notworking mustcomplete. in thehll. If they're students ue working untilschool saruagain .they're for The dasses. Cooperative "TheGirlsScoutsof America eitherinanintqrnship orsigning up summer isveryflexiblein trainingvolunteers for various srudents Educadon Internship Centeresdmates that5m-600 areplacedin a programs," Mickelson, saidRhonda CampAdministraton people year,Lastyearover6,000 registered forsummer internship each summer courses. job.TheMetrostudent hasa ItreMetrostudent holdsdlamimeorfull-time internship linedup.TheMetrostude.nt hasafamily. TheMetrostudent summer TheMetrostudent nedrJs abreak. So,..akeone,you signs upforsummer classes. it. deserve raftingor volunteerat a summercamp.Asa Golshing,hiking whitewater matterof fact,doallof theabove , ln justoneweekyoucange1allof youroutdoorexperience for a fractionof receilecollege thecostandpossibly credit.,;. TheCheleyColoradoCamps, locatedin EstesPark,is lookingfor a support suf memberthat will receiveroomandboardandcollegeuedit, aswell asa salaryof$1,550 a month.TheGatesCampfor BoysandGirlsislookingfor asaff for inner-cityyouths.TheCohrg memberinterestedin a weeklongexperience SilverCampslocatedin Durangonearthe SanJuanMountains of southwestern general positions, islookingto fill Colorado, counselor hiresfor 8 to 10weeksessions. TheAmerican Association usually Camping Thosehiredaretrainedto usetheircampexperience for outsideemplolment. "Mostof the applicansare in the educationfield,"saidBets.vThamen, and executive for theRockyMountainsectionof theACAwhichservesColorado Vyoming, The ACAis a nationalorganization, basedin Indiana,of camp professionals to enrichingthelivesof childrenandadultsthroughthe committed campexperience. American HikingSocieryhasbeenoffering"Volunteer Thelvlaryland-based includeimage Vacadons" for the past19yean.Theonecr fiffoweekpackages



t Apnt27,2O01 TheI'letropolitan/15

now wh at? i-1.

on learningwith outdoor Ferguson said, skills," "lt's a total learning You'dliketo try it beforeheadingto experience because the Let'spretendthatyou'veneverbeepcamping. your bankaccountfor the latest,greatestnalure' participants a flagshipstoreand surrendering and instructors yoticanrentthegear are learning,not just about without.Instead, delvinggearthatyouwon'tsurvivetheqreekend Program, so,vouarenot stuckwithit whenyourealizethat skillsbut aboutteambuilding fromtheOutdoorAdventure by andleadership." you hatesleepingin a tent on the groundin the middleof nowhere,surrounded infested varmintsandsnlkedby killerbugs. Adventure Outdoor Program eanalsohelp prepareyou for your maidentrip conductsseminars TheOutdoorAdventure for classes and Education) andorganizations OutdoorRecreation they offer outings,CORE(Cooperative because to enhance leadership initiatives andanonline learningprogram. group dynamics through classes, andteamdevelopment basedoutdoor games.Thefirstyearseminar "OutdoorAdventure is yourstudenifeesupported, environmentally provides progam,OutdoorAdventure opponunities students,the International leadership andteamdevelopment friends, Student's with.vour leadership and experience adventures learn new skills, develop to Peer Organization, Assistant Directorof the Outdoor Counselors and Student and colleagues," saidBryanFerguson; classmates Adventure Program. participated SupportServices Basin,ianoe and kayakthe in programsover the past Theyice climbin Ouray,ski Loveland andArapahoe Heather Cenrey/ltcfchpafce ColoradoRiverandmountrinbikethe KokopetliTrail. Theyleadthe trips for the Eanh coupleof months. Kayak br salo or rcirtal a|€ stacked tt tho RE Depaftment andcancertifyyoufor skillsneededto applyfor Sciences andAtmospheric "Wesetup low anglerope fiag3hlpsto]e, adventure races.Themultidaytripsaverage $200.Thedaytripsandotherseriesare courses,tight ropesand the




frompointA to pointB. working asa teamto getoneperson like,thengetthegroups "People trailtripmore It'susingadventure to come.I'vedonetheKokopelli don'tneedto behard-core saidNickDelmonico, andteambuilding," to furthercommunication said. whoworksfortheprogram. thanonceandI stillgetoffandwalkpartsof it. That'snotthepoint,"Ferguson witha map, areabouthowto notgetlostin thewilderness ThefreeCORE classes in riggingfor rockandice Ferguson saidthattheyaregettingreadyto offercourses positioning howto climbing Theyalsoteach Global system, compass andsense ofdirection, a.ka. physically challenged leadership development, thatincorporates andkayaking to ensure the support tieknots,soyourbearbagwont hll downfroma tree,andmenuplanning and ishowto attach theropesto therock,yourself andteambuilding,Riggurg bearsandyoueatwell. others. interactive, hands- "Rigging involvement andincorporates "Theprogram onstudent depends Many it ensures safety. isveryimpofiant to knowhowto dowellbecause Ferguson said. getbywithshoddy rigging," climbers The online learning program is under developmentlive at http://clem.mscd.edu/craweb saidit offersclasses andFerguson similarto the COREprogram. Pjghtnow you cango onlineand through sections on campus recreation trainingand support. map instruction,dressingfor the outdoors and the Outdoor ManualandTraining. Adventure "The online program is granulized nstructionandlearner driven. Most studentsuse webFerguson said. basedresources," The summer scheduleis postedon the web and includes kayaking trips,a swiftwaterrescue seminarand a wildflowerphoto outing. Theyaremountainbiking the KokopelliTrailfrom May15-20 and aqdin Augustthey'recanoeing Biver kalakingtheColorado AdamHouernan/lL Lltcf cltcr ,:'. The Outdoor Adventure Usa Woht€t and Nlck Delmonlco wod( In the and Outdoor Advertule Program tontal offrc€ Apdl "irogram is tri-institutional opento all students,faculty,staff 25. andguests.If youdon'tknowwhat Program. Therenralshopis to do withyoursummercheckout theOutdoorAdventure in PER108. in thebasement of thePEREventsCenteror talkto someone

HeatherCemey/Thclcf ropollloa Mountaln Hkes for sale or rontal ato stacked at the REI fi4shlp store.

t 16 / The Metropolitan

Apnl27, 2001


for a Summer

Campus fob? The Office of Admissionsat MetroStateis severaloutgoingindividuals for itsAdmissior Telecounseling Program.This an excellentopportunityfor

MetroStatestudents to g a i nv a l u a b l ew o r k exDerience andearn Trainingis provided. Mondayevenings (lightdinnerprovided)


Starts at $8.15lhr. For information,pick up an applicationin CN 108 or contact KaiherineGoldbergal goldberk@mscd.edu or 303-5564354.

Mustbe a MetroStatestudentcurrentlyenrolledfor 6 credithours.

Aprit 27, 2001

The MetropotitanI 17

of themovies Summer ,.'

are it brings thebiggat His directingdebut camewith fuyback,n to makeit thisfar.tlad youaskedhim tenyears kind of boring,"Smithsaid;"conversations fu summuapproacha 'lhis pu're well. Vhen very t flow and they don silted would have to be noq he he hoped year. is eniryablepieceof actionnoirthathealsowrote. agowhere season inthefilmindustry's financial

writing,you'recreatinga perfectworld,or as After makngthesefilmsthat wereat best toldyouaboutthedelihewantedto own. "My dreamsweremuci smdler,"he said perfectasthewriterwantsit to be." masterfulandat worstenteraining,Helgeland call."l thoughtI during a recentconference of the different. Instead to try something Jay and SilenJBfr is the laryestproject decided cast hasakenonsofar.Vith anensemble Smith good pretty sandwich." a make good dark movieshe had beenmaking,he could prior has been in a who everyone good of almost movieon a hemadea pretty lnstead, createdthe light and upbar Knigbt'sTale, minimalbudget,in thehopesthatit wouldplay Smithmovie,plusmorettun 200digial efats provingthatheshouldsayin theda*. at theendof theda5likedark at a localheaterandhecouldshowit to hmily (re uid *rey hadodginallyplannedon about "l probably, movie,"andit pickedthat 25),Smithsaidthisisanexpensira movies better,"hesaid,"butit'stoodepresingto andfriends.It wasnt untilMiramax It looh big,and big movie. it...lt's a loola like in festivals, then " movieup to showfirstat film dothemrelentlesly. C&rfrs." a far cry from making feelsbig,andplap big.It's thatSmithconsidered "l reallylikea lot of themoviesthatarefrom widedistribution, Smithsaid he doesn'tcare how big his andall thosekindsof morefilms. thg peiid'.. .Brauebeart is, aslongashe canmakethe film he budget one to make in my head "l had an idea his saidwhile explaining things,"Helgeland he saidit wouldbe hud on However, behindthemovie."TheproblemI have movie,andrlat wasClerks,"he said.1{ndthat wants. decisions all of with all thosemoviesis they get very stiff; justleadto anothermovie,whichledto thenoc producerScottMosieqwhohasproduced Theactionadventurc evervmns s DutuDon _ Sittingacros the cornerboothfromBrian a pedesulandpeople him.Thiswasnt don'tjokewith each I hardlyrecognized Helgeland, young in lariouspress otherandeverything's I had seen rhe filmmaker I wanted photos.Thismanlookedwornout and veryserious. release he hadbeen the audience[of A tired.It mighthavebeenbecause to retlly doing interviewslike this all morning,but I Knigbt'sTakl to be to relate sling holding able it hadmoreto do withthe suspect his right arm. "You'llhave to excusemy thesecharactenin a Helgeland hadsaidwhenI urived. waythatyou feellike appeannce," "l hadanaccident." I feltbadfor theman,even you know them and ttut they thoughhe wasbehindoneof theworstfrlmsI theproblems have and everything tuveseenthisyear isa formulaic sportsmovieset that'sgoingon." AKnigbt'sTale He used similar V/hilethescenerycostumes, and in the 1300s. eventsareall fiaingfor 14*rcenturyEurope,it reasoning for the saying seemsHelgelandfelt the ule of a would-be anachmnisms, wanted to was he in loustingtournaments knightcompeting withouta crowdsinging"Ve Vill contemporize the incomplete 'A scene.Thereare atmosphere.lotofit RockYou"duringtheopening otheranachronisms throughoutthe movie,the is aboutyouth and but identiryand finding worstof rtrichisa Nikepmductplacement, if therewetea your place in the thosewouldalrnostbeexcusable worthcaringabout. rvorld," Helgeland decentscriptor charactem Ptpto corl.t€syof Dbc.rlc.l fI., to a longlineof said."But there'sno W torldfrector Kevln Smlth (16ft)and Ja3on Mewss stat as Sllent Bob and lay ln tay and sttafi tub St'tke theaudience subjected Instead, clich6s,predictableplot twists,and stock wayto getthatacross Eacr(,whlch ls schedulodto opon In th€at€]s AugGt 10. playedby actorswho,in somecases, just playingmedieval characters Smith'smovies."There'sthe guy who hasto I thoughtI would one musicto a modernaudience, deserved bener. Smith withthebudget," happen in 1994, Smithhas makeeverything C/ak hit thescreen Sinee musicinto it to try to considering Helgeland's put morecontemporary Thisumsa surprise, "lf we'll never make to Mosieq, it's up Mallrats, said. flns: three more written and directed invite the audienceinto the story a little bit in he added again," inexpensive that Any, andhgma. Hs fifthfln, Jayand anlthing Cbasing more." films like Clerhr to thesmallbudgesof Helgelandsaid he plans to continue Silent Bob Stnke Back, will be the final reference in qfiat hasbecomeknownasthe andChMngAny. direcinghis ownwork."There'sa sayingthat installment Smith said he is retiring the hmiliar. priorfilms allof Smith's Chronicles; he NewJersey writersntrodirertdirectoutof selfdefense," they had of his pastfilmsbecause aroundthegardensateand characters hederives havebeencentered on thesatisfaction said,commenting "There willbeno and becometoomuchof a crutch. references to commonchancters from havingcontroloverhow his wordsare contained Bob,"hesaid."Fromnowon andSilent Theyhavealsoallfeatured portrayedon-screen. He likenedbeinglust a events. JasonMewes moreJay likeRoyandSilent will new characters, there be Silent Bob. and "having you as the characters 12 and Smith writerto kids,butwhentheytum Jay otherSenres; wants to try some said he Phil." He popularity among givethemto someone elseto raiseuntilthey're Smithhasbuiltup a cult-like andhasspunoffhis aftermakingfrvemoviesthatare"a bil on the filrngoen, 18,andthentheydont turn out the wayyou twent,.something side,it will be niceto do something into comicbook and a short-lived bombastic characters wantthemto turnout." quieter." television series, he'sworkingon an animated Asfor hisnextproject, Throughoutthe inteniew,Smith kept Smithsaidhisnewmovie,whichis stillin adaptation oi MobyDick. The basicstoryline than returningto how much he enioyedmaking will be morelightheaned bebetter, buttheremaystillbereminders post-production, should but happy, "[ couldneverbe anything "l'm actually tryingto takethe his lasttwo films."lt's far moreiuvenilethan movies. PlCurrr Tale. Photocourtesyof duruo ofA Knight's at the working it beats fucking Blar HeEdand on the sst of A he because Mallrats," castfromA Knigbt'sTalend put themall in CbaingAmy,but smanerthar;In tleates May 11 day I chuckle Tde, due he said. "Every store," satire,but nothingserious," Wft's said,"There's MobyDick;' /ay convenience and Silmt Bob promisesto havethe same becauseI feel like I've gotten awaywith predictan eadydeath,because sn'leSmithhasbecomeknown something...l diatogue-heaw Thecomedv working resum6. Hesunedoutasascreenwriter, go thiswellfor solong." nothing could what he and monologues for,with occasional andL.A. onsuchscripts uConspiraqTheory "Realityis conversations. Vtiter/directorKevinSmithneverexpected calledhlper-realistic Confdeilia[forwhichhetookhomeanOrar page19 seeIAOVIES when big-budgetaction and comedymoviesare creatingthe over-hyped; illusionthatseeingthemis more of an eventthan a diversion. I had the to nlk to some opponuniry ChrisWard peoplebehindthree the of On Fllm slated verydiffercntmovies from topia ranging for summerrelease,on directing techniques to rock music to sandwiches.








WWwfutu MelroStnLeColle.q,e


2OO1tcadcrEhiod\ Awhrds \InvolvcmcnL AcLiviLies Presenledbv MeLro6LudenL

May3, 2001 Thursday, Tivoli5ZOA(-6b opm 3:3O-5:O KeynoLeSpeaker:

Dalc MirxlcLon Chairof the DMrd of Trustees of the 6taLeCollegesof Colorado

loEvervone! Onen of.Le,odership! l iil usforoCele.brofion Refreshmenls willbeprovided.


The rietropotitan/ 19

qndBobomongsummer princesses, movies Knights, performance asa nursein anasylum curiousto findoutmoreabouthim,I d lorreto do it." ctnractern Loln,Potente's "l'd lovetq" Fiirmannsaidwhenaskedaboutwortingwitrt tlrefilm.Partof thisis prohblydueto her ringstruethroughout butbard on her Tykweron futurcprojects."l'd haveto sayhe'san erceptional in developing thechancter, workingwithTl,kwer Ihe import personal to eachtimemakeanabsolutely whomanages filmmaker t bedismissed. otherwork,butherbasictalentshouldn watch the film each time differently.' me to "lt t really film that really enables I don because mademenervousin thebeginning, Astheysatdownat the uble the lvlalanhadsetup for the process. in writing her invohement the like it," Potente said about PotenteandBennoFi.irmann bothturnedtheir interview, Franka go from I perfect script and then "l like have a to windows to thewest-facing acrosfromthem. attention "Ve'reconsandytalkingin theserooms,andI seetheRockies there." "Hegivesyoua lotof space, butatthesametime backthere.I'veneverbeento thispartof thecountryandI'd love visionof whatthe has very and strong he a clear to go,"Fiirmannsaid."Nert time,if we comeback,let'sdo [the saidof Tykwer's the scene is," Fiirmann feeling of interviewl somerterenicer" "One great style. of the $fu of Tom'sisthat "Yeah, Potente added. directing wecouldholdit up in themountains," he'sso incrediblyopenandwillingto just follow "Vhynot?" with theColorado along what you have to offer He loveshis Fromtheirrela<ed anitudeandfascination andtheendof . .What's clearisthebeginning newto actors. it wouldbeeasyto assume thesetwoarerelatively skyline, wedont find in between butwhathappens acting.Actually, FotenteandFiirmannaretwo of the mostwell a scene, just moviegoers who outnoq let's doit.Lefstryit likethis,lets tryit but findhgAmerican knownactorsin Germany, recognize their namesis diftcult. Potentegainedsomefamein likethat." "He "Hewantsthelinesthou$,"Potente added. to garnersome 1999 asthesur of RunLolaRun,andisstarting recognition asJohnnyDepp'sgirlfriendin Bioar,butbothhavea wont let,voudropthelines." and Fiirmannhaven'orkedon Both Potente stateside aswellasthey longwaytogobeforetheyarerecognized "l wentto television, but prefermovies, German Photoc@rtesyof tcr; ?lCulrr Glozlcr arein Europe. automatically my since I was a kid, and movies Franka Potente star as Bodo and Sbsl ln Ttte Benno Fii.mann and Potente Fiirma m star \nThe Princess 6 the Warrior one and , desiie to act, came become an actor, the decision to ls scheduled to opon In Denyet July 6' wanlor, whlch year. Prtncess & the Like/o/a, it is of the bestmoviesI haveseenso far this movies," Fijrmann said. out of being affected by andlike/o/a, it dealswiththe ideasof directedbyTomTykweq Thesearejustthreeof themuhitudeof moviesto op€nth.is movies,"Potentesaid. "l lovehowmovietheaterscelebrate - a chance encounter completely altersthe hteandcoincidence go but asyou canse€there'snot enoughroomto cover "There's dollars to see summer, people to spend ten actually choosing lives- but TbePinces & tbe courseof the maincharacters' youIo seekout I'll closebyencouraging in themall onecolumn. lastfilm, thismovieoutof ararietyof plenty." \lhnioihu a muchmoremeasured'pace thanTykwer's 'l Title,andto enioy "l'don'twantto limitmyself to saying,wantto do German ThePrinces6 tbeVlarrior,to avodA KnigPt's asisthealentin hisleads. Hisvisualstyle isstillrecognizble, 'l wantto doonlytelevision,"' youdont spendanyof it in a movie from classes, even if "l'm really the break Fiirmann added. filps,' or, Althoughshe is playingdmostthe polaroppositeof her thatmakesme theater. open.Mth a rript thatgrabsmeor a character from t\lOVlES,






& ffi*a,roporitan ,;::ffi#lt





Monday, May 74, 7 p.m at the UA Colorado Center Stopby the


Metropoliton office (Tivoli StudentUnion, R o o m3 1 3 ) dur ingbusiness hour s,to pick up your complimentor y scr eeningposs.

andstatf.Youwillbeasked theyareused theint€rn solelybyAunnasludentylaculty t0theater. Without l.D.youwillnotbeadmitted l.D.atlhethelheater. to showacollege

*"*' Tursoly, G.MP'lTMENTARY ' MevI Z30pt't @WWl

H,?:,:*p* lilqr

P^$B ^R! oN ^ rrrir.oaE rr No ^Ddrr Two TrarR

. E^ct .^!r trMrr o{! r !r rti Erlo trr!! l^r NEcE5s^rY No rHoNr qrrr .rr^I No rurcB^tr rr{c

20 r The


ln uitesYouToOur 2000-2001 CordiaUv




A /ARD CEREMONY Honoring Graduatesand Scholars Graduates Summer 2000


Spring 2001

Glenda M Catanach CassandraA Dupree Robena L Hemandez lsmael A Lozano D€Shawn Y White

Marinka C Balancier PriscillaL Guillen Cary | Guillot. Bemice I Hatter Clennelta R laclGon Garen I Mcl€an Micha€l L Mixon tori A Murplry Alfredo A Oniz Silverio F Perez Kenneth T Schork Barry I Staten RoxanneM Taylor

Yvonne M Brob,n ,osepb Cao Graciela Casillas Angelo Davalos Azul P DelCrasso Carole A Durst ,anine Evangelista Barbra Evans Gregory A Eyser RebeccaCallegos Emestine V Garcia JessicaF Crayson Miriam R Holmes Edgar lohnson David R lohnson Mary A Kirschmer Hon8-Kiang Lee

Cad , L€Mon Ioriah L topez Michelle R Maninez Carlos C Maninez Iasin M Mccuire Brian P Mdntyr€ Anitra A Palaro Desiree D Perez lviaria A Perez-Meza ChrisdnaM Pina lanielle A Powell RoderickT Randell Heather L Santier 8od€ssaD Smith Roben Thomas TeresaA Und€rwood Tulsa VanElsacker

lanna L€vitina Cari , L€wton Sharon H Lions Nicole s Loya Claudia I Macias Evelia Maristal Richard B Martinez Victoria M Maninez Melissa , Mccormack lasin M McGuire Garen I Mcl€an Linda C Mesl€r Eno€h S Miller Michael L Mixon JosephineMontoya Margaret L Montoya Moises Morales Miguel A Mosqueda Carol M Moss Hektor A Munoz l,ori A Murphy Patricia M Nevarrez Thong H Nguyen Linda H Nguyen April N O'Hare Alfredo A Oniz MaEaret F Paccione Ianine Packer JacobI Patemir Araceli Patino-Correa Maria A Perez-Meza Christina M Pina leremy B Raskin LessaC Redding Rafael Reyes Elizabeth A Rodriguez ,ohn A Romero

VesaD Salas Iuanita M Salazar Fred A Sanchez lavier L Sanchez Heathq L Santjer Kenneth T Schork Neil R Schupp Ali O Shada Cara A Smirh Maria C Soto-Gallegos Barly I Stat€n Bonni L Stewan Isavia Suarez Kimberly C Swallow Khristi K Syte Christina ,ITafoya Phaedra F Tate RoxanneM Taylor IGnyatla H Thomas Roben Thomas loanne L Thompson Saundra C Thompson-Elmore togan TThurman Alice FThurmond Darcy Travers Bridget A Troncosa Marianela , Tumer Ter€saA Underwood Annette M Vanasse Tulsa VanElsacker Ang€lo C VanFleet Krislol A Wamer Ebony S Walson David R Williams BrandyC Williams Eric C z.ell

Scholars Yosief I Abraha Victoria T Aguilar Saanu I Aino .loanna D Allen lhhsay O Araya Marinka C Balancier Mriana Balderrama ,€sus I Balderrama Lisa C Barbato luan M Bastardo Christi L Beach Angela L B€llis Arlene M Beryslien Kathleen B€rryman Loren€ L Boyd David I Br€cht Roben P Bunis EsmeraldaCalderon ludith A Caldwell Hermelinda L Campuzano CracielaCasillas DanelleR Ceja Lora O Chavez lennifer M C.olgan Karla Y Colin Loretta I Conkel BeverlyA Cox Travis D Crosby Koralia De lara Glennetta L Deffebaugh Azul P DelCrasso lody A Dileo luanira Domintu€z Destinee Duran Carole A Durst David I Eloi lanel L Em€rson

ludith M En8el Clara Enriquez de Contreras ,anine Evangelista Barbra Evans Charles E Fitzpatrick Aimee M Celrorh Ronald M Clancy Gary I Guillot Marie V Hafley charles M Hall Roben W Harty Bemice I Hatter (acy M Hendricl$on Cnrz N Hernand€z EvetteM Hidalgo Maria F Hidro8o tora€ A Hodd Miriam R Holmes Rufina I Housand Sharon A Houston Gail D racobs Yesicalimenez David R Iohnson Anita M loseph Tiffany I losifek Ma a Kazar RonniA Keena JeneaM KinSsland Karen L Kirby Mary A Kirschmer Kimb€rly Klein MelissaA Xleinman Anna B Laughlin Dayna H L€ Diane C Le lluan Cua Hong-KianB tee Rob€rt E L€mos



Aprit27, 2001

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The MetropotitanI 21


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CallipygianStreetby Kurt Cole






Lifeat Bavside !


ARIES:nrl outallstopthiswe* ud go withthce dam,oerfhlngpu needb ahead aresup@ nowinflace.theideaofhowthings sodon'r will be in onflict, reality alwap be and o needto ondrehomefront letit stoppu. l,laners careof. betaken abotr TAURUS:Dont jumptocorrclusioru prctnbly gmd it to be true, if it lookso anything ardde& outdl tp is.Imk Sond apparances yor hcs first.Playycur hundm,because intuitionis uorkingotertimedfs week.thr tnaybeflkd wih iff€rcemrunc€. arenings 2G20. Sostop isalways GEMINI:Hindsight fedingsonyfor ptrrsdf hb weekandbo& arourdtoseeirsthowritr andfullyotuliferedly topttllyutott is.Aftiendmaybeiusttheremedy dtlrcdddrurc.Takatipftuntheirorthwiasm rnseofqonder, arddrildlike isanovedmlcd demilin CANCER:There pur 0mncial whthnadstobesearded dealingp it maycause some outandukencareo( otherwise irronvenience. Sinepu lorcraditimud are oftlc dontbealarmed fordofdrurge, notovedy ctnnp, butmllwidtthepunches. a LEO: Thiswek nrarfird yur finistung calmapprmcfi. poin withttrehelpofacooland pur rork andlookbr torcview Talcamoment forttrcnectime.A improrcrnents anypmsibly is in oder,sobringupold litdesoul-searching painfu l. however nrnrories, mayneed abit maners money VIRGO:Your tlranusualdurilgtltewoek,and moreiuggfrng who onsomeone maybeduetoyourdependence pur mwe ksses anil very Cut isnot dependable. on.Justwhoorwtutareyw wingpur lorcud for- putlourownreedsasapriority. affectbn LIBRA: A calmandcooloaeriorwill do Thereisa thisweelc moreforyurthanhlsterla ge thebestof goodrusontonotletpur ftelings seems to be primary lcnrc relationshtp \bur )ou. will n'hich be one in a newdirection, heading fortrebahofpu. beneftial ofthewoddseerm SCORPIO:Ttrcweight duringthewetk.Just to beon pur shoulders continue o doagooditr, butdonttal€it with A loreror partner sucha lifeanddeathattitude. cornpasiorurly sojustlisten maybeinhlnteria, later reply until andsave vour Anopponunity thisweek SAGIITARIUS: it rssnaptrd upby nowbefore tobeseized needs pu mayhartbecome a Thngsaround another. newto Trysomedring littleslow, evento mutine. davlivingandht ejeaa littleliveintopur every juices suntoflow. thor creative Afonrasinlourlifemaybe. CAPRICORN: theweek, butifpu away during slon'ly aumbling positirt note,it maybe ona lookatthestuation pu rvithrhechance to rduild ableto provide Donl anddesire. to yourowndesign accorcling with health. risks akeanyfoolish lour inyourliferems AQUARIUS:Someone to betryrngto dominate ]oureltry more.This wthasmuch person needs tobeputintheirplace yourintent. question of wrth no actasFssible, personal regarding,rour maybechanging Things Iifesti4e, butit rvrll*'orkoutfordrebct. thisweek PISCES:Thechoicayoumake your to tell the difference rvilldepend abiliry on tnvour nreallv l'hatlookgoodandrvhat benvctn a bestinterat,Youmustbe ableto maintain

CffiTMNM$IMilO}{I ffiffi,.ffi*f @

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Yrahl Thaf! bc Jtrr€ lo attr!.t thr l'cit and briSitcsl dndJ $ ho * ill ukirurcly sLI,e a good poruon <f o(r childr.nl fi|.tlre:


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dabd't itfuedv 0f taEdb bo.ijr?L-s\tu, 6 wz a hLlaoot

ontime, accomplsh eren'thing




c- + -.. cr- rr.1,r


The MetropotitanI 22

Metro soccer in Regionqlfor first time thenanyin thepast,as dangerous thisseason posted in one formostgoals theysettherecord 45,beating theoldrecord of4l,settwice. season, Goinginto springcampbeforethe 2000 mostrecently in 1991, waslookingfor an Metromen'ssoccer season, Asa team,theywon14gama,themostin answer, accomplished schoolhistory,and Gallardo waswhowasgoingto takethe something Thequestion thatnot evenZanoncoulddo: who sending scoring torchfromdepaned JaredZanon, The Tournament. iristeam intotheNCAA for the men'ssoccer appearance setscoringstandards the Roadrunners wasthefirsteverfor proSrarn. history intheprogram's Theanswer in theformofsophomore "l thinkthatit'sa bigstepin ourprogram," came mens Gallardo Danny GalludqwhoisTheMetropolian's outpretry said,"Ourfirstyearwecame y2. athlete ofthe whichwe good, ofproblems butwehadacouple Gallardo had ue goingto lx forthispastyear. Before thesunof theseason, goals 'Y/etravestepped asmany made apromise tohimself toscore our gamea little,and ashecould, to solve'our createdbetteropponunities goal,but not by problems He misedhis personal rvithalotmore alotzuier,Veplayed posted17goalsin 20gama, heanandcourage much:Gallardo thispast1'ear" justtwoshonoftheschool markformost falling was lburnament intheNCAA 1'heerperience goals inaseason, setin 190bvTimYunger. something thatwashelpful totheteam. "l thought thatI wouldcomeoutof the we "lt wasa greatorperience, eventhough Gallardo said."l knewthatI fellshon,"Gallardo szuonprettygood," said.'Ve phyedourhearts year, I wasoutof offthatgame wasready to playmyfreshman to something andit alwapmeans game picture knew my was goto thetounument foralittlebit,butI the you part of andsay ue a as thosetop 16schools strong andI wasgoingtocomeoutandscore in thecountrybut that for makayoua betterteamandmakes manygoalsas I could.I wasshooting youlook was 18-20 and I confident somewhere around forward to thenextseason. aboutmaking thatmark." hadlast Vith thebreakout yzu Gallardo gone,someone withZanon hadto stepup season, andwithwo moreyzusleftto play,he shoes. andfillthescoring records that couldzuily breakall thescoring kind "Danny isthe ofplalerthatnetdstobe Zanon graduated, repeat if he can before he set Brian hisperformances saidMetromen's soccer coach theman," in thenexttwoyEars. 'Every "Hecame hisfrahman offthebench Crookham. "l definitely thinkso,"Galludo said. yearandplayed didn't see as alot behind Jared, yzu I thinkthatmygame isgetting evenbetter wanted to,whichis andhopefully muchtimeasheprobablv nextse6onI canbreakall the o develop confidenceschool hardforapungerplayer records." without being ontheheld." will haveto scoremorethen17 Gallardo maytrave goalsnex season Thatconfidence that Gallardo if he wansto breakall of yeardidnt seem appuent Zanon's lacladirthrsfreshman Adamtb.rsemary'llcf cf rc9onan marlsnextseason. Danny Delatdo, loft and tho men's Coachofmen Playetd-theYea. Metropolitan's thispastseason. Aug.24th,200t. watch willbegin Therecord theYeat M€tro 3oc$e?Bdan Grookham. The Roadrunner offensewas more





Gqllqrdo mqkes people sqy'7;onon who?' m*ffi*"-

V/ith1:33left extendtheirwinningsueakto nine,Metro tolindawinner. program had twoeritraperiods ttut themen'ssoccer something that ingame totakeonMines toGolden Thomas found thebackof traveled in thecontest, Tonv never seeninits15learodstence, won. have Meuoshould a3-2win. surtedoff the seasonthenettogivetheRoadrunnen TheRoadrunners Metrogotofftoaquicksun,akingthecarly meeting, thistimeat the In thesecond Vhen a teamlosessevenkey players,quickly;winningnine straightgamesthat five by scoring lead,butMinesresponded Izu 1-0 Iewis fint, scoring Fon struck Auraria Fields, in the leading scorer four straight to open including the all-team indudedseven shutouts; goals Roadrunners handing the and game. thar, it unanswered But after 10 into the a theseason. therestoftheseasonthen minuta historymostof thetimethatequals Going through school's show, ashescored theirfirstlossof theseason, theDanny Gallardo year. record wassomething that became rebuilding withanunblemished forredemprion ontheir Metrohaditschance threedmesin the secondhalf to givethe Brian Crookham soccer coach ButnotforMeuomen's feltcouldnothappen. 'You had a chance week later and still field npo home win. Roadrunners the you plav in a conference knowwhen Crookham, '\I'e host the title and winning the conference we made of them, matchupwellagainst to a likeoursit'sa battle," he guidedthe Roadrunners said"Plus Instead, Crookham 1ou ournamenl thatwethought conference atmid-season adiustments 6vice, thatweweregoingto some schoolbest14winsandthe team'sfirsterar haveto playpeople Thegameturnedintoa wu, neitherside against a Vith that have in theNCMTournament. itsjustnotgoingtogothatway. wouldmakeus moredangerous appeuance dalswhere "lt wanting to maketheonemisuketo leadto the sairl. likethem," Crookham team in the hardworking is nowonder whyheis veryfewteams typeof a performance, "lt's a longseason, a goal.Butinstead of a misuke, national other scoring great for off an result us,coming MensCoach of theYear. II soccer thatwenta seasonwasa TheMetropolian's historyof Division gave tf(le goal that them rored aunbelierable wehadtogoupagainst thebestand Mines lastyeu,theideaof undefeated.thought intospring camp thatwecouldcompete titlegame, Coming thewinandtherightto hostdr conference wasnotoutof in everygamettut wewerein andpu never Fonlewiswasthebest. making it totheNC,AATournament pkying tournament, were against for when they Except going question. out in the end." toturn the knowhowit's thathisteam heonlywishes ForCrookham, Athletic Conference Roclcy Mounuin the last "$rehadafeelmmingoutof thespring andther€stof theRoadrunners Crookham 'There in with Mines theNCM have met up would Colorado &hoolofMines, wasanacitement, knewhowthingwouldusually yea4" uid. end,andthatwas champions Crooktam 'lbumament thattheycouldhavectunceto so All season, Crooklam couldnot find the some things tlut kin&gelled. in theirhvor '$b weredtpositira themselves rcdeem Mines. player answer n beating withttre wewere For the first time since 1990,the was Don'tworrytheywill havetheirchance withtheOrediggen Thefint encounter Fonkwis,whoatonepoint in,butwehada prettygoodfedfora Roadrunners swept bringing to Bkeon and the rest of the Sept.3 qhentlreytffvd to Golden one that Crookham inandsanud make the lastseason ranked No.1intheseason. ofguystocorne uras couple Mine. would lcne to forgec fint Rmdrunners for the Durango, Colo., forrs." Metroraveled to difference hn tewistso da)seadierro needed Afterbeadng sp€cial, meeting theSkfuwh.Theteams The2000ss$onwassomelhing against


Aprit 27, 2fi)1


The liletropotitan / 23

Fromworseto qlmosl first in one yeql 'x

in didlastyearandwhatwetriedto accomplish goals that. offof based spring set you are settinggoalsandyou "Anytime intoa program thatis haven easy coming It'snever thatlong,it'salitdemore t beentogether in the school's worst season comingoff its iswhatweweregoingto do, but that to difficult thatthe tryandaccomplish, andknowing losingfourstarters, history, " thatwastheretheyearbeforewasletgo coach it to theNCMTournament making Besides afteroneyear. placefinish,theteamwon13 andthesecond Hendricla,sraightgames Debbie volleyball coach ForMetro winsagainst then thatincluded thena problem. No.10University thiswasmoreofachallenge Colorado andNo. of Northern Hendricks said."For 22 Regis. But for Hendricks,these "l likethechallenge," it wasachallenge,accomplishmens intothatsituation, mecoming werenotthebestof thepast to thatwasintriguing me. something seas0n. 'Vatchinga reallygoodgroupof people andwe "l knewthatwe hadtheresources the player cometogether hadthe staffandtheneventually Hendricks a team," andbâ‚Źcome andsothatwasmy said,"Sooftenin thisprofession, personnel to be successful youareadding perspecdve, I feltveryoptimistic." haveto twoor threeto themixthatyoualready backfromthe1999 thecorecominginto thecorefourandaddsix V/ithonlythreeplayers saidthat andwatchthatthatgroupgelandgrowthatwas teamand.eightnewfaces,Hendricks from them. alot shehadexpected probably thebestpan." I'm iustthat "l stillhadhighexpectations, teamsthispast dl RMAC Metrodominated said."l always seasonbut one, Nebraska'Kearney. kind of a person,"Hendricks The expectmy teamsto win,I alwapexpectthat, Roadrunners thenwentonthe13 lostin Kearney, asadversematchwinning evenuhderwhatmightbeperceived that andit wasKearney streak, withthetalentthathad putanendto thestreak. Espetially circumsmnces. I knewthatweweregoingto put beenrecruited, was saidthatapanof theproblem Hendricks positive squad." a together her team and was inexperienced thattheteam rr?smore didnothavethebiggame Thesquadthatsheput together experience. again. theywerewinning thanjustpositive butI think several things, "l thinkthatit waS as she is The themostimponant And so is Hendricks, in wasthattheirexperience 'iWehadagroup women s Coach of theYear, Metropolitan's games," said, Hendricks thebig season,of kidsthatwerenot experienced 10-21the previous Afterfinishing iri thebig was broughtin to rebuildthe games Hendricks lastyearI thinkthatit was andit showed program, sheturnedtheprogram the only disappointment but instead but it wasto be inoneseason. around expected. in a tough finished second TheRoadrunners havebeenin state "Someof our players East championship RockyMountainAthleticConference games or iunior college Divisionandearneda berthinto the NCM championships, but it's a wholedifferent felt the setting." all thingsthatHendricks Tournament, teamcouldhavedoneevenbeforetheseasori Thescene will be setfor theRoadrunners started. back coming nextseason andwitheightplayers Hendricksnextseason, "lt'salittlebitof adisadvantage," game will ready for the big they be said."Likethisyearwecanlookatwhatwewant exoeriences. on whatrve thisnextvearbased to accomolish





r Adamtlourman/tlc fcboPdnc,t ilfefopofltan's women Coschof-theYear Metto vollyball coach DobHGHenddcks, lett, and tl|e women's Player{Gth}Yâ‚Źar Marlna BotEana.

Bolzqnqshines in first yeqr qt Metro





to dogoodthings." wasrecruited by formercoach agoodposition placein a toughRocky Bazana enoughfor second honors individual rvonseveral Bazana Debbie Duvall, coach sowhencurrent EastDivision,Janelle AthleticConference Mountain was named to was ovet She what after the season got know Metro, she didn't year Hendricks to a trip the before, andafterbeingabsent was a first Vhenyouarethenewkid on thercam, to theNCMTournament. team, she All-Tournament the RI'4AC player shehadin Bazana. kindof yourgamecould namedto tire American andyoudon'tknowanyone, wasagreatathlete," teamAII-RMAC. put "VeknewthatMarina theRoadrunners Duringtheseason, it smnsup. tusociationAll-Region takeawhilebefore Coaches so I Volleyball said."l didn'tsignMarina, togethera 1J matchwinningstreakthat Hendricks Trytellingthatto iuniorMetrovolleyballincluded team, got here. her until she 10 didn't see then No. University winsagainst playerMarinaBazana, The Metropolitan'so f "But I OtherMetroplayershavewon those wonanawardthat women's athleteof theyear. before,butBazana knew horv awards A transfer athletefromVesternNebraska think I could have done that iust because my well she noonehasbefore. College, shecameto a program andNo.22 Community After the seasonwasover,the RMAC teammates and coaches have helped me out' played in Playeraftergohg lG21 the Regis. votedfor herto betheRMAC thatwasin shambles llentneBzrntdr|!8.boutb.hrth"*ili?riffi#r* iu n i o r coaches player has season beforeandlostmostof thesmnenas thefirsttimea Metro c o l l e g e , of+he-Year, The well. given honor that been b e c a u s e Same to goto a Division a g a i n g t Baznahadthechence wouldnot uke all thecredit ButBazana her iunior go want to to school I school, butshedidnt wasBazana's bestgameof collegecoachis a goodfriendof (volleyball for herself,but rather8rrrcit backto het NonhernColorado whereshecouldnt helpout,sothatweswhy the year.Sherecorded whohelpedmakeit possible. (Raasch), andI trusted termmates coach)'lodd's 32 digs,22hlls and assisunt Metrowasthesurechoicefor her. it at all,"Buanasaid. wasn't expecting tobe. "l game howgood shewasgoing five that theyknew in Roadrunners four assiss the thatiustbecause "l have done "I wasorpectingto do the bestthat I thriller15-13,9-15, I could was as think why Marina 1i-9. "Partof the reuon 15-11, 18-16, said."Itre thingsthatI could have helpedout. could,"Bazana and coaches wu thefirstforMetro succesfulasshervasis thefactthatwehad mytemrmtes Thewinin Greeley in,myteamhelpedmeout. notsucceed "I rvashappyandI workedhardforit too.' So at everyposidon. whentheybeatthe goodplayerpersonnel sincethe 1988season, Andshehelped outherteam. games, theballaroundandby 154,15-12,15-wewereableto spread Bears in threestraight Theteamfinished2l-9 and 163,good 1. thetimethatit didgetto llarina,it putherin


'l i:iiTi:

24 tThe Metropolitan Aprit 27, 2001










The filetropotitanI 25

Nick picks Melro'smosl vqluqble ployers (59). (50)andsteals knocking.in Men'sbasketball: KaneOakley, a team-leading senior, (47.1), assists 39RBI I\Aen's Fulcheq and Women'sswimming Ona pitchingstaffthathasbeenup and centerandRashawn rnior, forward. ffe fefogcmort He senior, diverand downall year,Pricehasbeentheleader. Oakleyset careermark in scoring(355), and diving:DJ.Hummel, (195),andblocls(59),setting on theseason, tiedwith rebounds two Carikwton, senior,diver.ForHummeland haswonfivegames the 200-2001 Most\hluablePlalersfrom recordsin that mostblock in a Lewron, therewasno betterwayto endtheir xnior BryceGelhenfor the teamleadand category; eechof thel0 Metroathleticteams whichhesetlastyearwith60,andthe college season, careers thenasAll-Arnericans. Hummel struckouta team-leading 59hiners. Men's Tennis: Michael 199. Iinished all-timerecordforblock in acareer, seventh onthel-meterandeighthon Judd,senior, FALL2OOO freshman, No.1 doubles. while andJarradRodllus, Fulcher wastheonlyplayerto bearound the3-meter attheNCMChampionships Women'sSocc€t: fumstrong, Janice helped forallofmen'sbasketball of thesetn'oplayem coach MikeDunlap's kwton finishedllth on the l-meterboard Thecombination For the secondstraight SenioqForward. guidetheRoadrunners to the2001Rl,lAC tide. 100wins.Hebecame onthe3-meter board. a full-time surterin his andeighth fumstrongled the Roadrunners season, in seniorcampaign, 2OO1 Thetwo haveput togetheran8-5markthis andwiththat,he led the SPRING goals,scoringa career-high 13 goalsand teamin scoring(13.6)andwassecond in andwillbegoingto theNCMregion. Basebatt: Hitter: JackEdwards,season leadingthe teiunto irs third straightRocky rebounds junior, junior, (187). Women'sTennis:LisaPascual, Ashisreward, hewasname to senior, outfield.Pitching: Tim Price, Mounuin Athletic Conference tournament, theRI,{AC pitcher, No.3 singles. In hersecond season at Metro, All-Conference firstteam. Arlen's soccer: Danny Gallardo, Women's won12singles matches, tyingherfor basketbalt:Sara Gordon, Edwards emerged asthepower.hiner this Pascual forwud.(Seesnry page22). sophomore, guard/forward. Rebecca Meares. In aseason inwhichthe season, smashing ateamhighninehomeruns, theteamleadwithfrcshman senior, Volleyball: MuinaBuana,junior,outside women's basketball teamdidn'tnotflourish, (See hitter. sorypage23). Gordonmadethemostof it. Sheledthe WINTER 2000-2001 termin rebounds Q.2),fieldgoalpercentage

Nick Gamer

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26 r TheftletropoLitan


April 27, 2001

DenverMainLibrary,13th& Broadway, cal showcaseat 7:30pmin the King on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every CenterRecital Hall.Thiseventis free. monthfrom 6-7:30pm. Freeand everyone is welcome.For moreinformation, Vocal Jazz Ensemble . The MSCD 12 SIEP Meetings On CamW - M crtt(303)520jW5. Depanment of Musicpresents thismusiMeetingson lLesdays& Thursdays from cal showcaseat 7:30pmin the King 12-1pm in theAurariaLibruy #205.For BroumBagVorh*op on M'SWll Intenicuting S&illr - Reviewthe inter- CenterRecital Hatl.Thiseventis free. moreinformation, callBilli ^r (303)555- Bring a sack lunch. Hot and cold viewingprocess in thisfreeworkshop for 2525or (303)322-4440. drinks/chips provided. Mondays MSCDstudents. Meetsin CN#203 from ll:30am-lpmand Tuesdays 12:30-2pm. 11:30aq-1:30pm. Topre-register andfor AL-AI,{ON Meeton V/ednesdays in the St.FrancisCenter,Room#2. For more information,callQ03)556-3664. AurariaLibrary#205 from l2-1pm.For information,czll(303)7 50-5390. moreinformation, callBilli ^t (303)556Restmes tbat Vorh - Learnhow to PercussionEnsemble - The MSCD 2525or Q03)321-8788. write an effectiveresumein this free Department of Musicpresents thismusiworkshopfor MSCDstudentsin CN cal showcase at 7:30pmin the King IISCD Student Goourment Meeting #203 from llam-lpm. To pre-register CenterConcenHall.Thiseventis free. - Getinvolvedwith studentgovernment andfor information,call(303)5t6-3664. Seatrhing fue Nearby UnioerseJor everyThursday from3:30-5:30pm in the Inakible Galasies - The Natural Senate Chambers, Tivoli#329.Formore PhilosophyClub will host Dr. Jessica information, call(303)556-3312. Rosenberg, CASA,CU-Boulder, who will give this lecturein North Classroom Trutb Bible Studyfron a Messianic #1608ar4pm. Mu.k Intentieu) . An opportunityto Jeuisb Perspectiue. Nl arewelcomero lob SearchStuategies.Learnhowto practiceand elaluateyour interviewing join in Tivoli #542 \(ednesdaysand initiatea job search, makecontacts, and techniques. Dressas you would for an Thursdays from 34pm. For moreinforuseresourcesin this freeworkhop for actualinterview, bringyourresumeand mation,callReuben at (303)3rJ-2009, MSCDStudents. Meetsin CN#203 from minutes arriveten earlyto CN#203 ftom 10:30am-12:3Opm. Topre-register andfor 2:30-5pm. To preregister or for informaSMARTRecouety - A non-traditional Vocal trIusic Sbucase - The MSCD information,call 803)556-3564. tion, calf Q03)556i664. addictionrecoverygroup,meetsat the Department of Musicpresents thismusi-


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